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to Rape:
Sexual Terror
in Mugabe’s
to Rape:
Sexual Terror
in Mugabe’s
The photographs contained in this report are not of
the women whose testimony is included. However,
because these are photographs of women survivors
from Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free World has made every
effort to protect their identities by concealing their
faces. AIDS-Free World also has removed identifying
information from the testimonial accounts contained in
this report so as to protect the identities of the women
we interviewed.

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© 2009 AIDS-Free World
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December 2009

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   Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
For the brave women who told
us their stories.

May their bodies heal and their
spirits mend as the world ends
the culture of impunity.
Special Thanks to DLA Piper
    Primary Pro Bono Counsel
    DLA Piper is one of the largest legal services
    providers in the world, with 3,500 lawyers in
    more than sixty-five offices in Asia, Europe, the
    Middle East, and the United States.

    DLA Piper houses a unique pro bono program
    through its nonprofit affiliate, New Perimeter,
    which enables DLA Piper lawyers to work on
    legal pro bono projects of vital importance
    around the world. DLA Piper serves as primary
    pro bono counsel to AIDS-Free World on the
    Zimbabwe project and has thus far provided
    nine attorneys to travel to southern Africa on four
    separate occasions to conduct interviews with
    rape survivors, draft affidavits, undertake legal
    research and analysis, and provide other legal
    advice. The value of DLA Piper attorney time
    contributed to this project to date approaches
    $1,000,000. DLA Piper lawyers whose
    commitment and time have benefited this project
    are: Kristen Leanderson Abrams,
    Sara Andrews, Richard Bull, Steve Churchwell,
    Lewis Conwell, Rachel Gupta, Amanda Jones,
    Brenda Meister, and Syma Mirza.

    AIDS-Free World also gratefully acknowledges
    the leadership of Sheldon Krantz, partner and
    director of New Perimeter, and Sara Andrews,
    New Perimeter Program Manager and the
    leader of the DLA Piper team, whose
    commitment to human rights make
    DLA Piper’s support of this work possible.
    Additionally, the DLA Piper Foundation made a
    separate grant to AIDS-Free World to defray
    expenses associated with this project.

    For more information about DLA Piper’s
    international pro bono work, go to

4   Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

AIDS-Free World relies on pro bono assistance                 We gratefully acknowledge our collaboration with the
provided by generous institutions and individuals             Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU), a human rights
committed to addressing politically motivated rape in         organization based in Zimbabwe. RAU lawyers
Zimbabwe. This project is not possible without the            conducted the interviews and drafted affidavits for a
invaluable contribution of those described below (in          number of rape survivors, and also provided research
alphabetical order).                                          support.

AIDS-Free World Advisory Board members                        The Stanford University Law School International
Linda Carrier-Walker, Angélique Kidjo, Julio Montaner,        Human Rights and Development Clinic contributed
M.D., and Winstone Zulu provide the ongoing voluntary         research and interview assistance under the leadership
support that sustains and inspires all of our work.           of former director Barbara Olshansky. Supervised by
                                                              Clinical Fellow Kathleen Kelly, Stanford sent law
Baylor College of Medicine offered helpful advice and
                                                              students Caeli Higney, Katrina Rouse, and Sonia
technical support at the beginning of the project.
                                                              Valdez to southern Africa to assist with note-taking and
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, a law firm with offices in          affidavit-drafting for a number of interviews. Law
four countries and one of the largest pro bono                students also undertook substantial legal research for
programs in Canada, generously provided three                 this report.
attorneys, Connie Reeve, Melanie Gaston, and Shashu
                                                              Nathan Taback, a Co-director of Insecurity Insight and
Clacken, who traveled to southern Africa on the
                                                              an Assistant Professor at University of Toronto’s Dalla
project’s first trip to conduct interviews and draft
                                                              Lana School of Public Health who conducts cutting-
affidavits for rape survivors. The firm also contributed to
                                                              edge research on armed violence and conflict
expenses associated with that trip.
                                                              epidemiology, worked closely with the AIDS-Free World
Nicole Fritz, Executive Director of Southern African          legal team to provide critical advice and analysis of
Litigation Centre (SALC), has offered invaluable advice       statistical data regarding trends and patterns in the
and support throughout the project.                           politically motivated rapes in Zimbabwe.

Getty Images graciously provided the photos                   We are indebted to our team of interpreters, who
contained in this report.                                     dedicated themselves to countless hours of first-rate
                                                              interpretation and translation services.
Betty Makoni, a human rights activist, gave essential
information and assistance at the inception of the            We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the many
project.                                                      individuals and organizations in the southern African
                                                              region who cannot be thanked by name as it would
The University of Ottawa, under the leadership of its
                                                              compromise their security.
president, Allan Rock, provided important research
assistance through its Law Faculty and an ongoing             Last but indispensable, AIDS-Free World sincerely
partnership with AIDS-Free World to address the               thanks the following funders (listed in alphabetical
problem of systematic rape in Zimbabwe and                    order), whose financial support makes this legal project
elsewhere. Dr. François Larocque supervised law               possible: AJG Foundation, Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
students Megan Kendall and Juliette Yip in a substantial      Foundation, DLA Piper Foundation, Golden Thread
research project on universal jurisdiction in Africa.         Charitable Foundation, Don and Ruth James, McMillan
                                                              Family Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Foundation to
The University of Pretoria’s Centre for the Study of
                                                              Promote Open Society/International Women’s Program
AIDS, under the leadership of Mary Crewe, graciously
                                                              of the Open Society Institute, David and Lucile Packard
hosted AIDS-Free World for some of the work associated
                                                              Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust, and V-Day.
with this project. Thanks also go to Pierre Brouard, Johan
Maritz, Shirley Damons, and Isabel de Bruin Cardoso for
their assistance.

Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

On the Record:
The Words of Robert Mugabe

Rape as Strategy

                                                        5       Fertile Ground for Impunity

                                                      Zimbabwe’s domestic remedies are

Executive Summary                               10    unavailable and ineffective
                                                      Zimbabwe’s domestic laws are insufficient           34

 1        An Organized Rape Campaign            12

                                                        6       Prosecuting Crimes
                                                                Against Humanity                         35

 2        Maintaining Power with Violence 15

Mugabe’s brutal decades                          15
                                                      Command responsibility
                                                      Prosecution in other African States
                                                      Regional tribunals



The present                                      16   The International Criminal Court                    41

  3       Testimony of Survivors

Targeting of MDC women by ZANU-PF

                                                        7       Toward Accountability

                                                      Zimbabwe: Meet existing obligations


Attacks by ZANU-PF mobs                          19   under domestic law
Depravity and its aftermath                      20   Zimbabwe: Fulfill obligations under regional        43
                                                      and international treaties
Humiliation and degradation                      21
                                                      Regional Groups: Press Zimbabwe to fulfill          45
Escalations of torture and murder of families    22
                                                      its legal obligations
Sexual slavery                                   23

Pattern of political language used by rapists    24
                                                                Preventing the Next Attack:
Network of torture base camps                    24             Recommendations for Action               46
Police support for ZANU-PF crimes                26

Threats of intentional HIV transmission          29
                                                      Appendices                                          49

                                                      Anatomy of the Project                              49

          Rape’s Corrosive Effects              30    Methodology                                         52

                                                      Notes                                               53
Physical trauma                                  30

Psychological trauma                             30

Destruction of families                          31
On the Record:
                              The words of
                              Robert Mugabe
    1962            It may be necessary to use methods
                    other than constitutional ones.                2000          I do not want to be overthrown and I
                                                                                 will try to overthrow those who want
                                                                   to overthrow me.

    1976           (in a radio broadcast from Mozambique)
                   Our votes must go together with our
    guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have            2000          Those who try to cause disunity
                                                                                 among our people must watch out
    been the product of the gun . . . The people’s votes           because death will befall them.
    and the people’s guns are always inseparable twins.

    1982          An eye for an eye and an ear for an ear
                   may not be adequate in our
                                                                   2002              You are soldiers of ZANU-PF for the
                                                                                     people . . . When the time comes to
                                                                   fire the bullet, the ballot, the trajectory of the gun must
    circumstances. We might very well demand two ears              be true.
    for one ear and two eyes for one eye.

    1983             We have to deal with this problem quite
                     ruthlessly. Don’t cry if your relatives get
                                                                   2003             Let the MDC and its leadership be
                                                                                    warned that those who play with fire
                                                                   will not only be burnt, but consumed by that fire.
    killed in the process . . . We eradicate them. We do
    not differentiate who we fight because we can’t tell
    who is a dissident and who is not.                             2003            (describing the use of violence to
                                                                                   crush opposition) If that is Hitler, then
                                                                   let me be a Hitler ten-fold. Ten times. That is what we

    1985            We will kill those snakes among us, we
                    will smash them completely.
                                                                   stand for.

    1999           We are still exchanging blows with the
                   British government . . . Each time I
                                                                   2006          Some are crying that they were
                                                                                 beaten. Yes you will be thoroughly
                                                                   beaten. When the police say move you move. If you
    pass through London, the gangster regime of Blair              don’t move, you invite the police to use force.
    “expresses its dismay.”

    1999             (in response to a letter written by four
                     Supreme Court judges seeking
                                                                   2007             (on the police beating of opposition
                                                                                    party leader Morgan Tsvangirai) I told
                                                                   the police (to) beat him a lot. He asked for it.
    clarification from the president on a torture charge)
    The judiciary has no right to give instructions to the
    President on any matter as the four judges have
    purported to do. In those circumstances, the one and
                                                                   2007            I will not allow Tsvangirai and his
                                                                                   bosses to taste this seat. Never, ever!

    only honourable course open to [the judges] is quitting
    the Bench.                                                     2008            I will never, never, never, never
                                                                                   surrender. Zimbabwe is mine.

8     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

Rape as Strategy

Tyrants with pathological cravings for power have        whatever a husband’s reaction, fear of life-altering
organized campaigns of rape since ancient times,         consequences such as HIV infection and pregnancy
from Troy to Nanking and Sierra Leone to Cyprus,         loom large for women, as do lingering physical and
from East Pakistan to the Democratic Republic of         psychological trauma. Married or single, victims
the Congo and beyond. And yet, everyone ever             dread that family, community, life itself will never be
convicted of orchestrating mass rape could be            the same.
crowded into a single holding cell. Since 1998, the
                                                         When entire communities are targeted for rape,
international community has agreed that rape when
                                                         societal collapse ensues. Women cease to
committed as part of a widespread or systematic
                                                         function, afraid to leave home, terrorized in equal
attack against a civilian population can be
                                                         measure by threats of rape and of its long-term,
prosecuted as a crime against humanity. But that
                                                         destructive aftermath.
charge has rarely been made.
                                                         Ironically, among the few men who have stopped to
Reasons abound. Most leaders and societies have
                                                         analyze the unique, destabilizing power of rape are
not taken the time to understand rape, and so they
                                                         those who use it as a strategy, especially during
erroneously place it along a continuum that begins
                                                         armed conflict and political upheaval, to control
with normal sexual arousal. Few recognize it as a
                                                         civilian populations and maintain power. They know
separate, violent act of terror and control, as
                                                         it’s easy to conscript impoverished men and boys
unrelated to consensual sex as force-feeding poison
                                                         raised in sexist societies to “take charge” of women
is to sharing a meal.
                                                         in exchange for small pay. They know that
No country in the world has made it a priority to        deploying rape brigades is cheap and expeditious:
prevent or punish rape. Because rape has some            no heavy weaponry, training, or maneuvers. They
characteristics of consensual sex, most courts           know that targeting women breaks the backbones,
require proof—difficult to produce without               the will, and the cohesion of communities, leaving
witnesses—that victims were unwilling. Few rapes         them vulnerable. Most crucial, they know that the
get reported, and convictions are rare.                  world is blind to women—that diplomats,
                                                         journalists, peacekeepers, and aid workers remain
Fear, shame, and an overwhelming sense of futility
                                                         largely oblivious as campaigns of sexual terror
keep women silent. Once, rape was considered theft
                                                         unfold around them, and that even eyewitnesses to
of a man’s property, and modern variations persist.
                                                         systematic gang rape will mistake it for
In societies where a man can demand that his wife
                                                         spontaneous opportunistic sex.
provide sex, bear children, house-keep, feed, and
care for his extended family, victims of rape are        Robert Mugabe is among the world’s diabolical
often accused by their husbands of surrendering to       masterminds of sexual terror. He understands
another man’s control. Banishment is common,             gender; he understands rape. He understands
robbing the victim of her livelihood and identity. But   impunity. It is time he understood justice.

     In the weeks immediately after the June 2008             The women’s disturbing accounts, told to the
     presidential elections in Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free World      AIDS-Free World legal team over the course of
     received an urgent call from a Harare-based              more than 300 hours of interviews and detailed in
     organization. The human rights activists were            this report, demonstrate that the rape campaign
     overwhelmed with reports from women associated           waged by ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe was both
     with the opposition party, Movement for Democratic       widespread and systematic. Every victim supported
     Change (MDC), who had been raped by members of           the MDC, and in every attack the perpetrators were
     President Robert Mugabe’s ruling party, ZANU-PF, in      clearly identifiable as ZANU-PF youth militia and
     a vicious campaign to intimidate voters and emerge       war veterans. Striking patterns recurred throughout
     victorious in the presidential election. In response,    the testimonies of the seventy survivors and two
     AIDS-Free World undertook a series of investigative      witnesses and cannot be coincidental.
     trips to the region with teams of lawyers to interview
     survivors of this violence.
                                                                The next elections in
     What emerged from the testimony was a brutal,              Zimbabwe are just around the
     orchestrated campaign of rape and torture                  corner, and ZANU-PF
     perpetrated by Mugabe’s ZANU-PF youth militia,             is already gearing up for
     agents of Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence
     Organization (CIO), and people who identify
                                                                its next campaign of
     themselves as veterans of the liberation war               sexual terror.
     (known as war veterans) affiliated with ZANU-PF.
     The exceptionally violent rapes, as described by         Accountability for these crimes is critical and
     women from every province of Zimbabwe, were              serves several purposes: it punishes the
     often nearly fatal. Survivors’ terror was prolonged      perpetrators; it provides justice for the victims; it
     by fears that their attackers were among the 15%         pierces the veil of impunity that protects
     of adults infected with HIV in Zimbabwe.                 Zimbabwe’s highest officials and enables them to
                                                              maintain their abusive regime at the cost of
                                                              women’s lives and health; and it deters future rapes.

10     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Executive Summary

                                                      Yet several possibilities do exist for legal
                                                      accountability in the region, and are summarized in
                                                      this report. The principles of command
  Scale of the rapes reported
                                                      responsibility and universal jurisdiction, the powers
  to AIDS-Free World
                                                      of regional tribunals, and the attention of
                                                      international courts and commissions are all
                                                      potential avenues for justice that have yet to be
                                                      pursued. Several bodies could and should also take
                                                      action against Zimbabwe to restore justice and
                         241                          prevent future crimes against humanity.

                                                      Zimbabwe’s regional neighbors, especially the
                                                      southern African countries to which so many rape
                                                      survivors have fled, must take responsibility for
                                                      providing protection and assistance to the victims.
                                                      If survivors cannot be assured of their security,
                                                      they will not be able to recover and they will not be
                                                      able to come forward and testify about the crimes
  total victims         total            total acts   they have endured.
                     perpetrators         of rape

                                                      The next elections in Zimbabwe are just
                                                      around the corner, and ZANU-PF is already
Within Zimbabwe, both the police and the legal        gearing up for its next campaign of sexual
infrastructure are so seriously compromised as to     terror. This report asserts that Mugabe and his
make justice for systematic rape inside the country   henchmen can and must be brought to justice.
impossible at this time. Furthermore, existing        Continued impunity will be a green light for
Zimbabwe law does not allow for the prosecution       the next rape campaign, and the women of
of rape as an international crime, perpetrated in a   Zimbabwe—and the southern African
systematic fashion.                                   region—will pay the price.

An Organized
                                                              Rape Campaign
     In the weeks immediately following the June 2008         Over the course of six trips to the region,
     presidential elections in Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free            AIDS-Free World lawyers interviewed dozens of
     World received an urgent call from a Harare-based        survivors of rape and two witnesses, resulting in
     organization working on behalf of women and              seventy sworn affidavits from rape survivors
     girls. They believed that hundreds and possibly          describing brutal beatings, abduction, gang rape,
     thousands of women had been raped by members             and torture. Every one of these seventy women
     of President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party as            targeted for rape was either a member of the
     a strategy to influence the election, and sought help    opposition party Movement for Democratic
     from AIDS-Free World in documenting these                Change (MDC), or was closely related to a
     crimes.                                                  member of the MDC. Victims ranged in age from
                                                              five-year-old girls to elderly grandmothers.
     A preliminary investigation revealed awareness           Multiple ZANU-PF perpetrators, in many
     among human rights groups that sexual violence           instances five or more men, committed the rapes
     had occurred, but turned up no other organization,       together. Many women were forced to watch their
     local or international, that had moved beyond            husbands, children, and parents killed or tortured
     awareness of the crimes to address the politically       before they were raped. Nine of the women
     motivated sexual violence through legal channels.        believe they were infected with HIV/AIDS as a
     Organizations within Zimbabwe were severely              result of the rapes, and an additional seventeen
     restricted by security concerns, few had                 women also tested HIV-positive in the months
     contemplated or initiated advocacy campaigns, and        following the rapes, raising the possibility that
     there was little media coverage inside Zimbabwe of       their rapists infected them.1 Ten women reported
     potentially widespread rape.                             that they became pregnant by their rapists. All
                                                              have been severely traumatized. The victims
     AIDS-Free World undertook a series of investigative      described a violent campaign of rape and torture
     trips to the region to interview survivors with teams    perpetrated by ZANU-PF youth militia, agents of
     of lawyers, once with three attorneys from Blake,        Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organization
     Cassels and Graydon and on four occasions with a         (CIO), and people who identify themselves as
     total of nine DLA Piper lawyers. What emerged was        veterans of the liberation war (known locally as
     a concerted campaign of politically motivated rape       war veterans, or “war vets”) and are now affiliated
     against opposition supporters.                           with ZANU-PF.

12     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
An Organized Rape Campaign
                                                      The rapes documented by AIDS-Free World began
Terror compounded: rape and HIV                       in 2007 but increased dramatically in 2008, with a
                                                      surge in frequency—64%—occurring between the
Unprotected sex carries a risk under any              March presidential election and the June runoff.
conditions in Zimbabwe, a country with one of         The systematic rape accompanying the 2008
the world’s highest rates of HIV. One in six urban    elections is generally understood to be a
adults and over a quarter of Zimbabwean men           continuation of violence started during the 2000
and women living outside of cities carry the virus    Parliamentary elections,2 when the MDC presented
that causes AIDS, making any exchange of              ZANU-PF with its first serious challenge, and
bodily fluids or blood a potentially dangerous        continued in 2002 when Morgan Tsvangirai first
one.                                                  ran for president. The stories told by female
                                                      survivors of the 2008 campaign of rape are
Even when intercourse is consensual, the vagina       alarmingly similar to reports from earlier in the
is naturally susceptible to infection. When sex is    decade. The same language is used time and again:
violently coerced or forced, the resulting cuts and   MDC supporters are “sell-outs,” and they are
abrasions compound the danger of infection and        “Tsvangirai’s whores” accused of “giving the
greatly increase the likelihood of HIV                country back to the whites.”3 Documentation by
transmission if the aggressor is HIV-positive.        human rights groups has shown that the majority
Girls are at exceptionally high risk of contracting   of perpetrators of these abuses are part of the
HIV through rape because their genital tracts are     apparatus of President Robert Mugabe’s
not yet fully developed, and are therefore even       government.4 Why, then, has the world allowed it
more vulnerable to tears and lesions that allow       to happen again?
the virus to enter the body. Less well understood
than the threat that rape poses for victims who       AIDS-Free World’s investigation of the rape
are HIV-negative is the risk to women and girls       surrounding the 2008 elections in Zimbabwe reveals
who are HIV-positive. Re-infection strengthens        two stark facts: it was a widespread, systematic
the virus’s grip and further compromises the          campaign against MDC female members and
health of people who are already living with HIV.     supporters calculated to intimidate, humiliate, and
Anyone raped by an HIV-positive attacker faces        punish them—and by extension, their families—for
a heightened risk of infection if blood is            their political affiliation; and the patterns and
exchanged.                                            similarities that emerge from survivors’ stories show
                                                      that history in Zimbabwe is repeating itself. Once
For the women of Zimbabwe, then, the dread            again, the impunity for systematic rape that has
of rape and its long-term consequences is             characterized Zimbabwe’s history under Robert
multiplied many times over by the specter             Mugabe’s leadership5 is making it possible for the
of HIV.                                               police not to investigate, for the prosecutors not to
                                                      prosecute, and for Zimbabwe’s neighbors to
                                                      pretend these crimes against humanity are the
                                                      internal affairs of a sovereign state. It is also
                                                      exacerbating an HIV/AIDS crisis in a country

           Number of Zimbabweans
           who have fled across two
           borders, in proportion to
           those countries’ populations
           Estimates from October 2009                        least twelve refugees.6 An estimated 250,000
                                                              Zimbabweans have fled to Botswana, causing, in
                                                              the words of the Foreign Minister, a “drain on
                                                              [our] resources.”7 Additionally, forced migration has
                                                              been shown to exacerbate the sub-continent’s
                                                              AIDS pandemic. Undocumented refugees from
               1.8 million                                    Zimbabwe may become infected by opportunistic
                                                              rape or by engaging in survival sex at the borders.8
                                                              Fear of deportation may cause them to shun
                                                              medical services, to the extent those are available,
                                                              and ignore treatable illnesses, such as sexually
                                          3 million
                                                              transmitted diseases, increasing their vulnerability
                                                              to HIV.9 Given Zimbabwe’s high adult HIV
                                                              prevalence rate—over 15%—neighboring countries
                                                              that are themselves overwhelmed by their own
                     AFRICA               48.8 million
                                                              HIV prevalence rates may have already gained
                                                              hundreds of thousands of additional cases of

                                                              Crimes against humanity in the form of
                                                              widespread, systematic rape were perpetrated
     where more than 15% of adults have HIV, since            during the 2008 elections and, if unaddressed, will
     rape helps to spread that farther and faster.            serve to further embed the culture of impunity for
                                                              rape and other human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.
     The failure on the part of Zimbabwe’s neighbors,         As violations of international human rights law,
     and indeed the broader community of nations in           these crimes demand accountability, both to
     Africa and around the world, to hold Mugabe and          achieve justice for their victims and to prevent
     ZANU-PF accountable for the decades-long                 future violations.
     campaign of rape, torture, and other violations has
     not only had disastrous consequences for the             The next elections in Zimbabwe are just around
     women of Zimbabwe; it has also produced a threat         the corner, and ZANU-PF is already gearing up for
     to regional security and stability. An estimated three   its next violent campaign. It is time for Mugabe
     million Zimbabweans have fled to South Africa, a         and his ZANU-PF henchmen to be brought to
     country with a total population of 48.8 million.         justice. Continued impunity will be a green light
     This displacement has helped to tax that country’s       for the next rape campaign, and the women of
     health and other infrastructures and possibly feed       Zimbabwe—and the southern African region—will
     xenophobic violence, including the killings of at        pay the price.

14     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Maintaining Power with Violence

                                                          Power with
Mugabe’s brutal decades                                   in Matabeleland and Midlands, two of Zimbabwe’s
                                                          provinces.16 The massacre of the Ndebele people
The testimony that AIDS-Free World has gathered           and this violent period in Zimbabwe’s history came
to support claims that ZANU-PF supporters                 to be known by the government operation’s code-
committed sexual crimes against humanity is               name, Gukurahundi, a Shona word that means “the
distressing but not completely surprising. The            early rain which washes away the chaff before the
history of Zimbabwe is the story of conflict. It is       spring rains.”17
also a story that is as notable for what it conceals as
what it reveals. Veiled beneath the documentation         References to widespread, systematic rape during
of decades of mass torture, murder, and forced            the Gukurahundi are fleeting, but they do exist.18
abduction is a continuous thread of rape and              The stories from that time are remarkably similar
sexual brutality against the women of Zimbabwe.           to the testimony AIDS-Free World gathered
Since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980,                    twenty-five years later from the victims of
widespread rape against women has been a key              politically motivated rape in 2008: women accused
feature of the violence utilized by Robert Mugabe         of being “sell-outs,” and abducted and detained at
and his supporters to maintain power in that              ZANU base camps where youth militias forced
country.11 Reports of human rights violations in          them to sing ZANU songs and raped them.19
Zimbabwe over the past three decades pay far less
attention to rape than to other types of human              These were not
rights abuses, but still hint at the hidden epidemic
of systematic rape employed by Mugabe and                   random acts of rape
ZANU-PF.12 The long-term use of rape as a                   and violence; they
political tool in Zimbabwe has been enabled by the
historical lack of accountability for it.13                 were crimes against
In 1982, shortly after independence, then-Prime
Minister Mugabe sent the North Korean-trained 5           In 1987, Robert Mugabe and Joseph Nkomo
Brigade14 to quell an uprising by ethnic minority         negotiated a unity accord effectively absorbing
Ndebele supporters of Joshua Nkomo, the leader            ZAPU into ZANU; the new consolidated party
of Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), a              was named ZANU-PF. The story continues
group that had split off from Mugabe and                  around the year 2000, when ZANU-PF youth
ZANU.15 Over the next several years, Mugabe’s             militias and people who identify as veterans of the
military operation killed an estimated 20,000 people      liberation war (known locally as “war vets”),

invaded white-owned commercial farms. The                “systematic and widespread campaign of terror to
     takeovers were an attempt to woo opposition              intimidate the electorate into voting for Robert
     supporters under the pretext that ZANU-PF alone          Mugabe in the runoff election.” 24
     was willing to redress historic racial discrimination
     in land ownership.20 At the same time, ZANU-PF           While international media coverage at this time
     waged a campaign of terror against MDC                   focused heavily on the country’s hyperinflation,
     supporters in an effort to influence the outcome of      cholera outbreaks, and efforts of outside mediators
     the 2000 Parliamentary elections. When the               to broker a peace, a number of non-governmental
     campaign ended, a Clemency Order dated October           organizations (NGOs) did publish accounts of
     6, 2000 was issued by the Mugabe government              targeted beatings, murder, and destruction carried
     granting amnesty for all politically motivated crimes    out against the MDC opposition.25 The testimony
     committed from January through July of that year.        taken by AIDS-Free World from seventy victims
     Rape, murder, and fraud were excluded, but               documents rape, but also adds to the growing
     because the police ignored those crimes as well, it      evidence of other abuses committed by the
     was a de facto blanket amnesty.21 During the 2002        ZANU-PF. Of the seventy rape survivors
     presidential elections, reports of “youth camps”         interviewed, four women reported that ZANU-PF
     began to emerge where women were detained and            men also burned their relatives alive,26 sixteen
     raped, sometimes for days and weeks at a time.22         women reported that ZANU-PF militia burned
                                                              down their homes,27 three women witnessed
                                                              ZANU-PF use burning plastic on the skin of
                                                              MDC members as a form of torture, and two
     The present                                              women reported that ZANU-PF men amputated
                                                              the hands or legs of their husbands and other
     The violence associated with the first and second        MDC men held at the militia bases.28 One woman
     rounds of Zimbabwe’s 2008 presidential election          who was able to recount her own ordeal could not
     continued the trend of violence that runs                relay the extent of what she witnessed, stating, “I
     throughout Mugabe’s regime. After MDC                    saw things done to people at the base that I cannot
     opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai garnered          talk about because it affects me too much.”29
     more votes than Mugabe in March, the
     government’s election commission declared on             Yet despite the human rights reports emerging
     May 2, over strong objections, that neither              from Zimbabwe, little notice was paid to the
     candidate had won an outright majority, and              widespread targeting and rape of female MDC
     scheduled a runoff election for June 27, 2008.           supporters. The testimony gathered by AIDS-Free
     During May and June, as part of ZANU-PF’s                World reveals that women throughout Zimbabwe
     effort to win the runoff election and intimidate the     who are affiliated with the MDC were abducted,
     opposition, Mugabe reportedly sent his supporters        beaten, and gang raped by President Mugabe’s
     out to “do whatever [they] want” to MDC                  ZANU-PF youth militia in similar ways, and they
     members.23 Tsvangirai withdrew from the runoff           were told exactly why it was happening to them.
     five days before the election took place, citing         These were not random acts of rape and violence;
     concern for the safety of his supporters due to a        they were crimes against humanity.

16     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors

                                                          Testimony of
Rape, sexual slavery, sexual violence,30 gender-based     In order to qualify as a “widespread” act, sexual
persecution, and torture can constitute crimes against    violence can have been perpetrated either in vast
humanity31 if “committed as part of a widespread or       numbers or as a single act with massive impact.
systematic attack directed against any civilian           AIDS-Free World has documented in extensive
population, with knowledge of the attack.”32              detail six dozen cases that range across the entire
“Widespread” relates to the scale of the criminal act,    country and span every province of Zimbabwe.
whether it comprises numerous incidents or one            The women interviewed were collectively raped
powerful event.33 “Systematic” acts, on the other         at least 380 times by 241 different ZANU-PF
hand, refer to the level of planning or preparation       youth militia and war veterans throughout the
involved, and can be determined by “the                   country. Each woman, on average, was raped five
improbability of their random occurrence.”34              times, although these numbers may be
Demonstrating a “regular pattern on the basis of a        underestimates because many women fell
common policy involving substantial public or
private resources” can prove the systematic nature of
an act, even if the policy hasn’t been “formally”
                                                            The testimony taken
adopted by a state.35                                       by AIDS-Free World
                                                            demonstrates that the
The testimony taken by AIDS-Free World
demonstrates that the rape campaign waged by the            rape campaign waged by
ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe was both widespread and                 the ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe
systematic. The patterns recurring throughout the           was both widespread
testimonies of the seventy survivors and two
                                                            and systematic.
witnesses, each interviewed separately, cannot be
coincidental. The striking similarity of insults and
threats made before and during the violence; the          unconscious during the violent rapes and therefore
uniform physical and emotional brutality of the           lost count of the number of rapists and rapes at
rapes; the specific types of weapons used and             some point. The women interviewed knew at least
beatings on the same parts of the body; the               sixty-seven other women personally who were
standardized modes of detention and locations of          raped during this time because of their political
the rapes; the sameness of the circumstances and          affiliation. The majority of rapes occurred during
concurrent crimes that made up the broader attacks;       a five-month period preceding, during, and
and the consistent refusal of police to investigate and   immediately following the 2008 elections in
refer these cases for prosecution, taken together,        Zimbabwe, during which time massive other
demonstrate a systematic, organized campaign.             abuses against civilian MDC supporters have been


       Victims’ affiliations with the MDC

                   47 active members                               Targeting of MDC women by ZANU-PF
                 volunteered for the party;
                   attended MDC rallies;                           Every victim interviewed by AIDS-Free World was
                 seen wearing MDC t-shirts
                    in their communities
                                                                   involved in organizing for or supporting the
                                                                   Movement for Democratic Change. Eighteen of the
                                                                   women held positions as officers within the MDC
                                                                   party; forty-seven of the women described
                                                                   themselves as “active” members because they
                                                                   volunteered for the party, attended rallies,
                    MDC officials                                  distributed MDC pamphlets, or wore MDC t-shirts
                                                                   in their communities. In addition, thirty of the
                                                                   seventy women had relatives who held official
                                                                   positions in the party. Twelve women’s husbands
                        1 wife of MDC official                     served as chairmen or secretaries for their districts
                                                   4 members
                                         voted for the MDC but     or wards, and eight women’s fathers were officials in
                                           non-participants in
                                                                   the party. Others had nephews, siblings, mothers,
                                                other activities
                                                                   and cousins who held positions in the MDC.

     documented, including beatings, murder,
                                                                     Every victim interviewed
     abduction, torture, and forced detention.
                                                                     by AIDS-Free World was
     The 2008 campaign of rape in Zimbabwe rises to                  involved in organizing for or
     the level of crimes against humanity, and should                supporting the Movement
     be prosecuted as such. The detailed and extensive
     testimony taken by AIDS-Free World comes                        for Democratic Change.
     from seventy survivors and two witnesses of
     rape, but it is clear that the rapes were                     In every incident the perpetrators were clearly
     perpetrated on a much broader scale. These                    identifiable as ZANU-PF youth militia or war
     seventy women represent many thousands more                   veterans. Seventeen women from eight different
     whose stories, if told, would all share a common              provinces reported that the abductors arrived at
     narrative: politically motivated attacks, the                 their homes singing ZANU-PF songs and chanting
     orchestrated use of rape as a tool of terror and              ZANU-PF slogans; thirty-three women from six
     intimidation, and the deliberate effort to harm,              different provinces reported that their perpetrators
     humiliate, and degrade women within their                     were wearing ZANU-PF t-shirts at the time of the
     communities as a way to subjugate those                       attacks. Forty of the women were able to name
     communities.                                                  some or all of their ZANU-PF attackers and the
                                                                   ZANU-PF officials who were also giving orders
                                                                   because they recognized them from the community
                                                                   and knew them to be ZANU-PF members.

18     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors
 Evidence of ZANU-PF affiliation as
 noted by 70 victims
                                                          Mashonaland East, a ZANU-PF commander told
      67                                                  one woman that his orders came from the country’s
                                                          president himself. She reported, “The ZANU-PF
                                                          commander was a short, stout, dark man wearing a
                                                          ZANU-PF cap . . . The commander claimed he had
                                                          been in Harare and had been instructed by
                                                          President Mugabe, ‘If you meet an MDC supporter,
                   40                                     do whatever you want to them.’ ”39 At a camp in
                                                          Masvingo, ZANU-PF rapists told another woman
                                                          that they were following orders. She testified,
                                                          “I pleaded with them asking why they wanted to
                                                          kill me. They said they did not care about my life.
                                               17         They were following the instructions of the base
                                                          commander and if he told them to kill me,
                                                          they would.”40

                                                          Sixty-seven of the women (96%) testified that the
   women         women      women           women         men made some kind of political statement
reported that   knew the reported that   reported that    indicating that they were ZANU-PF, or that they
perpetrators perpetrators perpetrators    perpetrators
made political and knew wore ZANU-PF     sang ZANU-PF     were targeting the women because of the women’s
 statements    them to be   t-shirts     songs/slogans    MDC involvement, or both. The men who attacked
                                                          her described themselves to one woman as
                                                          “Mugabe’s children,”41 and other perpetrators told a
Furthermore, women raped in every province                different woman that they were going to “kill all
reported that their attackers articulated the political   children of the MDC.”42 One group of ZANU-PF
motivation for the rapes, telling the victims that they   rapists warned a victim not to ever say bad things
were being attacked because of their MDC                  about Mugabe because Mugabe was an “angel put
affiliation. In Manicaland, ZANU-PF militia told          into power by God.”43
one of the women, “Unless you love ZANU-PF, we
are going to kill you because you don’t listen. That
is what we’re raping you for.”36 In Harare, rapists
told another woman, “You are the one involved
with MDC, doing all the MDC duties, and we will           Attacks by ZANU-PF mobs
rape you.”37 Another victim was informed that
because she had refused to convert to ZANU-PF,            Sixty of the women, across each of the country’s
the men were “left with no option but rape.”38            ten provinces, reported that they were surrounded
                                                          in their homes by a mob of ZANU-PF militia
Thirty women reported that they could identify a          members. The youth militia usually arrived at night,
leader amongst the ZANU-PF men who attacked               and the size of the mob ranged from four to over
them, recognizable as a leader either because he led      200 men. A young woman from Mashonaland
the rapes, gave orders to other perpetrators, or was      Central woke up one night to find her home
addressed by others as a leader. At a base in             overrun with armed ZANU-PF men:


      How women identified leaders
      among perpetrators
                                                               property. While twenty-nine women were raped
                                 15                            immediately, either inside or directly outside of
                                                               their homes, a majority of them—forty-one
             11                                                women—were abducted to militia bases or taken
                                                               out into the bush to be tortured and raped.


                                                               Depravity and its aftermath
          women           women identified women identified    The rapes, as described by victims from every
      identified leader    leader because    leader because
       because he led     he gave orders to he was addressed   province of Zimbabwe, were often nearly fatal.
          rape(s)          other ZANU-PF      by others as a   Forty of the women interviewed by AIDS-Free
                                men               leader
                                                               World reported that they were beaten with fists,
                                                               sticks, logs, electric cords, or metal rods either
       Later that night, around 10 p.m., I was at home         before or after they were raped. There were seven
       with my family and everyone was sleeping                reports of specific beatings on the buttocks, so
       . . . We heard some noise outside and it was            violent as to inflict deep-tissue wounds and make
       ZANU-PF supporters singing their songs and              sitting and lying down painful or impossible. Two
       chanting their slogans. I looked outside the            women were beaten severely both on their buttocks
       window of the bedroom where I slept with my             and the bottoms of their feet, and many were
       sisters. I saw light around the yard and realized       unable to stand or walk after their rapes. Six
       they had set our thatched kitchen on fire.              women reported that they had to be transported to
       These people started banging on our doors               the hospital in wheelbarrows or carts.
       saying, “Sell-outs, come out so we can talk.”
       They were shouting, “Sell-outs, you will be
       killed and beaten.” When I was outside I saw              All the men in that room were
       ZANU-PF people all over our yard . . . These              either raping or waiting to rape
       people were carrying all kinds of weapons—
       knives, axes, metal rods, sticks, and planks.44
                                                                 women. They said they wanted to
                                                                 show MDC supporters that we
     An elderly grandmother from Manicaland reported a           had no power against them.
     similar experience: “Very early in the morning on
     June 24, around 3 a.m., members of the ZANU-PF
     youth militia in my area came to my yard and started      That so many of the rapes were committed by
     knocking on the windows. I opened the curtain and         multiple perpetrators demonstrates the concerted
     saw my whole verandah was filled with youth militia       use of gang rape as a strategy to quell political
     boys.”45                                                  opposition. Forty-two of the women were gang
                                                               raped. Of those, fifteen women were raped by
     Upon arrival, the ZANU-PF attacked the women              five or more men. In addition to their own rapes,
     and their families, violently beating them with fists     eleven of the women witnessed or heard multiple
     and weapons, stealing food, and destroying                ZANU-PF men raping other MDC women either

20     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors
at bases or in other locations. A woman from            The women interviewed by AIDS-Free World
Harare testified:                                       continue to experience lasting physical injuries
                                                        associated with the violence of the gang rapes.
  I had been at the base for about two days             One twenty-four-year-old woman was raped so
  when a group of three men instructed me to            violently that her uterus is permanently damaged
  enter a room. The room was large, with many           and she will not be able to bear children;48 others
  other women MDC members and ZANU-PF                   had to have surgery to repair their vaginas.49
  men inside. Then they said that we were going
  to sleep together. They forced me to lie on the
  ground and stripped off all of my clothes . . . All     “As they raped me, they said I must join
  three of them were rough when they raped                the ZANU-PF and defect from the MDC
  me. Around the room there were other men
  raping other girls. All the men in that room            party. As this was happening, I could
  were either raping or waiting to rape women.            see and hear other women being
  They said they wanted to show MDC                       raped around me simultaneously.”
  supporters that we had no power against
                                                        Another woman was anally raped so violently that
A twenty-nine-year-old woman from Masvingo, who         her anus protruded outside her body.50 Ten
was forced to lie on top of her husband while           women were already pregnant when they were
multiple ZANU-PF men raped her, also saw other          raped and two of these women miscarried as a
MDC women raped by multiple men at a ZANU-PF            result of their attacks.51 Ten women reported that
base:                                                   they became pregnant as a result of the rapes.
                                                        Twenty-three women continue to suffer
  The ringleaders then directed the ZANU-PF to          debilitating physical symptoms including back and
  rape whichever woman they had been                    body pain, severe headaches, wounds on their
  assigned to while her husband laid face down          buttocks and the bottoms of their feet that will
  underneath her serving as a “pillow.” The             not heal, and difficulty walking. One was choked
  ringleaders instructed the women to take off          so severely by her rapist that she could not eat for
  all of their clothes. The six men assigned to me      a week afterwards; now she cannot speak above
  forced me to lie down where we stood. I did           a whisper.
  everything they said because I was very scared.
  I lay against my husband’s back and all six of
  the men who had been assigned to me took
  off their pants. One man pushed his penis into        Humiliation and degradation
  my vagina, another put his penis in my mouth,
  another in my ear, and the rest on other parts        The perpetrators were explicit about their intent to
  of my body. I began to cry in pain. As they           humiliate the women. ZANU-PF men told one of
  raped me, they said I must join the ZANU-PF           the victims, who is nineteen years old, that she was
  and defect from the MDC party. As this was            going to be raped and that it would destroy her life
  happening, I could see and hear other women           and make her embarrassed to be around her family.
  being raped around me simultaneously.47               She was then raped daily for five days by up to

eight men at a time.52 Another woman reported            Escalations of torture
     that her rapists spat on her when they finished          and murder of families
     raping her.53
                                                              ZANU-PF men tortured several women first by
                                                              raping them and then by raping their daughters and
       “. . . We’re not going to kill you.                    murdering their husbands, children, parents, and
       The punishment we’re going                             siblings in front of them. Two women were forced
       to give you is that we’re going                        to watch while their daughters were raped by
                                                              ZANU-PF youth militia.58 A woman from Harare
       to rape your wife.”                                    told AIDS-Free World:

     ZANU-PF rapists in three different provinces               When the tenth man finished raping me they
     called their victims “MDC dogs.”54 One woman               said they were going to rape my daughter. I
     was stripped naked and paraded around in public.55         cried out but I could not even stand up at this
     A twenty-five-year-old woman was taunted and               time. After they finished with me, they raped
     forced to “dance” for the ZANU-PF men:                     my daughter when I was there and I couldn’t
                                                                do anything to stop them. My daughter was
       The other six men were just standing in the              five years old. They instructed [my son] to take
       same room. They said, “You and your husband              off his little sister’s clothes. When he refused
       are used to singing songs and having MDC                 they beat him and he eventually had to take
       meetings. We are ZANU and we don’t want to               off her clothes. During the rape my daughter
       see you MDC people.” The men made me                     was crying and trying to resist but they kept
       “dance” for them in bed and move my body                 pushing her down. I was confused and in
       while they were raping me. I had to do it                shock and I had no strength to say or do
       because they said, “If you don’t do it, we are           anything or even move.59
       going to kill you.” They were all there as each
       one was raping me—I could hear them. I had             In Masvingo, another woman was forced to witness
       the cloth on my face the whole time. All seven         the rape of her eleven-year-old child: “[My]
       of them raped me. They said, “If you report this,      daughter was just standing there as the men raped
       we will come back and kill you.” After they left,      me. When they finished with me, they took my
       I thought that I was dying.                            daughter and four of the men raped her.”60 Two
                                                              other women found out later that ZANU-PF men
     ZANU-PF youth militia further humiliated women           had raped their daughters separately while they
     by raping them in front of their small children,         were trying to defend themselves.61
     their husbands, their parents, and other family
     members. The men told one young woman                    ZANU-PF youth militia murdered family members
     explicitly, “We are going to rape you while your         of four of the women by burning them alive.
     whole family is watching.”56 Perpetrators told           A woman in Masvingo witnessed both of her
     another woman’s husband, “. . . We’re not going to       parents and her infant son die when the ZANU-PF
     kill you. The punishment we’re going to give you is      burned down her home.62 In Mashonaland West,
     that we’re going to rape your wife.”57                   ZANU-PF youth militia raped one woman and
                                                              then tied her husband to a chair, locked him inside

22     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors
the house, and set the house on fire while she           The chairman raped me every evening before
watched. 63                                              he went to bed and also several times during
                                                         the middle of the night . . . As the chairman’s
Twenty-four women from eight different provinces         “wife,” I had to prepare his sadza [maize meal],
reported that ZANU-PF men murdered one or                kneel in front of him and give it to him. I also
more of their family members, often in front of          had to warm his water for bathing.69
them, either before, during, or immediately
following their rapes. Ten women witnessed or          At a base camp in Masvingo, MDC women were
heard the ZANU-PF beating their husbands,              also forced to become the “wives” of ZANU-PF
fathers, mothers, and siblings to death with metal     men. One woman testified:
rods or burning them alive.64
                                                         When [the men] returned, [one] announced
Four women found their husbands’ or brothers’            that all MDC women whose husbands had
beaten bodies in fields, rivers, or outside of their     failed to provide cattle to show their adoption
homes, days after the ZANU-PF men came to rape           of the ZANU-PF party would be assigned six
them.65 ZANU-PF youth militia threw one                  new ZANU-PF “husbands.” Following [his]
woman’s young son into a wall so hard that he died       instructions, the ringleaders divided up the
of a subsequent blood clot in his brain.66 Another       men into groups and assigned each MDC
woman came home one day to find her husband              woman at least six ZANU-PF men as husbands
beaten to death, her toddler son decapitated, and        who were going to rape her. I was assigned six
four men waiting to rape her.67                          husbands.70

                                                       In Manicaland, one young girl was locked up and
                                                       raped every day by different men. She was only
Sexual slavery                                         released to mop up the blood of other MDC
                                                       members who had been beaten.71 Five women were
Nine of the women were forcibly confined at bases      forced to cook for their captors. A woman from
for two days or longer, and one was held for two       Midlands testified:
weeks.68 During their captivity they were raped by
multiple ZANU-PF men, or by ZANU-PF                      The ZANU-PF men began treating me as the
“husbands” that were assigned to them. At a base         maid at the base. They forced me to do
camp in Midlands, women were kept as slaves for          whatever chores they wanted done at the
the ZANU-PF men:                                         base, and said that if I refused they would kill
                                                         me like they killed my husband. I had to fetch
  There was a man who looked like he was in              water and firewood for them, cook, and wash
  charge of the base. I don’t know what his name         their clothes.72
  was, but the others called him “chairman.” I was
  told he was my “husband”—I was supposed to           In Masvingo, another woman reported:
  cook for him and sleep with him whenever he
  wanted. The other girls at the base had been           When they finished raping me they took off my
  given “husbands” too . . . I was hopeless,             blindfold and told me to stand up and cook
  because I knew there was nothing I could do . . .      meals for them using my own food. I couldn’t

even stand but they forced me to. They made            The testimony of a woman raped in the province
       me cook all the chickens they had taken from           of Masvingo in May of 2008 reveals identical
       my house to feed them. After I cooked, they            language used by ZANU-PF perpetrators:
       made me taste the food in case I was trying to
       poison them.73                                           The ZANU-PF youth militia members told me
                                                                they heard I was an MDC agent and they were
                                                                going to take my brother and me to their
                                                                leaders. They insulted us by saying we were
                                                                “selling the country.” They said they were
     Pattern of political language                              taking us to the base because we were “sell-
     used by rapists                                            outs” and that their leaders wanted to see us
                                                                because, in order for us not to sell the country,
     The ZANU-PF perpetrators made explicit and very            we had to be killed . . . They said we should “go
     similar political statements during sixty-seven of         do farming in Britain because we were selling
     the seventy attacks (96%). The specific political          the country.”77
     rhetoric employed by the perpetrators was
     consistent throughout the country. Women from            Repeatedly, in locations throughout the country,
     eight different provinces74 reported that their          ZANU-PF perpetrators also told their victims
     ZANU-PF attackers accused them of being “sell-           that they would be punished or “fixed” for
     outs” or of “selling out the country” by                 refusing to attend ZANU-PF meetings and for
     membership in the MDC. ZANU-PF perpetrators              joining the MDC. Victims in the provinces of
     in three provinces made additional comments              Mashonaland East, Harare, Manicaland, and
     about “selling the country to whites,” with varied       Bulawayo were all told they were being “fixed,”
     references to the perfidy of George Bush and             often while they were being raped. The
     Tony Blair.75                                            perpetrators also made derogatory statements
                                                              about MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Women in
     One woman, abducted to a base camp and gang              five different provinces78 said the men insulted
     raped in Manicaland in June of 2008, reported the        Tsvangirai during the course of the attacks or
     following incident:                                      accused them of being “Tsvangirai’s children”79
                                                              or “puppets of Tsvangirai.”80
       The whole night they were saying things about
       MDC—that MDC was a sell-out because we
       were selling the country, land and soil to Tony
       Blair . . . They made me put my head down to
       the ground with my waist in the air. They took         Network of torture base camps
       soil and put it on my back and told me to say,
       “Tony Blair, our soil has come back. Leave us          Victims described in detail an infrastructure of
       alone and stay in your own country.” Then they         ZANU-PF militia bases set up throughout
       started singing, “Tony Blair, we want to keep          Zimbabwe for the purposes of beating, raping,
       our land—we don’t want our land or soil to be          torturing, and killing MDC activists. Forty-one
       taken over by the white man.”76                        women (59%) were abducted from their homes
                                                              and forcibly marched, dragged, or driven by

24     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors
  Locations of documented                 Mashonaland West         Mashonaland           Harare
  rapes                                     home (1)               Central                 Mbare 3
  As reported to AIDS-Free World            other location (1)        home (1)             Mbare 7
  by affiants                                                                              unnamed base
       ZANU-PF base camp (name known)                                   MASHONALAND        home (6)
                                                                                           the bush (5)
       ZANU-PF base camp (name unknown)                                   CENTRAL
                                                   MASHONALAND                             other location (4)
       victim’s home, the bush,                        WEST
       other location                                                                    Mashonaland East
                  ZAMBIA                                                                   Gabriel
                                                                       HARARE              Igavha
                                            unnamed base
                                                                                           unnamed base
                                            unnamed base
   Matabeleland North                                                                      home (6)
                                            home (3)
      home (1)                                                                             the bush (3)
                                            the bush (2)
      the bush (1)                          other location (1)         MASHONALAND

                           MATABELELAND                                            MANICALAND
                              NORTH                     MIDLANDS

   Bulawayo                                BULAWAYO
      home (1)
                                                                  Masvingo               Manicaland
                                   MATABELELAND                     Chinembiri             Baravara
   Matabeleland South                 SOUTH                         Kudzanayi              Dikoko
      home (2)                                                      Musvosvote             Jani
      other location (1)                                            unnamed base           Mataranyika
                                                                    unnamed base           unnamed base
                                                                    unnamed base           home (5)
                                                                    home (3)               other location (2)
               BOTSWANA                                             the bush (1)
                                                     SOUTH                                 MOZAMBIQUE

ZANU-PF militia either to bases or to clearings              same base was beaten for two hours with logs
in the bush where ZANU-PF had set up camp.                   and electric cords and witnessed other MDC
In separate interviews with AIDS-Free World,                 supporters beaten at the base.83 In the province
victims independently provided the names of                  of Midlands, one woman was taken to a base in the
ZANU-PF base camps in five different                         mountains near Zhombe where she was repeatedly
provinces.81                                                 gang raped over the course of several days. Her
                                                             husband was killed, and she witnessed the torture
At the bases, mobs of ZANU-PF men raped,                     and murder of other MDC activists.84
beat, and tortured the women and other MDC
activists. One woman who was abducted to the                 During the election period, living in crowded
Baravara base in the province of Manicaland                  urban areas provided no protection from
reported, “Each day I was left alone, from where             abduction and rape at ZANU-PF bases. In
I heard many people being beaten in the                      Harare, two women, in separate interviews,
adjoining room.”82 A second woman taken to the               reported being taken to the Mbare bases and one

gave the following testimony:                            Police support for ZANU-PF crimes

       I knew about the Mbare 3 base, in a building           International human rights organizations have long
       where the ZANU-PF conducted their meetings             protested the failings of the Zimbabwe police
       . . . When I arrived, I saw three of my friends        force,87 and a 2008 human rights organization’s
       from the MDC party . . . My friends had been           report on the election violence in the country
       forced to lie on a bench and were being                stated, “The police have not done anything to
       beaten on their buttocks with black baton              intervene in such situations, as they are clearly
       sticks. I do not know the names of the ZANU-           aligned to ZANU-PF.”88 In July 2009, Amnesty
       PF youths who were beating them, but I                 International called for an impartial and
       recognized them . . .                                  independent police oversight body in the country,
       After the ZANU-PF youths finished beating me           stating, “We do not trust that police are capable of
       [they] took me a short distance by foot to             investigating themselves . . . The ZRP [Zimbabwe
       another base called Mbare 7. Mbare 7 is an             Republic Police] has been instrumental in silencing
       office building with big grounds outside that          government critics since 2000 and continues to do
       are fenced in. I had never heard of it before.         so with total impunity.”89
       When I got inside, I could hear crying coming
       from rooms with closed doors.85
                                                                “We told the police we were raped
     Another woman who was gang raped at the Mbare              by ZANU-PF men. The police said
     base, and believes she was infected with HIV from          they were not going to interfere
     her rapists, describes her initial captivity there:        with political issues.”
       Over a two-week period, I was taken to the
       base in Mbare several times and forced to do           Testimony given to AIDS-Free World further
       chores for the ZANU-PF members. For a period           supports claims that the Zimbabwe police force
       lasting as many as four days, I would be forced        helped to ensure impunity for the rapes. In every
       to cook for them, wash for them, and fetch             instance, the Zimbabwe police failed to adequately
       water for them. We could not leave—there               respond to the crimes. Of the thirty-one women
       were people who acted as our bodyguards                who attempted to report their rapes to the police,
       and would monitor our movement.86                      thirteen said that the police either did nothing at all
                                                              or explicitly refused to write a report. Another five
                                                              reported that the police took a report but did not
                                                              investigate the crime in any way. The effect of this
                                                              is severe for the victims: without a police report
                                                              they are denied treatment at government hospitals;
                                                              without a medical report from a government
                                                              hospital as proof of rape, a criminal prosecution is
                                                              impossible.90 By refusing to document these crimes,
                                                              the police eliminated any possibility of criminal
                                                              accountability for the ZANU-PF perpetrators in
                                                              Zimbabwe courts.

26     Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Testimony of Survivors
Authorities told two women that they could report     was charged with raping me, burning my house,
their beatings but not their rapes. One woman         and killing my cousin, but he denied all the charges.
explained, “In that office the Crime Officer          Nothing was really done to him. [The police] said
threatened me never to talk about rape. The Crime     they couldn’t get involved because it was a political
Officer told me I was only allowed to report          issue.”96 In the second case, only one of the
assault, and by reporting rape I would be going       victim’s four rapists was captured; he was held for
against the government.”91 In Manicaland, police      three months and released without being charged
arrested one woman after she was raped and held       with or tried for an offense. Her other three rapists
her for four nights on fabricated charges.92 Other    were never investigated or arrested.97
police officers simply claimed they could not get
involved in “political matters.” A woman from         Thirty-two of the women (46%) did not even
Harare told AIDS-Free World, “We told the police      attempt to report their rapes to the police. These
we were raped by ZANU-PF men. The police said         women, from nine different provinces, all testified
they were not going to interfere with political       that it would have been futile and possibly
issues,”93 and in Matabeleland South another          dangerous to report anything because ZANU-PF
woman experienced the same problem: “When we          controlled the police. A woman from Midlands
tried to report these incidents, the police told us   explained, “I did not report the crimes to the
not to participate in politics.”94                    police. There was no point in reporting because the
                                                      police were also involved in the violence and in
In other cases, police officers told the women that   fighting against the MDC.”98 A woman from
they were either unwilling or afraid to record        Harare said, “I did not report my abduction or
incidents of ZANU-PF violence:                        rapes to the police because the police in Zimbabwe
                                                      do not do anything. Most of them are pro-ZANU-
  I went with eight other camp survivors to the       PF.”99 Another, from Mashonaland East, said, “I
  police to report that ZANU-PF youth had raped       thought about reporting the rapes to the police but
  and beaten us at their base camp. When we           decided not to . . . I was scared. The police were
  told them about what had happened to us, the        either ZANU-PF members or would not do
  police laughed in our faces. They said that they    anything to them.”100 Victims in Matabeleland
  had heard that we had been beaten and raped         South echoed this: “I did not report this to the
  by the ZANU-PF youth, but that they were            police because I know the police are controlled by
  scared of the people in power and could not         ZANU-PF and would not do anything to catch or
  be expected to do anything at that moment.          punish the men who came to my house.”101 In
  They did not draft a report.95                      Masvingo, “the police had done nothing to help me
                                                      in 2005 and I knew they would not do anything this
Not one of the 241 rapists has been prosecuted or     time either.”102 Women repeatedly testified to their
punished for their crimes. Out of the seventy         lack of access to justice. One woman said, “I felt
women interviewed by AIDS-Free World, there           hopeless; there was nothing I could do to those
were only two cases where a perpetrator was           people who raped me.”103 Many of the women
arrested, and in neither case was anyone              continued to see their rapists living freely in their
prosecuted. One was held for only one week. “He       communities.

400 people
     HIV prevalence
     Percentage of adults aged
                                                                                               in Zimbabwe die of AIDS
     15-49 years living with HIV                                                                      every day
     from UNAIDS Epidemiological
     Fact Sheet, Zimbabwe, 2008        ZAMBIA
          more than 19.7%
          18.5% – 19.7%
          16.8% – 18.4%                              MASHONALAND           CENTRAL
          15.2% – 16.7%                                  WEST

          fewer than 15.2%


                               MATABELELAND                                                            MOZAMBIQUE
                                  NORTH                     MIDLANDS

                  15.0%                          BULAWAYO



      urban       rural
                                              SOUTH AFRICA
      adults      adults                                         HIV status of 70 victims
                                                                                tested                tested HIV-positive
                                                                         HIV-negative                 after rape
                                                                            after rape




                                                                      unsure of HIV
                                                                   status at time of

                                                                 DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS

28   Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
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Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe's Zimbabwe

  • 2. Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 3. The photographs contained in this report are not of the women whose testimony is included. However, because these are photographs of women survivors from Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free World has made every effort to protect their identities by concealing their faces. AIDS-Free World also has removed identifying information from the testimonial accounts contained in this report so as to protect the identities of the women we interviewed. AIDS-Free World 857 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York, New York 10003 USA +1 (212) 729-5084 © 2009 AIDS-Free World Permission is granted to reproduce this report for noncommercial purposes provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies; all other rights reserved. December 2009 Designed by Erica Smith for Myriad Editions All photos © Getty Images Printed by Union Solidarity Graphics LLC AIDS-Free World is a project of the Tides Center. Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 4. For the brave women who told us their stories. May their bodies heal and their spirits mend as the world ends the culture of impunity.
  • 5. Special Thanks to DLA Piper Primary Pro Bono Counsel DLA Piper is one of the largest legal services providers in the world, with 3,500 lawyers in more than sixty-five offices in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. DLA Piper houses a unique pro bono program through its nonprofit affiliate, New Perimeter, which enables DLA Piper lawyers to work on legal pro bono projects of vital importance around the world. DLA Piper serves as primary pro bono counsel to AIDS-Free World on the Zimbabwe project and has thus far provided nine attorneys to travel to southern Africa on four separate occasions to conduct interviews with rape survivors, draft affidavits, undertake legal research and analysis, and provide other legal advice. The value of DLA Piper attorney time contributed to this project to date approaches $1,000,000. DLA Piper lawyers whose commitment and time have benefited this project are: Kristen Leanderson Abrams, Sara Andrews, Richard Bull, Steve Churchwell, Lewis Conwell, Rachel Gupta, Amanda Jones, Brenda Meister, and Syma Mirza. AIDS-Free World also gratefully acknowledges the leadership of Sheldon Krantz, partner and director of New Perimeter, and Sara Andrews, New Perimeter Program Manager and the leader of the DLA Piper team, whose commitment to human rights make DLA Piper’s support of this work possible. Additionally, the DLA Piper Foundation made a separate grant to AIDS-Free World to defray expenses associated with this project. For more information about DLA Piper’s international pro bono work, go to 4 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 6. Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe Acknowledgements AIDS-Free World relies on pro bono assistance We gratefully acknowledge our collaboration with the provided by generous institutions and individuals Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU), a human rights committed to addressing politically motivated rape in organization based in Zimbabwe. RAU lawyers Zimbabwe. This project is not possible without the conducted the interviews and drafted affidavits for a invaluable contribution of those described below (in number of rape survivors, and also provided research alphabetical order). support. AIDS-Free World Advisory Board members The Stanford University Law School International Linda Carrier-Walker, Angélique Kidjo, Julio Montaner, Human Rights and Development Clinic contributed M.D., and Winstone Zulu provide the ongoing voluntary research and interview assistance under the leadership support that sustains and inspires all of our work. of former director Barbara Olshansky. Supervised by Clinical Fellow Kathleen Kelly, Stanford sent law Baylor College of Medicine offered helpful advice and students Caeli Higney, Katrina Rouse, and Sonia technical support at the beginning of the project. Valdez to southern Africa to assist with note-taking and Blake, Cassels & Graydon, a law firm with offices in affidavit-drafting for a number of interviews. Law four countries and one of the largest pro bono students also undertook substantial legal research for programs in Canada, generously provided three this report. attorneys, Connie Reeve, Melanie Gaston, and Shashu Nathan Taback, a Co-director of Insecurity Insight and Clacken, who traveled to southern Africa on the an Assistant Professor at University of Toronto’s Dalla project’s first trip to conduct interviews and draft Lana School of Public Health who conducts cutting- affidavits for rape survivors. The firm also contributed to edge research on armed violence and conflict expenses associated with that trip. epidemiology, worked closely with the AIDS-Free World Nicole Fritz, Executive Director of Southern African legal team to provide critical advice and analysis of Litigation Centre (SALC), has offered invaluable advice statistical data regarding trends and patterns in the and support throughout the project. politically motivated rapes in Zimbabwe. Getty Images graciously provided the photos We are indebted to our team of interpreters, who contained in this report. dedicated themselves to countless hours of first-rate interpretation and translation services. Betty Makoni, a human rights activist, gave essential information and assistance at the inception of the We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the many project. individuals and organizations in the southern African region who cannot be thanked by name as it would The University of Ottawa, under the leadership of its compromise their security. president, Allan Rock, provided important research assistance through its Law Faculty and an ongoing Last but indispensable, AIDS-Free World sincerely partnership with AIDS-Free World to address the thanks the following funders (listed in alphabetical problem of systematic rape in Zimbabwe and order), whose financial support makes this legal project elsewhere. Dr. François Larocque supervised law possible: AJG Foundation, Jacob and Hilda Blaustein students Megan Kendall and Juliette Yip in a substantial Foundation, DLA Piper Foundation, Golden Thread research project on universal jurisdiction in Africa. Charitable Foundation, Don and Ruth James, McMillan Family Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Foundation to The University of Pretoria’s Centre for the Study of Promote Open Society/International Women’s Program AIDS, under the leadership of Mary Crewe, graciously of the Open Society Institute, David and Lucile Packard hosted AIDS-Free World for some of the work associated Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust, and V-Day. with this project. Thanks also go to Pierre Brouard, Johan Maritz, Shirley Damons, and Isabel de Bruin Cardoso for their assistance. 5
  • 7. Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe Contents On the Record: The Words of Robert Mugabe Rape as Strategy 8 9 5 Fertile Ground for Impunity Zimbabwe’s domestic remedies are 33 33 Executive Summary 10 unavailable and ineffective Zimbabwe’s domestic laws are insufficient 34 1 An Organized Rape Campaign 12 6 Prosecuting Crimes Against Humanity 35 2 Maintaining Power with Violence 15 Mugabe’s brutal decades 15 Command responsibility Prosecution in other African States Regional tribunals 36 37 40 The present 16 The International Criminal Court 41 3 Testimony of Survivors Targeting of MDC women by ZANU-PF 17 18 7 Toward Accountability Zimbabwe: Meet existing obligations 42 42 Attacks by ZANU-PF mobs 19 under domestic law Depravity and its aftermath 20 Zimbabwe: Fulfill obligations under regional 43 and international treaties Humiliation and degradation 21 Regional Groups: Press Zimbabwe to fulfill 45 Escalations of torture and murder of families 22 its legal obligations Sexual slavery 23 8 Pattern of political language used by rapists 24 Preventing the Next Attack: Network of torture base camps 24 Recommendations for Action 46 Police support for ZANU-PF crimes 26 Threats of intentional HIV transmission 29 Appendices 49 4 Anatomy of the Project 49 Rape’s Corrosive Effects 30 Methodology 52 Notes 53 Physical trauma 30 Psychological trauma 30 Destruction of families 31
  • 8. On the Record: The words of Robert Mugabe 1962 It may be necessary to use methods other than constitutional ones. 2000 I do not want to be overthrown and I will try to overthrow those who want to overthrow me. 1976 (in a radio broadcast from Mozambique) Our votes must go together with our guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have 2000 Those who try to cause disunity among our people must watch out been the product of the gun . . . The people’s votes because death will befall them. and the people’s guns are always inseparable twins. 1982 An eye for an eye and an ear for an ear may not be adequate in our 2002 You are soldiers of ZANU-PF for the people . . . When the time comes to fire the bullet, the ballot, the trajectory of the gun must circumstances. We might very well demand two ears be true. for one ear and two eyes for one eye. 1983 We have to deal with this problem quite ruthlessly. Don’t cry if your relatives get 2003 Let the MDC and its leadership be warned that those who play with fire will not only be burnt, but consumed by that fire. killed in the process . . . We eradicate them. We do not differentiate who we fight because we can’t tell who is a dissident and who is not. 2003 (describing the use of violence to crush opposition) If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler ten-fold. Ten times. That is what we 1985 We will kill those snakes among us, we will smash them completely. stand for. 1999 We are still exchanging blows with the British government . . . Each time I 2006 Some are crying that they were beaten. Yes you will be thoroughly beaten. When the police say move you move. If you pass through London, the gangster regime of Blair don’t move, you invite the police to use force. “expresses its dismay.” 1999 (in response to a letter written by four Supreme Court judges seeking 2007 (on the police beating of opposition party leader Morgan Tsvangirai) I told the police (to) beat him a lot. He asked for it. clarification from the president on a torture charge) The judiciary has no right to give instructions to the President on any matter as the four judges have purported to do. In those circumstances, the one and 2007 I will not allow Tsvangirai and his bosses to taste this seat. Never, ever! only honourable course open to [the judges] is quitting the Bench. 2008 I will never, never, never, never surrender. Zimbabwe is mine. 8 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 9. Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe Rape as Strategy Tyrants with pathological cravings for power have whatever a husband’s reaction, fear of life-altering organized campaigns of rape since ancient times, consequences such as HIV infection and pregnancy from Troy to Nanking and Sierra Leone to Cyprus, loom large for women, as do lingering physical and from East Pakistan to the Democratic Republic of psychological trauma. Married or single, victims the Congo and beyond. And yet, everyone ever dread that family, community, life itself will never be convicted of orchestrating mass rape could be the same. crowded into a single holding cell. Since 1998, the When entire communities are targeted for rape, international community has agreed that rape when societal collapse ensues. Women cease to committed as part of a widespread or systematic function, afraid to leave home, terrorized in equal attack against a civilian population can be measure by threats of rape and of its long-term, prosecuted as a crime against humanity. But that destructive aftermath. charge has rarely been made. Ironically, among the few men who have stopped to Reasons abound. Most leaders and societies have analyze the unique, destabilizing power of rape are not taken the time to understand rape, and so they those who use it as a strategy, especially during erroneously place it along a continuum that begins armed conflict and political upheaval, to control with normal sexual arousal. Few recognize it as a civilian populations and maintain power. They know separate, violent act of terror and control, as it’s easy to conscript impoverished men and boys unrelated to consensual sex as force-feeding poison raised in sexist societies to “take charge” of women is to sharing a meal. in exchange for small pay. They know that No country in the world has made it a priority to deploying rape brigades is cheap and expeditious: prevent or punish rape. Because rape has some no heavy weaponry, training, or maneuvers. They characteristics of consensual sex, most courts know that targeting women breaks the backbones, require proof—difficult to produce without the will, and the cohesion of communities, leaving witnesses—that victims were unwilling. Few rapes them vulnerable. Most crucial, they know that the get reported, and convictions are rare. world is blind to women—that diplomats, journalists, peacekeepers, and aid workers remain Fear, shame, and an overwhelming sense of futility largely oblivious as campaigns of sexual terror keep women silent. Once, rape was considered theft unfold around them, and that even eyewitnesses to of a man’s property, and modern variations persist. systematic gang rape will mistake it for In societies where a man can demand that his wife spontaneous opportunistic sex. provide sex, bear children, house-keep, feed, and care for his extended family, victims of rape are Robert Mugabe is among the world’s diabolical often accused by their husbands of surrendering to masterminds of sexual terror. He understands another man’s control. Banishment is common, gender; he understands rape. He understands robbing the victim of her livelihood and identity. But impunity. It is time he understood justice. 9
  • 10. Executive Summary In the weeks immediately after the June 2008 The women’s disturbing accounts, told to the presidential elections in Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free World AIDS-Free World legal team over the course of received an urgent call from a Harare-based more than 300 hours of interviews and detailed in organization. The human rights activists were this report, demonstrate that the rape campaign overwhelmed with reports from women associated waged by ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe was both with the opposition party, Movement for Democratic widespread and systematic. Every victim supported Change (MDC), who had been raped by members of the MDC, and in every attack the perpetrators were President Robert Mugabe’s ruling party, ZANU-PF, in clearly identifiable as ZANU-PF youth militia and a vicious campaign to intimidate voters and emerge war veterans. Striking patterns recurred throughout victorious in the presidential election. In response, the testimonies of the seventy survivors and two AIDS-Free World undertook a series of investigative witnesses and cannot be coincidental. trips to the region with teams of lawyers to interview survivors of this violence. The next elections in What emerged from the testimony was a brutal, Zimbabwe are just around the orchestrated campaign of rape and torture corner, and ZANU-PF perpetrated by Mugabe’s ZANU-PF youth militia, is already gearing up for agents of Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organization (CIO), and people who identify its next campaign of themselves as veterans of the liberation war sexual terror. (known as war veterans) affiliated with ZANU-PF. The exceptionally violent rapes, as described by Accountability for these crimes is critical and women from every province of Zimbabwe, were serves several purposes: it punishes the often nearly fatal. Survivors’ terror was prolonged perpetrators; it provides justice for the victims; it by fears that their attackers were among the 15% pierces the veil of impunity that protects of adults infected with HIV in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s highest officials and enables them to maintain their abusive regime at the cost of women’s lives and health; and it deters future rapes. 10 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 11. Executive Summary Yet several possibilities do exist for legal DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS accountability in the region, and are summarized in this report. The principles of command Scale of the rapes reported responsibility and universal jurisdiction, the powers to AIDS-Free World of regional tribunals, and the attention of 380 international courts and commissions are all potential avenues for justice that have yet to be pursued. Several bodies could and should also take action against Zimbabwe to restore justice and 241 prevent future crimes against humanity. Zimbabwe’s regional neighbors, especially the southern African countries to which so many rape survivors have fled, must take responsibility for 70 providing protection and assistance to the victims. If survivors cannot be assured of their security, they will not be able to recover and they will not be able to come forward and testify about the crimes total victims total total acts they have endured. perpetrators of rape The next elections in Zimbabwe are just around the corner, and ZANU-PF is already Within Zimbabwe, both the police and the legal gearing up for its next campaign of sexual infrastructure are so seriously compromised as to terror. This report asserts that Mugabe and his make justice for systematic rape inside the country henchmen can and must be brought to justice. impossible at this time. Furthermore, existing Continued impunity will be a green light for Zimbabwe law does not allow for the prosecution the next rape campaign, and the women of of rape as an international crime, perpetrated in a Zimbabwe—and the southern African systematic fashion. region—will pay the price. 11
  • 12. An Organized Rape Campaign In the weeks immediately following the June 2008 Over the course of six trips to the region, presidential elections in Zimbabwe, AIDS-Free AIDS-Free World lawyers interviewed dozens of World received an urgent call from a Harare-based survivors of rape and two witnesses, resulting in organization working on behalf of women and seventy sworn affidavits from rape survivors girls. They believed that hundreds and possibly describing brutal beatings, abduction, gang rape, thousands of women had been raped by members and torture. Every one of these seventy women of President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party as targeted for rape was either a member of the a strategy to influence the election, and sought help opposition party Movement for Democratic from AIDS-Free World in documenting these Change (MDC), or was closely related to a crimes. member of the MDC. Victims ranged in age from five-year-old girls to elderly grandmothers. A preliminary investigation revealed awareness Multiple ZANU-PF perpetrators, in many among human rights groups that sexual violence instances five or more men, committed the rapes had occurred, but turned up no other organization, together. Many women were forced to watch their local or international, that had moved beyond husbands, children, and parents killed or tortured awareness of the crimes to address the politically before they were raped. Nine of the women motivated sexual violence through legal channels. believe they were infected with HIV/AIDS as a Organizations within Zimbabwe were severely result of the rapes, and an additional seventeen restricted by security concerns, few had women also tested HIV-positive in the months contemplated or initiated advocacy campaigns, and following the rapes, raising the possibility that there was little media coverage inside Zimbabwe of their rapists infected them.1 Ten women reported potentially widespread rape. that they became pregnant by their rapists. All have been severely traumatized. The victims AIDS-Free World undertook a series of investigative described a violent campaign of rape and torture trips to the region to interview survivors with teams perpetrated by ZANU-PF youth militia, agents of of lawyers, once with three attorneys from Blake, Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organization Cassels and Graydon and on four occasions with a (CIO), and people who identify themselves as total of nine DLA Piper lawyers. What emerged was veterans of the liberation war (known locally as a concerted campaign of politically motivated rape war veterans, or “war vets”) and are now affiliated against opposition supporters. with ZANU-PF. 12 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 13. An Organized Rape Campaign 1 2 The rapes documented by AIDS-Free World began Terror compounded: rape and HIV in 2007 but increased dramatically in 2008, with a surge in frequency—64%—occurring between the Unprotected sex carries a risk under any March presidential election and the June runoff. conditions in Zimbabwe, a country with one of The systematic rape accompanying the 2008 the world’s highest rates of HIV. One in six urban elections is generally understood to be a adults and over a quarter of Zimbabwean men continuation of violence started during the 2000 and women living outside of cities carry the virus Parliamentary elections,2 when the MDC presented that causes AIDS, making any exchange of ZANU-PF with its first serious challenge, and bodily fluids or blood a potentially dangerous continued in 2002 when Morgan Tsvangirai first one. ran for president. The stories told by female survivors of the 2008 campaign of rape are Even when intercourse is consensual, the vagina alarmingly similar to reports from earlier in the is naturally susceptible to infection. When sex is decade. The same language is used time and again: violently coerced or forced, the resulting cuts and MDC supporters are “sell-outs,” and they are abrasions compound the danger of infection and “Tsvangirai’s whores” accused of “giving the greatly increase the likelihood of HIV country back to the whites.”3 Documentation by transmission if the aggressor is HIV-positive. human rights groups has shown that the majority Girls are at exceptionally high risk of contracting of perpetrators of these abuses are part of the HIV through rape because their genital tracts are apparatus of President Robert Mugabe’s not yet fully developed, and are therefore even government.4 Why, then, has the world allowed it more vulnerable to tears and lesions that allow to happen again? the virus to enter the body. Less well understood than the threat that rape poses for victims who AIDS-Free World’s investigation of the rape are HIV-negative is the risk to women and girls surrounding the 2008 elections in Zimbabwe reveals who are HIV-positive. Re-infection strengthens two stark facts: it was a widespread, systematic the virus’s grip and further compromises the campaign against MDC female members and health of people who are already living with HIV. supporters calculated to intimidate, humiliate, and Anyone raped by an HIV-positive attacker faces punish them—and by extension, their families—for a heightened risk of infection if blood is their political affiliation; and the patterns and exchanged. similarities that emerge from survivors’ stories show that history in Zimbabwe is repeating itself. Once For the women of Zimbabwe, then, the dread again, the impunity for systematic rape that has of rape and its long-term consequences is characterized Zimbabwe’s history under Robert multiplied many times over by the specter Mugabe’s leadership5 is making it possible for the of HIV. police not to investigate, for the prosecutors not to prosecute, and for Zimbabwe’s neighbors to pretend these crimes against humanity are the internal affairs of a sovereign state. It is also exacerbating an HIV/AIDS crisis in a country 13
  • 14. Displacement Number of Zimbabweans who have fled across two borders, in proportion to those countries’ populations Estimates from October 2009 least twelve refugees.6 An estimated 250,000 Zimbabweans have fled to Botswana, causing, in 250,000 the words of the Foreign Minister, a “drain on [our] resources.”7 Additionally, forced migration has ZIMBABWE been shown to exacerbate the sub-continent’s AIDS pandemic. Undocumented refugees from 1.8 million Zimbabwe may become infected by opportunistic rape or by engaging in survival sex at the borders.8 Fear of deportation may cause them to shun BOTSWANA medical services, to the extent those are available, and ignore treatable illnesses, such as sexually 3 million transmitted diseases, increasing their vulnerability to HIV.9 Given Zimbabwe’s high adult HIV prevalence rate—over 15%—neighboring countries that are themselves overwhelmed by their own SOUTH AFRICA 48.8 million HIV prevalence rates may have already gained hundreds of thousands of additional cases of HIV/AIDS.10 Crimes against humanity in the form of widespread, systematic rape were perpetrated where more than 15% of adults have HIV, since during the 2008 elections and, if unaddressed, will rape helps to spread that farther and faster. serve to further embed the culture of impunity for rape and other human rights abuses in Zimbabwe. The failure on the part of Zimbabwe’s neighbors, As violations of international human rights law, and indeed the broader community of nations in these crimes demand accountability, both to Africa and around the world, to hold Mugabe and achieve justice for their victims and to prevent ZANU-PF accountable for the decades-long future violations. campaign of rape, torture, and other violations has not only had disastrous consequences for the The next elections in Zimbabwe are just around women of Zimbabwe; it has also produced a threat the corner, and ZANU-PF is already gearing up for to regional security and stability. An estimated three its next violent campaign. It is time for Mugabe million Zimbabweans have fled to South Africa, a and his ZANU-PF henchmen to be brought to country with a total population of 48.8 million. justice. Continued impunity will be a green light This displacement has helped to tax that country’s for the next rape campaign, and the women of health and other infrastructures and possibly feed Zimbabwe—and the southern African region—will xenophobic violence, including the killings of at pay the price. 14 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 15. Maintaining Power with Violence 2 Maintaining Power with Violence Mugabe’s brutal decades in Matabeleland and Midlands, two of Zimbabwe’s provinces.16 The massacre of the Ndebele people The testimony that AIDS-Free World has gathered and this violent period in Zimbabwe’s history came to support claims that ZANU-PF supporters to be known by the government operation’s code- committed sexual crimes against humanity is name, Gukurahundi, a Shona word that means “the distressing but not completely surprising. The early rain which washes away the chaff before the history of Zimbabwe is the story of conflict. It is spring rains.”17 also a story that is as notable for what it conceals as what it reveals. Veiled beneath the documentation References to widespread, systematic rape during of decades of mass torture, murder, and forced the Gukurahundi are fleeting, but they do exist.18 abduction is a continuous thread of rape and The stories from that time are remarkably similar sexual brutality against the women of Zimbabwe. to the testimony AIDS-Free World gathered Since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, twenty-five years later from the victims of widespread rape against women has been a key politically motivated rape in 2008: women accused feature of the violence utilized by Robert Mugabe of being “sell-outs,” and abducted and detained at and his supporters to maintain power in that ZANU base camps where youth militias forced country.11 Reports of human rights violations in them to sing ZANU songs and raped them.19 Zimbabwe over the past three decades pay far less attention to rape than to other types of human These were not rights abuses, but still hint at the hidden epidemic of systematic rape employed by Mugabe and random acts of rape ZANU-PF.12 The long-term use of rape as a and violence; they political tool in Zimbabwe has been enabled by the historical lack of accountability for it.13 were crimes against humanity. In 1982, shortly after independence, then-Prime Minister Mugabe sent the North Korean-trained 5 In 1987, Robert Mugabe and Joseph Nkomo Brigade14 to quell an uprising by ethnic minority negotiated a unity accord effectively absorbing Ndebele supporters of Joshua Nkomo, the leader ZAPU into ZANU; the new consolidated party of Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), a was named ZANU-PF. The story continues group that had split off from Mugabe and around the year 2000, when ZANU-PF youth ZANU.15 Over the next several years, Mugabe’s militias and people who identify as veterans of the military operation killed an estimated 20,000 people liberation war (known locally as “war vets”), 15
  • 16. invaded white-owned commercial farms. The “systematic and widespread campaign of terror to takeovers were an attempt to woo opposition intimidate the electorate into voting for Robert supporters under the pretext that ZANU-PF alone Mugabe in the runoff election.” 24 was willing to redress historic racial discrimination in land ownership.20 At the same time, ZANU-PF While international media coverage at this time waged a campaign of terror against MDC focused heavily on the country’s hyperinflation, supporters in an effort to influence the outcome of cholera outbreaks, and efforts of outside mediators the 2000 Parliamentary elections. When the to broker a peace, a number of non-governmental campaign ended, a Clemency Order dated October organizations (NGOs) did publish accounts of 6, 2000 was issued by the Mugabe government targeted beatings, murder, and destruction carried granting amnesty for all politically motivated crimes out against the MDC opposition.25 The testimony committed from January through July of that year. taken by AIDS-Free World from seventy victims Rape, murder, and fraud were excluded, but documents rape, but also adds to the growing because the police ignored those crimes as well, it evidence of other abuses committed by the was a de facto blanket amnesty.21 During the 2002 ZANU-PF. Of the seventy rape survivors presidential elections, reports of “youth camps” interviewed, four women reported that ZANU-PF began to emerge where women were detained and men also burned their relatives alive,26 sixteen raped, sometimes for days and weeks at a time.22 women reported that ZANU-PF militia burned down their homes,27 three women witnessed ZANU-PF use burning plastic on the skin of MDC members as a form of torture, and two The present women reported that ZANU-PF men amputated the hands or legs of their husbands and other The violence associated with the first and second MDC men held at the militia bases.28 One woman rounds of Zimbabwe’s 2008 presidential election who was able to recount her own ordeal could not continued the trend of violence that runs relay the extent of what she witnessed, stating, “I throughout Mugabe’s regime. After MDC saw things done to people at the base that I cannot opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai garnered talk about because it affects me too much.”29 more votes than Mugabe in March, the government’s election commission declared on Yet despite the human rights reports emerging May 2, over strong objections, that neither from Zimbabwe, little notice was paid to the candidate had won an outright majority, and widespread targeting and rape of female MDC scheduled a runoff election for June 27, 2008. supporters. The testimony gathered by AIDS-Free During May and June, as part of ZANU-PF’s World reveals that women throughout Zimbabwe effort to win the runoff election and intimidate the who are affiliated with the MDC were abducted, opposition, Mugabe reportedly sent his supporters beaten, and gang raped by President Mugabe’s out to “do whatever [they] want” to MDC ZANU-PF youth militia in similar ways, and they members.23 Tsvangirai withdrew from the runoff were told exactly why it was happening to them. five days before the election took place, citing These were not random acts of rape and violence; concern for the safety of his supporters due to a they were crimes against humanity. 16 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 17. Testimony of Survivors 3 2 Testimony of Survivors Rape, sexual slavery, sexual violence,30 gender-based In order to qualify as a “widespread” act, sexual persecution, and torture can constitute crimes against violence can have been perpetrated either in vast humanity31 if “committed as part of a widespread or numbers or as a single act with massive impact. systematic attack directed against any civilian AIDS-Free World has documented in extensive population, with knowledge of the attack.”32 detail six dozen cases that range across the entire “Widespread” relates to the scale of the criminal act, country and span every province of Zimbabwe. whether it comprises numerous incidents or one The women interviewed were collectively raped powerful event.33 “Systematic” acts, on the other at least 380 times by 241 different ZANU-PF hand, refer to the level of planning or preparation youth militia and war veterans throughout the involved, and can be determined by “the country. Each woman, on average, was raped five improbability of their random occurrence.”34 times, although these numbers may be Demonstrating a “regular pattern on the basis of a underestimates because many women fell common policy involving substantial public or private resources” can prove the systematic nature of an act, even if the policy hasn’t been “formally” The testimony taken adopted by a state.35 by AIDS-Free World demonstrates that the The testimony taken by AIDS-Free World demonstrates that the rape campaign waged by the rape campaign waged by ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe was both widespread and the ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe systematic. The patterns recurring throughout the was both widespread testimonies of the seventy survivors and two and systematic. witnesses, each interviewed separately, cannot be coincidental. The striking similarity of insults and threats made before and during the violence; the unconscious during the violent rapes and therefore uniform physical and emotional brutality of the lost count of the number of rapists and rapes at rapes; the specific types of weapons used and some point. The women interviewed knew at least beatings on the same parts of the body; the sixty-seven other women personally who were standardized modes of detention and locations of raped during this time because of their political the rapes; the sameness of the circumstances and affiliation. The majority of rapes occurred during concurrent crimes that made up the broader attacks; a five-month period preceding, during, and and the consistent refusal of police to investigate and immediately following the 2008 elections in refer these cases for prosecution, taken together, Zimbabwe, during which time massive other demonstrate a systematic, organized campaign. abuses against civilian MDC supporters have been 17
  • 18. DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS Victims’ affiliations with the MDC 47 active members Targeting of MDC women by ZANU-PF volunteered for the party; attended MDC rallies; Every victim interviewed by AIDS-Free World was seen wearing MDC t-shirts in their communities involved in organizing for or supporting the Movement for Democratic Change. Eighteen of the women held positions as officers within the MDC party; forty-seven of the women described themselves as “active” members because they 18 volunteered for the party, attended rallies, MDC officials distributed MDC pamphlets, or wore MDC t-shirts in their communities. In addition, thirty of the seventy women had relatives who held official positions in the party. Twelve women’s husbands 1 wife of MDC official served as chairmen or secretaries for their districts 4 members voted for the MDC but or wards, and eight women’s fathers were officials in non-participants in the party. Others had nephews, siblings, mothers, other activities and cousins who held positions in the MDC. documented, including beatings, murder, Every victim interviewed abduction, torture, and forced detention. by AIDS-Free World was The 2008 campaign of rape in Zimbabwe rises to involved in organizing for or the level of crimes against humanity, and should supporting the Movement be prosecuted as such. The detailed and extensive testimony taken by AIDS-Free World comes for Democratic Change. from seventy survivors and two witnesses of rape, but it is clear that the rapes were In every incident the perpetrators were clearly perpetrated on a much broader scale. These identifiable as ZANU-PF youth militia or war seventy women represent many thousands more veterans. Seventeen women from eight different whose stories, if told, would all share a common provinces reported that the abductors arrived at narrative: politically motivated attacks, the their homes singing ZANU-PF songs and chanting orchestrated use of rape as a tool of terror and ZANU-PF slogans; thirty-three women from six intimidation, and the deliberate effort to harm, different provinces reported that their perpetrators humiliate, and degrade women within their were wearing ZANU-PF t-shirts at the time of the communities as a way to subjugate those attacks. Forty of the women were able to name communities. some or all of their ZANU-PF attackers and the ZANU-PF officials who were also giving orders because they recognized them from the community and knew them to be ZANU-PF members. 18 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 19. Testimony of Survivors 3 DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS 2 Evidence of ZANU-PF affiliation as noted by 70 victims Mashonaland East, a ZANU-PF commander told 67 one woman that his orders came from the country’s president himself. She reported, “The ZANU-PF commander was a short, stout, dark man wearing a ZANU-PF cap . . . The commander claimed he had been in Harare and had been instructed by President Mugabe, ‘If you meet an MDC supporter, 40 do whatever you want to them.’ ”39 At a camp in Masvingo, ZANU-PF rapists told another woman 33 that they were following orders. She testified, “I pleaded with them asking why they wanted to kill me. They said they did not care about my life. 17 They were following the instructions of the base commander and if he told them to kill me, they would.”40 Sixty-seven of the women (96%) testified that the women women women women men made some kind of political statement reported that knew the reported that reported that indicating that they were ZANU-PF, or that they perpetrators perpetrators perpetrators perpetrators made political and knew wore ZANU-PF sang ZANU-PF were targeting the women because of the women’s statements them to be t-shirts songs/slogans MDC involvement, or both. The men who attacked ZANU-PF her described themselves to one woman as “Mugabe’s children,”41 and other perpetrators told a Furthermore, women raped in every province different woman that they were going to “kill all reported that their attackers articulated the political children of the MDC.”42 One group of ZANU-PF motivation for the rapes, telling the victims that they rapists warned a victim not to ever say bad things were being attacked because of their MDC about Mugabe because Mugabe was an “angel put affiliation. In Manicaland, ZANU-PF militia told into power by God.”43 one of the women, “Unless you love ZANU-PF, we are going to kill you because you don’t listen. That is what we’re raping you for.”36 In Harare, rapists told another woman, “You are the one involved with MDC, doing all the MDC duties, and we will Attacks by ZANU-PF mobs rape you.”37 Another victim was informed that because she had refused to convert to ZANU-PF, Sixty of the women, across each of the country’s the men were “left with no option but rape.”38 ten provinces, reported that they were surrounded in their homes by a mob of ZANU-PF militia Thirty women reported that they could identify a members. The youth militia usually arrived at night, leader amongst the ZANU-PF men who attacked and the size of the mob ranged from four to over them, recognizable as a leader either because he led 200 men. A young woman from Mashonaland the rapes, gave orders to other perpetrators, or was Central woke up one night to find her home addressed by others as a leader. At a base in overrun with armed ZANU-PF men: 19
  • 20. DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS How women identified leaders among perpetrators property. While twenty-nine women were raped 15 immediately, either inside or directly outside of their homes, a majority of them—forty-one 11 women—were abducted to militia bases or taken out into the bush to be tortured and raped. 4 Depravity and its aftermath women women identified women identified The rapes, as described by victims from every identified leader leader because leader because because he led he gave orders to he was addressed province of Zimbabwe, were often nearly fatal. rape(s) other ZANU-PF by others as a Forty of the women interviewed by AIDS-Free men leader World reported that they were beaten with fists, sticks, logs, electric cords, or metal rods either Later that night, around 10 p.m., I was at home before or after they were raped. There were seven with my family and everyone was sleeping reports of specific beatings on the buttocks, so . . . We heard some noise outside and it was violent as to inflict deep-tissue wounds and make ZANU-PF supporters singing their songs and sitting and lying down painful or impossible. Two chanting their slogans. I looked outside the women were beaten severely both on their buttocks window of the bedroom where I slept with my and the bottoms of their feet, and many were sisters. I saw light around the yard and realized unable to stand or walk after their rapes. Six they had set our thatched kitchen on fire. women reported that they had to be transported to These people started banging on our doors the hospital in wheelbarrows or carts. saying, “Sell-outs, come out so we can talk.” They were shouting, “Sell-outs, you will be killed and beaten.” When I was outside I saw All the men in that room were ZANU-PF people all over our yard . . . These either raping or waiting to rape people were carrying all kinds of weapons— knives, axes, metal rods, sticks, and planks.44 women. They said they wanted to show MDC supporters that we An elderly grandmother from Manicaland reported a had no power against them. similar experience: “Very early in the morning on June 24, around 3 a.m., members of the ZANU-PF youth militia in my area came to my yard and started That so many of the rapes were committed by knocking on the windows. I opened the curtain and multiple perpetrators demonstrates the concerted saw my whole verandah was filled with youth militia use of gang rape as a strategy to quell political boys.”45 opposition. Forty-two of the women were gang raped. Of those, fifteen women were raped by Upon arrival, the ZANU-PF attacked the women five or more men. In addition to their own rapes, and their families, violently beating them with fists eleven of the women witnessed or heard multiple and weapons, stealing food, and destroying ZANU-PF men raping other MDC women either 20 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 21. Testimony of Survivors 3 2 at bases or in other locations. A woman from The women interviewed by AIDS-Free World Harare testified: continue to experience lasting physical injuries associated with the violence of the gang rapes. I had been at the base for about two days One twenty-four-year-old woman was raped so when a group of three men instructed me to violently that her uterus is permanently damaged enter a room. The room was large, with many and she will not be able to bear children;48 others other women MDC members and ZANU-PF had to have surgery to repair their vaginas.49 men inside. Then they said that we were going to sleep together. They forced me to lie on the ground and stripped off all of my clothes . . . All “As they raped me, they said I must join three of them were rough when they raped the ZANU-PF and defect from the MDC me. Around the room there were other men raping other girls. All the men in that room party. As this was happening, I could were either raping or waiting to rape women. see and hear other women being They said they wanted to show MDC raped around me simultaneously.” supporters that we had no power against them.46 Another woman was anally raped so violently that A twenty-nine-year-old woman from Masvingo, who her anus protruded outside her body.50 Ten was forced to lie on top of her husband while women were already pregnant when they were multiple ZANU-PF men raped her, also saw other raped and two of these women miscarried as a MDC women raped by multiple men at a ZANU-PF result of their attacks.51 Ten women reported that base: they became pregnant as a result of the rapes. Twenty-three women continue to suffer The ringleaders then directed the ZANU-PF to debilitating physical symptoms including back and rape whichever woman they had been body pain, severe headaches, wounds on their assigned to while her husband laid face down buttocks and the bottoms of their feet that will underneath her serving as a “pillow.” The not heal, and difficulty walking. One was choked ringleaders instructed the women to take off so severely by her rapist that she could not eat for all of their clothes. The six men assigned to me a week afterwards; now she cannot speak above forced me to lie down where we stood. I did a whisper. everything they said because I was very scared. I lay against my husband’s back and all six of the men who had been assigned to me took off their pants. One man pushed his penis into Humiliation and degradation my vagina, another put his penis in my mouth, another in my ear, and the rest on other parts The perpetrators were explicit about their intent to of my body. I began to cry in pain. As they humiliate the women. ZANU-PF men told one of raped me, they said I must join the ZANU-PF the victims, who is nineteen years old, that she was and defect from the MDC party. As this was going to be raped and that it would destroy her life happening, I could see and hear other women and make her embarrassed to be around her family. being raped around me simultaneously.47 She was then raped daily for five days by up to 21
  • 22. eight men at a time.52 Another woman reported Escalations of torture that her rapists spat on her when they finished and murder of families raping her.53 ZANU-PF men tortured several women first by raping them and then by raping their daughters and “. . . We’re not going to kill you. murdering their husbands, children, parents, and The punishment we’re going siblings in front of them. Two women were forced to give you is that we’re going to watch while their daughters were raped by ZANU-PF youth militia.58 A woman from Harare to rape your wife.” told AIDS-Free World: ZANU-PF rapists in three different provinces When the tenth man finished raping me they called their victims “MDC dogs.”54 One woman said they were going to rape my daughter. I was stripped naked and paraded around in public.55 cried out but I could not even stand up at this A twenty-five-year-old woman was taunted and time. After they finished with me, they raped forced to “dance” for the ZANU-PF men: my daughter when I was there and I couldn’t do anything to stop them. My daughter was The other six men were just standing in the five years old. They instructed [my son] to take same room. They said, “You and your husband off his little sister’s clothes. When he refused are used to singing songs and having MDC they beat him and he eventually had to take meetings. We are ZANU and we don’t want to off her clothes. During the rape my daughter see you MDC people.” The men made me was crying and trying to resist but they kept “dance” for them in bed and move my body pushing her down. I was confused and in while they were raping me. I had to do it shock and I had no strength to say or do because they said, “If you don’t do it, we are anything or even move.59 going to kill you.” They were all there as each one was raping me—I could hear them. I had In Masvingo, another woman was forced to witness the cloth on my face the whole time. All seven the rape of her eleven-year-old child: “[My] of them raped me. They said, “If you report this, daughter was just standing there as the men raped we will come back and kill you.” After they left, me. When they finished with me, they took my I thought that I was dying. daughter and four of the men raped her.”60 Two other women found out later that ZANU-PF men ZANU-PF youth militia further humiliated women had raped their daughters separately while they by raping them in front of their small children, were trying to defend themselves.61 their husbands, their parents, and other family members. The men told one young woman ZANU-PF youth militia murdered family members explicitly, “We are going to rape you while your of four of the women by burning them alive. whole family is watching.”56 Perpetrators told A woman in Masvingo witnessed both of her another woman’s husband, “. . . We’re not going to parents and her infant son die when the ZANU-PF kill you. The punishment we’re going to give you is burned down her home.62 In Mashonaland West, that we’re going to rape your wife.”57 ZANU-PF youth militia raped one woman and then tied her husband to a chair, locked him inside 22 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 23. Testimony of Survivors 3 2 the house, and set the house on fire while she The chairman raped me every evening before watched. 63 he went to bed and also several times during the middle of the night . . . As the chairman’s Twenty-four women from eight different provinces “wife,” I had to prepare his sadza [maize meal], reported that ZANU-PF men murdered one or kneel in front of him and give it to him. I also more of their family members, often in front of had to warm his water for bathing.69 them, either before, during, or immediately following their rapes. Ten women witnessed or At a base camp in Masvingo, MDC women were heard the ZANU-PF beating their husbands, also forced to become the “wives” of ZANU-PF fathers, mothers, and siblings to death with metal men. One woman testified: rods or burning them alive.64 When [the men] returned, [one] announced Four women found their husbands’ or brothers’ that all MDC women whose husbands had beaten bodies in fields, rivers, or outside of their failed to provide cattle to show their adoption homes, days after the ZANU-PF men came to rape of the ZANU-PF party would be assigned six them.65 ZANU-PF youth militia threw one new ZANU-PF “husbands.” Following [his] woman’s young son into a wall so hard that he died instructions, the ringleaders divided up the of a subsequent blood clot in his brain.66 Another men into groups and assigned each MDC woman came home one day to find her husband woman at least six ZANU-PF men as husbands beaten to death, her toddler son decapitated, and who were going to rape her. I was assigned six four men waiting to rape her.67 husbands.70 In Manicaland, one young girl was locked up and raped every day by different men. She was only Sexual slavery released to mop up the blood of other MDC members who had been beaten.71 Five women were Nine of the women were forcibly confined at bases forced to cook for their captors. A woman from for two days or longer, and one was held for two Midlands testified: weeks.68 During their captivity they were raped by multiple ZANU-PF men, or by ZANU-PF The ZANU-PF men began treating me as the “husbands” that were assigned to them. At a base maid at the base. They forced me to do camp in Midlands, women were kept as slaves for whatever chores they wanted done at the the ZANU-PF men: base, and said that if I refused they would kill me like they killed my husband. I had to fetch There was a man who looked like he was in water and firewood for them, cook, and wash charge of the base. I don’t know what his name their clothes.72 was, but the others called him “chairman.” I was told he was my “husband”—I was supposed to In Masvingo, another woman reported: cook for him and sleep with him whenever he wanted. The other girls at the base had been When they finished raping me they took off my given “husbands” too . . . I was hopeless, blindfold and told me to stand up and cook because I knew there was nothing I could do . . . meals for them using my own food. I couldn’t 23
  • 24. even stand but they forced me to. They made The testimony of a woman raped in the province me cook all the chickens they had taken from of Masvingo in May of 2008 reveals identical my house to feed them. After I cooked, they language used by ZANU-PF perpetrators: made me taste the food in case I was trying to poison them.73 The ZANU-PF youth militia members told me they heard I was an MDC agent and they were going to take my brother and me to their leaders. They insulted us by saying we were “selling the country.” They said they were Pattern of political language taking us to the base because we were “sell- used by rapists outs” and that their leaders wanted to see us because, in order for us not to sell the country, The ZANU-PF perpetrators made explicit and very we had to be killed . . . They said we should “go similar political statements during sixty-seven of do farming in Britain because we were selling the seventy attacks (96%). The specific political the country.”77 rhetoric employed by the perpetrators was consistent throughout the country. Women from Repeatedly, in locations throughout the country, eight different provinces74 reported that their ZANU-PF perpetrators also told their victims ZANU-PF attackers accused them of being “sell- that they would be punished or “fixed” for outs” or of “selling out the country” by refusing to attend ZANU-PF meetings and for membership in the MDC. ZANU-PF perpetrators joining the MDC. Victims in the provinces of in three provinces made additional comments Mashonaland East, Harare, Manicaland, and about “selling the country to whites,” with varied Bulawayo were all told they were being “fixed,” references to the perfidy of George Bush and often while they were being raped. The Tony Blair.75 perpetrators also made derogatory statements about MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Women in One woman, abducted to a base camp and gang five different provinces78 said the men insulted raped in Manicaland in June of 2008, reported the Tsvangirai during the course of the attacks or following incident: accused them of being “Tsvangirai’s children”79 or “puppets of Tsvangirai.”80 The whole night they were saying things about MDC—that MDC was a sell-out because we were selling the country, land and soil to Tony Blair . . . They made me put my head down to the ground with my waist in the air. They took Network of torture base camps soil and put it on my back and told me to say, “Tony Blair, our soil has come back. Leave us Victims described in detail an infrastructure of alone and stay in your own country.” Then they ZANU-PF militia bases set up throughout started singing, “Tony Blair, we want to keep Zimbabwe for the purposes of beating, raping, our land—we don’t want our land or soil to be torturing, and killing MDC activists. Forty-one taken over by the white man.”76 women (59%) were abducted from their homes and forcibly marched, dragged, or driven by 24 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 25. Testimony of Survivors 3 DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS 2 Locations of documented Mashonaland West Mashonaland Harare rapes home (1) Central Mbare 3 As reported to AIDS-Free World other location (1) home (1) Mbare 7 by affiants unnamed base ZANU-PF base camp (name known) MASHONALAND home (6) the bush (5) ZANU-PF base camp (name unknown) CENTRAL MASHONALAND other location (4) victim’s home, the bush, WEST other location Mashonaland East Chiroroziva ZAMBIA Gabriel Midlands HARARE Igavha unnamed base unnamed base unnamed base Matabeleland North home (6) home (3) home (1) the bush (3) the bush (2) the bush (1) other location (1) MASHONALAND EAST MATABELELAND MANICALAND NORTH MIDLANDS MASVINGO Bulawayo BULAWAYO home (1) Masvingo Manicaland MATABELELAND Chinembiri Baravara Matabeleland South SOUTH Kudzanayi Dikoko home (2) Musvosvote Jani other location (1) unnamed base Mataranyika unnamed base unnamed base unnamed base home (5) home (3) other location (2) BOTSWANA the bush (1) SOUTH MOZAMBIQUE AFRICA ZANU-PF militia either to bases or to clearings same base was beaten for two hours with logs in the bush where ZANU-PF had set up camp. and electric cords and witnessed other MDC In separate interviews with AIDS-Free World, supporters beaten at the base.83 In the province victims independently provided the names of of Midlands, one woman was taken to a base in the ZANU-PF base camps in five different mountains near Zhombe where she was repeatedly provinces.81 gang raped over the course of several days. Her husband was killed, and she witnessed the torture At the bases, mobs of ZANU-PF men raped, and murder of other MDC activists.84 beat, and tortured the women and other MDC activists. One woman who was abducted to the During the election period, living in crowded Baravara base in the province of Manicaland urban areas provided no protection from reported, “Each day I was left alone, from where abduction and rape at ZANU-PF bases. In I heard many people being beaten in the Harare, two women, in separate interviews, adjoining room.”82 A second woman taken to the reported being taken to the Mbare bases and one 25
  • 26. gave the following testimony: Police support for ZANU-PF crimes I knew about the Mbare 3 base, in a building International human rights organizations have long where the ZANU-PF conducted their meetings protested the failings of the Zimbabwe police . . . When I arrived, I saw three of my friends force,87 and a 2008 human rights organization’s from the MDC party . . . My friends had been report on the election violence in the country forced to lie on a bench and were being stated, “The police have not done anything to beaten on their buttocks with black baton intervene in such situations, as they are clearly sticks. I do not know the names of the ZANU- aligned to ZANU-PF.”88 In July 2009, Amnesty PF youths who were beating them, but I International called for an impartial and recognized them . . . independent police oversight body in the country, After the ZANU-PF youths finished beating me stating, “We do not trust that police are capable of [they] took me a short distance by foot to investigating themselves . . . The ZRP [Zimbabwe another base called Mbare 7. Mbare 7 is an Republic Police] has been instrumental in silencing office building with big grounds outside that government critics since 2000 and continues to do are fenced in. I had never heard of it before. so with total impunity.”89 When I got inside, I could hear crying coming from rooms with closed doors.85 “We told the police we were raped Another woman who was gang raped at the Mbare by ZANU-PF men. The police said base, and believes she was infected with HIV from they were not going to interfere her rapists, describes her initial captivity there: with political issues.” Over a two-week period, I was taken to the base in Mbare several times and forced to do Testimony given to AIDS-Free World further chores for the ZANU-PF members. For a period supports claims that the Zimbabwe police force lasting as many as four days, I would be forced helped to ensure impunity for the rapes. In every to cook for them, wash for them, and fetch instance, the Zimbabwe police failed to adequately water for them. We could not leave—there respond to the crimes. Of the thirty-one women were people who acted as our bodyguards who attempted to report their rapes to the police, and would monitor our movement.86 thirteen said that the police either did nothing at all or explicitly refused to write a report. Another five reported that the police took a report but did not investigate the crime in any way. The effect of this is severe for the victims: without a police report they are denied treatment at government hospitals; without a medical report from a government hospital as proof of rape, a criminal prosecution is impossible.90 By refusing to document these crimes, the police eliminated any possibility of criminal accountability for the ZANU-PF perpetrators in Zimbabwe courts. 26 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
  • 27. Testimony of Survivors 3 2 Authorities told two women that they could report was charged with raping me, burning my house, their beatings but not their rapes. One woman and killing my cousin, but he denied all the charges. explained, “In that office the Crime Officer Nothing was really done to him. [The police] said threatened me never to talk about rape. The Crime they couldn’t get involved because it was a political Officer told me I was only allowed to report issue.”96 In the second case, only one of the assault, and by reporting rape I would be going victim’s four rapists was captured; he was held for against the government.”91 In Manicaland, police three months and released without being charged arrested one woman after she was raped and held with or tried for an offense. Her other three rapists her for four nights on fabricated charges.92 Other were never investigated or arrested.97 police officers simply claimed they could not get involved in “political matters.” A woman from Thirty-two of the women (46%) did not even Harare told AIDS-Free World, “We told the police attempt to report their rapes to the police. These we were raped by ZANU-PF men. The police said women, from nine different provinces, all testified they were not going to interfere with political that it would have been futile and possibly issues,”93 and in Matabeleland South another dangerous to report anything because ZANU-PF woman experienced the same problem: “When we controlled the police. A woman from Midlands tried to report these incidents, the police told us explained, “I did not report the crimes to the not to participate in politics.”94 police. There was no point in reporting because the police were also involved in the violence and in In other cases, police officers told the women that fighting against the MDC.”98 A woman from they were either unwilling or afraid to record Harare said, “I did not report my abduction or incidents of ZANU-PF violence: rapes to the police because the police in Zimbabwe do not do anything. Most of them are pro-ZANU- I went with eight other camp survivors to the PF.”99 Another, from Mashonaland East, said, “I police to report that ZANU-PF youth had raped thought about reporting the rapes to the police but and beaten us at their base camp. When we decided not to . . . I was scared. The police were told them about what had happened to us, the either ZANU-PF members or would not do police laughed in our faces. They said that they anything to them.”100 Victims in Matabeleland had heard that we had been beaten and raped South echoed this: “I did not report this to the by the ZANU-PF youth, but that they were police because I know the police are controlled by scared of the people in power and could not ZANU-PF and would not do anything to catch or be expected to do anything at that moment. punish the men who came to my house.”101 In They did not draft a report.95 Masvingo, “the police had done nothing to help me in 2005 and I knew they would not do anything this Not one of the 241 rapists has been prosecuted or time either.”102 Women repeatedly testified to their punished for their crimes. Out of the seventy lack of access to justice. One woman said, “I felt women interviewed by AIDS-Free World, there hopeless; there was nothing I could do to those were only two cases where a perpetrator was people who raped me.”103 Many of the women arrested, and in neither case was anyone continued to see their rapists living freely in their prosecuted. One was held for only one week. “He communities. 27
  • 28. 400 people HIV prevalence Percentage of adults aged in Zimbabwe die of AIDS 15-49 years living with HIV every day from UNAIDS Epidemiological Fact Sheet, Zimbabwe, 2008 ZAMBIA more than 19.7% 18.5% – 19.7% MASHONALAND 16.8% – 18.4% MASHONALAND CENTRAL 15.2% – 16.7% WEST fewer than 15.2% HARARE MASHONALAND EAST MATABELELAND MOZAMBIQUE NORTH MIDLANDS MANICALAND 17.0% 15.0% BULAWAYO MASVINGO MATABELELAND SOUTH BOTSWANA urban rural SOUTH AFRICA adults adults HIV status of 70 victims interviewed tested tested HIV-positive HIV-negative after rape after rape 12 26 32 unsure of HIV status at time of interview DATA FROM 70 VICTIMS’ SWORN AFFIDAVITS 28 Electing to Rape: Sexual Terror in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe