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Information You Will Need:
Author’s name (author of the entire book – or author of a
separate article).
Title of the part of the book (in quotes) (This applies if you
used only a short section, not the entire book.).
Title of the book (italicized),
Name of the editor, translator, or compiler (if given),
Edition used (if given),
Number(s) of volume(s) used (if it is part of a multi-volume
Name of publisher, and year of publication (use UP for
university press, omit Company and Inc.),
Give page numbers for a reference book article, only if the
articles are not arranged in ABC order
Series name is optional.
Article From a Typical Reference Book (articles not in ABC
Rottner, Klemens, et al. “Cytoskeleton Proteins.” Cell Biology,
edited by Julio E. Celis, 3rd ed., vol. 3. Elsevier Academic
Press, 2006, pp. 111-19.
Printed Book
Hillstrom, Kevin. The Great Depression and the New Deal.
Omnigraphics, 2008.
Author’s name (if given).
Title of article in quotes.
Title of the periodical (italicized),
Volume and issue number for journals only (Do not give volume
number for magazines.),
Date of publication,
Page numbers of article or section and page number for
Popular Magazine Article
Worland, Justin. “What is Killing off the Pollinators?” Time, 14
Mar. 2016, p. 10.
Scholarly Journal Article
Sohrabi, Nader. “Historicizing Revolutions: Constitutional
Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire, Iran, and Russia,
1905-1908.”American Journal of Sociology, vol.100, no. 6,
1995, pp. 1383-477.
Newspaper Article
Hoppe, Christy. “Y’all Can’t Take My Cellphone.” Dallas
Morning News, 13 Apr. 2009, pp. 1A+.
Writing Citations for Electronic Sources
Information You Will Need:
Author or editor’s name – last name, first name (if given).
Title of article, essay, blog entry, or poem/short story in the
Web site (in quotes).
Title of the overall Web site, scholarly project, database,
periodical, or professional site (italicized).
Publisher or sponsor of the site (if given); do not duplicate
name of publisher if it is the same name as the Web site.
Date of material (if given) Use “n.d.” if no date is given and
include access date at the end of the citation.
URL, omitting http:// or https://.
Date you accessed the Web site if no date is given for the Web
Note: Often you will have to consult a Web page other than
the one you are viewing to identify author, date, and/or
page publisher. Examine the home page or page just before the
one you are viewing.
Author Given
Menand, Louis. “Honest, Decent, Wrong.” The New Yorker, 27
Jan. 2003,
No Author Given
"Greenhouse Gas Emissions." Climate Change – Greenhouse
Gas Emissions. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 2 Aug. 2016,
No Date Given (give access date at end of citation)
“Climate Change and your Health.” Global Warming. Union of
Concerned Scientists, n.d.,
Accessed 20 May 2016.
Entire Web Site
Eaves, Morris, et al., editors. The William Blake Archive.
Library of Congress, 1996-2016, www.blakearchive.
Author’s name (if given).
Title of article in quotes.
Publication information for the printed source or printed
analogue, including: title of periodical or book (italicized),
date of publication or use “n.d.” if no date is given.
Name of database (italicized),
DOI, Document number, Accession number, or permanent URL,
omitting http:// or https://.
Academic Search Complete (popular magazine article). Use
accession number if no doi is given.
Reisinger, Don. “Ten Ways to Protect Social Media Passwords
from Hackers.” eWeek, 7 June 2016, p. 1. Academic
Search Complete, Access no. 116023281.
Academic Search Complete (scholarly journal article). DOI is
Boy, John D., and Justus Ultermark. "How to Study the City on
Instagram." PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 6, 23 June 2016, pp. 1-16.
Academic Search Complete, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158161.
Gale Virtual Reference Library (reference book article).
Document ID is given.
Harrison, Jennifer. “XYZ Affair.” Dictionary of American
History, edited by Stanley I. Kutler, 3rd ed., Charles Scribner’s
2003. Gale Virtual Reference Library, GALE|CX3401804623.
volume(s) used (if it is part of a multi-volume set),Name of
publisher, and year of publication (use UP for university press,
omit Company and Inc.),Give page numbers for a reference
book article, only if the articles are not arranged in ABC
omitting http:// or https://.Date you accessed the Web site if no
date is given for the Web site.TO CITE SUBSCRIPTION
Prashant Khadka
Prof Amy Bell
May 11,2018
Semester in a nutshell
This class has been one of the most interesting and eye-opening
classes of this semester for me. Unlike in my previous semester,
I took western civilization history but it was just a lecture and
pretty much boring. But this class was quite different than any
other classes. The first thing which I learned from this class that
made me quite satisfied is the things about the board of
education, how they have kept us in dark from the exact history
of America. The history books publishers have become so
impaired as they just take out anything they don't concur with
regardless of on the off chance that it changes history.
When I first registered for this class, I randomly picked
Professor Amy Bell. I thought that the class is going to be
normal like the other classes. But, from the first day to the end
day of this class, I enjoyed this class a lot. This class was more
like the discussion board. Professor Bell was one of the greatest
enthusiastic and curious professor who always gives her best
and tries to find out if her students are learning or not.
Talking about the history of America, from the discovery of
America by Columbus to the Civil War, I came to know many
false assertions from so called textbook publishers and
historians, and I learned many facts and information which were
totally new to me. From the beginning, the textbook publishers
have altered and manipulated our history a lot in a way they
want us to study it. All these lies and the false information
about history are the reasons for History being one of the
disliked subject of the students.
From the very beginning, I was taught that Christopher
Columbus was the man who discovered America. He was
considered as one of the American heroes. But, the truth was
hidden. Before his arrival, millions of peoples were already
living in America. This surely implies that Columbus was not
the first man to sail to America and to discover the land.
Columbus was in fact a very bad person whose main motive was
to explore the treasure not to discover the land. When he arrived
in America, he seized the land and living of the native people
and enslaved them. All these things are hidden from us by the
textbook publishers. The one good thing about this history class
is the textbook “Lies my teacher told me”. This book explained
us about how we students have been taught by our teachers and
the textbook publishers about the History. After studying this
book, it made me think that most of the information in the
History textbook are fake and they tell nothing other than the
incomplete and irrelevant information.
Besides that, thanksgiving was another thing which was totally
new for me and I learned its true value and meaning from this
class. What I was taught about Thanksgiving is that, it is
celebrated because the pilgrims of Mayflower came to the New
World and found religious freedom. But, it was totally
incomplete and misleading information. The pilgrims of
Mayflower had already found their religious freedom in Holland
and they sailed to the New World in order to spread their
English identity and for economical purpose. Most of them were
not even pilgrims, they were the sailors whose main purpose
was to find the Gold. With their arrival, they also carried a
disease with them, which killed more than 96% of the native
Americans. Till I took this class, I was taught that Columbus
was the one who was one of the pilgrims and who discovered
America. But, in the History textbook, it wasn’t mentioned that
there were many other people who sailed to the new world
before Columbus’s arrival and we can’t even find a trace of
their names in the History book. (Notes, Assignment #2)
I had many misconceptions about the US history and the
American Revolutionary war. I used to think that Americans
fought the revolutionary war for the independence of native
Americans. But, the reality was quite different. 69% of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence were the rich
merchants who had colonial office under England. (Notes,
Assignments #9) The revolutionary war was mainly about rich
and poor people. Even though the American colonies managed
to win the war but the poor didn’t get justice. This war was
battled basically for the rich Americans who needed to set up
themselves and needed to pick up influence. They utilized
destitute individuals to battle for them yet the poor didn't know
the goal of the wealth. Prior to the Independence Day, British
had control over Land and Economics of the nation. The rich
ones believed that in the event that they toss the settlers out of
their nation, they would have the opportunity to wander in and
take control.
Even about the Civil war and the Reconstruction, there were
many misleading information and facts we had studied before.
All we know about civil war was that it was fought for slavery.
But it had many other aims one of which is to bring the southern
states back to the union and establish peace throughout the
country. Also, after the Civil War, during Reconstruction
period, we were taught that this period was the time of
reconstruction of the destruction done in southern as well as
northern states during Civil war. But, there was many more in
deep. The so-called leaders of Civil war Abraham Lincoln and
Andrew Jackson were racists. They were the one who were
leading their team but they have also enslaved many innocent
people. This is the dark side of our History text book.
Thus, most of the subject matters of the History that we have
learned so far before taking this class and after taking this class,
has changed my opinion and view towards my learning ability.
Before taking this class, I used to believe each and everything
that were in the book and that were told by my teacher. In fact,
I used to take book as the source of all knowledge. But, after
taking this class, this class has just opened my eye, and told me
that how much behind I was in learning history. History is not
the subject I used to think, it is much more vast and interesting.
If we had tried to go through each and every source found in
this world about the History, we would have taken History as
one of the best subjects.
1. Class notes, Assignment #2
2. Class notes, Assignment #9
“ we weren’t on the wrong side, we were the wrong” another
evidence in what president Eisenhower was trying to warn us
about the military industrial complex, it is without a fact that
we were on the wrong side and the results of the military
industrial complex where showing, one with our power hungry
government and two with the development of all bombs that
were being dropped on Vietnam and the cliché part is that
project orange back fired on us and it affected our troops and
their offspring’s, it caused cancer and so many other diseases
and the government denied it plain blank till the 19s that’s when
they came out and admitted the truth and divesting part is that
we dropped three times more bombs, more project orange on the
Vietnam people than all the nations combined in the world war
2,I mean was that necessary though, it was just plain wrong and
messed up. I don’t know what people thought back then, that
we weren’t in the wrong but I believe has professor Bell said at
the end of the class is that ‘what we are doing now is what we
wound have done then if we were there’. Today there is a war
that we are involved with, i don’t know much about it and we
aren’t doing anything about it and I think its because we are
ignorant towards it and so were the people from the Vietnam
wars ignorant, and the government is and was brain washing us.
Discussion Board #12
I learned that The United States dropped atomic bombs on two
Japanese cities from the film “Why We Fight?” even when the
Japanese have wanted to surrender but Truman wanted to
release the atomic bombs. I also learned that Eisenhower wanted
to alert us of military and private industries winning benefits
and power. I did know that our CIA also trained Osama Bin
Laden. This is indeed a shocking fact of information. I did not
have any idea that we had orchestrated the ousting of so many
leaders. In addition, I was not aware that we had a hand in
assassinating so many foreign leaders. I think we did this
because we felt like their government would not want to
collaborate for our countries benefit or because our country
wants to remain being powerful and the only country to reflect
being an example to other countries. They illustrate for us about
our country’s dealing in the middle east to be disturbing due to
harming civilians where innocent women, children, and men
were injured or killed.
5 interesting things I found:
· “Our government expressed outrage at Iraq's Saddam Hussein
for trying to arrange the assassination of former President Bush
when he visited Kuwait in 1993 and retaliated with a bombing
attack on Baghdad, yet the United States has repeatedly
orchestrated similar assassination attempts.” I found this insane
because it seems like this country just bombs other cities and
have dealt with other nations assassinations.
· “The FBI responded not by helping to identify which officers
fired in what became known as "the Orangeburg Massacre," but
by falsifying information about the students to help the troopers
with their defense.” I found this shocking because we are taught
that the FBI are very reliable people. I see they also lie and are
· “Thus our American history textbooks minimize [he porential
power of the people and, despite their best patriotic efforts, take
a stance that is overtly antidemocratic.” I find this upsetting
because in the film it framed that the country fought for
freedom. Instead, the textbooks are keeping information to
avoid informing their readers of their power.
· “Since 1776 Canada has provided a refuge for Americans who
disagreed with policies of the US. government…” I found this
interesting because I did not know Canada has helped the
United States people more than textbooks have informed us.
· “Instead, shortly after King's death in 1968, the FBI twice
broke into SNCC offices. Years later the bureau tried to prevent
King's birthday from becoming a national holiday." I found this
crazy because people remain negative towards a man whom
changed society point of views.
Discussion Board #11
After watching, “Memory of the Camps”, it's hard to choke
down the reality of how can an evil like this exist, and for
anyone to simply live about their lives knowing that there was a
systematic process of mass murder, if, they knew anything
about it. I find it disturbing that the proud workers operating at
these genocide camps have no lick of humanity toward the
prisoners, the amount of brainwashing and indoctrination
required for these people to operate the way they did must be
something I can’t even imagine or explain. I am unfamiliar. I
found a quote by a French philosophy named Voltaire, “Those
who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities.” The S.S believe the prisoners were subhuman, and
believe their occupation in extermination was a justice to the
world, their world.
I think the people learned from the atrocities of war and
the effects of genocide but the governments that manage our
world continue to operate in a way that power grabs resources
and disregard rights of the people involved. So, why doesn’t the
US respond to the genocide in Rwanda and Darfur like they did
during WW2? It probably because the U.S. believes they can’t
win against China in the resources in that region. If anything
the U.S. government might already have plans to exploit the
Darfur region. Why am I talking about this? I guess after what
we seen so far, it's just seems to be the regular pattern.
Things I read in Chapter 16 of Howard Zinn’s A
People’s History of the United States:
The reason why the U.S. entered WW2 was claim more
economic stakes in the European world. Zinn wrote, “Before the
war was over, the administration was planning the outlines of
the new international economic order, based on partnership
between government and big business.” (Zinn) An Assistant
Secretary of State, Archibald MacLeish, said, "As things are
now going, the peace we will make, the peace we seem to be
making, will be a peace of oil, a peace of gold, a peace of
shipping, a peace, in brief . . . without moral purpose or human
interest . . ." The U.S. continue to make business a priority
before and even after the war making the U.S. one of the most
powerful countries at the time.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor that was instigated by
the US. government through embargo on Japanese goods, the
Japanese-Americans living in the United States were forced into
concentration camps by the hysteria that developed in the
government. There were 110,000 men, women, and children all
along the West Coast, and among them was a young girl named
Michi Weglyn. This was her experience, “Michi Weglyn was a
young girl when her family experienced evacuation and
detention. She tells (Years of Infamy) of bungling in the
evacuation, of misery, confusion, anger, but also of Japanese-
American dignity and fighting back. There were strikes,
petitions, mass meetings, refusal to sign loyalty oaths, riots
against the camp authorities. The Japanese resisted to the end.”
Knowing more about the history of the U.S. and racism,
it continued on, even in waring times. The blacks were treated
like lower class humans as usual, while on boats they were put
below deck next to the engine rooms. They were employment
were belittling with jobs in the mess hall or janitorial duty.
More often than not, the black community opposed the war due
to their oppression here in the states. Lawrence Wittner wrote
in Rebel Against War quoted a black journalist: ‘"The Negro . .
. is angry, resentful, and utterly apathetic about the war. 'Fight
for what?' he is asking. 'This war doesn't mean a thing to me. If
we win I lose, so what?'" The black community felt there was
no point in fighting in a white man’s war when the war at home
was still raging without much effort from the government.
For an anti-fascist government, the U.S. still did some
genocidal acts. The Europeans and US bombed German cities:
Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Dresden. In Dresden,
there more than 100,000 deaths, majority were civilians. In
Japan, the U.S. did more saturation bombing in Tokyo taking
80,000 lives, said to destroy civilian morale. The one that was
most impactful was the fact that Zinn wrote, “...on August 6,
1945, came the lone American plane in the sky over Hiroshima,
dropping the first atomic bomb, leaving perhaps 100,000
Japanese dead, and tens of thousands more slowly dying from
radiation poisoning.” With the notions of eliminating evil in the
world, the U.S. contradict themselves with mass murder. I can
see the reasons for acts of war, but why drop the bomb when the
Japanese were ready to surrender after the fall of the Nazi
What keeps being repeated in our history is the constant
mention of how pro-business we are, and the needs by
companies for control of the population. Zinn wrote, “It was an
old lesson learned by governments: that war solves problems of
control. Charles E. Wilson, the president of General Electric
Corporation, was so happy about the wartime situation that he
suggested a continuing alliance between business and the
military for "a permanent war economy."’ We are a nation that
is pro-war.
Khadka 2
Prashant Khadka
Prof. Amy Bell
Richland College
The Progressives
In the gilded age, America was full of individualistic and some
movements had goals into changing America into a better place.
A limited group of individuals owned most of America's wealth
and the little that remained was divided by the large population
for which they had to earn it through long working hours with
low wages, dangerous working environment and they would face
harsh unscrupulous employers. For this reason, there arose a
movement group which was called the Progressives. This was a
group of dedicated individuals who had a goal to make reforms
in the United States in the Gilded Age or the age of movement
(Discussion Board 1). According to Howard Zinn, the
progressives fought for reforms in the American industries, to
increase working conditions, better pay and reduced working
hours in which became difficult to stabilize the capital and
labor struggles for the working class (William A. Link).
The progressives “offered an impressive array of proposals”
because in the gilded age the system was corrupt that employee
could tirelessly be working in the treacherous environment in
the American industries and receive low wages and
unreasonable insufficient compensations that they would barely
feed their families. The American wealth was also distributed
among greedy individuals who ran the industries where the
employers received better salaries and better lifestyles. These
reasons lead to the impressive array of proposals to try and
change the American social structure. After the war, industries
and business started to grow, even though they existed before
the war, after the war is when they got well established. There
were godfathers who took over the industries in who most of the
wealth was distributed to. Industries continued to grow but the
workers remained to suffer because the working conditions in
these industries were not getting any better. Workers were
exposed to toxic fumes, dangerous industrial equipment, hot
temperatures and many treacherous conditions that led to
deaths, accidents, disasters and many other tragedies as
explained by a historian Howard Zinn (Zinn).
Corruption had taken over the government in the gilded age that
America's citizens were not given the attention they required by
the legislature (Zinn 23). Despite the elections that were held
corruption would rule over the ballot boxes and this led to the
dishonesty of legislature, the Congress and all the
representatives such that none of them could be trusted.
The progressives tried to push the proposals that they had
suggested, and they fought for their implementation. One of the
proposals was to give the government the powers to enable the
government to increase the continuity and predictability of
endless change in the United States. Where there was corruption
the government they fought for the system changes for example
in leading the elections to expand America’s democracy. These
benefited the lives in the United States by exercising their
democracy and choose leaders who will represent them in the
government. The progressives also pushed for the government
involvement in public affairs and increased government
regulations in which they fought for the elimination of trusts of
the monopoly of corporations that had created an unfair
business environment. Life in these United States benefited
from this move by the progressives that facilitated a competitive
and diverse business market.
The progressives had their proposals pushed into
implementation and had altered the nation in various ways.
There were political reforms in which the citizens would
exercise their democratic rights. Also, as discussed there were
business regulations that changed the nation to the better and
business operator would compete effectively in the business
environment. The progressives also enhanced trustworthy of the
legislature and the government (Gould).
The progressive movement made the United States kinder and
gentler nation in some ways such as the reforms in the
government and in exercising democracy. In the gilded age, it
was worse as the richest had all the wealth and would make
decisions according to their will and America’s citizens had no
power against them since corruption had seized the republic.
Despite these reforms, they were unable to make reforms in the
industries to better the working conditions of the employees
(Discussion 10/11). This explains how different historians
assessed the progressive movement. According to Zinn, he
explained the progressive movement as a reluctant reform that
did not concentrate on reform creation. His ideas are supported
by the fact that in today’s industries, employees working
conditions have not changed compared to those of the gilded
age. Workers are still exposed to the harsh and dangerous
working environment, yet they receive little pay and no
compensations (Zinn349). More extended working hours and
other challenges are faced by people working in the industries
in the modern world which was the same in the gilded age
proving that the Progressives failed in making reforms to these
industries (McGerr).
Work Cited
Gould, Lewis L. America in the Progressive Era, 1890-1914.
Routledge, 2014.
McGerr, Michael. A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the
Progressive Movement in America. Simon and Schuster, 2010.
William A. Link, Susannah J. Link. The Gilded Age and
Progressive Era: A Documentary Reader. John Wiley & Sons,
Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492-
Present. Routledge, 2015.
American History
Prashant Khadka
Amy Bell
Khadka 2
What is history and why should we study it?
History is a study of the past or events of the past. This can be
done via research of documentation from or written about these
past times, archaeological operations, interviewing of people
who were alive in these past times and many other ways.
The fact that these events already happened – in some cases
several hundred or even thousand years ago – the only way to
truly understand history, one is forced to depend heavily on
these materials to gain required knowledge. Whilst
archeological evidence holds significant credibility, when it
comes to human narration of history (via documented text or
verbal communication) however, there exists many factors that
could effectively taint or alter these fundamental truths. These
can range from bias to impaired memory; and in some cases, the
dark events in history are watered down in an attempt to create
a different light on a particular person or group of persons as
protagonists to the tale.
The birth of Protagonists
The documentation of history has had the common feature of
creating protagonists essentially making certain key figures
with whom historians would want people to relate to into great
men to whom people would relate and adore. The downside to
this is that whilst they not only create fallacious praises, but
also, they undermine true history and with it the history of the
world and of men who lived during and before the era of this
Christopher Columbus for example is one such hero with
reputation so profound there exist nursey rhymes to his name.
The traditional accounts given about the hero in textbooks in
schools and the rhymes we sing are, however, fabricated to
benefit the general epoch of Columbus and endear him to us.
The praises of how his bravery and zeal for adventure changed
the world in terms of the development of the Americas is
farfetched with other evidence suggesting that voyages into the
Americas had been made prior to 1492 (Loewen).
There is also a clear aversion to the mention of the interactions
between Columbus (and his crew) and the natives he met in the
land he travelled. The voyagers treated these natives as
obstacles and the documentation of these events denotes to a
land devoid of settlers and of people roaming the great lands.
This text undermines the American natives as early settlers in
the land by saying that the lands were unoccupied where
Columbus and his crew encountered people already living
History of Thanksgiving
The first Thanksgiving is often mistaken as the event that marks
the first settlement of America. This event however took place
in 1620, therefore it alludes to a clear understanding that
settlement would only be interpreted to mean arrival of the
White man (Caucasian American) who arrived as the pilgrimage
(Loewen). The understanding that the Pilgrims are the first
inhabitants of America excludes to a huge extent the colonial
settlement of British North America that had inhabitants in the
form of the Spanish (periods in the 1500s), the Dutch (around
1614), the French (also present as early as the 1500s) and even
the British whose first settlements can be recorded as early as
1606 (Loewen).
Loewen in his book states that the way the story of the Pilgrims
has been documented, depicted and taught has only served a
single purpose – the development of ethnocentric belief in
young Americans. It has purposefully deleted or ignored the
true history of Thanksgiving as a Native American culture and
tradition and has painted it as an invention of the Pilgrims. Dark
natures on the relations between these two groups is also altered
or not recorded whatsoever. This has thus caused strain on
cultural relativism practices and approaches by young
Americans owing to this programming.
History of Slavery
The history textbooks of the 1950s depict racism as a
fundamental social construct that benefitted both the white and
black man without any real harm to any one of the parties.
These books strived to paint a picture of racism as a necessity
in society that all people consented to as important to socio-
economic sustenance and this was the trend in publishing until
the Civil Rights movement began (Loewen).
Loewen explains that for a huge period before the Civil rights
movement, the way slavery was handled in the textbooks was in
a way that diminished the effect it had on the slaves and mostly
went on to empower the practice with topics such as the
economic benefits that could be enjoyed from their labor output
in the cotton fields to many other uses. The Civil Rights
movement served heavily in the reduction of segregation in
America and whilst racial tensions existed still, African
American history could be documented accurately. This led to
documentation on the truths about the Civil Wars primarily
being about slavery (B.). Historical texts are also notorious for
shying away from the mention of founding fathers and more
especially presidents who had slaves even whilst in office.
These books also avert mention of slavery in North America
Textbooks and History
The study of history is instrumental to social life understanding
and development; thus for some aspects and principles, history
was introduced into the classroom for the young to learn. These
textbooks are loaded with the same accounts that have been
fabricated in efforts to promote a certain sense of pride; mask
past atrocities or to endear these children into certain beliefs.
The problem with this is that this greatly undermines the
material’s value as a worthy example as when the circumstances
to the story change then so does everything else around it and
the significance of the historical event vanishes with this
Textbooks complicate the study of history as they all contain
mirrored information with texts going so far as to use the same
wording and documenting the same accounts. This means that
the material that is offered is all wrong and altered in a medium
that is publicly available and used actively in class across the
borders (Loewen). The young budding citizens of the new world
are brought up in deceit where core principles and beliefs that
they are dependent on are product of fabricated accounts. This
becomes an even greater issue when textbooks seek to ignore
proper analytical procedures on all circumstances and usually
pick one direction and over repeated publishing across all
books, this detail becomes fact (Loewen).
W.E.B. DuBois suggests in the excerpt that in our studies of
history, when we skim over the bad parts, our histories begin to
lose their value as “incentive and example.” What is meant by
The value of an example is heavily, if not fully, dependent on
its relevance. In the altering or doctoring of history before
presenting it to the learner, this value is already compromised.
History is worth more when interpreted objectively as per its
occurrence and facts rather than when it is presented from a
subjective point of view that is shroud with bias and myth.
To skim over the bad parts would be to create myth which
would serve no purpose other than to mislead where precedence
is meant to guide. If the bad parts of our histories are
eradicated, society cannot grow or develop for the better as
feelings of complacency and self-pride on having successful
pasts may settle in where feeling of revolt and change of norms
should be developed in attempts to right past wrongs. This
interpretation of history debunks its validity and weight as
incentive to do better in the present and future.
Consequences of the ways in which history has recorded and
The way history is recorded in books (especially textbooks) and
how it is taught in schools effectively changes how young minds
look at the world. Where history has been altered to endear
young minds towards certain parties, it directly influences their
subconscious mind into rejection of the other side of the story.
History that is construed and interpreted in a subjective sense to
favor a particular side for example to hide their dark pasts,
eliminate negativity or viewpoints that illustrate particular
parties’ involvement in wrongful acts etc. create bias in the
minds of the beneficiaries of this education (B.). This can cause
a wrong sense of entitlement or pride to develop or an air of
discrimination and lack of empathy for the people who have
been wronged by these acts of days past.
The long-term effect can be felt from deteriorating or stagnant
social growth (Loewen). When the students are not equipped
with the right and adequate knowledge of the past, they cannot
effectively apply these principles to current events. This causes
repetition of past errors or in some cases even worse handling
of similar circumstances to previous ones. Precedence shapes
the future as a map and without effectively studied history, the
map is bound to mislead all who intend to follow its directions.
B., Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American
Revolution . Belknap of Harvard University Press, 1992.
Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me. 1995. Document
"Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress.",
Discussion Board #10
imply, the word “Imperialism” means an acquisition of a power
or a territory by gaining economical as well as political aspects
of that place. Colonialism is one of the forms of imperialism.
When I talk about the word “Imperialism”, the first thing that
comes in mind is Europe because it is the place from where
Imperialism began. But, in this class, we are talking about the
“American Imperialism”. Every war that has happened in the
world is because of the Imperialism. One worst part about The
American government is that it tries to show the world how
strong they are. Even, in the present world, America has the
biggest influence all over the world.
In the early 19th century, America extended its Imperialism
over Philippines, Cuba, Germany, Hawaii, Austria, and Japan
seizing their political and economic aspects. One of the
instances of American acquisition is the building of the Panama
Canal which was solely financed by America. As in the 1800s,
American and British traders want to ship their goods within a
few times and without the high cost of shipping, but it wasn’t
possible until they built the Panama Canal. Even, in the Spanish
war, America supported Puerto Rico and Cuba, after the end of
Spanish war with the victory in favors of Cuba, America played
a dirty game and ended of getting Cuba, Philippines and Puerto
Rico which were free states before. Another example of
American acquisition is the annexation of Hawaii in 1898,
which allowed America a free and easy access to Asia.
Above these all, what I found interesting is that America started
its Imperialism following a belief called America
Exceptionalism, which is an idea that America is superior and
unique than other countries due to its specific world mission for
freedom and democracy.
Discussion Board #9
Progressive era is the time period between the 1890s to the
1920s, which followed the Glided Age. This era commenced as
a social movement and ended up being a national and political
movement. The main objective of progressive era was to
eradicate the problem caused by the corruption in the
government, unmannered immigration and uncivilized
industrialization. Moreover, the main purpose of progressive era
was to carry out reforms in terms of country’s development in
education, health and other infrastructure. But, the progressive
era didn’t succeed in achieving its objective. Progressive era
was said to change some of the industrial practice from Glided
Age. From glided age, more than 27000 workers died because of
the work pressure and heat produced inside the industries. Many
of the workers got handicapped because of one mistake of the
industry. Since, the beginning of the Glided Age to the end of
the progressive era, there were only few companies who were
following the safety and environmental law until this law
became a constitutional law. As shown in the video, one of the
companies which weren’t following the safety rules and risked
the life of the workers is McWane. This is the saddest part.
Discussion Board #8
Before reading the article, I was totally unknown about what is
Glided age in the history of America. Being a foreign student,
the more I am attending this class the more I am learning and
exploring about American history. Glided age is the time period
in American history between the 1870s and 1900 which is a
time period of rapid progress in terms of Industries and
Infrastructures most in North and West. The term “Gilded Age”
is named by famous writer Mark twin. But talking about the
dark side of the Glided era, it was a time period when the so-
called leaders, investors and dishonorable businessmen in
remarkable prosperity plushness by suppressing the labor and
slaves. This is the saddest part.
While on the other hand, the video tells us how big shopping
malls like Walmart have affected the small-town business.
Above all these, the worst part is until the Glided era, slavery
wasn’t abolished.
Discussion Board #7
Reconstruction era was the time period between (1863-1877)
after the end of American civil war, during which endeavors
were made to change the disparities of bondage and its political,
social, and monetary heritage. Despite the promise of ending
slavery, there was still a lot of slavery trades going on at that
time. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson who were
considered as the abolishers of slavery, even they used to own
more than 200 slaves working for them. Reconstruction era was
supposed to be a productive era rather, it ended up being a
problematic one. After watching the “Birth of a Nation Clip 5”,
we can see how much uncivilized and unmannered the
representatives in the first legislative session were. The first
legislative was dominated by African-Americans as they were in
majority with 101 in number as compared to the whites who
were just 23. The clip was funny to watch which reminded me
of watching Charlie Chaplin’s short comedy tapes. The
emerging of Ku Klux Klan which was a white supremacist
terrorist group, made the Reconstruction era even worse as their
main aim was to suppress the newly freed Slaves.
Discussion #6
Before opening this assignment, I used to think slavery has been
abolished from the world years ago. Modern slavery!! Does it
even exist?? But the answer to my question was a big “yes, it
still exists, but, in different forms.” I was quite shocked to
know that in present era, there are more than 30 million slaves
around the world. My professor said in the class that we can
even calculate how much slaves are working under me. Isn’t it
too strange? Among many forms of modern slavery, sex
trafficking held the highest position of slavery business in the
world. It is quite surprising to say that present days slave
population outnumber the slave population during Trans-
Atlantic slave trade. World war is one of the potential causes of
today’s slave population because many people lost their
families. There is different between old slavery system and new
slavery system. One of them is that in old slavery slaves were
considered as property while modern slavery believes in “cheap
lives” and “big profits”. No wonder, slavery is not going to end
this world as new forms of slavery is emerging.
Discussion Assignment #5
Five things I found interesting about this assignment are:
1. More than 50 million of African slaves were taken to Europe
and America through ship, of which only half made their way to
the destination.
2. All the slaves were covered by insurance, so the owners
didn’t use to care about slaves’ life as they can claim the
compensation to the insurance.
3. Women, children as well as men were raped by the slave
traders and after then, they were killed and thrown away in the
4. The slave traders enslaved African with different language so
that they cannot communicate with each other.
5. Some Africans themselves were involved in promoting slave
trade in their homeland.
After watching the Disney version of “A slave’s journey”, I
knew that how much pain those innocent Africans had endured
before dying. They were treated like a thing with which we can
do anything. They were transported like big shipment, like cases
of food to the New World and Europe. After watching the video,
there was only one question in my mind, “how can a human be
this much cruel?”
Discussion Assignment #4
The reason why History has been the most disliked subject of
the student is the presence of irrelevant and misleading facts
and information in the contents. History is a study of past fact.
Had history been taught with real fact without any
manipulation, it would have been a lot of students’ favorite
major. Till now, whatever I have learned about American
History, I have found that the Americans who were involved in
the History, all their works were somehow exaggerated, and
they were highlighted as heroes. Most of the contents in the
History books are based on religions nowadays. Schools and
colleges have been highly influenced by politics and religions.
In most of the public school, Bible has been a subject and it was
said that everything that Bible said is true.
What I was taught about Woodrow Wilson is that he was one of
the national heroes of America. But I was never taught about
how he was. I was quite shocked knowing that he was a racist.
Hellen keller was one of the greatest personality during her
time despite her disability, but I was never taught that she was a
social activist and had her own way and belief.
First Thanksgiving
Before studying this article, I had no idea about what
Thanksgiving is because we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in our
country as we follow Hinduism. I searched a lot in internet
about Thanksgiving, but every time I search about it, it would
say, “Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude towards the
god by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New land.”
But after watching the video and reading the article, I found the
concept of Thanksgiving was totally different than what I have
learned from internet.
Five things I found interesting about the first Thanksgiving are:
1. Only 1/3 of the travelers of the Mayflower were Pilgrims and
Mayflower was the name of the ship in which Pilgrims travelled
to the New World.
2. The Pilgrims brought a plague with them which killed more
than 95% of Native Americans.
3. Native Americans, who were considered as “Savage” and
“Barbarians” taught the travelers and Pilgrims how to take bath.
4. At that time, native Americans were unknown about who
brought the illness to their land and blamed god for what was
5. The travelers of Mayflower thought that the native Americans
were unadvanced and Savage and it will be easier to betray
Learning about American history more than 500 years ago is
one of my achievements from this class. I have learned many
facts which I was totally unknown before. I used to think that
Columbus was the first ever person to be in the New world
(present day’s America). But, I was wrong. Before Columbus
landing, there were already more than hundreds of millions of
Indian Americans living in the New World. I have learned in
brief about Columbus and his intention of landing in America
and how our history book publishers have made him a national
hero. But, the truth is he was a rapist and slavery owner. This
article clarifies our misconception of thinking that Columbus
was a hero.
Five things I found interesting through this article are:
1. The main intention of Columbus to land in America wasn’t to
discover it, in fact, he landed in America in search of Gold.
2. He used to treat the Indian Americans as slaves and whoever
does manage to find gold, he used to kill them.
3. At that time, South Carolina was the major port for trade and
4. Native Americans were considered as “savage” and
“barbarians”, but in reality, they were much more advanced and
civilized than the Europeans.
5. Before Columbus’s landing, many other people had already
explored America.
Discussion Board #1
The article Betrayal of History has exposed how the textbook
publishers have hidden the real fact and information about the
history and how they have manipulated the data and have made
their own story about the history. Five things I found interesting
after reading this article are:
1. Publishers of History textbooks have kept their student in
dark and have imposed bureaucracy in the education system.
2. Certain words like “sharpen”, “imagine” and “feel” cannot be
used in the history textbook.
3. California and Texas are the two major states for producing
textbook all over the nation.
4. History publishers have biased the information of past and
emphasized the information based on a certain religion.
5. I had studied that the Native American was savage and
uncivilized during Columbus landing, but the real fact is Native
Americans were much more civilized and cultured than most of
the Europeans.
Being a foreign student, I felt quite ashamed of knowing that
how much politics has affected the education system in the
United States. Like me, I think this is the reason behind
students not liking the history subject.
1 F2016   Writing Citations for Print Sources   Pr.docx

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  • 1. 1 F2016 Writing Citations for Print Sources Print: BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS Information You Will Need: TO CITE BOOKS Author’s name (author of the entire book – or author of a separate article). Title of the part of the book (in quotes) (This applies if you used only a short section, not the entire book.). Title of the book (italicized), Name of the editor, translator, or compiler (if given), Edition used (if given), Number(s) of volume(s) used (if it is part of a multi-volume set),
  • 2. Name of publisher, and year of publication (use UP for university press, omit Company and Inc.), Give page numbers for a reference book article, only if the articles are not arranged in ABC order Series name is optional. Examples: Article From a Typical Reference Book (articles not in ABC order) Rottner, Klemens, et al. “Cytoskeleton Proteins.” Cell Biology, edited by Julio E. Celis, 3rd ed., vol. 3. Elsevier Academic Press, 2006, pp. 111-19. Printed Book Hillstrom, Kevin. The Great Depression and the New Deal. Omnigraphics, 2008. TO CITE PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS Author’s name (if given). Title of article in quotes.
  • 3. Title of the periodical (italicized), Volume and issue number for journals only (Do not give volume number for magazines.), Date of publication, Page numbers of article or section and page number for newspapers. Examples: Popular Magazine Article Worland, Justin. “What is Killing off the Pollinators?” Time, 14 Mar. 2016, p. 10. Scholarly Journal Article Sohrabi, Nader. “Historicizing Revolutions: Constitutional Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire, Iran, and Russia, 1905-1908.”American Journal of Sociology, vol.100, no. 6, 1995, pp. 1383-477. Newspaper Article Hoppe, Christy. “Y’all Can’t Take My Cellphone.” Dallas Morning News, 13 Apr. 2009, pp. 1A+.
  • 4. 2 F2016 Writing Citations for Electronic Sources Electronic: WEB PAGES AND SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES Information You Will Need: TO CITE WEB PAGES Author or editor’s name – last name, first name (if given). Title of article, essay, blog entry, or poem/short story in the Web site (in quotes). Title of the overall Web site, scholarly project, database, periodical, or professional site (italicized). Publisher or sponsor of the site (if given); do not duplicate name of publisher if it is the same name as the Web site. Date of material (if given) Use “n.d.” if no date is given and include access date at the end of the citation.
  • 5. URL, omitting http:// or https://. Date you accessed the Web site if no date is given for the Web site. Note: Often you will have to consult a Web page other than the one you are viewing to identify author, date, and/or page publisher. Examine the home page or page just before the one you are viewing. Examples: Author Given Menand, Louis. “Honest, Decent, Wrong.” The New Yorker, 27 Jan. 2003, magazine/2003/01/27/honest-decent-wrong. No Author Given "Greenhouse Gas Emissions." Climate Change – Greenhouse Gas Emissions. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2 Aug. 2016, No Date Given (give access date at end of citation) “Climate Change and your Health.” Global Warming. Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d., global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/climate-change- and-your-health.html#.V6I0qj9ZY1Q.
  • 6. Accessed 20 May 2016. Entire Web Site Eaves, Morris, et al., editors. The William Blake Archive. Library of Congress, 1996-2016, www.blakearchive. org/blake. TO CITE SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES Author’s name (if given). Title of article in quotes. Publication information for the printed source or printed analogue, including: title of periodical or book (italicized), date of publication or use “n.d.” if no date is given. Name of database (italicized), DOI, Document number, Accession number, or permanent URL, omitting http:// or https://. Examples: Academic Search Complete (popular magazine article). Use accession number if no doi is given.
  • 7. Reisinger, Don. “Ten Ways to Protect Social Media Passwords from Hackers.” eWeek, 7 June 2016, p. 1. Academic Search Complete, Access no. 116023281. . Academic Search Complete (scholarly journal article). DOI is given Boy, John D., and Justus Ultermark. "How to Study the City on Instagram." PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 6, 23 June 2016, pp. 1-16. Academic Search Complete, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158161. Gale Virtual Reference Library (reference book article). Document ID is given. Harrison, Jennifer. “XYZ Affair.” Dictionary of American History, edited by Stanley I. Kutler, 3rd ed., Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. Gale Virtual Reference Library, GALE|CX3401804623. Print: BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERSNumber(s) of volume(s) used (if it is part of a multi-volume set),Name of publisher, and year of publication (use UP for university press, omit Company and Inc.),Give page numbers for a reference book article, only if the articles are not arranged in ABC orderTO CITE PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERSURL, omitting http:// or https://.Date you accessed the Web site if no date is given for the Web site.TO CITE SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES 1 Khadka
  • 8. Prashant Khadka Prof Amy Bell HISTORY-1301 May 11,2018 Semester in a nutshell This class has been one of the most interesting and eye-opening classes of this semester for me. Unlike in my previous semester, I took western civilization history but it was just a lecture and pretty much boring. But this class was quite different than any other classes. The first thing which I learned from this class that made me quite satisfied is the things about the board of education, how they have kept us in dark from the exact history of America. The history books publishers have become so impaired as they just take out anything they don't concur with regardless of on the off chance that it changes history. When I first registered for this class, I randomly picked Professor Amy Bell. I thought that the class is going to be normal like the other classes. But, from the first day to the end day of this class, I enjoyed this class a lot. This class was more like the discussion board. Professor Bell was one of the greatest enthusiastic and curious professor who always gives her best and tries to find out if her students are learning or not. Talking about the history of America, from the discovery of America by Columbus to the Civil War, I came to know many false assertions from so called textbook publishers and historians, and I learned many facts and information which were totally new to me. From the beginning, the textbook publishers have altered and manipulated our history a lot in a way they want us to study it. All these lies and the false information about history are the reasons for History being one of the disliked subject of the students. From the very beginning, I was taught that Christopher Columbus was the man who discovered America. He was considered as one of the American heroes. But, the truth was hidden. Before his arrival, millions of peoples were already living in America. This surely implies that Columbus was not
  • 9. the first man to sail to America and to discover the land. Columbus was in fact a very bad person whose main motive was to explore the treasure not to discover the land. When he arrived in America, he seized the land and living of the native people and enslaved them. All these things are hidden from us by the textbook publishers. The one good thing about this history class is the textbook “Lies my teacher told me”. This book explained us about how we students have been taught by our teachers and the textbook publishers about the History. After studying this book, it made me think that most of the information in the History textbook are fake and they tell nothing other than the incomplete and irrelevant information. Besides that, thanksgiving was another thing which was totally new for me and I learned its true value and meaning from this class. What I was taught about Thanksgiving is that, it is celebrated because the pilgrims of Mayflower came to the New World and found religious freedom. But, it was totally incomplete and misleading information. The pilgrims of Mayflower had already found their religious freedom in Holland and they sailed to the New World in order to spread their English identity and for economical purpose. Most of them were not even pilgrims, they were the sailors whose main purpose was to find the Gold. With their arrival, they also carried a disease with them, which killed more than 96% of the native Americans. Till I took this class, I was taught that Columbus was the one who was one of the pilgrims and who discovered America. But, in the History textbook, it wasn’t mentioned that there were many other people who sailed to the new world before Columbus’s arrival and we can’t even find a trace of their names in the History book. (Notes, Assignment #2) I had many misconceptions about the US history and the American Revolutionary war. I used to think that Americans fought the revolutionary war for the independence of native Americans. But, the reality was quite different. 69% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were the rich
  • 10. merchants who had colonial office under England. (Notes, Assignments #9) The revolutionary war was mainly about rich and poor people. Even though the American colonies managed to win the war but the poor didn’t get justice. This war was battled basically for the rich Americans who needed to set up themselves and needed to pick up influence. They utilized destitute individuals to battle for them yet the poor didn't know the goal of the wealth. Prior to the Independence Day, British had control over Land and Economics of the nation. The rich ones believed that in the event that they toss the settlers out of their nation, they would have the opportunity to wander in and take control. Even about the Civil war and the Reconstruction, there were many misleading information and facts we had studied before. All we know about civil war was that it was fought for slavery. But it had many other aims one of which is to bring the southern states back to the union and establish peace throughout the country. Also, after the Civil War, during Reconstruction period, we were taught that this period was the time of reconstruction of the destruction done in southern as well as northern states during Civil war. But, there was many more in deep. The so-called leaders of Civil war Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson were racists. They were the one who were leading their team but they have also enslaved many innocent people. This is the dark side of our History text book. Thus, most of the subject matters of the History that we have learned so far before taking this class and after taking this class, has changed my opinion and view towards my learning ability. Before taking this class, I used to believe each and everything that were in the book and that were told by my teacher. In fact, I used to take book as the source of all knowledge. But, after taking this class, this class has just opened my eye, and told me that how much behind I was in learning history. History is not the subject I used to think, it is much more vast and interesting. If we had tried to go through each and every source found in this world about the History, we would have taken History as
  • 11. one of the best subjects. Reference 1. Class notes, Assignment #2 2. Class notes, Assignment #9 “ we weren’t on the wrong side, we were the wrong” another evidence in what president Eisenhower was trying to warn us about the military industrial complex, it is without a fact that we were on the wrong side and the results of the military industrial complex where showing, one with our power hungry government and two with the development of all bombs that were being dropped on Vietnam and the cliché part is that project orange back fired on us and it affected our troops and their offspring’s, it caused cancer and so many other diseases and the government denied it plain blank till the 19s that’s when they came out and admitted the truth and divesting part is that we dropped three times more bombs, more project orange on the Vietnam people than all the nations combined in the world war 2,I mean was that necessary though, it was just plain wrong and messed up. I don’t know what people thought back then, that
  • 12. we weren’t in the wrong but I believe has professor Bell said at the end of the class is that ‘what we are doing now is what we wound have done then if we were there’. Today there is a war that we are involved with, i don’t know much about it and we aren’t doing anything about it and I think its because we are ignorant towards it and so were the people from the Vietnam wars ignorant, and the government is and was brain washing us. Discussion Board #12 I learned that The United States dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities from the film “Why We Fight?” even when the Japanese have wanted to surrender but Truman wanted to release the atomic bombs. I also learned that Eisenhower wanted to alert us of military and private industries winning benefits and power. I did know that our CIA also trained Osama Bin Laden. This is indeed a shocking fact of information. I did not have any idea that we had orchestrated the ousting of so many leaders. In addition, I was not aware that we had a hand in assassinating so many foreign leaders. I think we did this because we felt like their government would not want to collaborate for our countries benefit or because our country wants to remain being powerful and the only country to reflect being an example to other countries. They illustrate for us about our country’s dealing in the middle east to be disturbing due to harming civilians where innocent women, children, and men were injured or killed. 5 interesting things I found: · “Our government expressed outrage at Iraq's Saddam Hussein for trying to arrange the assassination of former President Bush when he visited Kuwait in 1993 and retaliated with a bombing attack on Baghdad, yet the United States has repeatedly orchestrated similar assassination attempts.” I found this insane
  • 13. because it seems like this country just bombs other cities and have dealt with other nations assassinations. · “The FBI responded not by helping to identify which officers fired in what became known as "the Orangeburg Massacre," but by falsifying information about the students to help the troopers with their defense.” I found this shocking because we are taught that the FBI are very reliable people. I see they also lie and are unethical. · “Thus our American history textbooks minimize [he porential power of the people and, despite their best patriotic efforts, take a stance that is overtly antidemocratic.” I find this upsetting because in the film it framed that the country fought for freedom. Instead, the textbooks are keeping information to avoid informing their readers of their power. · “Since 1776 Canada has provided a refuge for Americans who disagreed with policies of the US. government…” I found this interesting because I did not know Canada has helped the United States people more than textbooks have informed us. · “Instead, shortly after King's death in 1968, the FBI twice broke into SNCC offices. Years later the bureau tried to prevent King's birthday from becoming a national holiday." I found this crazy because people remain negative towards a man whom changed society point of views. Discussion Board #11 After watching, “Memory of the Camps”, it's hard to choke down the reality of how can an evil like this exist, and for anyone to simply live about their lives knowing that there was a systematic process of mass murder, if, they knew anything about it. I find it disturbing that the proud workers operating at these genocide camps have no lick of humanity toward the
  • 14. prisoners, the amount of brainwashing and indoctrination required for these people to operate the way they did must be something I can’t even imagine or explain. I am unfamiliar. I found a quote by a French philosophy named Voltaire, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” The S.S believe the prisoners were subhuman, and believe their occupation in extermination was a justice to the world, their world. I think the people learned from the atrocities of war and the effects of genocide but the governments that manage our world continue to operate in a way that power grabs resources and disregard rights of the people involved. So, why doesn’t the US respond to the genocide in Rwanda and Darfur like they did during WW2? It probably because the U.S. believes they can’t win against China in the resources in that region. If anything the U.S. government might already have plans to exploit the Darfur region. Why am I talking about this? I guess after what we seen so far, it's just seems to be the regular pattern. Things I read in Chapter 16 of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States: The reason why the U.S. entered WW2 was claim more economic stakes in the European world. Zinn wrote, “Before the war was over, the administration was planning the outlines of the new international economic order, based on partnership between government and big business.” (Zinn) An Assistant Secretary of State, Archibald MacLeish, said, "As things are now going, the peace we will make, the peace we seem to be making, will be a peace of oil, a peace of gold, a peace of shipping, a peace, in brief . . . without moral purpose or human interest . . ." The U.S. continue to make business a priority before and even after the war making the U.S. one of the most powerful countries at the time. After the attack on Pearl Harbor that was instigated by the US. government through embargo on Japanese goods, the
  • 15. Japanese-Americans living in the United States were forced into concentration camps by the hysteria that developed in the government. There were 110,000 men, women, and children all along the West Coast, and among them was a young girl named Michi Weglyn. This was her experience, “Michi Weglyn was a young girl when her family experienced evacuation and detention. She tells (Years of Infamy) of bungling in the evacuation, of misery, confusion, anger, but also of Japanese- American dignity and fighting back. There were strikes, petitions, mass meetings, refusal to sign loyalty oaths, riots against the camp authorities. The Japanese resisted to the end.” Knowing more about the history of the U.S. and racism, it continued on, even in waring times. The blacks were treated like lower class humans as usual, while on boats they were put below deck next to the engine rooms. They were employment were belittling with jobs in the mess hall or janitorial duty. More often than not, the black community opposed the war due to their oppression here in the states. Lawrence Wittner wrote in Rebel Against War quoted a black journalist: ‘"The Negro . . . is angry, resentful, and utterly apathetic about the war. 'Fight for what?' he is asking. 'This war doesn't mean a thing to me. If we win I lose, so what?'" The black community felt there was no point in fighting in a white man’s war when the war at home was still raging without much effort from the government. For an anti-fascist government, the U.S. still did some genocidal acts. The Europeans and US bombed German cities: Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Dresden. In Dresden, there more than 100,000 deaths, majority were civilians. In Japan, the U.S. did more saturation bombing in Tokyo taking 80,000 lives, said to destroy civilian morale. The one that was most impactful was the fact that Zinn wrote, “...on August 6, 1945, came the lone American plane in the sky over Hiroshima, dropping the first atomic bomb, leaving perhaps 100,000 Japanese dead, and tens of thousands more slowly dying from radiation poisoning.” With the notions of eliminating evil in the world, the U.S. contradict themselves with mass murder. I can
  • 16. see the reasons for acts of war, but why drop the bomb when the Japanese were ready to surrender after the fall of the Nazi forces? What keeps being repeated in our history is the constant mention of how pro-business we are, and the needs by companies for control of the population. Zinn wrote, “It was an old lesson learned by governments: that war solves problems of control. Charles E. Wilson, the president of General Electric Corporation, was so happy about the wartime situation that he suggested a continuing alliance between business and the military for "a permanent war economy."’ We are a nation that is pro-war. Khadka 2 Prashant Khadka Prof. Amy Bell Richland College 11/09/2018 The Progressives In the gilded age, America was full of individualistic and some movements had goals into changing America into a better place. A limited group of individuals owned most of America's wealth and the little that remained was divided by the large population for which they had to earn it through long working hours with low wages, dangerous working environment and they would face harsh unscrupulous employers. For this reason, there arose a movement group which was called the Progressives. This was a group of dedicated individuals who had a goal to make reforms in the United States in the Gilded Age or the age of movement (Discussion Board 1). According to Howard Zinn, the progressives fought for reforms in the American industries, to increase working conditions, better pay and reduced working
  • 17. hours in which became difficult to stabilize the capital and labor struggles for the working class (William A. Link). The progressives “offered an impressive array of proposals” because in the gilded age the system was corrupt that employee could tirelessly be working in the treacherous environment in the American industries and receive low wages and unreasonable insufficient compensations that they would barely feed their families. The American wealth was also distributed among greedy individuals who ran the industries where the employers received better salaries and better lifestyles. These reasons lead to the impressive array of proposals to try and change the American social structure. After the war, industries and business started to grow, even though they existed before the war, after the war is when they got well established. There were godfathers who took over the industries in who most of the wealth was distributed to. Industries continued to grow but the workers remained to suffer because the working conditions in these industries were not getting any better. Workers were exposed to toxic fumes, dangerous industrial equipment, hot temperatures and many treacherous conditions that led to deaths, accidents, disasters and many other tragedies as explained by a historian Howard Zinn (Zinn). Corruption had taken over the government in the gilded age that America's citizens were not given the attention they required by the legislature (Zinn 23). Despite the elections that were held corruption would rule over the ballot boxes and this led to the dishonesty of legislature, the Congress and all the representatives such that none of them could be trusted. The progressives tried to push the proposals that they had suggested, and they fought for their implementation. One of the proposals was to give the government the powers to enable the government to increase the continuity and predictability of endless change in the United States. Where there was corruption the government they fought for the system changes for example in leading the elections to expand America’s democracy. These benefited the lives in the United States by exercising their
  • 18. democracy and choose leaders who will represent them in the government. The progressives also pushed for the government involvement in public affairs and increased government regulations in which they fought for the elimination of trusts of the monopoly of corporations that had created an unfair business environment. Life in these United States benefited from this move by the progressives that facilitated a competitive and diverse business market. The progressives had their proposals pushed into implementation and had altered the nation in various ways. There were political reforms in which the citizens would exercise their democratic rights. Also, as discussed there were business regulations that changed the nation to the better and business operator would compete effectively in the business environment. The progressives also enhanced trustworthy of the legislature and the government (Gould). The progressive movement made the United States kinder and gentler nation in some ways such as the reforms in the government and in exercising democracy. In the gilded age, it was worse as the richest had all the wealth and would make decisions according to their will and America’s citizens had no power against them since corruption had seized the republic. Despite these reforms, they were unable to make reforms in the industries to better the working conditions of the employees (Discussion 10/11). This explains how different historians assessed the progressive movement. According to Zinn, he explained the progressive movement as a reluctant reform that did not concentrate on reform creation. His ideas are supported by the fact that in today’s industries, employees working conditions have not changed compared to those of the gilded age. Workers are still exposed to the harsh and dangerous working environment, yet they receive little pay and no compensations (Zinn349). More extended working hours and other challenges are faced by people working in the industries in the modern world which was the same in the gilded age proving that the Progressives failed in making reforms to these
  • 19. industries (McGerr). Work Cited Gould, Lewis L. America in the Progressive Era, 1890-1914. Routledge, 2014. McGerr, Michael. A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America. Simon and Schuster, 2010. William A. Link, Susannah J. Link. The Gilded Age and Progressive Era: A Documentary Reader. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492- Present. Routledge, 2015. American History Prashant Khadka Amy Bell HIST-1302 1 Khadka Khadka 2 1 Khadka 10/08/18 1 What is history and why should we study it?
  • 20. History is a study of the past or events of the past. This can be done via research of documentation from or written about these past times, archaeological operations, interviewing of people who were alive in these past times and many other ways. The fact that these events already happened – in some cases several hundred or even thousand years ago – the only way to truly understand history, one is forced to depend heavily on these materials to gain required knowledge. Whilst archeological evidence holds significant credibility, when it comes to human narration of history (via documented text or verbal communication) however, there exists many factors that could effectively taint or alter these fundamental truths. These can range from bias to impaired memory; and in some cases, the dark events in history are watered down in an attempt to create a different light on a particular person or group of persons as protagonists to the tale. The birth of Protagonists The documentation of history has had the common feature of creating protagonists essentially making certain key figures with whom historians would want people to relate to into great men to whom people would relate and adore. The downside to this is that whilst they not only create fallacious praises, but also, they undermine true history and with it the history of the world and of men who lived during and before the era of this ‘protagonist’. Christopher Columbus for example is one such hero with reputation so profound there exist nursey rhymes to his name. The traditional accounts given about the hero in textbooks in schools and the rhymes we sing are, however, fabricated to benefit the general epoch of Columbus and endear him to us. The praises of how his bravery and zeal for adventure changed the world in terms of the development of the Americas is farfetched with other evidence suggesting that voyages into the Americas had been made prior to 1492 (Loewen). There is also a clear aversion to the mention of the interactions between Columbus (and his crew) and the natives he met in the
  • 21. land he travelled. The voyagers treated these natives as obstacles and the documentation of these events denotes to a land devoid of settlers and of people roaming the great lands. This text undermines the American natives as early settlers in the land by saying that the lands were unoccupied where Columbus and his crew encountered people already living (Loewen). History of Thanksgiving The first Thanksgiving is often mistaken as the event that marks the first settlement of America. This event however took place in 1620, therefore it alludes to a clear understanding that settlement would only be interpreted to mean arrival of the White man (Caucasian American) who arrived as the pilgrimage (Loewen). The understanding that the Pilgrims are the first inhabitants of America excludes to a huge extent the colonial settlement of British North America that had inhabitants in the form of the Spanish (periods in the 1500s), the Dutch (around 1614), the French (also present as early as the 1500s) and even the British whose first settlements can be recorded as early as 1606 (Loewen). Loewen in his book states that the way the story of the Pilgrims has been documented, depicted and taught has only served a single purpose – the development of ethnocentric belief in young Americans. It has purposefully deleted or ignored the true history of Thanksgiving as a Native American culture and tradition and has painted it as an invention of the Pilgrims. Dark natures on the relations between these two groups is also altered or not recorded whatsoever. This has thus caused strain on cultural relativism practices and approaches by young Americans owing to this programming. History of Slavery The history textbooks of the 1950s depict racism as a fundamental social construct that benefitted both the white and black man without any real harm to any one of the parties. These books strived to paint a picture of racism as a necessity in society that all people consented to as important to socio-
  • 22. economic sustenance and this was the trend in publishing until the Civil Rights movement began (Loewen). Loewen explains that for a huge period before the Civil rights movement, the way slavery was handled in the textbooks was in a way that diminished the effect it had on the slaves and mostly went on to empower the practice with topics such as the economic benefits that could be enjoyed from their labor output in the cotton fields to many other uses. The Civil Rights movement served heavily in the reduction of segregation in America and whilst racial tensions existed still, African American history could be documented accurately. This led to documentation on the truths about the Civil Wars primarily being about slavery (B.). Historical texts are also notorious for shying away from the mention of founding fathers and more especially presidents who had slaves even whilst in office. These books also avert mention of slavery in North America (B.). Textbooks and History The study of history is instrumental to social life understanding and development; thus for some aspects and principles, history was introduced into the classroom for the young to learn. These textbooks are loaded with the same accounts that have been fabricated in efforts to promote a certain sense of pride; mask past atrocities or to endear these children into certain beliefs. The problem with this is that this greatly undermines the material’s value as a worthy example as when the circumstances to the story change then so does everything else around it and the significance of the historical event vanishes with this doctoring. Textbooks complicate the study of history as they all contain mirrored information with texts going so far as to use the same wording and documenting the same accounts. This means that the material that is offered is all wrong and altered in a medium that is publicly available and used actively in class across the borders (Loewen). The young budding citizens of the new world are brought up in deceit where core principles and beliefs that
  • 23. they are dependent on are product of fabricated accounts. This becomes an even greater issue when textbooks seek to ignore proper analytical procedures on all circumstances and usually pick one direction and over repeated publishing across all books, this detail becomes fact (Loewen). W.E.B. DuBois suggests in the excerpt that in our studies of history, when we skim over the bad parts, our histories begin to lose their value as “incentive and example.” What is meant by this? The value of an example is heavily, if not fully, dependent on its relevance. In the altering or doctoring of history before presenting it to the learner, this value is already compromised. History is worth more when interpreted objectively as per its occurrence and facts rather than when it is presented from a subjective point of view that is shroud with bias and myth. To skim over the bad parts would be to create myth which would serve no purpose other than to mislead where precedence is meant to guide. If the bad parts of our histories are eradicated, society cannot grow or develop for the better as feelings of complacency and self-pride on having successful pasts may settle in where feeling of revolt and change of norms should be developed in attempts to right past wrongs. This interpretation of history debunks its validity and weight as incentive to do better in the present and future. Consequences of the ways in which history has recorded and taught The way history is recorded in books (especially textbooks) and how it is taught in schools effectively changes how young minds look at the world. Where history has been altered to endear young minds towards certain parties, it directly influences their subconscious mind into rejection of the other side of the story. History that is construed and interpreted in a subjective sense to favor a particular side for example to hide their dark pasts, eliminate negativity or viewpoints that illustrate particular parties’ involvement in wrongful acts etc. create bias in the minds of the beneficiaries of this education (B.). This can cause
  • 24. a wrong sense of entitlement or pride to develop or an air of discrimination and lack of empathy for the people who have been wronged by these acts of days past. The long-term effect can be felt from deteriorating or stagnant social growth (Loewen). When the students are not equipped with the right and adequate knowledge of the past, they cannot effectively apply these principles to current events. This causes repetition of past errors or in some cases even worse handling of similar circumstances to previous ones. Precedence shapes the future as a map and without effectively studied history, the map is bound to mislead all who intend to follow its directions. 5 References: B., Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution . Belknap of Harvard University Press, 1992. Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me. 1995. Document (pdf.). "Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress.", zinn/1-columbus-the-indians-and-human-progress. i Discussion Board #10 imply, the word “Imperialism” means an acquisition of a power or a territory by gaining economical as well as political aspects of that place. Colonialism is one of the forms of imperialism. When I talk about the word “Imperialism”, the first thing that
  • 25. comes in mind is Europe because it is the place from where Imperialism began. But, in this class, we are talking about the “American Imperialism”. Every war that has happened in the world is because of the Imperialism. One worst part about The American government is that it tries to show the world how strong they are. Even, in the present world, America has the biggest influence all over the world. In the early 19th century, America extended its Imperialism over Philippines, Cuba, Germany, Hawaii, Austria, and Japan seizing their political and economic aspects. One of the instances of American acquisition is the building of the Panama Canal which was solely financed by America. As in the 1800s, American and British traders want to ship their goods within a few times and without the high cost of shipping, but it wasn’t possible until they built the Panama Canal. Even, in the Spanish war, America supported Puerto Rico and Cuba, after the end of Spanish war with the victory in favors of Cuba, America played a dirty game and ended of getting Cuba, Philippines and Puerto Rico which were free states before. Another example of American acquisition is the annexation of Hawaii in 1898, which allowed America a free and easy access to Asia. Above these all, what I found interesting is that America started its Imperialism following a belief called America Exceptionalism, which is an idea that America is superior and unique than other countries due to its specific world mission for freedom and democracy. Discussion Board #9 Progressive era is the time period between the 1890s to the 1920s, which followed the Glided Age. This era commenced as a social movement and ended up being a national and political
  • 26. movement. The main objective of progressive era was to eradicate the problem caused by the corruption in the government, unmannered immigration and uncivilized industrialization. Moreover, the main purpose of progressive era was to carry out reforms in terms of country’s development in education, health and other infrastructure. But, the progressive era didn’t succeed in achieving its objective. Progressive era was said to change some of the industrial practice from Glided Age. From glided age, more than 27000 workers died because of the work pressure and heat produced inside the industries. Many of the workers got handicapped because of one mistake of the industry. Since, the beginning of the Glided Age to the end of the progressive era, there were only few companies who were following the safety and environmental law until this law became a constitutional law. As shown in the video, one of the companies which weren’t following the safety rules and risked the life of the workers is McWane. This is the saddest part. Discussion Board #8 Before reading the article, I was totally unknown about what is Glided age in the history of America. Being a foreign student, the more I am attending this class the more I am learning and exploring about American history. Glided age is the time period in American history between the 1870s and 1900 which is a time period of rapid progress in terms of Industries and Infrastructures most in North and West. The term “Gilded Age” is named by famous writer Mark twin. But talking about the dark side of the Glided era, it was a time period when the so- called leaders, investors and dishonorable businessmen in remarkable prosperity plushness by suppressing the labor and
  • 27. slaves. This is the saddest part. While on the other hand, the video tells us how big shopping malls like Walmart have affected the small-town business. Above all these, the worst part is until the Glided era, slavery wasn’t abolished. Discussion Board #7 Reconstruction era was the time period between (1863-1877) after the end of American civil war, during which endeavors were made to change the disparities of bondage and its political, social, and monetary heritage. Despite the promise of ending slavery, there was still a lot of slavery trades going on at that time. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson who were considered as the abolishers of slavery, even they used to own more than 200 slaves working for them. Reconstruction era was supposed to be a productive era rather, it ended up being a problematic one. After watching the “Birth of a Nation Clip 5”, we can see how much uncivilized and unmannered the representatives in the first legislative session were. The first legislative was dominated by African-Americans as they were in majority with 101 in number as compared to the whites who were just 23. The clip was funny to watch which reminded me of watching Charlie Chaplin’s short comedy tapes. The emerging of Ku Klux Klan which was a white supremacist terrorist group, made the Reconstruction era even worse as their main aim was to suppress the newly freed Slaves. Discussion #6
  • 28. Before opening this assignment, I used to think slavery has been abolished from the world years ago. Modern slavery!! Does it even exist?? But the answer to my question was a big “yes, it still exists, but, in different forms.” I was quite shocked to know that in present era, there are more than 30 million slaves around the world. My professor said in the class that we can even calculate how much slaves are working under me. Isn’t it too strange? Among many forms of modern slavery, sex trafficking held the highest position of slavery business in the world. It is quite surprising to say that present days slave population outnumber the slave population during Trans- Atlantic slave trade. World war is one of the potential causes of today’s slave population because many people lost their families. There is different between old slavery system and new slavery system. One of them is that in old slavery slaves were considered as property while modern slavery believes in “cheap lives” and “big profits”. No wonder, slavery is not going to end this world as new forms of slavery is emerging. Discussion Assignment #5 Five things I found interesting about this assignment are: 1. More than 50 million of African slaves were taken to Europe and America through ship, of which only half made their way to the destination. 2. All the slaves were covered by insurance, so the owners didn’t use to care about slaves’ life as they can claim the compensation to the insurance. 3. Women, children as well as men were raped by the slave traders and after then, they were killed and thrown away in the ocean. 4. The slave traders enslaved African with different language so that they cannot communicate with each other. 5. Some Africans themselves were involved in promoting slave trade in their homeland. After watching the Disney version of “A slave’s journey”, I
  • 29. knew that how much pain those innocent Africans had endured before dying. They were treated like a thing with which we can do anything. They were transported like big shipment, like cases of food to the New World and Europe. After watching the video, there was only one question in my mind, “how can a human be this much cruel?” Discussion Assignment #4 The reason why History has been the most disliked subject of the student is the presence of irrelevant and misleading facts and information in the contents. History is a study of past fact. Had history been taught with real fact without any manipulation, it would have been a lot of students’ favorite major. Till now, whatever I have learned about American History, I have found that the Americans who were involved in the History, all their works were somehow exaggerated, and they were highlighted as heroes. Most of the contents in the History books are based on religions nowadays. Schools and colleges have been highly influenced by politics and religions. In most of the public school, Bible has been a subject and it was said that everything that Bible said is true. What I was taught about Woodrow Wilson is that he was one of the national heroes of America. But I was never taught about how he was. I was quite shocked knowing that he was a racist. Hellen keller was one of the greatest personality during her time despite her disability, but I was never taught that she was a social activist and had her own way and belief. First Thanksgiving Before studying this article, I had no idea about what Thanksgiving is because we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in our country as we follow Hinduism. I searched a lot in internet about Thanksgiving, but every time I search about it, it would say, “Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude towards the god by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New land.” But after watching the video and reading the article, I found the
  • 30. concept of Thanksgiving was totally different than what I have learned from internet. Five things I found interesting about the first Thanksgiving are: 1. Only 1/3 of the travelers of the Mayflower were Pilgrims and Mayflower was the name of the ship in which Pilgrims travelled to the New World. 2. The Pilgrims brought a plague with them which killed more than 95% of Native Americans. 3. Native Americans, who were considered as “Savage” and “Barbarians” taught the travelers and Pilgrims how to take bath. 4. At that time, native Americans were unknown about who brought the illness to their land and blamed god for what was happening. 5. The travelers of Mayflower thought that the native Americans were unadvanced and Savage and it will be easier to betray them. Learning about American history more than 500 years ago is one of my achievements from this class. I have learned many facts which I was totally unknown before. I used to think that Columbus was the first ever person to be in the New world (present day’s America). But, I was wrong. Before Columbus landing, there were already more than hundreds of millions of Indian Americans living in the New World. I have learned in brief about Columbus and his intention of landing in America and how our history book publishers have made him a national hero. But, the truth is he was a rapist and slavery owner. This article clarifies our misconception of thinking that Columbus was a hero. Five things I found interesting through this article are: 1. The main intention of Columbus to land in America wasn’t to discover it, in fact, he landed in America in search of Gold. 2. He used to treat the Indian Americans as slaves and whoever does manage to find gold, he used to kill them. 3. At that time, South Carolina was the major port for trade and
  • 31. slavery. 4. Native Americans were considered as “savage” and “barbarians”, but in reality, they were much more advanced and civilized than the Europeans. 5. Before Columbus’s landing, many other people had already explored America. Discussion Board #1 The article Betrayal of History has exposed how the textbook publishers have hidden the real fact and information about the history and how they have manipulated the data and have made their own story about the history. Five things I found interesting after reading this article are: 1. Publishers of History textbooks have kept their student in dark and have imposed bureaucracy in the education system. 2. Certain words like “sharpen”, “imagine” and “feel” cannot be used in the history textbook. 3. California and Texas are the two major states for producing textbook all over the nation. 4. History publishers have biased the information of past and emphasized the information based on a certain religion. 5. I had studied that the Native American was savage and uncivilized during Columbus landing, but the real fact is Native Americans were much more civilized and cultured than most of the Europeans. Being a foreign student, I felt quite ashamed of knowing that how much politics has affected the education system in the United States. Like me, I think this is the reason behind students not liking the history subject.