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Guillermina Walas
              Independent Scholar
National Coalition of Independent Scholars
“Utopia is, in one respect, the unacceptable, a
no-place, the extreme point of a
reconfiguration of the sensible, which breaks
down the categories that define what is
considered to be obvious. However, it is also
the configuration of a proper place, a non-
polemical distribution of the sensible universe
where what one sees, what one says, and what
one makes or does are rigorously adapted to
one another.”
  (Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics 40)
“Works of testimonial genre, in their variety and
because of their diverse stylistic paths, make evident,
among other common truths, the genre‟s vocation as
a revealing mechanism of history (…)

Testimony affects, because of its immediacy and the
consciousness of its functionality, the reality from
which it departs.”

                  (Casaus, Defensa del testimonio 46-7,
                                             my translation)
The true picture of the past flits by. The past
can be seized only as an image which flashes
up at the instant when it can be recognized
and is never seen again (…). For every image
of the past that it is not recognized by the
present as one of its own concerns threatens
to disappear irretrievably (…)

To articulate the past historically does not
mean to recognize it “ the way it really was”
(Ranke). It means to seize hold of a memory
as it flashes up at a moment of danger…

(Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of
                History” Illuminations 255)
„The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the “state of emergency” in which we
live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in
keeping with this insight. Then we shall clearly realize that it is our task to bring about a
real state of emergency, and this will improve our position in the struggle against
Fascism.‟ (Benjamin, “Thesis VIII on the Philosophy of History” Illuminations 257)

                                Art and Memory Museum, stencil on the outside wall.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

…Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last
resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law…

Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for
acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Mural de la Noche de los Lápices/ The Night of the Pencils Mural
     Calle 8 e/diagonal 78 y 61, Escuela de Bellas Artes de la UNLP
Comisión Provincial por la Memoria- DIPBA, former Police Dept.
of Intelligence for Buenos Aires province.
Original furniture and other objects of DIPBA (Dept. of Intelligence)
On the floor, a quote: “An unnecessary strike or politically coordinated, aborted
while being planned because of its discovery by this agency and the subsequent
alert to the authorities, would justify the existence of our service” (Central of
Intelligence, 1957)
La calle y el reclamo por López/ López in the streets
History is the subject of a structure whose site is not homogeneous,
empty time, but time filled by the presence of the now [jetztzeit]…
                                   (Benjamin, “Theses..” Illuminations 261)

                                            One of many stencils about
                                            López on the streets of La
Pasaje Dardo Rocha: Semana del Teatro 2010

   “Julio López: Should be found alive”
Universidad Nac. de La Plata, Edificio de Humanidades/National
University of La Plata, Humanities Building from the street


                                                     TO WHAT


                                                     CAN YOU


                                                     GET USED TO?
Mural de C.I.L.S.A ONG (Centro de Integración Libre y Solidario) en Ave. 53 entre
calles 16 y 17 / C.I.L.S.A (a non-governmental organization “for the integration of all”)
Mural on 53rd Ave, between 16th and 17th St.

  “We are closer to the country that looks for inclusion”
Mural sobre Fuentealba/ about Fuentealba (diagonal 78 e/9 y10)

“Las tizas no se manchan con sangre”/ “Chalk should not be stained
with blood”: Mural about the death of the teacher Carlos Fuentealba while at a
peaceful protest in Neuquén, April 2007. The mural also refers to other murdered
teachers, such as Francisco Isauro Arancibia, one of the founders of
CTERA(Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina)
shoot down in March 1976, right after the military coup. The word “Diente”/
“Tooth” might be an irreverent inscription over the mural.
Femicidio/ Denouncing Feminicide

Denouncing the murder of Sandra Ayala
Gamboa at ARBA (state taxes agency) and at
the abandoned building next door, where she
was last seen, 7 Ave. & 46th St
Otros murales y pintadas de protesta: “Ningún muro tapa el
hambre”/ Other murals claiming social justice: “No wall can
                      cover hunger”

 Paroding the American Express add: “One package of Terrabusi
      crackers= 3.99, recovering the factory, PRICELESS”
Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, 51 y 19/ Islas
Malvinas Cultural Center

                   Top: entrance to the center. Left:
                   sculpture in the central patio by the
                   group “Escombros” (“Rubble” ), with
                   a poem by Lydia Burry that talks about
                   the need for remembrance.
“La pared de la memoria”/ “The Wall of


Mosaics with photographs of the                 “This mural attempts to be a caress
disappeared on the “wall of memory”,            to the soul for the mothers, the
internal patio of the Center, simulates a
                                                grandmothers and the children, for
window that has been covered to make
as if it was not there, but the plaster fell,
                                                those who remember and for this
unveiling the layers of history.                society that should awake…”.
Muestra itinerante en el Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires,
  sede centro/ Itinerant exhibition about disappeared bank
 employees                            at the Banco de la Prov.
                                 downtown La Plata, April 2010
“La casa de los conejos”/ “The House of the Rabbits”
               (Calle 30 entre 55 y 56)
Pictures taken in April 2010
                                                before the re-opening of the

Actual space, in between two walls (therefore
the name, “embute”), where the clandestine
imprint used to operate. On the back, the
opening mechanism. Right: the opposite wall
where, before the remodeling for the museum
project, there was a description of the place
that had been “damaged” by graffiti.
Patio and entrance to clandestine print
(embute) with a sophisticated access
The House is an attempt
to reproduce how
everything looked on the
aftermath of the attack.

                           Here, the bombed car in the
“Calle Tomada” Murals (Corner Calle 9 & 53) Feb. 2009-May
28 Oct. 2010, 9 y 53
The murals of “Calle Tomada/ 9 & 52” are almost destroyed, but still the
claim remains: “Let‟s move to find López”
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Ciudad y memoria

  • 1. Guillermina Walas Independent Scholar National Coalition of Independent Scholars
  • 2. “Utopia is, in one respect, the unacceptable, a no-place, the extreme point of a reconfiguration of the sensible, which breaks down the categories that define what is considered to be obvious. However, it is also the configuration of a proper place, a non- polemical distribution of the sensible universe where what one sees, what one says, and what one makes or does are rigorously adapted to one another.” (Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics 40)
  • 3. “Works of testimonial genre, in their variety and because of their diverse stylistic paths, make evident, among other common truths, the genre‟s vocation as a revealing mechanism of history (…) Testimony affects, because of its immediacy and the consciousness of its functionality, the reality from which it departs.” (Casaus, Defensa del testimonio 46-7, my translation)
  • 4. V. The true picture of the past flits by. The past can be seized only as an image which flashes up at the instant when it can be recognized and is never seen again (…). For every image of the past that it is not recognized by the present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear irretrievably (…) VI. To articulate the past historically does not mean to recognize it “ the way it really was” (Ranke). It means to seize hold of a memory as it flashes up at a moment of danger… (Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History” Illuminations 255)
  • 5. „The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the “state of emergency” in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we shall clearly realize that it is our task to bring about a real state of emergency, and this will improve our position in the struggle against Fascism.‟ (Benjamin, “Thesis VIII on the Philosophy of History” Illuminations 257) Art and Memory Museum, stencil on the outside wall.
  • 6.
  • 7. Universal Declaration of Human Rights …Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law… Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 8. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
  • 8. Mural de la Noche de los Lápices/ The Night of the Pencils Mural Calle 8 e/diagonal 78 y 61, Escuela de Bellas Artes de la UNLP
  • 9.
  • 10. Comisión Provincial por la Memoria- DIPBA, former Police Dept. of Intelligence for Buenos Aires province.
  • 12.
  • 13. Original furniture and other objects of DIPBA (Dept. of Intelligence) On the floor, a quote: “An unnecessary strike or politically coordinated, aborted while being planned because of its discovery by this agency and the subsequent alert to the authorities, would justify the existence of our service” (Central of Intelligence, 1957)
  • 14.
  • 15. La calle y el reclamo por López/ López in the streets
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. XIV. History is the subject of a structure whose site is not homogeneous, empty time, but time filled by the presence of the now [jetztzeit]… (Benjamin, “Theses..” Illuminations 261) One of many stencils about López on the streets of La
  • 19. Pasaje Dardo Rocha: Semana del Teatro 2010 “Julio López: Should be found alive”
  • 20. Universidad Nac. de La Plata, Edificio de Humanidades/National University of La Plata, Humanities Building from the street 4 TO WHAT YEARS CAN YOU WITHOUT LÓPEZ GET USED TO?
  • 21. Mural de C.I.L.S.A ONG (Centro de Integración Libre y Solidario) en Ave. 53 entre calles 16 y 17 / C.I.L.S.A (a non-governmental organization “for the integration of all”) Mural on 53rd Ave, between 16th and 17th St. “We are closer to the country that looks for inclusion”
  • 22.
  • 23. Mural sobre Fuentealba/ about Fuentealba (diagonal 78 e/9 y10) “Las tizas no se manchan con sangre”/ “Chalk should not be stained with blood”: Mural about the death of the teacher Carlos Fuentealba while at a peaceful protest in Neuquén, April 2007. The mural also refers to other murdered teachers, such as Francisco Isauro Arancibia, one of the founders of CTERA(Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina) shoot down in March 1976, right after the military coup. The word “Diente”/ “Tooth” might be an irreverent inscription over the mural.
  • 24. Femicidio/ Denouncing Feminicide Denouncing the murder of Sandra Ayala Gamboa at ARBA (state taxes agency) and at the abandoned building next door, where she was last seen, 7 Ave. & 46th St
  • 25. Otros murales y pintadas de protesta: “Ningún muro tapa el hambre”/ Other murals claiming social justice: “No wall can cover hunger” Paroding the American Express add: “One package of Terrabusi crackers= 3.99, recovering the factory, PRICELESS”
  • 26. Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, 51 y 19/ Islas Malvinas Cultural Center Top: entrance to the center. Left: sculpture in the central patio by the group “Escombros” (“Rubble” ), with a poem by Lydia Burry that talks about the need for remembrance.
  • 27. “La pared de la memoria”/ “The Wall of t Memory” Mosaics with photographs of the “This mural attempts to be a caress disappeared on the “wall of memory”, to the soul for the mothers, the internal patio of the Center, simulates a grandmothers and the children, for window that has been covered to make as if it was not there, but the plaster fell, those who remember and for this unveiling the layers of history. society that should awake…”.
  • 28. Muestra itinerante en el Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, sede centro/ Itinerant exhibition about disappeared bank employees at the Banco de la Prov. Bs.As., downtown La Plata, April 2010
  • 29. “La casa de los conejos”/ “The House of the Rabbits” (Calle 30 entre 55 y 56)
  • 30.
  • 31. Pictures taken in April 2010 before the re-opening of the house Actual space, in between two walls (therefore the name, “embute”), where the clandestine imprint used to operate. On the back, the opening mechanism. Right: the opposite wall where, before the remodeling for the museum project, there was a description of the place that had been “damaged” by graffiti.
  • 32. Patio and entrance to clandestine print (embute) with a sophisticated access mechanism.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. The House is an attempt to reproduce how everything looked on the aftermath of the attack. Here, the bombed car in the garage
  • 37. “Calle Tomada” Murals (Corner Calle 9 & 53) Feb. 2009-May 2010
  • 38. 28 Oct. 2010, 9 y 53 The murals of “Calle Tomada/ 9 & 52” are almost destroyed, but still the claim remains: “Let‟s move to find López”
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  • 41. ---. Traiciones. La figura del traidor en los relatos acerca de los sobrevivientes de la represión. Bs. As. : Norma, 2007. Lorenzano, Sandra – Ralph Buchenhorst, eds. Políticas de la memoria. Tensiones en la palabra y la imagen. Bs.As.: Gorla, 2007. Macón, Cecilia, Coord. Trabajos de la memoria: arte y ciudad en la postdictadura argentina. Buenos Aires: Ladosur, 2006. Mandeville, Pablo, coord. En la piel de nuestras ciudades. Montevideo: Naciones Unidas, 2009. Martínez, Diego. “Graciela Daleo: „Fisurar el muro de impunidad golpea el poder‟” Página/12 (16 Dic. 2007) Archivo web Acceso: 20-12- 2008 Moro, Tomás. Utopía. Buenos Aires: Cooperativa Punto de Encuentro, 2009. Painceira, Lalo. Dar la vida. La resistencia de Calle 30. La Plata: Ed. De la Campana, 2006. Ramos Padilla, Juan Martín, Chicha. La fundadora de abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. Bs.As.: Editorial Dunken, 2006. Rancière, Jacques. The Politics of Aesthetics. New York: Continuum, 2006. Sarlo, Beatriz. Tiempo pasado. Cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo. Una discusión. Buenos Aires: Siglo veintiuno, 2005. Sommer, Doris (Ed.). Cultural Agency in the Americas. Durham-London: Duke University Press, 2006. Vallina, Cecilia (Ed.) Crítica del testimonio. Ensayos sobre las relaciones entre memoria y relato. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2009. Vezzetti, Hugo. Sobre la violencia revolucionaria. Memorias y olvidos. Bs.As.: Siglo Veintiuno, 2009. ---. Pasado y presente. Bs.As.: Siglo veintiuno, 2002. VV.AA/Memoria Abierta, Memorias en la ciudad. Señales del Terrorismo de Estado en Buenos Aires, Bs. As. Eudeba, 2009. 105-08 Walas, Guillermina. “Alternativas testimoniales: agencia cultural y memoria en Argentina”, Rev. Iberoamericana 77. 236-237 (July-Dec. 2011): 881-913. ---.“Testimonio de un instrumento ambiguo: la “lengua” en Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú”. Revista Documentos Lingüísticos y Literarios UACH 30 (2007) Archivo web. Walsh, Rodolfo. Operación Masacre. La Habana: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Américas, 2006.