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Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey Unsolved
The Ramsey family has always been big suspects. The death of JonBenet Ramsey has confused the world and remains unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey
was in beauty pageants and she is named after her father John Ramsey. JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered on December 26, 1996 at the age of 6
years old. She is buried by her mother who died in 2006, and her half–sister Elizabeth Ramsey who died in 1992 due to a car crash. Her parents became
suspects in 1997. After research the Ramsey family was said to be not related to the actual murderer. (JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts) When they
looked at JonBenet thoroughly, they said that she had a fractured skull possibly from a flashlight. Was possibly assaulted, and strangled by a garrote
made from one of Patsy's paint brushes. (JonBenet Ramsey Biography) To this day no one knows who killed JonBenet, but there are multiple suspects.
The most popular suspects are: the mother, father, brother, town drifter, electrician, school teacher, and the housekeeper. (Who Killed JonBenet
Ramsey? 8 Possible Suspects)... Show more content on ...
This reason was because she always got upset and JonBenet when she wetted her bed. Another reason is because it is said that sometimes Patsy
Ramsey would flip a switch in a room, and slam JonBenet's head against a hard surface. Sometimes including a bathtub or a headboard. Some
investigators also think that Patsy could have killed her daughter because the rope around JonBenet's neck was made by a homemade garrote
determined to have been fashioned out of a paintbrush taken from Patsy's paint kit that laid near JonBenet when she was found. A very big possibility
is that the letter left on the staircase steps could have been from Patsy after realizing that she had killed JonBenet. When investigators looked around
for possible evidence they found that the pen that had been used to write the note was from inside the house. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible
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Black Dahlia Research Paper
Have you ever heard of The Black Dahlia? The story behind Black Dahlia is confusing, which is why many people don't have a good understanding
of it. In this paper I talk about how she died and all of the possible suspects that could've killed her.
With most mystery murders how they died was the main question, but not in this one. "Elizabeth Short was no doubt subjected to some form of torture
before and after she died, as bruising only occurs in the living." The death of Black Dahlia isn't as gruesome as what happened to her body after she
died. The cause of her death was overkill. Which basically mean she couldn't handle all of the cuts, bruising, and punches that was caused to her. Some
people think that the unknown murderer wanted her to suffer before they completely killed her.
Black Dahlia body was found at Leimert Park by a mother and her daughter. Her body was found cut into two pieces with blood drained out of her.
Black Dahlia was missing a small patch of skin, which was later found out the murderer cut of her flower tattoo and put it inside her body. The
torture didn't stop after she died they cut off both of her breast, along with all of her insides being taken out of her body. Most people studying the
case at the time claimed a doctor had to do it ... Show more content on ...
The actual list of who killed The Black Dahlia. George Hill Hodel is one of the biggest suspect connecting to the murder. As people suspected the
murder to be a doctor and George just so happened to be enrolled in medical school at the time. The evidence wasn't brought to light until George's
death in 1999, when his son decided to go through his father recent belongings. George son, Steve, went through his father boxes to later come across
a small photo album. He later came across an image that he immediately thought looked like The Black Dahlia. He immediately started looking into the
case and writing books about the possible
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Tragic Evidence: Arthur Volupides Genocide
The investigative team and I arrived at the crime scene at 1.38 a.m. When we arrived, Arthur Volupides was found dead at the bottom of the stairs.
Queenie Volupides, the wife of Arthur, claimed that Arthur had been coming down the stairs for another drink when he tripped and fell down the
stairs.The autopsy confirmed that Arthur died from a blow to the head, but we are uncertain what actually caused the incident. We also were informed
that Arthur and Queenie had an altercation earlier that day. Although Mrs. Volupides' claim does make sense, we believe that Arthur did not trip and
fall on his own and for several reasons. First of all, Arthur's corpse was found face first and chest up on the bottom of the stairs. This does not make
sense if
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The Black Dahlia Killer And Murder Case
"In January 1947,the brutal murder of Elizabeth Short shocked America. Another factor complicating the case was the obsession developed by men
with the Black Dahlia in death–as many as been obsessed with her life" (Finis Brown 3). The Black Dahlia killer and murder case is a monstrous and
heinous topic because of the wicked things that were done to her. The Black Dahlia case was distinctive for Elizabeth's upbringing and before she was
murdered,what the crime was and what happened to her, and how cunning and scheming the criminal was to never be caught. Elizabeth Short was
born in Hyde Park,Boston MA on July 29,1924, moving at an early age to Medford in Boston. She was reported as a kind,romantic,compromising girl
who dreamed of ... Show more content on ...
That summer she found her father. He allowed her to move in but the relationship was awkward. He did not approve of her attraction with men
and her lazy and messy ways. After she got arrested at a bar, she was sent home to Medford. But she still had a goal to go to Hollywood and
become a famous actress (John 3). When she could not pay her share of the rent of her apartment,she went to live with a woman named Dorothy
French that was very sympathetic for her. Elizabeth lived with the Frenches without working or contributing in her stay until she was offered a
ride back to L.A. by a salesman named Robert Manley who became a big suspect in the murder. The next day he dropped her off at the Biltmore
Hotel,where she was meeting her sister (John 4). Elizabeth Short was murdered on 15 January 1947 (Wilkes 3). This shocked America. Betty
Bersinger was out for a walk with her daughter when she thought she saw a broken mannequin from a store laying on the ground. When she got
closer she realized it was the body of a woman. The woman's naked body was found on a piece of land in L.A. The lower torso was slanted
upward,making police believe she was in a fowler position at the time of death. The body was cut in half at the waist and was bruised and beaten. The
detached sections were put in a line,about ten inches apart. There were deep slashes from both sides of her mouth as though the killer made a
deformed stretch of her smile.
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Elisa Lam Research Paper
With the mystery death of Elisa Lam there are many ways she could have died considering past history on the Hotel, her vulnerability, her mental
health and conspiracy theories surrounding the cause. Over 211,000 homicides have been committed unsolved since 1980. Elisa lam is one of those
unsolved cases.
In the past the hotel Cicel had been home to psychopaths, ex– murderers, and many suicides. Cecil was built in 1924, it cost about 1 million dollars to
complete. The hotel was flourishing with life in the 1940's but after that the hotel went on a decline. Over 8,000 homeless people lived in a four–mile
radius. For example, their was a serial killer named Richard Ramirez and had stayed at Cecil for two weeks. During these two weeks he had begun ...
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They range from ghost, spirits, sacrifices to aliens. One of the theories is that she was a sacrifice to the dark energy of the Cecil hotel. This hotel
has history of being the host to suicides, murders, and bizarre accidental deaths. In 1985 it attracted one of two serial killers Richard Ramirez aka the
Night stalker and Jack Unterweger who murdered 3 prostitutes with their own bras by strangling. With these 2 serial killers being Cecil hotel guest
the theory goes that either one of their spirits could have killed her as a sacrifice to them or the other worldly darkness that lurks in the halls. On that
note of ghost the next conspiracy theory is that ghost were tormenting her. Deaths that deal with this property date all the way back to the grand
opening in the 1920's. in 1962 Pauline Otton jumped from the 9th floor and landed on a civilian killing both about instantly. Then the actress Black
Dahlia is believed last seen at the Cecil hotel alive before or gruesome death. Some say lam was being tormented in the elevator by an evil or angry
spirit others say she was possessed by one of the vengeful ghost and forced to commit suicide. We them have our Elevator Game theory, the Cecil is
perfect for this game because of the requirements. The building must be at least 10 stories tall, the player must enter the elevator alone then press the
buttons in a certain order. Once done it will open
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Spiritual Direction Dahlia Fraser Summary
Introducing spiritual disciples and practices to the Directee I noticed in the Fall term my directees did not fully understand what spiritual direction
session was about. Hence in the Winter term, I provided them with the article "Spiritual Direction – A Brief Introduction" written by Dahlia Fraser.
Fraser mentions in it what spiritual direction is, the process, the history and the goal of spiritual direction. I note for those directees with major in
counselling they will find it helpful as Fraser provides a brief explanation that spiritual direction is not counselling. Some of my directees have a busy
life or have a full–time secular job. They share their difficulties in finding pray time during the day. They have the desire to pray but often they
forget to pray in their busy lives. I know they have been introduced to breath prayer in the course. I encourage them to use their break time, which
they will go to fetch a drink, to practice breath prayer. I encourage them to allow the image of the cup to remind them of their needs to be filled with
the Holy Spirit. I invite them to see the importance of... Show more content on ...
I need to provide him with instruction on Lectio Divina in the first session. I used 1 Samuel 3:1–10 for Lectio Divina and he noticed that God spoke to
Samuel and also spoke to him. He responded to learn to listen to God's word. I have used the contemplative approach for Bartimaeus in Mark
10:46–52 in my sessions with two of the directees. Near the end I allowed them to reflect as I led them to imagine that "just as Jesus was turning from
Bartimaeus to leave, He suddenly looks in your direction. What does His look seem to say?" I asked them to have a dialogue with Jesus about their
concerns and respond to his reply. This exercise allowed one of the directee to deal with concerns that were bothering him for some time. He found the
session very helpful and expressed the desire to experience
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Elizabeth Short Medical Theory
The Black Dahlia was the nickname given to Elizabeth Short. She was murdered January 15, 1947, and found in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Her
body was mutilated, and she was sawed in half at the waist. The case was never solved and has brought about many theories. In Elizabeth's'
younger years she was troubled with asthma and bronchitis so she moved to Miami. When she was 19 she moved with her father to california. Short
was proposed to in a letter by Major Matthew Michael Gordon,jr. While he was recovering from a plane crash but he later died in a second plane
crash August 10, 1945. January 15, 1947, Short's naked body was found at about 10:00 am, by Betty Bersinger. Bersinger at first thought the body was
a mannequin when she noticed it was... Show more content on ...
She had several cuts all along her body there were even chunks of flesh sliced away. An autopsy stated that the cause of death had been hemorrhaging
from the cut along her face and shock from blows on the and face. Phoebe Short told the press she had one a beauty contest. My personal theory is
that she was going to some black market plastic surgeon she could "worked" on to win another beauty contest because she was young and she
wanted to look pretty. This Surgeon gave her a pretty "smile" and the continue to kill her. They then cut her in half and drained her blood so they
could move her to show the world how pretty she was. Another theory is that she was going to the dentist to get her teeth fixed because she was
self conscious about her smile. The dentist was disgusted by her teeth since they were so decadent so he began to slice her face with the tools to make
her smile. She tried to get away so he began to hit her in the head in tell she was dead. He wanted to display his brand new piece of work so he began
adding so flavor by cutting pieces of her flesh of and sawing her in half. He drained all of the blood and then began to wash her. She needed to be
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The Black Dahlia Essay
Scott Paden
Monica Lott
Eng 11011
October 23, 2008
The Black Dahlia
The 1947 murder of Elizabeth Short has remained one of Hollywood's most notorious unsolved cases in Los Angeles history. The cold case has been
passed down from detective to detective searching answers or any clues to help put the case to rest. The Black Dahlia was actually Elizabeth Short: a
young, aspiring actress from a small town in Massachusetts.
Elizabeth or Beth, as known by many, was born July 29, 1924 in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. (Beth Short). Elizabeth was the daughter of Cleo and
Phoebe Short. (Beth Short). In 1929, Beth's father Cleo disappeared, and his truck was found near a bridge, convincing people that he had committed
suicide. (Beth ... Show more content on ...
(Beth Short). All these people were just looking for a quick road to fame. The likely suspect was 25 year old Robert Manley, but his alibi checked out
and he passed a polygraph test, so it couldn't have been him. (TruTv).
For awhile there were theories and speculation that the murder was related to the infamous Cleveland Torso Murders, but to me that was just too much
distance away from The Black Dahlia case and it couldn't have been the same person. (Exquisite Corpse).
There also was another weak theory that William Heirens murdered Beth Short. Heirens was a convicted murderer already for the dismembering of 6
year old Suzanne Degnan in Chicago, Illinois. (Beth Short). Many people believe that because Elizabeth Short was found just blocks away from a
Degnan Boulevard that it has some relation, but that theory is just nonsense and way too farfetched to me.
Another theory of who killed Elizabeth Short is that George Hodel killed Short. Hodel is a surgeon, so he was very capable of performing the
surgeon–like dismemberment of the body. (Beth Short). In 1949, Hodel was tried for the molestation of his own daughter, but was later acquitted of
the charges. (Beth Short). This shows that George Hodel was not a normal person and was disturbed in the head. The real evidence comes from
former LAPD detective and son of George Hodel; Steve Hodel. His son Steve says that he has found pictures with Beth Short, and that he has heard
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Aunt Dahlia Quotes
On January 24th the family sat down for dinner Marge says "Boys your father and I are going on vacation from the 26th until the 6th of February
Your Aunt Dahlia is going to come stay with you," Tom age 12 years old and his brother Jon Age 10 years old look at each other and drop their
silverware and it makes a loud clatter when it hits the plate and Tom says "I thought she was the weird Aunt that you never invited over why all of
the sudden did you invite her to stay with us," "She is the only one that could do it I am not that thrilled that she is staying here with you,"said the
boys father. "Then why did you ask her why can we not go with you on vacation we would only miss eight days of school please mom,"said Jon "Do
you really have to... Show more content on ...
Jon got ready for bed and walks into the bedroom and sees Tom reading a book and says "Do you think Aunt Dahlia will be awsome. I hope she
doesnt treat me like a baby." Meanwhile Marge and Stephen are finishing cleaning up from dinner and Stephen says "Dahlia is my sister that I can
not stand why did you convince me to have her come and watch the boys Jon seems a little nervous about her coming why is that," "Relax he will
be fine I think Jon needs a haircut his bangs are to long maybe she will give him one Tom hair is perfect Jon's is always in his eyes and looks
horrible,"said Marge as she heads upstairs to get ready for bed she walks past the boys room. "Tom turn off your light Mom is up here. I heard
mom say that she want Aunt Dahlia to cut my hair because its in my eyes. How short do you think she will cut it,"said Jon and is about to cry. Just
as they were about to turn off their light the door of their bedroom opened and Marge says " What are you boys doing awake still and with the lights
on now turn them off and get some sleep you are both hard to get up in the mornings especially you
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Dahlia Case Study
OVERVIEW 1.Time Context The problem has to be solved by the year 1985. 2.Viewpoint Mr. Chua Boon Kang and Mr. Leong Sim Lam 3.Major
Policy Statement Dahlia Furniture Private Limited is a local furniture industry, which supplies usually kitchen cabinets, wall units, bedrooms set and
dining set. It also has metal and wood furniture sets. 4.Background of the Case a.The Company Dahlia Furniture made its entrance into the furniture
industry in 1972 as subcontractors to two large furniture concerns, Ching Lin and Diethelm. It supplied mainly wall units and kitchen cabinets while
bedrooms sets and dining sets were subcontracted out or obtained from local suppliers. Business went well and the company decided to branch into
retailing.... Show more content on ...
пѓјCompetition : With the advent of the furniture industry in Singapore , more and more competing manufacturers and retailers come to exist not just
from the local but as well as with the foreign brands. пѓјTrend in the furniture industry: It should be noted that the market demands in Singapore
largely depends on the buyers' perspective of what is the "in– thing" in the fashion of the furniture industry. The company should be always updated
with these current trends so that they will not be left behind by other contenders. 5.Alternative Courses of Action 1.Find a competent person to be the
General Manager of the company 2.Intensify advertisements of the company – in the domestic and international market through joining product
conventions, trade expos, putting up advertisements in local and foreign furniture and interior design magazines , broadsheets and home– Television
shopping. 3.To formulate a proportionate inventory acquisition with some products imported and some manufactured, to drive away competition and at
the same time, maintain its present image, also to reach all brackets of prospective clientele. 6.Analysis of Alternatives ALTERNATIVE 1 Advantages:
When a General Manager for the company is hired, the over– all operations will be supervised – from the production, especially to the sales operation
will be given the right attention. Necessary solutions will be implemented in to solve the
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Who Is The True Black Dahlia Assailant?
Who Is The True Black Dahlia Assailant? The Black Dahlia is a murder case that occurred in Los Angeles, California in 1947, where a woman was
brutally murdered. The victim murdered was a woman by the name of Elizabeth Short; an aspiring actress, only twenty two years of age. Her naked
body, completely drained of blood, was found cut in half and mutilated in a vacant lot of a residential section in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Shortly
after her death newspapers gave her the nickname The Black Dahlia. This nickname was also thrown around by the men she would fool around with
daily. With this new intriguing name, the Black Dahlia gained a large amount of attention from coast to coast. To this day, themurder case of The Black
Dahlia remains ... Show more content on ...
What was found at the crime scene was a cement bag with spots of blood on it, blood spots on the sidewalk, and a bloody heel print that was
disrupted by the vehicle tracks of the murderers car. There was one witness that saw what possibly could have been the murderer at the exact
same lot Short's body was dumped. In his book Severed: True Story of the Black Dahlia, John Gilmore introduces a witness and the initial finding
of Short's mutilated body. A paper boy on his way to his usual route at around six o'clock a.m. with dew in the air and the sun shining through, saw
what looked like to be a black sedan with mud on the bumper. The boy could not make out a person through the windshield because the sun was
glaring off of it. Later that morning, a woman named Betty Bersinger was walking her baby in a stroller down the street until she came upon what at
first glimpse looked like a broken mannequin. As she crept closer, she saw lacerations to the face and breasts and at that moment, realized it was a real
human body. She then went to the nearest house to make a call to the police.
Short's body was posed neatly on the ground with the upper torso twelve inches above and six inches offset from the lower half, both arms raised
above her head bent in the same fortyfive degree angles as the other, and both legs in the same exact position as the other. Dr. Frederic
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Short Essay On The Tale Of Dahlia
They both worked in momentary silence as the creature translated and she combined the ingredients and readied them for the addition of the final
element needed to complete the spell. When she glanced back up it was to see the demon looking at her expectantly before announcing it'd
completed the task she'd requested. Dahlia only nodded and picked up the book, scribbling in the translations as it provided them. She'd have
preferred the spell in its original language, as she couldn't help feeling like some of its power was lost, but she didn't have the time to learn the
intricacies of proper reading and pronunciation of a new foreign language right now. She did make a mental note, however, to have the demon teach her
more about the language... Show more content on ...
Only now did she feel like she was truly gaining a glimpse of the ancient monster of legend, the depths of its eyes ageless and infinite, and she
thought she even caught a glimmer of amusement in them as the demon put forth its ultimatum as if it were playing a particularly cunning move in
a game of chess. Now this was more like what she'd expected, though the price it named next was far from anything she could have prepared herself
for. "The first of your enemies shall be given to me, so that this body may slake the lusts that grow within it. Once I am done with her, then I shall
kill her, as is your want. Unless... you offer your own body to please this one?" She was temporarily speechless, her armor of bravado faltering for a
brief moment as she processed the creature's proposition. It had effectively thrown her off kilter, and it knew as much, even dared to brazenly offer her
an alternate option that it knew she wouldn't take, though only furthered her suspicion that it had somehow intentionally inflicted the lustful thoughts
she'd experienced moments ago. Her jaw tensed, quiet rage brewing beneath the surface at the prospect of being caught off–guard. Gone was the
sarcastic wit as she devoted more serious consideration to what was being demanded of her. She had asked herself a great many hypothetical questions
about such a scenario, about how far she was willing to go to get her revenge. She'd thought, perhaps foolishly, that
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Elizabeth Short: The Black Dahlia
Elizabeth Short was born July 29, 1924 in Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth Short, who is best known as "the Black Dahlia," didn't have the ideal
childhood since her mom left when she was only five. She developed a strong interest in theater and by her teens, she had set her mind on
becoming an actress. Sadly her dream would never come true because on January 15, 1947 at the age of 22 Elizabeth Short was brutally murdered
in Los Angeles. Elizabeth Short's body was found, nude and posed, in a vacant lot near Leimert Park by a local female resident. The killer of Elizabeth
Short had drained her corpse of blood, cut her body in half and scrubbed it clean of any evidence that could had possibly been used for the case. This
case quickly became popular
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Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey Unsolved
The Ramsey family has always been big suspects. The death of JonBenet Ramsey has confused the world and remains unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey
was in beauty pageants and she is named after her father John Ramsey. JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered on December 26, 1996 at the age of 6
years old. She is buried by her mother who died in 2006, and her half–sister Elizabeth Ramsey who died in 1992 due to a car crash. Her parents became
suspects in 1997. After research the Ramsey family was said to be not related to the actual murderer. (JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts) When they
looked at JonBenet thoroughly, they said that she had a fractured skull possibly from a flashlight. Was possibly assaulted, and strangled by a garrote
made from one of Patsy's paint brushes. (JonBenet Ramsey Biography) To this day no one knows who killed JonBenet, but there are multiple suspects.
The most popular suspects are: the mother, father, brother, town drifter, electrician, school teacher, and the housekeeper. (Who Killed JonBenet
Ramsey? 8 Possible Suspects)... Show more content on ...
This reason was because she always got upset and JonBenet when she wetted her bed. Another reason is because it is said that sometimes Patsy
Ramsey would flip a switch in a room, and slam JonBenet's head against a hard surface. Sometimes including a bathtub or a headboard. Some
investigators also think that Patsy could have killed her daughter because the rope around JonBenet's neck was made by a homemade garrote
determined to have been fashioned out of a paintbrush taken from Patsy's paint kit that laid near JonBenet when she was found. A very big possibility
is that the letter left on the staircase steps could have been from Patsy after realizing that she had killed JonBenet. When investigators looked around
for possible evidence they found that the pen that had been used to write the note was from inside the house. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible
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Essay On Fight Club
He 'd probably watched Fight Club one too many times growing up, both the novel and the film had a marked impact on Trent 's band and indeed
his public persona. It 'd been a rocky road for him to reach that place, and the character that he played was one born from necessity. Trent 's father
was a lifelong biker, and the president of a prominent outlaw MC in California. The man sold drugs, pimped out girls and did a little bit of
everything and he 'd been a convict for much of his son 's early years. As a result, Trent was forced to grow up in group homes, and abuse from his
caretakers and older children hardened the boy, by the time his dad got out, he was a teenager and the two reconnected with Trent frequently getting
into violent... Show more content on ...
Much of the band 's direction came from him, and he was the de facto leader of the group. There were two brothers in the group, both were
Mexican–Americans and they 'd lived their entire lives in the L.A area just as Trent had. They were the drummer and one of the guitarists
respectively. The white guy was named Jackson and he was a longtime friend of Trent 's and another one of the guitarists, he was an especially
liberal minded giant of a guy that stood about 6 '8" and was covered head to toe in tattoos. Of everyone in the group, he was the most hardcore
against any sort of racism and before blowing big, his claim to fame was being televised nationally at a riot, where he punched a Nazi sympathizer
in the face quite hard. He drank like a fish, but was otherwise a sweetheart with a new family of his own, and Trent was proud to be godfather to his
twins. Their bassist was Trent 's cousin Reggie who had come from a family of musicians. In addition they had two more members, one was an
Asian–American young man who everyone called kid and the other was a black woman who was petite but probably the most volatile in temperament
which was saying something. They were there to add texture to the sound and both handled similar duties of sampling, keyboards, percussion and
turntables. The kid 's background was in Hip–Hop initially, and he 'd been a very popular DJ at a number of clubs before signing on, while The Female
Of The Species as she liked to
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Write An Argumentative Essay On Black Dahlia
Up to the present time, the case is still trying to be solved by few with more and more information being brought to the light. While viewing the
case, looking at evidence, looking at the case and all the different suspects that the police believed did it back then viewers came up with numerous
conclusions. After looking at everything that was presented some of the information started to make sense and the pieces started to slowly come
together. The only problem is that all the pieces that is needed to solve the case isn't fully there and probably never will be. Moving on, who ever
killed Elizabeth Short also known as Black Dahlia wanted their existence to be known by everyone. This person sent in letters and different items to the
media and
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Black Dahlia Murders
No one can escape death, death comes at a certain time in a lifetime, but this death came particular too early. Elizabeth Short, an upcoming Hollywood
star would soon be on the front page of magazines worldwide. Victim, Elizabeth Short, who later became known as The Black Dahlia, is a famous
unsolved murder case. The Black Dahlia is a very well known name in the streets of Los Angeles, California. Elizabeth Short like any other human
being was out chasing her dreams, Elizabeth was born in Hyde Park, a suburb of Boston, and grew up in nearby Medford (Hodel), She grew up with
four sisters by her side. ElizabethВґs mother was the provider of the family her father, Cleo Short, had abandoned the family in 1930 (Hodel),
Elizabeth grew up without ... Show more content on ...
There were many suspects of who murdered Elizabeth Short, but George Hodel was the biggest of them all. Detectives had suspected that only a
person who could have done a bisection so perfectly had to be a skilled doctor. This is where many people had became convinced George Hodel
was the killer, but among the suspects there was seven doctors (Latson) . Although many people had committed to be the killer, one promising
admission came a few weeks after the murder from, an army Corporal who claimed he had been drinking with Elizabeth Short in San Francisco a
few days before her body was discovered (Hodel). He had became a prime suspect when he confessed in the murder, but evidence emerged that he
had been on his military base the day of Elizabeth Short's death (Hodel). Investigator Walter Morgan had taken over the Black Dahlia investigation,
Walter Morgan had done the unthinkable. He along with police detectives, slipped into George Hodel's house and planted eavesdropping devices
all over the house (Hodel). Walter Morgan waited for a long period of time until he finally caught George Hodel talking about the murder, George
Hodel was heard saying "This is the best payoff I've seen between law enforcement agencies. And I'd like to get a connection made in the DA's
office." The transcripts no longer exist, but there was more to what George Hodel said, "Supposing I did kill the Black
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Murder By Katherine Ramland Summary
Zack Olen In Katherine Ramsland's article "Murder by the Book: The Murder of Karyn Slover," she tells the story of the mysterious murder of a
23 year old mother who seemed to vanish with no reasoning in central Illinois back in 1996. Ramsland begins by telling how an abandoned car was
left on the side of the road with it still running, the headlights on and the driver door still open. Police searched the car and found a drivers license
with Karyn Slover's name on it, yet the car belonged to David Swann. The police reached Swann and told him of Karyn's disappearance, which he
then told the police how she was borrowing the car to pick up her son at the Slover's household. The author continues on about how Swann filed a
missing–persons report... Show more content on ...
After further investigation, there were remains enclosed in plastic bags with cinder blocks as weights which were dumped into Lake Shelbyville,
which were discovered by a couple fishing. These remains were tested with Karyn Slover's dental records and indeed these were her remains. Both
suspects David Swann and Michael Slover Jr. had alibis, and seemed like the most obvious suspects. Ramsland states that Swann's alibi was
confirmed after showing up on a security camera by an ATM, yet Michael Slover Jr. had no confirmation and was seen being rough with Karyn. A
couple years later, in 1998, Police spotted a break of concrete in Michael Slover Sr.'s used car lot named Miracle Motors. A forensic geologist was
then brought into the case to see if part of the concrete missing matched the concrete in the plastic bags with Karyn's remains. The concrete in the
bags and in the car that Karyn was driving before she disappeared both matched the concrete missing from Michael Slover Sr.'s lot. Also, the author
comments how some cloth found in the lot concrete links to the clothes that Karyn was wearing when she was murdered. This helped police get a
search warrant into the Slover's household, where they discovered one firearm was missing, a .22 caliber handgun like one that was used in the
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Black Dahlia Monologue
He won't wake up! He won't wake up! Johnny said nothing. What did you give him? What I bought last week, they told me it's H. Who told you? I
don't remember. Brooklyn street kids are the only hardcore ones left. Manhattan has turned into a gentrified upper–middle class graveyard. Hardcore
enough to find themselves with a dead rock n roller on a warm morning. You get used to anything when you're poor, even death. The kids walked
through Williamsburg wearing Johnny's clothes and walking his dog. I loved Johnny I really did, said Genzales, his eyes heating up. That's because
you're gay. I know you're gay because you wouldn't cut your hair to join the baseball league, replied Anthony, laughing. Anthony was vocally straight
now that he had lost his virginity. His dream was to start an old age rock n roll home with a studio in it and lots of prostitutes. Was this guy even a
punk? Look at these clothes?!... Show more content on ...
When they returned rigor mortis had turned Johnny into the letter V I think we should cut him up, said Anthony. I cut my bitches head off in my
tattoo because she got wise. The Black Dahlia always creeped me out. I don't know what to do with the body. Anthony is right, I was in love with
Johnny and I still am. That's why I gave him the drugs, to hope that some of his blood would fill me up if I used his discarded syringe. I've read
enough to know that 13 is a young age for drug abuse but not unheard of. I'm the Jim Carroll of my generation and Johnny is dead. Jesus, there's a lot
of blood in
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Why Is Jonbenet Ramsey Important
JonBenet Ramsey Annotated Bibliography Several huge and important celebrities have had mysterious deaths. What happened? Was it an accident?
Did someone kill them? If so, who killed them? These are all important questions to think of when thinking of such a death. I researched JonBenet
Ramsey, a beauty pageant queen, whom was gorgeous, talented, and young. December 26, 1996, she was found murdered in the basement of her own
home. The cause of death was suffocation. According to police reports, " JonBenet was found in the small room covered with a blanket, her wrists
were tied above her head, her mouth was covered with tape, and a nylon cord was wrapped around her neck". There were also signs of sexual
assault before she had been murdered. In fact, that there was a possibility of her having been sexually assaulted more than just right before her death.
The prime suspects for the case were, of course, her parents. A note was left behind prior to the finding of the body, stated that if the Ramsey's wanted
to see their daughter again that they would have to attain $ 1118,000 from Mr. Ramsey's account. This note was obviously not honored , asbecause
JonBenet's body was found around 30 minutes after the note was left. ... Show more content on ...
However, on August 17, 2006, an article stating that a man named, John Mark Karr, was responsiblerealized. He had admitted to the murder of
JonBenet. This seemed strange to his wife, whom had sworn that the time of JonBenet's murder he was with his family. He had said that him and
JonBenet had been in love and that her murder was an accident. Later, evidence was found proving the innocence of John Karr through DNA data
collected of JonBenet's body. He's still in custody however, due to the fact that he has been in possessionposition of child
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Who Was Responsible For The Mystery Of The Black Dahlia
The Black Dahlia The story of the Black Dahlia has had people trying to find answers for years, with so many suspects and not many answers it only
led to more mystery. Not much is known about the murder that happened and there are many possibilities, but among all the suspects one thing is clear
and that is Ed burns didn't commit the crime. George Hodel committed the murder and there is a lot of evidence against him to prove this statement. In
the murder of the Black Dahlia, Ed Burns didn't commit the crime but George Hodel was the one who is responsible for the murder. The mystery ofthe
Black Dahlia has interested people for decades, the murder happened mid January 1947. A body was found cut in half in a vacant lot on L.A's South
Norton Avenue. A police detective later said after seeing the crime scene " I just can't imagine someone else doing that to another human being."(
"Black Dahlia" ), the crime scene was that gruesome. The murder victim was 22 year old Elizabeth Short, called the Black Dahlia by the murderer.
The mystery got its public interest when the L.A.P.D couldn't find someone responsible for the crime, This is why the mystery of what really happened
still has people searching for answers.
Even Though the mystery was never solved one thing is clear and that is Ed Burns didn't commit the murder. He was identified in pictures as Ed
Burns but only Months after the murder. Ed Burns was never talked about or seen in any FBI reports and was never mentioned in
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Essay On Black Dahlia
The Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short famously known as the Black Dahlia was murdered in California in January 15, 1947. She was working as a
waitress to support her dream of making it big in Hollywood. The Black Dahlia is one of the biggest unsolved murder mysteries in California to this
day. It's been almost 70 years since the murder of Black Dahlia, and many are to believe it is the father of the retired LAPD detective Steve Hodel, his
father being George Hodel. But still no one has been put guilty of the murder, as many tried to cover it up by putting themselves guilty when they
weren't. While many scholars believe that Leslie Dollions was the killer, evidence states George Hodel as being the killer of Elizabeth Short.
Nicknamed the ... Show more content on ...
Police had found Jeff Connors but his real name was Artie Lange. He was put into a lie detector and after two tests he was proven innocent. There was
not enough evidence to convict Leslie dillon as being the killer of Elizabeth Short, he had went to court but was not conceited of the murder.
As countless pieces of evidence leads to George Hodel as the murder of Elizabeth Short he still has not been found guilty of the murderous crimes he
committed. George Hodel was also accused of raping his fourteen–year–old daughter, Tamar Hodel. Three witnesses testified against George and said
they had seen the raping of Tamar. George won against the sexual assault charges in December 1949. The molestation case soon led tothe Black Dahlia
case, and George was added to the suspects list of her case. Pictures of what seemed to look like Elizabeth Short were found him George's home. The
LAPD put George under surveillance for close to a month and a half. LAPD then installed 2 microphones in his house, being listened to by 18
detectives. Most of what's heard has nothing to do with the murder of Elizabeth, but just after a day of recording something horrific is heard and
"Woman screamed. Woman screamed again. (Note that the woman heard screaming was not heard until now.)" 8:25 Pm. That same day the recording
heard George talking to his
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Examples Of 1920's Unsolved Mysteries
Unsolved Mysteries When people think about the 1920's they think about glamorous parties, beautiful fashion, and the brilliant play Phantom of the
Opera. They don't ever think about the horrendous murders and kidnappings that were never solved. The 1920's has so many crazy stories that
nobody really talks about because it was sandwiched between the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash. The 1920's unsolved mysteries are
kind of just like 2018 mysteries. The 1920's are really only known for the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash, nobody ever really talks
about all the horrible things in crime. Even though these events were really important, they don't really shine light on the crazy mysteries. Some of
these unsolved mysteries may even been... Show more content on ...
He was never caught though... suprise, suprise. Like i had said before this masacre was the same as the one that happen Valentine's day 2018 t a
florida high school expect that did catch the boy who did it. They are still in trial, even though he killed 17 people. "Capone was a good student in
his Brooklyn elementary school, but began falling behind and had to repeat the sixth grade."( History). All of the unsolved mysteries are important
and should have been solved because all of the families that never got justice for their loved ones. A lot of these mysteries seem to have to do with
Al Capone, and that makes people think could he have been apart of some of these things but just have been behind the scenes. Could have Al
Capone done any of these things maybe that's why he has so many enemies because he's the man behind all the "magic"."The press followed Capone's
every move avidly, and he was able to gain public sympathy with his gregarious and generous personality."
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The Art Of Sculptural Bowerbirds
Humans are basically the same as other animals, as much as we may deny it. We have the same basic needs and instincts as other animals. We need
food, water, shelter from the elements, and we are attracted to people because we want to reproduce. We as humans like to say we're unique based on
an array of reasons: we are self–aware, we form deep connections with other individuals, we can use tools, etc. Except we aren't unique. Rats are
known to be self aware ( live in packs and swans are monogamous. Chimpanzees and gorillas have long been known to use
tools in captivity and in the wild. It seems the only aspect of life unique to humans is our innate drive and ability to make art as a means to connect
with one another. Except,... Show more content on ...
Art is the safe, abstract world wherein humans can examine themselves and their world with minimal real–world consequence. Rats may be capable of
metacognition and chimpanzees may build and use tools, but neither share the innate drive of humans to create art. Not only do humans make art to
convey their own personal experience, they are able to appreciate the art of others. Unlike lower animals who are too biologically focused on their
own survival, humans can spend hours obsessing over the creations of others, bathing in the emotional energy of those they will likely never meet in
person, taking comfort in the knowledge that someone else may share their experience. Humans need to connect on an emotional level to survive
(probably a biological hold–over from when we wandered the Earth in nomadic tribes), but what defines humans from other pack animals, is our ability
to connect through
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Emma Hawes Case
The Birmingham paper of Wednesday morning, December 5, contained headlines that would have been enough to capture anyone's attention. On
December 4, the body of a nicely–dressed girl around the age of eight or nine years old was found floating in the lake in the Birmingham suburbs
known as East Lake. Her body was found by two teenage boys by the names of John Keith and Ben Cluberson who were innocently playing in a boat.
The Jefferson County Coroner conducted an initial exam and determined that the cause of her death to be murder. Unable to identify the little girl,
they placed her body for viewing in hopes someone would recognize her. Just a few days later, the local butchers identified her as being May Hawes,
the oldest daughter of Richard and Emma Hawes. ... Show more content on ...
Hawes was a George Pacific railroad engineer from Atlanta, Georgia. He married eighteen year old Emma in Atlanta, Georgia. From the beginning,
they had problems with their marriage which lead them to move from Atlanta to Montgomery and then Birmingham. Working for the railroad,
Richard Hawes often left his family alone in their cottage while operating trains between Columbus, Mississippi and Birmingham. Early on, Emma
was considered a heavy drinker and allegedly had been unfaithful to Richard(weldbham). Due to Emma's alcoholism, May was left to take care of
her two younger siblings, Irene and Willie. After May's body was identified, many questions about the marriage of Emma and Richard arose. Some
argued that Emma was indeed Richard's wife, others believed that that Richard was divorced and had left for Columbus, Mississippi to marry again.
According to Fannie Bryant(bhamwiki), the woman that worked in the Hawes household, said she saw Richard and May help Emma pack for a trip to
Atlanta to retrieve their youngest son, Willie, who was staying with some of Richard's
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Dahlia Case Study
1.Time Context
The problem has to be solved by the year 1985.
2.Viewpoint Mr. Chua Boon Kang and Mr. Leong Sim Lam
3.Major Policy Statement
Dahlia Furniture Private Limited is a local furniture industry, which supplies usually kitchen cabinets, wall units, bedrooms set and dining set. It also
has metal and wood furniture sets.
4.Background of the Case
a.The Company
Dahlia Furniture made its entrance into the furniture industry in 1972 as subcontractors to two large furniture concerns, Ching Lin and Diethelm. It
supplied mainly wall units and kitchen cabinets while bedrooms sets and dining sets were subcontracted out or obtained from local suppliers. Business
went well and the company decided to branch into ... Show more content on ...
Some of them are manufacturers while others are retailers who have their own showrooms. They can be possible competitors of Dahlia. Other
competitors comprise of foreign manufacturers and retailers. Some of these are Ikea , Fly, Homestead and soon to operate Scandinavian, Italian,
Japanese and American manufacturers.
6.Present Company Departmental Plans
a.Product Planning Dahlia mainly supplies wall units and kitchen cabinets. It subcontracts local suppliers of bedroom sets and dining sets.
b.Market Planning Dahlia Furniture advertises in Straights Times. In connection to its retailing operations, Dahlia rented a showroom to a department
store in Orchard area, in Bukit Timah area and Upper Thompson area
c.Production Planning The purchase of Upper Thompson and Ang Mo Kio factories are sought to increase the company's supply.
d.Manpower Planning Dahlia acquired two factories namely Ang Mo Kio and Upper Thompson. The workers of these two factories were also hired.
Sales person11 persons
Clerical workers4 persons
Production workers (Thompson Factory)6 persons
e.Organizational Planning
Dahlia Furnitures is managed by Mr. Chua and Mr. Leong. Other staffs of the company are as follows: Personnel Position
Chua Soo Lee General Administartion
Robert LamProduction and General
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Creative Writing: Dahlia
Dahlia didn't sleep that night. She was to anxious about tomorrow, but the next morning no one came. Dahlia was standing my the door for hours, yet
no one came. Maybe they will kill me tonight.
Dahlia went back to the window in the back of the cell. She saw the city down below. People crowed the streets. Dahlia heard gun shots. The war
hadn't ended. It was just beginning. Dahlia had done nothing to help. Now unarmed people crowed the street lined up to be killed one by one. Dahlia
sat down along the wall holding her knees in her hands. Hours passed, and still no one came. Dahlia assumed it was around noon.
Daisy what is going on? Dahlia
Dahlia you did it. The entire world and half of the army and police force joined us. We are... Show more content on ...
"It's over Dahlia," Daxton got up from the cold ground. They felt their way back out of the maze watching the door that led to the hallway. The
door had a window and it was the goal as of now. A voice sounded behind them, "I bet you thought you have won. Yes, you have destroyed my brain
control, and I can't rebuild it. However, I can destroy you." "We have destroyed it and we have won that will not change," Dahlia stuttered knowing
the outcome. She shoved Daxton forward hoping to save him. An utter pain sliced through Dahlia's gut. She had felt the arms reach around her with
a curved dagger and it plunged deep into her organs. "Aaaaaahhhhhg," her scream was soft and light. She heard Mr. Gomez flee away leaving Dahlia
hurled over her stomach. "Dahlia what happened? Did he hit you?" Daxton draped Dahlia's arm over his shoulder, and they wobbled slowly towards
the door around the twisting maze of electronics. Daxton finally reached the door with great struggle and looked outside the door. The government
people were running about the hallway saying things like, "Where is GOMEZ! I'm gonna kill him," or, "He has taken over our
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Summary: The Mystery Of Jonbenet Ramsey
The Mystery Of Jonbenet Ramsey Basement, 6 year old girl, and strangulation, these three things are in the Jonbenet's murder case. December 26,1996
at about 5:52 am, Patsy Ramsey called 911 to report her daughter missing. Patsy found a ransom note on her staircase addressed to John Ramsey. The
note demanded $118,000 and that was the exact amount John's bonus was that year. The mystery behind Jonbenet can be summed up in two theories:
John Mark Karr and the parents and brother. First, In 1996, the Jonbenet murder case was very popular. Jonbenet was six when she was murdered.
Then, She was a young beauty– pageant star. Jonbenet was found dead in her basement in Boulder, Colorado 1996. Also, In the Inquirer article it says,
"Jonbenet was ... Show more content on ...
John Karr confessed but failed the DNA test but went to jail for having inappropriate pictures of kids on his computer. The parents have a lot of
evidence against them. Here are the two theories but no one knows for sure what really happened. Who really killed Jonbenet?
Work Cited:
Puffer–Rothenberg, Maureen. "Ramsey murder case." The 1990s in America, edited by Milton Berman, Salem, 2009. Salem Online.
Data bases:
Nickell, Joe. "JonBenet Murder Mystery Solved? (Not by Psychics): The death of six–year–old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey went unsolved for two
decades. Psychics were worse than useless, but the author's proposed solution resulted from evaluating the best evidence." Skeptical Inquirer,
July–Aug. 2017, p. 38+. Student Resources in Context,
Accessed 30 Jan. 2018.
"JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts." CNN Wire, 12 Dec. 2017. Student Resources in Context,
/SUIC?u=edmo59604&xid=02224d54. Accessed 30 Jan. 2018.
Douglas,John. The Case That Haunts Us. New York Pocket, 2001.–killed–jonbenet–ramsey–netlifx–documentary–burke/ Accessed
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American Myths and Mysteries Essay
Throughout the many decades that America has been in existence there have been many interesting mysteries that have not been solved and myths
passed down from generation to generation. No one knows what caused these myths to come about or why these mysteries were never solved, but they
are a very interesting part of American history. From mysteries involving serial killers to myths about mysterious creatures, there is a wide range of the
unknown that many people, except for witnesses, have never heard about. Now let's take a look into some of the most fantastic myths and mysteries in
America. The mystery of the Zodiac Killer was never solved; it was one of the greatest serial killer mysteries of all time. He was called the Zodiac killer
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The legend of the Bermuda Triangle probably started some time around 1945, when a squadron of five Navy Avenger airplanes disappeared on a
training flight out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are many theories to why these planes and boats have gone missing, but the true mystery might
never be solved. Theories include enormous rogue waves, methane gas explosions, human disorientation and human error, crazy weather patterns
causes intense storms, magnetic fields that causes compasses to be thrown off, the original UFO and Aliens, fog, and pirates. The best–known
document in America, the Declaration of Independence, contains a very large myth that has finally been proven wrong. John Hancock, president of
that Continental Congress, signed his name largely and boldly at the center of the place in the document for signatures to demonstrate his defiance of
the British Crown and to encourage others to sign the document as well. After people spent years with new technology and research examining other
documents, they were able to conclude that the myth was wrong. It ended up that his signature was very large in the first place, that is just how he
signed his name.
John Wilkes Booth will forever go down in history as the man who killed our most beloved president, President Abraham Lincoln. The story that he
was hiding in a barn and was shot may not be entirely true. Booth might never have died that night, and it could have been a way for America to
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Elizabeth Short, The Famous Black Dahlia
It's January 15, 1947 the time is 10 am, local Leimert Park, Los Angeles resident, Betty Bersinger was walking down the street with her daughter when
she noticed what she thought was a mannequin in an empty lot. With further investigation she noticed it was a real body and she rushed to a nearby
house to call the police. So the question is, who's body was it? The answer?
Elizabeth Short, the famous Black Dahlia.
Elizabeth was born in Boston July 29, 1924 to her parents Cleo and Phoebe Short. Her father left randomly and wasn't heard from until years later.
She left for Miami when she was 16 and grew up there until she was 19, where she then moved to California with her dad. She left him after getting in
an argument and spent her time ... Show more content on ...
Robert Manley drove Elizabeth to the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. This is where she was last seen alive. She is reportedly seen haunting this
hotel. Some people say they saw her leave for the Crown Real Bar, but that wasn't proven. Manley was disproven as a suspect as he returned to San
Diego a week before she was found dead and passed a polygraph test. He also took a "Truth Serum" test, or Sodium Pentothal where he "truthfully"
stated he didn't kill her. In 1954 he was admitted into a mental hospital for "hearing voices." Mark Hansen and Elizabeth were very well known
with each other. Elizabeth stayed in his house for a while. He was one of the last people who was heard from, by Elizabeth. One of the items the
Avenger sent was actually belonging to him and with that he became a prime suspect. Many believe Hansen and Elizabeth were involved
romantically, even though Hansen had a girlfriend at the time. Hansen died of natural causes and no charges were ever put against him. Before we
get to our final suspect I'd like to note that over 50 people have confessed to killer her, but none were proven guilty. Many people also think a
women was the killer. People think, that because the body was so heavy, the murderer couldn't move the body so she was cut in half. A bunch of
people have also called in and said their relatives were the killer.
Our final, and most promising suspect is George Hodel. George was very
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Black Dahlia Murder
The 1940's in the United States was a time in history that generations look back on to reminisce on simpler times and new beginnings. 1947 was
the year that Jackie Robinson first took the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first African American to play in the MLB, a gallon of gasoline
was 15 cents, and the first instant camera was invented. While many positive feats were made and challenges overcome, 1947 is also the year of the
gruesome "Black Dahlia" murder. Elizabeth Short or otherwise known by her nickname "Black Dahlia" became a household name when her body
was found brutally butchered and drained of blood. 67 years have passed since her murder and to this day the case remains open and a mystery. The
world may never truly know why... Show more content on ...
Elizabeth, or called "Beth" as she was called when she was young, and her four sisters were raised predominantly by their mother, Phoebe Mae. Her
father, Cleo, abandoned the family after the stock crash of 1929. He owned a business building miniature golf courses, but the crash left him
bankrupt. He allegedly faked his own death by placing his car near a bridge and disappearing. The family received a letter from Cleo some time later
stating that he faked his own death and moved to California. He claimed to regret his decision of abandoning the family and wanted to return to
Massachusetts with them. Phoebe did not want to have anything to do with him and refused to accept him back. She raised her five children while
working numerous jobs and waiting in long lines to accept public assistance. Cleo was never welcome back to their home, although despite her parents'
estranged relationship, Elizabeth kept in touch with her father throughout the
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Black Dahli Mystery Solved
Black Dahlia: Mystery Solved
Cut in half, drained of blood, and displayed for all to see, the Black Dahlia murder is certainly unforgettable. Taunting letters that further puzzled police
and countless confessions to drag out the investigation, to this day no one has been convicted. Seventy years later, with somewhat new evidence and
family secrets coming to light, the killing of Elizabeth Short in 1947 was undoubtedly carried out by the late Dr. George Hodel.
Born on July 29, 1924 in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Short was, "the third of five daughters born to Cleo and Phoebe...Short"(Biography Editors). When
Elizabeth was young, during the great depression, her father faked a suicide and abandoned his wife and five daughters. Through hard times, ... Show
more content on ...
"Black Dahlia.", A&E Networks Television, 21 Sept. 2016,
–dahlia–21117617. Accessed 1 Oct. 2017
Healy, Patrick. "New Evidence Father Was Killer." NBC Southern California, NBC Southern California, 29 Sept. 2017,
/local/Lab–Results–Support–Suspicion–of–Retired–Detective–Pursuing–Hollywood–Cold–Cases–261409101.html. Accessed 1 Oct. 2017.
Hewitt, Bill, and John Hannah. "Accusing His Father." People, vol. 59, no. 21, 2 June 2003, p. 75. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, http:/
/–live&authtype=cookie,ip,custuid&custid=infohio. Accessed 28
Sept. 2017.
Mccormack, David. "Could the Infamous Black Dahlia Case Be about to Be Solved? Cadaver Dog Discovers Death Scent at Hollywood Home of
Suspect 66 Years after the Horrific
Murder." Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 5 Feb. 2013,–2272640
/Black–Dahlia–case–solved–Cadaver–dog–discovers–death–scent–Hollywood–home–suspect.html. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.
News, CBS. "Black Dahlia Confidential." CBS News, CBS Interactive, 29 Aug.
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How Did Marilyn Monroe Commit Suicide
One mystery that will never be truly solved is the death of one of the world's most influential stars. Marilyn Monroe. On August the 5th 1962, at the
tender age of 36 the Hollywood actress was found dead in her Los Angeles home. The scene seemed to be one of a suicide; however evidence
suggests that she was confronted with a far more sinister end. Many believe that Marilyn in fact did end her own life but others including myself
believe that her death was due to the hand of President Kennedy. I believe that homicide is what occurred on the evening of her death.
"Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide, she was murdered" – Police Officer Jack Clemmons (present at the scene of death.)
In her bedroom on the night of her death, the scene appeared ... Show more content on ...
The President of the United States fell under this category perfectly. It became apparent that a transitory relationship between Marilyn and JFK
occurred during the months prior to her death. I surmise that the fleeting affair was the cause of her hasty exit from the world. In the final years of
her life Marilyn had become mentally unstable. Alchol and drugs became necessary props in the screenplay she concidered to be her life. Drowning
in depression, she became reliant on prescription drugs and alchol to function somewhat normally. This issue became a detriment to both Marilyn's
personal life and her career. 20th Century Fox agreed to dismiss her from further projects. In desperation, she turned to the president for support.
Marilyn asked Kennedy for a more committed relationship. Yet this was unrealistic as Kennedy had a family. Rejection was a familiar feeling to
Monroe. Yet the denial of her request somewhat shocked her; as a result she threatened to go public with the affair. Marilyn Monroe once said 'Dogs
never bite me. Just humans.' I believe that this quote in particular describes the end of her relationship with Kennedy perfectly. She was once again let
down by someone she
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Black Dahlia Research Paper
In studying for Criminal Justice they teach that the popularity of crime solving T.V. shows has actually been detrimental to the cause. Causing it to
be labeled the CSI effect. These shows make it seem like a team of crack detectives can solve any case, but in reality even a large team of dedicated
detectives cannot solve ever case. One of the most famous cases being that of the murder of Elizabeth Short, colloquially known as The Black Dahlia,
but in what way did the investigation fail to make it so the killer was never caught?
Ms. Elizabeth was found on January 15th, 1947 in Leimert Park in Los Angeles. The gruesome scene discovered by a mother and her child would be
called by a police scientist named Lee Jones, "...the worst crime upon a woman I've ever seen." (Schechter 527). A young woman stabbed dozens of
times, a permanent smile cut into her face and finally bisected at the waist is all that remained of the once beautiful Elizabeth Short. Checking the
missing persons reports twice, an artists recreation of her face and a 250+ officer search reared nothing. The only thing that delivered a name was a
record of underage drinking done by short that ... Show more content on ...
Born in Salem, Mass. To 3 sisters and a lone mother Short acquired wanderlust about the world, chartering across the country and returning home
for short bursts of normalcy. Traced from Miami to Texas to California Mr. Brown discovered a long string of abusive, jaded and abandoning
boyfriends had been with Short, though none could later be convicted of the crime. Tracked until her run in with the police she seemed to be an
aspiring starlet in Hollywood, going from menial job to menial job to eventually no job at all. Elizabeth mooched off of friends and apparently
hitched rides with strangers (Schechter 530). Brown tracked her to just five days before her end, where a doorman remembered her leaving a
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Jonbenet Murder Theories
An unexpected murder with unexplained evidence all surrounding a 6 year old pageant queen named JonBenet all happening on the day after
Christmas. Although there are many theories about JonBenet, evidence shows that it was most likely her brother. Jonbenet Ramsey was a beauty
pageant queen that was found dead on the day after Christmas in a storage room in her basement of her house in Boulder Colorado. Jonbenet was
born on August 6, 1990 in Atlanta Georgia, and was only 6 years old when she was found dead. There was a ransom note left on the stairs addressed
to the dad and when her mom woke up and came down stairs she found it and it was asking for the exact amount of money of the bonus that the dad
got earlier that year. The note was 2 ВЅ pages long and was written from a notepad from their house. When she was found she had various wounds,
duct tape over her mouth, garrote around her neck, and she was struck in the head which caused her to become unconscious (Conrad).... Show more
content on ...
First of all Jonbenet had an uncontrollable bed wetting problem and one night her mom lost her temper and struck her in a way that accidentally
killed her. Another theory is that her dad sexually harassed her and after he was afraid that she would tell someone and he would get in trouble and
later killed her. In 2006 a thailand school teacher John Mark Karr confessed to killing Jonbenet Ramsey. In his earlier years he had child
pornography charges in the us. He was immediately dismissed as a suspect because he was only after notoriety and fame. The last theory is that the
brother was jealous of all the attention she got and on christmas he got a train set and we stabbed her with it. There was two holes on her neck and it
matched up to the train track
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Emma Hawes Case
The Birmingham paper of Wednesday morning, December 5, contained headlines that would have been enough to capture anyone's attention. On
December 4, the body of a nicely–dressed girl around the age of eight or nine years old was found floating in the lake in the Birmingham suburbs
known as East Lake. Her body was found by two teenage boys by the names of John Keith and Ben Cluberson who were innocently playing in a boat.
The Jefferson County Coroner conducted an initial exam and determined that the cause of her death to be murder. Unable to identify the little girl,
they placed her body for viewing in hopes someone would recognize her. Just a few days later, the local butchers identified her as being May Hawes,
the oldest daughter of Richard and Emma Hawes. ... Show more content on ...
Hawes was a George Pacific railroad engineer from Atlanta, Georgia. He married eighteen year old Emma in Atlanta, Georgia. From the beginning,
they had problems with their marriage which lead them to move from Atlanta to Montgomery and then Birmingham. Working for the railroad,
Richard Hawes often left his family alone in their cottage while operating trains between Columbus, Mississippi and Birmingham. Early on, Emma
was considered a heavy drinker and allegedly had been unfaithful to Richard(weldbham). Due to Emma's alcoholism, May was left to take care of
her two younger siblings, Irene and Willie. After May's body was identified, many questions about the marriage of Emma and Richard arose. Some
argued that Emma was indeed Richard's wife, others believed that that Richard was divorced and had left for Columbus, Mississippi to marry again.
According to Fannie Bryant(bhamwiki), the woman that worked in the Hawes household, said she saw Richard and May help Emma pack for a trip to
Atlanta to retrieve their youngest son, Willie, who was staying with some of Richard's
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Black Dahlia Murder Research Paper
The Black Dahlia Murder
"The Black Dahlia Murder" has been an unsolved murder case since 1947 involving a young actress named Elizabeth Short. Elizabeth Short was
killed in cold blood she was cut and half and was left in a vacant lot. Elizabeth Short's body was found on the cold morning of January 15, 1947 a
women named Betty Bersinger. When officers Frank Perkins and Will Fitzgerald arrived to the scene they witnessed Elizabeth's naked body cut in
half.This case is a witch hunt.
This case is a witch hunt because the were so many suspect and many people confessed to her murder. When the LAPD started on the case they thought
that the suspect "had some sort of medical training"(Unc–suspects) according to an FBI letter. The LAPD thought the
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A Summary Of The Beauty Of Dahlia
In the distant past , when everything had started there lived a beautiful maiden , named Dahlia. Who she live in a small village called Nordale ,
there were lots of gardens but only one was special for Dahlia, it was so colorful, full of flowers that everyone in the village went dressed up nicely
but Dahlia always cared of being better she didn't put much attention to the other womans in the garden , she knew that no matter what , her beauty
was unique . Every day Dahlia went to the graden to get away with everything, and have some quietness . One day a young women came to the
garden , goodess of love and beauty , Venus . Venus was wonderfully dress with her lighting makeup and thats how Dahlia grew jealously because
Venus was with Maddox , the guy Daliah always dreamed of. Maddox was so surprise with the beauty of Venus he couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Daliah has never seen a women like that before .That made herself only have pure beauty , she wouldn't stop till she had perfection in her
appearance. Dahlia went to the garden everyday she even slept through the night to seek for creativity , inspiration . She needed time alone to think
of something new. Something no one has ever tried before. One night Dahlia was walking through the garden and it was there where it all started ,
when she found a mysterious door, she opened it and she never in her life saw millions of colorful flowers , they weren't like the floweres in the
garden, they were magical. That's
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Bella In Wych Elma Case Study
Jaedi S. Mcmullins
Ms. Kendrick
Criminal justice
Who Put Bella In Wych Elm? There are many infamous unsolved mysteries throughout time, and some investigations span decades. A few mysteries
include D.B. Cooper, Jack the ripper, and the unknown assailant of J.F.K., but none of these mysteries compare to the mystery surrounding the Hagley
Woods murder and the conspiracies surrounding it. The case of a woman who met a grisly demise has inspired the locals to persist in figuring out
who killed the woman whose body was never claimed. One must begin by understanding the facts of the case before coming to their own conclusion
or theory, though. So what happened to her? It is known that on April 18, 1943,in Worcestershire, England, four boys, Bob Farmer, Robert Hart,
Thomas Willetts, and Fred Payne, had found a human skull in an elm tree while trespassing. The four boys, teenagers at the time, had a hobby in bird
nesting, so as the smallest of the group, Bob Farmer, scaled the tree to gaze in the hollow elm, ... Show more content on ...
He stated that 20 months prior to the discovery of the woman, he was on his way home when he and a school teacher had heard a female shrieking
in the Hagley woods, though, at the time, no one was found. By christmas of 1943, graffiti appeared on the walls of the area stating: "WHO PUT
LUEBELLA DOWN THE WYCH–ELM?" in white chalk. In the weeks following, "Luebella" was shortened to "Bella", and has persisted for more
than three score. [1] Anthropologist Margaret Murray became intrigued in the case and linked the circumstances of it to an occult ritual known as the
"Hand of Glory", which began the theory of the murder being a ritualistic killing. With this theory in mind, the media went wild, especially since a
man by the name of Charles Walton was found secured to the ground beneath him with a pitchfork in a local village. Professor Murray seemed to
believe the two of these incidents to be correlated.
... Get more on ...

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Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey Unsolved

  • 1. Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey Unsolved The Ramsey family has always been big suspects. The death of JonBenet Ramsey has confused the world and remains unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey was in beauty pageants and she is named after her father John Ramsey. JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered on December 26, 1996 at the age of 6 years old. She is buried by her mother who died in 2006, and her half–sister Elizabeth Ramsey who died in 1992 due to a car crash. Her parents became suspects in 1997. After research the Ramsey family was said to be not related to the actual murderer. (JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts) When they looked at JonBenet thoroughly, they said that she had a fractured skull possibly from a flashlight. Was possibly assaulted, and strangled by a garrote made from one of Patsy's paint brushes. (JonBenet Ramsey Biography) To this day no one knows who killed JonBenet, but there are multiple suspects. The most popular suspects are: the mother, father, brother, town drifter, electrician, school teacher, and the housekeeper. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible Suspects)... Show more content on ... This reason was because she always got upset and JonBenet when she wetted her bed. Another reason is because it is said that sometimes Patsy Ramsey would flip a switch in a room, and slam JonBenet's head against a hard surface. Sometimes including a bathtub or a headboard. Some investigators also think that Patsy could have killed her daughter because the rope around JonBenet's neck was made by a homemade garrote determined to have been fashioned out of a paintbrush taken from Patsy's paint kit that laid near JonBenet when she was found. A very big possibility is that the letter left on the staircase steps could have been from Patsy after realizing that she had killed JonBenet. When investigators looked around for possible evidence they found that the pen that had been used to write the note was from inside the house. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Black Dahlia Research Paper Have you ever heard of The Black Dahlia? The story behind Black Dahlia is confusing, which is why many people don't have a good understanding of it. In this paper I talk about how she died and all of the possible suspects that could've killed her. With most mystery murders how they died was the main question, but not in this one. "Elizabeth Short was no doubt subjected to some form of torture before and after she died, as bruising only occurs in the living." The death of Black Dahlia isn't as gruesome as what happened to her body after she died. The cause of her death was overkill. Which basically mean she couldn't handle all of the cuts, bruising, and punches that was caused to her. Some people think that the unknown murderer wanted her to suffer before they completely killed her. Black Dahlia body was found at Leimert Park by a mother and her daughter. Her body was found cut into two pieces with blood drained out of her. Black Dahlia was missing a small patch of skin, which was later found out the murderer cut of her flower tattoo and put it inside her body. The torture didn't stop after she died they cut off both of her breast, along with all of her insides being taken out of her body. Most people studying the case at the time claimed a doctor had to do it ... Show more content on ... The actual list of who killed The Black Dahlia. George Hill Hodel is one of the biggest suspect connecting to the murder. As people suspected the murder to be a doctor and George just so happened to be enrolled in medical school at the time. The evidence wasn't brought to light until George's death in 1999, when his son decided to go through his father recent belongings. George son, Steve, went through his father boxes to later come across a small photo album. He later came across an image that he immediately thought looked like The Black Dahlia. He immediately started looking into the case and writing books about the possible ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Tragic Evidence: Arthur Volupides Genocide The investigative team and I arrived at the crime scene at 1.38 a.m. When we arrived, Arthur Volupides was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Queenie Volupides, the wife of Arthur, claimed that Arthur had been coming down the stairs for another drink when he tripped and fell down the stairs.The autopsy confirmed that Arthur died from a blow to the head, but we are uncertain what actually caused the incident. We also were informed that Arthur and Queenie had an altercation earlier that day. Although Mrs. Volupides' claim does make sense, we believe that Arthur did not trip and fall on his own and for several reasons. First of all, Arthur's corpse was found face first and chest up on the bottom of the stairs. This does not make sense if ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Black Dahlia Killer And Murder Case "In January 1947,the brutal murder of Elizabeth Short shocked America. Another factor complicating the case was the obsession developed by men with the Black Dahlia in death–as many as been obsessed with her life" (Finis Brown 3). The Black Dahlia killer and murder case is a monstrous and heinous topic because of the wicked things that were done to her. The Black Dahlia case was distinctive for Elizabeth's upbringing and before she was murdered,what the crime was and what happened to her, and how cunning and scheming the criminal was to never be caught. Elizabeth Short was born in Hyde Park,Boston MA on July 29,1924, moving at an early age to Medford in Boston. She was reported as a kind,romantic,compromising girl who dreamed of ... Show more content on ... That summer she found her father. He allowed her to move in but the relationship was awkward. He did not approve of her attraction with men and her lazy and messy ways. After she got arrested at a bar, she was sent home to Medford. But she still had a goal to go to Hollywood and become a famous actress (John 3). When she could not pay her share of the rent of her apartment,she went to live with a woman named Dorothy French that was very sympathetic for her. Elizabeth lived with the Frenches without working or contributing in her stay until she was offered a ride back to L.A. by a salesman named Robert Manley who became a big suspect in the murder. The next day he dropped her off at the Biltmore Hotel,where she was meeting her sister (John 4). Elizabeth Short was murdered on 15 January 1947 (Wilkes 3). This shocked America. Betty Bersinger was out for a walk with her daughter when she thought she saw a broken mannequin from a store laying on the ground. When she got closer she realized it was the body of a woman. The woman's naked body was found on a piece of land in L.A. The lower torso was slanted upward,making police believe she was in a fowler position at the time of death. The body was cut in half at the waist and was bruised and beaten. The detached sections were put in a line,about ten inches apart. There were deep slashes from both sides of her mouth as though the killer made a deformed stretch of her smile. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Elisa Lam Research Paper With the mystery death of Elisa Lam there are many ways she could have died considering past history on the Hotel, her vulnerability, her mental health and conspiracy theories surrounding the cause. Over 211,000 homicides have been committed unsolved since 1980. Elisa lam is one of those unsolved cases. In the past the hotel Cicel had been home to psychopaths, ex– murderers, and many suicides. Cecil was built in 1924, it cost about 1 million dollars to complete. The hotel was flourishing with life in the 1940's but after that the hotel went on a decline. Over 8,000 homeless people lived in a four–mile radius. For example, their was a serial killer named Richard Ramirez and had stayed at Cecil for two weeks. During these two weeks he had begun ... Show more content on ... They range from ghost, spirits, sacrifices to aliens. One of the theories is that she was a sacrifice to the dark energy of the Cecil hotel. This hotel has history of being the host to suicides, murders, and bizarre accidental deaths. In 1985 it attracted one of two serial killers Richard Ramirez aka the Night stalker and Jack Unterweger who murdered 3 prostitutes with their own bras by strangling. With these 2 serial killers being Cecil hotel guest the theory goes that either one of their spirits could have killed her as a sacrifice to them or the other worldly darkness that lurks in the halls. On that note of ghost the next conspiracy theory is that ghost were tormenting her. Deaths that deal with this property date all the way back to the grand opening in the 1920's. in 1962 Pauline Otton jumped from the 9th floor and landed on a civilian killing both about instantly. Then the actress Black Dahlia is believed last seen at the Cecil hotel alive before or gruesome death. Some say lam was being tormented in the elevator by an evil or angry spirit others say she was possessed by one of the vengeful ghost and forced to commit suicide. We them have our Elevator Game theory, the Cecil is perfect for this game because of the requirements. The building must be at least 10 stories tall, the player must enter the elevator alone then press the buttons in a certain order. Once done it will open ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Spiritual Direction Dahlia Fraser Summary Introducing spiritual disciples and practices to the Directee I noticed in the Fall term my directees did not fully understand what spiritual direction session was about. Hence in the Winter term, I provided them with the article "Spiritual Direction – A Brief Introduction" written by Dahlia Fraser. Fraser mentions in it what spiritual direction is, the process, the history and the goal of spiritual direction. I note for those directees with major in counselling they will find it helpful as Fraser provides a brief explanation that spiritual direction is not counselling. Some of my directees have a busy life or have a full–time secular job. They share their difficulties in finding pray time during the day. They have the desire to pray but often they forget to pray in their busy lives. I know they have been introduced to breath prayer in the course. I encourage them to use their break time, which they will go to fetch a drink, to practice breath prayer. I encourage them to allow the image of the cup to remind them of their needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I invite them to see the importance of... Show more content on ... I need to provide him with instruction on Lectio Divina in the first session. I used 1 Samuel 3:1–10 for Lectio Divina and he noticed that God spoke to Samuel and also spoke to him. He responded to learn to listen to God's word. I have used the contemplative approach for Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46–52 in my sessions with two of the directees. Near the end I allowed them to reflect as I led them to imagine that "just as Jesus was turning from Bartimaeus to leave, He suddenly looks in your direction. What does His look seem to say?" I asked them to have a dialogue with Jesus about their concerns and respond to his reply. This exercise allowed one of the directee to deal with concerns that were bothering him for some time. He found the session very helpful and expressed the desire to experience ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Elizabeth Short Medical Theory The Black Dahlia was the nickname given to Elizabeth Short. She was murdered January 15, 1947, and found in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Her body was mutilated, and she was sawed in half at the waist. The case was never solved and has brought about many theories. In Elizabeth's' younger years she was troubled with asthma and bronchitis so she moved to Miami. When she was 19 she moved with her father to california. Short was proposed to in a letter by Major Matthew Michael Gordon,jr. While he was recovering from a plane crash but he later died in a second plane crash August 10, 1945. January 15, 1947, Short's naked body was found at about 10:00 am, by Betty Bersinger. Bersinger at first thought the body was a mannequin when she noticed it was... Show more content on ... She had several cuts all along her body there were even chunks of flesh sliced away. An autopsy stated that the cause of death had been hemorrhaging from the cut along her face and shock from blows on the and face. Phoebe Short told the press she had one a beauty contest. My personal theory is that she was going to some black market plastic surgeon she could "worked" on to win another beauty contest because she was young and she wanted to look pretty. This Surgeon gave her a pretty "smile" and the continue to kill her. They then cut her in half and drained her blood so they could move her to show the world how pretty she was. Another theory is that she was going to the dentist to get her teeth fixed because she was self conscious about her smile. The dentist was disgusted by her teeth since they were so decadent so he began to slice her face with the tools to make her smile. She tried to get away so he began to hit her in the head in tell she was dead. He wanted to display his brand new piece of work so he began adding so flavor by cutting pieces of her flesh of and sawing her in half. He drained all of the blood and then began to wash her. She needed to be ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Black Dahlia Essay Scott Paden Monica Lott Eng 11011 October 23, 2008 The Black Dahlia The 1947 murder of Elizabeth Short has remained one of Hollywood's most notorious unsolved cases in Los Angeles history. The cold case has been passed down from detective to detective searching answers or any clues to help put the case to rest. The Black Dahlia was actually Elizabeth Short: a young, aspiring actress from a small town in Massachusetts. Elizabeth or Beth, as known by many, was born July 29, 1924 in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. (Beth Short). Elizabeth was the daughter of Cleo and Phoebe Short. (Beth Short). In 1929, Beth's father Cleo disappeared, and his truck was found near a bridge, convincing people that he had committed suicide. (Beth ... Show more content on ... (Beth Short). All these people were just looking for a quick road to fame. The likely suspect was 25 year old Robert Manley, but his alibi checked out and he passed a polygraph test, so it couldn't have been him. (TruTv). For awhile there were theories and speculation that the murder was related to the infamous Cleveland Torso Murders, but to me that was just too much distance away from The Black Dahlia case and it couldn't have been the same person. (Exquisite Corpse). There also was another weak theory that William Heirens murdered Beth Short. Heirens was a convicted murderer already for the dismembering of 6 year old Suzanne Degnan in Chicago, Illinois. (Beth Short). Many people believe that because Elizabeth Short was found just blocks away from a Degnan Boulevard that it has some relation, but that theory is just nonsense and way too farfetched to me.
  • 9. Another theory of who killed Elizabeth Short is that George Hodel killed Short. Hodel is a surgeon, so he was very capable of performing the surgeon–like dismemberment of the body. (Beth Short). In 1949, Hodel was tried for the molestation of his own daughter, but was later acquitted of the charges. (Beth Short). This shows that George Hodel was not a normal person and was disturbed in the head. The real evidence comes from former LAPD detective and son of George Hodel; Steve Hodel. His son Steve says that he has found pictures with Beth Short, and that he has heard ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Aunt Dahlia Quotes On January 24th the family sat down for dinner Marge says "Boys your father and I are going on vacation from the 26th until the 6th of February Your Aunt Dahlia is going to come stay with you," Tom age 12 years old and his brother Jon Age 10 years old look at each other and drop their silverware and it makes a loud clatter when it hits the plate and Tom says "I thought she was the weird Aunt that you never invited over why all of the sudden did you invite her to stay with us," "She is the only one that could do it I am not that thrilled that she is staying here with you,"said the boys father. "Then why did you ask her why can we not go with you on vacation we would only miss eight days of school please mom,"said Jon "Do you really have to... Show more content on ... Jon got ready for bed and walks into the bedroom and sees Tom reading a book and says "Do you think Aunt Dahlia will be awsome. I hope she doesnt treat me like a baby." Meanwhile Marge and Stephen are finishing cleaning up from dinner and Stephen says "Dahlia is my sister that I can not stand why did you convince me to have her come and watch the boys Jon seems a little nervous about her coming why is that," "Relax he will be fine I think Jon needs a haircut his bangs are to long maybe she will give him one Tom hair is perfect Jon's is always in his eyes and looks horrible,"said Marge as she heads upstairs to get ready for bed she walks past the boys room. "Tom turn off your light Mom is up here. I heard mom say that she want Aunt Dahlia to cut my hair because its in my eyes. How short do you think she will cut it,"said Jon and is about to cry. Just as they were about to turn off their light the door of their bedroom opened and Marge says " What are you boys doing awake still and with the lights on now turn them off and get some sleep you are both hard to get up in the mornings especially you ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Dahlia Case Study OVERVIEW 1.Time Context The problem has to be solved by the year 1985. 2.Viewpoint Mr. Chua Boon Kang and Mr. Leong Sim Lam 3.Major Policy Statement Dahlia Furniture Private Limited is a local furniture industry, which supplies usually kitchen cabinets, wall units, bedrooms set and dining set. It also has metal and wood furniture sets. 4.Background of the Case a.The Company Dahlia Furniture made its entrance into the furniture industry in 1972 as subcontractors to two large furniture concerns, Ching Lin and Diethelm. It supplied mainly wall units and kitchen cabinets while bedrooms sets and dining sets were subcontracted out or obtained from local suppliers. Business went well and the company decided to branch into retailing.... Show more content on ... пѓјCompetition : With the advent of the furniture industry in Singapore , more and more competing manufacturers and retailers come to exist not just from the local but as well as with the foreign brands. пѓјTrend in the furniture industry: It should be noted that the market demands in Singapore largely depends on the buyers' perspective of what is the "in– thing" in the fashion of the furniture industry. The company should be always updated with these current trends so that they will not be left behind by other contenders. 5.Alternative Courses of Action 1.Find a competent person to be the General Manager of the company 2.Intensify advertisements of the company – in the domestic and international market through joining product conventions, trade expos, putting up advertisements in local and foreign furniture and interior design magazines , broadsheets and home– Television shopping. 3.To formulate a proportionate inventory acquisition with some products imported and some manufactured, to drive away competition and at the same time, maintain its present image, also to reach all brackets of prospective clientele. 6.Analysis of Alternatives ALTERNATIVE 1 Advantages: When a General Manager for the company is hired, the over– all operations will be supervised – from the production, especially to the sales operation will be given the right attention. Necessary solutions will be implemented in to solve the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Who Is The True Black Dahlia Assailant? Who Is The True Black Dahlia Assailant? The Black Dahlia is a murder case that occurred in Los Angeles, California in 1947, where a woman was brutally murdered. The victim murdered was a woman by the name of Elizabeth Short; an aspiring actress, only twenty two years of age. Her naked body, completely drained of blood, was found cut in half and mutilated in a vacant lot of a residential section in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Shortly after her death newspapers gave her the nickname The Black Dahlia. This nickname was also thrown around by the men she would fool around with daily. With this new intriguing name, the Black Dahlia gained a large amount of attention from coast to coast. To this day, themurder case of The Black Dahlia remains ... Show more content on ... What was found at the crime scene was a cement bag with spots of blood on it, blood spots on the sidewalk, and a bloody heel print that was disrupted by the vehicle tracks of the murderers car. There was one witness that saw what possibly could have been the murderer at the exact same lot Short's body was dumped. In his book Severed: True Story of the Black Dahlia, John Gilmore introduces a witness and the initial finding of Short's mutilated body. A paper boy on his way to his usual route at around six o'clock a.m. with dew in the air and the sun shining through, saw what looked like to be a black sedan with mud on the bumper. The boy could not make out a person through the windshield because the sun was glaring off of it. Later that morning, a woman named Betty Bersinger was walking her baby in a stroller down the street until she came upon what at first glimpse looked like a broken mannequin. As she crept closer, she saw lacerations to the face and breasts and at that moment, realized it was a real human body. She then went to the nearest house to make a call to the police. Short's body was posed neatly on the ground with the upper torso twelve inches above and six inches offset from the lower half, both arms raised above her head bent in the same fortyfive degree angles as the other, and both legs in the same exact position as the other. Dr. Frederic ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Short Essay On The Tale Of Dahlia They both worked in momentary silence as the creature translated and she combined the ingredients and readied them for the addition of the final element needed to complete the spell. When she glanced back up it was to see the demon looking at her expectantly before announcing it'd completed the task she'd requested. Dahlia only nodded and picked up the book, scribbling in the translations as it provided them. She'd have preferred the spell in its original language, as she couldn't help feeling like some of its power was lost, but she didn't have the time to learn the intricacies of proper reading and pronunciation of a new foreign language right now. She did make a mental note, however, to have the demon teach her more about the language... Show more content on ... Only now did she feel like she was truly gaining a glimpse of the ancient monster of legend, the depths of its eyes ageless and infinite, and she thought she even caught a glimmer of amusement in them as the demon put forth its ultimatum as if it were playing a particularly cunning move in a game of chess. Now this was more like what she'd expected, though the price it named next was far from anything she could have prepared herself for. "The first of your enemies shall be given to me, so that this body may slake the lusts that grow within it. Once I am done with her, then I shall kill her, as is your want. Unless... you offer your own body to please this one?" She was temporarily speechless, her armor of bravado faltering for a brief moment as she processed the creature's proposition. It had effectively thrown her off kilter, and it knew as much, even dared to brazenly offer her an alternate option that it knew she wouldn't take, though only furthered her suspicion that it had somehow intentionally inflicted the lustful thoughts she'd experienced moments ago. Her jaw tensed, quiet rage brewing beneath the surface at the prospect of being caught off–guard. Gone was the sarcastic wit as she devoted more serious consideration to what was being demanded of her. She had asked herself a great many hypothetical questions about such a scenario, about how far she was willing to go to get her revenge. She'd thought, perhaps foolishly, that ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Elizabeth Short: The Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short was born July 29, 1924 in Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth Short, who is best known as "the Black Dahlia," didn't have the ideal childhood since her mom left when she was only five. She developed a strong interest in theater and by her teens, she had set her mind on becoming an actress. Sadly her dream would never come true because on January 15, 1947 at the age of 22 Elizabeth Short was brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Elizabeth Short's body was found, nude and posed, in a vacant lot near Leimert Park by a local female resident. The killer of Elizabeth Short had drained her corpse of blood, cut her body in half and scrubbed it clean of any evidence that could had possibly been used for the case. This case quickly became popular ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey Unsolved The Ramsey family has always been big suspects. The death of JonBenet Ramsey has confused the world and remains unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey was in beauty pageants and she is named after her father John Ramsey. JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered on December 26, 1996 at the age of 6 years old. She is buried by her mother who died in 2006, and her half–sister Elizabeth Ramsey who died in 1992 due to a car crash. Her parents became suspects in 1997. After research the Ramsey family was said to be not related to the actual murderer. (JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts) When they looked at JonBenet thoroughly, they said that she had a fractured skull possibly from a flashlight. Was possibly assaulted, and strangled by a garrote made from one of Patsy's paint brushes. (JonBenet Ramsey Biography) To this day no one knows who killed JonBenet, but there are multiple suspects. The most popular suspects are: the mother, father, brother, town drifter, electrician, school teacher, and the housekeeper. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible Suspects)... Show more content on ... This reason was because she always got upset and JonBenet when she wetted her bed. Another reason is because it is said that sometimes Patsy Ramsey would flip a switch in a room, and slam JonBenet's head against a hard surface. Sometimes including a bathtub or a headboard. Some investigators also think that Patsy could have killed her daughter because the rope around JonBenet's neck was made by a homemade garrote determined to have been fashioned out of a paintbrush taken from Patsy's paint kit that laid near JonBenet when she was found. A very big possibility is that the letter left on the staircase steps could have been from Patsy after realizing that she had killed JonBenet. When investigators looked around for possible evidence they found that the pen that had been used to write the note was from inside the house. (Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? 8 Possible ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay On Fight Club He 'd probably watched Fight Club one too many times growing up, both the novel and the film had a marked impact on Trent 's band and indeed his public persona. It 'd been a rocky road for him to reach that place, and the character that he played was one born from necessity. Trent 's father was a lifelong biker, and the president of a prominent outlaw MC in California. The man sold drugs, pimped out girls and did a little bit of everything and he 'd been a convict for much of his son 's early years. As a result, Trent was forced to grow up in group homes, and abuse from his caretakers and older children hardened the boy, by the time his dad got out, he was a teenager and the two reconnected with Trent frequently getting into violent... Show more content on ... Much of the band 's direction came from him, and he was the de facto leader of the group. There were two brothers in the group, both were Mexican–Americans and they 'd lived their entire lives in the L.A area just as Trent had. They were the drummer and one of the guitarists respectively. The white guy was named Jackson and he was a longtime friend of Trent 's and another one of the guitarists, he was an especially liberal minded giant of a guy that stood about 6 '8" and was covered head to toe in tattoos. Of everyone in the group, he was the most hardcore against any sort of racism and before blowing big, his claim to fame was being televised nationally at a riot, where he punched a Nazi sympathizer in the face quite hard. He drank like a fish, but was otherwise a sweetheart with a new family of his own, and Trent was proud to be godfather to his twins. Their bassist was Trent 's cousin Reggie who had come from a family of musicians. In addition they had two more members, one was an Asian–American young man who everyone called kid and the other was a black woman who was petite but probably the most volatile in temperament which was saying something. They were there to add texture to the sound and both handled similar duties of sampling, keyboards, percussion and turntables. The kid 's background was in Hip–Hop initially, and he 'd been a very popular DJ at a number of clubs before signing on, while The Female Of The Species as she liked to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Write An Argumentative Essay On Black Dahlia Up to the present time, the case is still trying to be solved by few with more and more information being brought to the light. While viewing the case, looking at evidence, looking at the case and all the different suspects that the police believed did it back then viewers came up with numerous conclusions. After looking at everything that was presented some of the information started to make sense and the pieces started to slowly come together. The only problem is that all the pieces that is needed to solve the case isn't fully there and probably never will be. Moving on, who ever killed Elizabeth Short also known as Black Dahlia wanted their existence to be known by everyone. This person sent in letters and different items to the media and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Black Dahlia Murders No one can escape death, death comes at a certain time in a lifetime, but this death came particular too early. Elizabeth Short, an upcoming Hollywood star would soon be on the front page of magazines worldwide. Victim, Elizabeth Short, who later became known as The Black Dahlia, is a famous unsolved murder case. The Black Dahlia is a very well known name in the streets of Los Angeles, California. Elizabeth Short like any other human being was out chasing her dreams, Elizabeth was born in Hyde Park, a suburb of Boston, and grew up in nearby Medford (Hodel), She grew up with four sisters by her side. ElizabethВґs mother was the provider of the family her father, Cleo Short, had abandoned the family in 1930 (Hodel), Elizabeth grew up without ... Show more content on ... There were many suspects of who murdered Elizabeth Short, but George Hodel was the biggest of them all. Detectives had suspected that only a person who could have done a bisection so perfectly had to be a skilled doctor. This is where many people had became convinced George Hodel was the killer, but among the suspects there was seven doctors (Latson) . Although many people had committed to be the killer, one promising admission came a few weeks after the murder from, an army Corporal who claimed he had been drinking with Elizabeth Short in San Francisco a few days before her body was discovered (Hodel). He had became a prime suspect when he confessed in the murder, but evidence emerged that he had been on his military base the day of Elizabeth Short's death (Hodel). Investigator Walter Morgan had taken over the Black Dahlia investigation, Walter Morgan had done the unthinkable. He along with police detectives, slipped into George Hodel's house and planted eavesdropping devices all over the house (Hodel). Walter Morgan waited for a long period of time until he finally caught George Hodel talking about the murder, George Hodel was heard saying "This is the best payoff I've seen between law enforcement agencies. And I'd like to get a connection made in the DA's office." The transcripts no longer exist, but there was more to what George Hodel said, "Supposing I did kill the Black ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Murder By Katherine Ramland Summary Zack Olen In Katherine Ramsland's article "Murder by the Book: The Murder of Karyn Slover," she tells the story of the mysterious murder of a 23 year old mother who seemed to vanish with no reasoning in central Illinois back in 1996. Ramsland begins by telling how an abandoned car was left on the side of the road with it still running, the headlights on and the driver door still open. Police searched the car and found a drivers license with Karyn Slover's name on it, yet the car belonged to David Swann. The police reached Swann and told him of Karyn's disappearance, which he then told the police how she was borrowing the car to pick up her son at the Slover's household. The author continues on about how Swann filed a missing–persons report... Show more content on ... After further investigation, there were remains enclosed in plastic bags with cinder blocks as weights which were dumped into Lake Shelbyville, which were discovered by a couple fishing. These remains were tested with Karyn Slover's dental records and indeed these were her remains. Both suspects David Swann and Michael Slover Jr. had alibis, and seemed like the most obvious suspects. Ramsland states that Swann's alibi was confirmed after showing up on a security camera by an ATM, yet Michael Slover Jr. had no confirmation and was seen being rough with Karyn. A couple years later, in 1998, Police spotted a break of concrete in Michael Slover Sr.'s used car lot named Miracle Motors. A forensic geologist was then brought into the case to see if part of the concrete missing matched the concrete in the plastic bags with Karyn's remains. The concrete in the bags and in the car that Karyn was driving before she disappeared both matched the concrete missing from Michael Slover Sr.'s lot. Also, the author comments how some cloth found in the lot concrete links to the clothes that Karyn was wearing when she was murdered. This helped police get a search warrant into the Slover's household, where they discovered one firearm was missing, a .22 caliber handgun like one that was used in the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Black Dahlia Monologue He won't wake up! He won't wake up! Johnny said nothing. What did you give him? What I bought last week, they told me it's H. Who told you? I don't remember. Brooklyn street kids are the only hardcore ones left. Manhattan has turned into a gentrified upper–middle class graveyard. Hardcore enough to find themselves with a dead rock n roller on a warm morning. You get used to anything when you're poor, even death. The kids walked through Williamsburg wearing Johnny's clothes and walking his dog. I loved Johnny I really did, said Genzales, his eyes heating up. That's because you're gay. I know you're gay because you wouldn't cut your hair to join the baseball league, replied Anthony, laughing. Anthony was vocally straight now that he had lost his virginity. His dream was to start an old age rock n roll home with a studio in it and lots of prostitutes. Was this guy even a punk? Look at these clothes?!... Show more content on ... When they returned rigor mortis had turned Johnny into the letter V I think we should cut him up, said Anthony. I cut my bitches head off in my tattoo because she got wise. The Black Dahlia always creeped me out. I don't know what to do with the body. Anthony is right, I was in love with Johnny and I still am. That's why I gave him the drugs, to hope that some of his blood would fill me up if I used his discarded syringe. I've read enough to know that 13 is a young age for drug abuse but not unheard of. I'm the Jim Carroll of my generation and Johnny is dead. Jesus, there's a lot of blood in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Why Is Jonbenet Ramsey Important JonBenet Ramsey Annotated Bibliography Several huge and important celebrities have had mysterious deaths. What happened? Was it an accident? Did someone kill them? If so, who killed them? These are all important questions to think of when thinking of such a death. I researched JonBenet Ramsey, a beauty pageant queen, whom was gorgeous, talented, and young. December 26, 1996, she was found murdered in the basement of her own home. The cause of death was suffocation. According to police reports, " JonBenet was found in the small room covered with a blanket, her wrists were tied above her head, her mouth was covered with tape, and a nylon cord was wrapped around her neck". There were also signs of sexual assault before she had been murdered. In fact, that there was a possibility of her having been sexually assaulted more than just right before her death. The prime suspects for the case were, of course, her parents. A note was left behind prior to the finding of the body, stated that if the Ramsey's wanted to see their daughter again that they would have to attain $ 1118,000 from Mr. Ramsey's account. This note was obviously not honored , asbecause JonBenet's body was found around 30 minutes after the note was left. ... Show more content on ... However, on August 17, 2006, an article stating that a man named, John Mark Karr, was responsiblerealized. He had admitted to the murder of JonBenet. This seemed strange to his wife, whom had sworn that the time of JonBenet's murder he was with his family. He had said that him and JonBenet had been in love and that her murder was an accident. Later, evidence was found proving the innocence of John Karr through DNA data collected of JonBenet's body. He's still in custody however, due to the fact that he has been in possessionposition of child ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Who Was Responsible For The Mystery Of The Black Dahlia The Black Dahlia The story of the Black Dahlia has had people trying to find answers for years, with so many suspects and not many answers it only led to more mystery. Not much is known about the murder that happened and there are many possibilities, but among all the suspects one thing is clear and that is Ed burns didn't commit the crime. George Hodel committed the murder and there is a lot of evidence against him to prove this statement. In the murder of the Black Dahlia, Ed Burns didn't commit the crime but George Hodel was the one who is responsible for the murder. The mystery ofthe Black Dahlia has interested people for decades, the murder happened mid January 1947. A body was found cut in half in a vacant lot on L.A's South Norton Avenue. A police detective later said after seeing the crime scene " I just can't imagine someone else doing that to another human being."( "Black Dahlia" ), the crime scene was that gruesome. The murder victim was 22 year old Elizabeth Short, called the Black Dahlia by the murderer. The mystery got its public interest when the L.A.P.D couldn't find someone responsible for the crime, This is why the mystery of what really happened still has people searching for answers. Even Though the mystery was never solved one thing is clear and that is Ed Burns didn't commit the murder. He was identified in pictures as Ed Burns but only Months after the murder. Ed Burns was never talked about or seen in any FBI reports and was never mentioned in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay On Black Dahlia The Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short famously known as the Black Dahlia was murdered in California in January 15, 1947. She was working as a waitress to support her dream of making it big in Hollywood. The Black Dahlia is one of the biggest unsolved murder mysteries in California to this day. It's been almost 70 years since the murder of Black Dahlia, and many are to believe it is the father of the retired LAPD detective Steve Hodel, his father being George Hodel. But still no one has been put guilty of the murder, as many tried to cover it up by putting themselves guilty when they weren't. While many scholars believe that Leslie Dollions was the killer, evidence states George Hodel as being the killer of Elizabeth Short. Nicknamed the ... Show more content on ... Police had found Jeff Connors but his real name was Artie Lange. He was put into a lie detector and after two tests he was proven innocent. There was not enough evidence to convict Leslie dillon as being the killer of Elizabeth Short, he had went to court but was not conceited of the murder. As countless pieces of evidence leads to George Hodel as the murder of Elizabeth Short he still has not been found guilty of the murderous crimes he committed. George Hodel was also accused of raping his fourteen–year–old daughter, Tamar Hodel. Three witnesses testified against George and said they had seen the raping of Tamar. George won against the sexual assault charges in December 1949. The molestation case soon led tothe Black Dahlia case, and George was added to the suspects list of her case. Pictures of what seemed to look like Elizabeth Short were found him George's home. The LAPD put George under surveillance for close to a month and a half. LAPD then installed 2 microphones in his house, being listened to by 18 detectives. Most of what's heard has nothing to do with the murder of Elizabeth, but just after a day of recording something horrific is heard and recorded. "Woman screamed. Woman screamed again. (Note that the woman heard screaming was not heard until now.)" 8:25 Pm. That same day the recording heard George talking to his ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Examples Of 1920's Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries When people think about the 1920's they think about glamorous parties, beautiful fashion, and the brilliant play Phantom of the Opera. They don't ever think about the horrendous murders and kidnappings that were never solved. The 1920's has so many crazy stories that nobody really talks about because it was sandwiched between the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash. The 1920's unsolved mysteries are kind of just like 2018 mysteries. The 1920's are really only known for the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash, nobody ever really talks about all the horrible things in crime. Even though these events were really important, they don't really shine light on the crazy mysteries. Some of these unsolved mysteries may even been... Show more content on ... He was never caught though... suprise, suprise. Like i had said before this masacre was the same as the one that happen Valentine's day 2018 t a florida high school expect that did catch the boy who did it. They are still in trial, even though he killed 17 people. "Capone was a good student in his Brooklyn elementary school, but began falling behind and had to repeat the sixth grade."( History). All of the unsolved mysteries are important and should have been solved because all of the families that never got justice for their loved ones. A lot of these mysteries seem to have to do with Al Capone, and that makes people think could he have been apart of some of these things but just have been behind the scenes. Could have Al Capone done any of these things maybe that's why he has so many enemies because he's the man behind all the "magic"."The press followed Capone's every move avidly, and he was able to gain public sympathy with his gregarious and generous personality." ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Art Of Sculptural Bowerbirds Humans are basically the same as other animals, as much as we may deny it. We have the same basic needs and instincts as other animals. We need food, water, shelter from the elements, and we are attracted to people because we want to reproduce. We as humans like to say we're unique based on an array of reasons: we are self–aware, we form deep connections with other individuals, we can use tools, etc. Except we aren't unique. Rats are known to be self aware ( live in packs and swans are monogamous. Chimpanzees and gorillas have long been known to use tools in captivity and in the wild. It seems the only aspect of life unique to humans is our innate drive and ability to make art as a means to connect with one another. Except,... Show more content on ... Art is the safe, abstract world wherein humans can examine themselves and their world with minimal real–world consequence. Rats may be capable of metacognition and chimpanzees may build and use tools, but neither share the innate drive of humans to create art. Not only do humans make art to convey their own personal experience, they are able to appreciate the art of others. Unlike lower animals who are too biologically focused on their own survival, humans can spend hours obsessing over the creations of others, bathing in the emotional energy of those they will likely never meet in person, taking comfort in the knowledge that someone else may share their experience. Humans need to connect on an emotional level to survive (probably a biological hold–over from when we wandered the Earth in nomadic tribes), but what defines humans from other pack animals, is our ability to connect through ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Emma Hawes Case The Birmingham paper of Wednesday morning, December 5, contained headlines that would have been enough to capture anyone's attention. On December 4, the body of a nicely–dressed girl around the age of eight or nine years old was found floating in the lake in the Birmingham suburbs known as East Lake. Her body was found by two teenage boys by the names of John Keith and Ben Cluberson who were innocently playing in a boat. The Jefferson County Coroner conducted an initial exam and determined that the cause of her death to be murder. Unable to identify the little girl, they placed her body for viewing in hopes someone would recognize her. Just a few days later, the local butchers identified her as being May Hawes, the oldest daughter of Richard and Emma Hawes. ... Show more content on ... Hawes was a George Pacific railroad engineer from Atlanta, Georgia. He married eighteen year old Emma in Atlanta, Georgia. From the beginning, they had problems with their marriage which lead them to move from Atlanta to Montgomery and then Birmingham. Working for the railroad, Richard Hawes often left his family alone in their cottage while operating trains between Columbus, Mississippi and Birmingham. Early on, Emma was considered a heavy drinker and allegedly had been unfaithful to Richard(weldbham). Due to Emma's alcoholism, May was left to take care of her two younger siblings, Irene and Willie. After May's body was identified, many questions about the marriage of Emma and Richard arose. Some argued that Emma was indeed Richard's wife, others believed that that Richard was divorced and had left for Columbus, Mississippi to marry again. According to Fannie Bryant(bhamwiki), the woman that worked in the Hawes household, said she saw Richard and May help Emma pack for a trip to Atlanta to retrieve their youngest son, Willie, who was staying with some of Richard's ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Dahlia Case Study OVERVIEW 1.Time Context The problem has to be solved by the year 1985. 2.Viewpoint Mr. Chua Boon Kang and Mr. Leong Sim Lam 3.Major Policy Statement Dahlia Furniture Private Limited is a local furniture industry, which supplies usually kitchen cabinets, wall units, bedrooms set and dining set. It also has metal and wood furniture sets. 4.Background of the Case a.The Company Dahlia Furniture made its entrance into the furniture industry in 1972 as subcontractors to two large furniture concerns, Ching Lin and Diethelm. It supplied mainly wall units and kitchen cabinets while bedrooms sets and dining sets were subcontracted out or obtained from local suppliers. Business went well and the company decided to branch into ... Show more content on ... Some of them are manufacturers while others are retailers who have their own showrooms. They can be possible competitors of Dahlia. Other competitors comprise of foreign manufacturers and retailers. Some of these are Ikea , Fly, Homestead and soon to operate Scandinavian, Italian, Japanese and American manufacturers. 6.Present Company Departmental Plans a.Product Planning Dahlia mainly supplies wall units and kitchen cabinets. It subcontracts local suppliers of bedroom sets and dining sets. b.Market Planning Dahlia Furniture advertises in Straights Times. In connection to its retailing operations, Dahlia rented a showroom to a department store in Orchard area, in Bukit Timah area and Upper Thompson area c.Production Planning The purchase of Upper Thompson and Ang Mo Kio factories are sought to increase the company's supply. d.Manpower Planning Dahlia acquired two factories namely Ang Mo Kio and Upper Thompson. The workers of these two factories were also hired. Staffs: Sales person11 persons Clerical workers4 persons
  • 28. Production workers (Thompson Factory)6 persons e.Organizational Planning Dahlia Furnitures is managed by Mr. Chua and Mr. Leong. Other staffs of the company are as follows: Personnel Position Chua Soo Lee General Administartion Robert LamProduction and General ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Creative Writing: Dahlia Dahlia didn't sleep that night. She was to anxious about tomorrow, but the next morning no one came. Dahlia was standing my the door for hours, yet no one came. Maybe they will kill me tonight. Dahlia went back to the window in the back of the cell. She saw the city down below. People crowed the streets. Dahlia heard gun shots. The war hadn't ended. It was just beginning. Dahlia had done nothing to help. Now unarmed people crowed the street lined up to be killed one by one. Dahlia sat down along the wall holding her knees in her hands. Hours passed, and still no one came. Dahlia assumed it was around noon. Daisy what is going on? Dahlia Dahlia you did it. The entire world and half of the army and police force joined us. We are... Show more content on ... "It's over Dahlia," Daxton got up from the cold ground. They felt their way back out of the maze watching the door that led to the hallway. The door had a window and it was the goal as of now. A voice sounded behind them, "I bet you thought you have won. Yes, you have destroyed my brain control, and I can't rebuild it. However, I can destroy you." "We have destroyed it and we have won that will not change," Dahlia stuttered knowing the outcome. She shoved Daxton forward hoping to save him. An utter pain sliced through Dahlia's gut. She had felt the arms reach around her with a curved dagger and it plunged deep into her organs. "Aaaaaahhhhhg," her scream was soft and light. She heard Mr. Gomez flee away leaving Dahlia hurled over her stomach. "Dahlia what happened? Did he hit you?" Daxton draped Dahlia's arm over his shoulder, and they wobbled slowly towards the door around the twisting maze of electronics. Daxton finally reached the door with great struggle and looked outside the door. The government people were running about the hallway saying things like, "Where is GOMEZ! I'm gonna kill him," or, "He has taken over our ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Summary: The Mystery Of Jonbenet Ramsey The Mystery Of Jonbenet Ramsey Basement, 6 year old girl, and strangulation, these three things are in the Jonbenet's murder case. December 26,1996 at about 5:52 am, Patsy Ramsey called 911 to report her daughter missing. Patsy found a ransom note on her staircase addressed to John Ramsey. The note demanded $118,000 and that was the exact amount John's bonus was that year. The mystery behind Jonbenet can be summed up in two theories: John Mark Karr and the parents and brother. First, In 1996, the Jonbenet murder case was very popular. Jonbenet was six when she was murdered. Then, She was a young beauty– pageant star. Jonbenet was found dead in her basement in Boulder, Colorado 1996. Also, In the Inquirer article it says, "Jonbenet was ... Show more content on ... John Karr confessed but failed the DNA test but went to jail for having inappropriate pictures of kids on his computer. The parents have a lot of evidence against them. Here are the two theories but no one knows for sure what really happened. Who really killed Jonbenet? Work Cited: EBOOKS: Puffer–Rothenberg, Maureen. "Ramsey murder case." The 1990s in America, edited by Milton Berman, Salem, 2009. Salem Online. Data bases: Nickell, Joe. "JonBenet Murder Mystery Solved? (Not by Psychics): The death of six–year–old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey went unsolved for two decades. Psychics were worse than useless, but the author's proposed solution resulted from evaluating the best evidence." Skeptical Inquirer, July–Aug. 2017, p. 38+. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 30 Jan. 2018. "JonBenet Ramsey Murder Fast Facts." CNN Wire, 12 Dec. 2017. Student Resources in Context, /SUIC?u=edmo59604&xid=02224d54. Accessed 30 Jan. 2018. Douglas,John. The Case That Haunts Us. New York Pocket, 2001.–killed–jonbenet–ramsey–netlifx–documentary–burke/ Accessed
  • 31. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. American Myths and Mysteries Essay Throughout the many decades that America has been in existence there have been many interesting mysteries that have not been solved and myths passed down from generation to generation. No one knows what caused these myths to come about or why these mysteries were never solved, but they are a very interesting part of American history. From mysteries involving serial killers to myths about mysterious creatures, there is a wide range of the unknown that many people, except for witnesses, have never heard about. Now let's take a look into some of the most fantastic myths and mysteries in America. The mystery of the Zodiac Killer was never solved; it was one of the greatest serial killer mysteries of all time. He was called the Zodiac killer ... Show more content on ... The legend of the Bermuda Triangle probably started some time around 1945, when a squadron of five Navy Avenger airplanes disappeared on a training flight out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are many theories to why these planes and boats have gone missing, but the true mystery might never be solved. Theories include enormous rogue waves, methane gas explosions, human disorientation and human error, crazy weather patterns causes intense storms, magnetic fields that causes compasses to be thrown off, the original UFO and Aliens, fog, and pirates. The best–known document in America, the Declaration of Independence, contains a very large myth that has finally been proven wrong. John Hancock, president of that Continental Congress, signed his name largely and boldly at the center of the place in the document for signatures to demonstrate his defiance of the British Crown and to encourage others to sign the document as well. After people spent years with new technology and research examining other documents, they were able to conclude that the myth was wrong. It ended up that his signature was very large in the first place, that is just how he signed his name. John Wilkes Booth will forever go down in history as the man who killed our most beloved president, President Abraham Lincoln. The story that he was hiding in a barn and was shot may not be entirely true. Booth might never have died that night, and it could have been a way for America to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Elizabeth Short, The Famous Black Dahlia It's January 15, 1947 the time is 10 am, local Leimert Park, Los Angeles resident, Betty Bersinger was walking down the street with her daughter when she noticed what she thought was a mannequin in an empty lot. With further investigation she noticed it was a real body and she rushed to a nearby house to call the police. So the question is, who's body was it? The answer? Elizabeth Short, the famous Black Dahlia. Elizabeth was born in Boston July 29, 1924 to her parents Cleo and Phoebe Short. Her father left randomly and wasn't heard from until years later. She left for Miami when she was 16 and grew up there until she was 19, where she then moved to California with her dad. She left him after getting in an argument and spent her time ... Show more content on ... Robert Manley drove Elizabeth to the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. This is where she was last seen alive. She is reportedly seen haunting this hotel. Some people say they saw her leave for the Crown Real Bar, but that wasn't proven. Manley was disproven as a suspect as he returned to San Diego a week before she was found dead and passed a polygraph test. He also took a "Truth Serum" test, or Sodium Pentothal where he "truthfully" stated he didn't kill her. In 1954 he was admitted into a mental hospital for "hearing voices." Mark Hansen and Elizabeth were very well known with each other. Elizabeth stayed in his house for a while. He was one of the last people who was heard from, by Elizabeth. One of the items the Avenger sent was actually belonging to him and with that he became a prime suspect. Many believe Hansen and Elizabeth were involved romantically, even though Hansen had a girlfriend at the time. Hansen died of natural causes and no charges were ever put against him. Before we get to our final suspect I'd like to note that over 50 people have confessed to killer her, but none were proven guilty. Many people also think a women was the killer. People think, that because the body was so heavy, the murderer couldn't move the body so she was cut in half. A bunch of people have also called in and said their relatives were the killer. Our final, and most promising suspect is George Hodel. George was very ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Black Dahlia Murder The 1940's in the United States was a time in history that generations look back on to reminisce on simpler times and new beginnings. 1947 was the year that Jackie Robinson first took the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first African American to play in the MLB, a gallon of gasoline was 15 cents, and the first instant camera was invented. While many positive feats were made and challenges overcome, 1947 is also the year of the gruesome "Black Dahlia" murder. Elizabeth Short or otherwise known by her nickname "Black Dahlia" became a household name when her body was found brutally butchered and drained of blood. 67 years have passed since her murder and to this day the case remains open and a mystery. The world may never truly know why... Show more content on ... Elizabeth, or called "Beth" as she was called when she was young, and her four sisters were raised predominantly by their mother, Phoebe Mae. Her father, Cleo, abandoned the family after the stock crash of 1929. He owned a business building miniature golf courses, but the crash left him bankrupt. He allegedly faked his own death by placing his car near a bridge and disappearing. The family received a letter from Cleo some time later stating that he faked his own death and moved to California. He claimed to regret his decision of abandoning the family and wanted to return to Massachusetts with them. Phoebe did not want to have anything to do with him and refused to accept him back. She raised her five children while working numerous jobs and waiting in long lines to accept public assistance. Cleo was never welcome back to their home, although despite her parents' estranged relationship, Elizabeth kept in touch with her father throughout the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Black Dahli Mystery Solved Black Dahlia: Mystery Solved Cut in half, drained of blood, and displayed for all to see, the Black Dahlia murder is certainly unforgettable. Taunting letters that further puzzled police and countless confessions to drag out the investigation, to this day no one has been convicted. Seventy years later, with somewhat new evidence and family secrets coming to light, the killing of Elizabeth Short in 1947 was undoubtedly carried out by the late Dr. George Hodel. Born on July 29, 1924 in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Short was, "the third of five daughters born to Cleo and Phoebe...Short"(Biography Editors). When Elizabeth was young, during the great depression, her father faked a suicide and abandoned his wife and five daughters. Through hard times, ... Show more content on ... "Black Dahlia.", A&E Networks Television, 21 Sept. 2016, –dahlia–21117617. Accessed 1 Oct. 2017 Healy, Patrick. "New Evidence Father Was Killer." NBC Southern California, NBC Southern California, 29 Sept. 2017, /local/Lab–Results–Support–Suspicion–of–Retired–Detective–Pursuing–Hollywood–Cold–Cases–261409101.html. Accessed 1 Oct. 2017. Hewitt, Bill, and John Hannah. "Accusing His Father." People, vol. 59, no. 21, 2 June 2003, p. 75. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, http:/ /–live&authtype=cookie,ip,custuid&custid=infohio. Accessed 28 Sept. 2017. Mccormack, David. "Could the Infamous Black Dahlia Case Be about to Be Solved? Cadaver Dog Discovers Death Scent at Hollywood Home of Suspect 66 Years after the Horrific Murder." Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 5 Feb. 2013,–2272640 /Black–Dahlia–case–solved–Cadaver–dog–discovers–death–scent–Hollywood–home–suspect.html. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017. News, CBS. "Black Dahlia Confidential." CBS News, CBS Interactive, 29 Aug. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Did Marilyn Monroe Commit Suicide One mystery that will never be truly solved is the death of one of the world's most influential stars. Marilyn Monroe. On August the 5th 1962, at the tender age of 36 the Hollywood actress was found dead in her Los Angeles home. The scene seemed to be one of a suicide; however evidence suggests that she was confronted with a far more sinister end. Many believe that Marilyn in fact did end her own life but others including myself believe that her death was due to the hand of President Kennedy. I believe that homicide is what occurred on the evening of her death. "Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide, she was murdered" – Police Officer Jack Clemmons (present at the scene of death.) In her bedroom on the night of her death, the scene appeared ... Show more content on ... The President of the United States fell under this category perfectly. It became apparent that a transitory relationship between Marilyn and JFK occurred during the months prior to her death. I surmise that the fleeting affair was the cause of her hasty exit from the world. In the final years of her life Marilyn had become mentally unstable. Alchol and drugs became necessary props in the screenplay she concidered to be her life. Drowning in depression, she became reliant on prescription drugs and alchol to function somewhat normally. This issue became a detriment to both Marilyn's personal life and her career. 20th Century Fox agreed to dismiss her from further projects. In desperation, she turned to the president for support. Marilyn asked Kennedy for a more committed relationship. Yet this was unrealistic as Kennedy had a family. Rejection was a familiar feeling to Monroe. Yet the denial of her request somewhat shocked her; as a result she threatened to go public with the affair. Marilyn Monroe once said 'Dogs never bite me. Just humans.' I believe that this quote in particular describes the end of her relationship with Kennedy perfectly. She was once again let down by someone she ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Black Dahlia Research Paper In studying for Criminal Justice they teach that the popularity of crime solving T.V. shows has actually been detrimental to the cause. Causing it to be labeled the CSI effect. These shows make it seem like a team of crack detectives can solve any case, but in reality even a large team of dedicated detectives cannot solve ever case. One of the most famous cases being that of the murder of Elizabeth Short, colloquially known as The Black Dahlia, but in what way did the investigation fail to make it so the killer was never caught? Ms. Elizabeth was found on January 15th, 1947 in Leimert Park in Los Angeles. The gruesome scene discovered by a mother and her child would be called by a police scientist named Lee Jones, "...the worst crime upon a woman I've ever seen." (Schechter 527). A young woman stabbed dozens of times, a permanent smile cut into her face and finally bisected at the waist is all that remained of the once beautiful Elizabeth Short. Checking the missing persons reports twice, an artists recreation of her face and a 250+ officer search reared nothing. The only thing that delivered a name was a record of underage drinking done by short that ... Show more content on ... Born in Salem, Mass. To 3 sisters and a lone mother Short acquired wanderlust about the world, chartering across the country and returning home for short bursts of normalcy. Traced from Miami to Texas to California Mr. Brown discovered a long string of abusive, jaded and abandoning boyfriends had been with Short, though none could later be convicted of the crime. Tracked until her run in with the police she seemed to be an aspiring starlet in Hollywood, going from menial job to menial job to eventually no job at all. Elizabeth mooched off of friends and apparently hitched rides with strangers (Schechter 530). Brown tracked her to just five days before her end, where a doorman remembered her leaving a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Jonbenet Murder Theories An unexpected murder with unexplained evidence all surrounding a 6 year old pageant queen named JonBenet all happening on the day after Christmas. Although there are many theories about JonBenet, evidence shows that it was most likely her brother. Jonbenet Ramsey was a beauty pageant queen that was found dead on the day after Christmas in a storage room in her basement of her house in Boulder Colorado. Jonbenet was born on August 6, 1990 in Atlanta Georgia, and was only 6 years old when she was found dead. There was a ransom note left on the stairs addressed to the dad and when her mom woke up and came down stairs she found it and it was asking for the exact amount of money of the bonus that the dad got earlier that year. The note was 2 ВЅ pages long and was written from a notepad from their house. When she was found she had various wounds, duct tape over her mouth, garrote around her neck, and she was struck in the head which caused her to become unconscious (Conrad).... Show more content on ... First of all Jonbenet had an uncontrollable bed wetting problem and one night her mom lost her temper and struck her in a way that accidentally killed her. Another theory is that her dad sexually harassed her and after he was afraid that she would tell someone and he would get in trouble and later killed her. In 2006 a thailand school teacher John Mark Karr confessed to killing Jonbenet Ramsey. In his earlier years he had child pornography charges in the us. He was immediately dismissed as a suspect because he was only after notoriety and fame. The last theory is that the brother was jealous of all the attention she got and on christmas he got a train set and we stabbed her with it. There was two holes on her neck and it matched up to the train track ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Emma Hawes Case The Birmingham paper of Wednesday morning, December 5, contained headlines that would have been enough to capture anyone's attention. On December 4, the body of a nicely–dressed girl around the age of eight or nine years old was found floating in the lake in the Birmingham suburbs known as East Lake. Her body was found by two teenage boys by the names of John Keith and Ben Cluberson who were innocently playing in a boat. The Jefferson County Coroner conducted an initial exam and determined that the cause of her death to be murder. Unable to identify the little girl, they placed her body for viewing in hopes someone would recognize her. Just a few days later, the local butchers identified her as being May Hawes, the oldest daughter of Richard and Emma Hawes. ... Show more content on ... Hawes was a George Pacific railroad engineer from Atlanta, Georgia. He married eighteen year old Emma in Atlanta, Georgia. From the beginning, they had problems with their marriage which lead them to move from Atlanta to Montgomery and then Birmingham. Working for the railroad, Richard Hawes often left his family alone in their cottage while operating trains between Columbus, Mississippi and Birmingham. Early on, Emma was considered a heavy drinker and allegedly had been unfaithful to Richard(weldbham). Due to Emma's alcoholism, May was left to take care of her two younger siblings, Irene and Willie. After May's body was identified, many questions about the marriage of Emma and Richard arose. Some argued that Emma was indeed Richard's wife, others believed that that Richard was divorced and had left for Columbus, Mississippi to marry again. According to Fannie Bryant(bhamwiki), the woman that worked in the Hawes household, said she saw Richard and May help Emma pack for a trip to Atlanta to retrieve their youngest son, Willie, who was staying with some of Richard's ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Black Dahlia Murder Research Paper The Black Dahlia Murder "The Black Dahlia Murder" has been an unsolved murder case since 1947 involving a young actress named Elizabeth Short. Elizabeth Short was killed in cold blood she was cut and half and was left in a vacant lot. Elizabeth Short's body was found on the cold morning of January 15, 1947 a women named Betty Bersinger. When officers Frank Perkins and Will Fitzgerald arrived to the scene they witnessed Elizabeth's naked body cut in half.This case is a witch hunt. This case is a witch hunt because the were so many suspect and many people confessed to her murder. When the LAPD started on the case they thought that the suspect "had some sort of medical training"(Unc–suspects) according to an FBI letter. The LAPD thought the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. A Summary Of The Beauty Of Dahlia In the distant past , when everything had started there lived a beautiful maiden , named Dahlia. Who she live in a small village called Nordale , there were lots of gardens but only one was special for Dahlia, it was so colorful, full of flowers that everyone in the village went dressed up nicely but Dahlia always cared of being better she didn't put much attention to the other womans in the garden , she knew that no matter what , her beauty was unique . Every day Dahlia went to the graden to get away with everything, and have some quietness . One day a young women came to the garden , goodess of love and beauty , Venus . Venus was wonderfully dress with her lighting makeup and thats how Dahlia grew jealously because Venus was with Maddox , the guy Daliah always dreamed of. Maddox was so surprise with the beauty of Venus he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Daliah has never seen a women like that before .That made herself only have pure beauty , she wouldn't stop till she had perfection in her appearance. Dahlia went to the garden everyday she even slept through the night to seek for creativity , inspiration . She needed time alone to think of something new. Something no one has ever tried before. One night Dahlia was walking through the garden and it was there where it all started , when she found a mysterious door, she opened it and she never in her life saw millions of colorful flowers , they weren't like the floweres in the garden, they were magical. That's ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Bella In Wych Elma Case Study Jaedi S. Mcmullins Ms. Kendrick Criminal justice 4/6/18 Who Put Bella In Wych Elm? There are many infamous unsolved mysteries throughout time, and some investigations span decades. A few mysteries include D.B. Cooper, Jack the ripper, and the unknown assailant of J.F.K., but none of these mysteries compare to the mystery surrounding the Hagley Woods murder and the conspiracies surrounding it. The case of a woman who met a grisly demise has inspired the locals to persist in figuring out who killed the woman whose body was never claimed. One must begin by understanding the facts of the case before coming to their own conclusion or theory, though. So what happened to her? It is known that on April 18, 1943,in Worcestershire, England, four boys, Bob Farmer, Robert Hart, Thomas Willetts, and Fred Payne, had found a human skull in an elm tree while trespassing. The four boys, teenagers at the time, had a hobby in bird nesting, so as the smallest of the group, Bob Farmer, scaled the tree to gaze in the hollow elm, ... Show more content on ... He stated that 20 months prior to the discovery of the woman, he was on his way home when he and a school teacher had heard a female shrieking in the Hagley woods, though, at the time, no one was found. By christmas of 1943, graffiti appeared on the walls of the area stating: "WHO PUT LUEBELLA DOWN THE WYCH–ELM?" in white chalk. In the weeks following, "Luebella" was shortened to "Bella", and has persisted for more than three score. [1] Anthropologist Margaret Murray became intrigued in the case and linked the circumstances of it to an occult ritual known as the "Hand of Glory", which began the theory of the murder being a ritualistic killing. With this theory in mind, the media went wild, especially since a man by the name of Charles Walton was found secured to the ground beneath him with a pitchfork in a local village. Professor Murray seemed to believe the two of these incidents to be correlated. ... Get more on ...