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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth (Different Rates Of Time)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –17th
October 2020
Paper hypothesis
1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth (Different Rates Of Time)
The Hypothesis Explanation
The different rates of time is the basic method, used by the solar system geometry to
produce the sun rays – to see this hypothesis depth we need to review the sun rays
creation process, let's do that in following:
- The sun rays energy isn't created by any nuclear interactions.
- The sun rays energy is produced by the solar planets motions energies
- The planets motions energies total are concentrated on one point (the sun point)
and because the sun rate of time is different from Earth (1 day on the sun = 1
year on Earth) – because of that- the energy which is produced during a
complete year can be used in one day only and by that the mechanical waves
energies can be transferred into light waves energies and produce the sun rays.
- That tells us, the sun rays energy source is the planets motions energies
- The main cornerstone in this theory is, the different rates of time….
Because of that
- We need to prove, There Are Different Rates Of Time In The Solar System
- This paper tries to prove this hypothesis…
Paper Contents
(1) Introduction
(2) The Different Rates Of Time Using In The Solar System Motion
(3) Venus effect to produce different rates of time
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The sun rays production is an old subject we have discussed frequently,
In this paper we discuss a new point in this subject which is the different rates of time
I hope to perform 2 tasks in this paper which are
To prove the hypothesis (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)
To explain the geometrical mechanism by which (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)
The different rates of time is the basic player in the sun rays production, if these rays
are produced by planets motions energies total as I claim
Let's remember this argument in following:
- The Planets Motions Energies Total Per A Solar Day = 17.75 mkm (in this
value I use the Earth moon motion also but not any other moon because of the
specific relationship between the Earth moon and the sun- note please the Earth
moon has to move daily a distance = Earth motion distance otherwise they will
be separated during the motion course)
- (1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth) – So – one day on Earth =237 seconds.
- We have a distance (17.75 mkm) and a time (237 seconds) – so what's the
velocity? (75000 km/sec)
- The velocity (75000 km/sec) = (1/4 C where c is light velocity 0.3 mkm/sec)
- How To Produce The Sun Rays?
- This velocity is produced by planets velocities total based on a different rate of
time –
- We have discussed before that (Planet Motion Depends On Light Motion)….
- The Planets motions contribute by (1/4 C) But light motions contribute by
another value (4C)
- 1/4 C x 4C = C2
Is The Sun Rays Energy Source)
Note Please
In this paper we discuss only if there are different rates of time in the solar system
motion – so we don't deal here with other parts of the sun rays production discussion
instead we will restrict our discussion only to prove that there are different rates of
time in the solar system motion.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- The Different Rates Of Time Using In The Solar System Motion
2-1 Preface
2-2 Data Using Different Rates Of Time (7 Equations)
2-1 Preface
The first proof for the different rates of time existence in the solar system depends on
their geometrical using
The argument here is easy let's remember our famous example before the argument
Example No.1
10921 km (the moon circumference) x 86400 seconds =940 mkm (Earth orb. Circum)
This equation we have seen frequently, it tells that:
- If Earth revolves around the sun one complete revolution during 1 solar day
only, so the moon circumference will be equal a distance of Earth motion for 1
second period.
The Discussion
- In this point (the different rates of time using) I prove their existence by
showing geometrical effects which necessities different rates of time to be
found to perform these geometrical necessities…
- As we see in the previous equation, the moon circumference shows that there's
a different rate of time – but is this an enough proof?
- I want to say that, the different rates of time are found for some geometrical
processes done in the solar system, and to perform these geometrical process
some planet data must be created in proportionality and consistency with these
different rates of time and because of that we can discover these planets data as
we have done with the moon circumference…
- Simply the previous equation pushes us clearly to suppose that, there are
different rates of time in the solar system motion
- In the following pages I try to show many similar equations to the previous one,
where these equations (originally) are created to be in rationality with different
rates of time and because of that these equations show these different rates of
time effect on them –
- The argument is clear – Planets data (Matter dimensions) as diameter, mass,
orbital inclination ….etc this data aren't be changed with planets motions – so –
if the planets motions depend on different rates of time, this data should show
these different rates of time in themselves – and by that we will have a method
to prove the hypothesis (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)
(Note Please, if the moon circumference is changed by 5%, this equation would be
destroyed and no claim for different rates of time can be arisen, i.e. we here explain
the data)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-2 Data Using Different Rates Of Time (7 Equations)
19 degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π
25920 mkm = 19 x 2 x 680 mkm
25920 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds
25920 mkm = 2.41 mkm/day x 10747 days
25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm/day x 1461 days
101000 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds
= 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm
= 1105 mkm x 91.4 mkm
=361 mkm x 279.8
1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 = 175.94 mkm x 2π
149.6 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 2π3
= 2.082 mkm x 71.8
II-Data Analysis
In the previous equations there are 2 sides of each equation
One side shows a motion during 1 year and the other side shows a motion during 1
day – and I try by these equations – to show that – the solar systm geotmry depends
on these different rates of time –
Because (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) because of that, this data is created and
this data can't be created as such if there are no different rates of time
As we have seen in the moon circumference (10921 km), where the moon
circumference equal this value because (1 day on the sun = 1 year on earth), this rate
which is seen clearly in Example No. 1 explanation.
Let's start the equations discussion in following
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (1)
19 degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π
19 degrees = the Earth Moon orbit regresses Per Year 19 degrees
3.02 mkm = Venus motion distance Per Solar Day
(1 mkm = 1 degree)
4π = (The Planets Axial Tilts Total / The Planets Orbital Inclinations Total)
Equation No. 1 tells that,
- Venus Motion during 1 solar day causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees
during a year (365.25 solar days)
That means
- The previous equation shows the motion which we need, Venus moves for 1
solar day and cause the moon orbit motion for 1 year …. Based on that, the rate
1 year is used for Earth rate of time and the rate 1 day is used for the sun rate of
- That tells us, Venus is related strongly to the sun and the moon orbit is related
strongly to the Earth, that's why the sun diameter =115 Venus diameter which
is so specific rate (we will discuss deeply later) and the moon orbital
circumferences (at apogee radius) = Earth Motion Distance per a solar day
- The equation No. 1 is complex and can't be understood, basically because, the
different rates of time can't be created by a relationship between 2 planets
motions, because we need relativistic effects to crate time dilation which will
cause the different rates of time to be created – and because we need light
motion- that means we need a motion done by all solar planets together –
because – as we have discussed before – the planets motions are similar to train
carriages where light motion should be considered as the engine in this train –
because of that- if we need light motion we have to use planets total motions
Because of that
- The rate 2π is found in the equation, this rate express planets motions total as
shown by the rate (4π) in the previous equation or express the rate between
light motion and planet motion which we have discussed before in my previous
paper – please review
Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (2)
25920 mkm = 19 x 2 x 680 mkm (Venus Orbital Circumference)
25920 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) during 1 solar day (86400 seconds) passes
a distance = 25920 mkm – that means – this distance 25920 mkm expresses a
motion of 1 solar day.
- (19 degrees) The moon orbit regress per a year 19 degrees (this motion is a
motion done in a year)
- 680 mkm = Venus orbital circumference…..Venus Data is found in the
equation because it causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees – that support
the previous equation because – each time we found the moon regression
degrees (19 degrees) we found with it Venus Motion which support the claim
that Venus causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees per year.
- Equation No. 2 shows 2 motions (the 1st
motion, is light motion done in 1 solar
day and the 2nd
motion is the moon orbit regression done in 1 year) – this
explanation provides no strange vision for our understanding of the moon effect
on the solar system geometry because we have discovered from very long time
a general effect on the Earth moon on the solar planets and the astonished point
was the question why the moon has this great effect on the solar planets data,
and the answer now is that, because the moon orbit motion contributes in the
different rates of time creation which enable the sun rays to be created-
- That tells us one important information which is (without the moon the sun rays
couldn't be created, and that means, the sun is created after the moon creation!)
this conclusion we still need to analyze it as deep as possible
Please Note
25920 mkm = 1461 days x 17.75 mkm
17.75 mkm = The Planets Motions Distances Total Per A Solar Day
1461 days = The Earth Cycle (365 + 365+ 365+366 days)
That tells this cycle 1461 day is a cycle of planets unified motions
The previous equation shows one more rate of time, one day of light motion = one
cycle 1461 days of Earth motion – that because the value 365.25 days is used by some
geometrical necessity to produce 1461 days – means – both rates of time are found so
1 day of light time = 365.25 of Earth time and = 1461 days of other planet time.
For more explanation let's see the following equation….
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3)
25920 mkm = 2.41 mkm/day x 10747 days
Is there a rule by which we can conclude that (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)?
As we deal with light motion- light travels 25920 mkm during 1 day and the planets
pass 25920 during 1461 days so we concluded that 1 day of light rate of time = 1461
days of planets rate of time
The rule is that
(Equal Distance For Different Rates Of Time)
Earth moves a distance = 940 mkm during 365.25 days – so does the sun moves this
same distance in 1 day and because of that 1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth?
This question we have solved in my previous paper - please see it
The Sun Rate of Time (Revised)
Now let's discuss the Equation No. (3)
- Earth moves per a solar day =2.58 mkm = the moon displacement distance
during 29.53 days
Based on that
- 1 day on the Earth = 29.53 days on the moon
- 1 day on the sun = 365.25 days on Earth
- 1 day on the sun = 29.53 x 365.25 = 10474 days on the moon
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
- Equation No. (3) tells that, the moon moves during Saturn orbital period
(10747 days) a distance = light motion distance during 1 solar day
- Because, to create the rate (1 day on the sun = 1 year on earth) there are other
geometrical process are done to perform this final one – first let's ask why
Saturn?? Because Venus effects strongly on Saturn – Venus is the planet of
authority in this seen and she defines each one its Job – so Venus uses Saturn to
support the moon orbital motion to create the different rates on time
- Venus effect on the moon motion is not limited to this simple question (19
degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π) – on the contrary- this equation is a final result
found depending on many other process to perform this task – we have to
analyze Venus role as deep as possible
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
But before all
- Equation No. (3) tells us one important information – that the moon moves
depending one some collective motions…. Why?
- Because the moon (alone) perform the same distance (25920 mkm) which is
passed by all planets motions total during (1461 days) – the moon alone pass
this same distance in (10747 days) – means – the moon alone is a representative
in place of all planets!
- Because (1st
) the distance 25920 mkm is performed by the moon daily velocity
2.41 mkm/ day during a defined orbital period (10747 days) – but no other
planet does in a defined orbital period –because no defined orbital period
means no other planet does! (2nd
) the defined orbital period is defined by the
moon motion (10747 days =365.25 x 29.53) where we know that the value
365.25 days is used to create a new rate of time (1 day) – so the moon uses its
day period (29.53 days) to produce the orbital period (10747 days) which we
see as Saturn orbital period – that means- the value 10747 days is defined
basically by the moon effect…
- The great planet (Saturn) uses this period of time (10747days) as a ready result
made by the moon work! showing the moon effect ( and not even Venus effect)
on Saturn Data
- I wish the discussion shows clearly that, there are different rates of time in the
solar system, the data gives us a great light to accept this conclusion…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (4)
101000 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds
= 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm
= 1105 mkm x 91.4 mkm
=361 mkm x 279.8
1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 = 175.94 mkm x 2π
The Equation Discussion
- light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) passes during 1 solar day (86400 sec) a
distance = 101000 mkm – that means – this value 101000 mkm expresses a
motion done in 1 solar day
- 940 mkm = A distance Earth passes during 365.25 solar days - means this
equation side shows Earth Motion done during 1 year
- 107.4 mkm is very near to 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) (error 0.7%)
- 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm = 101000 mkm2
(to solve the area question- we can
suppose that the distance 101000 mkm has a breadth = 1 mkm and by that both
value will be equal)
- Why Venus orbital distance is found with Earth motion during 1 year? because
Venus effect causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees per year and causes to
create the different rates of time – means – each time Earth or moon data will
be used to show the different rates of time Venus data will be found obligatory
–because it a cooperative task between Venus And The Moon (Earth)
- 1105 mkm = Venus motion distance during 365.25 days, that means, in this
time Venus motion expresses the year motion in place of Earth,
- The equation shows that, light motion for 1 day is equivalent to planet (Earth or
Venus) motion for 1 year, that's explain how the different rates of time are
created because the light motion creates relativity effects which enable to create
different rates of time
- 91.4 mkm (= 91.7 mkm Erath Mercury Distance), the different rate of time is a
operative task between Venus and Earth, both are seen in the equation
- The equation shows that (motion for 1 day is equivalent by motion for 1 year)
- 361 seconds the light (0.3 mkm/sec) needs to reach Venus from the sun, and
279.4 degrees (= the outer planets axial tilts total) -
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 mkm/sec = 175.94 mkm x 2π
- What does that mean?
- This equation tells that, Venus moves during 365.25 days a distance =1105
mkm which a year motion distance
- This distance 1105 mkm is created by Mercury effect on Venus, because
Mercury day period =175.94 days, but this value is used by Venus as a distance
(a circle radius) – because of that- Venus moves this distance 1105 mkm during
365.25 days…! What does that mean??
- The value 365.25 days is created basically by Venus effect on Earth Motion,
this value 365.25 days isn't known to earth but Known to Venus by Mercury
effect on Venus Motion – where Mercury effect on Venus by distances which
are seen by Venus as periods of time …! For example ….
o Mercury moves during its rotation period (58.66 solar days ) a distance
=243 mkm but Venus rotation period =243 days
o That means, Venus rotation period =243 days because Mercury moves
during its rotation period a distance 243 mkm
o This same rule is used here – between Venus and Mercury – Venus
moves a distance =175.94 mkm which Mercury sees as its day period…
o I want to say that, some inner (and complex) relationship is found
between Mercury and Venus based on which this period 365.25 days is
created and that tells us why this period is used by all planets together in
the equation 25920 mkm = 1461 days x 17.75 mkm/day, that because
this value 365.25 days is defined by Venus effect on earth motion –
o Still Venus has greater effect on earthy motion we have to discover later..
Please Note
101000 mkm =1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds = (1/2) Jupiter Energy Total
Jupiter energy is discussed deeply in my previous paper – please review
Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (5)
149.6 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 2π3
= 2.082 mkm x 71.8
The Equation Discussion
149.6 mkm = Pluto Motion Distance during 365.25 days
- The Equation Left Side Shows A Motion Done In A Year (365.25 days)
Now let's look at the right side
- 2.41 mkm = The Earth Moon Motion Distance Per A Solar Day
- π3
= (Uranus Axial Tilt / Jupiter Axial Tilt)
- Equation tells that, Pluto motion during 1 year is equivalent for the moon
motion for 1 day - so we have 2 rates of time in this equation
- What about the factor 2π3
?? this factor we have to discuss with Uranus effect
on Venus, that because Venus authority is received by Uranus effect on it –
means – Uranus is the governor and cause a great effect on Venus by which
Venus effect on Earth
Any why!
- The factor π3
is the most important factor in the solar system, because of the
main equation which is (90000 mkm = 2872.5 mkm x π3
) this equation we have
seen frequently where 90000 mkm = C2
for a period 1 second and 2872.5 mkm
= Uranus orbital distance, and we know that the sun rays is created from C2
- Means, the sun rays sees C2
as a source of energy, but we see it as a distance
(90000 mkm) from which Uranus defined its orbital distance relative to the
factor π3
– simply that means – Uranus orbital distance is the first distance
created with the sun creation and Uranus orbital circumference is the main one
in the solar system – we need to wait to discuss that later
Equation Part II
- Mars velocity per solar day =2.082 mkm - this is a motion for 1 day – means
- Pluto motion for 1 year is equivalent for Mars motion for 1 day – again we
have 2 rates of time which proves the claim that (different rates of time are
found in the solar system) – but what about the other rate 71.8?
- We know that 71 is the contraction rate, so this value may be 71 with an error
(1%) – what does that mean?
- Means the distance 71 mkm before contraction will be 1 mkm after contraction
and the equation will as this 149.6 mkm (Pluto motion for 1 years) is equivalent
for 2.082 mkm (Mars motion for 1 solar day).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Venus effect to produce different rates of time
3-1 Venus effect before the Moon Creation
3-2 Venus effect after the Moon Creation
3-1 Venus effect before the Moon Creation
(886 mkm /680 mkm)= 1.3
886 mkm = 15.17 mkm x 58.4 days
(2x 886 mkm = 2.58 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital period)
(c )
886 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 365.25 days
= 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days
- Before the moon creation – the moon motion daily (2.41 mkm) was not found,
because of that the planets motions distances total was 15.17 mkm daily
- 886 mkm is a distance produced by the planets motions (with the moon) during
58.4 days – that tells us – the period 58.4 days is so specific – and because of
that – Earth moves during 58.4 days a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital
- Let's see equation No. (a)
Equation No. (a)
(886 mkm /680 mkm)= 1.3
886 mkm = planets motions distance during 58.4 days (with the moon)
886 mkm = Venus Jupiter distance when Venus and Jupiter be at 2 different sides
from the sun
680 mkm = Venus orbital circumference
1.3 degree = Jupiter orbital inclination
Equation no. (a) tells that, Venus motion effected on Jupiter to create its orbital
inclination to be 1.3 degrees
(note Venus Jupiter direct distance = Venus orbital circumference error 1.2%)
Equation no. (a) tells that, Venus practice a great effect because Venus expresses a
collective motion (886 mkm), Means, the collective motion was found before the
moon creation –and that means – the collective motion isn't created by the moon
effect, on the contrary, the moon is created to be used in this collective motion made
by Venus effect.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (b)
(2x 886 mkm = 2.58 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital period)
Earth uses double value of Venus collective motion (2 x 886 mkm) to produce mars
orbital period based on earth daily motion distance
Equation No. (c)
886 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 365.25 days
= 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days
The same distance 886 mkm is passed by the moon during 365.25 days, why? Mars
migration from its original orbital distance and caused to create the moon and because
of that, the moon creation process still needs Mars to be settled in its new orbital
distance, means, mars stability status is a necessity to create a stability status for the
earth moon, and that's why the period 365.25 days is created for the moon motion to
cover this same distance (886 mkm) which is a collective motion
886 mkm = 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days
778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance
Jupiter uses this value as time period 778.6 days to cover this same distance, we need
to discuss Uranus and Jupiter effect on Venus and Earth to see that more clear
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 Venus effect after the Moon Creation
6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec =2088 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
6939.75 = 71 x 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt)
97.8 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 19
97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination)
511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1)
(940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm)
1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days
90000 mkm = π3
x 2872.5 mkm
2872.5 mkm = (97.8)2
x 0.3 mkm/sec
19 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 3.66
778.6 mkm = 149.6 mkm x 5.2
0.406 mkm = 3475 km x 116.7
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (I)
6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec =2088 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
6939.75 = 71 x 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt)
97.8 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 19
Equation No. (I) tells that,
- A light beam with known velocity (.3 mkm/sec) travels from Jupiter to Uranus
(2088 mkm) during 6939.75 seconds and this light beam provides the energy
which is used in Metonic Cycle Motion (because light motion for 1 second
causes planet motion for 1 solar day, and that means, this energy causes a
planet to move a cycle for a period 6939.75 days and this period is a Metonic
Cycle period an the planet is the earth moon!, but how this energy which is sent
from Jupiter to Uranus can reach to the Earth moon?!
- The value 6939.75 seconds can be used as 6939.75 mkm and by contraction
(71) can produce 97.8 mkm which is equivalent to 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial
- 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) effects on the moon orbit to produce the moon
orbital inclination 5.1 degrees and causes Earth (or the moon) distance to the
sun = (1/19) of Uranus orbital distance – the Earth distance should be (1/19)
because Earth during 19 years passes a distance = Uranus orbital circumference
– we should know why this is significant later!
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (II)
97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital
511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1)
122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt
Note please
511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1)
511.1 degrees = the Solar Planets Axial Tilts Total
The value 123.5 degrees = 122.5 degrees (Pluto axial tilt) +1 degree (Mercury original
axial tilt) -
(π+1) =this rate can be equal to Mercury velocity per solar day (error 1%)
The equation tells that, the value 511.1 degrees (a collective value) is produced by a
motion cooperative between Pluto and Mercury Only – that means – Pluto data is
almost resulted from a collective motions – we have seen a similar to that before
17.2 degrees (Pluto orbital inclination) = 17.4 degrees (the inner planets orbital
inclinations total) x 0.99
Pluto data is repetitive in place of a collective motions – let's know see our equation
97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital
97.8 degrees is produced by light motion and contraction as we have seen in the
previous equation – so this value expresses light motion
122.5 degrees = Pluto axial tilt, expresses a collective motion-
Means we here see a point of cooperation between light motion and a collective
motion made by all planets (seen in Pluto data) –
This cooperation produces 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination)
Uranus orbital inclination is so important values because it expresses the cooperation
between light and matter motion –
Still Uranus axial tilt (97.8 deg) is more effective and stronger than Uranus orbital
inclination (0.8 deg) that because Uranus axial tilt is made of pure light motion and
expresses a pure energy –
Any way Uranus uses its orbital inclination (0.8 degrees) to practice its major
authority on the other planets (and specially on Venus)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (III)
(940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm)
This is the equation by which Venus receives Uranus great effect on it and by this
effect Venus effects on Earth and Moon and Mars
940 mkm = Earth orbital circumference
149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance
778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance
But what's this value 180.8 mkm?
177.4 degrees (Venus axial tilt) +3.4 deg (Venus orbital inclination) =180.8 deg
(1 mkm = 1 degree)
Why this value 180.8 degrees is related to Uranus?
0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) +90 deg +90 deg = 180.8 degrees
- Uranus effect on Venus causes to create Venus axial tilt and orbital inclination
- i.e. Uranus effect is found inside Venus Creation Data
let's return to our equation
Equation (III)
(940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm)
- Equation (III) tells that, Earth orbital distance is defined relative to Jupiter
orbital distance based on the value 180.8 mkm
- Uranus effect on Venus causes Venus to effect on Earth to define Earth orbital
distance where Uranus orbital distance =19 Earthy orbital distance (Metonic
Cycle) and Jupiter orbital distance =5.1 Earth orbital distance (5.1 degrees = the
moon orbital inclination which perform the Metonic Cycle) both data is created
by Venus effect because the light energy causes this effect and this light energy
creates the Metonic Cycle
- i.e. Venus effect on Earth and Moon aims to create Metonic Cycle …
let's summarize this equation idea in following
- Uranus effect on Venus by its orbital inclination
- Venus effect on Earth to define Earth orbital distance
- Earth orbital distance causes to create Metonic Cycle, why? because during
Metonic period (6939.75 days) earth moves a distance = Uranus orbital
circumference and we remember that Uranus orbital circumference is the basic
one in the solar system because of the equation (90000 mkm = 2872.5 x π3
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (IV)
1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days
90000 mkm = π3
x 2872.5 mkm
2872.5 mkm = (97.8)2
x 0.3 mkm/sec
1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
- Mercury moves during its day period (175.94 solar days) a distance =720 mkm
but Uranus orbital distance = 4 x 720 mkm and Uranus orbital diameter = 8 x
720 mkm and that means to pass Uranus orbital diameter Mercury has to move
during a period = 8 x Mercury day period = 1407.6 days but Mercury rotation
period =1407.6 hours
- Why Mercury has to move along Uranus orbital diameter? because Uranus
orbital circumference is the basic circumference in the solar system – Mercury
confirms the information told by Earth motion
- What a big deal hear?
- 1407.6 days are used as 1407.6 hours, which shows that there are different rates
of time in the solar system
Equation (IV)
19 degrees (the moon regression per year) = 5.1 degrees the moon orbital inclination x
But 3.66 = (Earth diameter / the moon diameter)
Equation (VI)
0.406 mkm = 3475 km the moon diameter x 116.7
0.406 mkm = The moon orbital radius (apogee)
116.7 days = Venus day period
Equation (VI) shows more effect of Venus on the moon orbit data
Please note
116.7 days (Venus day period) = 115 x (180 deg /177.4 deg Venus axial tilt)
115 = the sun diameter / Venus diameter
i.e. Venus is the basic planet the sun depends on it to be created
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion
Matter Origin and Creation
Is Saturn The Last Planet Created In The Solar System? (II)
Is There A Parallel Universe (I)
Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
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Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
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1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth (Different Rates Of Time)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth (Different Rates Of Time) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –17th October 2020 Abstract Paper hypothesis 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth (Different Rates Of Time) The Hypothesis Explanation The different rates of time is the basic method, used by the solar system geometry to produce the sun rays – to see this hypothesis depth we need to review the sun rays creation process, let's do that in following: - The sun rays energy isn't created by any nuclear interactions. - The sun rays energy is produced by the solar planets motions energies concentration. - The planets motions energies total are concentrated on one point (the sun point) and because the sun rate of time is different from Earth (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) – because of that- the energy which is produced during a complete year can be used in one day only and by that the mechanical waves energies can be transferred into light waves energies and produce the sun rays. - That tells us, the sun rays energy source is the planets motions energies But - The main cornerstone in this theory is, the different rates of time…. Because of that - We need to prove, There Are Different Rates Of Time In The Solar System - This paper tries to prove this hypothesis… Paper Contents (1) Introduction (2) The Different Rates Of Time Using In The Solar System Motion (3) Venus effect to produce different rates of time
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1-Intoruction The sun rays production is an old subject we have discussed frequently, In this paper we discuss a new point in this subject which is the different rates of time production I hope to perform 2 tasks in this paper which are (1st task) To prove the hypothesis (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) (2nd task) To explain the geometrical mechanism by which (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) The different rates of time is the basic player in the sun rays production, if these rays are produced by planets motions energies total as I claim Let's remember this argument in following: - The Planets Motions Energies Total Per A Solar Day = 17.75 mkm (in this value I use the Earth moon motion also but not any other moon because of the specific relationship between the Earth moon and the sun- note please the Earth moon has to move daily a distance = Earth motion distance otherwise they will be separated during the motion course) If - (1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth) – So – one day on Earth =237 seconds. Now - We have a distance (17.75 mkm) and a time (237 seconds) – so what's the velocity? (75000 km/sec) - The velocity (75000 km/sec) = (1/4 C where c is light velocity 0.3 mkm/sec) - How To Produce The Sun Rays? - This velocity is produced by planets velocities total based on a different rate of time – But - We have discussed before that (Planet Motion Depends On Light Motion)…. - The Planets motions contribute by (1/4 C) But light motions contribute by another value (4C) - 1/4 C x 4C = C2 (C2 Is The Sun Rays Energy Source) Note Please In this paper we discuss only if there are different rates of time in the solar system motion – so we don't deal here with other parts of the sun rays production discussion instead we will restrict our discussion only to prove that there are different rates of time in the solar system motion.
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- The Different Rates Of Time Using In The Solar System Motion 2-1 Preface 2-2 Data Using Different Rates Of Time (7 Equations) 2-1 Preface The first proof for the different rates of time existence in the solar system depends on their geometrical using The argument here is easy let's remember our famous example before the argument discussion… Example No.1 10921 km (the moon circumference) x 86400 seconds =940 mkm (Earth orb. Circum) This equation we have seen frequently, it tells that: - If Earth revolves around the sun one complete revolution during 1 solar day only, so the moon circumference will be equal a distance of Earth motion for 1 second period. The Discussion - In this point (the different rates of time using) I prove their existence by showing geometrical effects which necessities different rates of time to be found to perform these geometrical necessities… - As we see in the previous equation, the moon circumference shows that there's a different rate of time – but is this an enough proof? - I want to say that, the different rates of time are found for some geometrical processes done in the solar system, and to perform these geometrical process some planet data must be created in proportionality and consistency with these different rates of time and because of that we can discover these planets data as we have done with the moon circumference… - Simply the previous equation pushes us clearly to suppose that, there are different rates of time in the solar system motion - In the following pages I try to show many similar equations to the previous one, where these equations (originally) are created to be in rationality with different rates of time and because of that these equations show these different rates of time effect on them – - The argument is clear – Planets data (Matter dimensions) as diameter, mass, orbital inclination ….etc this data aren't be changed with planets motions – so – if the planets motions depend on different rates of time, this data should show these different rates of time in themselves – and by that we will have a method to prove the hypothesis (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) (Note Please, if the moon circumference is changed by 5%, this equation would be destroyed and no claim for different rates of time can be arisen, i.e. we here explain the data)
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 2-2 Data Using Different Rates Of Time (7 Equations) I-Data (1) 19 degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π (2) 25920 mkm = 19 x 2 x 680 mkm But 25920 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds (3) 25920 mkm = 2.41 mkm/day x 10747 days 25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm/day x 1461 days (4) 101000 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm = 1105 mkm x 91.4 mkm =361 mkm x 279.8 But 1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 = 175.94 mkm x 2π (5) 149.6 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 2π3 = 2.082 mkm x 71.8 II-Data Analysis In the previous equations there are 2 sides of each equation One side shows a motion during 1 year and the other side shows a motion during 1 day – and I try by these equations – to show that – the solar systm geotmry depends on these different rates of time – Means Because (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) because of that, this data is created and this data can't be created as such if there are no different rates of time As we have seen in the moon circumference (10921 km), where the moon circumference equal this value because (1 day on the sun = 1 year on earth), this rate which is seen clearly in Example No. 1 explanation. Let's start the equations discussion in following
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 Equation No. (1) 19 degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π Where 19 degrees = the Earth Moon orbit regresses Per Year 19 degrees 3.02 mkm = Venus motion distance Per Solar Day (1 mkm = 1 degree) 4π = (The Planets Axial Tilts Total / The Planets Orbital Inclinations Total) Equation No. 1 tells that, - Venus Motion during 1 solar day causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees during a year (365.25 solar days) That means - The previous equation shows the motion which we need, Venus moves for 1 solar day and cause the moon orbit motion for 1 year …. Based on that, the rate 1 year is used for Earth rate of time and the rate 1 day is used for the sun rate of time. - That tells us, Venus is related strongly to the sun and the moon orbit is related strongly to the Earth, that's why the sun diameter =115 Venus diameter which is so specific rate (we will discuss deeply later) and the moon orbital circumferences (at apogee radius) = Earth Motion Distance per a solar day Still - The equation No. 1 is complex and can't be understood, basically because, the different rates of time can't be created by a relationship between 2 planets motions, because we need relativistic effects to crate time dilation which will cause the different rates of time to be created – and because we need light motion- that means we need a motion done by all solar planets together – because – as we have discussed before – the planets motions are similar to train carriages where light motion should be considered as the engine in this train – because of that- if we need light motion we have to use planets total motions Because of that - The rate 2π is found in the equation, this rate express planets motions total as shown by the rate (4π) in the previous equation or express the rate between light motion and planet motion which we have discussed before in my previous paper – please review Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion planet-motion or session
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 Equation No. (2) 25920 mkm = 19 x 2 x 680 mkm (Venus Orbital Circumference) But 25920 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) during 1 solar day (86400 seconds) passes a distance = 25920 mkm – that means – this distance 25920 mkm expresses a motion of 1 solar day. - (19 degrees) The moon orbit regress per a year 19 degrees (this motion is a motion done in a year) - 680 mkm = Venus orbital circumference…..Venus Data is found in the equation because it causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees – that support the previous equation because – each time we found the moon regression degrees (19 degrees) we found with it Venus Motion which support the claim that Venus causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees per year. - Equation No. 2 shows 2 motions (the 1st motion, is light motion done in 1 solar day and the 2nd motion is the moon orbit regression done in 1 year) – this explanation provides no strange vision for our understanding of the moon effect on the solar system geometry because we have discovered from very long time a general effect on the Earth moon on the solar planets and the astonished point was the question why the moon has this great effect on the solar planets data, and the answer now is that, because the moon orbit motion contributes in the different rates of time creation which enable the sun rays to be created- - That tells us one important information which is (without the moon the sun rays couldn't be created, and that means, the sun is created after the moon creation!) this conclusion we still need to analyze it as deep as possible Please Note 25920 mkm = 1461 days x 17.75 mkm 17.75 mkm = The Planets Motions Distances Total Per A Solar Day 1461 days = The Earth Cycle (365 + 365+ 365+366 days) That tells this cycle 1461 day is a cycle of planets unified motions The previous equation shows one more rate of time, one day of light motion = one cycle 1461 days of Earth motion – that because the value 365.25 days is used by some geometrical necessity to produce 1461 days – means – both rates of time are found so 1 day of light time = 365.25 of Earth time and = 1461 days of other planet time. For more explanation let's see the following equation….
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 Equation No. (3) 25920 mkm = 2.41 mkm/day x 10747 days Is there a rule by which we can conclude that (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)? Yes As we deal with light motion- light travels 25920 mkm during 1 day and the planets pass 25920 during 1461 days so we concluded that 1 day of light rate of time = 1461 days of planets rate of time The rule is that (Equal Distance For Different Rates Of Time) Earth moves a distance = 940 mkm during 365.25 days – so does the sun moves this same distance in 1 day and because of that 1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth? This question we have solved in my previous paper - please see it The Sun Rate of Time (Revised) or Now let's discuss the Equation No. (3) - Earth moves per a solar day =2.58 mkm = the moon displacement distance during 29.53 days Based on that - 1 day on the Earth = 29.53 days on the moon But - 1 day on the sun = 365.25 days on Earth So - 1 day on the sun = 29.53 x 365.25 = 10474 days on the moon But - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period - Equation No. (3) tells that, the moon moves during Saturn orbital period (10747 days) a distance = light motion distance during 1 solar day Why? - Because, to create the rate (1 day on the sun = 1 year on earth) there are other geometrical process are done to perform this final one – first let's ask why Saturn?? Because Venus effects strongly on Saturn – Venus is the planet of authority in this seen and she defines each one its Job – so Venus uses Saturn to support the moon orbital motion to create the different rates on time Means - Venus effect on the moon motion is not limited to this simple question (19 degrees = 3.02 degrees x 2π) – on the contrary- this equation is a final result found depending on many other process to perform this task – we have to analyze Venus role as deep as possible
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 But before all - Equation No. (3) tells us one important information – that the moon moves depending one some collective motions…. Why? - Because the moon (alone) perform the same distance (25920 mkm) which is passed by all planets motions total during (1461 days) – the moon alone pass this same distance in (10747 days) – means – the moon alone is a representative in place of all planets! Why?? - Because (1st ) the distance 25920 mkm is performed by the moon daily velocity 2.41 mkm/ day during a defined orbital period (10747 days) – but no other planet does in a defined orbital period –because no defined orbital period means no other planet does! (2nd ) the defined orbital period is defined by the moon motion (10747 days =365.25 x 29.53) where we know that the value 365.25 days is used to create a new rate of time (1 day) – so the moon uses its day period (29.53 days) to produce the orbital period (10747 days) which we see as Saturn orbital period – that means- the value 10747 days is defined basically by the moon effect… - The great planet (Saturn) uses this period of time (10747days) as a ready result made by the moon work! showing the moon effect ( and not even Venus effect) on Saturn Data - I wish the discussion shows clearly that, there are different rates of time in the solar system, the data gives us a great light to accept this conclusion…
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 Equation No. (4) 101000 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds = 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm = 1105 mkm x 91.4 mkm =361 mkm x 279.8 But 1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 = 175.94 mkm x 2π The Equation Discussion - light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) passes during 1 solar day (86400 sec) a distance = 101000 mkm – that means – this value 101000 mkm expresses a motion done in 1 solar day (A) - 940 mkm = A distance Earth passes during 365.25 solar days - means this equation side shows Earth Motion done during 1 year - 107.4 mkm is very near to 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) (error 0.7%) - 940 mkm x 107.4 mkm = 101000 mkm2 (to solve the area question- we can suppose that the distance 101000 mkm has a breadth = 1 mkm and by that both value will be equal) - Why Venus orbital distance is found with Earth motion during 1 year? because Venus effect causes the moon orbit to regress 19 degrees per year and causes to create the different rates of time – means – each time Earth or moon data will be used to show the different rates of time Venus data will be found obligatory –because it a cooperative task between Venus And The Moon (Earth) (B) - 1105 mkm = Venus motion distance during 365.25 days, that means, in this time Venus motion expresses the year motion in place of Earth, - The equation shows that, light motion for 1 day is equivalent to planet (Earth or Venus) motion for 1 year, that's explain how the different rates of time are created because the light motion creates relativity effects which enable to create different rates of time - 91.4 mkm (= 91.7 mkm Erath Mercury Distance), the different rate of time is a operative task between Venus and Earth, both are seen in the equation (frequently). - The equation shows that (motion for 1 day is equivalent by motion for 1 year) - 361 seconds the light (0.3 mkm/sec) needs to reach Venus from the sun, and 279.4 degrees (= the outer planets axial tilts total) - But!!
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 1105 mkm = 365 x 3.02 mkm/sec = 175.94 mkm x 2π - What does that mean? - This equation tells that, Venus moves during 365.25 days a distance =1105 mkm which a year motion distance But - This distance 1105 mkm is created by Mercury effect on Venus, because Mercury day period =175.94 days, but this value is used by Venus as a distance (a circle radius) – because of that- Venus moves this distance 1105 mkm during 365.25 days…! What does that mean?? - The value 365.25 days is created basically by Venus effect on Earth Motion, this value 365.25 days isn't known to earth but Known to Venus by Mercury effect on Venus Motion – where Mercury effect on Venus by distances which are seen by Venus as periods of time …! For example …. o Mercury moves during its rotation period (58.66 solar days ) a distance =243 mkm but Venus rotation period =243 days o That means, Venus rotation period =243 days because Mercury moves during its rotation period a distance 243 mkm o This same rule is used here – between Venus and Mercury – Venus moves a distance =175.94 mkm which Mercury sees as its day period… o I want to say that, some inner (and complex) relationship is found between Mercury and Venus based on which this period 365.25 days is created and that tells us why this period is used by all planets together in the equation 25920 mkm = 1461 days x 17.75 mkm/day, that because this value 365.25 days is defined by Venus effect on earth motion – o Still Venus has greater effect on earthy motion we have to discover later.. Please Note 101000 mkm =1.16 mkm/sec x 86400 seconds = (1/2) Jupiter Energy Total Where Jupiter energy is discussed deeply in my previous paper – please review Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion planet-motion or session
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 Equation No. (5) 149.6 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 2π3 = 2.082 mkm x 71.8 The Equation Discussion 149.6 mkm = Pluto Motion Distance during 365.25 days i.e. - The Equation Left Side Shows A Motion Done In A Year (365.25 days) Now let's look at the right side - 2.41 mkm = The Earth Moon Motion Distance Per A Solar Day - π3 = (Uranus Axial Tilt / Jupiter Axial Tilt) - - Equation tells that, Pluto motion during 1 year is equivalent for the moon motion for 1 day - so we have 2 rates of time in this equation But - What about the factor 2π3 ?? this factor we have to discuss with Uranus effect on Venus, that because Venus authority is received by Uranus effect on it – means – Uranus is the governor and cause a great effect on Venus by which Venus effect on Earth Any why! - The factor π3 is the most important factor in the solar system, because of the main equation which is (90000 mkm = 2872.5 mkm x π3 ) this equation we have seen frequently where 90000 mkm = C2 for a period 1 second and 2872.5 mkm = Uranus orbital distance, and we know that the sun rays is created from C2 - Means, the sun rays sees C2 as a source of energy, but we see it as a distance (90000 mkm) from which Uranus defined its orbital distance relative to the factor π3 – simply that means – Uranus orbital distance is the first distance created with the sun creation and Uranus orbital circumference is the main one in the solar system – we need to wait to discuss that later Equation Part II - Mars velocity per solar day =2.082 mkm - this is a motion for 1 day – means - Pluto motion for 1 year is equivalent for Mars motion for 1 day – again we have 2 rates of time which proves the claim that (different rates of time are found in the solar system) – but what about the other rate 71.8? - We know that 71 is the contraction rate, so this value may be 71 with an error (1%) – what does that mean? - Means the distance 71 mkm before contraction will be 1 mkm after contraction and the equation will as this 149.6 mkm (Pluto motion for 1 years) is equivalent for 2.082 mkm (Mars motion for 1 solar day).
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 3- Venus effect to produce different rates of time 3-1 Venus effect before the Moon Creation 3-2 Venus effect after the Moon Creation 3-1 Venus effect before the Moon Creation I-Data (a) (886 mkm /680 mkm)= 1.3 (b) 886 mkm = 15.17 mkm x 58.4 days (2x 886 mkm = 2.58 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital period) (c ) 886 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 365.25 days = 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days II-Discussion - Before the moon creation – the moon motion daily (2.41 mkm) was not found, because of that the planets motions distances total was 15.17 mkm daily - 886 mkm is a distance produced by the planets motions (with the moon) during 58.4 days – that tells us – the period 58.4 days is so specific – and because of that – Earth moves during 58.4 days a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance - Let's see equation No. (a) Equation No. (a) (886 mkm /680 mkm)= 1.3 886 mkm = planets motions distance during 58.4 days (with the moon) 886 mkm = Venus Jupiter distance when Venus and Jupiter be at 2 different sides from the sun 680 mkm = Venus orbital circumference 1.3 degree = Jupiter orbital inclination Equation no. (a) tells that, Venus motion effected on Jupiter to create its orbital inclination to be 1.3 degrees (note Venus Jupiter direct distance = Venus orbital circumference error 1.2%) Equation no. (a) tells that, Venus practice a great effect because Venus expresses a collective motion (886 mkm), Means, the collective motion was found before the moon creation –and that means – the collective motion isn't created by the moon effect, on the contrary, the moon is created to be used in this collective motion made by Venus effect.
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 Equation No. (b) (2x 886 mkm = 2.58 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital period) Earth uses double value of Venus collective motion (2 x 886 mkm) to produce mars orbital period based on earth daily motion distance Why?? Equation No. (c) 886 mkm = 2.41 mkm x 365.25 days = 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days The same distance 886 mkm is passed by the moon during 365.25 days, why? Mars migration from its original orbital distance and caused to create the moon and because of that, the moon creation process still needs Mars to be settled in its new orbital distance, means, mars stability status is a necessity to create a stability status for the earth moon, and that's why the period 365.25 days is created for the moon motion to cover this same distance (886 mkm) which is a collective motion 886 mkm = 1.1318 mkm x 778.6 days 778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance Jupiter uses this value as time period 778.6 days to cover this same distance, we need to discuss Uranus and Jupiter effect on Venus and Earth to see that more clear
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 3-2 Venus effect after the Moon Creation I-Data (I) 6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec =2088 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance) 6939.75 = 71 x 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) 97.8 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 19 (II) 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination) But 511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1) (III) (940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm) (IV) 1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days 90000 mkm = π3 x 2872.5 mkm 2872.5 mkm = (97.8)2 x 0.3 mkm/sec (V) 19 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 3.66 778.6 mkm = 149.6 mkm x 5.2 (VI) 0.406 mkm = 3475 km x 116.7
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 II-Discussion Equation (I) 6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec =2088 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance) 6939.75 = 71 x 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) 97.8 degrees = 5.1 degrees x 19 Equation No. (I) tells that, - A light beam with known velocity (.3 mkm/sec) travels from Jupiter to Uranus (2088 mkm) during 6939.75 seconds and this light beam provides the energy which is used in Metonic Cycle Motion (because light motion for 1 second causes planet motion for 1 solar day, and that means, this energy causes a planet to move a cycle for a period 6939.75 days and this period is a Metonic Cycle period an the planet is the earth moon!, but how this energy which is sent from Jupiter to Uranus can reach to the Earth moon?! - The value 6939.75 seconds can be used as 6939.75 mkm and by contraction (71) can produce 97.8 mkm which is equivalent to 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) - 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) effects on the moon orbit to produce the moon orbital inclination 5.1 degrees and causes Earth (or the moon) distance to the sun = (1/19) of Uranus orbital distance – the Earth distance should be (1/19) because Earth during 19 years passes a distance = Uranus orbital circumference – we should know why this is significant later!
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 Equation (II) 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination) But 511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1) 122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt Note please 511.1 = 123.5 degrees (π+1) 511.1 degrees = the Solar Planets Axial Tilts Total The value 123.5 degrees = 122.5 degrees (Pluto axial tilt) +1 degree (Mercury original axial tilt) - (π+1) =this rate can be equal to Mercury velocity per solar day (error 1%) The equation tells that, the value 511.1 degrees (a collective value) is produced by a motion cooperative between Pluto and Mercury Only – that means – Pluto data is almost resulted from a collective motions – we have seen a similar to that before 17.2 degrees (Pluto orbital inclination) = 17.4 degrees (the inner planets orbital inclinations total) x 0.99 i.e. Pluto data is repetitive in place of a collective motions – let's know see our equation 97.8 degrees (Uranus axial tilt) / 122.5 degrees = 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination) 97.8 degrees is produced by light motion and contraction as we have seen in the previous equation – so this value expresses light motion 122.5 degrees = Pluto axial tilt, expresses a collective motion- Means we here see a point of cooperation between light motion and a collective motion made by all planets (seen in Pluto data) – This cooperation produces 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) i.e. Uranus orbital inclination is so important values because it expresses the cooperation between light and matter motion – Still Uranus axial tilt (97.8 deg) is more effective and stronger than Uranus orbital inclination (0.8 deg) that because Uranus axial tilt is made of pure light motion and expresses a pure energy – Any way Uranus uses its orbital inclination (0.8 degrees) to practice its major authority on the other planets (and specially on Venus)
  • 17. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 17 Equation (III) (940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm) This is the equation by which Venus receives Uranus great effect on it and by this effect Venus effects on Earth and Moon and Mars Where 940 mkm = Earth orbital circumference 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance 778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance But what's this value 180.8 mkm? 177.4 degrees (Venus axial tilt) +3.4 deg (Venus orbital inclination) =180.8 deg (1 mkm = 1 degree) But Why this value 180.8 degrees is related to Uranus? 0.8 degrees (Uranus orbital inclination) +90 deg +90 deg = 180.8 degrees - Uranus effect on Venus causes to create Venus axial tilt and orbital inclination - i.e. Uranus effect is found inside Venus Creation Data let's return to our equation Equation (III) (940 mkm/ 778.6 mkm) = (180.8 mkm/149.6 mkm) - Equation (III) tells that, Earth orbital distance is defined relative to Jupiter orbital distance based on the value 180.8 mkm i.e. - Uranus effect on Venus causes Venus to effect on Earth to define Earth orbital distance where Uranus orbital distance =19 Earthy orbital distance (Metonic Cycle) and Jupiter orbital distance =5.1 Earth orbital distance (5.1 degrees = the moon orbital inclination which perform the Metonic Cycle) both data is created by Venus effect because the light energy causes this effect and this light energy creates the Metonic Cycle - i.e. Venus effect on Earth and Moon aims to create Metonic Cycle … let's summarize this equation idea in following - Uranus effect on Venus by its orbital inclination - Venus effect on Earth to define Earth orbital distance - Earth orbital distance causes to create Metonic Cycle, why? because during Metonic period (6939.75 days) earth moves a distance = Uranus orbital circumference and we remember that Uranus orbital circumference is the basic one in the solar system because of the equation (90000 mkm = 2872.5 x π3 )
  • 18. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 18 Equation (IV) 1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days 90000 mkm = π3 x 2872.5 mkm 2872.5 mkm = (97.8)2 x 0.3 mkm/sec 1407.6 days = 8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) - Mercury moves during its day period (175.94 solar days) a distance =720 mkm but Uranus orbital distance = 4 x 720 mkm and Uranus orbital diameter = 8 x 720 mkm and that means to pass Uranus orbital diameter Mercury has to move during a period = 8 x Mercury day period = 1407.6 days but Mercury rotation period =1407.6 hours - Why Mercury has to move along Uranus orbital diameter? because Uranus orbital circumference is the basic circumference in the solar system – Mercury confirms the information told by Earth motion - What a big deal hear? - 1407.6 days are used as 1407.6 hours, which shows that there are different rates of time in the solar system Equation (IV) 19 degrees (the moon regression per year) = 5.1 degrees the moon orbital inclination x 3.66 But 3.66 = (Earth diameter / the moon diameter) Equation (VI) 0.406 mkm = 3475 km the moon diameter x 116.7 0.406 mkm = The moon orbital radius (apogee) 116.7 days = Venus day period Equation (VI) shows more effect of Venus on the moon orbit data Please note 116.7 days (Venus day period) = 115 x (180 deg /177.4 deg Venus axial tilt) 115 = the sun diameter / Venus diameter i.e. Venus is the basic planet the sun depends on it to be created
  • 19. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 19 References Light Motion Features Are Discovered in Planet Motion or Matter Origin and Creation Is Saturn The Last Planet Created In The Solar System? (II) Is There A Parallel Universe (I) Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: local/prep/rj/index.php?id=2944&p=15209 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications