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W.G. Hoskins and the Making of
   the English Landscape
   Class 4. Awaiting the sound of a
   human voice. Colonization and decay
   in the Middle Ages.
   Tutor: Keith Challis
Recap: Last Week (Becoming a land of
    The Anglo-Saxons Origins                                      Middle Saxon England
    •    Post Roman settlement from Denmark and north             •    By mid 7th century emergence of larger polities
         Germany                                                  •    Kingdoms documented in Tribal Hidage
    •    Co-existence with native Romanised British               •    Increasing social complexity
         populations                                              •    Towns and trade
    •    Complex social and racial mixing                         Christianity and the State
    Material Culture                                              •    Promotion of ideal of kingship
    •    Highly distinctive material culture, largely evidenced   •    Innovation in land holding (and influence on
         in grave goods                                                organisation of land?)
    •    Architectural innovation                                 •    Role in cementing emerging polities
    •    Language                                                 Scandinavian Settlement
    Death and Burial                                              •    Raiding, organised campaigns of conquest and
    •    Large cremation cemeteries imply substantial                  settlement
         immigrant population                                     •    Socially complex
    •    How much is a processes of acculturation of              •
         collapsing Romanised British population?                      Uncertain impact on landscape
                                                                  •    England part of Scandinavian hegemony of
    Settlements                                                        northern Europe
    •    Not villages!                                            Late Saxon England
    •    Small clusters of simple dwellings (Hall                 •    Complex society part of European and
         House/Grubenhaus)                                             Scandinavian political and economic milieu
    •    Local clearance or adoption of existing agricultural     •
         lands                                                         Beginnings of evidence for settlement continuity
                                                                       (10th/11th century activity in many excavated village
    •    Revealed by later 20th century archaeology (West              sites)
         Stow, Mucking, etc)                                      •    Character of settlement remains uncertain

Hoskins’s England                                                                  hoskins-
Class Summary
    • The Colonization of Medieval England
    • The Black Death and After
    • 60 years on: Critique of Hoskins and a counterpoint

    Coffee Break

    • Working with aerial photographs
    • Laxton Group project: Working with photographs,
      and published mapping

Hoskins’s England           
Class Summary
    Learning Outcomes
    • Explore Hoskins’s view of 11th-16th century rural
    • Understand some of the fundamental aspects of
      medieval rural settlement
    • Explore ways in which new evidence has revised
      our view of this period.
    • Appreciate some of the uses of and evidence to
      be gleaned from aerial photography in
      landscape studies.
Hoskins’s England                    hoskins-
Section 1: Colonization and
the Black Death
Colonization and
                   the Black Death

    • Enter the grand theme:
       “I have a theme now: the old pattern of life
       slowly built up – describe at length – then
       the disintegration of the pattern, shattered
       beyond recognition...”
       (Hoskins’s notebook, late 1940s)

Hoskins’ England         
Colonization and
                   the Black Death
          •Two complex and multi themed chapters

        The Colonization of     The Black Death and
        Medieval England        After
    •   The landscape of      • The abandonment of
        1086                    villages
    •   The clearing of       • New colonization
        woodland              • New buildings
    •   Marsh, Fen and Moor
    •   Buildings in a

Hoskins’ England          
Colonization and
                   the Black Death
       1086 and all that…Hoskins on
       Domesday England
       “Domesday book…does not tell us directly
       how much of each county had been
       colonized…but we can obtain a fairly good
       idea of the extent to which England had
       been colonized during the six hundred
       years since the first Old English landings…”
       (Hoskins 1955)

Hoskins’ England        
Colonization and
                                              the Black Death
  Domesday Book
  At Christmas 1085 William the Conqueror commissioned a great survey to discover the resources and
  taxable values of all the boroughs and manors in England. He wanted to discover who owned what, how
  much it was worth, and how much was owed to him as King.

  The King (William) holds in demesne Earley (in lordship – that is, by and for himself; he
  has not let it out to a sub-tenant). Almar (an Anglo-Saxon) held it in alod (freehold) from
  King Edward. Then (in 1066, it was assessed for tax purposes) at 5 hides, now (in 1086
  it is assessed) for (the equivalent of) 4 hides. (There is) Land for use by 6 ploughs. In
  demesne (on the lord’s land there is land for) 1 plough and(there are) 6
  villans (villagers) and 1 bordar (smallholder) with 3 ploughs. There (are) 2
  slaves (owned by the King) and 1 site (or close) in Reading (presumably owned by or
  part of the manor) and (there are)2 fisheries worth (rendering) 7s and 6d (per year) and
  20 acres of meadow. (There is) Woodland for(feeding) 70 pigs. At the time of King
  Edward (1066) it was worth 100s, and afterwards (when William acquired the
  manor) and now (1086) it is worth 50s.

Hoskins’ England                                                                      
Colonization and
                                  the Black Death

    Lowerre, A. 2008. Mapping Domesday Book using GIS. Research News: Newsletter of the English Heritage Research
    Department. Number 8.

Hoskins’ England                                                        
Colonization and
                   the Black Death
      Making England
    • Re-emergence of population estimates
    • England awaiting,
      “Though most English villages had made their
      appearance by the time of the Norman
      Conquest…vast areas remained in their natural
      state, awaiting the sound of a human voice.”
      (Hoskins 1955).
    • Clearance and agricultural expansion
      “Around nearly every village stretched its open

Hoskins’ England           
Colonization and
                   the Black Death
    • The battle to bring wood and waste into production
       “From rising ground England must have seemed one
       great forest before the fifteenth century, an almost
       unbroken sea of tree-tops with a thin spiral of smoke
       rising here and there at long intervals.”

       “By the eve of the Black Death the population of England
       was about three times that of Domesday…it has been
       estimated that at the peak, just before…1348…there
       may have been four million people in all. Hundreds of
       thousands of acres of new land had been won from the
       waste and water…”

Hoskins’ England                 
Colonization and
                   the Black Death
      Hoskins on the Black Death
      “Successive outbreaks of the plague reduced
      the population of the country by somewhere
      between one third and a half…The pressure of
      population eased off and there followed a retreat
      from marginal lands.”
    • Settlement desertion
      “There are more than thirteen hundred deserted
      villages in England”
    • Both plague and economic decline can be
      blamed for desertion which was sometimes
      hastened by landlords.

Hoskins’ England           
Colonization and
                   the Black Death

    • Discussion…

Hoskins’ England      
Section 2: 60 Years on:
Finding A New England..?
Finding A New England..?
                   What constitutes the Medieval Landscape?

Hoskins’ England                     
Finding A New England..?
                   Typical lowland village form



Hoskins’ England                 
Finding A New England..?
                   Goltho, Lincolnshire – an archetype

Hoskins’ England          
Finding A New England..?
                           Early phase

                           Buildings in crofts
                           Frequent reorganisation

Hoskins’ England 
Finding A New England..?
                              Late phase

                              Buildings in strongly
                              demarked crofts
                              organised around a
                              crew yard
                              for livestock

Hoskins’ England 
Finding A New England..?
                      Regional Variations
                      In upland areas and many regions
                      Villages are absent – why?

                      Different agricultural regimes

                      Pastoral farming dominates

                      Landscape determined

                      Different social organisation

Hoskins’ England       
Finding A New England..?
                          Analysis of village plan
                          forms from historic maps
                          may reveal origins

                          Patterns of similar
                          morphological forms
                          can be identified

                          Eg …linear/regulated

Hoskins’ England 
Finding A New England..?
                        Geographer B K Roberts
                        took plan form analysis to
                        its zenith

                        …but does it tell us

                        Can we relate plan to
                        function or agency

Hoskins’ England   
Finding A New England..?
                   The Open Fields

Hoskins’ England           
Finding A New England..?

Hoskins’ England 
Finding A New England..?
                   Regional Variations: Infield - Outfield

Hoskins’ England                         
Finding A New England..?
                   Regional Variations: Infield - Outfield

Hoskins’ England                          
Finding A New England..?
    • The origins of the
      nucleated village are
      complex and local
      impetus for nucleation
    • The record of Domesday
      is not a record of villages
      but of legal jurisdiction
      and value
    • Settlement form changed
      regularly and nucleation
      may be one phase in a
      village of changing form

Hoskins’ England          
Finding A New England..?
    • The origin of the open
      fields remains illusive
    • It is probably to be
      linked with the
      emergence of
      nucleation and
      perhaps the growth
      of a service lead
      feudal society

Hoskins’ England      
Finding A New England..?
      Population and
    • Population estimates are
      dubious tools
    • Population grew, land
      was cleared and
      agriculture expanded in
      the 12th and 13th centuries
    • A strong feudal economy
      tied together by obligation
      and service

Hoskins’ England          
Finding A New England..?
       Decline and Change
    • Decline and desertion
      have multiple causes
        – Economic decline
        – Climate change (colder,
        – Feudal deterioration
        – Disease
    • Agricultural and social
      reorganisation are a
      response to and catalyst
      for change

Hoskins’ England          
Finding A New England..?
                            Two Good Books

          Village and Farmstead     The Countryside of Medieval England
          Christopher Taylor        Edited by Grenville Astill and Annie Grant

Hoskins’ England                     
Finding A New England..?

    • Coffee Break

Hoskins’ England 
Section 3: Aerial Photography
Aerial Photography

               Vertical             Oblique

Hoskins’s England                hoskins-
Aerial Photography
                         Vertical Photography
                         Usually for mapping or reconnaissance purposes, not
                         often archaeological.
                         Fixed camera mounted on plane flying at constant height.
                         Photographs contain inherent distortions due to curvature
                         of lens and irregularity of ground surface.
                         A series of overlapping photographs are usually taken for
                         large area coverage. By overlapping photos by c.60%
                         each part of the ground is covered by at least two images
                         which can then be combined using a stereoscope to
                         create a three-dimensional model.
                         Vertical photographs can be used for producing accurate
                         plans, providing the images are adequately
                         However, since they are not flown specifically for
                         archaeological purposes the information they contain may
                         not always be as clear as with obliques.

Hoskins’s England                                 hoskins-
Aerial Photography
                              Oblique Photography
                              Handheld camera used to record a specific
                              site/monument as it is being flown over.
                              Provides a perspective view that can often
                              emphasise and clarify the nature of a site far
                              more than vertical shots.
                              The elevation and angle of the shot can be
                              more easily manipulated to obtain the best
                              conditions for the photograph.
                              Oblique photography is far more difficult to
                              georeference, sometimes limiting the use of
                              the technique in providing archaeological
                              Oblique photography is most often taken
                              from low flying light aircraft, but can also be
                              taken from any elevated position (e.g.

Hoskins’s England                        hoskins-
Aerial Photography
  What we can see: Cropmarks

  Visible variation in the growth of
  plants due to buried features.
  Positive cropmarks = The plants
  grow taller due to negative
  archaeological features such as
  ditches, pits, postholes. Provide
  increased moisture retention and
  higher nutrient content.
  Negative cropmarks = The plants
  growth is reduced due to
  subsurface features which block the
  root system. Provide reduced
  moisture and nutrients than the
  surrounding soil.
  The window of opportunity in which
  to see cropmarks depends on a
  variety of factors: soil type, crop,

Hoskins’s England                        hoskins-
Aerial Photography
  What we can see: Soilmarks

                        Some archaeological sites become visible in a field that has been
                        ploughed in preparation of sowing.
                        Features are usually apparent through colour changes between the
                        archaeology and the surrounding soil.
                        Negative features such as pits or ditches often contain humic-rich fills
                        which show up as darker tones. Equally, plough damage to walls or
                        rubble can bring some of this material to the surface.
                        Soil marks are at their clearest immediately after ploughing, with
                        subsequent mixing of layers obscuring the newly revealed features.
                        It is important to note that soil marks reflect the actual archaeological
                        deposits themselves, rather than their effect on overlying vegetation or
                        topography. If a site is visible as a soil mark then it is already being

Hoskins’s England                                              hoskins-
Aerial Photogrphy
  What we can see: Shadow Sites

                         Earthworks can be visible through aerial photography as shadow
                         sites. The topographic changes cause variation in the extent and
                         position of shadows.
                         The height and position of the sun is crucial in determining how well
                         an earthwork site can be seen. Low winter sunlight (either early
                         morning or late afternoon) is often the best, creating long shadows
                         and picking out even microtopographic changes.
                         The direction of the sun in relation to the orientation of the
                         earthworks is another key factor.
                         The presence of snow cover on archaeological sites can help to
                         emphasise any earthworks due to the contrast between the highly
                         reflective snow and the dark shadows. Likewise, standing water
                         following heavy rainfall will accumulate in earthwork depressions.

Hoskins’s England                                              hoskins-
Aerial Photogrphy

          •   As well as the visibility of archaeological sites requiring very
              particular environmental and atmospheric conditions, the
              interpretation of visible features should be treated with

          •   Potential pitfalls in interpretation can be caused by the
              presence of geological features, agricultural activities and
              modern land use practices.

Hoskins’s England                                          hoskins-
Aerial Photogrphy
    Groups of ring earthworks
    similar to those shown in this
    photography are known from
    the Yorkshire Wolds, East
    Anglia and the Trent Valley
    south of Derby.

    Site of searchlight batteries
    from WWII.
    The eastern bias of their
    distribution is due to the
    direction of the perceived
                                     Soil marks of ring earthworks ENE of Bishop Wilton, Humberside (SE
                                     825564), 12 May 1969.
                                     Photo : University of Cambridge, copyright reserved

Hoskins’s England                                              hoskins-
Aerial Photography
  Densely concentrated
  arrangement of ring ditches
  suggestive of Iron Age /
  Migration Period cemeteries in

 But…arrangement and
 overlapping features reveals
 they are actually the effects of
 irrigation using lines of rotary
 The two water jets were
 misaligned causing a ring of
 soil that was not as heavily       Crop marks WNW of Store Anst, Ribe amt, Jutland, 27 June 1967.
 watered.                           Photo: University of Cambridge, copyright reserved

Hoskins’s England                                                       hoskins-
Aerial Photography
                              The National Air Photo Library
                              Based at NMRC in Swindon.
                              Consists of c. 2.7 million photographs divided
                              into vertical and oblique collections.
                              Vertical collection comprises reconnaissance
                              and survey photography and covers whole of
                              England. Most flown by RAF but others by OS,
                              Meridian Airmaps Ltd, EA, etc.
                              Oblique collection contains photographs of
                              particular sites, initially cropmark
                              reconnaissance but now also industrial and
                              agricultural developments. Oblique
                              photography covers c.66% of England.
                              Oblique photographs from 1880 – present,
                              mainly taken by RCHME/EH but also by
                              independent fliers and from historical
                              collections (e.g. OGS Crawford).

Hoskins’s England                         hoskins-
Aerial Photography
                            To access the NMR aerial
                            photography a coversearch is
                            carried out based on an OS NGR
                            (e.g. SK423 890 + 500m).
                            Once a search has been made an
                            appointment to view the
                            photographs has to be made.
                            The oblique collection is open for
                            public browsing at the NMRC.
                            The photographs can be supplied
                            as photocopies (black+white,
                            photographic and colour). These
                            services incur a cost.
                            The NMR do not always hold
                            copyrights for the photographs and
                            so photocopies are not always

Hoskins’s England                          hoskins-
Aerial Photography
   •   The Cambridge University Collection of Aerial
       Photographs (CUCAP) is held in the photographic
       library of the Unit for Landscape Modelling (ULM).

   •   The catalogue has its origins in the pioneering work
       of Dr J.K. St Joseph. As lecturer in geology at
       Cambridge University, St Joseph was provided with
       access to an RAF aircraft and pilot for ten days in
       July 1945. This process continued until in 1948 he
       was appointed Curator in Aerial Photography, a
       post designed to manage and control the
       increasing library of images.

   •   The library now contains c. 500,000 photographs,
       approximately half of which are vertical (blue) and
       half are obliques (red).

   •   Appointments have to be made to view the
       photographs and charges are applied for obtaining
       copies (digital or photographic prints).

Hoskins’s England                                             hoskins-
Aerial Photography

Hoskins’s England                           hoskins-
Aerial Photography

      Open sources such as GoogleEarth/Maps and Bing Maps

Hoskins’s England                                hoskins-
Aerial Photography

  194                      197                       200
  8                        1                         0
  Using a time series of photographs reveals recent landscape change

Hoskins’s England                                     hoskins-
Aerial Photography

             Systematic transcription of evidence to a map is crucial

Hoskins’s England                                      hoskins-

Hoskins’s England            hoskins-

Hoskins’s England            hoskins-
Aims Today

    • Examine maps and photographs
    • Familiarise self with topography of Laxton
    • Make observations

Hoskins’s England                hoskins-
Self Assessment
       Learning Outcomes
    • Understand the broad historical pattern for
      England 1066 – 1500 described by
    • Be aware of some of the weaknesses in
      the arguments put forward by TMotEL
    • Understand how aerial photography an be
      used in landscape studies
Hoskins’s England                hoskins-
Further Study
    Suggested Reading
       C. Taylor 1983. Village and Farmstead

    Self Study Themes
        Making of the English Landscape, Chapter 5

Hoskins’ England          

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Hoskins' england class 4

  • 1. W.G. Hoskins and the Making of the English Landscape Class 4. Awaiting the sound of a human voice. Colonization and decay in the Middle Ages. Tutor: Keith Challis
  • 2. Recap: Last Week (Becoming a land of villages) The Anglo-Saxons Origins Middle Saxon England • Post Roman settlement from Denmark and north • By mid 7th century emergence of larger polities Germany • Kingdoms documented in Tribal Hidage • Co-existence with native Romanised British • Increasing social complexity populations • Towns and trade • Complex social and racial mixing Christianity and the State Material Culture • Promotion of ideal of kingship • Highly distinctive material culture, largely evidenced • Innovation in land holding (and influence on in grave goods organisation of land?) • Architectural innovation • Role in cementing emerging polities • Language Scandinavian Settlement Death and Burial • Raiding, organised campaigns of conquest and • Large cremation cemeteries imply substantial settlement immigrant population • Socially complex • How much is a processes of acculturation of • collapsing Romanised British population? Uncertain impact on landscape • England part of Scandinavian hegemony of Settlements northern Europe • Not villages! Late Saxon England • Small clusters of simple dwellings (Hall • Complex society part of European and House/Grubenhaus) Scandinavian political and economic milieu • Local clearance or adoption of existing agricultural • lands Beginnings of evidence for settlement continuity (10th/11th century activity in many excavated village • Revealed by later 20th century archaeology (West sites) Stow, Mucking, etc) • Character of settlement remains uncertain Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 3. Class Summary • The Colonization of Medieval England • The Black Death and After • 60 years on: Critique of Hoskins and a counterpoint Coffee Break • Working with aerial photographs • Laxton Group project: Working with photographs, and published mapping Hoskins’s England
  • 4. Class Summary Learning Outcomes • Explore Hoskins’s view of 11th-16th century rural England • Understand some of the fundamental aspects of medieval rural settlement • Explore ways in which new evidence has revised our view of this period. • Appreciate some of the uses of and evidence to be gleaned from aerial photography in landscape studies. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 5. Section 1: Colonization and the Black Death
  • 6. Colonization and the Black Death • Enter the grand theme: “I have a theme now: the old pattern of life slowly built up – describe at length – then the disintegration of the pattern, shattered beyond recognition...” (Hoskins’s notebook, late 1940s) Hoskins’ England
  • 7. Colonization and the Black Death •Two complex and multi themed chapters The Colonization of The Black Death and Medieval England After • The landscape of • The abandonment of 1086 villages • The clearing of • New colonization woodland • New buildings • Marsh, Fen and Moor • Buildings in a Landscape Hoskins’ England
  • 8. Colonization and the Black Death 1086 and all that…Hoskins on Domesday England “Domesday book…does not tell us directly how much of each county had been colonized…but we can obtain a fairly good idea of the extent to which England had been colonized during the six hundred years since the first Old English landings…” (Hoskins 1955) Hoskins’ England
  • 9. Colonization and the Black Death Domesday Book At Christmas 1085 William the Conqueror commissioned a great survey to discover the resources and taxable values of all the boroughs and manors in England. He wanted to discover who owned what, how much it was worth, and how much was owed to him as King. The King (William) holds in demesne Earley (in lordship – that is, by and for himself; he has not let it out to a sub-tenant). Almar (an Anglo-Saxon) held it in alod (freehold) from King Edward. Then (in 1066, it was assessed for tax purposes) at 5 hides, now (in 1086 it is assessed) for (the equivalent of) 4 hides. (There is) Land for use by 6 ploughs. In demesne (on the lord’s land there is land for) 1 plough and(there are) 6 villans (villagers) and 1 bordar (smallholder) with 3 ploughs. There (are) 2 slaves (owned by the King) and 1 site (or close) in Reading (presumably owned by or part of the manor) and (there are)2 fisheries worth (rendering) 7s and 6d (per year) and 20 acres of meadow. (There is) Woodland for(feeding) 70 pigs. At the time of King Edward (1066) it was worth 100s, and afterwards (when William acquired the manor) and now (1086) it is worth 50s. Hoskins’ England
  • 10. Colonization and the Black Death Lowerre, A. 2008. Mapping Domesday Book using GIS. Research News: Newsletter of the English Heritage Research Department. Number 8. Hoskins’ England
  • 11. Colonization and the Black Death Making England • Re-emergence of population estimates • England awaiting, “Though most English villages had made their appearance by the time of the Norman Conquest…vast areas remained in their natural state, awaiting the sound of a human voice.” (Hoskins 1955). • Clearance and agricultural expansion “Around nearly every village stretched its open fields” Hoskins’ England
  • 12. Colonization and the Black Death • The battle to bring wood and waste into production “From rising ground England must have seemed one great forest before the fifteenth century, an almost unbroken sea of tree-tops with a thin spiral of smoke rising here and there at long intervals.” “By the eve of the Black Death the population of England was about three times that of Domesday…it has been estimated that at the peak, just before…1348…there may have been four million people in all. Hundreds of thousands of acres of new land had been won from the waste and water…” Hoskins’ England
  • 13. Colonization and the Black Death Hoskins on the Black Death “Successive outbreaks of the plague reduced the population of the country by somewhere between one third and a half…The pressure of population eased off and there followed a retreat from marginal lands.” • Settlement desertion “There are more than thirteen hundred deserted villages in England” • Both plague and economic decline can be blamed for desertion which was sometimes hastened by landlords. Hoskins’ England
  • 14. Colonization and the Black Death • Discussion… Hoskins’ England
  • 15. Section 2: 60 Years on: Finding A New England..?
  • 16. Finding A New England..? What constitutes the Medieval Landscape? Hoskins’ England
  • 17. Finding A New England..? Typical lowland village form Toft Croft Hoskins’ England
  • 18. Finding A New England..? Goltho, Lincolnshire – an archetype Hoskins’ England
  • 19. Finding A New England..? Early phase Buildings in crofts Frequent reorganisation Hoskins’ England
  • 20. Finding A New England..? Late phase Buildings in strongly demarked crofts organised around a crew yard for livestock Hoskins’ England
  • 21. Finding A New England..? Regional Variations In upland areas and many regions Villages are absent – why? Different agricultural regimes (infield/outfield) Pastoral farming dominates Landscape determined Different social organisation Hoskins’ England
  • 22. Finding A New England..? Analysis of village plan forms from historic maps may reveal origins Patterns of similar morphological forms can be identified Eg …linear/regulated Hoskins’ England
  • 23. Finding A New England..? Geographer B K Roberts took plan form analysis to its zenith …but does it tell us anything? Can we relate plan to function or agency Hoskins’ England
  • 24. Finding A New England..? The Open Fields Hoskins’ England
  • 25. Finding A New England..? Hoskins’ England
  • 26. Finding A New England..? Regional Variations: Infield - Outfield Hoskins’ England
  • 27. Finding A New England..? Regional Variations: Infield - Outfield Hoskins’ England
  • 28. Finding A New England..? Villages • The origins of the nucleated village are complex and local impetus for nucleation vary • The record of Domesday is not a record of villages but of legal jurisdiction and value • Settlement form changed regularly and nucleation may be one phase in a village of changing form Hoskins’ England
  • 29. Finding A New England..? Agriculture • The origin of the open fields remains illusive • It is probably to be linked with the emergence of nucleation and perhaps the growth of a service lead feudal society Hoskins’ England
  • 30. Finding A New England..? Population and Economics • Population estimates are dubious tools • Population grew, land was cleared and agriculture expanded in the 12th and 13th centuries • A strong feudal economy tied together by obligation and service Hoskins’ England
  • 31. Finding A New England..? Decline and Change • Decline and desertion have multiple causes – Economic decline – Climate change (colder, wetter) – Feudal deterioration – Disease • Agricultural and social reorganisation are a response to and catalyst for change Hoskins’ England
  • 32. Finding A New England..? Two Good Books Village and Farmstead The Countryside of Medieval England Christopher Taylor Edited by Grenville Astill and Annie Grant Hoskins’ England
  • 33. Finding A New England..? • Coffee Break Hoskins’ England
  • 34. Section 3: Aerial Photography
  • 35. Aerial Photography Vertical Oblique Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 36. Aerial Photography Vertical Photography Usually for mapping or reconnaissance purposes, not often archaeological. Fixed camera mounted on plane flying at constant height. Photographs contain inherent distortions due to curvature of lens and irregularity of ground surface. A series of overlapping photographs are usually taken for large area coverage. By overlapping photos by c.60% each part of the ground is covered by at least two images which can then be combined using a stereoscope to create a three-dimensional model. Vertical photographs can be used for producing accurate plans, providing the images are adequately georeferenced. However, since they are not flown specifically for archaeological purposes the information they contain may not always be as clear as with obliques. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 37. Aerial Photography Oblique Photography Handheld camera used to record a specific site/monument as it is being flown over. Provides a perspective view that can often emphasise and clarify the nature of a site far more than vertical shots. The elevation and angle of the shot can be more easily manipulated to obtain the best conditions for the photograph. Oblique photography is far more difficult to georeference, sometimes limiting the use of the technique in providing archaeological plans. Oblique photography is most often taken from low flying light aircraft, but can also be taken from any elevated position (e.g. buildings/hilltops…). Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 38. Aerial Photography What we can see: Cropmarks Visible variation in the growth of plants due to buried features. Positive cropmarks = The plants grow taller due to negative archaeological features such as ditches, pits, postholes. Provide increased moisture retention and higher nutrient content. Negative cropmarks = The plants growth is reduced due to subsurface features which block the root system. Provide reduced moisture and nutrients than the surrounding soil. The window of opportunity in which to see cropmarks depends on a variety of factors: soil type, crop, climate… Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 39. Aerial Photography What we can see: Soilmarks Some archaeological sites become visible in a field that has been ploughed in preparation of sowing. Features are usually apparent through colour changes between the archaeology and the surrounding soil. Negative features such as pits or ditches often contain humic-rich fills which show up as darker tones. Equally, plough damage to walls or rubble can bring some of this material to the surface. Soil marks are at their clearest immediately after ploughing, with subsequent mixing of layers obscuring the newly revealed features. It is important to note that soil marks reflect the actual archaeological deposits themselves, rather than their effect on overlying vegetation or topography. If a site is visible as a soil mark then it is already being eroded. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 40. Aerial Photogrphy What we can see: Shadow Sites Earthworks can be visible through aerial photography as shadow sites. The topographic changes cause variation in the extent and position of shadows. The height and position of the sun is crucial in determining how well an earthwork site can be seen. Low winter sunlight (either early morning or late afternoon) is often the best, creating long shadows and picking out even microtopographic changes. The direction of the sun in relation to the orientation of the earthworks is another key factor. The presence of snow cover on archaeological sites can help to emphasise any earthworks due to the contrast between the highly reflective snow and the dark shadows. Likewise, standing water following heavy rainfall will accumulate in earthwork depressions. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 41. Aerial Photogrphy • As well as the visibility of archaeological sites requiring very particular environmental and atmospheric conditions, the interpretation of visible features should be treated with caution. • Potential pitfalls in interpretation can be caused by the presence of geological features, agricultural activities and modern land use practices. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 42. Aerial Photogrphy Groups of ring earthworks similar to those shown in this photography are known from the Yorkshire Wolds, East Anglia and the Trent Valley south of Derby. Site of searchlight batteries from WWII. The eastern bias of their distribution is due to the direction of the perceived threat. Soil marks of ring earthworks ENE of Bishop Wilton, Humberside (SE 825564), 12 May 1969. Photo : University of Cambridge, copyright reserved Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 43. Aerial Photography Densely concentrated arrangement of ring ditches suggestive of Iron Age / Migration Period cemeteries in Denmark. But…arrangement and overlapping features reveals they are actually the effects of irrigation using lines of rotary sprinklers. The two water jets were misaligned causing a ring of soil that was not as heavily Crop marks WNW of Store Anst, Ribe amt, Jutland, 27 June 1967. watered. Photo: University of Cambridge, copyright reserved Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 44. Aerial Photography The National Air Photo Library Based at NMRC in Swindon. Consists of c. 2.7 million photographs divided into vertical and oblique collections. Vertical collection comprises reconnaissance and survey photography and covers whole of England. Most flown by RAF but others by OS, Meridian Airmaps Ltd, EA, etc. Oblique collection contains photographs of particular sites, initially cropmark reconnaissance but now also industrial and agricultural developments. Oblique photography covers c.66% of England. Oblique photographs from 1880 – present, mainly taken by RCHME/EH but also by independent fliers and from historical collections (e.g. OGS Crawford). Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 45. Aerial Photography To access the NMR aerial photography a coversearch is carried out based on an OS NGR (e.g. SK423 890 + 500m). Once a search has been made an appointment to view the photographs has to be made. The oblique collection is open for public browsing at the NMRC. The photographs can be supplied as photocopies (black+white, photographic and colour). These services incur a cost. The NMR do not always hold copyrights for the photographs and so photocopies are not always available. Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 46. Aerial Photography • The Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs (CUCAP) is held in the photographic library of the Unit for Landscape Modelling (ULM). • The catalogue has its origins in the pioneering work of Dr J.K. St Joseph. As lecturer in geology at Cambridge University, St Joseph was provided with access to an RAF aircraft and pilot for ten days in July 1945. This process continued until in 1948 he was appointed Curator in Aerial Photography, a post designed to manage and control the increasing library of images. • The library now contains c. 500,000 photographs, approximately half of which are vertical (blue) and half are obliques (red). • Appointments have to be made to view the photographs and charges are applied for obtaining copies (digital or photographic prints). Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 47. Aerial Photography Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 48. Aerial Photography Open sources such as GoogleEarth/Maps and Bing Maps Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 49. Aerial Photography 194 197 200 8 1 0 Using a time series of photographs reveals recent landscape change Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 50. Aerial Photography Systematic transcription of evidence to a map is crucial Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 53. Aims Today • Examine maps and photographs • Familiarise self with topography of Laxton • Make observations Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 54. Self Assessment Learning Outcomes • Understand the broad historical pattern for England 1066 – 1500 described by Hoskins • Be aware of some of the weaknesses in the arguments put forward by TMotEL • Understand how aerial photography an be used in landscape studies Hoskins’s England hoskins-
  • 55. Further Study Suggested Reading C. Taylor 1983. Village and Farmstead Self Study Themes Making of the English Landscape, Chapter 5 Hoskins’ England