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Quantum Computers
New Generation of Computers
Computer That Program itself
Professor Lili Saghafi
Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference
April 2015
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
• The light switch game
• The energy program
• Calculate The Distance Between Two Large
• Quantum Computers can LEARN
• A computer that programs itself
• Uncertainty is a feature
A-Quantum Computers are good for complicated calculations
The light switch game
• To begin learning about quantum computing,
it is important to understand why we can't use
conventional digital computers to solve
certain problems.
• Let's consider a mathematical problem, which
we'll call the light switch game, that illustrates
this point.
• The light switch game involves trying to find
the best settings for a bunch of switches.
The light switch game
Here's a graphical example introducing this problem:
trying to find the best settings for a bunch of switches
The light switch game• Let's imagine that each light switch has a number associated
with it, which is chosen for you (you don't get to change this).
• We call this a 'bias value'.
• You get to choose whether to turn each light switch ON or
• In our game, ON = +1 and OFF = -1.
• We then add up all the switches' bias values multiplied by
their ON/OFF values.
• This gives us a number.
• The objective of the game is to set the switches to get the
lowest number.
• Mathematically, we call the bias values of each switch hi and
the switch settings are called si.
Playing the light switch game - add up the bias values
of each switch multiplied by their settings (which you
have to choose)
• So depending upon which switches we set to
+1 and which we set to -1, we will get a
different score overall.
• You can try this game.
• Hopefully you'll find it easy because there's a
simple rule to winning:
Working out the answer for a
particular "guess" at the switch
• We find that if we set all the switches with
positive biases to OFF and all the switches
with negative biases to ON and add up the
result then we get the lowest overall value.
• I can give you as many switches as I want with
many different bias values and you just look at
each one in turn and flip it either ON or OFF
• Imagine that many of the pairs of switches have
an additional rule, one which involves considering
PAIRS of switches in addition to just individual
• we add a new bias value (called J)
• we multiply by BOTH the switch settings that
connect to it, and we add the resulting value we
get from each pair of switches to our overall
number too.
• Decide whether each switch should be ON or OFF
subject to this new rule.
Making the game harder by adding additional
terms that depend on the settings of pairs of
• Now it is harder to decide whether a switch
should be ON or OFF, because its neighbors affect
• with 2 switches in the last figure , you can't just
follow the rule of setting them to be the opposite
sign to their bias value anymore
• With a complex web of switches having many
neighbors, it quickly becomes very frustrating to
try and find the right combination to give you the
lowest value overall.
The light switch game with connecting terms added,
generating an 'interacting' web of light switches
How does quantum mechanics help?
• With a couple of switches you can just try
every combination of ON's and OFF's, there
are only four possibilities: [ON ON], [ON OFF],
[OFF ON] or [OFF OFF].
• But as you add more and more switches, the
number of possible ways that the switches can
be set grows exponentially:
The exponential problem with the light
switch game.
as you add more and more switches, the number of possible ways that the switches
can be set grows exponentially
• You can start to see why the game isn't much fun
• In fact it is even difficult for our most powerful
• Being able to store all those possible
configurations in memory, and moving them
around inside conventional processors to
calculate if our guess is right takes a very, very
long time.
• With only 500 switches, there isn't enough time
in the Universe to check all the configurations.
• Quantum mechanics can give us a helping hand with this
• The fundamental power of a Quantum Computer comes
from the idea that you can put bits of information into a
superposition of states.
• You can think of this as being a situation where the Qubit
has not yet decided which state it wants to be in.
• Some people like to refer to the Qubit in superposition as
'being in both states at the same time'.
• You can alternatively think of the Qubit's state as being
undecided as to whether it is +1 or -1.
• Which means that using a Quantum Computer, our light
switches can be ON and OFF at the same time:
A quantum mechanical bit of information (Qubit) can reside in what is
known as a superposition state, where it has not yet decided whether to be
in the +1 or the -1 state (alternatively, you can think of it as being 'in both
using a Quantum Computer, our light switches can be ON and
OFF at the same time:
• Now lets consider the same bunch of switches
as before, but now held in a Quantum
Computer's memory (notice that the bias
values haven't been added yet):
A network of connected quantum bits in
superposition. The answer is in there
• Because all the light switches are on and off at
the same time, we know that the correct answer
(correct ON/OFF settings for each switch) is
represented in there somewhere - it is just
currently hidden from us.
• quantum mechanics is going to find it for us.
• “Quantum Computer” allows you to take a
'quantum representation' like this, and extract
the configuration of ONs and OFFs with the
lowest value.
The D-Wave Quantum Computer
Here's is how it works:
The computer begins with the bits in superposition,
ends with them behaving as regular classical bits, and
finds the answer along the way.
• You start with the system in its quantum
superposition as described above.
• You slowly adjust the Quantum Computer to turn
off the quantum superposition effect.
• At the same time, you slowly turn up all those
bias values (the h and J's from earlier).
• As this operation is performed, the switches
slowly drop out of their superposition state and
choose a classical state, either ON or OFF.
• At the end, each switch MUST have chosen to be
either ON or OFF.
• The quantum mechanics working inside the computer
helps the light switches settle into the right states to
give the lowest overall value when you add them all up
at the end.
• Even though with N switches there are 2N possible
configurations it could have ended up in, it finds the
lowest one, winning the light switch game.
• Quantum Computer allows us to minimize expressions
such as the one considered here: E(s)=∑ihisi+Jijsisj
• which can be difficult (if not impossible) for classical
Why should we consider the switches
• The concept of finding a good configuration of
binary variables (switches) in this way lies at
the heart of many problems that are
encountered in everyday applications.
• Even the concept of scientific discovery itself
is an optimization problem (you are trying to
find the best 'configuration' of terms
contributing to a scientific equation which
match real world observations).
Examples of applications which under the hood all
involve finding good 'switch settings' and can be
tackled more efficiently with Quantum Computers.
The energy program
• let's consider how the Quantum Computer is
• where bit strings in were transformed into other
bits strings via the application of a logic program.
• Instead of that, we now have a resource where
bits can be undecided, so the computation is
performed in a fundamentally different way, as
shown in next Figure .
• In this case, a group of Qubits are initialized
into their superposition states, and this time
an ENERGY PROGRAM (instead of a logic
program) is applied to the group.
• The Qubits go from being undecided at the
beginning of the computation, to all having
chosen either -1 or +1 states at the end of the
What is an Energy Program?
• It is just those h and J numbers - the bias
settings - that we introduced earlier.
• In the light switch game, we said that the h
and J's were given to you.
• Well, now we see where they come from -
they are the definition of the problem you
are trying to solve.
The basic operation of a Quantum Computer is to
supply an energy program (a series of h and J numbers)
and let the computer find the switch settings
(+1 and -1).
• Crafting an energy program as a series of h
and J values - to encode a real world problem
that you care about - is exceedingly hard and
• It would be the equivalent of programming
your desktop PC by sending in machine code
to the microprocessors inside! Luckily, there is
a better way to program Quantum
Computers by using a quantum compiler.
• Quantum computing, as implemented in the D-
Wave system, is described by a simple but largely
unfamiliar programming model.
• Using a simple map coloring problem , the entire
set of transformations needed to find solutions
by executing a single quantum machine
instruction (QMI) within this programming
• This “direct embedding” is one of several ways to
program the D-Wave quantum computer
A-Quantum Computers are good for complicated calculations
Calculate The Distance Between Two
Large Vectors
• "To calculate the distance between two large
vectors with a dimension of 1021 -- or, in the
language of Big Data, we can call it 1 Zettabyte
(ZB) or 10^21 -- a GHz clock-rate classical
computer will take about hundreds of thousands
of years,"
• "A GHz clock-rate Quantum Computer, if we can
build it in the future, with the exponential speed-
up, will take only about a second to estimate the
distance between these two vectors after they
are entangled with the ancillary Qubit."
Prof Lu , at the University of Science and Technology of China in
Hefei states.
• Quantum Computers have the potential to
dramatically outperform the most powerful
conventional processors utilised in Classical
• The secret at work here is the strange
quantum phenomenon of superposition,
where a quantum object can exist in two
states at the same time.
• 2^20 = 2x2x2...(20 times) = 1 million plus
• The advantage comes when one of those two states
represents a 1 and the other a 0, forming a Quantum
bit or Qubit.
• A single quantum object -- an atomic nucleus for
example -- can perform a calculation on two numbers
at the same time.
• Two nuclei can handle 4 numbers, 3 nuclei 8 numbers
and 20 nuclei can perform a calculation using more
than a million numbers simultaneously!
• That’s why even a relatively modest Quantum
Computer could dramatically outperform the most
advanced supercomputers today.
• The new method takes advantage of quantum
entanglement, in which two or more objects
are so strongly related that paradoxical effects
often arise since a measurement on one
object instantaneously affects the other.
• Here, quantum entanglement provides a very
fast way to classify vectors into one of two
categories, a task that is at the core of
machine learning.
Quantum Computers can LEARN
• The discipline of teaching computers to reason about
the world and learn from experience is known as
machine learning.
• It is a sub-branch of the field of artificial intelligence.
• Most of the code we write is fairly static - that is, given
new data it will perform the same computation over
and over again and make the same errors.
• Using machine learning we can design programs which
modify their own code and therefore learn new ways
to handle pieces of data that they have never seen
Quantum Computers can LEARN
• The type of applications that run very well on Quantum
Computer’s hardware are applications where learning and
decision making under uncertain conditions are required.
• Imagine if a computer was asked to classify an object based
on several images of similar objects you had shown it in the
• This task is very difficult for conventional computing
architectures, which are designed to follow very strict logical
• If the system is shown a new image, it is hard to get it to
make a general statement about the image, such as 'it looks
similar to an apple'.
• These processors are designed to support applications that
require high level reasoning and decision making. 42
Quantum Computers can LEARN
• How can we use a Quantum Computer to implement learning,
for example, if we want the system to recognize objects?
• Writing an energy program for this task would be very
difficult, even using a quantum compiler, as we do not know
in detail how to capture the essence of objects that the
system must recognize.
• Luckily there is a way around this problem, as there is a mode
in which the Quantum Computer can tweak its own energy
program in response to new pieces of incoming data.
• This allows the machine to make a good guess at what an
object might be, even if it has never seen a particular instance
of it before.
What is Machine Learning?
• Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence
and it learns from previous experience to optimise
• Machine learning is already ubiquitous in various fields
such as computer sciences, financial analysis, robotics,
and bioinformatics.
• Machine learning begins with a set of data to train the
• For example, the idea may be to convert each received
image into a vector by analysing the number of image
pixels in each part of the picture.
What's a Key Challenge?
• A key challenge is that machine learning with the
rapidly growing "big data problem" could become
intractable for classical computers to handle leaving
the field wide open for Quantum computers that can
handle vast numbers of samples with relatively few
Quantum bits or Qbits.
• Recently, quantum machine learning algorithms were
proposed which could offer an exponential speedup
over classical algorithms.
• The Chinese have now demonstrated some of these
algorithms to be workable and true.
Quantum Computers can LEARN
• trained a quantum computer to recognise
handwritten characters, the first standalone
demonstration of “Quantum Artificial
Intelligence” and another Chinese team using a
small-scale photonic quantum computer is
demonstrating that quantum computers may be
able to exponentially speed up the rate at which
certain machine learning tasks are performed,
and in some cases, reducing the time from
hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds.
Quantum Computers can LEARN
• Quantum Computer can recognise handwritten characters,
just as humans can do, in what Li et al are calling the first
demonstration of “Quantum artificial Intelligence”.
• a quantum entanglement-based machine learning method
called quantum-based vector classification.
• “This quantum-based vector classification method can be
used for both supervised and unsupervised machine
learning, and so could have a wide variety of applications”.
• It's also ubiquitous in our daily lives, such as in face
recognition, email filtering, and recommendation systems
for online shopping.
Chao-Yang Lu et al at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei
the machine make a good guess at what an object might be, even if it
has never seen a particular instance of it before. The following section
gives an overview of this process.
A computer that programs itself
• In order to get the system to tweak its own
energy program, you start by showing the
system lots and lots of instances of the
concept that you want it to learn about.
• An example in shown in Figure. Here the idea
is to try to get the computer to learn the
difference between images of different types
of fruit.
A computer that programs itself
• In order to do this, we present images (or rather, a numeric
representation of those images) to the system illustrating
many different examples of apples, raspberries and melons.
• We also give the system the 'right' answer each time by
telling it what switch settings (labels) it should be ending up
selecting in each case.
• The system must find an energy program (shown as a
question mark as we do not know it at the beginning) so
that when an image is shown to the system, it gets the
labels correct each time.
• If it gets many examples wrong, the algorithm knows that
it must change its energy program.
Teaching the quantum chip by allowing it to write its own energy program.
The system tweaks the energy program until it labels all the examples that
you show it correctly.
This is also known as the 'training' or 'learning' phase.
A computer that programs itself
• At first the system chooses an energy program
(remember that it is just a bunch of h and J
values) at random.
• It will get many of the labellings wrong, but
that doesn't matter, as we can keep showing it
the examples and each time allow it to tweak
the energy program so that it gets more and
more labels (switch settings) correct.
A computer that programs itself
• Once it can't do any better on the data that it has been
given, we then keep the final energy program and use
that as our 'learned' program to classify a new, unseen
example (next figure).
• In machine learning terminology this is known as a
supervised learning algorithm because we are
showing the computer examples of images and telling
it what the correct labels should be in order to help it
• There are other types of learning algorithms supported
by the system, even ones that can be used if labeled
data is not available.
After the system has found a good energy program
during the training phase, it can now label unseen
examples to solve a real world problem.
This is known as the 'testing' phase.
Uncertainty Is A Feature
• Another interesting point to note about the Quantum
Computer is that it is probabilistic, meaning that it
returns multiple answers.
• Some of these might be the answer that you are
looking for, and some might not.
• At first this sounds like a bad thing, as a computer that
returns a different answer when you ask it the same
question sounds like a bug!
• In the Quantum Computer, this returning of multiple
answers can give us important information about the
confidence level of the computer.
• Using the fruit example , if we showed the computer
an image and asked it to label the same image 100
times, and it gave the answer 'apple' 100 times, then
the computer is pretty confident that the image is an
• However, if it returns the answer apple 50 times and
raspberry 50 times, what this means is that the
computer is uncertain about the image you are
showing it.
• And if you had shown it an image with apples AND
raspberries in, it would be perfectly correct! This
uncertainty can be very powerful when you are
designing systems which are able to make complex
decisions and learn about the world. 57
Uncertainty Is A Feature
• Qubits can come in the form of atoms or
electrons, with data encoded in their spins
(magnetic moments).
• Qubits are extremely unstable when exposed
to external shocks, and their state can be
easily ruined by external “noises.”
• Furthermore, reading/recording data on
them is very complicated, and so are the
“traps” that are used to store them.
Uncertainty Is A Feature
• In the early 2000s, scientists found it possible
to obtain “artificial atoms” that follow the
laws of quantum physics but are much easier
to handle.
• One of these, known as a Josephson junction,
consists of two superconductors separated by
a thin dielectric layer, and, due to quantum
effects, electrons can “leak” (tunnel) through
the insulator.
Uncertainty Is A Feature
• Qubits made of several Josephson junctions
act like atoms.
• They can be in the ground and excited state,
as well as emit and absorb photons.
• Such qubits can be obtained with existing
lithography methods, which are normally used
to produce microchips.
Laboratory Equipment Š Ivan
Khrapach / RQC, MIPT, MIS&S,
Institute of Solid State Physics
Uncertainty Is A Feature
• Using the latest lithography equipment, the scientists
created six micron-sized qubits, each one consisting of
four Josephson junctions placed on a one-micron
• The junctions consist of aluminum strips separated by a
dielectric layer (alumina) about 2 nanometers thick.
• The Qubit created by the MIPT group was then
transported to the Quantum Center, where
measurements were taken: the scientists probed the
device with microwaves to confirm that its properties
met the parameters set.
Thank you!
Great Audience
Professor Lili Saghafi
References, Images Credit
• Internet and World Wide Web How To Program, 5/E , (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Associates
• New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive, 9th Edition Gary P. Schneider Quinnipiac University
• Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 6/E, Terry Felke-Morris, Harper College
• SAP Market Place
• Forbes
• Youtube
• Professor Saghafi’s blog
• TED Talks
• TEDXtalks
• Timo Elliot
• Theoretical Physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis
• Institute for Quantum Computing
• quantum physics realisation Data-Burger, scientific advisor: J. Bobroff, with the support of : Univ. Paris Sud,
SFP, Triangle de la Physique, PALM, Sciences Ă  l'Ecole, ICAM-I2CAM
• Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP)
• University of Otago, New Zealand
• Extreme Tech
• Inquisitr's daily viral news

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  • 1. 1 Quantum Computers New Generation of Computers PART 3 Computer That Program itself Professor Lili Saghafi Quantum Information and Computation XIII Conference April 2015 Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  • 2. Agenda • The light switch game • The energy program • Calculate The Distance Between Two Large Vectors • Quantum Computers can LEARN • A computer that programs itself • Uncertainty is a feature 2
  • 3. 1-THE LIGHT SWITCH GAME A-Quantum Computers are good for complicated calculations 3
  • 4. The light switch game • To begin learning about quantum computing, it is important to understand why we can't use conventional digital computers to solve certain problems. • Let's consider a mathematical problem, which we'll call the light switch game, that illustrates this point. • The light switch game involves trying to find the best settings for a bunch of switches. 4
  • 5. The light switch game Here's a graphical example introducing this problem: 5 trying to find the best settings for a bunch of switches
  • 6. The light switch game• Let's imagine that each light switch has a number associated with it, which is chosen for you (you don't get to change this). • We call this a 'bias value'. • You get to choose whether to turn each light switch ON or OFF. • In our game, ON = +1 and OFF = -1. • We then add up all the switches' bias values multiplied by their ON/OFF values. • This gives us a number. • The objective of the game is to set the switches to get the lowest number. • Mathematically, we call the bias values of each switch hi and the switch settings are called si. 6
  • 7. Playing the light switch game - add up the bias values of each switch multiplied by their settings (which you have to choose) 7
  • 8. • So depending upon which switches we set to +1 and which we set to -1, we will get a different score overall. • You can try this game. • Hopefully you'll find it easy because there's a simple rule to winning: 8
  • 9. Working out the answer for a particular "guess" at the switch settings 9
  • 10. • We find that if we set all the switches with positive biases to OFF and all the switches with negative biases to ON and add up the result then we get the lowest overall value. • I can give you as many switches as I want with many different bias values and you just look at each one in turn and flip it either ON or OFF accordingly. 10
  • 11. • Imagine that many of the pairs of switches have an additional rule, one which involves considering PAIRS of switches in addition to just individual switches... • we add a new bias value (called J) • we multiply by BOTH the switch settings that connect to it, and we add the resulting value we get from each pair of switches to our overall number too. • Decide whether each switch should be ON or OFF subject to this new rule. 11
  • 12. Making the game harder by adding additional terms that depend on the settings of pairs of switches. 12
  • 13. • Now it is harder to decide whether a switch should be ON or OFF, because its neighbors affect it. • with 2 switches in the last figure , you can't just follow the rule of setting them to be the opposite sign to their bias value anymore • With a complex web of switches having many neighbors, it quickly becomes very frustrating to try and find the right combination to give you the lowest value overall. 13
  • 14. The light switch game with connecting terms added, generating an 'interacting' web of light switches 14
  • 15. How does quantum mechanics help? • With a couple of switches you can just try every combination of ON's and OFF's, there are only four possibilities: [ON ON], [ON OFF], [OFF ON] or [OFF OFF]. • But as you add more and more switches, the number of possible ways that the switches can be set grows exponentially: 15
  • 16. The exponential problem with the light switch game. 16 as you add more and more switches, the number of possible ways that the switches can be set grows exponentially
  • 17. • You can start to see why the game isn't much fun anymore. • In fact it is even difficult for our most powerful supercomputers. • Being able to store all those possible configurations in memory, and moving them around inside conventional processors to calculate if our guess is right takes a very, very long time. • With only 500 switches, there isn't enough time in the Universe to check all the configurations. 17
  • 18. • Quantum mechanics can give us a helping hand with this problem. • The fundamental power of a Quantum Computer comes from the idea that you can put bits of information into a superposition of states. • You can think of this as being a situation where the Qubit has not yet decided which state it wants to be in. • Some people like to refer to the Qubit in superposition as 'being in both states at the same time'. • You can alternatively think of the Qubit's state as being undecided as to whether it is +1 or -1. • Which means that using a Quantum Computer, our light switches can be ON and OFF at the same time: 18
  • 19. A quantum mechanical bit of information (Qubit) can reside in what is known as a superposition state, where it has not yet decided whether to be in the +1 or the -1 state (alternatively, you can think of it as being 'in both states'). 19 using a Quantum Computer, our light switches can be ON and OFF at the same time:
  • 20. • Now lets consider the same bunch of switches as before, but now held in a Quantum Computer's memory (notice that the bias values haven't been added yet): 20
  • 21. A network of connected quantum bits in superposition. The answer is in there somewhere! 21
  • 22. • Because all the light switches are on and off at the same time, we know that the correct answer (correct ON/OFF settings for each switch) is represented in there somewhere - it is just currently hidden from us. • quantum mechanics is going to find it for us. • “Quantum Computer” allows you to take a 'quantum representation' like this, and extract the configuration of ONs and OFFs with the lowest value. 22 The D-Wave Quantum Computer
  • 23. Here's is how it works: The computer begins with the bits in superposition, ends with them behaving as regular classical bits, and finds the answer along the way. 23
  • 24. • You start with the system in its quantum superposition as described above. • You slowly adjust the Quantum Computer to turn off the quantum superposition effect. • At the same time, you slowly turn up all those bias values (the h and J's from earlier). • As this operation is performed, the switches slowly drop out of their superposition state and choose a classical state, either ON or OFF. • At the end, each switch MUST have chosen to be either ON or OFF. 24
  • 25. • The quantum mechanics working inside the computer helps the light switches settle into the right states to give the lowest overall value when you add them all up at the end. • Even though with N switches there are 2N possible configurations it could have ended up in, it finds the lowest one, winning the light switch game. • Quantum Computer allows us to minimize expressions such as the one considered here: E(s)=∑ihisi+Jijsisj • which can be difficult (if not impossible) for classical computers. 25
  • 26. Why should we consider the switches • The concept of finding a good configuration of binary variables (switches) in this way lies at the heart of many problems that are encountered in everyday applications. • Even the concept of scientific discovery itself is an optimization problem (you are trying to find the best 'configuration' of terms contributing to a scientific equation which match real world observations). 26
  • 27. Examples of applications which under the hood all involve finding good 'switch settings' and can be tackled more efficiently with Quantum Computers. 27
  • 29. The energy program • let's consider how the Quantum Computer is programmed. • where bit strings in were transformed into other bits strings via the application of a logic program. • Instead of that, we now have a resource where bits can be undecided, so the computation is performed in a fundamentally different way, as shown in next Figure . • 29
  • 30. • In this case, a group of Qubits are initialized into their superposition states, and this time an ENERGY PROGRAM (instead of a logic program) is applied to the group. • The Qubits go from being undecided at the beginning of the computation, to all having chosen either -1 or +1 states at the end of the computation. 30
  • 31. What is an Energy Program? • It is just those h and J numbers - the bias settings - that we introduced earlier. • In the light switch game, we said that the h and J's were given to you. • Well, now we see where they come from - they are the definition of the problem you are trying to solve. 31
  • 32. The basic operation of a Quantum Computer is to supply an energy program (a series of h and J numbers) and let the computer find the switch settings (+1 and -1). 32
  • 33. • Crafting an energy program as a series of h and J values - to encode a real world problem that you care about - is exceedingly hard and time-consuming. • It would be the equivalent of programming your desktop PC by sending in machine code to the microprocessors inside! Luckily, there is a better way to program Quantum Computers by using a quantum compiler. 33
  • 34. • Quantum computing, as implemented in the D- Wave system, is described by a simple but largely unfamiliar programming model. • Using a simple map coloring problem , the entire set of transformations needed to find solutions by executing a single quantum machine instruction (QMI) within this programming model. • This “direct embedding” is one of several ways to program the D-Wave quantum computer 34
  • 35. 2-CALCULATE THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO LARGE VECTORS A-Quantum Computers are good for complicated calculations 35
  • 36. Calculate The Distance Between Two Large Vectors • "To calculate the distance between two large vectors with a dimension of 1021 -- or, in the language of Big Data, we can call it 1 Zettabyte (ZB) or 10^21 -- a GHz clock-rate classical computer will take about hundreds of thousands of years," • "A GHz clock-rate Quantum Computer, if we can build it in the future, with the exponential speed- up, will take only about a second to estimate the distance between these two vectors after they are entangled with the ancillary Qubit." 36 Prof Lu , at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei states.
  • 37. • Quantum Computers have the potential to dramatically outperform the most powerful conventional processors utilised in Classical Computing. • The secret at work here is the strange quantum phenomenon of superposition, where a quantum object can exist in two states at the same time. • 2^20 = 2x2x2...(20 times) = 1 million plus 37
  • 38. • The advantage comes when one of those two states represents a 1 and the other a 0, forming a Quantum bit or Qubit. • A single quantum object -- an atomic nucleus for example -- can perform a calculation on two numbers at the same time. • Two nuclei can handle 4 numbers, 3 nuclei 8 numbers and 20 nuclei can perform a calculation using more than a million numbers simultaneously! • That’s why even a relatively modest Quantum Computer could dramatically outperform the most advanced supercomputers today. 38
  • 39. • The new method takes advantage of quantum entanglement, in which two or more objects are so strongly related that paradoxical effects often arise since a measurement on one object instantaneously affects the other. • Here, quantum entanglement provides a very fast way to classify vectors into one of two categories, a task that is at the core of machine learning. 39
  • 41. Quantum Computers can LEARN • The discipline of teaching computers to reason about the world and learn from experience is known as machine learning. • It is a sub-branch of the field of artificial intelligence. • Most of the code we write is fairly static - that is, given new data it will perform the same computation over and over again and make the same errors. • Using machine learning we can design programs which modify their own code and therefore learn new ways to handle pieces of data that they have never seen before. 41
  • 42. Quantum Computers can LEARN • The type of applications that run very well on Quantum Computer’s hardware are applications where learning and decision making under uncertain conditions are required. • Imagine if a computer was asked to classify an object based on several images of similar objects you had shown it in the past. • This task is very difficult for conventional computing architectures, which are designed to follow very strict logical reasoning. • If the system is shown a new image, it is hard to get it to make a general statement about the image, such as 'it looks similar to an apple'. • These processors are designed to support applications that require high level reasoning and decision making. 42
  • 43. Quantum Computers can LEARN • How can we use a Quantum Computer to implement learning, for example, if we want the system to recognize objects? • Writing an energy program for this task would be very difficult, even using a quantum compiler, as we do not know in detail how to capture the essence of objects that the system must recognize. • Luckily there is a way around this problem, as there is a mode in which the Quantum Computer can tweak its own energy program in response to new pieces of incoming data. • This allows the machine to make a good guess at what an object might be, even if it has never seen a particular instance of it before. 43
  • 44. What is Machine Learning? • Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence and it learns from previous experience to optimise performance. • Machine learning is already ubiquitous in various fields such as computer sciences, financial analysis, robotics, and bioinformatics. • Machine learning begins with a set of data to train the device. • For example, the idea may be to convert each received image into a vector by analysing the number of image pixels in each part of the picture. 44
  • 45. What's a Key Challenge? • A key challenge is that machine learning with the rapidly growing "big data problem" could become intractable for classical computers to handle leaving the field wide open for Quantum computers that can handle vast numbers of samples with relatively few Quantum bits or Qbits. • Recently, quantum machine learning algorithms were proposed which could offer an exponential speedup over classical algorithms. • The Chinese have now demonstrated some of these algorithms to be workable and true. 45
  • 46. Quantum Computers can LEARN • trained a quantum computer to recognise handwritten characters, the first standalone demonstration of “Quantum Artificial Intelligence” and another Chinese team using a small-scale photonic quantum computer is demonstrating that quantum computers may be able to exponentially speed up the rate at which certain machine learning tasks are performed, and in some cases, reducing the time from hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds. 46
  • 47. Quantum Computers can LEARN • Quantum Computer can recognise handwritten characters, just as humans can do, in what Li et al are calling the first demonstration of “Quantum artificial Intelligence”. • a quantum entanglement-based machine learning method called quantum-based vector classification. • “This quantum-based vector classification method can be used for both supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and so could have a wide variety of applications”. • It's also ubiquitous in our daily lives, such as in face recognition, email filtering, and recommendation systems for online shopping. 47 Chao-Yang Lu et al at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei
  • 48. A COMPUTER THAT PROGRAMS ITSELF the machine make a good guess at what an object might be, even if it has never seen a particular instance of it before. The following section gives an overview of this process. 48
  • 49. A computer that programs itself • In order to get the system to tweak its own energy program, you start by showing the system lots and lots of instances of the concept that you want it to learn about. • An example in shown in Figure. Here the idea is to try to get the computer to learn the difference between images of different types of fruit. 49
  • 50. A computer that programs itself • In order to do this, we present images (or rather, a numeric representation of those images) to the system illustrating many different examples of apples, raspberries and melons. • We also give the system the 'right' answer each time by telling it what switch settings (labels) it should be ending up selecting in each case. • The system must find an energy program (shown as a question mark as we do not know it at the beginning) so that when an image is shown to the system, it gets the labels correct each time. • If it gets many examples wrong, the algorithm knows that it must change its energy program. 50
  • 51. Teaching the quantum chip by allowing it to write its own energy program. The system tweaks the energy program until it labels all the examples that you show it correctly. This is also known as the 'training' or 'learning' phase. 51
  • 52. A computer that programs itself • At first the system chooses an energy program (remember that it is just a bunch of h and J values) at random. • It will get many of the labellings wrong, but that doesn't matter, as we can keep showing it the examples and each time allow it to tweak the energy program so that it gets more and more labels (switch settings) correct. 52
  • 53. A computer that programs itself • Once it can't do any better on the data that it has been given, we then keep the final energy program and use that as our 'learned' program to classify a new, unseen example (next figure). • In machine learning terminology this is known as a supervised learning algorithm because we are showing the computer examples of images and telling it what the correct labels should be in order to help it learn. • There are other types of learning algorithms supported by the system, even ones that can be used if labeled data is not available. 53
  • 54. After the system has found a good energy program during the training phase, it can now label unseen examples to solve a real world problem. This is known as the 'testing' phase. 54
  • 56. Uncertainty Is A Feature • Another interesting point to note about the Quantum Computer is that it is probabilistic, meaning that it returns multiple answers. • Some of these might be the answer that you are looking for, and some might not. • At first this sounds like a bad thing, as a computer that returns a different answer when you ask it the same question sounds like a bug! • In the Quantum Computer, this returning of multiple answers can give us important information about the confidence level of the computer. 56
  • 57. • Using the fruit example , if we showed the computer an image and asked it to label the same image 100 times, and it gave the answer 'apple' 100 times, then the computer is pretty confident that the image is an apple. • However, if it returns the answer apple 50 times and raspberry 50 times, what this means is that the computer is uncertain about the image you are showing it. • And if you had shown it an image with apples AND raspberries in, it would be perfectly correct! This uncertainty can be very powerful when you are designing systems which are able to make complex decisions and learn about the world. 57
  • 58. Uncertainty Is A Feature • Qubits can come in the form of atoms or electrons, with data encoded in their spins (magnetic moments). • Qubits are extremely unstable when exposed to external shocks, and their state can be easily ruined by external “noises.” • Furthermore, reading/recording data on them is very complicated, and so are the “traps” that are used to store them. 58
  • 59. Uncertainty Is A Feature • In the early 2000s, scientists found it possible to obtain “artificial atoms” that follow the laws of quantum physics but are much easier to handle. • One of these, known as a Josephson junction, consists of two superconductors separated by a thin dielectric layer, and, due to quantum effects, electrons can “leak” (tunnel) through the insulator. 59
  • 60. Uncertainty Is A Feature • Qubits made of several Josephson junctions act like atoms. • They can be in the ground and excited state, as well as emit and absorb photons. • Such qubits can be obtained with existing lithography methods, which are normally used to produce microchips. • 60
  • 61. Laboratory Equipment Š Ivan Khrapach / RQC, MIPT, MIS&S, Institute of Solid State Physics 61
  • 62. Uncertainty Is A Feature • Using the latest lithography equipment, the scientists created six micron-sized qubits, each one consisting of four Josephson junctions placed on a one-micron “loop.” • The junctions consist of aluminum strips separated by a dielectric layer (alumina) about 2 nanometers thick. • The Qubit created by the MIPT group was then transported to the Quantum Center, where measurements were taken: the scientists probed the device with microwaves to confirm that its properties met the parameters set. 62
  • 63. 63 Thank you! Great Audience Professor Lili Saghafi
  • 64. References, Images Credit • Internet and World Wide Web How To Program, 5/E , (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Associates • New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive, 9th Edition Gary P. Schneider Quinnipiac University • Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 6/E, Terry Felke-Morris, Harper College • SAP Market Place • Forbes back-for-more/ • Youtube • Professor Saghafi’s blog • TED Talks • TEDXtalks • • Timo Elliot • • • Theoretical Physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis • Institute for Quantum Computing • quantum physics realisation Data-Burger, scientific advisor: J. Bobroff, with the support of : Univ. Paris Sud, SFP, Triangle de la Physique, PALM, Sciences Ă  l'Ecole, ICAM-I2CAM • Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) • University of Otago, New Zealand • • Extreme Tech • Inquisitr's daily viral news 64