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This c urs c ve the d re a hite ture o the
        o e o rs            iffe nt rc c        f
re tio l, hie rc a a ne o
  la na        ra hic l, nd tw rks m d ls Othe
                                         oe .      r
to ic to b c ve d a thed s nso d ta a e a lys
  p s      e o re re          e ig f a b s , na is
o d ta a the d re m na e e is ue o s c
 f a nd            iffe nt a g m nt s s f e urity,
inte rity, c nc nc c ntro re o ry, d trib d
    g        o urre e o l,          c ve     is ute
d ta a e o je t-o nte d ta a e a
 a b s , b c rie d a b s , nd c nt-s rve  lie e r
te hno g Inc e a a va e to ic o d ta a e
  c lo y.        lud d re d nc d p s n a b s
 e urity, inte rity, c nc nc c ntro a re o ry. A
              g       o urre e o l nd c ve
d c s n o d trib d d ta a e is a o inc e a
 is us io n is ute a b s              ls    lud d nd
b s SQL c m a .
 a ic        o m nd
3units–ITE 2 7/ITEP13
            2        3
The s e a e e te to b c m fa ilia w the
     tud nts re xp c d     e o e m r ith
d re
 iffe nt d ta a e a hite ture o the re tio l,
           a bs      rc c       f       la na
hie rc a a ne o m d ls a lyze a d s n
   ra hic l nd tw rk o e ; na         nd e ig
d ta a e ; m na e is ue o s c
 a bss       a g      s s f e urity, inte rity,
c nc nc c ntro a
 o urre e o l           nd re o ry; d re te
                             c ve    iffe ntia
d trib d d ta a e w o je t-o nte d ta a e a
 is ute a b s ith b c rie d a b s nd
c nt-s rve d ta a e te hno g a le rn b s SQL
 lie e r a b s c lo y; nd a a ic
cm a .
 o m nd
   truc r:
               ls u_it@ ya o o
                 p        ho .c m
           fvs nd va ya o o
              a o l@ ho .c m
What is a data?
  p c s o info a n tha re re e the q lita
    ie e f     rm tio  t p s nt      ua tive or
   q ntita a ute o ava b o s t o va b s
     ua    tive ttrib s f     ria le r e f ria le .
  d ta (p l o "d tum a typ a the re ults o
     a    lura f a ") re ic lly              s      f
   m a ure e a c n b the b s o g p , im g s
      e s m nts nd a e           a is f ra hs a e ,
   o o s rva nso as t o va b s
     r b e tio f e f ria le .
  d taa o n vie e a thelo e t le l o a s c n
     a re fte        wd s       w s ve f b tra tio
   fro w h info a n a kno le g a d rive .
       m hic        rm tio nd    w d e re e d
What is a file?
  a c lle tio o d ta (o o n, o lo ic lly re te
      o c n f a         r, fte f g a        la d
  re o s s re a d a w a as le na e unit.
    c rd ) to d nd e lt ith s ing , m d
What is a database?
  A d ta a eis a s ture c lle tio o re o s o d ta
      a bs         truc d o c n f c rd r a
   tha iss re in ac m ute s te .
      t to d          o p r ys m
  A d ta a e is a c lle tio o d ta typ a d s rib
       a bs         o c n f a , ic lly e c ing
   thea tivitie o o o m rere te o a tio . Fo
        c      s f ne r o        la d rg niza ns r
   e m le the unive ity m ht c nta info a n
    xa p               rs     ig    o in       rm tio
   a o thefo w :
    b ut       llo ing
  Entitie s h a s e , fa ulty, c urs s a
          s uc       s tud nts     c       o e nd
   c s ro m .
    la s o s
  Re tio hip b tw e e
      la ns s e e n ntitie s h a s e ’
                                  s uc     s tud nts
   e llm nt in c urs s fa ulty te c
    nro e           o e, c          a hing c urs s a
                                            o e nd
   theus o ro m fo c urs s
         e f o s r o e.
What Is a DBMS?
  A Database Management System (DBMS) isa
   s ftw rep c g d s ne to s rea m na e
    o a a ka e e ig d to nd a g
   d ta a e .
    a bss
  Mo e re l-w rldenterprise.
       d ls a o
     Entitie (e ., s e , c urs s
             s .g tud nts o e )
     Re tio hip (e ., Ma o
         la ns s .g       d nnaistakingC 6 )
                                        S5 4
Files vs. DBMS
  Ap lic tio m t s g la ed ta e b tw e m in
     p a n us ta e rg a s ts e e n a
     m m ry a s c nd ry s ra e(e ., b ring p g -
       e o nd e o a to g .g uffe , a e
     o nte a c s , 3 -b a d s ing e .)
      rie d c e s 2 it d re s , tc
    Sp c l c d fo d re q rie
        e ia o e r iffe nt ue s
    Mus p te t d tafro inc ns te y d to m
          t ro c a      m o is nc ue      ultiple
     c nc nt us rs
      o urre     e
    C s re o ry
      ra h c ve
    Se urity a a c s c ntro
        c      nd c e s o l
Why Use a DBMS?
    Da ind p nd nc a e ie a c s .
       ta e e e e nd ffic nt c e s
    Re uc d a p a n d ve p e tim .
       d e p lic tio e lo m nt e
    Da inte rity a s c
       ta g        nd e urity.
    Unifo d taa m tra n.
          rm a d inis tio
    C nc nt a c s , re o ry fro c s s
      o urre c e s c ve         m ra he .

Why Study Databases??
 Shift fro computation toinformation
    a the“ we ” s ra b to w b p c (am s !)
       t      lo nd : c m le       es ae       es
    a the“ h e ” s ie
       t      hig nd : c ntifica p a ns
                                 p lic tio
 Da s tsinc a ingin d rs a vo e
     ta e        re s      ive ity nd lum .
    Dig l lib rie , inte c
          ita ra s       ra tivevid o Hum n Ge m p je t,
                                   e,      a    no e ro c
     EOS p je t
             ro c
    ... ne d fo DBMS e lo ing
            e r          xp d
 DBMS e o p s e m s o C
             nc m a s s o t f S
    OS, la ua e , the ry, AI, m
             ng g s o            ultim d , lo ic
                                      e ia g
 Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e
      xt re e   ta a      t f         f a bs
 s te s
  ys m :

1. Getting more information from the same amount of
2. Sharing data
3. Balancing conflicting requirement
4. Controlling redundancy
5. Facilitating Consistency
6. Improving integrity - Integrity constraints
 Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e
      xt re e   ta a      t f         f a bs
 s te s
  ys m :

7. Expanding security
8. Increasing Productivity
9. Providing data independence
 Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e
      xt re e   ta a      t f         f a bs
 s te s
  ys m :

 1. Large file size
 2. Increase complexity
 3. Greater impact of failure
 4. More difficult recovery
DBMS Building Blocks
 A DBMS inc e fo m in p rts
           lud s ur a a :

  modeling language
  data structure
  database query language
  transaction mechanisms:
Modeling Language
      A d ta m d ling la ua e to d fine the s he a o
         a     oe       ng g      e          c m f
e c d ta a eho te in theDBMS, a c rd to theDBMS
 ah a bs s d                    c o ing
d ta a em d l.
 a bs oe

  hierarchical model
  network model
  relation model
  object model
Data Structure
      Da s ture (fie s re o s file a o je ts
        ta truc s     ld , c rd ,    s nd b c )
o tim d to d a w ve la ea o
 p ize      e l ith ry rg m unts o d ta s re o
                                    f a to d n
a p rm ne d ta s ra e d vic (w h im lie re tive
   e a nt a to g e e hic             p s la ly
s wa c s c m a d to vo tilem in m m ry).
 lo c e s o p re      la     a    e o
Database Query Language
   A d ta a e q ry la ua e a re o w r a w
        a b s ue        ng g nd p rt rite llo s
    us rsto inte c ly inte g tethed ta a e a lyzeits
      e         ra tive   rro a    a b s , na
    d ta a up a it a c rd to the us r’ p
     a nd d te c o ing              e s rivile e o
                                              gs n
    d ta
     a .
   It a o c ntro the s c
        ls o ls           e urity o the d ta a e Da
                                   f     a bs.     ta
     e urity p ve una
              re nts    utho d us rs fro vie ing o
                            rize     e   m w        r
    up a
      d tingthed ta a e
                 a bs.
   Us p s w rd , us rs a a w d a c s to the e
       ing a s o s e re llo e c e s           ntire
    d ta a eo s s tso it c lle subschemas.
     a b s r ub e f a d
Transaction Mechanism
 A d ta a etra a tio m c nis id a g ra e
     a b s ns c n e ha m e lly ua nte s
 AC p p rtie in o e toe ured tainte rity d s ite
     ID ro e s    rd r    ns a      g     ep
 c nc nt us r a c s e (c nc nc c ntro a fa
  o urre    e c e s s o urre y o l), nd ults
 (fa to ra e
    ult le nc ).
 It a om inta theinte rity o thed tain thed ta a e
      ls a ins        g      f    a         a bs.
 TheDBMS c n m inta theinte rity o thed ta a eb
           a a in           g      f    a bs y
 no a w m retha o us r to up a thes m re o
    t llo ing o n ne e      d te   a e c rd
 a thes m tim .
  t     a e e
Transaction Mechanism
 TheDBMS c n he p ve d lic tere o sviauniq
           a lp re nt up a c rd            ue
 ind x c ns ints
    e o tra ;
     Fe ture c m o o re b d ta a em na e e
       a s o m nly ffe d y a b s a g m nt
s te sinc e
 ys m    lud :

1. Que Ab
      ry ility
2 RuleRe rc m nt
 .      info e e
3 C m uta n
 . o p tio
4 C ng a Ac e sLo g
 . ha e nd c s g ing
5 Auto a dOp iza n
 .    m te  tim tio
     A DBMS m    inim s the e p b m b p vid
                      ize  s ro le s y ro ing
tw vie so thed ta a ed ta alo ic l (e rna vie a
  o w f         a bs a :     g a xte l) w nd
p ic l (inte l) vie .
 hys a      rna    w

 Lo ic l Vie
    g a      w
       The lo ic l vie /us r’ vie , o a d ta a e p g m
             g a      w es w f           a b s ro ra
re re e d ta in a fo a tha is m a
  p s nts a           rm t t       e ning to a us r a
                                         ful       e nd
to thes ftw rep g m tha p c s tho ed ta Tha is the
       o a ro ra s t ro e s s a .                 t ,
lo ic l vie te the us r, in us r te s w t is in the
  g a      w lls         e       e rm , ha
d ta a e
 a bs.
 P ic l Vie
   hys a    w
      The p ic l vie d a w the a tua p ic l
           hys a     w e ls ith        c l, hys a
a ng m nt a lo a n o d tain thed c a c s s ra e
 rra e e nd c tio f a              ire t c e s to g
d vic s (DASDs Da b s s e ia ts us the p ic l
 e e          ).    ta a e p c lis     e      hys a
vie to m ke e ie us o s ra e a p c s ing
   w      a    ffic nt e f to g nd ro e s
re o e .
  s urc s
     One s ng o a DBMS is tha w
          tre th f           t hile the is o
                                       re   nly
o p ic l vie o the d ta the c n b a e le s
 ne hys a     w f      a , re a e n nd s
num e o d re lo ic l vie s
   b r f iffe nt g a w .

        Tra itio l Vie o Da
           d na       w f ta
       Me d ta is d ta d s rib
           ta a      a   e c ing d ta Fo e m le a
                                  a .   r xa p ,
listing tha d s rib s w t a ute a a w d to b in
           t e c e ha ttrib s re llo e         e
d ta s tsisc lle "m ta
  a e        a d e -info a n". Them ta a isa o
                          rm tio       e -d ta ls
kno n a d taa o d ta
     w s a b ut a .
Examples of Data Management
 Ad va
     a s
 Ad p
     a tiveSe r Ente ris
             rve    rp e
 Alp Five
 Co p
     m uthink’ Vie W e
              s w is
 Da d DB
     ffo il
 Da Ea e
     ta s
 File ke
      Ma r
 Fire ird
 IBM UniVe ers
Examples of Data Management
 Ing s
 Info ix
 InterSys mC c
          te a he
 Ke xi
 Ma Lo ic
     rk g
 Mic s ft Ac e s
      ro o   cs
 Mic s ft SQL Se r
      ro o        rve
 Mic s ft Vis l Fo ro
      ro o    ua xp
 Mo tDB
Examples of Data Management
 Op nLink Virtuo o
     e            s
 Op nOffic .o Ba e
     e      e rg s
 Ora leDa b s
     c     ta a e
 P s re
   o tg SQL
P g s
   ro re s
 SQL Anyw re
 SQLite
 Te d ta
    ra a
 Ve aAna
    rtic     lyticDa b s
                    ta a e

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01 Introduction To Dbms

  • 2. ITE 3 / ITEP2 19 14
  • 3. This c urs c ve the d re a hite ture o the o e o rs iffe nt rc c f re tio l, hie rc a a ne o la na ra hic l, nd tw rks m d ls Othe oe . r to ic to b c ve d a thed s nso d ta a e a lys p s e o re re e ig f a b s , na is o d ta a the d re m na e e is ue o s c f a nd iffe nt a g m nt s s f e urity, inte rity, c nc nc c ntro re o ry, d trib d g o urre e o l, c ve is ute d ta a e o je t-o nte d ta a e a a b s , b c rie d a b s , nd c nt-s rve lie e r te hno g Inc e a a va e to ic o d ta a e c lo y. lud d re d nc d p s n a b s sc e urity, inte rity, c nc nc c ntro a re o ry. A g o urre e o l nd c ve d c s n o d trib d d ta a e is a o inc e a is us io n is ute a b s ls lud d nd b s SQL c m a . a ic o m nd
  • 5. The s e a e e te to b c m fa ilia w the tud nts re xp c d e o e m r ith d re iffe nt d ta a e a hite ture o the re tio l, a bs rc c f la na hie rc a a ne o m d ls a lyze a d s n ra hic l nd tw rk o e ; na nd e ig d ta a e ; m na e is ue o s c a bss a g s s f e urity, inte rity, g c nc nc c ntro a o urre e o l nd re o ry; d re te c ve iffe ntia d trib d d ta a e w o je t-o nte d ta a e a is ute a b s ith b c rie d a b s nd c nt-s rve d ta a e te hno g a le rn b s SQL lie e r a b s c lo y; nd a a ic cm a . o m nd
  • 6. Ins to FOR-IAN V. SANDOVAL truc r: ls u_it@ ya o o p ho .c m fvs nd va ya o o a o l@ ho .c m
  • 7. What is a data?  p c s o info a n tha re re e the q lita ie e f rm tio t p s nt ua tive or q ntita a ute o ava b o s t o va b s ua tive ttrib s f ria le r e f ria le .  d ta (p l o "d tum a typ a the re ults o a lura f a ") re ic lly s f m a ure e a c n b the b s o g p , im g s e s m nts nd a e a is f ra hs a e , o o s rva nso as t o va b s r b e tio f e f ria le .  d taa o n vie e a thelo e t le l o a s c n a re fte wd s w s ve f b tra tio fro w h info a n a kno le g a d rive . m hic rm tio nd w d e re e d
  • 8. What is a file?  a c lle tio o d ta (o o n, o lo ic lly re te o c n f a r, fte f g a la d re o s s re a d a w a as le na e unit. c rd ) to d nd e lt ith s ing , m d
  • 9. What is a database?  A d ta a eis a s ture c lle tio o re o s o d ta a bs truc d o c n f c rd r a tha iss re in ac m ute s te . t to d o p r ys m  A d ta a e is a c lle tio o d ta typ a d s rib a bs o c n f a , ic lly e c ing thea tivitie o o o m rere te o a tio . Fo c s f ne r o la d rg niza ns r e m le the unive ity m ht c nta info a n xa p rs ig o in rm tio a o thefo w : b ut llo ing  Entitie s h a s e , fa ulty, c urs s a s uc s tud nts c o e nd c s ro m . la s o s  Re tio hip b tw e e la ns s e e n ntitie s h a s e ’ s uc s tud nts e llm nt in c urs s fa ulty te c nro e o e, c a hing c urs s a o e nd theus o ro m fo c urs s e f o s r o e.
  • 10. What Is a DBMS?  A Database Management System (DBMS) isa s ftw rep c g d s ne to s rea m na e o a a ka e e ig d to nd a g d ta a e . a bss  Mo e re l-w rldenterprise. d ls a o  Entitie (e ., s e , c urs s s .g tud nts o e )  Re tio hip (e ., Ma o la ns s .g d nnaistakingC 6 ) S5 4
  • 11.
  • 12. Files vs. DBMS  Ap lic tio m t s g la ed ta e b tw e m in p a n us ta e rg a s ts e e n a m m ry a s c nd ry s ra e(e ., b ring p g - e o nd e o a to g .g uffe , a e o nte a c s , 3 -b a d s ing e .) rie d c e s 2 it d re s , tc  Sp c l c d fo d re q rie e ia o e r iffe nt ue s  Mus p te t d tafro inc ns te y d to m t ro c a m o is nc ue ultiple c nc nt us rs o urre e  C s re o ry ra h c ve  Se urity a a c s c ntro c nd c e s o l
  • 13. Why Use a DBMS?  Da ind p nd nc a e ie a c s . ta e e e e nd ffic nt c e s  Re uc d a p a n d ve p e tim . d e p lic tio e lo m nt e  Da inte rity a s c ta g nd e urity.  Unifo d taa m tra n. rm a d inis tio  C nc nt a c s , re o ry fro c s s o urre c e s c ve m ra he .
  • 14. ? Why Study Databases??  Shift fro computation toinformation m  a the“ we ” s ra b to w b p c (am s !) t lo nd : c m le es ae es  a the“ h e ” s ie t hig nd : c ntifica p a ns p lic tio  Da s tsinc a ingin d rs a vo e ta e re s ive ity nd lum .  Dig l lib rie , inte c ita ra s ra tivevid o Hum n Ge m p je t, e, a no e ro c EOS p je t ro c  ... ne d fo DBMS e lo ing e r xp d  DBMS e o p s e m s o C nc m a s s o t f S  OS, la ua e , the ry, AI, m ng g s o ultim d , lo ic e ia g
  • 15. ADVANTAGES OF DBMS Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e xt re e ta a t f f a bs s te s ys m : 1. Getting more information from the same amount of data 2. Sharing data 3. Balancing conflicting requirement 4. Controlling redundancy 5. Facilitating Consistency 6. Improving integrity - Integrity constraints
  • 16. ADVANTAGES OF DBMS Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e xt re e ta a t f f a bs s te s ys m : 7. Expanding security 8. Increasing Productivity 9. Providing data independence
  • 17. DISADVANTAGES OF DBMS Thete p s ntsas nd rd lis o virtues o d ta a e xt re e ta a t f f a bs s te s ys m : 1. Large file size 2. Increase complexity 3. Greater impact of failure 4. More difficult recovery
  • 18. DBMS Building Blocks A DBMS inc e fo m in p rts lud s ur a a :  modeling language  data structure  database query language  transaction mechanisms:
  • 19. Modeling Language A d ta m d ling la ua e to d fine the s he a o a oe ng g e c m f e c d ta a eho te in theDBMS, a c rd to theDBMS ah a bs s d c o ing d ta a em d l. a bs oe  hierarchical model  network model  relation model  object model
  • 20. Data Structure Da s ture (fie s re o s file a o je ts ta truc s ld , c rd , s nd b c ) o tim d to d a w ve la ea o p ize e l ith ry rg m unts o d ta s re o f a to d n a p rm ne d ta s ra e d vic (w h im lie re tive e a nt a to g e e hic p s la ly s wa c s c m a d to vo tilem in m m ry). lo c e s o p re la a e o
  • 21. Database Query Language  A d ta a e q ry la ua e a re o w r a w a b s ue ng g nd p rt rite llo s us rsto inte c ly inte g tethed ta a e a lyzeits e ra tive rro a a b s , na d ta a up a it a c rd to the us r’ p a nd d te c o ing e s rivile e o gs n d ta a .  It a o c ntro the s c ls o ls e urity o the d ta a e Da f a bs. ta sc e urity p ve una re nts utho d us rs fro vie ing o rize e m w r up a d tingthed ta a e a bs.  Us p s w rd , us rs a a w d a c s to the e ing a s o s e re llo e c e s ntire d ta a eo s s tso it c lle subschemas. a b s r ub e f a d
  • 22. Transaction Mechanism  A d ta a etra a tio m c nis id a g ra e a b s ns c n e ha m e lly ua nte s AC p p rtie in o e toe ured tainte rity d s ite ID ro e s rd r ns a g ep c nc nt us r a c s e (c nc nc c ntro a fa o urre e c e s s o urre y o l), nd ults (fa to ra e ult le nc ).  It a om inta theinte rity o thed tain thed ta a e ls a ins g f a a bs.  TheDBMS c n m inta theinte rity o thed ta a eb a a in g f a bs y no a w m retha o us r to up a thes m re o t llo ing o n ne e d te a e c rd a thes m tim . t a e e
  • 23. Transaction Mechanism  TheDBMS c n he p ve d lic tere o sviauniq a lp re nt up a c rd ue ind x c ns ints e o tra ;
  • 24. DBMS FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES Fe ture c m o o re b d ta a em na e e a s o m nly ffe d y a b s a g m nt s te sinc e ys m lud : 1. Que Ab ry ility 2 RuleRe rc m nt . info e e 3 C m uta n . o p tio 4 C ng a Ac e sLo g . ha e nd c s g ing 5 Auto a dOp iza n . m te tim tio
  • 25. LOGICAL & PHYSICAL VIEW A DBMS m inim s the e p b m b p vid ize s ro le s y ro ing tw vie so thed ta a ed ta alo ic l (e rna vie a o w f a bs a : g a xte l) w nd p ic l (inte l) vie . hys a rna w  Lo ic l Vie g a w The lo ic l vie /us r’ vie , o a d ta a e p g m g a w es w f a b s ro ra re re e d ta in a fo a tha is m a p s nts a rm t t e ning to a us r a ful e nd to thes ftw rep g m tha p c s tho ed ta Tha is the o a ro ra s t ro e s s a . t , lo ic l vie te the us r, in us r te s w t is in the g a w lls e e rm , ha d ta a e a bs.
  • 26. LOGICAL & PHYSICAL VIEW  P ic l Vie hys a w The p ic l vie d a w the a tua p ic l hys a w e ls ith c l, hys a a ng m nt a lo a n o d tain thed c a c s s ra e rra e e nd c tio f a ire t c e s to g d vic s (DASDs Da b s s e ia ts us the p ic l e e ). ta a e p c lis e hys a vie to m ke e ie us o s ra e a p c s ing w a ffic nt e f to g nd ro e s re o e . s urc s
  • 27. LOGICAL & PHYSICAL VIEW One s ng o a DBMS is tha w tre th f t hile the is o re nly o p ic l vie o the d ta the c n b a e le s ne hys a w f a , re a e n nd s num e o d re lo ic l vie s b r f iffe nt g a w .
  • 28. LOGICAL & PHYSICAL VIEW Tra itio l Vie o Da d na w f ta
  • 29. META-DATA REPOSITORY Me d ta is d ta d s rib ta a a e c ing d ta Fo e m le a a . r xa p , listing tha d s rib s w t a ute a a w d to b in t e c e ha ttrib s re llo e e d ta s tsisc lle "m ta a e a d e -info a n". Them ta a isa o rm tio e -d ta ls kno n a d taa o d ta w s a b ut a .
  • 30. Examples of Data Management  Ad va a s  Ad p a tiveSe r Ente ris rve rp e  Alp Five ha  Co p m uthink’ Vie W e s w is  Da d DB ffo il  Da Ea e ta s  File ke Ma r  Fire ird b  IBM DB2  IBM UniVe ers
  • 31. Examples of Data Management  Ing s re  Info ix rm  InterSys mC c te a he  Ke xi  Linte SQL RDBMS r  Ma Lo ic rk g  Mic s ft Ac e s ro o cs  Mic s ft SQL Se r ro o rve  Mic s ft Vis l Fo ro ro o ua xp  Mo tDB ne
  • 32. Examples of Data Management  MySQL  Op nLink Virtuo o e s  Op nOffic .o Ba e e e rg s  Ora leDa b s c ta a e  P s re o tg SQL P g s ro re s  SQL Anyw re he  SQLite  Te d ta ra a  Ve aAna rtic lyticDa b s ta a e