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Prepare a final research project / paper.
A major project is required that will represent a culmination of
your learning applied to an area of your God-given passion and
calling. This can be a paper, however, I encourage creativity
and expression in various formats.
See page to for the full assignment details
This project is worth 30% of your course grade. It is obviously
important and will warrant you
taking sufficient time and thoughtful reflection to product a
synthesis work that represents your
overall growth in understanding culture.
In simplest terms:
You are to take your ethnography and now explore opportunities
and obstacles you see in
ministry/missionary endeavors among them with the
culmination of suggesting a strategy for
Christian outreach to this people-group.
You have freedom to express yourself with your unique gifts
and talents in this project.
Options 1
You may write a paper (15 pages)
In this paper, you will restate/repeat your ethnography making
necessary additions and
corrections. Then proceed to outline what opportunities and
challenges may be present in Gospel
work among them and then outline and explain (well cited)
possible ways to engage in
Option 2
You may present a creative project.
This would fit your own gift mix. In all creative presentations, a
short (1-2 page) summary and
explanation of the project is required. You may write and record
a song (s), present a montage of
photographs, choreograph and video a dance, write a dramatic
sketch, craft a series of poems,
paint/draw a series of art expressions.... As you see, the options
are only limited by your own
creativity. Please note, your effort will need to be equivalent to
the work required to produce a
15 page paper.
Our Fragile Oceans
Warming, Overfishing, Plastic Pollution
The Big “3”
Climate Change
Acidifying oceans
Coral bleaching
Habitat loss
Fishery management
Marine reserves
Garbage patches
Climate Change
Even whales are not safe from the effects of climate change in
our oceans.
If we don't do something quickly, the oceans in 50 years won't
look like they do today”
Quote and Image Slide
Preserve our Fragile Oceans
Education Connection – Be Informed
As a student of the science club, you can be informed of the
types of issues harming our oceans and learn about actions that
you can take to prevent further destruction no matter where you
.MsftOfcResponsive_Fill_ffc000 {
.MsftOfcResponsive_Fill_ffc000 {
.MsftOfcThm_Accent4_Fill_v2 {
Grader - Instructions PPT 2022
Project Description:
The Science Club at your school wants you to create a slide
show that can be used at promotional events put on by the club.
In this activity, you will create a presentation that meets slide
show design principles, create and modify shapes and text
boxes, apply and control animation, and add video and audio.
Steps to Perform:
Points Possible
Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named
Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Oceans.pptx. Grader has
automatically added your last name to the beginning of the
Change the theme fonts to Gill Sans MT.
Mac users: From the Format menu, select Replace Fonts.
On Slide 1, change the font color of the title text to Aqua,
Accent 2 and the font size to 60. Select the subtitle text box
border and set the Horizontal position to 0.8" and the Vertical
position to 5.9". Change the font size to 32 and apply Italic.
Change the font color of the title text to Aqua, Accent 2 on
Slides 3 and 6.
On Slide 3, shorten the text to read
Even whales are not Safe in the subtitle
placeholder. Increase the font size to 28.
On Slide 7, shorten the text in the title placeholder to read
Be Informed and increase the font size to
54. Shorten the subtitle placeholder text to read
Learn about issues and actions YOU can
take! and increase the font size to 28. Change the font color of
the text
YOU to Orange in the Standard colors
section and apply Bold.
On Slide 4, insert a Rectangle shape to the right of the fish
icons. Set the Shape Height to 4" and the Shape Width to 3.4".
Set the Horizontal position to 9.4" and the Vertical position to
Apply the shape style Intense Effect – Black, Dark 1 to the
rectangle. Type
9 out of 10 large predatory fish such as
tuna, marlin, and swordfish are nearly GONE in the text box.
Increase the font size to 28. Select the number
9 in the text box, increase the font size to
60, and change the font color to Orange in the Standard Colors
section. Using the Format Painter, apply this format to the
10 and
GONE in the text box.
Select the fish icon in the top row next to the inserted rectangle
and change the graphic fill to White, Background 1.
On Slide 5, select the title placeholder with the quote, and apply
the shape fill Gradient Linear Down in the Dark section. Open
the Shape Format pane and change the Transparency to 70%.
On Slide 8, select the illustration of the two fish and convert to
shapes. Change the fill color for the green portions of the
illustrations to Dark Purple, Accent 3. Change the graphic fill to
Orange from the Standard Colors section for the dark gray
portion of the fish on the right (head and fin). Delete the large
light gray circle so that only the two fish and a few bubbles
remain. Select each of the bubbles in the illustration between
the two fish and change the fill color to Indigo, Accent 1.
Insert a text box to the right of the illustration. Type
Join the Science Club in the text box.
Increase the height of the text box to 1.1". Increase the font size
of the text to 54. Set the Horizontal position to 5.2" and the
Vertical position to 5.1".
On Slide 2, apply the Stretch animation in the Entrance category
to the title placeholder with the text
The Big “3”. Set the animation to start
After Previous with a Duration of
0.75 and a Delay of
Apply the Float In animation to the bullet list under the heading
Climate Change. Set the animation to start After Previous with a
Delay of
0.75. Change the effect options to Float
Down. Use the Animation Painter to apply the same animation
to the bullet lists under the heading Overfishing and Pollution
in that order.
Mac users: To set the delay, open the Animation pane, select the
animation, and select Timing.
Open the Animation Pane and move the title placeholder (The
Big "3") animation down so that it becomes the last animation
in the Animation Pane. Change the Delay to
On Slide 4, apply the Float In animation to the text box with the
ext 9 out of 10 predatory fish such as
tuna, marlin, and swordfish are nearly GONE. Set the animation
to start After Previous with a Duration of
1.00 and Delay of
Select one of the orange filled fish icons, press CTRL, and
select the remaining orange filled fish icons. Apply the
Disappear animation to the selected icons. Set the animation to
start After Previous, the Duration to
0.75 and Delay to
0.50. Mac users do not need to change the
Apply the Ripple transition to all slides.
On Slide 6, insert the video
Oceans.mp4 using the Insert Video icon in
the content placeholder.
Change the video shape to Flowchart: Document in the
Flowchart category. Set a poster frame at 00:00.75 seconds.
Change the Video Height to 6.2". Set the Horizontal position to
" and the Vertical position to 0.2
". Change the video color to Aqua, Accent
color 2 Dark. Set the video to play Automatically.
View the presentation. Save and close
Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Oceans.pptx. Exit PowerPoint.
Submit the file as directed.
Total Points
Created On: 07/29/2022 1
Exp22_PowerPoint_Ch02_Cumulative - Science Club 1.2
Understanding the Values of Christianity
Jerry Seigle
Gordon Conwell
November 26, 2022
Understanding the Values of Christianity
The Loma Linda region in the USA is home to about 10,000
Adventists. The region is famous for registering the highest
average life expectancy than the average figures for Americans.
The longevity is partly attributed to the selective eating habits
of the inhabitants (Loma Linda, California, 2022). This
Adventist group values exercising their body and participating
in socialization events such as community work, nature walks,
and group Bible studies. Their busy and happy communal life is
stress relieving, avoiding common lifestyle diseases such as
obesity and high blood pressure. This article dissects the
Christianity practices and beliefs of the Adventist group and
how they shape their lifestyle and values.
The eating habits and type of food for the Loma Linda culture
are based on the tenets of Biblical teachings. This Adventist
group is mainly vegetarian – emphasizing a plant-based diet.
They detest meat consumption as it is associated with certain
cancers and other diseases (Loma Linda, California, 2022).
Consumption of meat is rare; if need be, it must be from clean
animals, as stated in the Bible's teachings. The group values a
balanced vegetarian diet with legumes, fruits, nuts, cereals and
vegetables – all well-prepared to benefit the body; preparing the
required nutrient is carefully done to ensure it is properly
cooked. A plant-based diet and consuming sugar and salt in
moderation prevent lifestyle diseases such as high blood
pressure, certain cancers, and obesity.
According to Biblical teachings, the Loma Linda Adventists
value maintaining a healthy body – as the human body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit. Consequently, there is an emphasis
on exercising the body across all age groups to maintain a
healthy physique. Body exercising enhances one's immunity. It
also promotes weight loss, promoting a healthy Body Mass
Index, BMI, which is essential in regulating blood pressure.
Physical exercise promotes individual wellness, thus boosting
one's life expectancy. Normalizing outdoor physical exercise
with a breath of fresh air is therapeutic and results in stress
relief – minimizing the chances of developing depression.
Moreover, communal life and socialization promote clear
conscious and emotional wellness. Adventists are known for
observing a day on the Sabbath to congregate and socialize with
fellow believers. This socialization promotes emotional
wellness by relieving their minds of weekly stressors. The
group values voluntary community service, which they perceive
as a primary mandate for human beings as per the scripture
teachings (LaMotte, 2019). Through living a servant life; doing
good to others, the group obtains great satisfaction adding to
the quality of their life.
The Adventists of Loma Linda teach the virtues of leading a
drug free life free from smoking and alcohol intake; which
contribute to development of diseases. Tobacco smoking will
contribute to development of lung cancers while alcohol intake
promotes liver disease (LaMotte, 2019). To lead a quality
lifestyle this group observes teetotalism adding on their healthy
life. Their non-indulgence depicts the other aspect of a quality
lifestyle in alcohol and drug abuse.
Several adaptability issues might experience cultural pushback.
As a Loma Linda Adventist, migrating to a new area where their
staunch Christianity values are not observed can be quite
challenging. It would be difficult to compromise the highly
heralded Christian teachings because of geographical change.
There is even more difficult to adapt to the new Christian
teachings and practices since the fundamental Adventist beliefs
and tenets are passed through generations. The eating habits,
communal living, and the general Christian lifestyle represent
these people's identities.
Caleb had a lot of difficulties assimilating to the culture in
Milan, having moved from Loma Linda to the US. His short
spell of four years in Italy as a foreign college student was
marked by immense culture shock. Virtually all Christian
practices in Milan – which Roman Catholicism hugely inspires -
seemed to contradict what he grew up practicing as the norm
back in the US (O'Callaghan, 2017). The dressing style, eating
habits, hobbies, and Christian values in his new setting were
unacceptable where he hails.
Our dress code is the number one factor in our identity.
Different cultures are identified by their unique dressing styles
and how they value decency. The Loma Linda Christian faction
emphasizes a decent dressing style congruent with Biblical
beliefs. To the shock of Caleb, the Christians of Italy seemed to
have embraced modernity – compromising the foundational
elements of Christianity contained in the Biblical teachings
(O'Callaghan, 2017). Women are not expected to put on male
clothes and vice versa. Caleb could not believe, in Milan, ladies
donned tight trousers – which are, besides being meant for men,
indecent. It was very awkward to adopt this cultural indecency
for Caleb as it was a sin even for men to dress provocatively,
exposing private body parts. Instead, we should keep our bodies
holy and well protected as they should be an instrument for
preaching God's word to the nations.
The Adventists of Loma Linda have demystified the Biblical
teachings of using our abilities and opportunities to continue
the work of evangelism. How Italians spend their leisure time
caught Caleb in shock. He found the adjustment to this lifestyle
quite difficult. He was used to a life of service, reaching out to
the lost sheep and bringing them back to the heaven-bound
flock. Instead, in Milan, most people used their free time to
pursue earthly pleasures such as alcohol, fornication, and other
evils. The turn of events meant that Caleb could not continue
the social and communal life they practiced back home
(LaMotte, 2019). Until he made some friends who shared
similar Christian values, he always kept to himself in utter awe
about the lukewarm Christianity in this part of the world.
The value of life and the perception of death are essential
subjects in Christianity. The differing Christian perceptions of
life and death influence people's ethical values and beliefs to a
greater degree. Back in Loma Linda, the Adventist group
perceived life to be sacred and a privilege call for duty in
discharging God's work assigned to humanity during creation
(Choudry et al., 2018). The holy duty requires these people to
live without blemish as they are supposed to reflect the image
of God in body, spirit, and actions. As a result, you will find the
Christian community in Loma Linda pursuing Christian
perfection through strict observance of the ten commandments
of God. Caleb, however, discovers that in Milan, the people
seemed preoccupied with the popular narrative of 'you only live
once. They paid little attention to observing personal wellness
through pursuing healthy living and care for their bodies.
Instead, they pursued secular lifestyles.
In the Christian teachings upheld by the Adventist group in
Loma Linda, materialism is secular and incompatible with the
quest for eternal life (Choudry et al., 2018). Instead of amassing
earthly riches and fame, this group encourages the pursuit of
everlasting life. Therefore, Christians are expected to live a life
of service to - the least of those – the needy in society. This
lifestyle glorifies the Gospel of God and is in accordance with
the foundational tenets of Christianity. Caleb was, however,
forced to contemplate a materialistic world in the Roman
Catholicism context while in Milan. The contradictory Christian
teachings breed confusion as embracing modernity through the
integration of capitalism into Christian values and faith is
against the expectations of scripture.
According to Caleb, his Adventist values and beliefs are
generational practices that everyone in his bloodline has upheld
throughout their lives. He was born and nurtured in a Christian
family of the Adventist faction. He was brought up according to
the fundamental beliefs and teachings of Adventism that his
parents practiced. His culture of communal living and love for
others was highly regarded. Taking care of the body, which is
the temple of the Holy Spirit, was a basic requirement if one is
to abide by the teachings of God. These teachings are backed by
Biblical verses and stories that concretize the strict observance
of holiness. The Bible is the Holy book at the heart of Christian
teachings and beliefs. Caleb believes there is no question about
the practices of Loma Linda, and he will certainly pass the
values and beliefs down to his generation.
Further research on the implication of the values and beliefs of
the Loma Linda Adventists on their quality of life and longevity
was affirmative. Published research indicated that people from
this region lived ten years longer than the average American life
expectancy (Loma Linda, California, 2022). The incidence of
lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, lung cancer, colon cancer,
prostate cancer, or high blood pressure was minimal. The
quality of life these people practiced was the sole purpose of
their good health and immunity.
In conclusion, people's behavior, food, and lifestyle define their
identity. There can be different factions of Christianity
depending on the values and practices they promote. These
values and practices form the way of life of these people,
passed down through generations, as the right way of living.
Interaction with different Christian values and beliefs later in
life presents a culture shock and makes it difficult for believers
to compromise and adopt the new culture. Cultural change must
be based on the implication of the trade-offs to the affected
party and the generational significance of the foundational
Christian values.
Choudry, M., Latif, A., & Warburton, K. G. (2018). An
overview of the spiritual importance of end-of-life care among
the five major faiths of the United Kingdom.
Clinical Medicine,
18(1), 23–31.
LaMotte, S. (2019, November 25).
What this sunny, religious town in California teaches us
about living longer. CNN.
Loma Linda, California. (2022, August 24). Blue Zones.
O'Callaghan, P. (2017). Cultural challenges to faith: a reflection
on the dynamics of modernity.
Church, Communication and Culture,
2(1), 25–40.

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Prepare a final research project paper. A major project is req.docx

  • 1. Prepare a final research project / paper. A major project is required that will represent a culmination of your learning applied to an area of your God-given passion and calling. This can be a paper, however, I encourage creativity and expression in various formats. See page to for the full assignment details This project is worth 30% of your course grade. It is obviously important and will warrant you taking sufficient time and thoughtful reflection to product a synthesis work that represents your overall growth in understanding culture. In simplest terms: You are to take your ethnography and now explore opportunities and obstacles you see in ministry/missionary endeavors among them with the culmination of suggesting a strategy for Christian outreach to this people-group. You have freedom to express yourself with your unique gifts and talents in this project. Options 1 You may write a paper (15 pages) In this paper, you will restate/repeat your ethnography making necessary additions and corrections. Then proceed to outline what opportunities and challenges may be present in Gospel work among them and then outline and explain (well cited) possible ways to engage in ministry/mission.
  • 2. OR Option 2 You may present a creative project. This would fit your own gift mix. In all creative presentations, a short (1-2 page) summary and explanation of the project is required. You may write and record a song (s), present a montage of photographs, choreograph and video a dance, write a dramatic sketch, craft a series of poems, paint/draw a series of art expressions.... As you see, the options are only limited by your own creativity. Please note, your effort will need to be equivalent to the work required to produce a 15 page paper. safiyev_Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Oceans.pptx Our Fragile Oceans Warming, Overfishing, Plastic Pollution ‹#› The Big “3” Climate Change Acidifying oceans Coral bleaching Habitat loss Overfishing
  • 3. Fishery management Marine reserves Pollution Plastic Garbage patches ‹#› Climate Change Even whales are not safe from the effects of climate change in our oceans. 3 ‹#› ‹#› Overfishing 4
  • 4. ‹#› ‹#› “ If we don't do something quickly, the oceans in 50 years won't look like they do today” Quote and Image Slide 5 ‹#› ‹#› Preserve our Fragile Oceans ‹#› ‹#› Education Connection – Be Informed As a student of the science club, you can be informed of the types of issues harming our oceans and learn about actions that you can take to prevent further destruction no matter where you live.
  • 6. .MsftOfcThm_Accent4_Fill_v2 { fill:#4E8542; } Exp22_PowerPoint_Ch02_Cumulative_Science_Club_Instructio ns.docx Grader - Instructions PPT 2022 ProjectExp22_PowerPoint_Ch02_Cumulative_Science_Club Project Description: The Science Club at your school wants you to create a slide show that can be used at promotional events put on by the club. In this activity, you will create a presentation that meets slide show design principles, create and modify shapes and text boxes, apply and control animation, and add video and audio. Steps to Perform: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Oceans.pptx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. 0 2 Change the theme fonts to Gill Sans MT. Mac users: From the Format menu, select Replace Fonts. 4 3 On Slide 1, change the font color of the title text to Aqua, Accent 2 and the font size to 60. Select the subtitle text box
  • 7. border and set the Horizontal position to 0.8" and the Vertical position to 5.9". Change the font size to 32 and apply Italic. 6 4 Change the font color of the title text to Aqua, Accent 2 on Slides 3 and 6. 4 5 On Slide 3, shorten the text to read Even whales are not Safe in the subtitle placeholder. Increase the font size to 28. 4 6 On Slide 7, shorten the text in the title placeholder to read Be Informed and increase the font size to 54. Shorten the subtitle placeholder text to read Learn about issues and actions YOU can take! and increase the font size to 28. Change the font color of the text YOU to Orange in the Standard colors section and apply Bold. 7 7 On Slide 4, insert a Rectangle shape to the right of the fish icons. Set the Shape Height to 4" and the Shape Width to 3.4". Set the Horizontal position to 9.4" and the Vertical position to 2". 6 8 Apply the shape style Intense Effect – Black, Dark 1 to the rectangle. Type 9 out of 10 large predatory fish such as tuna, marlin, and swordfish are nearly GONE in the text box.
  • 8. Increase the font size to 28. Select the number 9 in the text box, increase the font size to 60, and change the font color to Orange in the Standard Colors section. Using the Format Painter, apply this format to the number 10 and GONE in the text box. 7 9 Select the fish icon in the top row next to the inserted rectangle and change the graphic fill to White, Background 1. 0 10 On Slide 5, select the title placeholder with the quote, and apply the shape fill Gradient Linear Down in the Dark section. Open the Shape Format pane and change the Transparency to 70%. 4 11 On Slide 8, select the illustration of the two fish and convert to shapes. Change the fill color for the green portions of the illustrations to Dark Purple, Accent 3. Change the graphic fill to Orange from the Standard Colors section for the dark gray portion of the fish on the right (head and fin). Delete the large light gray circle so that only the two fish and a few bubbles remain. Select each of the bubbles in the illustration between the two fish and change the fill color to Indigo, Accent 1. 5 12 Insert a text box to the right of the illustration. Type Join the Science Club in the text box. Increase the height of the text box to 1.1". Increase the font size of the text to 54. Set the Horizontal position to 5.2" and the Vertical position to 5.1". 5
  • 9. 13 On Slide 2, apply the Stretch animation in the Entrance category to the title placeholder with the text The Big “3”. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of 0.75 and a Delay of 1.25. 5 14 Apply the Float In animation to the bullet list under the heading Climate Change. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Delay of 0.75. Change the effect options to Float Down. Use the Animation Painter to apply the same animation to the bullet lists under the heading Overfishing and Pollution in that order. Mac users: To set the delay, open the Animation pane, select the animation, and select Timing. 6 15 Open the Animation Pane and move the title placeholder (The Big "3") animation down so that it becomes the last animation in the Animation Pane. Change the Delay to 1.50. 4 16 On Slide 4, apply the Float In animation to the text box with the t ext 9 out of 10 predatory fish such as tuna, marlin, and swordfish are nearly GONE. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of
  • 10. 1.00 and Delay of 0.50. 6 17 Select one of the orange filled fish icons, press CTRL, and select the remaining orange filled fish icons. Apply the Disappear animation to the selected icons. Set the animation to start After Previous, the Duration to 0.75 and Delay to 0.50. Mac users do not need to change the Duration. 6 18 Apply the Ripple transition to all slides. 6 19 On Slide 6, insert the video Oceans.mp4 using the Insert Video icon in the content placeholder. 5 20 Change the video shape to Flowchart: Document in the Flowchart category. Set a poster frame at 00:00.75 seconds. 3 21 Change the Video Height to 6.2". Set the Horizontal position to 0.8 " and the Vertical position to 0.2 ". Change the video color to Aqua, Accent color 2 Dark. Set the video to play Automatically. 7 22
  • 11. View the presentation. Save and close Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Oceans.pptx. Exit PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed. 0 Total Points 100 Created On: 07/29/2022 1 Exp22_PowerPoint_Ch02_Cumulative - Science Club 1.2 Exp22_PPT_Ch02_Cumulative_Science_Club_final_result.jpeg Oceans.mp4 Whales.m4a 2 Understanding the Values of Christianity Jerry Seigle Gordon Conwell IS/WM 520:ONL November 26, 2022
  • 12. Understanding the Values of Christianity The Loma Linda region in the USA is home to about 10,000 Adventists. The region is famous for registering the highest average life expectancy than the average figures for Americans. The longevity is partly attributed to the selective eating habits of the inhabitants (Loma Linda, California, 2022). This Adventist group values exercising their body and participating in socialization events such as community work, nature walks, and group Bible studies. Their busy and happy communal life is stress relieving, avoiding common lifestyle diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure. This article dissects the Christianity practices and beliefs of the Adventist group and how they shape their lifestyle and values. The eating habits and type of food for the Loma Linda culture are based on the tenets of Biblical teachings. This Adventist group is mainly vegetarian – emphasizing a plant-based diet. They detest meat consumption as it is associated with certain cancers and other diseases (Loma Linda, California, 2022). Consumption of meat is rare; if need be, it must be from clean animals, as stated in the Bible's teachings. The group values a balanced vegetarian diet with legumes, fruits, nuts, cereals and vegetables – all well-prepared to benefit the body; preparing the required nutrient is carefully done to ensure it is properly cooked. A plant-based diet and consuming sugar and salt in moderation prevent lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, certain cancers, and obesity. According to Biblical teachings, the Loma Linda Adventists value maintaining a healthy body – as the human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Consequently, there is an emphasis on exercising the body across all age groups to maintain a healthy physique. Body exercising enhances one's immunity. It also promotes weight loss, promoting a healthy Body Mass Index, BMI, which is essential in regulating blood pressure. Physical exercise promotes individual wellness, thus boosting
  • 13. one's life expectancy. Normalizing outdoor physical exercise with a breath of fresh air is therapeutic and results in stress relief – minimizing the chances of developing depression. Moreover, communal life and socialization promote clear conscious and emotional wellness. Adventists are known for observing a day on the Sabbath to congregate and socialize with fellow believers. This socialization promotes emotional wellness by relieving their minds of weekly stressors. The group values voluntary community service, which they perceive as a primary mandate for human beings as per the scripture teachings (LaMotte, 2019). Through living a servant life; doing good to others, the group obtains great satisfaction adding to the quality of their life. The Adventists of Loma Linda teach the virtues of leading a drug free life free from smoking and alcohol intake; which contribute to development of diseases. Tobacco smoking will contribute to development of lung cancers while alcohol intake promotes liver disease (LaMotte, 2019). To lead a quality lifestyle this group observes teetotalism adding on their healthy life. Their non-indulgence depicts the other aspect of a quality lifestyle in alcohol and drug abuse. Several adaptability issues might experience cultural pushback. As a Loma Linda Adventist, migrating to a new area where their staunch Christianity values are not observed can be quite challenging. It would be difficult to compromise the highly heralded Christian teachings because of geographical change. There is even more difficult to adapt to the new Christian teachings and practices since the fundamental Adventist beliefs and tenets are passed through generations. The eating habits, communal living, and the general Christian lifestyle represent these people's identities. Caleb had a lot of difficulties assimilating to the culture in Milan, having moved from Loma Linda to the US. His short spell of four years in Italy as a foreign college student was marked by immense culture shock. Virtually all Christian practices in Milan – which Roman Catholicism hugely inspires -
  • 14. seemed to contradict what he grew up practicing as the norm back in the US (O'Callaghan, 2017). The dressing style, eating habits, hobbies, and Christian values in his new setting were unacceptable where he hails. Our dress code is the number one factor in our identity. Different cultures are identified by their unique dressing styles and how they value decency. The Loma Linda Christian faction emphasizes a decent dressing style congruent with Biblical beliefs. To the shock of Caleb, the Christians of Italy seemed to have embraced modernity – compromising the foundational elements of Christianity contained in the Biblical teachings (O'Callaghan, 2017). Women are not expected to put on male clothes and vice versa. Caleb could not believe, in Milan, ladies donned tight trousers – which are, besides being meant for men, indecent. It was very awkward to adopt this cultural indecency for Caleb as it was a sin even for men to dress provocatively, exposing private body parts. Instead, we should keep our bodies holy and well protected as they should be an instrument for preaching God's word to the nations. The Adventists of Loma Linda have demystified the Biblical teachings of using our abilities and opportunities to continue the work of evangelism. How Italians spend their leisure time caught Caleb in shock. He found the adjustment to this lifestyle quite difficult. He was used to a life of service, reaching out to the lost sheep and bringing them back to the heaven-bound flock. Instead, in Milan, most people used their free time to pursue earthly pleasures such as alcohol, fornication, and other evils. The turn of events meant that Caleb could not continue the social and communal life they practiced back home (LaMotte, 2019). Until he made some friends who shared similar Christian values, he always kept to himself in utter awe about the lukewarm Christianity in this part of the world. The value of life and the perception of death are essential subjects in Christianity. The differing Christian perceptions of life and death influence people's ethical values and beliefs to a greater degree. Back in Loma Linda, the Adventist group
  • 15. perceived life to be sacred and a privilege call for duty in discharging God's work assigned to humanity during creation (Choudry et al., 2018). The holy duty requires these people to live without blemish as they are supposed to reflect the image of God in body, spirit, and actions. As a result, you will find the Christian community in Loma Linda pursuing Christian perfection through strict observance of the ten commandments of God. Caleb, however, discovers that in Milan, the people seemed preoccupied with the popular narrative of 'you only live once. They paid little attention to observing personal wellness through pursuing healthy living and care for their bodies. Instead, they pursued secular lifestyles. In the Christian teachings upheld by the Adventist group in Loma Linda, materialism is secular and incompatible with the quest for eternal life (Choudry et al., 2018). Instead of amassing earthly riches and fame, this group encourages the pursuit of everlasting life. Therefore, Christians are expected to live a life of service to - the least of those – the needy in society. This lifestyle glorifies the Gospel of God and is in accordance with the foundational tenets of Christianity. Caleb was, however, forced to contemplate a materialistic world in the Roman Catholicism context while in Milan. The contradictory Christian teachings breed confusion as embracing modernity through the integration of capitalism into Christian values and faith is against the expectations of scripture. According to Caleb, his Adventist values and beliefs are generational practices that everyone in his bloodline has upheld throughout their lives. He was born and nurtured in a Christian family of the Adventist faction. He was brought up according to the fundamental beliefs and teachings of Adventism that his parents practiced. His culture of communal living and love for others was highly regarded. Taking care of the body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, was a basic requirement if one is to abide by the teachings of God. These teachings are backed by Biblical verses and stories that concretize the strict observance of holiness. The Bible is the Holy book at the heart of Christian
  • 16. teachings and beliefs. Caleb believes there is no question about the practices of Loma Linda, and he will certainly pass the values and beliefs down to his generation. Further research on the implication of the values and beliefs of the Loma Linda Adventists on their quality of life and longevity was affirmative. Published research indicated that people from this region lived ten years longer than the average American life expectancy (Loma Linda, California, 2022). The incidence of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, or high blood pressure was minimal. The quality of life these people practiced was the sole purpose of their good health and immunity. In conclusion, people's behavior, food, and lifestyle define their identity. There can be different factions of Christianity depending on the values and practices they promote. These values and practices form the way of life of these people, passed down through generations, as the right way of living. Interaction with different Christian values and beliefs later in life presents a culture shock and makes it difficult for believers to compromise and adopt the new culture. Cultural change must be based on the implication of the trade-offs to the affected party and the generational significance of the foundational Christian values. References Choudry, M., Latif, A., & Warburton, K. G. (2018). An overview of the spiritual importance of end-of-life care among the five major faiths of the United Kingdom. Clinical Medicine, 18(1), 23–31. 1-23 LaMotte, S. (2019, November 25). What this sunny, religious town in California teaches us about living longer. CNN. wellness/index.html
  • 17. Loma Linda, California. (2022, August 24). Blue Zones. california/ O'Callaghan, P. (2017). Cultural challenges to faith: a reflection on the dynamics of modernity. Church, Communication and Culture, 2(1), 25–40.