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The gas giant
• Ancient astronomers didn’t have telescopes, but they tracked
the motion of the planets with incredible accuracy and
associated with gods in their mythologies.
• Jupiter is named after the Roman god, (*Dyēu-pəter , "O Father
Sky-God“) thought to be the head of the gods; he’s the same as
Zeus in Greek mythology.
• Hindu astrologers named the planet after Brihaspati, the
religious teacher of the gods, and often called it "Guru", which
literally means the "Heavy One.“
• In the English, Thursday is derived from "Thor's day", with Thor
associated with the planet Jupiter in Germanic mythology.
Galileo’s Observations
• When Galileo pointed his first rudimentary telescope at Jupiter.
What he saw was the disk of Jupiter and the 4 largest moons
orbiting the planet.
• Since all the heavenly bodies were thought to orbit the Earth, it
was thought to be impossible for objects to orbit one another.
• Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet
within the Solar System.
• It is a gas giant with mass one thousand that of the Sun but is
two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our
Solar System combined.
• Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune. Together, these four planets are referred
to as Jovian or outer planets.
• Composed primarily gas and liquid, and not of solid matter.
• These gas giants encompass over ninety-nine percent of our
solar system’s planetary mass.
• Jupiter’s diameter is over 11 times greater than the Earth
• It has over 318 times the mass
• Jupiter's volume is that of about 1,321 Earth
• If you weigh 80kg on Earth, you would weigh 190kg at Jupiter’s
cloud tops
• Its gravitational acceleration is about 24.79 m/s²
• Jupiter is five times further from the sun
• Jupiter's mass is 2.5 times that of all the other planets in our
Solar System combined—this is so massive that its barycenter
with the Sun lies above the Sun's surface at 1.068 solar radii
from the Sun's center
Jupiter and Earth
• Third brightest object in our night sky.
• Only the Moon and Venus are brighter.
• When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can reach an apparent
magnitude of −2.94, making it on average the third-brightest
object in the night sky
• A core more than 10 times Earth's mass
• Surrounded by a layer of fluid metallic hydrogen extending out to 80 to 90
percent of the diameter of the planet
• Enclosed in an atmosphere mostly made of gaseous and liquid hydrogen.
• On Jupiter, the equatorial diameter is 9275 km longer than the diameter
measured through the poles.
Internal Structure
• Theoretical models indicate that if Jupiter had much more mass
than it does at present, the planet would shrink.
• For small changes in mass, the radius would not change
appreciably, and above about 500 M⊕ (1.6 Jupiter masses) the
interior would become so much more compressed under the
increased gravitation force that the planet's volume would
decrease despite the increasing amount of matter.
• The process of further shrinkage with increasing mass would
continue until appreciable stellar ignition is achieved as in high-
mass brown dwarfs around 50 Jupiter masses.
• Although Jupiter would need to be about 75 times as massive
to fuse hydrogen and become a star, the smallest red dwarf is
only about 30 percent larger in radius than Jupiter.
Jupiter – A star ?
• Despite this, Jupiter still radiates more heat (1.67 times) than it
receives from the Sun; the amount of heat produced inside the
planet is similar to the total solar radiation it receives.
• This additional heat radiation is generated by the Kelvin–
Helmholtz mechanism through adiabatic contraction. This
process results in the planet shrinking by about 2 cm each year.
• Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism involved cooling of the surface
shrinking the volume
• When it was first formed, Jupiter was much hotter and was
about twice its current diameter.
Adiabatic Contraction
• Made of heavier elements similar to those of earth but 14 to 45 times
more massive
• The core endures massive pressure making it twice as dense as
Earth’s core.
• The presence of a core during at least part of Jupiter's history is
suggested by models of planetary formation involving initial
formation of a rocky or icy core that is massive enough to collect its
bulk of hydrogen and helium from the protosolar nebula
• The temperature and pressure inside Jupiter increase steadily toward
the core. At the phase transition region where hydrogen—heated
beyond its critical point—becomes metallic, it is believed the
temperature is 10,000 K and the pressure is 200 GPa.
• The temperature at the core boundary is
estimated to be 36,000 K and the interior
pressure is roughly 3,000–4,500 Gpa
The Core
Jupiter’s cloud structure
• The core region is surrounded by dense
metallic hydrogen, which extends
outward to about 78 percent of the radius
of the planet.
• Rain-like droplets of helium and neon
precipitate downward through this layer,
depleting the abundance of these
elements in the upper atmosphere
• Above the layer of metallic hydrogen lies
a transparent interior atmosphere of
• At this depth, the temperature is above
the critical temperature, which for
hydrogen is only 33 K. In this state, there
are no distinct liquid and gas phases—
hydrogen is said to be in a supercritical
fluid state
• At the top of the clouds it’s about -145 degrees C
• The temperature increases as you descend
• Reaching 21 degrees C with pressures 10 times as great as earth
where scientists speculate life may exist.
• At the Center it is 24000 degrees C which is hotter than the
surface of the sun
• It was originally thought that Jupiter radiated the same amount
of heat as it received from the Sun based on Jupiter’s surface
temperature but based on the Galileo and Voyager missions we
later found out that the surface was a little bit hotter than we
thought making it radiate 1.67 times as much heat as it
As Jupiter has no surface, the base of its atmosphere is usually
considered to be the point at which atmospheric pressure is equal
to 10 bars, or ten times surface pressure on Earth
It has the largest planetary atmosphere in the
Solar System, spanning over 5000 km in altitude
Resembles that of the Sun
• 89.8 percent molecular Hydrogen
• 10.2 percent Helium
• Minor amounts of methane, ammonia, hydrogen deuteride,
ethane, water, ammonia ice aerosols, water ice aerosols,
ammonia hydrosulfide aerosols
Atmospheric Composition
• The orange and brown coloration in the clouds of Jupiter are
caused by upwelling compounds that change color when they
are exposed to ultraviolet light from the Sun.
• The exact makeup remains uncertain, but the substances are
believed to be phosphorus, sulfur or possibly hydrocarbons.
• These colorful compounds, known as chromophores, mix with
the warmer, lower deck of clouds. The zones are formed by
rising convection cells form crystallizing ammonia that masks
out these lower clouds from view
Orange and Brown
Violent Weather
• The rapid rotation and resulting strong Coriolis effect in the
atmosphere of Jupiter creates much stronger zonal winds. On
Jupiter the strongest winds are equatorial westerlies which have
been clocked at speed of up to 550 km/h.
• Jupiter is perpetually covered with clouds composed of
ammonia crystals and possibly ammonium hydrosulfide
• The clouds are located in the Tropopause and are arranged into
bands of different latitudes, known as tropical regions. These
are sub-divided into lighter-hued zones and darker belts.
• The interactions of these conflicting circulation patterns cause
storms and turbulence. Wind speeds of 100 m/s (360 km/h) are
common in zonal jets
• There may also be a thin layer of water clouds underlying the
ammonia layer, as evidenced by flashes of lightning detected in
the atmosphere of Jupiter.
• This is caused by water's polarity, which makes it capable of
creating the charge separation needed to produce lightning.
• These electrical discharges can be up to a thousand times as
powerful as lightning on the Earth.
• The water clouds can form thunderstorms driven by the heat
rising from the interior
Winds at top of atmosphere travel in opposite directions at
different latitudes
Atmospheric Observations
Mystery of storms in Jupiter
Small Spots In Jupiter’s
Jupiter’s dynamic atmosphere
change just like weather on
Earth. The 2 images are 10
hours apart.
• In existence since at least 1831, and possibly since 1665
• Located 22° south of the equator
• Persistent anti-cyclonic storm. Mathematical models suggest
that the storm is stable and may be a permanent feature of the
• Widest diameter is 3 times the size of earth. Visible through
Earth-based telescopes with an aperture of 12 cm or larger.
• Color changes from brick-red to slightly brown. Every now and
again, the Great Red Spot seems to fade entirely.
Great Red Spot
• Scientists believe that the spot may have turned red due to its size
and strength which lifts its clouds above those surrounding them.
• In 2000, an atmospheric feature formed in the southern hemisphere
that is similar in appearance to the Great Red Spot, but smaller
• Red Spot Jr. (Oval BA) may indicate that Jovian planet’s storms may
intensify by means of merger and growth of nearby storms.
• Red Spot Jr. may even rival the Great Red Spot one day in size.
Great Red Spot…..
• Drifts east and west, always stays the same distance from the
equator. Edge spins counterclockwise around its center at a speed of
about 225 miles (360 kilometers) per hour
Great Red Spot…..
• The planet orbits around the sun in a slightly elliptical pattern.
• It completes one orbit in 4,333 Earth days or about 12 Earth years.
• Jupiter rotates faster than any other planet in our solar systems.
• It rotates on its axis once every 9 hours and 56 minutes this is
because of rapid rotation . This makes their shape not perfectly
spherical this flattening is called oblateness.
• The axial tilt of Jupiter is relatively small: only 3.13°. As a result this
planet does not experience significant seasonal changes, in contrast
to Earth and Mars for example.
Jupiter’s Motion
• Jupiter has been called the Solar System's vacuum cleaner, because of
its immense gravity well and location near the inner Solar System. It
receives the most frequent comet impacts of the Solar System's
planets. It was thought that the planet served to partially shield the
inner system from cometary bombardment
• The Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt are mostly caused by Jupiter,
and the planet may have been responsible for the Late Heavy
Bombardment of the inner Solar System's history.
• Along with its moons, Jupiter's gravitational field controls numerous
asteroids that have settled into the regions and
following Jupiter in its orbit around the sun.
These are known as the Trojan asteroids, and
are divided into Greek and Trojan "camps"
Jupiter – A vacuum cleaner
• Strongest magnetic field, except for fields associated with sun spots
and other small regions of on the sun’s surface because its interior is
made of an excellent electric conductor (liquid metallic hydrogen),
and because the planet rotates around its axis faster than any other
(once in 10 hours)
• At very high pressure inside Jupiter, hydrogen begins to act like a
liquid metal. This provides an electrically conducting fluid in which a
magnetic field is generated
• Traps electrons, protons and other electrically charged particles in
radiation belt around the planet
• Jupiter’s magnetic field acts like a shield. Protects the planet from the
solar wind
• Jupiter’s magnetic field is inclined 10 degree to its rotation axis, an
orientation similar too Earth’s, but its axis is displaced about a tenth
of a radius from the planet’s center
Magnetic Field
• Jupiter’s magnetic field is about 14 times as strong as Earth’s
• The total strength of Jupiter's magnetic field is nearly 20,000 times
that of Earth’s
• Magneto tail is 435 million miles long
Magnetic Powerhouse
Magnetic structure
• At about 75 Jupiter radii from the planet, the interaction of
the magnetosphere with the solar wind generates a bow
shock. Surrounding Jupiter's magnetosphere is a
magnetopause, located at the inner edge of a
magnetosheath—a region between it and the bow shock. The
solar wind interacts with these regions, elongating the
magnetosphere on Jupiter's lee side and extending it outward
until it nearly reaches the orbit of Saturn.
• The fast moving charged particles slam into neutral atoms in
magnetosphere of Jupiter, and the energy released in the resulting
high-speed collision heats the plasma to extreme temp.
• The temperature of plasma is over 300 Kelvins : 20times the
temperature at the center of the Sun!
• The density of plasma (around 10,000 atoms/m³) was much lower
than the vacuum we can produce on Earth. This situation was
encountered by Voyager1.
Radiation Belts
The most intense radiation belt in the solar system is a toroid ring of
plasma associated with lo, the innermost of Jupiter's four Galilean
moons. Because of its low surface gravity violence of volcanism, some
of the gases erupting from its interior can escape moon and can
become the part of Jupiter's radiation belt.
lo's Plasma Torus
Jupiter's auroras have an added twist that we do not see on Earth. As
Jupiter's magnetic field sweeps past lo, it behave like a dynamo,
generating an electric potential of 4000,000 volts. Electrons accelerate
by this enormous electric field spiral along the direction of Jupiter's
magnetic field. This result in magnetic channel, called a flux tube.
lo’s Flux tube
• Trapped particles near the poles of the magnetic field create
• Measures 1,200 miles long
• Lights up the entire sky
• Travels 10,000 mph
Aurora at poles of Jupiter – show that Jupiter has a strong magnetic field
• Radio waves given off by Jupiter reach radio telescopes on
Earth in two forms- burst of radio energy and continuous
• Strong burst occur when Io, passes through certain regions in
the planet’s magnetic field.
• Continuous radiation comes from Jupiter’s surface as well as
from high energy particles in the radiation belts.
Jupiter speaks!
• Rapidly moving electrons in Jupiter
magnetosphere spiral around the
direction of magnetic field, and as they
do so they emit synchrotron radiation.
• To emit synchrotron radiation
electrons have to spiral to nearly
speed of light. To listen synchrotron
radiation you can take radio.
• When the radio doesn't catch any
frequency that voice contain 10 % of
synchrotron radiation coming from
different parts of the cosmos.
Synchrotron radiation
• Three rings around its equator was discovered in 1979 by NASA's
Voyager 1
• Each are more fainter than Saturn's
• Consist of mostly clouds and dust
• Main ring is flattened. It is about 20 miles thick and 4,000 miles wide
• The inner cloud-like ring, called the halo, is roughly 12,000 miles
(20,000 kilometers) thick. The halo extends halfway from the main
ring down to the planet's cloud tops and expands by interaction with
Jupiter's magnetic field. Both the main ring and halo are composed of
small, dark particles.
• The main bright ring is probably made of material ejected from the
satellites Adrastea and Metis
• The third (outer) ring, known as the Gossamer ring because of its
transparency, is actually three rings of microscopic debris from
Jupiter's moons, Amalthea and Thebe. It is probably made up of dust
particles less than 10 microns in diameter, and extends to an outer
edge of about 80,000 miles (129,000 kilometers) from the center of
the planet and inward to about 18,600 miles (30,000 kilometers).
• If one were to dive into Jupiter's atmosphere, one would discover it to
grow warmer with depth, reaching room temperature, or 70 degrees
F (21 degrees C), at an altitude where the atmospheric pressure is
about 10 times as great as it is on Earth. Scientists have conjectured
that IF Jupiter has any form of life, it might dwell at this level, and
would have to be airborne. However, researchers have found no
evidence of life on Jupiter.
• Due to the presence of oceans of water under its crust, it is thought
that Europa could possibly develop life.
• Only Earth has water on or near its surface.
• Environment on Europa is hostile compared to Earth.
Possibility of Life
• There are 16 major moons (including the 4 Galilean moons).
• 4 of the 16 major moons have retrograde orbits.
• Since 1997, there have been 47 discovered by systematic surveys on
• Around 67 total moons
• Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto (4 Galilean moons) easily visible with a
small telescope or binoculars
Pioneer 10
• Launched on March 2, 1972
• First spacecraft to pass through the Asteroid Belt and into the outer solar
• Flew by December 3, 1973 discovered extraordinarily high radiation levels.
Pioneer 11
• Launched April 5, 1973
• Flew by Jupiter December 2, 1974
• Studied Jupiter’s magnetic field and atmosphere and photographed the
planet and some of its moons.
• After flying by Saturn on September 1, 1979, the spacecraft continued out of
the solar system. Instruments were shut down in the fall of 1995.
Jupiter Missions
• Between the two spacecraft, three new moons were discovered as well as a
thin, dark ring around Jupiter.
• Voyager images of Jupiter's moon Io revealed active volcanoes, the first ever
discovered on another body besides Earth.
Voyager 1
• launched September 5, 1977, 16 days after Voyager 2.
• Flew by March 5, 1979, Voyager 1 takes more than 18,000 images of Jupiter
and its moons.
Voyager 2
• Launched 16 days before Voyager 1 on August 20, 1977
• Arrived four months after Voyager 1.
• Flew by Jupiter on July 9, 1979
Jupiter Missions…..
• Launched October 18, 1989
• Jupiter probe descent: December 7, 1995
• Jupiter orbit insertion: December 8, 1995
• Plunge into Jupiter: September 22, 2003
• The first spacecraft to dwell in a giant planet's magnetosphere long enough
to identify its global structure and investigate the dynamics of Jupiter's
magnetic field.
• It revealed that Jupiter's ring system is formed by dust kicked up as
interplanetary meteoroids smash into the planet's four small inner moons
and that the planet's outermost ring is actually two rings, one embedded
within the other.
Jupiter Missions…..
• Launched October 6, 1990 to study the north and south pole of the Sun.
• On February 8, 1992, the spacecraft flew by Jupiter and studied the planet’s
strong magnetic field and radiation levels.
• Launched October 15, 1997
• Jupiter flew by December 30, 2000
• Engineers used the Jupiter encounter to test the spacecraft's instruments
and operations. During the flyby, Cassini captured incredible images of the
gas giant and its larger moons in a science plan that was coordinated with
Galileo observations.
Jupiter Missions…..
New Horizons
• Launch: January 19, 2006
• Jupiter flyby: January-May, 2007
It was the first spacecraft to observe the newly formed Little Red Spot.
• Photographed Io's north polar volcano Tvashtar in the middle of an eruption.
• Launched on August 2011, will reach around on July 4th 2016
• Will investigate the existence of an ice-rock core; determine the amount of
global water and ammonia present in the atmosphere; study convection and
deep wind profiles in the atmosphere; investigate the origin of the Jovian
magnetic field; and explore the polar magnetosphere.
Jupiter Missions…..

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  • 2. • Ancient astronomers didn’t have telescopes, but they tracked the motion of the planets with incredible accuracy and associated with gods in their mythologies. • Jupiter is named after the Roman god, (*Dyēu-pəter , "O Father Sky-God“) thought to be the head of the gods; he’s the same as Zeus in Greek mythology. • Hindu astrologers named the planet after Brihaspati, the religious teacher of the gods, and often called it "Guru", which literally means the "Heavy One.“ • In the English, Thursday is derived from "Thor's day", with Thor associated with the planet Jupiter in Germanic mythology. Jupiter
  • 3. Galileo’s Observations • When Galileo pointed his first rudimentary telescope at Jupiter. What he saw was the disk of Jupiter and the 4 largest moons orbiting the planet. • Since all the heavenly bodies were thought to orbit the Earth, it was thought to be impossible for objects to orbit one another.
  • 4. • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. • It is a gas giant with mass one thousand that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. • Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Together, these four planets are referred to as Jovian or outer planets. • Composed primarily gas and liquid, and not of solid matter. • These gas giants encompass over ninety-nine percent of our solar system’s planetary mass. Introduction
  • 5. • Jupiter’s diameter is over 11 times greater than the Earth • It has over 318 times the mass • Jupiter's volume is that of about 1,321 Earth • If you weigh 80kg on Earth, you would weigh 190kg at Jupiter’s cloud tops • Its gravitational acceleration is about 24.79 m/s² • Jupiter is five times further from the sun • Jupiter's mass is 2.5 times that of all the other planets in our Solar System combined—this is so massive that its barycenter with the Sun lies above the Sun's surface at 1.068 solar radii from the Sun's center Jupiter and Earth
  • 6. • Third brightest object in our night sky. • Only the Moon and Venus are brighter. • When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can reach an apparent magnitude of −2.94, making it on average the third-brightest object in the night sky Brightness
  • 7. • A core more than 10 times Earth's mass • Surrounded by a layer of fluid metallic hydrogen extending out to 80 to 90 percent of the diameter of the planet • Enclosed in an atmosphere mostly made of gaseous and liquid hydrogen. • On Jupiter, the equatorial diameter is 9275 km longer than the diameter measured through the poles. Internal Structure
  • 8. • Theoretical models indicate that if Jupiter had much more mass than it does at present, the planet would shrink. • For small changes in mass, the radius would not change appreciably, and above about 500 M⊕ (1.6 Jupiter masses) the interior would become so much more compressed under the increased gravitation force that the planet's volume would decrease despite the increasing amount of matter. • The process of further shrinkage with increasing mass would continue until appreciable stellar ignition is achieved as in high- mass brown dwarfs around 50 Jupiter masses. • Although Jupiter would need to be about 75 times as massive to fuse hydrogen and become a star, the smallest red dwarf is only about 30 percent larger in radius than Jupiter. Jupiter – A star ?
  • 9. • Despite this, Jupiter still radiates more heat (1.67 times) than it receives from the Sun; the amount of heat produced inside the planet is similar to the total solar radiation it receives. • This additional heat radiation is generated by the Kelvin– Helmholtz mechanism through adiabatic contraction. This process results in the planet shrinking by about 2 cm each year. • Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism involved cooling of the surface shrinking the volume • When it was first formed, Jupiter was much hotter and was about twice its current diameter. Adiabatic Contraction
  • 10. • Made of heavier elements similar to those of earth but 14 to 45 times more massive • The core endures massive pressure making it twice as dense as Earth’s core. • The presence of a core during at least part of Jupiter's history is suggested by models of planetary formation involving initial formation of a rocky or icy core that is massive enough to collect its bulk of hydrogen and helium from the protosolar nebula • The temperature and pressure inside Jupiter increase steadily toward the core. At the phase transition region where hydrogen—heated beyond its critical point—becomes metallic, it is believed the temperature is 10,000 K and the pressure is 200 GPa. • The temperature at the core boundary is estimated to be 36,000 K and the interior pressure is roughly 3,000–4,500 Gpa The Core
  • 11. Jupiter’s cloud structure • The core region is surrounded by dense metallic hydrogen, which extends outward to about 78 percent of the radius of the planet. • Rain-like droplets of helium and neon precipitate downward through this layer, depleting the abundance of these elements in the upper atmosphere • Above the layer of metallic hydrogen lies a transparent interior atmosphere of hydrogen. • At this depth, the temperature is above the critical temperature, which for hydrogen is only 33 K. In this state, there are no distinct liquid and gas phases— hydrogen is said to be in a supercritical fluid state
  • 12. • At the top of the clouds it’s about -145 degrees C • The temperature increases as you descend • Reaching 21 degrees C with pressures 10 times as great as earth where scientists speculate life may exist. • At the Center it is 24000 degrees C which is hotter than the surface of the sun • It was originally thought that Jupiter radiated the same amount of heat as it received from the Sun based on Jupiter’s surface temperature but based on the Galileo and Voyager missions we later found out that the surface was a little bit hotter than we thought making it radiate 1.67 times as much heat as it receives. Temperature
  • 13. As Jupiter has no surface, the base of its atmosphere is usually considered to be the point at which atmospheric pressure is equal to 10 bars, or ten times surface pressure on Earth It has the largest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System, spanning over 5000 km in altitude Resembles that of the Sun • 89.8 percent molecular Hydrogen • 10.2 percent Helium • Minor amounts of methane, ammonia, hydrogen deuteride, ethane, water, ammonia ice aerosols, water ice aerosols, ammonia hydrosulfide aerosols Atmospheric Composition
  • 14. • The orange and brown coloration in the clouds of Jupiter are caused by upwelling compounds that change color when they are exposed to ultraviolet light from the Sun. • The exact makeup remains uncertain, but the substances are believed to be phosphorus, sulfur or possibly hydrocarbons. • These colorful compounds, known as chromophores, mix with the warmer, lower deck of clouds. The zones are formed by rising convection cells form crystallizing ammonia that masks out these lower clouds from view Orange and Brown
  • 15. Violent Weather • The rapid rotation and resulting strong Coriolis effect in the atmosphere of Jupiter creates much stronger zonal winds. On Jupiter the strongest winds are equatorial westerlies which have been clocked at speed of up to 550 km/h. • Jupiter is perpetually covered with clouds composed of ammonia crystals and possibly ammonium hydrosulfide • The clouds are located in the Tropopause and are arranged into bands of different latitudes, known as tropical regions. These are sub-divided into lighter-hued zones and darker belts. • The interactions of these conflicting circulation patterns cause storms and turbulence. Wind speeds of 100 m/s (360 km/h) are common in zonal jets Weather
  • 16. • There may also be a thin layer of water clouds underlying the ammonia layer, as evidenced by flashes of lightning detected in the atmosphere of Jupiter. • This is caused by water's polarity, which makes it capable of creating the charge separation needed to produce lightning. • These electrical discharges can be up to a thousand times as powerful as lightning on the Earth. • The water clouds can form thunderstorms driven by the heat rising from the interior Lightening
  • 17. Winds at top of atmosphere travel in opposite directions at different latitudes Atmospheric Observations
  • 18. Mystery of storms in Jupiter
  • 19. Small Spots In Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s dynamic atmosphere change just like weather on Earth. The 2 images are 10 hours apart. Dynamics
  • 20. • In existence since at least 1831, and possibly since 1665 • Located 22° south of the equator • Persistent anti-cyclonic storm. Mathematical models suggest that the storm is stable and may be a permanent feature of the planet • Widest diameter is 3 times the size of earth. Visible through Earth-based telescopes with an aperture of 12 cm or larger. • Color changes from brick-red to slightly brown. Every now and again, the Great Red Spot seems to fade entirely. Great Red Spot
  • 21. • Scientists believe that the spot may have turned red due to its size and strength which lifts its clouds above those surrounding them. • In 2000, an atmospheric feature formed in the southern hemisphere that is similar in appearance to the Great Red Spot, but smaller • Red Spot Jr. (Oval BA) may indicate that Jovian planet’s storms may intensify by means of merger and growth of nearby storms. • Red Spot Jr. may even rival the Great Red Spot one day in size. Great Red Spot…..
  • 22. • Drifts east and west, always stays the same distance from the equator. Edge spins counterclockwise around its center at a speed of about 225 miles (360 kilometers) per hour Great Red Spot…..
  • 23. • The planet orbits around the sun in a slightly elliptical pattern. • It completes one orbit in 4,333 Earth days or about 12 Earth years. • Jupiter rotates faster than any other planet in our solar systems. • It rotates on its axis once every 9 hours and 56 minutes this is because of rapid rotation . This makes their shape not perfectly spherical this flattening is called oblateness. • The axial tilt of Jupiter is relatively small: only 3.13°. As a result this planet does not experience significant seasonal changes, in contrast to Earth and Mars for example. Jupiter’s Motion
  • 24. • Jupiter has been called the Solar System's vacuum cleaner, because of its immense gravity well and location near the inner Solar System. It receives the most frequent comet impacts of the Solar System's planets. It was thought that the planet served to partially shield the inner system from cometary bombardment • The Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt are mostly caused by Jupiter, and the planet may have been responsible for the Late Heavy Bombardment of the inner Solar System's history. • Along with its moons, Jupiter's gravitational field controls numerous asteroids that have settled into the regions and following Jupiter in its orbit around the sun. These are known as the Trojan asteroids, and are divided into Greek and Trojan "camps" Jupiter – A vacuum cleaner
  • 25. • Strongest magnetic field, except for fields associated with sun spots and other small regions of on the sun’s surface because its interior is made of an excellent electric conductor (liquid metallic hydrogen), and because the planet rotates around its axis faster than any other (once in 10 hours) • At very high pressure inside Jupiter, hydrogen begins to act like a liquid metal. This provides an electrically conducting fluid in which a magnetic field is generated • Traps electrons, protons and other electrically charged particles in radiation belt around the planet • Jupiter’s magnetic field acts like a shield. Protects the planet from the solar wind • Jupiter’s magnetic field is inclined 10 degree to its rotation axis, an orientation similar too Earth’s, but its axis is displaced about a tenth of a radius from the planet’s center Magnetic Field
  • 26. • Jupiter’s magnetic field is about 14 times as strong as Earth’s • The total strength of Jupiter's magnetic field is nearly 20,000 times that of Earth’s • Magneto tail is 435 million miles long Magnetic Powerhouse
  • 27. Magnetic structure • At about 75 Jupiter radii from the planet, the interaction of the magnetosphere with the solar wind generates a bow shock. Surrounding Jupiter's magnetosphere is a magnetopause, located at the inner edge of a magnetosheath—a region between it and the bow shock. The solar wind interacts with these regions, elongating the magnetosphere on Jupiter's lee side and extending it outward until it nearly reaches the orbit of Saturn.
  • 28. • The fast moving charged particles slam into neutral atoms in magnetosphere of Jupiter, and the energy released in the resulting high-speed collision heats the plasma to extreme temp. • The temperature of plasma is over 300 Kelvins : 20times the temperature at the center of the Sun! • The density of plasma (around 10,000 atoms/mÂł) was much lower than the vacuum we can produce on Earth. This situation was encountered by Voyager1. Radiation Belts
  • 29. The most intense radiation belt in the solar system is a toroid ring of plasma associated with lo, the innermost of Jupiter's four Galilean moons. Because of its low surface gravity violence of volcanism, some of the gases erupting from its interior can escape moon and can become the part of Jupiter's radiation belt. lo's Plasma Torus
  • 30. Jupiter's auroras have an added twist that we do not see on Earth. As Jupiter's magnetic field sweeps past lo, it behave like a dynamo, generating an electric potential of 4000,000 volts. Electrons accelerate by this enormous electric field spiral along the direction of Jupiter's magnetic field. This result in magnetic channel, called a flux tube. lo’s Flux tube
  • 31. • Trapped particles near the poles of the magnetic field create auroras • Measures 1,200 miles long • Lights up the entire sky • Travels 10,000 mph Auroras
  • 32. Aurora at poles of Jupiter – show that Jupiter has a strong magnetic field Auroras
  • 33. • Radio waves given off by Jupiter reach radio telescopes on Earth in two forms- burst of radio energy and continuous radiation. • Strong burst occur when Io, passes through certain regions in the planet’s magnetic field. • Continuous radiation comes from Jupiter’s surface as well as from high energy particles in the radiation belts. Jupiter speaks!
  • 34. • Rapidly moving electrons in Jupiter magnetosphere spiral around the direction of magnetic field, and as they do so they emit synchrotron radiation. • To emit synchrotron radiation electrons have to spiral to nearly speed of light. To listen synchrotron radiation you can take radio. • When the radio doesn't catch any frequency that voice contain 10 % of synchrotron radiation coming from different parts of the cosmos. Synchrotron radiation
  • 35. • Three rings around its equator was discovered in 1979 by NASA's Voyager 1 • Each are more fainter than Saturn's • Consist of mostly clouds and dust • Main ring is flattened. It is about 20 miles thick and 4,000 miles wide Rings
  • 36. • The inner cloud-like ring, called the halo, is roughly 12,000 miles (20,000 kilometers) thick. The halo extends halfway from the main ring down to the planet's cloud tops and expands by interaction with Jupiter's magnetic field. Both the main ring and halo are composed of small, dark particles. Rings
  • 37. • The main bright ring is probably made of material ejected from the satellites Adrastea and Metis • The third (outer) ring, known as the Gossamer ring because of its transparency, is actually three rings of microscopic debris from Jupiter's moons, Amalthea and Thebe. It is probably made up of dust particles less than 10 microns in diameter, and extends to an outer edge of about 80,000 miles (129,000 kilometers) from the center of the planet and inward to about 18,600 miles (30,000 kilometers). Rings
  • 38. • If one were to dive into Jupiter's atmosphere, one would discover it to grow warmer with depth, reaching room temperature, or 70 degrees F (21 degrees C), at an altitude where the atmospheric pressure is about 10 times as great as it is on Earth. Scientists have conjectured that IF Jupiter has any form of life, it might dwell at this level, and would have to be airborne. However, researchers have found no evidence of life on Jupiter. • Due to the presence of oceans of water under its crust, it is thought that Europa could possibly develop life. • Only Earth has water on or near its surface. • Environment on Europa is hostile compared to Earth. Possibility of Life
  • 39. • There are 16 major moons (including the 4 Galilean moons). • 4 of the 16 major moons have retrograde orbits. • Since 1997, there have been 47 discovered by systematic surveys on Earth. • Around 67 total moons • Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto (4 Galilean moons) easily visible with a small telescope or binoculars Moons
  • 40. Pioneer 10 • Launched on March 2, 1972 • First spacecraft to pass through the Asteroid Belt and into the outer solar system. • Flew by December 3, 1973 discovered extraordinarily high radiation levels. Pioneer 11 • Launched April 5, 1973 • Flew by Jupiter December 2, 1974 • Studied Jupiter’s magnetic field and atmosphere and photographed the planet and some of its moons. • After flying by Saturn on September 1, 1979, the spacecraft continued out of the solar system. Instruments were shut down in the fall of 1995. Jupiter Missions
  • 41. Voyagers • Between the two spacecraft, three new moons were discovered as well as a thin, dark ring around Jupiter. • Voyager images of Jupiter's moon Io revealed active volcanoes, the first ever discovered on another body besides Earth. Voyager 1 • launched September 5, 1977, 16 days after Voyager 2. • Flew by March 5, 1979, Voyager 1 takes more than 18,000 images of Jupiter and its moons. Voyager 2 • Launched 16 days before Voyager 1 on August 20, 1977 • Arrived four months after Voyager 1. • Flew by Jupiter on July 9, 1979 Jupiter Missions…..
  • 42. Galileo • Launched October 18, 1989 • Jupiter probe descent: December 7, 1995 • Jupiter orbit insertion: December 8, 1995 • Plunge into Jupiter: September 22, 2003 • The first spacecraft to dwell in a giant planet's magnetosphere long enough to identify its global structure and investigate the dynamics of Jupiter's magnetic field. • It revealed that Jupiter's ring system is formed by dust kicked up as interplanetary meteoroids smash into the planet's four small inner moons and that the planet's outermost ring is actually two rings, one embedded within the other. Jupiter Missions…..
  • 43. Ulysses • Launched October 6, 1990 to study the north and south pole of the Sun. • On February 8, 1992, the spacecraft flew by Jupiter and studied the planet’s strong magnetic field and radiation levels. Cassini-Huygens • Launched October 15, 1997 • Jupiter flew by December 30, 2000 • Engineers used the Jupiter encounter to test the spacecraft's instruments and operations. During the flyby, Cassini captured incredible images of the gas giant and its larger moons in a science plan that was coordinated with Galileo observations. Jupiter Missions…..
  • 44. New Horizons • Launch: January 19, 2006 • Jupiter flyby: January-May, 2007 It was the first spacecraft to observe the newly formed Little Red Spot. • Photographed Io's north polar volcano Tvashtar in the middle of an eruption. Juno • Launched on August 2011, will reach around on July 4th 2016 • Will investigate the existence of an ice-rock core; determine the amount of global water and ammonia present in the atmosphere; study convection and deep wind profiles in the atmosphere; investigate the origin of the Jovian magnetic field; and explore the polar magnetosphere. Jupiter Missions…..