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Aggregation and Collection Classes

               OOSSE - Programming with Java
                         Lecture 7

Dec 21, 2012    OOSSE - Java Lecture 7     1
 In this lecture, we will:
 • Discuss the Has-A relationship
 • Define classes that contain instances of other classes
 • Introduce concept of ownership of objects
 • Review the UML class diagrams used to indicate the Has-
    A relationship
 • Introduce Collections and the Java Collections API
 • Discuss Generics

Dec 21, 2012   OOSSE - Java Lecture 7        2
The HAS-A Relationship
 • The classes that we have built so far represent fairly
   simple objects
     – the member variables are instances of simple data types
 • The approach in OOP is a building block approach
 • Once we have built simple classes these can be used as
   the basis of more complicated classes
 • The simplest relationship is where a new class has
   member variables that are instances of other classes
     – the HAS-A relationship

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            3
The HAS-A Relationship
 • A class is used to model and encapsulate an object
 • Member variables represent the attributes of an object
 • In a complex model the attributes may themselves be
   objects rather than primitive data types
 • Consider modelling a vehicle, we may think of the
   components as objects
     – a vehicle has wheels; the wheels are objects
     – a vehicle has an engine; the engine is an object
 • The term HAS-A is used to describe the relationship
   between the vehicle class and the engine class

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            4
An Employee Class
 • In modelling an employee we may start with a class that
   has the following member variables:
     – a payroll number, a set of personal details, a job description

 • The set of personal details may be best modelled using
   another class that has member variables such as:
     – name, age, email
 • The job description may be another class with member
   variables such as:
     – title, department, grade

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             5
An Employee Class
 • The employee class
     – Has a employee number
     – Has a set of personal details
     – Has a job description

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7   6
 public class PersonalDetails {
   private String Fullname;
   private int age;
   private String email;
     public PersonalDetails(String n, int a, String e)
      Fullname = n;
      age = a;
      email = e;
   public String toString()
      String s = "Fullname: " + Fullname + " age: " + age +
              " email: " + email;
      return s;

Dec 21, 2012        OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                    7
     public String getFullname()
       return Fullname;

     public String getEmail()
       return email;

     public int getAge()
       return age;

Dec 21, 2012          OOSSE - Java Lecture 7   8
 public class JobDescription {
   public JobDescription(String t, String d, int g) {
      title = t;
      department = d;
      grade = g;

   public String toString()
     String s = "Job title: " + title + " Grade: " +
              grade + " Department: " + department ;
     return s;

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7               9
JobDescription (continued)
     public String getTitle()
       return title;

     String title;
     String department;
     int grade;

Dec 21, 2012         OOSSE - Java Lecture 7   10
 public class Employee {
   private int payrollNumber;
   private PersonalDetails lnkPersonalDetails;
   private JobDescription lnkJobDescription;

   public Employee(PersonalDetails d, JobDescription j, int n)
     lnkPersonalDetails = d;
     lnkJobDescription = j;
     payrollNumber = n;

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             11
Employee (continued)
     public String toString()
       String s = "Employee Detailsn" +
                      lnkPersonalDetails.toString() + "n" +
       return s;

Dec 21, 2012          OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                   12

Dec 21, 2012   OOSSE - Java Lecture 7   13

 public class TestEmployee {
   // Driver class used to test the Employee class
   public static void main(String [ ] args)
       PersonalDetails fredPD = new PersonalDetails("Fred Bloggs",
                                                   34, "fred@xyz");
      JobDescription fredJD = new JobDescription("Plumber",
      Employee fred = new Employee(fredPD,fredJD,1001);

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            14
 • The output from the test would be:

     Employee Details
     Fullname: Fred Bloggs age: 34 email: fred@xyz
     Job title: Plumber Grade: 3 Department: maintenance

Dec 21, 2012    OOSSE - Java Lecture 7        15
Encapsulation and the HAS-A
 • Consider a class that contains member variables that are
   instances of other classes
 • How is access to the functionality of the contained classes
   exposed to users of the containing class?
 • Option 1 - make the member variables public giving direct
   access to the public members of the contained classes
     – Breaks encapsulation
 • Option 2 - make the member variables private and write
   wrapper functions that call the member functions of the
   contained classes
     – A more object oriented approach

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7         16
Exposing the Name of an Employee
 • Suppose the name of an employee is required
 • How can a method to provide the name of an employee
   be written?
 • The name is stored in the PersonalDetails object
     – private String Fullname
     – Accessible using the getFullname() method
 • Employee can be considered as a wrapper class that
   takes advantage of the functionality in PersonalDetails
     – The user of the Employee class does not need to know that
       an object of type PersonalDetails is used
     – Indeed a user of Employee should not have to know!

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            17
The name of an Employee
 • Consider the following code :

   public String getName()
     // delegate to the PersonalDetails object
     return lnkPersonalDetails.getFullname();

 • This is a method of the Employee class

Dec 21, 2012    OOSSE - Java Lecture 7           18
The name and Job of an Employee

 • Suppose the name and job title of an employee are required
   as a string

   public String getNameAndJob ()
     // use methods of PersonalDetails and JobDescription
     String s = getName() + " " + lnkJobDescription.getTitle();
     return s;

 • This is a method of the employee class

Dec 21, 2012    OOSSE - Java Lecture 7          19
Constructors Revisited
 • Consider the constructor of an Employee:

   public Employee(PersonalDetails d, JobDescription j, int n)
     lnkPersonalDetails = d;
     lnkJobDescription = j;
     payrollNumber = n;

 • The constructor receives two objects and an integer
     – The details and job description are constructed outside of
       the employee class

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             20
An Alternative Constructor
   public Employee(String n, int a, String e,
                  String t, String d, int g, int num)
     lnkPersonalDetails = new PersonalDetails(n,a,e);
     lnkJobDescription = new JobDescription(t,d,g);
      payrollNumber = num;

 • In this version the objects representing the details and job
   are constructed inside the employee class
 • Constructors and other methods can be overloaded
     – both versions can exist in the same class

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7           21
 • Which of the two versions of the constructor is the right
   one to choose?
 • This is a design issue
 • In the first example the employee does not own the
   objects that describe the personal details and the job
     – The employee is not responsible for their construction
 • In the second example the employee owns the objects
     – The objects were constructed inside the Employee class

 • The design decision is based upon whether or not the
   objects that describe the personal details and the job
   NEED to exist outside of an employee

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            22
What next?
 • We have seen a class to represent an employee that
   contains instances of other classes
     – has-a relationship
 • How do we go about storing and accessing a group of
 • We will now look at two possible ways of storing groups of
     – using arrays
     – using collections

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7       23
 • Aggregation describes the case where an object of one class
   contains objects of another class
     – The Has-A relationship describe earlier

 • Consider a team made up of several players:

               Team                              Player

                              1          *

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             24
 • Composition is a stronger form of aggregation
     – The contained objects do not have an existence independent of
       the container
     – Construction of the objects is the responsibility of the container

 • Consider a house with several walls:

                House                               Wall

                               1          *

Dec 21, 2012        OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                  25
Representing Aggregation
 • The simplest way to represent a 1 to many aggregation is
   to use an array
 • The container class manages the collection of objects
     – an array is used to hold the collection
 • Arrays were introduced in an earlier lecture
 • Consider the team of players discussed earlier
 • The Team class might have a member variable that is an
   array of Players
     public class Team
       private Player thePlayers[] ;

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7         26
Team Example
 • In this example a class is used to represent a team of players

                                Note how together indicates the aggregation

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                 27
 public class Player {
   private String name;
   private String position;
   private int age;

   public Player (String s, String p, int a)
     name = s;
     position = p;
     age = a;

Dec 21, 2012         OOSSE - Java Lecture 7    28
Player (continued)
     public String toString()
       String s = "Name: " + name + " Position: " +
                 position + " Age: " + age;
       return s;
     public String getPosition()
       return position;
     public int getAge()
       return age;

Dec 21, 2012         OOSSE - Java Lecture 7           29
 public class Team {
   private Player [] thePlayers;
   private int numPlayers;
   private int maxPlayers;
   private String teamName;
   public Team (String name, int num)
      teamName = name;
      maxPlayers = num;
      numPlayers = 0;
      thePlayers = new Player [maxPlayers];

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7       30
Team (continued)

   public boolean addPlayer( Player newPlayer )
      // add another player to the team if the team is not full
      if ( numPlayers == maxPlayers )
          // the team is full, player cannot be added
          return false;
          // add player to the team
          thePlayers[numPlayers] = newPlayer;
          return true;

Dec 21, 2012         OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                   31
Team (continued)
      public void outputTeamDetails()
        System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName );
        //output each player in turn
        System.out.println("The players:");
        for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i)

Dec 21, 2012        OOSSE - Java Lecture 7               32
 public class TestTeam {
   // Driver class to test the Team class
   public static void main(String []args)
      //Construct a few players
      Player dave = new Player("Dave","Goalkeeper",24);
      Player joe = new Player("Joe", "Striker", 21);
      Player andy = new Player("Andy", "Defender", 29);
      Team rovers = new Team("Rovers",5);

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7           33
 • Java supports several collection classes
 • The simplest to use is the vector
     – the vector is like a dynamic array
 • The vector class exists in the util namespace:
     – import java.util.*;
 • Constructing a vector is easy:
     – Vector <Player> myVector = new Vector <Player> () ;
 • Here the initial size of the vector is not specified
     – the vector will grow as necessary
 • The constructor is overloaded:
     – Vector <Player> (int size)
     – Vector <Player> (int size, int incr)

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7          34
Using the Vector Class
 • The capacity of the vector can be set to an initial value
   using the member function ensureCapacity
     – myVector.ensureCapacity(20);
     – Sets the minimum size of the vector to 20 items
 • The method addElement can be used to add data to a
     – Player andy = new Player("Andy", "Defender", 29);
     – myVector.addElement (andy);
     – inserts andy at the end of the current data
 • Vectors hold Objects
     – Object is the base class of all objects
     – A player is an Object

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            35
Using the Vector Class
 • The method elementAt can be used to get data out of the
     – Player thePlayer;
     – thePlayer = myVector.elementAt(3) ;

 • In older versions of Vector only Objects were held
 • An Object would be returned by the method
 • As it is known that Players are stored in the vector then
   the object would be cast to a Player
     – Then the methods of the Player class can be used
 • If objects of more than one type have been added to the
   vector then instanceof of could be used to check the type:
     – if ( myVector.elementAt(3) instanceof Player ) …

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             36
Vector Methods
 • Vector contains many methods including:
     –   capacity( )
     –   size ( )
     –   firstElement( )
     –   lastElement( )
     –   isEmpty
     –   removeAllElements( )
     –   removeElement( int index )
     –   indexOf ( Object element )

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7    37
A Vector version of Team
 import java.util.*;

 public class VecTeam {
   private Vector <Player> thePlayers;
   private int numPlayers;
   private int maxPlayers;
   private String teamName;
   private Scanner kybd;
   public VecTeam (String name, int num)
      teamName = name;
      maxPlayers = num;
      numPlayers = 0;
      thePlayers = new Vector <Player> (maxPlayers);
      kybd = new Scanner ( ;

Dec 21, 2012           OOSSE - Java Lecture 7          38

   public boolean addPlayer( Player newPlayer )
     // add another player to the team
     if ( numPlayers == maxPlayers ) // the team is full
           return false;
         // add player to the team
         return true;

Dec 21, 2012        OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                 39
VecTeam (continued)
    public void outputTeamDetails()
      System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName );
      //output each player in turn
      System.out.println("The players:");
      for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i)

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7               40
VecTeam (continued)

     public void changePositions()
     { //output each player in turn and change position if required
        for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i)
           System.out.println(“Change the player's position?");
           String ans =;
           if (ans.equals("yes"))
                System.out.print("Enter new position: ");
               String pos =;
               Player p = thePlayers.elementAt(i);
Dec 21, 2012          OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                  41
 • A collection is a set of data
 • Frequently it is useful to look at each item of data in the
   collection in turn
 • An iterator is an object that is used to iterate through the
   data items of a collection
 • Each collection provides an iterator of type Iterator
 • The method hasNext( ) can be used to test if the collection
   has any more data
 • An iterator can be moved on to the next data item in the
   collection using the method next( )
     – Next returns the object referred to before the iterator moves

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             42
Using Iterators in the VecTeam class
  public void outputTeamDetailsITR()
      System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName );
      //output each player in turn
      System.out.println("The players:");
      Iterator itr = thePlayers.iterator();
      while ( itr.hasNext() ) // while there are more players
         Player nextPlayer = (Player);

Dec 21, 2012     OOSSE - Java Lecture 7            43
Using Generic Types
 • In the original versions of collections objects were stored
     – That is any object of any type could be added to a collection
     – The collections were type unsafe
 • With the release of JDK1.5 the generic types mechanism
   was introduced
 • This allows the type of objects to be stored in a collection
   to be specified
     – The mechanism allows support for type checking at compile
 • In the example using Vector earlier the generic type
   mechanism was used to store Person objects
     – Vetor <Person> thePlayers = new Vector <Person> (5);

Dec 21, 2012      OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             44
Java Generics versus C++ Templates
 • Generics and C++ templates are not the same!
 • Generics in Java provide compile time safety and avoid
   the need for casts
     –   Improved encapsulation
     –   They use a technique known as type erasure
     –   The compiler keeps track of generics internally
     –   All instances use the same class file at compile/run time

 • In C++ a template is more like a powerful macro
     – Whenever a template class is instantiated with a new class
       the entire code for the class is reproduced and recompiled

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7              45
The Java Collections Framework
 • The Java Collections Framework provides unified support
   for collections
 • It contains:
      – Interfaces
      – Implementations
      – Algorithms

 • The core collection interfaces:

 •   Taken from:

Dec 21, 2012             OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                            46
  • General-purpose Implementations:

 Interfaces       Implementations

                  Hash table                   Tree        Linked list        Hash table + Linked list
 Set              HashSet                      TreeSet                        LinkedHashSet
 List                          ArrayList                   LinkedList
 Map              HashMap                      TreeMap                        LinkedHashMap

  •     Taken from:
Dec 21, 2012                OOSSE - Java Lecture 7                            47
 • Algorithms provide re-useable code
 • For example there algorithms to provide the following
     – Sorting
     – Shuffling
     – Searching
 • The algorithms take the form of static methods in the
   Collections class
     – The first argument is the collection on which the algorithm is
       to be carried out
     – Many of the algorithms operate on instances of List

Dec 21, 2012       OOSSE - Java Lecture 7             48
 In this lecture we have:
 • Discussed the Has-A relationship
 • Defined classes that contain instances of other classes
 • Introduced concept of ownership of objects
 • Reviewed the UML class diagrams used to indicate the
    Has-A relationship
 • Introduced Collections and the Java Collections API
 • Discussed Generics

Dec 21, 2012    OOSSE - Java Lecture 7         49

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08 aggregation and collection classes

  • 1. Aggregation and Collection Classes OOSSE - Programming with Java Lecture 7 Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 1
  • 2. Objectives In this lecture, we will: • Discuss the Has-A relationship • Define classes that contain instances of other classes • Introduce concept of ownership of objects • Review the UML class diagrams used to indicate the Has- A relationship • Introduce Collections and the Java Collections API • Discuss Generics Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 2
  • 3. The HAS-A Relationship • The classes that we have built so far represent fairly simple objects – the member variables are instances of simple data types • The approach in OOP is a building block approach • Once we have built simple classes these can be used as the basis of more complicated classes • The simplest relationship is where a new class has member variables that are instances of other classes – the HAS-A relationship Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 3
  • 4. The HAS-A Relationship • A class is used to model and encapsulate an object • Member variables represent the attributes of an object • In a complex model the attributes may themselves be objects rather than primitive data types • Consider modelling a vehicle, we may think of the components as objects – a vehicle has wheels; the wheels are objects – a vehicle has an engine; the engine is an object • The term HAS-A is used to describe the relationship between the vehicle class and the engine class Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 4
  • 5. An Employee Class • In modelling an employee we may start with a class that has the following member variables: – a payroll number, a set of personal details, a job description • The set of personal details may be best modelled using another class that has member variables such as: – name, age, email • The job description may be another class with member variables such as: – title, department, grade Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 5
  • 6. An Employee Class • The employee class – Has a employee number – Has a set of personal details – Has a job description Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 6
  • 7. PersonalDetails public class PersonalDetails { private String Fullname; private int age; private String email; public PersonalDetails(String n, int a, String e) { Fullname = n; age = a; email = e; } public String toString() { String s = "Fullname: " + Fullname + " age: " + age + " email: " + email; return s; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 7
  • 8. PersonalDetails public String getFullname() { return Fullname; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public int getAge() { return age; } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 8
  • 9. JobDescription public class JobDescription { public JobDescription(String t, String d, int g) { title = t; department = d; grade = g; } public String toString() { String s = "Job title: " + title + " Grade: " + grade + " Department: " + department ; return s; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 9
  • 10. JobDescription (continued) public String getTitle() { return title; } String title; String department; int grade; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 10
  • 11. Employee public class Employee { private int payrollNumber; private PersonalDetails lnkPersonalDetails; private JobDescription lnkJobDescription; public Employee(PersonalDetails d, JobDescription j, int n) { lnkPersonalDetails = d; lnkJobDescription = j; payrollNumber = n; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 11
  • 12. Employee (continued) public String toString() { String s = "Employee Detailsn" + lnkPersonalDetails.toString() + "n" + lnkJobDescription.toString(); return s; } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 12
  • 13. Employee Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 13
  • 14. TestEmployee public class TestEmployee { // Driver class used to test the Employee class public static void main(String [ ] args) { PersonalDetails fredPD = new PersonalDetails("Fred Bloggs", 34, "fred@xyz"); JobDescription fredJD = new JobDescription("Plumber", "maintenance",3); Employee fred = new Employee(fredPD,fredJD,1001); System.out.println(fred); } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 14
  • 15. TestEmployee • The output from the test would be: Employee Details Fullname: Fred Bloggs age: 34 email: fred@xyz Job title: Plumber Grade: 3 Department: maintenance Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 15
  • 16. Encapsulation and the HAS-A Relationship • Consider a class that contains member variables that are instances of other classes • How is access to the functionality of the contained classes exposed to users of the containing class? • Option 1 - make the member variables public giving direct access to the public members of the contained classes – Breaks encapsulation • Option 2 - make the member variables private and write wrapper functions that call the member functions of the contained classes – A more object oriented approach Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 16
  • 17. Exposing the Name of an Employee • Suppose the name of an employee is required • How can a method to provide the name of an employee be written? • The name is stored in the PersonalDetails object – private String Fullname – Accessible using the getFullname() method • Employee can be considered as a wrapper class that takes advantage of the functionality in PersonalDetails – The user of the Employee class does not need to know that an object of type PersonalDetails is used – Indeed a user of Employee should not have to know! Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 17
  • 18. The name of an Employee • Consider the following code : public String getName() { // delegate to the PersonalDetails object return lnkPersonalDetails.getFullname(); } • This is a method of the Employee class Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 18
  • 19. The name and Job of an Employee • Suppose the name and job title of an employee are required as a string public String getNameAndJob () { // use methods of PersonalDetails and JobDescription String s = getName() + " " + lnkJobDescription.getTitle(); return s; } • This is a method of the employee class Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 19
  • 20. Constructors Revisited • Consider the constructor of an Employee: public Employee(PersonalDetails d, JobDescription j, int n) { lnkPersonalDetails = d; lnkJobDescription = j; payrollNumber = n; } • The constructor receives two objects and an integer – The details and job description are constructed outside of the employee class Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 20
  • 21. An Alternative Constructor public Employee(String n, int a, String e, String t, String d, int g, int num) { lnkPersonalDetails = new PersonalDetails(n,a,e); lnkJobDescription = new JobDescription(t,d,g); payrollNumber = num; } • In this version the objects representing the details and job are constructed inside the employee class • Constructors and other methods can be overloaded – both versions can exist in the same class Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 21
  • 22. Ownership • Which of the two versions of the constructor is the right one to choose? • This is a design issue • In the first example the employee does not own the objects that describe the personal details and the job – The employee is not responsible for their construction • In the second example the employee owns the objects – The objects were constructed inside the Employee class • The design decision is based upon whether or not the objects that describe the personal details and the job NEED to exist outside of an employee Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 22
  • 23. What next? • We have seen a class to represent an employee that contains instances of other classes – has-a relationship • How do we go about storing and accessing a group of employees? • We will now look at two possible ways of storing groups of objects: – using arrays – using collections Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 23
  • 24. Aggregation • Aggregation describes the case where an object of one class contains objects of another class – The Has-A relationship describe earlier • Consider a team made up of several players: Team Player 1 * Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 24
  • 25. Composition • Composition is a stronger form of aggregation – The contained objects do not have an existence independent of the container – Construction of the objects is the responsibility of the container • Consider a house with several walls: House Wall 1 * Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 25
  • 26. Representing Aggregation • The simplest way to represent a 1 to many aggregation is to use an array • The container class manages the collection of objects – an array is used to hold the collection • Arrays were introduced in an earlier lecture • Consider the team of players discussed earlier • The Team class might have a member variable that is an array of Players public class Team { private Player thePlayers[] ; … Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 26
  • 27. Team Example • In this example a class is used to represent a team of players Note how together indicates the aggregation Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 27
  • 28. Player public class Player { private String name; private String position; private int age; public Player (String s, String p, int a) { name = s; position = p; age = a; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 28
  • 29. Player (continued) public String toString() { String s = "Name: " + name + " Position: " + position + " Age: " + age; return s; } public String getPosition() { return position; } public int getAge() { return age; } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 29
  • 30. Team public class Team { private Player [] thePlayers; private int numPlayers; private int maxPlayers; private String teamName; public Team (String name, int num) { teamName = name; maxPlayers = num; numPlayers = 0; thePlayers = new Player [maxPlayers]; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 30
  • 31. Team (continued) public boolean addPlayer( Player newPlayer ) { // add another player to the team if the team is not full if ( numPlayers == maxPlayers ) { // the team is full, player cannot be added return false; } else { // add player to the team thePlayers[numPlayers] = newPlayer; numPlayers++; return true; } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 31
  • 32. Team (continued) public void outputTeamDetails() { System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName ); //output each player in turn System.out.println("The players:"); for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { System.out.println(thePlayers[i]); } } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 32
  • 33. TestTeam public class TestTeam { // Driver class to test the Team class public static void main(String []args) { //Construct a few players Player dave = new Player("Dave","Goalkeeper",24); Player joe = new Player("Joe", "Striker", 21); Player andy = new Player("Andy", "Defender", 29); Team rovers = new Team("Rovers",5); rovers.addPlayer(dave); rovers.addPlayer(joe); rovers.addPlayer(andy); rovers.outputTeamDetails(); } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 33
  • 34. Collections • Java supports several collection classes • The simplest to use is the vector – the vector is like a dynamic array • The vector class exists in the util namespace: – import java.util.*; • Constructing a vector is easy: – Vector <Player> myVector = new Vector <Player> () ; • Here the initial size of the vector is not specified – the vector will grow as necessary • The constructor is overloaded: – Vector <Player> (int size) – Vector <Player> (int size, int incr) Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 34
  • 35. Using the Vector Class • The capacity of the vector can be set to an initial value using the member function ensureCapacity – myVector.ensureCapacity(20); – Sets the minimum size of the vector to 20 items • The method addElement can be used to add data to a vector: – Player andy = new Player("Andy", "Defender", 29); – myVector.addElement (andy); – inserts andy at the end of the current data • Vectors hold Objects – Object is the base class of all objects – A player is an Object Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 35
  • 36. Using the Vector Class • The method elementAt can be used to get data out of the vector: – Player thePlayer; – thePlayer = myVector.elementAt(3) ; • In older versions of Vector only Objects were held • An Object would be returned by the method • As it is known that Players are stored in the vector then the object would be cast to a Player – Then the methods of the Player class can be used • If objects of more than one type have been added to the vector then instanceof of could be used to check the type: – if ( myVector.elementAt(3) instanceof Player ) … Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 36
  • 37. Vector Methods • Vector contains many methods including: – capacity( ) – size ( ) – firstElement( ) – lastElement( ) – isEmpty – removeAllElements( ) – removeElement( int index ) – indexOf ( Object element ) Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 37
  • 38. A Vector version of Team import java.util.*; public class VecTeam { private Vector <Player> thePlayers; private int numPlayers; private int maxPlayers; private String teamName; private Scanner kybd; public VecTeam (String name, int num) { teamName = name; maxPlayers = num; numPlayers = 0; thePlayers = new Vector <Player> (maxPlayers); kybd = new Scanner ( ; } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 38
  • 39. VecTeam public boolean addPlayer( Player newPlayer ) { // add another player to the team if ( numPlayers == maxPlayers ) // the team is full { return false; } else { // add player to the team thePlayers.addElement(newPlayer); numPlayers++; return true; } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 39
  • 40. VecTeam (continued) public void outputTeamDetails() { System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName ); //output each player in turn System.out.println("The players:"); for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { System.out.println(thePlayers.elementAt(i)); } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 40
  • 41. VecTeam (continued) public void changePositions() { //output each player in turn and change position if required for( int i=0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { System.out.println(thePlayers.elementAt(i)); System.out.println(“Change the player's position?"); String ans =; if (ans.equals("yes")) { System.out.print("Enter new position: "); String pos =; Player p = thePlayers.elementAt(i); p.setPosition(pos); } } } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 41
  • 42. Iterators • A collection is a set of data • Frequently it is useful to look at each item of data in the collection in turn • An iterator is an object that is used to iterate through the data items of a collection • Each collection provides an iterator of type Iterator • The method hasNext( ) can be used to test if the collection has any more data • An iterator can be moved on to the next data item in the collection using the method next( ) – Next returns the object referred to before the iterator moves Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 42
  • 43. Using Iterators in the VecTeam class public void outputTeamDetailsITR() { System.out.println("Team name: " + teamName ); //output each player in turn System.out.println("The players:"); Iterator itr = thePlayers.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) // while there are more players { Player nextPlayer = (Player); System.out.println(nextPlayer); } } Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 43
  • 44. Using Generic Types • In the original versions of collections objects were stored – That is any object of any type could be added to a collection – The collections were type unsafe • With the release of JDK1.5 the generic types mechanism was introduced • This allows the type of objects to be stored in a collection to be specified – The mechanism allows support for type checking at compile time • In the example using Vector earlier the generic type mechanism was used to store Person objects – Vetor <Person> thePlayers = new Vector <Person> (5); Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 44
  • 45. Java Generics versus C++ Templates • Generics and C++ templates are not the same! • Generics in Java provide compile time safety and avoid the need for casts – Improved encapsulation – They use a technique known as type erasure – The compiler keeps track of generics internally – All instances use the same class file at compile/run time • In C++ a template is more like a powerful macro – Whenever a template class is instantiated with a new class the entire code for the class is reproduced and recompiled Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 45
  • 46. The Java Collections Framework • The Java Collections Framework provides unified support for collections • It contains: – Interfaces – Implementations – Algorithms • The core collection interfaces: • Taken from: Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 46
  • 47. Implementations • General-purpose Implementations: Interfaces Implementations Resizable Hash table Tree Linked list Hash table + Linked list array Set HashSet TreeSet LinkedHashSet List ArrayList LinkedList Queue Map HashMap TreeMap LinkedHashMap • Taken from: Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 47
  • 48. Algorithms • Algorithms provide re-useable code • For example there algorithms to provide the following functionality: – Sorting – Shuffling – Searching • The algorithms take the form of static methods in the Collections class – The first argument is the collection on which the algorithm is to be carried out – Many of the algorithms operate on instances of List Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 48
  • 49. Summary In this lecture we have: • Discussed the Has-A relationship • Defined classes that contain instances of other classes • Introduced concept of ownership of objects • Reviewed the UML class diagrams used to indicate the Has-A relationship • Introduced Collections and the Java Collections API • Discussed Generics Dec 21, 2012 OOSSE - Java Lecture 7 49

Editor's Notes

  1. Part of this lecture will be reserved for working through solutions to selected exercises from last week. Notes relating to this do not appear in the slides.