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b y Va s ilje va Ana s ta s ia
E a s te r is th e tim e of s pring tim e fe s tiva ls , a tim e to
     we lc o m e b a c k th e Tulips , th e C roc us e s a nd th e
   Da ffo dils . Its a tim e of ne w s uits , ne w dre s s e s a nd
pa te nt le a th e r s h oe s . A tim e for C h ris tia n s to c e le b ra te
th e life , de a th a nd re s urre c tion of C h ris t. And a tim e of
chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and coloured
When is Easter?
E a s te r is o b s e rve d b y th e c h urc h e s of th e We s t on th e firs t
          S unda y following th e full m oon th a t oc c urs on or
       following th e s pring e q uinox (Ma rc h 21). E a s te r is a
   quot;m ova b le quot; fe a s t wh ic h c a n oc c ur a s e a rly a s Ma rc h 22 or
                              a s la te a s April 25.
The Story of Easter
Th e C h ris tia n c e le b ra tion of E a s te r e m b odie s a num b e r of
    c onve rg ing tra ditions with e m ph a s is on th e re la tion of
     E a s te r to th e J e wis h fe s tiva l of P a s s ove r, or P e s a c h ,
      from wh ic h is de rive d P a s c h , a noth e r na m e us e d b y
   E u rope a ns for E a s te r. P a s s ove is a n im porta nt fe a s t in
   th e J e wis h c a le nda r wh ic h is c e le b ra te d for 8 da ys a nd
    c om m e m ora te s th e flig h t a nd fre e dom of th e Is ra e lite s
                            from s la ve ry in E g ypt.
The Lenten Season
Th e Le nte n S e a s on or Le nt re fe rs to th e forty-da y pe riod
  le a ding up to th e h olida y of E a s te r. Le nt b e g ins on As h
 We dne s da y, th e s e ve nth We dne s da y b e fore E a s te r, a nd
           e nds th e S a turda y b e fore E a s te r S unda y.

    Le n t is c ons ide re d a tim e of fa s ting , re pe nta nc e a nd
 de e p s oul s e a rc h ing . Th e h e a vine s s of Le nt is lifte d e a c h
  S unda y, s inc e S unda y is th e da y on wh ic h J e s us wa s
 re s urre c te d a nd is th e re fore c ons ide re d a quot;m iniquot;-E a s te r.
Easter Eggs
Of a ll th e s ym b ols a s s oc ia te d with E a s te r th e egg, th e
 s ym b ol of fe rtility a nd ne w life , is th e m os t ide ntifia b le .
  Th e c us to m s a nd tra ditions of us ing e g g s h a ve b e e n
             a s s oc ia te d with E a s te r for c e nturie s .

Orig in a lly E a s te r e g g s we re pa inte d with b rig h t c olours to
re pre s e nt th e s unlig h t of s pring a nd we re us e d in E a s te r-
   e g g rolling c on te s ts or g ive n a s g ifts . Afte r th e y we re
c oloure d a nd e tc h e d with va rious de s ig ns th e e g g s we re
   e xc h a ng e d b y love rs , m uc h th e s a m e a s va le ntine s .
The Origin of the Easter
 J us t a s S a nta C la u s re pre s e nts C h ris tm a s , a h opping life -
        s iz e b unny with a b a s ke t full of c olorful e g g s is th e
                    q u in te s s e ntia l im a g e of E a s te r.

Th e o rig ina l E a s te r b unny wa s prob a b ly a s s oc ia te d with th e
  P a g a n e q uinox fe s tiva l th a t pre da te d E a s te r. Th e S a xons
    de vo te d th e m onth of April to c e le b ra ting th e ir g odde s s
   of s pring a n d fe rtility, wh o wa s , not c oinc ide nta lly, na m e d
        E a s tre . E a s tre 's s a c re d a nim a l wa s th e h a re - not
     s urpris ing s inc e th e ra b b it is one of th e m os t c om m on
                      s ym b ols of fe rtility a nd re b irth .
Easter Egg Games
On E a s te r m orning th e c h ildre n of th e h ous e join in a
  s e a rc h to lo c a te th e e g g s th a t th e E a s te r B unny h a d
 h idd e n wh ile th e y wh e re a s le e p. Th e s e a rc h ing m ig h t
 c on tin ue th oug h out th e h ous e with th e olde r c h ildre n
 h e lp ing th e young e s t. S om e tim e s priz e s of c a ndy a re
           a wa itin g th e c h ild finding th e m os t e g g s .

 E a s te r e g g h unts c a n a re a ls o pa rt of a c om m unity's
 c e le b ra tion of h olida y. Th e e g g s a re h idde n in pub lic
pla c e s a nd th e c h ildre n of th e c om m unity a re invite d to
                            find th e e g g s .
E a s te r
  Is a n im porta nt tim e for fa m ily to m a ke th e ir re la tions h ip
       b e tte r. It a ls o g ive s you th e opportunity to ris e you
                                 re lig ious b e lie f.

                              E a s te r
Is th e tim e to h a ve fun with your fa m ily, a nd e ve n b e lie ve in
                                m ira c le s .
How does our family celebrate
In o ur fa m ily E a s te r is c e le b ra te d with joy. Th e da y b e fore
    E a s te r p re pa ra tions s ta rt. We dye e g g s , de c ora te our
     h o us e with flowe rs , e g g s a nd E a s te r b unnie s . In th e
  m orning we s a y to e a c h oth e r re lig ious words in R us s ia n
      – “Христос воскрес! Во истину воскрес! “ Wh ic h c a n b e
   tra ns la te d in E ng lis h – “C h ris t Ha s R is e n ! Truly a ris e n!”
Th e n we h a ve b re a kfa s t a ll tog e th e r. F irs tly, e a c h pe rs on
   m us t c h oos e a n e g g , th e n we h it e a c h oth e rs e g g . Th e
             we a ke s t e g g ’s owne r m us t e a t h is e g g .
 Th e n, we vis it our re la tive s . Us ua lly we a ll m e e t a t our
       g ra ndpa re nt’s s um m e r h ous e . Th e re we a nd pla y
   diffe re nt E a s te r g a m e s a nd c ong ra tula te e a c h oth e r on
                            th is joyful oc c a s ion.
How our family celebrates Easter with religious words, egg games and visits

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How our family celebrates Easter with religious words, egg games and visits

  • 1. Easter b y Va s ilje va Ana s ta s ia
  • 2. E a s te r is th e tim e of s pring tim e fe s tiva ls , a tim e to we lc o m e b a c k th e Tulips , th e C roc us e s a nd th e Da ffo dils . Its a tim e of ne w s uits , ne w dre s s e s a nd pa te nt le a th e r s h oe s . A tim e for C h ris tia n s to c e le b ra te th e life , de a th a nd re s urre c tion of C h ris t. And a tim e of chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and coloured eggs!
  • 3. When is Easter? E a s te r is o b s e rve d b y th e c h urc h e s of th e We s t on th e firs t S unda y following th e full m oon th a t oc c urs on or following th e s pring e q uinox (Ma rc h 21). E a s te r is a quot;m ova b le quot; fe a s t wh ic h c a n oc c ur a s e a rly a s Ma rc h 22 or a s la te a s April 25.
  • 4. The Story of Easter Th e C h ris tia n c e le b ra tion of E a s te r e m b odie s a num b e r of c onve rg ing tra ditions with e m ph a s is on th e re la tion of E a s te r to th e J e wis h fe s tiva l of P a s s ove r, or P e s a c h , from wh ic h is de rive d P a s c h , a noth e r na m e us e d b y E u rope a ns for E a s te r. P a s s ove is a n im porta nt fe a s t in th e J e wis h c a le nda r wh ic h is c e le b ra te d for 8 da ys a nd c om m e m ora te s th e flig h t a nd fre e dom of th e Is ra e lite s from s la ve ry in E g ypt.
  • 5. The Lenten Season Th e Le nte n S e a s on or Le nt re fe rs to th e forty-da y pe riod le a ding up to th e h olida y of E a s te r. Le nt b e g ins on As h We dne s da y, th e s e ve nth We dne s da y b e fore E a s te r, a nd e nds th e S a turda y b e fore E a s te r S unda y. Le n t is c ons ide re d a tim e of fa s ting , re pe nta nc e a nd de e p s oul s e a rc h ing . Th e h e a vine s s of Le nt is lifte d e a c h S unda y, s inc e S unda y is th e da y on wh ic h J e s us wa s re s urre c te d a nd is th e re fore c ons ide re d a quot;m iniquot;-E a s te r.
  • 6.
  • 7. Easter Eggs Of a ll th e s ym b ols a s s oc ia te d with E a s te r th e egg, th e s ym b ol of fe rtility a nd ne w life , is th e m os t ide ntifia b le . Th e c us to m s a nd tra ditions of us ing e g g s h a ve b e e n a s s oc ia te d with E a s te r for c e nturie s . Orig in a lly E a s te r e g g s we re pa inte d with b rig h t c olours to re pre s e nt th e s unlig h t of s pring a nd we re us e d in E a s te r- e g g rolling c on te s ts or g ive n a s g ifts . Afte r th e y we re c oloure d a nd e tc h e d with va rious de s ig ns th e e g g s we re e xc h a ng e d b y love rs , m uc h th e s a m e a s va le ntine s .
  • 8.
  • 9. The Origin of the Easter Bunny J us t a s S a nta C la u s re pre s e nts C h ris tm a s , a h opping life - s iz e b unny with a b a s ke t full of c olorful e g g s is th e q u in te s s e ntia l im a g e of E a s te r. Th e o rig ina l E a s te r b unny wa s prob a b ly a s s oc ia te d with th e P a g a n e q uinox fe s tiva l th a t pre da te d E a s te r. Th e S a xons de vo te d th e m onth of April to c e le b ra ting th e ir g odde s s of s pring a n d fe rtility, wh o wa s , not c oinc ide nta lly, na m e d E a s tre . E a s tre 's s a c re d a nim a l wa s th e h a re - not s urpris ing s inc e th e ra b b it is one of th e m os t c om m on s ym b ols of fe rtility a nd re b irth .
  • 10.
  • 11. Easter Egg Games On E a s te r m orning th e c h ildre n of th e h ous e join in a s e a rc h to lo c a te th e e g g s th a t th e E a s te r B unny h a d h idd e n wh ile th e y wh e re a s le e p. Th e s e a rc h ing m ig h t c on tin ue th oug h out th e h ous e with th e olde r c h ildre n h e lp ing th e young e s t. S om e tim e s priz e s of c a ndy a re a wa itin g th e c h ild finding th e m os t e g g s . E a s te r e g g h unts c a n a re a ls o pa rt of a c om m unity's c e le b ra tion of h olida y. Th e e g g s a re h idde n in pub lic pla c e s a nd th e c h ildre n of th e c om m unity a re invite d to find th e e g g s .
  • 12. E a s te r Is a n im porta nt tim e for fa m ily to m a ke th e ir re la tions h ip b e tte r. It a ls o g ive s you th e opportunity to ris e you re lig ious b e lie f. E a s te r Is th e tim e to h a ve fun with your fa m ily, a nd e ve n b e lie ve in m ira c le s .
  • 13. How does our family celebrate Easter? In o ur fa m ily E a s te r is c e le b ra te d with joy. Th e da y b e fore E a s te r p re pa ra tions s ta rt. We dye e g g s , de c ora te our h o us e with flowe rs , e g g s a nd E a s te r b unnie s . In th e m orning we s a y to e a c h oth e r re lig ious words in R us s ia n – “Христос воскрес! Во истину воскрес! “ Wh ic h c a n b e tra ns la te d in E ng lis h – “C h ris t Ha s R is e n ! Truly a ris e n!” Th e n we h a ve b re a kfa s t a ll tog e th e r. F irs tly, e a c h pe rs on m us t c h oos e a n e g g , th e n we h it e a c h oth e rs e g g . Th e we a ke s t e g g ’s owne r m us t e a t h is e g g . Th e n, we vis it our re la tive s . Us ua lly we a ll m e e t a t our g ra ndpa re nt’s s um m e r h ous e . Th e re we a nd pla y diffe re nt E a s te r g a m e s a nd c ong ra tula te e a c h oth e r on th is joyful oc c a s ion.