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Peri-implant diseases and its management
Connective tissue Interface
Bone tissue Interface
Epithelial tissue Interfaces
How many interfaces ?
The name periimplant disease refers to the
pathological inflammatory changes that take place
in the tissue surrounding a load bearing implant .
Two entities are described within the concept of
periimplant diseases:
- Mucositis: A clinical manifestation characterised
by the appearance of inflammatory changes
restricted to the periimplant mucosa. If treated
properly, it is a reversible process .
- Periimplantitis: A clinical manifestation where
clinically and radiologically evident loss of the bony
support for the implant occurs, together with an
inflammatory reaction of the periimplant mucosa.
Peri-implant Diseases
Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implantitis
Disease related to soft
tissues around implant
Disease related to soft tissues
& its underlying bone
Peri-implant Diseases
Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implantitis
Disease related to soft
tissues around implant
Disease related to soft tissues
& its underlying bone around
Disease related to soft
tissues around tooth
Disease related to soft tissues
& its underlying bone around
Gingivitis Periodontitis
Epithelial –Tooth interface Epithelial –Implant interface
The Great similarity
The differences
1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis
2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblasts less collagen…. altered
3. Vascularity : more less
4.Biologic width :strong weak
5.Periodontal ligament:present absent
6.Pulp :present absent
7.Tactile sensation : present absent
7. Tooth wear :present does not take place
The differences
1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis
2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblasts less collagen…. altered
3. Vascularity : more less
4.Biologic width :strong weak
5.Periodontal ligament :present absent
6.Pulp :present absent
7.Tactile sensation : present absent
7. Tooth wear :present does not take place
The differences
1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis
2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblsts less collgen…….. altered
3. Vascularity : More less
4.Biologic width :strong weak
5.Periodontal ligament:present absent
6.Pulp :present absent
7.Tactile sensation : present absent
7. Tooth wear :present does not take place
a) Strength to resist
periodontal probing: less
b) Power to combat
against inflammation: Less
Implant Failure
The state where the implant has lost integration at a
time-point following implant placement.
Failing Implant
An implant that is not mobile but has not fulfilled the
predefined success criteria.
With kind permission from Dr. Tirthankar Debnath, MDS,
Clinical Totor, Dr.R.Ahmed Dental College, Kolkata
Periimplant mucositis
A case of Periimplantitis
Probing into periimplant pocket
Periimplantitis: Early Phase
A Case of Periimplantitis:
A Case of Periimplantitis:
A Case of Periimplantitis:
Periimplantitis: Progressive loss of bone----Prospective recall study
Reference : Prof. Max A.Listgarten:1964-1967
All microbial factors are same as found in Dentogingival Jn. & periodontal pockets
The aetiology of the disease is conditioned by the status of the
tissue surrounding the implant,
1. implant design,
2. degree of roughness,
3. the poor alignment of implant components,
4. external morphology
5. excessive mechanical load.
6. microorganisms most commonly associated with implant
failure are spirochetes and mobile forms of Gram-negative
anaerobes, unless the origin is the result of simple mechanical
Compounding factors
Endogenous Exogenous
Systemic Local
medical status
•Poor bone quality
Operator related Biomaterial related
Non-optimal experience
Excessive Surgical Trauma
Bacterial contaminations
Immediate non-judicious loading
Non-submerged technique
Lack of antibiotic support
Non-optimal implant design
Non-optimal implant surface
Ref: Prashanti, Sajjan and Reddy :Failures in implants. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22:44653.
Diagnosis of periimplantitis
The most common signs are:
- Colour changes in gingiva /oral mucosa.
- Bleeding on probing
- Increased probing depth of periimplant pockets.
- Suppuration.
- Periimplant radio-transparency.
- Progressive loss of bone height around the implant.
Diagnosis of periimplantitis
The most common signs are:
- Colour changes in keratinised gum tissue or in the
oral mucosa.
- Bleeding on probing.
- Increased probing depth of periimplant pockets.
- Suppuration.
- Periimplant radio-transparency.
- Progressive loss of bone height around the implant.
The absence of bleeding on probing is indicative of good health.
Probing depth depends on the force applied, so that when equal
amounts of force are exerted, the depth reached by the probe is
greater in periimplantitis than in the case of a natural tooth. It is
recommended the use of probes calibrated to a force of 0.25 n (25
g) to avoid test errors. At any rate, a pocket larger than 5 mm is
deemed to have a greater likelihood of being contaminated.
On x-ray, the problem can be detected once
30% of the bone mass has been lost, hence this
is not an optimal method for early diagnosis of
periimplantitis. Improperly performed x-rays
can also lead to errors in determining the size
and morphology of the bony defect, in addition
to the fact that they do not record defects at
the level of the vestibular cortex (1).
-Traditional culture methods are capable of
identifying the colonising germs.
-Another useful method is BANA (benzoyl-
arginine-naphthylamide) hydrolysis, which shows
the presence of the enzyme trypsin that is
produced by pathogens such as Treponema
denticola, Bacterioides forsythus, and
Porphyromonas gingivalis .
Analysis of the fluid in the periimplant sulcus reveals
certain early changes that demonstrate the existence
of bone resorption, for instance, increased levels of
chondroitin sulfate, as seen in non-treated chronic
gum diseases or in patients undergoing orthodontic
treatment. Elastase, β-glucuronidase,
aminotransferase and prostaglandin E2 levels are
also high.
Treatment will differ depending upon whether
it is a case of p/i. mucositis or periimplantitis.
For Mucositis: Treatment is simple,
Easier and predictable
For periimplantitis: Treatment is complex &
technique sensitive,time consuming,
Instruments for Debridement
 Steel curettes.
 Titanium coated curettes.
 Carbon fiber curettes.
 Teflon curettes.
 Plastic curettes.
 Ultrasonic devices with polyether-ether
ketone coated tips.
Therapeutic objectives focus on correcting
defects by means of:
1. surgery, and
2. decontamination techniques (abrasion
with carbon particles, citric acid solution,
topical tetracycline application and laser
Sánchez-Gárces MA, Gay-Escoda C.: Med Oral Pathol Oral Cir Bucal. 2004;9 Suppl:69-74;
Management Protocol of Periimplantitis
Study of the relationship between
implant surface and
decontamination technique was
conducted in which the
decontaminating efficacy of air-
power abrasives, citric acid solution,
hydrogen peroxide,tetracycline, and
chlorhexidine on different implant
surfaces were tried.
Machined titanium surfaces are the
easiest to decontaminate and topical
tetratcyclines (the content of one 250-mg
capsule mixed with saline serum until a
creamy consistency is obtained) are the
antibiotic of choice in these cases.Further
-more, it appears that tetracycline stimu -
-lates fibroblast growth in the affected
--Air abrasion, using
bicarbonate particles with
saline solution is the best
way to eliminate endotoxins
from all surfaces
--40% citric acid with a pH of
1 for 30-60 seconds is an
effective means of
decontamination for
hydroxyapatite coated
implants; chlorhexidine is not
effective in these cases .
[ Pal et al,1989 ]
Prolonged application times of citric acid
solution are not recommended for use on HA
surfaces, since this would alter the quality and
impair its ability to bond to the titanium body
of the implant. Once the application time has
transpired, the treated surface must be
abundantly irrigated. If the HA is already
damaged due to the virulence of the infection
surrounding the implant, the recommended
approach is to eliminate it completely by
drilling and then proceed to apply air abrasion
or ultrasound and subsequently decontaminate
the area with tetracycline in the same fashion
as if it were a machined titanium surface.
Laser as a method of decontamination
on different implant surfaces
depending on power intensities,
bacteria kill-rates of up to 99.4% have
been attained. The semiconductor
809-nm, the CO2 and Er:YAG lasers are
recommended, since it appears that
they do not exert a negative impact on
the implant surface.
Microbial Aspects in Dental Implants
 Single microbial colonies – Minutes to 2 hours.
 Complex microbiota – 7 days.
The recommended oral
antibiotic treatments consists
of: amoxycillin, amoxycillin
plus clavulanic acid,
amoxycillin associated with
metronidazole or, in the case
of penicillin-allergic patients,
erythromycin and
tetratcyclines. The standard
treatment time is between 7
and 10 days.
Systemic antibacterial therapy
Operative steps…………
Pre-operative X-ray
Post-operative X-ray
Management of Peri-implant Diseases
Lang N P et al, 2004
Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy
Mechanical debridement
polishing & scaling
Antiseptic cleansing 0.1%
CHX gel 2× Daily for 3-4
Systemic or local
antibiotic therapy.
Resective or regenerative
Consensus report of Colgate:July,2013
Published in Quint. International.
Management of peri-implant diseases
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Thank you

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2. Periimplantitis 2017.pptx

  • 1. Peri-implant diseases and its management
  • 2.
  • 3. Connective tissue Interface Bone tissue Interface Epithelial tissue Interfaces How many interfaces ?
  • 4. The name periimplant disease refers to the pathological inflammatory changes that take place in the tissue surrounding a load bearing implant . Two entities are described within the concept of periimplant diseases: - Mucositis: A clinical manifestation characterised by the appearance of inflammatory changes restricted to the periimplant mucosa. If treated properly, it is a reversible process . - Periimplantitis: A clinical manifestation where clinically and radiologically evident loss of the bony support for the implant occurs, together with an inflammatory reaction of the periimplant mucosa.
  • 5.
  • 6. Peri-implant Diseases Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implantitis Disease related to soft tissues around implant Disease related to soft tissues & its underlying bone
  • 7. Peri-implant Diseases Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implantitis Disease related to soft tissues around implant Disease related to soft tissues & its underlying bone around implant Disease related to soft tissues around tooth Disease related to soft tissues & its underlying bone around implant Gingivitis Periodontitis
  • 10. Implant Tooth Epithelial –Tooth interface Epithelial –Implant interface The Great similarity
  • 11. The differences 1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis 2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblasts less collagen…. altered 3. Vascularity : more less 4.Biologic width :strong weak 5.Periodontal ligament:present absent 6.Pulp :present absent 7.Tactile sensation : present absent 7. Tooth wear :present does not take place
  • 12. The differences 1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis 2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblasts less collagen…. altered 3. Vascularity : more less 4.Biologic width :strong weak 5.Periodontal ligament :present absent 6.Pulp :present absent 7.Tactile sensation : present absent 7. Tooth wear :present does not take place
  • 13. The differences 1.Gingival fibers : perpendicular to long axis of tooth…… parallel to long axis 2.Fibroblast-fiber ratio: more fibroblsts less collgen…….. altered 3. Vascularity : More less 4.Biologic width :strong weak 5.Periodontal ligament:present absent 6.Pulp :present absent 7.Tactile sensation : present absent 7. Tooth wear :present does not take place a) Strength to resist periodontal probing: less b) Power to combat against inflammation: Less
  • 14. Implant Failure The state where the implant has lost integration at a time-point following implant placement. Failing Implant An implant that is not mobile but has not fulfilled the predefined success criteria.
  • 15. With kind permission from Dr. Tirthankar Debnath, MDS, Clinical Totor, Dr.R.Ahmed Dental College, Kolkata
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  • 20. A case of Periimplantitis
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  • 33. A Case of Periimplantitis:
  • 34. A Case of Periimplantitis:
  • 35. A Case of Periimplantitis:
  • 36. Periimplantitis: Progressive loss of bone----Prospective recall study
  • 37.
  • 38. Etiopathogenesis Reference : Prof. Max A.Listgarten:1964-1967 All microbial factors are same as found in Dentogingival Jn. & periodontal pockets
  • 39. The aetiology of the disease is conditioned by the status of the tissue surrounding the implant, 1. implant design, 2. degree of roughness, 3. the poor alignment of implant components, 4. external morphology 5. excessive mechanical load. 6. microorganisms most commonly associated with implant failure are spirochetes and mobile forms of Gram-negative anaerobes, unless the origin is the result of simple mechanical overload. Etiopathogenesis
  • 40. Compounding factors Endogenous Exogenous Systemic Local •Compromised medical status •Smoking •Irradiation •Poor bone quality &/quality •Para-functions Operator related Biomaterial related Non-optimal experience Excessive Surgical Trauma Bacterial contaminations Immediate non-judicious loading Non-submerged technique Lack of antibiotic support Non-optimal implant design Non-optimal implant surface Ref: Prashanti, Sajjan and Reddy :Failures in implants. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22:44653.
  • 41. Diagnosis of periimplantitis The most common signs are: - Colour changes in gingiva /oral mucosa. - Bleeding on probing - Increased probing depth of periimplant pockets. - Suppuration. - Periimplant radio-transparency. - Progressive loss of bone height around the implant.
  • 42. Diagnosis of periimplantitis The most common signs are: - Colour changes in keratinised gum tissue or in the oral mucosa. - Bleeding on probing. - Increased probing depth of periimplant pockets. - Suppuration. - Periimplant radio-transparency. - Progressive loss of bone height around the implant.
  • 43. The absence of bleeding on probing is indicative of good health. Probing depth depends on the force applied, so that when equal amounts of force are exerted, the depth reached by the probe is greater in periimplantitis than in the case of a natural tooth. It is recommended the use of probes calibrated to a force of 0.25 n (25 g) to avoid test errors. At any rate, a pocket larger than 5 mm is deemed to have a greater likelihood of being contaminated.
  • 44. On x-ray, the problem can be detected once 30% of the bone mass has been lost, hence this is not an optimal method for early diagnosis of periimplantitis. Improperly performed x-rays can also lead to errors in determining the size and morphology of the bony defect, in addition to the fact that they do not record defects at the level of the vestibular cortex (1).
  • 45. -Traditional culture methods are capable of identifying the colonising germs. -Another useful method is BANA (benzoyl- arginine-naphthylamide) hydrolysis, which shows the presence of the enzyme trypsin that is produced by pathogens such as Treponema denticola, Bacterioides forsythus, and Porphyromonas gingivalis .
  • 46. Analysis of the fluid in the periimplant sulcus reveals certain early changes that demonstrate the existence of bone resorption, for instance, increased levels of chondroitin sulfate, as seen in non-treated chronic gum diseases or in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Elastase, β-glucuronidase, aminotransferase and prostaglandin E2 levels are also high.
  • 47. Treatment will differ depending upon whether it is a case of p/i. mucositis or periimplantitis. Management For Mucositis: Treatment is simple, Easier and predictable For periimplantitis: Treatment is complex & technique sensitive,time consuming, unpredictable
  • 52. Instruments for Debridement  Steel curettes.  Titanium coated curettes.  Carbon fiber curettes.  Teflon curettes.  Plastic curettes.  Ultrasonic devices with polyether-ether ketone coated tips.
  • 53. Therapeutic objectives focus on correcting defects by means of: 1. surgery, and 2. decontamination techniques (abrasion with carbon particles, citric acid solution, topical tetracycline application and laser surgery) Sánchez-Gárces MA, Gay-Escoda C.: Med Oral Pathol Oral Cir Bucal. 2004;9 Suppl:69-74; Management Protocol of Periimplantitis
  • 54. Study of the relationship between implant surface and decontamination technique was conducted in which the decontaminating efficacy of air- power abrasives, citric acid solution, hydrogen peroxide,tetracycline, and chlorhexidine on different implant surfaces were tried. Machined titanium surfaces are the easiest to decontaminate and topical tetratcyclines (the content of one 250-mg capsule mixed with saline serum until a creamy consistency is obtained) are the antibiotic of choice in these cases.Further -more, it appears that tetracycline stimu - -lates fibroblast growth in the affected area.
  • 55. --Air abrasion, using bicarbonate particles with saline solution is the best way to eliminate endotoxins from all surfaces --40% citric acid with a pH of 1 for 30-60 seconds is an effective means of decontamination for hydroxyapatite coated implants; chlorhexidine is not effective in these cases . [ Pal et al,1989 ]
  • 56. Prolonged application times of citric acid solution are not recommended for use on HA surfaces, since this would alter the quality and impair its ability to bond to the titanium body of the implant. Once the application time has transpired, the treated surface must be abundantly irrigated. If the HA is already damaged due to the virulence of the infection surrounding the implant, the recommended approach is to eliminate it completely by drilling and then proceed to apply air abrasion or ultrasound and subsequently decontaminate the area with tetracycline in the same fashion as if it were a machined titanium surface.
  • 57. Laser as a method of decontamination on different implant surfaces depending on power intensities, bacteria kill-rates of up to 99.4% have been attained. The semiconductor 809-nm, the CO2 and Er:YAG lasers are recommended, since it appears that they do not exert a negative impact on the implant surface.
  • 58. Microbial Aspects in Dental Implants  Single microbial colonies – Minutes to 2 hours.  Complex microbiota – 7 days.
  • 59. The recommended oral antibiotic treatments consists of: amoxycillin, amoxycillin plus clavulanic acid, amoxycillin associated with metronidazole or, in the case of penicillin-allergic patients, erythromycin and tetratcyclines. The standard treatment time is between 7 and 10 days. Systemic antibacterial therapy
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  • 78. Management of Peri-implant Diseases Lang N P et al, 2004 Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy Mechanical debridement polishing & scaling Antiseptic cleansing 0.1% CHX gel 2× Daily for 3-4 weeks. Systemic or local antibiotic therapy. Resective or regenerative surgery Early Moderate Advanced A B C D
  • 79.
  • 80. Consensus report of Colgate:July,2013 Published in Quint. International. Management of peri-implant diseases
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