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Speech Language Engineering System for Automatic
                Generation of Web based User Forms

        Imran Sarwar Bajwa                            Waqar Aslam                        Syed Irfan Hyder
  Faculty of Computer & Emerging            Department of Computer Science &          PAF-Karachi Institute of
              Sciences                           Information Technology              Economics and Technology,
 Balochistan University of IT and MS,           The Islamia University of                    Karachi
               Quetta                           Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur                  

                       Abstract                              designer as he has to manipulate information in various
                                                             applications as for sake of record keeping and report
Designing user forms for dynamic web pages is a time         generation purposes [5]. Some of the applications are
consuming task for experts and tricky job for novel users.   very complex and also require lot of efforts during their
Natural language processing provides an easy interface       design. As web designing is one of the important
to the novel users to handle the cumbersome computer         software engineering fields and to design a successful
applications. The designed system incorporates this          and excellent website is real technical task.
vigorous ability of natural language processing based        The aspect of Web designing is constituted of various
automated system. User forms basically allow the user to     facets as the web stuffing, web technology, web visuals
input information and also get back the particular           and web based money matters [2]. Web stuffing is
response. User interacts with a web system by using          basically related to the actual data contents, information
various parts of a user form. A web page not actually        and statistics which are heart and soul of a web page. On
needs the visual components but a well-designed form         the other hands a particular Web technology provides the
with good scripts for processing the business data. A well   actual functionality of a website in the shape of forms,
designed form is a tool for collecting and distributing      reports, and dynamic web contents generation. Web
information for user. The designed system helps to           visuals typically define the shape and outline of a
automatically generate some desired web user forms.          website and it is a major tool to interact user to the
User only provides his particular business related           website. In the last, the web economics contributes the
requirements in the form of simple English text. The         economics rectifications where required [1]. The web
designed system bases on a rule based algorithm which        economics provides the facility to perform online
reads the user requirements, understand the scenario,        business transactions.
extracts the required information and then at the last
automatically generates some sample web user forms.          The major prominence of the conducted research is to
User can use them with proper adjustments. This              provide an automatic facility to the user so that he may
automated system can really save the time of the user        himself provide his requirements and preference at his
and web designer to design the user forms.                   own and may generate his required and desired output of
                                                             the user forms. The key issue was to facilitate the novel
Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, Automatic              users who do not have expertise in major web tools. A
User forms Design, Text understanding, Language              user form is basically composition of various types of
Engineering,                                                 ActiveX controls used for both input and output
                                                             functions [4]. Major components often used are input
1. Introduction                                              text boxes, command buttons, option buttons, radio
                                                             buttons, lists and combo boxes. The physical
User entry forms are one of the major tools for collecting   arrangement of these components and the written HTML
user–related information. User forms are useful in many      code working behind them is real time-consuming task.
ways as for collecting large quantities of statistical or    Various ActiveX components are used for various
otherwise quantifiable information, applying for surveys,    purposes. User forms can be more interactive and easy to
various signup mechanisms, login mechanisms and              process if they are designed according to the approved
miscellaneous search mechanisms [3]. User entry forms        norms and conventions.
are an easy source for colleting information not only for
user’s point of view but also according to the web
2. Problem statement                                            done in the perspective of facilitating the experts. No
                                                                work has been done for the novels. A person who is not
Conventional styles of designing user entry forms is little     expert can not use these intimated software applications.
tedious task and also time consuming job. On the other
hand highly skillful and expert person is required to
design the user forms. The un-effective layout of user
                                                                5. User Forms Designing
entry forms may cause problem for the user during the           Among various good Web designing practices one is to
filling of the forms. The difficult user interface in the       design websites that are simple and easy for people to
form of user forms can be quite troublesome and                 interact. There are some key principles for effective
ineffective for a website. A website can be really              design of user-friendly data entry forms. There are very
unproductive and futile if the users face difficulty in         simple things which are usually overlooked during form
filling forms.                                                  designing. The designed system has ability to
                                                                automatically decide that which input components should
3. Problem’s Solution                                           be used in which situation.
To address the depicted problem, an automated system is         Some important considerations are as the radio buttons
required which is adequately intelligent to generate the        are only used when options are mutually exclusive and
user entry forms according to the user requirements and         the user has to make only one selection among various
in no time. The intended research project “Speech               options, e.g. Gender. The checkboxes are used when the
Language Engineering Framework for Automatic                    user has to select as many or as little (including zero)
Generation of User Forms” helps to automatically                choices according to his requirement [8]. This is
generate the user forms according to the user’s given           common practice during subscribing to various
requirement and guidelines. To generate the forms a             newsletters. A single checkbox is used when the user
particular user only has to provide his particular business     has a choice of a Boolean value, e.g. on and off and it
related requirements in the form of simple English text.        helps to get the basic concept of good form design.
The designed system uses a rule based algorithm which           There are more tedious questions to answer that where to
reads the user requirements, comprehends the given text,        use drop–down list instead of radio buttons as both of
digs out the required information and then eventually           them perform the similar task [12]. In the current
generates the user forms. User can use them with proper         scenario, the radio buttons are used in case of 2 or 3
adjustments. This automated system can really save the          choices. If choices are more than that drop–down list are
time of the user and web designer for later web designing       used.
process and a support for the novel web-designers.              Some other key rules are also followed when designing a
                                                                form that typically facilitates a common user during
4. Literature Review                                            interfacing with a user form. First of all the subheadings
                                                                are used to separate distinct sections of the target forms.
Automatic Web based user entry forms generation is not
                                                                The sectioning of form makes it easier to scan through
an old field of work. Work from last few years has been
                                                                the choices and make them easier to understand. The
started in this really vital area. The major area of interest
                                                                lists are designed vertically as this makes it easier for the
is visual interface layout [8]. The research in visual
                                                                user to check the multiple choices and make a decision
interface layout design came into being with the advent
                                                                easily [6]. The “other” option is also supported as it helps
of new visual applications as web layout and graphical
                                                                to provide a new option not listed in the provided list. If
user interface for computer applications. From so many
                                                                the list is endless and user writes word ‘etc’ a
examples some are UIDE [13], ADDI [14]. Various
                                                                supplemented textbox is provided as an “other” option.
methods and techniques have been defined to address the
problem of automatic web-layout generation. These               The situation in which user have to select at least one
interface applications typically provide the design             value, always a default value is provided in options for
process and also support incorporation of domain-               radio buttons and drop–down lists. By definition these
specific preferences [3]. These applications provide the        inputs require at least one option to be selected.
half functionality as the course of mapping the domain
objects and their properties into corresponding visual          6. Used Methodology
properties in the layout design is left for the user. Some
applications also tend to use the visual knowledge base         The designed system works in two halves. In first half
to solve this problem [10].                                     the user’s given input text is read by the system and
                                                                after proper understanding and analysis the necessary
These defined models can assist layout designers in             information is extracted. This information is further used
addressing the dynamics of the problem in an efficient          to draw the sample web layouts. In second half if user
manner. The whole related work in this area has been            also wants to draw the user forms automatically, those
can also be designed by just providing the information       this particular example following code is generated by
about the forms as how many text boxes are required          the system.
what are their names and other properties.
6.1. Text Understanding                                      <BODY>
This is the major phase of automatically generating the        <FORM action="..." method="post">
user entry forms. The user writes his requirements and         <TABLE>
preferences in simple English text. For example a user          <TR>
gives following preferences to draw a sample web-                <TD> Name </TD>
layout.                                                          <TD>
“Draw a text box with label Name, whose maximum                      <INPUT type= “text” name= “text1” value= “”
length is 25. Draw a text box with label Father Name.                                              maxlength=25>
Draw a text box with 25 columns and 5 rows, whose                </TD>
label is Address. Draw two option buttons with labels           <TR>
Male and Female. Their name is sex and values are Male           <TD> Father Name </TD>
and Female. Draw also a submit button. ”                          <TD>
                                                                     <INPUT type= “text” name=“text2” value=“”>
Designed system reads such type of input extracts the              </TD>
information after appropriate analysis. Some information         </TR>
is auto generated as name, type and value of a text box,        <TR>
etc. The extracted information is as following                   <TD> Address </TD>
    Input_1.label= Name
                                                                     <Textarea name=“text3” columns=25 rows=5> text1
    Input_1. type= “Text”
    Input_1.value= “”
    Input_1.maxlength= 25
                                                                 <TD> Gender </TD>
    Input_2.label= Father Name                                    <TD> text2                                              <INPUT type= “radio” name=“sex”
    Input_2. type= “Text”                                                                         value=“Male”>
    Input_2.value= “”                                                <INPUT type= “radio” name=“sex”
    Input_3.label= Address                                                                      value=“Female”>
    Input_3.type = Text Area                                       </TD> text3                                          </TR>
    Input_3.value= “”                                           <TR>
    Input_3.colums= 25                                            <TD>
    Input_3.rows= 5                                                  <INPUT type= “sumit”>
    Input_4.label= Gender                                        </TR> sex                                          </TABLE>
    Input_4.type= radio                                      </FORM>
    Input_4.value= “Female”                                  </BODY> sex                                        </HTML>
    Input_5.type= radio                                      Code -1: Automated HTML generated code
    Input_5.value= “Male”
                                                             This HTML generated code is stored in a new file. The
    Input_6. type= “submit”                                  designed system is adequately flexible in analyzing the
These defined input types are further processed to           given text.
generate the concerning HTML code.
                                                             6.3. Web Layout Generation
6.2. HTML Code Generation                                    After compound analysis and generation of HTML code
After extracting this type of information the designed       for user entry form layout is really designed and the
system has a rigorous ability of generating related HTML     actual web page is generated by writing the generate
code on the base of this information. On the behalf of       code into new file with .html extension. Many exemplary
extracted information nested tables technique is used. For   text requirements were processed by the designed
system. Following is output of one of the examples
generated by the designed system.

                                                                                                  User Forms page

                                                                            User Forms Generation

                                                                                                   Creating a new
                                                                                                    HTML file

                                                                            HTML Code Generation

                                                                                                 Generating HTML
                                                                                                 tags to draw forms

                                                                            Information Extraction

                                                                                                 Extracting FORM
                                                                                                  tags information
Figure 1.0: A sample user entry form automatically
generated from user given preferences
                                                                             Analyzing User Input
7. Architecture of Designed System                                                             Text Understanding
Automatic web based user entry forms generation system                                         with syntax Analysis
using natural language processing techniques is
adequately capable of understanding the provided input                        Reading User Input
text and generates the required web-layout according to
the provided information. The designed system generates
the user entry forms in five distinct phases: Reading User                                      User given input text
Input, Analyzing User Input, Information Extraction,                                             in Simple English
HTML Code generation and finally producing the actual
HTML file containing user entry forms. The intended
system based on the structural design shown in the
following figure 2.0.
                                                             Figure 2.0: Structure of Speech Language Engineering
7.1 Reading User Input
                                                             Framework for Automatic Generation of User Forms
This is the first phase and it helps to acquire input text
preference from the user. User provides his requirements     7.3 Information Extraction
in from of paragraphs of the text. This module reads the     This phase particularly extracts different objects as the
input text in the form characters and generates the words    input boxes, option buttons, check boxes, command
by concatenating those input characters. This module is      buttons etc. Other respective attributes are extracted on
the implementation of the lexical phase. Lexicons and        the basses of the input provided by the preceding
tokens are generated in this module.                         module.
7.2 Analyzing User Input                                     7.4 HTML Code Generation
This phase reads the input provided by the module 1 in       After extracting the information required to draw the
from of words or tokens. These words are categorized         particular HTML tags used to draw the various
into various classes as verbs, helping verbs, nouns,         components of the forms are used as <Form>, <Input>,
pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, etc for    <option>, <select tags, are automatically greeted
the various intentions as understanding and further          according to the given requirements by the user.
processing of the text.
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newly designed algorithm and the major objectives of
this research were to not only support the experts and        [6] Gómez-Pérez Asunción, Fernández-López Mariano,
save their time but also to provide a very simple interface     Corcho Oscar, Ontological Engineering: with
to novel users who are not highly skilled in designing          examples from the areas of Knowledge Management,
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complex web designing software applications. The used         [7] Khoo Christopher, Chan Syin, Niu Yun, “The Many
approach is based on a newly designed rule based                Facets of the Cause-Effect Relation”, The Semantics of
framework which is highly capable of understanding the          Relationships. Kluwer Academic Press. (2002). p. 51-
user given text and performs the desired task. The user         70
provides his requirements and preferences using simple
English text and the designed application performs the        [8] A. R. Ahmad, O.Basir, K.Hassanein, “Fuzzy
compound analysis of the given text after reading it.           Inferencing in the Web Page Layout Design”, Proc. of
Desired HTML code is generated on the basis of the              the 1st Workshop on Web Services: Modeling,
extracted information. A new HTML file is generated             Architec. & Infrastructure, France, pp. 33-41, April
which contains the newly generated web layout. The              2003
used approach is based on a newly designed rule based         [9] E. L. Blair, S. Miller, “An interactive approach to
framework which is highly capable of understanding the          facilities design using microcomputers”, Journal of
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9. Future Work
                                                              [10] A.R. Ahmad, O. Basir, K. Hassanein, “Efficient
Currently achieved progress is only capable of                  Placement Heuristics for Ge netic Algorithm based
generating forms that are static. The automatic                 Layout Optimization”, Working Paper, Systems
generation process can further be improved by improving         Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2003
the designed algorithm’s considerations. The designed
                                                              [11] M.G. El-Said, G. Fischer, S.A. Gamael-Din, M.
system only works for static user entry forms. The
                                                                Zaki, “ADDI: A tool for automating the design of
research work can be enhanced and further improved to
                                                                visual interfaces”, Computers & Graphics, Vol 21, No.
also generate dynamic consents generation code that is
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typically written in JSP, ASP or PHP languages.
                                                              [12] S. Kim, H. Alani,W. Hall, P. Lewis, D. Millard, N.
10. References                                                  Shadbolt, and M. Weal. 2002. Artequakt: Generating
                                                                tailored biographies with automatically annotated
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[2] Imran S. Bajwa, M. Asif Naeem, Riaz-Ul-Amin, M              “UIDE-An Intelligent User Interface Design
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  • 1. Speech Language Engineering System for Automatic Generation of Web based User Forms Imran Sarwar Bajwa Waqar Aslam Syed Irfan Hyder Faculty of Computer & Emerging Department of Computer Science & PAF-Karachi Institute of Sciences Information Technology Economics and Technology, Balochistan University of IT and MS, The Islamia University of Karachi Quetta Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur Abstract designer as he has to manipulate information in various applications as for sake of record keeping and report Designing user forms for dynamic web pages is a time generation purposes [5]. Some of the applications are consuming task for experts and tricky job for novel users. very complex and also require lot of efforts during their Natural language processing provides an easy interface design. As web designing is one of the important to the novel users to handle the cumbersome computer software engineering fields and to design a successful applications. The designed system incorporates this and excellent website is real technical task. vigorous ability of natural language processing based The aspect of Web designing is constituted of various automated system. User forms basically allow the user to facets as the web stuffing, web technology, web visuals input information and also get back the particular and web based money matters [2]. Web stuffing is response. User interacts with a web system by using basically related to the actual data contents, information various parts of a user form. A web page not actually and statistics which are heart and soul of a web page. On needs the visual components but a well-designed form the other hands a particular Web technology provides the with good scripts for processing the business data. A well actual functionality of a website in the shape of forms, designed form is a tool for collecting and distributing reports, and dynamic web contents generation. Web information for user. The designed system helps to visuals typically define the shape and outline of a automatically generate some desired web user forms. website and it is a major tool to interact user to the User only provides his particular business related website. In the last, the web economics contributes the requirements in the form of simple English text. The economics rectifications where required [1]. The web designed system bases on a rule based algorithm which economics provides the facility to perform online reads the user requirements, understand the scenario, business transactions. extracts the required information and then at the last automatically generates some sample web user forms. The major prominence of the conducted research is to User can use them with proper adjustments. This provide an automatic facility to the user so that he may automated system can really save the time of the user himself provide his requirements and preference at his and web designer to design the user forms. own and may generate his required and desired output of the user forms. The key issue was to facilitate the novel Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, Automatic users who do not have expertise in major web tools. A User forms Design, Text understanding, Language user form is basically composition of various types of Engineering, ActiveX controls used for both input and output functions [4]. Major components often used are input 1. Introduction text boxes, command buttons, option buttons, radio buttons, lists and combo boxes. The physical User entry forms are one of the major tools for collecting arrangement of these components and the written HTML user–related information. User forms are useful in many code working behind them is real time-consuming task. ways as for collecting large quantities of statistical or Various ActiveX components are used for various otherwise quantifiable information, applying for surveys, purposes. User forms can be more interactive and easy to various signup mechanisms, login mechanisms and process if they are designed according to the approved miscellaneous search mechanisms [3]. User entry forms norms and conventions. are an easy source for colleting information not only for user’s point of view but also according to the web
  • 2. 2. Problem statement done in the perspective of facilitating the experts. No work has been done for the novels. A person who is not Conventional styles of designing user entry forms is little expert can not use these intimated software applications. tedious task and also time consuming job. On the other hand highly skillful and expert person is required to design the user forms. The un-effective layout of user 5. User Forms Designing entry forms may cause problem for the user during the Among various good Web designing practices one is to filling of the forms. The difficult user interface in the design websites that are simple and easy for people to form of user forms can be quite troublesome and interact. There are some key principles for effective ineffective for a website. A website can be really design of user-friendly data entry forms. There are very unproductive and futile if the users face difficulty in simple things which are usually overlooked during form filling forms. designing. The designed system has ability to automatically decide that which input components should 3. Problem’s Solution be used in which situation. To address the depicted problem, an automated system is Some important considerations are as the radio buttons required which is adequately intelligent to generate the are only used when options are mutually exclusive and user entry forms according to the user requirements and the user has to make only one selection among various in no time. The intended research project “Speech options, e.g. Gender. The checkboxes are used when the Language Engineering Framework for Automatic user has to select as many or as little (including zero) Generation of User Forms” helps to automatically choices according to his requirement [8]. This is generate the user forms according to the user’s given common practice during subscribing to various requirement and guidelines. To generate the forms a newsletters. A single checkbox is used when the user particular user only has to provide his particular business has a choice of a Boolean value, e.g. on and off and it related requirements in the form of simple English text. helps to get the basic concept of good form design. The designed system uses a rule based algorithm which There are more tedious questions to answer that where to reads the user requirements, comprehends the given text, use drop–down list instead of radio buttons as both of digs out the required information and then eventually them perform the similar task [12]. In the current generates the user forms. User can use them with proper scenario, the radio buttons are used in case of 2 or 3 adjustments. This automated system can really save the choices. If choices are more than that drop–down list are time of the user and web designer for later web designing used. process and a support for the novel web-designers. Some other key rules are also followed when designing a form that typically facilitates a common user during 4. Literature Review interfacing with a user form. First of all the subheadings are used to separate distinct sections of the target forms. Automatic Web based user entry forms generation is not The sectioning of form makes it easier to scan through an old field of work. Work from last few years has been the choices and make them easier to understand. The started in this really vital area. The major area of interest lists are designed vertically as this makes it easier for the is visual interface layout [8]. The research in visual user to check the multiple choices and make a decision interface layout design came into being with the advent easily [6]. The “other” option is also supported as it helps of new visual applications as web layout and graphical to provide a new option not listed in the provided list. If user interface for computer applications. From so many the list is endless and user writes word ‘etc’ a examples some are UIDE [13], ADDI [14]. Various supplemented textbox is provided as an “other” option. methods and techniques have been defined to address the problem of automatic web-layout generation. These The situation in which user have to select at least one interface applications typically provide the design value, always a default value is provided in options for process and also support incorporation of domain- radio buttons and drop–down lists. By definition these specific preferences [3]. These applications provide the inputs require at least one option to be selected. half functionality as the course of mapping the domain objects and their properties into corresponding visual 6. Used Methodology properties in the layout design is left for the user. Some applications also tend to use the visual knowledge base The designed system works in two halves. In first half to solve this problem [10]. the user’s given input text is read by the system and after proper understanding and analysis the necessary These defined models can assist layout designers in information is extracted. This information is further used addressing the dynamics of the problem in an efficient to draw the sample web layouts. In second half if user manner. The whole related work in this area has been also wants to draw the user forms automatically, those
  • 3. can also be designed by just providing the information this particular example following code is generated by about the forms as how many text boxes are required the system. what are their names and other properties. <HTML> 6.1. Text Understanding <BODY> <CENTER> This is the major phase of automatically generating the <FORM action="..." method="post"> user entry forms. The user writes his requirements and <TABLE> preferences in simple English text. For example a user <TR> gives following preferences to draw a sample web- <TD> Name </TD> layout. <TD> “Draw a text box with label Name, whose maximum <INPUT type= “text” name= “text1” value= “” length is 25. Draw a text box with label Father Name. maxlength=25> Draw a text box with 25 columns and 5 rows, whose </TD> label is Address. Draw two option buttons with labels <TR> Male and Female. Their name is sex and values are Male <TD> Father Name </TD> and Female. Draw also a submit button. ” <TD> <INPUT type= “text” name=“text2” value=“”> Designed system reads such type of input extracts the </TD> information after appropriate analysis. Some information </TR> is auto generated as name, type and value of a text box, <TR> etc. The extracted information is as following <TD> Address </TD> <TD> Input_1.label= Name <Textarea name=“text3” columns=25 rows=5> text1 </TD> Input_1. type= “Text” </TR> Input_1.value= “” <TR> Input_1.maxlength= 25 <TD> Gender </TD> Input_2.label= Father Name <TD> text2 <INPUT type= “radio” name=“sex” Input_2. type= “Text” value=“Male”> Input_2.value= “” <INPUT type= “radio” name=“sex” Input_3.label= Address value=“Female”> Input_3.type = Text Area </TD> text3 </TR> Input_3.value= “” <TR> Input_3.colums= 25 <TD> Input_3.rows= 5 <INPUT type= “sumit”> </TD> Input_4.label= Gender </TR> sex </TABLE> Input_4.type= radio </FORM> Input_4.value= “Female” </BODY> sex </HTML> Input_5.type= radio Code -1: Automated HTML generated code Input_5.value= “Male” This HTML generated code is stored in a new file. The Input_6. type= “submit” designed system is adequately flexible in analyzing the These defined input types are further processed to given text. generate the concerning HTML code. 6.3. Web Layout Generation 6.2. HTML Code Generation After compound analysis and generation of HTML code After extracting this type of information the designed for user entry form layout is really designed and the system has a rigorous ability of generating related HTML actual web page is generated by writing the generate code on the base of this information. On the behalf of code into new file with .html extension. Many exemplary extracted information nested tables technique is used. For text requirements were processed by the designed
  • 4. system. Following is output of one of the examples generated by the designed system. Sample User Forms page User Forms Generation Creating a new HTML file HTML Code Generation Generating HTML tags to draw forms Information Extraction Extracting FORM tags information Figure 1.0: A sample user entry form automatically generated from user given preferences Analyzing User Input 7. Architecture of Designed System Text Understanding Automatic web based user entry forms generation system with syntax Analysis using natural language processing techniques is adequately capable of understanding the provided input Reading User Input text and generates the required web-layout according to the provided information. The designed system generates the user entry forms in five distinct phases: Reading User User given input text Input, Analyzing User Input, Information Extraction, in Simple English HTML Code generation and finally producing the actual Input HTML file containing user entry forms. The intended system based on the structural design shown in the following figure 2.0. Figure 2.0: Structure of Speech Language Engineering 7.1 Reading User Input Framework for Automatic Generation of User Forms This is the first phase and it helps to acquire input text preference from the user. User provides his requirements 7.3 Information Extraction in from of paragraphs of the text. This module reads the This phase particularly extracts different objects as the input text in the form characters and generates the words input boxes, option buttons, check boxes, command by concatenating those input characters. This module is buttons etc. Other respective attributes are extracted on the implementation of the lexical phase. Lexicons and the basses of the input provided by the preceding tokens are generated in this module. module. 7.2 Analyzing User Input 7.4 HTML Code Generation This phase reads the input provided by the module 1 in After extracting the information required to draw the from of words or tokens. These words are categorized particular HTML tags used to draw the various into various classes as verbs, helping verbs, nouns, components of the forms are used as <Form>, <Input>, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, etc for <option>, <select tags, are automatically greeted the various intentions as understanding and further according to the given requirements by the user. processing of the text.
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