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The Power of Media
Media has the power to strengthen the changes in our social, cultural, and political values. The
improvement of media has increased the spread of ideas and has made communication more
convenient. Television, Facebook, and Twitter are all considered mass medias because they provide
people with entertainment, and it is where the flow of ideas is disseminated. In James Fallows essay,
"Win in China!" he states that media encourages the Chinese to follow their dreams, such as
becoming an entrepreneur. Through television, people are able to see real life activism take place,
which encourages them to coin the definition of success. Media is motivating the Chinese people to
try and improve their lives by shying away from their traditional ... Show more content on ...
The term was first used with the advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of
time, the term broadened by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet.
In the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that
media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate and
entertain the people. It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a strong
social and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of
public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion and awareness.
Mass media can be used for various purposes:
The original idea behind the creation of various 'media means' was to entertain masses. Radio, TV,
cinemas and magazines spend most of their resources targeting on entertaining items and programs.
Because of the growing population and developing lifestyle, the demand for more entertainment is
increasing. Every year billion of dollars is traded in entertainment industry.
News & Current Affairs:
One of major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around them
and the world. They cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health, finance,
science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved into creation of
dedicated TV &
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Analysis Of My Well Balanced Life On A Wooden Leg
Everyone loves a good story. The art of storytelling has been around for centuries, either verbally or
written down. Storytelling was used long ago to pass time, and is still used today as a main source of
entertainment, whether it's through books, television, or movies. The job of a compelling storyteller
is to captivate an audience, keep them on their toes, and allow them to fully experience a different
aspect of life. Nabokov defines a storyteller as one who entertains, creates mental excitement of the
simplest kind, creates emotional participation, and allows the pleasure of traveling in some remote
region in space or time. Al Capp is a storyteller according to Nabokov's definition because in his
story, "My Well Balanced Life on a Wooden Leg", his narrative on how his life is affected with a
wooden leg entertains the audience, allows the reader to emotionally engage with the story, and
creates mental excitement. First, Al Capp creates entertainment by writing a story about something
readers typically don't understand: what life is like having a wooden leg. By writing a story about
something most people don't experience, it creates the urge to read the story and a want to know
more about the topic. Readying about the perspective of someone who is different than the reader is
more entertaining than reading about something that is similar to every other person's life. The
reader wants to understand how Al Capp feels having a wooden leg, what his life is like with this
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Comparing Letter Home And Waiting For Dan
"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I
hope someday you'll join us, and the world would be as one." John Lennon's song Imagine
represents peace and equality throughout the world. He states how imagining there's no heaven,
countries, and possessions. He uses peaceful protesting in order to make people realize that the
world can have tranquility and agreeance. Both the letter, "A Letter Home" and the story, "Waiting
for Dan" both represents the powerful words that John Lennon wrote. Both of the written opinions
share many similarities and differences.
Similarities. We all have similarities with someone, no matter if you share a physical trait, or a
mental. "A Letter Home" and "Waiting for Dan" both have different similarities throughout the
story. One similarity is that they both represents people protesting for what they believe in. This is
true because in "Waiting for Dan" it states, "A group of African Americans and whites would board
buses and ride through the Southern states. Inside the bus, the whites ... Show more content on ...
Everyone has them. No one is exactly alike, our personalities make us different from friends and
family. The two written pieces, "A Letter Home" and "Waiting for Dan", both show many
differences. One difference that the two share is the event they are based off of, in "A Letter Home"
it is based off of the protests at Kent University due to the Vietnam War, and "Waiting for Dan" is
about the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960's. "A Letter Home" shows the tragic events that
happened during the protests at Kent University due to the military infiltrating Cambodia.
Differently, the story "Waiting for Dan" shows how the story is about the Freedom Rides, a peaceful
way to protest during the Civil Rights Movement, in order for a non racist, equal, full of peace
community. With no discrimination. This is one of the differences with the letter, "A Letter Home"
and the story "Waiting for
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Television By Neil Postman Summary
The book begins with Neil Postman describing how the way we communicate, whether it is orally or
through written material, has an effect on how we interpret our world. He then goes more
specifically into how television has changed our culture. Postman's intention for writing this book is
to "show that a great media–metaphor shift has taken place in America, with the result that the
content of much of our public discourse has become dangerous nonsense"(16). There is no problem
with television being used as a form of entertainment, but when entertainment takes over serious
issues, it may become dangerous. I agree with this to some extent; I think that there are current
events that need to be taken seriously, but some audiences may need that comic ... Show more
content on ...
Postman dedicates a chapter to each of the following subjects: religion, politics and education. The
glitz and glamour of television even shows up in the seriousness of religion with the rise of
televangelism. Postman writes that television's focus on entertainment has robbed the religious
content it portrays of its deeper meaning, blinding the faithful with bright lights and booming
speakers instead. I agree with Postman's outrage towards this subject. Religion should be about the
content, not the show biz choir singing. We should want to go out and be surrounded by our
religious peers in
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Magical Beauty Of A Game
It's family game night, and Mom and Dad appear excited to gather the kids to bring to life this week
's adventure. As the family shuffles into the room, Dad exclaims with too much happiness that he'll
run along to grab the game. Smiling ear to ear, Mom gabs on, certain this time she'll win. As kids
prepare for another monotonous night, suddenly Dad returns and sets down Exploding Kittens on
the table. What is this magical beauty of a game? It's the card game that'll satisfy every person's
needs when it comes to tabletop game night in every way possible. Exploding Kittens is a card game
conceived from the depths of the Internet. Receiving the highest amount of backers in Kickstarter
history, having been meant to wind up on every game lover's kitchen table, and doing so thanks to
over 200,000 people. Originally, the goal started at $10,000, but in a mere 8 minutes that amount
had been exceeded. At the finale of its run, Exploding Kittens had $8,782,571 to work with, making
it the third highest funded Kickstarter of all time. The sheer amount of faith put into Exploding
Kittens shows people knew it'd be appealing before the release date genuinely came.
The goal of Exploding Kittens is to avoid pulling an exploding kitten, in a Russian Roulette–esque
style. The last player standing becomes the winner, and earns bragging rights that will last a lifetime.
The card adventure is turned based, meaning players conclude their turn by drawing from the pile in
a tense fashion, trying
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Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury
In Ray Bradbury's novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize the atmosphere
Douglas is living in.
In lines 3–5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if it was a human
doing something, for example, "summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the
breathing of the world was long and warm and slow." In the quote, the weather of summer is calm
and relaxing referencing it as "long and warm" and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing
air. In line 11, the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer, for
example, "let summer idle him", which means that summer "idles" him as in, makes him still of
amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses hyperbole to exaggerate the
summer wind, for instance, "riding high in the June wind", which means Douglas is overstating the
feeling wind of summer as if he was riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees
clean each other with water, for example, "At night when the trees washed together" which means
when its at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16–17, the
author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, "he flashed his gaze like a
beacon from his lighthouse", which means that Douglas looks steadily at the outside of his house
like a "beacon from a lighthouse" and compares him as a "lighthouse" to show how he gazes the
outside. In
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Newspaper Comics During The 1930's
Entertainment has always had an important impact on human lives. Whether it be in the form of art,
music, or writing, many obtain these hobbies simply because they are looking for something to do
and they grow to love them. Everyone experiences boredom a few times in their life, but all that is
needed to cure it is a hobby. During the Great Depression era, entertainment was not always easy to
come across because there was a lack of money, but newspaper comics, comic books, and heroes
were all things that could easily amuse someone. The 1930's was a time where countless people
found themselves without money, but they could turn to newspaper when they needed some
entertainment. "With a daily audience in the millions, newspaper comics were the property of
powerful and mostly conservative syndicates like the Chicago Tribune, United Features, and
William Randolph Hearst's King Features" (Wright Pg. 190). Newspaper comics were very popular
during this time and consisted of a variety of different genres but several were found to be on the
more serious ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, "by appealing to the tastes of adolescents and incorporating real–world concerns into
fantasy narratives, comic books have offered impressionable readers a means of self–identification
and integration into an expanded consumer society" ( St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture ).
Comic books are written in ways where real–life problems are mixed with a fantasy setting creating
something that is enjoyable and fun to read. Children and adults alike enjoy comic books and found
that these comic book characters are often they wished could be real in their own time of need. The
love for comic books have lasted through out the ages and brand new comics are still being made
today. Several people even collect comic books because they admire them so much and the older
and rarer the comic book is the
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Spongebab Research Paper
In the modern world, the media plays a massive role in an individual's life. Whether it be watching
the news to gain knowledge about their surroundings or just watching daytime television for
amusement, it is no question that watching television is one of the most popular pastimes. With a
simple click of the remote, a million shows are available for the viewer to watch. Even though it is
convenient, it contributes to a developing problem that only modern humans have come to face: the
increasing number of aggressive attitudes and behavior found in children. Blues Clues, SpongeBob
SquarePants, and Rick and Morty all share the same characteristic of being a cartoon. Nevertheless,
the number of aggressions in the show all vary. Unsurprisingly, ... Show more content on ...
In SpongeBob SquarePants, social aggression towards other characters are rewarded. For example,
when SpongeBob and Patrick first encounter the medieval version of Squidward named Squidley,
they mocked and laughed at him for simply asking, "Dost thou talketh to me?" Admittedly, that type
of diction does not exist in the modern world anymore so it is strange to hear that. However, this
type of behavior does create problems because younger viewers will think that mocking and
laughing someone who is different is acceptable. On another note, it is quite difficult to imagine a
scenario in which an individual who unleashes physical aggression to be rewarded. However, this
type of situation is possible in a show like Rick and Morty. When the "demonic alien spirit" version
of morty's family lunges at Rick, Morty has no choice but to press a button that ultimately melts the
family down and finally gets captured in a box. In that scene, both Rick and Morty are rewarded by
being relieved of the dangerous presence of the "demonic alien spirit" family. Although this type of
situation cannot be translated into reality since the plotline is fictitious, the graphic illustration of the
family melting to the ground can desensitize a child's view on violence. As a result, the child can get
used to violence since it appears so much in television programs. In both SpongeBob SquarePants
and Rick and Morty, reward and punishment does not occur often. Most of the time a physical or
social aggression happens in the show, the rest of the characters just stand by idly. This threatens a
young viewer's perspective on violence, since the shows normalize the aggression. On another note,
two examples of positive behavior other than aggression can be seen in Blues Clues. The first
example is when Steve asks the audience to lower voice because baby Paprika is sleeping. This
teaches good manners to young
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The Effects Of Mass Media On The Society
According to Meltzoff and Moore (1977), heavy exposure to television is believed to be one of the
causes of aggressive behavior, crime, and violence in the society. The potential of the mass media
for social mobilization, education, and attitude change has been recognized and has been exploited
in different parts of the world with varying degrees of success. But the effect that the mass media
will produce at given situation still remains a subject of debate even today.
Summing up what is known about the effect of the mass media, Berelson (1948:172) in Mcquail
(2000:457)submitted "that some kinds of communication, on some kinds of issues ,brought to the
attention of some kinds of people, under some kinds of conditions, have some kinds of effect".
The effects and influences, which motion pictures have, imply that the movies, as stimuli, have
specific effects and influences on an inert audience that are in some manners especially
impressionable, and hence may be affected or swayed in a given direction. This one direction
conception of effects is widely held. The supposed inactiveness of motion picture audience has
extremely excited many people; and forms the basis of many attitudes and beliefs about the
supposed good and bad effects of the movie.
There is this view that the effects of the motion picture on behavior and attitudes are small and
transitory. This seems to be the underlying attitude of those, which characterize motion pictures as
mere entertainment. The
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Descriptive Speech On Disgrace
How can anyone expect to learn unless they make mistakes? Receiving unnecessary comments from
another pupil isn't ever compelling. I can't imagine anybody in this universe that prefers to be talked
down by their peers; being told you're incorrect is extremely humiliating. Mistakes are matters than
can escalate out–of–proportion due to peers overwhelming you with anxiety; there's nothing we can
achieve to control this besides, development, cognitive therapy, or medication. Genuinely a majority
of my mistakes occur in band class when playing the trombone. These mistakes range from cold
lips, not focused (Off–Task), intonation, etc. Music is without a doubt entertaining to hear, but
performing music does have its obstacles. Practicing has ... Show more content on
My ears were racing with sound, from the woodwind instruments; they sounded absolutely exquisite
from tone to articulation to even the trill. Before I could lay my hands on my warm lap, our teacher
calls upon us to perform. Nervous wasn't even the word you could describe. Anxiety was haunting
my existence! I take in my air as if I were a vacuum that was sucking dirt out of a carpet. Still taking
in the cold dark air, my heart started to sprint as the first note was projected. Surprisingly, no notes
were cracked in this challenging spot; some of the notes are three ledger lines above the bass clef
staff. My chops were warm and feet were ready for the next song "Can't Hold Us".
In my previous year I performed Can't Hold Us with no malfunction what so ever. Odd reasoning
entered my mind and I imagined myself playing it poorly. I immediately overcame these terrible
"mind games" and moved onto the optimistic point–of–view. I started to imagine myself playing the
song with absolute precision. Picking up my horn felt, such as sticking my whole hand into a bucket
of ice cubes. My trigger was as stiff as a board and my slide felt moving school glue. I was not ready
to perform this piece nor any song for that matter. I started out with a few bars of rest, during this
break I start warming my horn for the fourth bar. The notes escaped the horn "Du–Du–Do–Da–Da".
I was on a role to begin with, until we arrived on the sets of
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Media Impact On Entertainment
The media is one of the biggest focal points of contemporary America's daily life and America is
both blind and naive when it comes to media, but not in the sense that Americans don't know how to
understand media, but separates itself from the reality of this fictitious medium. In Bill Moyers' Free
Speech For Sale, proof arises that media controls more than what most people think. Even though
there is proof of media tampering and being overall very deceitful, most Americans decide to detach
themselves from the reality of the situation. But entertainment isn't the only thing that's being
manipulated to conform to the ideal message: actors and other public presences are filtered and this
is seen in Marshall Mcluhan's Amusing Ourselves To Death. Even though media is very
dishonorable, it still is astonishing because of the advancements in technology that is seen in the
media today.
Media has become the ruler of our entertainment. The dictionary describes media as the system and
organizations of communication through which information is spread to a large number of people
(Webster). But media is so much more than that. Now, it's a type of communication that focuses on
bringing to people what really matters... Kylie Jenner's pregnancy and the imprisonment of Miles
Teller. Now this might be important to the celebrities that are actually experiencing it, but does it
really matter to you? Well, the big media corporations think you should care so they're going to
make you care. That's
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Essay about John Lennon
Social criticism examines literature in the cultural, economic, and political context in which it is
written or received. Keeping this definition in mind, it is necessary to understand the political,
cultural and economic environment in which Lennon the above famous words.
"Imagine" was released in 1970. The late 60's was the time of the Vietnam War and also the time
when the peace movement was at its peak. Anti–war demonstrations were a common sight on every
street corner. Anti–communist sentiments were at an all time high following the war. The countless
lives lost by both sides made plenty realize the fruitlessness of war and prompted them to spread the
message of love, unity and peace.
Due to ubiquitous demonstrations all over the ... Show more content on ...
"Imagine" is one such effort in getting closer to those elusive goals of peace and unity.
In the first verse of the song, Lennon tells us how important it is for us to live in the present moment
rather than worry about what is waiting for us upon our death. Even though it is normal to worry
about our death, Lennon urges us to pay more attention to the sky above us rather than heaven or
hell. This is especially true for those who lose out on the present moment worrying about the future.
Lennon envisions a world without any political and geographical boundaries when he says "Imagine
there's no countries" (Line 7). When there is a political oneness, there is no need for war. When
there is no religion, a difference of opinion does not arise. Varying political and religious views are
the most common reasons behind war. Lennon is envisioning a fantasy through this verse. He knows
that he can only dream about it.
Materialism over humanity is another topic that Lennon touches on. People, lost in selfishness and
greed, forget the importance of sharing and caring for each other. 'Love thy Neighbor' is a saying
that is lost on most people due to the materialistic attitude which is caused by the capitalistic society
that we live in today. When no one owns anything, then there is no room for greed and selfishness.
Lennon, as he says in his last verse, is a dreamer. After hearing the song and listening to the words,
one does feel saddened by how far Lennon's "dream" is
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The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Reading
I. Introduction
A. Background information
General Background: For a long time, it is known that reading is an inseparable part of daily living
for an educated person.
Specific Background: There are a large amount of articles that discusses the advantages and
disadvantages of reading. Some authors discuss the negative sides of reading and literateness while
others wrote the article which is about the positive sides. One of those types of articles is "Why our
future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming" by Neil Gaiman who is an outstanding
English author of fictions, novels, comic books, and so on.
B. Thesis Statement Although there is a weaknesses in the article such that importance of libraries,
analyzing shows that author ... Show more content on ...
People may access the libraries data, and easily find the information which is appropriate for their
interests. It will also help them to save their time.
Main idea/aspect # 2: Gaiman presents a strong argument about daydreaming that it does not not
matter, you are reader or writer, children or adult, everyone should daydream.
A. Supporting idea #1: "We have an obligation to imagine". It refers his claim smoothly.
1. When people imagine, they can change everything over and over, from smaller to bigger by
B. Supporting idea #2: People can make things different in order to improve themselves.
1. "Individuals make the future, and they do it by imagining that things can be different". People
may sit somewhere, and imagine something which is does not exist in there. With this way, they can
dream about their future.
Main idea/aspect # 3: Another powerful argument of Gaiman's article is that importance of reading
A. Supporting idea #1: People improve their empathy by reading functions.
1. While reading a book, people create a person and a place in their mind. It helps to use our
creativity and imagination.
2. "The world does not have to be like this. Things can be different". It helps people to go
somewhere where they have never gone by their
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My Passion Of Soccer
Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer.
It's my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn't just a sport for me, it's my life. It has
been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since
I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since.
I am known as a soccer player, which makes sense because it takes up most of my time, and that's
what I'm all about. I've been to Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri for soccer
tournaments or games. Since the leagues in the Kansas City area are much more competitive, my
family and I spend almost every weekend there due to games. I've spent countless hours at games
and practices, as well as other workouts and fitness events to better myself as an individual player. I
have had to miss other social events with my friends because of my dedication to soccer. I have even
had to miss friday night football games because of prior soccer commitments, and I love friday night
lights. There are mornings after games and tournaments when I wake up sore, with swollen, black
and blue bruises from cleats or from collisions that happened during games, but I wouldn't give up it
up for anything.
Balancing soccer with all other aspects of my life gets a little challenging sometimes. From school
with homework, to all of the extracurricular activities that I am involved in, I rarely ever have a free
night. Between Link Crew,
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Entertainment In Brave New World
What do you think of when you hear the word entertainment? Do you ever wonder why it's the way
it is? Have you wondered what forces, ideas, and people have molded and shaped it over time? How
does entertainment affect culture and a society? These are questions that might have many different
answers of varying explanations and magnitudes. For centuries, people have looked to a multitude
of different things to do as a way to escape their normal lives and to have fun. So then came various
forms of entertainment. Although it may not seem so at first glance, taking a more critical look at the
similarities that our society shares with the Brave New World's society may yield some shocking
discoveries. Entertainment. What is it? The Oxford Dictionary defines entertainment as "The action
of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment." Huxley wrote Brave New World to
prove his thesis that leisure in society does not lead to increased culture. In our society, our culture,
when someone thinks of entertainment, they typically think of a movie, music, news, a book,
magazines, newspaper, sports, or ... Show more content on ...
In both societies, it is used to entertain the masses. In the Brave New World, entertainment is also
used to distract citizens, and make them docile. The use of soma, constant intercourse, immersive
entertainment machines, and presumably many other sources of entertainment put the citizens of the
Brave New World in a sort of mental comatose or haze. But then I ask you, how different is our
society in this sense? First, let's look at initial exposure. On average, children between the ages 2–5
watch about 32 hours a week worth of television/media.(XXXX) that's 1,664 hours a year, about 69
days, or almost 10 weeks. That much exposure has massive impacts on the developing brain. From
age 5 and on, we are basically conditioned to accept whatever the industry throws in our
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Wizard Of Oz Comparison
The World is not a perfect place where everything is solved in 2 hours. With entertainment like
movies or tv we are allowed to have a escape. For two hours you can be or explore anywhere or
anything. The use of a happier way of life makes it easier for us to deal with the sadness in the
world. Sometimes reality is other rated and rose colored glasses can do one better rather than
knowing what's behind the curtain.
In the real world we are forced to deal with pain, sadness, and death. Everyday these are things that
we must endure on a regular basis. The joy of movies and television allows us to escape these
things. We no longer have to deal with the harshness of reality. It lets us imagine what life could be
like in this new world. Whether ... Show more content on ...
It's like in the wizard of Oz, one would never prefer the depressing world of grey over the beauty
and magic of the colored world. Dorothy is able to escape her grey and dreary life for a world of
color, magic, and adventure. That is the thing people want to encounter, not the sadness of reality.
The beauty of entertainment is that it gets us to shed the shackles of reality. You can do anything or
be anyone. Wizard of Oz is the perfect example. Dorothy lives in a bland, grey and dreary existence.
Then she gets to encounter the world of Oz filled with creative characters, heroics, and magic. She
gets to become something she never could have in her own world, a hero. That is the joy of it, to
become something that they never thought they could become.
Does the entertainment industry pain the world in a bright light as to not remind people of society's
issues? I'd tend to believe so. The real world can be harsh, filled with pain and regrets. For two
hours, or however long it is, we can escape that harsh reality and view the world in a new and
brighter light. Some times all we want to do is be Dorothy Gale who gets to leave her grey and
saddened life in Kansas. Sometimes we merely wish to travel over the rainbow way up high, and
experience it's
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Imagine John Lennon Analysis
John Lennon's Imagine is a very popular song from the music mogul. The song examines Social
issues and injustices throughout. The literary elements and underlying messages in the song are
phenomenal, Lennon examines issues in the cultural, economic, social and political context.
Keeping these four topics in mind, it is necessary to understand the political, social, cultural and
economic environment in which Lennon lived in during the making of this song.
"Imagine" was released in 1970. The 60's was an important decade for us humans, but specifically
the United States. We had many positive accomplishments such as the Moon landing, and the end of
segregation through the Civil Rights Movement. We also had negativity throughout the decade, for
example, the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, The Vietnam War, and the Nuclear Weapon Threat.
The 1960's was also the time when the peace movement was at its peak. Anti–war demonstrations
were a common sight on every street corner. Anti–communist ideologies were at an unprecedented
high following the war (Vietnam War). The uncountable lives lost by both sides made plenty realize
the futility of war and provoked them to spread the message of love, unity, and peace.
Due to pervasive demonstrations all over the world, there were social disturbances. As always, any
period of social uneasiness has a negative effect on the economy. Due to the huge war expenses and
lack of manpower to run the economy, the late 60's and early 70's experienced
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Senses in “UFO in Kushiro” Essay
"After the Quake" is a collection of imaginary short stories written by Haruki Murakami which
became well known after his emotional impact of the Kobe earthquake. The protagonist in "UFO in
Kushiro" is Komura, a Japanese salesman, who practically lives as an average person nowadays.
However, five days after the earthquake, Komura's perfect life falls apart when he finds a letter from
his wife, saying that she is gone forever. Trying to get use to the thought, Komura takes a break from
his work and goes on a journey to deliver a small box to another part of the country. Haruki
Murakami presents the story with an illustration of various senses. A Visual image is one of the
author's senses in the story that helps readers to imagine a picture ... Show more content on ...
It looks like the author's purpose of this story is to make readers think and decide on their own what
really happened to that woman. One of the author's tactile senses is the unknown box that Komura
has to deliver to Hokkaido. Sasaki, Komura's friend from work, gives him an attractive offer for a
trip to another part of the country for free, only if Komura delivers the mysterious box to his sister.
Komura accepts the offer and takes the box; however, something strange seems for him to be in the
box. Sasaki ensured Komura that there is "nothing fragile, and there are no 'hazardous materials'''
(Murakami 508). Komura takes the small package into his hands and shakes carefully but cannot
really feel anything. "As Sasaki had said, it weighed practically nothing. Komura held it in his hands
and studied it a few seconds. He gave it a little shake but he couldn't feel or hear anything moving
inside" (508), Murakami writes. The author leaves another dubious question for the readers, but
maybe it was Murakami's purpose of not telling all the details about the strange box. Auditory image
is also one of the Haruki Murakami's senses that create a better understanding of the "UFO in
Kushiro". The hearing sense in the story appears when Komura is in the plane and reads the
newspapers about the earthquake. Murakami writes:
The morning paper was full of the earthquake reports. He read it from beginning to end on the plane.
The number of dead
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Imagery And Irony In John Updike's A & P
Stories are one of the biggest sources of entertainment. They can make a big splash and be very
successful, or they can epically fail and will be long forgotten. Then, there are the innovative ones
will forever remember. Entertainment has been part of society ever since the beginning of time. In
A&P, the author illustrated a cast of characters that one can relate. The way this short story was
written how life was back in the 60's. The author paints the picture by imagery or symbols, and
irony so one can have a better understanding of the story.
Images or symbols is a great way to imagine what the author is trying to describe in the passage. It
is very important to have it gives us the reader what the character's perspective what it's thinking, ...
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In this case, Sammy and Stokes are coworkers at A&P. Stokes is taking his job very seriously at
A&P the way Sammy was saying in the story he thinks Stokes wants to become a GM at A&P.
Sammy also stated,"I forgot to say he thinks he's going to be a manager some sunny day, maybe in
1990 when it's called the Great Alexandrov and Petrooshki Tea Company or something." (John
Updike Pg. 2) Stokes has a family that he has to take care of which means Stokes have a bigger
reasonability than Sammy. Sammy is just at this job to earn a couple bucks not take it seriously.
Even in the story, he was saying that he will not stay here not very long at A&P. The irony is we
have this two employees that work at the same store one of them wants to move up in the company
the other one just does not care. Stokes wants to improve his life and become a better person to run
his own A&P store. Sammy is just clueless about his life not knowing what to do next. Stokes at
least as a pathway of what he wants for his future. Irony shows the reader a perspective of what the
two characters view the job at
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Australian Bernard Biography
n the 1970's, Australian Bernard King invented the nasty TV judge. Decades before Red Symons,
Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell, Bernard pioneered the acerbic comment, the withering criticism,
the derisive stare, and he was better, nastier, funnier, bitchier... than all of them put together.
He was flamboyantly and openly gay, a celebrity chef, and had a long association with variety
Pot of Gold and its successor, Potluck were TV talent quests with none of the production values or
high ambitions of today's idol making mega–searches. Bernard and 2 others sat behind a ply board
desk and watched whoever turned up perform in a space cleared on the studio floor. There were no
auditions, no celebrity mentors, no singing coaches, no backing ... Show more content on ...
The camera lurched backward and she followed. The camera slowed – she did not! The camera took
off backward again, this time with a violent wobble, a wobble explained when electric cables came
into view on the studio floor. The studio audience waited breathlessly for her to wade through the
mess of cables in her high heels, but sadly, as suddenly and erratically as she'd advanced, she began
dancing backward toward the intended performance space, gesturing impatiently for the camera to
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Victorian Era Entertainment Essay
Freaks of Nature: The unique acts of Victorian entertainment.
When imagining the Victorian Age, it's typical to picture a fancy opera house with gold chandeliers,
lush gardens with big fountains, and women dancing around in big beautiful gowns drinking tea. As
common as these were, it is astonishing to find how many unique and unusual forms of
entertainment also took place in this era. From ghost shows and bull baiting, to illusion booths and
freak exhibitions, the Victorian era was a very enticing, and what some might call – extreme time
period when it came to what they considered leisure.
Because of the Industrial Revolution, the expanding middle class had gained more time and money,
and the growth of the railways made travel easier and more efficient. Because of the vast social and
cultural changes, there was a boom in Victorian entertainment, making leisure more standard.
Entertainment has always been used as a way to sort of captivate one's attention, but in an era with
limited technology it is difficult to imagine how far people will go in order to attain this fascination.
So just how different was entertainment in the Victorian era? ... Show more content on ...
Freak shows were a common attraction consisting of abnormal people who were given "true stories"
that were often exaggerated or invented. Some of these included an invisible girl, conjoined twins,
midgets, a bearded lady, albinos, painted Indians, and dwarfs, and the 'elephant man'. The thrill of
abnormality had fascinated many people during the Victorian age.
Animal Baiting
Animal baiting also called bull baiting and blood sports was a common practice during this era. An
animal (usually a bull, badger, or bear) would be tied to a stake, while dogs were sent in to attack
resulting in a crowd watching and cheering on the side. Baiting, V. (2017). Victorian Era Bear
Baiting and Bull
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Pulp Fiction Research Paper
IMAGINE Pre–Interview Questionnaire
1. What are your top 3 favorite films of all time? Briefly describe why they're your favorite.
– If I had 3 of my favorite movies, I would say they are:
1. I am Legend
2. American Gangster
3. Avatar
Will Smith and Denzel Washington are among some of the greatest actors I have seen on the big
screen. Smith's passion to complete his mission of cleansing the planet, mixed with the hardships of
feeling like he is the last man on earth made for a film experience I could put myself inside as he
faced obstacles throughout the movie. American Gangster was simply a movie that taught me to: 1)
Stay away from drugs, because even the best masterminds can be taken down, 2) The man in the
room that makes the most ... Show more content on ...
What do you consider the 3 best films ever made? For me, there is a difference between my
favorites and what I would consider the best in class. If there is a difference for you, please list the
films and briefly why you consider them to be "perfect" films.
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Godfather
I do not have a third, as these are two of the best films made in my life so far. In the case of Pulp
Fiction, the way the story is told in a jumble, and later clarified for a complete story creates a drama
that takes us on a rollercoaster of events. Admittedly, there are probably things in the film that I have
missed in my two viewings of it. Godfather is just a classic film that I feel all movie lovers must
3. Favorite TV show right now?
– My favorite television show right now is Grimm. I enjoy how they found a way to integrate the
stories children grow up on in a story that does not make the idea absurd.
4. What screenwriters and directors should Imagine be working with?
Imagine is working with many of the screenwriters I have come to love in growing up, including
Dave Chappelle, Robert Downey Jr., and Jay Z – to name a few. It would be interesting to see James
Cameron or Michael Bay involved in the future. Cameron's ability to create immersive creative
concepts; and Bay's ability to create tremendous on screen effects could make for an unforgettable
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How Did The Celluloid Change The World
Societal Change through the Celluloid Wonder
The invention of the motion picture has affected our society in many ways. The invention of the
motion picture has led to new inventions and discovery of better technologies. It's led to the
invention of better film cameras and special effects. It has changed the way we view entertainment.
Our society has been influenced by the invention of the film.
The very first patented film camera was conceptualized in England by a Frenchman by the name of
Louis le Prince in 1888. He built and patented a 16 lens camera in 1887 in his workshop in
Leeds.The first 8 lenses would be triggered in rapid succession by an electromagnetic shutter on the
film, and then the film would be moved forward, effectively allowing the other 8 lenses to operate
on the film. After a year of much trial and much more effort, he finally developed a single lens
camera in 1888. He then used that camera to shoot the first sequences of moving film in the world,
including the Roundhay Garden Scene and Leeds Bridge. At first, the films would range ... Show
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It was "flexible but durable" (Sklar 1) and allowed thousands of images to be captured on film.
Cellulose nitrate, another version of celluloid that was used in films, is highly flammable. People in
the projection room had to be very careful that the film didn't light on fire because of the big lamps
that projected the film. These films had no sound with them. Producers sent out "virtually all films
[with] cue sheets suggesting appropriate musical selections for performance during exhibition"
(Cook 12). Eventually producers wanted a system that offered both visual and audio. The Fox Film
corporation came out with a sound–on–film system called Movietone. Hollywood liked this system
"because it enabled image and sound to be recorded simultaneously in the same (photographic)
medium, ensuring their precise and automatic synchronization" (Cook
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Storytelling In The Things They Carried
The world we live in today, storytelling remains to play a critical role in the American society. Each
story, storytellers tells serves a deep meaning towards their life and provides a medium allowing the
storyteller to retain information they hold as a remembrance. Indeed, storytelling would bring
meanings into one's lives as well. Storytelling offers a pathway that allows ones to stimulate
continuous learning, development, connection and to look ahead to our future. Storytelling is an
expression of power providing pathways to spiritual enlightenment.
The role of storytelling is the conveying of experiences storytellers puts in words. Storytelling
derived from how the storyteller wants to express the story to the audience. Most stories serve ...
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Tim O'Brien, the author tells the story about the Vietnam War through different perspective of the
character in different stories. In the book, The Things They Carried, one of the short stories "Notes"
Tim O'Brien wrote a meta–fiction story, which allows him to explain the reasons why he had written
this short story "Speaking of Courage." In 1975, O'Brien receives a letter from Norman Bowker
hoping that O'Brien can write a story about the experience he had during the Vietnam War and his
feelings about Kiowa's death. After the Vietnam War had ended, Bowker had suffered from PTSD,
which makes him feel pain and guilt towards Kiowa's death. He cannot live up to society after
experiencing being in a world full of cruelty in Vietnam. Bowker feels meaningless in life. Through
his letter to O'Brien, he is seeking for help and another way to express his feelings that only the
soldiers that were in the Vietnam War would know. O'Brien as a storyteller and a writer wrote
"Speaking of Courage," briefly about the Vietnam War, in order for the novel to make sense.
However, he totally neglected the main experience in the Vietnam War, Kiowa's death, and the shit
field. Bowker then lost hope. Eight months later, Bowker hanged himself in the YMCA locker room.
After the death of Bowker, O'Brien decides to revise the short story and writes the truth of what
happen really in
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Rhetorical Analysis Of John Lennon's 'Imagine'
Imagine For my rhetorical analysis paper I chose to use one of the most influential British singers of
all time, John Lennon. In his song Imagine, the very first line, "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy
if you try," (John Lennon, Imagine), causes the listener to automatically begin thinking. The song is
emotionally filled and full of instances where a listener is forced to think of what Lennon is saying
in the song. Lennon was considered a very influential leader in efforts of world peace during his
time, and still to this day his messages reach across the world in his music. Songs such as "Imagine"
which still have a strong and powerful message decades after its first release. Lennon had a simple
style and approach which left nothing for deliberation, leading the listener straight to the point of his
messages. "Imagine" is one of the best examples of this, Lennon establishes his point multiple times
throughout this song and it creates a bond with his listeners which in turn creates a trust within
himself and his words.
After listening to the song, I can automatically tell what the message of the song is that Lennon is
portraying, and that is world peace. Lennon does an amazing job establishing his credibility in this
song, thus creating credibility within his audience, credibility is part of Ethos. Throughout his
musical career right up until his death in 1980, Lennon was heavily involved in peace activities.
During his musical career he was part of the world famous Beatles, and this gained him world fame
and allowed for his messages to be heard across the world. Lennon created even more Ethos for
himself in a controversial album, where he posed naked with his wife, Yoko Ono, in there bed. This
showed his fan base and the world that he was truly devoted to peace and love. Without his famous
involvement in the Beatles, Lennon would never have gained his spotlight in the world allowing for
his messages of peace and love to be heard. His ethos was within his people, not where he got his
ideas. Lennon felt what the world felt, and thus his credibility. When Lennon wrote "Imagine", and
penned the words, "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll
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Mindless Entertainment In Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451: Essay
Mindless entertainment can serve as a gateway to fun, but also keep us from what really matters.
Through the pages (51–58) Beatty explains to Montag how technology took over, and pure common
sense in the world for academics has faded away. That useless information has been filled in the
heads of people. "There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology,
mass exploitation...". However some form of entertainment can serve as a stress reliever or just pass
time. Some of it can fill our heads with educationally useless information. Also it may shorten our
attention span just because nothing is happening in real life at the moment that is interesting.
Playing games can open our minds to what ... Show more content on ...
Especially now that young kids are being exposed to technology at an early age they practically
know how to enter into different apps or play games on it. By the time they enter school and are
exposed to tablets or computers they will be ahead to those that hardly know what a computer is
back in the day. Kids will be able to process the information they are given easier from the
technology they are accustomed to. By giving people a task it can be hard to do but with technology
we can experience different ways to finish the task and games can help us process it to. Getting
young kids exposed to technology can help strengthen their minds. Soon they can also possibly
troubleshoot problems on their device they can solve any technical difficulty by themselves. In the
story Mildreds whole life in controlled by technology, "She was an expert of lip reading from ten
years of apprenticeship at Seashell ear–thimbles". (16) She is surround by it 24/7, and by having
those shells in her ear for so long she has adjusted to lip reading if she has to. Mildred has
developed, or strengthen a skill. In a way to use here technology without hurting her real life as
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Riley Inside Out
In today's world most of our influence comes from pop culture such as music and movies, while
these sources tend to give off negative influences there are a few gems here and there that do the
opposite. A recent film that was released in late 2015 changed the game for child's entertainment;
this movie is called "Inside Out". The thing that makes this movie so special is the unique concept
that the writers created, telling a story about human emotions and how they effect our everyday
decisions. In this animation the emotions are of those of an 11–year–old girl named Riley, up until
this age Riley had lived a life filled with joy until her family chose to move across the country.
Everything in her life began to go wrong, being overtaken by sadness. ... Show more content on ...
In the struggle of trying to keep Riley happy they accidently shut down her emotions and started
clouding her thoughts. Along the entire journey to restore Riley's life they came across her old
imaginary friend, Bing Bong, who helped restore his old pal, which eventually lead to the dismissal
of this certain imaginary friend (Doctor, 2015). These imaginary friends are a gateway to the
development of the human mind, opening windows to show capabilities and development in
imagination. Although aging may make us forget our first imaginary friends, they still shaped out
adult lives, but encouragement and growth of our minds. I believe that as we grow older those who
had an imaginary friend for a longer period of time will have exercised their imagination more than
those who moved on
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Athletes And Entertainers
Athletes And Entertainers should not receive high salary
Imagine your salary is raise to million dollar. Now a day's athletes and entertainers are paid millions
of dollars every year because they consider as heroes in their society. Athletes and entertainers make
people happy and grow the smile in people faces . Athletes and entertainers are the inspiration of the
old as well as young people because they are showing the nice personality and good side of them,
the thing that people really don't know is that athletes and entertainer are brain washing people to
increase the number of audience and get money .Athlethes and entertainers main goal is get money
from people. Athletes and entertainer should not receive high salary because poor people,
developing the community and recognize the real talent people. ... Show more content on ...
Objectors claim that there are many people who have talent but they are not paid high salary
.Furthermore, there are many poor people have talent who are not paid high salary. Moreover, the
high salary that paid to athletes and entertainers should spend on poor people. There are many poor
people who don't have money to pay for their children education because they are poor. There are
also family who don't have money to feed themselves and their children because of their low
income. To elaborate there are poor people who don't have shelter to live in and safe themselves
from the hot sun in the summer and from the cold winter, due to that many of them die. It no their
problem because they are poor, they didn't create
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My Life Challenges
The most difficult challenge I have ever faced was dealing with my mother's life–threatening illness.
She knew of her diagnosis for a while, but kept it from me to keep me from worrying about her. It
was not until she learned that she needed to have surgery to tell me what was going on. Being strong
for her, while being scared and depressed myself, was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. My
mother told me last year. We were sitting at a restaurant, when the waiter just gave us our dessert.
She kept looking at me, with slight tears in her eyes, and she told we had to talk about something
serious. Everyone knows that when you hear those words, after that you only hear your heartbeat
getting louder and louder. When I first found out, I sort of sat there in shock. I didn't know how to
handle the situation because I knew there was nothing I could do right then and there to help her. I
had to depend on the hopeful possibility that she would just get better over time, and would be
cured. She told me her diagnosis, her treatment plan, and when she was scheduled for surgery. The
scariest thing to her is that she wanted to let me know what was going on now so I wouldn't wonder
why she would come home fatigued, and starting to lose weight, and her hair beginning to fall out.
The experience was life–changing. It affected me in more ways than one. The more time passed, the
more I was occupied with the idea of losing my mother at such a young age. I could not even
imagine a life without her. She is my best friend, and the number one person I can come to for
absolutely anything. To think that I could lose her at any second was affecting my mood every single
day. During school, I could not pay attention in class because I would imagine an awful possibility
like my mother not being there for my high school graduation. I could not handle school. I was
unable to complete certain home works or pass some tests and, so much that, the teachers were
noticing a change in me. I remember one day, I spent an entire class period with my head down on
the desk. My English teacher came up to me, told me she knew what was going on because my
mother had called her. She kept telling me that it was going to be okay, and that I had to be
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Birth Of A Nation Propaganda
Birth of A Nation: Art or Propaganda
Mankind, engaging in war, driven by whatever instincts guide him, seeks to keep the defeats and
victories of battle in his memory and on his conscience.
To accomplish this men have used paint and canvas, ink and paper, or instrument and song in their
effort to communicate the tragedy and glory of war. Never, before the career of D.W. Griffith had
anyone attempted to bring the subject to film. The result of his efforts, weaknesses aside, mark a
change in attitude towards film as a media. Perhaps audiences previously going to a picture expected
emotional manipulation. After all, years before the film Birth of a nation, makers of film employed
techniques to evoke pathos ... Show more content on ...
This imagery proves that Griffith wasn't just presenting actors and a plot, he intended to dig far
deeper than that, into the realm of a clever storyteller. Another example of his unique style is the use
of foreshadowing, another literary device now commonly employed in film. The most prominent
example of this is the scene where two gentlemen are talking, and as the camera pans down, we see
a puppy struggling with a kitten. This is another strong example of symbolism; however, even more
importantly it foreshadows the coming war. It is expertly placed to add to the building tension
between sides which the audience already knows results in confrontation. Its placement reflects
Griffiths desire to advance the complexity and diversity of film beyond entertainment to higher
levels in society.
To manipulate his audience's emotions, he first had to draw them into the story and in turn into the
stories underlying theme. He accomplished this by using numerous virgin film tools, much as an
artist uses his own tools to create a believable painting. Among these tools he uses panoramas to
illustrate setting, to paint, if you will – a moving picture. To show the swell of heated gunfire on a
crowded battlefield i.e.the scene of the battle of Petersburg, or to bring across image of the delicate
beauty of his native southern land to those who had never been there or
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Nickelodeon Stereotypes
Most students who have studied American film history know the essentials that contributed to the
Nickelodeon boom. Five cents paid for a cramped, dingy, hazardous room accommodated with a
horrible smell in the air. Because nickelodeons made their appearance more presentable and safe for
the public it drew in the middle class. "Motion Picture Exhibition in Manhattan" by Robert C. Allen
examines what made certain locations special. Allen's primary source are the 1908 edition of
Throw's Business Directory of Greater New York to locate the theaters. Ben Singer's article,
"Manhattan Nickelodeons: New Data on Audience and Exhibitors" raises the question of whether or
not the middle class was there from the very beginning. Singer's primary sources ... Show more
content on ...
Theaters were being converted to movie houses. This was a move to attract more middle class
customers as well as charge more money given that customers received a mixture of motion picture
and vaudeville. According to Allen, "the use of vaudeville on movie theatre programs was spurred
by a shortage of new films," (11). Going back to charging more money, the vaudeville acts had some
problems such as additional salaries which had to be paid. Ticket sales would decline as vaudeville
acts stretched out as each show was shown. Singer raised an interesting question on how
unpredictable was the nickelodeon business. He used the trade journal Moving Picture World as a
source to note the nickelodeon failures in Manhattan. "Too many people imagine that all they need
is who win out on the policy are few," (27). Many entrepreneurs jumped in unprepared
for the business by selecting poor locations where the target audience was not going to respond well
to. While many people tried to get into the business, many nickelodeons were
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Analysis Of Imagine By John Lennon
The song Imagine was written by John Lennon, a former Beatle member. The Beatles were known
for making songs that talked about a better world, a world where people live in happiness and
harmony. This song was not created by John Lennon alone, somewhere around last year we get to
know that his wife was also involved in the making of this song. The song has become one of the
most famous songs in the world ranking number twenty five in the scale. Due to its controversial
Lyricas and radical ideas the song was made into a national anthem.
This song is not like many other songs out there today. Even though there is song today that talked
about world issues, this song is somewhat original because it addresses issues that people don't think
about, like having possessions. People kill for someone else possessions people go to war for
possessions; it also addresses points like how the world would be if people didn't have to care for
religion if people didn't die for religion. The main purpose for this song was to challenge society to
think of ideas and ways on how these problems could one day be solved, it was made to give people
the hope that maybe one day things will change and human existence as we know it will change as
well as our world for the better.
When John Lennon wrote this song he was trying to show people his way of seeing things, he
wanted people to see what he saw. The idea that he gave us was that if we think of all the things that
have affected us in some way, if we
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Can Music Contribute to Anything Worth?
Can music contribute to anything worth?
Famous music composer, Ludwig van Beethoven once rightly quoted "Music is a higher revelation
than philosophy". Indeed, music has higher magnitude than just being a mere form of
entertainment– it plays a significant role in our society be it politics or religion or even academics.
So important is music's value that it has been recorded throughout history of mankind in numerous
ancient writings including the sacred Hindu scripture, Veda. Thus it is no surprise that even today
the value and contribution of music has not declined but on the contrary, risen. Soul, blues, country,
metallic, rap, jazz , pop or gospels you name it; you will always find a music that will make you ...
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"Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger became a popular anti–war protest song
during the 1960s. This song did not only protest against the Vietnam War but also made their
generation more aware about the global problems. Songs like "Not Ready to Make Nice" by Dixie
chicks about freedom of speech was written after they received death threats for singing against the
Iraq war, protests against the violation of human rights. But music is not only used to protest, it is
also used to give hope and optimism. "We Shall Overcome", a song sung by Guy Carawan together
with the Montgomery Gospel Trio and the Nashville Quartet, is perhaps the best known example of
civil rights song. Instead of blaming the government, this song registered a feeling of hope and faith
among African–Americans during the civil rights movement. Music helps to conserve and promote
the most prized possession of human civilization: religion, culture and tradition. Each community
has its distinct music through which it can display its culture and tradition. For example though dāpā
and gospels both are religious and devotional songs they introduce us to two distinctly different
cultures. Dāpā is a religious Newari music that praises Nāsadya, the local god of music and dance.
On the other hand, gospels are highly emotional evangelic vocal music that originated from the
African–American Christian community in the
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Analysis Of The Film Franchise Of Jaws
The film and entertainment industry are often reflective of how society feels towards something or it
may influence how society will feel. For example in the past with the Film Franchise of Jaws people
began spreading myths of sharks as man–eaters. The film industry in this scenario held huge sway
over public opinion and even caused the shark population on the northwestern seaboard. According
to Research Biologist Dr. Julia Baum, form the year of 1986 to 2000 there was an 89% drop in total
shark population on the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (BBC article). The film industry holds an
especially impactful hold over people's public opinion in America. With one film the way people
spent their time thinking at the beach was forever changed. Now imagine ... Show more content on ...
This proverbial mold of what a woman is, usually determined by her status as being motherly and
staying involved in their children's lives. The societal norm is often represented by someone who
goes to every PTA meeting, every soccer game, and cooks every meal. Hollywood often provides
society with the golden standard of what a mother should be like. The movie industry further
promulgates this typical mold by typically portraying women in parts similar to these not only their
parts but also the genre of movies women normally participate in. According to the Hollywood
Reporter in an article about how "Movies in 2016 Featured a record Number of Women
Protagonists". In this article, it even went into to the cold hard facts where female actors are more
likely to appear as protagonists specifically the genre of movies. According to their statistics,
women would be most likely to land a leading role in a Comedy with the highest percentage of
female protagonists in this genre at twenty–eight percent. In an unsurprising turn of events, the
genre of films with the lowest percentage of female protagonists was the actions film industry with a
reported three percent. Often times characters in action movies need to be portrayed as though they
are serious and strong. If this is the case the implications of not portraying women in a more serious
genre like action movies. This exemplifies that society and particularly writers and producers of
Hollywood have trouble viewing women in strong leading
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Why Reality Television Is Reality Real Or Reality?
The reality of a stage is that the stage is real...
Reality TV is incapable of being truly real, whether scripted or given a general free response. The
time restraint and personality condensing along with safety restraints is enough to take the reality
out of reality TV. People desire to be entertained when they switch the channel on reality TV. The
directors and producers know this because no one wants to watch something that isn't entertaining
and interesting. Reality is something you live everyday. People Know how it works so we want
someone to make it more safe and amusing. Reality TV is entertainment, some of the best. It isn't
real, but a game, a game that people control. Paints and caves are real so is the artist that uses them,
but his work and masterpiece are a step out of reality. Not how thing are but how he imagines and
sees them to be. I've searched online and found actual people who have been on reality TV shows
and some had a bad experience others good ones but both were less than real. As for me personally I
Know some one who was on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. She had to do several retakes of her
entering a room with her wedding dress and other things over and over again. You can find lots of
first hand accounts at–real–are–reality–shows
I have well loved reality TV shows and some you could say are more real than others but there are
restraints in these TV shows. Some are more welcoming then others and some I wouldn't get rid of,
here is
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Neil Postman 's Exploration Of This Issue
As everyone knows society has many problems, however many do not realize that root of these
problems may stem from the way they are discussed and presented. When a person compares how
information was obtained and current issues were discussed prior to this century they come to find
that the contrast between now and then is so outstanding. It's completely clear why many people
aren't aware of what has been happening. The reason the difference is so profound is because our
discourse has gradually been dumbed–down since the beginning of the information era, and people
are treating the serious issues that arise as entertainment. The most powerful culprit being television,
has being accused of causing damage to the people that were raised in the TV era. Neil Postman's
exploration of this issue in his novel written in 1985, Amusing Ourselves to Death, is a crucial hint
of the consequences of being immersed in a culture that is driven by television. Even though it has
been 20 years since the book was published the influx of internet only makes his novel more and
more relevant to today than it was when it was written
Postman's key argument is the comparison of two tremendously different imagined cultures in
literature. The first came from the English novelist, George Orwell's dictatorial society novel, 1984.
The other view came from English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley's novel called Brave New
World. In George Orwell's version people are oppressed from an external force and
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Personal Narrative: What Is Your Favorite Star Wars
A few days ago I asked you "What is your favorite Star Wars quote" and in response you said "Do.
Or do not. There is not try – and I have to admit that's a great quote and I like it, not only that, it fits
perfectly with what I'm about to say, so thank you. I know we live in different states and I know this
can be and is hard for both of us, not just you. With that being said, if you know that you cannot,
will not, or simply don't want to wait, please do not engage in daily conversation with me that may
cause my feelings or rather our feelings to get stronger for each other. I know not when we will
meet, but I know I would love to meet you. And with both our schedules, you working full time and
I going to school full time and working part
... Get more on ...
Comparing Katniss 'The Hunger Games And Divergent'
Nowadays television and movies have become some of the main sources of entertainment for
children as well as adults. A motion picture can allow you to escape into another reality without
having to leave the safety of your own home. In recent years the movie industry has produced some
major hit projects, the Hunger Games and Divergent being two of them. They hit great numbers in
the box office and not to mention got great reviews among fans. These stories follow the lives of
Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games and Tris Priar in Divergent. Both of these cinematics are
so intriguing and have many similarities and differences that include their love story, theme, and
heroine character. Divergent and the Hunger games saga both compare in theme and plot line in
certain ways. These movies contain societies that are separated by either class or factions. In the
Hunger Games you are put into classes, the wealthy and well–endowed members were located in the
capital, and then the remaining was separated into districts. However Divergent separated their
society by placing people according to personalities or what they call factions. If you were smart,
strong, or reserved is what ... Show more content on ...
You become hooked by putting yourself in their places and wanting a happy ending. In the Hunger
Games there is a love triangle between the main character and two others. Katniss must choose
between a love she's had for years or a new budding romance. Yet Divergent contains only two
characters in the love story, yes it may look easier but Tris has the obstacle of falling for someone
who is very different from herself. No matter what the love story contains us as humans thrive on
this because it is something we dream of in ways. This takes me back to escaping from reality and
being dropped into a story you could only imagine in your wildest
... Get more on ...
Why Are Movies Better Than Movies
When it comes to the entertainment boom millennials are facing, no other debate is as fierce as the
debate of whether movies or book are better. Novels, or books, are perennial, having lasted
throughout time as the premier way of sharing knowledge and the presentation of entertainment.
However, the invention of films in the late 1800's disrupted the titan. Movies then became a
significant way to present stories and fears of books effacing from existence became mainstream.
Although novels are still present in modern times, the movie industry has only exploded, with the
uprise of Hollywood and billions of dollars of spending movies have become as big as books.
However, when it comes to the debate on whether which form of information is better, novels have
always been on the winning side with the most people standing behind books. Movies are rapidly
approaching the popularity of books, but literature will still be better than films in ways such as
prevailing in time and story limitations, immersing the reader, and providing more space for
thoughts and imagination. Movies, although innovative, cannot stand to literature because of their
limitations, and lack of ability to allow viewers to think and be in harmony with them. "A book is
edited and crafted, but the writer is still working within an unlimited time canvas. This condensing
of books into movies leads to deleted parts from the book or abbreviation of developments within
the book." (6 Reasons The Book Is (Almost
... Get more on ...

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The Power Of Media

  • 1. The Power of Media Media has the power to strengthen the changes in our social, cultural, and political values. The improvement of media has increased the spread of ideas and has made communication more convenient. Television, Facebook, and Twitter are all considered mass medias because they provide people with entertainment, and it is where the flow of ideas is disseminated. In James Fallows essay, "Win in China!" he states that media encourages the Chinese to follow their dreams, such as becoming an entrepreneur. Through television, people are able to see real life activism take place, which encourages them to coin the definition of success. Media is motivating the Chinese people to try and improve their lives by shying away from their traditional ... Show more content on ... The term was first used with the advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet. In the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain the people. It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a strong social and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion and awareness. Purposes: Mass media can be used for various purposes: Entertainment: The original idea behind the creation of various 'media means' was to entertain masses. Radio, TV, cinemas and magazines spend most of their resources targeting on entertaining items and programs. Because of the growing population and developing lifestyle, the demand for more entertainment is increasing. Every year billion of dollars is traded in entertainment industry. News & Current Affairs: One of major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around them and the world. They cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health, finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved into creation of dedicated TV & ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Analysis Of My Well Balanced Life On A Wooden Leg Everyone loves a good story. The art of storytelling has been around for centuries, either verbally or written down. Storytelling was used long ago to pass time, and is still used today as a main source of entertainment, whether it's through books, television, or movies. The job of a compelling storyteller is to captivate an audience, keep them on their toes, and allow them to fully experience a different aspect of life. Nabokov defines a storyteller as one who entertains, creates mental excitement of the simplest kind, creates emotional participation, and allows the pleasure of traveling in some remote region in space or time. Al Capp is a storyteller according to Nabokov's definition because in his story, "My Well Balanced Life on a Wooden Leg", his narrative on how his life is affected with a wooden leg entertains the audience, allows the reader to emotionally engage with the story, and creates mental excitement. First, Al Capp creates entertainment by writing a story about something readers typically don't understand: what life is like having a wooden leg. By writing a story about something most people don't experience, it creates the urge to read the story and a want to know more about the topic. Readying about the perspective of someone who is different than the reader is more entertaining than reading about something that is similar to every other person's life. The reader wants to understand how Al Capp feels having a wooden leg, what his life is like with this ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Comparing Letter Home And Waiting For Dan "Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world would be as one." John Lennon's song Imagine represents peace and equality throughout the world. He states how imagining there's no heaven, countries, and possessions. He uses peaceful protesting in order to make people realize that the world can have tranquility and agreeance. Both the letter, "A Letter Home" and the story, "Waiting for Dan" both represents the powerful words that John Lennon wrote. Both of the written opinions share many similarities and differences. Similarities. We all have similarities with someone, no matter if you share a physical trait, or a mental. "A Letter Home" and "Waiting for Dan" both have different similarities throughout the story. One similarity is that they both represents people protesting for what they believe in. This is true because in "Waiting for Dan" it states, "A group of African Americans and whites would board buses and ride through the Southern states. Inside the bus, the whites ... Show more content on ... Everyone has them. No one is exactly alike, our personalities make us different from friends and family. The two written pieces, "A Letter Home" and "Waiting for Dan", both show many differences. One difference that the two share is the event they are based off of, in "A Letter Home" it is based off of the protests at Kent University due to the Vietnam War, and "Waiting for Dan" is about the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960's. "A Letter Home" shows the tragic events that happened during the protests at Kent University due to the military infiltrating Cambodia. Differently, the story "Waiting for Dan" shows how the story is about the Freedom Rides, a peaceful way to protest during the Civil Rights Movement, in order for a non racist, equal, full of peace community. With no discrimination. This is one of the differences with the letter, "A Letter Home" and the story "Waiting for ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Television By Neil Postman Summary The book begins with Neil Postman describing how the way we communicate, whether it is orally or through written material, has an effect on how we interpret our world. He then goes more specifically into how television has changed our culture. Postman's intention for writing this book is to "show that a great media–metaphor shift has taken place in America, with the result that the content of much of our public discourse has become dangerous nonsense"(16). There is no problem with television being used as a form of entertainment, but when entertainment takes over serious issues, it may become dangerous. I agree with this to some extent; I think that there are current events that need to be taken seriously, but some audiences may need that comic ... Show more content on ... Postman dedicates a chapter to each of the following subjects: religion, politics and education. The glitz and glamour of television even shows up in the seriousness of religion with the rise of televangelism. Postman writes that television's focus on entertainment has robbed the religious content it portrays of its deeper meaning, blinding the faithful with bright lights and booming speakers instead. I agree with Postman's outrage towards this subject. Religion should be about the content, not the show biz choir singing. We should want to go out and be surrounded by our religious peers in ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Magical Beauty Of A Game It's family game night, and Mom and Dad appear excited to gather the kids to bring to life this week 's adventure. As the family shuffles into the room, Dad exclaims with too much happiness that he'll run along to grab the game. Smiling ear to ear, Mom gabs on, certain this time she'll win. As kids prepare for another monotonous night, suddenly Dad returns and sets down Exploding Kittens on the table. What is this magical beauty of a game? It's the card game that'll satisfy every person's needs when it comes to tabletop game night in every way possible. Exploding Kittens is a card game conceived from the depths of the Internet. Receiving the highest amount of backers in Kickstarter history, having been meant to wind up on every game lover's kitchen table, and doing so thanks to over 200,000 people. Originally, the goal started at $10,000, but in a mere 8 minutes that amount had been exceeded. At the finale of its run, Exploding Kittens had $8,782,571 to work with, making it the third highest funded Kickstarter of all time. The sheer amount of faith put into Exploding Kittens shows people knew it'd be appealing before the release date genuinely came. The goal of Exploding Kittens is to avoid pulling an exploding kitten, in a Russian Roulette–esque style. The last player standing becomes the winner, and earns bragging rights that will last a lifetime. The card adventure is turned based, meaning players conclude their turn by drawing from the pile in a tense fashion, trying ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury In Ray Bradbury's novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize the atmosphere Douglas is living in. In lines 3–5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if it was a human doing something, for example, "summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and slow." In the quote, the weather of summer is calm and relaxing referencing it as "long and warm" and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing air. In line 11, the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer, for example, "let summer idle him", which means that summer "idles" him as in, makes him still of amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses hyperbole to exaggerate the summer wind, for instance, "riding high in the June wind", which means Douglas is overstating the feeling wind of summer as if he was riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees clean each other with water, for example, "At night when the trees washed together" which means when its at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16–17, the author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, "he flashed his gaze like a beacon from his lighthouse", which means that Douglas looks steadily at the outside of his house like a "beacon from a lighthouse" and compares him as a "lighthouse" to show how he gazes the outside. In ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Newspaper Comics During The 1930's Entertainment has always had an important impact on human lives. Whether it be in the form of art, music, or writing, many obtain these hobbies simply because they are looking for something to do and they grow to love them. Everyone experiences boredom a few times in their life, but all that is needed to cure it is a hobby. During the Great Depression era, entertainment was not always easy to come across because there was a lack of money, but newspaper comics, comic books, and heroes were all things that could easily amuse someone. The 1930's was a time where countless people found themselves without money, but they could turn to newspaper when they needed some entertainment. "With a daily audience in the millions, newspaper comics were the property of powerful and mostly conservative syndicates like the Chicago Tribune, United Features, and William Randolph Hearst's King Features" (Wright Pg. 190). Newspaper comics were very popular during this time and consisted of a variety of different genres but several were found to be on the more serious ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, "by appealing to the tastes of adolescents and incorporating real–world concerns into fantasy narratives, comic books have offered impressionable readers a means of self–identification and integration into an expanded consumer society" ( St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture ). Comic books are written in ways where real–life problems are mixed with a fantasy setting creating something that is enjoyable and fun to read. Children and adults alike enjoy comic books and found that these comic book characters are often they wished could be real in their own time of need. The love for comic books have lasted through out the ages and brand new comics are still being made today. Several people even collect comic books because they admire them so much and the older and rarer the comic book is the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Spongebab Research Paper In the modern world, the media plays a massive role in an individual's life. Whether it be watching the news to gain knowledge about their surroundings or just watching daytime television for amusement, it is no question that watching television is one of the most popular pastimes. With a simple click of the remote, a million shows are available for the viewer to watch. Even though it is convenient, it contributes to a developing problem that only modern humans have come to face: the increasing number of aggressive attitudes and behavior found in children. Blues Clues, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Rick and Morty all share the same characteristic of being a cartoon. Nevertheless, the number of aggressions in the show all vary. Unsurprisingly, ... Show more content on ... In SpongeBob SquarePants, social aggression towards other characters are rewarded. For example, when SpongeBob and Patrick first encounter the medieval version of Squidward named Squidley, they mocked and laughed at him for simply asking, "Dost thou talketh to me?" Admittedly, that type of diction does not exist in the modern world anymore so it is strange to hear that. However, this type of behavior does create problems because younger viewers will think that mocking and laughing someone who is different is acceptable. On another note, it is quite difficult to imagine a scenario in which an individual who unleashes physical aggression to be rewarded. However, this type of situation is possible in a show like Rick and Morty. When the "demonic alien spirit" version of morty's family lunges at Rick, Morty has no choice but to press a button that ultimately melts the family down and finally gets captured in a box. In that scene, both Rick and Morty are rewarded by being relieved of the dangerous presence of the "demonic alien spirit" family. Although this type of situation cannot be translated into reality since the plotline is fictitious, the graphic illustration of the family melting to the ground can desensitize a child's view on violence. As a result, the child can get used to violence since it appears so much in television programs. In both SpongeBob SquarePants and Rick and Morty, reward and punishment does not occur often. Most of the time a physical or social aggression happens in the show, the rest of the characters just stand by idly. This threatens a young viewer's perspective on violence, since the shows normalize the aggression. On another note, two examples of positive behavior other than aggression can be seen in Blues Clues. The first example is when Steve asks the audience to lower voice because baby Paprika is sleeping. This teaches good manners to young ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Effects Of Mass Media On The Society According to Meltzoff and Moore (1977), heavy exposure to television is believed to be one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime, and violence in the society. The potential of the mass media for social mobilization, education, and attitude change has been recognized and has been exploited in different parts of the world with varying degrees of success. But the effect that the mass media will produce at given situation still remains a subject of debate even today. Summing up what is known about the effect of the mass media, Berelson (1948:172) in Mcquail (2000:457)submitted "that some kinds of communication, on some kinds of issues ,brought to the attention of some kinds of people, under some kinds of conditions, have some kinds of effect". The effects and influences, which motion pictures have, imply that the movies, as stimuli, have specific effects and influences on an inert audience that are in some manners especially impressionable, and hence may be affected or swayed in a given direction. This one direction conception of effects is widely held. The supposed inactiveness of motion picture audience has extremely excited many people; and forms the basis of many attitudes and beliefs about the supposed good and bad effects of the movie. There is this view that the effects of the motion picture on behavior and attitudes are small and transitory. This seems to be the underlying attitude of those, which characterize motion pictures as mere entertainment. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Descriptive Speech On Disgrace How can anyone expect to learn unless they make mistakes? Receiving unnecessary comments from another pupil isn't ever compelling. I can't imagine anybody in this universe that prefers to be talked down by their peers; being told you're incorrect is extremely humiliating. Mistakes are matters than can escalate out–of–proportion due to peers overwhelming you with anxiety; there's nothing we can achieve to control this besides, development, cognitive therapy, or medication. Genuinely a majority of my mistakes occur in band class when playing the trombone. These mistakes range from cold lips, not focused (Off–Task), intonation, etc. Music is without a doubt entertaining to hear, but performing music does have its obstacles. Practicing has ... Show more content on ... My ears were racing with sound, from the woodwind instruments; they sounded absolutely exquisite from tone to articulation to even the trill. Before I could lay my hands on my warm lap, our teacher calls upon us to perform. Nervous wasn't even the word you could describe. Anxiety was haunting my existence! I take in my air as if I were a vacuum that was sucking dirt out of a carpet. Still taking in the cold dark air, my heart started to sprint as the first note was projected. Surprisingly, no notes were cracked in this challenging spot; some of the notes are three ledger lines above the bass clef staff. My chops were warm and feet were ready for the next song "Can't Hold Us". In my previous year I performed Can't Hold Us with no malfunction what so ever. Odd reasoning entered my mind and I imagined myself playing it poorly. I immediately overcame these terrible "mind games" and moved onto the optimistic point–of–view. I started to imagine myself playing the song with absolute precision. Picking up my horn felt, such as sticking my whole hand into a bucket of ice cubes. My trigger was as stiff as a board and my slide felt moving school glue. I was not ready to perform this piece nor any song for that matter. I started out with a few bars of rest, during this break I start warming my horn for the fourth bar. The notes escaped the horn "Du–Du–Do–Da–Da". I was on a role to begin with, until we arrived on the sets of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Media Impact On Entertainment The media is one of the biggest focal points of contemporary America's daily life and America is both blind and naive when it comes to media, but not in the sense that Americans don't know how to understand media, but separates itself from the reality of this fictitious medium. In Bill Moyers' Free Speech For Sale, proof arises that media controls more than what most people think. Even though there is proof of media tampering and being overall very deceitful, most Americans decide to detach themselves from the reality of the situation. But entertainment isn't the only thing that's being manipulated to conform to the ideal message: actors and other public presences are filtered and this is seen in Marshall Mcluhan's Amusing Ourselves To Death. Even though media is very dishonorable, it still is astonishing because of the advancements in technology that is seen in the media today. Media has become the ruler of our entertainment. The dictionary describes media as the system and organizations of communication through which information is spread to a large number of people (Webster). But media is so much more than that. Now, it's a type of communication that focuses on bringing to people what really matters... Kylie Jenner's pregnancy and the imprisonment of Miles Teller. Now this might be important to the celebrities that are actually experiencing it, but does it really matter to you? Well, the big media corporations think you should care so they're going to make you care. That's ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Essay about John Lennon Social criticism examines literature in the cultural, economic, and political context in which it is written or received. Keeping this definition in mind, it is necessary to understand the political, cultural and economic environment in which Lennon the above famous words. "Imagine" was released in 1970. The late 60's was the time of the Vietnam War and also the time when the peace movement was at its peak. Anti–war demonstrations were a common sight on every street corner. Anti–communist sentiments were at an all time high following the war. The countless lives lost by both sides made plenty realize the fruitlessness of war and prompted them to spread the message of love, unity and peace. Due to ubiquitous demonstrations all over the ... Show more content on ... "Imagine" is one such effort in getting closer to those elusive goals of peace and unity. In the first verse of the song, Lennon tells us how important it is for us to live in the present moment rather than worry about what is waiting for us upon our death. Even though it is normal to worry about our death, Lennon urges us to pay more attention to the sky above us rather than heaven or hell. This is especially true for those who lose out on the present moment worrying about the future. Lennon envisions a world without any political and geographical boundaries when he says "Imagine there's no countries" (Line 7). When there is a political oneness, there is no need for war. When there is no religion, a difference of opinion does not arise. Varying political and religious views are the most common reasons behind war. Lennon is envisioning a fantasy through this verse. He knows that he can only dream about it. Materialism over humanity is another topic that Lennon touches on. People, lost in selfishness and greed, forget the importance of sharing and caring for each other. 'Love thy Neighbor' is a saying that is lost on most people due to the materialistic attitude which is caused by the capitalistic society that we live in today. When no one owns anything, then there is no room for greed and selfishness. Lennon, as he says in his last verse, is a dreamer. After hearing the song and listening to the words, one does feel saddened by how far Lennon's "dream" is ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Reading I. Introduction A. Background information General Background: For a long time, it is known that reading is an inseparable part of daily living for an educated person. Specific Background: There are a large amount of articles that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of reading. Some authors discuss the negative sides of reading and literateness while others wrote the article which is about the positive sides. One of those types of articles is "Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming" by Neil Gaiman who is an outstanding English author of fictions, novels, comic books, and so on. B. Thesis Statement Although there is a weaknesses in the article such that importance of libraries, analyzing shows that author ... Show more content on ... People may access the libraries data, and easily find the information which is appropriate for their interests. It will also help them to save their time. Main idea/aspect # 2: Gaiman presents a strong argument about daydreaming that it does not not matter, you are reader or writer, children or adult, everyone should daydream. A. Supporting idea #1: "We have an obligation to imagine". It refers his claim smoothly. 1. When people imagine, they can change everything over and over, from smaller to bigger by daydreaming. B. Supporting idea #2: People can make things different in order to improve themselves. 1. "Individuals make the future, and they do it by imagining that things can be different". People may sit somewhere, and imagine something which is does not exist in there. With this way, they can dream about their future. Main idea/aspect # 3: Another powerful argument of Gaiman's article is that importance of reading fictions. A. Supporting idea #1: People improve their empathy by reading functions. 1. While reading a book, people create a person and a place in their mind. It helps to use our creativity and imagination. 2. "The world does not have to be like this. Things can be different". It helps people to go somewhere where they have never gone by their ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. My Passion Of Soccer Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer. It's my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn't just a sport for me, it's my life. It has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since. I am known as a soccer player, which makes sense because it takes up most of my time, and that's what I'm all about. I've been to Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri for soccer tournaments or games. Since the leagues in the Kansas City area are much more competitive, my family and I spend almost every weekend there due to games. I've spent countless hours at games and practices, as well as other workouts and fitness events to better myself as an individual player. I have had to miss other social events with my friends because of my dedication to soccer. I have even had to miss friday night football games because of prior soccer commitments, and I love friday night lights. There are mornings after games and tournaments when I wake up sore, with swollen, black and blue bruises from cleats or from collisions that happened during games, but I wouldn't give up it up for anything. Balancing soccer with all other aspects of my life gets a little challenging sometimes. From school with homework, to all of the extracurricular activities that I am involved in, I rarely ever have a free night. Between Link Crew, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Entertainment In Brave New World What do you think of when you hear the word entertainment? Do you ever wonder why it's the way it is? Have you wondered what forces, ideas, and people have molded and shaped it over time? How does entertainment affect culture and a society? These are questions that might have many different answers of varying explanations and magnitudes. For centuries, people have looked to a multitude of different things to do as a way to escape their normal lives and to have fun. So then came various forms of entertainment. Although it may not seem so at first glance, taking a more critical look at the similarities that our society shares with the Brave New World's society may yield some shocking discoveries. Entertainment. What is it? The Oxford Dictionary defines entertainment as "The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment." Huxley wrote Brave New World to prove his thesis that leisure in society does not lead to increased culture. In our society, our culture, when someone thinks of entertainment, they typically think of a movie, music, news, a book, magazines, newspaper, sports, or ... Show more content on ... In both societies, it is used to entertain the masses. In the Brave New World, entertainment is also used to distract citizens, and make them docile. The use of soma, constant intercourse, immersive entertainment machines, and presumably many other sources of entertainment put the citizens of the Brave New World in a sort of mental comatose or haze. But then I ask you, how different is our society in this sense? First, let's look at initial exposure. On average, children between the ages 2–5 watch about 32 hours a week worth of television/media.(XXXX) that's 1,664 hours a year, about 69 days, or almost 10 weeks. That much exposure has massive impacts on the developing brain. From age 5 and on, we are basically conditioned to accept whatever the industry throws in our ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Wizard Of Oz Comparison The World is not a perfect place where everything is solved in 2 hours. With entertainment like movies or tv we are allowed to have a escape. For two hours you can be or explore anywhere or anything. The use of a happier way of life makes it easier for us to deal with the sadness in the world. Sometimes reality is other rated and rose colored glasses can do one better rather than knowing what's behind the curtain. In the real world we are forced to deal with pain, sadness, and death. Everyday these are things that we must endure on a regular basis. The joy of movies and television allows us to escape these things. We no longer have to deal with the harshness of reality. It lets us imagine what life could be like in this new world. Whether ... Show more content on ... It's like in the wizard of Oz, one would never prefer the depressing world of grey over the beauty and magic of the colored world. Dorothy is able to escape her grey and dreary life for a world of color, magic, and adventure. That is the thing people want to encounter, not the sadness of reality. The beauty of entertainment is that it gets us to shed the shackles of reality. You can do anything or be anyone. Wizard of Oz is the perfect example. Dorothy lives in a bland, grey and dreary existence. Then she gets to encounter the world of Oz filled with creative characters, heroics, and magic. She gets to become something she never could have in her own world, a hero. That is the joy of it, to become something that they never thought they could become. Does the entertainment industry pain the world in a bright light as to not remind people of society's issues? I'd tend to believe so. The real world can be harsh, filled with pain and regrets. For two hours, or however long it is, we can escape that harsh reality and view the world in a new and brighter light. Some times all we want to do is be Dorothy Gale who gets to leave her grey and saddened life in Kansas. Sometimes we merely wish to travel over the rainbow way up high, and experience it's ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Imagine John Lennon Analysis John Lennon's Imagine is a very popular song from the music mogul. The song examines Social issues and injustices throughout. The literary elements and underlying messages in the song are phenomenal, Lennon examines issues in the cultural, economic, social and political context. Keeping these four topics in mind, it is necessary to understand the political, social, cultural and economic environment in which Lennon lived in during the making of this song. "Imagine" was released in 1970. The 60's was an important decade for us humans, but specifically the United States. We had many positive accomplishments such as the Moon landing, and the end of segregation through the Civil Rights Movement. We also had negativity throughout the decade, for example, the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, The Vietnam War, and the Nuclear Weapon Threat. The 1960's was also the time when the peace movement was at its peak. Anti–war demonstrations were a common sight on every street corner. Anti–communist ideologies were at an unprecedented high following the war (Vietnam War). The uncountable lives lost by both sides made plenty realize the futility of war and provoked them to spread the message of love, unity, and peace. Due to pervasive demonstrations all over the world, there were social disturbances. As always, any period of social uneasiness has a negative effect on the economy. Due to the huge war expenses and lack of manpower to run the economy, the late 60's and early 70's experienced ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Senses in “UFO in Kushiro” Essay "After the Quake" is a collection of imaginary short stories written by Haruki Murakami which became well known after his emotional impact of the Kobe earthquake. The protagonist in "UFO in Kushiro" is Komura, a Japanese salesman, who practically lives as an average person nowadays. However, five days after the earthquake, Komura's perfect life falls apart when he finds a letter from his wife, saying that she is gone forever. Trying to get use to the thought, Komura takes a break from his work and goes on a journey to deliver a small box to another part of the country. Haruki Murakami presents the story with an illustration of various senses. A Visual image is one of the author's senses in the story that helps readers to imagine a picture ... Show more content on ... It looks like the author's purpose of this story is to make readers think and decide on their own what really happened to that woman. One of the author's tactile senses is the unknown box that Komura has to deliver to Hokkaido. Sasaki, Komura's friend from work, gives him an attractive offer for a trip to another part of the country for free, only if Komura delivers the mysterious box to his sister. Komura accepts the offer and takes the box; however, something strange seems for him to be in the box. Sasaki ensured Komura that there is "nothing fragile, and there are no 'hazardous materials''' (Murakami 508). Komura takes the small package into his hands and shakes carefully but cannot really feel anything. "As Sasaki had said, it weighed practically nothing. Komura held it in his hands and studied it a few seconds. He gave it a little shake but he couldn't feel or hear anything moving inside" (508), Murakami writes. The author leaves another dubious question for the readers, but maybe it was Murakami's purpose of not telling all the details about the strange box. Auditory image is also one of the Haruki Murakami's senses that create a better understanding of the "UFO in Kushiro". The hearing sense in the story appears when Komura is in the plane and reads the newspapers about the earthquake. Murakami writes: The morning paper was full of the earthquake reports. He read it from beginning to end on the plane. The number of dead ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Imagery And Irony In John Updike's A & P Stories are one of the biggest sources of entertainment. They can make a big splash and be very successful, or they can epically fail and will be long forgotten. Then, there are the innovative ones will forever remember. Entertainment has been part of society ever since the beginning of time. In A&P, the author illustrated a cast of characters that one can relate. The way this short story was written how life was back in the 60's. The author paints the picture by imagery or symbols, and irony so one can have a better understanding of the story. Images or symbols is a great way to imagine what the author is trying to describe in the passage. It is very important to have it gives us the reader what the character's perspective what it's thinking, ... Show more content on ... In this case, Sammy and Stokes are coworkers at A&P. Stokes is taking his job very seriously at A&P the way Sammy was saying in the story he thinks Stokes wants to become a GM at A&P. Sammy also stated,"I forgot to say he thinks he's going to be a manager some sunny day, maybe in 1990 when it's called the Great Alexandrov and Petrooshki Tea Company or something." (John Updike Pg. 2) Stokes has a family that he has to take care of which means Stokes have a bigger reasonability than Sammy. Sammy is just at this job to earn a couple bucks not take it seriously. Even in the story, he was saying that he will not stay here not very long at A&P. The irony is we have this two employees that work at the same store one of them wants to move up in the company the other one just does not care. Stokes wants to improve his life and become a better person to run his own A&P store. Sammy is just clueless about his life not knowing what to do next. Stokes at least as a pathway of what he wants for his future. Irony shows the reader a perspective of what the two characters view the job at ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Australian Bernard Biography n the 1970's, Australian Bernard King invented the nasty TV judge. Decades before Red Symons, Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell, Bernard pioneered the acerbic comment, the withering criticism, the derisive stare, and he was better, nastier, funnier, bitchier... than all of them put together. He was flamboyantly and openly gay, a celebrity chef, and had a long association with variety entertainment. Pot of Gold and its successor, Potluck were TV talent quests with none of the production values or high ambitions of today's idol making mega–searches. Bernard and 2 others sat behind a ply board desk and watched whoever turned up perform in a space cleared on the studio floor. There were no auditions, no celebrity mentors, no singing coaches, no backing ... Show more content on ... The camera lurched backward and she followed. The camera slowed – she did not! The camera took off backward again, this time with a violent wobble, a wobble explained when electric cables came into view on the studio floor. The studio audience waited breathlessly for her to wade through the mess of cables in her high heels, but sadly, as suddenly and erratically as she'd advanced, she began dancing backward toward the intended performance space, gesturing impatiently for the camera to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Victorian Era Entertainment Essay Freaks of Nature: The unique acts of Victorian entertainment. When imagining the Victorian Age, it's typical to picture a fancy opera house with gold chandeliers, lush gardens with big fountains, and women dancing around in big beautiful gowns drinking tea. As common as these were, it is astonishing to find how many unique and unusual forms of entertainment also took place in this era. From ghost shows and bull baiting, to illusion booths and freak exhibitions, the Victorian era was a very enticing, and what some might call – extreme time period when it came to what they considered leisure. Because of the Industrial Revolution, the expanding middle class had gained more time and money, and the growth of the railways made travel easier and more efficient. Because of the vast social and cultural changes, there was a boom in Victorian entertainment, making leisure more standard. Entertainment has always been used as a way to sort of captivate one's attention, but in an era with limited technology it is difficult to imagine how far people will go in order to attain this fascination. So just how different was entertainment in the Victorian era? ... Show more content on ... Freak shows were a common attraction consisting of abnormal people who were given "true stories" that were often exaggerated or invented. Some of these included an invisible girl, conjoined twins, midgets, a bearded lady, albinos, painted Indians, and dwarfs, and the 'elephant man'. The thrill of abnormality had fascinated many people during the Victorian age. Animal Baiting Animal baiting also called bull baiting and blood sports was a common practice during this era. An animal (usually a bull, badger, or bear) would be tied to a stake, while dogs were sent in to attack resulting in a crowd watching and cheering on the side. Baiting, V. (2017). Victorian Era Bear Baiting and Bull ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Pulp Fiction Research Paper IMAGINE Pre–Interview Questionnaire 1. What are your top 3 favorite films of all time? Briefly describe why they're your favorite. – If I had 3 of my favorite movies, I would say they are: 1. I am Legend 2. American Gangster 3. Avatar Will Smith and Denzel Washington are among some of the greatest actors I have seen on the big screen. Smith's passion to complete his mission of cleansing the planet, mixed with the hardships of feeling like he is the last man on earth made for a film experience I could put myself inside as he faced obstacles throughout the movie. American Gangster was simply a movie that taught me to: 1) Stay away from drugs, because even the best masterminds can be taken down, 2) The man in the room that makes the most ... Show more content on ... What do you consider the 3 best films ever made? For me, there is a difference between my favorites and what I would consider the best in class. If there is a difference for you, please list the films and briefly why you consider them to be "perfect" films. 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Godfather I do not have a third, as these are two of the best films made in my life so far. In the case of Pulp Fiction, the way the story is told in a jumble, and later clarified for a complete story creates a drama that takes us on a rollercoaster of events. Admittedly, there are probably things in the film that I have missed in my two viewings of it. Godfather is just a classic film that I feel all movie lovers must watch. 3. Favorite TV show right now? – My favorite television show right now is Grimm. I enjoy how they found a way to integrate the stories children grow up on in a story that does not make the idea absurd. 4. What screenwriters and directors should Imagine be working with? Imagine is working with many of the screenwriters I have come to love in growing up, including Dave Chappelle, Robert Downey Jr., and Jay Z – to name a few. It would be interesting to see James Cameron or Michael Bay involved in the future. Cameron's ability to create immersive creative
  • 44. concepts; and Bay's ability to create tremendous on screen effects could make for an unforgettable films ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. How Did The Celluloid Change The World Societal Change through the Celluloid Wonder Introduction The invention of the motion picture has affected our society in many ways. The invention of the motion picture has led to new inventions and discovery of better technologies. It's led to the invention of better film cameras and special effects. It has changed the way we view entertainment. Our society has been influenced by the invention of the film. History The very first patented film camera was conceptualized in England by a Frenchman by the name of Louis le Prince in 1888. He built and patented a 16 lens camera in 1887 in his workshop in Leeds.The first 8 lenses would be triggered in rapid succession by an electromagnetic shutter on the film, and then the film would be moved forward, effectively allowing the other 8 lenses to operate on the film. After a year of much trial and much more effort, he finally developed a single lens camera in 1888. He then used that camera to shoot the first sequences of moving film in the world, including the Roundhay Garden Scene and Leeds Bridge. At first, the films would range ... Show more content on ... It was "flexible but durable" (Sklar 1) and allowed thousands of images to be captured on film. Cellulose nitrate, another version of celluloid that was used in films, is highly flammable. People in the projection room had to be very careful that the film didn't light on fire because of the big lamps that projected the film. These films had no sound with them. Producers sent out "virtually all films [with] cue sheets suggesting appropriate musical selections for performance during exhibition" (Cook 12). Eventually producers wanted a system that offered both visual and audio. The Fox Film corporation came out with a sound–on–film system called Movietone. Hollywood liked this system "because it enabled image and sound to be recorded simultaneously in the same (photographic) medium, ensuring their precise and automatic synchronization" (Cook ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Storytelling In The Things They Carried The world we live in today, storytelling remains to play a critical role in the American society. Each story, storytellers tells serves a deep meaning towards their life and provides a medium allowing the storyteller to retain information they hold as a remembrance. Indeed, storytelling would bring meanings into one's lives as well. Storytelling offers a pathway that allows ones to stimulate continuous learning, development, connection and to look ahead to our future. Storytelling is an expression of power providing pathways to spiritual enlightenment. The role of storytelling is the conveying of experiences storytellers puts in words. Storytelling derived from how the storyteller wants to express the story to the audience. Most stories serve ... Show more content on ... Tim O'Brien, the author tells the story about the Vietnam War through different perspective of the character in different stories. In the book, The Things They Carried, one of the short stories "Notes" Tim O'Brien wrote a meta–fiction story, which allows him to explain the reasons why he had written this short story "Speaking of Courage." In 1975, O'Brien receives a letter from Norman Bowker hoping that O'Brien can write a story about the experience he had during the Vietnam War and his feelings about Kiowa's death. After the Vietnam War had ended, Bowker had suffered from PTSD, which makes him feel pain and guilt towards Kiowa's death. He cannot live up to society after experiencing being in a world full of cruelty in Vietnam. Bowker feels meaningless in life. Through his letter to O'Brien, he is seeking for help and another way to express his feelings that only the soldiers that were in the Vietnam War would know. O'Brien as a storyteller and a writer wrote "Speaking of Courage," briefly about the Vietnam War, in order for the novel to make sense. However, he totally neglected the main experience in the Vietnam War, Kiowa's death, and the shit field. Bowker then lost hope. Eight months later, Bowker hanged himself in the YMCA locker room. After the death of Bowker, O'Brien decides to revise the short story and writes the truth of what happen really in ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Rhetorical Analysis Of John Lennon's 'Imagine' Imagine For my rhetorical analysis paper I chose to use one of the most influential British singers of all time, John Lennon. In his song Imagine, the very first line, "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try," (John Lennon, Imagine), causes the listener to automatically begin thinking. The song is emotionally filled and full of instances where a listener is forced to think of what Lennon is saying in the song. Lennon was considered a very influential leader in efforts of world peace during his time, and still to this day his messages reach across the world in his music. Songs such as "Imagine" which still have a strong and powerful message decades after its first release. Lennon had a simple style and approach which left nothing for deliberation, leading the listener straight to the point of his messages. "Imagine" is one of the best examples of this, Lennon establishes his point multiple times throughout this song and it creates a bond with his listeners which in turn creates a trust within himself and his words. After listening to the song, I can automatically tell what the message of the song is that Lennon is portraying, and that is world peace. Lennon does an amazing job establishing his credibility in this song, thus creating credibility within his audience, credibility is part of Ethos. Throughout his musical career right up until his death in 1980, Lennon was heavily involved in peace activities. During his musical career he was part of the world famous Beatles, and this gained him world fame and allowed for his messages to be heard across the world. Lennon created even more Ethos for himself in a controversial album, where he posed naked with his wife, Yoko Ono, in there bed. This showed his fan base and the world that he was truly devoted to peace and love. Without his famous involvement in the Beatles, Lennon would never have gained his spotlight in the world allowing for his messages of peace and love to be heard. His ethos was within his people, not where he got his ideas. Lennon felt what the world felt, and thus his credibility. When Lennon wrote "Imagine", and penned the words, "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Mindless Entertainment In Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451: Essay Mindless entertainment can serve as a gateway to fun, but also keep us from what really matters. Through the pages (51–58) Beatty explains to Montag how technology took over, and pure common sense in the world for academics has faded away. That useless information has been filled in the heads of people. "There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology, mass exploitation...". However some form of entertainment can serve as a stress reliever or just pass time. Some of it can fill our heads with educationally useless information. Also it may shorten our attention span just because nothing is happening in real life at the moment that is interesting. Playing games can open our minds to what ... Show more content on ... Especially now that young kids are being exposed to technology at an early age they practically know how to enter into different apps or play games on it. By the time they enter school and are exposed to tablets or computers they will be ahead to those that hardly know what a computer is back in the day. Kids will be able to process the information they are given easier from the technology they are accustomed to. By giving people a task it can be hard to do but with technology we can experience different ways to finish the task and games can help us process it to. Getting young kids exposed to technology can help strengthen their minds. Soon they can also possibly troubleshoot problems on their device they can solve any technical difficulty by themselves. In the story Mildreds whole life in controlled by technology, "She was an expert of lip reading from ten years of apprenticeship at Seashell ear–thimbles". (16) She is surround by it 24/7, and by having those shells in her ear for so long she has adjusted to lip reading if she has to. Mildred has developed, or strengthen a skill. In a way to use here technology without hurting her real life as ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Riley Inside Out In today's world most of our influence comes from pop culture such as music and movies, while these sources tend to give off negative influences there are a few gems here and there that do the opposite. A recent film that was released in late 2015 changed the game for child's entertainment; this movie is called "Inside Out". The thing that makes this movie so special is the unique concept that the writers created, telling a story about human emotions and how they effect our everyday decisions. In this animation the emotions are of those of an 11–year–old girl named Riley, up until this age Riley had lived a life filled with joy until her family chose to move across the country. Everything in her life began to go wrong, being overtaken by sadness. ... Show more content on ... In the struggle of trying to keep Riley happy they accidently shut down her emotions and started clouding her thoughts. Along the entire journey to restore Riley's life they came across her old imaginary friend, Bing Bong, who helped restore his old pal, which eventually lead to the dismissal of this certain imaginary friend (Doctor, 2015). These imaginary friends are a gateway to the development of the human mind, opening windows to show capabilities and development in imagination. Although aging may make us forget our first imaginary friends, they still shaped out adult lives, but encouragement and growth of our minds. I believe that as we grow older those who had an imaginary friend for a longer period of time will have exercised their imagination more than those who moved on ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Athletes And Entertainers Athletes And Entertainers should not receive high salary Imagine your salary is raise to million dollar. Now a day's athletes and entertainers are paid millions of dollars every year because they consider as heroes in their society. Athletes and entertainers make people happy and grow the smile in people faces . Athletes and entertainers are the inspiration of the old as well as young people because they are showing the nice personality and good side of them, the thing that people really don't know is that athletes and entertainer are brain washing people to increase the number of audience and get money .Athlethes and entertainers main goal is get money from people. Athletes and entertainer should not receive high salary because poor people, developing the community and recognize the real talent people. ... Show more content on ... Objectors claim that there are many people who have talent but they are not paid high salary .Furthermore, there are many poor people have talent who are not paid high salary. Moreover, the high salary that paid to athletes and entertainers should spend on poor people. There are many poor people who don't have money to pay for their children education because they are poor. There are also family who don't have money to feed themselves and their children because of their low income. To elaborate there are poor people who don't have shelter to live in and safe themselves from the hot sun in the summer and from the cold winter, due to that many of them die. It no their problem because they are poor, they didn't create ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. My Life Challenges The most difficult challenge I have ever faced was dealing with my mother's life–threatening illness. She knew of her diagnosis for a while, but kept it from me to keep me from worrying about her. It was not until she learned that she needed to have surgery to tell me what was going on. Being strong for her, while being scared and depressed myself, was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. My mother told me last year. We were sitting at a restaurant, when the waiter just gave us our dessert. She kept looking at me, with slight tears in her eyes, and she told we had to talk about something serious. Everyone knows that when you hear those words, after that you only hear your heartbeat getting louder and louder. When I first found out, I sort of sat there in shock. I didn't know how to handle the situation because I knew there was nothing I could do right then and there to help her. I had to depend on the hopeful possibility that she would just get better over time, and would be cured. She told me her diagnosis, her treatment plan, and when she was scheduled for surgery. The scariest thing to her is that she wanted to let me know what was going on now so I wouldn't wonder why she would come home fatigued, and starting to lose weight, and her hair beginning to fall out. The experience was life–changing. It affected me in more ways than one. The more time passed, the more I was occupied with the idea of losing my mother at such a young age. I could not even imagine a life without her. She is my best friend, and the number one person I can come to for absolutely anything. To think that I could lose her at any second was affecting my mood every single day. During school, I could not pay attention in class because I would imagine an awful possibility like my mother not being there for my high school graduation. I could not handle school. I was unable to complete certain home works or pass some tests and, so much that, the teachers were noticing a change in me. I remember one day, I spent an entire class period with my head down on the desk. My English teacher came up to me, told me she knew what was going on because my mother had called her. She kept telling me that it was going to be okay, and that I had to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Birth Of A Nation Propaganda Birth of A Nation: Art or Propaganda Mankind, engaging in war, driven by whatever instincts guide him, seeks to keep the defeats and victories of battle in his memory and on his conscience. To accomplish this men have used paint and canvas, ink and paper, or instrument and song in their effort to communicate the tragedy and glory of war. Never, before the career of D.W. Griffith had anyone attempted to bring the subject to film. The result of his efforts, weaknesses aside, mark a change in attitude towards film as a media. Perhaps audiences previously going to a picture expected emotional manipulation. After all, years before the film Birth of a nation, makers of film employed techniques to evoke pathos ... Show more content on ... This imagery proves that Griffith wasn't just presenting actors and a plot, he intended to dig far deeper than that, into the realm of a clever storyteller. Another example of his unique style is the use of foreshadowing, another literary device now commonly employed in film. The most prominent example of this is the scene where two gentlemen are talking, and as the camera pans down, we see a puppy struggling with a kitten. This is another strong example of symbolism; however, even more importantly it foreshadows the coming war. It is expertly placed to add to the building tension between sides which the audience already knows results in confrontation. Its placement reflects Griffiths desire to advance the complexity and diversity of film beyond entertainment to higher levels in society. To manipulate his audience's emotions, he first had to draw them into the story and in turn into the stories underlying theme. He accomplished this by using numerous virgin film tools, much as an artist uses his own tools to create a believable painting. Among these tools he uses panoramas to illustrate setting, to paint, if you will – a moving picture. To show the swell of heated gunfire on a crowded battlefield i.e.the scene of the battle of Petersburg, or to bring across image of the delicate beauty of his native southern land to those who had never been there or ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Nickelodeon Stereotypes Most students who have studied American film history know the essentials that contributed to the Nickelodeon boom. Five cents paid for a cramped, dingy, hazardous room accommodated with a horrible smell in the air. Because nickelodeons made their appearance more presentable and safe for the public it drew in the middle class. "Motion Picture Exhibition in Manhattan" by Robert C. Allen examines what made certain locations special. Allen's primary source are the 1908 edition of Throw's Business Directory of Greater New York to locate the theaters. Ben Singer's article, "Manhattan Nickelodeons: New Data on Audience and Exhibitors" raises the question of whether or not the middle class was there from the very beginning. Singer's primary sources ... Show more content on ... Theaters were being converted to movie houses. This was a move to attract more middle class customers as well as charge more money given that customers received a mixture of motion picture and vaudeville. According to Allen, "the use of vaudeville on movie theatre programs was spurred by a shortage of new films," (11). Going back to charging more money, the vaudeville acts had some problems such as additional salaries which had to be paid. Ticket sales would decline as vaudeville acts stretched out as each show was shown. Singer raised an interesting question on how unpredictable was the nickelodeon business. He used the trade journal Moving Picture World as a source to note the nickelodeon failures in Manhattan. "Too many people imagine that all they need is who win out on the policy are few," (27). Many entrepreneurs jumped in unprepared for the business by selecting poor locations where the target audience was not going to respond well to. While many people tried to get into the business, many nickelodeons were ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Analysis Of Imagine By John Lennon The song Imagine was written by John Lennon, a former Beatle member. The Beatles were known for making songs that talked about a better world, a world where people live in happiness and harmony. This song was not created by John Lennon alone, somewhere around last year we get to know that his wife was also involved in the making of this song. The song has become one of the most famous songs in the world ranking number twenty five in the scale. Due to its controversial Lyricas and radical ideas the song was made into a national anthem. This song is not like many other songs out there today. Even though there is song today that talked about world issues, this song is somewhat original because it addresses issues that people don't think about, like having possessions. People kill for someone else possessions people go to war for possessions; it also addresses points like how the world would be if people didn't have to care for religion if people didn't die for religion. The main purpose for this song was to challenge society to think of ideas and ways on how these problems could one day be solved, it was made to give people the hope that maybe one day things will change and human existence as we know it will change as well as our world for the better. When John Lennon wrote this song he was trying to show people his way of seeing things, he wanted people to see what he saw. The idea that he gave us was that if we think of all the things that have affected us in some way, if we ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Can Music Contribute to Anything Worth? Can music contribute to anything worth? Famous music composer, Ludwig van Beethoven once rightly quoted "Music is a higher revelation than philosophy". Indeed, music has higher magnitude than just being a mere form of entertainment– it plays a significant role in our society be it politics or religion or even academics. So important is music's value that it has been recorded throughout history of mankind in numerous ancient writings including the sacred Hindu scripture, Veda. Thus it is no surprise that even today the value and contribution of music has not declined but on the contrary, risen. Soul, blues, country, metallic, rap, jazz , pop or gospels you name it; you will always find a music that will make you ... Show more content on ... "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger became a popular anti–war protest song during the 1960s. This song did not only protest against the Vietnam War but also made their generation more aware about the global problems. Songs like "Not Ready to Make Nice" by Dixie chicks about freedom of speech was written after they received death threats for singing against the Iraq war, protests against the violation of human rights. But music is not only used to protest, it is also used to give hope and optimism. "We Shall Overcome", a song sung by Guy Carawan together with the Montgomery Gospel Trio and the Nashville Quartet, is perhaps the best known example of civil rights song. Instead of blaming the government, this song registered a feeling of hope and faith among African–Americans during the civil rights movement. Music helps to conserve and promote the most prized possession of human civilization: religion, culture and tradition. Each community has its distinct music through which it can display its culture and tradition. For example though dāpā and gospels both are religious and devotional songs they introduce us to two distinctly different cultures. Dāpā is a religious Newari music that praises Nāsadya, the local god of music and dance. On the other hand, gospels are highly emotional evangelic vocal music that originated from the African–American Christian community in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Analysis Of The Film Franchise Of Jaws The film and entertainment industry are often reflective of how society feels towards something or it may influence how society will feel. For example in the past with the Film Franchise of Jaws people began spreading myths of sharks as man–eaters. The film industry in this scenario held huge sway over public opinion and even caused the shark population on the northwestern seaboard. According to Research Biologist Dr. Julia Baum, form the year of 1986 to 2000 there was an 89% drop in total shark population on the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (BBC article). The film industry holds an especially impactful hold over people's public opinion in America. With one film the way people spent their time thinking at the beach was forever changed. Now imagine ... Show more content on ... This proverbial mold of what a woman is, usually determined by her status as being motherly and staying involved in their children's lives. The societal norm is often represented by someone who goes to every PTA meeting, every soccer game, and cooks every meal. Hollywood often provides society with the golden standard of what a mother should be like. The movie industry further promulgates this typical mold by typically portraying women in parts similar to these not only their parts but also the genre of movies women normally participate in. According to the Hollywood Reporter in an article about how "Movies in 2016 Featured a record Number of Women Protagonists". In this article, it even went into to the cold hard facts where female actors are more likely to appear as protagonists specifically the genre of movies. According to their statistics, women would be most likely to land a leading role in a Comedy with the highest percentage of female protagonists in this genre at twenty–eight percent. In an unsurprising turn of events, the genre of films with the lowest percentage of female protagonists was the actions film industry with a reported three percent. Often times characters in action movies need to be portrayed as though they are serious and strong. If this is the case the implications of not portraying women in a more serious genre like action movies. This exemplifies that society and particularly writers and producers of Hollywood have trouble viewing women in strong leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Why Reality Television Is Reality Real Or Reality? The reality of a stage is that the stage is real... Reality TV is incapable of being truly real, whether scripted or given a general free response. The time restraint and personality condensing along with safety restraints is enough to take the reality out of reality TV. People desire to be entertained when they switch the channel on reality TV. The directors and producers know this because no one wants to watch something that isn't entertaining and interesting. Reality is something you live everyday. People Know how it works so we want someone to make it more safe and amusing. Reality TV is entertainment, some of the best. It isn't real, but a game, a game that people control. Paints and caves are real so is the artist that uses them, but his work and masterpiece are a step out of reality. Not how thing are but how he imagines and sees them to be. I've searched online and found actual people who have been on reality TV shows and some had a bad experience others good ones but both were less than real. As for me personally I Know some one who was on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. She had to do several retakes of her entering a room with her wedding dress and other things over and over again. You can find lots of first hand accounts at–real–are–reality–shows I have well loved reality TV shows and some you could say are more real than others but there are restraints in these TV shows. Some are more welcoming then others and some I wouldn't get rid of, here is ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Neil Postman 's Exploration Of This Issue As everyone knows society has many problems, however many do not realize that root of these problems may stem from the way they are discussed and presented. When a person compares how information was obtained and current issues were discussed prior to this century they come to find that the contrast between now and then is so outstanding. It's completely clear why many people aren't aware of what has been happening. The reason the difference is so profound is because our discourse has gradually been dumbed–down since the beginning of the information era, and people are treating the serious issues that arise as entertainment. The most powerful culprit being television, has being accused of causing damage to the people that were raised in the TV era. Neil Postman's exploration of this issue in his novel written in 1985, Amusing Ourselves to Death, is a crucial hint of the consequences of being immersed in a culture that is driven by television. Even though it has been 20 years since the book was published the influx of internet only makes his novel more and more relevant to today than it was when it was written Postman's key argument is the comparison of two tremendously different imagined cultures in literature. The first came from the English novelist, George Orwell's dictatorial society novel, 1984. The other view came from English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley's novel called Brave New World. In George Orwell's version people are oppressed from an external force and ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Personal Narrative: What Is Your Favorite Star Wars A few days ago I asked you "What is your favorite Star Wars quote" and in response you said "Do. Or do not. There is not try – and I have to admit that's a great quote and I like it, not only that, it fits perfectly with what I'm about to say, so thank you. I know we live in different states and I know this can be and is hard for both of us, not just you. With that being said, if you know that you cannot, will not, or simply don't want to wait, please do not engage in daily conversation with me that may cause my feelings or rather our feelings to get stronger for each other. I know not when we will meet, but I know I would love to meet you. And with both our schedules, you working full time and I going to school full time and working part ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Comparing Katniss 'The Hunger Games And Divergent' Nowadays television and movies have become some of the main sources of entertainment for children as well as adults. A motion picture can allow you to escape into another reality without having to leave the safety of your own home. In recent years the movie industry has produced some major hit projects, the Hunger Games and Divergent being two of them. They hit great numbers in the box office and not to mention got great reviews among fans. These stories follow the lives of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games and Tris Priar in Divergent. Both of these cinematics are so intriguing and have many similarities and differences that include their love story, theme, and heroine character. Divergent and the Hunger games saga both compare in theme and plot line in certain ways. These movies contain societies that are separated by either class or factions. In the Hunger Games you are put into classes, the wealthy and well–endowed members were located in the capital, and then the remaining was separated into districts. However Divergent separated their society by placing people according to personalities or what they call factions. If you were smart, strong, or reserved is what ... Show more content on ... You become hooked by putting yourself in their places and wanting a happy ending. In the Hunger Games there is a love triangle between the main character and two others. Katniss must choose between a love she's had for years or a new budding romance. Yet Divergent contains only two characters in the love story, yes it may look easier but Tris has the obstacle of falling for someone who is very different from herself. No matter what the love story contains us as humans thrive on this because it is something we dream of in ways. This takes me back to escaping from reality and being dropped into a story you could only imagine in your wildest ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Why Are Movies Better Than Movies When it comes to the entertainment boom millennials are facing, no other debate is as fierce as the debate of whether movies or book are better. Novels, or books, are perennial, having lasted throughout time as the premier way of sharing knowledge and the presentation of entertainment. However, the invention of films in the late 1800's disrupted the titan. Movies then became a significant way to present stories and fears of books effacing from existence became mainstream. Although novels are still present in modern times, the movie industry has only exploded, with the uprise of Hollywood and billions of dollars of spending movies have become as big as books. However, when it comes to the debate on whether which form of information is better, novels have always been on the winning side with the most people standing behind books. Movies are rapidly approaching the popularity of books, but literature will still be better than films in ways such as prevailing in time and story limitations, immersing the reader, and providing more space for thoughts and imagination. Movies, although innovative, cannot stand to literature because of their limitations, and lack of ability to allow viewers to think and be in harmony with them. "A book is edited and crafted, but the writer is still working within an unlimited time canvas. This condensing of books into movies leads to deleted parts from the book or abbreviation of developments within the book." (6 Reasons The Book Is (Almost ... Get more on ...