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The 2nd
Declaration of Independence – DRAFT
Written by: William W. Warwick IV - ><
The American Party
Article 1. No company or LLC or other private for profit or non-profit
group shall be allowed to make any contribution whatsoever to any
candidate running for any office whatsoever. The “Conflict of Interest
Article 1.1 – No Senator, President, Mayor or other publicly elected officer
shall hold any office of legislation for more than 4 terms of their office or
12 years whichever is shorter.
Article 2. The government and people of the United States shall fund
entirely the cost of all elections, and their campaigns with a fixed allotment
for each office, which will be divided by as many candidates that qualify to
run for office.
Article 3. In order to receive government benefits for anything welfare, you
must pass a drug examination for illegal drugs. If found to be on drugs or
alcohol which are considered dangerous - other than recreational - then
the person is given the choice to give up their benefits or go into a
government funded drug treatment program.
Article 4. All U.S. Citizens are to have universal health care benefits and be
required to see a doctor for preventative maintenance and checkups for
health at least 2 times a year. Full MRI and CAT scans will be done every 3
years for citizens under 21, and every 5 years thereafter. Every citizen will
pay a certain % of their income – based on their income, to receive
universal health care benefits.
Article 5. All U.S. Citizens must perform at least 2 full years of continuous
or non-continuous military, civil, or volunteer services for others before the
age of 30, unless health or other special circumstance prevents it. Disabled
people may serve the country in other ways.
Article 6. The dissolution of the Private bank known as the Federal Reserve
Banking system and the transfer of all hard assets from the Federal
Reserve Banks to the US National Treasury at Fort Knox In Kentucky,
where any and all gold or monetary reserve will be available for inspection
and verification 4 times a year, by any member of congress and the public
once per year.
Article 7. All Cable and national and local media will be REQUIRED to set
aside both ad time slots and channel space for debates, meetings, and
discussions of important local and national topics for free to the
candidates that are chosen. 24/7.
Article 8. A national ID card with a unbreakable code which distinguishes
you from every other voter ( like a credit card but more secure) for all
voters is to be assigned to each voter which will allow you to vote online
and maintain 100% security, only your code and the key code on the
voting machine will work. Voting will be allowed to be done over a one
week period of time and votes can be done with the card in person, as
traditional, or from anywhere in the world via web and your keycard. After
voting all voters can be independently verified by you just checking to see
if your vote has been counted, you would be assigned a state/county/etc
then a voter number, you would still be anonymous - all anyone would
know is that citizen 2345243543 voted for this or that, which they already
Article 9. No citizen shall be jailed for the possession or use of any
recreational drug like marijuana, cocaine, or any other opiates unless
found operating a vehicle under the influence, or committing another
crime at the time of intoxication. No one shall be in violation of the law as
long as the citizen has paid their taxes for the growing and consumption of
marijuana, or bought it from an authorized dispensary which is paying
taxes on the sale of the product.
9-2. Taxes from the sale of marijuana or any other recreational, cultural or
religious drug usage, shall be limited to 10% of the sale value. Citizens
who are arrested or cited for being under the influence of drugs or in the
commission of a crime more than 2 or more times will be required to
attend government funded detox and treatment center and then attend a
work and volunteer program to pay back the cost of the program if
Article 10. Flat sales tax - the internal revenue service shall be dissolved
and the treasurer of the United States shall mint all new money and have a
5 tiered system. Anyone that makes more than 1 billion personally or
combined income for married couples will pay a flat rate of 49%. 1 million
to 1 billion is 25%. $500,000 to 1million is 15%. 500,000 or less 10%. No
sales tax will be allowed for grocery items, but fast food and restaurants
can keep all local sales tax structures.
Article 10.1 - Every 2 years the US Treasury will issue a totally new currency
and all old currency will need to be turned in at end of 2 years. Your old
money will be exchanged for new currency of the same value. This will
eliminate most money laundering, because you would have to account for
where you got the money from year to year - because the money that you
laundered from year to year - never changes. When you have to exchange
your currency at the end of every year, you cannot hide massive sums of
cash - because if you don't declare your cash income and where you got it
from - like a legitimate business, then you have to give it up - because at
the end of the year - it will be worthless unless you declare it and the
income from it- and exchange your money…other countries do this
periodically for the same reason and to stop counterfeiting. Drug dealers
and drug cartels would not be able to justify the cash they have and it
would be made worthless at the end of every year.
Article 11. The creation of a new Department of Peace which is to be used
to offset the Department of Defense, and will be used to find and support
peaceful resolutions to all forms of conflict at home and abroad, any
person on earth is able to be nominated not just US citizens. The
department head will be selected and chosen by popular vote not
Article 12. The permanent dissolution of any law or remedy or national
security act which violates any terms in the bill of rights and the 1st
Declaration of Independence. (Like the patriot act)
Article 13. The dissolution of the totally useless and duplicitous
Department of Homeland Security, all duties and tasks of homeland
security shall be transferred to the FBI, CIA, DIA and other agencies as
needed. (We don’t need more intelligence agencies we need less)
Article 14. The set aside of 10% of the pentagon budget each year from
"national defense," to fund new national works projects like high speed
rail across the country, new roads, new schools and new infrastructure
projects. We want to take the best of American ingenuity and engineering,
and put those talented people to work rebuilding our nation from within.
Article 15. The creation of an international space program to succeed and
replace NASA with the aim of creating a permanently manned base on the
moon, mars, and Phobos and Deimos. One nation alone cannot afford to
do this alone, but together, the nations of the world can do anything. The
new program will set a goal to collect an asteroid, and mine it for its
mineral wealth to be brought back to earth so that mining of the earth for
ores will be stopped, thus preserving the earth's environment for future
generations. Even a small asteroid is estimated to contain trillions of
dollars in minerals and perfect diamonds etc. we need to tap this
boundless resource instead of contaminating the earth. The profits of the
project in terms of IP and raw minerals will be divided according to the
each countries contribution of wealth and time invested.
Article 16. All white collar crimes which result in the loss of more than
$25,000 of funds stolen from the public or private sector is punishable by
10 years in prison with no parole and any and all stolen funds need to be
paid back in full plus interest plus jail time and any and all assets which
were acquired illegally is forfeited to the state or federal government to be
given to the those who are afflicted. White collar crimes are just as deadly
to people as killing them and should be treated just as harshly as violent
Article 17. Four times a year, a national referendum may be voted upon
and 4 times a year the people and citizens will be able to submit up to 10
new laws or vetoes to any laws in the national legislature, which the
people disagree with. The 2/3 law applies.
Article 18. The institution of a national R and D project to allow America to
reduce its fossil fuel usage by 90% in 10 years, all patents held by NASA
and the national labs shall be transferred to 100% American owned
companies through the SBIR program and funded through the DOE.
Article 19. The creation of a new National Works Program to fund and
build and develop all new clean energy power plants to replace coal, fossil
fuels, and other hydrocarbons as part of a Green New Deal Program to
create a 100% sustainable economy.
Article 20. The fossil fuels in the ground belong to all American’s not just
one company, no matter what they pay for the land, the fossil fuels belong
to all mankind. Therefore all companies which produce or use electricity,
coal or oil, or control any other natural or economic energy base, shall be
taken over and overseen by the US department of Energy to be
administered and controlled by scientists and engineers and not wall
street speculators like ENRON, that will never happen again. The oil
companies have made untold trillions off of the sweat of the people of the
earth, its about time we took back what is rightfully ours and took out the
profit, so that what is left of the fossil fuels may be used prudently.
Article 21. The repeal of the War Powers Act, no president shall ever have
the authority to commit this country to war unless 3/4 of the registered
voters - vote in favor of military action - in a national emergency
referendum. The military action must have a clear and concise object and
goal, as well as procedures for leaving the invaded country when the
military objective is completed.
Article 22. The financial mortgage reform act, no loan or finance company
may charge more than 10% of a person’s annual income to pay interest for
any debt. Mortgages shall be backed by the Federal Treasury using money
and gold stored in fort Knox as collateral. The maximum loan period is 15
years and the maximum TOTAL interest paid on a home loan is 10%.
Article 23. Only violent or sex, larcenies and felony offenders and people
who commit serious white collar crimes will go to prison. Non-violent
offenders will be required to join and work in a new local works project
program. Instead of going to jail these people would be required to work
full time or part time to repay their debt to society, it makes no sense to
spend $30,000 a year or more to incarcerate someone and have them
doing nothing but be a drain on society. Most criminals commit crimes and
repeat offenses because of lack of good paying jobs, education and equal
opportunities to succeed. The only people who profit from our legal and
penal system today are the companies that make and build and manage
prisons and the lawyers who make a lucrative profit from defending and
prosecuting non - violent offenses. Major Drug dealers will get the death
penalty. If you commit a white collar crime which results in more than
$25,000 of damages to any one individual you go to jail for 20 years with
no probation.
Article 24. The creation of a new kind of closed cycle steam engine which
can convert heat into steam and steam into electricity. This new engine will
be up to 60% more efficient than the most efficient car today and will be
able to also power the average house. These independent power stations
would reduce our risk of a grid collapse by over 90%, so that when it does
occur, it will be like the backup generator supply power went down and
not the end of the world as we know it...
Article 25. All nuclear powered plants on the continental US or its islands
shall be decommissioned within 10 years. There are 110 Nuclear Power
stations in the US today and they all pose a severe threat to national
security and need to be permanently shut down and decommissioned
over the next 10 years to prevent a nuclear disaster which could render
much of the United States uninhabitable.
A plane or a determined attack by any group of people could easily cause
an accident to occur as well as recent earthquake and other activity which
suggests that the current models of maximum movement as well as the
expected heights of sea walls and other protective measures will fall short.
In the last huge earthquake in the 1850's in New Madrid, the land level fell
in places over 10ft. The same happened in Fukashima where the walls
were built to meet the Tsunami height - but they did not account for the
land to drop 3ft, so the wall was the proper height to stop the water, but it
was 3ft too low, and so the water came right over unabated.
Not long ago we had an earthquake in Virginia where there was never
really one before that and it cracked the Surry Nuclear power plant, but
they says its ok...
In the Midwest recently a flood threatened to overrun a nuke plant and for
a few weeks we were staring down the exact same scenario as Fukishima -
but you didn’t hear about it because the people that profit from these
plants are making billions and billions and billions of dollars of YOUR tax
payer money to subsidize the building of them - and then these same
companies CHARGE you for their power that your taxpayer money paid to
build...did you know that?
There has been a nearly 20 year moratorium on building NEW plants
which is now overturned and 8 Billion of your tax money is now approved
for a NEW plant in Atlanta...
Since we only get 20% of our power from these plants, these could EASILY
be replaced at a rate of 11 nuke plants per year, starting with the oldest
and the most dangerous and most vulnerable ones in the highest risk
zones and then replacing 11 of those nuke plants with solar, wind and
other alternative energy projects so that you will have a double boom in
work, one for decommissioning and one for new energy projects.
As the decommissioned nuke people lose their jobs they will be re-trained
for the alternative energy sectors, since they are extremely well skilled and
we don’t want to lose them.
In accordance with Article 24, the nuclear power workers are highly skilled
in conversion of energy from steam to electricity, since that is what a nuke
plant does, so these people will also be asked to create these new types
of systems which use solar power heated water recently discovered which
can boil water to steam with only sunlight even if the water is near
Article 26. Any public official convicted of receiving bribes or gifts for their
vote shall be sent to prison for 20 years with no probation.
Article 27. Establish a permanent ban on un-manned drone attacks.
Establish a permanent ban on unmanned drones over US territory for
monitoring civilians, except in AMBER alerts or when a fugitive or chase or
the situation warrants it, a federal judge must be called by the commander
in charge and the situation given for the surveillance and the justification
of the invasion of privacy and a warrant must be issued by the Federal
Judge for the plane to be launched or used over American territory.
Article 28. The permanent repeal of any law which infringes upon the
original rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of
Article 29. The right of a mentally stable citizen who has never been
convicted of a Felony and never committed a domestic or other violent
crime may apply for any non-automatic weapon or small firearm caliber
that is currently available today that uses a cat ridge and a projectile.
Future weapons of non-Cartridge/primer/bullet combinations will be
regulated by the Office of Peace. There will be a standard 120 day wait
period for any new gun owner, and a 30 day delay for current gun owners
before a gun may be obtained for private use. This is to prevent crimes of
passion and to allow for a thorough background check of the individual
and to curb interstate illegal gun sales. This means that people will not be
able to buy a gun in Virginia on Friday and sell it to a kid illegally on the
street the next day in New York, because the guns would have to be paid
for 120 days to 30 days in advance and then wait for the background
check to come back.
29-A. All Weapons will be registered to their owners and all ammunition
will be registered via micro laser printing on the bullet and cat ridge, as
well as other marking techniques in order to identify criminals who shoot
people they have no connection to. The penalty for sharing a gun or
ammo will be a class 1 felony.
Article 30. All drugs will be decriminalized, and soft drugs like ecstasy and
marijuana will be legal to make and grow and must be regulated and
taxed. Drug treatment centers will be funded entirely by the marijuana and
other businesses that sell or promote soft drugs.

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2Nd Declaration Of Independence

  • 1. The 2nd Declaration of Independence – DRAFT Written by: William W. Warwick IV - >< The American Party Article 1. No company or LLC or other private for profit or non-profit group shall be allowed to make any contribution whatsoever to any candidate running for any office whatsoever. The “Conflict of Interest Rule.” Article 1.1 – No Senator, President, Mayor or other publicly elected officer shall hold any office of legislation for more than 4 terms of their office or 12 years whichever is shorter. Article 2. The government and people of the United States shall fund entirely the cost of all elections, and their campaigns with a fixed allotment for each office, which will be divided by as many candidates that qualify to run for office. Article 3. In order to receive government benefits for anything welfare, you must pass a drug examination for illegal drugs. If found to be on drugs or alcohol which are considered dangerous - other than recreational - then the person is given the choice to give up their benefits or go into a government funded drug treatment program. Article 4. All U.S. Citizens are to have universal health care benefits and be required to see a doctor for preventative maintenance and checkups for health at least 2 times a year. Full MRI and CAT scans will be done every 3 years for citizens under 21, and every 5 years thereafter. Every citizen will pay a certain % of their income – based on their income, to receive universal health care benefits. Article 5. All U.S. Citizens must perform at least 2 full years of continuous or non-continuous military, civil, or volunteer services for others before the
  • 2. age of 30, unless health or other special circumstance prevents it. Disabled people may serve the country in other ways. Article 6. The dissolution of the Private bank known as the Federal Reserve Banking system and the transfer of all hard assets from the Federal Reserve Banks to the US National Treasury at Fort Knox In Kentucky, where any and all gold or monetary reserve will be available for inspection and verification 4 times a year, by any member of congress and the public once per year. Article 7. All Cable and national and local media will be REQUIRED to set aside both ad time slots and channel space for debates, meetings, and discussions of important local and national topics for free to the candidates that are chosen. 24/7. Article 8. A national ID card with a unbreakable code which distinguishes you from every other voter ( like a credit card but more secure) for all voters is to be assigned to each voter which will allow you to vote online and maintain 100% security, only your code and the key code on the voting machine will work. Voting will be allowed to be done over a one week period of time and votes can be done with the card in person, as traditional, or from anywhere in the world via web and your keycard. After voting all voters can be independently verified by you just checking to see if your vote has been counted, you would be assigned a state/county/etc then a voter number, you would still be anonymous - all anyone would know is that citizen 2345243543 voted for this or that, which they already know... Article 9. No citizen shall be jailed for the possession or use of any recreational drug like marijuana, cocaine, or any other opiates unless found operating a vehicle under the influence, or committing another crime at the time of intoxication. No one shall be in violation of the law as long as the citizen has paid their taxes for the growing and consumption of
  • 3. marijuana, or bought it from an authorized dispensary which is paying taxes on the sale of the product. 9-2. Taxes from the sale of marijuana or any other recreational, cultural or religious drug usage, shall be limited to 10% of the sale value. Citizens who are arrested or cited for being under the influence of drugs or in the commission of a crime more than 2 or more times will be required to attend government funded detox and treatment center and then attend a work and volunteer program to pay back the cost of the program if needed. Article 10. Flat sales tax - the internal revenue service shall be dissolved and the treasurer of the United States shall mint all new money and have a 5 tiered system. Anyone that makes more than 1 billion personally or combined income for married couples will pay a flat rate of 49%. 1 million to 1 billion is 25%. $500,000 to 1million is 15%. 500,000 or less 10%. No sales tax will be allowed for grocery items, but fast food and restaurants can keep all local sales tax structures. Article 10.1 - Every 2 years the US Treasury will issue a totally new currency and all old currency will need to be turned in at end of 2 years. Your old money will be exchanged for new currency of the same value. This will eliminate most money laundering, because you would have to account for where you got the money from year to year - because the money that you laundered from year to year - never changes. When you have to exchange your currency at the end of every year, you cannot hide massive sums of cash - because if you don't declare your cash income and where you got it from - like a legitimate business, then you have to give it up - because at the end of the year - it will be worthless unless you declare it and the income from it- and exchange your money…other countries do this periodically for the same reason and to stop counterfeiting. Drug dealers and drug cartels would not be able to justify the cash they have and it would be made worthless at the end of every year.
  • 4. Article 11. The creation of a new Department of Peace which is to be used to offset the Department of Defense, and will be used to find and support peaceful resolutions to all forms of conflict at home and abroad, any person on earth is able to be nominated not just US citizens. The department head will be selected and chosen by popular vote not appointed. Article 12. The permanent dissolution of any law or remedy or national security act which violates any terms in the bill of rights and the 1st Declaration of Independence. (Like the patriot act) Article 13. The dissolution of the totally useless and duplicitous Department of Homeland Security, all duties and tasks of homeland security shall be transferred to the FBI, CIA, DIA and other agencies as needed. (We don’t need more intelligence agencies we need less) Article 14. The set aside of 10% of the pentagon budget each year from "national defense," to fund new national works projects like high speed rail across the country, new roads, new schools and new infrastructure projects. We want to take the best of American ingenuity and engineering, and put those talented people to work rebuilding our nation from within. Article 15. The creation of an international space program to succeed and replace NASA with the aim of creating a permanently manned base on the moon, mars, and Phobos and Deimos. One nation alone cannot afford to do this alone, but together, the nations of the world can do anything. The new program will set a goal to collect an asteroid, and mine it for its mineral wealth to be brought back to earth so that mining of the earth for ores will be stopped, thus preserving the earth's environment for future generations. Even a small asteroid is estimated to contain trillions of dollars in minerals and perfect diamonds etc. we need to tap this boundless resource instead of contaminating the earth. The profits of the
  • 5. project in terms of IP and raw minerals will be divided according to the each countries contribution of wealth and time invested. Article 16. All white collar crimes which result in the loss of more than $25,000 of funds stolen from the public or private sector is punishable by 10 years in prison with no parole and any and all stolen funds need to be paid back in full plus interest plus jail time and any and all assets which were acquired illegally is forfeited to the state or federal government to be given to the those who are afflicted. White collar crimes are just as deadly to people as killing them and should be treated just as harshly as violent crimes. Article 17. Four times a year, a national referendum may be voted upon and 4 times a year the people and citizens will be able to submit up to 10 new laws or vetoes to any laws in the national legislature, which the people disagree with. The 2/3 law applies. Article 18. The institution of a national R and D project to allow America to reduce its fossil fuel usage by 90% in 10 years, all patents held by NASA and the national labs shall be transferred to 100% American owned companies through the SBIR program and funded through the DOE. Article 19. The creation of a new National Works Program to fund and build and develop all new clean energy power plants to replace coal, fossil fuels, and other hydrocarbons as part of a Green New Deal Program to create a 100% sustainable economy. Article 20. The fossil fuels in the ground belong to all American’s not just one company, no matter what they pay for the land, the fossil fuels belong to all mankind. Therefore all companies which produce or use electricity, coal or oil, or control any other natural or economic energy base, shall be taken over and overseen by the US department of Energy to be administered and controlled by scientists and engineers and not wall
  • 6. street speculators like ENRON, that will never happen again. The oil companies have made untold trillions off of the sweat of the people of the earth, its about time we took back what is rightfully ours and took out the profit, so that what is left of the fossil fuels may be used prudently. Article 21. The repeal of the War Powers Act, no president shall ever have the authority to commit this country to war unless 3/4 of the registered voters - vote in favor of military action - in a national emergency referendum. The military action must have a clear and concise object and goal, as well as procedures for leaving the invaded country when the military objective is completed. Article 22. The financial mortgage reform act, no loan or finance company may charge more than 10% of a person’s annual income to pay interest for any debt. Mortgages shall be backed by the Federal Treasury using money and gold stored in fort Knox as collateral. The maximum loan period is 15 years and the maximum TOTAL interest paid on a home loan is 10%. Article 23. Only violent or sex, larcenies and felony offenders and people who commit serious white collar crimes will go to prison. Non-violent offenders will be required to join and work in a new local works project program. Instead of going to jail these people would be required to work full time or part time to repay their debt to society, it makes no sense to spend $30,000 a year or more to incarcerate someone and have them doing nothing but be a drain on society. Most criminals commit crimes and repeat offenses because of lack of good paying jobs, education and equal opportunities to succeed. The only people who profit from our legal and penal system today are the companies that make and build and manage prisons and the lawyers who make a lucrative profit from defending and prosecuting non - violent offenses. Major Drug dealers will get the death penalty. If you commit a white collar crime which results in more than $25,000 of damages to any one individual you go to jail for 20 years with no probation.
  • 7. Article 24. The creation of a new kind of closed cycle steam engine which can convert heat into steam and steam into electricity. This new engine will be up to 60% more efficient than the most efficient car today and will be able to also power the average house. These independent power stations would reduce our risk of a grid collapse by over 90%, so that when it does occur, it will be like the backup generator supply power went down and not the end of the world as we know it... Article 25. All nuclear powered plants on the continental US or its islands shall be decommissioned within 10 years. There are 110 Nuclear Power stations in the US today and they all pose a severe threat to national security and need to be permanently shut down and decommissioned over the next 10 years to prevent a nuclear disaster which could render much of the United States uninhabitable. A plane or a determined attack by any group of people could easily cause an accident to occur as well as recent earthquake and other activity which suggests that the current models of maximum movement as well as the expected heights of sea walls and other protective measures will fall short. In the last huge earthquake in the 1850's in New Madrid, the land level fell in places over 10ft. The same happened in Fukashima where the walls were built to meet the Tsunami height - but they did not account for the land to drop 3ft, so the wall was the proper height to stop the water, but it was 3ft too low, and so the water came right over unabated. Not long ago we had an earthquake in Virginia where there was never really one before that and it cracked the Surry Nuclear power plant, but they says its ok... In the Midwest recently a flood threatened to overrun a nuke plant and for a few weeks we were staring down the exact same scenario as Fukishima -
  • 8. but you didn’t hear about it because the people that profit from these plants are making billions and billions and billions of dollars of YOUR tax payer money to subsidize the building of them - and then these same companies CHARGE you for their power that your taxpayer money paid to build...did you know that? There has been a nearly 20 year moratorium on building NEW plants which is now overturned and 8 Billion of your tax money is now approved for a NEW plant in Atlanta... Since we only get 20% of our power from these plants, these could EASILY be replaced at a rate of 11 nuke plants per year, starting with the oldest and the most dangerous and most vulnerable ones in the highest risk zones and then replacing 11 of those nuke plants with solar, wind and other alternative energy projects so that you will have a double boom in work, one for decommissioning and one for new energy projects. As the decommissioned nuke people lose their jobs they will be re-trained for the alternative energy sectors, since they are extremely well skilled and we don’t want to lose them. In accordance with Article 24, the nuclear power workers are highly skilled in conversion of energy from steam to electricity, since that is what a nuke plant does, so these people will also be asked to create these new types of systems which use solar power heated water recently discovered which can boil water to steam with only sunlight even if the water is near freezing. Article 26. Any public official convicted of receiving bribes or gifts for their vote shall be sent to prison for 20 years with no probation. Article 27. Establish a permanent ban on un-manned drone attacks. Establish a permanent ban on unmanned drones over US territory for
  • 9. monitoring civilians, except in AMBER alerts or when a fugitive or chase or the situation warrants it, a federal judge must be called by the commander in charge and the situation given for the surveillance and the justification of the invasion of privacy and a warrant must be issued by the Federal Judge for the plane to be launched or used over American territory. Article 28. The permanent repeal of any law which infringes upon the original rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Article 29. The right of a mentally stable citizen who has never been convicted of a Felony and never committed a domestic or other violent crime may apply for any non-automatic weapon or small firearm caliber that is currently available today that uses a cat ridge and a projectile. Future weapons of non-Cartridge/primer/bullet combinations will be regulated by the Office of Peace. There will be a standard 120 day wait period for any new gun owner, and a 30 day delay for current gun owners before a gun may be obtained for private use. This is to prevent crimes of passion and to allow for a thorough background check of the individual and to curb interstate illegal gun sales. This means that people will not be able to buy a gun in Virginia on Friday and sell it to a kid illegally on the street the next day in New York, because the guns would have to be paid for 120 days to 30 days in advance and then wait for the background check to come back. 29-A. All Weapons will be registered to their owners and all ammunition will be registered via micro laser printing on the bullet and cat ridge, as well as other marking techniques in order to identify criminals who shoot people they have no connection to. The penalty for sharing a gun or ammo will be a class 1 felony. Article 30. All drugs will be decriminalized, and soft drugs like ecstasy and marijuana will be legal to make and grow and must be regulated and
  • 10. taxed. Drug treatment centers will be funded entirely by the marijuana and other businesses that sell or promote soft drugs.