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■ Open. Displays lists of folders and files (documents). Use this command to
locate a desired document and open (display) it on the screen.
■ Save/Save As. Saves a document on a disk while leaving a copy of it on the
screen. Use Save As the first time a document is saved (give it a filename) and to
rename a document. Use Save to save a revised document without renaming it.
■ Print Preview. Shows a document as it will look when printed, including
multiple pages in one view.
■ Print. Prints documents. Select print options and settings (Print dialog box)
before printing.
■ Close. Removes a document from the display screen. If the document has not
been saved, you will be prompted to save it before
■ Copy. Copies selected text so it can be placed in another location, leaving the
original text unchanged.
■ Cut. Removes selected text from the current location.
■ Paste. Places selected text that has been copied or cut at another location.
■ Find. Locates a specified keystroke, word, or phrase in a document. Available
■ Replace. Finds a specified keystroke, word, or phrase, and then replaces it with
another keystroke, word, or phrase. All occurrences of the specified text can be
replaced at one time, or replacements can be made individually (selectively).
■ Select. Highlights text on which various operations may be performed. Use the
mouse and/or key combinations to select text. Once selected, the text can be
bolded, underlined, italicized, deleted, copied, moved, printed, saved, etc.
■ Spell-Check. Checks words, documents, or parts of documents for misspellings.
■ Undo. Reverses the last change made in the text. This feature restores moved text
to its original location.
■ Redo. Reverses the last Undo action.
■ Typeover. Replaces existing text with newly keyed text (also called Overstrike or
■ Bold. Prints text darker than other copy as it is keyed. Bold may be added after
text has been keyed by first selecting the text.
■ Borders. Adds a border to any or all sides of a page, paragraph, or column, as
well as to a table or a cell within a table. Page border options may include small
pictures. Borders not only enhance appearance, but also make text easier to read
by emphasizing certain passages. Borders are most effective when used sparingly.
■ Bullets. Highlights each item in a list with a heavy dot or other character, as
demonstrated in this list of features. Bullets add visual interest and emphasis.
■ Change Case. Changes capitalization. The lowercase option changes all selected
text to lowercase
■ Drop Cap. Formats paragraphs to begin with a large dropped capital letter.
Drop caps are objects (pictures) that can be formatted and sized.
■ Font. Consists of the typeface, style, size, and any effects used. Font features may
be changed before or after text is keyed. The number and size of fonts available
depends on the software and printer used.
■ Italic. Prints letters that slope up toward the right. Italic may be added after text
has been keyed by first selecting the text.
■ Numbering. Shows the proper order of a series of steps or items. Use numbers
instead of bullets whenever the order of items is important.
■ Shading. Adds color or patterns to paragraphs or table cells to emphasize them
and focus the reader’s attention on the contents.
■ Superscript. Places text slightly higher than other text on a line. Superscript is
commonly used for footnotes and endnotes, and for mathematical formulas and
■ Underline. Underlines text as it is keyed. An underline may be added after text
has been keyed by first selecting the text.
■ Watermark. Prints any desired text or graphics behind the main text on
document pages.
Formatting features change the arrangement, or layout, of pages. These features
include aligning text vertically and horizontally, indenting and hyphenating text, and
changing margins and line spacing.
1.3.2■ Alignment. Refers to the horizontal position of a line of text (also called
– Use left alignment to start text at the left margin (even left margin).
– Use right alignment to align text at the right margin (even right margin).
– Use center alignment to center text between the left and right margins.
– Use justify alignment for even left and right margins.
■ Center Page. Centers text between top and bottom margins of a page. This
feature leaves an equal (or nearly equal) amount of white space above and
below text. Inserting two hard returns below the last keyed line gives centered
documents a better appearance.
■ Indent. Moves text away from the left or right margin.
– Left indent (paragraph indent) moves the text one tab stop to the right
(usually 0.5"), away from the left margin.
– Hanging indent moves all but the first line of a paragraph 0.5" (one tab
stop) to the right. Hanging indent is commonly used on bibliographies and
reference pages.
■ Line Spacing. Changes the amount of blank space between lines of text.
■ Margins. Changes the amount of blank space at the top, bottom, right, and/or
left edges of a page. Default margin settings are not the same for all software.
■ Page Break. Inserts a soft page break automatically when the current page is full.
A hard page break can be inserted manually to start a new page before the current
page is full.
■ Tab. Aligns text according to the type of tab set. By default, most word
processing software programs have left tabs already set at half-inch (0.5")
intervals from the left margin. These preset tabs can be cleared and reset.
– Left tabs, commonly used to align words, align text evenly at the left by placing
the keyed text to the right of the tab setting.
– Right tabs, commonly used to align whole numbers, align text evenly at the
right by placing the keyed text to the left of the tab setting.
– Decimal tabs align numbers at the decimal point, regardless of the number of
places before or after the decimal point.
– Dot Leader tabs automatically place dot leaders (. . . .) between columns of
designated text. The leaders lead the reader’s eyes from text in the left column
to text in the right column.
■ Shapes. Adds a variety of shapes (rectangles, stars, banners, arrows, flow chart
symbols, etc.) to a document.
■ Clip Art. Drawings, pictures, sounds, and video clips can be inserted into

■ Date. Automatically inserts the date into a document. Some software contains
an Update option that automatically replaces the previous date with the current
date each time the document is opened or printed.
■ Footnote and Endnote. Identifies sources quoted or paraphrased in the text or gives
extra information about the main text. Word processing software automatically
positions and prints each footnote at the bottom of the same page as the reference to
it. It prints endnotes on a separate page at the end of a report. When footnotes or
endnotes are edited, added, or deleted, the software feature automatically makes the
necessary changes in numbering, formatting, and page breaks.
■ Header and Footer. Adds text (such as a chapter title, date, filename, or name
of a person or company) or graphic (a company logo, for example) in the top
margin (header) or bottom margin (footer) of a page. Headers or footers often
include page numbers.
■ Page Numbers. Places page numbers in a specified location on printed pages.
– Most software contains a variety of numbering styles from which to choose:
Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3), lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii), uppercase
Roman numerals (I, II, III), uppercase letters (A, B, C), and lowercase letters
(a, b, c).
– Numbers can be placed at the top or bottom of the page, and aligned at the
left margin, center, or right margin.
– The Hide or Suppress option keeps the page number from appearing on a
specified page.
■ Text Boxes. Frequently used for labels or callouts in a document. Once a text
box is inserted in a document, it can be formatted, resized, and moved.
■ Word Art. Changes text into a graphic object. Most word processing software
programs have a word art gallery that contains predefined styles such as curved or
stretched text.
■ AutoFormat. Automatically formats headings, bulleted and numbered
lists, borders, numbers, symbols, and so on as a document is keyed. Table
AutoFormat applies borders, shading, font effects, etc., to tables.
■ AutoCorrect. Automatically corrects many common keying, spelling, and
grammatical errors. It can also insert certain text, graphics, and symbols
■ AutoComplete. Inserts entire items such as dates and AutoText (stored phrases)
when a few identifying characters are keyed.
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1/3/09 4:54:51 PM6 CENTURY 21 STYLE MANUAL
■ Macro. Allows the user to save (record) keystrokes and/or commands for retrieval
(playback) later. Macros save time by eliminating repetitive keying and formatting.
■ Show. Displays marks in text showing where tabs, spaces, and hard returns
are inserted. Being able to see these marks helps when editing a document or
solving formatting problems. The marks do not print.
■ Split Window. Displays a document in two panes, each with its own scroll bars.
This feature can be useful when copying text between parts of a long document,
or when it is necessary to see text not visible in the window where you are keying.
■ Zoom. Increases or decreases the size of text and amount of a page appearing
on the screen. Zoom out (a rate below 100%) to see more of a page and smaller
text; zoom in (a rate above 100%) to see less page area and larger text.
Getting Started
starting your word processor (e.g Microsoft word), as with any Microsoft windows application,
is simple and straightforward. You can start you word processor by clicking on its icon. The
small picture that represents the word processor on the screen or by using the start button
on the task bar. if word is set up as a program icon, then double click on it. When you use the
start button, then click only once on the button. This display a menu. Click on the program.
Doing this display another menu containing your word processor that runs on windows. For
word processors running on DOS, you type the necessary commands at the DOS commands
prompt. Because most applications now run on windows. When you start the word processor, it
is loaded onto RAM and the word processor screen is displayed, with a blank space to type
into. As with all windows programs, you have a menu bar at the top of the screen with whic
you can access every function the software offers. Down the side and across the bottom of
the screen, you have the scroll bars that let you move around all the pages of the document.
Below the menu bar is at least one, or probably two Toolbar. They contain all the important
functions or features that you will use for saving, printing, editing, formatting e.t.c.. They are
all shown as buttons (pictures), which you can click on with the mouse. The meaning of the
pictures or buttons of the toolbar may not be obvious but some have pictures that conveys
what they actually do. somewhere on the screen, either in one of the tool bars or in the
button bar, will be display of the type and size of the font being used. it also display the line
numbers, column, section, and pages that you are working on e.t.c.
Creating A Document

This involves typing into the computer the text (characters) that forms your document. you
may wish to set the preset or default settings or format of the output document. This
default format is usually 8.5 by 11 inches (American A4 size). while the left, right,top and
bottom margins are set at i inch, tabs are set every half interval and line spacing is set at 6
lines per inch. if it is an existing document you want to continue working with, you can click on
the open icon or go to the file menu bar and click it and then choose or select the open
command. Alternatively, you can use windows to find the document. Creating a new document
image of the page, as it will be when printed. As staed earlier, word processors
have built-in or default format but one can also change the format for this
document. The margins can be reset from the default setting 1 inch likewise
other settings. Margins are the blank spaces around the edges of the page. To
reset the margins, go to the setup sub-menu of the file main menu and choose
how far in from the sides, top and bottom edges of the pages you want your
text. once the margins are set, the word processor wil keep the space clear on
all pages.

simply involves typing in the text, which is a simple task. just key-in the words and you see
them appear on the screen. A common features of word processors is word wrap. Word wrap
is a feature that enables the computer to automatically wrap words to the next line, when
they extend past the right margin. That is any word that is type past the right margin is
automatically moved down to the next line. with the typewriter, you have to pull the carriage
control key ( equivalent of the computer's ENTER key) to end a line and start a new one.
pressing the ENTER key does the same thing in computer word processing. However the word
wrap eliminates pressing the ENTER key each time to get a new line. The ENTER key is
pressed only when a new paragraph is to be started or when blank lines are to be inserted.
The TAB key is pressed at the beginning of each paragraph to indent (push in) the first line
of the paragraph.

Editing A Document
Editing a document means revising or making corrections in the document. word processing
permits full-screen editing. That is, the cursor can be moved to any position in the document
to insert or type-over text. Text is entered in either type-over or inset mode. on most word
processing systems you switch(toggle0 between type-over and insert modes by pressing the

Aligning the Text- most document run in one column and have their paragraph aligned to the
left i.e the first letter of each line starts on the edge of the margin. left align leaves the
document with a ragged (uneven0 looks at the right of the paragraph. This may be okay for
letter writing and few other document, but not for newsletters and magazines. Newsletters
and magazines always run texts into several columns. you can achieve this with little effort.
when you choose multiple columns, the word processor takes over laying out your text. if you
choose two columns, the word processor fills the first column first. when the left column is
full, it starts putting the text in the right column until the page is filled up. but remember you
only see the effect of your multiple-column layout when you go to pages layout view.
Spacing, Page break, and Field

INS (insert) key on the top right hand of your keyboard. you can browse through your
document, which may be of several pages (in multi screen display) by scrolling a line or a page
(a screen full) at a time to carry out editing. The cursor can be moved to any part of the
document on the screen to make the desired changes. when the cursor is in the typing area
the mouse pointer appears like a vertical 'I' and turns to normal mouse arrow when it is in the
tool bars or menus. If you want to insert an extra character or word in a sentence, use the
mouse to go to the spot and a click of the mouse will put the cursor 'I' there. Alternatively,
you can use the keyboard arrow keys to get the cursor to the required position. The newly
inserted character or text pushes forward the old ones. Deleting characters requires
pressing the Del(delete) key and this deletes all characters to the right of the cursor the
number of times the key is pressed. The gap closes up instantly.
Block Operations B copy, cut, and paste

Before you can change a text-a word, sentence, or paragraph on screen, you must tell the
computer (word processor) what it is you want to change by selecting, or highlighting it. For
example, you want to get rid of a sentence, you select it or mark it by using the mouse to
positions the cursor by the first letter of the sentence, and then drag the mouse across the
sentence while holding down the mouse's left button. when this is done, the text appears
white on a black background. That is, the text is shaded black i.e highlighted. To get rid of
the sentence, just go to the cut in the Edit menu or click icon for cut operation and the
sentence disappears. This is a block-delete operation. you can restore your sentence if you

if the page is cramped or congested, your word processor can allow more space between the
lines or words. you can set spacing between lines and the spacing after each paragraph. Each
line will expand across the page. When a page is full, the word processor moves to the next
page sometimes you might want to choose where to start the next page may be at the end of
a paragraph. you can do this by inserting a page break(in insert menu), which tells the word
processor to move on to the next page. The word processor also has commands for header and
footer labels to be printed on each page, and to request that page be numbered(pagination
feature) automatically. Headers and footers are special areas that fit at the top or bottom of
the page that can be used to repeat the document, section, or chapter title on every page.
Spelling Checker

The word processor can check your document for a wrongly spelled word by running the
text through a spelling checker program. This program, which is part of the word
processor, identifies incorrectly spelt words and suggest correct spelling from which you
choose. it compares every word in your document against a large electronic dictionary of
thousands of English words. This dictionary is also part of the word processor. if it
finds any word in your document that does not have a match in its dictionary, it will
highlight it as incorrectly spelt.

just realized that the sentence is okay after all. To do this, go to the Undo in the Edit menu
and the sentence will appear.

Once you have selected a piece of text, you can use Copy to put copy of it into the PC's
clipboard. This text can then be paste anywhere in your document by moving the cursor to
wherever you want the text to be and then selecting Paste. These commands are the
electronic equivalent of a cut and paste job that the graphic artist does in designing materials
to be printed or published. Cut simply lifts the selected text so you can put it somewhere else
and rearrange your document. if you have several documents open at a time you can copy, cut,
and paste text between documents as well as within a single document.

Search And Replace The word processor can search out words in your document using the
search (find command. A search or find command allows you to locate any
character, word or phrase in your document. when a search is performed, the
insertion point moves to the first place the word appears. if you want, the
document will be searched for all other occurrences of the word. The Replace
command automatically replaces the word you search for with any other word
required. For example, you could search for the word victor and replace it the
word Vincent for as many times as it occurred. The search (find) feature allows
you to search an entire document and identify all occurrences of a specified
character string-word or phrase. The search and replace commands are useful
for finding and correcting errors.

Formatting a Document
specifying the appearance of a document when printed is what is known as formatting.
Formatting is used to enhance the appearance and readability of our document.
The word processor can show you your work in several ways. The normal view
gives an idea of page layout. sometimes we may want to insert graphics
(pictures) and multiple columns. for this we will use layout view, which shows an


one of the very important features of a word processing package is the ability
to store or save a document for future references. The stored version of a
document is known as a text file. saving word processing file is the same as
saving any other windows file. You click save in the file menu or click the icon
representing save operations.

The last part of a word processing job is to print out your document. The quality
of your printed work depends ultimately on the quality of your printer. If you
use a dot-matrix printer, the results will be just satisfactory, an ink-jet printer
will enhance the output, while a laser printer will give the best quality output. To
get your document printed, all you have to do is get the printer ready by turning
it on, then click the icon that represents the print operation on the windows
screen or click the print in the file main menu.

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Word Processor

  • 1. BASIC COMMANDS ■ Open. Displays lists of folders and files (documents). Use this command to locate a desired document and open (display) it on the screen. ■ Save/Save As. Saves a document on a disk while leaving a copy of it on the screen. Use Save As the first time a document is saved (give it a filename) and to rename a document. Use Save to save a revised document without renaming it. ■ Print Preview. Shows a document as it will look when printed, including multiple pages in one view. ■ Print. Prints documents. Select print options and settings (Print dialog box) before printing. ■ Close. Removes a document from the display screen. If the document has not been saved, you will be prompted to save it before closing. EDITING FEATURES ■ Copy. Copies selected text so it can be placed in another location, leaving the original text unchanged. ■ Cut. Removes selected text from the current location. ■ Paste. Places selected text that has been copied or cut at another location. ■ Find. Locates a specified keystroke, word, or phrase in a document. Available ■ Replace. Finds a specified keystroke, word, or phrase, and then replaces it with another keystroke, word, or phrase. All occurrences of the specified text can be replaced at one time, or replacements can be made individually (selectively). ■ Select. Highlights text on which various operations may be performed. Use the mouse and/or key combinations to select text. Once selected, the text can be bolded, underlined, italicized, deleted, copied, moved, printed, saved, etc. ■ Spell-Check. Checks words, documents, or parts of documents for misspellings. ■ Undo. Reverses the last change made in the text. This feature restores moved text to its original location. ■ Redo. Reverses the last Undo action. ■ Typeover. Replaces existing text with newly keyed text (also called Overstrike or Overtype). ENHANCEMENT FEATURES ■ Bold. Prints text darker than other copy as it is keyed. Bold may be added after text has been keyed by first selecting the text. ■ Borders. Adds a border to any or all sides of a page, paragraph, or column, as well as to a table or a cell within a table. Page border options may include small pictures. Borders not only enhance appearance, but also make text easier to read by emphasizing certain passages. Borders are most effective when used sparingly. ■ Bullets. Highlights each item in a list with a heavy dot or other character, as demonstrated in this list of features. Bullets add visual interest and emphasis. ■ Change Case. Changes capitalization. The lowercase option changes all selected text to lowercase ■ Drop Cap. Formats paragraphs to begin with a large dropped capital letter. Drop caps are objects (pictures) that can be formatted and sized. ■ Font. Consists of the typeface, style, size, and any effects used. Font features may be changed before or after text is keyed. The number and size of fonts available depends on the software and printer used. ■ Italic. Prints letters that slope up toward the right. Italic may be added after text has been keyed by first selecting the text. ■ Numbering. Shows the proper order of a series of steps or items. Use numbers instead of bullets whenever the order of items is important. ■ Shading. Adds color or patterns to paragraphs or table cells to emphasize them and focus the reader’s attention on the contents. ■ Superscript. Places text slightly higher than other text on a line. Superscript is commonly used for footnotes and endnotes, and for mathematical formulas and equations. ■ Underline. Underlines text as it is keyed. An underline may be added after text has been keyed by first selecting the text. ■ Watermark. Prints any desired text or graphics behind the main text on document pages. FORMATTING FEATURES Formatting features change the arrangement, or layout, of pages. These features include aligning text vertically and horizontally, indenting and hyphenating text, and changing margins and line spacing. 1.3.2■ Alignment. Refers to the horizontal position of a line of text (also called justification). – Use left alignment to start text at the left margin (even left margin). – Use right alignment to align text at the right margin (even right margin). – Use center alignment to center text between the left and right margins. – Use justify alignment for even left and right margins. ■ Center Page. Centers text between top and bottom margins of a page. This feature leaves an equal (or nearly equal) amount of white space above and below text. Inserting two hard returns below the last keyed line gives centered documents a better appearance. ■ Indent. Moves text away from the left or right margin. – Left indent (paragraph indent) moves the text one tab stop to the right (usually 0.5"), away from the left margin. – Hanging indent moves all but the first line of a paragraph 0.5" (one tab stop) to the right. Hanging indent is commonly used on bibliographies and reference pages. ■ Line Spacing. Changes the amount of blank space between lines of text. ■ Margins. Changes the amount of blank space at the top, bottom, right, and/or left edges of a page. Default margin settings are not the same for all software. ■ Page Break. Inserts a soft page break automatically when the current page is full. A hard page break can be inserted manually to start a new page before the current page is full. ■ Tab. Aligns text according to the type of tab set. By default, most word processing software programs have left tabs already set at half-inch (0.5") intervals from the left margin. These preset tabs can be cleared and reset. – Left tabs, commonly used to align words, align text evenly at the left by placing the keyed text to the right of the tab setting. – Right tabs, commonly used to align whole numbers, align text evenly at the right by placing the keyed text to the left of the tab setting. – Decimal tabs align numbers at the decimal point, regardless of the number of places before or after the decimal point. – Dot Leader tabs automatically place dot leaders (. . . .) between columns of designated text. The leaders lead the reader’s eyes from text in the left column to text in the right column. INSERT FEATURES ■ Shapes. Adds a variety of shapes (rectangles, stars, banners, arrows, flow chart symbols, etc.) to a document. ■ Clip Art. Drawings, pictures, sounds, and video clips can be inserted into Documents. ■ Date. Automatically inserts the date into a document. Some software contains an Update option that automatically replaces the previous date with the current date each time the document is opened or printed. ■ Footnote and Endnote. Identifies sources quoted or paraphrased in the text or gives extra information about the main text. Word processing software automatically positions and prints each footnote at the bottom of the same page as the reference to it. It prints endnotes on a separate page at the end of a report. When footnotes or endnotes are edited, added, or deleted, the software feature automatically makes the necessary changes in numbering, formatting, and page breaks. ■ Header and Footer. Adds text (such as a chapter title, date, filename, or name of a person or company) or graphic (a company logo, for example) in the top margin (header) or bottom margin (footer) of a page. Headers or footers often include page numbers. ■ Page Numbers. Places page numbers in a specified location on printed pages. – Most software contains a variety of numbering styles from which to choose: Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3), lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii), uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III), uppercase letters (A, B, C), and lowercase letters (a, b, c). – Numbers can be placed at the top or bottom of the page, and aligned at the left margin, center, or right margin. – The Hide or Suppress option keeps the page number from appearing on a specified page. ■ Text Boxes. Frequently used for labels or callouts in a document. Once a text box is inserted in a document, it can be formatted, resized, and moved. ■ Word Art. Changes text into a graphic object. Most word processing software programs have a word art gallery that contains predefined styles such as curved or stretched text. MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES ■ AutoFormat. Automatically formats headings, bulleted and numbered lists, borders, numbers, symbols, and so on as a document is keyed. Table AutoFormat applies borders, shading, font effects, etc., to tables. ■ AutoCorrect. Automatically corrects many common keying, spelling, and grammatical errors. It can also insert certain text, graphics, and symbols automatically. ■ AutoComplete. Inserts entire items such as dates and AutoText (stored phrases) when a few identifying characters are keyed. 82621_STYLE_Manual_1-58.indd 5 82621_STYLE_Manual_1-58.indd 5 1/3/09 4:54:51 PM 1/3/09 4:54:51 PM6 CENTURY 21 STYLE MANUAL ■ Macro. Allows the user to save (record) keystrokes and/or commands for retrieval (playback) later. Macros save time by eliminating repetitive keying and formatting. ■ Show. Displays marks in text showing where tabs, spaces, and hard returns are inserted. Being able to see these marks helps when editing a document or solving formatting problems. The marks do not print. ■ Split Window. Displays a document in two panes, each with its own scroll bars. This feature can be useful when copying text between parts of a long document, or when it is necessary to see text not visible in the window where you are keying. ■ Zoom. Increases or decreases the size of text and amount of a page appearing on the screen. Zoom out (a rate below 100%) to see more of a page and smaller text; zoom in (a rate above 100%) to see less page area and larger text. Getting Started starting your word processor (e.g Microsoft word), as with any Microsoft windows application, is simple and straightforward. You can start you word processor by clicking on its icon. The small picture that represents the word processor on the screen or by using the start button on the task bar. if word is set up as a program icon, then double click on it. When you use the start button, then click only once on the button. This display a menu. Click on the program. Doing this display another menu containing your word processor that runs on windows. For word processors running on DOS, you type the necessary commands at the DOS commands prompt. Because most applications now run on windows. When you start the word processor, it is loaded onto RAM and the word processor screen is displayed, with a blank space to type into. As with all windows programs, you have a menu bar at the top of the screen with whic you can access every function the software offers. Down the side and across the bottom of the screen, you have the scroll bars that let you move around all the pages of the document. Below the menu bar is at least one, or probably two Toolbar. They contain all the important functions or features that you will use for saving, printing, editing, formatting e.t.c.. They are all shown as buttons (pictures), which you can click on with the mouse. The meaning of the pictures or buttons of the toolbar may not be obvious but some have pictures that conveys what they actually do. somewhere on the screen, either in one of the tool bars or in the button bar, will be display of the type and size of the font being used. it also display the line numbers, column, section, and pages that you are working on e.t.c. Creating A Document This involves typing into the computer the text (characters) that forms your document. you may wish to set the preset or default settings or format of the output document. This default format is usually 8.5 by 11 inches (American A4 size). while the left, right,top and bottom margins are set at i inch, tabs are set every half interval and line spacing is set at 6 lines per inch. if it is an existing document you want to continue working with, you can click on the open icon or go to the file menu bar and click it and then choose or select the open command. Alternatively, you can use windows to find the document. Creating a new document
  • 2. image of the page, as it will be when printed. As staed earlier, word processors have built-in or default format but one can also change the format for this document. The margins can be reset from the default setting 1 inch likewise other settings. Margins are the blank spaces around the edges of the page. To reset the margins, go to the setup sub-menu of the file main menu and choose how far in from the sides, top and bottom edges of the pages you want your text. once the margins are set, the word processor wil keep the space clear on all pages. simply involves typing in the text, which is a simple task. just key-in the words and you see them appear on the screen. A common features of word processors is word wrap. Word wrap is a feature that enables the computer to automatically wrap words to the next line, when they extend past the right margin. That is any word that is type past the right margin is automatically moved down to the next line. with the typewriter, you have to pull the carriage control key ( equivalent of the computer's ENTER key) to end a line and start a new one. pressing the ENTER key does the same thing in computer word processing. However the word wrap eliminates pressing the ENTER key each time to get a new line. The ENTER key is pressed only when a new paragraph is to be started or when blank lines are to be inserted. The TAB key is pressed at the beginning of each paragraph to indent (push in) the first line of the paragraph. Editing A Document Editing a document means revising or making corrections in the document. word processing permits full-screen editing. That is, the cursor can be moved to any position in the document to insert or type-over text. Text is entered in either type-over or inset mode. on most word processing systems you switch(toggle0 between type-over and insert modes by pressing the Aligning the Text- most document run in one column and have their paragraph aligned to the left i.e the first letter of each line starts on the edge of the margin. left align leaves the document with a ragged (uneven0 looks at the right of the paragraph. This may be okay for letter writing and few other document, but not for newsletters and magazines. Newsletters and magazines always run texts into several columns. you can achieve this with little effort. when you choose multiple columns, the word processor takes over laying out your text. if you choose two columns, the word processor fills the first column first. when the left column is full, it starts putting the text in the right column until the page is filled up. but remember you only see the effect of your multiple-column layout when you go to pages layout view. Spacing, Page break, and Field INS (insert) key on the top right hand of your keyboard. you can browse through your document, which may be of several pages (in multi screen display) by scrolling a line or a page (a screen full) at a time to carry out editing. The cursor can be moved to any part of the document on the screen to make the desired changes. when the cursor is in the typing area the mouse pointer appears like a vertical 'I' and turns to normal mouse arrow when it is in the tool bars or menus. If you want to insert an extra character or word in a sentence, use the mouse to go to the spot and a click of the mouse will put the cursor 'I' there. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard arrow keys to get the cursor to the required position. The newly inserted character or text pushes forward the old ones. Deleting characters requires pressing the Del(delete) key and this deletes all characters to the right of the cursor the number of times the key is pressed. The gap closes up instantly. Block Operations B copy, cut, and paste Before you can change a text-a word, sentence, or paragraph on screen, you must tell the computer (word processor) what it is you want to change by selecting, or highlighting it. For example, you want to get rid of a sentence, you select it or mark it by using the mouse to positions the cursor by the first letter of the sentence, and then drag the mouse across the sentence while holding down the mouse's left button. when this is done, the text appears white on a black background. That is, the text is shaded black i.e highlighted. To get rid of the sentence, just go to the cut in the Edit menu or click icon for cut operation and the sentence disappears. This is a block-delete operation. you can restore your sentence if you if the page is cramped or congested, your word processor can allow more space between the lines or words. you can set spacing between lines and the spacing after each paragraph. Each line will expand across the page. When a page is full, the word processor moves to the next page sometimes you might want to choose where to start the next page may be at the end of a paragraph. you can do this by inserting a page break(in insert menu), which tells the word processor to move on to the next page. The word processor also has commands for header and footer labels to be printed on each page, and to request that page be numbered(pagination feature) automatically. Headers and footers are special areas that fit at the top or bottom of the page that can be used to repeat the document, section, or chapter title on every page. Spelling Checker The word processor can check your document for a wrongly spelled word by running the text through a spelling checker program. This program, which is part of the word processor, identifies incorrectly spelt words and suggest correct spelling from which you choose. it compares every word in your document against a large electronic dictionary of thousands of English words. This dictionary is also part of the word processor. if it finds any word in your document that does not have a match in its dictionary, it will highlight it as incorrectly spelt. Saving just realized that the sentence is okay after all. To do this, go to the Undo in the Edit menu and the sentence will appear. Once you have selected a piece of text, you can use Copy to put copy of it into the PC's clipboard. This text can then be paste anywhere in your document by moving the cursor to wherever you want the text to be and then selecting Paste. These commands are the electronic equivalent of a cut and paste job that the graphic artist does in designing materials to be printed or published. Cut simply lifts the selected text so you can put it somewhere else and rearrange your document. if you have several documents open at a time you can copy, cut, and paste text between documents as well as within a single document. Search And Replace The word processor can search out words in your document using the search (find command. A search or find command allows you to locate any character, word or phrase in your document. when a search is performed, the insertion point moves to the first place the word appears. if you want, the document will be searched for all other occurrences of the word. The Replace command automatically replaces the word you search for with any other word required. For example, you could search for the word victor and replace it the word Vincent for as many times as it occurred. The search (find) feature allows you to search an entire document and identify all occurrences of a specified character string-word or phrase. The search and replace commands are useful for finding and correcting errors. Formatting a Document specifying the appearance of a document when printed is what is known as formatting. Formatting is used to enhance the appearance and readability of our document. The word processor can show you your work in several ways. The normal view gives an idea of page layout. sometimes we may want to insert graphics (pictures) and multiple columns. for this we will use layout view, which shows an Printing one of the very important features of a word processing package is the ability to store or save a document for future references. The stored version of a document is known as a text file. saving word processing file is the same as saving any other windows file. You click save in the file menu or click the icon representing save operations. The last part of a word processing job is to print out your document. The quality of your printed work depends ultimately on the quality of your printer. If you use a dot-matrix printer, the results will be just satisfactory, an ink-jet printer will enhance the output, while a laser printer will give the best quality output. To get your document printed, all you have to do is get the printer ready by turning it on, then click the icon that represents the print operation on the windows screen or click the print in the file main menu.