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Центр дистанционного обучения
Колледж приборостроения и информационных технологий
Иностранный язык
Презентация на тему: «Collocations»
ФИО преподавателя: Платонова А.А.
Центр дистанционного обучения
В английском, как и в других языках, живут и развиваются
крайне интересные явления – одним из таких явлений стала
Давайте узнаем, что это такое, для чего коллокации нужны в
речи и как эффективнее запомнить их и успешно использовать.
Что такое коллокация
Коллокации или collocation (произносится как «коллокейшн») –
это устойчивые словосочетания, которые представляют собой
целостную единицу как с точки зрения семантики, так и в плане
Примеры таких словосочетаний есть и в русском языке.
Достаточно сравнить такие фразы как «крепкие мышцы» и
«крепкий чай», «внести мебель в комнату» и «внести
поправки», «глубокое озеро» и «глубокий смысл» - и обратить
внимание, что вторая часть каждой сравниваемой «пары»
Именно это и есть те самые collocations.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Большинство коллокаций в английском языке (примерно 77%) состоят
из двух слов или компонентов - у остальных состав может быть чуть
шире, однако на примере двухсловных фраз легче понять их
Один из компонентов такого словосочетания называется свободным
или ключевым – у high temperature это слово temperature, у fast
food это food.
Именно свободный компонент предназначен для выражения заданного
смысла и подбирается говорящим по контексту или цели сказанного.
Второй компонент (high, fast в словосочетаниях выше) - несвободный.
Он выбирается исходя из смысла ключевого компонента и
определяется традицией.
Центр дистанционного обучения
What is a collocation?
Collocation is a pair of or group of words that are
often used together (word partner). These
combinations sound natural to native speakers,
but students of English have to make a special
effort to learn them because they are often
difficult to guess. Some combinations just sound
wrong to native speaker of English. For example
the adjective “fast” collocates with food, but not
with a meal
Центр дистанционного обучения
Sometimes, a pair of words may not be obviously wrong, and people will
understand what is meant, but it may not be the natural, normal
collocation. If someone says I did a few mistakes
they will be understood, but fluent English would probably say
I made a few mistakes.
If you want to use a word naturally, you need to learn the other words
often go with in it. It can be different from language to language. For
example, in English we say:
I missed the bus.(NOT I lost the bus)
She committed suicide.(NOT she undertook or did suicide)
Центр дистанционного обучения
Here are examples of collocation:
Natural English Unnatural English
The fast train The quick train
Fast food Quick food
A quick shower A fast shower
A quick meal A fast meal
A heavy smoker Not a strong smoker Or a big smoker
A serious illness A strong or big illness
Miss the bus Not lost the bus
Made a mistake Not did a mistake
Центр дистанционного обучения
Lexical and Grammatical Collocations
Lexical Collocation
is a type of construction where a verb, noun, adjective or adverb forms a
predictable connection with another word, as in:
Adverb + Adjective:
completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied)
Adjective + Noun:
excruciating pain (NOT excruciating joy)
Noun + Verb:
lions roar (NOT lions shout)
Verb + Noun:
commit suicide (NOT undertake suicide)
Центр дистанционного обучения
Grammatical Collocation
is a type of construction where for example a verb or adjective must be
followed by a particular preposition, or a noun must be followed by a
particular form of the verb, as in:
Verb + Preposition :
depend on (NOT depend of)
Adjective + Preposition :
afraid of (NOT afraid at)
Noun + Particular form of verb:
strength to lift it (not strength lifting it)
Центр дистанционного обучения
Adverb +Adjective e.g fully aware, happily married
•I am fully aware that it is impossible to finish the task in a week.
•That sweet couple are happily married.
Словосочетания такого типа используются целиком для характеристики предмета
compeletely amazed – абсолютно пораженный
dead tired – смертельно уставший
Adjective +Noun e.g major problem, brief chat
•Unemployment is a major problem for the government at the moment.
•The lecturers had a brief chat about the students’ field work at the administration office.
Один из распространенных видов коллокаций. Ключевой компонент в них
используется для называния и обозначения предмета, несвободный – для его
quick shower – быстрый душ
fair deal – честная сделка
good luck – удача
Noun + Noun e.g a sense of pride, a pang of nostalgia
•If people have a sense of pride in their town, they are more likely to behave well there.
•Older people feel a pang of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.
Используются для обозначение предмета, на русский также переводятся именным
a bar of soap – кусок мыла
sense of humor – чувство юмора
Центр дистанционного обучения
Verb + Noun e.g launch the product, pose a problem
•The increase in oil prices certainly poses a problem for us.
•We are going to launch a new automatic motor in June 2019.
Коллокации, указывающие на действие и его объект или характеристику.
to go on foot – идти пешком
to start a fight –завязать драку
Verb + Adverb e.g smiled happily, whispered softly
•Nadia smiled happily as she watched the children playing in the garden.
•My mother whispered softly in my ear that she would always love me.
Verb collocations – наиболее многочисленная группа, включающая
коллокации с глаголом в качестве свободного компонента и других частей
речи в качестве несвободного. Сочетания с наречиями называют действие
и описывают его особенности.
arrive on time – прибывать вовремя
pay extra – доплачивать
Центр дистанционного обучения
Noun + Verb e.g lion roars, economy boom
•The lion roars in the zoo.
•The economy boomed in 1990s.
Verb + Expression With preposition e.g burst into tears, swelling with pride
• When he saw his exam results, Rooney burst into tears.
•Swelling with pride, Stanley watched his daughter pick up her violin and
Те самые фразовые глаголы, которые вы уже наверняка знаете, также
относятся к коллокациям.
to be about – почти собраться, чтобы что-то сделать
to succeed in – преуспеть в чем-либо.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Центр дистанционного обучения
Idioms are group of words in a fixed order that have a meaning
that cannot be guessed by knowing meaning of the individual
words. for example,
pass the buck
is an idiom meaning to pass responsibility for a problem to
another person to avoid dealing with it oneself.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Put the following expressions into the correct category in the
table below
Ensure safety heavy rain teapot break a leg pitch dark
passport by the way hat trick
Collocation Idiom Compoun
Центр дистанционного обучения
Put the following expressions into the correct category in the
table below
heavy rain teapot pitch dark passport
by the way hat trick
Collocation Idiom Compoun
Ensure safety break a leg teapot
heavy rain by the way passport
pitch dark hat trick
Центр дистанционного обучения
Центр дистанционного обучения
Центр дистанционного обучения
Центр дистанционного обучения
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the left box and a
corresponding noun from the right box.
1 When our daughter found out that our cat was missing, she ______________ into
______________ and couldn't be stopped.
2 Our boss is often angry and ______________ his ______________ when things go wrong.
3 If she never posts anything on her personal website, she ______________ the ______________
of alienating her fans.
4 Not everything happens on its own. Sometimes you have to ______________ an
______________ to get things done.
5 Why don't you ______________ a ______________? You've been working so hard recently.
6 He has been the race preparing for months. He wants to ______________ his own
______________ and be the best in the world.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the left box and a
corresponding noun from the right box.
7 His car broke down, so I ______________ him a ______________ to the nearest garage.
8 Politicians often think we should ______________ ______________ in order to get more
money to spend.
9 The new teacher didn't ______________ the headmaster's ______________ and was fired after
only two months on the job.
10 The couple ______________ a ______________ only a few months after their wedding.
11 Dad ______________ his ______________ and took me to Disneyland in the summer holidays.
12 We ______________ a ______________ of the famous football player as we came down the
Центр дистанционного обучения
1 When our daughter found out that our cat was missing, she burst into tears and
couldn't be stopped.
2 Our boss is often angry and loses his temper when things go wrong.
3 If she never posts anything on her personal website, she runs the risk of alienating her
4 Not everything happens on its own. Sometimes you have to make an effort to get
things done.
5 Why don't you take a break? You've been working so hard recently.
6 He has been the race preparing for months. He wants to break his own record and be
the best in the world.
7 His car broke down, so I gave him a lift to the nearest garage.
8 Politicians often think we should raise taxes in order to get more money to spend.
9 The new teacher didn't meet the headmaster's expectations and was fired after only
two months on the job.
10 The couple got a divorce only a few months after their wedding.
11 Dad kept his promise and took me to Disneyland in the summer holidays.
12 We caught a glimpse of the famous football player as we came down the stairs.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Complete these sentences with a suitable word.
Great hard heavy missed start strong terribly told vitally wasted well wide
1. I really my family when I stayed in Canada on my own last year.
2. When I went into the children's room, the boys were both fast asleep, but Oliver was awake,
reading the Little Prince story.
3. I my time on that course; it was terrible.
4. I'm sure he is aware of the problem.
5. It's important that we finish this work by the end of the week.
6. We are sorry we are late, but we missed the bus and had to wait ages for another one.
7. We carried the carton of books up to the fourth floor, and it was very work.
8. She everyone the same joke, and nobody laughed.
9. I think they want to get married and a family.
10. My mum doesn't drink coffee at night because it keeps her awake
11. Everyone said the party was a success.
12. If this rain continues, I don't think we'll go to the beach.
Центр дистанционного обучения
1. I really missed my family when I stayed in Canada on my own last year.
2. When I went into the children's room, the boys were both fast asleep, but Oliver was wide awake,
reading the Little Prince story.
3. I wasted my time on that course; it was terrible.
4. I'm sure he is well aware of the problem.
5. It's vitally important that we finish this work by the end of the week.
6. We are terribly sorry we are late, but we missed the bus and had to wait ages for another one.
7. We carried the carton of books up to the fourth floor, and it was very hard work.
8. She told everyone the same joke, and nobody laughed.
9. I think they want to get married and start a family.
10. My mum doesn't drink strong coffee at night because it keeps her awake
11. Everyone said the party was a great success.
12. If this heavy rain continues, I don't think we'll go to the beach.
Центр дистанционного обучения
1) My grandfather often complains about being tired and __________________.
[a] keep a headache [b]having a headache [c]catch a headache
2) We should __________________. Let's go on holiday. [a]take a break [b ]took a break [c]take
3) Yesterday Thomas robbed a bank. He _____________. [ a]keep the law [ b] broke the law
[ c]breaks the law
4) I decided to __________________ of smoking last month. [ a]break the habit [ b]broke the
habit [c ]had the habit
5) I __________________ while I was working in my garden. [ a]keep a cold [b ]have a cold
[ c]caught a cold
6) I have something I want to tell you. Can you __________________ ? [ a]catch a secret [b ]keep
a secret [c ]keeping a secret
7) A good driver should __________________ to road signs. [ a]pay attention [ b]pays attentions
[c ]paid attention
8) When I was __________________ the phone rang. [a ]had a bath [b ]having a bath
[c ]keep a bath
9) Will you __________________, please? You have said too much and I feel offended. [a ]kept
quiets [b ]keep quiet [c ]catch quiet
10) I have __________________.I am not going to marry her. [a ]break a decision [b ]making a
decision [c ]made a decision
Центр дистанционного обучения
1) having a headache
2) take a break
3) broke the law
4) break the habit
5) caught a cold
6) keep a secret
7) pay attention
8) having a bath
9) keep quiet
10) made a decision
Центр дистанционного обучения
Choose the right words.
Choose the right words.
actively tactfully strictly eventually absolutely fully correctly conveniently widely temporarily
1. When you travel to this country, make sure you are _____________________________ insured.
2. The computer is _____________________________ out of order. It'll be soon repaired.
3. Smoking is _____________________________ forbidden in this area!
4. Before you send your letter, check first that the envelope is _____________________________ addressed.
5. He was known to be easily offended so I always had to deal _____________________________ with him.
6. I'm sure their mismanagement will _____________________________ cause a recession.
7. Her hotel was _____________________________ located near the main shopping district...
8. You should try this awesome dessert: it tastes _____________________________ delicious !
9. It is important that the athletes be _____________________________ encouraged by their coach.
10. I can take this credit card everywhere because it is _____________________________ accepted.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Choose the right words.
actively tactfully strictly eventually absolutely fully correctly conveniently widely temporarily
1. When you travel to this country, make sure you are _____ fully _____ insured.
2. The computer is ____temporarily __ out of order. It'll be soon repaired.
3. Smoking is _____ strictly _____________ forbidden in this area!
4. Before you send your letter, check first that the envelope is ____ correctly _______ addressed.
5. He was known to be easily offended so I always had to deal ___ tactfully ______ with him.
6. I'm sure their mismanagement will ______ eventually _________ cause a recession.
7. Her hotel was ___ conveniently ___________ located near the main shopping district...
8. You should try this awesome dessert: it tastes _____ absolutely _____ delicious !
9. It is important that the athletes be _____ actively ________ encouraged by their coach.
10. I can take this credit card everywhere because it is _____ widely ________ accepted.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Источники коллокаций
Лучший источник для изучения устойчивых словосочетаний – конечно
же, словарь коллокаций английского языка. При этом необязательно
искать традиционный бумажный – большинство ресурсов можно
найти онлайн.
Приведем список наиболее удобных:
Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English – онлайн-словарь, в котором
можно узнать возможные коллокации по одному введенному слову и
изучить примеры употребления. – ресурс, где можно узнать больше об
особенностях построения коллокаций, а также выучить их на основе
многочисленных примеров и предложений. – своего рода поисковик для устойчивых
словосочетаний, где можно найти сразу несколько коллокаций по
одному интересующему слову.
Центр дистанционного обучения
Спасибо за внимание!

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  • 1. Центр дистанционного обучения Колледж приборостроения и информационных технологий Иностранный язык Презентация на тему: «Collocations» ФИО преподавателя: Платонова А.А. e-mail:
  • 2. Центр дистанционного обучения В английском, как и в других языках, живут и развиваются крайне интересные явления – одним из таких явлений стала коллокация. Давайте узнаем, что это такое, для чего коллокации нужны в речи и как эффективнее запомнить их и успешно использовать. Что такое коллокация Коллокации или collocation (произносится как «коллокейшн») – это устойчивые словосочетания, которые представляют собой целостную единицу как с точки зрения семантики, так и в плане синтаксиса. Примеры таких словосочетаний есть и в русском языке. Достаточно сравнить такие фразы как «крепкие мышцы» и «крепкий чай», «внести мебель в комнату» и «внести поправки», «глубокое озеро» и «глубокий смысл» - и обратить внимание, что вторая часть каждой сравниваемой «пары» особая. Именно это и есть те самые collocations.
  • 3. Центр дистанционного обучения Большинство коллокаций в английском языке (примерно 77%) состоят из двух слов или компонентов - у остальных состав может быть чуть шире, однако на примере двухсловных фраз легче понять их особенность. Один из компонентов такого словосочетания называется свободным или ключевым – у high temperature это слово temperature, у fast food это food. Именно свободный компонент предназначен для выражения заданного смысла и подбирается говорящим по контексту или цели сказанного. Второй компонент (high, fast в словосочетаниях выше) - несвободный. Он выбирается исходя из смысла ключевого компонента и определяется традицией.
  • 4. Центр дистанционного обучения What is a collocation? Collocation is a pair of or group of words that are often used together (word partner). These combinations sound natural to native speakers, but students of English have to make a special effort to learn them because they are often difficult to guess. Some combinations just sound wrong to native speaker of English. For example the adjective “fast” collocates with food, but not with a meal
  • 5. Центр дистанционного обучения Sometimes, a pair of words may not be obviously wrong, and people will understand what is meant, but it may not be the natural, normal collocation. If someone says I did a few mistakes they will be understood, but fluent English would probably say I made a few mistakes. If you want to use a word naturally, you need to learn the other words often go with in it. It can be different from language to language. For example, in English we say: I missed the bus.(NOT I lost the bus) She committed suicide.(NOT she undertook or did suicide)
  • 6. Центр дистанционного обучения Here are examples of collocation: Natural English Unnatural English The fast train The quick train Fast food Quick food A quick shower A fast shower A quick meal A fast meal A heavy smoker Not a strong smoker Or a big smoker A serious illness A strong or big illness Miss the bus Not lost the bus Made a mistake Not did a mistake
  • 7. Центр дистанционного обучения Lexical and Grammatical Collocations Lexical Collocation is a type of construction where a verb, noun, adjective or adverb forms a predictable connection with another word, as in: Adverb + Adjective: completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied) Adjective + Noun: excruciating pain (NOT excruciating joy) Noun + Verb: lions roar (NOT lions shout) Verb + Noun: commit suicide (NOT undertake suicide)
  • 8. Центр дистанционного обучения Grammatical Collocation is a type of construction where for example a verb or adjective must be followed by a particular preposition, or a noun must be followed by a particular form of the verb, as in: Verb + Preposition : depend on (NOT depend of) Adjective + Preposition : afraid of (NOT afraid at) Noun + Particular form of verb: strength to lift it (not strength lifting it)
  • 9. Центр дистанционного обучения Adverb +Adjective e.g fully aware, happily married •I am fully aware that it is impossible to finish the task in a week. •That sweet couple are happily married. Словосочетания такого типа используются целиком для характеристики предмета compeletely amazed – абсолютно пораженный dead tired – смертельно уставший Adjective +Noun e.g major problem, brief chat •Unemployment is a major problem for the government at the moment. •The lecturers had a brief chat about the students’ field work at the administration office. Один из распространенных видов коллокаций. Ключевой компонент в них используется для называния и обозначения предмета, несвободный – для его характеристики quick shower – быстрый душ fair deal – честная сделка good luck – удача Noun + Noun e.g a sense of pride, a pang of nostalgia •If people have a sense of pride in their town, they are more likely to behave well there. •Older people feel a pang of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays. Используются для обозначение предмета, на русский также переводятся именным словосочетанием a bar of soap – кусок мыла sense of humor – чувство юмора
  • 10. Центр дистанционного обучения Verb + Noun e.g launch the product, pose a problem •The increase in oil prices certainly poses a problem for us. •We are going to launch a new automatic motor in June 2019. Коллокации, указывающие на действие и его объект или характеристику. to go on foot – идти пешком to start a fight –завязать драку Verb + Adverb e.g smiled happily, whispered softly •Nadia smiled happily as she watched the children playing in the garden. •My mother whispered softly in my ear that she would always love me. Verb collocations – наиболее многочисленная группа, включающая коллокации с глаголом в качестве свободного компонента и других частей речи в качестве несвободного. Сочетания с наречиями называют действие и описывают его особенности. arrive on time – прибывать вовремя pay extra – доплачивать
  • 11. Центр дистанционного обучения Noun + Verb e.g lion roars, economy boom •The lion roars in the zoo. •The economy boomed in 1990s. Verb + Expression With preposition e.g burst into tears, swelling with pride • When he saw his exam results, Rooney burst into tears. •Swelling with pride, Stanley watched his daughter pick up her violin and play. Те самые фразовые глаголы, которые вы уже наверняка знаете, также относятся к коллокациям. to be about – почти собраться, чтобы что-то сделать to succeed in – преуспеть в чем-либо.
  • 13. Центр дистанционного обучения Idioms are group of words in a fixed order that have a meaning that cannot be guessed by knowing meaning of the individual words. for example, pass the buck is an idiom meaning to pass responsibility for a problem to another person to avoid dealing with it oneself. Idiom
  • 14. Центр дистанционного обучения Put the following expressions into the correct category in the table below Ensure safety heavy rain teapot break a leg pitch dark passport by the way hat trick Collocation Idiom Compoun
  • 15. Центр дистанционного обучения Put the following expressions into the correct category in the table below heavy rain teapot pitch dark passport by the way hat trick Collocation Idiom Compoun Ensure safety break a leg teapot heavy rain by the way passport pitch dark hat trick
  • 19. Центр дистанционного обучения Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the left box and a corresponding noun from the right box. BREAK - BURST – CATCH - GET – GIVE - KEEP - LOSE – MAKE - MEET– RAISE – RUN - TAKE BREAK - DIVORCE – EFFORT - EXPECTATIONS – GLIMPSE - LIFT -PROMISE – RECORD - RISK - TAXES – TEARS - TEMPER 1 When our daughter found out that our cat was missing, she ______________ into ______________ and couldn't be stopped. 2 Our boss is often angry and ______________ his ______________ when things go wrong. 3 If she never posts anything on her personal website, she ______________ the ______________ of alienating her fans. 4 Not everything happens on its own. Sometimes you have to ______________ an ______________ to get things done. 5 Why don't you ______________ a ______________? You've been working so hard recently. 6 He has been the race preparing for months. He wants to ______________ his own ______________ and be the best in the world.
  • 20. Центр дистанционного обучения Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the left box and a corresponding noun from the right box. BREAK - BURST – CATCH - GET – GIVE - KEEP - LOSE – MAKE - MEET– RAISE – RUN - TAKE BREAK - DIVORCE – EFFORT - EXPECTATIONS – GLIMPSE - LIFT -PROMISE – RECORD - RISK - TAXES – TEARS - TEMPER 7 His car broke down, so I ______________ him a ______________ to the nearest garage. 8 Politicians often think we should ______________ ______________ in order to get more money to spend. 9 The new teacher didn't ______________ the headmaster's ______________ and was fired after only two months on the job. 10 The couple ______________ a ______________ only a few months after their wedding. 11 Dad ______________ his ______________ and took me to Disneyland in the summer holidays. 12 We ______________ a ______________ of the famous football player as we came down the stairs.
  • 21. Центр дистанционного обучения KEY 1 When our daughter found out that our cat was missing, she burst into tears and couldn't be stopped. 2 Our boss is often angry and loses his temper when things go wrong. 3 If she never posts anything on her personal website, she runs the risk of alienating her fans. 4 Not everything happens on its own. Sometimes you have to make an effort to get things done. 5 Why don't you take a break? You've been working so hard recently. 6 He has been the race preparing for months. He wants to break his own record and be the best in the world. 7 His car broke down, so I gave him a lift to the nearest garage. 8 Politicians often think we should raise taxes in order to get more money to spend. 9 The new teacher didn't meet the headmaster's expectations and was fired after only two months on the job. 10 The couple got a divorce only a few months after their wedding. 11 Dad kept his promise and took me to Disneyland in the summer holidays. 12 We caught a glimpse of the famous football player as we came down the stairs.
  • 22. Центр дистанционного обучения Complete these sentences with a suitable word. Great hard heavy missed start strong terribly told vitally wasted well wide 1. I really my family when I stayed in Canada on my own last year. 2. When I went into the children's room, the boys were both fast asleep, but Oliver was awake, reading the Little Prince story. 3. I my time on that course; it was terrible. 4. I'm sure he is aware of the problem. 5. It's important that we finish this work by the end of the week. 6. We are sorry we are late, but we missed the bus and had to wait ages for another one. 7. We carried the carton of books up to the fourth floor, and it was very work. 8. She everyone the same joke, and nobody laughed. 9. I think they want to get married and a family. 10. My mum doesn't drink coffee at night because it keeps her awake 11. Everyone said the party was a success. 12. If this rain continues, I don't think we'll go to the beach.
  • 23. Центр дистанционного обучения 1. I really missed my family when I stayed in Canada on my own last year. 2. When I went into the children's room, the boys were both fast asleep, but Oliver was wide awake, reading the Little Prince story. 3. I wasted my time on that course; it was terrible. 4. I'm sure he is well aware of the problem. 5. It's vitally important that we finish this work by the end of the week. 6. We are terribly sorry we are late, but we missed the bus and had to wait ages for another one. 7. We carried the carton of books up to the fourth floor, and it was very hard work. 8. She told everyone the same joke, and nobody laughed. 9. I think they want to get married and start a family. 10. My mum doesn't drink strong coffee at night because it keeps her awake 11. Everyone said the party was a great success. 12. If this heavy rain continues, I don't think we'll go to the beach.
  • 24. Центр дистанционного обучения 1) My grandfather often complains about being tired and __________________. [a] keep a headache [b]having a headache [c]catch a headache 2) We should __________________. Let's go on holiday. [a]take a break [b ]took a break [c]take breaks 3) Yesterday Thomas robbed a bank. He _____________. [ a]keep the law [ b] broke the law [ c]breaks the law 4) I decided to __________________ of smoking last month. [ a]break the habit [ b]broke the habit [c ]had the habit 5) I __________________ while I was working in my garden. [ a]keep a cold [b ]have a cold [ c]caught a cold 6) I have something I want to tell you. Can you __________________ ? [ a]catch a secret [b ]keep a secret [c ]keeping a secret 7) A good driver should __________________ to road signs. [ a]pay attention [ b]pays attentions [c ]paid attention 8) When I was __________________ the phone rang. [a ]had a bath [b ]having a bath [c ]keep a bath 9) Will you __________________, please? You have said too much and I feel offended. [a ]kept quiets [b ]keep quiet [c ]catch quiet 10) I have __________________.I am not going to marry her. [a ]break a decision [b ]making a decision [c ]made a decision
  • 25. Центр дистанционного обучения ANSWERS: 1) having a headache 2) take a break 3) broke the law 4) break the habit 5) caught a cold 6) keep a secret 7) pay attention 8) having a bath 9) keep quiet 10) made a decision
  • 26. Центр дистанционного обучения Choose the right words. Choose the right words. actively tactfully strictly eventually absolutely fully correctly conveniently widely temporarily 1. When you travel to this country, make sure you are _____________________________ insured. 2. The computer is _____________________________ out of order. It'll be soon repaired. 3. Smoking is _____________________________ forbidden in this area! 4. Before you send your letter, check first that the envelope is _____________________________ addressed. 5. He was known to be easily offended so I always had to deal _____________________________ with him. 6. I'm sure their mismanagement will _____________________________ cause a recession. 7. Her hotel was _____________________________ located near the main shopping district... 8. You should try this awesome dessert: it tastes _____________________________ delicious ! 9. It is important that the athletes be _____________________________ encouraged by their coach. 10. I can take this credit card everywhere because it is _____________________________ accepted.
  • 27. Центр дистанционного обучения Choose the right words. actively tactfully strictly eventually absolutely fully correctly conveniently widely temporarily 1. When you travel to this country, make sure you are _____ fully _____ insured. 2. The computer is ____temporarily __ out of order. It'll be soon repaired. 3. Smoking is _____ strictly _____________ forbidden in this area! 4. Before you send your letter, check first that the envelope is ____ correctly _______ addressed. 5. He was known to be easily offended so I always had to deal ___ tactfully ______ with him. 6. I'm sure their mismanagement will ______ eventually _________ cause a recession. 7. Her hotel was ___ conveniently ___________ located near the main shopping district... 8. You should try this awesome dessert: it tastes _____ absolutely _____ delicious ! 9. It is important that the athletes be _____ actively ________ encouraged by their coach. 10. I can take this credit card everywhere because it is _____ widely ________ accepted.
  • 28. Центр дистанционного обучения Источники коллокаций Лучший источник для изучения устойчивых словосочетаний – конечно же, словарь коллокаций английского языка. При этом необязательно искать традиционный бумажный – большинство ресурсов можно найти онлайн. Приведем список наиболее удобных: Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English – онлайн-словарь, в котором можно узнать возможные коллокации по одному введенному слову и изучить примеры употребления. – ресурс, где можно узнать больше об особенностях построения коллокаций, а также выучить их на основе многочисленных примеров и предложений. – своего рода поисковик для устойчивых словосочетаний, где можно найти сразу несколько коллокаций по одному интересующему слову.