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Capitalism And Christianity In South Korea
My senior thesis will explore the historical and social scientific relationship between Capitalism and Christianity in regard to the changing religious
population in South Korea. I will use Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism as a starting place in the field, critique it, and
explore more recent research as well. I will apply Weber's methodology onto SouthKorea, paying particular attention to the first modern universities in
South Korea, most founded by Protestants, which plays an important role in Korean culture today as your "rank" of university directly correlates with
your future wealth, success and happiness. Traditionally, Protestants have had much more success in Korea as they were not persecuted harshly like
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A Cold Korean War Essays
A Cold Korean War
The Korean War existed as a bi product to the hegemonic struggle between the contrasting political views of communism and capitalism. The event
became the first military conflict of the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union, and it commenced on June 25th, 1950. These powers would
continue to battle through the use of surrogate wars and political propaganda. War began to change exponentially with technology, and atomic warfare
threatening, and still threatens, the life on earth. War changed to a mutually assured destruction. As a result theKorean War never truly ended, the Cold
War carried on, and the 38th parallel still divides the North and South. From an American perspective, the Korean War contributed to the Cold... Show
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Many historians view the Korean War, or the "forgotten war," as a conflict of hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union. This would
be the beginning to a new type of political and idealistic war. The Korean War was also America's first "limited war," meaning that the national
objective was not all–out victory (Navy History). Warfare began to link with the modern age of technology, communication, and sociological
change. This war was a "proxy war." This means that the Soviets and Americans are using a third party country as a substitute for fighting each other
directly. The Korean War became the first military conflict of the Cold War and would lead into some exponential changes in the ways of life. The
intelligence race between the US and Soviet Union would be played directly, and through indirect, political chess games of real war. The soldier
became dispensable. This would be the race for power and hegemony between the differing political positions.
Referring to the political viewpoint of the United States of America, the Korean War was deemed vital in preserving the place of democracy and
preventing the communist actions from seizing susceptible nations. Democracy was forced to show resiliency and stand for freedom, or face the
darkness of another world war. President Truman considered the employment of U.S. military forces as a police action.
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The Impact Of Haruki Murakami On The World War II
Haruki Murakami was significantly influenced by his environment while growing up as a person and as a writer. Several world events shaped
Murakami into the writer that he is today. One of the most important events was World War II and the events following the end of the war. World War
II was single–handedly one of the most impactful and life–changing events in history. According to BBC News, the war ended when two atomic bombs
were dropped on Japan which caused Emperor Hirohito to surrender to the Allies. The Japanese people were oppressed and persecuted because they
were the antagonists of the war. Haruki Murakami was born after the war and grew up in a Japanese society marked by war. Even after the war had
ended, the feelings had not disappeared. Japanese literature was stained with themes of devastation and war. The stereotype put on the Japanese also
made it more difficult for them to find places in society. Murakami had a harder time becoming part of mainstream literature because he was of
Japanese heritage. Another important event was the rise of the United States as a world power. The new power began to influence more than just politics
and economies. The pop culture of the United States was diffusing to other regions of the world including Japan. Murakami embraced American
literature and this pushed him to write it instead of traditional Japanese literature. The wars of the late 20th century were other events that occurred
during the life of Haruki Murakami. These
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Who Am I?
"Please go into your assigned rooms. The list will be on or near all doors." Students rise and begin their march. The mass thins as individuals reach
their destinations. In her room it is still, silent. She finds her desk, waiting with the others. The door closes definitively. Droning words start and
students follow the strict set of instructions. Section XX: What is your ethnicity? The pencil stops. Her heart rate quickens. She fills "Asian or
Pacific Islander." She erases it. She fills "Caucasian." She erases it. She is stuck as the room moves on. All is not well. As a child, I didn't understand
what it meant to be "Korean." Everything simply was as it is. No questions arise because no one cared if you held a Caucasian, African... Show more
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Even if I had no faith, They never treated me differently. I showed up to every grouping, we would sing songs, talk about our community, and as
they gave religious lectures, I doodled. They never forced me to abide by their beliefs. I controlled my own development and learned who I
wanted to be. They didn't see me with the red eyes, jackal legs, and forked tail. I can't overstate what it meant for me to grow up with that
continuous support. However, as much as my mother and I bonded over our love of food, celebrities, and knitting, we never retained a bond the
way I suppose a family should. Approximately twenty years ago, my mother moved over from Incheon, Korea. She passed her examination and
received a certificate of citizenship. Even so, once the hard work concluded she allowed her literary skills to decline to awful levels. She forgot the
complex words one learns in high school. She failed to spell words longer than seven letters. Raised in an environment where my mother spoke broken
English, it became mandatory to depend on my father for all school–related subjects. The bond continued to corrode away by a steady stream growing
into a river. If we decided to build a bridge, the struggle appeared similar to connecting the Grand Canyon. Furthermore, my mother never taught me
Korean, I stumbled in the dark groping for a whole lost section of my culture. The culture that should be mine, but couldn't be. This only added to the
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President Truman Doctrine And Marshall Plan
During the period of the Cold War the United States became involved in global affairs to control areas that seemed dangerous by modernizing and
providing economic aid with the hopes of containing communism. In 1947 the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan confirmed the US commitment to
keeping Europe free from communism. Then the United States signed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement in April 1949 confirming
American willingness to go to war if necessary to protect democracy from communist challenges. The events of 1949, when the Chinese communists
emerged victorious from their civil war and the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb, seemed to confirm to the United States that communism
was expansive and aggressive. By 1950, the Cold War had become pervasive both at home and abroad. In foreign policy terms the United States had
proclaimed itself as the only major protection against communist expansion. In five short years the world had transformed dramatically. Harry S.
Truman quickly made his mark as President and quickly turned cold warrior. President Truman proclaimed that the United States should act as the
leader of an international moral crusade against an evil and aggressive foe, meaning the Soviet Union. Korea was not explicitly part of the United
States sphere on interest, as outlined by Secretary of State Dean Acheson in a speech to the National Press Club in January 1950. In the post–war era
American policy makers saw the world as
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Influence of The Cold War and on Literature
The age of McCarthyism from 1945 through 1963 was a time of great tension and fear in American history. The emotions in society influenced the
writing of that time, resulting in two of the most powerful plays ever written: Inherit the Wind and The Crucible. These stories reflect the attitudes and
personas of what was prevalent in the world at the time they were written. Inherit the Wind, written by Robert E. Lee and ___ Lawrence, has an array
of characters that mirror the world during McCarthyism. The greatest similarity between Inherit the Wind and its historical context is evident in the
character of Brady and Senator Joseph McCarthy's personality. Joseph McCarthy exhibited a compelling style when orating speeches that came to define
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Since this particular argument is something the town believes in, Brady is an automatic hero, and Cates becomes a preordained villain. Hornbeck's
character in Inherit the Wind was used to portray another side of McCarthyism; the role of the media and the use of propaganda. He is a metaphor
for the entire newspaper industry during this time period. When explaining to Rachel his style of writing he crows, "I do hateful things, for which
people love me,/And lovable things for which they hate me./I am a friend of enemies, the enemy of friends; I am admired for my detestability..."
(Lawrence and Lee 33) An important event in the history of the Cold War was the Korean War. In history, it was fought between North and South
Korea, and each side was supported by one of the major combatants in the Cold War. The North was supported by the Soviet Union, and the South was
supported by the United States through the United Nations. ("Race for the Superbomb. The Korean War | PBS") This "proxy war" was a way for the
two sides of the Cold War to meet on the battlefield indirectly. The relationship between Drummond and Brady is an allegory to what happened during
the Korean War. Cates' dilemma was a way for Drummond and Brady to fight against each other, but in an indirect fashion. They fought each other by
fighting someone else' battles for them. It was a way for them to collide without personal damage. Influences of this theme
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Harry S. Truman And The Cold War Revisionists By Robert H....
Harry S. Truman and the Cold War Revisionists, written in 2006, Robert H. Ferrell reflects on the revisionists and their perspective on President
Harry S. Truman in which they concluded that Truman was the originator of the troubles between the United States and Russia. Ferrell argues that
Truman changed the foreign policy of his country in a series of great measures from 1947 to 1949 and took the country into a war in Korea that
continued until the end of his presidency and beyond as he did it for the good of the country. Ferrell points out that some refer to the Korean War as
Truman's War, a war that did not accomplish much. As for the literature on Truman from a revisionist perspective changed due to having access to
collections of private ... Show more content on ...
Pash mentions the effect of the conflict on soldiers when they returned. Pash acknowledges that even academic scholars had been reluctant to
challenge the initial hot war of the Cold War. The historical significance is that these soldiers served their country receiving little acknowledgement for
their services and accomplishments. The returning veterans of the Korean War faced a very different America than had the veterans of the two world
wars. The nature of the limited war meant that, proportionate to the population, a far smaller percentage of draft age men had been involved in the
war effort. The war was not universally popular and the government opted to fight it on a limited basis, the veterans were often overlooked upon their
return. The civilian population had been able to go about their business without sacrificing anything to the war effort. The war itself was quickly
"forgotten" by the wider
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North Korea: Culture and Considerations
North Korea: Culture and Considerations The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, more commonly known as North Korea, is the nation occupying
the northern half of the Korean peninsula. North Korea is a young state, and little is known about the nation in the United States, or in the world. So
little in fact, that most Western Media depicts North Korea with negative connotations. North Korea has a closed–country policy, which hides its
culture, history, and the daily lives of civilians in the nation from the rest of the world. Not many foreigners have visited the People's Republic of
Korea, and not many North Koreans have traveled to the rest of the outside world. North Korea has grown substantially considering its young age in ...
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The highest–ranking people in the nation are the relatives and family of Kim Il Sung, followed by the former comrades and families of the former
president, and then the families of the veterans of the Korean War and officers of anti–South Korean sabotage. The children of these classes are
educated in schools specifically for them and face far better career opportunities. The overwhelming majority of North Koreans are ordinary citizens
divided and again subdivided into castes according to their lineage and family history. If any member of a family commits a crime against the nation,
other members of the family suffer demotions in political and social status. Society generally regards females of the same class below males within the
class, especially in high–status positions, but the daughter of an established revolutionary can achieve greater status in their party or the government.
Men and women of ordinary classes divide the labor, which relatively defines the roles of each gender in a household. Men run heavy industry and
women will work in light industry. Beyond those widely accepted norms, the division is highly diverse. As an example, society regards agricultural
employment as not solely as a man's job or a woman's. The domestic division of labor also defines the gender's roles. Women maintain most of the
housework and child rearing, while working outside
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Beloved Poet, Shel Silverstein
Do you remember reading comical poetry such as The Giving Tree during your childhood? Its author, Shel Silverstein, was one of the most
recognizable children's poets and poetry icons that has ever lived. He holds a household name due to the fact that despite his past he is able to help
form a future in language, poetry, and the arts for the innovators of tomorrow. Silverstein's works captured the essence of a person's childhood and
changed poetry and children's literature forever.
Sheldon Allan Silverstein was not always the literature icon he quickly became in the mid 20th century. Born on September 25, 1930 in Chicago,
Illinois during the Great Depression. He was not a very sociable child. His hobbies included drawing cartoons and writing. As a result, his
professional drawing and writing career began with cartooning and writing for Playboy Magazine, in 1952. He was also not popular with girls during
his teenage year, which motivated him to write more mature poetry in the future about love. Silverstein wanted to reach out to all age groups and
express that his talent was not only used for the entertainment of children, but for everyone. Silverstein didn't write to impress others "... he did "hope
that people no matter what age, would find something to identify... and experience a personal sense of discovery"." in his poetry (Shel Silverstein
1999). Silverstein was divorced and had one daughter, who died in her childhood. He served in the armed forces during the 1950's, and
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A Report On Korean Industrial Production
VoC approach does not provide sufficient prototypes.
South Korea is SME
Turkey is also SME because it has similar characteristics. State policies are similar.
However, outcomes of these state policies are quite different (give figures) In the mid–1950 's, Turkey was a much richer country than Korea. With
about the same population, Turkish GNP was about three times that of Korea, Turkish exports were fifteen times those of Korea, and the Turkish
savings rate was much higher than Korean. By 1980, the situation was dramatically reversed, as Turkish income was 40 percent below Korea 's,
Turkish exports were less than one–fourth those of Korea and the Turkish savings rate was about two–thirds of Korea 's. (Krueger)
There are either economic advantages or economic disadvantages to a military alliance with the United States, both countries had them. And, insofar as
proximity to a rapidly growing region of the world affects growth, Turkey and Korea had Europe and Japan, respectively (Krueger).
Korean industrial production rose forty–five–fold between 1960 and 1984, whereas Turkish industrial production was 6.6 times higher in the same
period. (Yilmaz)
During the period 1963–1990, total factor productivity (TFP) increased at an average rate of 2.4 percent in Korea. In this period, TFP in Turkey
increased at an average rate of almost 0.9 percent. (Yilmaz)
In the absence of big private businesses in Turkey, the state assigned a leading and dominant role
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The Historical Events And Issues Essay
ASIA 356 Term Paper: Topic 1 Introduction Every film implies its own meaning and message that the director intends to convey. The same subject
matter can be interpreted distinctively by many different film directors, and it is expressed in a particular way in the film according to the
director's perspective. Therefore, different movies that deal with the same subject matter allow audiences to have different perception on the same
subject matter, depending on the intentions of film directors, or on the ways they deliver the message in the movie. Likewise, the movies regarding
the same historical event and issue and can give audiences different impressions and perceptions of the same historical figure or event, depending
on how the film directors developed and portrayed the story in the film. To give a specific impression of a historical event or issue to the audiences,
directors utilize variety of cinematic devices such as the plot development, characters and scenes. In this paper, it will be examined how the famous
Korean historical events and issues are portrayed from different perspectives and convey specific impressions to the audiences through the Korean
blockbuster films, Silmido (2003) and Taegukgi (2004), and the historical drama film, The Throne (2015). Further, it will be discussed how the
directors of each movie used different cinematic devices in order to deliver their intentions and shape the opinions of the audiences on the issues and
events. Silmido & Taegukgi
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1984 and North Korea
1984 demonstrates a dystopian society in Oceania by presenting a relentless dictator, Big Brother, who uses his power to control the minds of his
people and to ensure that his power never exhausts. Aspects of 1984 are evidently established in components of society in North Korea. With both of
these society's under a dictator's rule, there are many similarities that are distinguished between the two. Orwell's 1984 becomes parallel to the world
of dystopia in North Korea by illustrating a nation that remains isolated under an almighty ruler. North Korea profoundly corresponds with Oceania by
being a highly militarized nation. Although it has been decades since the Korean war, there has been an everlasting tension between North Korea and ...
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Big Brother is able to control the minds of the Oceanian people so that there are no corrupt thoughts. Syme says to Winston, "[d]on't you see the
whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought, in the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible" (Orwell 46). In order for
Big Brother to stay in power, it is essential to limit the people's ability to consciously make bad choices. This sense of being compliant and obeying
every rule made by Big Brother is made successful because of his ability to limit the thoughts of the people through Newspeak. The rebellious
protagonist of 1984, Winston, falls to Big Brother because of his manipulation. "The purpose, then, of totalitarian government becomes only that of
sustaining its feeling of power. Winston's final defeat is encapsulated in the last words of the novel... [H]is struggle is finished: "He loved Big
Brother" (Franks). This poignant end for Winston proves that Big Brother can successfully control the mind of almost anyone, obtaining complete
obedience and loyalty. Kim Il Sung was able to achieve this same manipulation in a much different way. The people of North Korea see Kim Il Sung
as a brother. He was successful during his time manipulating the minds of his people to sincerely believe that he is a member of every individual
North Korean person's family. The North Koreans see Kim Il Sung as someone they can trust, so they refrain from ever being disloyal to
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The Development Of The East Asian Miracle
Thus far, I have laid out some of the most important arguments in the extant literature on the East Asian Miracle with particular reference to South
Korea. In this section, I integrate the preceding two sections on the existing literature and propose an alternative theory. In brief sum, the existing
developmental state literature, including that specific to South Korea, argues that the developmental state causes economic growth through export–led
industrialization. I reverse the order of two links in that theoretical chain. Specifically, I argue that the developmental state does not give rise to
export–led growth. In fact, it is the inception of the export–led growth strategy that gives rise to the developmental state, which emerges as a ... Show
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Intuitively, countries that adopt ELI need markets to which they can export. Import substitution industrialization, which focuses on domestic industrial
production, has less of an emphasis on creating goods for the international market. In contrast, countries that follow an export–led industrialization
strategy, by the very nature of ELI, must find markets to which they can export their goods. In the absence of sufficient demand, ELI strategies fail. Put
positively, ELI strategies require sufficient demand for the goods of the country in question. Where, then, does demand come from? This is a
particularly vexing problem. It seems a reasonable intuition that developing countries would not, prima facie, produce goods of sufficient quality that
external, developed markets would demand. Moreover, only developed markets would be worthwhile targets for exports; exports to developing markets
would not provide sufficient capital flows to fuel transformation into a developed country. In other words, embarking upon an ELI strategy is a
fundamental catch–22. A solution to this problem of demand is the presence of not only a willing market for the developing country's goods, but also a
market that is willing to make investments of capital and technology into that developing country. Doing so would enable domestic firms to develop
their industry to levels of quality and
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My Favorite Neighborhood
The Mid–Wilshire area is the most diverse neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, with the highest dissimilarity index of 0.755. This is clearly
seen since the population is made up of 33.6% White, 22.7% African American, 19.8% Asian, and 19.9% Latino. Although my neighborhood is
located right next to Koreatown, it is quite secluded from the city and the park is in the middle of a residential area. I decided to choose this area
and more specifically this park because it's where I grew up and spent most of my childhood. This neighborhood is my favorite in all of Los Angeles
and I can see myself living here once I finish school.
It's 11:00am on November 12, 2017, 70 degrees and sunny, a typical beautiful day in Los Angeles. I decided to begin my journey from the corner of
8th street and Windsor boulevard, the block I grew up on. I walked south on Windsor so I can pass by the park and eventually make a lap around the
park. While on Windsor, I passed by my apartment building, and I could smell the authentic Korean BBQ cuisine coming from there. There are a fair
number of Koreans living on my street, and according to Massey, "[They're] found in a [comparatively] small number of metropolitan areas." To be
more specific, the Korean community is very close, a great example is that there are over hundreds of Korean BBQ restaurants in Koreatown, multiple
on the same block and they're all making great business.
As I pass my parent's home, I have a short encounter with my neighbor, an elder Korean lady who was walking her dog, she had a small
Pomeranian, the cutest thing on the block. I just asked her how she was doing and kept on walking. As I get closer to the park, I noticed the various
trees scattered around the block, mainly palm trees, the famous tree of Los Angeles. I enjoy walking around in my neighborhood because there's tons
of shade and it is always quiet. The only time it's loud is when there are movie and TV sets, and there are quite a few of those throughout the year.
I finally arrive to the park, the first thing I notice are a group of 6 Latino kids playing soccer on a small portion of the grass, there isn't much space
since they've added huge rocks in random spots to prevent kids from playing
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Korean Military Brides: Memory Of Forgotten War
1. A) Korean military brides faced a lot of problems marrying the U.S. service man both in the United States and in Korea. Many Korean citizens had
bad impressions on U.S. service man because they killed a lot of innocent Korean people without getting any punishments. So when many young
Korean women were going to marry U.S. service man, there were a lot of public criticisms in Korea. Before going to the United States, military brides
need to learn how to prepare American food and other American customs. Many of the young military brides were former camp–town prostitutes with
little or no education. Compared to their husband, they had higher education and usually older. After moving back to the United States with their
husband, they "experienced cultural shock", racism, and also language barriers (Lee, Lee, p.460). Besides these problems, Korean wives also... Show
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In the film, there are bombing campaigns everyday, separation between families, and everyday struggles people faced. I really enjoyed how each
Korean American Survivors of the war expressed their feeling of the war. I can create the image of the life they encountered during the war in my
mind when I heard their stories. How they separate from their family and some of the family members are force to go to North Korea in order to help
for the war. I can clearly remember the image shown in the film about people walking on the road in order to get to a safe place. The image and
sound provided by the film were really strong and convincing. The limitation of the film was that the length was only about one hours, it is very hard to
understand the true feeling of those four Korean American survivors true feeling about the Korean War and it was hard to understand the entire story
without any knowledge of the war ahead of
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Buddhism During The March First Movement: An Analysis
Han Yongun, a Buddhist nationalist who actively supported and planned the March First movement, reflects on the changes which Buddhism must
take to modernize and survive in the changing times. In an essay he addresses, "Today's civilization, however, progresses at a rapid pace. A moment's
hesitation may quickly result in a wide gap. How can we afford not to step up our efforts?" in reference to the outdated traditions and teachings which
Buddhists texts offer. Han's understanding of the rapidly changing times addresses the concerns which many religions faced at the time. The rapid rate
of modernization made many of the previous traditions and practices outdated, and Han's essay proclaimed that if measures were not taken to adjust
traditions accordingly, the practices of Buddhism will soon become obsolete. These changes in Buddhism mirrored those in Christianity and
Ch'ondogyo. The importance of education and individuality became heightened in face of the oppressive Japanese rule. Through pushing for a more
educated and modernized following, these religions evoked a sense of pride in their fellows Koreans, proclaiming for them to reassert their beliefs in
what is rightfully theirs. It is through reforms, the publication of magazines, and widespread messages of their beliefs that religion helped to perform a
key role in establishing a new definition of Korean self–image. As exemplified in the case of religion, the emergence of new literary genres and
increased circulation of vernacular literature contributed greatly to the development process and growth of Korean identity. Prior to the March First
Incident of 1919, Korea had been under a tight policy of censorship, with extremely limited access to literary resources. However, as Japanese official
Saito Makoto announced a new cultural policy to quell the anger of Korean citizens after the March First Independence movement, obtaining
publication and organizational rights became much more readily available in comparison. As a result, many nationalist groups and Korean
organizations took advantage of this policy and organized various intellectual, political, and religious societies which allowed for Korea's cultural
development to flourish. One of the new
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The Unforgotten Historiography Of The Korean War
The Unforgotten Historiography of the Korean War
Isabel Shea
During the period of the Cold War the United States became involved in global affairs to control areas that seemed dangerous by modernizing and
providing economic aid with the hopes of containing communism. In 1947 the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan confirmed the US commitment to
keeping Europe free from communism. Then the United States signed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement in April 1949 confirming
American willingness to go to war if necessary to protect democracy from communist challenges. The events of 1949, when the Chinese communists
emerged victorious from their civil war and the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb, seemed to confirm to the United States that communism
was expansive and aggressive. By 1950, the Cold War had become pervasive both at home and abroad. In foreign policy terms the United States had
proclaimed itself as the only major protection against communist expansion. In five short years the world had transformed dramatically. Harry S.
Truman quickly made his mark as President and quickly turned cold warrior. President Truman proclaimed that the United States should act as the
leader of an international moral crusade against an evil and aggressive foe, meaning the Soviet Union. Korea was not explicitly part of the United
States sphere on interest. In the post–war era American policy makers saw the world as bi–polar with the ensuing Cold War becoming
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Wal Mart's Failure in Korea
Wal–Mart's Failure in Korea
This case will present Wal–Mart's unexpected failure to conduct local market research and conform to Korean consumers' needs and wants.
There are many frameworks that help characterize the differences between different cultures and the way people communicate across different cultures.
In our paper we will focus on the differences between Korean and American cultures and what effect these differences might have on conducting
business between both sides. We will concentrate on a failure business case of Wal
–Mart entry and withdrawl for the Korean market to explore these
Literature Review:
Cultural orientations can be view as lying on a continuum with high – context cultures on one ... Show more content on ...
(Gandolfi & Е trach, 2009).
Wal–Mart had a very sophisticated IT infrastructure in place to help integrated its suppliers into its supply chain. This IT system was a source of
competitive advantage for Wal–Mart in the US allowing it to be a top notch negotiator and lower prices from vendors (Kim R. B., 2008). In Korea,
however, Wal–Mart met with resistance from its distributors regarding integration into the IT system and ultimately did not create a nation–wide
distribution network. (Kim R. B., 2008) The managerial style of Wal–Marts executives, especially their direct demands for lowering prices while
negotiating and having distributors pay to have their wares displayed in good shelf space were direct causes for the soured relations between
Wal–Mart and its vendors in Korea (Chang, 2008).
Wal–Mart strategy in the US was to have price dominance. In Korea, not only could they not achieve consistent price dominance due to soured vendor
relations, price dominance is not a very good strategy. Koreans cared more about service and convenience and the warehouse look did not convey
saving to them. (Gandolfi & Е trach, 2009)
Works Cited
Chang, D. R. (2008). The case of Wal–Mart and E Mart in the Korean discount retailing industry. In J. I. Ki, Corporate Competitive Strategy in
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Challenge And Benefit Of Diversity For Leaders And...
Challenge and Benefit of Diversity for Leaders and Organizations In America, many immigrants do not lose their culture identify like language,
religions, and foods. People can identify other people who is Korean–American, Mexican–American, and Italian–American. It shows that many
different cultures of people who live in United States, combine like a salad bowl. "Diversity describes race, gender, age, and other individual
differences." (Schermerhorn, 2013) Diversity is not only involves how people recognize themselves. It is how they realize others. (Diversity will
increase a lot in few years. – go to conclusion?) This diversity in workplace considers benefit and challenge of diversity for leaders and organizations
by responding to the following sentences:
1.Evidence–based reasoning for diversity in organizations.
2.The opportunities and challenges diversity can create for leaders
3.How diversity is influencing the business environment
Understand the diversity in organization in the United States and figure it out diversity's positive and negative effects to manager and organization.
Evidence–Based Reasoning for Diversity in Organizations
Diversity in workplace will increase more in few years. However, people still can see someone discrimination to other minority people in workplace.
Gender and race diversity is big issues in America.
One of the oldest and done often diversity in the workplace is gender diversity. In 1970, sixty–two percent of workers were male and only
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Korean Wave
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to study a sub–culture by conducting an oral interview with a group of people who belong to a particular cultural group.
This interview is carried out to understand their perception of the sub–culture. The people chosen for this oral interview are Helen Xu who comes from
China and Hana Yamata who comes from Japan, and both of them are big fans of Koreanculture. In order to present their experiences of Korean Wave,
this paper will be divided into four sections. The first section will describe demographic characteristics of the Korean Wave group in Asia. The second
section is a literature review refering to the cultural background of Korean Wave including Korean pop music, drama, food and so ... Show more content
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This culture is often called individualism. Moreover, Hofstede (1980), noted that power distance in a culture, which means the difference between the
lowest and highest member. Highest member refer to a person or a group always makes the decision; people who always have input is belong to
lowest member. For example, Korean drama considers family–oriented stories in which father has the power in the family, and other members of family
usually defer to him. However, in Western society, parents cultivate their child to be more creative, and give them more freedom to choose their future
education and career. Therefore, In Western culture, a child can make such decisions himself, while, in Korean culture, children are more likely to defer
to their father. Futhurmoer, Western modernity and Asian traditions has formed striking comparison. In 18 century, Western societies had rised the
evolution of post–modernity that suggests the end of original culture, art, subject and history. The production of post–modernity includes the internet,
cars, digital computers and so on (Venn & Featherstone, 2006, p.462). Modernity refers a new way of lifestyle and social system. Asian traditions
advocate the beliefs, rituals, morals, values and customers in which human being have been passed down from their ancestors (O'Shannessy & Minett,
2008, p.33). Especially, Taoism and Confucianism have had a profound impact on Asian socities, such
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August 2026 There Will Come Soft Rain And A Sound Of...
Both short stories, "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rain," and "A Sound of
Thunder" are written by Ray Bradbury. In these stories Bradbury describes futuristic details relating back to a historical event that happen during the
time he wrote the stories. These pieces of literature were influenced by the political, social, and cultural climate of that time period. This helps the
readers view both stories through a lens of new historicism by revealing the relation of past wars and the upcoming of new presidents in Bradbury's
short stories.
In "A Sound of Thunder," Ray Bradbury starts his story in the 2055 and time travels backward. The story tells about a group traveling back in time to
hunt dinosaurs, but one of the travelers, Eckels, steps on a butterfly and then sets off a ripple in time. Before they began their travels, Eckles and the
man behind the desk talk about the recent election. They converse about how happy they were that "keith" won the election and not "Deutscher"
because Deutscher would have been the worst kind of dictatorship. The man behind the desk was thrilled about the win for keith, just as Eckles was.
This creates a comparison to when Bradbury wrote the short story, which was in 1952. In 1952, there was an election between Dwight D. Eisenhower
Adlai E. Stevenson which concluded with Eisenhower's victory by a landslide. Stevenson didn't get many votes due to his views and beliefs, just like
Deutscher. Which is a key point and why bradbury included
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: Discuss the History of Korea and Its Impact on Korea's...
Topic: Discuss the history of Korea and its impact on Korea's culture, politics and business.
Korea is a civilization and formerly unified nation currently divided into two states. Korean civilization is one of the oldest ancient civilizations in
world history, and Korea has the oldest history in East Asia.
* Gojoseon (National foundation in BC 2333 )
The first Korean kingdom Gojoseon was established on a flourishing bronze culture in BC 2333 by Dangun who was the legendary founder of
Gojeseon and people believed he was the grandson of heaven (Edward 2005).
It was centered in the basins of Liao (China) and Northern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Politics and economy
In Korean history, Gojoseon was the first state to unify ... Show more content on ...
From 1418 to 1450, by Chosun's fourth monarch king Sejong, Korea had an unprecedented flowering of art and culture. The greatest achievement of
king Sejong was invention of the Korean alphabet Hangeul. Before he invented the Korean alphabet, Korean used Chinese character (Theodore 2005).
In 1592, Toyotomi Hideyosi, who united Japan, wanted to conquer the Korean Peninsula and use it the way for its incursion into China. However,
Japan was defeated by Admiral Yi sun–sin, one of the most respected figures in Korean history. They invaded again in 1597 but they withdrew in 1598.
The new religion, Catholicism, slowly spread in Korea since 18th century by Dutch Jesuit priest.
In the 19th century of Chosun, they adopted an isolationist policy by the prince Taewongun because he was afraid that Chosun would be infected by
western ideas. Therefore, he tried to prevent the opening of the country to foreign trade by closing the borders (Edward 2005).
* Korea under Japanese Rule (1910~1945)
During Japanese occupation, the first thing they did was construction of Korea's infrastructure especially street and railroad system to control all over
Korea easily and supply food for Japanese military properly. Japanese ruled with iron hand and tried to root out all elements of Korean culture from
society. In addition, Koreans were forced to adopt Japanese names, convert their religion to Shinto (native Japanese religion) and
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The Legend Of Chun Hyang
Comics, since their conception, have been seen as an immature media that is strictly pop culture without the ability to pass substantive messages.
However, the quantities of people who read and share comic books provide open pathway to idea sharing. The Legend of Chun Hyang I is an example
of this cultural messaging through this medium. Written in 1992, as Asian cultures were joining the globalizing world, thismanga represented cultural
hybridity as a Korean folktale being represented by a Japanese company. The storyline is relatable for young girls who want to be independent no
matter which country they are from. Chun Hyang as a character in the work is not close to the actual Korean storyline. However, she is closer to the
ideal manga heroine who is pretty but brave, and independent but in love. Chun Hyang represents the move towards a more universal 'Asian ' feeling
and closeness between the Japanese and Korean pop cultures. Chun Hyang is the story of a young girl who grows up without a father, her mother is a
famous medicine woman. Chun Hyang, the main character, is a independent and strong willed young lady who fights back against the oppressive town
head or Yang Ban. Chung Hyang meets a young man named Mong Ryong who ends up falling in love with her. After the Yang Ban kidnapped her,
Chun Hyang 's mother killed herself to protect herself and her daughter. Chun Hyang avenges her mothers death with the help of Mong Ryong as the
Am–Hang–Osa, the highest ruler in the
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Writing Style Of Han Kang
Han Kang was born in 1970 in Gwangju South Korea, at the age of 10 she moved to a city in Seoul with her family. Narrowly escaping the Gwangju
massacre, a nine day city wide confrontation between protesting students and armed forces, resulting in 200 deaths and 850 injured. The massacre had
an impact on Han as she questions human brutality in the novel that earned her the prestigious literary award the Man Booker prize.
She studied Korean literature at Yonsei University. She debuted as a poet and was first published as a novelist in 1994. Han teaches creativewriting at
the Seoul Institute of the Arts. It is phenomenal that a Korean novel was awarded the Man booker prize as Korean is an under–translated language.
During her twenties she practiced ... Show more content on ...
As well as the quality and rhythm that comes through Deborah Smith's excellent translation. Han Kang's use of language pulsates with color, texture,
taste, and emotion.
*Excerpt 2*
This sophisticated, mouthwatering use of language can be seen in the following quotes: "Familiarity bleeds into strangeness" and "acts perpetrated by
the night". The beautiful imagery that this novel employs allows the reader to clearly understand the author's message.
The writing style of Han Kang has influenced me greatly. I have seen that by writing in a negative and anti–climactic way but still employing
interesting descriptive writing that you can keep the reader captivated. Kang has an absolute flair in her writing ability. The imagery that she
employs is remarkable. This can be achieved by having a vast and diverse vocabulary from which to choose your words carefully to best describe
what you want to portray. I have decided to make an effort to broaden my vocabulary and look up synonyms for ordinary words that I would usually
Han Kang you have been an absolute inspiration. You have opened my eyes as to what art can be created purely with words. Please come up and
collect the award and prize
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Literature as Encounter and Discovery, as exemplified by...
Literature as Encounter and Discovery, as exemplified by Hahn Moo–Sook's novel Encounter
The Italian explorer Columbus (1451–1506) discovered the American Continent in 1492. Of course, the unknown continent had existed even before
he discovered it. But through Columbus' discovery the unknown entity has emerged above the surface of the historical waters as a "New World."
Literature is like a voyage in search of a new continent, and the author is like Columbus. In the course of our lives, undiscovered subject matters
abound like countless islands in the gigantic ocean of awareness. If perchance such a continent is not discovered through the eyes of a writer, it would
sink to eternal oblivion. An author, therefore, is like an explorer ... Show more content on ...
Eventually, following his "homecoming in golden robes" as the secret royal inspector, Yi Mong–nyong rescues Ch'unhyang, and the evil magistrate is
dismissed and punished. The story has a happy ending, as their love is fulfilled.
In contrast, the theme of the story of Simch'ong, based on a Buddhist legend, is about an opening of the eyes, i.e., a prototype of "discovery." Simch'ong,
the sixteen–year–old daughter of a blind man, sells herself to the boat people, who throw her into the ocean as a sacrificial lamb to the god of the sea
for their protection. The filially pious daughter Simch'ong is resurrected and is betrothed to a king, who invites all the blind people of the country to
his palace in hopes of finding among them his wife's father. The blind Sim's eyes open at the dramatic moment of his re–encounter with his daughter. In
the Asian thinking based on the Buddhist belief, "seeing with open eyes" corresponds to "being awake and seeing through the Truth."
Modern Korean literature has inherited the spiritual legacy of the tales of Ch'unhang and Simch'ong. One notable example is Hahn Moo–Sook's novel,
Encounter1. The novel's very title and plot correspond with the eternal themes of encounter and discovery represented by The Tale of Ch'unhyang and
The Tale of Simch'ong. Encounter is a rare novel in Korea, because it explores and probes
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Epistemological: A Fragmented Narrative
Epistemological: A Fragmented Narrative Whoever who has watched Steven McQueen's movie Hunger, he/she will assimilate the tittle of this post
quickly. An epistemological film is one that makes you feel what you are seeing on the screen. For the subtitle, fragmented sophisticated word for
broken. As we all know literature is aesthetic, which means the style matters. When I started reading Dictee two questions came to mind, does she
know how to write in English? And to why purpose French, Korean and pictures where included? Both queries gave birth to the title and subtitle. I
want to start saying that this book is epistemological because the layout and narrative try to evoke emotions onto the reader as the author is entrapped
in a two–edged
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Korean Transnationalism
Throughout Korea's history, there are many instances in which lead to a cultural exchange between the Korean people and foreigners. This exchange is
what leads to the trans–nationalistic nature of Korea. The biggest occurrence that led to transnationalism along with a struggle in transnational identity
is that of the Japanese Colonial Occupation over Korea from 1910–1945. This occupation of Korea was not just so Japan can follow the colonizing
efforts of western governments, but also the complete assimilation of the Korean people. This assimilation ideology was called Naisen Ittai and is
known as the unification of the Japanese and Korean people. Though, this mainly meant the creation and enforcement of rules or policies to slowly turn
the Korean populace into becoming as Japanese as they could. This Naisen Ittai implemented by the Japanese government lead to the cultural and
self–identity struggles many Koreans obtained while trying to balance the notion of becoming Japanese while retaining their Korean heritage.
However, some Koreans did not struggle at all with this notion, as some embraced the Japanese assimilation, and others completely opposed it. Those
who embraced it known as collaborators and are seen as traitors to the Korean People. These clashing ideals and identity brought up upon Naisen Ittai
can be found throughout many Korean works of literature and film. Some of the Korean works in which these ideals are found within are YГґm
Sang–sГґp's On the Eve of
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Childhood Factors And Eating Disorders Symptoms Essay
Two studies were done about childhood factors and eating disorders symptoms. In the last two decades the prevalence of anorexia nervosa in South
Korea has increased. The rate has increased from 0.03% in 1987 to 0.2 percent in 2007A study found that the Korean women with AN had higher
levels of anxiety, perfectionism and an emotional childhood with a lower number of supportive figures compared to the healthy control group. The
study supported ideas that personal vulnerability could be an important risk factor for developing anorexia nervosa. Children with perfectionism
tendencies have one of the "setting conditions" (Heo & Kang& Kim & Song& Treasure, 2009), for developing anorexia nervosa in the Korean
participants. Also people with parents who were perfectionist with regard to their children 's shape and weight form the backbone for forming anxiety
about shape and weight that was reported by the Korean women. "Premorbid anxiety is suspected to contribute an important genetically medicated
pathway towards developing of anorexia by way of heightening sensitivity to eating disorder systems" (Heo & Kang& Kim & Song& Treasure, 2009).
Having more supportive figures during upbringing may cause people to form more resilient. The study concluded that there was a small difference
between Korean and Western countries when it came to being teased about weight and shape, it has been found that the United States cultures put
pressure on the thin ideal which is important risk for
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Joseon Korea's Influence On China
By the time of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), the Chinese empire had heavily influenced Korea socially, politically and culturally. For example,
Korea adopted Chinese writing systems, statecraft and Confucianism. This was acknowledged in a memorial written in 1444 by a scholar–official
under King Sejong who agreed that the Chinese empire had a huge impact on its surrounding nations. Like other well educated, this scholar–official
wanted the Chinese empire to sustain its influence on Korea. Despite his beliefs, Joseon Korea developed differently overtime. There was an increase
of Korean culture on top of the rich Chinese foundation and rise of curiosity and openness towards non–Chinese cultures. Therefore, even under the
influential China, ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese writing system was dispersed since the Three Kingdoms period. From early on, the Chinese writing system was exclusively used by the
elites who had the privilege to get the education. During the Three Kingdoms period, Buddhism helped to spread the Chinese language and script,
Confucian and Daoist teachings as well as general literature. Monks travelled and studied in China and so did the members from the royal family. They
helped to bring back not only the Chinese language but also other parts of the Chinese culture. For example, monk Jajang brought back Buddhist
teachings and also the use of Tang calendar in Silla Korea. The appearance of Korean history writing such as the History of the Three Kingdoms that
was compiled under the sponsorship of Kim Busik in 1145, further showed the strong connection with the Chinese writing system. For example, this
history writing had the same format as the Chinese historian, Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian and included Confucian teachings
throughout the text. Moreover, with the printing technology invented in China, more Buddhism related books became available during the Goryeo
period. This thus influenced more people to be familiar with the writing system. In this way, Korea was naturally attracted to more cultural advanced
China and religion such as Buddhism played a significant
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Ethnic And National Identities Of Koreans Essay
Ethnic and national identities of Koreans in Kazakhstan by Yekaterina Pak
On March 1 2013, in the apartment of my older brother, in small town in the north of Kazakhstan, everything was prepared for the celebration of my
niece's first–year birthday that Koreans usually call tol'. Small low wooden table was covered with different subjects symbolizing various good
wishes for our little girl's future: a spool of thread for long life, a book for knowledge, bowl of rice for prosperity, money for richness and others. My
niece was wearing special Korean dress hanbok that was brought from Korea and was handed over among my relatives whenever they have their own
tol'. The tradition of first–year birthday has been always kept in my family as a reminiscence of our ethnic belonging. Currently in Kazakhstan live
about one hundred thousands ethnic Koreans whose families were deported to the Soviet Kazakhstan almost eighty years ago from the Far East. Stalin's
repression politics regarding ethnic minorities who were living next to the borders has significantly transformed identities of the deported people. How
do Koreans in Kazakhstan experience their ethnic and national identities in the context of multi–ethnic state? Living all my life in Kazakhstan and
being a third generation of ethnic Koreans living outside the place of ethnic origin, I have never questioned my identities and have never thought how
important it can be. In order to investigate my own "quest for identity" in this
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Katherine Min's Courting A Monk
Reed Sanders
Ms. Voller
EN 1173–04
8 September 2016
What Is the Sound of a Life Not Lived? Katherine Min's short story, "Courting a Monk," deals ostensibly with how the narrator, Gina, met, courted, and
married her husband. However, Min uses the story to explore issues of cultural identity, the nature of Buddhist belief, the tensions between her and her
father, and ultimately, the meaning of life. Throughout the story Min uses images of stillness contrasted with rapid movement and activity, and also
uses people's attitudes as words and language, including silence, to convey her main themes. From the first sentence of this story the narrator stresses
her husband–to–be's stillness. He is motionless, while she goes "flying by him" (), engaged in an energetic game of Ultimate Frisbee. She admits,
"What I noticed about him most was his tremendous capacity of stillness" (). "He looked so rooted there," while the narrator "began to feel awkward
in my exertion" (). In one sense the narrator is like her father who has moved, perhaps more sedately, to America after theKorean War and whose
difficulties with the English language will be examined later. The narrator, Gina, by contrast with Micah, is associated with movement. When they...
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She ends the story with a koan – a Buddhist–like riddle which has become a standing joke between Micah and Gina during their courtship. The koan,
or question that cannot be answered, that ends this story is this: "What is the sound of a life not lived?" (). In the context of this story, this invented
koan can be seen to refer to Micah. If he had pursued his dream of becoming a monk, it could be argued that he would not have lived his life fully as
a husband and father; however, it can also stand for Gina, for if she had followed the Korean way of being a "submissive doormat," she would not have
become the independent American woman that she
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Korean Immigrant Women In The United States: A Literature...
The article selected is called "Domestic Violence and Risks Factors among Korean Immigrants Women in the United States." Domestic violence is a
social issue that affects individual regardless their nationality and can have terrible consequences often leading to death. Therefore, I chose this article
because I believe it is important that society pays more attention to this issue before the number of victims continues to increase. This article is
favorable to society because it provides knowledge about a specific population that is highly affected by domestic violence, and it has not been study
deeply yet. This article addresses clearly the issue of domestic violence among Korean immigrant women in the United States. The researcher organized
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Stress was measured using a new scale based on the literature on the acculturation process of Korean immigrants in the United. Alcohol use by a male
partner was measured by The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and Domestic Violence was measured using the revised version of the Conflict
Tactics Scales. The measurements instruments were reliable and valid because they were created to address the specific variable that were tested in the
study. To support this statement, the researcher stated that since standardized stress measurements did not adequately capture the immigration stress
that Korean immigrants experience, he used a new scale based on the information already found about Korean immigrants women in the United States
(Lee, 2017, 144). The researcher contacted approximately two hundred and fifty Korean immigrant women; however, some women decided not to
participate when violence issues came up and even though the researcher promised confidentiality, the participants decided not to participate. The data
was collected using a sucessful questionnaire that covered all the variables, and it was done both individually and in
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A Troubled Peace Analysis
Most of the studies about missing or dead soldiers are linked to domestic politics. How about their roles in international affairs? The relatively
cooperative Indochina governments meant that the diplomatic battles over American servicemen's remains were mild. Michael Allen briefly covered
some U.S.–Vietnam diplomacy in his book. In recent years, a few studies began probing this issue. Jean–Marc Dreyfus showed that the French mission
to find the corpses of its patriots murdered in Nazi prisons after the WWII was deemed by the French authorities as a precondition for the negotiations
to normalize French–German relations. The ceaseless battles over geopolitics and ideology between the U.S. and the DPRK, according to Sarah
Wager, have been reflected... Show more content on ...
This field has got relatively little attention among scholars; however, such visits not only soothed the tension between the two states, but also ensured
the return of the MIA remains in many cases. Marion Creekmore's A Moment of Crisis offers a detailed analysis of the essential contributors to the
successful meeting between ex–president Jimmy Carter and Kim Il–Sung, and argues that few other NGOs could achieve as much as Carter. My
project will judge the success of Carter's visit from the angle of the POW/MIA issue. It will also explore the similar contributions to the return of U.S.
soldiers' remains made by some lower–ranking U.S. officials before or after Carter's
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Kim Chi-Minjung Art Analysis
As many scholars argue, minjung art came to the forefront following the Kwangju massacre. Because it was such a devastating event for the
"people," crude woodblock paintings are often used to portray the graphic and horrendous events that occurred. In Tomiyama Taeko's piece [fig. 4],
there is a naked and dead woman laying on the ground, her insides being shown to the audience to demonstrate the tragic future of her child not only
because it lost its mother in the massacre, but also because it would have to live in a world without democracy. At the same time, the baby appears to
be outside the mother's carcass, showing the brutality of the massacre in which people's stomachs were torn apart, and their babies left to die in the
open. The nakedness... Show more content on ...
Hoffman writes that Tomiyama was part of a "core group of artists that informed the first generation of Korean minjung artists," and although she was
criticized for being influenced by Western art, Tomiyama was nevertheless an important figure that contributed to the start of the artistic resistance
movement. Another artist that is part of this core group is Hong Song–dam. Hong's "May 27 – Daedong Sesang" painted in 1984 [fig. 5] also depicts
the Kwangju massacre, but perhaps in a brighter light than Tomiyama's piece. Daedong Sesang, or "The United World," refers to a harmonious united
utopia in Confucian ideology. However, as many people will remember, the result of May 27 1980 was far from utopic. Nevertheless, what Hong is
trying to depict is perhaps more of a celebration of a sort of victory either of the success in collectivization, or the fact that the sacrifices in Kwangju
was another step taken in the fight for democracy. The piece is satirical– how can the students be celebrating with smiles and kimbap while covered in
blood and holding
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The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, And Dictee
Power is a very particular thing and can be produced in a multitude of ways. The three texts The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, and Dictee show this in
numerous ways. As a reader, you learn to recognize the power in places you wouldn't necessarily expect. From being dismantled within a dystopia to
exploiting the way bodies serve the world, power has control over everything.
There is a sense of power within Les Guerilleres when the women take over and start a war. They are developed within a group of empowerment
and their only wish is to start anew, creating a world, or dystopia, different than anything that has ever been seen, completing erasing all that is and
was. They believe that a fresh start is the only way that utter happiness can be found and they want the new world to be a paradigm for all that is and
can be good. They are controlled by the goddesses that lived before them and by the empowerment that the vagina holds within. Exulting the beauty
that they have once they are united, they feel powerful enough to take control and to unify a front that can withstand any battle. Once unified, they
continue to grow stronger, and a shield begins to appear around the women that can fight off any weapon that they come in contact with, thus creating
an infrangible bond. By exploiting themselves, they are using their power and unity to create a shield that is impermeable. Their bodies are the sprout
of their power, and because of this, they are perceived as the world's most
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Economic Impact Of Korean Reunification
North Korea has political system built upon the principle of socialism and centralization. Naturally, the country has drawn attention of many economists
as well as politicians. Among various issues concerning North Korea, a topic of Korean reunification has long received economic consideration. Many
existing studies estimate economic impact of Korean integration to answer a key question: Is Korean reunification worth pursuing? Some studies further
extend the question to find the best way of unifying Korea. Despite heading for the same goal, the studies primarily differ in their methodologies.
Some studies evaluate the impact by comparing two Korean countries with other previously unified countries such as Germany, Italy, and Vietnam
(Blum, 2012; Rothacher, 2005; Wolf, 1998; Hwang, 2010). While each paper implements different economic models, the prediction is made through
accounting for the difference in pre–unification statistics. They disagree, however, on the determinants of costs and benefits as well as the
methodology. On the other hand, Wolf (2006) and Ahrens (2003) look into different scenarios concerning Korean reunification process. Finally, Liu
and Noland (1998) construct a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to describe the result of Korean reunification.
As noted, some of the existing work refers to previous cases of reunification to analyze cost and benefit of Korean reunification. In particular, German
unification is often compared with, owing to its
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Living All My Life Through Kazakhstan And Being A Third...
Living all my life in Kazakhstan and being a third generation of ethnic Korean living outside the Korea, I have never questioned my identity and have
never thought how important it can be.
On March 1 2013, in the apartment of my older brother, in small town in the north of Kazakhstan, everything was prepared for the celebration of my
niece's first–year birthday that Koreans usually call tol'. Small low wooden table was covered with different subjects symbolizing various good
wishes for our little girl's future: a spool of thread for long life, a book for knowledge, bowl of rice for prosperity, money for richness and others.
My niece was wearing special Korean dress hanbok that was brought from Korea and was "traveling" my relatives' families whenever they have
their own tol'. This tradition has been always kept in my family as a reminiscence of our ethnic belonging. Though neither of us speaks Korean,
nobody except me has ever been in Korea, my family continues to follow at least this key tradition in order to preserve our ethnic identity. I belong to
the third generation of my family who was born and raised outside Korea. Though our Korean surnames have been saved, the names are always given
Russian, as it began during the Soviet period it continues up to these days. Right now in Kazakhstan live about one hundred thousands ethnic Koreans
whose families were deported to Kazakhstan almost 80 years ago from the Far East. Stalin's repression politics regarding ethnic
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War Vs Korean War Essay
In March 2014, the Chinese government announced that it would receive and identify over 300 remains of Chinese soldiers who were killed in South
Korea in the 1950s, adding another similarity between the two major belligerents of the Korean War–––China and United States–––in recovering their
dead soldiers from hostile lands. The similarity deserves a comparison between these two countries' practices in searching for and repatriating killed
servicemen in the last several decades, which will be a section of my dissertation. The project for this semester would focus on the comparison in the
first decade after the Korean War.
The Korean War is the first major war that theUnited States required all its dead soldiers to be identified and repatriated to their homeland
immediately after they were killed. Unlike the earlier wars when slaughtered warriors were left where they fell or in temporary graves near the
battlefield, the American troops in Korea retrieved the corpses of every killed serviceman shortly after battles and demanded the enemy return the
bodies of American soldiers. Despite these policies, however, a series of American defeat in the earlier stage of the war resulted in about 8,000 bodies
still lost in North Korea (a quarter of all ... Show more content on ...
Michael Allen's Until the Last Man Comes Home (2009) Drew Faust's This Republic of Suffering (2008) investigated the return of the remains of
killed soldiers in the Vietnam War and the Civil War respectively. The only monograph focusing on the Korean War is Bradley Coleman's "Recovering
the Korean War Dead, 1950–1958" (2008), which narrated the unprecedented way of caring for dead soldiers from the military perspective. Besides
these books delving in specific wars, Michael Sledge's Soldier Dead (2005) compared the procedures of recovering, identifying, and burying
servicemen's bodies in all American
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The Korean War Book Review
Bruce Cumings, The Origins of the Korean War, written in 1981, states that the secondary literature has represented
Paul G. Pierpaoli's, Truman and Korea the Political Culture of the Early Cold War, written in 1999, focuses on the American decision to mediate in the
Korean War and the political, military, and social impact it left behind. Pierpaoli provides an understanding into America's first undeclared conflict and
the building of the national security state. The main emphasis is to analyze how the nation mobilized for the war and how that affected the economic
scene and political culture of the United States. He mentions how Korea was a turning point and how it essentially changed the political and economic
scene in the United States ... Show more content on ...
Clearly by the mid–1950s, the consequences of Truman's decisions cast long shadows over the nation's political, economic, and cultural landscapes.
From that point forward, even after the Korean War had ended in July 1953, the United States' military and national security spending remained at
levels unthinkable prior to Korea. Indeed, the decisions made in 1950 stood practically unchallenged for nearly two generations. The historical
significance is that it left a legacy of resentment and the imperfection of the United States domestic and foreign policies. Over the long haul of the Cold
War, the Korean rearmament effort and the precedents it set came at a very high price, a price that went far beyond actual military expenditures. The
economic, social, and political costs resulting from the decisions made during Korea are perhaps immeasurable, for there was no real "peace dividend"
at the end of the Korean War. Pierpaoli references, Robert H. Wiebe observation that the Korean conflict resulted in the permanent institutionalization of
an ongoing trend in twentieth–century American history which
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  • 2. A Cold Korean War Essays A Cold Korean War The Korean War existed as a bi product to the hegemonic struggle between the contrasting political views of communism and capitalism. The event became the first military conflict of the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union, and it commenced on June 25th, 1950. These powers would continue to battle through the use of surrogate wars and political propaganda. War began to change exponentially with technology, and atomic warfare threatening, and still threatens, the life on earth. War changed to a mutually assured destruction. As a result theKorean War never truly ended, the Cold War carried on, and the 38th parallel still divides the North and South. From an American perspective, the Korean War contributed to the Cold... Show more content on ... Many historians view the Korean War, or the "forgotten war," as a conflict of hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union. This would be the beginning to a new type of political and idealistic war. The Korean War was also America's first "limited war," meaning that the national objective was not all–out victory (Navy History). Warfare began to link with the modern age of technology, communication, and sociological change. This war was a "proxy war." This means that the Soviets and Americans are using a third party country as a substitute for fighting each other directly. The Korean War became the first military conflict of the Cold War and would lead into some exponential changes in the ways of life. The intelligence race between the US and Soviet Union would be played directly, and through indirect, political chess games of real war. The soldier became dispensable. This would be the race for power and hegemony between the differing political positions. Referring to the political viewpoint of the United States of America, the Korean War was deemed vital in preserving the place of democracy and preventing the communist actions from seizing susceptible nations. Democracy was forced to show resiliency and stand for freedom, or face the darkness of another world war. President Truman considered the employment of U.S. military forces as a police action. ... Get more on ...
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  • 4. Who Am I? "Please go into your assigned rooms. The list will be on or near all doors." Students rise and begin their march. The mass thins as individuals reach their destinations. In her room it is still, silent. She finds her desk, waiting with the others. The door closes definitively. Droning words start and students follow the strict set of instructions. Section XX: What is your ethnicity? The pencil stops. Her heart rate quickens. She fills "Asian or Pacific Islander." She erases it. She fills "Caucasian." She erases it. She is stuck as the room moves on. All is not well. As a child, I didn't understand what it meant to be "Korean." Everything simply was as it is. No questions arise because no one cared if you held a Caucasian, African... Show more content on ... Even if I had no faith, They never treated me differently. I showed up to every grouping, we would sing songs, talk about our community, and as they gave religious lectures, I doodled. They never forced me to abide by their beliefs. I controlled my own development and learned who I wanted to be. They didn't see me with the red eyes, jackal legs, and forked tail. I can't overstate what it meant for me to grow up with that continuous support. However, as much as my mother and I bonded over our love of food, celebrities, and knitting, we never retained a bond the way I suppose a family should. Approximately twenty years ago, my mother moved over from Incheon, Korea. She passed her examination and received a certificate of citizenship. Even so, once the hard work concluded she allowed her literary skills to decline to awful levels. She forgot the complex words one learns in high school. She failed to spell words longer than seven letters. Raised in an environment where my mother spoke broken English, it became mandatory to depend on my father for all school–related subjects. The bond continued to corrode away by a steady stream growing into a river. If we decided to build a bridge, the struggle appeared similar to connecting the Grand Canyon. Furthermore, my mother never taught me Korean, I stumbled in the dark groping for a whole lost section of my culture. The culture that should be mine, but couldn't be. This only added to the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. President Truman Doctrine And Marshall Plan During the period of the Cold War the United States became involved in global affairs to control areas that seemed dangerous by modernizing and providing economic aid with the hopes of containing communism. In 1947 the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan confirmed the US commitment to keeping Europe free from communism. Then the United States signed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement in April 1949 confirming American willingness to go to war if necessary to protect democracy from communist challenges. The events of 1949, when the Chinese communists emerged victorious from their civil war and the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb, seemed to confirm to the United States that communism was expansive and aggressive. By 1950, the Cold War had become pervasive both at home and abroad. In foreign policy terms the United States had proclaimed itself as the only major protection against communist expansion. In five short years the world had transformed dramatically. Harry S. Truman quickly made his mark as President and quickly turned cold warrior. President Truman proclaimed that the United States should act as the leader of an international moral crusade against an evil and aggressive foe, meaning the Soviet Union. Korea was not explicitly part of the United States sphere on interest, as outlined by Secretary of State Dean Acheson in a speech to the National Press Club in January 1950. In the post–war era American policy makers saw the world as ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Influence of The Cold War and on Literature The age of McCarthyism from 1945 through 1963 was a time of great tension and fear in American history. The emotions in society influenced the writing of that time, resulting in two of the most powerful plays ever written: Inherit the Wind and The Crucible. These stories reflect the attitudes and personas of what was prevalent in the world at the time they were written. Inherit the Wind, written by Robert E. Lee and ___ Lawrence, has an array of characters that mirror the world during McCarthyism. The greatest similarity between Inherit the Wind and its historical context is evident in the character of Brady and Senator Joseph McCarthy's personality. Joseph McCarthy exhibited a compelling style when orating speeches that came to define ... Show more content on ... Since this particular argument is something the town believes in, Brady is an automatic hero, and Cates becomes a preordained villain. Hornbeck's character in Inherit the Wind was used to portray another side of McCarthyism; the role of the media and the use of propaganda. He is a metaphor for the entire newspaper industry during this time period. When explaining to Rachel his style of writing he crows, "I do hateful things, for which people love me,/And lovable things for which they hate me./I am a friend of enemies, the enemy of friends; I am admired for my detestability..." (Lawrence and Lee 33) An important event in the history of the Cold War was the Korean War. In history, it was fought between North and South Korea, and each side was supported by one of the major combatants in the Cold War. The North was supported by the Soviet Union, and the South was supported by the United States through the United Nations. ("Race for the Superbomb. The Korean War | PBS") This "proxy war" was a way for the two sides of the Cold War to meet on the battlefield indirectly. The relationship between Drummond and Brady is an allegory to what happened during the Korean War. Cates' dilemma was a way for Drummond and Brady to fight against each other, but in an indirect fashion. They fought each other by fighting someone else' battles for them. It was a way for them to collide without personal damage. Influences of this theme ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Harry S. Truman And The Cold War Revisionists By Robert H.... Harry S. Truman and the Cold War Revisionists, written in 2006, Robert H. Ferrell reflects on the revisionists and their perspective on President Harry S. Truman in which they concluded that Truman was the originator of the troubles between the United States and Russia. Ferrell argues that Truman changed the foreign policy of his country in a series of great measures from 1947 to 1949 and took the country into a war in Korea that continued until the end of his presidency and beyond as he did it for the good of the country. Ferrell points out that some refer to the Korean War as Truman's War, a war that did not accomplish much. As for the literature on Truman from a revisionist perspective changed due to having access to collections of private ... Show more content on ... Pash mentions the effect of the conflict on soldiers when they returned. Pash acknowledges that even academic scholars had been reluctant to challenge the initial hot war of the Cold War. The historical significance is that these soldiers served their country receiving little acknowledgement for their services and accomplishments. The returning veterans of the Korean War faced a very different America than had the veterans of the two world wars. The nature of the limited war meant that, proportionate to the population, a far smaller percentage of draft age men had been involved in the war effort. The war was not universally popular and the government opted to fight it on a limited basis, the veterans were often overlooked upon their return. The civilian population had been able to go about their business without sacrificing anything to the war effort. The war itself was quickly "forgotten" by the wider ... Get more on ...
  • 8. North Korea: Culture and Considerations North Korea: Culture and Considerations The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, more commonly known as North Korea, is the nation occupying the northern half of the Korean peninsula. North Korea is a young state, and little is known about the nation in the United States, or in the world. So little in fact, that most Western Media depicts North Korea with negative connotations. North Korea has a closed–country policy, which hides its culture, history, and the daily lives of civilians in the nation from the rest of the world. Not many foreigners have visited the People's Republic of Korea, and not many North Koreans have traveled to the rest of the outside world. North Korea has grown substantially considering its young age in ... Show more content on ... The highest–ranking people in the nation are the relatives and family of Kim Il Sung, followed by the former comrades and families of the former president, and then the families of the veterans of the Korean War and officers of anti–South Korean sabotage. The children of these classes are educated in schools specifically for them and face far better career opportunities. The overwhelming majority of North Koreans are ordinary citizens divided and again subdivided into castes according to their lineage and family history. If any member of a family commits a crime against the nation, other members of the family suffer demotions in political and social status. Society generally regards females of the same class below males within the class, especially in high–status positions, but the daughter of an established revolutionary can achieve greater status in their party or the government. Men and women of ordinary classes divide the labor, which relatively defines the roles of each gender in a household. Men run heavy industry and women will work in light industry. Beyond those widely accepted norms, the division is highly diverse. As an example, society regards agricultural employment as not solely as a man's job or a woman's. The domestic division of labor also defines the gender's roles. Women maintain most of the housework and child rearing, while working outside ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Beloved Poet, Shel Silverstein Do you remember reading comical poetry such as The Giving Tree during your childhood? Its author, Shel Silverstein, was one of the most recognizable children's poets and poetry icons that has ever lived. He holds a household name due to the fact that despite his past he is able to help form a future in language, poetry, and the arts for the innovators of tomorrow. Silverstein's works captured the essence of a person's childhood and changed poetry and children's literature forever. Sheldon Allan Silverstein was not always the literature icon he quickly became in the mid 20th century. Born on September 25, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois during the Great Depression. He was not a very sociable child. His hobbies included drawing cartoons and writing. As a result, his professional drawing and writing career began with cartooning and writing for Playboy Magazine, in 1952. He was also not popular with girls during his teenage year, which motivated him to write more mature poetry in the future about love. Silverstein wanted to reach out to all age groups and express that his talent was not only used for the entertainment of children, but for everyone. Silverstein didn't write to impress others "... he did "hope that people no matter what age, would find something to identify... and experience a personal sense of discovery"." in his poetry (Shel Silverstein 1999). Silverstein was divorced and had one daughter, who died in her childhood. He served in the armed forces during the 1950's, and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Report On Korean Industrial Production Introduction VoC approach does not provide sufficient prototypes. South Korea is SME Turkey is also SME because it has similar characteristics. State policies are similar. However, outcomes of these state policies are quite different (give figures) In the mid–1950 's, Turkey was a much richer country than Korea. With about the same population, Turkish GNP was about three times that of Korea, Turkish exports were fifteen times those of Korea, and the Turkish savings rate was much higher than Korean. By 1980, the situation was dramatically reversed, as Turkish income was 40 percent below Korea 's, Turkish exports were less than one–fourth those of Korea and the Turkish savings rate was about two–thirds of Korea 's. (Krueger) There are either economic advantages or economic disadvantages to a military alliance with the United States, both countries had them. And, insofar as proximity to a rapidly growing region of the world affects growth, Turkey and Korea had Europe and Japan, respectively (Krueger). Korean industrial production rose forty–five–fold between 1960 and 1984, whereas Turkish industrial production was 6.6 times higher in the same period. (Yilmaz) During the period 1963–1990, total factor productivity (TFP) increased at an average rate of 2.4 percent in Korea. In this period, TFP in Turkey increased at an average rate of almost 0.9 percent. (Yilmaz) In the absence of big private businesses in Turkey, the state assigned a leading and dominant role ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Historical Events And Issues Essay ASIA 356 Term Paper: Topic 1 Introduction Every film implies its own meaning and message that the director intends to convey. The same subject matter can be interpreted distinctively by many different film directors, and it is expressed in a particular way in the film according to the director's perspective. Therefore, different movies that deal with the same subject matter allow audiences to have different perception on the same subject matter, depending on the intentions of film directors, or on the ways they deliver the message in the movie. Likewise, the movies regarding the same historical event and issue and can give audiences different impressions and perceptions of the same historical figure or event, depending on how the film directors developed and portrayed the story in the film. To give a specific impression of a historical event or issue to the audiences, directors utilize variety of cinematic devices such as the plot development, characters and scenes. In this paper, it will be examined how the famous Korean historical events and issues are portrayed from different perspectives and convey specific impressions to the audiences through the Korean blockbuster films, Silmido (2003) and Taegukgi (2004), and the historical drama film, The Throne (2015). Further, it will be discussed how the directors of each movie used different cinematic devices in order to deliver their intentions and shape the opinions of the audiences on the issues and events. Silmido & Taegukgi ... Get more on ...
  • 12. 1984 and North Korea 1984 demonstrates a dystopian society in Oceania by presenting a relentless dictator, Big Brother, who uses his power to control the minds of his people and to ensure that his power never exhausts. Aspects of 1984 are evidently established in components of society in North Korea. With both of these society's under a dictator's rule, there are many similarities that are distinguished between the two. Orwell's 1984 becomes parallel to the world of dystopia in North Korea by illustrating a nation that remains isolated under an almighty ruler. North Korea profoundly corresponds with Oceania by being a highly militarized nation. Although it has been decades since the Korean war, there has been an everlasting tension between North Korea and ... Show more content on ... Big Brother is able to control the minds of the Oceanian people so that there are no corrupt thoughts. Syme says to Winston, "[d]on't you see the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought, in the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible" (Orwell 46). In order for Big Brother to stay in power, it is essential to limit the people's ability to consciously make bad choices. This sense of being compliant and obeying every rule made by Big Brother is made successful because of his ability to limit the thoughts of the people through Newspeak. The rebellious protagonist of 1984, Winston, falls to Big Brother because of his manipulation. "The purpose, then, of totalitarian government becomes only that of sustaining its feeling of power. Winston's final defeat is encapsulated in the last words of the novel... [H]is struggle is finished: "He loved Big Brother" (Franks). This poignant end for Winston proves that Big Brother can successfully control the mind of almost anyone, obtaining complete obedience and loyalty. Kim Il Sung was able to achieve this same manipulation in a much different way. The people of North Korea see Kim Il Sung as a brother. He was successful during his time manipulating the minds of his people to sincerely believe that he is a member of every individual North Korean person's family. The North Koreans see Kim Il Sung as someone they can trust, so they refrain from ever being disloyal to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Development Of The East Asian Miracle Thus far, I have laid out some of the most important arguments in the extant literature on the East Asian Miracle with particular reference to South Korea. In this section, I integrate the preceding two sections on the existing literature and propose an alternative theory. In brief sum, the existing developmental state literature, including that specific to South Korea, argues that the developmental state causes economic growth through export–led industrialization. I reverse the order of two links in that theoretical chain. Specifically, I argue that the developmental state does not give rise to export–led growth. In fact, it is the inception of the export–led growth strategy that gives rise to the developmental state, which emerges as a ... Show more content on ... Intuitively, countries that adopt ELI need markets to which they can export. Import substitution industrialization, which focuses on domestic industrial production, has less of an emphasis on creating goods for the international market. In contrast, countries that follow an export–led industrialization strategy, by the very nature of ELI, must find markets to which they can export their goods. In the absence of sufficient demand, ELI strategies fail. Put positively, ELI strategies require sufficient demand for the goods of the country in question. Where, then, does demand come from? This is a particularly vexing problem. It seems a reasonable intuition that developing countries would not, prima facie, produce goods of sufficient quality that external, developed markets would demand. Moreover, only developed markets would be worthwhile targets for exports; exports to developing markets would not provide sufficient capital flows to fuel transformation into a developed country. In other words, embarking upon an ELI strategy is a fundamental catch–22. A solution to this problem of demand is the presence of not only a willing market for the developing country's goods, but also a market that is willing to make investments of capital and technology into that developing country. Doing so would enable domestic firms to develop their industry to levels of quality and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. My Favorite Neighborhood The Mid–Wilshire area is the most diverse neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, with the highest dissimilarity index of 0.755. This is clearly seen since the population is made up of 33.6% White, 22.7% African American, 19.8% Asian, and 19.9% Latino. Although my neighborhood is located right next to Koreatown, it is quite secluded from the city and the park is in the middle of a residential area. I decided to choose this area and more specifically this park because it's where I grew up and spent most of my childhood. This neighborhood is my favorite in all of Los Angeles and I can see myself living here once I finish school. It's 11:00am on November 12, 2017, 70 degrees and sunny, a typical beautiful day in Los Angeles. I decided to begin my journey from the corner of 8th street and Windsor boulevard, the block I grew up on. I walked south on Windsor so I can pass by the park and eventually make a lap around the park. While on Windsor, I passed by my apartment building, and I could smell the authentic Korean BBQ cuisine coming from there. There are a fair number of Koreans living on my street, and according to Massey, "[They're] found in a [comparatively] small number of metropolitan areas." To be more specific, the Korean community is very close, a great example is that there are over hundreds of Korean BBQ restaurants in Koreatown, multiple on the same block and they're all making great business. As I pass my parent's home, I have a short encounter with my neighbor, an elder Korean lady who was walking her dog, she had a small Pomeranian, the cutest thing on the block. I just asked her how she was doing and kept on walking. As I get closer to the park, I noticed the various trees scattered around the block, mainly palm trees, the famous tree of Los Angeles. I enjoy walking around in my neighborhood because there's tons of shade and it is always quiet. The only time it's loud is when there are movie and TV sets, and there are quite a few of those throughout the year. I finally arrive to the park, the first thing I notice are a group of 6 Latino kids playing soccer on a small portion of the grass, there isn't much space since they've added huge rocks in random spots to prevent kids from playing ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Korean Military Brides: Memory Of Forgotten War 1. A) Korean military brides faced a lot of problems marrying the U.S. service man both in the United States and in Korea. Many Korean citizens had bad impressions on U.S. service man because they killed a lot of innocent Korean people without getting any punishments. So when many young Korean women were going to marry U.S. service man, there were a lot of public criticisms in Korea. Before going to the United States, military brides need to learn how to prepare American food and other American customs. Many of the young military brides were former camp–town prostitutes with little or no education. Compared to their husband, they had higher education and usually older. After moving back to the United States with their husband, they "experienced cultural shock", racism, and also language barriers (Lee, Lee, p.460). Besides these problems, Korean wives also... Show more content on ... In the film, there are bombing campaigns everyday, separation between families, and everyday struggles people faced. I really enjoyed how each Korean American Survivors of the war expressed their feeling of the war. I can create the image of the life they encountered during the war in my mind when I heard their stories. How they separate from their family and some of the family members are force to go to North Korea in order to help for the war. I can clearly remember the image shown in the film about people walking on the road in order to get to a safe place. The image and sound provided by the film were really strong and convincing. The limitation of the film was that the length was only about one hours, it is very hard to understand the true feeling of those four Korean American survivors true feeling about the Korean War and it was hard to understand the entire story without any knowledge of the war ahead of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Buddhism During The March First Movement: An Analysis Han Yongun, a Buddhist nationalist who actively supported and planned the March First movement, reflects on the changes which Buddhism must take to modernize and survive in the changing times. In an essay he addresses, "Today's civilization, however, progresses at a rapid pace. A moment's hesitation may quickly result in a wide gap. How can we afford not to step up our efforts?" in reference to the outdated traditions and teachings which Buddhists texts offer. Han's understanding of the rapidly changing times addresses the concerns which many religions faced at the time. The rapid rate of modernization made many of the previous traditions and practices outdated, and Han's essay proclaimed that if measures were not taken to adjust traditions accordingly, the practices of Buddhism will soon become obsolete. These changes in Buddhism mirrored those in Christianity and Ch'ondogyo. The importance of education and individuality became heightened in face of the oppressive Japanese rule. Through pushing for a more educated and modernized following, these religions evoked a sense of pride in their fellows Koreans, proclaiming for them to reassert their beliefs in what is rightfully theirs. It is through reforms, the publication of magazines, and widespread messages of their beliefs that religion helped to perform a key role in establishing a new definition of Korean self–image. As exemplified in the case of religion, the emergence of new literary genres and increased circulation of vernacular literature contributed greatly to the development process and growth of Korean identity. Prior to the March First Incident of 1919, Korea had been under a tight policy of censorship, with extremely limited access to literary resources. However, as Japanese official Saito Makoto announced a new cultural policy to quell the anger of Korean citizens after the March First Independence movement, obtaining publication and organizational rights became much more readily available in comparison. As a result, many nationalist groups and Korean organizations took advantage of this policy and organized various intellectual, political, and religious societies which allowed for Korea's cultural development to flourish. One of the new ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Unforgotten Historiography Of The Korean War The Unforgotten Historiography of the Korean War Isabel Shea During the period of the Cold War the United States became involved in global affairs to control areas that seemed dangerous by modernizing and providing economic aid with the hopes of containing communism. In 1947 the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan confirmed the US commitment to keeping Europe free from communism. Then the United States signed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement in April 1949 confirming American willingness to go to war if necessary to protect democracy from communist challenges. The events of 1949, when the Chinese communists emerged victorious from their civil war and the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb, seemed to confirm to the United States that communism was expansive and aggressive. By 1950, the Cold War had become pervasive both at home and abroad. In foreign policy terms the United States had proclaimed itself as the only major protection against communist expansion. In five short years the world had transformed dramatically. Harry S. Truman quickly made his mark as President and quickly turned cold warrior. President Truman proclaimed that the United States should act as the leader of an international moral crusade against an evil and aggressive foe, meaning the Soviet Union. Korea was not explicitly part of the United States sphere on interest. In the post–war era American policy makers saw the world as bi–polar with the ensuing Cold War becoming ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Wal Mart's Failure in Korea Wal–Mart's Failure in Korea This case will present Wal–Mart's unexpected failure to conduct local market research and conform to Korean consumers' needs and wants. Introduction: There are many frameworks that help characterize the differences between different cultures and the way people communicate across different cultures. In our paper we will focus on the differences between Korean and American cultures and what effect these differences might have on conducting business between both sides. We will concentrate on a failure business case of Wal –Mart entry and withdrawl for the Korean market to explore these differences. Literature Review: Cultural orientations can be view as lying on a continuum with high – context cultures on one ... Show more content on ... (Gandolfi & Е trach, 2009). Wal–Mart had a very sophisticated IT infrastructure in place to help integrated its suppliers into its supply chain. This IT system was a source of competitive advantage for Wal–Mart in the US allowing it to be a top notch negotiator and lower prices from vendors (Kim R. B., 2008). In Korea, however, Wal–Mart met with resistance from its distributors regarding integration into the IT system and ultimately did not create a nation–wide distribution network. (Kim R. B., 2008) The managerial style of Wal–Marts executives, especially their direct demands for lowering prices while negotiating and having distributors pay to have their wares displayed in good shelf space were direct causes for the soured relations between Wal–Mart and its vendors in Korea (Chang, 2008). Wal–Mart strategy in the US was to have price dominance. In Korea, not only could they not achieve consistent price dominance due to soured vendor relations, price dominance is not a very good strategy. Koreans cared more about service and convenience and the warehouse look did not convey saving to them. (Gandolfi & Е trach, 2009) Method: Findings: Analysis: Recommendations: References: Works Cited Chang, D. R. (2008). The case of Wal–Mart and E Mart in the Korean discount retailing industry. In J. I. Ki, Corporate Competitive Strategy in
  • 19. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Challenge And Benefit Of Diversity For Leaders And... Challenge and Benefit of Diversity for Leaders and Organizations In America, many immigrants do not lose their culture identify like language, religions, and foods. People can identify other people who is Korean–American, Mexican–American, and Italian–American. It shows that many different cultures of people who live in United States, combine like a salad bowl. "Diversity describes race, gender, age, and other individual differences." (Schermerhorn, 2013) Diversity is not only involves how people recognize themselves. It is how they realize others. (Diversity will increase a lot in few years. – go to conclusion?) This diversity in workplace considers benefit and challenge of diversity for leaders and organizations by responding to the following sentences: 1.Evidence–based reasoning for diversity in organizations. 2.The opportunities and challenges diversity can create for leaders 3.How diversity is influencing the business environment Understand the diversity in organization in the United States and figure it out diversity's positive and negative effects to manager and organization. Evidence–Based Reasoning for Diversity in Organizations Diversity in workplace will increase more in few years. However, people still can see someone discrimination to other minority people in workplace. Gender and race diversity is big issues in America. One of the oldest and done often diversity in the workplace is gender diversity. In 1970, sixty–two percent of workers were male and only ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Korean Wave 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to study a sub–culture by conducting an oral interview with a group of people who belong to a particular cultural group. This interview is carried out to understand their perception of the sub–culture. The people chosen for this oral interview are Helen Xu who comes from China and Hana Yamata who comes from Japan, and both of them are big fans of Koreanculture. In order to present their experiences of Korean Wave, this paper will be divided into four sections. The first section will describe demographic characteristics of the Korean Wave group in Asia. The second section is a literature review refering to the cultural background of Korean Wave including Korean pop music, drama, food and so ... Show more content on ... This culture is often called individualism. Moreover, Hofstede (1980), noted that power distance in a culture, which means the difference between the lowest and highest member. Highest member refer to a person or a group always makes the decision; people who always have input is belong to lowest member. For example, Korean drama considers family–oriented stories in which father has the power in the family, and other members of family usually defer to him. However, in Western society, parents cultivate their child to be more creative, and give them more freedom to choose their future education and career. Therefore, In Western culture, a child can make such decisions himself, while, in Korean culture, children are more likely to defer to their father. Futhurmoer, Western modernity and Asian traditions has formed striking comparison. In 18 century, Western societies had rised the evolution of post–modernity that suggests the end of original culture, art, subject and history. The production of post–modernity includes the internet, cars, digital computers and so on (Venn & Featherstone, 2006, p.462). Modernity refers a new way of lifestyle and social system. Asian traditions advocate the beliefs, rituals, morals, values and customers in which human being have been passed down from their ancestors (O'Shannessy & Minett, 2008, p.33). Especially, Taoism and Confucianism have had a profound impact on Asian socities, such ... Get more on ...
  • 22. August 2026 There Will Come Soft Rain And A Sound Of... Both short stories, "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rain," and "A Sound of Thunder" are written by Ray Bradbury. In these stories Bradbury describes futuristic details relating back to a historical event that happen during the time he wrote the stories. These pieces of literature were influenced by the political, social, and cultural climate of that time period. This helps the readers view both stories through a lens of new historicism by revealing the relation of past wars and the upcoming of new presidents in Bradbury's short stories. In "A Sound of Thunder," Ray Bradbury starts his story in the 2055 and time travels backward. The story tells about a group traveling back in time to hunt dinosaurs, but one of the travelers, Eckels, steps on a butterfly and then sets off a ripple in time. Before they began their travels, Eckles and the man behind the desk talk about the recent election. They converse about how happy they were that "keith" won the election and not "Deutscher" because Deutscher would have been the worst kind of dictatorship. The man behind the desk was thrilled about the win for keith, just as Eckles was. This creates a comparison to when Bradbury wrote the short story, which was in 1952. In 1952, there was an election between Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai E. Stevenson which concluded with Eisenhower's victory by a landslide. Stevenson didn't get many votes due to his views and beliefs, just like Deutscher. Which is a key point and why bradbury included ... Get more on ...
  • 23. : Discuss the History of Korea and Its Impact on Korea's... Topic: Discuss the history of Korea and its impact on Korea's culture, politics and business. Korea is a civilization and formerly unified nation currently divided into two states. Korean civilization is one of the oldest ancient civilizations in world history, and Korea has the oldest history in East Asia. * Gojoseon (National foundation in BC 2333 ) The first Korean kingdom Gojoseon was established on a flourishing bronze culture in BC 2333 by Dangun who was the legendary founder of Gojeseon and people believed he was the grandson of heaven (Edward 2005). It was centered in the basins of Liao (China) and Northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Politics and economy In Korean history, Gojoseon was the first state to unify ... Show more content on ... From 1418 to 1450, by Chosun's fourth monarch king Sejong, Korea had an unprecedented flowering of art and culture. The greatest achievement of king Sejong was invention of the Korean alphabet Hangeul. Before he invented the Korean alphabet, Korean used Chinese character (Theodore 2005). In 1592, Toyotomi Hideyosi, who united Japan, wanted to conquer the Korean Peninsula and use it the way for its incursion into China. However, Japan was defeated by Admiral Yi sun–sin, one of the most respected figures in Korean history. They invaded again in 1597 but they withdrew in 1598. The new religion, Catholicism, slowly spread in Korea since 18th century by Dutch Jesuit priest. In the 19th century of Chosun, they adopted an isolationist policy by the prince Taewongun because he was afraid that Chosun would be infected by western ideas. Therefore, he tried to prevent the opening of the country to foreign trade by closing the borders (Edward 2005). * Korea under Japanese Rule (1910~1945)
  • 24. During Japanese occupation, the first thing they did was construction of Korea's infrastructure especially street and railroad system to control all over Korea easily and supply food for Japanese military properly. Japanese ruled with iron hand and tried to root out all elements of Korean culture from society. In addition, Koreans were forced to adopt Japanese names, convert their religion to Shinto (native Japanese religion) and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Legend Of Chun Hyang Comics, since their conception, have been seen as an immature media that is strictly pop culture without the ability to pass substantive messages. However, the quantities of people who read and share comic books provide open pathway to idea sharing. The Legend of Chun Hyang I is an example of this cultural messaging through this medium. Written in 1992, as Asian cultures were joining the globalizing world, thismanga represented cultural hybridity as a Korean folktale being represented by a Japanese company. The storyline is relatable for young girls who want to be independent no matter which country they are from. Chun Hyang as a character in the work is not close to the actual Korean storyline. However, she is closer to the ideal manga heroine who is pretty but brave, and independent but in love. Chun Hyang represents the move towards a more universal 'Asian ' feeling and closeness between the Japanese and Korean pop cultures. Chun Hyang is the story of a young girl who grows up without a father, her mother is a famous medicine woman. Chun Hyang, the main character, is a independent and strong willed young lady who fights back against the oppressive town head or Yang Ban. Chung Hyang meets a young man named Mong Ryong who ends up falling in love with her. After the Yang Ban kidnapped her, Chun Hyang 's mother killed herself to protect herself and her daughter. Chun Hyang avenges her mothers death with the help of Mong Ryong as the Am–Hang–Osa, the highest ruler in the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Writing Style Of Han Kang Han Kang was born in 1970 in Gwangju South Korea, at the age of 10 she moved to a city in Seoul with her family. Narrowly escaping the Gwangju massacre, a nine day city wide confrontation between protesting students and armed forces, resulting in 200 deaths and 850 injured. The massacre had an impact on Han as she questions human brutality in the novel that earned her the prestigious literary award the Man Booker prize. She studied Korean literature at Yonsei University. She debuted as a poet and was first published as a novelist in 1994. Han teaches creativewriting at the Seoul Institute of the Arts. It is phenomenal that a Korean novel was awarded the Man booker prize as Korean is an under–translated language. During her twenties she practiced ... Show more content on ... As well as the quality and rhythm that comes through Deborah Smith's excellent translation. Han Kang's use of language pulsates with color, texture, taste, and emotion. *Excerpt 2* This sophisticated, mouthwatering use of language can be seen in the following quotes: "Familiarity bleeds into strangeness" and "acts perpetrated by the night". The beautiful imagery that this novel employs allows the reader to clearly understand the author's message. The writing style of Han Kang has influenced me greatly. I have seen that by writing in a negative and anti–climactic way but still employing interesting descriptive writing that you can keep the reader captivated. Kang has an absolute flair in her writing ability. The imagery that she employs is remarkable. This can be achieved by having a vast and diverse vocabulary from which to choose your words carefully to best describe what you want to portray. I have decided to make an effort to broaden my vocabulary and look up synonyms for ordinary words that I would usually use. Han Kang you have been an absolute inspiration. You have opened my eyes as to what art can be created purely with words. Please come up and collect the award and prize ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Literature as Encounter and Discovery, as exemplified by... Literature as Encounter and Discovery, as exemplified by Hahn Moo–Sook's novel Encounter The Italian explorer Columbus (1451–1506) discovered the American Continent in 1492. Of course, the unknown continent had existed even before he discovered it. But through Columbus' discovery the unknown entity has emerged above the surface of the historical waters as a "New World." Literature is like a voyage in search of a new continent, and the author is like Columbus. In the course of our lives, undiscovered subject matters abound like countless islands in the gigantic ocean of awareness. If perchance such a continent is not discovered through the eyes of a writer, it would sink to eternal oblivion. An author, therefore, is like an explorer ... Show more content on ... Eventually, following his "homecoming in golden robes" as the secret royal inspector, Yi Mong–nyong rescues Ch'unhyang, and the evil magistrate is dismissed and punished. The story has a happy ending, as their love is fulfilled. In contrast, the theme of the story of Simch'ong, based on a Buddhist legend, is about an opening of the eyes, i.e., a prototype of "discovery." Simch'ong, the sixteen–year–old daughter of a blind man, sells herself to the boat people, who throw her into the ocean as a sacrificial lamb to the god of the sea for their protection. The filially pious daughter Simch'ong is resurrected and is betrothed to a king, who invites all the blind people of the country to his palace in hopes of finding among them his wife's father. The blind Sim's eyes open at the dramatic moment of his re–encounter with his daughter. In the Asian thinking based on the Buddhist belief, "seeing with open eyes" corresponds to "being awake and seeing through the Truth." Modern Korean literature has inherited the spiritual legacy of the tales of Ch'unhang and Simch'ong. One notable example is Hahn Moo–Sook's novel, Encounter1. The novel's very title and plot correspond with the eternal themes of encounter and discovery represented by The Tale of Ch'unhyang and The Tale of Simch'ong. Encounter is a rare novel in Korea, because it explores and probes ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Epistemological: A Fragmented Narrative Epistemological: A Fragmented Narrative Whoever who has watched Steven McQueen's movie Hunger, he/she will assimilate the tittle of this post quickly. An epistemological film is one that makes you feel what you are seeing on the screen. For the subtitle, fragmented sophisticated word for broken. As we all know literature is aesthetic, which means the style matters. When I started reading Dictee two questions came to mind, does she know how to write in English? And to why purpose French, Korean and pictures where included? Both queries gave birth to the title and subtitle. I want to start saying that this book is epistemological because the layout and narrative try to evoke emotions onto the reader as the author is entrapped in a two–edged ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Korean Transnationalism Throughout Korea's history, there are many instances in which lead to a cultural exchange between the Korean people and foreigners. This exchange is what leads to the trans–nationalistic nature of Korea. The biggest occurrence that led to transnationalism along with a struggle in transnational identity is that of the Japanese Colonial Occupation over Korea from 1910–1945. This occupation of Korea was not just so Japan can follow the colonizing efforts of western governments, but also the complete assimilation of the Korean people. This assimilation ideology was called Naisen Ittai and is known as the unification of the Japanese and Korean people. Though, this mainly meant the creation and enforcement of rules or policies to slowly turn the Korean populace into becoming as Japanese as they could. This Naisen Ittai implemented by the Japanese government lead to the cultural and self–identity struggles many Koreans obtained while trying to balance the notion of becoming Japanese while retaining their Korean heritage. However, some Koreans did not struggle at all with this notion, as some embraced the Japanese assimilation, and others completely opposed it. Those who embraced it known as collaborators and are seen as traitors to the Korean People. These clashing ideals and identity brought up upon Naisen Ittai can be found throughout many Korean works of literature and film. Some of the Korean works in which these ideals are found within are YГґm Sang–sГґp's On the Eve of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Childhood Factors And Eating Disorders Symptoms Essay Two studies were done about childhood factors and eating disorders symptoms. In the last two decades the prevalence of anorexia nervosa in South Korea has increased. The rate has increased from 0.03% in 1987 to 0.2 percent in 2007A study found that the Korean women with AN had higher levels of anxiety, perfectionism and an emotional childhood with a lower number of supportive figures compared to the healthy control group. The study supported ideas that personal vulnerability could be an important risk factor for developing anorexia nervosa. Children with perfectionism tendencies have one of the "setting conditions" (Heo & Kang& Kim & Song& Treasure, 2009), for developing anorexia nervosa in the Korean participants. Also people with parents who were perfectionist with regard to their children 's shape and weight form the backbone for forming anxiety about shape and weight that was reported by the Korean women. "Premorbid anxiety is suspected to contribute an important genetically medicated pathway towards developing of anorexia by way of heightening sensitivity to eating disorder systems" (Heo & Kang& Kim & Song& Treasure, 2009). Having more supportive figures during upbringing may cause people to form more resilient. The study concluded that there was a small difference between Korean and Western countries when it came to being teased about weight and shape, it has been found that the United States cultures put pressure on the thin ideal which is important risk for ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Joseon Korea's Influence On China By the time of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), the Chinese empire had heavily influenced Korea socially, politically and culturally. For example, Korea adopted Chinese writing systems, statecraft and Confucianism. This was acknowledged in a memorial written in 1444 by a scholar–official under King Sejong who agreed that the Chinese empire had a huge impact on its surrounding nations. Like other well educated, this scholar–official wanted the Chinese empire to sustain its influence on Korea. Despite his beliefs, Joseon Korea developed differently overtime. There was an increase of Korean culture on top of the rich Chinese foundation and rise of curiosity and openness towards non–Chinese cultures. Therefore, even under the influential China, ... Show more content on ... The Chinese writing system was dispersed since the Three Kingdoms period. From early on, the Chinese writing system was exclusively used by the elites who had the privilege to get the education. During the Three Kingdoms period, Buddhism helped to spread the Chinese language and script, Confucian and Daoist teachings as well as general literature. Monks travelled and studied in China and so did the members from the royal family. They helped to bring back not only the Chinese language but also other parts of the Chinese culture. For example, monk Jajang brought back Buddhist teachings and also the use of Tang calendar in Silla Korea. The appearance of Korean history writing such as the History of the Three Kingdoms that was compiled under the sponsorship of Kim Busik in 1145, further showed the strong connection with the Chinese writing system. For example, this history writing had the same format as the Chinese historian, Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian and included Confucian teachings throughout the text. Moreover, with the printing technology invented in China, more Buddhism related books became available during the Goryeo period. This thus influenced more people to be familiar with the writing system. In this way, Korea was naturally attracted to more cultural advanced China and religion such as Buddhism played a significant ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Ethnic And National Identities Of Koreans Essay Ethnic and national identities of Koreans in Kazakhstan by Yekaterina Pak On March 1 2013, in the apartment of my older brother, in small town in the north of Kazakhstan, everything was prepared for the celebration of my niece's first–year birthday that Koreans usually call tol'. Small low wooden table was covered with different subjects symbolizing various good wishes for our little girl's future: a spool of thread for long life, a book for knowledge, bowl of rice for prosperity, money for richness and others. My niece was wearing special Korean dress hanbok that was brought from Korea and was handed over among my relatives whenever they have their own tol'. The tradition of first–year birthday has been always kept in my family as a reminiscence of our ethnic belonging. Currently in Kazakhstan live about one hundred thousands ethnic Koreans whose families were deported to the Soviet Kazakhstan almost eighty years ago from the Far East. Stalin's repression politics regarding ethnic minorities who were living next to the borders has significantly transformed identities of the deported people. How do Koreans in Kazakhstan experience their ethnic and national identities in the context of multi–ethnic state? Living all my life in Kazakhstan and being a third generation of ethnic Koreans living outside the place of ethnic origin, I have never questioned my identities and have never thought how important it can be. In order to investigate my own "quest for identity" in this ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Katherine Min's Courting A Monk Reed Sanders Ms. Voller EN 1173–04 8 September 2016 What Is the Sound of a Life Not Lived? Katherine Min's short story, "Courting a Monk," deals ostensibly with how the narrator, Gina, met, courted, and married her husband. However, Min uses the story to explore issues of cultural identity, the nature of Buddhist belief, the tensions between her and her father, and ultimately, the meaning of life. Throughout the story Min uses images of stillness contrasted with rapid movement and activity, and also uses people's attitudes as words and language, including silence, to convey her main themes. From the first sentence of this story the narrator stresses her husband–to–be's stillness. He is motionless, while she goes "flying by him" (), engaged in an energetic game of Ultimate Frisbee. She admits, "What I noticed about him most was his tremendous capacity of stillness" (). "He looked so rooted there," while the narrator "began to feel awkward in my exertion" (). In one sense the narrator is like her father who has moved, perhaps more sedately, to America after theKorean War and whose difficulties with the English language will be examined later. The narrator, Gina, by contrast with Micah, is associated with movement. When they... Show more content on ... She ends the story with a koan – a Buddhist–like riddle which has become a standing joke between Micah and Gina during their courtship. The koan, or question that cannot be answered, that ends this story is this: "What is the sound of a life not lived?" (). In the context of this story, this invented koan can be seen to refer to Micah. If he had pursued his dream of becoming a monk, it could be argued that he would not have lived his life fully as a husband and father; however, it can also stand for Gina, for if she had followed the Korean way of being a "submissive doormat," she would not have become the independent American woman that she ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Korean Immigrant Women In The United States: A Literature... The article selected is called "Domestic Violence and Risks Factors among Korean Immigrants Women in the United States." Domestic violence is a social issue that affects individual regardless their nationality and can have terrible consequences often leading to death. Therefore, I chose this article because I believe it is important that society pays more attention to this issue before the number of victims continues to increase. This article is favorable to society because it provides knowledge about a specific population that is highly affected by domestic violence, and it has not been study deeply yet. This article addresses clearly the issue of domestic violence among Korean immigrant women in the United States. The researcher organized ... Show more content on ... Stress was measured using a new scale based on the literature on the acculturation process of Korean immigrants in the United. Alcohol use by a male partner was measured by The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and Domestic Violence was measured using the revised version of the Conflict Tactics Scales. The measurements instruments were reliable and valid because they were created to address the specific variable that were tested in the study. To support this statement, the researcher stated that since standardized stress measurements did not adequately capture the immigration stress that Korean immigrants experience, he used a new scale based on the information already found about Korean immigrants women in the United States (Lee, 2017, 144). The researcher contacted approximately two hundred and fifty Korean immigrant women; however, some women decided not to participate when violence issues came up and even though the researcher promised confidentiality, the participants decided not to participate. The data was collected using a sucessful questionnaire that covered all the variables, and it was done both individually and in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. A Troubled Peace Analysis Most of the studies about missing or dead soldiers are linked to domestic politics. How about their roles in international affairs? The relatively cooperative Indochina governments meant that the diplomatic battles over American servicemen's remains were mild. Michael Allen briefly covered some U.S.–Vietnam diplomacy in his book. In recent years, a few studies began probing this issue. Jean–Marc Dreyfus showed that the French mission to find the corpses of its patriots murdered in Nazi prisons after the WWII was deemed by the French authorities as a precondition for the negotiations to normalize French–German relations. The ceaseless battles over geopolitics and ideology between the U.S. and the DPRK, according to Sarah Wager, have been reflected... Show more content on ... This field has got relatively little attention among scholars; however, such visits not only soothed the tension between the two states, but also ensured the return of the MIA remains in many cases. Marion Creekmore's A Moment of Crisis offers a detailed analysis of the essential contributors to the successful meeting between ex–president Jimmy Carter and Kim Il–Sung, and argues that few other NGOs could achieve as much as Carter. My project will judge the success of Carter's visit from the angle of the POW/MIA issue. It will also explore the similar contributions to the return of U.S. soldiers' remains made by some lower–ranking U.S. officials before or after Carter's ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Kim Chi-Minjung Art Analysis As many scholars argue, minjung art came to the forefront following the Kwangju massacre. Because it was such a devastating event for the "people," crude woodblock paintings are often used to portray the graphic and horrendous events that occurred. In Tomiyama Taeko's piece [fig. 4], there is a naked and dead woman laying on the ground, her insides being shown to the audience to demonstrate the tragic future of her child not only because it lost its mother in the massacre, but also because it would have to live in a world without democracy. At the same time, the baby appears to be outside the mother's carcass, showing the brutality of the massacre in which people's stomachs were torn apart, and their babies left to die in the open. The nakedness... Show more content on ... Hoffman writes that Tomiyama was part of a "core group of artists that informed the first generation of Korean minjung artists," and although she was criticized for being influenced by Western art, Tomiyama was nevertheless an important figure that contributed to the start of the artistic resistance movement. Another artist that is part of this core group is Hong Song–dam. Hong's "May 27 – Daedong Sesang" painted in 1984 [fig. 5] also depicts the Kwangju massacre, but perhaps in a brighter light than Tomiyama's piece. Daedong Sesang, or "The United World," refers to a harmonious united utopia in Confucian ideology. However, as many people will remember, the result of May 27 1980 was far from utopic. Nevertheless, what Hong is trying to depict is perhaps more of a celebration of a sort of victory either of the success in collectivization, or the fact that the sacrifices in Kwangju was another step taken in the fight for democracy. The piece is satirical– how can the students be celebrating with smiles and kimbap while covered in blood and holding ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, And Dictee Power is a very particular thing and can be produced in a multitude of ways. The three texts The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, and Dictee show this in numerous ways. As a reader, you learn to recognize the power in places you wouldn't necessarily expect. From being dismantled within a dystopia to exploiting the way bodies serve the world, power has control over everything. There is a sense of power within Les Guerilleres when the women take over and start a war. They are developed within a group of empowerment and their only wish is to start anew, creating a world, or dystopia, different than anything that has ever been seen, completing erasing all that is and was. They believe that a fresh start is the only way that utter happiness can be found and they want the new world to be a paradigm for all that is and can be good. They are controlled by the goddesses that lived before them and by the empowerment that the vagina holds within. Exulting the beauty that they have once they are united, they feel powerful enough to take control and to unify a front that can withstand any battle. Once unified, they continue to grow stronger, and a shield begins to appear around the women that can fight off any weapon that they come in contact with, thus creating an infrangible bond. By exploiting themselves, they are using their power and unity to create a shield that is impermeable. Their bodies are the sprout of their power, and because of this, they are perceived as the world's most ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Economic Impact Of Korean Reunification North Korea has political system built upon the principle of socialism and centralization. Naturally, the country has drawn attention of many economists as well as politicians. Among various issues concerning North Korea, a topic of Korean reunification has long received economic consideration. Many existing studies estimate economic impact of Korean integration to answer a key question: Is Korean reunification worth pursuing? Some studies further extend the question to find the best way of unifying Korea. Despite heading for the same goal, the studies primarily differ in their methodologies. Some studies evaluate the impact by comparing two Korean countries with other previously unified countries such as Germany, Italy, and Vietnam (Blum, 2012; Rothacher, 2005; Wolf, 1998; Hwang, 2010). While each paper implements different economic models, the prediction is made through accounting for the difference in pre–unification statistics. They disagree, however, on the determinants of costs and benefits as well as the methodology. On the other hand, Wolf (2006) and Ahrens (2003) look into different scenarios concerning Korean reunification process. Finally, Liu and Noland (1998) construct a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to describe the result of Korean reunification. As noted, some of the existing work refers to previous cases of reunification to analyze cost and benefit of Korean reunification. In particular, German unification is often compared with, owing to its ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Living All My Life Through Kazakhstan And Being A Third... Living all my life in Kazakhstan and being a third generation of ethnic Korean living outside the Korea, I have never questioned my identity and have never thought how important it can be. On March 1 2013, in the apartment of my older brother, in small town in the north of Kazakhstan, everything was prepared for the celebration of my niece's first–year birthday that Koreans usually call tol'. Small low wooden table was covered with different subjects symbolizing various good wishes for our little girl's future: a spool of thread for long life, a book for knowledge, bowl of rice for prosperity, money for richness and others. My niece was wearing special Korean dress hanbok that was brought from Korea and was "traveling" my relatives' families whenever they have their own tol'. This tradition has been always kept in my family as a reminiscence of our ethnic belonging. Though neither of us speaks Korean, nobody except me has ever been in Korea, my family continues to follow at least this key tradition in order to preserve our ethnic identity. I belong to the third generation of my family who was born and raised outside Korea. Though our Korean surnames have been saved, the names are always given Russian, as it began during the Soviet period it continues up to these days. Right now in Kazakhstan live about one hundred thousands ethnic Koreans whose families were deported to Kazakhstan almost 80 years ago from the Far East. Stalin's repression politics regarding ethnic ... Get more on ...
  • 40. War Vs Korean War Essay In March 2014, the Chinese government announced that it would receive and identify over 300 remains of Chinese soldiers who were killed in South Korea in the 1950s, adding another similarity between the two major belligerents of the Korean War–––China and United States–––in recovering their dead soldiers from hostile lands. The similarity deserves a comparison between these two countries' practices in searching for and repatriating killed servicemen in the last several decades, which will be a section of my dissertation. The project for this semester would focus on the comparison in the first decade after the Korean War. The Korean War is the first major war that theUnited States required all its dead soldiers to be identified and repatriated to their homeland immediately after they were killed. Unlike the earlier wars when slaughtered warriors were left where they fell or in temporary graves near the battlefield, the American troops in Korea retrieved the corpses of every killed serviceman shortly after battles and demanded the enemy return the bodies of American soldiers. Despite these policies, however, a series of American defeat in the earlier stage of the war resulted in about 8,000 bodies still lost in North Korea (a quarter of all ... Show more content on ... Michael Allen's Until the Last Man Comes Home (2009) Drew Faust's This Republic of Suffering (2008) investigated the return of the remains of killed soldiers in the Vietnam War and the Civil War respectively. The only monograph focusing on the Korean War is Bradley Coleman's "Recovering the Korean War Dead, 1950–1958" (2008), which narrated the unprecedented way of caring for dead soldiers from the military perspective. Besides these books delving in specific wars, Michael Sledge's Soldier Dead (2005) compared the procedures of recovering, identifying, and burying servicemen's bodies in all American ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Korean War Book Review Bruce Cumings, The Origins of the Korean War, written in 1981, states that the secondary literature has represented Paul G. Pierpaoli's, Truman and Korea the Political Culture of the Early Cold War, written in 1999, focuses on the American decision to mediate in the Korean War and the political, military, and social impact it left behind. Pierpaoli provides an understanding into America's first undeclared conflict and the building of the national security state. The main emphasis is to analyze how the nation mobilized for the war and how that affected the economic scene and political culture of the United States. He mentions how Korea was a turning point and how it essentially changed the political and economic scene in the United States ... Show more content on ... Clearly by the mid–1950s, the consequences of Truman's decisions cast long shadows over the nation's political, economic, and cultural landscapes. From that point forward, even after the Korean War had ended in July 1953, the United States' military and national security spending remained at levels unthinkable prior to Korea. Indeed, the decisions made in 1950 stood practically unchallenged for nearly two generations. The historical significance is that it left a legacy of resentment and the imperfection of the United States domestic and foreign policies. Over the long haul of the Cold War, the Korean rearmament effort and the precedents it set came at a very high price, a price that went far beyond actual military expenditures. The economic, social, and political costs resulting from the decisions made during Korea are perhaps immeasurable, for there was no real "peace dividend" at the end of the Korean War. Pierpaoli references, Robert H. Wiebe observation that the Korean conflict resulted in the permanent institutionalization of an ongoing trend in twentieth–century American history which ... Get more on ...