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A Street Is A Terrible
Thing To Waste
John Montague Massengale AIA
Norman W. Garrick
A Street Is A Terrible Thing To Waste
Vision Zero & Completer Streets
Lafayette Street, New York, New York
S i n g e l g r a c h t , A m s t e r d a m , t h e
N e t h e r l a n d s
A Street Is A Terrible Thing To Waste
F u n c t i o n a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n – A r t e r i a l s , C o l l e c t o r s , L o c a l
L e v e l o f
S e r v i c e ( L O S )
F u n c t i o n a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n – L e v e l o f S e r v i c e ( L O S )
T r a d i t i o n a l N e i g h b o r h o o d – W a l k a b l e I n d e x N u m b e r ( W I N )
T h e N e w U r b a n T r a n s e c t d e s c r i b e s t h e r a n g e o f n a t u r a l a n d
b u i l t e n v i r o n m e n t s f r o m t h e h e a r t o f t h e w i l d e r n e s s t o t h e
c e n t e r o f t h e c i t y . T h e d i a g r a m f o r t h e T r a n s e c t s h o w t h e s e
a s T r a n s e c t Z o n e s : e a c h u r b a n T - z o n e i s a n e i g h b o r h o o d
w i t h m o s t o r m a n y o f t h e n e e d s a n d a c t i v i t i e s o f d a i l y l i f e
w i t h i n a s h o r t f i v e - t o - t e n m i n u t e w a l k .
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T5, M e t r o p o l i t a n M u s e u m o f A r t , N e w Y o r k , N e w
V i a A p p i a A n t i c a ( t h e A p p i a n W a y ) , R o m e , I t a l y
L i t t l e b r e d y L a n e , D o r s e t , E n g l a n d
M a i n S t r e e t , C o o p e r s t o w n , N e w Y o r k
H o f f m a n L a n e , C o o p e r s t o w n , N e w Y o r k
P e q u o t A v e n u e & O l d S o u t h R o a d , S o u t h p o r t ,
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Q u i n c e S t r e e t , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P e n n s y l v a n i a
M a r k e t S t r e e t , C h a r l e s t o n , S o u t h C a r o l i n a
C e n t r e S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k .
R e g e n t S t r e e t , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
R e g e n t S t r e e t , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d , 1 8 1 4 P l a n
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M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
R a i l r o a d S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
R a i l r o a d S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
S t r e e v e r F a r m R o a d , D u t c h e s s C o u n t y , N e w Y o r k
M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
B r o a d w a y a t H e r a l d S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 8
B r o a d w a y a t H e r a l d S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , c i r c a 1 9 0 7
F i f t h A v e n u e a t 4 0 t h S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 9
F i f t h A v e n u e a t 3 8 t h S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 9
F i f t h A v e n u e a t 3 8 t h S t r e e t , 1 9L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e a t 8 9 t h S t r e e t , 1 9 1 4
2 0 1 2
L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
Complete Street after Road Diet, Anywhere, Florida
Complete Street after Road Diet, Anywhere, Florida
S e c o n d A v e n u e N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k .
“ T h e 2 1 s t C e n t u r y S t r e e t , ” B r o o k l y n , N e w Y o r k
E a s t 4 t h S t r e e t , L o n g B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a
E a s t 4 t h S t r e e t , L o n g B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a
” T h e t r o u b l e w i t h t r a f f i c e n g i n e e r s i s t h a t w h e n t h e r e ' s a
p r o b l e m w i t h a r o a d , t h e y a l w a y s t r y t o a d d s o m e t h i n g , ”
s a y s H a n s M o n d e r m a n , T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r . “ T o m y m i n d , i t ’ s
b e t t e r t o r e m o v e t h i n g s . ”
W i l l o w S t r e e t , B r o o k l y n , N e w Y o r k
American Deaths
World War II
Pedestrian Deaths
Cyclist Deaths
World War II
M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
There are only two ways to move to zero
traffic deaths. Either separate the people
from the cars, or slow the cars down.
N A C T O / V I S I O N C O N E
L a f a y e t t e S t r e e t , N Y C
B l e e c k e r S t r e e t l o o k i n g S o u t h
“ W e d e s i g n h i g h w a y s f o r a d r i v e r w i t h a B A C o f 0 . 8 %
d r i v i n g 1 0 M P H o v e r t h e s p e e d l i m i t . ” T o l d t o M i c h a e l
R o n k i n , h i s f i r s t d a y o n t h e j o b a t t h e O r e g o n D O T .
Shared Space
System Time versus Context Time
Norman W. Garrick
University of Connecticut
Shared space is an old idea... rediscovered
Shared Space is a reconsideration of how urban space is used
In shared space design, signs, signals, lines play a subordinate role
The idea is that the design governs how the space is used
Storrs, Connecticut, 1950s Subdivision
A shared design that supports pedestrian use
Rockport, Cape Ann, Massachusetts
Pedestrians Control, Cars Share
Hans Monderman, Dutch Engineer (1945 – 2008)
was inspired by these types of more traditional places in conceptualizing Shared Spaces
According to Monderman the best public spaces and streets
are ones where human behavior governs
While contemporary traffic engineering is
based on largely on regulation and control
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
In comparison, this is a design where human behavior controls
Monderman conceptualized design as being based on System Time
…. or Context Time, where human behavior prevails
System Time
Traffic Behavior Governs
Single purpose
Context Time
Social Behavior Governs
Culturally defined
Conventional Design is a bad fit where we can expect Context Time Behavior
In other words, where there is an inconsistency between the design and the context
Shared Space Design is a better fit to context time
Context Time and
Urban Street Design
Seven Dials, London
Most urban streets are by their nature context time situations,
since they are multifunctional and diverse
Context time design should form the basis for urban street design,
with some level of traffic control as warranted.
It should not be the other way around,
where traffic control is the basic building block of the design.
The level of traffic control will vary depending on the specific design context.
How We Got Away from Context Time Design
The Case of Switzerland
Source: Die Disziplinierung Der Stadt Moderner Stadtebau in Zurich 1900 bis 1940 by Daniel Kurz
Traffic Education: The definition of the road, forcing pedestrians to behave.
Illustration from the Zurich Traffic manual, which was distributed to all school children in 1927
Example of Contemporary Context Time Design
Hegibachplatz, Zürich
Thanks to the work of Monderman and others, including Ben Hamilton Baillie in the UK
some places are again adopting context time based design
Hegibachplatz, Zürich
Die Laweiplein, Drachten, The Netherland
one of the earliest new generation shared spaces
Die Laweiplein - Before
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
Deregulating Drachten
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
Die Laweiplein - Before
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
Die Laweiplein - After
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
Die Laweiplein - After
From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
Die Laweiplein Report
Assessing the Laweiplein
• Less congestion - time through the
intersection decreased by about 50%
• Relatively constant traffic speed
• Vehicles cede priority to bikes and
• Fewer traffic accidents
• Higher quality of public space
Exhibition Road c2011Kensington High Street c2003
Reconstructed Section of Kensington High Street
London (UK)
“We desired simplicity, quality and elegance”
David Moylan
Deputy Leader
Council of the Royal Borough
of Kensington and Chelsea
Kensington High - Before
Kensington High - After
Kensington High - Before
Kensington High - After
Kensington High
Exhibition Road, London
Reconstructed Section of Exhibition Road
London (UK)
Photo Credit: Ben Hamilton Baillie
Great interview with Ben Hamilton Baillie on plans for Exhibition Road
Exhibition Road - Before
Poynton, United Kingdom
Poynton, UK - Before
Poynton, UK - After
See more on Poynton at
Queens Boulevard
New York, New York
Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
Queens Boulevard
New York, New York
Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
Queens Boulevard
New York, New York
Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
Queens Boulevard
New York, New York
Existing conditions
Street Improvements
New Buildings
Completing Both Sides of the Street
In the Future
Existing conditions
J a n e J a c o b s S q u a r e
S e v e n D i a l s , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
J a n e J a c o b s S q u a r e
John Montague Massengale AIA
Norman W. Garrick

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E2 A Street is a Terrible Thing to Waste

  • 1. A Street Is A Terrible Thing To Waste John Montague Massengale AIA Norman W. Garrick
  • 2. A Street Is A Terrible Thing To Waste Vision Zero & Completer Streets Terrible Lafayette Street, New York, New York
  • 3.
  • 4. S i n g e l g r a c h t , A m s t e r d a m , t h e N e t h e r l a n d s
  • 5. A Street Is A Terrible Thing To Waste
  • 6. F u n c t i o n a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n – A r t e r i a l s , C o l l e c t o r s , L o c a l L e v e l o f S e r v i c e ( L O S )
  • 7. F u n c t i o n a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n – L e v e l o f S e r v i c e ( L O S ) T r a d i t i o n a l N e i g h b o r h o o d – W a l k a b l e I n d e x N u m b e r ( W I N )
  • 8.
  • 9. Text T h e N e w U r b a n T r a n s e c t d e s c r i b e s t h e r a n g e o f n a t u r a l a n d b u i l t e n v i r o n m e n t s f r o m t h e h e a r t o f t h e w i l d e r n e s s t o t h e c e n t e r o f t h e c i t y . T h e d i a g r a m f o r t h e T r a n s e c t s h o w t h e s e a s T r a n s e c t Z o n e s : e a c h u r b a n T - z o n e i s a n e i g h b o r h o o d w i t h m o s t o r m a n y o f t h e n e e d s a n d a c t i v i t i e s o f d a i l y l i f e w i t h i n a s h o r t f i v e - t o - t e n m i n u t e w a l k .
  • 10. Text
  • 11. Text
  • 12. T1 - C e n t r a l P a r k S t e p s , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
  • 13. T5, M e t r o p o l i t a n M u s e u m o f A r t , N e w Y o r k , N e w
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. V i a A p p i a A n t i c a ( t h e A p p i a n W a y ) , R o m e , I t a l y
  • 17. L i t t l e b r e d y L a n e , D o r s e t , E n g l a n d
  • 18. M a i n S t r e e t , C o o p e r s t o w n , N e w Y o r k
  • 19. H o f f m a n L a n e , C o o p e r s t o w n , N e w Y o r k
  • 20. P e q u o t A v e n u e & O l d S o u t h R o a d , S o u t h p o r t , C o n n e c t i c u t
  • 21. Q u i n c e S t r e e t , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P e n n s y l v a n i a
  • 22. M a r k e t S t r e e t , C h a r l e s t o n , S o u t h C a r o l i n a
  • 23. C e n t r e S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k .
  • 24. R e g e n t S t r e e t , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
  • 25. R e g e n t S t r e e t , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d , 1 8 1 4 P l a n
  • 26. A i r S t r e e t ( R e g e n t S t r e e t ) , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
  • 27. P a s e o d e G r a c i a , B a r c e l o n a , S p a i n
  • 28. L o n g m o o r S t r e e t , P o u n d b u r y , E n g l a n d
  • 29. L o n g m o o r S t r e e t , P o u n d b u r y , E n g l a n d
  • 30. D a u p h i n e S t r e e t , N e w O r l e a n s , L o u i s i a n a
  • 31. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 32. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 33. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 34. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 35. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 36. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 37. M a i n S t r e e t , N a n t u c k e t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 38. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 39. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 40. R a i l r o a d S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 41. R a i l r o a d S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 42. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 43. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 44. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 45. M a i n S t r e e t , G r e a t B a r r i n g t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s
  • 46. S t r e e v e r F a r m R o a d , D u t c h e s s C o u n t y , N e w Y o r k
  • 47. M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
  • 48. M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
  • 49. B r o a d w a y a t H e r a l d S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 8
  • 50. B r o a d w a y a t H e r a l d S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , c i r c a 1 9 0 7
  • 51. F i f t h A v e n u e a t 4 0 t h S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 9
  • 52. F i f t h A v e n u e a t 3 8 t h S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 0 9
  • 53. F i f t h A v e n u e a t 3 8 t h S t r e e t , 1 9L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e a t 8 9 t h S t r e e t , 1 9 1 4 2 0 1 2
  • 54. L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
  • 55. Complete Street after Road Diet, Anywhere, Florida
  • 56. Complete Street after Road Diet, Anywhere, Florida
  • 57. S e c o n d A v e n u e N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k .
  • 58. “ T h e 2 1 s t C e n t u r y S t r e e t , ” B r o o k l y n , N e w Y o r k
  • 59.
  • 60. E a s t 4 t h S t r e e t , L o n g B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a
  • 61. E a s t 4 t h S t r e e t , L o n g B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a
  • 62. ” T h e t r o u b l e w i t h t r a f f i c e n g i n e e r s i s t h a t w h e n t h e r e ' s a p r o b l e m w i t h a r o a d , t h e y a l w a y s t r y t o a d d s o m e t h i n g , ” s a y s H a n s M o n d e r m a n , T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r . “ T o m y m i n d , i t ’ s b e t t e r t o r e m o v e t h i n g s . ”
  • 63. W i l l o w S t r e e t , B r o o k l y n , N e w Y o r k
  • 64. American Deaths 0 100 200 300 400 Vietnam 60,000 World War II 130,000 Traffic 380,00 2003-2012
  • 66. M a d i s o n S q u a r e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
  • 67. There are only two ways to move to zero traffic deaths. Either separate the people from the cars, or slow the cars down.
  • 68. N A C T O / V I S I O N C O N E
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73. L a f a y e t t e S t r e e t , N Y C
  • 74. B l e e c k e r S t r e e t l o o k i n g S o u t h
  • 75. “ W e d e s i g n h i g h w a y s f o r a d r i v e r w i t h a B A C o f 0 . 8 % d r i v i n g 1 0 M P H o v e r t h e s p e e d l i m i t . ” T o l d t o M i c h a e l R o n k i n , h i s f i r s t d a y o n t h e j o b a t t h e O r e g o n D O T .
  • 76. Shared Space System Time versus Context Time Norman W. Garrick University of Connecticut
  • 77.
  • 78. Shared space is an old idea... rediscovered
  • 79. Shared Space is a reconsideration of how urban space is used
  • 80. In shared space design, signs, signals, lines play a subordinate role
  • 81. The idea is that the design governs how the space is used
  • 82. Storrs, Connecticut, 1950s Subdivision A shared design that supports pedestrian use
  • 83. Rockport, Cape Ann, Massachusetts Pedestrians Control, Cars Share
  • 84. Hans Monderman, Dutch Engineer (1945 – 2008) was inspired by these types of more traditional places in conceptualizing Shared Spaces
  • 85. According to Monderman the best public spaces and streets are ones where human behavior governs
  • 86. While contemporary traffic engineering is based on largely on regulation and control From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
  • 87. In comparison, this is a design where human behavior controls
  • 88. Monderman conceptualized design as being based on System Time
  • 89. …. or Context Time, where human behavior prevails
  • 90. System Time Traffic Behavior Governs Single purpose Regulated Impersonal Uniform Predictable
  • 91. Context Time Social Behavior Governs Multi-functional Culturally defined Personal Diverse Unpredictable
  • 92. Conventional Design is a bad fit where we can expect Context Time Behavior In other words, where there is an inconsistency between the design and the context
  • 93. Shared Space Design is a better fit to context time
  • 94.
  • 95. Context Time and Urban Street Design Seven Dials, London Most urban streets are by their nature context time situations, since they are multifunctional and diverse Context time design should form the basis for urban street design, with some level of traffic control as warranted. It should not be the other way around, where traffic control is the basic building block of the design. The level of traffic control will vary depending on the specific design context.
  • 96. How We Got Away from Context Time Design The Case of Switzerland Source: Die Disziplinierung Der Stadt Moderner Stadtebau in Zurich 1900 bis 1940 by Daniel Kurz Traffic Education: The definition of the road, forcing pedestrians to behave. Illustration from the Zurich Traffic manual, which was distributed to all school children in 1927
  • 97.
  • 98. Example of Contemporary Context Time Design Hegibachplatz, Zürich Thanks to the work of Monderman and others, including Ben Hamilton Baillie in the UK some places are again adopting context time based design
  • 100. Die Laweiplein, Drachten, The Netherland one of the earliest new generation shared spaces
  • 101. Die Laweiplein - Before From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
  • 103. Die Laweiplein - Before From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
  • 104. Die Laweiplein - After From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
  • 105. Die Laweiplein - After From Presentation by Koop Kerkstra
  • 107. Assessing the Laweiplein • Less congestion - time through the intersection decreased by about 50% • Relatively constant traffic speed • Vehicles cede priority to bikes and pedestrians • Fewer traffic accidents • Higher quality of public space
  • 108.
  • 109. Exhibition Road c2011Kensington High Street c2003
  • 110. Reconstructed Section of Kensington High Street London (UK)
  • 111. “We desired simplicity, quality and elegance” David Moylan Deputy Leader Council of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
  • 112. Kensington High - Before
  • 113. Kensington High - After
  • 114. Kensington High - Before
  • 115. Kensington High - After
  • 118. Reconstructed Section of Exhibition Road London (UK)
  • 119. Photo Credit: Ben Hamilton Baillie Great interview with Ben Hamilton Baillie on plans for Exhibition Road Exhibition Road - Before
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 130. Poynton, UK - Before
  • 131. Poynton, UK - After
  • 132. See more on Poynton at
  • 133. Queens Boulevard New York, New York Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
  • 134. Queens Boulevard New York, New York Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
  • 135. Queens Boulevard New York, New York Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage
  • 136. Massengale & Co LLC - UrbanAdvantage Queens Boulevard New York, New York
  • 140. Completing Both Sides of the Street
  • 143. J a n e J a c o b s S q u a r e S e v e n D i a l s , L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
  • 144. J a n e J a c o b s S q u a r e
  • 145. John Montague Massengale AIA Norman W. Garrick