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FALL 2007


Message from Dr. Herzog
This has been an energizing year for our Center. While our work includes conducting research, preparing manuscripts, mentoring young scientists,
and raising public awareness, our day-to-day efforts revolve around two main
activities: creating and disseminating knowledge. Our research program keeps
increasing in breadth and depth as each project builds on those that precede it,
paving the way for more to come. Our growing relationships with the many fields
associated with eating disorders make our studies particularly innovative and farreaching.
Our commitment to educating new scientists has taken an exciting step
forward. In addition to the Matina S. Horner, Ph.D. Research Fellowship that we
established in 1997 for college and graduate students, we now have a postdoctoral fellowship. Funded through an anonymous 2007 grant, the David B. Herzog
Fellowship program will train professionals in the specialized treatment of individuals
with eating disorders. In this newsletter, you will meet our first postdoctoral fellow,
Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D., who will be a leader in the field of eating disorders.	
This issue of “Update” will introduce you to Unlocking the Mysteries of
Eating Disorders, a team effort by the Harris Center and Harvard Medical School.
Aimed at the parents of individuals with eating disorders, this book will also be
useful to educators, coaches, college residence advisors and all who work with
young people. We are deeply grateful to those of you who helped us create this
book by sharing your personal perspectives or reviewing chapters.
Our annual public forums offer the community a setting in which to discuss the media, eating disorders and body image issues. At this year’s forum, we
featured photographer Lauren Greenfield, who treated the audience to a screening of her documentary film Thin. Feedback about the forum from attendees was
uniformly positive.
We would also like to announce the commencement of a $2 million
research center campaign. Such funding will allow us to conduct pilot and novel
treatment projects and support the continuation of the Longitudinal Study.
I envision the Harris Center as a bridge between the academic community and the community at large, not only in outreach and prevention but in research
and training as well. We want to thank each of you for your commitment to this
immensely important endeavor. As you read this
newsletter, we hope you will feel proud of everything your
generosity is doing to keep our Center strong and
vibrant in its pursuit of a cure for eating disorders.


Public Forum Features
Award-Winning film, Thin

 	 Hot Off the Press

Update from


The Harris Center’s
associate director
continues to play a
vital role in our initiatives. A licensed
clinical psychologist, Dr. Franko is a full
professor in the Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology
at Northeastern University and a visiting scholar in Psychology at Wesleyan
University. In addition to mentoring our
fellows and overseeing the application
process for federal and private grants, she
leads research projects, presents papers
at national and international conferences,
and authors many articles for scientific
journals. Her research covers a wide
range of topics within the field of eating
disorders, including pregnancy, suicide,
psychiatric comorbidity, sociocultural
influences, and ethnic and cultural differences.
Working with Inflexxion, Inc., Dr.
Franko has developed several multimedia
education programs. This past spring,
she examined the effect of a prevention
Web site (Trouble on the Tightrope: In
Search of Skateboard Sam) on body image and knowledge about puberty among
middle school girls and boys. In a field
trial, one group of students used the new
program while another viewed control

Presentations and
	 On the Web

 	 Eating Disorders Coalition

 	 The Center in the Media

 	 Herzog Speaks at Boston
Center for the Arts

 	 Office Updates

 	 New England Collaborative

 	 Fellow Updates

 	 Research and Publications

 	  ellowship Program
Scenes from Skateboard Sam program.
sites. Testing at the end of the study
found that Skateboard Sam participants
knew more about puberty. Overweight
students were more likely to feel better
about their bodies after viewing the
trial program than after seeing control
sites. And girls who had participated in
Skateboard Sam tested higher in selfesteem than those in the control group.
Dr. Franko recently submitted
for publication a study of a nutrition
Web site for college students and completed a commentary for the International Journal of Eating Disorders
on a series of papers examining the
prevalence of these illnesses in ethnic
minority women. She has received
an invitation from the Annual Review
of Clinical Psychology to co-write a
review about binge eating disorder and
plans to propose a grant exploring the
treatment of this condition in ethnic

women at the Renfrew Center, a
residential eating disorder treatment
facility in Coconut Creek, Florida. Ms.
Greenfield captures day-to-day life
for these individuals as they struggle
with pressures to maintain their eating
behaviors as well as to move on. Particularly poignant is the role supportive
resident-to-resident interactions and
friendships play in the treatment process.
The film depicts the financial
and emotional hardships that arise
when health insurance companies cut
off payment for residential care before
patients feel well enough for discharge.
The tension between the expectations
of insurance company, treatment center
and patient raises the question of how
to get them all aligned.
Following the screening,
Lauren Greenfield and Dr. Herzog
addressed questions from the audi-

ing disorders. Many individuals have
milder degrees and are treated—often
successfully—as outpatients.

Hot off the Press

We are excited that Unlocking the

left to right: Lauren Greenfield, Dr. Herzog and Nancy Harris at the 2007 Public Forum

Public Forum Features
Award-Winning Film, Thin

On February 27, 2007—in honor

of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week—the Harris Center hosted
Lauren Greenfield for a screening of
her award-winning HBO documentary
film, Thin. Drawing over 300 parents,
clinicians, educators and students, this
event was the 11th in our series of
annual public forums designed to raise
awareness of eating disorders in the
Thin tells the stories of four


ence. When asked about the purpose of
the film, Ms. Greenfield explained, “I
wanted to show what it is really like to
have an eating disorder. This is not an
illness of vanity or an illness of choice
and should not be trivialized. It was
also important to convey that women
with eating disorders have different
body types – they are not all skeletal.”
In mentioning her book Thin—a companion to the film—she emphasized
that eating disorders occur in people
of all ethnicities and socioeconomic
Dr. Herzog pointed out that
the women in Thin are among the most
severely ill of those afflicted with eat-

Mysteries of Eating Disorders is now
available. Written by Dr. Herzog and
Dr. Franko in conjunction with Harvard
Medical School and Pat Cable—and
published by McGraw-Hill—this book
addresses the questions most frequently
asked by the parents of individuals
with eating disorders. Conversational
text explores why these illnesses are
hard to spot, and delineates key warning signs. Family stories highlight how
it feels to have the illness and undergo
treatment. In particular, these personal
perspectives bring individual and family psychotherapy to life.
Central to the book is a discussion of treatment. In recommending
a comprehensive interdisciplinary
(team) approach, the authors discuss
finding providers, enhancing motivation, and recognizing signs of progress.
Woven throughout is the theme that—with
treatment—many individuals with eating
disorders improve their health and go on to
lead productive, meaningful lives.
On May 1, 2007, 76
advocates from across
the country met at the
U.S. Capitol to participate in the Coalition’s
seventh annual Lobby
Day. In visiting state
offices, the lobbyists
shared their personal
perspectives and rallied for Congress’s
influence in supporting
eating disorders legislation. By the day’s
end, many of the activists felt “energized”
and “empowered.” We
encourage you to join
Activists Educate Congress, May 1, 2007: EDC Lobby Day
us in our support of
the Coalition. For
further information,
Eating Disorders Coalition

Our Center played a founding role

in the Eating Disorders Coalition for
Research, Policy  Action (EDC), a
group of professional and advocacybased organizations committed to
bringing eating disorders to the attention of policymakers in Washington,
D.C. Since its inception seven years
ago, the EDC has grown impressively
and is now 35 member-organizations
strong. EDC President Kitty Westin
praises Dr. Herzog’s continuous mentorship and encouragement: “Without
Dr. Herzog, the EDC would never have
been born. He was the organization’s
president for its first five years. His
knowledge about eating disorders and
his tireless efforts to advocate for the
cause are inspiring. I am forever grateful to him for all he has taught me.”
Marching forward under Kitty’s leadership, the EDC is instrumental in educating members of Congress
about eating disorders. Recently, Kitty
testified before the House Ways and
Means Committee on behalf of these
illnesses. She is also working on the
FREED ACT (Federal Response for
Elimination of Eating Disorders), an
exciting initiative that will be introduced to Congress next session.
The EDC brings “citizen lobbyists” to D.C. at least twice a year.

Dr. Herzog Speaks at Boston
Center for the Arts

Dr. Herzog participated in a panel

plus-size. The question is whether he
can confront his own attitudes about
appearance, acknowledge the beauty
he sees in Helen and stand up to his
In the panel discussion, Dr.
Herzog commended the drama for
campaigning against the media’s
“thin is good, fat is bad” message and
emphasized the importance of encouraging young people to appreciate
themselves and others based on inner
qualities rather than on appearance.

New England Collaborative

Established in early 2006, the New

England Eating Disorders Research
Collaborative is a dynamic partnership between the Harris Center and the
Neuroendocrine Unit at MGH. Several
times a year, the Collaborative hosts
a two-hour symposium for scientists,
educators and clinicians from the
greater Boston area. These meetings
offer participants an opportunity to
exchange ideas, keep abreast of recent
advances in the field, and discuss
future directions in eating disorders

discussion about body image prior to
a March 28, 2007 performance of the
play Fat Pig
at the Boston
Center for
the Arts.
Hosted by
The Boston
Globe, the
also featured
Boston College Professor Sharlene
Ph.D., the
author of The
Dr. Herzog with Louise Kennedy, the moderator for the panel
Cult of Thindiscussion of Fat Pig
ness, and Globe
drama critic
research. Dr. Franko has presented psyLouise Kennedy, who served as the
chiatric conditions that often co-exist
evening’s moderator.
with eating disorders and Dr. Herzog
Fat Pig focuses on a young
has addressed diagnostic issues related
executive who falls in love with a
to eating disorders and shared results
vivacious, bright librarian, Helen, and
from our Longitudinal Study.
is teased about the relationship by his
friends and co-workers because of her

Research and Publications

This year, we have published ten

research articles with an additional
few in press. The following provide
a taste of this work.
Eddy, K.T., Dorer, D.J., Franko, D.L.,
Tahilani, K., Thompson-Brenner, H.,
Herzog, D.B. Longitudinal diagnostic crossover of anorexia and bulimia
Implications for DSM-V. American
Journal of Psychiatry. 2007. [In press].
Franko, D.L, Becker A.E., Thomas,
J.J. Herzog, D.B. Cross-ethnic differences in eating disorder symptoms and
related distress. International Journal
of Eating Disorders. 2007; 40: 156-64.

Presentations and
October 23-28, 2007 – Annual meeting of American Academy of Child 
Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston. David
B. Herzog, M.D., “Teenage Eating
September 11, 2007– Children’s
Hospital, Boston. Adolescent Medicine
CORE meeting. David B. Herzog,
M.D., “Developing a Career in Eating
Disorders: A Personal Reflection.”
May 19-24, 2007 – American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San
Diego, California. David B. Herzog,
M.D., “How Stable Are Eating Disorder Diagnoses?”

On the Web

Currently we are adding a comprehen-

sive section on Patient Care to our Web
site ( Aimed
at a variety of providers who work with
eating disordered individuals—dentists, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, social workers, educators, athletic
coaches, college residence advisors,
and youth group leaders—this newest
part of our site will also be helpful to
patients and families struggling with
the illness. Construction of these pages
is moving along well, so stay tuned!

The Center in the Media

To increase public awareness of eat-

ing disorders, we continue to provide
information to a number of media representatives and book authors. Here are
highlights of the Center’s collaboration
Miller, K.K., Wexler, T.L., Zha, A.M.,
with the media from this past year.
Lawson, E.A., Meenaghan, E.M.,
On August 15, 2007, Dr.
Misra, M., Binstock, A.B., Herzog,
Herzog discussed middle-aged women
D.B., Klibanski, A. Androgen deficienwith eating disorders on WCVB-TV
cy: association with increased anxiety
NewsCenter 5.
and depression symptom severity in
On June 27, 2007, Dr. Herzog
anorexia nervosa. The Journal of Clinidid an interview for an article in Marie
cal Psychiatry. 2007; 68: 959-65.
Claire magazine, addressing questions
such as, “Can you ever really recover
Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D., “Longitudifrom an eating disorder?”
nal stability and diagnostic crossover
Taylor, C.B., Franko, D.L., Neumark	
Debra Franko, Ph.D., contribof anorexia and bulimia nervosa.”
Sztainer, D., Paxton, S.J., Shapiro,
uted to a series of Revolution Health
J.R. Public-health approach to eating
(online) articles on body image.
March 30, 2007 – Society of Adolesdisorders. Lancet. 2007; 369:1928.
in May of
2007, Lying
News Brief: Dr. Herzog has been elected Secretary of the
Thompsonin Weight:
Brenner, H.,
American Academy of Child  Adolescent Psychiatry (AAThe Hidden
Eddy, K.T.,
Epidemic of
CAP). This is a two-year, Executive Committee position.
Franko, D.L.,
Eating DisorThe 7,500-member AACAP is the principal international
Dorer, D.J.,
ders in Adult
organization for child and adolescent psychiatrists.
Women, by
Tricia Gura,
Herzog, D.B.
describes findPersonality paings from the Center’s Longitudinal
cent Medicine Conference, Denver,
thology and substance abuse in eating
Study, which tracks the course of eatColorado.
disorders: a
ing disorders in women who initially
Debra L. Franko, Ph.D., “Integrating
longitudinal study. International Jourpresented for treatment during the late
Obesity and Eating Disorders Prevennal of Eating Disorders. 2007. [in
tion: The Five Ws for Implementation
The winter, 2007 issue of
in the Field.”
Gürze Books newsletter Eating Dis-


May 2-5, 2007 – International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore,
Debra L. Franko, Ph.D., “Using Multimedia Programs to Expand Eating
Disorders Prevention Efforts: Advances
and Future Challenges;” “Examining
the Link between Anorexia Nervosa
and Suicide;” “Increasing Healthy
Behaviors in College Students through
Goal Setting.”
orders Today included “Making up
for Lost time: Resuming the Path to
Maturity after an Eating Disorder,” by
Aimee Liu. In this article, Dr. Herzog
addresses perfectionism and delays
in maturity associated with anorexia

Office Updates

Recently we said farewell to two of

our terrific research assistants, Liz Ong
and Kavita Tahilani. Liz is traveling and will return to Boston in the
fall to complete her graduate school
applications, and Kavita is working
as a research coordinator at the Renfrew Center in Philadelphia. We are
delighted for Liz and Kavita, each of
whom made a positive difference at
the Center. We look forward to staying
in touch and wish them the very best
in their educational and professional
In July two new research
assistants, Andrea Kass and Meredith
Sears, joined our team. Andrea graduated from Washington University in St.
Louis, where she majored in Psychology and English Literature. Meredith
earned a B.A. in Psychology from
Brown University. In addition to helping with our research studies, they will
be planning Harris Center events such
as our annual public forum.
We would like to thank our
long-time friend and supporter Nancy
Harris for refurbishing our office.

Fellowship Programs

Kamryn Eddy,

It’s our pleasure to
introduce Kamryn
Eddy, Ph.D., our first
postdoctoral fellow. Although the fellowship program is new, the Center’s
relationship with Dr. Eddy goes back
to her two years after college, when
she worked with Dr. Herzog and Dr.
Franko as a research assistant. She

then pursued graduate education at
Boston University (2001-2007), leading to her Ph.D. in clinical psychology. We stayed in touch with Dr. Eddy
throughout, collaborating with her on a
number of important projects.
Dr. Eddy has authored over
20 published papers. Broadly, her
research interests are in understanding
the causes, course, and treatment of
eating disorders. Dr. Eddy’s fellowship research will focus on the issue of
nosology, or diagnostic classification.
She will study how well the current
diagnostic system, which includes
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and
eating disorder not otherwise specified
(EDNOS), “fits” individuals with disordered eating. “If we haven’t correctly
defined the disorders that we are examining or treating,” she explains, “our
findings might be limited or invalid.”
During her fellowship, Dr.
Eddy will conduct clinical work with
individuals of all ages while receiving
supervision from Dr. Herzog and Dr.
Franko. Her enthusiasm for patient care
is infectious. Recently she said, “I definitely want to provide psychotherapy
for adults with eating disorders, but
I’m also very excited about working
with children and adolescents and
with their families.” Dr. Eddy has had
experience with individuals (both male
and female) in inpatient and outpatient
settings, has learned a variety of approaches to therapy, and has treated the
full range of eating disorders. We are
delighted to have Dr. Eddy aboard.

lished papers. This section introduces
our summer 2007 fellows and provides
updates from fellows past.

Matina S. Horner, Ph.D. Fellowship

Sarah Merhar

Since its inception a decade ago, our

Matina S. Horner, Ph.D., Research
Fellowship program has sponsored 29
superb undergraduate and graduate
students. Each summer, we mentor our
fellows as they pursue independent
research projects and participate in
our current research activities. Many
fellows continue their independent
projects after their fellowships have
ended, often resulting in theses or pub-

Fellow Updates
Stacey DiPalma

I am a medical
student at Brown
University School of
Medicine. My fellowship project is to
determine the current
place of eating disorders in the formal
education of medical students. I plan
to use the findings of my project as
the groundwork for implementing an
eating disorder curriculum at Brown
come spring, with the hopes that this
program can serve as a model for other
medical schools.

Loren Gianini

I am a doctoral
student in clinical
psychology at the
University of New
Mexico. During my
fellowship at the Harris Center, I am
exploring the individual, familial, and
social factors that lead an individual to
internalize the thin ideal. I intend to use
my project as the groundwork for my

I attend Mount Holyoke College. As a
Matina Horner fellow,
I am interning at the
Neuroendocrine Unit
at M.G.H on a study of the occurrence of osteoporosis in women with
anorexia. I assist with many aspects
of the study, including data entry and
analysis, and cognitive testing. This
is a wonderful experience for me, as I
hope to go into neuroscience research.

Jolie Weingeroff

I am a third-year
graduate student in
the clinical psychology doctoral program
at Boston University.
During my fellowship at the Harris
Center, I am working on my master’s
thesis, a study of the types of strategies
that individuals with eating disorders
use to manage distress. I plan to continue to explore this area of research, and
the clinical implications of its findings,
in future doctoral work.

S. Bryn Austin,

I am the Director of
Fellowship Research
Training in the
Division of Adolescent and Young
Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital,
Boston. In addition, I’m an Assistant
Professor in Pediatrics at Harvard
Medical School and Assistant Professor in Society, Human Development,
and Health at Harvard School of Public
Health. My primary research addresses
social and physical environmental
influences on eating disorders, physical
activity, and nutritional behaviors in
school and community settings.

Valerie Charat

This year I have
worked as a Training and Curriculum
consultant for Kids
Korps USA, a nonprofit organization
that provides volunteer opportunities
for youth. Most importantly, however, I
delivered a healthy baby boy, Cole, on
April 6. Being a mom is a new job that
I am thoroughly enjoying!

Cristina Cruza-Guet

After participating in an Eating Disorders Coalition Lobby Day on Capitol
Hill and attending a National Eating


Disorders Association Conference, I
joined the Lehigh University Body Empowerment Alliance. With this group, I
organized Body Image Awareness week
at Lehigh. I passed my comprehensive
exams last March and taught my first
full course at Muhlenberg College.

Natalie Freed

In June 2007, I completed my 3rd year
of medical school
at the University of
Iowa Carver College
of Medicine. One of
the projects to which
I contributed during my Harris Center
fellowship has been published in the
Journal of Pediatrics and the other has
been submitted to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Maria Frisch

This has been a year
full of change for
me. Last fall I began
pursuing my Ph.D. in
Counseling Psychology at the University
of Minnesota, but a semester
into the program I realized it was not
the best fit. I have therefore spent
this last semester working on my premed requirements so that I can apply
to medical school.

Dara Greenwood

I’ve just finished my third year as assistant professor in the Communication
Studies department at the University
of Michigan (adjunct in Psychology,
faculty associate at the Institute for Social Research), where I am continuing
to focus on media use and emotional
health and well-being. Currently, I am
investigating how individuals utilize
media in the service of emotion regulation.

Lareina La Flair

I am currently working at the Center
for Evaluation at
Harvard Medical
School and continuing to volunteer as a medical advocate
for survivors of sexual assault. My
Matina Horner Fellowship project on
the relationship between sexual assault
and eating disorders in Asian women is
now under review for publication, and
I am looking forward to studying these
and other cross-cultural psychiatric
issues when I start a Ph.D. program in
Public Health this fall at Johns Hopkins

Rama Mulukutla

I am graduating this year from Medical School, and I am starting a General
Surgery Residency at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I continue to
appreciate all the tools and knowledge
on research design and clinical research
data evaluation I learned during my
Matina Horner Fellowship.

Lisa Rubin

In 2006, I began a tenure-track position in the Department of Psychology
at The New School for Social Research
in New York City where I teach in the
university’s graduate and undergraduate
programs. I am currently leading an investigation that examines decision-making about breast reconstruction among
Black and Latina breast cancer survivors.

Dana Satir

I am in my third year
of the clinical Ph.D.
program at Boston
University, completing a clinical practicum at the Behavioral Health Partial
Program at McLean Hospital. The
project I worked on during my Matina
Horner Fellowship was presented at the
Academy for Eating Disorders’ annual
conference in Baltimore.
Monica Hsiung

I graduated this
spring from Princeton
University, where I
majored in chemistry and minored in
French. At Princeton, I was an Eating
Concerns Peer Educator and served
as the group’s president in 2006. Next
year, I will begin medical school at
Harvard University.

Thank you to Christine Lenz, James
Stone and Jenna Zink at Arnold for
their help with our newsletter.
Helen Rose continues to offer valuable
advice for our Web site. Thank you,
We extend profound appreciation to all
of our donors for their friendship and
support this year.

Donor List
To protect the privacy
of AES Corporation
The our donors, we have
Alamitos Bay their
removed Productions names from
The A.M. Fund
the on-line version of
The Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation
the andGroupAlperin
Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation
Myron Belfer
Barbara and Gary Bello
Andrew Bendetson
Carol and Richard Bendetson
Laura Bendetson
Deborah Benik
Marsha and Peter Berenson
Tracey and Bruce Berkowitz
John G. Berylson and Family
Sally Bishko
Laura and John Blackman
Austin Cable and Family
Cambridge Trustee Advisors, Inc.
Ben Cammarata
Capital Crossing Bank
The Carlyle Group
Lisa Hughes and Michael Casey
Debra and Craig Cerretani
Citizen’s Financial Group, Inc.
Nancy Clark
Lillian and Donald Colavecchio
Gracemarie and Brian Concannon
Charlotte and Donald DeVito

Nancy and John Donovan
Lynne Brainerd and Michael Douvadjian
Julie and Ronald Druker
The Druker Company, Ltd.
Duane Morris, LLP
Eleanor and M. Gordon Ehrlich
Sheila and Russ Ekeblad
Jo-an and Jonathan Evans
Jeanne and George Feldman
Shirley and Richard Fennell
Nancy and Steven Fischman
Atsuko and Lawrence Fish
Fish Family Foundation
Cyndy and John Fish
Glenda and Bob Fishman
Margaret Boles Fitzgerald
Deborah and Samuel Fleet
Linda and Michael Frieze
Susan and Christopher Gabrielli
Frances Gallagher
Margaret and Michael Garvey
Linda and Steven Gelda
Melissa and James Gerrity
Ellen and John Giannuzzi
Phoebe and Donald Giddon
GlaxoSmithKline Corporation
Ellen and Michael Gordon
Kiendl Gordon
Linda Halpert
Irwin Hamin
Nancy Harris
Ellen Hart Pena
Sumner Herzog
Herzog Associates
Arnold Hiatt
Hill Holiday
Matina Horner
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
Inside Out
Gladys and Harold Jacober
Jane and Alan Jacober
The Jacober Family Foundation
Marian and Charles Jacobs
Jill and Stephen Karp
Karp Family Foundation
Gerry Katcher
Katcher Family Foundation, Inc.
Tom Keaveney
Marsha and David Kelley
Valerie Kleinman
Rebecca Knapp
Daniel P. Kraft
Lee and Robert Krasner
Mimi and Paul LaCamera
Victoria West and Brewster Lee
Barbara and Tom Leggat
Mary Lynn Lenz
Nancy Lerner
Theodore A. Levine Revocable Trust
Marjorie and Alan Lewis
Doris Licht
Amy and William Lipsey
Caribe Lloyd S.A.
Lydia Woodward and David Lockhart
Lovett-Woodsum Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Nancy and Richard Lubin
Richard Lubin Family Foundation

Judith MacDonald
Elaine Mann
Jane and Michael Marmor
Barbara Martin
Beth Mayer
Linda and Kevin McCafferty
Monica and James McIntyre
Marie Messner-Anon
Gretchen Monahan
John Murphy
Susan C. Noland
Noland Family Foundation
Ruth Orthwein
Krystyna and Brian Owen
Robert Treat Paine Association	
Elisa and Dino Pasquale
Nina and Eugene Piazza
Carroll and Robert Pierce
Amy and Martin Pollack
Irene and Abe Pollin
Lia and William Poorvu
Virginia Pratt
Renee Rapaporte
Red Sox Foundation
Barbara and Frank Resnek
Louise Riemer
Thomas and Molly Roland
Helen Rose
Judy and Phil Rosenfield
Alice and David Rubenstein
Joy Eber and John Sachs
Ronnee Wasserman and Herbert Sackett
Deborah Hall and Robert Sarno
Judith and Lawrence Schlager
Phyllis and Lawrence Selter
Vijay J. Shah Charitable Trust Fund
Ann and Michael Sherman
Carol and George Shube
Marty Shulkin
Louis Shuster
Joseph and Agatha Sicari Charitable Trust
Slade’s Ferry Trust Company
Susan Evans and Franklin Stearns
Peter Stein
Barbara and Burton Stern
The Stern Family Foundation
Barbara and Robert Stone
Elihu Stone
Margaret Storer
Susan P. Storer
Robert Stringer
Lisa and Andrew Sussman
Eliot and June Tatelman Family Foundation
Susan and Barry Tatelman
Martin Temkin
Temkin  Associates Ltd.
Mary K. Thomas
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Kellie and Richard Trotta
Ann and John Walters
Patricia and Richard Wayne
Susan and Fredrick Weingeroff
Weingeroff Family Foundation
Maxine and Alan Weinstein
Patricia and Donald Wilks
Wilks Family Foundation
Henriette and Karsten Windeler
Windward Foundation

The Harris Center at MGH focuses on education and advocacy in eating disorders. Through
interdisciplinary research, we seek new knowledge to better
understand eating disorders, their detection, treatment, and prevention and we strive to share that knowledge with the community at
large. At the heart of the Center is the healthy development of children,
women, and all at risk.

The Harris Center for Education and Advocacy in Eating Disorders at 	
Massachusetts General Hospital
2 Longfellow Place, Suite 200
Boston, MA 02114



David B. Herzog, M.D.			
Debra L. Franko, Ph.D.			
Heather Thompson-Brenner, Ph.D. 	
Pamela K. Keel, Ph.D.			
David J. Dorer, Ph.D.			
Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D.			
Andrea Kass, B.A.			
Meredith Sears, B.A.			
Patti Cable, R.N.				

Associate Director
Research Consultant
Research Consultant
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Publications Director

We welcome your comments and suggestions!
For further details on information covered in
this newsletter, please contact us.

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2007 harris center newsletter

  • 1. ANNUAL Update FALL 2007 HARRIS CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND ADVOCACY IN EATING DISORDERS AT MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL Message from Dr. Herzog This has been an energizing year for our Center. While our work includes conducting research, preparing manuscripts, mentoring young scientists, and raising public awareness, our day-to-day efforts revolve around two main activities: creating and disseminating knowledge. Our research program keeps increasing in breadth and depth as each project builds on those that precede it, paving the way for more to come. Our growing relationships with the many fields associated with eating disorders make our studies particularly innovative and farreaching. Our commitment to educating new scientists has taken an exciting step forward. In addition to the Matina S. Horner, Ph.D. Research Fellowship that we established in 1997 for college and graduate students, we now have a postdoctoral fellowship. Funded through an anonymous 2007 grant, the David B. Herzog Fellowship program will train professionals in the specialized treatment of individuals with eating disorders. In this newsletter, you will meet our first postdoctoral fellow, Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D., who will be a leader in the field of eating disorders. This issue of “Update” will introduce you to Unlocking the Mysteries of Eating Disorders, a team effort by the Harris Center and Harvard Medical School. Aimed at the parents of individuals with eating disorders, this book will also be useful to educators, coaches, college residence advisors and all who work with young people. We are deeply grateful to those of you who helped us create this book by sharing your personal perspectives or reviewing chapters. Our annual public forums offer the community a setting in which to discuss the media, eating disorders and body image issues. At this year’s forum, we featured photographer Lauren Greenfield, who treated the audience to a screening of her documentary film Thin. Feedback about the forum from attendees was uniformly positive. We would also like to announce the commencement of a $2 million research center campaign. Such funding will allow us to conduct pilot and novel treatment projects and support the continuation of the Longitudinal Study. I envision the Harris Center as a bridge between the academic community and the community at large, not only in outreach and prevention but in research and training as well. We want to thank each of you for your commitment to this immensely important endeavor. As you read this newsletter, we hope you will feel proud of everything your generosity is doing to keep our Center strong and vibrant in its pursuit of a cure for eating disorders. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Public Forum Features Award-Winning film, Thin Hot Off the Press Update from DEBRA L. FRANKO Ph.D. The Harris Center’s associate director continues to play a vital role in our initiatives. A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Franko is a full professor in the Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology at Northeastern University and a visiting scholar in Psychology at Wesleyan University. In addition to mentoring our fellows and overseeing the application process for federal and private grants, she leads research projects, presents papers at national and international conferences, and authors many articles for scientific journals. Her research covers a wide range of topics within the field of eating disorders, including pregnancy, suicide, psychiatric comorbidity, sociocultural influences, and ethnic and cultural differences. Working with Inflexxion, Inc., Dr. Franko has developed several multimedia education programs. This past spring, she examined the effect of a prevention Web site (Trouble on the Tightrope: In Search of Skateboard Sam) on body image and knowledge about puberty among middle school girls and boys. In a field trial, one group of students used the new program while another viewed control Presentations and Conferences On the Web Eating Disorders Coalition The Center in the Media Herzog Speaks at Boston Dr. Center for the Arts Office Updates New England Collaborative Fellow Updates Research and Publications ellowship Program F Scenes from Skateboard Sam program.
  • 2. sites. Testing at the end of the study found that Skateboard Sam participants knew more about puberty. Overweight students were more likely to feel better about their bodies after viewing the trial program than after seeing control sites. And girls who had participated in Skateboard Sam tested higher in selfesteem than those in the control group. Dr. Franko recently submitted for publication a study of a nutrition Web site for college students and completed a commentary for the International Journal of Eating Disorders on a series of papers examining the prevalence of these illnesses in ethnic minority women. She has received an invitation from the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology to co-write a review about binge eating disorder and plans to propose a grant exploring the treatment of this condition in ethnic minorities. women at the Renfrew Center, a residential eating disorder treatment facility in Coconut Creek, Florida. Ms. Greenfield captures day-to-day life for these individuals as they struggle with pressures to maintain their eating behaviors as well as to move on. Particularly poignant is the role supportive resident-to-resident interactions and friendships play in the treatment process. The film depicts the financial and emotional hardships that arise when health insurance companies cut off payment for residential care before patients feel well enough for discharge. The tension between the expectations of insurance company, treatment center and patient raises the question of how to get them all aligned. Following the screening, Lauren Greenfield and Dr. Herzog addressed questions from the audi- ing disorders. Many individuals have milder degrees and are treated—often successfully—as outpatients. Hot off the Press We are excited that Unlocking the left to right: Lauren Greenfield, Dr. Herzog and Nancy Harris at the 2007 Public Forum Public Forum Features Award-Winning Film, Thin On February 27, 2007—in honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week—the Harris Center hosted Lauren Greenfield for a screening of her award-winning HBO documentary film, Thin. Drawing over 300 parents, clinicians, educators and students, this event was the 11th in our series of annual public forums designed to raise awareness of eating disorders in the community. Thin tells the stories of four 2 ence. When asked about the purpose of the film, Ms. Greenfield explained, “I wanted to show what it is really like to have an eating disorder. This is not an illness of vanity or an illness of choice and should not be trivialized. It was also important to convey that women with eating disorders have different body types – they are not all skeletal.” In mentioning her book Thin—a companion to the film—she emphasized that eating disorders occur in people of all ethnicities and socioeconomic groups. Dr. Herzog pointed out that the women in Thin are among the most severely ill of those afflicted with eat- Mysteries of Eating Disorders is now available. Written by Dr. Herzog and Dr. Franko in conjunction with Harvard Medical School and Pat Cable—and published by McGraw-Hill—this book addresses the questions most frequently asked by the parents of individuals with eating disorders. Conversational text explores why these illnesses are hard to spot, and delineates key warning signs. Family stories highlight how it feels to have the illness and undergo treatment. In particular, these personal perspectives bring individual and family psychotherapy to life. Central to the book is a discussion of treatment. In recommending a comprehensive interdisciplinary (team) approach, the authors discuss finding providers, enhancing motivation, and recognizing signs of progress. Woven throughout is the theme that—with treatment—many individuals with eating disorders improve their health and go on to lead productive, meaningful lives.
  • 3. On May 1, 2007, 76 advocates from across the country met at the U.S. Capitol to participate in the Coalition’s seventh annual Lobby Day. In visiting state offices, the lobbyists shared their personal perspectives and rallied for Congress’s influence in supporting eating disorders legislation. By the day’s end, many of the activists felt “energized” and “empowered.” We encourage you to join Activists Educate Congress, May 1, 2007: EDC Lobby Day us in our support of the Coalition. For further information, Eating Disorders Coalition visit Our Center played a founding role in the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy Action (EDC), a group of professional and advocacybased organizations committed to bringing eating disorders to the attention of policymakers in Washington, D.C. Since its inception seven years ago, the EDC has grown impressively and is now 35 member-organizations strong. EDC President Kitty Westin praises Dr. Herzog’s continuous mentorship and encouragement: “Without Dr. Herzog, the EDC would never have been born. He was the organization’s president for its first five years. His knowledge about eating disorders and his tireless efforts to advocate for the cause are inspiring. I am forever grateful to him for all he has taught me.” Marching forward under Kitty’s leadership, the EDC is instrumental in educating members of Congress about eating disorders. Recently, Kitty testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on behalf of these illnesses. She is also working on the FREED ACT (Federal Response for Elimination of Eating Disorders), an exciting initiative that will be introduced to Congress next session. The EDC brings “citizen lobbyists” to D.C. at least twice a year. Dr. Herzog Speaks at Boston Center for the Arts Dr. Herzog participated in a panel plus-size. The question is whether he can confront his own attitudes about appearance, acknowledge the beauty he sees in Helen and stand up to his peers. In the panel discussion, Dr. Herzog commended the drama for campaigning against the media’s “thin is good, fat is bad” message and emphasized the importance of encouraging young people to appreciate themselves and others based on inner qualities rather than on appearance. New England Collaborative Established in early 2006, the New England Eating Disorders Research Collaborative is a dynamic partnership between the Harris Center and the Neuroendocrine Unit at MGH. Several times a year, the Collaborative hosts a two-hour symposium for scientists, educators and clinicians from the greater Boston area. These meetings offer participants an opportunity to exchange ideas, keep abreast of recent advances in the field, and discuss future directions in eating disorders discussion about body image prior to a March 28, 2007 performance of the play Fat Pig at the Boston Center for the Arts. Hosted by The Boston Globe, the reception also featured Boston College Professor Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Ph.D., the author of The Dr. Herzog with Louise Kennedy, the moderator for the panel Cult of Thindiscussion of Fat Pig ness, and Globe drama critic research. Dr. Franko has presented psyLouise Kennedy, who served as the chiatric conditions that often co-exist evening’s moderator. with eating disorders and Dr. Herzog Fat Pig focuses on a young has addressed diagnostic issues related executive who falls in love with a to eating disorders and shared results vivacious, bright librarian, Helen, and from our Longitudinal Study. is teased about the relationship by his friends and co-workers because of her 3
  • 4. Research and Publications This year, we have published ten research articles with an additional few in press. The following provide a taste of this work. Eddy, K.T., Dorer, D.J., Franko, D.L., Tahilani, K., Thompson-Brenner, H., Herzog, D.B. Longitudinal diagnostic crossover of anorexia and bulimia nervosa: Implications for DSM-V. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2007. [In press]. Franko, D.L, Becker A.E., Thomas, J.J. Herzog, D.B. Cross-ethnic differences in eating disorder symptoms and related distress. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2007; 40: 156-64. Presentations and Conferences October 23-28, 2007 – Annual meeting of American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston. David B. Herzog, M.D., “Teenage Eating Disorders.” September 11, 2007– Children’s Hospital, Boston. Adolescent Medicine CORE meeting. David B. Herzog, M.D., “Developing a Career in Eating Disorders: A Personal Reflection.” May 19-24, 2007 – American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. David B. Herzog, M.D., “How Stable Are Eating Disorder Diagnoses?” On the Web Currently we are adding a comprehen- sive section on Patient Care to our Web site ( Aimed at a variety of providers who work with eating disordered individuals—dentists, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, social workers, educators, athletic coaches, college residence advisors, and youth group leaders—this newest part of our site will also be helpful to patients and families struggling with the illness. Construction of these pages is moving along well, so stay tuned! The Center in the Media To increase public awareness of eat- ing disorders, we continue to provide information to a number of media representatives and book authors. Here are highlights of the Center’s collaboration Miller, K.K., Wexler, T.L., Zha, A.M., with the media from this past year. Lawson, E.A., Meenaghan, E.M., On August 15, 2007, Dr. Misra, M., Binstock, A.B., Herzog, Herzog discussed middle-aged women D.B., Klibanski, A. Androgen deficienwith eating disorders on WCVB-TV cy: association with increased anxiety NewsCenter 5. and depression symptom severity in On June 27, 2007, Dr. Herzog anorexia nervosa. The Journal of Clinidid an interview for an article in Marie cal Psychiatry. 2007; 68: 959-65. Claire magazine, addressing questions such as, “Can you ever really recover Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D., “Longitudifrom an eating disorder?” nal stability and diagnostic crossover Taylor, C.B., Franko, D.L., Neumark Debra Franko, Ph.D., contribof anorexia and bulimia nervosa.” Sztainer, D., Paxton, S.J., Shapiro, uted to a series of Revolution Health J.R. Public-health approach to eating (online) articles on body image. March 30, 2007 – Society of Adolesdisorders. Lancet. 2007; 369:1928. Published in May of 2007, Lying News Brief: Dr. Herzog has been elected Secretary of the Thompsonin Weight: Brenner, H., American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (AAThe Hidden Eddy, K.T., Epidemic of CAP). This is a two-year, Executive Committee position. Franko, D.L., Eating DisorThe 7,500-member AACAP is the principal international Dorer, D.J., ders in Adult organization for child and adolescent psychiatrists. Vashchenko, Women, by M., Tricia Gura, Herzog, D.B. describes findPersonality paings from the Center’s Longitudinal cent Medicine Conference, Denver, thology and substance abuse in eating Study, which tracks the course of eatColorado. disorders: a ing disorders in women who initially Debra L. Franko, Ph.D., “Integrating longitudinal study. International Jourpresented for treatment during the late Obesity and Eating Disorders Prevennal of Eating Disorders. 2007. [in 1980s. tion: The Five Ws for Implementation press]. The winter, 2007 issue of in the Field.” Gürze Books newsletter Eating Dis- 4 May 2-5, 2007 – International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland. Debra L. Franko, Ph.D., “Using Multimedia Programs to Expand Eating Disorders Prevention Efforts: Advances and Future Challenges;” “Examining the Link between Anorexia Nervosa and Suicide;” “Increasing Healthy Behaviors in College Students through Goal Setting.”
  • 5. orders Today included “Making up for Lost time: Resuming the Path to Maturity after an Eating Disorder,” by Aimee Liu. In this article, Dr. Herzog addresses perfectionism and delays in maturity associated with anorexia nervosa. Office Updates Recently we said farewell to two of our terrific research assistants, Liz Ong and Kavita Tahilani. Liz is traveling and will return to Boston in the fall to complete her graduate school applications, and Kavita is working as a research coordinator at the Renfrew Center in Philadelphia. We are delighted for Liz and Kavita, each of whom made a positive difference at the Center. We look forward to staying in touch and wish them the very best in their educational and professional pursuits. In July two new research assistants, Andrea Kass and Meredith Sears, joined our team. Andrea graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in Psychology and English Literature. Meredith earned a B.A. in Psychology from Brown University. In addition to helping with our research studies, they will be planning Harris Center events such as our annual public forum. We would like to thank our long-time friend and supporter Nancy Harris for refurbishing our office. Fellowship Programs Meet: Kamryn Eddy, Ph.D It’s our pleasure to introduce Kamryn Eddy, Ph.D., our first postdoctoral fellow. Although the fellowship program is new, the Center’s relationship with Dr. Eddy goes back to her two years after college, when she worked with Dr. Herzog and Dr. Franko as a research assistant. She then pursued graduate education at Boston University (2001-2007), leading to her Ph.D. in clinical psychology. We stayed in touch with Dr. Eddy throughout, collaborating with her on a number of important projects. Dr. Eddy has authored over 20 published papers. Broadly, her research interests are in understanding the causes, course, and treatment of eating disorders. Dr. Eddy’s fellowship research will focus on the issue of nosology, or diagnostic classification. She will study how well the current diagnostic system, which includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), “fits” individuals with disordered eating. “If we haven’t correctly defined the disorders that we are examining or treating,” she explains, “our findings might be limited or invalid.” During her fellowship, Dr. Eddy will conduct clinical work with individuals of all ages while receiving supervision from Dr. Herzog and Dr. Franko. Her enthusiasm for patient care is infectious. Recently she said, “I definitely want to provide psychotherapy for adults with eating disorders, but I’m also very excited about working with children and adolescents and with their families.” Dr. Eddy has had experience with individuals (both male and female) in inpatient and outpatient settings, has learned a variety of approaches to therapy, and has treated the full range of eating disorders. We are delighted to have Dr. Eddy aboard. lished papers. This section introduces our summer 2007 fellows and provides updates from fellows past. Matina S. Horner, Ph.D. Fellowship Sarah Merhar Since its inception a decade ago, our Matina S. Horner, Ph.D., Research Fellowship program has sponsored 29 superb undergraduate and graduate students. Each summer, we mentor our fellows as they pursue independent research projects and participate in our current research activities. Many fellows continue their independent projects after their fellowships have ended, often resulting in theses or pub- Fellow Updates Stacey DiPalma I am a medical student at Brown University School of Medicine. My fellowship project is to determine the current place of eating disorders in the formal education of medical students. I plan to use the findings of my project as the groundwork for implementing an eating disorder curriculum at Brown come spring, with the hopes that this program can serve as a model for other medical schools. Loren Gianini I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology at the University of New Mexico. During my fellowship at the Harris Center, I am exploring the individual, familial, and social factors that lead an individual to internalize the thin ideal. I intend to use my project as the groundwork for my dissertation. I attend Mount Holyoke College. As a Matina Horner fellow, I am interning at the Neuroendocrine Unit at M.G.H on a study of the occurrence of osteoporosis in women with anorexia. I assist with many aspects of the study, including data entry and analysis, and cognitive testing. This is a wonderful experience for me, as I hope to go into neuroscience research. 5
  • 6. Jolie Weingeroff I am a third-year graduate student in the clinical psychology doctoral program at Boston University. During my fellowship at the Harris Center, I am working on my master’s thesis, a study of the types of strategies that individuals with eating disorders use to manage distress. I plan to continue to explore this area of research, and the clinical implications of its findings, in future doctoral work. S. Bryn Austin, ScD I am the Director of Fellowship Research Training in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital, Boston. In addition, I’m an Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Assistant Professor in Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard School of Public Health. My primary research addresses social and physical environmental influences on eating disorders, physical activity, and nutritional behaviors in school and community settings. Valerie Charat This year I have worked as a Training and Curriculum consultant for Kids Korps USA, a nonprofit organization that provides volunteer opportunities for youth. Most importantly, however, I delivered a healthy baby boy, Cole, on April 6. Being a mom is a new job that I am thoroughly enjoying! Cristina Cruza-Guet After participating in an Eating Disorders Coalition Lobby Day on Capitol Hill and attending a National Eating 6 Disorders Association Conference, I joined the Lehigh University Body Empowerment Alliance. With this group, I organized Body Image Awareness week at Lehigh. I passed my comprehensive exams last March and taught my first full course at Muhlenberg College. Natalie Freed In June 2007, I completed my 3rd year of medical school at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. One of the projects to which I contributed during my Harris Center fellowship has been published in the Journal of Pediatrics and the other has been submitted to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Maria Frisch This has been a year full of change for me. Last fall I began pursuing my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Minnesota, but a semester into the program I realized it was not the best fit. I have therefore spent this last semester working on my premed requirements so that I can apply to medical school. Dara Greenwood I’ve just finished my third year as assistant professor in the Communication Studies department at the University of Michigan (adjunct in Psychology, faculty associate at the Institute for Social Research), where I am continuing to focus on media use and emotional health and well-being. Currently, I am investigating how individuals utilize media in the service of emotion regulation. Lareina La Flair I am currently working at the Center for Evaluation at Harvard Medical School and continuing to volunteer as a medical advocate for survivors of sexual assault. My Matina Horner Fellowship project on the relationship between sexual assault and eating disorders in Asian women is now under review for publication, and I am looking forward to studying these and other cross-cultural psychiatric issues when I start a Ph.D. program in Public Health this fall at Johns Hopkins University. Rama Mulukutla I am graduating this year from Medical School, and I am starting a General Surgery Residency at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I continue to appreciate all the tools and knowledge on research design and clinical research data evaluation I learned during my Matina Horner Fellowship. Lisa Rubin In 2006, I began a tenure-track position in the Department of Psychology at The New School for Social Research in New York City where I teach in the university’s graduate and undergraduate programs. I am currently leading an investigation that examines decision-making about breast reconstruction among Black and Latina breast cancer survivors. Dana Satir I am in my third year of the clinical Ph.D. program at Boston University, completing a clinical practicum at the Behavioral Health Partial Program at McLean Hospital. The project I worked on during my Matina Horner Fellowship was presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders’ annual conference in Baltimore.
  • 7. Monica Hsiung Wojcik I graduated this spring from Princeton University, where I majored in chemistry and minored in French. At Princeton, I was an Eating Concerns Peer Educator and served as the group’s president in 2006. Next year, I will begin medical school at Harvard University. Acknowledgements Thank you to Christine Lenz, James Stone and Jenna Zink at Arnold for their help with our newsletter. Helen Rose continues to offer valuable advice for our Web site. Thank you, Helen. We extend profound appreciation to all of our donors for their friendship and support this year. Donor List To protect the privacy of AES Corporation The our donors, we have Alamitos Bay their removed Productions names from The A.M. Fund the on-line version of The Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation Patty Mel the andGroupAlperin newsletter. Baupost LLC Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation Myron Belfer Barbara and Gary Bello Andrew Bendetson Carol and Richard Bendetson Laura Bendetson Deborah Benik Marsha and Peter Berenson Tracey and Bruce Berkowitz John G. Berylson and Family Sally Bishko Laura and John Blackman Austin Cable and Family Cambridge Trustee Advisors, Inc. Ben Cammarata Capital Crossing Bank The Carlyle Group Lisa Hughes and Michael Casey Debra and Craig Cerretani Citizen’s Financial Group, Inc. Nancy Clark Lillian and Donald Colavecchio Gracemarie and Brian Concannon Charlotte and Donald DeVito Nancy and John Donovan Lynne Brainerd and Michael Douvadjian Julie and Ronald Druker The Druker Company, Ltd. Duane Morris, LLP Eleanor and M. Gordon Ehrlich Sheila and Russ Ekeblad Jo-an and Jonathan Evans Jeanne and George Feldman Shirley and Richard Fennell Nancy and Steven Fischman Atsuko and Lawrence Fish Fish Family Foundation Cyndy and John Fish Glenda and Bob Fishman Margaret Boles Fitzgerald Deborah and Samuel Fleet Linda and Michael Frieze Susan and Christopher Gabrielli Frances Gallagher Margaret and Michael Garvey Linda and Steven Gelda Melissa and James Gerrity Ellen and John Giannuzzi Phoebe and Donald Giddon GlaxoSmithKline Corporation Ellen and Michael Gordon Kiendl Gordon Linda Halpert Irwin Hamin Nancy Harris Ellen Hart Pena Sumner Herzog Herzog Associates Arnold Hiatt Hill Holiday Matina Horner Barbara and Amos Hostetter Inside Out Gladys and Harold Jacober Jane and Alan Jacober The Jacober Family Foundation Marian and Charles Jacobs Jill and Stephen Karp Karp Family Foundation Gerry Katcher Katcher Family Foundation, Inc. Tom Keaveney Marsha and David Kelley Valerie Kleinman Rebecca Knapp Daniel P. Kraft Lee and Robert Krasner Mimi and Paul LaCamera Victoria West and Brewster Lee Barbara and Tom Leggat Mary Lynn Lenz Nancy Lerner Theodore A. Levine Revocable Trust Marjorie and Alan Lewis Doris Licht Amy and William Lipsey Caribe Lloyd S.A. Lydia Woodward and David Lockhart Lovett-Woodsum Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Nancy and Richard Lubin Richard Lubin Family Foundation Judith MacDonald Elaine Mann Jane and Michael Marmor Barbara Martin Beth Mayer Linda and Kevin McCafferty Monica and James McIntyre Marie Messner-Anon Gretchen Monahan John Murphy Susan C. Noland Noland Family Foundation Ruth Orthwein Krystyna and Brian Owen Robert Treat Paine Association Elisa and Dino Pasquale Nina and Eugene Piazza Carroll and Robert Pierce Amy and Martin Pollack Irene and Abe Pollin Lia and William Poorvu Virginia Pratt Renee Rapaporte Red Sox Foundation Barbara and Frank Resnek Louise Riemer Thomas and Molly Roland Helen Rose Judy and Phil Rosenfield Alice and David Rubenstein Joy Eber and John Sachs Ronnee Wasserman and Herbert Sackett Deborah Hall and Robert Sarno Judith and Lawrence Schlager Phyllis and Lawrence Selter Vijay J. Shah Charitable Trust Fund Ann and Michael Sherman Carol and George Shube Marty Shulkin Louis Shuster Joseph and Agatha Sicari Charitable Trust Slade’s Ferry Trust Company Susan Evans and Franklin Stearns Peter Stein Barbara and Burton Stern The Stern Family Foundation Barbara and Robert Stone Elihu Stone Margaret Storer Susan P. Storer Robert Stringer Lisa and Andrew Sussman Eliot and June Tatelman Family Foundation Susan and Barry Tatelman Martin Temkin Temkin Associates Ltd. Mary K. Thomas The TJX Foundation, Inc. Kellie and Richard Trotta Ann and John Walters Patricia and Richard Wayne Susan and Fredrick Weingeroff Weingeroff Family Foundation Maxine and Alan Weinstein Patricia and Donald Wilks Wilks Family Foundation Henriette and Karsten Windeler Windward Foundation 7
  • 8. MISSION STATEMENT The Harris Center at MGH focuses on education and advocacy in eating disorders. Through interdisciplinary research, we seek new knowledge to better understand eating disorders, their detection, treatment, and prevention and we strive to share that knowledge with the community at large. At the heart of the Center is the healthy development of children, women, and all at risk. The Harris Center for Education and Advocacy in Eating Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital 2 Longfellow Place, Suite 200 Boston, MA 02114 617-726-8470 David B. Herzog, M.D. Debra L. Franko, Ph.D. Heather Thompson-Brenner, Ph.D. Pamela K. Keel, Ph.D. David J. Dorer, Ph.D. Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D. Andrea Kass, B.A. Meredith Sears, B.A. Patti Cable, R.N. Director Associate Director Research Consultant Research Consultant Statistician Postdoctoral Fellow Research Assistant Research Assistant Publications Director We welcome your comments and suggestions! For further details on information covered in this newsletter, please contact us.