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Introduction to Construction 
Final Project 
The Project Proposal 
Recreational Area 
Chong Kit Yee 0319748 Zen Garden 
Chong Jia Yi 0320869 Green Hall 
1 Introduction 3 
2 Site Analysis 4-5 
3 Site Specification 6 
4. Zen Garden 
-Advantages& Disadvantages 
-Bills of Quantities 
5. Green community hall 
- Concept 
-Project objective 
-Project benefits 
-Plan, Elevation and sketch of the 
-Elements and Feature of the 
- Bill of Quantity 
6. Procedure to gain authority 
7. Example of the authority form 34-35
In this Introduction to Contruction Industry (ICI) final project, we 
worked as a group to propose a project that serve either as 
recreational area, commercial area, industrial area, argigultural 
area, tourism area and residential area within a 30m×30m or 
30m×40m land. This proposal should be benefits both the client & 
surrounding community. Some additional information such as some 
basic information of authority & cost planning document are 
suggested to add in to the proposal. We conducted a site visit to 
our site, Taman Desa Jaya in Kepong, in order to collect 
information about the site. After making some analysis around the 
site, we decided to create a recreational area with 2 alternative 
proposal in the site.
Temple Masjid 
Site Analysis 
We choose a site which located at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. This site is 
surrounded by resident ial area. Our site is windy due to the surrounded t rees. 
According to what we had observed, the land is empty. I t just provide a simple 
playground and doesn’t have any sit t ing area or act ivities for peoples. 
Therefore, all the resident do not go there. They just use some part of the land 
as dumping area. We decided to use this site as it has a great potent ial to 
provide a successful recreat ional area for all the resident s. 
Our original site
Sunlight- Our site area is well shaded because there are t resses plant ing at the 
east . 
Wind direction – The place are windy because the breeze can enter the place 
from west . 
Human circulation – The human act ivities focus at the area nearby the 
playground because there is no sit t ing area and other facilit ies provided. 
Car circulation – Car easily to assess from out side as the main roads are 
located nearby and roads are surrounding our site. 
Human & Car Circulation 
Sunlight and Wind Circulation 
Site specification 
North View 
A playground in poor condit ion and also a row of housing located at the north 
of our site. 
East View 
A row of t rees plant ed at t he east of t he sit e. We found t hat t here’s some 
resident dumping rubbish illegally under the t rees. 
South View 
Facing a row of housing and also a mosque behind it. A road located between the site and 
mosque to be more convenience for peoples.
West View 
A row of housing and some trees can be seen from the west
Proposal 1: Zen Garden (Chong Kit Yee 0319748) 
The topic we choose for our project is Recreational Area. The main reason 
we decided to propose a recreational area is because we noticed that 
there is lack of place for residents to relax and gather. So each of us 
prepare one proposal for this recreational area. 
After we choose this topic, I decided to make our site with more relaxing 
place. So I choose Japanese Zen Garden concept. Japanese Zen Garden 
known as Japanese Rock Garden as well, because it creates a miniature 
stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, 
water features, moss , bushes, and gravel which represents ripples in water. 
Moreover, I planned to put a jogging track for residents to have a healthy 
lifestyle. Also, a playground for the children in the residential area. 
<<<< Examples of gravel patterns 
Traditional Japanese Fountain >>>>>
Understanding of Zen Garden 
rock garden 
( karesansui ) 
or "dry 
often called 
a Zen garden, 
creates a 
miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangement s of 
rocks, water features, moss, pruned t rees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand 
that is raked to represent ripples in water. A Zen garden is usually relat ively 
small, surrounded by a wall, and is usually meant to be seen while seated 
from a single viewpoint out side the garden, such as the porch of the hojo, the 
residence of the chief monk of the temple or monastery. Classical Zen 
gardens were created at temples of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan during 
the Muromachi Period. They were intended to imitate the int imate essence of 
nature, not it s actual appearance, and to serve an aid to meditat ion about 
the t rue meaning of life. 
The select ion and placement of rocks is the most important part of making a 
Japanese rock garden. In the first known manual of Japanese gardening, the 
Sakuteiki, ' "Creat ing a garden" is expressed as "set t ing stones", 
ishiwotaterukoto; literally, the "act of set t ing stones 
upright ." I t laid out very specific rules for choice and 
the placement of stones, and warned that if the 
rules were not followed the owner of the garden 
would suffer misfortune. In Japanese gardening, 
rocks are classified as either tall vert ical, low vert ical, 
arching, reclining, or flat . 
Gravel is usually used in Zen gardens, rather than 
sand, because it is less disturbed by rain and wind. 
The act of raking the gravel into a pat tern recalling 
waves or rippling water has an aesthet ic funct ion. 
Stone arrangement s and other miniature element s 
are used to represent mountains and natural water 
element s and scenes, islands, rivers and waterfalls. Stone and shaped shrubs 
(karikomi, hako-zukuri topiary) are used interchangeably. In most gardens 
moss is used as a ground cover to create "land" covered by forest .
Why Zen Garden? 
From my observat ion on the site, peoples around this area need to be relax 
and relief st ress recreat ional area. A Zen garden can be perfect place for the 
specialized meditat ive act ivities. A big part of the part icular appeal of Zen 
garden is it s enigmat ic character. Besides, a Zen garden takes very lit t le 
maintenance. Tradit ionally, users spend t ime in a Zen garden taking the sand 
into different pat terns that mimic water in an ocean or sea. Zen garden does 
not require specific daily maintenance, as for flower beds and other 
installat ions. 
Bubble Diagram 
Rock Garden 
Play ground 
Sitting Area 
Sitting Area 
Sitting Area 
Joggi ng 
Rock Garden
Scale 1:200
1. Waterfall – pond 
Del ivery Tube 
(Not to scale) 
The waterfall located at southwest of the site 
and it s st ream flow unt il northeast of the site 
which is a pond. This is a manmade waterfall 
2.Jogging Track 3. Bridge 
At the cent re of the site, is surrounded Across the st ream, to connect 2 
some elements and pass through the area. 
st ream.
4. Pathway 5.Stepping stones 
Place between gazebos, is made up Place along the rock garden. 
of wood. This is to let people enjoy the 
view of rock garden. 
6. Fountain 7. Pagoda Lantern 
A decorat ive element that we used on Another decorat ive element s 
the mini roundabout . A t radit ional is pagoda lantern. I t will 
Japanese natural stones and placed along the st ream. 
bamboo fountains. 
8. Gazebo 
The Japanese Gazebo which brings 
out the theme concept . In Zen 
Garden t here’s 2 different size, 3m*3m 
and 2m*2m. Why different sizes? 
Because some family is big so they 
don’t need t o split up int o 2 gazebo 
when enjoying this garden.
9. Playground 10. Rock garden 
Playground is provided in this garden Tall vert ical, low vert ical and 
because t here’s a primary school in reclining rocks will be placed in 
that area. The floor is made from rock garden. The rocks are 
rubber, so that children doesn’t hurt easily decorated with gravel and also 
compare to concreate floor. mosses on the ground. 
11. Japanese shrubs and pine trees12. Benches 
These will be planted and the corners of There’s 2 sizes in Zen garden. 
the site to provide a calm and harmony These benches placed above 
area. Decking 
13. Washroom 
A few washroom is provided next to 
the green areas.
Advantages of the Zen Garden 
 It is beside residential area just walk a few minutes to reach 
 Provide place for peoples to rest an relax 
 It often visited by residents 
 Good place for family to gather anytime 
 Provide place for children to play with 
 It created a business opportunity for people to sell food over 
 Good place to picnic during weekend 
 Provide a jogging track for a healthy lifestyle 
 Washroom is provided 
Disadvantage of the Zen Garden 
 Doesn’t prov ide car park, have to park beside the road 
 Jogging track is short 
 It may face some safety problem such as robbing because 
that area doesn’t hav e security guard 
 It may create some pollution due to simply throwing rubbish 
 Waterfall may be polluted if doesn’t maintain probably
Bills of Quantities 
No Description Unit Qty Rate(RM) Amount 
1. Trees No. 8 300 2,400 
2. Shrubs No. 19 50 950 
3. Grass m2 750 20 15,000 
4. Mosses m2 13 10 1,300 
5. Soil mixture 
m2 64 25 1,600 
6. Maintenance mth 4 1500 6,000 
Subtotal 27,250 
1. Deck m2 66 350 23,100 
2. Pavement m2 100 100 10,000 
3. Gravel tons 100 30 3,000 
4. Gazebo ( Japanese 
No. 9 4,000 36,000 
5. Decorative stones No. 25 150 3,750 
6. Stepping stone No. 29 60 1,740 
7. Water Features No. 1 20,000 20,000 
8. Playground No. 1 5,000 5,000 
9. Bridge No. 3 750 2,250 
Subtotal 104,840 
Softscape 27,250 
Hardscape 104,840 
Preliminaries (5%) 6,605 
Contingency (10%) 10,484 
1. 4 Labour (Gardener) RM50/day * 4 times a month 800 
2. Fertiliser Mth 1 100 100 
3. Pest Control Mth 1 100 100 
Subtotal 1,000 
Overall Total 150,179
Proposal 2: Green Community Hall (Chong Jia Yi 0320869) 
In my 30m x 40m site that located in a park, I found that there are 
lacks of public space for the residents to conduct events and for 
recreational purpose. Furthermore, the park is under maintenance 
and the facilities are spoiled. The surrounding of the site is dirty 
because some irresponsible resident dumping rubbish under the 
tree and lack of inspection of local authority. Therefore, I choose 
to propose a community hall for the client, as it benefit both client 
and the community surrounding. 
PROJECT CONCEPT: Green and eco-friendly 
1) Roof top garden 
Green roof is a roof of a building that is part ially or completely covered with 
vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing 
membrane. I t may also include addit ional layers such as a root barrier and 
drainage and irrigat ion systems. 
I integrated roof top garden to t he community hall design because it : 
 Reduced energy use: Green roofs absorb heat and act as insulators for 
 Reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: By lowering air 
condit ioning demand. Vegetat ion can also remove air pollutant s and 
greenhouse gas emissions 
 Improved human health and 
comfort: by reducing heat 
t ransfer through the building 
 Improved quality of life of the 
2) Daylight 
The two primary reasons for using daylight to meet the illuminat ion 
requirement s of the community hall are the psychological benefits and the 
energy savings benefits. Good daylight ing has been shown to improve the 
overall at t itude, sat isfact ion and well being of building occupant s. 
I t can result in significant energy savings by reducing elect ric light ing loads 
and associated cooling loads. In addit ion, with proper solar cont rol, solar 
gains during cooling load periods can be mit igated and solar gains during 
heat ing load periods can be ut ilized, reducing the energy requirement s of 
both cooling and heat ing a space. 
3) Recycled construction material 
Some building materials are lumber from forest s that have been cert ified to a 
third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo 
and st raw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metal, and other 
product s that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable, and recyclable.
4) Natural Ventilation 
Natural vent ilation is the process of supplying and removing air through an 
indoor space without using mechanical systems. 
The natural vent ilation helps in: 
 Improved indoor air quality 
 Energy savings 
 Reduct ion of greenhouse gas emissions 
 Occupant cont rol 
 Reduct ion in occupant illness associated with Sick Building Syndrome 
 Increased worker product ivity 
How Natural Ventilation apply in this project? 
The community hall will apply the technique of natural vent ilation to save the 
elect rical energy by improve the vent ilation system by using natural method. 
Many of the windows are install in the hall for vent ilation purpose. 
The cold air from out side will come in from the window at West -south, and 
then it flow indoor and absorb the heat energy inside. I f there dun have 
window at the opposite side, the air that absorbed hot air will swirling inside 
the house, then make the house suffocat ing. Therefore, the project applies 
many windows and clerestory the design in order to keep the hall in 
moderate temperature.
Ventilation pattern in ground floor 
Ventilation of the first floor 
Project objective 
 Provide a public space for the community surrounding to 
conduct social activity 
 Provide a space for residents for sporting activity 
 United the surrounding community 
 To convenient the surrounding community 
 To improve the aesthetic value of the site 
Project benefits 
 Residents have a place for recreational purpose 
 Various public event can be conduct in the hall 
 The land owner can earned money from renting the hall, 
sport avenue and shops 
 The space of the land are fully utilise 
 Provide work opportunities for the resident surrounding 
 The surrounding area become more secure
Plan of the project (Community Hall) (Scale 1: 200) 
8 7 
Ground Floor 
4 5 
1: Main Entrance 6: Cafe A 
2: Sitting Area A 7: Basketball court and hall 
3: Reception counter 8: Stage 
4: Convenience Store 9: Preparation room 
5: Toilet 10: Store
First Floor 
11: Hall 2 14: Toilet 
12: Hall 3 15: Sitting area B 
13: Badminton court 1& 2 16: Cafe B 
Second Floor 
LEGEND: 17: Roof top Garden 
18: Roof 
Side Elevation 
Sketch of the project
FEATURES and ELEMENTS in the project 
1) Basket Ball Court and Multipurpose hall 
This hall served 2 functions: as basketball court when there is no 
event conducting and as a community hall to conduct any public 
event related to the community. It has a stage with preparation 
room behind it to convenient the performers. 
2) Hall 2 & 3 
The halls rent to others to conduct smaller scale social activities 
such as club activity. It also functions as ball room, meeting room 
and guest room. 
The wall between 2 halls can be separated if larger spaces are 
3) Badminton court 
The badminton court is rent to others to increase the outcome of 
the owner. 
4) Cafe 
There are 2 cafes in the hall. 
- Cafe A
- Cafe B 
Resting area with a stalk 
selling refreshment and 
5) Sitting area 
There are 2 sitting area in the hall. One located in ground floor 
with the reception counter and one located in first floor for the 
people who played badminton to rest and have a meal. 
- Sitting area A 
- Sitting area B is attached to the cafe B
6) Convenience store 
It sells some commodity to the residents. It is really convenient to 
the residents surrounding as it open 24 hours a day and 7 days a 
No Descript ion Name of the items Unit Quant ity Rate RM 
2) Main Building 
i) Reinforced steel 
ii) Bricks 
iii) Concrete 
iv) Lumber 
552 000 
3) Surface finishing i) Paint 
ii)Bamboo cladding 
iii) Bamboo flooring 
4) Doors and 
i) Doors 
ii) Windows 
5) Elect rical system 
and equipment s 
15 000 
6) Fire suppression 
i) Water sprinkle 
ii) Smoke detector 
7) Heat ing, 
vent ilation and 
air condit ioning 
8) Security system i) CCTV 
ii) Alarm system 
9) Water plumbing 13 000 
10) Light ing 8000 
11) Softscape i) Trees 
ii) Shrubs 
iii) Flowers 
12) Rooftop garden 
Sq/m 33.50 30 150 
13) Labour cost 55 000 
14) Overhead 20 000 
Furniture i) Chairs 
ii) Tables 
iii) Benches 
35 000 
12 000 
TOTAL 1 561 600
Process to getting the approval of the authority 
1. Submit and obtain development approval through OSC(Kuala Lumpur one 
stop centre) 
Builders can now apply for construction permits through OSC 1Submission (single 
entry). OSC will then refer the submissions to the Planning Department, Building 
Department, Engineering Department, Fire and Rescue Department, Sewerage 
Agency and Water Agency. 
OSC will issue the development approval (planning approvals, building approvals, 
engineering approvals, fire safety plan endorsements, water approvals, and 
sewerage works approvals) to the builder. 
Building company will submit and obtain approval through OSC for the following 
• Planning plan 
• Building plan 
• Engineering plan (earthwork, road & drainage plan, road excavation permit, and 
street lighting plan) 
• Landscape plan 
• Water supply plan 
• Sewerage plan 
• Infrastructure communication plan 
• Fire safety plan 
2. Submit pre-construction notifications to OSC 
Under OSC 1Submission, all notifications are submitted via OSC. OSC will then 
distribute notifications to the relevant agencies such as: 
• Building Department (B Form - notification to start building work) 
• Engineering Department (B Form - notification to start earthwork) 
• Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) (PDC 6 Form - notification to start sewerage 
3. Request final utilities inspections through OSC 
Under OSC 1Submission, the builder has to request for inspections via OSC. OSC will 
arrange and coordinate inspections and connections schedule with relevant 
4. Receive road and drainage inspection from Engineering Department of 
Once the road and drainage works have been completed, building company will 
request the road and drainage clearance letter from the Engineering Department of 
CHKL. Building Company must also submit a construction report notification. By 
signing form G-17, the engineer certifies that all works were carried out according to 
regulations. Form G-17 is then filed along with Form F (Certificate of Completion and 
Compliance) via OSC to the Engineering Department. 
5. Receive sewage final inspection from Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) 
The Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) will carry out an inspection of the sewerage 
system and issue building company a clearance letter for sewerage. 
6. Receive water final inspection from water authority SYABAS 
The Water Authority (SYABAS) will conduct an on-site inspection of the works and 
make the connection to the public pipe. 
7. Obtain road and drainage clearance letter from Engineering Department of 
8. Obtain sewage clearance letter and sewerage connection from Sewerage 
Certifying Agency (IWK) 
Once the inspection has been carried out, a clearance letter is issued to the Builder. 
The sewage clearance letter is needed in order for the engineer to issue the 
Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC). 
9. Submit water test and commissioning (T&C) report to Water Authority 
BuildCo will prepare the water testing and commissioning report and submit it to 
SYABAS. This document is required to obtain the clearance letter from SYABAS. 
10. Receive fire safety inspection from Fire and Rescue Department 
11. Obtain fire safety clearance letter from Fire and Rescue Department 
12. Builder’s principal submitting person files the certificate of completion and 
compliance (CCC) , submit to Building Department and Board of Architect via 
Example of the authority 
form obtained from 
MPS(Majlis Pembandaran 

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DESIGN - Project One - Brief - 1A Only.pdfkychong1105

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DESIGN - Project One - Brief - 1A Only.pdf

Final project

  • 1. Introduction to Construction Final Project The Project Proposal Recreational Area FNBE AUGUST INTAKE Chong Kit Yee 0319748 Zen Garden Chong Jia Yi 0320869 Green Hall 1
  • 2. Content 1 Introduction 3 2 Site Analysis 4-5 3 Site Specification 6 4. Zen Garden -Concept -Understanding -Visual -Features -Advantages& Disadvantages -Bills of Quantities 2 8 9 10-11 12-14 15 16 5. Green community hall - Concept -Project objective -Project benefits -Plan, Elevation and sketch of the project -Elements and Feature of the project - Bill of Quantity 18-21 22 22 23-26 27-30 31 6. Procedure to gain authority approval 32-33 7. Example of the authority form 34-35
  • 3. 3 Introduction In this Introduction to Contruction Industry (ICI) final project, we worked as a group to propose a project that serve either as recreational area, commercial area, industrial area, argigultural area, tourism area and residential area within a 30m×30m or 30m×40m land. This proposal should be benefits both the client & surrounding community. Some additional information such as some basic information of authority & cost planning document are suggested to add in to the proposal. We conducted a site visit to our site, Taman Desa Jaya in Kepong, in order to collect information about the site. After making some analysis around the site, we decided to create a recreational area with 2 alternative proposal in the site.
  • 4. OUR SITE Residential Area Pa sa r Temple Masjid 4 Site Analysis Residential Area a SJK(C)Desa Jaya a We choose a site which located at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. This site is surrounded by resident ial area. Our site is windy due to the surrounded t rees. According to what we had observed, the land is empty. I t just provide a simple playground and doesn’t have any sit t ing area or act ivities for peoples. Therefore, all the resident do not go there. They just use some part of the land as dumping area. We decided to use this site as it has a great potent ial to provide a successful recreat ional area for all the resident s. Our original site
  • 5. 5 Circulation Sunlight- Our site area is well shaded because there are t resses plant ing at the east . Wind direction – The place are windy because the breeze can enter the place from west . Human circulation – The human act ivities focus at the area nearby the playground because there is no sit t ing area and other facilit ies provided. Car circulation – Car easily to assess from out side as the main roads are located nearby and roads are surrounding our site. Human & Car Circulation N
  • 6. Sunlight and Wind Circulation 6 Site specification North View A playground in poor condit ion and also a row of housing located at the north of our site. N
  • 7. 7 East View A row of t rees plant ed at t he east of t he sit e. We found t hat t here’s some resident dumping rubbish illegally under the t rees. South View Facing a row of housing and also a mosque behind it. A road located between the site and mosque to be more convenience for peoples.
  • 8. 8 West View A row of housing and some trees can be seen from the west
  • 9. Proposal 1: Zen Garden (Chong Kit Yee 0319748) Concept The topic we choose for our project is Recreational Area. The main reason we decided to propose a recreational area is because we noticed that there is lack of place for residents to relax and gather. So each of us prepare one proposal for this recreational area. After we choose this topic, I decided to make our site with more relaxing place. So I choose Japanese Zen Garden concept. Japanese Zen Garden known as Japanese Rock Garden as well, because it creates a miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, water features, moss , bushes, and gravel which represents ripples in water. Moreover, I planned to put a jogging track for residents to have a healthy lifestyle. Also, a playground for the children in the residential area. 9 <<<< Examples of gravel patterns Traditional Japanese Fountain >>>>>
  • 10. Understanding of Zen Garden 10 The Japanese rock garden ( karesansui ) or "dry landscape" garden, often called a Zen garden, creates a miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangement s of rocks, water features, moss, pruned t rees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand that is raked to represent ripples in water. A Zen garden is usually relat ively small, surrounded by a wall, and is usually meant to be seen while seated from a single viewpoint out side the garden, such as the porch of the hojo, the residence of the chief monk of the temple or monastery. Classical Zen gardens were created at temples of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan during the Muromachi Period. They were intended to imitate the int imate essence of nature, not it s actual appearance, and to serve an aid to meditat ion about the t rue meaning of life. The select ion and placement of rocks is the most important part of making a Japanese rock garden. In the first known manual of Japanese gardening, the Sakuteiki, ' "Creat ing a garden" is expressed as "set t ing stones", ishiwotaterukoto; literally, the "act of set t ing stones upright ." I t laid out very specific rules for choice and the placement of stones, and warned that if the rules were not followed the owner of the garden would suffer misfortune. In Japanese gardening, rocks are classified as either tall vert ical, low vert ical, arching, reclining, or flat . Gravel is usually used in Zen gardens, rather than sand, because it is less disturbed by rain and wind. The act of raking the gravel into a pat tern recalling waves or rippling water has an aesthet ic funct ion. Stone arrangement s and other miniature element s are used to represent mountains and natural water element s and scenes, islands, rivers and waterfalls. Stone and shaped shrubs (karikomi, hako-zukuri topiary) are used interchangeably. In most gardens moss is used as a ground cover to create "land" covered by forest .
  • 11. 11 Why Zen Garden? From my observat ion on the site, peoples around this area need to be relax and relief st ress recreat ional area. A Zen garden can be perfect place for the specialized meditat ive act ivities. A big part of the part icular appeal of Zen garden is it s enigmat ic character. Besides, a Zen garden takes very lit t le maintenance. Tradit ionally, users spend t ime in a Zen garden taking the sand into different pat terns that mimic water in an ocean or sea. Zen garden does not require specific daily maintenance, as for flower beds and other installat ions. Visual Bubble Diagram Rock Garden Waterfall Pond Play ground Sitting Area Sitting Area Sitting Area Gazebo Gazebo Joggi ng Track Green Rock Garden
  • 12. 12 Schematic Plan Scale 1:200
  • 13. Stream 13 Features 1. Waterfall – pond Del ivery Tube Submersible pump (Not to scale) Pond The waterfall located at southwest of the site and it s st ream flow unt il northeast of the site which is a pond. This is a manmade waterfall Waterfall 2.Jogging Track 3. Bridge At the cent re of the site, is surrounded Across the st ream, to connect 2 some elements and pass through the area. st ream.
  • 14. 4. Pathway 5.Stepping stones Place between gazebos, is made up Place along the rock garden. of wood. This is to let people enjoy the 14 view of rock garden. 6. Fountain 7. Pagoda Lantern A decorat ive element that we used on Another decorat ive element s the mini roundabout . A t radit ional is pagoda lantern. I t will Japanese natural stones and placed along the st ream. bamboo fountains. 8. Gazebo The Japanese Gazebo which brings out the theme concept . In Zen Garden t here’s 2 different size, 3m*3m and 2m*2m. Why different sizes? Because some family is big so they don’t need t o split up int o 2 gazebo when enjoying this garden.
  • 15. 9. Playground 10. Rock garden Playground is provided in this garden Tall vert ical, low vert ical and because t here’s a primary school in reclining rocks will be placed in that area. The floor is made from rock garden. The rocks are rubber, so that children doesn’t hurt easily decorated with gravel and also compare to concreate floor. mosses on the ground. 11. Japanese shrubs and pine trees12. Benches These will be planted and the corners of There’s 2 sizes in Zen garden. the site to provide a calm and harmony These benches placed above area. Decking 15 13. Washroom A few washroom is provided next to the green areas.
  • 16. Advantages of the Zen Garden  It is beside residential area just walk a few minutes to reach 16 there  Provide place for peoples to rest an relax  It often visited by residents  Good place for family to gather anytime  Provide place for children to play with  It created a business opportunity for people to sell food over there  Good place to picnic during weekend  Provide a jogging track for a healthy lifestyle  Washroom is provided Disadvantage of the Zen Garden  Doesn’t prov ide car park, have to park beside the road  Jogging track is short  It may face some safety problem such as robbing because that area doesn’t hav e security guard  It may create some pollution due to simply throwing rubbish  Waterfall may be polluted if doesn’t maintain probably
  • 17. Bills of Quantities No Description Unit Qty Rate(RM) Amount Softscape 1. Trees No. 8 300 2,400 2. Shrubs No. 19 50 950 3. Grass m2 750 20 15,000 4. Mosses m2 13 10 1,300 5. Soil mixture 17 (trees&shurubs) m2 64 25 1,600 6. Maintenance mth 4 1500 6,000 Subtotal 27,250 Hardscape 1. Deck m2 66 350 23,100 2. Pavement m2 100 100 10,000 3. Gravel tons 100 30 3,000 4. Gazebo ( Japanese Pavilion) No. 9 4,000 36,000 5. Decorative stones No. 25 150 3,750 6. Stepping stone No. 29 60 1,740 7. Water Features No. 1 20,000 20,000 8. Playground No. 1 5,000 5,000 9. Bridge No. 3 750 2,250 Subtotal 104,840 Summary Softscape 27,250 Hardscape 104,840 Preliminaries (5%) 6,605 Contingency (10%) 10,484 Maintenance 1. 4 Labour (Gardener) RM50/day * 4 times a month 800 2. Fertiliser Mth 1 100 100 3. Pest Control Mth 1 100 100 Subtotal 1,000 Overall Total 150,179
  • 18. Proposal 2: Green Community Hall (Chong Jia Yi 0320869) In my 30m x 40m site that located in a park, I found that there are lacks of public space for the residents to conduct events and for recreational purpose. Furthermore, the park is under maintenance and the facilities are spoiled. The surrounding of the site is dirty because some irresponsible resident dumping rubbish under the tree and lack of inspection of local authority. Therefore, I choose to propose a community hall for the client, as it benefit both client and the community surrounding. PROJECT CONCEPT: Green and eco-friendly 18 1) Roof top garden Green roof is a roof of a building that is part ially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane. I t may also include addit ional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigat ion systems. I integrated roof top garden to t he community hall design because it :  Reduced energy use: Green roofs absorb heat and act as insulators for buildings  Reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: By lowering air condit ioning demand. Vegetat ion can also remove air pollutant s and greenhouse gas emissions  Improved human health and comfort: by reducing heat t ransfer through the building roof  Improved quality of life of the residents
  • 19. 19 2) Daylight The two primary reasons for using daylight to meet the illuminat ion requirement s of the community hall are the psychological benefits and the energy savings benefits. Good daylight ing has been shown to improve the overall at t itude, sat isfact ion and well being of building occupant s. I t can result in significant energy savings by reducing elect ric light ing loads and associated cooling loads. In addit ion, with proper solar cont rol, solar gains during cooling load periods can be mit igated and solar gains during heat ing load periods can be ut ilized, reducing the energy requirement s of both cooling and heat ing a space. 3) Recycled construction material Some building materials are lumber from forest s that have been cert ified to a third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and st raw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metal, and other product s that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable, and recyclable.
  • 20. 4) Natural Ventilation Natural vent ilation is the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor space without using mechanical systems. 20 The natural vent ilation helps in:  Improved indoor air quality  Energy savings  Reduct ion of greenhouse gas emissions  Occupant cont rol  Reduct ion in occupant illness associated with Sick Building Syndrome  Increased worker product ivity How Natural Ventilation apply in this project? The community hall will apply the technique of natural vent ilation to save the elect rical energy by improve the vent ilation system by using natural method. Many of the windows are install in the hall for vent ilation purpose. The cold air from out side will come in from the window at West -south, and then it flow indoor and absorb the heat energy inside. I f there dun have window at the opposite side, the air that absorbed hot air will swirling inside the house, then make the house suffocat ing. Therefore, the project applies many windows and clerestory the design in order to keep the hall in moderate temperature.
  • 21. Ventilation pattern in ground floor 21 Ventilation of the first floor LEGEND: HOT AIR COLD AIR
  • 22. 22 Project objective  Provide a public space for the community surrounding to conduct social activity  Provide a space for residents for sporting activity  United the surrounding community  To convenient the surrounding community  To improve the aesthetic value of the site Project benefits  Residents have a place for recreational purpose  Various public event can be conduct in the hall  The land owner can earned money from renting the hall, sport avenue and shops  The space of the land are fully utilise  Provide work opportunities for the resident surrounding  The surrounding area become more secure
  • 23. Plan of the project (Community Hall) (Scale 1: 200) 8 7 23 Ground Floor 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 LEGEND: 1: Main Entrance 6: Cafe A 2: Sitting Area A 7: Basketball court and hall 3: Reception counter 8: Stage 4: Convenience Store 9: Preparation room 5: Toilet 10: Store
  • 24. 24 First Floor 11 15 LEGEND: 11: Hall 2 14: Toilet 12: Hall 3 15: Sitting area B 13: Badminton court 1& 2 16: Cafe B 14 13 12 16
  • 25. 25 Second Floor LEGEND: 17: Roof top Garden 18: Roof FRONT ELEVATION 17 18
  • 26. 26 Side Elevation Sketch of the project
  • 27. FEATURES and ELEMENTS in the project 1) Basket Ball Court and Multipurpose hall This hall served 2 functions: as basketball court when there is no event conducting and as a community hall to conduct any public event related to the community. It has a stage with preparation room behind it to convenient the performers. 2) Hall 2 & 3 The halls rent to others to conduct smaller scale social activities such as club activity. It also functions as ball room, meeting room and guest room. The wall between 2 halls can be separated if larger spaces are needed. 27
  • 28. 3) Badminton court The badminton court is rent to others to increase the outcome of the owner. 28 4) Cafe There are 2 cafes in the hall. - Cafe A
  • 29. 29 - Cafe B Resting area with a stalk selling refreshment and beverage 5) Sitting area There are 2 sitting area in the hall. One located in ground floor with the reception counter and one located in first floor for the people who played badminton to rest and have a meal. - Sitting area A - Sitting area B is attached to the cafe B
  • 30. 6) Convenience store It sells some commodity to the residents. It is really convenient to the residents surrounding as it open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 30
  • 31. 31 BILL OF QUANTITIES No Descript ion Name of the items Unit Quant ity Rate RM 2) Main Building Material i) Reinforced steel ii) Bricks iii) Concrete iv) Lumber 552 000 3) Surface finishing i) Paint ii)Bamboo cladding iii) Bamboo flooring Sq/m Sq/m 6.50 1650 2300 4) Doors and window i) Doors ii) Windows 14 63 250 100 3500 6300 5) Elect rical system and equipment s 15 000 6) Fire suppression equipment i) Water sprinkle ii) Smoke detector 9000 7) Heat ing, vent ilation and air condit ioning 7900 8) Security system i) CCTV ii) Alarm system 6000 9) Water plumbing 13 000 10) Light ing 8000 11) Softscape i) Trees ii) Shrubs iii) Flowers 8000 12) Rooftop garden Installation Sq/m 33.50 30 150 13) Labour cost 55 000 14) Overhead 20 000 Furniture i) Chairs ii) Tables iii) Benches 500 40 20 70 300 200 35 000 12 000 4000 TOTAL 1 561 600
  • 32. Process to getting the approval of the authority 1. Submit and obtain development approval through OSC(Kuala Lumpur one stop centre) Builders can now apply for construction permits through OSC 1Submission (single entry). OSC will then refer the submissions to the Planning Department, Building Department, Engineering Department, Fire and Rescue Department, Sewerage Agency and Water Agency. OSC will issue the development approval (planning approvals, building approvals, engineering approvals, fire safety plan endorsements, water approvals, and sewerage works approvals) to the builder. Building company will submit and obtain approval through OSC for the following documents: • Planning plan • Building plan • Engineering plan (earthwork, road & drainage plan, road excavation permit, and street lighting plan) • Landscape plan • Water supply plan • Sewerage plan • Infrastructure communication plan • Fire safety plan 2. Submit pre-construction notifications to OSC Under OSC 1Submission, all notifications are submitted via OSC. OSC will then distribute notifications to the relevant agencies such as: • Building Department (B Form - notification to start building work) • Engineering Department (B Form - notification to start earthwork) • Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) (PDC 6 Form - notification to start sewerage work) 3. Request final utilities inspections through OSC Under OSC 1Submission, the builder has to request for inspections via OSC. OSC will arrange and coordinate inspections and connections schedule with relevant agencies 4. Receive road and drainage inspection from Engineering Department of CHKL Once the road and drainage works have been completed, building company will request the road and drainage clearance letter from the Engineering Department of CHKL. Building Company must also submit a construction report notification. By signing form G-17, the engineer certifies that all works were carried out according to regulations. Form G-17 is then filed along with Form F (Certificate of Completion and Compliance) via OSC to the Engineering Department. 32
  • 33. 5. Receive sewage final inspection from Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) The Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) will carry out an inspection of the sewerage system and issue building company a clearance letter for sewerage. 6. Receive water final inspection from water authority SYABAS The Water Authority (SYABAS) will conduct an on-site inspection of the works and make the connection to the public pipe. 7. Obtain road and drainage clearance letter from Engineering Department of CHKL 8. Obtain sewage clearance letter and sewerage connection from Sewerage Certifying Agency (IWK) Once the inspection has been carried out, a clearance letter is issued to the Builder. The sewage clearance letter is needed in order for the engineer to issue the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC). 9. Submit water test and commissioning (T&C) report to Water Authority SYABAS BuildCo will prepare the water testing and commissioning report and submit it to SYABAS. This document is required to obtain the clearance letter from SYABAS. 10. Receive fire safety inspection from Fire and Rescue Department 11. Obtain fire safety clearance letter from Fire and Rescue Department 12. Builder’s principal submitting person files the certificate of completion and compliance (CCC) , submit to Building Department and Board of Architect via OSC 33
  • 34. Example of the authority form obtained from MPS(Majlis Pembandaran Selayang) 34