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Product Development Process
Product Development Process
New Product Development Process (NPD) Stages
First, the new product development (NPD) process begins
with generating an idea. This process was accomplished when
the group brainstormed various ideas for an innovative product.
Organizations can use the internal and external idea sources to
recognize a product need. Internal ideas can be generated from
Research and Development (R&D) and also from organizational
members. External idea sources are generated from distributors,
suppliers, and competitors. The customers are the most
important external source because the NPD process is designed
to focus on building customer value. The second step in the
NPD process is idea screening which involves the group
evaluating each innovative idea. The group selected the Solar-
powered charger as the innovative product to be implemented
(Claessens, 2015).
In addition, the third step in the NPD process is concept
development and testing of the Solar-powered charger. The
product concept is a descriptive version of the new product idea
and defines how it will benefit the customer. Some possible
product concepts that can be used for the Solar-powered charger
are making the product affordable for all consumers to be used
while traveling on-the-go. The product should be eco-friendly,
durable, and convenient. The Solar-powered charger will help to
save energy and be more efficient for customer use. The product
should be tested using a small group of target customers to
determine how they view the value of the product. Customers
will provide feedback on the product through surveys,
questions, or an online website.
Furthermore, the fourth step is to introduce the product
into the market using the marketing mix which is product, price,
place, and promotion. The product is the Solar-powered charger
which will target consumers of all ages and individuals who are
always traveling and need a reliable source to charge their
mobile devices. This product will be cost-efficient and can be
found in local convenience stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and
other electronic stores along with being available via an online
website. The promotion of the product could be placing
advertisements on television, in magazines, on billboards, or
simply through word-of-mouth.
Additionally, the fifth step is to measure the business
attractiveness of the Solar-powered charger. There will be a
review of sales, costs, and profit projections to determine
whether the organizational goals are being met with the product.
The product meets the set objectives so it can be moved to the
sixth step which is the product development stage (Claessens,
2015). Once the Solar-powered charger passes the business test,
it is time to create a physical product that can be tested for
safety and effectiveness. Customers can test the product and
provide valuable feedback to determine if the product is a
worthwhile investment.
The seventh step is test marketing where the Solar-
powered charger can undergo test marketing before it is
officially introduced to the public. This step allows the
organization to test the product using the marketing mix before
making a decision to fully invest in the product. The final step
is for the organization to launch the Solar-powered charger.
This process is called commercialization which simply means
introducing the product into the market. Some factors to
consider before the product is commercialized are when and
where to launch. The main focus of the NPD process is building
excellent customer value. Once this is accomplished the Solar-
powered charger can be successful within the market
(Claessens, 2015).
Claessens, M. (2015). The new product development process
(NPD) – Obtain new products. Principles of Marketing
explained: Marketing-Insider, 1-4. Retrieved from https://
Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting Innovation
Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting Innovation
Innovation is a key asset in the success of a company or
product. It allows people to express their creativity and unique
ideas with the world. Innovation is used to help companies
produce products for the consumer that are successful in the
marketplace and stand out among competitors. With the world
constantly changing around us, it is important for companies to
accept and adapt to change by embracing innovation in their
workplace. Each team member of the White Group has created
an outstanding innovation that they have found useful in today’s
market. The evaluations of the Hands-Free Device, Pre-Safety
Warning Device, Solar Power Charger, Boundaries, and Swap
International Application, along with its advantages,
disadvantages, and challenges will be used to select the
innovation idea that will be implemented. After the evaluations
were completed the group selected Natalia’s Solar Power
Charger and will use the need, options, market, model,
approachable, and relevant (NOMMAR) model to evaluate this
innovative idea.
Hands-free Device and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia
Dover-Harris: Good work, please check APA margins.
Today around the globe, there are restrictions of using phones
while driving. In many states it is mandatory to only use a
headphone or Bluetooth to talk while driving or a ticket will be
issued. Bluetooth was created so people can make phone calls
while driving without the need of using their hands because it
projected through the speakers. Bluetooth was a successful
innovation because it is easy to use and very comfortable while
keeping hands on the wheel while driving. It decreased
accidents and improved public safety. On the other hand,
earphones are another option but it is not practical since the
wires get tangled. Next, it takes time to place the earphones in
one’s ears when receiving calls. Last, it is uncomfortable to use.
But what if the car is not capable of using Bluetooth since it is
not equipped by the manufacturer?
This is where Hands-free comes handy. Hands-free works like
Bluetooth for cars that cannot use the Bluetooth device due to
the lack of equipment from its creators. It is a small device that
can plug into the phone and it will connect the phone wirelessly
to the radio, and the phone conversation will be heard through
the car speakers. Hands-free can be used by any smartphone. It
can be used as a Bluetooth in all vehicles as long as the vehicles
have wireless capabilities. It is easy to use and a comfortable
way to use the phone while driving.
One way for evaluating an early innovation is the NOMMAR
model. This evaluation model consists of six criteria’s: Need,
Options, Market, Model, Approachable, Relevant (Terwilliger,
2011). Hands-free is a need for people who have cars that
cannot have Bluetooth. Hands-free will have the technology of
including and transforming the music from the cellphone to the
car. The market is full of cars that are manufactured before the
creation of Bluetooth. Therefore, there is a demand for the
product. The product comes in limited color options to match
the smartphone available on the market. With the right
technology team, Hands-free can come to life. The price should
be less than Bluetooth and the product can be accessible for
everyone who wants to follow the law and protect themselves
and their loved ones while driving.
Pre-Warning Safety Device and the Lean Startup Plan
Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good work. Next time
shorten headings. These are too long.
Each year there are many adults and children who have
been seriously injured or tragically lost their lives due to a
driver backing up and not being able to see them. According to
the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
(NHTSA), children 5 years and younger and adults 70 years and
older have an increased risk of being involved in backover
accidents in comparison to the entire population. NHTSA
statistics show that in “backover fatalities involving passenger
vehicles, children under 5 account for 44 percent of the
fatalities, and adults 70 and older account for 33 percent”
(National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 2008,
p. 15). Backing fatalities occur mostly in driveways, along with
other residential areas, public roadways, and nonresidential
parking lots (National Highway Transportation Safety
Administration, 2008). Back over accidents have become a
significant issue due to the injuries and fatalities. However, due
to the advancement in technology there are solutions to address
this problem. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Should be
two words. Watch grammar.
Presently, some vehicles are equipped with rear cameras
and sensors while others are not. Unfortunately, rear cameras
and sensors are not sufficient enough to prevent drivers from
having tragic backover accidents. Therefore, my idea is to
invent an audio pre-warning safety device that will make drivers
aware that they should inspect their vehicle’s surroundings prior
to backing up out of a driveway or residential area. This device
will be an audio warning that will sound and display in the
dashboard once the vehicle is turned on. This device will alert
the driver to check the surroundings of the vehicle before
putting it in the reverse position. The sound will continue until
the driver determines that his or her path is clear. The best
evaluation tool to use for this innovation is the Lean Startup
Plan which allows an individual to create and manage a startup
and get a much needed product to the consumer quickly. This
approach will provide for the opportunity to build, measure, and
learn the product. Also, it can establish order by providing
resources to test the product or service regularly. Comment by
Synovia Dover-Harris: Should be two words. Comment by
Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs before which
In fact, the evaluation results show that there is an urgent
need for this innovation because there have been several
injuries and deaths due to back over accidents (The Lean
Startup, nod). The advantages of the audio pre-warning safety
device will reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and
fatalities caused by back overs and save lives. Drivers will be
able to know exactly what is behind their vehicle. The drawback
is that drivers who may be in a hurry to reach their destination
will not take the extra time needed to inspect their vehicle’s
surroundings. The challenge of this innovation would be getting
drivers use to the change and the device itself. Drivers will need
to be more aware of their surroundings and pay close attention
while backing out of their driveway or residential area.
Ultimately, this device will ensure the safety of everyone who
operates or comes into contact with a vehicle.
Solar Power Charger and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia
Dover-Harris: Good work, should be written in third person.
Innovation is important when being creative in the ever-
changing world. The innovation idea that I came up with is a
solar power charger. Technology has become such a huge part
of the world today. Everything in the world revolves around
using technology. With advancement in technology there are
issues with batteries draining rather quickly. When batteries are
drained it causes an increase in electricity usage. The increases
in electricity puts a lot of strain on the national grid which
provides electricity to the United States. With the world trying
to go greener, why not invent a solar power charger.
Solar power has become increasingly popular in the world
today. There are solar power lights, solar power houses, etc.
The solar power charger allows a person to charge their phone,
tablet, and laptop anywhere they go. People are not always able
to connect to an outlet to charge their device because they are
on the go. With the solar power charger, it is portable and small
enough to fit anywhere. Best of all it does not require electricity
to use. This reduces cost and power on the National Grid.
The best way to evaluate this innovation would be through
NOMMAR. The need is there, people need to charge their
devices and are not always able to connect to an outlet, and this
innovation will eliminate any inconvenience the typical outlet
provides. With increase in technology usage, the market for a
portable solar power charger will increase and provide more
convenience for people on the go. Providing different models
for different needs will allow the product to be relevant to all
people in the market. Different colors and styles will catch the
eyes of all different types of people and allow them to purchase
one based on their personality type. Pricing plays a vital role in
whether the market for a product such as this will be successful.
The price for this product should be appealing to everyone.
Because it is designed to reduce cost, the price should not be
extremely high because this would defeat the purpose and turn
people off to the idea of purchasing the product. Also with
going green, people believe this lifestyle is out of reach because
it will be more expensive. This stereotype should be eliminated
to allow people the opportunity to give back to the Earth with
an eco-friendly device.
Boundaries and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia Dover-
Harris: Good work, should be written in third person.
Consider when wanting to go to grab a cup of coffee or a beer
with a friend, maybe even looking for a little low key live music
but there is a dilemma of having to bring children. It is not
appropriate to bring children to a bar for too long. Also, having
the children sit at a coffee shop for an extended period of time
will only result in whining and boredom, so what can be done
about this issue?
I have come up with an innovative idea to open an
establishment that can entertain both children and adults. The
innovative idea is a coffee and beer barn called Boundaries. The
establishment would serve only the best local beers on tap and
local wines as well. Boundaries will bring the most eclectic and
desirable coffee creations along with a regular cup of coffee for
those who are not as open to change and new ideas. The barn
would be two levels having a stage for only small time and
upcoming local artists who can come and showcase their
musical talents. This will set the backdrop for a soothing and
enjoyable adult day or night time out. The center of the barn is
where the children will play and enjoy themselves. There would
be an enclosed glass play area for all children. An area to run
and play with the parent’s ability to see what is going on while
still sitting and enjoying themselves at a table listening to great
live music. There will be a menu for children and adults to
select house created sandwiches and soups along with the staple
items children love such as pastries, donuts, and ice cream. This
simple setting allows the parents or adults to get in some good
conversation and relaxation while ensuring the children have
space to wear themselves out and in turn have fun in their own
The business model that best suits the innovation is NOMMAR.
This business model focuses on the customer and their need.
With advancement in technology, this will ensure someone can
meet the needs that in turn someone will be willing to pay for.
When looking at the shell of the idea it is a concept that
absolutely can be accomplished and someone can do it. Looking
at numbers and logic the plan would flourish. This innovation
will use the three R’s, look for resources, examine the risks, and
take into account any resistance. The final thing is its relevance.
Is this idea relevant to what society and the public wants in
today’s ever changing world? Yes it is. Comment by Synovia
Dover-Harris: Good section. Too Long headings here and
Swap International Application and NOMMAR
Revolutionizing how people sell and/or buy items by connecting
traveling buyers and sellers with items they do not want to take
back to their home or take with them while travelling. Upon my
last travel to Italy I bought an adapter for all of my electronic
devices. I was tempted to bring an additional suitcase for all of
my souvenirs but decided against it because I did not want to
travel with it. When I got to Italy, my curling iron worked, but
my straightener did not. Also, I bought so many souvenirs and
had to purchase an additional piece of luggage in order to bring
everything back. These minor setbacks had me thinking… I
wish there was an Offer Up type application for travelling
products only that was not bogged down with cars, sofas, tires,
and any other junk that was not relevant to travel. It would be
nice to be able to buy and sell travel items like curling irons,
suitcases, umbrellas, or other small items that are needed in the
place of travel for a fraction of the price, especially if people
are only going to use it for a short period of time.
The application that I would create would be advertised on
travel websites like Expedia,, Orbitz, etc. and would
be free to users. Travelers from around the globe would be able
to use this application if they did not want to bring specific
items to wherever they are travelling. When someone forgets
something they would be able to purchase a used item from
someone close to them for a cheap price. When I went to Italy
one euro was worth $1.15. If I wanted to buy the straightener
with the proper adapter, it would have cost me 70 euros, or
$80.50. I would have loved to have known about an Offer Up
application, or if it was in existence, utilized it, and bought this
straightener used, and sold it to the next traveler. Comment by
Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs after something.
Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs after
The best model to use for this innovation is the NOMMAR
model. This model is used to ask questions to see if the
innovation is worth the investment. Is there a need for this
application? Are there existing options and technology similar
to this application? Is there a potential market for the
application? Will someone pay to use the application? Can this
realistically be one? Are there resources to create this
application? Is it worth the risk? Will there be any resistance
when making this application? Is this app relevant? Does it fit
with the strategy and image the company is going for?
(Terwilliger, 2011).
The results are there is a need for the application. Recent travel
abroad brought this to fruition. There are similar applications
like International Swap, but they are more local. If one is
traveling abroad, how are they to know about the local Offer
Up? With the application being marketed on travel websites, it
is easier for a traveler to know about. The market is most
definitely there, with millions of people travelling worldwide
and it is relevant to every age, sex, and person that is travelling
abroad. The hardest part of implementing the application would
be the funding and how it will be marketed appropriately on
websites. Another issue would be language translation, since it
will be worldwide.
Selected Innovation/Challenges Comment by Synovia
Dover-Harris: Good work, too much spacing between the
heading and the paragraph.
The selected innovation idea for the project is Natalia’s
solar power charger. One innovation that has shown to be
successful is solar power. It has been becoming increasingly
more popular, being used for homes and businesses alike. The
group would like to introduce the idea of the solar power
charger. This device will allow anyone with a phone, laptop, or
tablet to charge their device anywhere they go. This will
alleviate having to be in a car or facility to charge devices.
Knowing that the sun is in abundance it is guaranteed that the
devices will always have a charge. While the solar power
charger is charging the phone all day it will ensure the device
can be used at night. This innovative idea is beneficial for
society as a whole. The solar power charger would take strain
off of the national grid, and will most definitely save people
time and money. The product will allow the user to be on their
device for long periods of time without having to stop and
charge the device. Streaming music and videos will not drain
the battery because the solar power charger is constantly
keeping the device charged. When considering the cost of this
product the consumer will see the benefit right away. Consider
not having to replace chargers due to rust from condensation or
bad connections. The pieces tend to bend and the charge itself
sometimes can tend to damage the phone. There will be no more
worrying about sparks that cause fires or the phone being
compromised in a storm. The solar power charger is a one-time
purchase that will give the user a lifetime of battery charge. The
product will come in fun colors and different sizes for all types
of devices. Users can personalize the solar power charger and
watch as it saves the planet one charger at a time.
During the innovation process, it is important to evaluate
an idea to determine its feasibility. The solar power charger was
evaluated using the NOMMAR model. This is a six decision
model that is used as a criterion for evaluating innovative ideas.
The NOMMAR model is an acronym for Needs, Options, Model,
Market, Approach, and Relevance (Kerka, Kriegesmann, &
Schwering, 2009). The need relates to the market gap. It fulfills
the benefits that consumers do not get from existing similar
products. Solar power chargers come with sustainable benefits
of providing cheap and accessible power that would otherwise
be expensive if consumers adopt electric chargers. The option
brings in the idea of available technology that can be used to
develop the idea, while the NOMMAR model analyzes the
business model that can be used to implement the idea. The
market evaluates the available buyers, the approach evaluates
the method of idea development, and the relevance analyzes
how realistic the idea is. Therefore, this model analyzes various
aspects of the idea to determine whether it is wise to implement
The result of the innovative idea are it takes care of a certain
need. The need for solar chargers was identified as the demand
for increased use of renewable energy. Most chargers use
electricity which is produced using non-renewable sources of
energy like fossil fuels. Therefore, the production of these
chargers helps to meet this need. It is a worthy innovation
because it takes care of the cost incurred by the customers and
also promotes environmental conservation. The technology
options for the development of solar chargers are already in
existence. Solar energy has existed for many decades and there
is information on its technology available from many sources.
The producers of the chargers will not have a hard time coming
up with new technology to develop the chargers.
There is a model for the business of these chargers. Once they
are produced, they will be marketed based on the advantages
they have over the conventional chargers. These can be used in
any place regardless of access to electricity, the energy can be
saved to be used at night, and they do not have to be attached to
a socket to work. The approach for the innovation is realistic.
There is likely to be low resistance from the customers because
of the need to have a charger that is portable and can be used
where there is no access to electricity. Lastly, after evaluating
this idea, it was found that it is very relevant and has a high rate
of feasibility. While the product idea is convincingly
sustainable, there are some challenges that could affect its
development. Solar power chargers will rely on solar power
and, therefore, will be subject to weather variations. For
instance, regions that will have longer winters with little sun
energy may not favor the development and adoption of the
product. Another challenge is solar power chargers will not
have the ability to store power for a long time compared to
conventional electric power chargers.
Phase 2 Project Plan Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good
implementation plan.
The White Group team members are Nada Masri, Priscilla
Jackson, Natalia Cruz, Michele Hayes, & Jessica Cisneros who
created and developed a plan for a new product management
process of the selected innovation. All team members are
responsible to write 450-500 words about a product
development process and creating a new idea while using APA
style in-text citations for every phase of this three phase
project. Each member is also accountable for writing a summary
of 25-30 words description of the innovation and a name for the
The team leader is Nada. She is responsible for providing job
assignments for team members to choose from. Nada will
communicate with the group to ensure that each team member
has a clear understanding of their responsibility. She will set
due dates for each phase and establish effective time
management for the team. Also, Nada will create organizational
charts, process maps, and graphic illustrations of the plan. Nada
will submit the final paper for the group project.
Natalia is responsible for creating a name for her innovation
idea with a brief description. Her responsibility is to write 250-
300 words introduction for each assignment. Phase 1 is due June
28th and Phase 2 is due July 20th. Michele chose to write about
the selected idea. This includes 400-500 words explaining the
product and the demand of this particular innovation, including
the innovation model used to promote the product due June
29th. On Phase 2 she will describe the value of the product and
the customer’s needs by July 20th. Jessica has also chose to
write about the innovative idea. She will list the drawbacks and
challenges associated with the idea due June 28th. Phase two
will include a detailed implementation plan for the innovation
due July 20th. Priscilla is in charge of proofreading and editing
the assigned work by her fellow group members. She will send
the final result to the team leader by Friday June 30th. Phase 2
is due July 21st and she will take the lead in the PowerPoint
presentation due July 28th.
Conclusion Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris:
Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good conclusion.
Finally, innovation is a major component to an organization or
product success. Individuals are able to express their creativity
and unique ideas worldwide. Innovation can assist organizations
in creating successful customer products within the market and
set them apart from the competition. All team members
developed exceptional innovation ideas that can be beneficial
within the market. After evaluations of all the ideas the group
selected Natalia’s solar power charger. The innovation was
evaluated using the NOMMAR model. This exceptional device
will be very useful for customers who are traveling and are
always on the go.
Kerka, F., Kriegesmann, B., & Schwering, M. G. (2009).
Evaluating innovation ideas: a comprehensive approach to New
Product Development. International Journal of Technology
Intelligence and Planning, 5(2), 118-137.
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
(2008). Fatalities and Injuries in Motor Vehicle Backing
Crashes (DOT HS 811 144). Retrieved from
Ries, E. (n.d.). The Lean Startup Methodology, 1. Retrieved
from http://theleanstartup.
Terwilliger, J. (2011, April 5). Two models for evaluating early
innovation . Retrieved from The innovation blog:
Terwilliger, J. (2011). Two models for evaluating early
innovation. Creative Realities Inc., 1-3. Retrieved from
blog/bid/54707/Two- models-for-evaluating-early-
White Group thanks for submitting Phase 1 of the CLC
assignment. Please see rubric for allocated points. During Phase
1, each one of you were required to submit your own idea for an
innovation along with a model you found useful for evaluating
its merits. Your group members were Nada Masri, Priscilla
Jackson, Natalia Cruz, Michele Hayes, & Jessica Cisneros. You
all worked hard to develop a new product you saw a need for,
evaluated your idea with a known method, and proposed the
idea to the group and based on the proposals; you have selected
the idea proposed by Natalia. Which was the solar power
charger utilizing the NOMMAR model system (good choice).
You were also required to write a report of 1,500-2,500 words
that describes the team’s selection process and identifies the
final choice the report must contain the required components
(Great work). White Group you provided the project plan as
required and summary required. This paper was supposed to be
created utilizing the APA guidelines, and you did a very good
job here, but your margins are incorrect and please shorten your
headings. Please see the Student Success Center for APA
margins so everything falls correctly on your documents.
Overall, you did really well, but make sure you use spell and
grammar check before submission of phase 2. You earned
128.38/130. Your turn it in was 3 % which was very good.
White Group I am super excited to see the next Phase of your

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  • 1. 1 Product Development Process Product Development Process New Product Development Process (NPD) Stages First, the new product development (NPD) process begins with generating an idea. This process was accomplished when the group brainstormed various ideas for an innovative product. Organizations can use the internal and external idea sources to recognize a product need. Internal ideas can be generated from Research and Development (R&D) and also from organizational members. External idea sources are generated from distributors, suppliers, and competitors. The customers are the most important external source because the NPD process is designed to focus on building customer value. The second step in the
  • 2. NPD process is idea screening which involves the group evaluating each innovative idea. The group selected the Solar- powered charger as the innovative product to be implemented (Claessens, 2015). In addition, the third step in the NPD process is concept development and testing of the Solar-powered charger. The product concept is a descriptive version of the new product idea and defines how it will benefit the customer. Some possible product concepts that can be used for the Solar-powered charger are making the product affordable for all consumers to be used while traveling on-the-go. The product should be eco-friendly, durable, and convenient. The Solar-powered charger will help to save energy and be more efficient for customer use. The product should be tested using a small group of target customers to determine how they view the value of the product. Customers will provide feedback on the product through surveys, questions, or an online website. Furthermore, the fourth step is to introduce the product into the market using the marketing mix which is product, price, place, and promotion. The product is the Solar-powered charger which will target consumers of all ages and individuals who are always traveling and need a reliable source to charge their mobile devices. This product will be cost-efficient and can be found in local convenience stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and other electronic stores along with being available via an online website. The promotion of the product could be placing advertisements on television, in magazines, on billboards, or simply through word-of-mouth. Additionally, the fifth step is to measure the business attractiveness of the Solar-powered charger. There will be a review of sales, costs, and profit projections to determine whether the organizational goals are being met with the product. The product meets the set objectives so it can be moved to the sixth step which is the product development stage (Claessens, 2015). Once the Solar-powered charger passes the business test, it is time to create a physical product that can be tested for
  • 3. safety and effectiveness. Customers can test the product and provide valuable feedback to determine if the product is a worthwhile investment. The seventh step is test marketing where the Solar- powered charger can undergo test marketing before it is officially introduced to the public. This step allows the organization to test the product using the marketing mix before making a decision to fully invest in the product. The final step is for the organization to launch the Solar-powered charger. This process is called commercialization which simply means introducing the product into the market. Some factors to consider before the product is commercialized are when and where to launch. The main focus of the NPD process is building excellent customer value. Once this is accomplished the Solar- powered charger can be successful within the market (Claessens, 2015). References Claessens, M. (2015). The new product development process (NPD) – Obtain new products. Principles of Marketing explained: Marketing-Insider, 1-4. Retrieved from https://
  • 4. 1 Running head: PHASE 1: PROPOSING, EVALUATING, AND SELECTING INNOVATION 9 PHASE 1: PROPOSING, EVALUATING, AND SELECTING INNOVATION Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting Innovation Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting Innovation Innovation is a key asset in the success of a company or product. It allows people to express their creativity and unique ideas with the world. Innovation is used to help companies produce products for the consumer that are successful in the marketplace and stand out among competitors. With the world constantly changing around us, it is important for companies to accept and adapt to change by embracing innovation in their workplace. Each team member of the White Group has created an outstanding innovation that they have found useful in today’s market. The evaluations of the Hands-Free Device, Pre-Safety Warning Device, Solar Power Charger, Boundaries, and Swap International Application, along with its advantages, disadvantages, and challenges will be used to select the
  • 5. innovation idea that will be implemented. After the evaluations were completed the group selected Natalia’s Solar Power Charger and will use the need, options, market, model, approachable, and relevant (NOMMAR) model to evaluate this innovative idea. Hands-free Device and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good work, please check APA margins. Today around the globe, there are restrictions of using phones while driving. In many states it is mandatory to only use a headphone or Bluetooth to talk while driving or a ticket will be issued. Bluetooth was created so people can make phone calls while driving without the need of using their hands because it projected through the speakers. Bluetooth was a successful innovation because it is easy to use and very comfortable while keeping hands on the wheel while driving. It decreased accidents and improved public safety. On the other hand, earphones are another option but it is not practical since the wires get tangled. Next, it takes time to place the earphones in one’s ears when receiving calls. Last, it is uncomfortable to use. But what if the car is not capable of using Bluetooth since it is not equipped by the manufacturer? This is where Hands-free comes handy. Hands-free works like Bluetooth for cars that cannot use the Bluetooth device due to the lack of equipment from its creators. It is a small device that can plug into the phone and it will connect the phone wirelessly to the radio, and the phone conversation will be heard through the car speakers. Hands-free can be used by any smartphone. It can be used as a Bluetooth in all vehicles as long as the vehicles have wireless capabilities. It is easy to use and a comfortable way to use the phone while driving. One way for evaluating an early innovation is the NOMMAR model. This evaluation model consists of six criteria’s: Need, Options, Market, Model, Approachable, Relevant (Terwilliger, 2011). Hands-free is a need for people who have cars that cannot have Bluetooth. Hands-free will have the technology of including and transforming the music from the cellphone to the
  • 6. car. The market is full of cars that are manufactured before the creation of Bluetooth. Therefore, there is a demand for the product. The product comes in limited color options to match the smartphone available on the market. With the right technology team, Hands-free can come to life. The price should be less than Bluetooth and the product can be accessible for everyone who wants to follow the law and protect themselves and their loved ones while driving. Pre-Warning Safety Device and the Lean Startup Plan Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good work. Next time shorten headings. These are too long. Each year there are many adults and children who have been seriously injured or tragically lost their lives due to a driver backing up and not being able to see them. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), children 5 years and younger and adults 70 years and older have an increased risk of being involved in backover accidents in comparison to the entire population. NHTSA statistics show that in “backover fatalities involving passenger vehicles, children under 5 account for 44 percent of the fatalities, and adults 70 and older account for 33 percent” (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 2008, p. 15). Backing fatalities occur mostly in driveways, along with other residential areas, public roadways, and nonresidential parking lots (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 2008). Back over accidents have become a significant issue due to the injuries and fatalities. However, due to the advancement in technology there are solutions to address this problem. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Should be two words. Watch grammar. Presently, some vehicles are equipped with rear cameras and sensors while others are not. Unfortunately, rear cameras and sensors are not sufficient enough to prevent drivers from having tragic backover accidents. Therefore, my idea is to invent an audio pre-warning safety device that will make drivers aware that they should inspect their vehicle’s surroundings prior
  • 7. to backing up out of a driveway or residential area. This device will be an audio warning that will sound and display in the dashboard once the vehicle is turned on. This device will alert the driver to check the surroundings of the vehicle before putting it in the reverse position. The sound will continue until the driver determines that his or her path is clear. The best evaluation tool to use for this innovation is the Lean Startup Plan which allows an individual to create and manage a startup and get a much needed product to the consumer quickly. This approach will provide for the opportunity to build, measure, and learn the product. Also, it can establish order by providing resources to test the product or service regularly. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Should be two words. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs before which In fact, the evaluation results show that there is an urgent need for this innovation because there have been several injuries and deaths due to back over accidents (The Lean Startup, nod). The advantages of the audio pre-warning safety device will reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities caused by back overs and save lives. Drivers will be able to know exactly what is behind their vehicle. The drawback is that drivers who may be in a hurry to reach their destination will not take the extra time needed to inspect their vehicle’s surroundings. The challenge of this innovation would be getting drivers use to the change and the device itself. Drivers will need to be more aware of their surroundings and pay close attention while backing out of their driveway or residential area. Ultimately, this device will ensure the safety of everyone who operates or comes into contact with a vehicle. Solar Power Charger and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good work, should be written in third person. Innovation is important when being creative in the ever- changing world. The innovation idea that I came up with is a solar power charger. Technology has become such a huge part of the world today. Everything in the world revolves around using technology. With advancement in technology there are
  • 8. issues with batteries draining rather quickly. When batteries are drained it causes an increase in electricity usage. The increases in electricity puts a lot of strain on the national grid which provides electricity to the United States. With the world trying to go greener, why not invent a solar power charger. Solar power has become increasingly popular in the world today. There are solar power lights, solar power houses, etc. The solar power charger allows a person to charge their phone, tablet, and laptop anywhere they go. People are not always able to connect to an outlet to charge their device because they are on the go. With the solar power charger, it is portable and small enough to fit anywhere. Best of all it does not require electricity to use. This reduces cost and power on the National Grid. The best way to evaluate this innovation would be through NOMMAR. The need is there, people need to charge their devices and are not always able to connect to an outlet, and this innovation will eliminate any inconvenience the typical outlet provides. With increase in technology usage, the market for a portable solar power charger will increase and provide more convenience for people on the go. Providing different models for different needs will allow the product to be relevant to all people in the market. Different colors and styles will catch the eyes of all different types of people and allow them to purchase one based on their personality type. Pricing plays a vital role in whether the market for a product such as this will be successful. The price for this product should be appealing to everyone. Because it is designed to reduce cost, the price should not be extremely high because this would defeat the purpose and turn people off to the idea of purchasing the product. Also with going green, people believe this lifestyle is out of reach because it will be more expensive. This stereotype should be eliminated to allow people the opportunity to give back to the Earth with an eco-friendly device. Boundaries and NOMMAR Comment by Synovia Dover- Harris: Good work, should be written in third person. Consider when wanting to go to grab a cup of coffee or a beer
  • 9. with a friend, maybe even looking for a little low key live music but there is a dilemma of having to bring children. It is not appropriate to bring children to a bar for too long. Also, having the children sit at a coffee shop for an extended period of time will only result in whining and boredom, so what can be done about this issue? I have come up with an innovative idea to open an establishment that can entertain both children and adults. The innovative idea is a coffee and beer barn called Boundaries. The establishment would serve only the best local beers on tap and local wines as well. Boundaries will bring the most eclectic and desirable coffee creations along with a regular cup of coffee for those who are not as open to change and new ideas. The barn would be two levels having a stage for only small time and upcoming local artists who can come and showcase their musical talents. This will set the backdrop for a soothing and enjoyable adult day or night time out. The center of the barn is where the children will play and enjoy themselves. There would be an enclosed glass play area for all children. An area to run and play with the parent’s ability to see what is going on while still sitting and enjoying themselves at a table listening to great live music. There will be a menu for children and adults to select house created sandwiches and soups along with the staple items children love such as pastries, donuts, and ice cream. This simple setting allows the parents or adults to get in some good conversation and relaxation while ensuring the children have space to wear themselves out and in turn have fun in their own regard. The business model that best suits the innovation is NOMMAR. This business model focuses on the customer and their need. With advancement in technology, this will ensure someone can meet the needs that in turn someone will be willing to pay for. When looking at the shell of the idea it is a concept that absolutely can be accomplished and someone can do it. Looking at numbers and logic the plan would flourish. This innovation will use the three R’s, look for resources, examine the risks, and
  • 10. take into account any resistance. The final thing is its relevance. Is this idea relevant to what society and the public wants in today’s ever changing world? Yes it is. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good section. Too Long headings here and throughout. Swap International Application and NOMMAR Revolutionizing how people sell and/or buy items by connecting traveling buyers and sellers with items they do not want to take back to their home or take with them while travelling. Upon my last travel to Italy I bought an adapter for all of my electronic devices. I was tempted to bring an additional suitcase for all of my souvenirs but decided against it because I did not want to travel with it. When I got to Italy, my curling iron worked, but my straightener did not. Also, I bought so many souvenirs and had to purchase an additional piece of luggage in order to bring everything back. These minor setbacks had me thinking… I wish there was an Offer Up type application for travelling products only that was not bogged down with cars, sofas, tires, and any other junk that was not relevant to travel. It would be nice to be able to buy and sell travel items like curling irons, suitcases, umbrellas, or other small items that are needed in the place of travel for a fraction of the price, especially if people are only going to use it for a short period of time. The application that I would create would be advertised on travel websites like Expedia,, Orbitz, etc. and would be free to users. Travelers from around the globe would be able to use this application if they did not want to bring specific items to wherever they are travelling. When someone forgets something they would be able to purchase a used item from someone close to them for a cheap price. When I went to Italy one euro was worth $1.15. If I wanted to buy the straightener with the proper adapter, it would have cost me 70 euros, or $80.50. I would have loved to have known about an Offer Up application, or if it was in existence, utilized it, and bought this straightener used, and sold it to the next traveler. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs after something.
  • 11. Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Comma belongs after Italy. The best model to use for this innovation is the NOMMAR model. This model is used to ask questions to see if the innovation is worth the investment. Is there a need for this application? Are there existing options and technology similar to this application? Is there a potential market for the application? Will someone pay to use the application? Can this realistically be one? Are there resources to create this application? Is it worth the risk? Will there be any resistance when making this application? Is this app relevant? Does it fit with the strategy and image the company is going for? (Terwilliger, 2011). The results are there is a need for the application. Recent travel abroad brought this to fruition. There are similar applications like International Swap, but they are more local. If one is traveling abroad, how are they to know about the local Offer Up? With the application being marketed on travel websites, it is easier for a traveler to know about. The market is most definitely there, with millions of people travelling worldwide and it is relevant to every age, sex, and person that is travelling abroad. The hardest part of implementing the application would be the funding and how it will be marketed appropriately on websites. Another issue would be language translation, since it will be worldwide. Selected Innovation/Challenges Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good work, too much spacing between the heading and the paragraph. The selected innovation idea for the project is Natalia’s solar power charger. One innovation that has shown to be successful is solar power. It has been becoming increasingly more popular, being used for homes and businesses alike. The group would like to introduce the idea of the solar power charger. This device will allow anyone with a phone, laptop, or tablet to charge their device anywhere they go. This will alleviate having to be in a car or facility to charge devices.
  • 12. Knowing that the sun is in abundance it is guaranteed that the devices will always have a charge. While the solar power charger is charging the phone all day it will ensure the device can be used at night. This innovative idea is beneficial for society as a whole. The solar power charger would take strain off of the national grid, and will most definitely save people time and money. The product will allow the user to be on their device for long periods of time without having to stop and charge the device. Streaming music and videos will not drain the battery because the solar power charger is constantly keeping the device charged. When considering the cost of this product the consumer will see the benefit right away. Consider not having to replace chargers due to rust from condensation or bad connections. The pieces tend to bend and the charge itself sometimes can tend to damage the phone. There will be no more worrying about sparks that cause fires or the phone being compromised in a storm. The solar power charger is a one-time purchase that will give the user a lifetime of battery charge. The product will come in fun colors and different sizes for all types of devices. Users can personalize the solar power charger and watch as it saves the planet one charger at a time. During the innovation process, it is important to evaluate an idea to determine its feasibility. The solar power charger was evaluated using the NOMMAR model. This is a six decision model that is used as a criterion for evaluating innovative ideas. The NOMMAR model is an acronym for Needs, Options, Model, Market, Approach, and Relevance (Kerka, Kriegesmann, & Schwering, 2009). The need relates to the market gap. It fulfills the benefits that consumers do not get from existing similar products. Solar power chargers come with sustainable benefits of providing cheap and accessible power that would otherwise be expensive if consumers adopt electric chargers. The option brings in the idea of available technology that can be used to develop the idea, while the NOMMAR model analyzes the business model that can be used to implement the idea. The market evaluates the available buyers, the approach evaluates
  • 13. the method of idea development, and the relevance analyzes how realistic the idea is. Therefore, this model analyzes various aspects of the idea to determine whether it is wise to implement it. The result of the innovative idea are it takes care of a certain need. The need for solar chargers was identified as the demand for increased use of renewable energy. Most chargers use electricity which is produced using non-renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels. Therefore, the production of these chargers helps to meet this need. It is a worthy innovation because it takes care of the cost incurred by the customers and also promotes environmental conservation. The technology options for the development of solar chargers are already in existence. Solar energy has existed for many decades and there is information on its technology available from many sources. The producers of the chargers will not have a hard time coming up with new technology to develop the chargers. There is a model for the business of these chargers. Once they are produced, they will be marketed based on the advantages they have over the conventional chargers. These can be used in any place regardless of access to electricity, the energy can be saved to be used at night, and they do not have to be attached to a socket to work. The approach for the innovation is realistic. There is likely to be low resistance from the customers because of the need to have a charger that is portable and can be used where there is no access to electricity. Lastly, after evaluating this idea, it was found that it is very relevant and has a high rate of feasibility. While the product idea is convincingly sustainable, there are some challenges that could affect its development. Solar power chargers will rely on solar power and, therefore, will be subject to weather variations. For instance, regions that will have longer winters with little sun energy may not favor the development and adoption of the product. Another challenge is solar power chargers will not have the ability to store power for a long time compared to conventional electric power chargers.
  • 14. Phase 2 Project Plan Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good implementation plan. The White Group team members are Nada Masri, Priscilla Jackson, Natalia Cruz, Michele Hayes, & Jessica Cisneros who created and developed a plan for a new product management process of the selected innovation. All team members are responsible to write 450-500 words about a product development process and creating a new idea while using APA style in-text citations for every phase of this three phase project. Each member is also accountable for writing a summary of 25-30 words description of the innovation and a name for the product. The team leader is Nada. She is responsible for providing job assignments for team members to choose from. Nada will communicate with the group to ensure that each team member has a clear understanding of their responsibility. She will set due dates for each phase and establish effective time management for the team. Also, Nada will create organizational charts, process maps, and graphic illustrations of the plan. Nada will submit the final paper for the group project. Natalia is responsible for creating a name for her innovation idea with a brief description. Her responsibility is to write 250- 300 words introduction for each assignment. Phase 1 is due June 28th and Phase 2 is due July 20th. Michele chose to write about the selected idea. This includes 400-500 words explaining the product and the demand of this particular innovation, including the innovation model used to promote the product due June 29th. On Phase 2 she will describe the value of the product and the customer’s needs by July 20th. Jessica has also chose to write about the innovative idea. She will list the drawbacks and challenges associated with the idea due June 28th. Phase two will include a detailed implementation plan for the innovation due July 20th. Priscilla is in charge of proofreading and editing the assigned work by her fellow group members. She will send the final result to the team leader by Friday June 30th. Phase 2 is due July 21st and she will take the lead in the PowerPoint
  • 15. presentation due July 28th. Conclusion Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Comment by Synovia Dover-Harris: Good conclusion. Finally, innovation is a major component to an organization or product success. Individuals are able to express their creativity and unique ideas worldwide. Innovation can assist organizations in creating successful customer products within the market and set them apart from the competition. All team members developed exceptional innovation ideas that can be beneficial within the market. After evaluations of all the ideas the group selected Natalia’s solar power charger. The innovation was evaluated using the NOMMAR model. This exceptional device will be very useful for customers who are traveling and are always on the go. References Kerka, F., Kriegesmann, B., & Schwering, M. G. (2009). Evaluating innovation ideas: a comprehensive approach to New Product Development. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 5(2), 118-137. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
  • 16. (2008). Fatalities and Injuries in Motor Vehicle Backing Crashes (DOT HS 811 144). Retrieved from 144 Ries, E. (n.d.). The Lean Startup Methodology, 1. Retrieved from http://theleanstartup. com/principles Terwilliger, J. (2011, April 5). Two models for evaluating early innovation . Retrieved from The innovation blog: blog/bid/54707/Two-models-for-evaluating-early-innovation Terwilliger, J. (2011). Two models for evaluating early innovation. Creative Realities Inc., 1-3. Retrieved from blog/bid/54707/Two- models-for-evaluating-early- innovation White Group thanks for submitting Phase 1 of the CLC assignment. Please see rubric for allocated points. During Phase 1, each one of you were required to submit your own idea for an innovation along with a model you found useful for evaluating its merits. Your group members were Nada Masri, Priscilla Jackson, Natalia Cruz, Michele Hayes, & Jessica Cisneros. You all worked hard to develop a new product you saw a need for, evaluated your idea with a known method, and proposed the idea to the group and based on the proposals; you have selected the idea proposed by Natalia. Which was the solar power charger utilizing the NOMMAR model system (good choice). You were also required to write a report of 1,500-2,500 words that describes the team’s selection process and identifies the final choice the report must contain the required components (Great work). White Group you provided the project plan as required and summary required. This paper was supposed to be
  • 17. created utilizing the APA guidelines, and you did a very good job here, but your margins are incorrect and please shorten your headings. Please see the Student Success Center for APA margins so everything falls correctly on your documents. Overall, you did really well, but make sure you use spell and grammar check before submission of phase 2. You earned 128.38/130. Your turn it in was 3 % which was very good. White Group I am super excited to see the next Phase of your Project.