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Implementation of a network of collaborative work for the
development, strengthening and improving teaching skills
and good training practices aimed at improving the
academic profiles of the group of instructors from the
center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Medellin,
to promote educational innovation in the teaching-
learning process SENA.
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5. MEANS 6
8. EXECUTION process developed by the Technology Center 10
 Evidence 1 - process indicators 13
 Evidence 2 - implementation of actions and set schedule 2015 23
 Evidence 3 - questionnaire and review of related instructors 26
 teacher training requirements
 4 evidence - bank pedagogical training of instructors 45
 Evidence 5 - actions, events and communications 5
 Evidence 6 - Instructor training plan 47
 7. Recommendations for trainers evidence 49
 Evidence 8 - strategies implemented with instructors 51
 Evidence 9 - conclusions observed 59
 Evidence 10 - evaluation and monitoring of the process 61
2016 next
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Implementation of a network of collaborative work for the development, strengthening and
improving teaching skills and good training practices aimed at improving the academic profiles of
the group of instructors from the center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Medellin, to
promote educational innovation in the teaching-learning process SENA.
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The center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Regional SENA Antioquia, is a specialized
vocational training trained to work in the industrial sector and the Land Department, caters
specifically related knowledge areas Electricity, Manufacturing, Automation apprentices center
Automotive, tics and Manufacturing, and its fundamental commitment to the training and
qualification of people ready to face the challenges of the sectors. The center has become a
national benchmark for quality in training their apprentices, and in that sense their instructors are
fundamental to the success of the training for it and as of February 2015 implemented a series of
activities focused in achieving objectives and in keepingInstitutional Strategic Development Plan
SENA xxx where strategic lines appears relevant and high-level training, noting the importance and
the commitment of the institution to the comprehensive training of apprentices and their
instructors. It is therefore essential motivation and support for innovation and good practices in
carrying out training activities. To this end, the Branch Center of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, through its Coordination of Vocational and academic coordination implemented by
2015, the share of activities to strengthen the teaching work in the institution, a series of activities
that allow the participation of all instructors in activities that enhance the Good Teaching
Practices. This task is an invitation to all instructors from the center to participate and implement
new teaching strategies learning, promoting the creative use of different tools inside and outside
the learning environment, actively involving learners in the learning process, planning, developing
and evaluating the necessary measures to contribute to the graduate profile of the qualification
and also incorporating in the development of teaching skills real environmental problems. In
addition, through these activities it is to share experiences of good practices of instructors and
trainees center internally, encourage and support the participation of all activities of national and
international importance.
 Strengthen academic profiles of the instructors of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Technology Medellin
 Encourage reflection and sense of cooperative work in training environments
 Implement a continuous process of learning instructors, with the support of the guidance
and counseling of the instructors who will strengthen their knowledge.
 Unify and highlight the value of autonomous and cooperative training center instructors
from all areas of training
 Document the experiences of training to serve as reference sources for the realization of
new improvement plans
 Update Center instructors Manufacturing Technology topics related to the teaching
strategies applied to training
 Strengthening and dignifying the role of instructor in the Center and in the region
 Improving the use and application of ICT tools
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 Assertive and establish channels of communication for participatory integration of
instructors and the academic community
 Rescue pedagogical strengths to improve the job performance of instructor
 Construct a scenario for the formation of trainers for life from the pedagogical experience,
where work is recognized, the experience and dimensions of being, knowing and doing is
potentializing; to create cooperatives and people-oriented proposals to create educational
experiences and pedagogical practices from diverse exchange of ideas and educational
 Support innovative interdisciplinary initiatives in training strengthening the active
participation of the instructors from educational tools.
Improve and use new strategies for teaching-learning process, improve the comprehensive
training of apprentices, learning and academic performance.
 Contribute graduate profile of each qualification and to improve the quality of
apprenticeship training through the development of generic and specific skills.
 Encourage the creation and consolidation of instructors pairs teams to work together on
similar themes
 Innovative use of resources and educational services SENA
 Enhance the publication of innovative practices instructors internal, national and
international level.
 Develop actions that have an impact on the practice of instructors and contribute to
improving the quality of training at SENA
 Serve methodological route to guide instructors in strengthening their profile, their realities,
limitations and strengths, to propose alternatives that lead to optimal business processes
within the framework of the revitalization process as self-assessment, accreditation and
Institutional Education Project, from the relevant and inclusive education
 Review and analyze the level of development of the pedagogical management of the
 Focus the organization's work towards achieving the learning of instructors and provide
reference for improving institutional frameworks.
 Monitoring show that the institution makes to the different components of the educational
management and their indicators.
 Promote relevant to the educational community, where the actors involved and promote
alternatives for improving educational quality educational environment.
Prepared and trained to formation, updated and instructors convinced their work and the
importance of their work in the Seine, with mastery of ICT tools and teaching strategies that allow
them to work recognized locally and nationally.
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 Subaddress Center
 Coordination training
 Academic Coordinators
 Crew pedagogical Center
 Trainer of trainers
 Hotbed of trainers
 Network pedagogy
 National Instructor School
 Antioquia Regional Teaching staff
 Time availability and scheduling of training according to the needs of training in
pedagogical and didactic tools
 Physical resources, materials and pedagogical elements
 Financial resources
 Logistical resources
All instructors must participate in center activities organized by areas of training and thus must
have a schedule set in their working day 4 hours per week for preparation and programming of
education and teaching activities within environments learning related to strengthening the
educational profile.
It requires financial resources for hiring instructors to support the processes as instructors,
trainers of trainers perform transfer processes and pedagogical tools in trainers.
It requires enabling a comfortable space and equipped with basic elements for carrying out
teaching activities that facilitate learning resources and means of knowledge appropriation.
 Check the processes to determine what new activities can be implemented to develop a project
in light of Formation
 Having the support of teachers trained in pedagogy and solid knowledge to support the process
 Active participation and support of academic coordinators who must set a schedule of activities
at times that do not affect the training and allocation of resources for continuing training
 Determine periods of time not less than 4 hours a week devoted to teacher training instructors
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 Allocate the necessary resources to promote teacher training from the methodological and
active learning can be used.
 Establish a permanent and ongoing programming in the educational center to provide updates
every month of the year.
 Acquisition of resources for training of trainers, with different types of tools, materials,
teaching activities, workshops, conferences, transfers and reflection activities that contribute
to strengthening the instructor profile
 Search the support and monitoring of the groups of instructors from the academic coordinators
 Motivational roadmap with training alternatives
 Building a bank of learning objects and virtual objects of collaborative learning for shared work
for the organization of content and materials
 Participation of the plant and contract instructors in all the different training activities
proposed for the center.
 Planning stage programming
 Teaching methods for theoretical and practical:
Activities aimed at improving sessions of lectures and educational activities based on various
strategies as case studies, exercises and problems, problem-based learning, project-based
learning, collaborative learning, practical classes among others.
 Innovation in assessment of apprentices:
Activities aimed at the implementation of new tools for evaluation of learners that foster
meaningful learning, and assessment of skills acquisition.
 Production Management:
Activities aimed at innovation in training and educational resources strategies for the acquisition
of skills relating theory to practice.
 Apprenticeship with special educational needs:
Activities involving tasks that support and enhance apprenticeship with special educational needs.
 On-line management of teaching and learning processes:
Projects aimed at the development and improvement of innovative teaching materials on the
platform of Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), web tools that integrate training aid with projects
proposing the creation of multimedia materials (podcasts, videos, animations, etc. .) or audiovisual
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 Application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT):
Activities that are considered innovations in which the systematic use of already existing, to
improve the teaching-learning process (Internet, multimedia, videos, educational software,
simulators, virtual platforms, electronic portfolios, etc.) fosters technological tools
 Instructors mentors, mentors new teachers, instructors seedlings:
In this activity the key is to offer support to the instructor again entering the center, and has
experience in technical, but understood as one who began his career in the institution and that
have few years or little experience in the practice of teacher training, and through a process of
support and monitoring to his teaching activities in a comprehensive and personalized by
instructors with experience in the management of academic and educational activities instructors
called mentors or sponsors. Besides allowing better learners leave form and acquire the skills
necessary to become the next instructors skills. Linking part of the seedling center to enhance
them your skills and abilities to form.
 Training monitors:
The need to support training at the Center leads to learners with better academic performance,
may carry out support for training as monitors to contribute to the training of apprentices with
capabilities to develop a profile of trainers and have potential and profile for the training,
research, teaching and could contribute in the future as instructors
 Improvement profiles:
Activities aimed to innovate and improve the planning, development and evaluation activities of
the instructors in order to improve and strengthen their academic profiles in order to become
masters graduates in graduate or professional.
 Academic and management instructor
Academic activities and management training are those activities involving several instructors in
different areas of knowledge in educational activities in order to put forward proposals that are
aimed at improving the academic performance of learners.
 Games based learning (Gamification);
activities that are directed to learning based on the use of mechanisms and techniques through
games and educational activities that encourage the participation of trainees, so that through
their structure from games their learning is achieved and competences acquired the various
training programs. Games can be designed with the technology or experience physical training
programs implemented in the center as 3D and multimedia tools. Making use of educational
resources that have the center.
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 Bilingual education:
Projects that promote and support learning a second language teaching tools near apprentices.
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As of 2014, the opportunity arose for the participation of a group of instructors from the center in
a training process supported by the Haaga Helia University of Finland, with regard to the training
of trainers with some important features related to pedagogy, the agreement was attended by 15
instructors throughout the country to implement the program, the center had 3 seats to
participate, including the person responsible for the Coordination of Integrated Vocational
Training and with the support of academic coordination and Branch Center once was begun
training modules, it went highlighting the importance of developing and implementing actions that
allow instructors to resume education and teaching practices that strengthen the performance
and improvement of the processes of formation apprentices, and implement improvement plans
in the framework of the processes of self-evaluation, accreditation and quality national and
international certifications, among others, and thus as a project was implemented strategies to
qualify and raise the profile of all instructors focused on improve the pedagogical subject,
facilitating improved strategies and actions to achieve significant learning.
Record year
The Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Regional SENA Antioquia, was for some time
the need to implement activities of the pedagogical training instructors plan and contract, but the
latter could not be part of processes training for their contractual status, so from February 2015
began the process to achieving skilled people and pedagogical training profile enough to convey
the purpose of the comprehensive training from the pedagogical work experience to work under
the former role of trainers, and to achieve meet this requirement, thus assigning a trained person
is able, experienced and verifiable results in the Department of Antioquia. Once the hiring process
was reached, a process of identification of requirements developed instructors therefore different
areas of training, Electrical, Automation, Automotive, ICT, Manufacturing, where they were able to
identify available spaces were observed availability elements and materials, and academic
behaviors worth redeemed or improved, or common problems demonstrated the need to
establish a process of basic grounding in teaching and different groups of teacher training center
instructors were also observed.
With the completion and participation of training for instructors expected the following:
 Promote the use of new methods of training for instructors seeking motivation
elements applying innovation and significant change of the training process
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 Diversity of experience in innovation group of instructors
 New ways of thinking about teacher training and work in the learning environment.
 Instructors decide to change the usual practice of providing training and learning new
teaching methodologies and evaluation are promoted
Activity Dates
Process observation resources
Bank of trainers
Check availability of resources
Call for trainers to support hotbed of trainers
Motivational campaigns
Implemented programming activities
Team participants instructors
Improvement actions
Invitations and communication campaigns
Evidence of participation
Programming training plan 2016
Collection of evidence
Plan settings
Implementation second phase
Implementation of physical space for the
assembly of a lifelong learning strategy
February March
March may
May June
July-November - permanent
August 2015
Monthly according to activities
May-September 2015
May-August 2015
In each activity scheduled
May-December 2015
May to November 20, 2015
November 2015
May-October - 2015
Weekly until November 20, 2015
November 5, 2015
November 15, 2015. February 2016
February 2016
March-July 2016
March-July 2016
 Evidence 1 - process indicators 13
 Evidence 2 - implementation of actions and set schedule 2015 2. 3
 Evidence 3 - questionnaire and review of related instructors 26
 teacher training requirements
 4 evidence - bank pedagogical training of instructors 4. 5
 Evidence 5 - actions, events and communications 4. 5
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 Evidence 6 - Instructor training plan 47
 7. Recommendations for trainers evidence 49
 Evidence 8 - strategies implemented with instructors 51
 Evidence 9 - conclusions observed 59
 Evidence 10 - evaluation and monitoring of the process 61
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To measure the impact of events and activities proposed, then we have an account of the
activities carried out during the months of May to October 2015, which indicates that we have hit
the 70% of the instructors from the center, some not It has been definitely participate because
their schedules do not allow them to attend the calls
Additionally, a group of 30 instructors are part of educational processes outside the school
facilities as the articulation with the technical media, virtual training, special populations and rural
which does not allow them to participate in activities because to date have been scheduled in
person. For the month of November has scheduled a course related to virtual learning
environments for virtually, which have registered 43 instructors attend requiring knowledge in
virtual learning platforms.
Instructors plant Instructors contract Total center instructors
50 195 245
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Workshops to October 2015
Code workshop Target audiences No. Participants
73433 - workshop enlistment of
comprehensive training
Manufacturing instructors
73447 - workshop enlistment of
comprehensive training -FPI
Automation Instructors
71,876 - workshop technical unit All instructors are part of
ethics cross-training,
occupational health,
environmental dimension,
71990 - Workshop Integral Vocational
procedure FPI
Management Team 33
71,823 - workshop procedure FPI Electricity instructors Area 29
72169 - workshop procedure FPI Automotive instructors
3. 4
71991 - workshop procedure FPI Management Team 12
Totals 236 people
Events held in October 2015
Event code Target audiences No. Participants No. Certified
73785 institutional
political awareness
All instructors and
staff of the center
250 people 250 instructors
77365 Sixth Meeting
comprehensive regional
pedagogical training, the
role of instructor: my
being in the making
All instructors center 180 instructors 180 instructors
from the center
430 participants in
different events
430 participants
Evidence of work proposed agendas for the workshops
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Evidence of the attendance lists
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The administrative team playing, learning
Sharing, knowing and recognizing
Processes and institutional information
Courses taken to October 2015 date regarding teacher training designed by SENA and configured
in academic administrative application.
Course code and
Target audiences No. Participants No. Certified
instructor teaching
instructors Electricity
and Area
21 instructors 19 instructors
instructor teaching
instructors Area
24 instructors 20 instructors
of training projects
Instructors Area
43 instructors 35 instructors
of training projects
instructors Area
49 instructors 44 instructors
1035361-design Electricity instructors 21 instructors 18 instructors
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learning assessment
fundamentals of
integrated vocational
training in the skills
Seed trainers teacher
14 instructors 14 instructors
of training projects
instructors Area
24 instructors 24 instructors
7 courses aimed at teaching strategies
196 participants
174 certifications
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Evidence of enrollment on the application in PDF format
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 Evidence 2 - EXECUTION OF
As of February and during 2015, a plan of courses related to the area of pedagogy oriented
instructors from all areas of training topics was conducted:
This task involved the academic coordination established spaces allow for training in anti-planning
groups times and then made some coordination of training courses for trainers, divided into
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training chains and so was not compromised execution of course, found in schooling stage and
other academic activities, including costs that could be generated by this concept
Since the beginning of the year he had intended to perform actions selected training on issues
related to education, with courses available in the institutional application, then a
consultation with the academic
coordinators took place to enable participation of all instructors without distinction or training
area, employment relationship or academic profile, and planned during the months from February
to September was conducted smoothly.
All this work contributed greatly to achieve concrete results and helped to improve the skills of
The training had as its main purpose the selected actions and direct the activities to fulfill the
objectives and became effective in practice than planned training programs and helped to achieve
concrete results, change attitudes and develop people skills which It is reflected in the better
performance of instructors and in meeting the goals and objectives of the institution.
Steps performed during the year:
 Achieving an instructor with expertise in pedagogy managed to propose a planning
courses to target the center with schedules and requirements necessary to begin the
process of training of trainers.
 He became known in advance the schedule of available courses, schedules and
requirements and loso responsible for the areas of training
 scheduling problems are prevented so that activities could be carried out without
interrupting the overall training program, such as replacement instructors, changing
environments, time change, etc.
 Check instructors needs in terms of equipment, training materials, etc.
 Ensure the attendance of the people training activities.
 Try not affect the continuity of the academic process of apprentices
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Planning courses offered in May
Code Program name Version DURATION MODE
4210002 Orientation training processes for
projects within the active learning
1 220 hours classroom
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Pedagogical and didactic basic
processes to guide training tools
1 50 hours classroom
Basic Education to guide the
comprehensive training.
1 150 hours classroom
11220043 Educational tools 1 20 hours classroom
The courses were focused during 2015 from February to October were:
 Workshop enlistment of comprehensive training -FPI (8 hours)
 Workshop technical unit (8 hours)
 The 6th Meeting comprehensive regional pedagogical training, the role of instructor: my
being in the workshop making procedure Integral Vocational FPI (8 hours)
 Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor (40 hours)
 Structuring training projects (40 hours)
 Design learning assessment instruments (40 hours)
 Pedagogical basis of comprehensive training in the approach to developing skills (40
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Identification of requirements in teacher training center instructors Advanced Manufacturing
Technology SENA - September-October 2015
A questionnaire with 13 basic questions some open and some closed, the 245 instructors who
have an employment relationship with the Center for Technology Advanced Manufacturing,
seeking to identify the needs and requirements of teacher training which was conducted was
reached making 141 surveys with their personal data and the findings found in front of the training
process has been performed during the year with instructors in different training areas of the
This questionnaire will serve as the main input in carrying out a program that allows consistent
and complement the educational activities of the Centre and its instructors
Getting a response from 141 instructors and training by area
1. The areas of training of trainers participants identified
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2. Training levels were identified and
3. Finding professionals distributed in different areas of training that support the academic
process in the middle so
 Electronic Engineering
 occupational health
 Instructor industrial production
 Project management makes eco Sena
 Organizational Communication
 Maintenance
 Automotive Transportation
 Automotive mechanic
 Psychology
 Management in occupational health
 Motorcycles
 English _ modern languages
 Motors, electricity, electronics, mechanics yards
 Software Design
 Making molds by CNC
 Telecommunications Engineer
 Ethics
 Maintenance of computers and networks
 Management of industrial production
 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
 Industrial engineer
 Automatic transmission, electricity, gas motors and diesel fuel injection
 Chemical engineer
 Mechatronics Engineering
 Educational Management
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 Socio-economic assessment of projects
 Mechanical engineer
 Production and quality engineering
 Logistics and production management
 Degree in physical education and sports
 Motorcycles
 Human development
 Automation and Robotics
 Maintenance of refrigeration equipment, ventilation, heating and air conditioning.
 Data Networks
 Electronics
 Electromechanical
 Analysis and development of information systems
 Automotive Mecca tronics
 Computer networks
 Production, quality and logistics
 Technologist autotronics
 Welding
 Systems engineer
 mechanical engineering
 Education and Pedagogy
 Mechanics
 Metrology and telemedicine
 Environmental management
 Metrology, telemedicine, maintenance
 Specialization in projects
4. Identifying the type of contract
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5. Instructors they were asked if they have participated in some form or teacher training
courses during 2015
6.Se instructors ask them if they were satisfied or not in front of pedagogical training activities
conducted during the year
7. They asked which courses were developed during this year
Structuring training projects 72 51.1%
Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor 24 17%
Design learning assessment tools 16 11.3%
Educational foundation of IPF in the competence approach 30 21.3%
Any 43 30.5%
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8. We wanted to know their opinions regarding teacher training offered in 2015 in the center
and met with important contributions that serve as a tool to make a more precise
proposal in accordance with the needs of instructors and training programs
 It is an educational and useful methodology that enriches our daily teaching learners,
allows us to use different tools to enhance the training process
 Very good
 We need more such training because it is just the beginning of our experience.
 It is too important update and reflect in our daily work the various teaching strategies and
to fulfill the vision and mission of the Seine and training our chain that currently is in the
process of certification in warm high and are pleased to be part of this process
 Very appropriate and relevant
 It was good more requires greater intensity
 Few hours of training
 Very good.
 Excellent, the guidance of the instructor Luz Marina Palace, has been very assertive.
Through these spaces we are not, with the most pervading philosophy SENA.
 I have no comment because I have not done this year
 Very timely processes being developed. (Certification and self-evaluation)
 The training has been more focused on the actual implementation of the need for
knowledge, upgrading and updating. It has suitable experience and instructor which
facilitates learning. I feel very happy and committed to the training process this year has
taken an interesting turn.
 Appropriate and relevant
 Although it has been good, it is still insufficient for the demand.
 very good at all level.
 It is very good because it keeps us updated
 Which it is a necessary tool for my role
 It is a lot of information to do it in a single day, I think the level of reflection achieved is
very poor. With more time and more content better results could be achieved.
 It has been quite enriching and think it should be mandatory character for all instructors.
 Is favorable for teacher training has been somewhat neglected in recent years in the
 I have not done this year pedagogy courses by time
 It is relevant, as it has expert center should encourage more as much new instructor who
lack appropriate methodology for SENA
 In this year of 2015 I have not had the opportunity to do training, but I've done so far have
been excellent
 Good, it seems important that we take into account
 Very relevant
 Excellent, very good human quality, service and knowledge transmitted instructors.
 I have had the opportunity to be in training with the teacher Luz Marina and I think that
gives us the illustration is very broad and enriching. I also had the opportunity to conduct a
virtual course on pedagogical basis of IPF in the competence approach and found it a very
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complete course that addresses all our work as instructors, giving us solid understanding
of our work.
 It has been very satisfactory and appropriate to guide the training process
 I have no appreciation against the issue
 It has not been disclosed an offer for instructors.
 Good
 Excellent quality, relevant, good material support and very good accompaniment.
 important start has been made this year in training and retraining of trainers in the sense
of unifying criteria and improve teaching practice every day that result in the formation of
our learners and the educational quality of the school.
 Unfortunately this year I could not participate in the different formations that were
offered at the center, because this additional workload and professional studies. But I
have received have been invaluable for training.
 Excellent theme and the methodology proposed for carrying out the activities.
 No matter how well trained instructors. especially updating and learning to manage
 Very Interesting, pity that meetings are taking place on Saturdays, with the aggravation
that if some of us have pre commitments can not attend this training, look at the
possibility of this training from Monday to Friday. As do the other networks training.
 They are well structured training, is quite rewarding to do for our instructors and training
is really necessary. The training topics I've made are: workshop on induction procedure FPI
special course in educational processes to guide the process for implementing the special
comprehensive training course in leadership and teamwork orientation processes for the
implementation of comprehensive training grounds for the comprehensive training based
on competencies advice for the use of ICT in the tecnicopedagógica training in virtual
learning environments Blackboard 9.1 Inglés dot structuring works level 1,2,3,4 running
training projects
 We are structuring urgent need of new training projects because of the lack of market
 It is very interesting, because we can contribute with our knowledge and received, to
provide better training for our apprentices.
 very good
 A high content of training for pedagogical work,
 Highly productive
 I have not made any progress this year
 Important to develop comprehensive training activities
 They are necessary for the development of exercise training
 Excellent I am very satisfied
 They are good, but they should provide more often during the year.
 Most lack training in developing projects and tutorials
 It has developed a good work, poor disclosure.
 I think that teacher training should focus more on giving clarity to the use of tools, use of
formats in the learning process. etc.
MARTINEZ, so it was very limited
 It has participated in two conferences of FPI
 ............... I not wish to participate
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 Very timely, to be updated in the processes of teaching and learning.
 Very consistent with what the SENA aims
 It was more in line with the training requirements center
 It has been excellent.
 Needless be updating the concepts that are part of teacher education.
 Pedagogical training offered this year, has had good degree of relevance, but I think you
need more intensity of contact hours without flashing.
 They are good this type of training
 Good I want to continue in the process I have in mind
 Valuable experience
 It is very good, the teachers are very well prepared, is the right person for this training.
 have more tools to reach out to learners
 It is very good, although I would like more advice on the virtual platform
 Should continue, our business is training, be a function of learning is improved in quality.
 It's good to upgrade, acquire and consolidate knowledge.
 Good and necessary
 The need that exists is that all instructors are speaking the same language, I think that the
strategy being used is very successful.
 It is a formation that will enable compliance with the FPI, instructors instructors are very
qualified people in both knowledge and pedagogy issues and provide various tools for
content development.
 Relevant, although group formation started in the manufacturing chain is necessary to
consolidate the unification of criteria, I think it should be more specific to the area in the
interest of time availability of the participants and not focus exclusively on the
recreational area.
 It is a process that is built over time and it is common knowledge that we are all working
 Concerning the pedagogical training process if satisfactory as doubts have been resolved
aimed at self-learning instructors from managers in training.
 seems very successful and relevant to the academic, I think that should be programmed
within the working day and not Saturday.
 It should further expand and continuously follow
 It seems very important, as it had lost such training, as teaching groups. It would be good
to have skilled and experienced teachers in pedagogy.
 It's excellent
 I am currently in structuring projects and I loved the dynamics of training, it has been a
collaborative and enjoyable.
 Expected better support in the formative processes performed daily, expect a clear
instruction on how to structure my activities in the tutorials. He expected to be held
entirely in person
 I take two months on the Seine then I'm still in the process of understanding the dynamics
of training, so that gaps still think I have much to learn.
 It is very good and appropriate for our daily to do.
 Throughout the year just at the moment I'm in a virtual course ICT Skills Development
Implementation Training Environments. Rest anything that every year when we meet the
needs of education / training I received
 very good quality and very good instructors.
P a g e 33 | 62
 Senior, but I prefer training in specific areas of performance
 develop assessment tools has given me better measure of training that I share with the
 we finally understood, I am sending the link to the page you are working.
9. What other topics would you like to be updated in the areas of training such as:
10. They were able to identify training needs associated with:
Tics tools (40 Hours) 40 28.4%
Preparation of tutorials (40 hours) 70 49.6%
Orientation training processes (140 Hours) 41 29.1%
Techno pedagogical training in virtual environments
Blackboard 9.1 (40 Hours)
66 46.8%
Advice for the use of ICT in educational processes induction
training (40 hours)
29 20.6%
Orientation processes for the implementation of
comprehensive training (40 hours)
35 24.8%
P a g e 34 | 62
Implementation of the methodology of learning projects (40
44 31.2%
Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor
(40 hours)
40 28.4%
Structuring training projects (40 Hours) 33 2. 3. 4%
Design learning assessment tools (40 Hours) 70 49.6%
Pedagogical basis of comprehensive training in the approach
to developing skills (40 hours)
41 29.1%
Active Teaching Strategies (40 hours) 66 46.8%
Any 2 1.4%
eleven. We wanted to know what kind of modality want to train instructors getting this
12. Also we wanted to know the bands most useful schedules for instructors in order not to
impair the formation
P a g e 35 | 62
P a g e 36 | 62
Identifying Tuesday and Thursday as the most suitable for trainers who definitely evenings are the
most appropriate times to schedule teacher training days.
13. We want to know the findings of the instructors from all areas of knowledge of the Center
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and we can find some suggestions, comments and
contributions such as
Summary of opinions of our instructors
 "Thank you.
 Any
 thanks for the knowledge provided by the Seine in pedagogy
 I like to always be learning new things and innovating and bringing my experience in these
courses. Also to implement in my sessions.
 If programmed such courses, they are not all at once, at most two courses.
 It fits any schedule because finally my availability depends on the programming is done
from academic coordination for training.
 Excellent courses offered this year as proposed strategies for achieving the objectives.
P a g e 37 | 62
 very well consider or instructors
 It should be noted to have time for training that will enable us to strengthen instructors
and acquire new knowledge in pedagogy. Everything is a timely improvement and training
 trainings to strengthen my knowledge and skills in terms of technical, as Itil only saw the
module "foundation", Servers, CompTIA + because the idea is to learn to apply when he is
assigned to one group and not be alone with what I can on my own, but SENA is also clear
that there are colleagues who maintain training Training, here and abroad, last year in
June in Bogotá received only one ITIL Foundation module, ie System Quality Management,
other colleagues have gone 5 or 6 modules.
 You define the schedule, because we are very busy. Saturday morning week with English
and with the development of training projects.
 In the process existing training, eliminate most formats, these do not ensure that learners
gain the knowledge of skills.
 perform activities in the area of training.
 that allows participation from coordination allocating time to training.
 No begin courses at the same time
 I would like additional training in i area of interest
 It is important to stress the pedagogical training of instructors
 Adjust schedules instructors for assistance is massive.
 there is not
 It would be very important to strengthen the training of trainers of the center and follow
up effectively to the formation of these as there are some instructors who are not
interested in the story, but give your class according to your method and voila. The center
should make a more rigorous recruitment process taking into account the requirements of
educational courses.
 It is important to take these courses to stay current in the formation processes
 I would like to participate in various workshops preferably face
 Thank you, I am very satisfied
 Continuous training of trainers and retro-feeding of these training forms a fundamental
part of our knowledge management training center, storage of experiences and opinions
are an information source that enriches the educational process
 The courses are virtual-face
 It is important that the courses start soon. How many courses can be taken?
 flexibility and coordination of schedules
 It is clear that if they are to schedule classroom courses, please have the time instructors.
So do not cross training time.
 Any
 place that fits any schedule, because they know our training schedule (in the future and
when I'm with self-assessment). It is the second time I answer this survey.
 It would also be good for us to be trained in technical areas that are within our
 Thank you
 I wish all teachers and all train and we would talk the same language.
 not schedule Saturday, verify teacher attendance putting the evidence platform is not only
training assistance is most important
 We train as soon as possible to further improve the development of our functions
 See the facilities of times, so that participation is much good and large.
P a g e 38 | 62
 Environments and connectivity available at the center to meet training
 As times change every quarter the previous question, you can vary or be re wondering
before each start of the course.
 Search the possibility of developing the themes in person and not load more activities to
our virtual character functions.
 It is very important that the space for the continuous training of teachers, In order to
actualize and strengthen knowledge in different areas Den.
 consider sending people who do not send ... because they are always the same, we must
continue to change and participating all
 No, thank you very much
 Is it possible that contractors may have instructors consider us to participate in technology
upgrades inside and outside the country?
 Because it is oriented training projects would be very valuable project management
training courses and virtual English professionally.
 Attempt in which two courses are not programmed at the same time, the start of each of
these, is given at the end of the previous.
 Consider training times
 I recommend betting on the Joint training for those who need rest and virtual training. All
the training I related the place before 2015.
 Make strategies that promote and engage more in these areas instructor knowledge.
 schedule because I did not choose to do it in person I do not have availability. At the time I
am doing self assessment and structuring the course of training projects and future work
schedule not know me. I suggest that schedules should be arranged or otherwise use the
virtual-classroom methodology.
 I hope to do one or more of these courses this year.
 These activities are positive but we need more time
 I thank all courses offered structured and continuously, as can be seen clearly seeking
continuous improvement.
 I feel very good what you're doing on the question of the Center for Educational achieved
if we all propose criteria Technical Unit in the whole environment of the FPI.
 Create more courses under the Blended Learning methodology.
 The proposal that I have is that times entering programming instructor since many have
different schedules for work or academic reasons
 fine by us into account for this training
 reading advice guides
 I've been trying to register for the course in Blackboard 9.1 Training tecnopedagógica
virtual environments on the platform, but it has not been possible.
 Please start classes as soon as possible
 Teaching research methodology
 It seems very relevant updating courses
 I am attentive to any course to further improve my process as an instructor.
 I like that allow us to update the educational information and keep us in mind for these
 That could program these courses to make them
 Continue the training of trainers initiative from the needs analysis and the development of
a planning.
 nothing like the virtual training greetings
P a g e 39 | 62
 In my opinion with ongoing support and advice they have Instructor Luz Marina Palace has
earned enough in the effectiveness of training programs
 Thanks for teacher training opportunities, since at all times are appropriate and valuable
for instructors, as they help us to be better every day.
 It would be good to inform mail courses can perform and which we can enroll.
 Other training or education courses conducted this year are: - UPDATE IN CURRICULUM
 Thank you for your interest in training for us
 None in particular
 Is this process valuable training provided to instructors, to improve our teaching practices
 The schedule depends on the availability of different kinds hours
 work it with smaller groups to ensure greater impact of the training.
 These proposals are very good because then we prepare for vocational training
 No, I'm very happy with the training
 More dynamic content and facilitators.
 Virtual training is a great alternative for those who have family
 I can not do it face
 I love to learn everything about the virtual pedagogy
 preferably virtual
 Programming activities according to the schedules required
 Many more instructional courses !!!
 The training schedule is subject to programming vary it each quarter.
 In my workday varies from quarter to quarter in the three days to be cross with 10 or 11
groups in formation. This 4th quarter 2015, my working day is between 6 and 9 hours of
training per day. The remaining time I'm not in training assigned him to work on platform,
to prepare plans session, to fill formats commitment of the chips, to evaluate the activities
and support for Welfare with the participation of the groups that I have allocated in your
schedule some events. Therefore fits any schedule, preferring the virtual training.
 No I have to contribute
 9.1 blackbard
 definitely virtual training for these topics is appropriate
 Any.
 I would like to prepare me in my areas of performance, 3D design with software other
than that SENA offers
 I have no proposals, suggestions, contributions or comments.
 N / A
 Take a short refresher course on IPv6 addressing.
 The teacher training must be mandatory and attending classes, so that there is feedback.
 that before each course of a virtual training platform
 Very good courses, we should start them soon. Especially of ICT tools.
 Consider programming schedules; because sometimes it crosses academic schedules in my
case (specialization studies) which generates absence from scheduled activities.
 Times square is proposed to work week and supplement with virtual training can
encompass courses from the tools of ICT.
 Continue with English programs
P a g e 40 | 62
 whenever there is a course, so be it, it occurs differently with respect to content on the
specific issue. example: a tutorial developed in a course or advice is well and revises other
and he or she is totally bad .se corrects for her or him and sends another and says that this
evil. Technical unit is required
 we also teach advanced Excel everyone.
 In the execution of the courses I'd like them to be more dynamic and innovative; since
many of the themes and active learning techniques made in implementing the course used
to apply in the classroom sessions.
 develop training program learning processes GUIDE FOR CLASSROOM WORK
 I would like the virtual training outside or weekends, as many of us usually have no time.
 If possible it would be better more face time
 Courses formulation of training projects must be accompanied by real exercises and
strategies already employed in the institution to carry out the processes.
 Having a group of methodologists to help us in the conceptual justification of training
projects apprentices. Or spend time training and one block per month to work on this
 It is very important to receive ongoing training, especially the instructors who took little
time doing some of the SENA community, so I appreciate all the training you can give me.
 Times are for this quarter. if you are that would be the time it would take if they were not
we should look at our programming.
 continuity processes
 Very good work. Again full survey. Regards.
 Development of guides through active learning techniques such as analysis of objects and
technological systems and problem-based learning. Develop courses one day a week, so
they last a short time.
 Carry chains teacher training this year in tics has not been made up.
 It would be good times to be included before programming quarters so we can
accommodate the schedules
 I am attentive to enroll for courses
 any
 That the meetings more dynamic. methods and pedagogical models are clear, applicable
and in terms of respect among all those who want to know more about the pedagogical
 Do not use so many formats
 Thank you very much for your input
 I have no concerns or comments
 Attentive to the start of training and as many courses
 As you gain experience and move all these courses are appropriate as indispensable to our
training instructor.
 None at the moment.
 very good training for teachers, hopefully all or the vast majority advantage. Saturday's
schedule all day so I did not accommodate me at any time
 Expand the catalog of courses. "
P a g e 41 | 62
The information from these contributions is the link besides the conflicting opinions to the level of
personal interviews and group
P a g e 42 | 62
P a g e 43 | 62
P a g e 44 | 62
The address is available at the following link:
P a g e 45 | 62
With the support of the application Sofiaplus. Identifying the courses that instructors at the center
have been developed in the framework of the requirements of personal service contracts and
verifying information regarding courses available documentary records and the expected profile of
SENA instructor and training was conducted Further that they have developed
During a series of own-oriented activities they were conducted educational activities, establishing
moments of meeting for discussion, cooperation and joint counseling groups of instructors from
various areas of training
Evidence of attendance of educational activities
P a g e 46 | 62
Invitations to the community via email
P a g e 47 | 62
For an instructor from the center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology is essential to comply
with a profile related training courses oriented pedagogy, then advance and support the
administrative and academic application of SENA courses taken identified course
requirements and to schedule the process during the months from February to October 2015,
considering the month of November as a time to update the outstanding academic and
administrative processes and seeking instructors completed activities without having to meet year,
proposed the project to the next stage in 2016.
Training of trainers evidence
P a g e 48 | 62
Evidence instructor training certifications
P a g e 49 | 62
Training and training at all levels, and especially at the level of teachers is one of the best
investments in human resources and a major source of welfare for the staff of any organization,
the value of training becomes a development investment is extremely high when considered
globally and when you consider its effect on the budgets of the different areas of knowledge in an
institution such as SENA, the different centers can get a maximum return on this investment,
efforts must focus on the staff and in the most attractive areas of potential yield
With the processes of internal training in the Technology Center of Advanced Manufacturing is
also seeking to ensure process standardization and improvement in the productivity of instructors
since they can reduce the costs associated with the training of staff irrespective of recruitment,
giving way to the execution inherent in the formation of new instructors who are responsible for
strengthening the coaching staff of the Centre without having to resort to other sectors outside
formal activities
Regarding productivity, this can be defined as the ability to produce more and better satisfactions
with equal or less resources, or put another way, the more production of knowledge in all areas of
the center, among the factors contributing to productivity research and technological
development, better organization of production processes and the development of physical and
mental skills of the workforce through training and training are counted.
P a g e 50 | 62
There is no doubt that proper training can contribute significantly to increasing productivity and
strengthening the educational activities of the Center, to maintain quality levels, commitment and
collaboration in all areas of knowledge, and to achieve a unit knowledge, strategies to provide
training, especially to improve the quality of our trainees with knowledge gained through diversity
of teaching strategies.
It is necessary to establish 3 levels of teacher training
Level 1: Youth trainers or trainees who are emerging as instructors for its high performance, spirit
and skills in knowledge transfer
Level 2: Already trained instructors from teaching basics but need to strengthen their skills and
improve their performance through learning tools that allow them to expand their academic
Level 3: Are instructors who are distinguished by their performance and good use of teaching tools
in their training programs are the instructors who can become trainers and referents that can be
part of the seed instructors to continue teaching and teacher training building learning tools.
The instructor of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technology must have the support of
instructors profile
 Focus on the learner and service attitude.
 Quality orientation.
 Honesty and transparency
 Trust and respect for people
 Simplicity and ambition to learn
 Responsibility and self-management.
 Teamwork and interdependence.
 Participatory decision-making
 Commitment to safety and the environment
 Share Success
P a g e 51 | 62
Formation of the teaching staff with the participation of instructors from all areas of training
Seedbed for trainers
The hotbed of trainers Technology Center was implemented from June 2015 and is composed of 2
instructors training of each chain, with 12 professionals who are training to strengthen the process
 Mechanical Engineers
 Mining Engineer - psychologist
 Automotive Technologists
 Ing. Telecommunications
 Multimedia technologists
 Systems engineers
Activities of the seedbed of trainers
The hotbed of trainers meets every Wednesday from 8 to 12 o'clock, and the group share teaching
experiences, diagnostic activities, program teacher training for groups of teachers from different
areas and build learning objects and teaching materials including
 Design of assessment tools
 Design tools for identifying learning styles
 Evaluation and monitoring instruments
P a g e 52 | 62
 Making documents tutorials
 Instruments for solving educational projects
Features built objects
The benefits derived from the objects when it comes to promote and stimulate the learning
process, not only articulate with academic activities but also with the research process, the
strategic direction that can be attributed to the development of skills that of being used for
freeform and massive at the same time, leverage their generative power savings in resources for
both teachers and students, or other occasions satisfy demand competition and simultaneous
queries per object in a repository, or finally, to motivate and promote collaborative work and the
autonomy of the individual training.
The aspects of learning objects can be associated in their essential attributes can be expressed in:
• The way that can be adapted on various educational purposes.
• In the way in which they are consulted on various platforms.
• In the sense and meaning that associated with a learning objective.
• In the speed to be located and used in a timely manner.
• In the faculty of being able to derive new objects.
P a g e 53 | 62
Currently they have developed learning objects related to:
 Schemes
 Bank photographs
 Bank video
 Didactical games
 Tutorials
 Modules with content for basic courses
P a g e 54 | 62
Example of instrument for assessing learning styles
P a g e 55 | 62
Design Bank of learning guides for the ICT and automation areas
P a g e 56 | 62
P a g e 57 | 62
P a g e 58 | 62
P a g e 59 | 62
 The results obtained in this work showed that developed the successful programming of
training courses related to the improvement and strengthening of the profile of trainers
related to education, training, or strengthening the center to people and gives them the
necessary tools for all Members wishing to participate in this sense it is emphasized that
training in educational activities is an activity that must be maintained over time
permanent and planned manner so that people feel permanently supported, that the
creation of a culture is allowed and environment constant awareness, where you can learn
to know and constantly learn, the benefits are allowed to grow and improve every day,
 Another important fact of this knowledge network is developing an internal training
program allows instructors to obtain necessary tools to teach their apprentices and
coworkers, also benefits them by instructors can become multipliers knowledge inside and
outside the training center
 The joint construction of knowledge allows the creation of knowledge networks and
cooperation, where instructors are the generators of knowledge and are a corporate
knowledge productivity, which is reflected in their learners their knowledge and their
impact on the company
 The teacher training must meet the needs of meaningful learning and must build new
solutions for training
 This work and the construction of a network of knowledge is essential to improve the
training process in all areas of knowledge, creating the need to grow as a team and
improve the pedagogical skills of all members of the center.
 Beyond consider conducting courses as requirements contract or the law or regulations
comply, becomes an administrative obligation ongoing training of staff from the beginning
to work with the institution since the first time it becomes an activity permanent, which
undoubtedly raises the level of productivity.
 Each activity planning teacher training is considered a port to complete prior knowledge of
any instructor but strengthen the various skills that instructors feel appreciated and taken
into account resulting in a warm working environment that are achieved as part of the
learning process of any instructor
 The formation processes will become standardized methodology varié though, as all
instructors can learn and carry out the instructions of the processes which avoids errors
perfidious and training
 It is very likely that instructors acquire a greater commitment and a greater identification
with the Centre and its role within their area of training and responsibility to train with
quality and with significant pedagogical tools
P a g e 60 | 62
 The instructor can adapt more easily to changes that the process of formation requires
them also to qualify their professional and academic profile because it will be a group of
trained and qualified instructors can teach and stay updated with various activities.
 Touch or update training is an investment that is in constant benefits to any organization,
and to the extent that their instructors are better equipped and trained juvenile errors
occur allowing the quality of long-term processes, training and updating Instructors offer
benefits except in specific cases that may be required in areas of expertise, which
harnesses the potential of instructors and know how to address the concerns of business
and industry that support from training
 Trained instructors will allow constant feedback on their knowledge to other instructors
from the center or outside it, further support new generations of instructors will be the
support for those who have to prepare with
Upon completion of the implementation of the actions of pedagogical training at the Center for
Advanced Manufacturing Technology during the 2015 areas and under developed courses it is
necessary to validate the achievements from the joint work of all the beans in the center held
P a g e 61 | 62
programming and be able to plan based on observing the scope of the process, indicate the
necessary corrective actions so that the process can be improved by 2016.
 In this last phase of 2015, we want to acknowledge the work of the participating
instructors hotbed of trainers of trainers created with the participation of 16 instructors
from all areas of training and work developed by Luz Marina Palace instructor who with his
development all pedagogical experience to meet instructors at different times of the year
activities. And who with his ability to work achievement motivate the participation of
instructors who did not believe at the beginning of the project.
 Coordination of vocational training under the responsibility of Claudia Borja, restored
activities that were lost in the center since 2008, and resumed with the support of the
academic coordinators
 To date we can determine that there have been fundamental and important changes in
the development of educational activities, instructors to date are aware of the importance
of improving and propose new strategies to provide meaningful learning with
development impact of activities the schooling and productive stage,
 If we show the results of the training have regard to the objectives of the center and the
goals established in the annual plan
 Determine if the techniques used are the most effective way that virtual classroom and
recognize the importance of self-employment guidance and structured
Evaluation involved
 Set the progress of the actions of teacher training.
 Check the updating and improvement of the educational activities of the instructors at the
 Implement procedures and activities to identify new schedules and training to address
 Contribute to the achievement of specific goals and objectives of the center
 Knowing the effectiveness of the training.
The development of training during the year finally achieved its purpose and mission: to
contribute to the development and comprehensive training people to influence their knowledge
and expertise with respect to a productive role in everything related to the pedagogical, didactic
and the whole training process.
P a g e 62 | 62
The center during 2016, will try to continue implemented processes to strengthen pedagogy and
didactics, providing an enabling environment for the recognition and training in new trends space,
strengthening the professional profiles of instructors and trainees who are part of the faculty.
Implementation of activities to improve and implement active learning processes and program
instructors teaching activities.

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Proyecto network claudia

  • 1. P a g e 1 | 62 NETWORK PROJECT Implementation of a network of collaborative work for the development, strengthening and improving teaching skills and good training practices aimed at improving the academic profiles of the group of instructors from the center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Medellin, to promote educational innovation in the teaching- learning process SENA. CLAUDIA PATRICIA BORJA VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM FOR TEACHERS SENA - HELIA HAAGA NOVEMBER 2015
  • 2. P a g e 2 | 62 CONTENT DEFINITION OF KNOWLEDGE NETWORK PROJECT 3 1. JUSTIFICATION 4 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT 4 3. LOOKING FOR PROJECT 6 4. WITH THE SUPPORT OF 6 5. MEANS 6 6. MAKING THE PROPOSED 7 7. STRATEGIC LINES PROJECT 7 8. EXECUTION process developed by the Technology Center 10 9. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING FOR THE YEAR 2015. 10. EVIDENCE OF PROCESS MADE DURING 2015 10 11. EXPECTED RESULTS 11 12. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 11 13. EVIDENCE OF PROCESS 12  Evidence 1 - process indicators 13  Evidence 2 - implementation of actions and set schedule 2015 23  Evidence 3 - questionnaire and review of related instructors 26  teacher training requirements  4 evidence - bank pedagogical training of instructors 45  Evidence 5 - actions, events and communications 5  Evidence 6 - Instructor training plan 47  7. Recommendations for trainers evidence 49  Evidence 8 - strategies implemented with instructors 51  Evidence 9 - conclusions observed 59  Evidence 10 - evaluation and monitoring of the process 61 2016 next
  • 3. P a g e 3 | 62 DEFINITION OF KNOWLEDGE NETWORK PROJECT Implementation of a network of collaborative work for the development, strengthening and improving teaching skills and good training practices aimed at improving the academic profiles of the group of instructors from the center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Medellin, to promote educational innovation in the teaching-learning process SENA.
  • 4. P a g e 4 | 62 1. JUSTIFICATION The center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Regional SENA Antioquia, is a specialized vocational training trained to work in the industrial sector and the Land Department, caters specifically related knowledge areas Electricity, Manufacturing, Automation apprentices center Automotive, tics and Manufacturing, and its fundamental commitment to the training and qualification of people ready to face the challenges of the sectors. The center has become a national benchmark for quality in training their apprentices, and in that sense their instructors are fundamental to the success of the training for it and as of February 2015 implemented a series of activities focused in achieving objectives and in keepingInstitutional Strategic Development Plan SENA xxx where strategic lines appears relevant and high-level training, noting the importance and the commitment of the institution to the comprehensive training of apprentices and their instructors. It is therefore essential motivation and support for innovation and good practices in carrying out training activities. To this end, the Branch Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, through its Coordination of Vocational and academic coordination implemented by 2015, the share of activities to strengthen the teaching work in the institution, a series of activities that allow the participation of all instructors in activities that enhance the Good Teaching Practices. This task is an invitation to all instructors from the center to participate and implement new teaching strategies learning, promoting the creative use of different tools inside and outside the learning environment, actively involving learners in the learning process, planning, developing and evaluating the necessary measures to contribute to the graduate profile of the qualification and also incorporating in the development of teaching skills real environmental problems. In addition, through these activities it is to share experiences of good practices of instructors and trainees center internally, encourage and support the participation of all activities of national and international importance. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT  Strengthen academic profiles of the instructors of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technology Medellin  Encourage reflection and sense of cooperative work in training environments  Implement a continuous process of learning instructors, with the support of the guidance and counseling of the instructors who will strengthen their knowledge.  Unify and highlight the value of autonomous and cooperative training center instructors from all areas of training  Document the experiences of training to serve as reference sources for the realization of new improvement plans  Update Center instructors Manufacturing Technology topics related to the teaching strategies applied to training  Strengthening and dignifying the role of instructor in the Center and in the region  Improving the use and application of ICT tools
  • 5. P a g e 5 | 62  Assertive and establish channels of communication for participatory integration of instructors and the academic community  Rescue pedagogical strengths to improve the job performance of instructor  Construct a scenario for the formation of trainers for life from the pedagogical experience, where work is recognized, the experience and dimensions of being, knowing and doing is potentializing; to create cooperatives and people-oriented proposals to create educational experiences and pedagogical practices from diverse exchange of ideas and educational experiences.  Support innovative interdisciplinary initiatives in training strengthening the active participation of the instructors from educational tools. Improve and use new strategies for teaching-learning process, improve the comprehensive training of apprentices, learning and academic performance.  Contribute graduate profile of each qualification and to improve the quality of apprenticeship training through the development of generic and specific skills.  Encourage the creation and consolidation of instructors pairs teams to work together on similar themes  Innovative use of resources and educational services SENA  Enhance the publication of innovative practices instructors internal, national and international level.  Develop actions that have an impact on the practice of instructors and contribute to improving the quality of training at SENA  Serve methodological route to guide instructors in strengthening their profile, their realities, limitations and strengths, to propose alternatives that lead to optimal business processes within the framework of the revitalization process as self-assessment, accreditation and Institutional Education Project, from the relevant and inclusive education  Review and analyze the level of development of the pedagogical management of the instructors  Focus the organization's work towards achieving the learning of instructors and provide reference for improving institutional frameworks.  Monitoring show that the institution makes to the different components of the educational management and their indicators.  Promote relevant to the educational community, where the actors involved and promote alternatives for improving educational quality educational environment. 3. LOOKING FOR PROJECT Prepared and trained to formation, updated and instructors convinced their work and the importance of their work in the Seine, with mastery of ICT tools and teaching strategies that allow them to work recognized locally and nationally.
  • 6. P a g e 6 | 62 4. WITH THE SUPPORT OF  Subaddress Center  Coordination training  Academic Coordinators  Crew pedagogical Center  Trainer of trainers  Hotbed of trainers  Network pedagogy  National Instructor School  Antioquia Regional Teaching staff 5. MEANS  Time availability and scheduling of training according to the needs of training in pedagogical and didactic tools  Physical resources, materials and pedagogical elements  Financial resources  Logistical resources All instructors must participate in center activities organized by areas of training and thus must have a schedule set in their working day 4 hours per week for preparation and programming of education and teaching activities within environments learning related to strengthening the educational profile. It requires financial resources for hiring instructors to support the processes as instructors, trainers of trainers perform transfer processes and pedagogical tools in trainers. It requires enabling a comfortable space and equipped with basic elements for carrying out teaching activities that facilitate learning resources and means of knowledge appropriation. 6. MAKING THE PROPOSED  Check the processes to determine what new activities can be implemented to develop a project in light of Formation  Having the support of teachers trained in pedagogy and solid knowledge to support the process  Active participation and support of academic coordinators who must set a schedule of activities at times that do not affect the training and allocation of resources for continuing training programs.  Determine periods of time not less than 4 hours a week devoted to teacher training instructors
  • 7. P a g e 7 | 62  Allocate the necessary resources to promote teacher training from the methodological and active learning can be used.  Establish a permanent and ongoing programming in the educational center to provide updates every month of the year.  Acquisition of resources for training of trainers, with different types of tools, materials, teaching activities, workshops, conferences, transfers and reflection activities that contribute to strengthening the instructor profile  Search the support and monitoring of the groups of instructors from the academic coordinators  Motivational roadmap with training alternatives  Building a bank of learning objects and virtual objects of collaborative learning for shared work for the organization of content and materials  Participation of the plant and contract instructors in all the different training activities proposed for the center.  Planning stage programming 7. STRATEGIC LINES PROJECT  Teaching methods for theoretical and practical: Activities aimed at improving sessions of lectures and educational activities based on various strategies as case studies, exercises and problems, problem-based learning, project-based learning, collaborative learning, practical classes among others.  Innovation in assessment of apprentices: Activities aimed at the implementation of new tools for evaluation of learners that foster meaningful learning, and assessment of skills acquisition.  Production Management: Activities aimed at innovation in training and educational resources strategies for the acquisition of skills relating theory to practice.  Apprenticeship with special educational needs: Activities involving tasks that support and enhance apprenticeship with special educational needs.  On-line management of teaching and learning processes: Projects aimed at the development and improvement of innovative teaching materials on the platform of Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), web tools that integrate training aid with projects proposing the creation of multimedia materials (podcasts, videos, animations, etc. .) or audiovisual materials
  • 8. P a g e 8 | 62  Application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT): Activities that are considered innovations in which the systematic use of already existing, to improve the teaching-learning process (Internet, multimedia, videos, educational software, simulators, virtual platforms, electronic portfolios, etc.) fosters technological tools  Instructors mentors, mentors new teachers, instructors seedlings: In this activity the key is to offer support to the instructor again entering the center, and has experience in technical, but understood as one who began his career in the institution and that have few years or little experience in the practice of teacher training, and through a process of support and monitoring to his teaching activities in a comprehensive and personalized by instructors with experience in the management of academic and educational activities instructors called mentors or sponsors. Besides allowing better learners leave form and acquire the skills necessary to become the next instructors skills. Linking part of the seedling center to enhance them your skills and abilities to form.  Training monitors: The need to support training at the Center leads to learners with better academic performance, may carry out support for training as monitors to contribute to the training of apprentices with capabilities to develop a profile of trainers and have potential and profile for the training, research, teaching and could contribute in the future as instructors  Improvement profiles: Activities aimed to innovate and improve the planning, development and evaluation activities of the instructors in order to improve and strengthen their academic profiles in order to become masters graduates in graduate or professional.  Academic and management instructor Academic activities and management training are those activities involving several instructors in different areas of knowledge in educational activities in order to put forward proposals that are aimed at improving the academic performance of learners.  Games based learning (Gamification); activities that are directed to learning based on the use of mechanisms and techniques through games and educational activities that encourage the participation of trainees, so that through their structure from games their learning is achieved and competences acquired the various training programs. Games can be designed with the technology or experience physical training programs implemented in the center as 3D and multimedia tools. Making use of educational resources that have the center.
  • 9. P a g e 9 | 62  Bilingual education: Projects that promote and support learning a second language teaching tools near apprentices.
  • 10. P a g e 10 | 62 8. EXECUTION OF PROCESS DEVELOPED BY THE CENTER OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY IN THE YEAR 2015. As of 2014, the opportunity arose for the participation of a group of instructors from the center in a training process supported by the Haaga Helia University of Finland, with regard to the training of trainers with some important features related to pedagogy, the agreement was attended by 15 instructors throughout the country to implement the program, the center had 3 seats to participate, including the person responsible for the Coordination of Integrated Vocational Training and with the support of academic coordination and Branch Center once was begun training modules, it went highlighting the importance of developing and implementing actions that allow instructors to resume education and teaching practices that strengthen the performance and improvement of the processes of formation apprentices, and implement improvement plans in the framework of the processes of self-evaluation, accreditation and quality national and international certifications, among others, and thus as a project was implemented strategies to qualify and raise the profile of all instructors focused on improve the pedagogical subject, facilitating improved strategies and actions to achieve significant learning. 9. EVIDENCE OF PROCESS MADE DURING 2015 Record year The Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Regional SENA Antioquia, was for some time the need to implement activities of the pedagogical training instructors plan and contract, but the latter could not be part of processes training for their contractual status, so from February 2015 began the process to achieving skilled people and pedagogical training profile enough to convey the purpose of the comprehensive training from the pedagogical work experience to work under the former role of trainers, and to achieve meet this requirement, thus assigning a trained person is able, experienced and verifiable results in the Department of Antioquia. Once the hiring process was reached, a process of identification of requirements developed instructors therefore different areas of training, Electrical, Automation, Automotive, ICT, Manufacturing, where they were able to identify available spaces were observed availability elements and materials, and academic behaviors worth redeemed or improved, or common problems demonstrated the need to establish a process of basic grounding in teaching and different groups of teacher training center instructors were also observed. 10. EXPECTED RESULTS With the completion and participation of training for instructors expected the following:  Promote the use of new methods of training for instructors seeking motivation elements applying innovation and significant change of the training process
  • 11. P a g e 11 | 62  Diversity of experience in innovation group of instructors  New ways of thinking about teacher training and work in the learning environment.  Instructors decide to change the usual practice of providing training and learning new teaching methodologies and evaluation are promoted 11. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Activity Dates Process observation resources Bank of trainers Check availability of resources Call for trainers to support hotbed of trainers Motivational campaigns Implemented programming activities Team participants instructors Videos Improvement actions Invitations and communication campaigns Evidence of participation Programming training plan 2016 Collection of evidence Plan settings Implementation second phase Implementation of physical space for the assembly of a lifelong learning strategy February March March may May June July-November - permanent August 2015 Monthly according to activities May-September 2015 May-August 2015 In each activity scheduled May-December 2015 Monthly May to November 20, 2015 November 2015 May-October - 2015 Weekly until November 20, 2015 November 5, 2015 November 15, 2015. February 2016 February 2016 March-July 2016 March-July 2016 12. EVIDENCE OF PROCESS  Evidence 1 - process indicators 13  Evidence 2 - implementation of actions and set schedule 2015 2. 3  Evidence 3 - questionnaire and review of related instructors 26  teacher training requirements  4 evidence - bank pedagogical training of instructors 4. 5  Evidence 5 - actions, events and communications 4. 5
  • 12. P a g e 12 | 62  Evidence 6 - Instructor training plan 47  7. Recommendations for trainers evidence 49  Evidence 8 - strategies implemented with instructors 51  Evidence 9 - conclusions observed 59  Evidence 10 - evaluation and monitoring of the process 61
  • 13. P a g e 13 | 62 13. EVIDENCE OF PROCESS  EVIDENCE 1 - PROCESS INDICATORS To measure the impact of events and activities proposed, then we have an account of the activities carried out during the months of May to October 2015, which indicates that we have hit the 70% of the instructors from the center, some not It has been definitely participate because their schedules do not allow them to attend the calls Additionally, a group of 30 instructors are part of educational processes outside the school facilities as the articulation with the technical media, virtual training, special populations and rural which does not allow them to participate in activities because to date have been scheduled in person. For the month of November has scheduled a course related to virtual learning environments for virtually, which have registered 43 instructors attend requiring knowledge in virtual learning platforms. Instructors plant Instructors contract Total center instructors 50 195 245
  • 14. P a g e 14 | 62
  • 15. P a g e 15 | 62 Workshops to October 2015 Code workshop Target audiences No. Participants 73433 - workshop enlistment of comprehensive training Manufacturing instructors Area 56 73447 - workshop enlistment of comprehensive training -FPI Automation Instructors Area 44 71,876 - workshop technical unit All instructors are part of ethics cross-training, occupational health, environmental dimension, sports 28 71990 - Workshop Integral Vocational procedure FPI Management Team 33 71,823 - workshop procedure FPI Electricity instructors Area 29 72169 - workshop procedure FPI Automotive instructors Area 3. 4 71991 - workshop procedure FPI Management Team 12 Totals 236 people Events held in October 2015 Event code Target audiences No. Participants No. Certified 73785 institutional political awareness All instructors and staff of the center 250 people 250 instructors and administrative staff 77365 Sixth Meeting comprehensive regional pedagogical training, the role of instructor: my being in the making All instructors center 180 instructors 180 instructors from the center Totals 430 participants in different events 430 participants certificates Evidence of work proposed agendas for the workshops
  • 16. P a g e 16 | 62 Evidence of the attendance lists
  • 17. P a g e 17 | 62 The administrative team playing, learning Sharing, knowing and recognizing Processes and institutional information Courses taken to October 2015 date regarding teacher training designed by SENA and configured in academic administrative application. Course code and name Target audiences No. Participants No. Certified 1079525- accompaniment performance instructor teaching Manufacturing instructors Electricity and Area 21 instructors 19 instructors 1079523- accompaniment performance instructor teaching Automotive instructors Area 24 instructors 20 instructors 1045501-structuring of training projects Automation Instructors Area 43 instructors 35 instructors 1035362-structuring of training projects Manufacturing instructors Area 49 instructors 44 instructors 1035361-design Electricity instructors 21 instructors 18 instructors
  • 18. P a g e 18 | 62 learning assessment tools Area 1030415-pedagogic fundamentals of integrated vocational training in the skills development approach Seed trainers teacher trainers 14 instructors 14 instructors 1029823-structuring of training projects Automotive instructors Area 24 instructors 24 instructors 7 courses aimed at teaching strategies 196 participants instructors 174 certifications
  • 19. P a g e 19 | 62
  • 20. P a g e 20 | 62 Evidence of enrollment on the application in PDF format
  • 21. P a g e 21 | 62
  • 22. P a g e 22 | 62  Evidence 2 - EXECUTION OF SHARES AND PROGRAMMING SET 2015 As of February and during 2015, a plan of courses related to the area of pedagogy oriented instructors from all areas of training topics was conducted: This task involved the academic coordination established spaces allow for training in anti-planning groups times and then made some coordination of training courses for trainers, divided into
  • 23. P a g e 23 | 62 training chains and so was not compromised execution of course, found in schooling stage and other academic activities, including costs that could be generated by this concept Since the beginning of the year he had intended to perform actions selected training on issues related to education, with courses available in the institutional application, then a consultation with the academic coordinators took place to enable participation of all instructors without distinction or training area, employment relationship or academic profile, and planned during the months from February to September was conducted smoothly. All this work contributed greatly to achieve concrete results and helped to improve the skills of instructors, The training had as its main purpose the selected actions and direct the activities to fulfill the objectives and became effective in practice than planned training programs and helped to achieve concrete results, change attitudes and develop people skills which It is reflected in the better performance of instructors and in meeting the goals and objectives of the institution. Steps performed during the year:  Achieving an instructor with expertise in pedagogy managed to propose a planning courses to target the center with schedules and requirements necessary to begin the process of training of trainers.  He became known in advance the schedule of available courses, schedules and requirements and loso responsible for the areas of training  scheduling problems are prevented so that activities could be carried out without interrupting the overall training program, such as replacement instructors, changing environments, time change, etc.  Check instructors needs in terms of equipment, training materials, etc.  Ensure the attendance of the people training activities.  Try not affect the continuity of the academic process of apprentices
  • 24. P a g e 24 | 62 Planning courses offered in May Code Program name Version DURATION MODE 4210002 Orientation training processes for projects within the active learning 1 220 hours classroom
  • 25. P a g e 25 | 62 techniques 41310482 Pedagogical and didactic basic processes to guide training tools 1 50 hours classroom 41440009 Basic Education to guide the comprehensive training. 1 150 hours classroom 11220043 Educational tools 1 20 hours classroom The courses were focused during 2015 from February to October were:  Workshop enlistment of comprehensive training -FPI (8 hours)  Workshop technical unit (8 hours)  The 6th Meeting comprehensive regional pedagogical training, the role of instructor: my being in the workshop making procedure Integral Vocational FPI (8 hours)  Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor (40 hours)  Structuring training projects (40 hours)  Design learning assessment instruments (40 hours)  Pedagogical basis of comprehensive training in the approach to developing skills (40 hours)
  • 26. P a g e 26 | 62  EVIDENCE 3 - QUESTIONS AND OPINION OF INSTRUCTORS IN CONNECTION WITH EDUCATIONAL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS INSTRUCTORS QUESTIONNAIRE PROPOSED CENTRE Identification of requirements in teacher training center instructors Advanced Manufacturing Technology SENA - September-October 2015 A questionnaire with 13 basic questions some open and some closed, the 245 instructors who have an employment relationship with the Center for Technology Advanced Manufacturing, seeking to identify the needs and requirements of teacher training which was conducted was reached making 141 surveys with their personal data and the findings found in front of the training process has been performed during the year with instructors in different training areas of the Center. This questionnaire will serve as the main input in carrying out a program that allows consistent and complement the educational activities of the Centre and its instructors Getting a response from 141 instructors and training by area 1. The areas of training of trainers participants identified
  • 27. P a g e 27 | 62 2. Training levels were identified and 3. Finding professionals distributed in different areas of training that support the academic process in the middle so  Electronic Engineering  occupational health  Instructor industrial production  Project management makes eco Sena  Organizational Communication  Maintenance  Automotive Transportation  Automotive mechanic  Psychology  Management in occupational health  Motorcycles  English _ modern languages  Motors, electricity, electronics, mechanics yards  Software Design  Making molds by CNC  Telecommunications Engineer  Ethics  Maintenance of computers and networks  Management of industrial production  Refrigeration and Air Conditioning  Industrial engineer  Automatic transmission, electricity, gas motors and diesel fuel injection  Chemical engineer  Mechatronics Engineering  Educational Management
  • 28. P a g e 28 | 62  Socio-economic assessment of projects  Mechanical engineer  Production and quality engineering  Logistics and production management  Degree in physical education and sports  Motorcycles  Human development  Automation and Robotics  Maintenance of refrigeration equipment, ventilation, heating and air conditioning.  Data Networks  Electronics  Electromechanical  Analysis and development of information systems  Automotive Mecca tronics  Computer networks  Production, quality and logistics  Technologist autotronics  Welding  Systems engineer  mechanical engineering  Education and Pedagogy  Mechanics  Metrology and telemedicine  Environmental management  Metrology, telemedicine, maintenance  Specialization in projects 4. Identifying the type of contract
  • 29. P a g e 29 | 62 5. Instructors they were asked if they have participated in some form or teacher training courses during 2015 6.Se instructors ask them if they were satisfied or not in front of pedagogical training activities conducted during the year 7. They asked which courses were developed during this year Structuring training projects 72 51.1% Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor 24 17% Design learning assessment tools 16 11.3% Educational foundation of IPF in the competence approach 30 21.3% Any 43 30.5%
  • 30. P a g e 30 | 62 8. We wanted to know their opinions regarding teacher training offered in 2015 in the center and met with important contributions that serve as a tool to make a more precise proposal in accordance with the needs of instructors and training programs  It is an educational and useful methodology that enriches our daily teaching learners, allows us to use different tools to enhance the training process  Very good  We need more such training because it is just the beginning of our experience.  It is too important update and reflect in our daily work the various teaching strategies and to fulfill the vision and mission of the Seine and training our chain that currently is in the process of certification in warm high and are pleased to be part of this process  Very appropriate and relevant  It was good more requires greater intensity  Few hours of training  Very good.  Excellent, the guidance of the instructor Luz Marina Palace, has been very assertive. Through these spaces we are not, with the most pervading philosophy SENA.  I have no comment because I have not done this year  Very timely processes being developed. (Certification and self-evaluation)  The training has been more focused on the actual implementation of the need for knowledge, upgrading and updating. It has suitable experience and instructor which facilitates learning. I feel very happy and committed to the training process this year has taken an interesting turn.  VERY GOOD  Appropriate and relevant  Although it has been good, it is still insufficient for the demand.  very good at all level.  It is very good because it keeps us updated  Which it is a necessary tool for my role  It is a lot of information to do it in a single day, I think the level of reflection achieved is very poor. With more time and more content better results could be achieved.  It has been quite enriching and think it should be mandatory character for all instructors.  Is favorable for teacher training has been somewhat neglected in recent years in the center.  I have not done this year pedagogy courses by time  It is relevant, as it has expert center should encourage more as much new instructor who lack appropriate methodology for SENA  In this year of 2015 I have not had the opportunity to do training, but I've done so far have been excellent  Good, it seems important that we take into account  Very relevant  Excellent, very good human quality, service and knowledge transmitted instructors.  I have had the opportunity to be in training with the teacher Luz Marina and I think that gives us the illustration is very broad and enriching. I also had the opportunity to conduct a virtual course on pedagogical basis of IPF in the competence approach and found it a very
  • 31. P a g e 31 | 62 complete course that addresses all our work as instructors, giving us solid understanding of our work.  It has been very satisfactory and appropriate to guide the training process  I have no appreciation against the issue  It has not been disclosed an offer for instructors.  Good  Excellent quality, relevant, good material support and very good accompaniment.  important start has been made this year in training and retraining of trainers in the sense of unifying criteria and improve teaching practice every day that result in the formation of our learners and the educational quality of the school.  Unfortunately this year I could not participate in the different formations that were offered at the center, because this additional workload and professional studies. But I have received have been invaluable for training.  Excellent theme and the methodology proposed for carrying out the activities.  No matter how well trained instructors. especially updating and learning to manage platforms.  Very Interesting, pity that meetings are taking place on Saturdays, with the aggravation that if some of us have pre commitments can not attend this training, look at the possibility of this training from Monday to Friday. As do the other networks training.  They are well structured training, is quite rewarding to do for our instructors and training is really necessary. The training topics I've made are: workshop on induction procedure FPI special course in educational processes to guide the process for implementing the special comprehensive training course in leadership and teamwork orientation processes for the implementation of comprehensive training grounds for the comprehensive training based on competencies advice for the use of ICT in the tecnicopedagógica training in virtual learning environments Blackboard 9.1 Inglés dot structuring works level 1,2,3,4 running training projects  We are structuring urgent need of new training projects because of the lack of market demand  It is very interesting, because we can contribute with our knowledge and received, to provide better training for our apprentices.  very good  A high content of training for pedagogical work,  Highly productive  I have not made any progress this year  Important to develop comprehensive training activities  They are necessary for the development of exercise training  Excellent I am very satisfied  They are good, but they should provide more often during the year.  Most lack training in developing projects and tutorials  It has developed a good work, poor disclosure.  I think that teacher training should focus more on giving clarity to the use of tools, use of formats in the learning process. etc.  IN THE FIRST HALF not appear AVAILABLE ALL COURSES SCHOOL TONE RODOLFO MARTINEZ, so it was very limited  It has participated in two conferences of FPI  ............... I not wish to participate
  • 32. P a g e 32 | 62  Very timely, to be updated in the processes of teaching and learning.  Very consistent with what the SENA aims  It was more in line with the training requirements center  It has been excellent.  Needless be updating the concepts that are part of teacher education.  Pedagogical training offered this year, has had good degree of relevance, but I think you need more intensity of contact hours without flashing.  They are good this type of training  Good I want to continue in the process I have in mind  Valuable experience  It is very good, the teachers are very well prepared, is the right person for this training.  have more tools to reach out to learners  It is very good, although I would like more advice on the virtual platform  Should continue, our business is training, be a function of learning is improved in quality.  It's good to upgrade, acquire and consolidate knowledge.  Good and necessary  The need that exists is that all instructors are speaking the same language, I think that the strategy being used is very successful.  It is a formation that will enable compliance with the FPI, instructors instructors are very qualified people in both knowledge and pedagogy issues and provide various tools for content development.  Relevant, although group formation started in the manufacturing chain is necessary to consolidate the unification of criteria, I think it should be more specific to the area in the interest of time availability of the participants and not focus exclusively on the recreational area.  It is a process that is built over time and it is common knowledge that we are all working hard.  Concerning the pedagogical training process if satisfactory as doubts have been resolved aimed at self-learning instructors from managers in training.  seems very successful and relevant to the academic, I think that should be programmed within the working day and not Saturday.  It should further expand and continuously follow  It seems very important, as it had lost such training, as teaching groups. It would be good to have skilled and experienced teachers in pedagogy.  It's excellent  I am currently in structuring projects and I loved the dynamics of training, it has been a collaborative and enjoyable.  Expected better support in the formative processes performed daily, expect a clear instruction on how to structure my activities in the tutorials. He expected to be held entirely in person  I take two months on the Seine then I'm still in the process of understanding the dynamics of training, so that gaps still think I have much to learn.  It is very good and appropriate for our daily to do.  Throughout the year just at the moment I'm in a virtual course ICT Skills Development Implementation Training Environments. Rest anything that every year when we meet the needs of education / training I received  very good quality and very good instructors.
  • 33. P a g e 33 | 62  Senior, but I prefer training in specific areas of performance  develop assessment tools has given me better measure of training that I share with the trainees  we finally understood, I am sending the link to the page you are working. 9. What other topics would you like to be updated in the areas of training such as: 10. They were able to identify training needs associated with: Tics tools (40 Hours) 40 28.4% Preparation of tutorials (40 hours) 70 49.6% Orientation training processes (140 Hours) 41 29.1% Techno pedagogical training in virtual environments Blackboard 9.1 (40 Hours) 66 46.8% Advice for the use of ICT in educational processes induction training (40 hours) 29 20.6% Orientation processes for the implementation of comprehensive training (40 hours) 35 24.8%
  • 34. P a g e 34 | 62 Implementation of the methodology of learning projects (40 Hours) 44 31.2% Accompanying the educational performance of the instructor (40 hours) 40 28.4% Structuring training projects (40 Hours) 33 2. 3. 4% Design learning assessment tools (40 Hours) 70 49.6% Pedagogical basis of comprehensive training in the approach to developing skills (40 hours) 41 29.1% Active Teaching Strategies (40 hours) 66 46.8% Any 2 1.4% eleven. We wanted to know what kind of modality want to train instructors getting this participation 12. Also we wanted to know the bands most useful schedules for instructors in order not to impair the formation
  • 35. P a g e 35 | 62
  • 36. P a g e 36 | 62 Identifying Tuesday and Thursday as the most suitable for trainers who definitely evenings are the most appropriate times to schedule teacher training days. 13. We want to know the findings of the instructors from all areas of knowledge of the Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and we can find some suggestions, comments and contributions such as Summary of opinions of our instructors  "Thank you.  Any  thanks for the knowledge provided by the Seine in pedagogy  I like to always be learning new things and innovating and bringing my experience in these courses. Also to implement in my sessions.  If programmed such courses, they are not all at once, at most two courses.  It fits any schedule because finally my availability depends on the programming is done from academic coordination for training.  Excellent courses offered this year as proposed strategies for achieving the objectives.
  • 37. P a g e 37 | 62  very well consider or instructors  It should be noted to have time for training that will enable us to strengthen instructors and acquire new knowledge in pedagogy. Everything is a timely improvement and training  trainings to strengthen my knowledge and skills in terms of technical, as Itil only saw the module "foundation", Servers, CompTIA + because the idea is to learn to apply when he is assigned to one group and not be alone with what I can on my own, but SENA is also clear that there are colleagues who maintain training Training, here and abroad, last year in June in Bogotá received only one ITIL Foundation module, ie System Quality Management, other colleagues have gone 5 or 6 modules.  You define the schedule, because we are very busy. Saturday morning week with English and with the development of training projects.  In the process existing training, eliminate most formats, these do not ensure that learners gain the knowledge of skills.  perform activities in the area of training.  that allows participation from coordination allocating time to training.  No begin courses at the same time  I would like additional training in i area of interest  It is important to stress the pedagogical training of instructors  Adjust schedules instructors for assistance is massive.  there is not  It would be very important to strengthen the training of trainers of the center and follow up effectively to the formation of these as there are some instructors who are not interested in the story, but give your class according to your method and voila. The center should make a more rigorous recruitment process taking into account the requirements of educational courses.  It is important to take these courses to stay current in the formation processes  I would like to participate in various workshops preferably face  Thank you, I am very satisfied  Continuous training of trainers and retro-feeding of these training forms a fundamental part of our knowledge management training center, storage of experiences and opinions are an information source that enriches the educational process  The courses are virtual-face  It is important that the courses start soon. How many courses can be taken?  flexibility and coordination of schedules  It is clear that if they are to schedule classroom courses, please have the time instructors. So do not cross training time.  Any  place that fits any schedule, because they know our training schedule (in the future and when I'm with self-assessment). It is the second time I answer this survey.  It would also be good for us to be trained in technical areas that are within our competence.  Thank you  I wish all teachers and all train and we would talk the same language.  not schedule Saturday, verify teacher attendance putting the evidence platform is not only training assistance is most important  We train as soon as possible to further improve the development of our functions  See the facilities of times, so that participation is much good and large.
  • 38. P a g e 38 | 62  Environments and connectivity available at the center to meet training  As times change every quarter the previous question, you can vary or be re wondering before each start of the course.  Search the possibility of developing the themes in person and not load more activities to our virtual character functions.  It is very important that the space for the continuous training of teachers, In order to actualize and strengthen knowledge in different areas Den.  consider sending people who do not send ... because they are always the same, we must continue to change and participating all  No, thank you very much  Is it possible that contractors may have instructors consider us to participate in technology upgrades inside and outside the country?  Because it is oriented training projects would be very valuable project management training courses and virtual English professionally.  Attempt in which two courses are not programmed at the same time, the start of each of these, is given at the end of the previous.  Consider training times  I recommend betting on the Joint training for those who need rest and virtual training. All the training I related the place before 2015.  Make strategies that promote and engage more in these areas instructor knowledge.  schedule because I did not choose to do it in person I do not have availability. At the time I am doing self assessment and structuring the course of training projects and future work schedule not know me. I suggest that schedules should be arranged or otherwise use the virtual-classroom methodology.  I hope to do one or more of these courses this year.  These activities are positive but we need more time  I thank all courses offered structured and continuously, as can be seen clearly seeking continuous improvement.  I feel very good what you're doing on the question of the Center for Educational achieved if we all propose criteria Technical Unit in the whole environment of the FPI.  Create more courses under the Blended Learning methodology.  The proposal that I have is that times entering programming instructor since many have different schedules for work or academic reasons  fine by us into account for this training  reading advice guides  I've been trying to register for the course in Blackboard 9.1 Training tecnopedagógica virtual environments on the platform, but it has not been possible.  Please start classes as soon as possible  Teaching research methodology  It seems very relevant updating courses  I am attentive to any course to further improve my process as an instructor.  I like that allow us to update the educational information and keep us in mind for these activities.  That could program these courses to make them  Continue the training of trainers initiative from the needs analysis and the development of a planning.  nothing like the virtual training greetings
  • 39. P a g e 39 | 62  In my opinion with ongoing support and advice they have Instructor Luz Marina Palace has earned enough in the effectiveness of training programs  Thanks for teacher training opportunities, since at all times are appropriate and valuable for instructors, as they help us to be better every day.  It would be good to inform mail courses can perform and which we can enroll.  Other training or education courses conducted this year are: - UPDATE IN CURRICULUM DESIGN - READINESS TRAINING OF INTEGRA - FPI WORKSHOP PROCEDURE  Thank you for your interest in training for us  None in particular  Is this process valuable training provided to instructors, to improve our teaching practices  The schedule depends on the availability of different kinds hours  work it with smaller groups to ensure greater impact of the training.  These proposals are very good because then we prepare for vocational training  No, I'm very happy with the training  More dynamic content and facilitators.  Virtual training is a great alternative for those who have family  I can not do it face  I love to learn everything about the virtual pedagogy  preferably virtual  Programming activities according to the schedules required  Many more instructional courses !!!  The training schedule is subject to programming vary it each quarter.  ANY  In my workday varies from quarter to quarter in the three days to be cross with 10 or 11 groups in formation. This 4th quarter 2015, my working day is between 6 and 9 hours of training per day. The remaining time I'm not in training assigned him to work on platform, to prepare plans session, to fill formats commitment of the chips, to evaluate the activities and support for Welfare with the participation of the groups that I have allocated in your schedule some events. Therefore fits any schedule, preferring the virtual training.  No I have to contribute  9.1 blackbard  definitely virtual training for these topics is appropriate  Any.  I would like to prepare me in my areas of performance, 3D design with software other than that SENA offers  I have no proposals, suggestions, contributions or comments.  N / A  Take a short refresher course on IPv6 addressing.  The teacher training must be mandatory and attending classes, so that there is feedback.  that before each course of a virtual training platform  Very good courses, we should start them soon. Especially of ICT tools.  Consider programming schedules; because sometimes it crosses academic schedules in my case (specialization studies) which generates absence from scheduled activities.  Times square is proposed to work week and supplement with virtual training can encompass courses from the tools of ICT.  Continue with English programs
  • 40. P a g e 40 | 62  whenever there is a course, so be it, it occurs differently with respect to content on the specific issue. example: a tutorial developed in a course or advice is well and revises other and he or she is totally bad .se corrects for her or him and sends another and says that this evil. Technical unit is required  we also teach advanced Excel everyone.  In the execution of the courses I'd like them to be more dynamic and innovative; since many of the themes and active learning techniques made in implementing the course used to apply in the classroom sessions.  develop training program learning processes GUIDE FOR CLASSROOM WORK COMPETITION POLICY 44.  I would like the virtual training outside or weekends, as many of us usually have no time.  If possible it would be better more face time  Courses formulation of training projects must be accompanied by real exercises and strategies already employed in the institution to carry out the processes.  Having a group of methodologists to help us in the conceptual justification of training projects apprentices. Or spend time training and one block per month to work on this activity  It is very important to receive ongoing training, especially the instructors who took little time doing some of the SENA community, so I appreciate all the training you can give me.  Times are for this quarter. if you are that would be the time it would take if they were not we should look at our programming.  continuity processes  Very good work. Again full survey. Regards.  Development of guides through active learning techniques such as analysis of objects and technological systems and problem-based learning. Develop courses one day a week, so they last a short time.  Carry chains teacher training this year in tics has not been made up.  It would be good times to be included before programming quarters so we can accommodate the schedules  I am attentive to enroll for courses  any  That the meetings more dynamic. methods and pedagogical models are clear, applicable and in terms of respect among all those who want to know more about the pedagogical work.  Do not use so many formats  Thank you very much for your input  I have no concerns or comments  Attentive to the start of training and as many courses  As you gain experience and move all these courses are appropriate as indispensable to our training instructor.  None at the moment.  very good training for teachers, hopefully all or the vast majority advantage. Saturday's schedule all day so I did not accommodate me at any time  Expand the catalog of courses. "
  • 41. P a g e 41 | 62 The information from these contributions is the link besides the conflicting opinions to the level of personal interviews and group
  • 42. P a g e 42 | 62
  • 43. P a g e 43 | 62
  • 44. P a g e 44 | 62 The address is available at the following link: ADXNfQAO3RdgfogAyILnv66nAulHhgcwc2s/viewform
  • 45. P a g e 45 | 62  EVIDENCE 4 - BANK OF TEACHER EDUCATION INSTRUCTORS With the support of the application Sofiaplus. Identifying the courses that instructors at the center have been developed in the framework of the requirements of personal service contracts and verifying information regarding courses available documentary records and the expected profile of SENA instructor and training was conducted Further that they have developed  EVIDENCE 5 - ACTIONS, EVENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS During a series of own-oriented activities they were conducted educational activities, establishing moments of meeting for discussion, cooperation and joint counseling groups of instructors from various areas of training Evidence of attendance of educational activities
  • 46. P a g e 46 | 62 Invitations to the community via email
  • 47. P a g e 47 | 62  EVIDENCE 6 - INSTRUCTORS TRAINING PLAN For an instructor from the center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology is essential to comply with a profile related training courses oriented pedagogy, then advance and support the administrative and academic application of SENA courses taken identified course requirements and to schedule the process during the months from February to October 2015, considering the month of November as a time to update the outstanding academic and administrative processes and seeking instructors completed activities without having to meet year, proposed the project to the next stage in 2016. Training of trainers evidence
  • 48. P a g e 48 | 62 Evidence instructor training certifications
  • 49. P a g e 49 | 62  7. EVIDENCE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INSTRUCTORS Training and training at all levels, and especially at the level of teachers is one of the best investments in human resources and a major source of welfare for the staff of any organization, the value of training becomes a development investment is extremely high when considered globally and when you consider its effect on the budgets of the different areas of knowledge in an institution such as SENA, the different centers can get a maximum return on this investment, efforts must focus on the staff and in the most attractive areas of potential yield With the processes of internal training in the Technology Center of Advanced Manufacturing is also seeking to ensure process standardization and improvement in the productivity of instructors since they can reduce the costs associated with the training of staff irrespective of recruitment, giving way to the execution inherent in the formation of new instructors who are responsible for strengthening the coaching staff of the Centre without having to resort to other sectors outside formal activities Regarding productivity, this can be defined as the ability to produce more and better satisfactions with equal or less resources, or put another way, the more production of knowledge in all areas of the center, among the factors contributing to productivity research and technological development, better organization of production processes and the development of physical and mental skills of the workforce through training and training are counted.
  • 50. P a g e 50 | 62 There is no doubt that proper training can contribute significantly to increasing productivity and strengthening the educational activities of the Center, to maintain quality levels, commitment and collaboration in all areas of knowledge, and to achieve a unit knowledge, strategies to provide training, especially to improve the quality of our trainees with knowledge gained through diversity of teaching strategies. It is necessary to establish 3 levels of teacher training Level 1: Youth trainers or trainees who are emerging as instructors for its high performance, spirit and skills in knowledge transfer Level 2: Already trained instructors from teaching basics but need to strengthen their skills and improve their performance through learning tools that allow them to expand their academic profile Level 3: Are instructors who are distinguished by their performance and good use of teaching tools in their training programs are the instructors who can become trainers and referents that can be part of the seed instructors to continue teaching and teacher training building learning tools. The instructor of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technology must have the support of instructors profile  Focus on the learner and service attitude.  Quality orientation.  Honesty and transparency  Trust and respect for people  Simplicity and ambition to learn  Responsibility and self-management.  Teamwork and interdependence.  Participatory decision-making  Commitment to safety and the environment  Share Success
  • 51. P a g e 51 | 62  EVIDENCE 8 - STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED WITH INSTRUCTORS Formation of the teaching staff with the participation of instructors from all areas of training Seedbed for trainers The hotbed of trainers Technology Center was implemented from June 2015 and is composed of 2 instructors training of each chain, with 12 professionals who are training to strengthen the process  Mechanical Engineers  Mining Engineer - psychologist  Automotive Technologists  Ing. Telecommunications  Multimedia technologists  Systems engineers Activities of the seedbed of trainers The hotbed of trainers meets every Wednesday from 8 to 12 o'clock, and the group share teaching experiences, diagnostic activities, program teacher training for groups of teachers from different areas and build learning objects and teaching materials including  Design of assessment tools  Design tools for identifying learning styles  Evaluation and monitoring instruments
  • 52. P a g e 52 | 62  Making documents tutorials  Instruments for solving educational projects Features built objects The benefits derived from the objects when it comes to promote and stimulate the learning process, not only articulate with academic activities but also with the research process, the strategic direction that can be attributed to the development of skills that of being used for freeform and massive at the same time, leverage their generative power savings in resources for both teachers and students, or other occasions satisfy demand competition and simultaneous queries per object in a repository, or finally, to motivate and promote collaborative work and the autonomy of the individual training. The aspects of learning objects can be associated in their essential attributes can be expressed in: • The way that can be adapted on various educational purposes. • In the way in which they are consulted on various platforms. • In the sense and meaning that associated with a learning objective. • In the speed to be located and used in a timely manner. • In the faculty of being able to derive new objects.
  • 53. P a g e 53 | 62 Currently they have developed learning objects related to:  Schemes  Bank photographs  Bank video  Didactical games  Tutorials  Modules with content for basic courses
  • 54. P a g e 54 | 62 Example of instrument for assessing learning styles
  • 55. P a g e 55 | 62 Design Bank of learning guides for the ICT and automation areas
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  • 59. P a g e 59 | 62  EVIDENCE 9 - CONCLUSIONS OBSERVED  The results obtained in this work showed that developed the successful programming of training courses related to the improvement and strengthening of the profile of trainers related to education, training, or strengthening the center to people and gives them the necessary tools for all Members wishing to participate in this sense it is emphasized that training in educational activities is an activity that must be maintained over time permanent and planned manner so that people feel permanently supported, that the creation of a culture is allowed and environment constant awareness, where you can learn to know and constantly learn, the benefits are allowed to grow and improve every day,  Another important fact of this knowledge network is developing an internal training program allows instructors to obtain necessary tools to teach their apprentices and coworkers, also benefits them by instructors can become multipliers knowledge inside and outside the training center  The joint construction of knowledge allows the creation of knowledge networks and cooperation, where instructors are the generators of knowledge and are a corporate knowledge productivity, which is reflected in their learners their knowledge and their impact on the company  The teacher training must meet the needs of meaningful learning and must build new solutions for training  This work and the construction of a network of knowledge is essential to improve the training process in all areas of knowledge, creating the need to grow as a team and improve the pedagogical skills of all members of the center.  Beyond consider conducting courses as requirements contract or the law or regulations comply, becomes an administrative obligation ongoing training of staff from the beginning to work with the institution since the first time it becomes an activity permanent, which undoubtedly raises the level of productivity.  Each activity planning teacher training is considered a port to complete prior knowledge of any instructor but strengthen the various skills that instructors feel appreciated and taken into account resulting in a warm working environment that are achieved as part of the learning process of any instructor  The formation processes will become standardized methodology varié though, as all instructors can learn and carry out the instructions of the processes which avoids errors perfidious and training  It is very likely that instructors acquire a greater commitment and a greater identification with the Centre and its role within their area of training and responsibility to train with quality and with significant pedagogical tools
  • 60. P a g e 60 | 62  The instructor can adapt more easily to changes that the process of formation requires them also to qualify their professional and academic profile because it will be a group of trained and qualified instructors can teach and stay updated with various activities.  Touch or update training is an investment that is in constant benefits to any organization, and to the extent that their instructors are better equipped and trained juvenile errors occur allowing the quality of long-term processes, training and updating Instructors offer benefits except in specific cases that may be required in areas of expertise, which harnesses the potential of instructors and know how to address the concerns of business and industry that support from training  Trained instructors will allow constant feedback on their knowledge to other instructors from the center or outside it, further support new generations of instructors will be the support for those who have to prepare with  EVIDENCE 10 - MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCESS Upon completion of the implementation of the actions of pedagogical training at the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technology during the 2015 areas and under developed courses it is necessary to validate the achievements from the joint work of all the beans in the center held
  • 61. P a g e 61 | 62 programming and be able to plan based on observing the scope of the process, indicate the necessary corrective actions so that the process can be improved by 2016.  In this last phase of 2015, we want to acknowledge the work of the participating instructors hotbed of trainers of trainers created with the participation of 16 instructors from all areas of training and work developed by Luz Marina Palace instructor who with his development all pedagogical experience to meet instructors at different times of the year activities. And who with his ability to work achievement motivate the participation of instructors who did not believe at the beginning of the project.  Coordination of vocational training under the responsibility of Claudia Borja, restored activities that were lost in the center since 2008, and resumed with the support of the academic coordinators  To date we can determine that there have been fundamental and important changes in the development of educational activities, instructors to date are aware of the importance of improving and propose new strategies to provide meaningful learning with development impact of activities the schooling and productive stage,  If we show the results of the training have regard to the objectives of the center and the goals established in the annual plan  Determine if the techniques used are the most effective way that virtual classroom and recognize the importance of self-employment guidance and structured Evaluation involved  Set the progress of the actions of teacher training.  Check the updating and improvement of the educational activities of the instructors at the center.  Implement procedures and activities to identify new schedules and training to address concerns  Contribute to the achievement of specific goals and objectives of the center  Knowing the effectiveness of the training. The development of training during the year finally achieved its purpose and mission: to contribute to the development and comprehensive training people to influence their knowledge and expertise with respect to a productive role in everything related to the pedagogical, didactic and the whole training process. 2016
  • 62. P a g e 62 | 62 The center during 2016, will try to continue implemented processes to strengthen pedagogy and didactics, providing an enabling environment for the recognition and training in new trends space, strengthening the professional profiles of instructors and trainees who are part of the faculty. Implementation of activities to improve and implement active learning processes and program instructors teaching activities.