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Task 4
Horror is a genre which can create a world of its own in the film industry. It is created
to fear and scare its audience in order to manipulate them and receive emotional
reactions. Through the years of Horror, the conventions are always changing, some
films use typical and common elements which the Genre Horror holds, this may
include a murderer or a certain type of paranormal activity happening in the film.
During the start of the genre Horror in the 1920 and the 1930, the
monsters were the typical antagonists you would see in any horror
films. This may include the Villain being a monster that may be
dead or alive. At the time of the 1920-1930 films like Frankenstein
(1931), The Haunted Castle (1921), and The Mummy (1932).
These films are still known in today's society as the starting point
the Horror Genre.
Through the years 1950-1970 Horror has evolved and other sub-
genres have become a part of the genre to create other type of
Horror films. This was the time other sub-genres were introduced,
such as, Sci-Fi, this created other type of creatures becoming the
antagonists, instead of monsters. Many films start using space as
horror, such as aliens being the antagonist. Plan 9 from Outer
Space was released in 1959 which includes aliens, vampires and
zombies. This was actually voted one of the worst films of all time,
however at the time the film would have seen as being quite a
good film. Other films are psycho (1960) this film is still really
well known in today's age, violence and provocative sexual
explicitness, Psycho tested the strict censorship boundaries of
the day. The shower scene shown in the film may be one of
the most famous Murder scenes in Horror history.
Films through the 1980’s to the 1990’s were known for
the famous sub-genre of slashers. The films were
usually known for the murders and knife stabbings of
multiple victims of the antagonist. Films that portrayed
the sub-genre well were, Halloween (1978), this was
one of the first films that created the sub-genre with the
slasher trend. Over the years there have been other
slashers that have included other sub-genres such as
monsters or creatures, this includes films like, Friday
the 13th (1980), Child’s Play (1988), (Nightmare on elm
street (1984). The films also became scarier and gorier
which portrayed the genre of horror, this made people scared and uncomfortable
when watching, this was exactly horror was about. Through to the 1990’s not a lot of
horror movies were known to be very good, however there were some films that still
are well known today. IT (1990) is a well-known film that did get a remake in 2017,
the old film had quite an impact on its audience as the film is mostly around children
and clowns, this was a complete different type of horror film compared to other films
at the time. This was why it gained popularity. Horror movies in the 1990’s usually
consisted of another film part of a franchise already on, this included Nightmare on
elm street Freddy dead (1991) and child's play 2 (1990).
Furthermore, films through from the 2000’s to nowadays have
changed, horror now consists of many other elements, some films sill
use the sub-genres of aliens, monsters, zombies and slashers.
However, the most well-known sub-genre of nowadays is different
type of spirits and paranormal activities occurring in houses and
other places. Many films also are based on true stories to attract
more of an audience and even make they feel like it can happen to
them too. This makes the audience feel nervous and more aware of
their surroundings after watching. Many of the story’s portrayed in
the films have a sense of realism which can bring more fear towards
what can happen to them. Films usually became a type of series or a
story. This included Paranormal Activity (2007) which ended up creating 3 other films
in the future, The Paranormal Activity franchise ended up making other films what
were not part of the original series, such as, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
(2014). The Conjuring (2013) is one of the most well-known Horror movie franchise
with only two films, With the conjuring the creators have make the films very unique
as other film franchises have been created to be based in the same universe as both
Insidious (2010) and Annabelle (2014). This can make fans find theories and more
involved with the films as they can hold info of the other films.
Throughout the past 90 years Horror has changed a lot and is still changing, the
Genre is always bringing something new to its audience, no other genre has
changed as much and includes such a big world where developments can be made.
Other genres have their standard layout all through the years compared to horror
which contains many sub-genres. Horror can have such an impact on its audience
as it can allow them to relate to the stories and become cautious of
their surroundings. The films can impact people both physically and
emotionally, this is because the films can be scary and scare the
audience while other films wouldn't affect the viewers in such a
large way. films that would have most likely achieved this were The
Exorcist (1973), The Omen (1976) and The Shining (1980), these
films were considered some of the best Horror Movies of all time.
Horror is above all genres in many ways as I’ve shown above, the genre renews
itself every couple of years to always give their audience a forest story which still
having the concept of scaring the audience. This allows the Genre to always feel
fresh and new and creates new ways on scaring the audience, as horror keeps on
changing the audience won't be getting scared by the same things over and over
again, this then makes films less expecing on when the audience may get scared.
This also makes horror a very unique genre and is one of the best genres out there
in the film industry. Horror gives fans a choice of what type of film they want to
watch, people are able to watch a slasher or a supernatural horror film, Horror has a
wide variety of films for any type of audience.
Active Spectatorship, it is the way an audience may view the film, an audience can
be either an “active audience” or a “passive audience”. Firstly, A Passive Audience,
generally most of an audience would fall under this category as they just want to
watch a movie for enjoyment. With a passive audience the people who are watching
accept what the director has done with their film, this may include how they end the
film or how they want the message to come across, an example of a film is titanic
and how it insures the meaning of loss and love is seen in the movie. Active
spectators can show emotions when watching the films, this
may include the audience crying, laughing showing fear and
mostly showing their emotions. After an audience watch the
film they may want to question what was going on with their
friends, this shows how that audience had an active
spectatorship on the film. People would often talk about the
film even if they didn't like it as they were still active during the film. As horrors
consist on scaring the audience and creating jump scares, most of the audience
would be active as they want to be ready for what comes next, this may include
when you hear a sound in a film, you start to become eerie and wonder what's going
to happen next, this shows Horror consists of a large Active audience.
Furthermore, other than Active audience there are Passive Audience Members, this
is when the audience are inactive with the film and aren't as interested as other
people, the don't react to the film at all. Passive members don't need to talk about
what happened in the film as they accept what has happened in the film and don't
want to be involved with what's next. However, a Passive Audience isn't very popular
in Horror, most horrors manage to get a reaction off their audience, this doesn't
matter if the film is good or not as people are still nervous on what can happen in the
film and when a jump scare may occur. The good part about horror is that, it's such a
big genre that consists of so many elements. You don't see active audiences going
to watch every comedy film other than horror when if that audience is active they
would want to see another horror film. Other genres don't have such a large Active
audience and hard-core fans who interact with most film as Horror.
Films throughout the years in Horror have impacted the audience both physically and
emotionally in different ways. With the emotional side, this impact is usually during
the time of watching the film. The emotional side is known as being short term, this
may be when you get scared while watching the film. An example of this would just
be a jump scare that occurs in the film. However, with the Physical side towards
horror films and their impact, they can have a large impact on an audience, many
people don't watch horror for the reason of getting scared but horrors can also
impact the audience in a long term effect. People do get nightmares for watching
scary films, this is known as Psychological side of horrors or known as a long term
effect, this is the opposite of emotional as that is the short term effects. An example
of a movie that has given people a long term effect is, The Exorcist (1973), the films
was made quite a long time ago and still has an effect
on its audience. During the film at 3:00am it is known
as the time all the ghosts and spirits come out.
People are still afraid of being awake at this time in
today's age as it had such a big impact on its
audience at the time it was released. Another film which is from today's age that may
have affected its audience long term is Lights out, this film shows that when you turn
your lights off something may be there waiting for you. This then made their
audience scared long term as they wouldn't want to turn their lights off at night.
Through Horror films the uses and gratification theory by Bulmer and Katz’s is used,
Firstly, it is noticeable in the films that people may watch for personal identity as they
may be able to relate to the characters in the film, People want to relate to the
characters as they may think they are alike and something that occurs in the film
may happen to them, this may make the audience more aware after watching the
film. An example of a film which uses this theory well is, Cabin in The Woods (2011).
During The film we are able to notice the typical characters seen in other films which
can relate to a certain type of audience member, the
nerd, good girl, jock, cheerleader. These characters
are the typical characters you would see in a film, but
it also shows how alike the characters are to normal
people who may watch the film. Another Part of the
uses and gratification theory used in the film is
diversion. Diversion allows the audience to enter
another world and escape the real one, Horror films
are great for escaping the real world as adventures occur and people want to be
afraid and scared on what could happen. Diversion allows you to relax to what is
going on in the real world and just enjoy your film, this also allows you to feel
included in the film as you want the characters to do certain things. Lastly, Personal
Relationships in horror films make people substitute their real life relationships to
ones in films with characters. This even means people having on screen
relationships as they love that character very much, this includes when you love
watching a certain character and you would then watch most films with that actor or
character features in.
Live Action Role Play, also known as LARPing is used quite a bit with the genre of
Horror, such as, Halloween people dress up as their favourite horror characters for
their favourite horror films. This is a key example of an active
audience in horror as they role play horror film that have been
with them since whenever they have watched it, showing the
film has a long term effect on those people. People would
dress up as characters from video games or movies which
they can then act out scenes from parts in the game or film.
Through the years as horror has evolved more and more
experiences have been made for Horror fans, an example of
this would be SAW Alive which is at Thorpe Park in England.
SAW Alive was open to the public who were at the park but actually then closed
down after a couple of years. This was because it didn't get enough attractions at the
time, the live action walkthrough now only opens around the time of Halloween.
During this time Thorpe Park actually turns into a Horror night which consists of
people dressed up scaring people and rides open at night. This allows fans to
experience what it's like being in a horror film. Another
example, in Orlando, Florida, at Universal Studios they
have the same concept of having their own Fright night
during the time of Halloween to allow Horror fans to go
and experience Horror in person. At Universal they
create many maze type walkthroughs where people can
walk through and feel like they are in a Horror movie with
real actors jumping out and scaring people.
Films have been received well through the years of horror being released, this could
be because of how the audience liked to get scared or how the story can relate to its
audience. Halloween had such a large impact on its audience at the time as people
have never seen such a gruesome and slashing film before. As the Antagonist had a
face which was covered gave the audience a sense of insecurity not knowing who
that person is. From reviews we see that people still think that Halloween is such a
big and important film for the Horror industry. Even more unusual is the non-
existence of blood and gore, and yet it remains the scariest Halloween to date.
People feel that films don't need to show gore and blood to get scared or feel
uncomfortable. A great example that also shows this is Psycho (1960), one of the
most famous scenes in Horror history involves the woman getting stabbed in the
shower, the unusual thing is that we don't see the stabbing happen, this shows that
such iconic horror films don't even need violence to scare the audience. However,
this leaves the imagination to its audience.
Another film which was well received by its audience was A Nightmare on Elm Street
(1984), this was an extremely ground-breaking film in the Horror world, not only for
its gore and violence, but how it was different compared to other Horror films we are
used to seeing. This gave horror such an open and imaginative world full with ideas
people can have for films. The was all never seen before which allowed a new
audience to watch Horror movies and enjoy. To this day A Nightmare On Elm Street
has had 7 Original films and one remake of the first in 2010, this
shows how many people really enjoyed this new type of Horror,
People still enjoy watching this type of films today as remakes
and new films are being created for its audience.
Through Horror films we see actors fit their genres perfectly. The
actor who played in the first insidious has now starred in a number of well-known
horror films. People fit their own genre when acting, this means that you wouldn't see
other well-known actors who star in other genres such as comedy taking big roles in
Horror films. An example, you would see Adam Sandler play as someone in a horror
film as his type for acting doesn't suit the Horror world. Actors often have a
connection with its genres as many people often star in one
film and then stay in that category of film. However, many
famous actors have starred in Horror films when they were
young, this was most likely before they became well known.
Actors such as Johnny Depp Starred in Nightmare on Elm
Street (1984), Tom Hanks in ‘He Knows You're Alone’ (1980)
and Kevin Bacon in Friday the 13th (1980).
When watching a film, people tend to have a reaction to what has happened. Horror
usually has a reaction of the audience getting scared via a jump scare which occurs
in the film, other reactions include the audience watching to feel nervous and tense
and they may feel that something bad is going to happen. Furthermore, not all horror
movies are very good or scary so people do end up having different reactions when
watching some Horror films, People may feel very scared and anxious after a jump
scare while other may find what just happened funny.
Many horror films usually consist of messages which can scare the audience and
make them have a long term physical effect. Some messages in films are there to
help the audience understand or to just scare them. An example is, A Nightmare on
Elm Street, as the message may show that something can happen to you when you
fall asleep. However, having unrealistic horrors such as this
film creates a safer environment for its audience as it may
not be as believable compared to other horrors. A horror
that scares the audience is SAW as this film is based in the
real world and focuses on real people. During the films
people are just normal who may have done something
wrong in the past and is now suffering from it. The
messages show both political and social worries to create
an atmosphere where the audience can relate to, this can
then make them feel uncomfortable as people may think they are going to get taken
as they may have done something wrong in the past. This can worry the audience as
the make the film feel very fatal and sad with violence to leave a more drastic effect
on its audience. One other film that includes a message is The woman in Black
(2012) this film was based in the past but can also give out the message what the
audience want, the film is about ghosts which attract an audience as they are well
known Horror monsters. The producers didn't want to just scare the audience when it
came to creating the film, they wanted to take its audience on a journey that included
different messages, these were about family, friendship and different ways which
people deal with losing someone they love. This is a good example of a film which it
a Horror but shill involves important messages for its audience.
Education can play a big role in Horror, many Horror films are known for being in the
past as it can make the audio me feel more worried as they may be true stories. The
primary need in horror movies is to scare the audience, yet the forgotten element
which is just as important is education. Audiences need context to stories and an
effective way to do this is through educating its viewers. Teaching the audience
about historic events or other global locations may
be another technique to ensure the scarring of its
audience. some examples that includes education in
its films are Conjuring 2 (2016), during the film we
see that it’s based in the past, in England, this
teaches the audience about the past and shows how
England was like back in 1971. The film also teaches its
audience about the true story of the Enfield Poltergeist.
Another film Is the Exorcist (1973), at the start of the film
it shows Iraq with people digging which then cuts to
where the film is based. Showing Iraq gave the audience
an understanding of the past. One other film includes
The Woman in Black (2012), this film was based back in
1983’s novel of the same name. The film is set back in
England in the past, this can both educate people on Britain back in the past but can
also include the uses and gratification theory of diversion, as people from America
may want to know what it's like in England or what it was like. Not everyone enjoys
horror, this may be because some film do include moments where the audience find
stupid, other people feel that the Horror genre can be quite repetitive and boring for
people to watch.
Through the years Horror has had its times of
making big money and profit from its films.
Many Horror shave been praised with good
reviews from websites such as rotten tomato
and IMDB, the reviews can tell its audience if
they should go and watch the film. One film is
Get Out (2017) This film was rated a 7.7 out
of 10 on IMDB, many reviews online have
given it a majority of 8/10. People say this film
“Claims to be a 'horror' but it's so much more than that.” the film has created such a
large audience with the use of new features in a horror film we have never seen
before. The film ended up making $254,716,534 with only a budget of $5,000,000on
the opening weekend, the film also ended up winning an Oscar.
Although there are many differing opinions as to what a b-movie actually is, there is
only one real technical definition to the term. The actual technical definition is that a
b-movie was the second movie on a double bill. It was typically a low budget type
film, which fell somewhere in the suspense, horror, sci-fi, western
genres, although there were other genres covered as well.
However, I’ll be talking about B-Movies in the genre of Horror.
Some movies did end up doing very well, compared to other films
which done horrible and ended up becoming some of the worst
horror films created. A popular B-Movie is The Evil Dead (1981),
this film is a very well-known horror that has been known as one of
the most popular films in horror up to date. This is a zombie horror
film, this was also one of the first well-presented horror films it was
also released in the UK but created in the US with only a budget of $350,000. The
film is about five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly
release zombie, who then come out to kill them. As this is a B-Movie it may have not
been as popular at the time as it wasn't very well known to other films with a larger
budget and audience through marketing.
Another more modern B-film is REC (2007), this film was in
Spanish that did in fact get remakes made out of it, this was
another successful B-movie just from its low budget Horror film.
REC was a different type of horror that fans haven't really seen
before, they included a handheld camera, allowing the film not to
use a lot of money on equipment. The film also affected the
audience as having the camera work handheld can
create a sense of realism towards the people
watching. REC then had other films created it,
Quarantine (2008) was the UK/US version of the
film which also then ended up creating another film
as part of the same franchise, Quarantine 2:
Terminal (2011). The first quarantine got a rating on
6.0 on IMDB. However, REC get a rating of 7.5 on IMDB, people say Quarantine
wasn't a s strong as the original film, REC. REC did end up making another original
film after the first Quarantine was released, REC 2 (2009) which did end up getting a
rating of 6.5.
A very well-known B-movie is Paranormal Activity (2007), which only had a budget of
$15,000 but ended up becoming a huge success with around $200,000,000 at the
box office weekend. This soon became a series with the next film only getting
released 3 years later, Paranormal Activity 2 (2010), this film
ended up having a larger budget of $3,000,000. However, the film
once again done very well at the box office, bringing an estimate
of around $170 million. In paranormal activity they are known for
using the ‘found footage’ type of filming, this wasn't very popular
during the time. However other films such as Blair Witch project
(1999) did use the similar ‘found footage’ design. This was also a
B-movie with only a budget of $60,000. The found footage type of
filming soon became popular through the late 2000s and 2010s.
Hall’s encoding and decoding theory (1973) is a theory that states that the producer
would embed a message into a type of media, whether it be a film, book, TV show or
a video game. That message is then reacted by its audience. There are 3 ways
where the audience can receive the message, these being preferred, negotiable or
oppositional. Firstly, preferred is where someone both understands and agrees with
the message. Negotiable is where someone is both half and half and does know
what to agree with more as they can argue with different points. Lastly oppositional is
where the audience completely disagrees with what the message is pursuing and
telling the audience. Each audience member can be one of these three. However,
this theory would only apply if the audience understand the message. Everyone
views media differently, this may depend where they come from of what their
background may be, or what their views are, and how they may have been brought
up. This will all affect how the audience behaves on their opinion with the media they
have consumed.
However, b-movies aren't always a part of this theory as they are usually to entertain
the audience and not have a message for the audience to relate to. This is why b-
movies aren't always used with this theory.
An example of a Horror movie which includes a message for the
audience is The Poltergeist (1982). The films message is
referring the ‘American Dream’, this includes what was going on
during the time of the film’s release in society. Not only was the
‘American Dream’ embedded but also the fact that not
everything goes right and things will go wrong, this can make
the audience feel as if this can happen to them. During the film
we find out that the house is actually built on the graves of
native Americans. However later in the film, the house end up
getting destroyed, this may be karma as the house shouldn't
have been built on top of their grave.
Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory (1975) is used in the films to attract men to watch
the film as they want a large target audience. Also the male gaze is also used when
showing women in a sexual way, The Male Gaze theory suggests that women are
used in media for Men to simply look at them for their pleasure, this has been
commonly used in many films through the years. Horror uses the Male Gaze theory
to sometimes take the Audience's mind off the fact the film is a Horror. The Male
Gaze theory was mostly used back in the 90’s as films were not doing its best during
that time so they wanted to sexualise the films adding other sexual scenes to attract
an audience.
For Example, in the 2009 version of Friday the 13th we see
two characters having ‘sex’ for around 3 minutes, this can
grab the audience's attention and also make them forget that
they are in fact still watching a horror film. Both characters
are seen to be naked during the scene. Furthermore, back in
1978 when Halloween was aired, they also included sexual
content in the opening of the film with one of the
characters being topless. Other examples include
American Psycho (2000) which includes a man having sex
with two hookers during the movie, the film also includes
these prostitutes dressed very sexual. Lastly one example
is Scream (1996), we see one of the characters is seen to be in her underwear in
one of the sexual scenes. This shows us that throughout the years the Male Gaze
Theory hasn't changed and has always been well known in the Horror Genre.
Intertextuality is the meaning of texts having relationships, but
this is for movies, meaning that Horror films can be related in its
own ways. Over the years many Horror movies have been
influenced by other films. An example of a film which was
influenced may be Shaun of the Dead, this film is actually a
comedy but does relate to the old film of Dawn of the Dead, both
films share the horror aspect of there being zombies roaming of
world. Intertextuality is when a film makes a reference with
another type of media, this can also include the film being influenced with that media.
This has become more popular with the recent horror film, especially as the genre
has become more popular over the years it has been more common to see
intertextuality in films.
Intertextuality is used in Horror as it is known for having one of the most hard-core
fan base a genre of film can have. The films allow the audience known that the films
are related in a strong way, this makes the audience feel that they need to look in
real detain in each Horror film to spot all the clues and references that link all the
films together. Another reason why it's so common is that the directors like to praise
other directors for their work in the Horror genre, in Horror the crew doesn't try and
compete with other people but in fact create a community. The directors want to
commend other films.
As many references are used during different horror movies, this can bring the sense
to its audience that all these could be in the real world. This is verisimilitude, to
create a believable world. Having this makes
the Films feel more realistic and to be set in the
real world, For Example at the end of The
Conjuring 2 (2016) we see the Annabelle Doll
from the movie Annabelle (2014). Another good
example is the Poltergeist, in Robbie’s room we
see many references, such as, a poster of the
film alien and Star Wars poster behind his bed.
There is also another reference to Star Wars
with a helmet of Darth Vader next to Robbie's
bed. Having all these references can make the
audience feel that the film real and is based in
their world, this can impact the audience and make them feel more scared after the
film as they may think whatever occurred in the film can happen to them.
Another example that uses many references is Cabin in the woods, During the purge
in the film we are able to see boxes of all of the monsters ready to be released.
During this we see two girls standing which
actually references to the film The Shining with the
two girls in the hallway. Other references include
the ball from Hell raiser in the basement of the
cabin, this is what Hell raiser used as a Puzzle.
During the film we also see another reference of
not a horror film but of a Horror video game, Left 4 Dead, we are able to see the
character from the game in the boxes again during the purge. Another reference in
the film is when we see the betting board with other experiments being taken place,
we are able to see a reference from the film Ringu (1998) of the girls in a classroom
doing a ritual to summon the demon.
Social media and social networking has a huge impact of films and how people bring
popularity towards them, many films are often viewed through other people's
opinions online other than people going to watch the film. Over the past few years’
social media have become so popular people can't live without it, this has become
one of the easiest ways of allowing a company to attract an audience to see their
film. This includes promoting it via adverts or pages dedicated to the film itself. Social
media such as, Facebook, twitter and Instagram often share information and news
about upcoming products and films which are coming out to the public soon, this can
allow the company to target a wide variety of audiences, this can also allow the film
to create hype around itself before the release. Social media allowed cross platform
Promotions, on these sights were good places to market new trailers and posters for
upcoming events or movies soon to be released. Trailers would be marketed onto
YouTube where people were able to watch footage for the new film as many times
as they wanted.
Social media is also used for horror movies as well as they want
to also create Hype around the upcoming films. For example,
before the release of Insidious: The Last Key (2018), on
Facebook they promoted the film by creating a Virtual reality
video which allowed the audience to watch and move their
phone around just like they are in the movie, this gave the
audience a preview of what the film is going to be like, they also
add a jump scare to engage the audience. They have also done
this with other Horror films, such as, Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016).
Other films that couldn't afford such advanced marketing
techniques used other effective methods, one being a method
that Paranormal Activity done in 2009 just around the time of the
release. The company got a variety of members to watch the
film and be recorded for their reactions, after the film the
reactions were posted onto social media for the world to get a
feel of how thrilling the film may be, this also created an intense
buzz for the film and the public who would now want to see the
film. Also After people watched the film they would mention it on
social media which then again made more people want to watch
the film.
This shows that it doesn't matter how much money a company has, marketing and
promoting a film can be done in many ways without spending a lot of money. You
can always use social media to promote your film as many users use social media.
As the film may have a fan group from other films, they would promote the new film
for nothing as they may be core fans towards to company, this will allow more people
to then hear about the film.
Social media has a huge role for marketing and promoting many films, but it also has
a big role in promoting horror films. As mentioned before Horror movies tend to
include situations and lifestyles than may occur in the real world, having films that
include these features will grab more of an
audience's attention which will then make more
people want to watch the film. An example of a film
the actually uses social media is Friend Request
(2016) is about a girl who accepts a request from
another girl in her school, this then leads to one of
the girls committing suicide and making the other
girls feel as lonely as possible with weird paranormal
activity happening to her computer which leads to videos of the suicide to be posted
all over the girls Facebook. This was an effective way of scaring it audience with
what can happen on Facebook which people don't know about. In addition, a type of
marketing technique used was that the creators of the film created a real Facebook
page of the dead girl’s character which included pictures which starred in the film on
her profile.
Pre and Post Viewing Experiences are both the views and opinions which people
feel both after and before they watch a certain film. People often have their pre views
from trailers, reviews, friend’s opinions and short movie clips they may have seen on
the internet. With Post, these are the opinions and views they have from watching
the film and their final thoughts they have towards to film.
One experience I had with a poor pre-view of a film was Gremlins
(1984) after watching the trailer and some clips, the film seemed
to look boring as we never really get to see the gremlins in
person. However, after watching the film there are many exciting
and jumping scenes that really did make the movie a good one. I
thought it would have just been another horror movie with
different creatures but after watching it, the creators are unique in
their own way which I’ve never seen in any horror before.
My Pre-Viewing experience of the Rings (2017)
was quite good. I enjoyed watching the trailer
and clips for the film, I really wanted to see the
film when it came out in cinema as it looked quite
scary and action packed. However, my Post-
Viewing experiences weren't exactly what I
expected. The film didn't feel like it was that
enjoyable, not a lot of jump scares happened through the film which was quite
boring. The trailer basically showed everything good in the film, it even included a
scene which I would have thought would be included in the story but was actually the
class shot of the whole movie. I was very disappointed with the outcome of the film
after watching it.

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Task 4

  • 1. Task 4 Horror is a genre which can create a world of its own in the film industry. It is created to fear and scare its audience in order to manipulate them and receive emotional reactions. Through the years of Horror, the conventions are always changing, some films use typical and common elements which the Genre Horror holds, this may include a murderer or a certain type of paranormal activity happening in the film. During the start of the genre Horror in the 1920 and the 1930, the monsters were the typical antagonists you would see in any horror films. This may include the Villain being a monster that may be dead or alive. At the time of the 1920-1930 films like Frankenstein (1931), The Haunted Castle (1921), and The Mummy (1932). These films are still known in today's society as the starting point the Horror Genre. Through the years 1950-1970 Horror has evolved and other sub- genres have become a part of the genre to create other type of Horror films. This was the time other sub-genres were introduced, such as, Sci-Fi, this created other type of creatures becoming the antagonists, instead of monsters. Many films start using space as horror, such as aliens being the antagonist. Plan 9 from Outer Space was released in 1959 which includes aliens, vampires and zombies. This was actually voted one of the worst films of all time, however at the time the film would have seen as being quite a good film. Other films are psycho (1960) this film is still really well known in today's age, violence and provocative sexual explicitness, Psycho tested the strict censorship boundaries of the day. The shower scene shown in the film may be one of the most famous Murder scenes in Horror history. Films through the 1980’s to the 1990’s were known for the famous sub-genre of slashers. The films were usually known for the murders and knife stabbings of multiple victims of the antagonist. Films that portrayed the sub-genre well were, Halloween (1978), this was one of the first films that created the sub-genre with the slasher trend. Over the years there have been other slashers that have included other sub-genres such as monsters or creatures, this includes films like, Friday the 13th (1980), Child’s Play (1988), (Nightmare on elm street (1984). The films also became scarier and gorier which portrayed the genre of horror, this made people scared and uncomfortable when watching, this was exactly horror was about. Through to the 1990’s not a lot of
  • 2. horror movies were known to be very good, however there were some films that still are well known today. IT (1990) is a well-known film that did get a remake in 2017, the old film had quite an impact on its audience as the film is mostly around children and clowns, this was a complete different type of horror film compared to other films at the time. This was why it gained popularity. Horror movies in the 1990’s usually consisted of another film part of a franchise already on, this included Nightmare on elm street Freddy dead (1991) and child's play 2 (1990). Furthermore, films through from the 2000’s to nowadays have changed, horror now consists of many other elements, some films sill use the sub-genres of aliens, monsters, zombies and slashers. However, the most well-known sub-genre of nowadays is different type of spirits and paranormal activities occurring in houses and other places. Many films also are based on true stories to attract more of an audience and even make they feel like it can happen to them too. This makes the audience feel nervous and more aware of their surroundings after watching. Many of the story’s portrayed in the films have a sense of realism which can bring more fear towards what can happen to them. Films usually became a type of series or a story. This included Paranormal Activity (2007) which ended up creating 3 other films in the future, The Paranormal Activity franchise ended up making other films what were not part of the original series, such as, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014). The Conjuring (2013) is one of the most well-known Horror movie franchise with only two films, With the conjuring the creators have make the films very unique as other film franchises have been created to be based in the same universe as both Insidious (2010) and Annabelle (2014). This can make fans find theories and more involved with the films as they can hold info of the other films. Throughout the past 90 years Horror has changed a lot and is still changing, the Genre is always bringing something new to its audience, no other genre has changed as much and includes such a big world where developments can be made. Other genres have their standard layout all through the years compared to horror which contains many sub-genres. Horror can have such an impact on its audience as it can allow them to relate to the stories and become cautious of their surroundings. The films can impact people both physically and emotionally, this is because the films can be scary and scare the audience while other films wouldn't affect the viewers in such a large way. films that would have most likely achieved this were The Exorcist (1973), The Omen (1976) and The Shining (1980), these films were considered some of the best Horror Movies of all time. Horror is above all genres in many ways as I’ve shown above, the genre renews itself every couple of years to always give their audience a forest story which still having the concept of scaring the audience. This allows the Genre to always feel
  • 3. fresh and new and creates new ways on scaring the audience, as horror keeps on changing the audience won't be getting scared by the same things over and over again, this then makes films less expecing on when the audience may get scared. This also makes horror a very unique genre and is one of the best genres out there in the film industry. Horror gives fans a choice of what type of film they want to watch, people are able to watch a slasher or a supernatural horror film, Horror has a wide variety of films for any type of audience. Active Spectatorship, it is the way an audience may view the film, an audience can be either an “active audience” or a “passive audience”. Firstly, A Passive Audience, generally most of an audience would fall under this category as they just want to watch a movie for enjoyment. With a passive audience the people who are watching accept what the director has done with their film, this may include how they end the film or how they want the message to come across, an example of a film is titanic and how it insures the meaning of loss and love is seen in the movie. Active spectators can show emotions when watching the films, this may include the audience crying, laughing showing fear and mostly showing their emotions. After an audience watch the film they may want to question what was going on with their friends, this shows how that audience had an active spectatorship on the film. People would often talk about the film even if they didn't like it as they were still active during the film. As horrors consist on scaring the audience and creating jump scares, most of the audience would be active as they want to be ready for what comes next, this may include when you hear a sound in a film, you start to become eerie and wonder what's going to happen next, this shows Horror consists of a large Active audience. Furthermore, other than Active audience there are Passive Audience Members, this is when the audience are inactive with the film and aren't as interested as other people, the don't react to the film at all. Passive members don't need to talk about what happened in the film as they accept what has happened in the film and don't want to be involved with what's next. However, a Passive Audience isn't very popular in Horror, most horrors manage to get a reaction off their audience, this doesn't matter if the film is good or not as people are still nervous on what can happen in the film and when a jump scare may occur. The good part about horror is that, it's such a big genre that consists of so many elements. You don't see active audiences going to watch every comedy film other than horror when if that audience is active they would want to see another horror film. Other genres don't have such a large Active audience and hard-core fans who interact with most film as Horror. Films throughout the years in Horror have impacted the audience both physically and emotionally in different ways. With the emotional side, this impact is usually during the time of watching the film. The emotional side is known as being short term, this may be when you get scared while watching the film. An example of this would just
  • 4. be a jump scare that occurs in the film. However, with the Physical side towards horror films and their impact, they can have a large impact on an audience, many people don't watch horror for the reason of getting scared but horrors can also impact the audience in a long term effect. People do get nightmares for watching scary films, this is known as Psychological side of horrors or known as a long term effect, this is the opposite of emotional as that is the short term effects. An example of a movie that has given people a long term effect is, The Exorcist (1973), the films was made quite a long time ago and still has an effect on its audience. During the film at 3:00am it is known as the time all the ghosts and spirits come out. People are still afraid of being awake at this time in today's age as it had such a big impact on its audience at the time it was released. Another film which is from today's age that may have affected its audience long term is Lights out, this film shows that when you turn your lights off something may be there waiting for you. This then made their audience scared long term as they wouldn't want to turn their lights off at night. Through Horror films the uses and gratification theory by Bulmer and Katz’s is used, Firstly, it is noticeable in the films that people may watch for personal identity as they may be able to relate to the characters in the film, People want to relate to the characters as they may think they are alike and something that occurs in the film may happen to them, this may make the audience more aware after watching the film. An example of a film which uses this theory well is, Cabin in The Woods (2011). During The film we are able to notice the typical characters seen in other films which can relate to a certain type of audience member, the nerd, good girl, jock, cheerleader. These characters are the typical characters you would see in a film, but it also shows how alike the characters are to normal people who may watch the film. Another Part of the uses and gratification theory used in the film is diversion. Diversion allows the audience to enter another world and escape the real one, Horror films are great for escaping the real world as adventures occur and people want to be afraid and scared on what could happen. Diversion allows you to relax to what is going on in the real world and just enjoy your film, this also allows you to feel included in the film as you want the characters to do certain things. Lastly, Personal Relationships in horror films make people substitute their real life relationships to ones in films with characters. This even means people having on screen relationships as they love that character very much, this includes when you love watching a certain character and you would then watch most films with that actor or character features in. Live Action Role Play, also known as LARPing is used quite a bit with the genre of Horror, such as, Halloween people dress up as their favourite horror characters for
  • 5. their favourite horror films. This is a key example of an active audience in horror as they role play horror film that have been with them since whenever they have watched it, showing the film has a long term effect on those people. People would dress up as characters from video games or movies which they can then act out scenes from parts in the game or film. Through the years as horror has evolved more and more experiences have been made for Horror fans, an example of this would be SAW Alive which is at Thorpe Park in England. SAW Alive was open to the public who were at the park but actually then closed down after a couple of years. This was because it didn't get enough attractions at the time, the live action walkthrough now only opens around the time of Halloween. During this time Thorpe Park actually turns into a Horror night which consists of people dressed up scaring people and rides open at night. This allows fans to experience what it's like being in a horror film. Another example, in Orlando, Florida, at Universal Studios they have the same concept of having their own Fright night during the time of Halloween to allow Horror fans to go and experience Horror in person. At Universal they create many maze type walkthroughs where people can walk through and feel like they are in a Horror movie with real actors jumping out and scaring people. Films have been received well through the years of horror being released, this could be because of how the audience liked to get scared or how the story can relate to its audience. Halloween had such a large impact on its audience at the time as people have never seen such a gruesome and slashing film before. As the Antagonist had a face which was covered gave the audience a sense of insecurity not knowing who that person is. From reviews we see that people still think that Halloween is such a big and important film for the Horror industry. Even more unusual is the non- existence of blood and gore, and yet it remains the scariest Halloween to date. People feel that films don't need to show gore and blood to get scared or feel uncomfortable. A great example that also shows this is Psycho (1960), one of the most famous scenes in Horror history involves the woman getting stabbed in the shower, the unusual thing is that we don't see the stabbing happen, this shows that such iconic horror films don't even need violence to scare the audience. However, this leaves the imagination to its audience. Another film which was well received by its audience was A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), this was an extremely ground-breaking film in the Horror world, not only for its gore and violence, but how it was different compared to other Horror films we are used to seeing. This gave horror such an open and imaginative world full with ideas people can have for films. The was all never seen before which allowed a new audience to watch Horror movies and enjoy. To this day A Nightmare On Elm Street
  • 6. has had 7 Original films and one remake of the first in 2010, this shows how many people really enjoyed this new type of Horror, People still enjoy watching this type of films today as remakes and new films are being created for its audience. Through Horror films we see actors fit their genres perfectly. The actor who played in the first insidious has now starred in a number of well-known horror films. People fit their own genre when acting, this means that you wouldn't see other well-known actors who star in other genres such as comedy taking big roles in Horror films. An example, you would see Adam Sandler play as someone in a horror film as his type for acting doesn't suit the Horror world. Actors often have a connection with its genres as many people often star in one film and then stay in that category of film. However, many famous actors have starred in Horror films when they were young, this was most likely before they became well known. Actors such as Johnny Depp Starred in Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Tom Hanks in ‘He Knows You're Alone’ (1980) and Kevin Bacon in Friday the 13th (1980). When watching a film, people tend to have a reaction to what has happened. Horror usually has a reaction of the audience getting scared via a jump scare which occurs in the film, other reactions include the audience watching to feel nervous and tense and they may feel that something bad is going to happen. Furthermore, not all horror movies are very good or scary so people do end up having different reactions when watching some Horror films, People may feel very scared and anxious after a jump scare while other may find what just happened funny. Many horror films usually consist of messages which can scare the audience and make them have a long term physical effect. Some messages in films are there to help the audience understand or to just scare them. An example is, A Nightmare on Elm Street, as the message may show that something can happen to you when you fall asleep. However, having unrealistic horrors such as this film creates a safer environment for its audience as it may not be as believable compared to other horrors. A horror that scares the audience is SAW as this film is based in the real world and focuses on real people. During the films people are just normal who may have done something wrong in the past and is now suffering from it. The messages show both political and social worries to create an atmosphere where the audience can relate to, this can then make them feel uncomfortable as people may think they are going to get taken as they may have done something wrong in the past. This can worry the audience as the make the film feel very fatal and sad with violence to leave a more drastic effect on its audience. One other film that includes a message is The woman in Black
  • 7. (2012) this film was based in the past but can also give out the message what the audience want, the film is about ghosts which attract an audience as they are well known Horror monsters. The producers didn't want to just scare the audience when it came to creating the film, they wanted to take its audience on a journey that included different messages, these were about family, friendship and different ways which people deal with losing someone they love. This is a good example of a film which it a Horror but shill involves important messages for its audience. Education can play a big role in Horror, many Horror films are known for being in the past as it can make the audio me feel more worried as they may be true stories. The primary need in horror movies is to scare the audience, yet the forgotten element which is just as important is education. Audiences need context to stories and an effective way to do this is through educating its viewers. Teaching the audience about historic events or other global locations may be another technique to ensure the scarring of its audience. some examples that includes education in its films are Conjuring 2 (2016), during the film we see that it’s based in the past, in England, this teaches the audience about the past and shows how England was like back in 1971. The film also teaches its audience about the true story of the Enfield Poltergeist. Another film Is the Exorcist (1973), at the start of the film it shows Iraq with people digging which then cuts to where the film is based. Showing Iraq gave the audience an understanding of the past. One other film includes The Woman in Black (2012), this film was based back in 1983’s novel of the same name. The film is set back in England in the past, this can both educate people on Britain back in the past but can also include the uses and gratification theory of diversion, as people from America may want to know what it's like in England or what it was like. Not everyone enjoys horror, this may be because some film do include moments where the audience find stupid, other people feel that the Horror genre can be quite repetitive and boring for people to watch. Through the years Horror has had its times of making big money and profit from its films. Many Horror shave been praised with good reviews from websites such as rotten tomato and IMDB, the reviews can tell its audience if they should go and watch the film. One film is Get Out (2017) This film was rated a 7.7 out of 10 on IMDB, many reviews online have given it a majority of 8/10. People say this film
  • 8. “Claims to be a 'horror' but it's so much more than that.” the film has created such a large audience with the use of new features in a horror film we have never seen before. The film ended up making $254,716,534 with only a budget of $5,000,000on the opening weekend, the film also ended up winning an Oscar. Although there are many differing opinions as to what a b-movie actually is, there is only one real technical definition to the term. The actual technical definition is that a b-movie was the second movie on a double bill. It was typically a low budget type film, which fell somewhere in the suspense, horror, sci-fi, western genres, although there were other genres covered as well. However, I’ll be talking about B-Movies in the genre of Horror. Some movies did end up doing very well, compared to other films which done horrible and ended up becoming some of the worst horror films created. A popular B-Movie is The Evil Dead (1981), this film is a very well-known horror that has been known as one of the most popular films in horror up to date. This is a zombie horror film, this was also one of the first well-presented horror films it was also released in the UK but created in the US with only a budget of $350,000. The film is about five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release zombie, who then come out to kill them. As this is a B-Movie it may have not been as popular at the time as it wasn't very well known to other films with a larger budget and audience through marketing. Another more modern B-film is REC (2007), this film was in Spanish that did in fact get remakes made out of it, this was another successful B-movie just from its low budget Horror film. REC was a different type of horror that fans haven't really seen before, they included a handheld camera, allowing the film not to use a lot of money on equipment. The film also affected the audience as having the camera work handheld can create a sense of realism towards the people watching. REC then had other films created it, Quarantine (2008) was the UK/US version of the film which also then ended up creating another film as part of the same franchise, Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011). The first quarantine got a rating on 6.0 on IMDB. However, REC get a rating of 7.5 on IMDB, people say Quarantine wasn't a s strong as the original film, REC. REC did end up making another original film after the first Quarantine was released, REC 2 (2009) which did end up getting a rating of 6.5. A very well-known B-movie is Paranormal Activity (2007), which only had a budget of $15,000 but ended up becoming a huge success with around $200,000,000 at the box office weekend. This soon became a series with the next film only getting
  • 9. released 3 years later, Paranormal Activity 2 (2010), this film ended up having a larger budget of $3,000,000. However, the film once again done very well at the box office, bringing an estimate of around $170 million. In paranormal activity they are known for using the ‘found footage’ type of filming, this wasn't very popular during the time. However other films such as Blair Witch project (1999) did use the similar ‘found footage’ design. This was also a B-movie with only a budget of $60,000. The found footage type of filming soon became popular through the late 2000s and 2010s. Hall’s encoding and decoding theory (1973) is a theory that states that the producer would embed a message into a type of media, whether it be a film, book, TV show or a video game. That message is then reacted by its audience. There are 3 ways where the audience can receive the message, these being preferred, negotiable or oppositional. Firstly, preferred is where someone both understands and agrees with the message. Negotiable is where someone is both half and half and does know what to agree with more as they can argue with different points. Lastly oppositional is where the audience completely disagrees with what the message is pursuing and telling the audience. Each audience member can be one of these three. However, this theory would only apply if the audience understand the message. Everyone views media differently, this may depend where they come from of what their background may be, or what their views are, and how they may have been brought up. This will all affect how the audience behaves on their opinion with the media they have consumed. However, b-movies aren't always a part of this theory as they are usually to entertain the audience and not have a message for the audience to relate to. This is why b- movies aren't always used with this theory. An example of a Horror movie which includes a message for the audience is The Poltergeist (1982). The films message is referring the ‘American Dream’, this includes what was going on during the time of the film’s release in society. Not only was the ‘American Dream’ embedded but also the fact that not everything goes right and things will go wrong, this can make the audience feel as if this can happen to them. During the film we find out that the house is actually built on the graves of native Americans. However later in the film, the house end up getting destroyed, this may be karma as the house shouldn't have been built on top of their grave. Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory (1975) is used in the films to attract men to watch the film as they want a large target audience. Also the male gaze is also used when showing women in a sexual way, The Male Gaze theory suggests that women are
  • 10. used in media for Men to simply look at them for their pleasure, this has been commonly used in many films through the years. Horror uses the Male Gaze theory to sometimes take the Audience's mind off the fact the film is a Horror. The Male Gaze theory was mostly used back in the 90’s as films were not doing its best during that time so they wanted to sexualise the films adding other sexual scenes to attract an audience. For Example, in the 2009 version of Friday the 13th we see two characters having ‘sex’ for around 3 minutes, this can grab the audience's attention and also make them forget that they are in fact still watching a horror film. Both characters are seen to be naked during the scene. Furthermore, back in 1978 when Halloween was aired, they also included sexual content in the opening of the film with one of the characters being topless. Other examples include American Psycho (2000) which includes a man having sex with two hookers during the movie, the film also includes these prostitutes dressed very sexual. Lastly one example is Scream (1996), we see one of the characters is seen to be in her underwear in one of the sexual scenes. This shows us that throughout the years the Male Gaze Theory hasn't changed and has always been well known in the Horror Genre. Intertextuality is the meaning of texts having relationships, but this is for movies, meaning that Horror films can be related in its own ways. Over the years many Horror movies have been influenced by other films. An example of a film which was influenced may be Shaun of the Dead, this film is actually a comedy but does relate to the old film of Dawn of the Dead, both films share the horror aspect of there being zombies roaming of world. Intertextuality is when a film makes a reference with another type of media, this can also include the film being influenced with that media. This has become more popular with the recent horror film, especially as the genre has become more popular over the years it has been more common to see intertextuality in films. Intertextuality is used in Horror as it is known for having one of the most hard-core fan base a genre of film can have. The films allow the audience known that the films are related in a strong way, this makes the audience feel that they need to look in real detain in each Horror film to spot all the clues and references that link all the films together. Another reason why it's so common is that the directors like to praise other directors for their work in the Horror genre, in Horror the crew doesn't try and compete with other people but in fact create a community. The directors want to commend other films.
  • 11. As many references are used during different horror movies, this can bring the sense to its audience that all these could be in the real world. This is verisimilitude, to create a believable world. Having this makes the Films feel more realistic and to be set in the real world, For Example at the end of The Conjuring 2 (2016) we see the Annabelle Doll from the movie Annabelle (2014). Another good example is the Poltergeist, in Robbie’s room we see many references, such as, a poster of the film alien and Star Wars poster behind his bed. There is also another reference to Star Wars with a helmet of Darth Vader next to Robbie's bed. Having all these references can make the audience feel that the film real and is based in their world, this can impact the audience and make them feel more scared after the film as they may think whatever occurred in the film can happen to them. Another example that uses many references is Cabin in the woods, During the purge in the film we are able to see boxes of all of the monsters ready to be released. During this we see two girls standing which actually references to the film The Shining with the two girls in the hallway. Other references include the ball from Hell raiser in the basement of the cabin, this is what Hell raiser used as a Puzzle. During the film we also see another reference of not a horror film but of a Horror video game, Left 4 Dead, we are able to see the character from the game in the boxes again during the purge. Another reference in the film is when we see the betting board with other experiments being taken place, we are able to see a reference from the film Ringu (1998) of the girls in a classroom doing a ritual to summon the demon. Social media and social networking has a huge impact of films and how people bring popularity towards them, many films are often viewed through other people's opinions online other than people going to watch the film. Over the past few years’ social media have become so popular people can't live without it, this has become one of the easiest ways of allowing a company to attract an audience to see their film. This includes promoting it via adverts or pages dedicated to the film itself. Social media such as, Facebook, twitter and Instagram often share information and news about upcoming products and films which are coming out to the public soon, this can allow the company to target a wide variety of audiences, this can also allow the film to create hype around itself before the release. Social media allowed cross platform Promotions, on these sights were good places to market new trailers and posters for upcoming events or movies soon to be released. Trailers would be marketed onto
  • 12. YouTube where people were able to watch footage for the new film as many times as they wanted. Social media is also used for horror movies as well as they want to also create Hype around the upcoming films. For example, before the release of Insidious: The Last Key (2018), on Facebook they promoted the film by creating a Virtual reality video which allowed the audience to watch and move their phone around just like they are in the movie, this gave the audience a preview of what the film is going to be like, they also add a jump scare to engage the audience. They have also done this with other Horror films, such as, Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016). Other films that couldn't afford such advanced marketing techniques used other effective methods, one being a method that Paranormal Activity done in 2009 just around the time of the release. The company got a variety of members to watch the film and be recorded for their reactions, after the film the reactions were posted onto social media for the world to get a feel of how thrilling the film may be, this also created an intense buzz for the film and the public who would now want to see the film. Also After people watched the film they would mention it on social media which then again made more people want to watch the film. This shows that it doesn't matter how much money a company has, marketing and promoting a film can be done in many ways without spending a lot of money. You can always use social media to promote your film as many users use social media. As the film may have a fan group from other films, they would promote the new film for nothing as they may be core fans towards to company, this will allow more people to then hear about the film. Social media has a huge role for marketing and promoting many films, but it also has a big role in promoting horror films. As mentioned before Horror movies tend to include situations and lifestyles than may occur in the real world, having films that include these features will grab more of an audience's attention which will then make more people want to watch the film. An example of a film the actually uses social media is Friend Request (2016) is about a girl who accepts a request from another girl in her school, this then leads to one of the girls committing suicide and making the other girls feel as lonely as possible with weird paranormal activity happening to her computer which leads to videos of the suicide to be posted all over the girls Facebook. This was an effective way of scaring it audience with
  • 13. what can happen on Facebook which people don't know about. In addition, a type of marketing technique used was that the creators of the film created a real Facebook page of the dead girl’s character which included pictures which starred in the film on her profile. Pre and Post Viewing Experiences are both the views and opinions which people feel both after and before they watch a certain film. People often have their pre views from trailers, reviews, friend’s opinions and short movie clips they may have seen on the internet. With Post, these are the opinions and views they have from watching the film and their final thoughts they have towards to film. One experience I had with a poor pre-view of a film was Gremlins (1984) after watching the trailer and some clips, the film seemed to look boring as we never really get to see the gremlins in person. However, after watching the film there are many exciting and jumping scenes that really did make the movie a good one. I thought it would have just been another horror movie with different creatures but after watching it, the creators are unique in their own way which I’ve never seen in any horror before. My Pre-Viewing experience of the Rings (2017) was quite good. I enjoyed watching the trailer and clips for the film, I really wanted to see the film when it came out in cinema as it looked quite scary and action packed. However, my Post- Viewing experiences weren't exactly what I expected. The film didn't feel like it was that enjoyable, not a lot of jump scares happened through the film which was quite boring. The trailer basically showed everything good in the film, it even included a scene which I would have thought would be included in the story but was actually the class shot of the whole movie. I was very disappointed with the outcome of the film after watching it.