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JUNE 2015
We are an unconventional strategy firm that helps clients better
understand today and successfully shape tomorrow. LHBS has
extensive experience & expertise in business development, brand
building and customer experience. The firm works across all major
industries for clients from the FT Global 500, German Mittelstand
and fast growing startups.
This presentation includes some of the most interesting insights
about emerging & shifting consumer behavior and inspiration in the
area of marketing, product and service innovation.
All signs come straight out of our Inspiration-Hub, a digital platform
that tracks changes in people, markets and technology to bring
customized insights and inspiration to your organization.
LHBS Insight & Inspiration Snapshot
$10 US Bill to Feature a Woman
The new $10 bank note in the US will become the first bill to feature a woman. 
The government is taking a step towards valuing the stories of important female leaders by announcing that in 2020 it will include a female portrait on its currency
bills. Previously, all the women featured on the American currency were only present on a dollar coin. The use of them was not widespread as they the circulation of
$1 coins in the US is very limited. It is not yet known who will the lady be— the Treasury Department is currently asking US citizens for their suggestions via social
Barbie's First Flats
The famous Barbie has just received its first ever pair of flats.
The new Barbie doll will have movable ankles which will allow her to change from the usual heels into more comfortable flat shoes. Previously all Barbies had
permanently pointed toes— even the scientist and snowboard Barbie—which resulted in the doll being able to wear heels at all times. Additionally, the latest doll
series comes with eight new skin tones, diverse facial sculpts, and various types and colors of hair and eyes. The new series is a welcomed change amongst the
growing scrutiny on the lack of diversity and gendered expectations of toys. Recently, many studies are attempting to increase parents and companies awareness on
how the dolls that young girls play with change their body image, as well as impact the girls' confidence later in life. 
Nearly All Americans Binge View TV
According to a study made by TiVo, 92% of respondents admitted to bing-view TV content at some point in the last year. 
In the study, “Binge viewing” is defined as watching more than 3 episodes of a TV show in one day— and it seems that nearly all Americans are doing it. It seems that
those who participated in the survey did all the watching in one place— Netflix. The most binge-watched series were House of Cards and Unbreakable Kimmy
Schmidt. There are some downsides, however. 31% of the respondents admitted to losing sleep because of the binge watching habit and 37% said that they have
spent an entire weekend binge watching a show. 
Gen Z and Gender Attitudes
A JWT study shows the progressive views on gender and sexual orientation of Generation Z. 
The advertising agency J. Walter Thompson has surveyed a sample of Generation Z in the US and the UK (teens aged 12 to 19) and found that 82% of teens say that
“they do not care about other people’s sexual orientation”. 81% of them agrees that gender does not define a person as much as it used to and “traditional” female
versus male stereotypes are outdated and not valid for them. Comparing with Millennials, 88% of Gen Z admits to feel braver with exploring their own sexuality. The
majority of teens across the UK and the US holds strongly positive views on same-sex marriage and believes everyone should have the right to wed. Only 7% of UK
teens disagreed with this statement. 
Rising Numbers of Teens Coding
The numbers of teens that enroll for extra coding courses is increasing. 
The short and difficult programs include evening coding schools or intense programming boot camps where students learn to build their own websites, programs or
design mobile apps. On the courses there are no certificates— the only thing you graduate with is the program or website you coded. According to website Course
Report, the number of young students that graduated from these short programs jumped from 7,000 in 2014 to 16,000 in 2015. Tech industry becomes one of the
most reliable when it comes to employment and high starting salaries. 
Is “Play” the Future of Retail?
Psychologists agree that play has the same benefits for adults, as it has for children. Innovative retailers increasingly use the "play" concept in the
store experience design.
Playing is considered a fun activity that accelerates learning, but also one that creates an emotional connection to the world. Adults do not get the chance to play
very often, but it is not because they do not want to— the instinct never dies. Rather, we have less time for play; and there are different expectations put on us.
Retailers, however, are starting to recognize this gap and increasingly provide adults with countless opportunities to play. Combining retail with these interactive
attractions and entertainment stimulates the senses. In addition, the interaction with tangible objects in a physical space—as opposed to a virtual one— creates a
more memorable experience that can increase the value of retail stores over their e-commerce rivals. 
Small-Talk Gender Gap
Researchers from German and American Universities have conducted a study on how the outcome of business negotiation changes when men or
women engage in a small-talk beforehand.
Chitchat about the weather and other non-work related things in a professional setting can increase the social capital and boost the bargaining power— but only for
men. The researchers found that following a short conversation, men were found to be: “more likable and cooperative,” they got a higher “relational satisfaction
score” and thus were “more likely to be selected for future negotiations”. When it came to women having a small-talk before the meeting, there was no positive
impact on the outcome of the negotiation. The reason behind is that women are stereotypically seen as social and talkative— a chitchat is more or less expected.
Men, however, are seen as less communal and concerned about others, which actually works in their favor. By breaking the stereotype of being “all about business,”
they are benefiting more from the conversation. 
Media Consumption
According to the Media Consumption Forecasts report by ZenithOptimedia, the average global individual media consumption stands at 8 hours a
day, making a half of our waking day spent consuming media.
The Internet consumption is growing the fastest and increased 12% globally this year and the amount of time people spend using the internet has doubled since
2012. Smartphones were the fastest accelerators of this trend, giving people connectivity everywhere they want. Television still dominates the global media use,
though it is quickly losing their shares to the digital devices. Newspapers saw the largest drop and the average reading time is down by 27%.
Millennials Fear Phone Calls
Despite the inseperable relationship between millennials and their phones, it has been often noted that they are adverse to making and receiving
phone calls.
Millennials' "fear" of the phone may be a lack of experience in making phone calls. As email, SMS, and instant messaging has defined the generation's communication
style, many see phone calls an invasive way of getting in touch with someone. Others feel it puts them on the spot, and they want control over how and when they’d
like to be reached. While they might not like to talk on them, over 80 percent of Millennials have been found to sleep with their smartphones, according to the
Millennial Generation Research Review. 
This part includes three chapters with inspirational examples in the
areas of:
•  Marketing Innovation
•  Product innovation
•  Service innovation
LHBS Inspiration
Patrón's VR Tour
In a high-tech version of brand storytelling, the tequila brand has rigged a 360-degree VR camera to a drone in order to show off its Hacienda
The virtual reality experience gives viewers the perspective of the brand's mascot, a bee, as it travels over the headquarters, giving a breathtaking, inside look at the
tequila production process, from the agave fields and through the distillery and the bottling plant. The tour highlights the artisanal process of Patrón manufacturing
that has resisted more modern manufacturing processes in favor of tradition and quality. The "Art of Patrón Virtual Reality Experience" has been rolled out to Patrón
events, while a 360-degree web experience is online and also available for fans with their own VR devices.
Paul McCartney sells LINE Sound Stickers
Paul McCartney became the first western musician to sell sound stickers within the Japanese messaging app.
McCartney's official Line profile currently has nearly 11 million followers, which not only makes him one of the most popular artists on the messaging platform, but
also the former Beatle's biggest presence on social media globally. The new set of stickers includes a collection of 24 images that fans download in order to paste into
conversations with friends. The singer recorded several phrases in both English and Japanese, and the sound stickers are combined with 24 illustrated emoji-like
stickers that convey various expressions. The release was timed with McCartney's latest tour of Japan and the stickers are available for 100 virtual coins
(approximately 2€) in LINE's in-app store.
IKEA Meatball Tasters
For the launch of the its location in Sydney, IKEA asked its customers to fantastically design the new store.
The crowdsourced campaign took the form of videos to highlight the creative side of the customers, who designed jobs such as the "Ultimate IKEA Assembler" who
sets the world records for assembling the flatpack furniture, the "Comfort Coordinator" who tests all the bedding and pillows, and a "Meatball Tester" who would
sample Swedish meatballs all day long. 
Thalys Sounds of the City
International high-speed train operator Thalys has deployed three interactive billboards which encourage travel by letting passersby experience
the sounds of another city.
The experiential marketing campaign installed the interactive billboard maps in Amsterdam, Paris, and Brussels. The maps contained more than 1000 sounds from
other nearby cities that are served by Thalys's network, which passersby could experience by simply plugging their headphones into one of the billboard's 1000
headphone jacks. By capturing the sound identities of these various cities, Thalys gave those who encountered the outdoor ads a chance to discover a new city via its
unique soundscape. 
Nivea's UV-Sensitive Doll
In order to spread awareness of the dangers of the sun to kids, Nivea has created a doll that can, like us, get burnt from too much sun. 
The Nivea doll is made of UV-sensitive material so the dolls skin turns red, or "burns", if it is not first covered in sunscreen before taken out into the sun. The logic
behind the campaign is that if the children see first-hand what their parents have told them about the dangers of the sun, they will be more willing to make sure they
are protected with sunscreen. Nivea produced a video spot to detail the campaign as it was deployed to the sunny of beaches of Brazil, showing off the doll as a
clever way of taking the raising of awareness from screen and print ads onto the sand. 
Ballantine's Instagram Magazine
Following the trend of innovative branded content appearing on Instagram, Ballantine's is appealing to the platform's whisky drinkers with a new
Instagram-only "magazine."
The Ballantine's magazine– called "W"– leverages the Instagram grid collage so users can scroll down to read the profile page like it is a print publication or website.
Users who wish to learn more about a specific feature can tap on the image which will allow them to delve deeper into the content. The magazine deploys the grid
collage in both portrait and landscape view, so that readers can enjoy various infographics, design features, and photos in both layouts. 
The Imagination Machine
S7 Airlines has developed a headset that literally read the minds of shoppers at a busy Moscow mall, and charted their dream destinations through
a computer simulation.
The headset read participants' brainwaves through EEG sensors to read their minds and simulate the flight path from Moscow to their dream destinations on a 2
meter globe projected onto a huge screen. Each participant was given 45 seconds to make it to their destination. The more focused they were, the faster the plane
flew– in real time– around the 3d projection-mapped globe. Those whose plane landed in their dream destination within 45 seconds were given a prize of a ticket to
fly there, courtesy of S7. Out of 250 participants, 49 were successful. Those who weren't were awarded a consolation prize of 5,000 air miles.
Adidas Opens Football Center
In hopes to deepen its connection with grassroots football players, Adidas is opening its first urban football center.
The hub is based in Berlin, and is being poised to offer a grassroots location for local youth to play football. The brand is working with a group of 35 young people–
who they are calling "Club of 35"– to gauge the needs and preferences for the modern player, and the brand has shaped the design of the center around their
feedback. For the site's grand opening, the brand is hosting a tournament for young local players– marking the street-level approach that Adidas is taking towards
football marketing. The modernization of the football pitch comes at a time when Adidas is also starting from scratch on their football boot line, in what they are
calling "a complete football reset." Along with the new football center, Adidas will be doing over 30 local events in virtually every major city this summer as part of
their "Be the Difference" campaign, which aims to get the attention of sportswear consumers through disruptive, engaging, and emotive marketing.
Coca-Cola Personalizes Twitter Ads
As it brings back the "Share a Coke" campaign, Coca-Cola is tailoring its social media ads to its viewers. 
The customized ads address the recipient by name, reflecting the "Share a Coke" bottle concept, which placed a selection of names on each bottle sold in stores.
With the personlized Twitter ads, though, the brand is urging consumers to buy an 8-ounce glass bottle of the drink that is personalized with their name. The
campaign reflects the increase of personalization in social media advertisement, which L2's "Intelligence Report on Personalization" has predicted to increase
threefold in the next two or three years. 
Anti-Global Warming Ice Cream
Ben & Jerry's has introduced a new ice cream flavor to raise awareness against global warming.
The new flavor is called SOS (Save our Swirled) and is comprised of raspberry ice cream and swirls of marshmellow and raspberry syrup and white fudge ice cream
cones. The flavor is launched along with the global climate talks being held in Paris at the end of this year. The slogan features the ice cream maker's typical brand
humor as it points out the parallel between ice cream and the polar ice caps threatened by climate change: "If it's melted, it's ruined." Ben & Jerry's has worked with
the activist group Avaaz on the campaign, encouraging people to sign a petition calling for urgent action to be taken against global warming. 
EasyJet to Use Drones, 3-D Printing
The airline has successfully used a drone to inspect its planes and plans to use 3-D printing to manufacture replacement parts.
In order to speed up putting its jets back into service, the airline plans to roll out drones at its engineering centers over the next 12 months. Meanwhile, the airline is
working with Airbus to replace cabin parts such as armrests using 3-D printing technologies, in hopes that 3-D printed replacements will improve repair times as
well as help remedy the persistent problem of storage space within the cabin. The move, according to CEO Carolyn McCall, aims to use emerging technologies to run
the fleet "more effectively, efficiently, and safely."
Flower Power
Flower Power is a Bluetooth-connected device that can monitor a houseplant's health and send real-time status to a user's smartphone.
The device contains several sensors that measure the essentials of plant health such as light intensity, air temperature, fertilizer level, and soil moisture. It makes
taking care of plants easy– no need to have having a green thumb after years of experience caring for plants, the app lays out the plant's vital present health through
a comprehensible interface. The device is connected to a database of 6,000 plants so it is a versatile and well-informed device that takes the guesswork out of plant
Krug Champagne App
The new free app from champagne brand Krug lets drinkers scan their bottles to learn more each the individual bottle as well as receive
Krug drinkers simply need to download the app and create a profile. Then, they are able to scan any bottle of Krug for its unique ID. The app unlocks the production
history of the luxury beverage, including details about the individual bottle. The app even recommends tasting suggestions and curated playlists that renowned
musicians have created for the app. The app's launch has been coordinated with a live music event in London that featured by the London Philharmonia Orchestra. 
Pizza Box Movie Projector
Pizza Hut Hong Kong is delivering pizzas in specially-designed boxes that turn pizza night into movie night.
The pizza boxes become movie projectors through simply inserting a pizza table (aka a pizza protector) that is made of a specially developed lens into a hole that can
be easily made in the side of the pizza box through perforated part of the cardboard. Patrons can then scan a QR code on the side of the pizza box which brings up a
movie they can stream. To watch a movie through the projector, users must simply put their phone inside the box at the right angle and the lens magnifies what is
displayed on the phone's screen. 
Nestlé Turns Healthy Meals into Fun
Nestlé has released a creative range of products to help children re-imagine eating healthy food as more of an adventure than a chore. 
The range of 14 products is part of Nestlé's global campaign United for Healthier Kids, and the set has been first released in Mexico, due to the fact that the North
American country now has the highest rate of obesity in the world. Rather than focusing on weight loss, the Nestlé campaign instead chose to focus on positive, fun
behavior to promote good health. The range includes 3D story plates, a juicer kids can arm wrestle with, and maracas that help shake away fat. The products also
include a digital pet that grows the more the body moves, and cups with pictures at the bottom that are revealed only when fluids are gone. The products are
released in conjunction with a TV show on Televisa (Latin America's largest network), that supports families against obesity, as well as an online platform that gives
tips on healthy living. 
Kindle Scout
Kindle Scout is a new program by Amazon which lets customers nominate their favorite unpublished titles by aspiring authors to be published in
the Kindle format.
The program in some way replicates the Amazon Studios' process of letting TV viewers watch pilots and rate them before deciding to go into full production. The
approach leverages the companies large consumer base for market research into the viability of profiting off this unpublished content. The crowdsourcing publishing
campaign will include titles from genres like fiction, historical fiction, romance, mystery, thriller, and science fiction. Authors who have their work chosen will receive
a 5-year publishing deal and a $1,500 advance and a royalty rate of 50%. To encourage participation, Amazon will give a free copy of the e-book to those who chose
it, once it is published.
Marriott's Concierge App
The hotel chain's mobile app feature "Mobile Request" acts like a digital concierge, offering guests the ability to text in requests at any time.
The app will let guests make requests not only during their stay, but also before and after and give guests immediate access to hotel staff. The requests will only be
limited to "anything within reason"– presumably bound only by local laws and common sense. Most guests won't be pushing that limit; instead, they will be asking for
in-room amenities such as extra towels, wake up calls or other services traditionally performed by the hotel. The program is called "Mobile Request" and is being
rolled out first for the members of the chain's loyalty program throughout its 503 properties. 
KFC Tray Typer
As part of the advertising campaign for its new German restaurants, KFC has developed a way of keeping chicken grease off diners' touchscreens.
The KFC Tray Typer is a high-tech replacement for the paper slip that is often found on fast food trays. It is a fully functional keyboard that connects to diners'
devices so they can enter text into their devices without getting chicken grease on the touchscreen. Super-thin and rechargeable, the Bluetooth-enabled keyboard
was so popular when given out during the opening week of new KFC restaurants in Germany, that every Tray Typer was taken home. 
Japan Airlines' Charging Docks
Japan Airlines (JAL) have begun offering convenient and plentiful charging docks throughout their gates at Osaka Airport. 
Rather than waiting in queues of battery-deficient passengers waiting for their turn to recharge, passengers can now simply plug into one of the airline's charging
stations. JAL is offering numerous power outlets, both USB power ports and AC sockets. While they wait for boarding, passengers now have the ability to stand by or
sit at a bar chair while their batteries recharge. The rolling-out of the power station bar service is part of the airlines' overall strategy of appealing to passengers via
technological solutions such as their mobile app, automated bag tagging service, and onboard JAL Wi-Fi. 
HeyLets is a new location discovery app that stands apart by delivering personalized recommendations that range from general to niche interests.
Heylets is based on the principle that people should not be given recommendations from others with different interests. It also streamlines reviews, limiting them to
200 words and only accepts positive reviews (if a venue fails to get a certain amount of recommendations, it does not show up in searches), which brings out the
most important information. The app currently offers over 100,000 recommendations from users in 91 countries, which it differentiates based on user metrics. This
varies from other location discovery services that simply show where their friends are and have been, or those that read like curated travel guides. 
The LHBS Inspiration-Hub systematically tracks changes in culture,
markets and technology.
It is a digital platform that brings customized insights and inspiration
to the heart of your organisation.
•  How your organization can track relevant business and innovation
•  How other industries and companies affect your customer needs?
•  How insights & inspiration be can easily accessed and shared within your
organization to fuel innovation?
Feel free to visit or get in touch with Fabiola
Lewandowska at
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LHBS Consulting Berlin GmbH
Köpenicker Straße 154 
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Insight & Inspiration Snapshot

  • 2. ABOUT LHBS. We are an unconventional strategy firm that helps clients better understand today and successfully shape tomorrow. LHBS has extensive experience & expertise in business development, brand building and customer experience. The firm works across all major industries for clients from the FT Global 500, German Mittelstand and fast growing startups. Ž
  • 3. This presentation includes some of the most interesting insights about emerging & shifting consumer behavior and inspiration in the area of marketing, product and service innovation. All signs come straight out of our Inspiration-Hub, a digital platform that tracks changes in people, markets and technology to bring customized insights and inspiration to your organization. LHBS Insight & Inspiration Snapshot
  • 5.   $10 US Bill to Feature a Woman   The new $10 bank note in the US will become the first bill to feature a woman.  The government is taking a step towards valuing the stories of important female leaders by announcing that in 2020 it will include a female portrait on its currency bills. Previously, all the women featured on the American currency were only present on a dollar coin. The use of them was not widespread as they the circulation of $1 coins in the US is very limited. It is not yet known who will the lady be— the Treasury Department is currently asking US citizens for their suggestions via social media.  *  Source:  US  Treasury  
  • 6.   Barbie's First Flats   The famous Barbie has just received its first ever pair of flats. The new Barbie doll will have movable ankles which will allow her to change from the usual heels into more comfortable flat shoes. Previously all Barbies had permanently pointed toes— even the scientist and snowboard Barbie—which resulted in the doll being able to wear heels at all times. Additionally, the latest doll series comes with eight new skin tones, diverse facial sculpts, and various types and colors of hair and eyes. The new series is a welcomed change amongst the growing scrutiny on the lack of diversity and gendered expectations of toys. Recently, many studies are attempting to increase parents and companies awareness on how the dolls that young girls play with change their body image, as well as impact the girls' confidence later in life.  *  Source:  Lips2q  
  • 7.   Nearly All Americans Binge View TV   According to a study made by TiVo, 92% of respondents admitted to bing-view TV content at some point in the last year.  In the study, “Binge viewing” is defined as watching more than 3 episodes of a TV show in one day— and it seems that nearly all Americans are doing it. It seems that those who participated in the survey did all the watching in one place— Netflix. The most binge-watched series were House of Cards and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. There are some downsides, however. 31% of the respondents admitted to losing sleep because of the binge watching habit and 37% said that they have spent an entire weekend binge watching a show.  *  Source:  TiVo  
  • 8.   Gen Z and Gender Attitudes   A JWT study shows the progressive views on gender and sexual orientation of Generation Z.  The advertising agency J. Walter Thompson has surveyed a sample of Generation Z in the US and the UK (teens aged 12 to 19) and found that 82% of teens say that “they do not care about other people’s sexual orientation”. 81% of them agrees that gender does not define a person as much as it used to and “traditional” female versus male stereotypes are outdated and not valid for them. Comparing with Millennials, 88% of Gen Z admits to feel braver with exploring their own sexuality. The majority of teens across the UK and the US holds strongly positive views on same-sex marriage and believes everyone should have the right to wed. Only 7% of UK teens disagreed with this statement.  *  Source:  JWT  
  • 9.   Rising Numbers of Teens Coding   The numbers of teens that enroll for extra coding courses is increasing.  The short and difficult programs include evening coding schools or intense programming boot camps where students learn to build their own websites, programs or design mobile apps. On the courses there are no certificates— the only thing you graduate with is the program or website you coded. According to website Course Report, the number of young students that graduated from these short programs jumped from 7,000 in 2014 to 16,000 in 2015. Tech industry becomes one of the most reliable when it comes to employment and high starting salaries.  *  Source:  Course  Report  
  • 10.   Is “Play” the Future of Retail?   Psychologists agree that play has the same benefits for adults, as it has for children. Innovative retailers increasingly use the "play" concept in the store experience design. Playing is considered a fun activity that accelerates learning, but also one that creates an emotional connection to the world. Adults do not get the chance to play very often, but it is not because they do not want to— the instinct never dies. Rather, we have less time for play; and there are different expectations put on us. Retailers, however, are starting to recognize this gap and increasingly provide adults with countless opportunities to play. Combining retail with these interactive attractions and entertainment stimulates the senses. In addition, the interaction with tangible objects in a physical space—as opposed to a virtual one— creates a more memorable experience that can increase the value of retail stores over their e-commerce rivals.  *  Source:  The  Guardian    
  • 11.   Small-Talk Gender Gap   Researchers from German and American Universities have conducted a study on how the outcome of business negotiation changes when men or women engage in a small-talk beforehand. Chitchat about the weather and other non-work related things in a professional setting can increase the social capital and boost the bargaining power— but only for men. The researchers found that following a short conversation, men were found to be: “more likable and cooperative,” they got a higher “relational satisfaction score” and thus were “more likely to be selected for future negotiations”. When it came to women having a small-talk before the meeting, there was no positive impact on the outcome of the negotiation. The reason behind is that women are stereotypically seen as social and talkative— a chitchat is more or less expected. Men, however, are seen as less communal and concerned about others, which actually works in their favor. By breaking the stereotype of being “all about business,” they are benefiting more from the conversation.  *  Source:  Benefits  of  Small-­‐talk  Study    
  • 12.   Media Consumption   According to the Media Consumption Forecasts report by ZenithOptimedia, the average global individual media consumption stands at 8 hours a day, making a half of our waking day spent consuming media. The Internet consumption is growing the fastest and increased 12% globally this year and the amount of time people spend using the internet has doubled since 2012. Smartphones were the fastest accelerators of this trend, giving people connectivity everywhere they want. Television still dominates the global media use, though it is quickly losing their shares to the digital devices. Newspapers saw the largest drop and the average reading time is down by 27%. *  Source:  ZenithOp2media  Report  
  • 13.   Millennials Fear Phone Calls   Despite the inseperable relationship between millennials and their phones, it has been often noted that they are adverse to making and receiving phone calls. Millennials' "fear" of the phone may be a lack of experience in making phone calls. As email, SMS, and instant messaging has defined the generation's communication style, many see phone calls an invasive way of getting in touch with someone. Others feel it puts them on the spot, and they want control over how and when they’d like to be reached. While they might not like to talk on them, over 80 percent of Millennials have been found to sleep with their smartphones, according to the Millennial Generation Research Review.  *  Source:  Business  Insider  
  • 15. This part includes three chapters with inspirational examples in the areas of: •  Marketing Innovation •  Product innovation •  Service innovation LHBS Inspiration
  • 17.   Patrón's VR Tour   In a high-tech version of brand storytelling, the tequila brand has rigged a 360-degree VR camera to a drone in order to show off its Hacienda headquarters.  The virtual reality experience gives viewers the perspective of the brand's mascot, a bee, as it travels over the headquarters, giving a breathtaking, inside look at the tequila production process, from the agave fields and through the distillery and the bottling plant. The tour highlights the artisanal process of Patrón manufacturing that has resisted more modern manufacturing processes in favor of tradition and quality. The "Art of Patrón Virtual Reality Experience" has been rolled out to Patrón events, while a 360-degree web experience is online and also available for fans with their own VR devices. *  Source:  Art  of  Patrón  
  • 18.   Paul McCartney sells LINE Sound Stickers   Paul McCartney became the first western musician to sell sound stickers within the Japanese messaging app. McCartney's official Line profile currently has nearly 11 million followers, which not only makes him one of the most popular artists on the messaging platform, but also the former Beatle's biggest presence on social media globally. The new set of stickers includes a collection of 24 images that fans download in order to paste into conversations with friends. The singer recorded several phrases in both English and Japanese, and the sound stickers are combined with 24 illustrated emoji-like stickers that convey various expressions. The release was timed with McCartney's latest tour of Japan and the stickers are available for 100 virtual coins (approximately 2€) in LINE's in-app store. *  Source:  Paul  Voices  New  Sound  S2ckers  On  LINE!  (Paul  McCartney  Blog)  
  • 19.   IKEA Meatball Tasters   For the launch of the its location in Sydney, IKEA asked its customers to fantastically design the new store. The crowdsourced campaign took the form of videos to highlight the creative side of the customers, who designed jobs such as the "Ultimate IKEA Assembler" who sets the world records for assembling the flatpack furniture, the "Comfort Coordinator" who tests all the bedding and pillows, and a "Meatball Tester" who would sample Swedish meatballs all day long.  *  Source:  Meatball  tasters,  cuddle  toy  checkers  among  ‘jobs’  for  customers  at  new  Ikea  store    
  • 20.   Thalys Sounds of the City   International high-speed train operator Thalys has deployed three interactive billboards which encourage travel by letting passersby experience the sounds of another city. The experiential marketing campaign installed the interactive billboard maps in Amsterdam, Paris, and Brussels. The maps contained more than 1000 sounds from other nearby cities that are served by Thalys's network, which passersby could experience by simply plugging their headphones into one of the billboard's 1000 headphone jacks. By capturing the sound identities of these various cities, Thalys gave those who encountered the outdoor ads a chance to discover a new city via its unique soundscape.  *  Source:  Thalys  Sounds  of  the  City  
  • 21.   Nivea's UV-Sensitive Doll   In order to spread awareness of the dangers of the sun to kids, Nivea has created a doll that can, like us, get burnt from too much sun.  The Nivea doll is made of UV-sensitive material so the dolls skin turns red, or "burns", if it is not first covered in sunscreen before taken out into the sun. The logic behind the campaign is that if the children see first-hand what their parents have told them about the dangers of the sun, they will be more willing to make sure they are protected with sunscreen. Nivea produced a video spot to detail the campaign as it was deployed to the sunny of beaches of Brazil, showing off the doll as a clever way of taking the raising of awareness from screen and print ads onto the sand.  *  Source:  Nivea  Doll  (YouTube)  
  • 22.   Ballantine's Instagram Magazine   Following the trend of innovative branded content appearing on Instagram, Ballantine's is appealing to the platform's whisky drinkers with a new Instagram-only "magazine." The Ballantine's magazine– called "W"– leverages the Instagram grid collage so users can scroll down to read the profile page like it is a print publication or website. Users who wish to learn more about a specific feature can tap on the image which will allow them to delve deeper into the content. The magazine deploys the grid collage in both portrait and landscape view, so that readers can enjoy various infographics, design features, and photos in both layouts.  *  Source:  Ballan2ne's  (Instagram)  
  • 23.   The Imagination Machine   S7 Airlines has developed a headset that literally read the minds of shoppers at a busy Moscow mall, and charted their dream destinations through a computer simulation. The headset read participants' brainwaves through EEG sensors to read their minds and simulate the flight path from Moscow to their dream destinations on a 2 meter globe projected onto a huge screen. Each participant was given 45 seconds to make it to their destination. The more focused they were, the faster the plane flew– in real time– around the 3d projection-mapped globe. Those whose plane landed in their dream destination within 45 seconds were given a prize of a ticket to fly there, courtesy of S7. Out of 250 participants, 49 were successful. Those who weren't were awarded a consolation prize of 5,000 air miles. *  Source:  Imagina2on  Machine  (YouTube)  
  • 24.   Adidas Opens Football Center   In hopes to deepen its connection with grassroots football players, Adidas is opening its first urban football center. The hub is based in Berlin, and is being poised to offer a grassroots location for local youth to play football. The brand is working with a group of 35 young people– who they are calling "Club of 35"– to gauge the needs and preferences for the modern player, and the brand has shaped the design of the center around their feedback. For the site's grand opening, the brand is hosting a tournament for young local players– marking the street-level approach that Adidas is taking towards football marketing. The modernization of the football pitch comes at a time when Adidas is also starting from scratch on their football boot line, in what they are calling "a complete football reset." Along with the new football center, Adidas will be doing over 30 local events in virtually every major city this summer as part of their "Be the Difference" campaign, which aims to get the attention of sportswear consumers through disruptive, engaging, and emotive marketing. *  Source:  Adidas  News  Stream  
  • 25.   Coca-Cola Personalizes Twitter Ads   As it brings back the "Share a Coke" campaign, Coca-Cola is tailoring its social media ads to its viewers.  The customized ads address the recipient by name, reflecting the "Share a Coke" bottle concept, which placed a selection of names on each bottle sold in stores. With the personlized Twitter ads, though, the brand is urging consumers to buy an 8-ounce glass bottle of the drink that is personalized with their name. The campaign reflects the increase of personalization in social media advertisement, which L2's "Intelligence Report on Personalization" has predicted to increase threefold in the next two or three years.  *  Source:  Share  A  Coke  
  • 27.   Anti-Global Warming Ice Cream   Ben & Jerry's has introduced a new ice cream flavor to raise awareness against global warming. The new flavor is called SOS (Save our Swirled) and is comprised of raspberry ice cream and swirls of marshmellow and raspberry syrup and white fudge ice cream cones. The flavor is launched along with the global climate talks being held in Paris at the end of this year. The slogan features the ice cream maker's typical brand humor as it points out the parallel between ice cream and the polar ice caps threatened by climate change: "If it's melted, it's ruined." Ben & Jerry's has worked with the activist group Avaaz on the campaign, encouraging people to sign a petition calling for urgent action to be taken against global warming.  *  Source:  Save  our  Swirled  
  • 28.   EasyJet to Use Drones, 3-D Printing   The airline has successfully used a drone to inspect its planes and plans to use 3-D printing to manufacture replacement parts. In order to speed up putting its jets back into service, the airline plans to roll out drones at its engineering centers over the next 12 months. Meanwhile, the airline is working with Airbus to replace cabin parts such as armrests using 3-D printing technologies, in hopes that 3-D printed replacements will improve repair times as well as help remedy the persistent problem of storage space within the cabin. The move, according to CEO Carolyn McCall, aims to use emerging technologies to run the fleet "more effectively, efficiently, and safely." *  Source:  EasyJet  Media  Centre  
  • 29.   Flower Power   Flower Power is a Bluetooth-connected device that can monitor a houseplant's health and send real-time status to a user's smartphone. The device contains several sensors that measure the essentials of plant health such as light intensity, air temperature, fertilizer level, and soil moisture. It makes taking care of plants easy– no need to have having a green thumb after years of experience caring for plants, the app lays out the plant's vital present health through a comprehensible interface. The device is connected to a database of 6,000 plants so it is a versatile and well-informed device that takes the guesswork out of plant care. *  Source:  Flower  Power  
  • 30.   Krug Champagne App   The new free app from champagne brand Krug lets drinkers scan their bottles to learn more each the individual bottle as well as receive recommendations. Krug drinkers simply need to download the app and create a profile. Then, they are able to scan any bottle of Krug for its unique ID. The app unlocks the production history of the luxury beverage, including details about the individual bottle. The app even recommends tasting suggestions and curated playlists that renowned musicians have created for the app. The app's launch has been coordinated with a live music event in London that featured by the London Philharmonia Orchestra.  *  Source:  Krug  App  
  • 31.   Pizza Box Movie Projector   Pizza Hut Hong Kong is delivering pizzas in specially-designed boxes that turn pizza night into movie night. The pizza boxes become movie projectors through simply inserting a pizza table (aka a pizza protector) that is made of a specially developed lens into a hole that can be easily made in the side of the pizza box through perforated part of the cardboard. Patrons can then scan a QR code on the side of the pizza box which brings up a movie they can stream. To watch a movie through the projector, users must simply put their phone inside the box at the right angle and the lens magnifies what is displayed on the phone's screen.  *  Source:  Hong  Kong  Pizza  Hut  "Blockbuster  Box"  
  • 32.   Nestlé Turns Healthy Meals into Fun   Nestlé has released a creative range of products to help children re-imagine eating healthy food as more of an adventure than a chore.  The range of 14 products is part of Nestlé's global campaign United for Healthier Kids, and the set has been first released in Mexico, due to the fact that the North American country now has the highest rate of obesity in the world. Rather than focusing on weight loss, the Nestlé campaign instead chose to focus on positive, fun behavior to promote good health. The range includes 3D story plates, a juicer kids can arm wrestle with, and maracas that help shake away fat. The products also include a digital pet that grows the more the body moves, and cups with pictures at the bottom that are revealed only when fluids are gone. The products are released in conjunction with a TV show on Televisa (Latin America's largest network), that supports families against obesity, as well as an online platform that gives tips on healthy living.  *  Source:  United  for  Healthier  Kids  
  • 33.   Kindle Scout   Kindle Scout is a new program by Amazon which lets customers nominate their favorite unpublished titles by aspiring authors to be published in the Kindle format. The program in some way replicates the Amazon Studios' process of letting TV viewers watch pilots and rate them before deciding to go into full production. The approach leverages the companies large consumer base for market research into the viability of profiting off this unpublished content. The crowdsourcing publishing campaign will include titles from genres like fiction, historical fiction, romance, mystery, thriller, and science fiction. Authors who have their work chosen will receive a 5-year publishing deal and a $1,500 advance and a royalty rate of 50%. To encourage participation, Amazon will give a free copy of the e-book to those who chose it, once it is published. *  Source:  Kindle  Scout  
  • 35.   Marriott's Concierge App   The hotel chain's mobile app feature "Mobile Request" acts like a digital concierge, offering guests the ability to text in requests at any time. The app will let guests make requests not only during their stay, but also before and after and give guests immediate access to hotel staff. The requests will only be limited to "anything within reason"– presumably bound only by local laws and common sense. Most guests won't be pushing that limit; instead, they will be asking for in-room amenities such as extra towels, wake up calls or other services traditionally performed by the hotel. The program is called "Mobile Request" and is being rolled out first for the members of the chain's loyalty program throughout its 503 properties.  *  Source:  Marriot  Mobile  Request  
  • 36.   KFC Tray Typer   As part of the advertising campaign for its new German restaurants, KFC has developed a way of keeping chicken grease off diners' touchscreens. The KFC Tray Typer is a high-tech replacement for the paper slip that is often found on fast food trays. It is a fully functional keyboard that connects to diners' devices so they can enter text into their devices without getting chicken grease on the touchscreen. Super-thin and rechargeable, the Bluetooth-enabled keyboard was so popular when given out during the opening week of new KFC restaurants in Germany, that every Tray Typer was taken home.  *  Source:  KFC  Tray  Typer  (Vimeo)  
  • 37.   Japan Airlines' Charging Docks   Japan Airlines (JAL) have begun offering convenient and plentiful charging docks throughout their gates at Osaka Airport.  Rather than waiting in queues of battery-deficient passengers waiting for their turn to recharge, passengers can now simply plug into one of the airline's charging stations. JAL is offering numerous power outlets, both USB power ports and AC sockets. While they wait for boarding, passengers now have the ability to stand by or sit at a bar chair while their batteries recharge. The rolling-out of the power station bar service is part of the airlines' overall strategy of appealing to passengers via technological solutions such as their mobile app, automated bag tagging service, and onboard JAL Wi-Fi.  *  Source:  JAL  Power  Sta2on  Provides  Babery  Charging  Service  near  Boarding  Gates  at  Osaka  Airport  
  • 38.   HeyLets   HeyLets is a new location discovery app that stands apart by delivering personalized recommendations that range from general to niche interests. Heylets is based on the principle that people should not be given recommendations from others with different interests. It also streamlines reviews, limiting them to 200 words and only accepts positive reviews (if a venue fails to get a certain amount of recommendations, it does not show up in searches), which brings out the most important information. The app currently offers over 100,000 recommendations from users in 91 countries, which it differentiates based on user metrics. This varies from other location discovery services that simply show where their friends are and have been, or those that read like curated travel guides.  *  Source:  HeyLets  
  • 39. ABOUT INSPIRATION- HUB The LHBS Inspiration-Hub systematically tracks changes in culture, markets and technology. It is a digital platform that brings customized insights and inspiration to the heart of your organisation. Ž
  • 40. •  How your organization can track relevant business and innovation opportunities? •  How other industries and companies affect your customer needs? •  How insights & inspiration be can easily accessed and shared within your organization to fuel innovation? Feel free to visit or get in touch with Fabiola Lewandowska at If you would like to learn more about:  
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