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Morphological anatomy of the
the heart
 Pericardial sac – freestanding
 Pericardial cavity – between 2 layers of serous pericardium
 Two recesses – oblique sinus, transverse sinus
 Transverse sinus – horse shoe shaped
 Oblique sinus
 Most cardiac surface facing surgeon – right heart
 Extensive right atrial appendage – superior caval vein
 Leftward – aorta & pulmonary trunk
 Ventricular mass – extends to cardiac apex
 Cardiac silhouette
 Ventricular mass – three sided pyramid
 Diaphragmatic
 Anterior/sternocostal
 Left/pulmonary
 Terminal sulcus / terminal groove
 Sinus node
 Waterston / Sondergaard groove
 Three components
 Appendage
 Venous sinus
 vestibule
 Terminal sulcus  terminal crest
 SA node
 Blood supply to SA node
 The true IAS – between right & left chambers, formed by the floor of the fossa
ovalis (derived from fetal flap valve), adjacent anteroinferior muscular rim.
 extensive superior rim – septum seccundum, formed by deep interatrial fold,
extending between systemic & pulmonary veins.
 AV node – triangle of Koch
 Tendon of Todaro - is a fibrous structure formed by the union of the eustachian and
thebesian valves. The fibrous extension of these two valvar remnants buries itself in
the tissue separating the oval fossa from the mouth of the coronary sinus, and it
runs medially as the tendon of Todaro, which inserts into the central fibrous body.
 The entire atrial component of the axis of atrioventricular conduction tissues is
contained within the confines of the triangle of Koch.
 The atrioventricular bundle, penetrates more or less directly at the apex of the
triangle of Koch
 Central fibrous body – an area where the membranous septum, leaflets of A-V and
aortic valves join in fibrous continuity
 Proximity Aortic, Mitral & LBB of conducting system
 Due to its position, only the appendage of the left atrium may be immediately
 three components
 Unlike RA, venous component of LA larger than appendage
 Junction between these two parts not marked by terminal groove / crest
 Pectinate muscles of LA only within appendage (only trabeculated surface)
 Permits differentiation
 LA firmly anchored due to the four PV – direct access difficult
 Septal surface characterized by flap valve of FO – septum primum
 Three portions – inlet, trabecular
and outlet parts
 Inlet portion – contain and limited by the TV and its tension apparatus
 Leaflets of TV positioned septally, inferiorly (murally), anterosuperiorly
 Constant feature of valve – direct attachment to the septum of the cords of its
septal leaflets
 Anterosuperior and inferior leaflets attach to freewall of RV
 Trabecular component of the right ventricle extends out to the apex, where its wall
is particularly thin and is especially vulnerable to perforation by cardiac catheters
 The outlet component of the right ventricle is a complete muscular structure, the
infundibulum, which supports the pulmonary valve
 The three leaflets of the pulmonary valve do not have a ring or an annulus, instead
are attached to the infundibular musculature in semilunar fashion
 The semilunar hinge-points crossing the anatomic ventriculoarterial junction, which
does form a complete ring, as does the sinotubular junction
 The basal attachments of the leaflets are attached in the ventricle, upstream relative
to the anatomic ventriculoarterial junction, whereas the peripheral attachments are
to the arterial sinotubular junction.
 The overall valvar structure, therefore, takes the form of a three-pointed coronet
 A distinguishing feature of the right ventricle is the prominent muscular shelf
separating the tricuspid and pulmonary valves: the supraventricular crest
 Most of the crest is the infolded inner heart curve
 Incisions, or deep sutures through this part, run into the transverse sinus and right
atrioventricular groove and can jeopardize the right coronary artery
 The distal part of the crest is continuous with the freestanding subpulmonary
infundibulum, the presence of this muscular sleeve permits the valve to be removed
and used as an autograft
in the Ross procedure
 Medial papillary muscle arises from
inferior limb of smt
 The body of the supraventricular crest inserts between the limbs of a prominent and
important right ventricular septal trabeculation.
 This structure, called the septomarginal trabeculation, has superior and inferior
limbs that clasp the crest.
 Superior limbs run upto leaflets of the pulmonary valve, whereas the inferior limb
extends backward inferior to the interventricular component of the membranous
 The body of the septomarginal trabeculation runs to the apex of the ventricle,
where it breaks up into a sheath of smaller trabeculations
 Two trabeculations are particularly prominent
 One becomes the anterior papillary muscle of the tricuspid valve
 the other extends from the septomarginal trabeculation to the papillary muscle,
forming the moderator band.
 coarseness of the apical trabeculations is the most constant feature of the
morphologically right ventricle
 TV – annulus, leaflets, chordae and papillary muscles
 Contains very thin leaflets attached to the annulus
 Annulus more of a landmark than an actual fibrous ring
 Lack of this fibrous ring – large variations of the TVo in cardiac cycle, comfortable
dilatation in diseases
 TVoa expands and contracts twice during the cardiac cycle
 Contraction
 Begins during isovolumic relaxation and continue through first half of diastole
 Beginning of isovolumic contraction continues during ejection – reduces TVoa to its
 This contraction corresponds to closure of the valve completed at end of isovolumic
 Reduction in orifice perimeter not uniform
 septal – 12%
 Anterior – 15%
 Posterior – 17%
 Dilation of annulus – anterior and posterior segments, septal segment restricted due
to relationship with cadiac fibrous skeleton
 Narrowing of TVo – not only d/t perimeter contraction, also d/t change in shape of
 Contraction – more elliptical d/t displacement of AP commissure and bulging of the
 TV annulus is saddle shaped
 Pommel  area of anteroseptal commissure
 Cantle  midpoint of base of posterior leaflet
 In cases of tricuspid regurgitation, besides an increase of tricuspid valve annulus
area, there is an increase in planarity or flattening of the normal annulus, which
induces leaflet tethering.
 Rigid structures, such as stented prostheses and rigid annuloplasty rings, destroy
this configuration and are likely to have a negative impact on the function of the
right ventricle
 Size of leaflets  anterior, posterior, septal
 Leaflet excursion (angle between free edge and annulus) is different for each
 Septal leaflet significantly smaller leaflet excursion comparatively
 Septal leaflet – plastered against the septum
 Leaflets – held by marginal and basal chords arising from three papillary muscle
 Marginal – free margin
 Basal – ventricular surface
 Elongation / rupture of marginal chords  prolapse
 Three papillary muscles – anterior, posterior and septal
 Anterior and posterior aways present
 Septal PM absent in 20%
 APM largest head, usually single and sustains largest no. of chordae
 The left ventricle is also conveniently considered
in terms of inlet, trabecular, and
outlet components
 In contrast to the right ventricle, the inlet
and outlet components overlap considerably
in the morphologically left ventricle
 The inlet component surrounds, and is limited by, the mitral valve and its tension
 The two leaflets of the mitral valve, supported by two prominent papillary muscle
groups and their commissural cords and closing along a solitary zone of apposition,
have widely different appearances
 The aortic leaflet is short, squat, and relatively square.
 This leaflet, which is in fibrous continuity with two of the leaflets of the aortic valve,
is best termed the aortic leaflet, because it is not strictly in either an anterior or a
superior position
 Other leaflet – mural leaflet
 Aortic leaflet of the mitral valve also forms part of the outlet of the left ventricle the
distinction between inlet and outlet is somewhat blurred.
 The trabecular component of the left ventricle extends to the ventricular apex and
has characteristically fine trabeculations
 The apical myocardium is surprisingly thin
 outlet component of the left ventricle supports the aortic valve. Unlike its right
ventricular counterpart, it is not a complete muscular structure
 The septal wall is largely composed of muscle, but the membranous septum forms
part of the subaortic outflow tract.
 The posterior portion of the outflow tract is composed of the fibrous curtain joining
the apparatus of the aortic valve to the aortic leaflet of the mitral valve
 The muscular septal surface of the outflow tract is characteristically smooth, and
down this surface cascades the fanlike left bundle branch.
 The landmark of the descent of the left bundle branch is the membranous septum
immediately beneath the zone of apposition between the right coronary and
noncoronary leaflets of the aortic valve
 MV apparatus – annulus, leaflets, chordae tendinae, papillary muscles, left
ventricular free wall
 Chordae & papillary muscles – subvalvular apparatus
 Right fibrous trigone
 Left fibrous trigone
 The anterior leaflet is in fibrous continuity with the aortic valve through the aortic–
mitral anulus and forms a boundary of the left ventricular outflow tract
 The mitral valve leaflets are attached to an ovoid ring, or annulus of fibrous tissue,
that extends from the right and left fibrous trigones to form the junction between
the left atrium and ventricle
 In three-dimensional space, the annulus maintains a hyperbolic paraboloid shape
(saddle shape)
 The midanterior and mid-posterior annular segments are highest (farthest from
ventricular apex)
 The anterolateral and posteromedial commissures are lowest
 The mitral annulus is thinnest at the insertion site of the posterior leaflet.
 As this segment is not attached to any rigid cardiac structures, it is the most mobile
throughout the cardiac cycle and is the most prone to annular dilation
 As this segment is not attached to any rigid cardiac structures, it is the most mobile
throughout the cardiac cycle and is the most prone to annular dilation
 Depth of commissures in normal MV averaged 0.7 – 0.8 cm never exceeding 1.3cm
 Leaflets – anterior (larger), posterior (mural)
 Posterior leaflet – subcommissures
 Subcommissures divide MV into 8 segments
 The distance between the free edge of the commissures and the annulus is
approximately 8 mm
 The atrial surface of the leaflets is divided into two zones: a marginal rough zone
and central smooth zone.
 The rough zone is the coaptation surface of the valve and is the insertion site of
most of the chordae tendineae
 The chordae tendineae are collagenous leaflet extensions connecting the papillary
muscles and the ventricular side of the leaflets
 Tandler defined three orders of chordae
 Commissural chordae are shorter than the others and usually originate from the
highest tip of the papillary muscle
 There are usually 4 to 12 chordae originating from each papillary muscle group (2-
 Chordal branching results in a number of chordae inserting to the mitral valve
leaflet, ranging from 12 to 80
 Two papillary muscles arise between the middle and apical thirds of the left
 The anterolateral papillary muscle is typically composed of one muscle body while
the posteromedial papillary muscle usually arises from two muscle bodies
 Each papillary muscle supplies chordae to both leaflets.
 The anterolateral papillary muscle receives blood from both the left anterior
descending artery as well as a diagonal or obtuse marginal branch of the circumflex
 Posteromedial papillary muscle receives blood from only one source: either the
circumflex or right coronary artery
 Acar and colleagues proposed a clinical morphologic classification of the papillary
 Type I a single undivided papillary muscle
 Type II refers to papillary muscles cleaved in a sagittal plane into two heads that
separately support the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve.
 Type III papillary muscles are cleaved in a coronal plane, forming an individual
head that supports the commissural chordae.
 Type IV refers to papillary muscles divided into multiple heads, with a separate
papillary muscle originating as a separate muscular band close to the mitral
which supports short chordae to the commissure.
 The ascending aorta begins at the distal extremity of the three aortic sinuses, the
sinotubular junction, which lies at the line of opening of the free edge of the
of the aortic valve
 It is contained within the fibrous pericardial sac, so its surface is covered with
 The ascending aorta is related anteromedially to the right atrial appendage, and
posterolaterally to the right ventricular outflow tract and the pulmonary trunk
 The medial wall of the right atrium, the superior caval vein, and the right pleura
relate to its right side.
 On the left, its principal relationship is with the pulmonary trunk.
 Posterior to the ascending aorta is the transverse sinus of the pericardium, which
separates it from the roof of the left atrium and the right pulmonary artery
 The aortic root is the anatomic segment between the left ventricle and the
ascending aorta.
 It contains the aortic valve and other anatomic elements, which function as a unit.
 The aortic root has several anatomic components: the subcommissural triangles, the
aortic annulus, the aortic cusps, the aortic sinuses or sinuses of Valsalva, and the
sinotubular junction.
 The subcommissural triangles are part of the left ventricular outflow tract, but they
play an important role in the function of the aortic valve.
 The subcommissural triangles of the noncoronary aortic cusp are fibrous extension
of the intervalvular fibrous body and membranous septum
 subcommissural triangle beneath the left and the right aortic cusps is an extension
of the muscular interventricular septum
 Aortic annulus attaches AV to the LV
 It is attached about 45% of its circumference directly to the myocardium
 55% - fibrous structures
 Histologic examination of the aortic annulus reveals that the aortic root has a
fibrous continuity with the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and membranous
septum, and it is attached to the muscular interventricular septum by fibrous
 An important structure immediately below the membranous septum is the bundle
of His.
 The atrioventricular node lies in the floor of the right atrium between the tricuspid
annulus and the coronary sinus orifice
 This node gives origin to the bundle of His, which travels through the right fibrous
trigone along the posterior edge of the membranous septum to the muscular
interventricular septum
 At this point, the bundle of His divides into left and right bundle branches, which
run subendocardially along both sides of the interventricular septum.
 The normal aortic valve has three cusps. Each cusp has a semilunar shape and has a
base and a free margin.
 The base is attached to the aortic annulus in a crescent fashion. The point at which
the free margin of a cusp joins its base is the commissure, and the ridge in the
aortic wall that lies immediately above the commissures is the sinotubular junction
 The spaces contained between the aortic annulus and the sinotubular junction are
the aortic sinuses, or sinuses of Valsalva.
 There are three cusps and three sinuses: left cusp and sinus, right cusp and sinus,
and noncoronary cusp and sinus.
 The left main coronary artery arises from the left aortic sinus, and the right coronary
artery arises from the right aortic sinus
 The normal aortic root has a fairly consistent shape, and the sizes of the cusps, the
aortic annulus, the aortic sinuses, and the sinotubular junction are somewhat
 Thus, large cusps have a proportionally large annulus, sinus, and sinotubular
 The three aortic cusps often have different sizes in a person, and the right and
noncoronary cusps are usually larger than the left cusp
 The free margin of an aortic cusp extends from one of its commissures to the other.
The length of the free margin of an aortic cusp is approximately 1.5 times the length
of its base
 During diastole, the free margins and part of the body of the three cusps touch
each other approximately in the center of the aortic root to seal the aortic orifice.
 The average length of the free margins of three aortic cusps must exceed the
diameter of the sinotubular junction to allow the cusps to coapt centrally and
render the aortic valve competent
 If a pathologic process causes shortening of the length of the free margin of a cusp,
or if the sinotubular junction dilates, the cusps cannot coapt centrally, resulting in
aortic insufficiency
 If the length of a free margin is elongated, the cusp prolapses, and depending on
the degree of prolapse, aortic insufficiency ensues
 The diameter of the aortic annulus is 10% to 20% Larger than the diameter of the
sinotubular junction of the aortic root in young patients
 As the number of elastic fibers in the arterial wall decreases with age, the
sinotubular junction dilates, and its diameter tends to become equal to that of the
aortic annulus in older patients.
 Dilation of the aortic annulus pulls the belly of the aortic cusps apart, decreasing the
coaptation area, and it eventually causes aortic insufficiency.
 With dilation of the aortic annulus, the subcommissural triangles of the
noncoronary cusp tend to become more obtuse as the crescent shape of the aortic
annulus along its fibrous insertion flattens
 The aortic sinuses facilitate closure of the aortic valve by creating eddies and
currents between the cusps and arterial wall
 Also prevent cusps from occluding the coronary artery orifices during systole, thus
guaranteeing myocardial perfusion during the entire cardiac cycle
Morphological anatomy of heart
Morphological anatomy of heart
Morphological anatomy of heart
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Morphological anatomy of heart

  • 1. Morphological anatomy of the the heart DR. KRISHNAPRASAD BASHYAL MCH RESIDENT CTVS
  • 2. PERICARDIUM  Pericardial sac – freestanding  Pericardial cavity – between 2 layers of serous pericardium  Two recesses – oblique sinus, transverse sinus  Transverse sinus – horse shoe shaped  Oblique sinus
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.  Most cardiac surface facing surgeon – right heart  Extensive right atrial appendage – superior caval vein  Leftward – aorta & pulmonary trunk  Ventricular mass – extends to cardiac apex  Cardiac silhouette
  • 6.  Ventricular mass – three sided pyramid  Diaphragmatic  Anterior/sternocostal  Left/pulmonary
  • 7.
  • 8.  Terminal sulcus / terminal groove  Sinus node  Waterston / Sondergaard groove
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. RIGHT ATRIUM  Three components  Appendage  Venous sinus  vestibule
  • 13.
  • 14.  Terminal sulcus  terminal crest
  • 15.
  • 16.  SA node  Blood supply to SA node  The true IAS – between right & left chambers, formed by the floor of the fossa ovalis (derived from fetal flap valve), adjacent anteroinferior muscular rim.  extensive superior rim – septum seccundum, formed by deep interatrial fold, extending between systemic & pulmonary veins.
  • 17.
  • 18.  AV node – triangle of Koch
  • 19.  Tendon of Todaro - is a fibrous structure formed by the union of the eustachian and thebesian valves. The fibrous extension of these two valvar remnants buries itself in the tissue separating the oval fossa from the mouth of the coronary sinus, and it runs medially as the tendon of Todaro, which inserts into the central fibrous body.
  • 20.  The entire atrial component of the axis of atrioventricular conduction tissues is contained within the confines of the triangle of Koch.  The atrioventricular bundle, penetrates more or less directly at the apex of the triangle of Koch
  • 21.  Central fibrous body – an area where the membranous septum, leaflets of A-V and aortic valves join in fibrous continuity  Proximity Aortic, Mitral & LBB of conducting system
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. LEFT ATRIUM  Due to its position, only the appendage of the left atrium may be immediately evident  three components  Unlike RA, venous component of LA larger than appendage  Junction between these two parts not marked by terminal groove / crest
  • 25.  Pectinate muscles of LA only within appendage (only trabeculated surface)  Permits differentiation  LA firmly anchored due to the four PV – direct access difficult  Septal surface characterized by flap valve of FO – septum primum
  • 26.
  • 27. RIGHT VENTRICLE  Three portions – inlet, trabecular and outlet parts
  • 28.  Inlet portion – contain and limited by the TV and its tension apparatus  Leaflets of TV positioned septally, inferiorly (murally), anterosuperiorly  Constant feature of valve – direct attachment to the septum of the cords of its septal leaflets  Anterosuperior and inferior leaflets attach to freewall of RV
  • 29.
  • 30.  Trabecular component of the right ventricle extends out to the apex, where its wall is particularly thin and is especially vulnerable to perforation by cardiac catheters  The outlet component of the right ventricle is a complete muscular structure, the infundibulum, which supports the pulmonary valve
  • 31.  The three leaflets of the pulmonary valve do not have a ring or an annulus, instead are attached to the infundibular musculature in semilunar fashion  The semilunar hinge-points crossing the anatomic ventriculoarterial junction, which does form a complete ring, as does the sinotubular junction
  • 32.  The basal attachments of the leaflets are attached in the ventricle, upstream relative to the anatomic ventriculoarterial junction, whereas the peripheral attachments are to the arterial sinotubular junction.  The overall valvar structure, therefore, takes the form of a three-pointed coronet
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.  A distinguishing feature of the right ventricle is the prominent muscular shelf separating the tricuspid and pulmonary valves: the supraventricular crest  Most of the crest is the infolded inner heart curve  Incisions, or deep sutures through this part, run into the transverse sinus and right atrioventricular groove and can jeopardize the right coronary artery
  • 36.  The distal part of the crest is continuous with the freestanding subpulmonary infundibulum, the presence of this muscular sleeve permits the valve to be removed and used as an autograft in the Ross procedure  Medial papillary muscle arises from inferior limb of smt
  • 37.  The body of the supraventricular crest inserts between the limbs of a prominent and important right ventricular septal trabeculation.  This structure, called the septomarginal trabeculation, has superior and inferior limbs that clasp the crest.  Superior limbs run upto leaflets of the pulmonary valve, whereas the inferior limb extends backward inferior to the interventricular component of the membranous septum
  • 38.  The body of the septomarginal trabeculation runs to the apex of the ventricle, where it breaks up into a sheath of smaller trabeculations  Two trabeculations are particularly prominent  One becomes the anterior papillary muscle of the tricuspid valve  the other extends from the septomarginal trabeculation to the papillary muscle, forming the moderator band.
  • 39.
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  • 41.
  • 42.  coarseness of the apical trabeculations is the most constant feature of the morphologically right ventricle
  • 43.  TV – annulus, leaflets, chordae and papillary muscles  Contains very thin leaflets attached to the annulus  Annulus more of a landmark than an actual fibrous ring  Lack of this fibrous ring – large variations of the TVo in cardiac cycle, comfortable dilatation in diseases
  • 44.  TVoa expands and contracts twice during the cardiac cycle  Contraction  Begins during isovolumic relaxation and continue through first half of diastole  Beginning of isovolumic contraction continues during ejection – reduces TVoa to its minimum  This contraction corresponds to closure of the valve completed at end of isovolumic contraction
  • 45.  Reduction in orifice perimeter not uniform  septal – 12%  Anterior – 15%  Posterior – 17%  Dilation of annulus – anterior and posterior segments, septal segment restricted due to relationship with cadiac fibrous skeleton
  • 46.
  • 47.  Narrowing of TVo – not only d/t perimeter contraction, also d/t change in shape of annulus  Contraction – more elliptical d/t displacement of AP commissure and bulging of the septum
  • 48.  TV annulus is saddle shaped  Pommel  area of anteroseptal commissure  Cantle  midpoint of base of posterior leaflet
  • 49.  In cases of tricuspid regurgitation, besides an increase of tricuspid valve annulus area, there is an increase in planarity or flattening of the normal annulus, which induces leaflet tethering.  Rigid structures, such as stented prostheses and rigid annuloplasty rings, destroy this configuration and are likely to have a negative impact on the function of the right ventricle
  • 50.  Size of leaflets  anterior, posterior, septal  Leaflet excursion (angle between free edge and annulus) is different for each  Septal leaflet significantly smaller leaflet excursion comparatively  Septal leaflet – plastered against the septum
  • 51.
  • 52.  Leaflets – held by marginal and basal chords arising from three papillary muscle groups  Marginal – free margin  Basal – ventricular surface  Elongation / rupture of marginal chords  prolapse
  • 53.  Three papillary muscles – anterior, posterior and septal  Anterior and posterior aways present  Septal PM absent in 20%  APM largest head, usually single and sustains largest no. of chordae
  • 54.
  • 55. LEFT VENTRICLE  The left ventricle is also conveniently considered in terms of inlet, trabecular, and outlet components  In contrast to the right ventricle, the inlet and outlet components overlap considerably in the morphologically left ventricle
  • 56.  The inlet component surrounds, and is limited by, the mitral valve and its tension apparatus.  The two leaflets of the mitral valve, supported by two prominent papillary muscle groups and their commissural cords and closing along a solitary zone of apposition, have widely different appearances
  • 57.
  • 58.  The aortic leaflet is short, squat, and relatively square.  This leaflet, which is in fibrous continuity with two of the leaflets of the aortic valve, is best termed the aortic leaflet, because it is not strictly in either an anterior or a superior position  Other leaflet – mural leaflet  Aortic leaflet of the mitral valve also forms part of the outlet of the left ventricle the distinction between inlet and outlet is somewhat blurred.
  • 59.  The trabecular component of the left ventricle extends to the ventricular apex and has characteristically fine trabeculations  The apical myocardium is surprisingly thin  outlet component of the left ventricle supports the aortic valve. Unlike its right ventricular counterpart, it is not a complete muscular structure
  • 60.  The septal wall is largely composed of muscle, but the membranous septum forms part of the subaortic outflow tract.  The posterior portion of the outflow tract is composed of the fibrous curtain joining the apparatus of the aortic valve to the aortic leaflet of the mitral valve
  • 61.
  • 62.  The muscular septal surface of the outflow tract is characteristically smooth, and down this surface cascades the fanlike left bundle branch.  The landmark of the descent of the left bundle branch is the membranous septum immediately beneath the zone of apposition between the right coronary and noncoronary leaflets of the aortic valve
  • 63.
  • 64.  MV apparatus – annulus, leaflets, chordae tendinae, papillary muscles, left ventricular free wall  Chordae & papillary muscles – subvalvular apparatus  Right fibrous trigone  Left fibrous trigone
  • 65.  The anterior leaflet is in fibrous continuity with the aortic valve through the aortic– mitral anulus and forms a boundary of the left ventricular outflow tract  The mitral valve leaflets are attached to an ovoid ring, or annulus of fibrous tissue, that extends from the right and left fibrous trigones to form the junction between the left atrium and ventricle
  • 66.  In three-dimensional space, the annulus maintains a hyperbolic paraboloid shape (saddle shape)  The midanterior and mid-posterior annular segments are highest (farthest from ventricular apex)  The anterolateral and posteromedial commissures are lowest
  • 67.  The mitral annulus is thinnest at the insertion site of the posterior leaflet.  As this segment is not attached to any rigid cardiac structures, it is the most mobile throughout the cardiac cycle and is the most prone to annular dilation
  • 68.  As this segment is not attached to any rigid cardiac structures, it is the most mobile throughout the cardiac cycle and is the most prone to annular dilation  Depth of commissures in normal MV averaged 0.7 – 0.8 cm never exceeding 1.3cm
  • 69.
  • 70.  Leaflets – anterior (larger), posterior (mural)  Posterior leaflet – subcommissures  Subcommissures divide MV into 8 segments
  • 71.
  • 72.  The distance between the free edge of the commissures and the annulus is approximately 8 mm  The atrial surface of the leaflets is divided into two zones: a marginal rough zone and central smooth zone.  The rough zone is the coaptation surface of the valve and is the insertion site of most of the chordae tendineae
  • 73.  The chordae tendineae are collagenous leaflet extensions connecting the papillary muscles and the ventricular side of the leaflets  Tandler defined three orders of chordae
  • 74.  Commissural chordae are shorter than the others and usually originate from the highest tip of the papillary muscle  There are usually 4 to 12 chordae originating from each papillary muscle group (2- 22)  Chordal branching results in a number of chordae inserting to the mitral valve leaflet, ranging from 12 to 80
  • 75.  Two papillary muscles arise between the middle and apical thirds of the left ventricle  The anterolateral papillary muscle is typically composed of one muscle body while the posteromedial papillary muscle usually arises from two muscle bodies  Each papillary muscle supplies chordae to both leaflets.
  • 76.  The anterolateral papillary muscle receives blood from both the left anterior descending artery as well as a diagonal or obtuse marginal branch of the circumflex artery  Posteromedial papillary muscle receives blood from only one source: either the circumflex or right coronary artery  Acar and colleagues proposed a clinical morphologic classification of the papillary muscles
  • 77.  Type I a single undivided papillary muscle  Type II refers to papillary muscles cleaved in a sagittal plane into two heads that separately support the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve.  Type III papillary muscles are cleaved in a coronal plane, forming an individual head that supports the commissural chordae.
  • 78.  Type IV refers to papillary muscles divided into multiple heads, with a separate papillary muscle originating as a separate muscular band close to the mitral which supports short chordae to the commissure.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81. AORTA  The ascending aorta begins at the distal extremity of the three aortic sinuses, the sinotubular junction, which lies at the line of opening of the free edge of the of the aortic valve  It is contained within the fibrous pericardial sac, so its surface is covered with pericardium.
  • 82.  The ascending aorta is related anteromedially to the right atrial appendage, and posterolaterally to the right ventricular outflow tract and the pulmonary trunk  The medial wall of the right atrium, the superior caval vein, and the right pleura relate to its right side.  On the left, its principal relationship is with the pulmonary trunk.
  • 83.  Posterior to the ascending aorta is the transverse sinus of the pericardium, which separates it from the roof of the left atrium and the right pulmonary artery
  • 84.  The aortic root is the anatomic segment between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta.  It contains the aortic valve and other anatomic elements, which function as a unit.  The aortic root has several anatomic components: the subcommissural triangles, the aortic annulus, the aortic cusps, the aortic sinuses or sinuses of Valsalva, and the sinotubular junction.
  • 85.  The subcommissural triangles are part of the left ventricular outflow tract, but they play an important role in the function of the aortic valve.  The subcommissural triangles of the noncoronary aortic cusp are fibrous extension of the intervalvular fibrous body and membranous septum  subcommissural triangle beneath the left and the right aortic cusps is an extension of the muscular interventricular septum
  • 86.
  • 87.  Aortic annulus attaches AV to the LV  It is attached about 45% of its circumference directly to the myocardium  55% - fibrous structures
  • 88.  Histologic examination of the aortic annulus reveals that the aortic root has a fibrous continuity with the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and membranous septum, and it is attached to the muscular interventricular septum by fibrous strands
  • 89.  An important structure immediately below the membranous septum is the bundle of His.  The atrioventricular node lies in the floor of the right atrium between the tricuspid annulus and the coronary sinus orifice  This node gives origin to the bundle of His, which travels through the right fibrous trigone along the posterior edge of the membranous septum to the muscular interventricular septum
  • 90.  At this point, the bundle of His divides into left and right bundle branches, which run subendocardially along both sides of the interventricular septum.
  • 91.  The normal aortic valve has three cusps. Each cusp has a semilunar shape and has a base and a free margin.  The base is attached to the aortic annulus in a crescent fashion. The point at which the free margin of a cusp joins its base is the commissure, and the ridge in the aortic wall that lies immediately above the commissures is the sinotubular junction
  • 92.  The spaces contained between the aortic annulus and the sinotubular junction are the aortic sinuses, or sinuses of Valsalva.  There are three cusps and three sinuses: left cusp and sinus, right cusp and sinus, and noncoronary cusp and sinus.  The left main coronary artery arises from the left aortic sinus, and the right coronary artery arises from the right aortic sinus
  • 93.  The normal aortic root has a fairly consistent shape, and the sizes of the cusps, the aortic annulus, the aortic sinuses, and the sinotubular junction are somewhat interdependent  Thus, large cusps have a proportionally large annulus, sinus, and sinotubular junction.  The three aortic cusps often have different sizes in a person, and the right and noncoronary cusps are usually larger than the left cusp
  • 94.  The free margin of an aortic cusp extends from one of its commissures to the other. The length of the free margin of an aortic cusp is approximately 1.5 times the length of its base
  • 95.
  • 96.  During diastole, the free margins and part of the body of the three cusps touch each other approximately in the center of the aortic root to seal the aortic orifice.  The average length of the free margins of three aortic cusps must exceed the diameter of the sinotubular junction to allow the cusps to coapt centrally and render the aortic valve competent
  • 97.  If a pathologic process causes shortening of the length of the free margin of a cusp, or if the sinotubular junction dilates, the cusps cannot coapt centrally, resulting in aortic insufficiency
  • 98.  If the length of a free margin is elongated, the cusp prolapses, and depending on the degree of prolapse, aortic insufficiency ensues
  • 99.  The diameter of the aortic annulus is 10% to 20% Larger than the diameter of the sinotubular junction of the aortic root in young patients  As the number of elastic fibers in the arterial wall decreases with age, the sinotubular junction dilates, and its diameter tends to become equal to that of the aortic annulus in older patients.
  • 100.  Dilation of the aortic annulus pulls the belly of the aortic cusps apart, decreasing the coaptation area, and it eventually causes aortic insufficiency.  With dilation of the aortic annulus, the subcommissural triangles of the noncoronary cusp tend to become more obtuse as the crescent shape of the aortic annulus along its fibrous insertion flattens
  • 101.
  • 102.  The aortic sinuses facilitate closure of the aortic valve by creating eddies and currents between the cusps and arterial wall  Also prevent cusps from occluding the coronary artery orifices during systole, thus guaranteeing myocardial perfusion during the entire cardiac cycle

Editor's Notes

  1. The sac is freestanding around the atrial chambers and the ventricles, but it becomes adherent to the adventitial coverings of the great arteries and veins at their entrances to and exits The first is the transverse sinus, a horseshoe-shaped space behind the great arteries and in front of the atria Laterally on each side, the ends of the transverse sinus are in free communication The second pericardial recess is the oblique sinus, a blind-ending cavity behind the left atrium
  2. To the left are the aorta and the pulmonary trunk, exiting from the base of the heart and extending in a superior direction, with the aortic root in an inferior and rightward position The morphologically right appendage has a characteristic shape, being triangular and possessing a broad junction with its venous component
  3. The important landmark for the right atrium is the terminal groove, or sulcus terminalis, which marks the border between the appendage and the venous component Posterior and parallel to the terminal groove is a second, deeper groove between the right atrium and the right pulmonary veins. Dissections into this deep interatrial groove, also known as Waterston or Sondergaard groove, permit incisions to be made into the left atrium
  4. Terminal sulcus / terminal groove Sinus node Waterston / Sondergaard groove
  5. It is a branch of the right coronary artery in approximately 55% of individuals and a branch of the circumflex artery in the remainder. It usually courses through the anterior interatrial groove toward the superior cavoatrial junction, frequently running within the atrial myocardium. At the cavoatrail junction - retrocavally, or even divide to form an arterial circle around the junction.
  6. This heart has been sectioned in four-chamber fashion through the oval fossa. The section shows that the so-called septum secundum is no more than the infolded atrial walls between the tributaries of the systemic venous sinus and the right pulmonary veins. The true septal structures are the floor of the oval fossa (flap valve) and its hinge point from the anteroinferior rim.
  7. The area of fibrous continuity between the leaflets of the aortic and mitral valves is thickened at both ends to form the so-called fibrous trigones. As can be seen, the right trigone is then continuous with the membranous septum, with these structures forming the central fibrous body. Note that the membranous septum itself continues upward to the sinotubular junction as one of the fibrous interleaflet triangles of the aortic root
  8. Morphologic characteristics important for identifying the right atrium are presence of the limbus of the fossa ovalis, which surrounds the valve of the fossa ovalis (septum primum) superiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly; a wide-based, bluntended, right-sided atrial appendage (auricle); eustachian valve at the orifice of the inferior vena cava and thebesian valve at the orifice of the coronary sinus; and crista terminalis, which separates trabeculated from nontrabeculated (venous) portions of the atrium
  9. Pectinate musc – confined within LA Firm anchorage Different types of LA access….MV disorders Oxford handbook Septal surface SP…as opposed to LFO of RA
  10. Interior of normal left atrium viewed from right side at operation as, for example, during mitral valve operations. Stippled area indicates position of right trigone, which contains bundle of His. Crosshatching marks left trigone, the area of greatest risk to aortic valve during mitral valve replacement
  11. The morphologically right ventricle is opened in a clamlike fashion and the septal surface is photographed to show its three component parts
  12. The pulmonary outflow tract has been opened, and the leaflets of the pulmonary valve have been removed, showing their initial semilunar attachment. The most distal attachment is to the sinotubular junction (dotted line). Proximally, the hinge point incorporates right ventricular musculature into the base of each pulmonary valvar sinus (gray crescents). Fibrous triangles composing the wall of the pulmonary trunk (red triangles) are incorporated into the ventricular outflow tract.
  13. The idealized three-dimensional arrangement of the arterial valves. There is no ringlike annulus supporting the valvar leaflets. Instead, the leaflets are attached within the arterial root in crownlike fashion
  14. The freestanding sleeve of subpulmonary infundibular musculature has been removed in this anatomic specimen, as the surgeon would remove the pulmonary valve during the Ross procedure. The dissection has not impinged on the cavity of the left ventricle. Note the location of the medial papillary muscle and the first septal perforating artery.
  15. Illustration of the heart highlighting the RV septal anatomy. The RVOT is bordered by the pulmonary valve above and the superior aspect of the tricuspid apparatus below (both dotted lines). The upper part of the septal wall is the conus arteriosus, bordered below by the supraventricular crest. To the anatomical left of the septomarginal trabeculation, which continues into the moderator band, are the septoparietal trabeculations. 
  16. Interior of normal right ventricle, particularly trabecular and outlet portions, oriented as at operation. Infundibular (conal) septum separates pulmonary valve from tricuspid valve, and only its rightward portion and inferior part of its central portion form part of the interventricular septum (see also Fig. 1-6). Entire outlet portion of septum of infundibulum is composed of the septal extension of infundibular septum, anterior limb of trabecula septomarginalis (septal band), and in front of that, a heavily trabeculated portion of septum. Key: AL, Anterior (superior) limb of TSM; AP, anterior papillary muscle; InfS, infundibular (conal) septum; MB, moderator band; MS, position of membranous septum; PE, parietal extension of infundibular septum (parietal band); PL, posterior limb of TSM, giving origin to medial papillary muscle; SE, septal extension of infundibular septum; TS, trabeculated portion of septum, part of which lies in infundibulum and remainder in sinus portion of ventricle; TSM, trabecula septomarginalis (septal band); VIF, ventriculoinfundibular fold
  17. LV apical part has finer trabeculations
  18. TV – cinderella of all valves
  19. The heart has been opened through the left atrioventricular junction, and it has been spread to show the difference in structure between the aortic and mural leaflets of the mitral valve.
  20. specimen is opened through the left ventricular outflow tract, showing the relationship of the left bundle branch to the membranous septum and the aortic root. Note the region of aortic to mitral valvar fibrous continuity
  21. The area of fibrous continuity between the leaflets of the aortic and mitral valves is thickened at both ends to form the so-called fibrous trigones. As can be seen, the right trigone is then continuous with the membranous septum, with these structures forming the central fibrous body. Note that the membranous septum itself continues upward to the sinotubular junction as one of the fibrous interleaflet triangles of the aortic root
  22. Aortic wall flattened out, illustrating U-shaped attachment of aortic valve.
  23. Imp in commissurotomy
  24. Functional anatomy
  25. Geometric relationship between the free margin (FM) and base of the aortic cusps, sinotubular junction (STJ), and aortic annulus (AA).
  26. Elongation of the free margin of an aortic cusp causes prolapse with resulting aortic insufficiency