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PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science
Vol. 9, No. 3, July-September 2015: 133-140
DOI : 10.5958/0975-6922.2015.00018.2 133
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Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the
Literature of Stellar Physics
Shweta B. Joshi1
Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur2
Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli3
The present paper tests one of the important bibliometric laws of Bradford’s Law of scattering for the literature
related to ‘stellar physics’ for the period 1988-2013 as available in the Web of Science Core Collection database.
A total of 2738 articles related to Stellar Physics published in journals in English language during the study
period are retrieved. Data are analysed with respect to year-wise growth of articles, relative growth rate and
doubling time of literature. The 2738 articles are scattered in 188 journals. A list of ranked journals was
prepared and it was found that the Astrophysical Journal with 895 articles is the most productive journal
publishing Stellar Physics literature followed by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society with 507
articles and Astronomy and Astrophysics with 380 articles. In this study, theoretical aspects of Bradford’s Law
of Scattering are tested and found that the data do not fit to the present sample. The Leimkuhler model is tested
and found to fit the data for the Bradford Multiplier (k) at 11.65. The Bradford law is also tested through
graphical formulation by drawing the Bradford bibliograph and is found to confirm all the three characteristics.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Bradford’s Law of Scattering, Relative Growth Rate, Doubling Time, Stellar
Physics, Ranking of Journals, Bradford Bibliograph
Stellar Physics is a term coined for the research
concerning the formation, evolution, interior and
the atmosphere of stars. The understanding of the
birth and death of stars requires the application
of almost all branches of modern physics. These
areas include: gravitation, hydrodynamics, atomic
physics, liquid-solid state theory, super
conductivity and super fluidity. This distinguishes
it from stellar dynamics, which concerns mainly
gravitational interactions between stars
(Bisnovatyi-Kogan, 2002). Stellar Physics as a
subject is expanding due to the enormous research
undergoing in various facets throughout the
world. Consequent upon this, there is a drastic
growth of literature in the form of research output
through various formats such as journal articles,
conference papers, books, research reports and so
on. Every field of research has few journals (core
journals) where researchers prefer to publish their
research work. Bibliometric techniques are very
useful in determination of various scientific
indicators, evaluation of scientific output, selection
of journals to the libraries and forecasting the
potential of a particular field. Bibliometric analysis
reveals the pattern of growth of literature, inter-
relationship among different branches of
knowledge, productivity, authorship pattern,
degree of collaboration, etc. (Kattimani, 2012). In
this paper, an attempt is made to reveal the
research trends in Stellar Physics and to identify
the core journals in the subject by analyzing the
literature using Bradford’s Law of Scattering by
tapping Web of Science Core Collection database.
134 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015
Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli
The present study has been designed with the
following objectives:
 To present growth of Stellar Physics literature.
 To study relative growth rate and doubling
time of Stellar Physics articles.
 To identify the core journals in Stellar Physics.
 To test Bradford’s Law of Scattering.
 To verify Bradford’s Law of Scattering
through the Leimkuhler model and Graphical
The research output covered in the Web of Science
Core Collection database has been searched with
the keyword as ‘Stellar Physics’ in the ‘Title’ for
the period 1988-2013 and 2738 articles published
in 188 journals in English language were
downloaded with full bibliographic details for
further analysis.
A total of 2738 articles were identified in the field
of ‘Stellar Physics’ for the period from 1988 to
2013. The analysis of the data has been made on
the following aspects to meet the stated objectives.
Growth of Articles
Table 1 presents the year-wise distribution of
articles. It is observed from Table 1 that the highest
number of 298 (8.814%) articles are published in
the year 2011, followed by 287 (8.489%) in 2009
and 273 (8.075%) in 2010. Though the number of
papers published each year is not consistent but
except for the few years the research output in
Stellar Physics is consistently increasing.
Relative Growth Rate and Doubling Time
The relative growth rate (RGR) is the increase in
number of articles per unit of time. The mean
relative growth rate (R) over the specific period
of interval can be calculated from the following
– Loge
1 – 2R
– T1
1 – 2R
= Mean relative growth rate over the specific
period of interval
= log of initial number of articles
= log of final number of articles after a
specific period of interval
– T1
= Unit difference between the initial time
and the final time
aa –1
= average number of articles
The year of publication is taken here as the unit
of time. The RGR for articles is hereby calculated
as below.
Table 1: Year-wise distribution of articles
Publication years No. of papers Percent of 2738
1988 4 0.146
1991 26 0.950
1992 45 1.644
1993 40 1.461
1994 48 1.753
1995 63 2.301
1996 64 2.337
1997 64 2.337
1998 72 2.630
1999 83 3.031
2000 73 2.666
2001 95 3.470
2002 95 3.470
2003 119 4.346
2004 152 5.551
2005 147 5.369
2006 148 5.405
2007 132 4.821
2008 156 5.698
2009 197 7.195
2010 190 6.939
2011 236 8.619
2012 235 8.583
2013 254 9.277
2738 100.00
PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 135
Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics
1 – 2R
) can represent the mean RGR
per unit of articles per unit of year over a specific
period of interval.
(30) – Loge
1991 =
1991 – 1988
= 3.40 – 1.39 = 2.01
3 3
1991 = 0.67
(75) – Loge
1992 =
1992 – 1991
= 4.32 – 3.40 = 0.92
1 1
1992 = 0.92
In the same way, the relative growth rate for other
years is also calculated (Table 2). The mean relative
growth rate is 0.23.
Table 2: Relative growth rate (RGR) and doubling
time (DT) of publications
Year No. of Cumu- Loge
publi- lative
cations total
1988 4 4 1.38
1991 26 30 1.38 3.40 0.67 1.03
1992 45 75 3.40 4.32 0.92 0.75
1993 40 115 4.32 4.74 0.42 1.65
1994 48 163 4.74 5.10 0.36 1.92
1995 63 226 5.10 5.42 0.32 2.16
1996 64 290 5.42 5.67 0.25 2.77
1997 64 354 5.67 5.87 0.20 3.46
1998 72 426 5.87 6.05 0.18 3.85
1999 83 509 6.05 6.23 0.18 3.85
2000 73 582 6.23 6.37 0.14 4.95
2001 95 677 6.37 6.52 0.15 4.62
2002 95 772 6.52 6.65 0.13 5.33
2003 119 891 6.65 6.80 0.15 4.62
2004 152 1043 6.80 6.95 0.15 4.62
2005 147 1190 6.95 7.08 0.13 5.33
2006 148 1338 7.08 7.20 0.20 3.46
2007 132 1470 7.20 7.30 0.10 6.93
2008 156 1626 7.30 7.40 0.10 6.93
2009 197 1823 7.40 7.51 0.11 6.30
2010 190 2013 7.51 7.61 0.10 6.93
2011 236 2249 7.61 7.72 0.11 6.30
2012 235 2484 7.72 7.82 0.10 6.93
2013 254 2738 7.82 7.91 0.09 7.70
Doubling Time (DT)
There exists a direct equivalence between the
relative growth rate and the doubling time. If the
number of articles of a subject doubles during a
given period, then the difference between the
logarithms of numbers at the beginning and end
of this period must be logarithm of the number 2.
If natural logarithm is used, this difference has a
value of 0.693. Thus, the corresponding doubling
time for each specific period of interval and for
articles can be calculated by using the formula:
Doubling time (DT) =
Doubling time for articles:
Dt (a) =
1 - 2R
0.693 = 1.03
1991 =
0.693 = 0.75
1992 =
In the same way, doubling time for other years is
also calculated. The mean doubling time is 4.45.
136 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015
Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli
Table 3: Ranked list of journals
S. Name of the journal No. of Rank
No. articles
1. Astrophysical Journal 895 1
2. Monthly Notices of the Royal 507 2
Astronomical Society
3. Astronomy & Astrophysics 380 3
4. Astrophysical Journal Letters 87 4
5. Astrophysics and Space Science 59 5
6. Physics of Plasmas 50 6
7. Astrophysical Journal Supplement 37 7
8. Nuclear Physics A 28 8
9. Physical Review D 28 8
10. Astronomische Nachrichten 27 9
11. IAU Symposia 27 9
12. Astronomical Journal 26 10
13. Physical Review C 22 11
14. New Astronomy 18 12
15. Publications of the Astronomical 17 13
Society of Japan
16. Physica Scripta 16 14
17. New Astronomy Reviews 14 15
18. Journal of Cosmology and 13 16
Astroparticle Physics
19. Physical Review Letters 13 16
20. Advances in Space Research 12 17
21. American Journal of Physics 12 17
22. Astronomy Astrophysics Supplement 12 17
23. Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 18
24. Physics Letters B 11 18
25. Journal of Chemical Physics 10 19
26. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and 9 20
Particle Physics
Table 3 contd............
S. Name of the journal No. of Rank
No. articles
27. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings 9 20
28. Publications of the Astronomical 9 20
Society of the Pacific
29. Acta Physica Polonica B 8 21
30. Nature 8 21
31. Science 8 21
32. Acta Astronomica 7 22
33. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and 7 22
34. Physical Review E 7 22
35. Solar Physics 7 22
36. Comptes Rendus Physique 6 23
37. Journal of High Energy Physics 6 23
38. Physics Essays 6 23
39. Review of Scientific Instruments 6 23
40. Reviews of Modern Physics 6 23
41. Annales Geophysicae 5 24
42. Annual Review of Astronomy and 5 24
43. Astroparticle Physics 5 24
44. Chaos 5 24
45. Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 24
46. European Physical Journal A 5 24
47. International Journal of Modern 5 24
Physics D
48. International Journal of Modern 5 24
Physics E: Nuclear Physics
49. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 5 24
50. Philosophical Transactions of the 5 24
Royal Society A: Mathematical Physical
and Engineering Sciences
51. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 5 24
52. Progress of Theoretical Physics 5 24
53. Publications of the Astronomical 5 24
Society of Australia
11 Journals with 4 Articles 44
17 Journals with 3 Articles 51
30 Journals with 2 Articles 60
77 Journals with 1 Article 77
188 Journals 2738
Ranked List of Journals
Table 3 provides the rank list of journals preferred
by the authors during the period 1988-2013. The
PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 137
Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics
2738 articles in journals are scattered over 188
journals. The top three journals accounted for
almost 65.08% of total 2738 articles. Astrophysical
Journal has emerged as the most preferred journal
among the researchers of Stellar Physics with 895
(32.70%) articles followed by Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society with 507 (18.52%)
articles and Astronomy and Astrophysics with 380
(13.80%) articles.
Bradford’s Law of Scattering
Bradford’s Law of Scattering is a bibliometric law
formulated by Samuel Clement Bradford and
Table 4: Distribution of cited journals by decreasing
frequencies of citations
No. of Cumulative Log of No. of Cumulative
journals No. of cumulative citations citations
journals journals
1 1 0 895 895
1 2 0.30 507 1402
1 3 0.48 380 1782
1 4 0.60 87 1869
1 5 0.70 59 1928
1 6 0.78 50 1978
1 7 0.85 37 2014
2 9 0.95 56 2071
2 11 1.04 54 2125
1 12 1.08 26 2151
1 13 1.11 22 2173
1 14 1.15 18 2191
1 15 1.18 17 2208
1 16 1.20 16 2224
1 17 1.23 14 2238
2 19 1.28 26 2264
3 22 1.34 36 2300
2 24 1.38 22 2322
1 25 1.40 10 2332
3 28 1.45 27 2359
3 31 1.50 24 2383
4 35 1.54 28 2411
5 40 1.60 30 2441
13 53 1.72 65 2506
11 64 1.81 44 2550
17 81 1.91 51 2601
30 111 2.04 60 2661
77 188 2.30 77 2738
188 2738
coined by BC Vickery. Bradford’s Law of
Scattering states that one could assume . . . . ‘that
the bulk of the papers on a specific subject would
be published in a few journals specially devoted
to that subject or to the major subject of which it
forms a part, together with certain border-line
journals and some more general periodicals
(Bradford, 1985).’ Bradford’s Law of Scattering
indicates three productive zones where the
number of journals published increases from one
zone to the next according to the expression
. . . . . Accordingly, considering this
expression into the present study, the total 2738
articles are divided into three groups as presented
in Table 5.
Table 5: Zone-wise distribution of journals
Zone No. of No. of Percent of K
journals articles articles
1 1 895 32.70
2 3 974 35.60 3
3 184 869 31.70 61.33
Mean ~ 32.165
It is clear from Table 5 that the first zone (core
journals) contained only 1 journal with 895
(32.70%) articles. The second zone (allied journals)
contained 3 journals with 974 (35.60%) articles.
The third zone (alien journals) contained 184
journals with 869 (31.70%) articles. The summary
of division of zones is as below.
According to Bradford’s Law of Scattering, the
zones, thus identified will form an approximately
geometric series in the form 1:n:n2
. The relationship
of each zone in the present study is 1:3:184. Here,
1 denotes the number of journals in the nucleus
and the mean Bradford multiplier is 32.165.
Hence, 1 : 32.165 × : 1 × (32.165)2
1 : 32.165 : 1034.60 > 1067.765
1067.765 - 188 × 100 = 468%
The Percentage of error =
It is clear that the percentage of error is very high
and hence the present data of Stellar Physics
literature does not fit Bradford’s Law of Scattering.
138 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015
Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli
Verification of Bradford Law through the
Leimkuhler Model
The Leimkuhler model is applied to verify
Bradford’s Law of Scattering. In this study both
Bradford’s as well as Leimkuhler’s models are
tested to verify the scattering of literature on Stellar
Physics (Leimkuhler, 1967). The Leimkuhler
model expressed in the form of verbal formulation
of Bradford’s Law of Scattering as:
R(r) = a log(1 + br)
Where, R(r) = cumulative number of articles
contributed by journals of rank 1, 2, 3. …… r
Egghe explained the Leimkuhler model as (Egghe,
a = Y0
b = k - 1
Log(k) r0
= number of journals in Bradford’s first group
k = Bradford’s multiplier
a and b are the constants appearing in the
Leimkuhler model.
For calculating the Bradford Multiplier, Egghe has
given a mathematical expression as:
k = (e
 = 0.5772 (Euler’s number)
e = 2.718 (constant)
= 1.781
p = 3
= number of articles in the most productive
journal (197 in this study)
k = (1.781 × 895) 1/3
k = 11.65
= T(k - 1) r0
= number of journals in
Bradford’s first zone
- 1) T = Total number of
journals in Bradford zone
= 188(11.65 - 1)
- 1)
= 1.27
= r0
× k = 1.27 × 11.65 = 14.80
= r0
× k2
= 1.27 × (11.65)2
= 172.37
= A y0
= number of articles in every Bradford zone
= 2738 = 912.67
a = y0
= 912.67 = 912.67 = 852.96
Log(k) Log(11.65) 1.07
b = (k - 1) =
(11.65 - 1) = 10.65 = 8.38
1.27 1.27
Therefore, Bradford’s distribution is written as
Table 6: Scattering of journals and articles over
Bradford’s zones
Zone No. of No. of Percent of
journals articles articles
1 1.27 895 32.70
2 14.80 1329 48.53
3 172.37 514 18.77
188.44 2738 100.00
Hence, 1.27 : 1.27 × 11.65 : 1.27 × (11.65)2
1.27 : 14.7955 : 172.37 >> 188.44
188.44 - 188 * 100 = 0.23%
Percentage error =
Hence, it can be noted from the above calculations
that the percentage of error is very negligible and
Bradford’s Law of Scattering fits very well in the
present data set for Bradford multiplier k = 11.65.
It can also be noted from Table 6 that the three
zones are not exactly the 1/3rd
of total citations.
Graphical Formulation of Bradford’s Law
(Bradford Bibliograph)
The graphical (formulation) approach was
developed by Brookes which tries to verify the
Verbal formulation of Bradford’s Law (Brookes,
1969). The graph should display three distinct
PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 139
Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics
Table 7: Bradford bibliograph
No. of Cumulative Log of No. of Cumulative
journals No. of cumulative citations citations
journals journals
1 1 0 895 895
1 2 0.30 507 1402
1 3 0.48 380 1782
1 4 0.60 87 1869
1 5 0.70 59 1928
1 6 0.78 50 1978
1 7 0.85 37 2014
2 9 0.95 56 2071
2 11 1.04 54 2125
1 12 1.08 26 2151
1 13 1.11 22 2173
1 14 1.15 18 2191
1 15 1.18 17 2208
1 16 1.20 16 2224
1 17 1.23 14 2238
2 19 1.28 26 2264
3 22 1.34 36 2300
2 24 1.38 22 2322
1 25 1.40 10 2332
3 28 1.45 27 2359
3 31 1.50 24 2383
4 35 1.54 28 2411
5 40 1.60 30 2441
13 53 1.72 65 2506
11 64 1.81 44 2550
17 81 1.91 51 2601
30 111 2.04 60 2661
77 188 2.30 77 2738
188 2738
 initially a rapid rise, indicating core journals
whose points lay on the initial curved part of
the graph until tangentially becomes a straight
 then a big portion of linear rise and
 a ‘droop’ towards the tail, Brookes argued that
droop was an indication of the incomplete
nature of the bibliography examined
The graph is plotted for the cumulative number
of citations with respect to the log of cumulative
number of journals. It can be seen clearly from
Figure 3 that very less number of journals are cited
Log of Cumulative Number of Journals
highly and the maximum number of journals cited
are very less.
Bibliometric studies have been very useful in
determining various scientific indicators,
evaluation of scientific/research output, selection
of journals for libraries and in understanding
growth and development of a research field.
Libraries have the responsibility of selecting and
procuring the best literature in the form of books
and journals in a given field of research. As cost
of books and subscription amount of journals is
increasing at a rapid pace, it is increasingly
important for libraries to carefully select the
resources. Bradford’s Law of Scattering is one such
bibliometric law which is helpful in selecting core
journals in a research field. In this study an
attempt is made to apply Bradford’s Law of
Scattering to the journal articles literature of Stellar
Physics for the period 1988-2013. Search in Web
of Science Core Collection database retrieved 2738
articles published in 188 journals. According to
Bradford’s Law of Scattering, the articles in each
zone should be equal, which does not hold good
in the present study. The percentage of deviation
in three zones and the percentage of error are also
too high. Therefore, Bradford’s Law is verified
through the Leimkuhler model. It can be
concluded that the theoretical aspects of
Bradford’s Law are successfully verified through
verbal formulation given by Leimkuhler. Bradford
Bibliograph is drawn and confirms all the three
140 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015
Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli
characteristics. This study will be very useful to
the researchers in the field of astronomy and
astrophysics for publishing their research work
and to the libraries for subscribing to the core
journals in the field of Stellar Physics.
Bisnovatyi-Kogan GS, 2002. Stellar Physics, Vol. 2: Stellar
Evolution and Stability, Springer-Verlag; Berlin, pp. 1–4.
Bradford SC, 1985. Sources of information on specific subjects.
Journal of Information Science, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 173–180.
Brookes BC, 1969. Bradford’s law and the bibliography of
science. Nature, Vol. 224, pp. 953–956.
Egghe L, 1990. Note on different Bradford multipliers. Journal
of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 204–209.
Kattimani PS, 2012. Indian contributions in the field of
emotional intelligence (1999-2003): a scientometric
study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and
Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 196–200. Online [http://]
(Accessed on 15.02.2015).
Leimkuhler FF, 1967. The Bradford distribution. Journal of
Documentation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 197–207.

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Application of bradford's law of scattering to the literature of stellar

  • 1. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 9, No. 3, July-September 2015: 133-140 DOI : 10.5958/0975-6922.2015.00018.2 133 1 Library Trainee, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 2nd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034, India 2 Scientist, Information and Documentation Synthite Industries Ltd., Synthite Valley, Kolenchery-682311, Kerala, India 3 Scientist/Engineer, SC, Library and Documentation, ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore-560 094, India *Corresponding author email id: Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics Shweta B. Joshi1 Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur2 Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli3 * ABSTRACT The present paper tests one of the important bibliometric laws of Bradford’s Law of scattering for the literature related to ‘stellar physics’ for the period 1988-2013 as available in the Web of Science Core Collection database. A total of 2738 articles related to Stellar Physics published in journals in English language during the study period are retrieved. Data are analysed with respect to year-wise growth of articles, relative growth rate and doubling time of literature. The 2738 articles are scattered in 188 journals. A list of ranked journals was prepared and it was found that the Astrophysical Journal with 895 articles is the most productive journal publishing Stellar Physics literature followed by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society with 507 articles and Astronomy and Astrophysics with 380 articles. In this study, theoretical aspects of Bradford’s Law of Scattering are tested and found that the data do not fit to the present sample. The Leimkuhler model is tested and found to fit the data for the Bradford Multiplier (k) at 11.65. The Bradford law is also tested through graphical formulation by drawing the Bradford bibliograph and is found to confirm all the three characteristics. Keywords: Bibliometrics, Bradford’s Law of Scattering, Relative Growth Rate, Doubling Time, Stellar Physics, Ranking of Journals, Bradford Bibliograph INTRODUCTION Stellar Physics is a term coined for the research concerning the formation, evolution, interior and the atmosphere of stars. The understanding of the birth and death of stars requires the application of almost all branches of modern physics. These areas include: gravitation, hydrodynamics, atomic physics, liquid-solid state theory, super conductivity and super fluidity. This distinguishes it from stellar dynamics, which concerns mainly gravitational interactions between stars (Bisnovatyi-Kogan, 2002). Stellar Physics as a subject is expanding due to the enormous research undergoing in various facets throughout the world. Consequent upon this, there is a drastic growth of literature in the form of research output through various formats such as journal articles, conference papers, books, research reports and so on. Every field of research has few journals (core journals) where researchers prefer to publish their research work. Bibliometric techniques are very useful in determination of various scientific indicators, evaluation of scientific output, selection of journals to the libraries and forecasting the potential of a particular field. Bibliometric analysis reveals the pattern of growth of literature, inter- relationship among different branches of knowledge, productivity, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, etc. (Kattimani, 2012). In this paper, an attempt is made to reveal the research trends in Stellar Physics and to identify the core journals in the subject by analyzing the literature using Bradford’s Law of Scattering by tapping Web of Science Core Collection database.
  • 2. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- 134 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015 Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The present study has been designed with the following objectives:  To present growth of Stellar Physics literature.  To study relative growth rate and doubling time of Stellar Physics articles.  To identify the core journals in Stellar Physics.  To test Bradford’s Law of Scattering.  To verify Bradford’s Law of Scattering through the Leimkuhler model and Graphical formulation. METHODOLOGY The research output covered in the Web of Science Core Collection database has been searched with the keyword as ‘Stellar Physics’ in the ‘Title’ for the period 1988-2013 and 2738 articles published in 188 journals in English language were downloaded with full bibliographic details for further analysis. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A total of 2738 articles were identified in the field of ‘Stellar Physics’ for the period from 1988 to 2013. The analysis of the data has been made on the following aspects to meet the stated objectives. Growth of Articles Table 1 presents the year-wise distribution of articles. It is observed from Table 1 that the highest number of 298 (8.814%) articles are published in the year 2011, followed by 287 (8.489%) in 2009 and 273 (8.075%) in 2010. Though the number of papers published each year is not consistent but except for the few years the research output in Stellar Physics is consistently increasing. Relative Growth Rate and Doubling Time The relative growth rate (RGR) is the increase in number of articles per unit of time. The mean relative growth rate (R) over the specific period of interval can be calculated from the following equation: Loge W2 – Loge W1 1 – 2R = T2 – T1 where, 1 – 2R = Mean relative growth rate over the specific period of interval Loge W1 = log of initial number of articles Loge W2 = log of final number of articles after a specific period of interval T2 – T1 = Unit difference between the initial time and the final time aa –1 = average number of articles The year of publication is taken here as the unit of time. The RGR for articles is hereby calculated as below. Table 1: Year-wise distribution of articles Publication years No. of papers Percent of 2738 1988 4 0.146 1991 26 0.950 1992 45 1.644 1993 40 1.461 1994 48 1.753 1995 63 2.301 1996 64 2.337 1997 64 2.337 1998 72 2.630 1999 83 3.031 2000 73 2.666 2001 95 3.470 2002 95 3.470 2003 119 4.346 2004 152 5.551 2005 147 5.369 2006 148 5.405 2007 132 4.821 2008 156 5.698 2009 197 7.195 2010 190 6.939 2011 236 8.619 2012 235 8.583 2013 254 9.277 2738 100.00
  • 3. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 135 Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics 1 – 2R (aa–1 year–1 ) can represent the mean RGR per unit of articles per unit of year over a specific period of interval. Loge (30) – Loge (4) 1991 = 1991 – 1988 = 3.40 – 1.39 = 2.01 3 3 1991 = 0.67 Loge (75) – Loge (30) 1992 = 1992 – 1991 = 4.32 – 3.40 = 0.92 1 1 1992 = 0.92 In the same way, the relative growth rate for other years is also calculated (Table 2). The mean relative growth rate is 0.23. Table 2: Relative growth rate (RGR) and doubling time (DT) of publications Year No. of Cumu- Loge W1 Loge W2 RGR DT publi- lative cations total 1988 4 4 1.38 1991 26 30 1.38 3.40 0.67 1.03 1992 45 75 3.40 4.32 0.92 0.75 1993 40 115 4.32 4.74 0.42 1.65 1994 48 163 4.74 5.10 0.36 1.92 1995 63 226 5.10 5.42 0.32 2.16 1996 64 290 5.42 5.67 0.25 2.77 1997 64 354 5.67 5.87 0.20 3.46 1998 72 426 5.87 6.05 0.18 3.85 1999 83 509 6.05 6.23 0.18 3.85 2000 73 582 6.23 6.37 0.14 4.95 2001 95 677 6.37 6.52 0.15 4.62 2002 95 772 6.52 6.65 0.13 5.33 2003 119 891 6.65 6.80 0.15 4.62 2004 152 1043 6.80 6.95 0.15 4.62 2005 147 1190 6.95 7.08 0.13 5.33 2006 148 1338 7.08 7.20 0.20 3.46 2007 132 1470 7.20 7.30 0.10 6.93 2008 156 1626 7.30 7.40 0.10 6.93 2009 197 1823 7.40 7.51 0.11 6.30 2010 190 2013 7.51 7.61 0.10 6.93 2011 236 2249 7.61 7.72 0.11 6.30 2012 235 2484 7.72 7.82 0.10 6.93 2013 254 2738 7.82 7.91 0.09 7.70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1988 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Doubling Time (DT) There exists a direct equivalence between the relative growth rate and the doubling time. If the number of articles of a subject doubles during a given period, then the difference between the logarithms of numbers at the beginning and end of this period must be logarithm of the number 2. If natural logarithm is used, this difference has a value of 0.693. Thus, the corresponding doubling time for each specific period of interval and for articles can be calculated by using the formula: 0.693 Doubling time (DT) = R Therefore, Doubling time for articles: 0.693 Dt (a) = 1 - 2R (aa-1 year-1 ) 0.693 = 1.03 1991 = 0.67 0.693 = 0.75 1992 = 0.92 In the same way, doubling time for other years is also calculated. The mean doubling time is 4.45.
  • 4. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- 136 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015 Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli Table 3: Ranked list of journals S. Name of the journal No. of Rank No. articles 1. Astrophysical Journal 895 1 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal 507 2 Astronomical Society 3. Astronomy & Astrophysics 380 3 4. Astrophysical Journal Letters 87 4 5. Astrophysics and Space Science 59 5 6. Physics of Plasmas 50 6 7. Astrophysical Journal Supplement 37 7 Series 8. Nuclear Physics A 28 8 9. Physical Review D 28 8 10. Astronomische Nachrichten 27 9 11. IAU Symposia 27 9 12. Astronomical Journal 26 10 13. Physical Review C 22 11 14. New Astronomy 18 12 15. Publications of the Astronomical 17 13 Society of Japan 16. Physica Scripta 16 14 17. New Astronomy Reviews 14 15 18. Journal of Cosmology and 13 16 Astroparticle Physics 19. Physical Review Letters 13 16 20. Advances in Space Research 12 17 21. American Journal of Physics 12 17 22. Astronomy Astrophysics Supplement 12 17 Series 23. Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 18 24. Physics Letters B 11 18 25. Journal of Chemical Physics 10 19 26. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and 9 20 Particle Physics Table 3 contd............ S. Name of the journal No. of Rank No. articles 27. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings 9 20 Supplements 28. Publications of the Astronomical 9 20 Society of the Pacific 29. Acta Physica Polonica B 8 21 30. Nature 8 21 31. Science 8 21 32. Acta Astronomica 7 22 33. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and 7 22 Astrophysics 34. Physical Review E 7 22 35. Solar Physics 7 22 36. Comptes Rendus Physique 6 23 37. Journal of High Energy Physics 6 23 38. Physics Essays 6 23 39. Review of Scientific Instruments 6 23 40. Reviews of Modern Physics 6 23 41. Annales Geophysicae 5 24 42. Annual Review of Astronomy and 5 24 Astrophysics 43. Astroparticle Physics 5 24 44. Chaos 5 24 45. Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 24 46. European Physical Journal A 5 24 47. International Journal of Modern 5 24 Physics D 48. International Journal of Modern 5 24 Physics E: Nuclear Physics 49. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 5 24 50. Philosophical Transactions of the 5 24 Royal Society A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 51. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 5 24 52. Progress of Theoretical Physics 5 24 Supplement 53. Publications of the Astronomical 5 24 Society of Australia 11 Journals with 4 Articles 44 17 Journals with 3 Articles 51 30 Journals with 2 Articles 60 77 Journals with 1 Article 77 188 Journals 2738 Ranked List of Journals Table 3 provides the rank list of journals preferred by the authors during the period 1988-2013. The 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1988 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
  • 5. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 137 Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics 2738 articles in journals are scattered over 188 journals. The top three journals accounted for almost 65.08% of total 2738 articles. Astrophysical Journal has emerged as the most preferred journal among the researchers of Stellar Physics with 895 (32.70%) articles followed by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society with 507 (18.52%) articles and Astronomy and Astrophysics with 380 (13.80%) articles. Bradford’s Law of Scattering Bradford’s Law of Scattering is a bibliometric law formulated by Samuel Clement Bradford and Table 4: Distribution of cited journals by decreasing frequencies of citations No. of Cumulative Log of No. of Cumulative journals No. of cumulative citations citations journals journals 1 1 0 895 895 1 2 0.30 507 1402 1 3 0.48 380 1782 1 4 0.60 87 1869 1 5 0.70 59 1928 1 6 0.78 50 1978 1 7 0.85 37 2014 2 9 0.95 56 2071 2 11 1.04 54 2125 1 12 1.08 26 2151 1 13 1.11 22 2173 1 14 1.15 18 2191 1 15 1.18 17 2208 1 16 1.20 16 2224 1 17 1.23 14 2238 2 19 1.28 26 2264 3 22 1.34 36 2300 2 24 1.38 22 2322 1 25 1.40 10 2332 3 28 1.45 27 2359 3 31 1.50 24 2383 4 35 1.54 28 2411 5 40 1.60 30 2441 13 53 1.72 65 2506 11 64 1.81 44 2550 17 81 1.91 51 2601 30 111 2.04 60 2661 77 188 2.30 77 2738 188 2738 coined by BC Vickery. Bradford’s Law of Scattering states that one could assume . . . . ‘that the bulk of the papers on a specific subject would be published in a few journals specially devoted to that subject or to the major subject of which it forms a part, together with certain border-line journals and some more general periodicals (Bradford, 1985).’ Bradford’s Law of Scattering indicates three productive zones where the number of journals published increases from one zone to the next according to the expression 1:n:n2 :n3 . . . . . Accordingly, considering this expression into the present study, the total 2738 articles are divided into three groups as presented in Table 5. Table 5: Zone-wise distribution of journals Zone No. of No. of Percent of K journals articles articles 1 1 895 32.70 2 3 974 35.60 3 3 184 869 31.70 61.33 Mean ~ 32.165 It is clear from Table 5 that the first zone (core journals) contained only 1 journal with 895 (32.70%) articles. The second zone (allied journals) contained 3 journals with 974 (35.60%) articles. The third zone (alien journals) contained 184 journals with 869 (31.70%) articles. The summary of division of zones is as below. According to Bradford’s Law of Scattering, the zones, thus identified will form an approximately geometric series in the form 1:n:n2 . The relationship of each zone in the present study is 1:3:184. Here, 1 denotes the number of journals in the nucleus and the mean Bradford multiplier is 32.165. Hence, 1 : 32.165 × : 1 × (32.165)2 1 : 32.165 : 1034.60 > 1067.765 1067.765 - 188 × 100 = 468% The Percentage of error = 188 It is clear that the percentage of error is very high and hence the present data of Stellar Physics literature does not fit Bradford’s Law of Scattering.
  • 6. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- 138 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015 Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli Verification of Bradford Law through the Leimkuhler Model The Leimkuhler model is applied to verify Bradford’s Law of Scattering. In this study both Bradford’s as well as Leimkuhler’s models are tested to verify the scattering of literature on Stellar Physics (Leimkuhler, 1967). The Leimkuhler model expressed in the form of verbal formulation of Bradford’s Law of Scattering as: R(r) = a log(1 + br) Where, R(r) = cumulative number of articles contributed by journals of rank 1, 2, 3. …… r Egghe explained the Leimkuhler model as (Egghe, 1990): a = Y0 b = k - 1 Log(k) r0 r0 = number of journals in Bradford’s first group k = Bradford’s multiplier a and b are the constants appearing in the Leimkuhler model. For calculating the Bradford Multiplier, Egghe has given a mathematical expression as: k = (e ×ym )1/p  = 0.5772 (Euler’s number) e = 2.718 (constant) e = 1.781 p = 3 ym = number of articles in the most productive journal (197 in this study) k = (1.781 × 895) 1/3 k = 11.65 r0 = T(k - 1) r0 = number of journals in Bradford’s first zone (kp - 1) T = Total number of journals in Bradford zone r0 = 188(11.65 - 1) (11.653 - 1) r0 = 1.27 r1 = r0 × k = 1.27 × 11.65 = 14.80 r2 = r0 × k2 = 1.27 × (11.65)2 = 172.37 y0 = A y0 = number of articles in every Bradford zone p y0 = 2738 = 912.67 3 a = y0 = 912.67 = 912.67 = 852.96 Log(k) Log(11.65) 1.07 b = (k - 1) = (11.65 - 1) = 10.65 = 8.38 r0 1.27 1.27 Therefore, Bradford’s distribution is written as below: Table 6: Scattering of journals and articles over Bradford’s zones Zone No. of No. of Percent of journals articles articles 1 1.27 895 32.70 2 14.80 1329 48.53 3 172.37 514 18.77 188.44 2738 100.00 Hence, 1.27 : 1.27 × 11.65 : 1.27 × (11.65)2 1.27 : 14.7955 : 172.37 >> 188.44 188.44 - 188 * 100 = 0.23% Percentage error = 188 Hence, it can be noted from the above calculations that the percentage of error is very negligible and Bradford’s Law of Scattering fits very well in the present data set for Bradford multiplier k = 11.65. It can also be noted from Table 6 that the three zones are not exactly the 1/3rd of total citations. Graphical Formulation of Bradford’s Law (Bradford Bibliograph) The graphical (formulation) approach was developed by Brookes which tries to verify the Verbal formulation of Bradford’s Law (Brookes, 1969). The graph should display three distinct characteristics:
  • 7. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 139 Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Literature of Stellar Physics Table 7: Bradford bibliograph No. of Cumulative Log of No. of Cumulative journals No. of cumulative citations citations journals journals 1 1 0 895 895 1 2 0.30 507 1402 1 3 0.48 380 1782 1 4 0.60 87 1869 1 5 0.70 59 1928 1 6 0.78 50 1978 1 7 0.85 37 2014 2 9 0.95 56 2071 2 11 1.04 54 2125 1 12 1.08 26 2151 1 13 1.11 22 2173 1 14 1.15 18 2191 1 15 1.18 17 2208 1 16 1.20 16 2224 1 17 1.23 14 2238 2 19 1.28 26 2264 3 22 1.34 36 2300 2 24 1.38 22 2322 1 25 1.40 10 2332 3 28 1.45 27 2359 3 31 1.50 24 2383 4 35 1.54 28 2411 5 40 1.60 30 2441 13 53 1.72 65 2506 11 64 1.81 44 2550 17 81 1.91 51 2601 30 111 2.04 60 2661 77 188 2.30 77 2738 188 2738  initially a rapid rise, indicating core journals whose points lay on the initial curved part of the graph until tangentially becomes a straight line  then a big portion of linear rise and  a ‘droop’ towards the tail, Brookes argued that droop was an indication of the incomplete nature of the bibliography examined The graph is plotted for the cumulative number of citations with respect to the log of cumulative number of journals. It can be seen clearly from Figure 3 that very less number of journals are cited 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 0 0.3 0.48 0.6 0.7 0.78 0.85 0.95 1.04 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.18 1.2 1.23 1.28 1.34 1.38 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.54 1.6 1.72 1.81 1.91 2.04 2.3 Log of Cumulative Number of Journals CumulativeNumberofCitations highly and the maximum number of journals cited are very less. CONCLUSION Bibliometric studies have been very useful in determining various scientific indicators, evaluation of scientific/research output, selection of journals for libraries and in understanding growth and development of a research field. Libraries have the responsibility of selecting and procuring the best literature in the form of books and journals in a given field of research. As cost of books and subscription amount of journals is increasing at a rapid pace, it is increasingly important for libraries to carefully select the resources. Bradford’s Law of Scattering is one such bibliometric law which is helpful in selecting core journals in a research field. In this study an attempt is made to apply Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the journal articles literature of Stellar Physics for the period 1988-2013. Search in Web of Science Core Collection database retrieved 2738 articles published in 188 journals. According to Bradford’s Law of Scattering, the articles in each zone should be equal, which does not hold good in the present study. The percentage of deviation in three zones and the percentage of error are also too high. Therefore, Bradford’s Law is verified through the Leimkuhler model. It can be concluded that the theoretical aspects of Bradford’s Law are successfully verified through verbal formulation given by Leimkuhler. Bradford Bibliograph is drawn and confirms all the three
  • 8. MembersCopy,NotforCommercialSale DownloadedFromIP- 140 Vol. 9, No. 3, July - September 2015 Shweta B. Joshi, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur and Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli characteristics. This study will be very useful to the researchers in the field of astronomy and astrophysics for publishing their research work and to the libraries for subscribing to the core journals in the field of Stellar Physics. REFERENCES Bisnovatyi-Kogan GS, 2002. Stellar Physics, Vol. 2: Stellar Evolution and Stability, Springer-Verlag; Berlin, pp. 1–4. Bradford SC, 1985. Sources of information on specific subjects. Journal of Information Science, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 173–180. Brookes BC, 1969. Bradford’s law and the bibliography of science. Nature, Vol. 224, pp. 953–956. Egghe L, 1990. Note on different Bradford multipliers. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 204–209. Kattimani PS, 2012. Indian contributions in the field of emotional intelligence (1999-2003): a scientometric study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 196–200. Online [http://] (Accessed on 15.02.2015). Leimkuhler FF, 1967. The Bradford distribution. Journal of Documentation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 197–207.