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Trinity 4: Christ’s Mercy Is Ours to Show to Others
Gen. 50:15-21; Rom. 12:14-21; Rom. 8:18-23; Luke 6:36-42; Psalm 138
Memorization Verses:
Gen. 50:19 Then Joseph said to them,
―Don‘t be afraid. I am not God! I have no
right to punish you.
Rom. 12:14 Wish only good for those who
treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not
curse them.
Rom. 8:18 We have sufferings now, but
these are nothing compared to the great
glory that will be given to us.
Luke 6:37 Don‘t judge others, and God
will not judge you. Don‘t condemn others,
and you will not be condemned. Forgive
others, and you will be forgiven.
Psalm 138:7 If I am in trouble, you keep
me alive. If my enemies are angry, you save
me from them.
• How are you most comfortable
helping others?
• How are you most challenged at
showing mercy?
 Use your prayer notes.
 Use a verse from the
bible to reflect on.
 Pray for sinners.
 P raise
R epentance
A ppreciation
Y ou
E veryone
R esolve
Gracious Father,
have mercy on us and hear
our prayer.
1. Let us pray for the whole
people of God in Christ Jesus
and for all people according to
their needs. Almighty and
everlasting God, in Christ Jesus
You have given unsearchable
riches to Your Body, the
Church. Send servants to reveal
this mystery throughout the
world, that as Your Gospel is
proclaimed all may be called to
2. Good Shepherd, Your Spirit
has provided overseers for Your
flock, the Church. Bless all
pastors with strength, wisdom
and courage, that they may care
for Your congregations and
faithfully serve You.
3. Merciful Lord, bring our
hearts to true repentance, that in
faith we may taste and see Your
goodness in the Eucharist.
Grant us forgiveness in this
heavenly meal, that Christ may
dwell in us and we in Him.
4. Eternal God, Protector of
the nations, be with all who
work in our armed forces.
Spread Your protection over
them, that they may take refuge
in You and rejoice.
 Use your prayer notes.
 Use a verse from the
bible to reflect on.
 Pray for sinners.
 P raise
R epentance
A ppreciation
Y ou
E veryone
R esolve
Gracious Father,
have mercy on us and hear
our prayer
5. Lord God, in gracious
mercy You provide blessings to
Your whole creation. Bless all
who work in business and
commerce, that our economy
may be strengthened and Your
name may be praised.
6. Loving and Majestic God,
You alone cause all things to
grow. Grant favorable weather
among us, that we may receive
an abundant and plentiful
7. O Healer and Redeemer,
care for all who are sick and
suffering, [especially,
_________]. Comfort them
with Your love, that for Your
name‘s sake they may receive
peace and joy.
8. King of love, receive this
day our thanks and praise for
all Your servants who have
died in the true faith, whose
souls rest in You and whose
bodies await the resurrection.
Help us to look forward with
them to our Savior‘s glorious
9. Into Your hands, O Lord,
we commend all for whom we
pray, trusting in Your mercy,
through Your Son, Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Amen.
1 O God, my faithful God,
True fountain ever flowing,
Without whom nothing is,
All perfect gifts bestowing:
Give me a healthy frame,
And may I have within
A conscience free from blame,
A soul unstained by sin.
2 Grant me the strength to do
With ready heart and willing
Whatever You command,
My calling here fulfilling;
That I do what I should
While trusting You to bless
The outcome for my good,
for You must give success.
3 Keep me from saying words
That later need recalling;
Guard me lest idle speech
May from my lips be falling;
But when within my place
I must and ought to speak,
Then to my words give grace
Lest I offend the weak.
4 Lord, let me win my foes
With kindly words and actions,
And let me find good friends
For counsel and correction.
Help me, as You have taught,
To love both great and small
And by Your Spirit's might
To live in peace with all.
5 Let me depart this life
Confiding in my Savior;
By grace receive my soul
That it may live forever;
And let my body have
A quiet resting place
Within a Christian grave;
And let it sleep in peace.
6 And on that final day
When all the dead are waking,
Stretch out Your mighty hand,
My deathly slumber breaking.
Then let me hear Your voice,
Redeem this earthly frame,
And bid me to rejoice
With those who love Your name.
 Meet w/teams
3-5 min per box
 What are the major points of your text?
 How does your topic fit the pericope
 How does it connect to the other texts?
How is it unique?
Christ’s Mercy is Ours to
Show Others
Genesis 50:15-21
The Brothers Are Still Afraid of
15 After Jacob died, Joseph‘s brothers
were worried. They were afraid that
Joseph would still be mad at them for
what they had done years before. They
said, ―Maybe Joseph still hates us for
what we did.‖ 16 So the brothers sent this
message to Joseph: ―Before your father
died, he told us to give you a
message. 17 He said, ‗Tell Joseph that I
beg him to please forgive his brothers
for the bad things they did to him.‘ So
now Joseph, we beg you, please forgive
us for the bad things we did to you. We
are the servants of God, the God of your
That message made Joseph very sad,
and he cried. 18 His brothers went to him
and bowed down in front of him. They
said, ―We will be your servants.‖
19 Then Joseph said to them, ―Don‘t be
afraid. I am not God! I have no right to
punish you. 20 It is true that you planned
to do something bad to me. But really,
God was planning good things. God‘s
plan was to use me to save the lives of
many people. And that is what
happened. 21 So don‘t be afraid. I will
take care of you and your children.‖ And
so Joseph said kind things to his
brothers, and this made them feel better.
Romans 12:14-21
14 Wish only good for those who treat
you badly. Ask God to bless them, not
curse them. 15 When others are happy,
you should be happy with them. And
when others are sad, you should be sad
too.16 Live together in peace with each
other. Don‘t be proud, but be willing to
be friends with people who are not
important to others. Don‘t think of
yourself as smarter than everyone else.
17 If someone does you wrong, don‘t try
to pay them back by hurting them. Try
to do what everyone thinks is
right. 18 Do the best you can to live in
peace with everyone. 19 My friends,
don‘t try to punish anyone who does
wrong to you. Wait for God to punish
them with his anger. In the Scriptures
the Lord says,
―I am the one who punishes;
I will pay people back.‖
20 But you should do this:
―If you have enemies who are hungry,
give them something to eat.
If you have enemies who are thirsty,
give them something to drink.
In doing this you will make them feel
21 Don‘t let evil defeat you, but defeat
evil by doing good.
Romans 8:18-23
We Will Have Glory in the Future
18 We have sufferings now, but these are
nothing compared to the great glory that
will be given to us. 19 Everything that God
made is waiting with excitement for the
time when he will show the world who his
children are. The whole world wants very
much for that to happen. 20 Everything God
made was allowed to become like
something that cannot fulfill its purpose.
That was not its choice, but God made it
happen with this hope in view: 21 That the
creation would be made free from ruin—
that everything God made would have the
same freedom and glory that belong to
God‘s children.
22 We know that everything God made has
been waiting until now in pain like a
woman ready to give birth to a child. 23 Not
only the world, but we also have been
waiting with pain inside us. We have the
Spirit as the first part of God‘s promise. So
we are waiting for God to finish making us
his own children. I mean we are waiting for
our bodies to be made free.
Luke 6:36-42
36 Give love and mercy the same as your
Father gives love and mercy.
Be Careful About Criticizing Others
37 ―Don‘t judge others, and God will not
judge you. Don‘t condemn others, and
you will not be condemned. Forgive
others, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give
to others, and you will receive. You will
be given much. It will be poured into
your hands—more than you can hold.
You will be given so much that it will
spill into your lap. The way you give to
others is the way God will give to you.‖
39 Jesus told them this story: ―Can a blind
man lead another blind man? No. Both of
them will fall into a ditch. 40 Students are
not better than their teacher. But when
they have been fully taught, they will be
like their teacher.
41 ―Why do you notice the small piece of
dust that is in your friend‘s eye, but you
don‘t see the big piece of wood that is in
your own eye? 42 You say to your
friend, ‗Let me get that little piece of dust
out of your eye.‘ Why do you say this?
Can‘t you see that big piece of wood in
your own eye? You are a hypocrite.
First, take the wood out of your own eye.
Then you will see clearly to get the dust
out of your friend‘s eye.
Psalm 138
A song of David.
138 LORD, I praise you with all my heart.
I sing songs of praise to you before the gods.
2 I bow down toward your holy Temple,
and I praise your name for your love and loyalty.
You are famous,
and doing what you promised will make you even
more famous!
3 When I called to you for help,
you answered me and gave me strength.
4 LORD, all the kings on earth will praise you
when they hear what you say.
5 They will sing about what the LORD has done,
because the glory of the LORD is very great.
6 The LORD has the highest place above all others,
but he still cares for the humble.
Even from there, so high above,
he knows what the proud do.
7 If I am in trouble, you keep me alive.
If my enemies are angry, you save me from them.
8 LORD, I know you will do what you have
LORD, your faithful love will last forever.
You are the one who made us, so don‘t leave us!
Genesis 50:15–21
Romans 12:14–21
or Romans 8:18–23
Luke 6:36–42
Christ’s Mercy Is Ours to Show to Others
―Be merciful, even as your Father also is merciful‖ (Luke 6:36–42). The old Adam in us wants
to condemn and seek vengeance. But the Lord says, ―Vengeance is Mine, I will repay‖ (Rom.
12:14–21). To condemn, to avenge yourself, is to put yourself in the place of God. It is to fail to
trust that He is just. Ultimately, it is to disbelieve that Jesus suffered the full vengeance for all
wrongs. Only Christ is merciful as the Father is merciful. He is the one who overcame all evil
with the good of His cross, forgiving even His executioners. Jesus is our Joseph, who comforts
us with words of pardon and reconciliation (Gen. 50:15–21). He is the One who does not
condemn but gives life that runs over. Only through faith in Christ are we sons of the Father—
being merciful, forgiving, doing good to our enemies. For in Christ we know that the sufferings
of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us
(Rom. 8:8–13).
 Fifth Sunday after Trinity:
Jesus Makes Fishers of Men
 1 Kings 19:11-21 Elijah at
 1 Cor. 1:18-25 God‘s Power
and Wisdom in Christ Jesus
 Or 1 Peter 3:8-15 Suffering for
Doing Right
 Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Chooses
Some Followers
 Psalm 16 Protect me, God,
because I depend on you.
1 Kings 19:11-21; 1 Cor. 1:18-25; 1 Peter 3:8-15; Luke 5:1-
11; Psalm 16
1 Kings 19:11-21
11 Then the LORD said to Elijah, ―Go, stand in front of me on
the mountain. I, the LORD, will pass by you.‖[a] Then a very
strong wind blew. The wind caused the mountains to break
apart. It broke large rocks in front of the LORD. But that wind
was not the LORD. After that wind, there was an earthquake.
But that earthquake was not the LORD. 12 After the earthquake,
there was a fire. But that fire was not the LORD. After the fire,
there was a quiet, gentle voice.[b]
13 When Elijah heard the voice, he used his coat to cover his
face and went to the entrance to the cave and stood there. Then
a voice said to him, ―Elijah, why are you here?‖
14 Elijah said, ―LORD God All-Powerful, I have always served
you the best that I can, but the Israelites broke their agreement
with you. They destroyed your altars and killed your prophets. I
am the only prophet left alive, and now they are trying to kill
15 The LORD said, ―Go back. Take the road that leads to the
desert around Damascus. Go into Damascus and anoint Hazael
as king over Aram. 16 Then anoint Jehu son of Nimshi as king
over Israel. Next, anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel
Meholah. He will be the prophet who takes your place. 17 Jehu
will kill anyone who escapes Hazael‘s sword, and Elisha will
kill anyone who escapes from Jehu‘s sword. 18 I still have 7000
people in Israel who have never bowed down to Baal or kissed
that idol.‖
Elisha Becomes a Prophet
19 So Elijah left that place and went to find Elisha son of
Shaphat. Elisha was plowing 12 acres of land and was working
on the last acre when Elijah came.[c] Elijah went to Elisha and
put his coat[d] on Elisha. 20 Elisha immediately left his oxen and
ran after Elijah. Elisha said, ―Let me kiss my mother and father
goodbye. Then I will follow you.‖
Elijah answered, ―You can do that. I will not stop you.[e]‖
21 Elisha turned away from him and went back. He killed the
oxen and used the yoke for firewood. He boiled the meat, gave
it to the people, and they all ate together. Then Elisha went to
follow Elijah and became his helper.
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
God’s Power and Wisdom in Christ Jesus
18 The teaching about the cross seems foolish to those who are
lost. But to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 As
the Scriptures say,
―I will destroy the wisdom of the wise.
I will confuse the understanding of the intelligent.‖
20 So what does this say about the philosopher, the law expert,
or anyone in this world who is skilled in making clever
arguments? God has made the wisdom of the world look
foolish.21 This is what God in his wisdom decided: Since the
world did not find him through its own wisdom, he used the
message that sounds foolish to save those who believe it.
22 The Jews ask for miraculous signs, and the Greeks want
wisdom. 23 But this is the message we tell everyone: Christ was
killed on a cross. This message is a problem for Jews, and to
other people it is nonsense. 24 But Christ is God‘s power and
wisdom to the people God has chosen, both Jews and
Greeks. 25 Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human
wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human
1 Peter 3:8-15
Suffering for Doing Right
8 So all of you should live together in peace. Try to understand
each other. Love each other like brothers and sisters. Be kind
and humble. 9 Don‘t do wrong to anyone to pay them back for
doing wrong to you. Or don‘t insult anyone to pay them back
for insulting you. But ask God to bless them. Do this because
you yourselves were chosen to receive a blessing. 10 The
Scriptures say,
―If you want to enjoy true life
and have only good days,
then avoid saying anything hurtful,
and never let a lie come out of your mouth.
11 Stop doing what is wrong, and do good.
Look for peace, and do all you can to help people live
12 The Lord watches over those who do what is right,
and he listens to their prayers.
But he is against those who do evil.‖
13 If you are always trying to do good, no one can really harm
you. 14 But you may suffer for doing right. If that happens, you
have God‘s blessing. ―Don‘t be afraid of the people who make
you suffer; don‘t be worried.‖[a] 15 But keep the Lord Christ
holy in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who
asks you to explain about the hope you have.
Luke 5:1-11
Jesus Chooses Some Followers
5 As Jesus stood beside Lake Galilee,[a] a crowd of people
pushed to get closer to him and to hear the teachings of
God. 2 Jesus saw two boats at the shore of the lake. The
fishermen were washing their nets. 3 Jesus got into the boat that
belonged to Simon. He asked Simon to push off a little from
the shore. Then he sat down in the boat and taught the people
on the shore.
4 When Jesus finished speaking, he said to Simon, ―Take the
boat into the deep water. If all of you will put your nets into the
water, you will catch some fish.‖
5 Simon answered, ―Master, we worked hard all night trying to
catch fish and caught nothing. But you say I should put the nets
into the water, so I will.‖ 6 The fishermen put their nets into the
water. Their nets were filled with so many fish that they began
to break. 7 They called to their friends in the other boat to come
and help them. The friends came, and both boats were filled so
full of fish that they were almost sinking.
8-9 The fishermen were all amazed at the many fish they caught.
When Simon Peter saw this, he bowed down before Jesus and
said, ―Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!‖ 10 James
and John, the sons of Zebedee, were amazed too. (James and
John worked together with Simon.)
Jesus said to Simon, ―Don‘t be afraid. From now on your work
will be to bring in people, not fish!‖
11 The men brought their boats to the shore. They left
everything and followed Jesus.
Psalm 16
A miktam of David.
16 Protect me, God, because I depend on you.
2 Some of you[a] have said to the LORD,
―You are my Lord.
Every good thing I have comes from you.‖
3 But you have also said about the gods[b] of this land,
―They are my powerful gods.
They are the ones who make me happy.‖
4 But those who worship other gods will have many troubles.
I will not share in the gifts of blood they offer to their idols.
I will not even say their names.
5 LORD, you give me all that I need.
You support me.
You give me my share.
6 My share[c] is wonderful.
My inheritance[d] is very beautiful.
7 I praise the LORD because he taught me well.
Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind.[e]
8 I always remember that the LORD is with me.[f]
He is here, close by my side,
so nothing can defeat me.
9 So my heart and soul will be very happy.
Even my body will live in safety,
10 because you will not leave me in the place of death.
You will not let your faithful one rot in the grave.
11 You will teach me the right way to live.
Just being with you will bring complete happiness.
Being at your right side will make me happy forever.

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13.06.21 exegesis trinity 4

  • 1. Trinity 4: Christ’s Mercy Is Ours to Show to Others Gen. 50:15-21; Rom. 12:14-21; Rom. 8:18-23; Luke 6:36-42; Psalm 138 Memorization Verses: Gen. 50:19 Then Joseph said to them, ―Don‘t be afraid. I am not God! I have no right to punish you. Rom. 12:14 Wish only good for those who treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not curse them. Rom. 8:18 We have sufferings now, but these are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us. Luke 6:37 Don‘t judge others, and God will not judge you. Don‘t condemn others, and you will not be condemned. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. Psalm 138:7 If I am in trouble, you keep me alive. If my enemies are angry, you save me from them.
  • 2. • How are you most comfortable helping others? • How are you most challenged at showing mercy?
  • 3.  Use your prayer notes.  Use a verse from the bible to reflect on.  Pray for sinners.  P raise R epentance A ppreciation Y ou E veryone R esolve Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer. 1. Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs. Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ Jesus You have given unsearchable riches to Your Body, the Church. Send servants to reveal this mystery throughout the world, that as Your Gospel is proclaimed all may be called to faith. 2. Good Shepherd, Your Spirit has provided overseers for Your flock, the Church. Bless all pastors with strength, wisdom and courage, that they may care for Your congregations and faithfully serve You. 3. Merciful Lord, bring our hearts to true repentance, that in faith we may taste and see Your goodness in the Eucharist. Grant us forgiveness in this heavenly meal, that Christ may dwell in us and we in Him. 4. Eternal God, Protector of the nations, be with all who work in our armed forces. Spread Your protection over them, that they may take refuge in You and rejoice.
  • 4.  Use your prayer notes.  Use a verse from the bible to reflect on.  Pray for sinners.  P raise R epentance A ppreciation Y ou E veryone R esolve Gracious Father, have mercy on us and hear our prayer 5. Lord God, in gracious mercy You provide blessings to Your whole creation. Bless all who work in business and commerce, that our economy may be strengthened and Your name may be praised. 6. Loving and Majestic God, You alone cause all things to grow. Grant favorable weather among us, that we may receive an abundant and plentiful harvest. 7. O Healer and Redeemer, care for all who are sick and suffering, [especially, _________]. Comfort them with Your love, that for Your name‘s sake they may receive peace and joy. OPEN PRAYER 8. King of love, receive this day our thanks and praise for all Your servants who have died in the true faith, whose souls rest in You and whose bodies await the resurrection. Help us to look forward with them to our Savior‘s glorious appearing. 9. Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
  • 5. 1 O God, my faithful God, True fountain ever flowing, Without whom nothing is, All perfect gifts bestowing: Give me a healthy frame, And may I have within A conscience free from blame, A soul unstained by sin. 2 Grant me the strength to do With ready heart and willing Whatever You command, My calling here fulfilling; That I do what I should While trusting You to bless The outcome for my good, for You must give success. 3 Keep me from saying words That later need recalling; Guard me lest idle speech May from my lips be falling; But when within my place I must and ought to speak, Then to my words give grace Lest I offend the weak. 4 Lord, let me win my foes With kindly words and actions, And let me find good friends For counsel and correction. Help me, as You have taught, To love both great and small And by Your Spirit's might To live in peace with all. 5 Let me depart this life Confiding in my Savior; By grace receive my soul That it may live forever; And let my body have A quiet resting place Within a Christian grave; And let it sleep in peace. 6 And on that final day When all the dead are waking, Stretch out Your mighty hand, My deathly slumber breaking. Then let me hear Your voice, Redeem this earthly frame, And bid me to rejoice With those who love Your name.
  • 6.  Meet w/teams 3-5 min per box  What are the major points of your text?  How does your topic fit the pericope theme?  How does it connect to the other texts? How is it unique? Christ’s Mercy is Ours to Show Others
  • 7. Genesis 50:15-21 The Brothers Are Still Afraid of Joseph 15 After Jacob died, Joseph‘s brothers were worried. They were afraid that Joseph would still be mad at them for what they had done years before. They said, ―Maybe Joseph still hates us for what we did.‖ 16 So the brothers sent this message to Joseph: ―Before your father died, he told us to give you a message. 17 He said, ‗Tell Joseph that I beg him to please forgive his brothers for the bad things they did to him.‘ So now Joseph, we beg you, please forgive us for the bad things we did to you. We are the servants of God, the God of your father.‖ That message made Joseph very sad, and he cried. 18 His brothers went to him and bowed down in front of him. They said, ―We will be your servants.‖ 19 Then Joseph said to them, ―Don‘t be afraid. I am not God! I have no right to punish you. 20 It is true that you planned to do something bad to me. But really, God was planning good things. God‘s plan was to use me to save the lives of many people. And that is what happened. 21 So don‘t be afraid. I will take care of you and your children.‖ And so Joseph said kind things to his brothers, and this made them feel better.
  • 8. Romans 12:14-21 14 Wish only good for those who treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not curse them. 15 When others are happy, you should be happy with them. And when others are sad, you should be sad too.16 Live together in peace with each other. Don‘t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don‘t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else. 17 If someone does you wrong, don‘t try to pay them back by hurting them. Try to do what everyone thinks is right. 18 Do the best you can to live in peace with everyone. 19 My friends, don‘t try to punish anyone who does wrong to you. Wait for God to punish them with his anger. In the Scriptures the Lord says, ―I am the one who punishes; I will pay people back.‖ 20 But you should do this: ―If you have enemies who are hungry, give them something to eat. If you have enemies who are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this you will make them feel ashamed.[a]‖ 21 Don‘t let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good.
  • 9. Romans 8:18-23 We Will Have Glory in the Future 18 We have sufferings now, but these are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us. 19 Everything that God made is waiting with excitement for the time when he will show the world who his children are. The whole world wants very much for that to happen. 20 Everything God made was allowed to become like something that cannot fulfill its purpose. That was not its choice, but God made it happen with this hope in view: 21 That the creation would be made free from ruin— that everything God made would have the same freedom and glory that belong to God‘s children. 22 We know that everything God made has been waiting until now in pain like a woman ready to give birth to a child. 23 Not only the world, but we also have been waiting with pain inside us. We have the Spirit as the first part of God‘s promise. So we are waiting for God to finish making us his own children. I mean we are waiting for our bodies to be made free.
  • 10. Luke 6:36-42 36 Give love and mercy the same as your Father gives love and mercy. Be Careful About Criticizing Others 37 ―Don‘t judge others, and God will not judge you. Don‘t condemn others, and you will not be condemned. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.‖ 39 Jesus told them this story: ―Can a blind man lead another blind man? No. Both of them will fall into a ditch. 40 Students are not better than their teacher. But when they have been fully taught, they will be like their teacher. 41 ―Why do you notice the small piece of dust that is in your friend‘s eye, but you don‘t see the big piece of wood that is in your own eye? 42 You say to your friend, ‗Let me get that little piece of dust out of your eye.‘ Why do you say this? Can‘t you see that big piece of wood in your own eye? You are a hypocrite. First, take the wood out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to get the dust out of your friend‘s eye.
  • 11. Psalm 138 A song of David. 138 LORD, I praise you with all my heart. I sing songs of praise to you before the gods. 2 I bow down toward your holy Temple, and I praise your name for your love and loyalty. You are famous, and doing what you promised will make you even more famous! 3 When I called to you for help, you answered me and gave me strength. 4 LORD, all the kings on earth will praise you when they hear what you say. 5 They will sing about what the LORD has done, because the glory of the LORD is very great. 6 The LORD has the highest place above all others, but he still cares for the humble. Even from there, so high above, he knows what the proud do. 7 If I am in trouble, you keep me alive. If my enemies are angry, you save me from them. 8 LORD, I know you will do what you have promised. LORD, your faithful love will last forever. You are the one who made us, so don‘t leave us!
  • 12. FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Genesis 50:15–21 Romans 12:14–21 or Romans 8:18–23 Luke 6:36–42 Christ’s Mercy Is Ours to Show to Others ―Be merciful, even as your Father also is merciful‖ (Luke 6:36–42). The old Adam in us wants to condemn and seek vengeance. But the Lord says, ―Vengeance is Mine, I will repay‖ (Rom. 12:14–21). To condemn, to avenge yourself, is to put yourself in the place of God. It is to fail to trust that He is just. Ultimately, it is to disbelieve that Jesus suffered the full vengeance for all wrongs. Only Christ is merciful as the Father is merciful. He is the one who overcame all evil with the good of His cross, forgiving even His executioners. Jesus is our Joseph, who comforts us with words of pardon and reconciliation (Gen. 50:15–21). He is the One who does not condemn but gives life that runs over. Only through faith in Christ are we sons of the Father— being merciful, forgiving, doing good to our enemies. For in Christ we know that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Rom. 8:8–13).
  • 13.  Fifth Sunday after Trinity: Jesus Makes Fishers of Men  1 Kings 19:11-21 Elijah at Sinai  1 Cor. 1:18-25 God‘s Power and Wisdom in Christ Jesus  Or 1 Peter 3:8-15 Suffering for Doing Right  Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Chooses Some Followers  Psalm 16 Protect me, God, because I depend on you.
  • 14. 1 Kings 19:11-21; 1 Cor. 1:18-25; 1 Peter 3:8-15; Luke 5:1- 11; Psalm 16 1 Kings 19:11-21 11 Then the LORD said to Elijah, ―Go, stand in front of me on the mountain. I, the LORD, will pass by you.‖[a] Then a very strong wind blew. The wind caused the mountains to break apart. It broke large rocks in front of the LORD. But that wind was not the LORD. After that wind, there was an earthquake. But that earthquake was not the LORD. 12 After the earthquake, there was a fire. But that fire was not the LORD. After the fire, there was a quiet, gentle voice.[b] 13 When Elijah heard the voice, he used his coat to cover his face and went to the entrance to the cave and stood there. Then a voice said to him, ―Elijah, why are you here?‖ 14 Elijah said, ―LORD God All-Powerful, I have always served you the best that I can, but the Israelites broke their agreement with you. They destroyed your altars and killed your prophets. I am the only prophet left alive, and now they are trying to kill me.‖ 15 The LORD said, ―Go back. Take the road that leads to the desert around Damascus. Go into Damascus and anoint Hazael as king over Aram. 16 Then anoint Jehu son of Nimshi as king over Israel. Next, anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah. He will be the prophet who takes your place. 17 Jehu will kill anyone who escapes Hazael‘s sword, and Elisha will kill anyone who escapes from Jehu‘s sword. 18 I still have 7000 people in Israel who have never bowed down to Baal or kissed that idol.‖ Elisha Becomes a Prophet 19 So Elijah left that place and went to find Elisha son of Shaphat. Elisha was plowing 12 acres of land and was working on the last acre when Elijah came.[c] Elijah went to Elisha and put his coat[d] on Elisha. 20 Elisha immediately left his oxen and ran after Elijah. Elisha said, ―Let me kiss my mother and father goodbye. Then I will follow you.‖ Elijah answered, ―You can do that. I will not stop you.[e]‖ 21 Elisha turned away from him and went back. He killed the oxen and used the yoke for firewood. He boiled the meat, gave it to the people, and they all ate together. Then Elisha went to follow Elijah and became his helper. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 God’s Power and Wisdom in Christ Jesus 18 The teaching about the cross seems foolish to those who are lost. But to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 As the Scriptures say, ―I will destroy the wisdom of the wise. I will confuse the understanding of the intelligent.‖ 20 So what does this say about the philosopher, the law expert, or anyone in this world who is skilled in making clever arguments? God has made the wisdom of the world look foolish.21 This is what God in his wisdom decided: Since the world did not find him through its own wisdom, he used the message that sounds foolish to save those who believe it. 22 The Jews ask for miraculous signs, and the Greeks want wisdom. 23 But this is the message we tell everyone: Christ was killed on a cross. This message is a problem for Jews, and to other people it is nonsense. 24 But Christ is God‘s power and wisdom to the people God has chosen, both Jews and Greeks. 25 Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Peter 3:8-15 Suffering for Doing Right 8 So all of you should live together in peace. Try to understand each other. Love each other like brothers and sisters. Be kind and humble. 9 Don‘t do wrong to anyone to pay them back for doing wrong to you. Or don‘t insult anyone to pay them back for insulting you. But ask God to bless them. Do this because you yourselves were chosen to receive a blessing. 10 The Scriptures say, ―If you want to enjoy true life and have only good days, then avoid saying anything hurtful, and never let a lie come out of your mouth. 11 Stop doing what is wrong, and do good. Look for peace, and do all you can to help people live peacefully. 12 The Lord watches over those who do what is right, and he listens to their prayers. But he is against those who do evil.‖ 13 If you are always trying to do good, no one can really harm you. 14 But you may suffer for doing right. If that happens, you have God‘s blessing. ―Don‘t be afraid of the people who make you suffer; don‘t be worried.‖[a] 15 But keep the Lord Christ holy in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have. Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Chooses Some Followers 5 As Jesus stood beside Lake Galilee,[a] a crowd of people pushed to get closer to him and to hear the teachings of God. 2 Jesus saw two boats at the shore of the lake. The fishermen were washing their nets. 3 Jesus got into the boat that belonged to Simon. He asked Simon to push off a little from the shore. Then he sat down in the boat and taught the people on the shore. 4 When Jesus finished speaking, he said to Simon, ―Take the boat into the deep water. If all of you will put your nets into the water, you will catch some fish.‖ 5 Simon answered, ―Master, we worked hard all night trying to catch fish and caught nothing. But you say I should put the nets into the water, so I will.‖ 6 The fishermen put their nets into the water. Their nets were filled with so many fish that they began to break. 7 They called to their friends in the other boat to come and help them. The friends came, and both boats were filled so full of fish that they were almost sinking. 8-9 The fishermen were all amazed at the many fish they caught. When Simon Peter saw this, he bowed down before Jesus and said, ―Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!‖ 10 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were amazed too. (James and John worked together with Simon.) Jesus said to Simon, ―Don‘t be afraid. From now on your work will be to bring in people, not fish!‖ 11 The men brought their boats to the shore. They left everything and followed Jesus. Psalm 16 A miktam of David. 16 Protect me, God, because I depend on you. 2 Some of you[a] have said to the LORD, ―You are my Lord. Every good thing I have comes from you.‖ 3 But you have also said about the gods[b] of this land, ―They are my powerful gods. They are the ones who make me happy.‖ 4 But those who worship other gods will have many troubles. I will not share in the gifts of blood they offer to their idols. I will not even say their names. 5 LORD, you give me all that I need. You support me. You give me my share. 6 My share[c] is wonderful. My inheritance[d] is very beautiful. 7 I praise the LORD because he taught me well. Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind.[e] 8 I always remember that the LORD is with me.[f] He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me. 9 So my heart and soul will be very happy. Even my body will live in safety, 10 because you will not leave me in the place of death. You will not let your faithful one rot in the grave. 11 You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you will bring complete happiness. Being at your right side will make me happy forever.