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About Us
Re a W m n’ C ntreisa
  xd le o e s e           n
ind p nd nt, no r-p fit, vo
   ee e        t-fo ro     luntary
a e y tha s rve hig
 g nc    t e s h-ne dw m n
                       e o e
a the d p nd ntsin No rn
 nd ir e e a           rthe
Eto ic ke
   b o .
Arabic          Tamil                      Punjabi


Chinese    Somali

Urdu                        India
                                 n Dia
                                        lect                      Serbian
Dari                                           rian
            Pashto                                                Bosnian
A Model of Community Development

Salient Features of Ethno-Cultural Seniors Program:

 Diffic tofindap lis dm d l o c s -c
        ult      ub he o e f ro s ultural
  c m unity d ve p e te hniq s s te ie o p c e
   o m          e lo m nt c   ue , tra g s r ra tic s
  s e ific lly a e a o a
   p c a im d t rg nizinge     thno ultura s nio in a
                                   -c     l e rs
  m ultura s tting the a s m b m inly fo us o
    ultic      l e   ; re re o e ut a         c ing n
  ho o e o g up d vo o c
    m g ne us ro s e id f ultura d re e .
                                    l iffe nc s

 Our p je t w stoa d s ne d o m
       ro c a      d re s e s f ulticultura s nio
                                           l e rs
  g a dto a s“m o e
   e re w rd e p w ringa e b
                         nd na linge  thno ultura
                                          -c     l
  s nio in ac m le m ultura urb n c nte toe c ly
   e rs      o p x ultic    l   a o xt       ffe tive
  a d s is ue o c m o s c l c nc rn(s
   d re s s s f o m n o ia o e ).”
                    How to Lay a Foundation
 What issues are to be addressed?
  Community need(s) must be identified and understood.

 How are they to be addressed?

 Ava b re o e to a d s the ene d .
     ila le s urc s d re s s e s
  These resources extend beyond mere money. Resources also include valued
  assets such as:

        - Kno le g a c a
              w d e nd re tivity b s d o hum n e e nc
                                   ae n         a xp rie e
        - Me tings a e in lo a m llso a a e b ing
             e     pcs        c l a r p rtm nt uild s
        - P o lew w
           e p ith illing s a a
                             ne s nd ttitud sto g t invo d
                                           e     e      lve
        - Of c urs , fina ia re o e tha c m fro fund s urc s
              o e        nc l s urc s t o e m             ing o e
         c n m ke s c
          a a s e uringo r re o e m h e s r.
                              the s urc s uc a ie
Community-Needs Analysis
 Id ntifyingane d a e c ly a ula
    e           e nd ffe tive rtic tingit.

 Thea ility to s
      b          urve o ’ e
                     y ne s nviro e a re o nize“
                                 nm nt nd c g  what’ s wrong” r
  what is missing”Thus ane d a lys m t d s ve l thing :
                      ,   e s na is us o e ra        s
    Id ntify thep b ma p vid e e eane d e ts
       e          ro le nd ro e vid nc      e xis
    Think a o w ysthep b mc uld b b s a d s e
             b ut a      ro le o    e e t d re s d
    De lo (a le s te tive are lis , p c a s lutio
       ve p t a t nta ly)       a tic ra tic l o   n

 Thro h e e eg the d fro c ntsa s ff, theRexdale Women’s
      ug vid nc a re     m lie  nd ta
  Centre id ntifie tha e
           e       d t thno ultura s nio w ree e nc
                           -c     l e rs e xp rie ing
  d p p rtio teb rrie to a e ua re re tio a p ve tivehe lth
   is ro o na a rs d q te c a n nd re nta              a
  s rvic sin the c m unity.
   e e           ir o m

 A d ta d p n w sd ve p d a e a re re s the eis ue a a
     e ile la a e lo e im d t d s ing s s s nd
  fund p p s l w sp p re .
      ing ro o a a re a d
The Funding Proposal

 Se uringp je t fund ne dno b a d
    c      ro c      ing e t e s iffic a is
                                      ult s
 c m o im g d To thise , a e ie c n inc a e
  o m nly a ine .          nd g nc s a    re s
 the fund o p rtunitie if the fo wthre g ne l
    ir   ing p o      s      y llo    e e ra
 s p:
  te s

               1) finda m tc
                       nd a h
               2 fo uso o o e
                ) c n utc m s
               3 fo w o c nta ts
                ) llo -up n o c .
Find and Match

 Toid ntify o find thene d
      e       r          e
 Tofindp te l fund rsw w uldb w
          o ntia      e ho o  e illingtoc m it
                                         o m
  re o e toa a e y w
    s urc s n g nc illingtom e s h ne d .
                                    e t uc e s
 Thea ility tofindane da match it toap te l fund r isa
        b              e nd                 o ntia     e
  s tha s p ra sm ny s c s ful p je t p p s lsfro
   kill t e a te a uc e s            ro c ro o a      m
  m ny uns c s ful o s
    a      uc e s    ne .
 In thec s o ECSAP, theRexdale Women’s Centre w sa le
          ae f                                      a b
  toid ntify thene d in itsc m unity p rta
       e          es        o m         e iningtob rrie
                                                   a rs
  fa e b e
    c d y thno ultura s nio . Se o , RW a p a he
                -c    l e rs c nd          C p ro c d
  Canadian Heritage, Multiculturalism Canada tofundthis
  p je t.
   ro c
2) Focus on Outcomes

 He the a tw im o nt p ints
    re re re o p rta o :
 Thea e y m t b c nne te totheis uein aw y tha
        g nc us e o c d               s       a     t
  d m ns te competence. In ins nc sw retheCentre d
   e o tra s                     ta e he                 id
  no ha e e e it d ve p dpartnerships w c m unity
     t ve xp rtis , e lo e                   ith o m
  a e ie s h a Parks and Recreation, Public Health, a the
   g nc s uc s                                        nd
  City of Toronto.
 W n a a e y isa letos wc m e nc , it c n the o r
    he n g nc        b      ho o p te e a          n ffe
  ta ib outcomes fro thep je t. Suc o o e s uldb
    ng le              m      ro c     h utc m s ho       e
  p s nte in measurable terms s h a “
   re e d                        uc s increases in access”
  or “decreases in barriers.” im o nt toha s e ifie g a
                                p rta     ve p c d o ls
  a o je tive .
   nd b c s
3) Follow-Up on Contacts

 Re e
    c ivingfund o ed e no g ra es s q nt
               ing nc o s t ua nte ub e ue
 fund . It isa a im o nt tofa ilita ap s
     ing       lw ys p rta     c te o itivew rking
 relationship b tw e thea e y a thefund r.
               e en      g nc nd       e

 W the fund isg nte o no follow-up isac ia p rt
   he r     ing ra d r t,               ruc l a
  o thefund p c s . Fo w o n invo sd c ve
   f        ing ro e s llo -up fte           lve is o ring
  w thep je t w sturne d w o w t ne d tob d neto
    hy    ro c a           d o n r ha e s         e o
  e urecontinued funding. Fund o e c n a s t
   ns                             ing ffic rs a s is
  a e ie b c rifyingw t thefund r islo kingfo in s e ific
   g nc s y la           ha          e      o     r   pc
  p je t p p s ls
   ro c ro o a .
 Group exercise of preparing a funding proposal
How to Make Contact/Need Identification

 He , the a fo g ne l s p tofo w
    re re re ur e ra te s      llo .

1.Staff: w a s ns
          ho re e itiveto d rs is ue e p c lly
                           ive ity s s s e ia
  p rta
   e iningtoa ea e
               g nd thnic ity.

2.Community consultations w s e ifice
                            ith p c  thno ultura
                                          -c     l
  g up in o e to d c ve w t iss e ific lly im o nt
   ro s     rd r     is o r ha    pc a       p rta
  tothe . Like is , the m t c ns tio w
       m      w e re us o ulta ns ith
  p s e tivec m unity p rtne a e ie to d c ve w t
   ro p c     o m         a r g nc s    is o r ha
  s rvic sthe d a d no p vid –a w
   e e       y o nd o t ro e nd hy.
Community Consultation Process
 Flye w rep s din lo a m lls a a e b ing a
      rs e o te      c l a , p rtm nt uild s nd
    re re tio c ntre invitings nio tos rethe c nc rns
      c a n e s               e rs ha          ir o e .
   RW s ff info e a e y c ntso theo p rtunity to
        C ta        rm d g nc lie       f     po
    p rtic a in thec ns tio .
     a ip te          o ulta ns
   C ns tio w reo re a d re tim s d ysa
      o ulta ns e ffe d t iffe nt e , a nd
    lo a nstoe urea c s ib
      c tio       ns    c e s ility a p rtic a n.
                                     nd a ip tio
   Tra p rta n w sp vid db w y o b tic tso ta rid s
        ns o tio a ro e y a f us ke r xi e
    toa s t s nio toa ndthec ns tio .
        s is e rs tte             o ulta ns
   Ethno p c m e sw rehe in lo a a a e m e
          -s e ific e ting e        ld    c l p rtm nt e ting
    ro m a a theRe a W m n’ C ntre
      o s nd t         xd le o e s e .
Community Consultation Process
 C m unity s nio w rea ke w t the fe w rethe
   o m       e rs e s d ha y lt e            ir
    g a s b rrie toc m unity s rvic s
     re te t a rs o m            e e.
   Re a W m n’ C ntres ff m m e p vid dtra la n
       xd le o e s e          ta e b rs ro e    ns tio
    a inte re tio s rvic sw n ne e s ry.
     nd      rp ta n e e he c s a
   Re s e w reo re a a c ns tio s h a c ffe ,
       fre hm nts e ffe d t ll o ulta ns uc s o e
    te , fruit a b c .
      a         nd is uits
   TheRe a W m n’ C ntreo re fre c c res rvic s
            xd le o e s e        ffe d e hild a e e
    w n c ns tio w reo re a thea e y.
      he o ulta ns e ffe d t            g nc
   C ns tio w refa ilita db theP je t C o ina r w
      o ulta ns e          c te y     ro c o rd to ho
    m tic us no da o thes nio ’ o e .
      e ulo ly te ll f          e rs c nc rns
   Thre m s im o nt is ue w rehig hte .
          e o t p rta s s e          hlig d
3.    Discover issues of common social
        concern across ethnicity
 Them in s te y in c s -c
      a tra g        ro s ultura c m unity
                                l o m
 d ve p e istob
  e lo m nt        ringto e r p o lea ro sthe
                         g the e p c s       ir
 d rs a a s t the to w rk to e r to a d s
  ive ity nd s is m         o   g the    d re s
 s c l c nc rnstha a c a o the re a le so
  o ia o e        t ffe t ll f m g rd s f
 cultura b c ro
        l a kg unde . b rrie tore re tio a
                      .g a rs     c a n nd
 p ve tivehe lth c re
  re nta       a a .
4.The Cross-Cultural Forum/Consultations
 ECSAP o a d e ht s c s ful c m unity c ns tio
         rg nize ig uc e s    o m       o ulta n
    me s
     e ting :

 Thes m s p rt o re in thec m unity c ns tio
      a e up o ffe d        o m       o ulta ns
  w reo re he s h a inte re rsa tra p rta n.
    e ffe d re uc s rp te nd ns o tio
 Thed y, tim a lo a n o thise nt w sthem s c nve nt fo
       a     e nd c tio f     ve a         o t o nie     r
  thes nio b s d o thec ns tio p s .
      e rs a e n       o ulta ns ha e
 Thea e aw sb s d o theke is ue tha w rep d te ine
       g nd a a e n         y s s t e re e rm d
  fro thec ns tio p s .
     m     o ulta ns ha e
 Se rsw reim e ia ly a leto re o nizetheis ue the he in
    nio e       m d te b       cg          s s y ld
  c m o re a le so e
   o m n g rd s f thno ultura b c ro .
                         -c    l a kg und
4.The Cross-Cultural Forum/Consultations
 The w rethre m in o o e fro thefo :
     re e     e a utc m s m        rum

 Trust networks w ree ta lis d a re rc db
                  e s b he nd info e y
  Ele tingre re e tivefro e c e
      c      p s nta         m a h thnicg up thus
  s ttingthefo a n to w rk to e r.
   e           und tio       o    g the
 Effective facilitator b a p rtic a d m ns tingthe
                         y ll a ip nts e o tra
  p je t w uld b run in ac m e nt a p e m nne
   ro c o         e          o p te nd rud nt a r.
 Contact listing o a p o le
                    f ll e p
How to Train and Mobilize
Em o e e
    p w rm nt
C m unity d ve p e
  o m         e lo m nt
Fa ilita d rs
   c te ive ity
Ed a n a tra
   uc tio nd ining
Mobilize a undis ue im o nt tothe a the lo a
           ro     s s p rta       m nd ir c l
 c m unity.
  o m
PuttingTraining Into Action

 “ w d eisp w r.”
  kno le g  o e (info a n w rks p a tra
                     rm tio o ho s nd ining )
How to Train and Mobilize
    In ECSAP, thes nio p the tra
                    e rs ut ir iningintoa tio in s ve l w ys
                                              c n e ra a :
   The m d im o nt d p tio a To ntoC Ha b th in
        y a e p rta e uta ns t ro              ity ll o
    Eng h a w ll a in the m the to ue
        lis s e s          ir o r ng s
   The lo b d lo a c c unc rsa o ia thro h p titio
        y b ie c l ity o illo nd ffic ls           ug e ns
    a in fa e -fa em e s
     nd      c -to c e ting
   The c ula dp titio fo e nc dre re tio a p ve tive
        y irc te e ns r nha e c a n nd re nta
    he lth s rvic sfo the o n c m unity
      a e e r ir w o m
   The e a e in m ip l a fe e l e c n c m a nsa to k
        y ng g d      unic a nd d ra le tio a p ig nd o
    info a n b c tothe e
        rm tio a k        ir thno ultura p e
                                 -c     l e rs
   Ove ll re ultso the ea tivitie w reg a r c
        ra s        f s c         s e re te ivicp rtic a n a
                                                   a ip tio nd
    ad c a ein is la n a o s thes nio
       e re s      o tio m ng t       e rs
How to Evaluate Success
 It isim o nt to o a
         p rta     rg nizeas te a , o je tiveevaluation:
                            ys m tic b c
  a)    a o o p c s (p c s e lua n)
         n ng ing ro e s ro e s va tio
  b)    o o e rie d (o o ee lua n)
         utc m -o nte        utc m va tio
  c)    fe d a k fro internal a external stakeholders o the
          ebc       m          nd                      f        p je t
                                                                 ro c
  d)    a outside third party to e urethea nym o inte w e
         n                        ns      no   ity f     rvie e s
        to a ws ke ld rsto c nd ly re p nd to e lua n q s ns
            llo ta ho e         a id    so      va tio ue tio
        w ut fe r o re ris l o m rg liza n.
          itho    a f p a r a ina tio

Project Success and Celebration

 to w rk fo c ntinue fund
       o     r o     d    ing
 to a c furthe inte s
      ttra t     r   re t
 to e lo m rec m unity d ve p e o p rtunitie
      xp re o o m           e lo m nt p o    s
 The Ethno-Cultural Seniors Advocacy Project (ECSAP) began in
  March 1998.
  Thep je t w sd e into thre d c teye c nne te p s sin
       ro c a ivid d        e is re  t o c d ha e
  o e m e isp a g a :
   rd r e t   rim ry o ls

 To id ntify a he e ina b rrie w h p ve e
       e       nd lp lim te a rs hic re nt thno ultura
                                               -c     l
  s nio fro a c s ingre re tio a p ve tivehe lth s rvic s
   e rs m c e s           c a n nd re nta           a e e.
 To fo te a inc a ethec p c o e
        s r nd re s         a a ity f thno ultura s nio to e c
                                          -c      l e rs ffe t
   o itivec ng sw
            ha e ithin the o n c m unitie a to b c m the
                           ir w o m          s nd     e o e ir
  o n a vo a s
   w d c te .
 To fa ilita c lla o tio b tw e e
        c te o b ra ns e e n thno ultura s nio ,
                                         -c     l e rs
  s rvic a e ie a g ve e a e ie in o e to e c ly
   e e g nc s nd o rnm nt g nc s             rd r    ffe tive
  re re sid ntifie a c s is ue .
    d s e         d c es s s
In Phase I (April 1998 to March 1999):

 In thisp s , fund w so ta d ap je t c o ina r
          ha e     ing a b ine , ro c o rd to
 hire , a c m unity c ns tio he toa s t e
      d nd o m         o ulta ns ld       s is thno-
 cultura s nio id ntify b rrie toa c s ings rvic sw the
        l e rs e         a rs c e s        e e ith
 C o To nto sParks and Recreation a Public Health
   ity f ro ’                          nd
 d p rtm ntsre p c ly.
  ea e        s e tive

The eb rrie inc e la k o a c s to
   s a rs lud d c f c e s :

c ultura s ns
         lly e itives rvic s p lics a e c m unity
                     e e , ub p c , o m
 info a n, a c c re(fo g nd hild n).
      rm tio nd hild a        r ra c re
 Ethno ultura s nio fa e s nific nt la ua e
        -c    l e rs c d ig        a ng g ,
 tra p rta n a fina ia b rrie a w ll.
    ns o tio nd    nc l a rs s e
Phase II (April 1999 to March 2000):
 Org nize e ht e
     a d ig thno ultura s nio g up to d ve p a vo a y s
                  -c   l e rs ro s     e lo d c c killsin
  o e to a d s thea re e ne b rrie .
    rd r   d re s  fo m ntio d a rs
 The eg up w re(a ) s nio fro So a Gha ia Sri La n,
       s ro s e    re e rs m m li,         na n,     nka
  Ita n, Sp nis P
     lia   a h, unja i, W s Ind n a P kis ni d s e .
                    b    e t ia nd a ta e c nts

 Ba e o there o m nd tio o thec ns tio m s a a vo a y g up
    sd n      c m e a ns f      o ulta n tg , n d c c ro
  o s nio fro e ht c
   f e rs m ig ultura c m unitie w sfo e .
                     l o m      s a rm d

 Fro ECSAP as a r w rkingg up –Rexdale Ethno-Cultural
     m        m lle o      ro
  Seniors (RECS) - w se ta lis d w tw re re e tive fro e c e
                    a s b he ith o p s nta s m a h thnic
  g up
   ro .

 RECS b c m a tivem m e o the c m unity lo b
        ea e c      e b rs f ir o m        b yingfo b tte
                                                   r e r
  p ve tivehe lth a re re tio s rvic s RECS m d d p tio a
   re nta        a nd c a n e e .               a e e uta ns t
  To nto City Ha a p rtic a d in lo a c m unity fo sp rta
    ro            ll nd a ip te        cl o m       rum e iningto
  re re tio he lth s rvic s RECS’ g o w rk w sa kno le g d in
    c a n a e e.                   od o     a c w de
  Se te b r 2 0 w n theg up re e d theC o To nto sYear 2000
    p m e 0 0 he             ro    c ive    ity f ro ’
  Neighbourlies Award.
Phase III (September 2000 through August 2001):

 ECSAP c ntinue tow rk w itsp rtic a tofurthe re
         o      d   o    ith  a ip nts        r fine
  the a vo a y a le d rs s .
     ir d c c nd a e hip kills
 The ee rtsc ntinue tole dto a as ng ne a
      s ffo o          d     a w rd tre the d nd
  m ree c
    o ffe tivee  thno ultura s nio sa vo a y vo e
                      -c     l e r’ d c c      ic .
 ECSAP a ob g n d ve p a“ s urc m d l” a e o the
            ls e a e lo ing re o e o e b s d n
  e e nc so thep je t tha c uldb us da ag efo
   xp rie e f        ro c     t o   e e s uid r
  o r c s -c
   the ro s ultura s nio g up a c m unity a e ie
                    l e rs ro s nd o m           g nc s
  inte s din fa ilita
      re te    c tinga vo a y a c
                           d c c nd ivicp rtic a n
                                          a ip tio
  a o se
   m ng t thno ultura s nio .
               -c       l e rs
 ECSAP ha afo a e lua n c m le dtoo r va -
             d   rm l va tio o p te        ffe lue
  a d dfe d a k tothep je t'ss ke ld rs It w sa ip te
   de ebc                ro c ta ho e .       a ntic a d
  thise lua n w uldp vid va b ins htstha m ht
       va tio o          ro e lua le ig        t ig
  c ntrib tothep je t’ lo -te s ta b
   o      ute      ro c s ng rm us ina ility.
Phase IV (2001-present)

   Se rsW rkingGro
      nio     o        up
   Re a Ethno ultura Se rs
      xd le       -c    l nio
   EthicGro sin c m unity
             up      o m
   Othe initia s
        r      tive
 Org nize a c ire m e sw P rks& Re re tio s ff to
     a d nd ha d e ting ith a      c a n ta
    a d s s nio sis ue
     d re s e r’ s s
   Re e d Ne hb urlie Aw rd in 2 0 fo the c
       c ive   ig o      s a     0 1 r ir ivicw rk a
                                                  o nd
    c m unity invo m nt
     o m          lve e
   P rtic a d a o a d p litic l fo sd
     a ip te nd rg nize o a rum uringe c ns  le tio
   Wo d w P licHe lth to o ta fund fo p je tsg a d to
        rke ith ub        a   b in   ing r ro c e re
    he lthie c m unity living
      a     r o m
   Wo d w theC o To nto Tre sa P rksFo a n to p nt
        rke ith     ity f ro      e nd a      und tio  la
    na tre sin Re a P rk
      tive e       xd le a
                           Ma ed p tio in the
                              d e uta ns      ir
                            o n la ua e
                             w ng g
                           P s nte p titio , to C
                             re e d e ns          ity
                            o To nto c m itte o
                             f ro       o m e n
                            re re tio l us rsfe
                              c a na e e
                           Fe ture in lo a a c
                              a d        c l nd ity
                            ne s a e re a ingthe
                              w p p rs g rd         ir
                            c lle tivee rtsto
                             o c       ffo
                            o a
                             rg nizea b
                                      nd ring
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E1 Empowering Immigrant Seniors to Advocate for Better Community services: A train-the-trainer model_Saadia Akram-Pall

  • 2. About Us Re a W m n’ C ntreisa xd le o e s e n ind p nd nt, no r-p fit, vo ee e t-fo ro luntary a e y tha s rve hig g nc t e s h-ne dw m n e o e a the d p nd ntsin No rn nd ir e e a rthe Eto ic ke b o .
  • 3. Arabic Tamil Punjabi Farsi Croatia n Chinese Somali English Spanish West Urdu India n Dia lect Serbian French Hindi Twi Italian Assy Dari rian Pashto Bosnian
  • 4. A Model of Community Development Salient Features of Ethno-Cultural Seniors Program:  Diffic tofindap lis dm d l o c s -c ult ub he o e f ro s ultural c m unity d ve p e te hniq s s te ie o p c e o m e lo m nt c ue , tra g s r ra tic s s e ific lly a e a o a p c a im d t rg nizinge thno ultura s nio in a -c l e rs m ultura s tting the a s m b m inly fo us o ultic l e ; re re o e ut a c ing n ho o e o g up d vo o c m g ne us ro s e id f ultura d re e . l iffe nc s  Our p je t w stoa d s ne d o m ro c a d re s e s f ulticultura s nio l e rs g a dto a s“m o e e re w rd e p w ringa e b nd na linge thno ultura -c l s nio in ac m le m ultura urb n c nte toe c ly e rs o p x ultic l a o xt ffe tive a d s is ue o c m o s c l c nc rn(s d re s s s f o m n o ia o e ).”
  • 5. STEP I: How to Lay a Foundation    What issues are to be addressed?   Community need(s) must be identified and understood.  How are they to be addressed?  Ava b re o e to a d s the ene d . ila le s urc s d re s s e s These resources extend beyond mere money. Resources also include valued assets such as: - Kno le g a c a w d e nd re tivity b s d o hum n e e nc ae n a xp rie e - Me tings a e in lo a m llso a a e b ing e pcs c l a r p rtm nt uild s - P o lew w e p ith illing s a a ne s nd ttitud sto g t invo d e e lve - Of c urs , fina ia re o e tha c m fro fund s urc s o e nc l s urc s t o e m ing o e c n m ke s c a a s e uringo r re o e m h e s r. the s urc s uc a ie
  • 6. Community-Needs Analysis  Id ntifyingane d a e c ly a ula e e nd ffe tive rtic tingit.  Thea ility to s b urve o ’ e y ne s nviro e a re o nize“ nm nt nd c g what’ s wrong” r o “ what is missing”Thus ane d a lys m t d s ve l thing : , e s na is us o e ra s  Id ntify thep b ma p vid e e eane d e ts e ro le nd ro e vid nc e xis  Think a o w ysthep b mc uld b b s a d s e b ut a ro le o e e t d re s d  De lo (a le s te tive are lis , p c a s lutio ve p t a t nta ly) a tic ra tic l o n  Thro h e e eg the d fro c ntsa s ff, theRexdale Women’s ug vid nc a re m lie nd ta Centre id ntifie tha e e d t thno ultura s nio w ree e nc -c l e rs e xp rie ing d p p rtio teb rrie to a e ua re re tio a p ve tivehe lth is ro o na a rs d q te c a n nd re nta a s rvic sin the c m unity. e e ir o m  A d ta d p n w sd ve p d a e a re re s the eis ue a a e ile la a e lo e im d t d s ing s s s nd fund p p s l w sp p re . ing ro o a a re a d
  • 7. The Funding Proposal  Se uringp je t fund ne dno b a d c ro c ing e t e s iffic a is ult s c m o im g d To thise , a e ie c n inc a e o m nly a ine . nd g nc s a re s the fund o p rtunitie if the fo wthre g ne l ir ing p o s y llo e e ra s p: te s 1) finda m tc nd a h 2 fo uso o o e ) c n utc m s 3 fo w o c nta ts ) llo -up n o c .
  • 8. Find and Match  Toid ntify o find thene d e r e  Tofindp te l fund rsw w uldb w o ntia e ho o e illingtoc m it o m re o e toa a e y w s urc s n g nc illingtom e s h ne d . e t uc e s  Thea ility tofindane da match it toap te l fund r isa b e nd o ntia e s tha s p ra sm ny s c s ful p je t p p s lsfro kill t e a te a uc e s ro c ro o a m m ny uns c s ful o s a uc e s ne .  In thec s o ECSAP, theRexdale Women’s Centre w sa le ae f a b toid ntify thene d in itsc m unity p rta e es o m e iningtob rrie a rs fa e b e c d y thno ultura s nio . Se o , RW a p a he -c l e rs c nd C p ro c d Canadian Heritage, Multiculturalism Canada tofundthis p je t. ro c
  • 9. 2) Focus on Outcomes  He the a tw im o nt p ints re re re o p rta o :    Thea e y m t b c nne te totheis uein aw y tha g nc us e o c d s a t d m ns te competence. In ins nc sw retheCentre d e o tra s ta e he id no ha e e e it d ve p dpartnerships w c m unity t ve xp rtis , e lo e ith o m a e ie s h a Parks and Recreation, Public Health, a the g nc s uc s nd City of Toronto.  W n a a e y isa letos wc m e nc , it c n the o r he n g nc b ho o p te e a n ffe ta ib outcomes fro thep je t. Suc o o e s uldb ng le m ro c h utc m s ho e p s nte in measurable terms s h a “ re e d uc s increases in access” or “decreases in barriers.” im o nt toha s e ifie g a p rta ve p c d o ls a o je tive . nd b c s
  • 10. 3) Follow-Up on Contacts  Re e c ivingfund o ed e no g ra es s q nt ing nc o s t ua nte ub e ue fund . It isa a im o nt tofa ilita ap s ing lw ys p rta c te o itivew rking o relationship b tw e thea e y a thefund r. e en g nc nd e  W the fund isg nte o no follow-up isac ia p rt he r ing ra d r t, ruc l a o thefund p c s . Fo w o n invo sd c ve f ing ro e s llo -up fte lve is o ring w thep je t w sturne d w o w t ne d tob d neto hy ro c a d o n r ha e s e o e urecontinued funding. Fund o e c n a s t ns ing ffic rs a s is a e ie b c rifyingw t thefund r islo kingfo in s e ific g nc s y la ha e o r pc p je t p p s ls ro c ro o a .  Group exercise of preparing a funding proposal
  • 11. STEP II: How to Make Contact/Need Identification  He , the a fo g ne l s p tofo w re re re ur e ra te s llo . 1.Staff: w a s ns ho re e itiveto d rs is ue e p c lly ive ity s s s e ia p rta e iningtoa ea e g nd thnic ity. 2.Community consultations w s e ifice ith p c thno ultura -c l g up in o e to d c ve w t iss e ific lly im o nt ro s rd r is o r ha pc a p rta tothe . Like is , the m t c ns tio w m w e re us o ulta ns ith p s e tivec m unity p rtne a e ie to d c ve w t ro p c o m a r g nc s is o r ha s rvic sthe d a d no p vid –a w e e y o nd o t ro e nd hy.
  • 12. Community Consultation Process  Flye w rep s din lo a m lls a a e b ing a rs e o te c l a , p rtm nt uild s nd re re tio c ntre invitings nio tos rethe c nc rns c a n e s e rs ha ir o e .  RW s ff info e a e y c ntso theo p rtunity to C ta rm d g nc lie f po p rtic a in thec ns tio . a ip te o ulta ns  C ns tio w reo re a d re tim s d ysa o ulta ns e ffe d t iffe nt e , a nd lo a nstoe urea c s ib c tio ns c e s ility a p rtic a n. nd a ip tio  Tra p rta n w sp vid db w y o b tic tso ta rid s ns o tio a ro e y a f us ke r xi e toa s t s nio toa ndthec ns tio . s is e rs tte o ulta ns  Ethno p c m e sw rehe in lo a a a e m e -s e ific e ting e ld c l p rtm nt e ting ro m a a theRe a W m n’ C ntre o s nd t xd le o e s e .
  • 13. Community Consultation Process  C m unity s nio w rea ke w t the fe w rethe o m e rs e s d ha y lt e ir g a s b rrie toc m unity s rvic s re te t a rs o m e e.  Re a W m n’ C ntres ff m m e p vid dtra la n xd le o e s e ta e b rs ro e ns tio a inte re tio s rvic sw n ne e s ry. nd rp ta n e e he c s a  Re s e w reo re a a c ns tio s h a c ffe , fre hm nts e ffe d t ll o ulta ns uc s o e te , fruit a b c . a nd is uits  TheRe a W m n’ C ntreo re fre c c res rvic s xd le o e s e ffe d e hild a e e w n c ns tio w reo re a thea e y. he o ulta ns e ffe d t g nc  C ns tio w refa ilita db theP je t C o ina r w o ulta ns e c te y ro c o rd to ho m tic us no da o thes nio ’ o e . e ulo ly te ll f e rs c nc rns  Thre m s im o nt is ue w rehig hte . e o t p rta s s e hlig d
  • 14. 3. Discover issues of common social concern across ethnicity  Them in s te y in c s -c a tra g ro s ultura c m unity l o m d ve p e istob e lo m nt ringto e r p o lea ro sthe g the e p c s ir d rs a a s t the to w rk to e r to a d s ive ity nd s is m o g the d re s s c l c nc rnstha a c a o the re a le so o ia o e t ffe t ll f m g rd s f cultura b c ro l a kg unde . b rrie tore re tio a .g a rs c a n nd p ve tivehe lth c re re nta a a .
  • 15. 4.The Cross-Cultural Forum/Consultations    ECSAP o a d e ht s c s ful c m unity c ns tio rg nize ig uc e s o m o ulta n me s e ting :  Thes m s p rt o re in thec m unity c ns tio a e up o ffe d o m o ulta ns w reo re he s h a inte re rsa tra p rta n. e ffe d re uc s rp te nd ns o tio  Thed y, tim a lo a n o thise nt w sthem s c nve nt fo a e nd c tio f ve a o t o nie r thes nio b s d o thec ns tio p s . e rs a e n o ulta ns ha e  Thea e aw sb s d o theke is ue tha w rep d te ine g nd a a e n y s s t e re e rm d fro thec ns tio p s . m o ulta ns ha e  Se rsw reim e ia ly a leto re o nizetheis ue the he in nio e m d te b cg s s y ld c m o re a le so e o m n g rd s f thno ultura b c ro . -c l a kg und
  • 16. 4.The Cross-Cultural Forum/Consultations  The w rethre m in o o e fro thefo : re e e a utc m s m rum  Trust networks w ree ta lis d a re rc db e s b he nd info e y Ele tingre re e tivefro e c e c p s nta m a h thnicg up thus ro s ttingthefo a n to w rk to e r. e und tio o g the  Effective facilitator b a p rtic a d m ns tingthe y ll a ip nts e o tra p je t w uld b run in ac m e nt a p e m nne ro c o e o p te nd rud nt a r.  Contact listing o a p o le f ll e p
  • 17. STEP III: How to Train and Mobilize Em o e e p w rm nt C m unity d ve p e o m e lo m nt Fa ilita d rs c te ive ity Ed a n a tra uc tio nd ining Mobilize a undis ue im o nt tothe a the lo a ro s s p rta m nd ir c l c m unity. o m PuttingTraining Into Action  “ w d eisp w r.” kno le g o e (info a n w rks p a tra rm tio o ho s nd ining ) s  
  • 18. How to Train and Mobilize In ECSAP, thes nio p the tra e rs ut ir iningintoa tio in s ve l w ys c n e ra a :  The m d im o nt d p tio a To ntoC Ha b th in y a e p rta e uta ns t ro ity ll o Eng h a w ll a in the m the to ue lis s e s ir o r ng s  The lo b d lo a c c unc rsa o ia thro h p titio y b ie c l ity o illo nd ffic ls ug e ns a in fa e -fa em e s nd c -to c e ting  The c ula dp titio fo e nc dre re tio a p ve tive y irc te e ns r nha e c a n nd re nta he lth s rvic sfo the o n c m unity a e e r ir w o m  The e a e in m ip l a fe e l e c n c m a nsa to k y ng g d unic a nd d ra le tio a p ig nd o info a n b c tothe e rm tio a k ir thno ultura p e -c l e rs  Ove ll re ultso the ea tivitie w reg a r c ra s f s c s e re te ivicp rtic a n a a ip tio nd ad c a ein is la n a o s thes nio e re s o tio m ng t e rs
  • 19. STEP IV: How to Evaluate Success  It isim o nt to o a p rta rg nizeas te a , o je tiveevaluation: ys m tic b c a) a o o p c s (p c s e lua n) n ng ing ro e s ro e s va tio b) o o e rie d (o o ee lua n) utc m -o nte utc m va tio c) fe d a k fro internal a external stakeholders o the ebc m nd f p je t ro c d) a outside third party to e urethea nym o inte w e n ns no ity f rvie e s to a ws ke ld rsto c nd ly re p nd to e lua n q s ns llo ta ho e a id so va tio ue tio w ut fe r o re ris l o m rg liza n. itho a f p a r a ina tio Project Success and Celebration  to w rk fo c ntinue fund o r o d ing  to a c furthe inte s ttra t r re t  to e lo m rec m unity d ve p e o p rtunitie xp re o o m e lo m nt p o s
  • 20. PROJECT DESCRIPTION  The Ethno-Cultural Seniors Advocacy Project (ECSAP) began in March 1998. Thep je t w sd e into thre d c teye c nne te p s sin ro c a ivid d e is re t o c d ha e o e m e isp a g a : rd r e t rim ry o ls  To id ntify a he e ina b rrie w h p ve e e nd lp lim te a rs hic re nt thno ultura -c l s nio fro a c s ingre re tio a p ve tivehe lth s rvic s e rs m c e s c a n nd re nta a e e.  To fo te a inc a ethec p c o e s r nd re s a a ity f thno ultura s nio to e c -c l e rs ffe t ps o itivec ng sw ha e ithin the o n c m unitie a to b c m the ir w o m s nd e o e ir o n a vo a s w d c te .  To fa ilita c lla o tio b tw e e c te o b ra ns e e n thno ultura s nio , -c l e rs s rvic a e ie a g ve e a e ie in o e to e c ly e e g nc s nd o rnm nt g nc s rd r ffe tive re re sid ntifie a c s is ue . d s e d c es s s
  • 21. In Phase I (April 1998 to March 1999):  In thisp s , fund w so ta d ap je t c o ina r ha e ing a b ine , ro c o rd to hire , a c m unity c ns tio he toa s t e d nd o m o ulta ns ld s is thno- cultura s nio id ntify b rrie toa c s ings rvic sw the l e rs e a rs c e s e e ith C o To nto sParks and Recreation a Public Health ity f ro ’ nd d p rtm ntsre p c ly. ea e s e tive The eb rrie inc e la k o a c s to s a rs lud d c f c e s : c ultura s ns lly e itives rvic s p lics a e c m unity e e , ub p c , o m  info a n, a c c re(fo g nd hild n). rm tio nd hild a r ra c re  Ethno ultura s nio fa e s nific nt la ua e -c l e rs c d ig a ng g , tra p rta n a fina ia b rrie a w ll. ns o tio nd nc l a rs s e
  • 22. Phase II (April 1999 to March 2000):  Org nize e ht e a d ig thno ultura s nio g up to d ve p a vo a y s -c l e rs ro s e lo d c c killsin o e to a d s thea re e ne b rrie . rd r d re s fo m ntio d a rs  The eg up w re(a ) s nio fro So a Gha ia Sri La n, s ro s e re e rs m m li, na n, nka Ita n, Sp nis P lia a h, unja i, W s Ind n a P kis ni d s e . b e t ia nd a ta e c nts  Ba e o there o m nd tio o thec ns tio m s a a vo a y g up sd n c m e a ns f o ulta n tg , n d c c ro o s nio fro e ht c f e rs m ig ultura c m unitie w sfo e . l o m s a rm d  Fro ECSAP as a r w rkingg up –Rexdale Ethno-Cultural m m lle o ro Seniors (RECS) - w se ta lis d w tw re re e tive fro e c e a s b he ith o p s nta s m a h thnic g up ro .  RECS b c m a tivem m e o the c m unity lo b ea e c e b rs f ir o m b yingfo b tte r e r p ve tivehe lth a re re tio s rvic s RECS m d d p tio a re nta a nd c a n e e . a e e uta ns t To nto City Ha a p rtic a d in lo a c m unity fo sp rta ro ll nd a ip te cl o m rum e iningto re re tio he lth s rvic s RECS’ g o w rk w sa kno le g d in c a n a e e. od o a c w de Se te b r 2 0 w n theg up re e d theC o To nto sYear 2000 p m e 0 0 he ro c ive ity f ro ’ Neighbourlies Award.
  • 23. Phase III (September 2000 through August 2001):  ECSAP c ntinue tow rk w itsp rtic a tofurthe re o d o ith a ip nts r fine the a vo a y a le d rs s . ir d c c nd a e hip kills  The ee rtsc ntinue tole dto a as ng ne a s ffo o d a w rd tre the d nd m ree c o ffe tivee thno ultura s nio sa vo a y vo e -c l e r’ d c c ic .  ECSAP a ob g n d ve p a“ s urc m d l” a e o the ls e a e lo ing re o e o e b s d n e e nc so thep je t tha c uldb us da ag efo xp rie e f ro c t o e e s uid r o r c s -c the ro s ultura s nio g up a c m unity a e ie l e rs ro s nd o m g nc s inte s din fa ilita re te c tinga vo a y a c d c c nd ivicp rtic a n a ip tio a o se m ng t thno ultura s nio . -c l e rs  ECSAP ha afo a e lua n c m le dtoo r va - d rm l va tio o p te ffe lue a d dfe d a k tothep je t'ss ke ld rs It w sa ip te de ebc ro c ta ho e . a ntic a d thise lua n w uldp vid va b ins htstha m ht va tio o ro e lua le ig t ig c ntrib tothep je t’ lo -te s ta b o ute ro c s ng rm us ina ility.
  • 24. Phase IV (2001-present)  Se rsW rkingGro nio o up  Re a Ethno ultura Se rs xd le -c l nio  EthicGro sin c m unity up o m  Othe initia s r tive
  • 25. Accomplishments  Org nize a c ire m e sw P rks& Re re tio s ff to a d nd ha d e ting ith a c a n ta a d s s nio sis ue d re s e r’ s s  Re e d Ne hb urlie Aw rd in 2 0 fo the c c ive ig o s a 0 1 r ir ivicw rk a o nd c m unity invo m nt o m lve e  P rtic a d a o a d p litic l fo sd a ip te nd rg nize o a rum uringe c ns le tio  Wo d w P licHe lth to o ta fund fo p je tsg a d to rke ith ub a b in ing r ro c e re he lthie c m unity living a r o m  Wo d w theC o To nto Tre sa P rksFo a n to p nt rke ith ity f ro e nd a und tio la na tre sin Re a P rk tive e xd le a
  • 26. Accomplishments  Ma ed p tio in the d e uta ns ir o n la ua e w ng g  P s nte p titio , to C re e d e ns ity o To nto c m itte o f ro o m e n re re tio l us rsfe c a na e e  Fe ture in lo a a c a d c l nd ity ne s a e re a ingthe w p p rs g rd ir c lle tivee rtsto o c ffo o a rg nizea b nd ring •Collected names on a c ng sin the ha e ir c m unity o m petition to establish a dental clinic which includes services for seniors
  • 27. Accomplishments  REC C irp rs n (Ro e Ko re e dtheSe r’ S ha e o b rt il) c ive nio s Ac ve e Aw rdin 2 0 thro h theP vinc a a o hie m nt a 03 ug ro e nd ls vo ingo c nc rnsthro h theMa r’ Se r Fo ic ur o e ug yo s nio rum  12s nio re e dtheP vinc l Vo e rs c ive ro ia lunte r Se eAw rdin e rvic a 20 04  REC Gro re e dC o To ntoC m unity Se e S up c ive ity f ro o m rvic Vo lunte r Aw rdin 2 0 e a 05