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Poaching in Africa
Endangered animals all over Africa are on the verge of extinction due to human greed. It is very
difficult to even fathom how many animals are lost each year to poaching. Animals are being
stripped for their parts and left for dead. Poaching has completely exhausted animal populations in
Africa, which damages the environment, and is affecting people all over the world both socially and
through international relations. Poaching is a growing activity in Africa and it is dangerously
depleting animal populations. Poaching is defined as the illegal killing of endangered and/or
protected animals and could also be considered hurting animals that are on protected land
(Pedersen). If poaching is continued, years of conservation and development would have been for
nothing. For years, groups have put work and money into keeping animals safe. Many people turn to
poaching as an activity because it's a quick way to make a lot of money as "tusks of a single adult
elephant can be worth more than ten times the average annual income in many African countries".
Rhino poaching rates were up 1000% at the beginning of the decade and is continuing to grow
quickly ("The African Poaching Crisis"). Many, many animals and people are affected by this
poaching. Poaching is the result of many other issues. High demands in Asian markets mean more
reward for poachers and without this demand there would be no reason to poach at all ("Poaching
Infographic"). Another cause of poaching is the
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The Black Rhinoceros By Gonzaga Manzo
History dies with every animal species that becomes extinct. For years the amount African Black
Rhinoceros has been dropping significantly; the problem may be unfixable at this point.
Unfortunately, many animals on earth are facing the same tragedy. These animals are primarily from
a time that no human kept records. They are living, breathing history that will die off because the
superior species could not protect them. In this picture by Gonzaga Manzo, the Black Rhinoceros is
being worked on in an auto shop by two stumped mechanics. They stare puzzled at the large animal,
not being able to see how to fix the problem. "Extinction Can't be Fixed" is printed in white letters
in the upper right corner, meaning that extinction cannot be reversed with tools found in a repair
shop. In fact, it cannot be reversed at all. Gonzaga Manzo, a Spanish artist, created this image as a
part of a campaign series for the World Wide Fund for Nature for species facing extreme extinction:
the Black rhinoceros. This powerful image was primarily to stop hunting the animals, but also to
raise awareness of the dire situation. The Black Rhinoceros has become extinct in twelve African
countries. They are being hunted for their horn, which is used in certain pain killing drugs and thus
is highly sought after. Furthermore, this is a digitally edited image, which combines real images with
digital elements. Manzo did this to create a realistic photo of the Black Rhinoceros in an auto shop,
even though
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Globalization And The Fast Food Market
Dennis Asante
Professor Okoror
Global Health
It is summer in Ghana and I'm walking down a block in my neighborhood. The air is hazy and dense
and the smell of food fills every corner. A city that never used to have any of foreign foods, now
filled with the aroma and signs of fast food restaurants. As I walked, I realize that there was only
one whole food market. Meanwhile, a McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken were seen on
multiple corners. Another thing I noticed: the majority of people entering the fast food market are
from places that were once filled with only traditionalists. A region where its former citizens used to
invest their time in cooking local traditional food and sold them to the public and families. These
same communities have now become so westernized that they neglect the traditional side of diet.
Instead, everyone now focus on the new fast food market. People are flocking with their families
into the fast food restaurants. Watching the differences between those who entered the supermarket
and those who entered the McDonalds's, I couldn't help but think about complications minorities in
the United States face from the fast food market. I made a very quick connection with the United
States because I had an idea of how people in the US especially minorities, suffer from fast food.
Some people (fast food victims) in Ghana aren't any better than minorities in the US. The
commonness of fast food in Ghana has created multiple jobs to
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Descriptive Essay : ' Good Job ! '
The Marulla trees swing to and fro, dancing in the gentle afternoon breeze, their bushy green tops
filled with the sounds of vervet monkeys and the "go–away" calls of grey louries, a sound that all
who have visited Southern Africa are familiar with. Beneath the lofty branches of the thorny
umbrella acacias are tall grasses and the endless red clay that will persist within the seams of your
boots years after your visit as a reminder of your journey to Africa. I admire the view, and take in
the lush beauty of the surrounding scape as one who is eternally entranced by the wild beauty of
such an untamed wilderness. The ivory colored clouds roll overhead in infinite cobalt skies, and an
elephant trumpets somewhere to the east among the rocky hills. Crack! Crack! Crack! A rifle
echoes, and another three shots are are repeated as the resonance echoes through the hills. I take my
finger off the trigger and tuck the short barreled weapon to my chest. "Good job!", says the man to
my right through a thick Afrikaans accent. He is wearing full battle–dress camouflage and has the
look of someone who commands respect. "Now again", he says. I fire three more shots from the
LM–5, then draw my pistol, taking carful aim and fire again. The weapon responds to my careful
touch and kicks back as the holes in the target show that I have hit my mark. "Rangers, Attention!",
he yells, and we all snap to a rigid upright position. We have all come to save a species.
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Endangered Animals Are Endangered
Tigers are primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts, and bones.
These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine (although these treatments have been disproven
and have no real medical value). Innocent endangered animals are being killed for false hopes and
cures within the eastern culture. Poaching has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting,
killing or capturing of wild animals. The difference between poaching and hunting is one, is that
poaching is hunting without the approval of whomever controls or owns the land. Even though some
people believe poaching creates lots of business and brings in major income for certain smaller,
poorer countries, it endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered
animals, destroys precious ecosystems within the wild, and poaching is extremely harmful to
Poaching endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals. In
the article "Poaching Blamed for Loss of Western Black Rhino", by Frank Jordans states "Its loss is
significant because the Western Black Rhino is genetically distinct from other rhino subspecies.
Reintroducing animals born into captivity is costly and may be impossible, experts say." According
to the article, once a species or subspecies goes into extinction within its wild habitat it's near
impossible to recover them back. Introducing the captive species into the area would just cause more
harm and be
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Rhino Poaching Research Paper
The End of Rhino Poaching 414 Everyday more and more rhinos die from poaching. Did you know
that every 11 hours one rhino dies from poachers? How will we end rhino poaching? Now people
are using drones to stop poachers. There is an increasing demand for rhino horns. Everyday we lose
more and more rhinos for their horns. In 2012, 668 rhinos died for their horns. Then again, in 2013
by half the year 350 rhinos had already been lost to poachers. Once, a rhino reserve in South Africa
lost 13 rhinos in just one week. There is a huge increase for a demand of rhino horns, but why? In
Asia, ground up rhino horn is believed to cure illnesses including cancer. Many criminal gangs offer
as much as $30,000 for a single rhino horn, sometimes ... Show more content on ...
How will drones catch the poachers? The drones are hand launched so there is no need for a big
runway. Also, the drones are only 12 pounds. Drones also have a six mile range camera.The drones
computer calculates a hot spot for poaching and watches it from the sky. Next, if the drone sees a
poacher then it sends an alert to notify the game wardens. When the game wardens see the alert they
rush down to the poaching sight and try to catch the poachers before they attack. The drones film a
video of the scene including the weather, if there was a sun or moon, when it happened and where.
The drones film this to show the trends/patterns of poachers. Drone technology can be very
different. For example, they can have different features. Thomas Smith and team at the University of
Maryland have tested out drones to stop poachers. In the last six months Smith's team had arrested a
lot of poachers with not one single gunshot. Their drones have infrared cameras and the camera
sends live video to the command center on the ground. Air Shepherd is combining with the
University of Maryland to support the drones to stop poachers. Early in 2014, South African Civil
Aviation Authority (SACAA) claimed that flying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is against the
law. Now Air Shepherd and the University of Maryland is working together they hope to persuade
the SACAA it allow
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Persuasive Essay On Poaching
Although poaching is an illegal act, it is still a growing problem in the world because it is making
the extinction of various animals more probable. Not only it cruel, but it affects the environment and
ecosystem where these animals reside. Although various people, usually trophy hunters or those
uninformed, argue that it isn't that big of a problem, there are realities to it that won't be stopped
unless we act upon it and bring awareness of the situation. Recently, the poaching controversy has
gained more attention in the news and media due to the killing of Cecil the Lion back in 2015. But
what exactly is poaching and why is it illegal? Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting or
capturing of wild animals. Animals are captured and killed for their parts and products that are
eventually sold on the black market and to cartels to make medicines, trinkets, and other products.
Animals are typically poached for personal gain and value.The the illegal poaching trade in Africa
alone has accumulated a worth of $17 billion dollars a year and it keeps growing. Ivory, fur, skin,
and bones especially are in high demand and places/people are willing to pay high numbers for these
products, so it is no surprise that people continue to hunt them. Due to poaching, the tiger is one of
the most endangered species in the world . Tiger parts, such as fur, skin, and bones, are seen as a
luxury and are used as commerce on the black market and secretly throughout Asia. Although China
has participated in the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, the laws are
commonly ignored and it remains the primary destination for tiger parts. Elephants are also on the
brink of extinction and the number hunted per year keeps increasing. Despite international ivory
trade being banned in the 1990s, it is still sold on the black market and sought after in Asia; once
again, China being the biggest demander. According to Kideghesho in Sage Journals , "widespread
poaching coupled with inefficient law enforcement in Tanzania was manifested in the dramatic
decline of the elephant population to less than 30% of what it was in 1979, a drop from 316,000 to
85,000 by 1987." Rhinos are also greatly sought after in Africa. In
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Liver Biopsy Lab Report
tive). In the wild, these species have been observed consuming tannin containing leaves, tree bark,
and flowers as a significant part of their diet. Naturally, tannins reduce the availability and
absorption of iron in the body. It's in question that whether these tannin consuming species have
possibly evolutionized to develop an effective iron absorption mechanism or if they could spare the
regulation mechanism, as excessive iron uptake would not occur in nature. Although these species
consume large amounts of tannin rich foods in the wild, captive diets can have a lack of them,
leading to the tannin theory in relation to iron storage disease in captive animals. (Clauss, Lechner–
Doll, Hanichen, & Hatt, 2002) However, the implementation ... Show more content on ...
However, it seems that it's not specifically limited to the consistent high iron diets that are provided
at zoos, but in combination with high amounts of ascorbic acid and the lack of foods rich in iron
chelating compounds such as tannins that some species consume in the wild. Unfortunately, the
implementation of iron chelating compounds in captive diets seems to be irregular and the disorder
is still consistently diagnosed upon necropsy. To further understand how to manage this disorder, the
captive diets of known iron sensitive species should be analyzed and adjusted to meet nutritional
needs without any deficiencies or excess and monitored accordingly. According to a study, only one
facility (the San Diego Zoo) has stated that they have attempted to develop low iron diets for captive
lemurs. (Wood, Fang, Hunt, Streich, & Clauss, 2003) As for the knowledge that is available and
agreed upon with the tannin theory, it seems suiting to implement food sources containing these
compounds into the diets of animals that consume it in the wild. It would be beneficial for facilities
maintaining captive animal populations to further investigate and match the natural diets of animals
showing sensitivity to particular nutrients for optimal
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The Thing About Poaching Research Paper
The Thing About Poaching.
Half a century ago, White Rhinos used to roam the vast lands of South Africa. But for some reason,
the number of rhinos has dropped by a million. The answer to this cause is simple. Poaching.
Poaching has continued for many years and has caused a huge number of African animals to become
extinct. With only 25,000 rhinos left in the world, this huge situation should not only be recognized
in Africa, but should also be noticed all over the world.
During the last few centuries, the number of rhinos and elephants has declined dramatically––and is
still decreasing rapidly. About 3 rhinos are killed each day. They are hunted down for their horns
which are used to make medicine and ivory carvings. Places like Vietnam and China tolerate
poaching for its medicine that supposedly "cures cancer". With higher demands in Asia, prices have
spiked; and so has poaching. According to the Newsela article "Rhinos will soon be extinct if
poachers don't stop killing them", in 2014 400 tons of ivory were extracted from elephants. Statistics
have also stated that in 2013, 1,215 rhinos have died at the hands of poaching; and to this day,
poaching is still growing. ... Show more content on ...
In South Africa, authorities have been cracking down on poaching for many years. It is home to
more than half of the world's rhinos. Crime groups tend to take advantage of the poor law
enforcement there, resulting in an extensive amount of killings in countries like Namibia and
Zimbabwe. Introduced in Newsela, "Poaching has also affected the inhabitants of South Africa as
well". Due to this, many poor, young men have turned to poaching in order to gain money to feed
their families. Even the smallest amount of money would cause survival to be possible. Although the
government has tried many new tactics to stop this problem, there is still very little change. We can't
rely solely on the authorities and policemen to hunt these poachers
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Speech On Animal Poaching
Animal Poaching
Animal poaching has a bigger price tag than the trophy sitting on the shelf. Poaching is causing
iconic animals of many continents and of our oceans to become endangered or even extinct. These
animals that people have come to love and fantasize over may be gone before we are (Africa).
Elephants, rhinos, lions, and zebras are the animals thought of the most when it comes to animal
poaching, but many animals are poached. They are killed for only one quality, like their horns or
skins and the rest of the animal is left behind. Poaching is a massive business that is ran by
international networks, it's estimated to make hundreds of millions of dollars (World). Not all
wildlife trade is illegal, but it becomes a crisis when an increasing amount of illegal poaching is
done and it directly threatens the survival of species in the wild (World). Since 1960 97.6% of the
Black Rhino population in Africa has been poached and lions are extinct in seven African countries
Poaching is a worldwide problem because it is affecting the whole food chain, including humans. A
year after a logging road went into forest areas in Sarawak, Malaysia, in 2001, not a single large
mammal remained (Begley). If one animal goes extinct, then a snowball effect will happen because
the animal that depended on the extinct animal for food will have a harder time getting food and
eventually that species will die off also, leaving us humans with very little food choices in our
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Elephant and Rhino Comparison
The white rhinoceros and the Asian elephant possess many similar characteristics, including the way
they look, yet also possess many differences such as the two continents they live on. There are five
living species of rhino (black, white, Indian, Javan and Sumatran) and only two of the elephant
(African and the Asian). All are in jeopardy of extinction with their slow rate of breeding, poaching
and in the rhinoceroses, their territorial behavior.
Both of these beasts belong to the same kingdom (Animalia), phylum (Chordata), sub–phylum
(Vertebrata) and class (Mammalia). Meaning they are both back–boned mammalian, animals. They
both have hair and give birth to live young. White rhinos (Ceratotherium simum), and Asian
elephants (Elephas ... Show more content on ...
The wails of a courting male rhinoceros are called ¡¥hic–throbbing¡¦ or even the males¡¦ love–song.
Scientists don¡¦t know why but they believe it has something in common with the deep abdominal
groans of the Asian elephant which can be transmitted through the ground and felt by others.
In either species, if it is possible for the male to make body contact with the female he tries to lay his
head or trunk in the elephant, on her back. After lots of
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Essay On Rhinoceros
Title: The genetic diversity of black rhinoceros (Diceros bircornis) populations in Africa.
Introduction. Despite its reputation as a powerful and invincible beast, the rhinoceros has suffered
precipitous Black rhinoceros is powerful land mammal but despite its strength and take no
nonsenses attitude has declined in number and is threatened with extinction. There are
approximately 11,0000 individuals of all five species surviving in small scattered populations
throughout Africa and other Asians countries. The black rhino has suffered the most unseen decline
in numbers and disappearing faster than any other large mammal. Black rhino were scattered across
central, eastern, and southern Africa. In the early years of 1970s their numbers had declined to
65,000 and over the past 18 years ... Show more content on ...
The NGO's has helped in the donations of money to buy needed advance technological equipment's
like drones. Government institutions have been involved in implementing policies to prevent the
selling of black rhino horns and educating the public about the importance of conserving the species
for next generations. Black rhino numbers are slowly recovering and currently there are
approximately between 5,042 and 5,455 animals (according to figures published by IUCN in 2016).
Genetic variation of a population says more about the species and how a particular population of a
species will survive in a long run. Knowing the genetic variation of a species will able one to predict
some of the traits in the population for future offspring's, it can also help one to know if whether the
population is evolving or not by looking at the alleles of a population. The population which is
evolving should show changes in alleles. The importance of genetic variation is that one can know if
the population
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Paper On African Elephant
My interest in the white rhino started about three years ago when I was doing a research paper about
the African elephant. I came across the white rhino as I was searching for the fellow species that
were being threatened by hunters in Africa. I never really paid much attention to large wild animals
before because of the fact that they are large and I figured that they wouldn't be threatened like most
smaller animals. One threat this wild rhino is facing is habitat loss due to agriculture and
settlements. Another threat is poachers who are interested in their horns to sell mainly across the
East. Although these threats are putting white rhinos at risk, through the efforts of groups such as the
Wild Foundation and World Wild Life, the prognosis for the continued survival of the white rhino is
good. ... Show more content on ...
Many pay little to no attention to this specie just like a hippopotamus or an animal that seems to
stand out as if it were a white tiger. These creatures are mostly located around South Africa, North
Africa and there are a few around East Africa as well (White Rhino; White Rhinoceros). The white
rhino is very muscular, "white rhinos have a square upper lip with almost no hair" and has its two
front ivory horns (White Rhino). These creatures travel in herds and mark their territory usually with
"vigorously scraped dung piles" (White Rhinoceros). Males have a small land range of 1–3km
although the females land range is about 6–20km or even lager depending on the population density
and the land quality (White
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Woolly Rhino Research Paper
Discovery of a fossil skull points to the origins of Ice Age megafauna
It's an August afternoon in the Zanda Basin in southwestern Tibet, in the foothills of the Himalayas.
I am wandering aimlessly in a patch of badlands, slightly lightheaded owing to the more than
14,000–foot elevation, scanning the ground for any signs of fossils, or for that matter, anything that
might distract me from the monotony of a day of fruitless search. It is late into our field season, and
besides a tooth fragment or two, I have little to show for a day's work, something all vertebrate
paleontologists learn to endure. On impulse I head farther west along a layer of rusty yellow
sandstone, and there I see a piece of reddish–brown bone sticking out of the dirt. A few quick
sweeps of my brush reveal a ring–shaped bone. Upon digging it out, I recognize it is an atlas –– the
neck vertebra that connects with a skull –– possibly from a rhinoceros. Not a ... Show more content
on ...
Subsequently, when Pleistocene conditions in Arctic areas became suitable, the woolly rhinos were
able to spread into that region. They were "preadapted" for life in the bitter cold of winter snows.
FROM THIS REASONING our "out–of–Tibet hypothesis" was born. The Pleistocene was the
heyday of so–called megafauna, mammals weighing 100 pounds or more, many larger than their
modern relatives They included the woolly rhinos, giant sloths, and saber–toothed cats, all now
extinct. We envision ancestral megafauna using high–altitude Tibet, with its cold habitat and thin air,
as a "training ground" where they evolved anatomies and behaviors that later served them well in an
Ice Age climate farther north. A burning question is whether, besides the woolly rhinos, Tibet could
have also been a cradle for other such
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Rhino Poaching Essay
Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry
In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for
Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The
Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching.
The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in
traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why
the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the
authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ...
One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This
however mostly happened in the 70's and 80's in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to
its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is
because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana
is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885.
However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can
produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses
for many crime organizations (Shivamber).
Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the
African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015,
making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected
by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and
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Chinese Wildlife Trafficking Research Paper
The reputable practitioners of China have long shunned the use of rhino and tiger parts as medicinal
miracles, but the message is not getting through to the Chinese wildlife trafficking simpletons or
China's leadership. The Chinese people will eat, sniff, shoot and drink anything that stands on four
legs (maybe two legs as well) because they are too dim–witted and uneducated to understand that all
their myths like "Dog meat warms you' Or "Bull penis gives you an extra boost for that late night
rendezvous" is on the same reality level as Leprechauns and the Easter bunny. For a country that
forces its citizens to attend school and has been praised for its teaching ability, they sure graduate a
lot of dumb, backward thinking people who still believe voodoo medicine will cure their impotence
and the tooth fairy really did leave them that quarter. ... Show more content on ...
Hell, maybe Chinese people actually have round eyes, but they're just too goddamn stupid to open
them up all the way. I care as much about your branding me a racist, as the Chinese care about the
torture and eating of dogs and cats, because what I said is not racism... It's frustration and anger
speaking. Except for anyone that harms animals or kids, I have no ill will toward any person on this
planet and the only color I hate is green, because when it comes to Wildlife trafficking there are no
religions, there are no races, no colors, no genders, no sexual orientations... there is only green.
Traditional Chinese Voodoo Medicine Traditional Chinese voodoo medicine (TCM) stretches back
millennia and is deeply rooted in a system of balancing one's energy through diet, herbs and
physical techniques like qigong and
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The Reproductive Cycles Of Human Animals
During 2015, the reproductive cycles of two female, captive, Southern White Rhinoceroses
(Ceratotherium simum simum), Moesha (#1357) and Kito (#1353) at Hamilton Zoo were
investigated and analysed by non–invasive faecal progesterone concentrations. These two females
have had limited reproductive success with one in a long period of acyclicity and the other with
normal cycles. Monitoring progesterone levels allows the zoo keepers at Hamilton Zoo to be able to
introduce the male Kruger (#1273) when the females are in oestrous (especially if no reproductive
behaviour has been observed, to predict pregnancies and to document reproductive health. Figure 1:
Kito and her calf Ibuntu at Hamilton Zoo in 2010 (Source: Preston et al., 2010).
The maintenance of genetically viable populations of endangered animals is the upmost concern of
zoos and aquaria around the world (Berkeley, Kirkpatrick, Schaffer, Bryant, & Threlfall, 1997). The
success of captive populations is important as they can serve to repopulate the species if the wild
population becomes too endangered and serve to educate the public about the plight of the species
(Kobus, 2011; Tubbs, Hartig, Cardon, Varga, & Milnes, 2012). The wild populations of rhinoceroses
are quite successful at reproducing and are increasing their population numbers, but the captive
population of Southern White Rhinoceros is not sustaining itself (Berkeley et al., 1997; Carlstead &
Brown, 2005). Female's born in captivity show the appropriate
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Benefits Of Black Rhino
The black rhino also plays an important part in a country's economy as they make up a large source
of income in countries like South Africa and Namibia, where ecotourism is extremely popular. They
are therefore contributing to the economic growth as well as the sustainability of these countries as it
produces job opportunities for the locals.
Black rhinoceroses are often seen with oxpeckers. This is an example of mutualism as both parties
benefit from the other. The colourful little bird eats all the insects and parasites on the rhino and thus
has a supply of food. It is also protected from predators whilst on top of the rhino. In return, the
rhino benefits as it no longer has bugs. The oxpecker also flies high and alerts the rhino of
impending ... Show more content on ...
Having lived in South Africa for so many years, we were made aware of the seriousness of the
poaching happening. The brutal and inhumane way these innocent animals are tortured and killed
for their horns is unacceptable and cruel. I have been fortunate enough to have gone on several
safaris where I have been able to see these beautiful creatures flourish in their natural habitat. As one
of the oldest mammals on Earth, dating back 50 million years, it is important to protect this creature
from poachers to prevent their extinction. The rhinoceros is an important mammal who plays a vital
role in the ecosystem, as they maintain local vegetation around them as well as having other animals
rely on them. These fossil–like creatures who have braved ice ages and fought off pre–historic
predators can simply not become extinct because of humans' wrong doing. The black rhino cannot
protect itself from poachers as they are helpless when it comes to the tranquilisers used. It is our
duty to put a stop to the illegal trade of rhinoceros' horns. I believe it is vital that we respect planet
Earth and coexist with each and every different species as they all play a part in the
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The Black Rhinoceros ( Diceros Bicornis )
Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
Eric Chiaramonte
Literature Review
In the 1970's the Black rhinoceros' (Diceros bicornis) population could be numbered at around
70,000 ("Black rhinoceros", 2016). Today there are fewer than 5,000 of these animals left due to
overhunting and poaching ("Black rhinoceros", 2016). This literature review to highlights
information relevant to conservation efforts with regards to the black rhino. It looks at relevant
articles from four reputable journals and two films to establish pertinent information with regards to
conservation efforts and obstacles via artificial insemination and embryo transfer, population
dynamics, and disease. The articles will be listed in chronological order followed by the films also
being discussed in chronological order, in order to establish event trend in conservation effort. The
observation of the Black rhino is critical to establish data concerning reproductive trends, population
sizes, natural predators, social habits, and etc. which may be used to help procure a sustainable
population. From the journal Biological Conservation, the article Population characteristics and
management of black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis minor and white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum
simum in Ndumu Game Reserve, South Africa has a significant amount of information on the
population of the black rhino within the Ndumu Game Reserve (Conway & Goodman, 2016). In
June 1986 the population was 42 with twenty–five percent of
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Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros
The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more commonly known
as the black rhinoceros or the hook–lipped rhinoceros. The origin of the black rhinoceros' scientific
name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from the Greek word "di" translates to "two" and
"ceros" translates to "horn." Bicornis from the Latin word "bi" translates to "two" and "cornis"
translates to "horn." The black rhinoceros' scientific name describes their most prominent physical
features, their double horns. There are four different subspecies within the black rhinoceros family
whose names differ according to their geographical location within Sub–Saharan Africa, namely the
South–Central Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South–Western Black Rhinoceros
(diceros bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the
West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified
as an endangered species in 1986 and remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was
reclassified as a critically endangered species. The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically
endangered species in 2011.
Geographic Range and Statistics
The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on ...
("AWF–Check out the Rhino!", 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat, numbers
declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand and price for the
rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in gold. The demand for the
horn comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the
false impression that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which
has no health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an
aphrodisiac and is sold in
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The Rhino And Elephant Ivory Market
As the economic growth in the world continues, Africa continues to lose its self–proclaimed title as
the cradle of biodiverse ecosystems which house the mighty African elephant and rhinoceros
(otherwise known as the continental herd). Wildlands have been fragmented and forests cleared
continuously and at very rapid rates. Rising rates of affluence around the world, especially in Asia
has led to the intensity of the black market of the rhino and elephant ivory market which has seen
the deterioration of this vast and much needed component of the ecosystem.
Many governments within the continent, in conjunction with countless non–profit private
institutions have proposed regulated hunting and laws against wildlife poaching. This legislation has
seen taxes and fees being generated into these states which have been set as capital for conservation
programs which have been both positive and negative. Where positivity has come, the restoration of
species has been remarkably recorded, for example the white rhino in Southern Africa In places
where these conservation programs are poorly managed, the benefits are much harder to prove,
especially in ecosystems where the populations have already been depleted.
This paper will ensue a descriptive knowledge of numbers and distribution of the elephant and
rhinoceros examining the changes in population. It will also site the methods, including framework
for improved forest governance, in which innovative, successful and lasting
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Case Study On Rhino Horn
1. Reasons why rhinos are being poached 1.1. The number of rhinos being poached has grown
rapidly in recent years and is being driven by the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries,
particularly Vietnam. The main reasons people poach rhinos are for medicinal purposes and to have
as a status symbol to display your wealth and success. In Chinese culture, a rhino horn is used to
treat "fever, rheumatism and gout. They also believe that the horn can cure snakebites,
hallucinations, typhoid, headaches, carbuncles, vomiting, food poisoning and devil possession." The
rhino horn is usually shaved into a powder, dissolved in hot water and then consumed by the patient.
Some western countries believe that rhino horns are used as an aphrodisiac, but this is not true.
However, people in Vietnam believed this tale and started to use the rhino horn for new reasons.
They also use the rhino horn as a hangover cure. More and more people are buying rhino horns as a
status symbol or ... Show more content on ...
The linkage of power of the private rhino owners will increase effectiveness of prevention of rhino
poaching. The only way of knowing for certain whether the legalizing of rhino horn trade will work
is when it is legalized. Extreme policies and legislation would be put in place to ensure that this
system would work effectively.Another strategy to look at is whether the punishment for the
perpetrators should be more severe and whether the use of a "shoot on sight" policy should be
implemented when the culprits are caught in the act (Van Houlen, 2004). This would increase the
risk for individuals contemplating to part take within the illegal activities of rhino
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Persuasive Speech : The Ways To Save Animals From Killing...
Imagine yourself as a deer... you are in a giant field just grassing and minding your own business.
Then you hear something, you try to react, but it's too late and everything turns black. You still can
hear faintly though. You hear " EUREKA, I shot more deer than you Tyler." yelled something. "Fine
I guess I owe you a soda," said Tyler as his voice got fainter and fainter until it stopped. All you hear
left is the rustling of leaves on the ground. Then you can't hear any more. I just want to get the point
out there that animals are not supposed to be killed for sport. There are many reasons why we need
animals. An example of this is bees... pollinate our flowers and without bees, there would be no
flowers, nuts or apples. Most of our fruits would be gone. I love animals and I want to help society
grow and cherish. Animals are dying and going extinct... for what?!?! SPORT? Why do people want
to kill animals for their felt or ivory? Why kill endangered animals just for black market trading.
When you could be using that money to plant trees or making medicine for sick human and
animals? My driving question is: What can we do as people of the world to save animals from
poachers? The research that I found does have a way we can prevent poachers from killing animals
for sport and for their horns/ivory.
Animal poaching is a major uprising issue around the globe. This uprising problem is affecting so
many different types of species; from elephants to rhinos. According to
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Black Rhinoceros Research Paper
1. Species that went extinct not due to humans The North American Mastodon is an ancient relative
of the elephant that went completely extinct at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 yeas ago. The
Mastodon lived in an area called Bergingia, which is known today as North America (near today's
Alsaska and Yukon). The Mastodon lived in a habitat abundant with forests, wetlands and leafy
greens for them to feed on. Due to ecologiocal changes, the Mastodons suffered habitiatition loss
that resulted in having to migrate to areas of tundra that could not sustain their diets of vegetation,
which led to population loss.
The Westeren Black Rhinoceros is a sub species of Black Rhino and it was declared extinct in 2011.
The Western Black Rhinoceros ... Show more content on ...
It's population live in just two regions in Africa near volanic slopes and forests; the Bwindi
Imperietrable National Park Uganda and the Virunga National Park. The main causes for the
decreasing population among Montain Gorillas are: habitat loss, being poached, having their babies
stolen and sold as pets, human diseases infecting the species and the effects of civil war in the
surrounding countries. Civil war has caused a huge issue for the Mountain Gorillas. Not only did the
war hault converstion efforts for several years, but it is also forcing refugee camps to encroach on
the Mountain Gorilla's terrotor, causing a destruction of habitiat by cutting the forests for fuel, and
also spreading of human diseases into the Gorilla population due to proxmity (Smith, 2014). The
Mountain Gorilla was estimated to go extinct by the end of the 20th Century, but in recent years the
population has been slowly rising from 620 in 1989 to 786 Mountain Gorillas today (World wildlife
fund, 2016). Mountain Gorilla cannot survive in captivity and therefore need to be in the wild to
breed and increase the population. Unfortunately due to the fact that Mountain Gorillas are isolated
in only two small regions in Africa, and poachers slaughter approximately 100 year, the Mountain
Gorilla could effectively go extinct in a matter of years if nothing is done to reclaim it's terriotries
and allow
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Speech On Poaching
According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English,poaching means to catch and kill an
animal on someone else's land without permission. This constitutes a serious crime and is an
infringement on privacy. Far worse a fact is that an animal has been indiscriminately slain for its
horn alone! South Africa is home to most of the world's rhinos. The rhino forms an integral member
of its Big Five which soon will be deprived of this species if poaching is not halted. This cruel act of
man daily drives this animal ever closer to extinction. This reality with which we are faced is due to
the horn being highly sought after by those dealing on the Black Market which trades in banned
goods. Although frowned upon by governments and environmentalists, the trade continues due to
the ever increasing demand and supply of illegal commodities. The threat of possible extinction
being the fuel which constantly drives those who obtain the horn for those who desire to have the
horn. Why is this horn so desirable? We'll, ivory nets in about R2.5million per 5kg, so poaching is
good money. To many Chinese and Asians the horn is falsely believed to be of great medicinal ...
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Daily radio broadcasts keeping the public informed about fund–raising events, updates on news
concerning the rhino (both good and bad ) and campaigns being launched. Large billboards,
newspaper articles, television running 'breaking news' every time a rhino is poached or a poacher
apprehended, awareness projects run by schools, are ways of keeping everyone involved. Former
super bike racer and professional wildlife photographer, Dave Estment, regularly challenges pupils
at schools to do chores whereby they can raise and donate R250 to the rhino cause. This assists Dr
Cindy Harper in her DNA profiling of rhino horns at Onderstepoort Veterinary Genetics
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Research Paper On Elephant Poaching
The Poaching Of Elephants And Rhinos.
"From killing just one deer over the legal bag limit to harvesting tons of animal parts, poaching in
any form is illegal and laws are getting tougher to discourage it. If convicted, you can now be
charged with a felony and be sent to prison. All across the world citizens and law enforcement
officials are working t­
ogether to combat this problem" (Simon Shadow).
Although it was made illegal around the 1800s, poaching remains a big problem across the world.
Elephants and rhinos are becoming extinct because people are illegally hunting them for their tusks
to sell the ivory. While the species' population growth remains healthy, poaching remains a constant
threat. So what's the solution? Some ... Show more content on ...
But what would that do? One of the main challenges is that nobody can predict how legalizing trade
will affect the behavior of the end users in Asia. The government doesn't know if it will make people
more or less likely to poach elephants and rhinos. Many conservation groups have expressed
concern over the concept of legalizing the rhino horn trade. One key issue regarding this solution to
rhino poaching will be to understand how the trade in rhino horn will be regulated.One of the main
reasons for their opposition is that the government doesn't think it will be enforceable. "This is
because markets where the trade would be active like in Vietnam simply do not have the necessary
enforcement regimes in place, history shows that occasional sales of elephant ivory have not
reduced poaching for ivory" (african wildlife detective). While some people think legalizing the
ivory trade is a good idea most people do not agree with this
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The Importance Of Animal Poaching
In this day alone, three rhinoceroses will be killed for the trading of their horns and an estimated one
hundred Asian elephants will be killed for their ivory, meat, and body parts. ("African Rhinos" (n.d)
& Goodall , J. 2017) Animal Poaching– the illegal act of killing animals for profitable body parts–
has been the reason for the near extinction of many species, including elephants, tigers, rhinoceros,
and lions. Scientists and concerned citizens of society need to come together to obliterate this illicit
Specific animals like elephants, tigers, lions, and rhinoceroses should be preserved because of their
roles within their respective ecosystems. Elephants, the ¨mega gardeners" of the forest, are essential
to the transportation of seeds that maintain tree diversity. When we lose elephants, full extinction is
estimated to occur by 2020, we lose not only the species but their ecological role (African Elephants
face extinction, 2008). The wise leaders of past lives, elephants used to settle debates of the forest
and create vital watering holes for smaller animals as the noble masters in fables told by African
natives. When poaching finally takes the last living elephant due to selfishness, many African
countries lose both a species, and a culture. Tigers – walking gold to poachers– are worth a fortune
on the black market for their beautiful fur coats and bones, used for a delicate Chinese wine
(Guynup, S., 2015). The last three thousand wild tigers are facing
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Black Rhino Research Paper
Through out the past couple of week, my group has been learning a lot about Black Rhinos. The
reason why we choose to about our paper on Black Rhino was because we wanted to learn more
about them. We thought that learning about an animal that has been on the planet for so many years,
it would be interesting to see what issues that they are being faced with and what it happening to
them. We have heard about rhino as when were kids, and throughout this assignment we able to
learn what we wanted to know as children. We wanted to know why more about why Black Rhino
were critically endangered and what moments in history that many there status drop. After, the Cecil
the Lion incident we wonder if there were more animals that we being killed for the purpose of
trophy hunting or poaching. The Black Rhino project was ... Show more content on
Looking into the Black Rhinos, I was able to learn to learn so much of the issues that many of the
rhinos are facing. It was astounding to see that these rhino are being affected by poaching and
habitat loss. For me, personally the poaching was the most horrific thing that I never wanted to see
happen to a rhino. The thing that really bothered me was the poaching had dramatically declined the
rhino population in the 50s and 60s. Many people, who poached the rhino, literally left them to die
and they care about the repercussion of the situation. They caused the population of the rhinos to
decline and they not think about the affect it had to the ecosystem and they continue not to care. As
long as they are able to get what they want, they do not care about the global effects this has.
Throughout the research that as done about black rhino, we learned that black rhino are poached for
many different reasons, as some was discussed for Chinese medicine or Jambaya handle or as an
aphrodisiac. This assignment helps me understand that poaching for rhino horns that the horns are
similar to horses hover, turtle beaks, and
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Poaching And Robin Hood
We, the people of the world, do many things for the sake of our survival. Things that we are very
proud of and things that we are not. People have needs and they do or invent things based off of
their needs. How far they are willing to go is the million dollar question. Poaching has been going
on since the world began, but it did not become a problem and become illegal until the Late Middle
Ages. In the times where the lower class were peasants and the upper class had control of pretty
much everything. Robin Hood was of the first well known poachers during this time period. His
reasoning, like the reasoning like many other that poach, Hood was in desperate need of money and
food for his family. With the help of his crew, Hood ... Show more content on ...
Although, in reality the number of people that actually know why poaching is done is very low.
Poaching, by definition, is "the illegal act of killing, capturing, or removing mammals, birds, fish,
reptiles, insects, or plants from their natural habitats." (Greene, 1994, p.11). Yes. poaching is illegal
but there is a reason to why people feel the need to do these types of things. One of the first reasons
to why started poaching in the beginning was the fear of starvation. This reasoning was often said to
cause the most motivation for people to poach. People in countries where poaching is most
common, like Zimbabwe and Kanye, the economy is not doing well enough for people to have
enough money to support their families. By hunting for large game, poachers use the meat to feed
their families and allow them to keeping living. The desperation that people that poach must have to
do this is unimaginable, but just like the average person in any country they will do what they have
to to keep their family ahead.
Another reason why poachers do what they do is for the huge income that they gain from it. Wanting
to make a respectful income is not being greedy. Just like any other job, poachers do what is
necessary to make money. Poachers will sell parts of animals or animals all together. Most poachers
only receive 5–10% of the money that they make selling the animal. Based off of the job that they
do that is very little
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Rhino Poaching And The Exotic Animal Trade
Would you change your lifestyle to save the existence of a species? In western society, it is our
lifestyle to go to the doctors when you are sick, drive to work and buy food from a grocery store. It
is hard to remember that around the globe there are different customs and ways of life. A lot of
people make the means to live by working the land, owning their own shops, fishing, and hunting
animals. Poachers in Africa make their living by hunting elephants, lions, rhinos, and other exotic
animals. Countries in Asia, like Vietnam and China, have been using rhino horn medicinally for
generations. Would they be willing to change their entire lifestyle to save the existence of a species?
I analyzed an image created by the World Wildlife Fund that addresses rhino poaching and the
exotic animal trade. There are two subjects in this image, the rhino and those within the rhino. The
rhino is being captured by people, but at the same time, its horn is already being removed. I think
that this represents the huge market for rhino horn. We are collecting as much horn as we can as fast
as we can do it. This idea of our insatiable appetite for exotic animal products is also reinforced by
how the horn is being removed. Somebody, with a chainsaw, is cutting off the horn below the base
of it. This unsustainable practice will kill the animal. If the horn was cut above the base it would
grow back and the rhino could continue on, but it is common for poachers to remove as much horn
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Poaching In Africa Essay
Poaching in Africa
Over the past 40 years, nearly 52 percent of the world's wildlife has been wiped out of existence.
Africa's large mammal population, alone, has taken a toll of 59 percent since 1970. A majority of
this massive deflation has been caused by the astounding abundance of poaching in these regions.
Africa's increasing rates of illegal poaching are a result of humanity's selfish demand for an
individual body part such as tusks, pelts, or bones, which can be sold on the black market for large
sums of money. Poaching in Africa is not only illegal, but morally wrong. Efforts to end poaching
entirely should be a priority, and with help, it can be stopped.
At current rates, elephants and rhinos may be completely killed off within our lifetime. Some other
animals that are on the verge of endangerment, due to poaching, are the gorilla, the lion, and the
zebra. These were not the first animals, however, to be this close to extinction. The quagga – a zebra
like mammal, whose hide faded into a solid color – was actually a real animal at one time. Its
existence only lasted until the early 1870s, when the last of its kind were killed off by hunters, and
sold to the public for their uniquely colored hides. This tragedy is something to learn from, and it is
important that the animals who face extinction ... Show more content on ...
With an advantage such as this, poachers are able to take down their targets using high–powered
weaponry. Some of the most common weapons used are AK–47s and grenade launchers. Their
purposes: to kill the animal as efficiently as possible. The tracking technology utilized on these
missions span from GPS devices, to night–vision goggles, and even low–flowing helicopters. Even
if these animals were not to be endangered, the level of brutality undertaken by their hunters is too
extreme to be
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The Theatre Of The Absurd Analysis
The Theatre of the Absurd is a collection of plays written after World War II that were considered of
having ridiculous and random ideals. Many of these plays came from Europe, including Rhinoceros
by Ionesco. In Rhinoceros, the main character Berenger is a man who is not keeping up with himself
and is having a midlife crisis. Everyone else in the town is living a normal life when the
townspeople start to turn into rhinoceroses. With his differentness and being so out of place, he is
the only one left as a human over a rhinoceros. Now that Berenger wants to be like everyone else
and turn into a rhinoceros, he cannot because of his major differences. In the play, Rhinoceros,
different aspects of the Theatre of the Absurd come through in the crazy storyline created by
Ionesco. No communication and no logic are two of the aspects of the absurd writing concepts
during this time period. One of the absurd aspects of no communication is found through the lines of
the play.
No communication is one of the absurdist aspects in the play Rhinoceros that reoccurs throughout
the storyline. Towards the beginning of the play, the characters find that a rhinoceros is trampling
through the town. The housewife finds that her cat has been trampled on by the strange creature, and
is very upset. She wails to the others: "It ran over my cat, it ran over my cat!" (Ionesco 26).
Everyone responds back to her: "Poor little thing!" (Ionesco 26). Even though the cat has been
trampled over and is dead,
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The African Elephant : Animals And Elephants
The African elephant is the largest living land mammal and one of the most impressive animals on
Earth. The elephant trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, helps gather food, siphoning water,
dusting, and digging. The trunk can reach up to 23ft. The elephant habitat is dense forest to open
planes. Elephants are herbivore. An elephant's lifespan is 60 to 70 years. A elephants predator is a
Buffalo are extremely large animals. Buffalo stand approximately 65 inches at the shoulder and
weigh up to 1760 (males) 1650 (female). The front hooves are larger than the hind because of how
much the buffalo weighs. Both male and female carries horns. The habitat of a buffalo s dense forest
to open plane. A buffalo is a herbivore. The life expectancy of a buffalo is 18 to 20 years. The
predator of a buffalo are humans, lions, and crocodiles.
Lions are the second largest animal in the feline family. Lions stand about 48 inches at the shoulder.
Lions weigh about 416 pounds (male) and 277 pounds (female). A lion's habitat is savannahs,
grasslands, and woodland. Lions are carnivores. A lion predator is a human.
The rhinoceros is a large primitive looking mammal that dates from the Miocene era from millions
of years ago. Rhinos stand about 60 inches at the shoulder. A rhino weighs about 1 to ½ tons (black
rhino) and over 2 tons (white rhino). A rhino habitat is grassland and savannahs. A rhino's life span
is 35 to 40 years. The predator is humans.
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Northern White Rhino Research Paper
Northern white rhinos, also known as Ceratotherium cottoni, in recent years have gone from over
2,000 to a total of five in existence. Sun, Fatu, Sudan, and Najin are all currently living at the
SanDiego Zoo and at Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy; however they were at one time native to the
Eastern and Central parts of Africa but would stay South of the Sahara desert. Despite coming from
such a harsh environment, Ceratotherium cottoni have a spectacular beauty. Fully grown white
rhinos will typically stand about 4 foot 3 inches high from ground to shoulder and range anywhere
from 7 foot 10 inches to 10 foot 6 inches in length. They will generally weigh around 1500 pounds
however the heaviest recorded weight is 2,204.6 pounds. Every rhino has
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Endagerment of the Black Rhino
Endangerment of the Black Rhino The first thought that comes to mind when a person mentions a
rhinoceros is that they are huge and nearly indestructible; however, this is not the case at all. The
population of the black rhinoceros and other rhinoceros' in general is quickly diminishing due to
poaching and habitat destruction. In Kenya alone, the population has gone from 20,000 to less than
600. Their species is classified overall as critically endangered while the subspecies of Western
Black Rhinos has been declared extinct. The species is slowly disappearing and we need to do what
we can to save them before they're all gone. The Black rhinoceros or hook–lipped rhinoceros is
separated from the white rhinoceros by their pointed or hooked upper lip that is used for feeding.
The black rhinoceros has two horns and although it is named the black rhino its colors range from a
dark yellow–brown to a gray color. An adult usually weighs 1,800 to 3,100 lbs. but they have been
reported as weighing up to as much as 6,400 lbs. They can stand up to about 6 feet tall and be as
long as 9 – 12 feet not counting an average 2 foot tail. The longer of their two horns is typically
about 20 inches but some have been known to grow up to almost 5 feet. These horns have many
purposes such as intimidation, defense, and feeding. They have thick and durable skin designed to
protect against the harsh environments they live in. Adult black rhinos are generally solitary
creatures with only mothers and
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Rhinoceros Research Paper
The rhinoceros or known as a rhino is a prehistoric looking mammal. There are 5 species of rhinos.
The black rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros both live in Africa. The Indian, the Javan and the
Sumatran rhinoceros live in Asia. Both African rhinoceros look very similar, they are both a
blueish–grey color with two horns. They are often called a different name to easily differentiate
them. The black rhino is called the hook–lipped rhinoceros and the white rhino is called the square–
lipped rhinoceros. They are called this because their lips are specialized to eat different foods. The
black rhino has two horns that can grow up to four and a half feet. They use those horns to defend its
self from predators. It will charge at speeds up to thirty–five miles per hour at its predator. ... Show
more content on ...
They have even fought elephants or other big animals. The white rhino uses its square lips to graze
on grasses. It can stand up to six feet tall. Two of the three Asian rhinos only have one horn, the
Indian and the Javan rhino. The largest rhino in Asia is the Indian rhino, which is also known as the
greater one–horned rhino. It stands up to eight feet tall and weighs nearly two tons. The rhino lives
in tall weeds, which it often feeds on, and marshy forests. The Javan rhino, now only found in Java,
is a small relative to the Indian rhino. The Java rhino lives in forested hills and feeds off the grass
and fruit. The Sumatran rhino is the smallest rhino. It stands at only four and a half feet and weighs
only a ton. The rhino lives in the hills of Sumatra and
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Starring Dwayn 'Rock' Johnson: Doctors Without Borders
Forever Wild
Starring Dwayn "Rock" Johnson
Woman Doctor Carla Gugino
A US army ranger is finally coming home after three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has
been seeing a woman Doctor Named Shara she works with "Doctors Without Borders."
They originally meet when she went to Iraq and he was part of her protection detail. She asked him
out when she saw him again in Afghanistan.
They have been dating for years and are deeply in love but marriage never entered into the picture
because he was in the Army and she was globe hoping with Doctors Without Borders.
To them, their relationship was as perfect as it could have ever been. The were extremely happy with
each other and their love affair did not interefere with their carrerrs. ... Show more content on ...
With the calf safe, Rock gives a big donation to "Save the Rhinos" after they supplied him with
special rhino milk for the baby, the Rock decides to go to Zimbabwe's capital and see what the
government is doing to protect these animals.
After a few meetings he realizes that the Zimbabwe Government is hopelessly corrupt because the
black market money is free flowing. The Rock does meet one honest man, but he has no protection
so he will be assasinated the moment he makes any waves, so he is helpless to fight the poachers or
the Government curruption.
He explains to the Rock that the drug cartels are pussycats compared to these Wildlife traffickers.
The Rock is told about how millions of Chinese and South East asians still believe that Rhino horn
powder is used for medicinal purposes and trinkets cared from ivory protect people from spirits and
that the illegal trade industry is taking in Billions a
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Analysis Of Gec Report 2015, Rhino Tracking Essay
Critical Review
A Critical Review of GEC report 2015, Rhino Tracking (Anon) Introduction
The GEC groups designed a set of devices to monitor the 13 reintroduced rhinos in Uganda which
will be lasting from 2015 to 2020. This research aimed to provide a tracking and monitoring system
that can protect rhinos from being hunted by poachers for the rhino horns. Group A applied a GPS
tracking device and a heart beat sensor and which can locate the rhinos and monitor their vital signs
respectively. Whilst, Group B applied a GPS tracker and an oximeter in rhinos' ear.
During the research of group A the situation and background in Uganda were considered firstly, then
problem that Uganda people have were briefly discussed some Options and Evaluation were listed
and compared afterwards based on the principle not to harm the environment and animals. After the
local financial situation and the fund rising of the rhino–protecting organization the study of funding
rising and the sustainable power source for the device were decided. Finally some further problem
were even considered, however none solutions were provided.
During the research of group B, the procedure was not clearly presented, however, the use of table
listed the considering process of each device.
For group A, The local background were studied, a solution was conducted properly based on the
needs that Uganda people have 'The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary has park rangers doing basic checking
and managing
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The Lorax is a story about a man who abused the environment and about what he learned. The story
begins in the most run–down part of a dull, gray town. A small boy asks the Once–ler to share the
secret of the Lorax and how he was taken away. Thus, the story is told as a "flashback" as the Once–
ler talks about the Lorax and past events.
The Characters:
A. The Once–ler, a businessman
B. The Lorax, a leader of the plants and animals
The Once–ler's Story: The Beginning
The Once–ler moved across the land to his wagon. He came upon a new land with an important
natural resource. (A natural resource is a plant, animal or mineral that can be used by people.)
What was this natural ... Show more content on ...
and he must have industrial progress. Can't shut down and fire 100,000 workers; bad economics.
And he was greedy.
Going Broke
The Once–lers business failed. The Once–ler started business in a small shop. As more and more
thneeds were made and sold, more workers were needed. That is how a town grew up around the
thneed factory.
What happened to cause the failure of the business?
What happened to the workers and the town after the factory closed?
Lessons to Be Learned
The Once–ler learned that he had made a mistake.
What was his mistake?
What makes you think that the Once–lers ideas about the use of natural resources changed?
Explain what must happen for the Lorax and his animals to return.
Going in depth:
What analogies and parallels can be made when comparing this story with real life situations?
(Which country do you think Dr. Suess was trying to copy?)
Environmental Problems:
You probably noticed changes in the environment as the Once–ler went about the business of
making thneeds. You might, for example, remember that the Lorax complained about the "smoggy
air" caused by the Once–ler's factory. The smoggy air is an environmental problem. An
environmental problem occurs when the condition of something or someone in the natural
environment is threatened by a change. The air was clean and fresh before the Once–ler's activities;
but pollution made it dirty and smelly. That is, the
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Poaching In Africa

  • 1. Poaching in Africa Endangered animals all over Africa are on the verge of extinction due to human greed. It is very difficult to even fathom how many animals are lost each year to poaching. Animals are being stripped for their parts and left for dead. Poaching has completely exhausted animal populations in Africa, which damages the environment, and is affecting people all over the world both socially and through international relations. Poaching is a growing activity in Africa and it is dangerously depleting animal populations. Poaching is defined as the illegal killing of endangered and/or protected animals and could also be considered hurting animals that are on protected land (Pedersen). If poaching is continued, years of conservation and development would have been for nothing. For years, groups have put work and money into keeping animals safe. Many people turn to poaching as an activity because it's a quick way to make a lot of money as "tusks of a single adult elephant can be worth more than ten times the average annual income in many African countries". Rhino poaching rates were up 1000% at the beginning of the decade and is continuing to grow quickly ("The African Poaching Crisis"). Many, many animals and people are affected by this poaching. Poaching is the result of many other issues. High demands in Asian markets mean more reward for poachers and without this demand there would be no reason to poach at all ("Poaching Infographic"). Another cause of poaching is the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Black Rhinoceros By Gonzaga Manzo History dies with every animal species that becomes extinct. For years the amount African Black Rhinoceros has been dropping significantly; the problem may be unfixable at this point. Unfortunately, many animals on earth are facing the same tragedy. These animals are primarily from a time that no human kept records. They are living, breathing history that will die off because the superior species could not protect them. In this picture by Gonzaga Manzo, the Black Rhinoceros is being worked on in an auto shop by two stumped mechanics. They stare puzzled at the large animal, not being able to see how to fix the problem. "Extinction Can't be Fixed" is printed in white letters in the upper right corner, meaning that extinction cannot be reversed with tools found in a repair shop. In fact, it cannot be reversed at all. Gonzaga Manzo, a Spanish artist, created this image as a part of a campaign series for the World Wide Fund for Nature for species facing extreme extinction: the Black rhinoceros. This powerful image was primarily to stop hunting the animals, but also to raise awareness of the dire situation. The Black Rhinoceros has become extinct in twelve African countries. They are being hunted for their horn, which is used in certain pain killing drugs and thus is highly sought after. Furthermore, this is a digitally edited image, which combines real images with digital elements. Manzo did this to create a realistic photo of the Black Rhinoceros in an auto shop, even though ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Globalization And The Fast Food Market Dennis Asante Professor Okoror Global Health 09/17/14 Globalization It is summer in Ghana and I'm walking down a block in my neighborhood. The air is hazy and dense and the smell of food fills every corner. A city that never used to have any of foreign foods, now filled with the aroma and signs of fast food restaurants. As I walked, I realize that there was only one whole food market. Meanwhile, a McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken were seen on multiple corners. Another thing I noticed: the majority of people entering the fast food market are from places that were once filled with only traditionalists. A region where its former citizens used to invest their time in cooking local traditional food and sold them to the public and families. These same communities have now become so westernized that they neglect the traditional side of diet. Instead, everyone now focus on the new fast food market. People are flocking with their families into the fast food restaurants. Watching the differences between those who entered the supermarket and those who entered the McDonalds's, I couldn't help but think about complications minorities in the United States face from the fast food market. I made a very quick connection with the United States because I had an idea of how people in the US especially minorities, suffer from fast food. Some people (fast food victims) in Ghana aren't any better than minorities in the US. The commonness of fast food in Ghana has created multiple jobs to ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Descriptive Essay : ' Good Job ! ' The Marulla trees swing to and fro, dancing in the gentle afternoon breeze, their bushy green tops filled with the sounds of vervet monkeys and the "go–away" calls of grey louries, a sound that all who have visited Southern Africa are familiar with. Beneath the lofty branches of the thorny umbrella acacias are tall grasses and the endless red clay that will persist within the seams of your boots years after your visit as a reminder of your journey to Africa. I admire the view, and take in the lush beauty of the surrounding scape as one who is eternally entranced by the wild beauty of such an untamed wilderness. The ivory colored clouds roll overhead in infinite cobalt skies, and an elephant trumpets somewhere to the east among the rocky hills. Crack! Crack! Crack! A rifle echoes, and another three shots are are repeated as the resonance echoes through the hills. I take my finger off the trigger and tuck the short barreled weapon to my chest. "Good job!", says the man to my right through a thick Afrikaans accent. He is wearing full battle–dress camouflage and has the look of someone who commands respect. "Now again", he says. I fire three more shots from the LM–5, then draw my pistol, taking carful aim and fire again. The weapon responds to my careful touch and kicks back as the holes in the target show that I have hit my mark. "Rangers, Attention!", he yells, and we all snap to a rigid upright position. We have all come to save a species. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Endangered Animals Are Endangered Tigers are primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts, and bones. These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine (although these treatments have been disproven and have no real medical value). Innocent endangered animals are being killed for false hopes and cures within the eastern culture. Poaching has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of wild animals. The difference between poaching and hunting is one, is that poaching is hunting without the approval of whomever controls or owns the land. Even though some people believe poaching creates lots of business and brings in major income for certain smaller, poorer countries, it endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals, destroys precious ecosystems within the wild, and poaching is extremely harmful to humans. Poaching endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals. In the article "Poaching Blamed for Loss of Western Black Rhino", by Frank Jordans states "Its loss is significant because the Western Black Rhino is genetically distinct from other rhino subspecies. Reintroducing animals born into captivity is costly and may be impossible, experts say." According to the article, once a species or subspecies goes into extinction within its wild habitat it's near impossible to recover them back. Introducing the captive species into the area would just cause more harm and be ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Rhino Poaching Research Paper The End of Rhino Poaching 414 Everyday more and more rhinos die from poaching. Did you know that every 11 hours one rhino dies from poachers? How will we end rhino poaching? Now people are using drones to stop poachers. There is an increasing demand for rhino horns. Everyday we lose more and more rhinos for their horns. In 2012, 668 rhinos died for their horns. Then again, in 2013 by half the year 350 rhinos had already been lost to poachers. Once, a rhino reserve in South Africa lost 13 rhinos in just one week. There is a huge increase for a demand of rhino horns, but why? In Asia, ground up rhino horn is believed to cure illnesses including cancer. Many criminal gangs offer as much as $30,000 for a single rhino horn, sometimes ... Show more content on ... How will drones catch the poachers? The drones are hand launched so there is no need for a big runway. Also, the drones are only 12 pounds. Drones also have a six mile range camera.The drones computer calculates a hot spot for poaching and watches it from the sky. Next, if the drone sees a poacher then it sends an alert to notify the game wardens. When the game wardens see the alert they rush down to the poaching sight and try to catch the poachers before they attack. The drones film a video of the scene including the weather, if there was a sun or moon, when it happened and where. The drones film this to show the trends/patterns of poachers. Drone technology can be very different. For example, they can have different features. Thomas Smith and team at the University of Maryland have tested out drones to stop poachers. In the last six months Smith's team had arrested a lot of poachers with not one single gunshot. Their drones have infrared cameras and the camera sends live video to the command center on the ground. Air Shepherd is combining with the University of Maryland to support the drones to stop poachers. Early in 2014, South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) claimed that flying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is against the law. Now Air Shepherd and the University of Maryland is working together they hope to persuade the SACAA it allow ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Poaching Although poaching is an illegal act, it is still a growing problem in the world because it is making the extinction of various animals more probable. Not only it cruel, but it affects the environment and ecosystem where these animals reside. Although various people, usually trophy hunters or those uninformed, argue that it isn't that big of a problem, there are realities to it that won't be stopped unless we act upon it and bring awareness of the situation. Recently, the poaching controversy has gained more attention in the news and media due to the killing of Cecil the Lion back in 2015. But what exactly is poaching and why is it illegal? Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals. Animals are captured and killed for their parts and products that are eventually sold on the black market and to cartels to make medicines, trinkets, and other products. Animals are typically poached for personal gain and value.The the illegal poaching trade in Africa alone has accumulated a worth of $17 billion dollars a year and it keeps growing. Ivory, fur, skin, and bones especially are in high demand and places/people are willing to pay high numbers for these products, so it is no surprise that people continue to hunt them. Due to poaching, the tiger is one of the most endangered species in the world . Tiger parts, such as fur, skin, and bones, are seen as a luxury and are used as commerce on the black market and secretly throughout Asia. Although China has participated in the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, the laws are commonly ignored and it remains the primary destination for tiger parts. Elephants are also on the brink of extinction and the number hunted per year keeps increasing. Despite international ivory trade being banned in the 1990s, it is still sold on the black market and sought after in Asia; once again, China being the biggest demander. According to Kideghesho in Sage Journals , "widespread poaching coupled with inefficient law enforcement in Tanzania was manifested in the dramatic decline of the elephant population to less than 30% of what it was in 1979, a drop from 316,000 to 85,000 by 1987." Rhinos are also greatly sought after in Africa. In ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Liver Biopsy Lab Report tive). In the wild, these species have been observed consuming tannin containing leaves, tree bark, and flowers as a significant part of their diet. Naturally, tannins reduce the availability and absorption of iron in the body. It's in question that whether these tannin consuming species have possibly evolutionized to develop an effective iron absorption mechanism or if they could spare the regulation mechanism, as excessive iron uptake would not occur in nature. Although these species consume large amounts of tannin rich foods in the wild, captive diets can have a lack of them, leading to the tannin theory in relation to iron storage disease in captive animals. (Clauss, Lechner– Doll, Hanichen, & Hatt, 2002) However, the implementation ... Show more content on ... However, it seems that it's not specifically limited to the consistent high iron diets that are provided at zoos, but in combination with high amounts of ascorbic acid and the lack of foods rich in iron chelating compounds such as tannins that some species consume in the wild. Unfortunately, the implementation of iron chelating compounds in captive diets seems to be irregular and the disorder is still consistently diagnosed upon necropsy. To further understand how to manage this disorder, the captive diets of known iron sensitive species should be analyzed and adjusted to meet nutritional needs without any deficiencies or excess and monitored accordingly. According to a study, only one facility (the San Diego Zoo) has stated that they have attempted to develop low iron diets for captive lemurs. (Wood, Fang, Hunt, Streich, & Clauss, 2003) As for the knowledge that is available and agreed upon with the tannin theory, it seems suiting to implement food sources containing these compounds into the diets of animals that consume it in the wild. It would be beneficial for facilities maintaining captive animal populations to further investigate and match the natural diets of animals showing sensitivity to particular nutrients for optimal ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Thing About Poaching Research Paper The Thing About Poaching. Half a century ago, White Rhinos used to roam the vast lands of South Africa. But for some reason, the number of rhinos has dropped by a million. The answer to this cause is simple. Poaching. Poaching has continued for many years and has caused a huge number of African animals to become extinct. With only 25,000 rhinos left in the world, this huge situation should not only be recognized in Africa, but should also be noticed all over the world. During the last few centuries, the number of rhinos and elephants has declined dramatically––and is still decreasing rapidly. About 3 rhinos are killed each day. They are hunted down for their horns which are used to make medicine and ivory carvings. Places like Vietnam and China tolerate poaching for its medicine that supposedly "cures cancer". With higher demands in Asia, prices have spiked; and so has poaching. According to the Newsela article "Rhinos will soon be extinct if poachers don't stop killing them", in 2014 400 tons of ivory were extracted from elephants. Statistics have also stated that in 2013, 1,215 rhinos have died at the hands of poaching; and to this day, poaching is still growing. ... Show more content on ... In South Africa, authorities have been cracking down on poaching for many years. It is home to more than half of the world's rhinos. Crime groups tend to take advantage of the poor law enforcement there, resulting in an extensive amount of killings in countries like Namibia and Zimbabwe. Introduced in Newsela, "Poaching has also affected the inhabitants of South Africa as well". Due to this, many poor, young men have turned to poaching in order to gain money to feed their families. Even the smallest amount of money would cause survival to be possible. Although the government has tried many new tactics to stop this problem, there is still very little change. We can't rely solely on the authorities and policemen to hunt these poachers ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Speech On Animal Poaching Animal Poaching Animal poaching has a bigger price tag than the trophy sitting on the shelf. Poaching is causing iconic animals of many continents and of our oceans to become endangered or even extinct. These animals that people have come to love and fantasize over may be gone before we are (Africa). Elephants, rhinos, lions, and zebras are the animals thought of the most when it comes to animal poaching, but many animals are poached. They are killed for only one quality, like their horns or skins and the rest of the animal is left behind. Poaching is a massive business that is ran by international networks, it's estimated to make hundreds of millions of dollars (World). Not all wildlife trade is illegal, but it becomes a crisis when an increasing amount of illegal poaching is done and it directly threatens the survival of species in the wild (World). Since 1960 97.6% of the Black Rhino population in Africa has been poached and lions are extinct in seven African countries (Africa). Poaching is a worldwide problem because it is affecting the whole food chain, including humans. A year after a logging road went into forest areas in Sarawak, Malaysia, in 2001, not a single large mammal remained (Begley). If one animal goes extinct, then a snowball effect will happen because the animal that depended on the extinct animal for food will have a harder time getting food and eventually that species will die off also, leaving us humans with very little food choices in our future. ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Elephant and Rhino Comparison The white rhinoceros and the Asian elephant possess many similar characteristics, including the way they look, yet also possess many differences such as the two continents they live on. There are five living species of rhino (black, white, Indian, Javan and Sumatran) and only two of the elephant (African and the Asian). All are in jeopardy of extinction with their slow rate of breeding, poaching and in the rhinoceroses, their territorial behavior. Both of these beasts belong to the same kingdom (Animalia), phylum (Chordata), sub–phylum (Vertebrata) and class (Mammalia). Meaning they are both back–boned mammalian, animals. They both have hair and give birth to live young. White rhinos (Ceratotherium simum), and Asian elephants (Elephas ... Show more content on ... The wails of a courting male rhinoceros are called ¡¥hic–throbbing¡¦ or even the males¡¦ love–song. Scientists don¡¦t know why but they believe it has something in common with the deep abdominal groans of the Asian elephant which can be transmitted through the ground and felt by others. In either species, if it is possible for the male to make body contact with the female he tries to lay his head or trunk in the elephant, on her back. After lots of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Essay On Rhinoceros Title: The genetic diversity of black rhinoceros (Diceros bircornis) populations in Africa. Introduction. Despite its reputation as a powerful and invincible beast, the rhinoceros has suffered precipitous Black rhinoceros is powerful land mammal but despite its strength and take no nonsenses attitude has declined in number and is threatened with extinction. There are approximately 11,0000 individuals of all five species surviving in small scattered populations throughout Africa and other Asians countries. The black rhino has suffered the most unseen decline in numbers and disappearing faster than any other large mammal. Black rhino were scattered across central, eastern, and southern Africa. In the early years of 1970s their numbers had declined to 65,000 and over the past 18 years ... Show more content on ... The NGO's has helped in the donations of money to buy needed advance technological equipment's like drones. Government institutions have been involved in implementing policies to prevent the selling of black rhino horns and educating the public about the importance of conserving the species for next generations. Black rhino numbers are slowly recovering and currently there are approximately between 5,042 and 5,455 animals (according to figures published by IUCN in 2016). Genetic variation of a population says more about the species and how a particular population of a species will survive in a long run. Knowing the genetic variation of a species will able one to predict some of the traits in the population for future offspring's, it can also help one to know if whether the population is evolving or not by looking at the alleles of a population. The population which is evolving should show changes in alleles. The importance of genetic variation is that one can know if the population ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Paper On African Elephant My interest in the white rhino started about three years ago when I was doing a research paper about the African elephant. I came across the white rhino as I was searching for the fellow species that were being threatened by hunters in Africa. I never really paid much attention to large wild animals before because of the fact that they are large and I figured that they wouldn't be threatened like most smaller animals. One threat this wild rhino is facing is habitat loss due to agriculture and settlements. Another threat is poachers who are interested in their horns to sell mainly across the East. Although these threats are putting white rhinos at risk, through the efforts of groups such as the Wild Foundation and World Wild Life, the prognosis for the continued survival of the white rhino is good. ... Show more content on ... Many pay little to no attention to this specie just like a hippopotamus or an animal that seems to stand out as if it were a white tiger. These creatures are mostly located around South Africa, North Africa and there are a few around East Africa as well (White Rhino; White Rhinoceros). The white rhino is very muscular, "white rhinos have a square upper lip with almost no hair" and has its two front ivory horns (White Rhino). These creatures travel in herds and mark their territory usually with "vigorously scraped dung piles" (White Rhinoceros). Males have a small land range of 1–3km although the females land range is about 6–20km or even lager depending on the population density and the land quality (White ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Woolly Rhino Research Paper Discovery of a fossil skull points to the origins of Ice Age megafauna It's an August afternoon in the Zanda Basin in southwestern Tibet, in the foothills of the Himalayas. I am wandering aimlessly in a patch of badlands, slightly lightheaded owing to the more than 14,000–foot elevation, scanning the ground for any signs of fossils, or for that matter, anything that might distract me from the monotony of a day of fruitless search. It is late into our field season, and besides a tooth fragment or two, I have little to show for a day's work, something all vertebrate paleontologists learn to endure. On impulse I head farther west along a layer of rusty yellow sandstone, and there I see a piece of reddish–brown bone sticking out of the dirt. A few quick sweeps of my brush reveal a ring–shaped bone. Upon digging it out, I recognize it is an atlas –– the neck vertebra that connects with a skull –– possibly from a rhinoceros. Not a ... Show more content on ... Subsequently, when Pleistocene conditions in Arctic areas became suitable, the woolly rhinos were able to spread into that region. They were "preadapted" for life in the bitter cold of winter snows. FROM THIS REASONING our "out–of–Tibet hypothesis" was born. The Pleistocene was the heyday of so–called megafauna, mammals weighing 100 pounds or more, many larger than their modern relatives They included the woolly rhinos, giant sloths, and saber–toothed cats, all now extinct. We envision ancestral megafauna using high–altitude Tibet, with its cold habitat and thin air, as a "training ground" where they evolved anatomies and behaviors that later served them well in an Ice Age climate farther north. A burning question is whether, besides the woolly rhinos, Tibet could have also been a cradle for other such ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Rhino Poaching Essay Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ... One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70's and 80's in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations (Shivamber). Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Chinese Wildlife Trafficking Research Paper The reputable practitioners of China have long shunned the use of rhino and tiger parts as medicinal miracles, but the message is not getting through to the Chinese wildlife trafficking simpletons or China's leadership. The Chinese people will eat, sniff, shoot and drink anything that stands on four legs (maybe two legs as well) because they are too dim–witted and uneducated to understand that all their myths like "Dog meat warms you' Or "Bull penis gives you an extra boost for that late night rendezvous" is on the same reality level as Leprechauns and the Easter bunny. For a country that forces its citizens to attend school and has been praised for its teaching ability, they sure graduate a lot of dumb, backward thinking people who still believe voodoo medicine will cure their impotence and the tooth fairy really did leave them that quarter. ... Show more content on ... Hell, maybe Chinese people actually have round eyes, but they're just too goddamn stupid to open them up all the way. I care as much about your branding me a racist, as the Chinese care about the torture and eating of dogs and cats, because what I said is not racism... It's frustration and anger speaking. Except for anyone that harms animals or kids, I have no ill will toward any person on this planet and the only color I hate is green, because when it comes to Wildlife trafficking there are no religions, there are no races, no colors, no genders, no sexual orientations... there is only green. Traditional Chinese Voodoo Medicine Traditional Chinese voodoo medicine (TCM) stretches back millennia and is deeply rooted in a system of balancing one's energy through diet, herbs and physical techniques like qigong and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Reproductive Cycles Of Human Animals During 2015, the reproductive cycles of two female, captive, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum), Moesha (#1357) and Kito (#1353) at Hamilton Zoo were investigated and analysed by non–invasive faecal progesterone concentrations. These two females have had limited reproductive success with one in a long period of acyclicity and the other with normal cycles. Monitoring progesterone levels allows the zoo keepers at Hamilton Zoo to be able to introduce the male Kruger (#1273) when the females are in oestrous (especially if no reproductive behaviour has been observed, to predict pregnancies and to document reproductive health. Figure 1: Kito and her calf Ibuntu at Hamilton Zoo in 2010 (Source: Preston et al., 2010). The maintenance of genetically viable populations of endangered animals is the upmost concern of zoos and aquaria around the world (Berkeley, Kirkpatrick, Schaffer, Bryant, & Threlfall, 1997). The success of captive populations is important as they can serve to repopulate the species if the wild population becomes too endangered and serve to educate the public about the plight of the species (Kobus, 2011; Tubbs, Hartig, Cardon, Varga, & Milnes, 2012). The wild populations of rhinoceroses are quite successful at reproducing and are increasing their population numbers, but the captive population of Southern White Rhinoceros is not sustaining itself (Berkeley et al., 1997; Carlstead & Brown, 2005). Female's born in captivity show the appropriate ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Benefits Of Black Rhino The black rhino also plays an important part in a country's economy as they make up a large source of income in countries like South Africa and Namibia, where ecotourism is extremely popular. They are therefore contributing to the economic growth as well as the sustainability of these countries as it produces job opportunities for the locals. Black rhinoceroses are often seen with oxpeckers. This is an example of mutualism as both parties benefit from the other. The colourful little bird eats all the insects and parasites on the rhino and thus has a supply of food. It is also protected from predators whilst on top of the rhino. In return, the rhino benefits as it no longer has bugs. The oxpecker also flies high and alerts the rhino of impending ... Show more content on ... Having lived in South Africa for so many years, we were made aware of the seriousness of the poaching happening. The brutal and inhumane way these innocent animals are tortured and killed for their horns is unacceptable and cruel. I have been fortunate enough to have gone on several safaris where I have been able to see these beautiful creatures flourish in their natural habitat. As one of the oldest mammals on Earth, dating back 50 million years, it is important to protect this creature from poachers to prevent their extinction. The rhinoceros is an important mammal who plays a vital role in the ecosystem, as they maintain local vegetation around them as well as having other animals rely on them. These fossil–like creatures who have braved ice ages and fought off pre–historic predators can simply not become extinct because of humans' wrong doing. The black rhino cannot protect itself from poachers as they are helpless when it comes to the tranquilisers used. It is our duty to put a stop to the illegal trade of rhinoceros' horns. I believe it is vital that we respect planet Earth and coexist with each and every different species as they all play a part in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Black Rhinoceros ( Diceros Bicornis ) Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) Eric Chiaramonte SNHU Literature Review In the 1970's the Black rhinoceros' (Diceros bicornis) population could be numbered at around 70,000 ("Black rhinoceros", 2016). Today there are fewer than 5,000 of these animals left due to overhunting and poaching ("Black rhinoceros", 2016). This literature review to highlights information relevant to conservation efforts with regards to the black rhino. It looks at relevant articles from four reputable journals and two films to establish pertinent information with regards to conservation efforts and obstacles via artificial insemination and embryo transfer, population dynamics, and disease. The articles will be listed in chronological order followed by the films also being discussed in chronological order, in order to establish event trend in conservation effort. The observation of the Black rhino is critical to establish data concerning reproductive trends, population sizes, natural predators, social habits, and etc. which may be used to help procure a sustainable population. From the journal Biological Conservation, the article Population characteristics and management of black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis minor and white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum in Ndumu Game Reserve, South Africa has a significant amount of information on the population of the black rhino within the Ndumu Game Reserve (Conway & Goodman, 2016). In June 1986 the population was 42 with twenty–five percent of ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more commonly known as the black rhinoceros or the hook–lipped rhinoceros. The origin of the black rhinoceros' scientific name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from the Greek word "di" translates to "two" and "ceros" translates to "horn." Bicornis from the Latin word "bi" translates to "two" and "cornis" translates to "horn." The black rhinoceros' scientific name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns. There are four different subspecies within the black rhinoceros family whose names differ according to their geographical location within Sub–Saharan Africa, namely the South–Central Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South–Western Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified as an endangered species in 1986 and remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was reclassified as a critically endangered species. The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically endangered species in 2011. Geographic Range and Statistics The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on ... ("AWF–Check out the Rhino!", 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat, numbers declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand and price for the rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in gold. The demand for the horn comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the false impression that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has no health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is sold in ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Rhino And Elephant Ivory Market Abstract As the economic growth in the world continues, Africa continues to lose its self–proclaimed title as the cradle of biodiverse ecosystems which house the mighty African elephant and rhinoceros (otherwise known as the continental herd). Wildlands have been fragmented and forests cleared continuously and at very rapid rates. Rising rates of affluence around the world, especially in Asia has led to the intensity of the black market of the rhino and elephant ivory market which has seen the deterioration of this vast and much needed component of the ecosystem. Many governments within the continent, in conjunction with countless non–profit private institutions have proposed regulated hunting and laws against wildlife poaching. This legislation has seen taxes and fees being generated into these states which have been set as capital for conservation programs which have been both positive and negative. Where positivity has come, the restoration of species has been remarkably recorded, for example the white rhino in Southern Africa In places where these conservation programs are poorly managed, the benefits are much harder to prove, especially in ecosystems where the populations have already been depleted. This paper will ensue a descriptive knowledge of numbers and distribution of the elephant and rhinoceros examining the changes in population. It will also site the methods, including framework for improved forest governance, in which innovative, successful and lasting ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Case Study On Rhino Horn 1. Reasons why rhinos are being poached 1.1. The number of rhinos being poached has grown rapidly in recent years and is being driven by the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries, particularly Vietnam. The main reasons people poach rhinos are for medicinal purposes and to have as a status symbol to display your wealth and success. In Chinese culture, a rhino horn is used to treat "fever, rheumatism and gout. They also believe that the horn can cure snakebites, hallucinations, typhoid, headaches, carbuncles, vomiting, food poisoning and devil possession." The rhino horn is usually shaved into a powder, dissolved in hot water and then consumed by the patient. Some western countries believe that rhino horns are used as an aphrodisiac, but this is not true. However, people in Vietnam believed this tale and started to use the rhino horn for new reasons. They also use the rhino horn as a hangover cure. More and more people are buying rhino horns as a status symbol or ... Show more content on ... The linkage of power of the private rhino owners will increase effectiveness of prevention of rhino poaching. The only way of knowing for certain whether the legalizing of rhino horn trade will work is when it is legalized. Extreme policies and legislation would be put in place to ensure that this system would work effectively.Another strategy to look at is whether the punishment for the perpetrators should be more severe and whether the use of a "shoot on sight" policy should be implemented when the culprits are caught in the act (Van Houlen, 2004). This would increase the risk for individuals contemplating to part take within the illegal activities of rhino ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Persuasive Speech : The Ways To Save Animals From Killing... Imagine yourself as a deer... you are in a giant field just grassing and minding your own business. Then you hear something, you try to react, but it's too late and everything turns black. You still can hear faintly though. You hear " EUREKA, I shot more deer than you Tyler." yelled something. "Fine I guess I owe you a soda," said Tyler as his voice got fainter and fainter until it stopped. All you hear left is the rustling of leaves on the ground. Then you can't hear any more. I just want to get the point out there that animals are not supposed to be killed for sport. There are many reasons why we need animals. An example of this is bees... pollinate our flowers and without bees, there would be no flowers, nuts or apples. Most of our fruits would be gone. I love animals and I want to help society grow and cherish. Animals are dying and going extinct... for what?!?! SPORT? Why do people want to kill animals for their felt or ivory? Why kill endangered animals just for black market trading. When you could be using that money to plant trees or making medicine for sick human and animals? My driving question is: What can we do as people of the world to save animals from poachers? The research that I found does have a way we can prevent poachers from killing animals for sport and for their horns/ivory. Animal poaching is a major uprising issue around the globe. This uprising problem is affecting so many different types of species; from elephants to rhinos. According to ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Black Rhinoceros Research Paper 1. Species that went extinct not due to humans The North American Mastodon is an ancient relative of the elephant that went completely extinct at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 yeas ago. The Mastodon lived in an area called Bergingia, which is known today as North America (near today's Alsaska and Yukon). The Mastodon lived in a habitat abundant with forests, wetlands and leafy greens for them to feed on. Due to ecologiocal changes, the Mastodons suffered habitiatition loss that resulted in having to migrate to areas of tundra that could not sustain their diets of vegetation, which led to population loss. The Westeren Black Rhinoceros is a sub species of Black Rhino and it was declared extinct in 2011. The Western Black Rhinoceros ... Show more content on ... It's population live in just two regions in Africa near volanic slopes and forests; the Bwindi Imperietrable National Park Uganda and the Virunga National Park. The main causes for the decreasing population among Montain Gorillas are: habitat loss, being poached, having their babies stolen and sold as pets, human diseases infecting the species and the effects of civil war in the surrounding countries. Civil war has caused a huge issue for the Mountain Gorillas. Not only did the war hault converstion efforts for several years, but it is also forcing refugee camps to encroach on the Mountain Gorilla's terrotor, causing a destruction of habitiat by cutting the forests for fuel, and also spreading of human diseases into the Gorilla population due to proxmity (Smith, 2014). The Mountain Gorilla was estimated to go extinct by the end of the 20th Century, but in recent years the population has been slowly rising from 620 in 1989 to 786 Mountain Gorillas today (World wildlife fund, 2016). Mountain Gorilla cannot survive in captivity and therefore need to be in the wild to breed and increase the population. Unfortunately due to the fact that Mountain Gorillas are isolated in only two small regions in Africa, and poachers slaughter approximately 100 year, the Mountain Gorilla could effectively go extinct in a matter of years if nothing is done to reclaim it's terriotries and allow ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Speech On Poaching According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English,poaching means to catch and kill an animal on someone else's land without permission. This constitutes a serious crime and is an infringement on privacy. Far worse a fact is that an animal has been indiscriminately slain for its horn alone! South Africa is home to most of the world's rhinos. The rhino forms an integral member of its Big Five which soon will be deprived of this species if poaching is not halted. This cruel act of man daily drives this animal ever closer to extinction. This reality with which we are faced is due to the horn being highly sought after by those dealing on the Black Market which trades in banned goods. Although frowned upon by governments and environmentalists, the trade continues due to the ever increasing demand and supply of illegal commodities. The threat of possible extinction being the fuel which constantly drives those who obtain the horn for those who desire to have the horn. Why is this horn so desirable? We'll, ivory nets in about R2.5million per 5kg, so poaching is good money. To many Chinese and Asians the horn is falsely believed to be of great medicinal ... Show more content on ... Daily radio broadcasts keeping the public informed about fund–raising events, updates on news concerning the rhino (both good and bad ) and campaigns being launched. Large billboards, newspaper articles, television running 'breaking news' every time a rhino is poached or a poacher apprehended, awareness projects run by schools, are ways of keeping everyone involved. Former super bike racer and professional wildlife photographer, Dave Estment, regularly challenges pupils at schools to do chores whereby they can raise and donate R250 to the rhino cause. This assists Dr Cindy Harper in her DNA profiling of rhino horns at Onderstepoort Veterinary Genetics ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Research Paper On Elephant Poaching The Poaching Of Elephants And Rhinos. "From killing just one deer over the legal bag limit to harvesting tons of animal parts, poaching in any form is illegal and laws are getting tougher to discourage it. If convicted, you can now be charged with a felony and be sent to prison. All across the world citizens and law enforcement officials are working t­ ogether to combat this problem" (Simon Shadow). Although it was made illegal around the 1800s, poaching remains a big problem across the world. Elephants and rhinos are becoming extinct because people are illegally hunting them for their tusks to sell the ivory. While the species' population growth remains healthy, poaching remains a constant threat. So what's the solution? Some ... Show more content on ... But what would that do? One of the main challenges is that nobody can predict how legalizing trade will affect the behavior of the end users in Asia. The government doesn't know if it will make people more or less likely to poach elephants and rhinos. Many conservation groups have expressed concern over the concept of legalizing the rhino horn trade. One key issue regarding this solution to rhino poaching will be to understand how the trade in rhino horn will be regulated.One of the main reasons for their opposition is that the government doesn't think it will be enforceable. "This is because markets where the trade would be active like in Vietnam simply do not have the necessary enforcement regimes in place, history shows that occasional sales of elephant ivory have not reduced poaching for ivory" (african wildlife detective). While some people think legalizing the ivory trade is a good idea most people do not agree with this ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Importance Of Animal Poaching In this day alone, three rhinoceroses will be killed for the trading of their horns and an estimated one hundred Asian elephants will be killed for their ivory, meat, and body parts. ("African Rhinos" (n.d) & Goodall , J. 2017) Animal Poaching– the illegal act of killing animals for profitable body parts– has been the reason for the near extinction of many species, including elephants, tigers, rhinoceros, and lions. Scientists and concerned citizens of society need to come together to obliterate this illicit cartel. Specific animals like elephants, tigers, lions, and rhinoceroses should be preserved because of their roles within their respective ecosystems. Elephants, the ¨mega gardeners" of the forest, are essential to the transportation of seeds that maintain tree diversity. When we lose elephants, full extinction is estimated to occur by 2020, we lose not only the species but their ecological role (African Elephants face extinction, 2008). The wise leaders of past lives, elephants used to settle debates of the forest and create vital watering holes for smaller animals as the noble masters in fables told by African natives. When poaching finally takes the last living elephant due to selfishness, many African countries lose both a species, and a culture. Tigers – walking gold to poachers– are worth a fortune on the black market for their beautiful fur coats and bones, used for a delicate Chinese wine (Guynup, S., 2015). The last three thousand wild tigers are facing ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Black Rhino Research Paper Through out the past couple of week, my group has been learning a lot about Black Rhinos. The reason why we choose to about our paper on Black Rhino was because we wanted to learn more about them. We thought that learning about an animal that has been on the planet for so many years, it would be interesting to see what issues that they are being faced with and what it happening to them. We have heard about rhino as when were kids, and throughout this assignment we able to learn what we wanted to know as children. We wanted to know why more about why Black Rhino were critically endangered and what moments in history that many there status drop. After, the Cecil the Lion incident we wonder if there were more animals that we being killed for the purpose of trophy hunting or poaching. The Black Rhino project was ... Show more content on ... Looking into the Black Rhinos, I was able to learn to learn so much of the issues that many of the rhinos are facing. It was astounding to see that these rhino are being affected by poaching and habitat loss. For me, personally the poaching was the most horrific thing that I never wanted to see happen to a rhino. The thing that really bothered me was the poaching had dramatically declined the rhino population in the 50s and 60s. Many people, who poached the rhino, literally left them to die and they care about the repercussion of the situation. They caused the population of the rhinos to decline and they not think about the affect it had to the ecosystem and they continue not to care. As long as they are able to get what they want, they do not care about the global effects this has. Throughout the research that as done about black rhino, we learned that black rhino are poached for many different reasons, as some was discussed for Chinese medicine or Jambaya handle or as an aphrodisiac. This assignment helps me understand that poaching for rhino horns that the horns are similar to horses hover, turtle beaks, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Poaching And Robin Hood INTRODUCTION We, the people of the world, do many things for the sake of our survival. Things that we are very proud of and things that we are not. People have needs and they do or invent things based off of their needs. How far they are willing to go is the million dollar question. Poaching has been going on since the world began, but it did not become a problem and become illegal until the Late Middle Ages. In the times where the lower class were peasants and the upper class had control of pretty much everything. Robin Hood was of the first well known poachers during this time period. His reasoning, like the reasoning like many other that poach, Hood was in desperate need of money and food for his family. With the help of his crew, Hood ... Show more content on ... Although, in reality the number of people that actually know why poaching is done is very low. Poaching, by definition, is "the illegal act of killing, capturing, or removing mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects, or plants from their natural habitats." (Greene, 1994, p.11). Yes. poaching is illegal but there is a reason to why people feel the need to do these types of things. One of the first reasons to why started poaching in the beginning was the fear of starvation. This reasoning was often said to cause the most motivation for people to poach. People in countries where poaching is most common, like Zimbabwe and Kanye, the economy is not doing well enough for people to have enough money to support their families. By hunting for large game, poachers use the meat to feed their families and allow them to keeping living. The desperation that people that poach must have to do this is unimaginable, but just like the average person in any country they will do what they have to to keep their family ahead. Another reason why poachers do what they do is for the huge income that they gain from it. Wanting to make a respectful income is not being greedy. Just like any other job, poachers do what is necessary to make money. Poachers will sell parts of animals or animals all together. Most poachers only receive 5–10% of the money that they make selling the animal. Based off of the job that they do that is very little ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Rhino Poaching And The Exotic Animal Trade Would you change your lifestyle to save the existence of a species? In western society, it is our lifestyle to go to the doctors when you are sick, drive to work and buy food from a grocery store. It is hard to remember that around the globe there are different customs and ways of life. A lot of people make the means to live by working the land, owning their own shops, fishing, and hunting animals. Poachers in Africa make their living by hunting elephants, lions, rhinos, and other exotic animals. Countries in Asia, like Vietnam and China, have been using rhino horn medicinally for generations. Would they be willing to change their entire lifestyle to save the existence of a species? I analyzed an image created by the World Wildlife Fund that addresses rhino poaching and the exotic animal trade. There are two subjects in this image, the rhino and those within the rhino. The rhino is being captured by people, but at the same time, its horn is already being removed. I think that this represents the huge market for rhino horn. We are collecting as much horn as we can as fast as we can do it. This idea of our insatiable appetite for exotic animal products is also reinforced by how the horn is being removed. Somebody, with a chainsaw, is cutting off the horn below the base of it. This unsustainable practice will kill the animal. If the horn was cut above the base it would grow back and the rhino could continue on, but it is common for poachers to remove as much horn as ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Poaching In Africa Essay Poaching in Africa Over the past 40 years, nearly 52 percent of the world's wildlife has been wiped out of existence. Africa's large mammal population, alone, has taken a toll of 59 percent since 1970. A majority of this massive deflation has been caused by the astounding abundance of poaching in these regions. Africa's increasing rates of illegal poaching are a result of humanity's selfish demand for an individual body part such as tusks, pelts, or bones, which can be sold on the black market for large sums of money. Poaching in Africa is not only illegal, but morally wrong. Efforts to end poaching entirely should be a priority, and with help, it can be stopped. At current rates, elephants and rhinos may be completely killed off within our lifetime. Some other animals that are on the verge of endangerment, due to poaching, are the gorilla, the lion, and the zebra. These were not the first animals, however, to be this close to extinction. The quagga – a zebra like mammal, whose hide faded into a solid color – was actually a real animal at one time. Its existence only lasted until the early 1870s, when the last of its kind were killed off by hunters, and sold to the public for their uniquely colored hides. This tragedy is something to learn from, and it is important that the animals who face extinction ... Show more content on ... With an advantage such as this, poachers are able to take down their targets using high–powered weaponry. Some of the most common weapons used are AK–47s and grenade launchers. Their purposes: to kill the animal as efficiently as possible. The tracking technology utilized on these missions span from GPS devices, to night–vision goggles, and even low–flowing helicopters. Even if these animals were not to be endangered, the level of brutality undertaken by their hunters is too extreme to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Theatre Of The Absurd Analysis The Theatre of the Absurd is a collection of plays written after World War II that were considered of having ridiculous and random ideals. Many of these plays came from Europe, including Rhinoceros by Ionesco. In Rhinoceros, the main character Berenger is a man who is not keeping up with himself and is having a midlife crisis. Everyone else in the town is living a normal life when the townspeople start to turn into rhinoceroses. With his differentness and being so out of place, he is the only one left as a human over a rhinoceros. Now that Berenger wants to be like everyone else and turn into a rhinoceros, he cannot because of his major differences. In the play, Rhinoceros, different aspects of the Theatre of the Absurd come through in the crazy storyline created by Ionesco. No communication and no logic are two of the aspects of the absurd writing concepts during this time period. One of the absurd aspects of no communication is found through the lines of the play. No communication is one of the absurdist aspects in the play Rhinoceros that reoccurs throughout the storyline. Towards the beginning of the play, the characters find that a rhinoceros is trampling through the town. The housewife finds that her cat has been trampled on by the strange creature, and is very upset. She wails to the others: "It ran over my cat, it ran over my cat!" (Ionesco 26). Everyone responds back to her: "Poor little thing!" (Ionesco 26). Even though the cat has been trampled over and is dead, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The African Elephant : Animals And Elephants The African elephant is the largest living land mammal and one of the most impressive animals on Earth. The elephant trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, helps gather food, siphoning water, dusting, and digging. The trunk can reach up to 23ft. The elephant habitat is dense forest to open planes. Elephants are herbivore. An elephant's lifespan is 60 to 70 years. A elephants predator is a human. Buffalo Buffalo are extremely large animals. Buffalo stand approximately 65 inches at the shoulder and weigh up to 1760 (males) 1650 (female). The front hooves are larger than the hind because of how much the buffalo weighs. Both male and female carries horns. The habitat of a buffalo s dense forest to open plane. A buffalo is a herbivore. The life expectancy of a buffalo is 18 to 20 years. The predator of a buffalo are humans, lions, and crocodiles. Lion Lions are the second largest animal in the feline family. Lions stand about 48 inches at the shoulder. Lions weigh about 416 pounds (male) and 277 pounds (female). A lion's habitat is savannahs, grasslands, and woodland. Lions are carnivores. A lion predator is a human. Rhino The rhinoceros is a large primitive looking mammal that dates from the Miocene era from millions of years ago. Rhinos stand about 60 inches at the shoulder. A rhino weighs about 1 to ½ tons (black rhino) and over 2 tons (white rhino). A rhino habitat is grassland and savannahs. A rhino's life span is 35 to 40 years. The predator is humans. Leopard ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Northern White Rhino Research Paper Northern white rhinos, also known as Ceratotherium cottoni, in recent years have gone from over 2,000 to a total of five in existence. Sun, Fatu, Sudan, and Najin are all currently living at the SanDiego Zoo and at Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy; however they were at one time native to the Eastern and Central parts of Africa but would stay South of the Sahara desert. Despite coming from such a harsh environment, Ceratotherium cottoni have a spectacular beauty. Fully grown white rhinos will typically stand about 4 foot 3 inches high from ground to shoulder and range anywhere from 7 foot 10 inches to 10 foot 6 inches in length. They will generally weigh around 1500 pounds however the heaviest recorded weight is 2,204.6 pounds. Every rhino has ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Endagerment of the Black Rhino Endangerment of the Black Rhino The first thought that comes to mind when a person mentions a rhinoceros is that they are huge and nearly indestructible; however, this is not the case at all. The population of the black rhinoceros and other rhinoceros' in general is quickly diminishing due to poaching and habitat destruction. In Kenya alone, the population has gone from 20,000 to less than 600. Their species is classified overall as critically endangered while the subspecies of Western Black Rhinos has been declared extinct. The species is slowly disappearing and we need to do what we can to save them before they're all gone. The Black rhinoceros or hook–lipped rhinoceros is separated from the white rhinoceros by their pointed or hooked upper lip that is used for feeding. The black rhinoceros has two horns and although it is named the black rhino its colors range from a dark yellow–brown to a gray color. An adult usually weighs 1,800 to 3,100 lbs. but they have been reported as weighing up to as much as 6,400 lbs. They can stand up to about 6 feet tall and be as long as 9 – 12 feet not counting an average 2 foot tail. The longer of their two horns is typically about 20 inches but some have been known to grow up to almost 5 feet. These horns have many purposes such as intimidation, defense, and feeding. They have thick and durable skin designed to protect against the harsh environments they live in. Adult black rhinos are generally solitary creatures with only mothers and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Rhinoceros Research Paper The rhinoceros or known as a rhino is a prehistoric looking mammal. There are 5 species of rhinos. The black rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros both live in Africa. The Indian, the Javan and the Sumatran rhinoceros live in Asia. Both African rhinoceros look very similar, they are both a blueish–grey color with two horns. They are often called a different name to easily differentiate them. The black rhino is called the hook–lipped rhinoceros and the white rhino is called the square– lipped rhinoceros. They are called this because their lips are specialized to eat different foods. The black rhino has two horns that can grow up to four and a half feet. They use those horns to defend its self from predators. It will charge at speeds up to thirty–five miles per hour at its predator. ... Show more content on ... They have even fought elephants or other big animals. The white rhino uses its square lips to graze on grasses. It can stand up to six feet tall. Two of the three Asian rhinos only have one horn, the Indian and the Javan rhino. The largest rhino in Asia is the Indian rhino, which is also known as the greater one–horned rhino. It stands up to eight feet tall and weighs nearly two tons. The rhino lives in tall weeds, which it often feeds on, and marshy forests. The Javan rhino, now only found in Java, is a small relative to the Indian rhino. The Java rhino lives in forested hills and feeds off the grass and fruit. The Sumatran rhino is the smallest rhino. It stands at only four and a half feet and weighs only a ton. The rhino lives in the hills of Sumatra and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Starring Dwayn 'Rock' Johnson: Doctors Without Borders Forever Wild Starring Dwayn "Rock" Johnson Woman Doctor Carla Gugino A US army ranger is finally coming home after three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has been seeing a woman Doctor Named Shara she works with "Doctors Without Borders." They originally meet when she went to Iraq and he was part of her protection detail. She asked him out when she saw him again in Afghanistan. They have been dating for years and are deeply in love but marriage never entered into the picture because he was in the Army and she was globe hoping with Doctors Without Borders. To them, their relationship was as perfect as it could have ever been. The were extremely happy with each other and their love affair did not interefere with their carrerrs. ... Show more content on ... With the calf safe, Rock gives a big donation to "Save the Rhinos" after they supplied him with special rhino milk for the baby, the Rock decides to go to Zimbabwe's capital and see what the government is doing to protect these animals. After a few meetings he realizes that the Zimbabwe Government is hopelessly corrupt because the black market money is free flowing. The Rock does meet one honest man, but he has no protection so he will be assasinated the moment he makes any waves, so he is helpless to fight the poachers or the Government curruption. He explains to the Rock that the drug cartels are pussycats compared to these Wildlife traffickers. The Rock is told about how millions of Chinese and South East asians still believe that Rhino horn powder is used for medicinal purposes and trinkets cared from ivory protect people from spirits and that the illegal trade industry is taking in Billions a ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Analysis Of Gec Report 2015, Rhino Tracking Essay Critical Review Title A Critical Review of GEC report 2015, Rhino Tracking (Anon) Introduction The GEC groups designed a set of devices to monitor the 13 reintroduced rhinos in Uganda which will be lasting from 2015 to 2020. This research aimed to provide a tracking and monitoring system that can protect rhinos from being hunted by poachers for the rhino horns. Group A applied a GPS tracking device and a heart beat sensor and which can locate the rhinos and monitor their vital signs respectively. Whilst, Group B applied a GPS tracker and an oximeter in rhinos' ear. Summary During the research of group A the situation and background in Uganda were considered firstly, then problem that Uganda people have were briefly discussed some Options and Evaluation were listed and compared afterwards based on the principle not to harm the environment and animals. After the local financial situation and the fund rising of the rhino–protecting organization the study of funding rising and the sustainable power source for the device were decided. Finally some further problem were even considered, however none solutions were provided. During the research of group B, the procedure was not clearly presented, however, the use of table listed the considering process of each device. Critique For group A, The local background were studied, a solution was conducted properly based on the needs that Uganda people have 'The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary has park rangers doing basic checking and managing ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Lorax ENDANGERED SPECIES: THE LORAX The Introduction The Lorax is a story about a man who abused the environment and about what he learned. The story begins in the most run–down part of a dull, gray town. A small boy asks the Once–ler to share the secret of the Lorax and how he was taken away. Thus, the story is told as a "flashback" as the Once– ler talks about the Lorax and past events. The Characters: A. The Once–ler, a businessman B. The Lorax, a leader of the plants and animals The Once–ler's Story: The Beginning The Once–ler moved across the land to his wagon. He came upon a new land with an important natural resource. (A natural resource is a plant, animal or mineral that can be used by people.) What was this natural ... Show more content on ... No Explain. and he must have industrial progress. Can't shut down and fire 100,000 workers; bad economics. And he was greedy. Going Broke The Once–lers business failed. The Once–ler started business in a small shop. As more and more thneeds were made and sold, more workers were needed. That is how a town grew up around the thneed factory. What happened to cause the failure of the business? What happened to the workers and the town after the factory closed? Lessons to Be Learned The Once–ler learned that he had made a mistake. What was his mistake? What makes you think that the Once–lers ideas about the use of natural resources changed? Explain what must happen for the Lorax and his animals to return. Going in depth: What analogies and parallels can be made when comparing this story with real life situations? (Which country do you think Dr. Suess was trying to copy?) IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS AND ISSUES Environmental Problems: You probably noticed changes in the environment as the Once–ler went about the business of making thneeds. You might, for example, remember that the Lorax complained about the "smoggy air" caused by the Once–ler's factory. The smoggy air is an environmental problem. An
  • 78. environmental problem occurs when the condition of something or someone in the natural environment is threatened by a change. The air was clean and fresh before the Once–ler's activities; but pollution made it dirty and smelly. That is, the ... Get more on ...