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Lamar University Faculty
Dr. Diane Mason, Assistant Professor
Dr. Sheryl Abshire, Assistant Professor
Dr. Cindy Cummings, Assistant Professor
Dr. L. Kay Abernathy, Associate Professor
   This research study investigated the
    effectiveness of an online Educational
    Technology Leadership (ETL) master’s program
    to advance graduates’ leadership in the use of
    online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology
    professional development in PK-12 schools.
   Convergent, mixed methods design
   110 of 271 responds to Likert-style survey with
    open-ended questions
   Examined purposeful sample of 60
    electronic portfolios
   Master’s Degree – Educational Technology
   Fully online program
   Coursework – 18 months
   Internship – 18 months
   Researched program effectiveness to
    implement strategies in Pk-12
    › Leadership
    › Online learning
    › Web 2.0 tools
   Educational leadership single greatest factor of a learning
    environment (Daugherty, Kelley, & Thornton, 2005)
   Skills training important for teachers, but the most critical
    element leadership development (Ledesma, 2006)
   Nationwide, nearly 40% of principal positions vacant in
    2010. Dwindling pool of certified principals requires a
    greater focus on teacher leadership
    (Ballek, O’Rourke, Provenzanom &
    Bellamy, 2005)
   Higher education
    › Concerns about the quality of online programs
       (Abdullahi, 2011; Allen & Seaman, 2010;
       Mendenhall, 2011)
    › Technology for assessment helped to better
       understand students’ learning than just attending
       class (Mendenhall, 2011)
   Online Learners
    › National Online Learners Priorities Report – Factors
       for online: convenience, work schedule, reputation of
       institution, cost, and future employment opportunities
       (Noel-Levitz, Inc., 2008)
   K-12
    › 47% increase in the number of K-12 students
      enrolled in online courses (Picciano & Seaman
      , 2009)
    › Online enrollment in K-12 could reach close to 6
      million students by 2016 (Picciano & Seaman, 2009)
    › Online teaching requires different skill set
      (Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin & Rapp, 2011)
    › Limited information regarding best practices for
      online teaching in K-12 settings
      (DePietro, Ferdig, Black, & Preston, 2008)
   Enables interaction and collaboration (Parker &
    Chao, 2007; Tapscott & Williams, 2008)
   One-fifth of US higher education students actively
    contributing content to blogs, wikis, photo or video
    websites and 18% contributed regularly to at least three
    of these (OECD-CERI/ Pedró, 2009)
   Relatively new paradigm which enables contributions
    and communication (Mills, 2007)
   Best practices and framework for online educators
    needed in K-12 (DePietro et al., 2008)
   Teacher support for technology integration, time for
    differentiated professional development to meet
    individual stages of technology adoption
    (Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Sandholtz, 1990;
    Martin, Hupert, Culp, Kanaya, & Light, 2003;
    O’Dwyer, Russell, & Bebell, 2004)
   Technology leaders must be engaged in not only
    investigating and evaluating new technologies, but they
    should keep teaching and learning at the heart of all
    technology decisions (Creighton, 2011).
   Technology professional development should not be
    short term topics, but rather a focus on components
    deemed appropriate for successful implementation.
    (Carlson & Gadio, 2002; Rodriguez, 2000)
The purpose of this study was to examine the
effectiveness of an online Educational
Technology Leadership (ETL) master’s program
to advance graduates’ leadership in the use of
online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology
professional development in PK-12 schools.
   Convergent mixed methods
     › Quantitative and qualitative gathered separately
     › Data then integrated
   Participants – 289 program graduates in pool
     › Employed PK-12 settings
     › Classroom staff
     › Non-classroom staff (technology facilitators, librarians, and
       curriculum coordinators)
   Quantitative
     › Survey
     › 271 Possible participants employed in K-12 settings
     › 110 (41%) completed the survey
   Qualitative
     › Purposeful sample of 60 graduates’ comprehensive electronic
     › Open-ended questions from survey
Does the online Educational Technology
Leadership master’s program advance graduates’
leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0
tools, and technology professional development in PK-12
 › Assumptions were developed to analyze quantitative
   research data.
    Online learning
    Web 2.0 tools
    Technology professional development
› Sub-research questions guided the qualitative data
   Same three areas of focus.
   Developed a pilot survey – 5 point Likert Scale
    › Cronbach’s Alpha test to assess internal consistency with Likert-style
    › Revised survey and conducted another pilot.
    › Feedback from field experts.
   SurveyMonkey™ used to distribute and obtain anonymous survey
    responses to the Likert items and open-ended responses.
   Issue-focused examination of electronic portfolios
    › Effectiveness of the ETL master’s program to advance personal
      leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology
      professional development.
    › Was there evidence of transference into PK-12 schools?
    › Key elements – personal leadership roles, online learning, technology
      tools, professional development
 SurveyMonkey™ only form of survey
  data collection
 Only used email addresses on file in University
 Participants only employed in PK-12 settings
 Limited a 2-week timeframe to collect data
 Voluntary and anonymous participation
 Unfamiliarity with online surveys
 Only program completers
 Potential researcher bias
   Majority of ETL graduates agreed and strongly agreed online
    learning was implemented for PK-12 students in the school setting
    (55.5%) and district (73.6%).
   Classroom teachers rated both the implementation of online
    professional development at the school level and district level
    higher than non-classroom staff at the school level and at the
   Video tools consistently rated high with respect to use in PK-12
    teaching and for personal learning.
   Evidence of less use of collaborative tools in PK-12
    teaching by non-classroom staff than classroom
   Web conferencing least used for PK-12 student
   93.6% of the respondents reported agreement or strong agreement
    with supporting fellow educators in the use of Web 2.0 tools in PK-
    12 school settings.
   Google tools used more frequently by graduates with PK-12
    students than other Web 2.0 tools.
   Web 2.0 tools such as Blogs, wikis (collaborative software), Prezi
    (presentation software), Wordle, and Animoto (video application)
    were implemented with PK-12 students by more than 40% of the
   For personal learning, Google tools topped the list
    with 89.1% and close followers were Blogs (83.6%),
    wikis (80.9%), and discussion forums (71.8%).
   ETL graduates in non-classroom staff roles tended to strongly
    agree their perceived role included designing technology-
    embedded professional development at the school (78.8%) and
    district level (81.3%).
   Classroom teachers seemed to perceive designing technology
    professional development school level (44.3%) and district level
    (18.4%) as a lesser part of their role.
   A low percentage of the respondents appeared to be involved in
    designing technology professional development for non-education
    work settings: classroom teachers (13.2%)
    and non-classroom staff (36.4%).
   Overall, a majority of ETL graduates (53.5%) denoted leading the
    design of PK-12 school-based technology professional
   Non-classroom staff rated designing district (M=4.03) technology
    professional development slightly higher than school-based
    offerings (M=3.69).
   Classroom teachers (54.5%) tended to rate the implementation of
    technology-embedded professional development at the school level
    lower than non-classroom staff (84.4%).
   Non-classroom staff (87.9%) rated implementation
    of technology embedded professional development
    higher than classroom teachers (36.0%) as a
    perceived function of their role at the district level.
   >50% of the total ETL graduates reported service
    on school-based technology related committees.
    Classroom teachers (M=2.94) seemed to rate their
    involvement slightly lower than non-classroom staff (M=
   Non-classroom staff (M = 3.90) appeared
    to rate higher agreement with serving on
    district level committees than classroom
    staff (M=2.48). Neither data set rated their
    role serving on non-education technology
    related committees as high as school or
    district committees.
 Program graduates’ personal use and campus
  implementation of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and
  technology professional development very similar to the
  quantitative results.
 Open-ended survey revealed 73% wanted to pursue
  district, campus, or higher education positions.
 Evidence of graduates’ understanding of the need for online
  learning, the use of Web 2.0 tools, and technology
  professional development.
 Data inconclusive about ETL graduates’ potential
   for leading initiation of online learning, Web 2.0
  and tech PD in PK-12 settings, but indicated
  graduates lead other educators especially with
  Web 2.0 tools and tech pd.
   ETL online program graduates exhibited leadership in
    personal use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and
    technology professional development, three key
    components of the program.
   ETL online program graduates exhibited leadership in
    campus implementation of online learning, Web 2.0
    tools, and technology professional development.
   Graduates expressed interest in expanded career options
    in leadership roles as administrators, district
    technology coordinators, and technology
    professional development providers.
 Graduates frequently identified ways the online ETL master’s
  program contributed to their personal knowledge base
  through creation of individualized and small group projects
  specifically using Web 2.0 tools and video. These findings
  substantiated Mendenhall’s (2011) research noting the
  importance of documenting graduates’ understandings and
  comprehension of program content.
 Recommendation - Higher education faculty consider
  implementing or expanding the use of electronic
   portfolios as a documentation and assessment
  process to gain better familiarity with candidate
  knowledge and leadership potential.
 Respondents supported the use of online learning in PK-12
  school and district settings.
 Classroom teachers’ personal experience with online learning
  appeared to contribute to the implementation of online learning
  with PK-12 students.
 Non-classroom staff (technology facilitators, librarians, and
  curriculum coordinators) expressed greater confidence with
  implementing district initiatives.
 Picciano and Seaman (2009) indicated a steady
  increase in the use of online learning in PK-12
  school settings and Christensen (2008) shared
  online instruction could be a catalyst for
  educational transformation.
   Online professional development seemed to be less likely
    viewed as a focus of online learning in PK-12 settings.
   Recommendation - Higher education faculty consider
    providing online professional development opportunities
    for graduates related to effective online teaching
    strategies and leadership to advance best practices for
    teaching in PK-12 online settings. These opportunities
    should include the use of web conferencing
    techniques to support PK-12 collaboration.
   Graduates frequently identified ways the online ETL master’s
    program contributed to their personal knowledge base
    through creation of individualized and small group projects
    specifically using Web 2.0 tools and video. These findings
    substantiated Mendenhall’s (2011) research noting the
    importance of documenting graduates’ understandings and
    comprehension of program content.
   Recommendation - Higher education faculty should consider
    implementing or expanding the use of
    electronic portfolios as a documentation and
    assessment process to gain better familiarity
    with candidate knowledge and leadership
 The data provided substantial evidence that ETL graduates exhibit
  leadership skills in the personal use and implementation of Web 2.0
  tools, but implementation practices with students in PK-12 were
  slightly lower. These results supported the work of Parker and Chao
  (2007) and Tapscott and Williams (2008) which indicated Web 2.0
  was a relatively new paradigm for PK-12.
 Due to filtering restrictions and the technological environment in
  which PK-12 operated, ETL graduates found themselves leading the
  way with updating policies and procedures.
 Recommendation - Leaders in educational
  technology, higher education, and PK-12
  should collaborate to share and publish
  examples of effective PK-12 implementation
  of Web 2.0 tools.
   The majority of ETL graduates noted leading the design and
    implementation of PK-12 school-based technology
    professional development to support teaching and
    learning, especially implementation of Web 2.0 tools.
   The individuals serving in non-classroom staff roles such as
    librarians, curriculum coordinators, or technology facilitators
    expressed leadership experience in design and
    implementation of similar technology professional
    development opportunities at the district level.
   Results supported the work of Creighton (2011)
    in that technology leaders should keep teaching
    and learning a focus while investigating new
 ETL graduates shared examples of ways to mentor and support
  colleagues with various levels of technology expertise.
 Data supported Carlson and Gadio (2002) by revealing the
  continued need for ongoing technology professional development
  for themselves as well as their colleagues.
 Recommendation – Faculty should maintain collaboration with and
  support for candidates beyond graduation to ensure transference
  of program components into PK-12 environments.
 Recommendation – Faculty should consider providing
  opportunities for ongoing collaboration, leadership
  development, and support for ETL graduates such
  as online professional development, web
  conferencing, Web 2.0 interactive sites, conference
  participation, presentations, and networking with
  individuals employed in leadership roles.
   Replication study with all graduates from August 2010 –
    2012. Study was limited to first four graduating classes.
   Investigate graduates’ use of e-portfolios in PK-12 to
    document progression of Web 2.0 use and growth of
    knowledge from beginning of program to completion.
   Follow-up study to document changes in education
    positions and educational leadership roles for graduates
    1 year, 2 years, 3 years after program
    A study should be conducted to plan,
    implement, and evaluate higher ed
    faculty PD program to implement online
    content courses integrating Web 2.0.
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Carlson, S. and Gadio, C.T. (2002). ―Teacher Professional
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Creighton, T. (2011). Entrepreneurial leadership for technology: An
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        School Improvement (pp. 3-19). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
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Daugherty, R., Kelley, R., & Thornton, B. (2005). Relationships
      between measures of leadership and school climate.
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Ledesma, P. (2006). The technology specialist’s dilemma: Computer
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        Group, (2010). Keep pace with k12 online learning: An annual
        review of policy and practice. Retrieved from
Diane D. Mason, Ph.D
Assistant Professor

Sheryl R. Abshire, Ph.D
Assistant Professor

Cynthia Cummings, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor

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Ncpea 8 9-12-final

  • 1. Lamar University Faculty Dr. Diane Mason, Assistant Professor Dr. Sheryl Abshire, Assistant Professor Dr. Cindy Cummings, Assistant Professor Dr. L. Kay Abernathy, Associate Professor
  • 2. This research study investigated the effectiveness of an online Educational Technology Leadership (ETL) master’s program to advance graduates’ leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development in PK-12 schools.  Convergent, mixed methods design  110 of 271 responds to Likert-style survey with open-ended questions  Examined purposeful sample of 60 electronic portfolios
  • 3. Master’s Degree – Educational Technology Leadership  Fully online program  Coursework – 18 months  Internship – 18 months  Researched program effectiveness to implement strategies in Pk-12 › Leadership › Online learning › Web 2.0 tools
  • 4. Educational leadership single greatest factor of a learning environment (Daugherty, Kelley, & Thornton, 2005)  Skills training important for teachers, but the most critical element leadership development (Ledesma, 2006)  Nationwide, nearly 40% of principal positions vacant in 2010. Dwindling pool of certified principals requires a greater focus on teacher leadership (Ballek, O’Rourke, Provenzanom & Bellamy, 2005)
  • 5. Higher education › Concerns about the quality of online programs (Abdullahi, 2011; Allen & Seaman, 2010; Mendenhall, 2011) › Technology for assessment helped to better understand students’ learning than just attending class (Mendenhall, 2011)  Online Learners › National Online Learners Priorities Report – Factors for online: convenience, work schedule, reputation of institution, cost, and future employment opportunities (Noel-Levitz, Inc., 2008)
  • 6. K-12 › 47% increase in the number of K-12 students enrolled in online courses (Picciano & Seaman , 2009) › Online enrollment in K-12 could reach close to 6 million students by 2016 (Picciano & Seaman, 2009) › Online teaching requires different skill set (Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin & Rapp, 2011) › Limited information regarding best practices for online teaching in K-12 settings (DePietro, Ferdig, Black, & Preston, 2008)
  • 7. Enables interaction and collaboration (Parker & Chao, 2007; Tapscott & Williams, 2008)  One-fifth of US higher education students actively contributing content to blogs, wikis, photo or video websites and 18% contributed regularly to at least three of these (OECD-CERI/ Pedró, 2009)  Relatively new paradigm which enables contributions and communication (Mills, 2007)  Best practices and framework for online educators needed in K-12 (DePietro et al., 2008)
  • 8. Teacher support for technology integration, time for differentiated professional development to meet individual stages of technology adoption (Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Sandholtz, 1990; Martin, Hupert, Culp, Kanaya, & Light, 2003; O’Dwyer, Russell, & Bebell, 2004)  Technology leaders must be engaged in not only investigating and evaluating new technologies, but they should keep teaching and learning at the heart of all technology decisions (Creighton, 2011).
  • 9. Technology professional development should not be short term topics, but rather a focus on components deemed appropriate for successful implementation. (Carlson & Gadio, 2002; Rodriguez, 2000)
  • 10. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an online Educational Technology Leadership (ETL) master’s program to advance graduates’ leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development in PK-12 schools.
  • 11. Convergent mixed methods › Quantitative and qualitative gathered separately › Data then integrated  Participants – 289 program graduates in pool › Employed PK-12 settings › Classroom staff › Non-classroom staff (technology facilitators, librarians, and curriculum coordinators)  Quantitative › Survey › 271 Possible participants employed in K-12 settings › 110 (41%) completed the survey  Qualitative › Purposeful sample of 60 graduates’ comprehensive electronic portfolios › Open-ended questions from survey
  • 12. Does the online Educational Technology Leadership master’s program advance graduates’ leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development in PK-12 schools? › Assumptions were developed to analyze quantitative research data.  Online learning  Web 2.0 tools  Technology professional development › Sub-research questions guided the qualitative data analysis.  Same three areas of focus.
  • 13. Developed a pilot survey – 5 point Likert Scale › Cronbach’s Alpha test to assess internal consistency with Likert-style items. › Revised survey and conducted another pilot. › Feedback from field experts.  SurveyMonkey™ used to distribute and obtain anonymous survey responses to the Likert items and open-ended responses.  Issue-focused examination of electronic portfolios › Effectiveness of the ETL master’s program to advance personal leadership in the use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development. › Was there evidence of transference into PK-12 schools? › Key elements – personal leadership roles, online learning, technology tools, professional development
  • 14.  SurveyMonkey™ only form of survey data collection  Only used email addresses on file in University database  Participants only employed in PK-12 settings  Limited a 2-week timeframe to collect data  Voluntary and anonymous participation  Unfamiliarity with online surveys  Only program completers  Potential researcher bias
  • 15. Majority of ETL graduates agreed and strongly agreed online learning was implemented for PK-12 students in the school setting (55.5%) and district (73.6%).  Classroom teachers rated both the implementation of online professional development at the school level and district level higher than non-classroom staff at the school level and at the district.  Video tools consistently rated high with respect to use in PK-12 teaching and for personal learning.  Evidence of less use of collaborative tools in PK-12 teaching by non-classroom staff than classroom teachers.  Web conferencing least used for PK-12 student interactions
  • 16. 93.6% of the respondents reported agreement or strong agreement with supporting fellow educators in the use of Web 2.0 tools in PK- 12 school settings.  Google tools used more frequently by graduates with PK-12 students than other Web 2.0 tools.  Web 2.0 tools such as Blogs, wikis (collaborative software), Prezi (presentation software), Wordle, and Animoto (video application) were implemented with PK-12 students by more than 40% of the respondents.  For personal learning, Google tools topped the list with 89.1% and close followers were Blogs (83.6%), wikis (80.9%), and discussion forums (71.8%).
  • 17. ETL graduates in non-classroom staff roles tended to strongly agree their perceived role included designing technology- embedded professional development at the school (78.8%) and district level (81.3%).  Classroom teachers seemed to perceive designing technology professional development school level (44.3%) and district level (18.4%) as a lesser part of their role.  A low percentage of the respondents appeared to be involved in designing technology professional development for non-education work settings: classroom teachers (13.2%) and non-classroom staff (36.4%).
  • 18. Overall, a majority of ETL graduates (53.5%) denoted leading the design of PK-12 school-based technology professional development.  Non-classroom staff rated designing district (M=4.03) technology professional development slightly higher than school-based offerings (M=3.69).  Classroom teachers (54.5%) tended to rate the implementation of technology-embedded professional development at the school level lower than non-classroom staff (84.4%).  Non-classroom staff (87.9%) rated implementation of technology embedded professional development higher than classroom teachers (36.0%) as a perceived function of their role at the district level.
  • 19. >50% of the total ETL graduates reported service on school-based technology related committees. Classroom teachers (M=2.94) seemed to rate their involvement slightly lower than non-classroom staff (M= 3.00).  Non-classroom staff (M = 3.90) appeared to rate higher agreement with serving on district level committees than classroom staff (M=2.48). Neither data set rated their role serving on non-education technology related committees as high as school or district committees.
  • 20.  Program graduates’ personal use and campus implementation of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development very similar to the quantitative results.  Open-ended survey revealed 73% wanted to pursue district, campus, or higher education positions.  Evidence of graduates’ understanding of the need for online learning, the use of Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development.  Data inconclusive about ETL graduates’ potential for leading initiation of online learning, Web 2.0 and tech PD in PK-12 settings, but indicated graduates lead other educators especially with Web 2.0 tools and tech pd.
  • 21. ETL online program graduates exhibited leadership in personal use of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development, three key components of the program.  ETL online program graduates exhibited leadership in campus implementation of online learning, Web 2.0 tools, and technology professional development.  Graduates expressed interest in expanded career options in leadership roles as administrators, district technology coordinators, and technology professional development providers.
  • 22.  Graduates frequently identified ways the online ETL master’s program contributed to their personal knowledge base through creation of individualized and small group projects specifically using Web 2.0 tools and video. These findings substantiated Mendenhall’s (2011) research noting the importance of documenting graduates’ understandings and comprehension of program content.  Recommendation - Higher education faculty consider implementing or expanding the use of electronic portfolios as a documentation and assessment process to gain better familiarity with candidate knowledge and leadership potential.
  • 23.  Respondents supported the use of online learning in PK-12 school and district settings.  Classroom teachers’ personal experience with online learning appeared to contribute to the implementation of online learning with PK-12 students.  Non-classroom staff (technology facilitators, librarians, and curriculum coordinators) expressed greater confidence with implementing district initiatives.  Picciano and Seaman (2009) indicated a steady increase in the use of online learning in PK-12 school settings and Christensen (2008) shared online instruction could be a catalyst for educational transformation.
  • 24. Online professional development seemed to be less likely viewed as a focus of online learning in PK-12 settings.  Recommendation - Higher education faculty consider providing online professional development opportunities for graduates related to effective online teaching strategies and leadership to advance best practices for teaching in PK-12 online settings. These opportunities should include the use of web conferencing techniques to support PK-12 collaboration.
  • 25. Graduates frequently identified ways the online ETL master’s program contributed to their personal knowledge base through creation of individualized and small group projects specifically using Web 2.0 tools and video. These findings substantiated Mendenhall’s (2011) research noting the importance of documenting graduates’ understandings and comprehension of program content.  Recommendation - Higher education faculty should consider implementing or expanding the use of electronic portfolios as a documentation and assessment process to gain better familiarity with candidate knowledge and leadership potential.
  • 26.  The data provided substantial evidence that ETL graduates exhibit leadership skills in the personal use and implementation of Web 2.0 tools, but implementation practices with students in PK-12 were slightly lower. These results supported the work of Parker and Chao (2007) and Tapscott and Williams (2008) which indicated Web 2.0 was a relatively new paradigm for PK-12.  Due to filtering restrictions and the technological environment in which PK-12 operated, ETL graduates found themselves leading the way with updating policies and procedures.  Recommendation - Leaders in educational technology, higher education, and PK-12 should collaborate to share and publish examples of effective PK-12 implementation of Web 2.0 tools.
  • 27. The majority of ETL graduates noted leading the design and implementation of PK-12 school-based technology professional development to support teaching and learning, especially implementation of Web 2.0 tools.  The individuals serving in non-classroom staff roles such as librarians, curriculum coordinators, or technology facilitators expressed leadership experience in design and implementation of similar technology professional development opportunities at the district level.  Results supported the work of Creighton (2011) in that technology leaders should keep teaching and learning a focus while investigating new technologies.
  • 28.  ETL graduates shared examples of ways to mentor and support colleagues with various levels of technology expertise.  Data supported Carlson and Gadio (2002) by revealing the continued need for ongoing technology professional development for themselves as well as their colleagues.  Recommendation – Faculty should maintain collaboration with and support for candidates beyond graduation to ensure transference of program components into PK-12 environments.  Recommendation – Faculty should consider providing opportunities for ongoing collaboration, leadership development, and support for ETL graduates such as online professional development, web conferencing, Web 2.0 interactive sites, conference participation, presentations, and networking with individuals employed in leadership roles.
  • 29. Replication study with all graduates from August 2010 – 2012. Study was limited to first four graduating classes.  Investigate graduates’ use of e-portfolios in PK-12 to document progression of Web 2.0 use and growth of knowledge from beginning of program to completion.  Follow-up study to document changes in education positions and educational leadership roles for graduates 1 year, 2 years, 3 years after program completion.  A study should be conducted to plan, implement, and evaluate higher ed faculty PD program to implement online content courses integrating Web 2.0.
  • 30. Abdullahi, A. (2011). Student exam participation and performances in a web-enhanced traditional and hybrid allied health biology course. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(4), 426-438. Retrieved from Allen, I., & Seaman, J. The Sloan Consortium, (2007). Online nation: Five years of growth in online learning. Retrieved from online_nation.pdf Allen, I., & Seaman, J. The Sloan Consortium, (2010). Learning on demand: Online education in the United States, 2009. Babson Survey Research Group. Anderson, R., & Dexter, S. (2005). School technology leadership: An empirical investigation of prevalence and effect. Educational Administration Quarterly, 41(1), 49-82.
  • 31. Ballek, K., O’Rourke, A., Provenzano, J., & Bellamy, T. (2005). Keys in cultivating principals and teacher leaders. National Staff Development Council Journal, 26(2), 42–49. Brown, R. (2011). Administration of technology: Teaching, learning, and resource management. In R. Papa (Ed.), Technology Leadership for School Improvement (pp. 45 -59). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Carlson, S. and Gadio, C.T. (2002). ―Teacher Professional Development in the Use of Technology.‖ In Haddad, W. D. and Draxler. A. (Eds.) Technologies for Education: Potential, Parameters and Prospects. Paris and Washington, D.C.: UNESCO and AED Creighton, T. (2011). Entrepreneurial leadership for technology: An opposable mind. In R. Papa (Ed.), Technology Leadership for School Improvement (pp. 3-19). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • 32. Daugherty, R., Kelley, R., & Thornton, B. (2005). Relationships between measures of leadership and school climate. Education. 126, 17. DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R., Black, E., & Preston, M. (2008). Best practices in teaching k-12 online: Lessons learned from michigan virtual school teachers. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 7(1), 10-35. Retrieved from Ledesma, P. (2006). The technology specialist’s dilemma: Computer repair technician or instructional leader? Virginia Society for Technology in Education Journal, 20(1), 3-8. Martin, W., Hupert, N, Culp, K, Kanaya, T., & Light, D. (2003). Intel t each to the future summary of evaluation findings. Center for Children and Technology, New York.
  • 33. Mendenhall, R. (2011). How technology can improve online learning— and learning in general. The Chronicle of Higher Education: Online Learning, B23-B24. Retrieved from Improve/129616/ Mills, L.B. (2007). The next wave now: Web 2.0. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 73(4), 4-5.Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Sandholtz, 1990 Noel-Levitz, Inc., (2008). National online learners priorities report. Retrieved from Noel-Levitz website: 8/OnlineLearners08.pdf
  • 34. O’Dwyer, L. M., Russell, M., & Bebell, D. J. (2004). Identifying teacher, school, and district characteristics associated with elementary teachers’ use of technology: A multilevel perspective. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12(48). Retrieved April 12, 2006 from OECD-CERI/ Pedró, F. (2009) New millennium learners in higher education: Evidence and policy implications. Paris: Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Directorate for Education, OECD. Retrieved from Higher-Education_5n0.pdf Parker, K.R. & Chao., 57-72. J.T. (2007) Wiki as a teaching tool. Interdisciplinary journal of knowledge and learning objectives, 3, 57-72.
  • 35. Picciano, A., & Seaman, J. The Sloan Consortium, (2009). K–12 online learning: A 2008 follow- up of the survey of u.s. school district administrators. Retrieved from Sloan Consortium website: 12online2008 Rodriguez, G. (2000). Critical issue: Providing professional development for effective technology use. Retrieved from 00.htm Tapscott, D., & Williams, A.D., (2008). Wikinomics: How mass collaboration change everything. New York: Penguin Group. Watson, J., Murin, A., Vashaw, L., Gemin, B., & Rapp, C. Evergreen Group, (2010). Keep pace with k12 online learning: An annual review of policy and practice. Retrieved from content/uploads/KeepingPaceK12_2010.pdf.
  • 36. Diane D. Mason, Ph.D Assistant Professor Sheryl R. Abshire, Ph.D Assistant Professor Cynthia Cummings, Ed.D. Assistant Professor