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Chaotic Transitions
   How today’s trends will affect
tomorrow’s information environment
          Marshall Keys, Ph.D.
            MDA Consulting
      POB 534 Nantucket MA 02554
Environmental scanning for libraries
   and information organizations
     And what do I see out there?
Some common issues
   Globalization      Ubiquitous Technology

  Personalization     Intellectual Property

Demographic changes        Community
Cutting to the chase

Where I would conclude if you
  were librarians, almost
Libraries have new populations
                to serve
Some of whom don’t know about what they
Some of whom can’t access what they do
Some of whom don’t care about what they
Libraries haven’t got any money
• All kinds of things are appearing on the
  horizon that will cost money,
• And vendors cannot, will not, and should
  not provide products or services at
  unsustainable prices or they will go out of
• “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Libraries have a huge investment
           in the status quo
Libraries have huge investments – human
  and financial – in technologies that are not
  at the cutting edge
Libraries are rule-bound organizations in a
  society with little respect for limits
Libraries are professionally committed to
  levels of privacy that nobody else cares
Libraries are committed to places,
              not to missions

• Blockbuster vs Netflix
• Borders vs Amazon
• Building libraries as civic monuments
• Central libraries vs everybody else:
  Walgreens, CVS, Starbucks, and Bank of
• Upper West Side
Libraries are committed to a medium,
             not a message
Libraries remain identified with print when
  the world can
  – view DVD’s in their cars
  – carry their music and video collections in their
  – Search databases and view videos on their
    cell phones
Does the American Medical Association
 have a “Center for the Stethoscope” as
 libraries have a “Center for the Book”?
Our content providers
          are caught between

• Complete disregard of any concept of
  intellectual property among the young
• Growing reluctance of content creators to
  work within the established model (PLOS,
  preprint servers, blogs)
• Reluctance of major customers to accept
  the dominant business model
Why is this happening,
what does it mean to you, and
 what can be done about it?
A bit of theory: chaotic transitions

                      Theodore Modis
                      Predictions, 1992
Chaotic transitions for
         libraries and publishers
• No dominant technological model
  – What are the tools that people will use to
    access knowledge?
• No dominant business model
  – How will content be distributed and paid for?
• No dominant intellectual model
  – What is a library in 2006? What will it be in
    2016? What will scholarly publishing be in
Why these issues matter

“Successful organizations share “a powerful
understanding of what rapid social and
economic change mean for consumers’
needs and wants.”

              Nancy Koehn, Brand New, 2002
Assumptions and questions
• The future of libraries/publishers depends on
  their ability to meet the emerging needs of users.
• Who will those users be?
• What are their emerging needs?
• How will these needs differ from traditional
• How can libraries/publishers respond to them?
• Ten year horizon
Changing users:
  “What’s a cassette?”
Young woman to young man on
  the MBTA subway, Boston,
        January, 2002
The blog mentality
• What I think is important
• What I think is important to other people
• Things are important because I think they are
  important: the “whatever” corollary:
• If I don’t think it’s important, it isn’t important
• “Esse est percipi”:
• 51% of Bloggers are between 13 and 19, 90%
  under 30
• Privacy is unimportant; community is important
• Bloggers are your users, your users-to-be, and
  the next generation of professional leaders!
Michael Gorman on the Web
Graphic: Photograph of   "I don't always think
  ALA President             people's opinions are
  Michael Gorman            worth reading," he
                            says. "They should
                            not be published. I
                            really like the filtering
                            that publishers do.
                            You don't publish
                         “What's the Difference Gorman vs.
                           Stripling?” by John N. Berry III –
                           LJ 3/15/2004
And Blaise Cronin,
          Library School Dean
• Graphic: Photograph   “Blogging is CB radio on
  of Blaise Cronin,        steroids. It’s all the rage.
                           The Web has become the
  Indiana University
                           universal soapbox. No
                           voice need be unheard;
                           no whine denied oxygen.
                           It’s the fusion of vanity
                           publishing and the bully
                           pulpit. Every idea, no
                           matter how trite or crazy
                           can see the light of digital
Graphic: New Yorker cartoon of
              daughter addressing father

“You don’t get it, Daddy, because they’re not targeting you!”
Not just Old Geezers:
“Back in the 1980’s,” says Emily Nussbaum,
“When I attended high school, there were

• No cellphones      • No JPEG’s
• No answering       • No digital cameras
  machines           • No file sharing
• No “texting”         software
• No MP3’s           • No Web”
                     “My so-called Blog”, Emily
                       Nussbaum, NYT Magazine
                       Jan 11, 2004
Emerging users, dominant themes
• Community
• Portability
• Personalization
Community: our sort
Every parent’s worst fear

  60,000,000 users worldwide
Suddenly looks benign
Community: Where!
Community: written
Community: visual
Community: indiscreet
Community: multimedia
Community: universal theme
Technology: ubiquitous
• Graphic: young          • Graphic: young
  African American with     bearded man (soul
  mobile phone              patch?) kissing IPod
Ubiquitous technology: TV

Download it and take it with you everywhere
Ubiquitous technology: TV

     Sony                         Slingbox
Connect your cable to the net, and it follows you
Ubiquitous technology: TV
Personalization: Pimp My Ride
Personalization: HGTV
Personalized technology
Personalized technology
Personalization + portable technology
Ridiculous personalized technology
“Branded ubiquity”
• Every one of those items represents an
  attempt to make money by responding to
  and reinforcing a trend.
• The stakes: who will control the
  interaction between gadgets?
• What will libraries/publishers do to
  respond to those trends?
•   Richard Siklos, “Linking a device to a gadget that is wired to a gizmo,” NYT
A deeper look

Parsing the telephone
Buzznet depends on personal and
  personalized communication
The phone up close: personalization
• Download ring tones that sound like the real
  thing ($5 billion in 2005)
• Personalize your phone by saving your own
  pictures as Wallpaper
• Jazz up your phone with full color pictures and
• Interchangeable faceplates let you personalize
  your phone to suit your style
• Marketing message: You are unique even
  though you are just like everyone else
The phone up close:
          information appliance
• Send and receive e-mail
• Send quick notes to your friends using text
• Send and receive AOL Instant Messages
• Look up your horoscope or local
  information on movies, the music scene or
• Marketing message: You are no longer
  tied to old stuff like computers
The phone up close:
         the phone ‘n’ more
• Use your phone as a modem
• Take pictures with the camera and send
  them to any e-mail address or T-mobile
• Marketing message: you are connected to
  your friends through multimedia
• Nowhere does the advertisement mention
  using the phone to talk to people!
Trends: camera phones
                             US camera phone sales
                              2005: 47% of all
                              mobile phones

                             2 for 1 sale in Rich
                               Square, NC (pop 931)

Graphic: Snapshot of young   Why? “Darryl’s first
African American family
                              picture with his new
                              camera phone”
Geoffrey Moore’s Model
 Technology adoption

(Crossing the Chasm, 1991)
Metcalfe’s Law

The value of a communication system grows
 as the approximate square of the number
 of participants
       Robert Metcalfe, inventor of Ethernet
And leads to

              A world of
ubiquitous, multi-media communication
Old: “Everything is on the internet”

New: “Everything is on the phone”
Old: Slingbox

New: Slingplayer Mobile!
Old: internet ready reference

    Old “auction” business model
New: telephone ready reference!

     New: fixed price business model
And now in the USA: for 49 cents!
The predictions business
"Video won't be able to hold on to
 any market it captures after the
 first six months. People will soon
 get tired of staring at a plywood
 box every night."
  - Daryl F. Zanuck, 20th Century Fox, commenting
 on television in 1946
What does it mean to libraries?
• Users for whom the phone is a/the
  primary information appliance
  – Phone interface to local systems and web
    based information resources
  – Reference through text messaging
  – Bandwidth and graphical interface issues
• Users who are willing to pay for
  information – delivered the way they
  want it!
What does it mean to publishers?
New models of acquiring information
                  • Formal resources
                  • Authority
                  • Solitary activity

                  • Peer to peer
                  • Social networks
                  • Being in touch all the time
What does it mean
           to the information industry?
“In Japan, bookstores complain of ''digital
instead of buying magazines, readers snap
    pictures of stories and bulk-forward them to
‘It's like a Napster thing -- anything you see in the
    environment becomes something you can easily
    capture and share.’”
Thompson; see also “Cell phone cams spreading mischief”, Yuri Kageyama, Associated
   Press, July 10, 2003
Chaotic transitions in
intellectual property

           ‘It's like a Napster thing
               -- anything you see in
               the environment
               becomes something
               you can easily
               capture and share.’
Industry responds with lawsuits

Hackers respond by shutting down RIAA
Courts consistently
    held against copyright holders
• “Canadian court prevents suits against music
• “US court: Software can't commit piracy”
• Until the US Supreme Court!
Kids and the law
• Graphic: girl lighting  • Graphic: young man
  pipe on beach             with 10” spliff
• Graphic: College        • Graphic: two girls
  student smoking           partially dressed with
  “blunt” (hollowed cigar   large marijuana seed
  filled with marijuana)    head
Industry responds with High Tech

• “RIAA uses digital fingerprints and
  metadata" tags embedded within many
  MP3 music files.” Boston Globe, Aug 28,
• Publishers respond with DOI
• MPAA responds with “broadcast flags”

                        Boston Globe, 8/28/9003
Users respond with Low Tech:
“Music CD Swappers Turn to Snail Mail”

“It may be a crime to swap digital music over
   the Internet, but there's no law against
   doing it through the Postal Service.
That's the theory behind La La Media Inc.,
   an Internet start-up that encourages music
   lovers to trade tunes by mail.”
• If it works for Netflix . . . .
•   Hiawatha Bray, Boston Globe May 5, 2006
But it’s moot: Earth Station 5
ES5’s competitive advantage
If not Jenin, then Vanuatu,
      home to Kazaa
But the cat is out of the bag, and
  the medium is the message
And not for the first time

• Graphic: Article on   • Graphic: Synthetic
  “cento” from NY         Cubism. Picasso,
  Times Book Review       “The Guitar,” 1913
But now copyright holders
            are the bad guys!
• Graphic: article from Financial Times
  “Copyright is stifling creativity in America”
And the people to work around

     “Fair use and aggressive offers by
         documentary film makers”
           Elaine Dutka, NYT, Business, May 28, 2006, p.28
A parenthetical digression:
    copyright for scholarly publishing
• What is the real danger at the consumer level?
• Is there enough danger to remain identified with
  the bad guys?
• The Federal Research Public Access Act of
  – If you can’t convince Senators Lieberman and Cornyn
    about the value of the present model, try explaining it
    to Representative Bubba Bilbo
• What are the interests of the creators of
• With ownership comes responsibility:
  – The obligation to preserve
  – The obligation to publish
Chaotic transitions in
         the content business

Elsevier stock price (US ADR’s) over the last ten years
Chaotic transition in business models
And the 800 Pound Gorilla!
Chaotic technology: new stuff
   coming down the road
   New ways to find information
    for new user expectations
        any time, any where, any way

Joseph Turow’s students at Penn see little
  difference between television and the Internet.
They watch ''The O.C.'' on their laptops, at home
  on TiVo and by swapping the show (perhaps
  illegally) through file-sharing.
The coming generation is accustomed to the idea
  of watching or listening to anything on any
  device that's nearby.
Jon Gertner, “Our Ratings, Ourselves” NYT 04/10/2005
Evolving information technology:
     the search for portability

• Wireless networks are the current state
  of the art in library technology
• Ubiquitous (“Ultra-mobile”) computing is
  the next
An idea whose time had not come
New ways 2002
       • Ovid in Hand

       • Innovative’s AirPac
New ways 2006:
Microsoft Origami

“Ultra-mobile computing”
The tyranny of computing models
•   Input           All unified in a
•   Storage          single device:
•   Processor
•   Display
•   Output           laptop,
Distributed computing: input

Laptops add at least four pounds to a backpack. So
  students take notes on hand-held computers with foldout
  keyboards. At Yale Divinity School, Kristen Dunn uses a
  Palm VX and a foldout keyboard. ''It was the best money
  I ever spent in preparing for school.''
“Existential Essentials” by Melanie D.G. Kaplan, NYT, 8/1/04

“Saves you from lugging around a laptop”                       Melissa White,
   MLA, October 2004
Distributed computing: input
              • Siemens VKB
              • Get rid of the
                blankety-blank stylus!
Distributed computing: storage
Distributed computing: storage
Distributed computing: processing
Distributed computing: processing
           Linux for iPod
The issue: size vs rich content

    Graphic: Cartoon “Amazing! A man with a 36” TV screen
    insists on a 3” PDA”

• Rich graphical interfaces versus miniaturization
• Bandwidth versus portability
Distributed computing: display
Distributed computing: display

 Sony Ericsson projection picture phone:
          why carry a screen?
Changing technology

New ways to find information
Old ways: portals
New ways: personalized portals

At RIT . . . about half the students have created
   personalized versions of the [university’s] Web site.
“Students . . . don't go looking to find information. They
   want information brought to them.” Shifted Librarian Feb 12, 2004
Old ways: search engines
New ways: personalized
   search engines
Community: search engine
  with social networking

Community, not privacy is the message!
Community: social bookmarks

      Community, not privacy!
Community: social cataloging
Community: social cataloging
The problem with peer-to-peer
• What if all your friends are stupid,
  uninformed, or have lousy taste in media?
• Suspicions about Google and its algorithm
But the trend is clear: people want
 personalized information access
• Having it their way vs doing it our
• “Lean Consumption” Harvard Business
 Review March, 2005
  – “using technology to reduce time and hassle
    for customers and get them what they want
    when they want it.”
Personalized information access:
           Amazon does it!
• What I looked at before
• What other people looking at the same
  topic have looked at
• What they think about what they looked at
• What else I might like to look at based on
  what I looked at this time
• But what about privacy? What about
And what about privacy?
• Graphic: Menwith       • No expectation of
  Hill, Yorkshire, NSA     privacy because they
  listening station        do not believe that it
                           exists in an electronic
• Graphic: hand with
                         • If I view it or send it,
  surgically inserted
                           they will see it
                         • I don’t care
                         • Bounded rationality
Tomorrow’s users and privacy
• Graphic: photograph    • Graphic: photograph
  of girls behaving        of girls behaving
  badly by flashing at     badly, drinking in
  fraternity party,        underwear in
  posted by friends        residence hall, posted
                           by friends

              Bounded rationality
Evolving technology

New ways to display information
Old Ways: local systems
Old ways: hit lists
New ways: knowledge maps
Knowledge map:
Grokker and Anacubis
“But wait, there’s more!”
          Emerging technology
• Graphic: photograph of a bunch of boys sitting
  around playing computer games

           Life beyond browsers
Beyond browsers
“In 1999 [virtual stores] made no sense. They didn't fit with
   using the Internet through a Web browser. The browser
   was a two-dimensional medium. It still is.

But the world of gamers is generally 3-D. All of a sudden, a
  3-D store doesn't seem like science fiction if the medium
  isn't the browser and the hardware isn't a PC.”
• “2004: Beyond the Browser?” Jack Aaronson January 8, 2004
Beyond the browser meets
community toy: PlayStation 2
              To be everyone’s pal, show
                up at American University
                with a Sony PlayStation
                2, pop in a game, open
                your door and voila! ''It's
                the one thing that made
                my social life significantly
                easier,'' says Steven
                White. ''Crazy Taxi was
                the game to have, or any
                sports game, things
                multiple people can play.”
              “Existential Essentials” by Melanie
                 D.G. Kaplan, NYT, 8/1/04
From toy to tool: Linux for XBox
From toy to tool: PS2 supercomputer

National Center for Supercomputer Applications, the folks
      who brought you MOSAIC, father of Netscape,
              grandfather of Internet Explorer
Ultramobile tool:
             Portable Play Station

Don’t tell Bill, but it looks an awful lot like Origami!
The predictions business
"Who the hell wants to hear actors
   - Harry M. Warner, Warner Bros Pictures, 1927
But what does the library look
           like if
  the medium isn’t a browser and
     the hardware isn’t a PC?
Well, at Appalachian State University,
         they are finding out!
What must libraries/publishers do
  to serve a world in which

• Users expect information to be delivered to
• Users expect technology and interfaces to be
  highly personalized?
• Users care more about convenience and
  community than privacy?
• Users have a new metaphor for computing?
The new user: a wealth of information
      creates a poverty of attention
• Graphic: photo of Charles Lax

Charles Lax is at a conference near LA, but he isn’t all here.
    Out of one ear, he listens to a presentation while he surfs
    on a wireless laptop, occasionally checking his Blackberry
    for e-mail.
 He flew from Boston and paid $2,000 to attend. But he can’t
    unwire himself long enough to give the presenters his
    complete focus.
If he did, he would face a fate worse than lack of productivity:
    he would become bored.
“The Lure of Data,” Matt Richtel, NYT, July 7, 2003
Time to retire?
Some people get it
         “In creating the iPod, Steve
            Jobs has shifted the
            emphasis of Apple from
            what made it famous –
            hip, even lovable
            computers – to what he
            hopes will keep it relevant
            and profitable in the
            future: products for a
             digital way of life.”
         “Oh, Yeah, he also sells computers,” John
             Markoff, NYT, April 25, 2004
“Products for a digital way of life”
• Convergent devices: music, then text,
  then video
• All functions in one appliance
• Personalized
• Portable
• Changing (if not advancing) rapidly
• Right smack in the middle of a chaotic
Some companies get it: BBC
              • Find, Share, Play
              • "BBC iPlayer to offer
                catch-up television up
                to 7 days after
              • Download any
                programme from 8
                BBC channels
              • Watch it on your PC,
                TV set or download to
                your mobile phone to
                watch it when you
                want.“ Lorcan Dempsey’s Blog
                April 30, 2006
Some librarians get it: Susan Kent
                 • “The future for
                   libraries is
                   personalizing service
                   on a customer
                   interest basis.”
                 • “The future focus of
                   technology in libraries
                   will be promoting and
                   delivering content-rich
Some faculty get it:
Paul Hagner, EDUCAUSE
            "It's not our world any more;
                those who grew up on the
                Internet accept
                continuous change and
                turmoil in the technology
                they use, and they expect
                their teachers to keep
            ”Colleges plan for 'digital natives’”, Gary
               Robertson, Richmond Times Dispatch,
The future
• The past: print-centric
• The present: web-centric
• The future: ?-centric
   – Customer focus, not organizational focus
   – Not library technology but user technology
   – What they have, not what we have
   – What they want, not what we want to give them
• We worry about getting computers to the poor
  when we could port the information to their
Don’t tell me about your grass seed,
  when I want to know about my
   Focus on the need of the user, not
     the features of your product!
A library accessible to user technology
• Graphic: photo of boy   • Desk top computer,
  kissing IPod again        Laptop, PDA,
                            Telephone, iPod,
                            even game station
                          • Marketing message:
                            “Any where, any time,
                            any way you want,
                            your library is there”
A library that uses technology
      to offer rich program content:

• Circulation is an outdated measure of service.
• Users who do not come to the library are not a
  – “Treat all students like distance education students”
    Ann Marie Casey, Central Michigan University
• Academic Message: Research from the dorm is
  the norm!
• Public Message: Research from the car or
  wherever you are!
Users have the technology;
     BUT we need to adapt to it
“Designing library services for the PDA”
  Jessica Mussell, Royal Roads University
 A study of possibilities and problems of
  distributing information to distance
  education students via PDA’s
• Lack of content
  outside STM
• E Books the favored
• Poor interfaces
• Only Google Mobile
  looked good
• pdf and image files
  clogged wireless
Do publishers get it?
User preferences: students
• "I go to the library once or twice a week to
  study. If I'm doing research, I sit at home
  and get on my computer. I go to Google.“

• "The journal was hard to read, and it was
  hard to find. . . plus they put four journals
  in one binding and it was really heavy and
  –   “Students check out the Web instead of library” Mary Jane Smetanka, Minneapolis Star Tribune May
      7, 2004
User preferences: faculty
Faculty survey, University of California
  Researchers preferred electronic
  information to paper by 16 to 1 when given
  a choice
• 75% must have electronic information
• 50% must have paper
• They don’t want to come to the library
•   Reported at ALA Toronto in 2003
Notes toward a definition of scholarly
  products for a digital way of life
•       Portable
    –    Always with me
    –    Optimized for portability
    –    designed for small screens
•   Personalized
    –    Multiple platforms; runs on what I brung
    –    Multiple formats: ‘Dr Blank’s’ Sierra Nevada
    –    RSS so it finds me
    –    Links to my past activities
    –    Links to similar materials (“Other people who…”)
Notes toward a definition of scholarly
  products for a digital way of life
•   Promotes community
    –   Connection to other users (community of practice)
    –   Prefer levels of access (newbies, not privacy, the
•   Has critical management features
    –   Facilitates personal file copies
    –   Cut and paste
    –   Tagged for retrieval beyond keyword
    –   Don’t want to go through a proxy server
    –   No pdf ever
Notes toward a definition of scholarly
  products for a digital way of life
• Facilitates discovery
   – Standard search engines as well as indexes and
• Accessible at a reasonable price
• Available direct to user as well as through library
  or membership
   – New income stream, marginally priced
      • cf broadcasters selling shows for IPOD
   – Purchase decision will depend on quality of
     abstracting or on quick views
Technological revolutions
• In the first stage of a technological
  revolution, we automate the old
• In the second stage, we do things
  differently: Google and the advertising
• In the third stage, we do different things:
  simulation, multimedia, community based?
• What’s next for you?

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191 sspp01 keys

  • 1. Chaotic Transitions How today’s trends will affect tomorrow’s information environment Marshall Keys, Ph.D. MDA Consulting POB 534 Nantucket MA 02554
  • 2. Environmental scanning for libraries and information organizations And what do I see out there?
  • 3. Some common issues Globalization Ubiquitous Technology Personalization Intellectual Property Demographic changes Community
  • 4. Cutting to the chase Where I would conclude if you were librarians, almost
  • 5. Libraries have new populations to serve Some of whom don’t know about what they do Some of whom can’t access what they do Some of whom don’t care about what they do
  • 6. Libraries haven’t got any money • All kinds of things are appearing on the horizon that will cost money, • And vendors cannot, will not, and should not provide products or services at unsustainable prices or they will go out of business. • “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
  • 7. Libraries have a huge investment in the status quo Libraries have huge investments – human and financial – in technologies that are not at the cutting edge Libraries are rule-bound organizations in a society with little respect for limits Libraries are professionally committed to levels of privacy that nobody else cares about
  • 8. Libraries are committed to places, not to missions • Blockbuster vs Netflix • Borders vs Amazon • Building libraries as civic monuments • Central libraries vs everybody else: Walgreens, CVS, Starbucks, and Bank of America • Upper West Side
  • 9. Libraries are committed to a medium, not a message Libraries remain identified with print when the world can – view DVD’s in their cars – carry their music and video collections in their pockets – Search databases and view videos on their cell phones Does the American Medical Association have a “Center for the Stethoscope” as libraries have a “Center for the Book”?
  • 10. Our content providers are caught between • Complete disregard of any concept of intellectual property among the young • Growing reluctance of content creators to work within the established model (PLOS, preprint servers, blogs) • Reluctance of major customers to accept the dominant business model
  • 11. Why is this happening, what does it mean to you, and what can be done about it?
  • 12. A bit of theory: chaotic transitions Theodore Modis Predictions, 1992
  • 13. Chaotic transitions for libraries and publishers • No dominant technological model – What are the tools that people will use to access knowledge? • No dominant business model – How will content be distributed and paid for? • No dominant intellectual model – What is a library in 2006? What will it be in 2016? What will scholarly publishing be in 2016?
  • 14. Why these issues matter “Successful organizations share “a powerful understanding of what rapid social and economic change mean for consumers’ needs and wants.” Nancy Koehn, Brand New, 2002
  • 15. Assumptions and questions • The future of libraries/publishers depends on their ability to meet the emerging needs of users. • Who will those users be? • What are their emerging needs? • How will these needs differ from traditional needs? • How can libraries/publishers respond to them? • Ten year horizon
  • 16. Changing users: “What’s a cassette?” Young woman to young man on the MBTA subway, Boston, January, 2002
  • 18. The blog mentality • What I think is important • What I think is important to other people • Things are important because I think they are important: the “whatever” corollary: • If I don’t think it’s important, it isn’t important • “Esse est percipi”: • 51% of Bloggers are between 13 and 19, 90% under 30 • Privacy is unimportant; community is important • Bloggers are your users, your users-to-be, and the next generation of professional leaders!
  • 19. Michael Gorman on the Web Graphic: Photograph of "I don't always think ALA President people's opinions are Michael Gorman worth reading," he says. "They should not be published. I really like the filtering that publishers do. You don't publish maundering.“ “What's the Difference Gorman vs. Stripling?” by John N. Berry III – LJ 3/15/2004
  • 20. And Blaise Cronin, Library School Dean • Graphic: Photograph “Blogging is CB radio on of Blaise Cronin, steroids. It’s all the rage. The Web has become the Indiana University universal soapbox. No voice need be unheard; no whine denied oxygen. It’s the fusion of vanity publishing and the bully pulpit. Every idea, no matter how trite or crazy can see the light of digital day.”
  • 21. Graphic: New Yorker cartoon of daughter addressing father “You don’t get it, Daddy, because they’re not targeting you!”
  • 22. Not just Old Geezers: “Back in the 1980’s,” says Emily Nussbaum, “When I attended high school, there were • No cellphones • No JPEG’s • No answering • No digital cameras machines • No file sharing • No “texting” software • No MP3’s • No Web” “My so-called Blog”, Emily Nussbaum, NYT Magazine Jan 11, 2004
  • 23. Emerging users, dominant themes • Community • Portability • Personalization
  • 26. Every parent’s worst fear 60,000,000 users worldwide
  • 34. Technology: ubiquitous • Graphic: young • Graphic: young African American with bearded man (soul mobile phone patch?) kissing IPod
  • 35. Ubiquitous technology: TV Download it and take it with you everywhere
  • 36. Ubiquitous technology: TV Sony Slingbox Connect your cable to the net, and it follows you everywhere!
  • 44. “Branded ubiquity” • Every one of those items represents an attempt to make money by responding to and reinforcing a trend. • The stakes: who will control the interaction between gadgets? • What will libraries/publishers do to respond to those trends? • Richard Siklos, “Linking a device to a gadget that is wired to a gizmo,” NYT 01/08/06
  • 45. A deeper look Parsing the telephone
  • 46. Buzznet depends on personal and personalized communication
  • 47. The phone up close: personalization • Download ring tones that sound like the real thing ($5 billion in 2005) • Personalize your phone by saving your own pictures as Wallpaper • Jazz up your phone with full color pictures and Wallpaper • Interchangeable faceplates let you personalize your phone to suit your style • Marketing message: You are unique even though you are just like everyone else
  • 48. The phone up close: information appliance • Send and receive e-mail • Send quick notes to your friends using text messaging • Send and receive AOL Instant Messages • Look up your horoscope or local information on movies, the music scene or whatever! • Marketing message: You are no longer tied to old stuff like computers
  • 49. The phone up close: the phone ‘n’ more • Use your phone as a modem • Take pictures with the camera and send them to any e-mail address or T-mobile phone • Marketing message: you are connected to your friends through multimedia • Nowhere does the advertisement mention using the phone to talk to people!
  • 50. Trends: camera phones US camera phone sales 2005: 47% of all mobile phones 2 for 1 sale in Rich Square, NC (pop 931) Graphic: Snapshot of young Why? “Darryl’s first African American family picture with his new camera phone”
  • 51. Geoffrey Moore’s Model Technology adoption (Crossing the Chasm, 1991)
  • 52. Metcalfe’s Law N(N-1) The value of a communication system grows as the approximate square of the number of participants Robert Metcalfe, inventor of Ethernet
  • 53. And leads to A world of ubiquitous, multi-media communication
  • 54. Old: “Everything is on the internet” New: “Everything is on the phone”
  • 56. Old: internet ready reference Old “auction” business model
  • 57. New: telephone ready reference! New: fixed price business model
  • 58. And now in the USA: for 49 cents!
  • 59. The predictions business "Video won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night." - Daryl F. Zanuck, 20th Century Fox, commenting on television in 1946
  • 60. What does it mean to libraries? • Users for whom the phone is a/the primary information appliance – Phone interface to local systems and web based information resources – Reference through text messaging – Bandwidth and graphical interface issues • Users who are willing to pay for information – delivered the way they want it!
  • 61. What does it mean to publishers? New models of acquiring information OLD • Formal resources • Authority • Solitary activity NEW • Peer to peer • Social networks • Being in touch all the time everywhere
  • 62. What does it mean to the information industry? “In Japan, bookstores complain of ''digital shoplifting''; instead of buying magazines, readers snap pictures of stories and bulk-forward them to friends: ‘It's like a Napster thing -- anything you see in the environment becomes something you can easily capture and share.’” Thompson; see also “Cell phone cams spreading mischief”, Yuri Kageyama, Associated Press, July 10, 2003
  • 63. Chaotic transitions in intellectual property ‘It's like a Napster thing -- anything you see in the environment becomes something you can easily capture and share.’
  • 64. Industry responds with lawsuits Hackers respond by shutting down RIAA website!
  • 65. Courts consistently held against copyright holders • “Canadian court prevents suits against music sharers” • “US court: Software can't commit piracy” • Until the US Supreme Court!
  • 66. Kids and the law • Graphic: girl lighting • Graphic: young man pipe on beach with 10” spliff • Graphic: College • Graphic: two girls student smoking partially dressed with “blunt” (hollowed cigar large marijuana seed filled with marijuana) head
  • 67. Industry responds with High Tech • “RIAA uses digital fingerprints and metadata" tags embedded within many MP3 music files.” Boston Globe, Aug 28, 2003 • Publishers respond with DOI • MPAA responds with “broadcast flags” Boston Globe, 8/28/9003
  • 68. Users respond with Low Tech: “Music CD Swappers Turn to Snail Mail” “It may be a crime to swap digital music over the Internet, but there's no law against doing it through the Postal Service. That's the theory behind La La Media Inc., an Internet start-up that encourages music lovers to trade tunes by mail.” • If it works for Netflix . . . . • Hiawatha Bray, Boston Globe May 5, 2006
  • 69. But it’s moot: Earth Station 5
  • 71. If not Jenin, then Vanuatu, home to Kazaa
  • 72. But the cat is out of the bag, and the medium is the message
  • 73. And not for the first time • Graphic: Article on • Graphic: Synthetic “cento” from NY Cubism. Picasso, Times Book Review “The Guitar,” 1913
  • 74. But now copyright holders are the bad guys! • Graphic: article from Financial Times “Copyright is stifling creativity in America”
  • 75. And the people to work around “Fair use and aggressive offers by documentary film makers” Elaine Dutka, NYT, Business, May 28, 2006, p.28
  • 76. A parenthetical digression: copyright for scholarly publishing • What is the real danger at the consumer level? • Is there enough danger to remain identified with the bad guys? • The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006 – If you can’t convince Senators Lieberman and Cornyn about the value of the present model, try explaining it to Representative Bubba Bilbo • What are the interests of the creators of content? • With ownership comes responsibility: – The obligation to preserve – The obligation to publish
  • 77. Chaotic transitions in the content business Elsevier stock price (US ADR’s) over the last ten years
  • 78. Chaotic transition in business models
  • 79. And the 800 Pound Gorilla!
  • 80. Chaotic technology: new stuff coming down the road New ways to find information for new user expectations
  • 81. Ubiquity: any time, any where, any way Joseph Turow’s students at Penn see little difference between television and the Internet. They watch ''The O.C.'' on their laptops, at home on TiVo and by swapping the show (perhaps illegally) through file-sharing. The coming generation is accustomed to the idea of watching or listening to anything on any device that's nearby. Jon Gertner, “Our Ratings, Ourselves” NYT 04/10/2005
  • 82. Evolving information technology: the search for portability • Wireless networks are the current state of the art in library technology • Ubiquitous (“Ultra-mobile”) computing is the next
  • 83. An idea whose time had not come
  • 84. New ways 2002 • Ovid in Hand • Innovative’s AirPac
  • 85. New ways 2006: Microsoft Origami “Ultra-mobile computing”
  • 86. The tyranny of computing models • Input All unified in a • Storage single device: • Processor desktop, • Display • Output laptop, PDA whatever!
  • 87. Distributed computing: input Laptops add at least four pounds to a backpack. So students take notes on hand-held computers with foldout keyboards. At Yale Divinity School, Kristen Dunn uses a Palm VX and a foldout keyboard. ''It was the best money I ever spent in preparing for school.'' “Existential Essentials” by Melanie D.G. Kaplan, NYT, 8/1/04 “Saves you from lugging around a laptop” Melissa White, MLA, October 2004
  • 88. Distributed computing: input • Siemens VKB • Get rid of the blankety-blank stylus!
  • 93. The issue: size vs rich content Graphic: Cartoon “Amazing! A man with a 36” TV screen insists on a 3” PDA” • Rich graphical interfaces versus miniaturization • Bandwidth versus portability
  • 95. Distributed computing: display Sony Ericsson projection picture phone: why carry a screen?
  • 96. Changing technology New ways to find information
  • 98. New ways: personalized portals At RIT . . . about half the students have created personalized versions of the [university’s] Web site. “Students . . . don't go looking to find information. They want information brought to them.” Shifted Librarian Feb 12, 2004
  • 99. Old ways: search engines
  • 100. New ways: personalized search engines
  • 101. Community: search engine with social networking Community, not privacy is the message!
  • 102. Community: social bookmarks Community, not privacy!
  • 105. The problem with peer-to-peer • What if all your friends are stupid, uninformed, or have lousy taste in media? • Suspicions about Google and its algorithm • GIGO?
  • 106. But the trend is clear: people want personalized information access • Having it their way vs doing it our way • “Lean Consumption” Harvard Business Review March, 2005 – “using technology to reduce time and hassle for customers and get them what they want when they want it.”
  • 107. Personalized information access: Amazon does it! • What I looked at before • What other people looking at the same topic have looked at • What they think about what they looked at • What else I might like to look at based on what I looked at this time • But what about privacy? What about ALA?
  • 108. And what about privacy? • Graphic: Menwith • No expectation of Hill, Yorkshire, NSA privacy because they listening station do not believe that it exists in an electronic environment • Graphic: hand with • If I view it or send it, surgically inserted they will see it RFID • I don’t care • Bounded rationality
  • 109. Tomorrow’s users and privacy • Graphic: photograph • Graphic: photograph of girls behaving of girls behaving badly by flashing at badly, drinking in fraternity party, underwear in posted by friends residence hall, posted by friends Bounded rationality
  • 110. Evolving technology New ways to display information
  • 111. Old Ways: local systems
  • 112. Old ways: hit lists
  • 115. “But wait, there’s more!” Emerging technology • Graphic: photograph of a bunch of boys sitting around playing computer games Life beyond browsers
  • 116. Beyond browsers “In 1999 [virtual stores] made no sense. They didn't fit with using the Internet through a Web browser. The browser was a two-dimensional medium. It still is. But the world of gamers is generally 3-D. All of a sudden, a 3-D store doesn't seem like science fiction if the medium isn't the browser and the hardware isn't a PC.” • “2004: Beyond the Browser?” Jack Aaronson January 8, 2004
  • 117. Beyond the browser meets community toy: PlayStation 2 To be everyone’s pal, show up at American University with a Sony PlayStation 2, pop in a game, open your door and voila! ''It's the one thing that made my social life significantly easier,'' says Steven White. ''Crazy Taxi was the game to have, or any sports game, things multiple people can play.” “Existential Essentials” by Melanie D.G. Kaplan, NYT, 8/1/04
  • 118. From toy to tool: Linux for XBox
  • 119. From toy to tool: PS2 supercomputer National Center for Supercomputer Applications, the folks who brought you MOSAIC, father of Netscape, grandfather of Internet Explorer
  • 120. Ultramobile tool: Portable Play Station Don’t tell Bill, but it looks an awful lot like Origami!
  • 121. The predictions business "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" - Harry M. Warner, Warner Bros Pictures, 1927
  • 122. But what does the library look like if the medium isn’t a browser and the hardware isn’t a PC?
  • 123. Well, at Appalachian State University, they are finding out!
  • 124.
  • 127. What must libraries/publishers do to serve a world in which • Users expect information to be delivered to them? • Users expect technology and interfaces to be highly personalized? • Users care more about convenience and community than privacy? • Users have a new metaphor for computing?
  • 128. The new user: a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention • Graphic: photo of Charles Lax Charles Lax is at a conference near LA, but he isn’t all here. Out of one ear, he listens to a presentation while he surfs on a wireless laptop, occasionally checking his Blackberry for e-mail. He flew from Boston and paid $2,000 to attend. But he can’t unwire himself long enough to give the presenters his complete focus. If he did, he would face a fate worse than lack of productivity: he would become bored. “The Lure of Data,” Matt Richtel, NYT, July 7, 2003
  • 130. Some people get it “In creating the iPod, Steve Jobs has shifted the emphasis of Apple from what made it famous – hip, even lovable computers – to what he hopes will keep it relevant and profitable in the future: products for a digital way of life.” “Oh, Yeah, he also sells computers,” John Markoff, NYT, April 25, 2004
  • 131. “Products for a digital way of life” • Convergent devices: music, then text, then video • All functions in one appliance • Personalized • Portable • Changing (if not advancing) rapidly • Right smack in the middle of a chaotic transition!
  • 132. Some companies get it: BBC • Find, Share, Play strategy • "BBC iPlayer to offer catch-up television up to 7 days after broadcast • Download any programme from 8 BBC channels • Watch it on your PC, TV set or download to your mobile phone to watch it when you want.“ Lorcan Dempsey’s Blog April 30, 2006
  • 133. Some librarians get it: Susan Kent • “The future for libraries is personalizing service on a customer interest basis.” • “The future focus of technology in libraries will be promoting and delivering content-rich programming.”
  • 134. Some faculty get it: Paul Hagner, EDUCAUSE "It's not our world any more; those who grew up on the Internet accept continuous change and turmoil in the technology they use, and they expect their teachers to keep up.” ”Colleges plan for 'digital natives’”, Gary Robertson, Richmond Times Dispatch, 5/10/06
  • 135. The future • The past: print-centric • The present: web-centric • The future: ?-centric – Customer focus, not organizational focus – Not library technology but user technology – What they have, not what we have – What they want, not what we want to give them • We worry about getting computers to the poor when we could port the information to their phones
  • 136. Don’t tell me about your grass seed, when I want to know about my lawn! Focus on the need of the user, not the features of your product!
  • 137. A library accessible to user technology • Graphic: photo of boy • Desk top computer, kissing IPod again Laptop, PDA, Telephone, iPod, even game station • Marketing message: “Any where, any time, any way you want, your library is there”
  • 138. A library that uses technology to offer rich program content: • Circulation is an outdated measure of service. • Users who do not come to the library are not a failure: – “Treat all students like distance education students” Ann Marie Casey, Central Michigan University • Academic Message: Research from the dorm is the norm! • Public Message: Research from the car or wherever you are!
  • 139. Users have the technology; BUT we need to adapt to it “Designing library services for the PDA” Jessica Mussell, Royal Roads University ions/jmussell_pda_pres.ppt#10 A study of possibilities and problems of distributing information to distance education students via PDA’s
  • 140. Findings • Lack of content outside STM • E Books the favored application • Poor interfaces • Only Google Mobile looked good • pdf and image files clogged wireless networks
  • 142. User preferences: students • "I go to the library once or twice a week to study. If I'm doing research, I sit at home and get on my computer. I go to Google.“ • "The journal was hard to read, and it was hard to find. . . plus they put four journals in one binding and it was really heavy and inconvenient.“ – “Students check out the Web instead of library” Mary Jane Smetanka, Minneapolis Star Tribune May 7, 2004
  • 143. User preferences: faculty Faculty survey, University of California Researchers preferred electronic information to paper by 16 to 1 when given a choice • 75% must have electronic information • 50% must have paper • They don’t want to come to the library either! • Reported at ALA Toronto in 2003
  • 144. Notes toward a definition of scholarly products for a digital way of life • Portable – Always with me – Optimized for portability – designed for small screens • Personalized – Multiple platforms; runs on what I brung – Multiple formats: ‘Dr Blank’s’ Sierra Nevada Adventure – RSS so it finds me – Links to my past activities – Links to similar materials (“Other people who…”)
  • 145. Notes toward a definition of scholarly products for a digital way of life • Promotes community – Connection to other users (community of practice) – Prefer levels of access (newbies, not privacy, the issue) • Has critical management features – Facilitates personal file copies – Cut and paste – Tagged for retrieval beyond keyword – Don’t want to go through a proxy server – No pdf ever
  • 146. Notes toward a definition of scholarly products for a digital way of life • Facilitates discovery – Standard search engines as well as indexes and catalogs • Accessible at a reasonable price • Available direct to user as well as through library or membership – New income stream, marginally priced • cf broadcasters selling shows for IPOD – Purchase decision will depend on quality of abstracting or on quick views
  • 147. Technological revolutions • In the first stage of a technological revolution, we automate the old processes. • In the second stage, we do things differently: Google and the advertising model • In the third stage, we do different things: simulation, multimedia, community based? • What’s next for you?