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ROLL :11EC63R12
DEPT : RF & Microwave
IIT Kharagpur
•   Introduction
•   History and Motivation
•   Natural Evolution Process
•   Optimization and Genetic Algorithm(GA)
•   Basics of Genetics
•   Simulation of Natural Evolution: GA
•    Mathematical Examples
•   GA using MATLAB
•   GA Applications in Electromagnetism & Other fields
•   Comparison between different Optimization Tools
•   Advantages and Disadvantages, Remedies
• Each species try to adapt and acclimatized itself with the gradually
  changing environment on the earth.
• The knowledge that each species gains is encoded in its chromosomes
  automatically, which undergoes transformations when reproduction
• Over a period of time, these changes to the chromosomes give rise to
  more fit species that are more likely to survive, and so have a greater
  chance of passing their improved characteristics on to future generations.
• Otherwise the species may extinct.
• Genetic Algorithm is search Heuristic that mimics the process of natural
  evolution and helps us to find out the fittest solution of a problem exactly
  the same way simulating selection, crossover, mutation etc.
• Often its used in optimization and search problems.
•   1859:Natural selection, genetic inheritance and evolution was first
    described by Charles Darwin
•   1954:Computer simulations of evolution started as early as in 1954 with the
    work of Nils Aall Barricelli at the Institute of Advanced Study,
•   1957:Fraser developed first Genetic Algorithm.
•   1960:John Holland developed GA on his own way.
•   1966:The idea of ‘Evolutionary computation’, as a part of artificial intelligence first introduced
    by Lawrence J. Fogel.

•   1970-75:Genetic Algorithm is Developed by John Holland and his students,
    University of Michigan (1970’s) almost in the form today we are using it.
    Thus called the father of ‘GA’.
•   1980 -90: GA and Swarm Intelligence Method became very
    Popular method of computation.
Motivation & Necessity
Nature is the motivation. Nature automatically finds out the best, fittest
   individual from a species those who are likely to survive more easily than
   others. Exactly the same way we can find out the best solutions among a
   no of solutions by using GA from a given search space for a specific
Often we need a search or an optimization process which-
1) Can deal with complex multidimensional discontinuous problem..
2) Is easy and efficient to find global maxima or minima.
3) Faster.
4) Can be implemented by computer.
5) Can be used in Huge search space defined for those variables.
GA satisfies the following criterias.
• In 1859 Darwin gave a theory in his ‘On the origin o Species by Means of
  Natural Selection’.
• Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less
  likely to reproduce; individuals more suited to the environment are more
  likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their inheritable
  traits to future generations ( called Survival of the fittest), which produces
  the process of natural selection.
• This slowly effected process results in populations changing to adapt to
  their environments, and ultimately, these variations accumulate over time
  to form new species called ‘EVOLUTION’.
• Optimization is an effort to find the best solutions for a given problem
  (often Multi-dimensional) from a no of alternative solutions in a search
• Sometimes we need to maximize or minimize some function say
  maximizing the profit or minimizing the cost, path length etc which
  depends upon various parameters.
• Mathematical Example:
• say, f=f( x1, x2, x3 …xn),
  We want to find maximum value of ‘f’ and for that the values of x1,x2 …xn
  and suppose if x1 increases upto some value ‘f’ also increases and if for x2
  decreases ‘f’ decreases and also values of x1,x2,x3…xn effect each other
  so to find the maxima basically we need a ‘TRADE-OFF ‘ between the
  values of variables that’s called optimization.
Mathematical Examples:
A Practical Example : Microstrip Antenna Design

• Design W,L and x of a
  Microstrip Antenna with
  Minimum Return Loss (R)
• Operation frequency fo, εr and
  h is given
Different Important Optimization
Cell Structure and Chromosome
• DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
• Basically Pentose Sugar+        +Base(A/T/G/C)=Nucleotide
• DNA is a polymer of the Nucleotide Blocks called De-oxyribonucleic Acid.
• A small part of DNA (sometimes RNA)can synthesis a particular protein
  which determines a few characteristics of an individual.
• Thus ‘GENE’ is called the molecular unit of heredity of a living organism.
Reproduction and Evolution (example: HUMAN)

          NATURE                    COMPUTER
1.INDIVIDUAL             1.   Solution to a problem
2.POPULATION             2.   A no of trial solution
                         3.   The Quality of Solution
                         4.   Encoding for a Solution
4.CHROMOSOME             5.   Part of encoding of a solution
5.GENE                        that can interchange with
                         6.   Search Operators
7.MUTATION               7.   Search Operators help to avoid
                              local optimas
8.NATURAL SELECTION      8.   Reuse of Good solutions
                         9.   Iteration
Simulation continued
• Evolution takes place taking account of each and every member of a
  species. Thus when we are going to search a solution in a solution space of
  a given problem, each solution will be an individual.
• A no of all solutions in an iteration no ‘I’ will be the total population and
  each iteration is similar to a generation.
• In any generation children or off-springs are made due to reproduction of
  parents from previous generation.
• Cross-over and mutation are taken place while reproduction occurs.
• In this generation again natural selection select two parents for
  reproduction and create off-springs of the next generation and so on until
  the selection procedure ends.
• This method continues until solution criteria is satisfied.
GA Algorithm Steps:
Step1:Start with a randomly generated population of n chromosomes
Step2:Calculate the fitness f(x) of each chromosome x in the population.
Step3:Repeat the following steps until n offspring have been created,
     3.1 Selection: Roulette-wheel selection operation. (Or, any)
     3.2 Crossover: With Cross-over probability p_cross-over.
     3.3 Mutation: With Mutation Probability p_mutation.
Step4:Replace the current population with the new population.
Step5:Repeat steps 2-4 until the objective's solution is found.
Mathematical Example: How to Code GA?

• Lets us assume first we want to find minima of f(x),an one dimensional
   function within domain of xϵ[x1,x2];
• First we need to code the solution for Chromosome.
• We can use any code preferably Binary Coding.
For example: for domain of x from 0 to 7 we can use where step size is 1.
Generalization of binary coding
•   Resolution or step size or accuracy level~ 2
•   L is the no of bits present in the coding.
•   Hence Step size=Δ=(X2-X1)/(2 -1);
•   Code=X1+n*Δ.

Initial population & Selection
•   First an initial population is created taking N no of individuals preferably 30-100 and depends
    on problem type.
•   Then Fitness Value of each individual is calculated.
•   FITNESS FUNCTION: Is defined as such a function for which as solution approaches it also
    becomes maximum.
•   So Fitness for ‘i’ th individual is Fi.
•   Probability of selection :               Where N=no of individual in a population

•  Now from the individuals, 2-parents parents are selected by simulating ‘NATURAL SELECTION’
   for creating off-spring.
• For simple GA generally Population size remains same
• Some selection processes are:
1. Fitness Proportionate or Roulette-Wheel selection
2. Tournament Selection
Roulette-Wheel Selection
• Here we stochastically select
  from one generation to create the
  basis of the next generation. The
  requirement is that the fittest
  individuals have a greater chance
  of survival than weaker ones.
• In MATLAB rand() creates a
  random no between 0 to 1.
• If its between 0 to .31 1st one , if
  its between .31 to .36(=.31+.05)
  then 2nd one will be selected in
  this example.

• one-point crossover
   parent A 1 1 0 1 0   offspring A   11011
   parent B 1 0 0 0 1   offspring B

• two-point crossover

   parent A   11010     offspring A   11 00 0
   parent B             offspring B
              10001                   10 01 1
Crossover continued..
• Except those 2 important types of cross-overs sometimes these are also
1. Uniform Crossover.
2. Arithmetic Crossover.
3. Heuristic Crossover.
4. Multipoint Crossover.
• Helps to maintain diversity in population.
• Providing new genetic materials it helps to find out global maxima rather
   than local maxima.
1. Flip-Bit:

2.     Uniform.
3.     Non-Uniform.
4.     Boundary.
5.     Gaussian.
Case Study: Program with MATLAB

• Case Study 1: Function with 1 variable :

    where xϵ[2,17] ,need to find out the maxima in that domain of x:
                                                  GA: Fmin=1.7991 @ x~4.3
Solution:                              4.5

Lets take accuracy level = 1/1024        4

so bit required=10
Fmin=1.7791                            F(x)

At x=4.3 (almost)                        3



                                                    2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16   18
Solution by GA
How to do program for multiple variable?

• Let F=F(X1,X2,X3……Xn) and need to find out Fmax or Fmin where domain
  is defined.
• What we need to do first find the code for each x1,x2,x3… Xn then
  concatenate them to find out the chromosome or solution in (x1,x2,…Xn)
  form .
• Rest Will be same.
MATLAB:GA TOOL>>optimumtool(‘ga’)
GA by Matlab tool continued..
OBSERVATION: Typical Practical Values for best performance:

• Population Size: 20-100
   Depends Upon problem also.
• Cross-Over Probability: 0.6-0.9
   Optimal value~0.7 .
• Mutation Probability:
   As low as possible, 0.1-0.01 etc.
• Generation:
   Typically 50 to 100 yields good result.
Here Roulette-wheeler selection is taken all over the experiment.
Do Aliens Exist?
• According to Erich Von Daniken, A famous writer Evolution does not take
  place as it is, not only by ‘nature’ but creatures from other Universe who
  mutated to create developed genes.
• Solution of a mathematical problem by GA supports ‘Evolution’.
• But if we add mutation with p_mutation as high as 0.6 to 0.8 the result
  sometimes drastically fall and sometimes it is surprisingly better.
• What you must to know, when and where you need to mutate to develop
  a gene otherwise poor solution(Extinction), Haphazard solution(cancerous
  growth) can result.
• Does this prove that the history of mankind is not exactly what we think it
Application of GA in Electromagnetism

1.   RCS reduction: Broad-band multi-layer electromagnetic Absorber.
2.   Low side-lobe levels in thinned and non-uniform arrays.
3.   Shaped Beam-array.
4.   Broad-band Patch Antenna Design.
5.   Natural Resonance Extraction
Application in Other fields
 Domain                       Application Types

 Control                      gas pipeline, pole balancing, missile evasion, pursuit

 Design                       semiconductor layout, aircraft design, keyboard configuration,
                              communication networks, using travelling salesman problem.
 Scheduling                   manufacturing, facility scheduling, resource allocation

 Robotics                     trajectory planning

 Machine Learning             designing neural networks, improving classification algorithms,
                              classifier systems
 Signal Processing            filter design

 Game Playing                 poker, checkers, prisoner’s dilemma

 Combinatorial Optimization   set covering, travelling salesman, routing, bin packing, graph
                              colouring and partitioning
 Civil Engineering            Design any construction or path with stortage distant, Lowest
                              Cost , lowest Weight and highest Profit ….Etc.
Comparison of 2 popular optimization processes

Genetic Algorithm(GA)                  Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)
1.   Weak solutions also give          1.   Generally Knowledge of the Best
     contribution to find the actual        particles contribute to find the
     solution.                              solution.
2.   Coding for chromosome             2.   No coding as such.
     required.                         3.   Change of velocity and
3.   Crossover , mutation happen.           direction.
4.   Hard to implement.                4.   Very easy to implement.
5.   Faster.                           5.   Slower.
6.   Gives better results.             6.   Give good results but not like
1.   Take more space to calculate fitness every-time.
2.   Often in practical situation if mutation probability is high it fails to give
     good solution and again takes larger space.
3.   Tendency to converge towards local optima if mutation is not proper.
4.   Cant operate efficiently on a dynamic set of data and when it was already
     tense to converge towards a solution for previous situation.
5.   Not always superior to other optimization problems. Its situation
     dependent so We cant use this technique blindly.
1. C. Darwin.” On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”; or, “The Preservation of flavored Races
      in the Struggle for Life. “John Murray, London, 1859.
2. “THE CELL:A molecular Approach” by Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E. Hausman
3. “Cytology and Genetics” by Sumitra Sen and Dipak Kumar Kar
4. “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm” by Melanie Michell
5.”An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm “ by S.N.Shivanandan and S.N. Deepa,Springer
6. “Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Electromagnetics” by J. Michael Johnson and Yahya Rahmat-Samii,IEEE
      Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 4, August 1997
7.”Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Engineering Electromagnetics” Yahya
      Rahmat-Samii,ICECOM17, 17'hlnternational Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and
      Communications1 - 3 October 2003. Dubrovnik, Croatia
8. “Genetic Algorithm Optimization Applied to Electromagnetics:A Review “Daniel S. Weile and Eric
9. “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Electromagnetics” by Randy L. Haupt, IEEE Antennas and
      Pmpagatiin Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 2, April 1995
10. “Design of Multiband Microstrip Antennas Using a Genetic Algorithm” by H. Choo, Student Member, IEEE,
      SEPTEMBER 2002
      International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’2005
12. Manual:Genetic Algorithm TOOLBOX For Use with MATLAB
References Continued..
13 .”Chariots of Gods” , by Erich Von Daniken
14.” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation” by Swagatam Das and P.N. Suganathan
15.”Gnenetic Algorithm and Engineering Optimization” by Mitsuo Gen and Runwei Cheng
2. Genetic Algorithm Implementation Using Matlab :
5.Genetic Algorithm Tutorial and JAVASCRIPT SIMULATION:
9.Roulette-Wheel Selection at a glance:
10.Methods of Selection and Crossover : and MATLAB Demos for Genetic Algorithm.


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Genetic algorithm_raktim_IITKGP

  • 2. OVERVIEW • Introduction • History and Motivation • Natural Evolution Process • Optimization and Genetic Algorithm(GA) • Basics of Genetics • Simulation of Natural Evolution: GA • Mathematical Examples • GA using MATLAB • GA Applications in Electromagnetism & Other fields • Comparison between different Optimization Tools • Advantages and Disadvantages, Remedies
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Each species try to adapt and acclimatized itself with the gradually changing environment on the earth. • The knowledge that each species gains is encoded in its chromosomes automatically, which undergoes transformations when reproduction occurs. • Over a period of time, these changes to the chromosomes give rise to more fit species that are more likely to survive, and so have a greater chance of passing their improved characteristics on to future generations. • Otherwise the species may extinct. • Genetic Algorithm is search Heuristic that mimics the process of natural evolution and helps us to find out the fittest solution of a problem exactly the same way simulating selection, crossover, mutation etc. • Often its used in optimization and search problems.
  • 4. History • 1859:Natural selection, genetic inheritance and evolution was first described by Charles Darwin • 1954:Computer simulations of evolution started as early as in 1954 with the work of Nils Aall Barricelli at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton. • 1957:Fraser developed first Genetic Algorithm. • 1960:John Holland developed GA on his own way. • 1966:The idea of ‘Evolutionary computation’, as a part of artificial intelligence first introduced by Lawrence J. Fogel. • 1970-75:Genetic Algorithm is Developed by John Holland and his students, University of Michigan (1970’s) almost in the form today we are using it. Thus called the father of ‘GA’. • 1980 -90: GA and Swarm Intelligence Method became very Popular method of computation.
  • 5. Motivation & Necessity MOTIVATION: Nature is the motivation. Nature automatically finds out the best, fittest individual from a species those who are likely to survive more easily than others. Exactly the same way we can find out the best solutions among a no of solutions by using GA from a given search space for a specific problem. NECESSITY: Often we need a search or an optimization process which- 1) Can deal with complex multidimensional discontinuous problem.. 2) Is easy and efficient to find global maxima or minima. 3) Faster. 4) Can be implemented by computer. 5) Can be used in Huge search space defined for those variables. GA satisfies the following criterias.
  • 6. Evolution • In 1859 Darwin gave a theory in his ‘On the origin o Species by Means of Natural Selection’. • Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce; individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their inheritable traits to future generations ( called Survival of the fittest), which produces the process of natural selection. • This slowly effected process results in populations changing to adapt to their environments, and ultimately, these variations accumulate over time to form new species called ‘EVOLUTION’.
  • 7. What is ‘OPTIMIZATION’? • Optimization is an effort to find the best solutions for a given problem (often Multi-dimensional) from a no of alternative solutions in a search space. • Sometimes we need to maximize or minimize some function say maximizing the profit or minimizing the cost, path length etc which depends upon various parameters. • Mathematical Example: • say, f=f( x1, x2, x3 …xn), We want to find maximum value of ‘f’ and for that the values of x1,x2 …xn and suppose if x1 increases upto some value ‘f’ also increases and if for x2 decreases ‘f’ decreases and also values of x1,x2,x3…xn effect each other so to find the maxima basically we need a ‘TRADE-OFF ‘ between the values of variables that’s called optimization.
  • 9. A Practical Example : Microstrip Antenna Design • Design W,L and x of a Microstrip Antenna with Minimum Return Loss (R) • Operation frequency fo, εr and h is given
  • 12. Cell Structure and Chromosome
  • 14. Gene: • DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid • Basically Pentose Sugar+ +Base(A/T/G/C)=Nucleotide • DNA is a polymer of the Nucleotide Blocks called De-oxyribonucleic Acid. • A small part of DNA (sometimes RNA)can synthesis a particular protein which determines a few characteristics of an individual. • Thus ‘GENE’ is called the molecular unit of heredity of a living organism.
  • 15. Reproduction and Evolution (example: HUMAN)
  • 17. NATURE TO COMPUTER MAPPING NATURE COMPUTER 1.INDIVIDUAL 1. Solution to a problem 2.POPULATION 2. A no of trial solution 3. The Quality of Solution 3.FITNESS 4. Encoding for a Solution 4.CHROMOSOME 5. Part of encoding of a solution 5.GENE that can interchange with others 6.CROSSOVER 6. Search Operators 7.MUTATION 7. Search Operators help to avoid local optimas 8.NATURAL SELECTION 8. Reuse of Good solutions 9. Iteration 9.GENERATION
  • 18. Simulation continued • Evolution takes place taking account of each and every member of a species. Thus when we are going to search a solution in a solution space of a given problem, each solution will be an individual. • A no of all solutions in an iteration no ‘I’ will be the total population and each iteration is similar to a generation. • In any generation children or off-springs are made due to reproduction of parents from previous generation. • Cross-over and mutation are taken place while reproduction occurs. • In this generation again natural selection select two parents for reproduction and create off-springs of the next generation and so on until the selection procedure ends. • This method continues until solution criteria is satisfied.
  • 20. GA Algorithm Steps: Step1:Start with a randomly generated population of n chromosomes Step2:Calculate the fitness f(x) of each chromosome x in the population. Step3:Repeat the following steps until n offspring have been created, 3.1 Selection: Roulette-wheel selection operation. (Or, any) 3.2 Crossover: With Cross-over probability p_cross-over. 3.3 Mutation: With Mutation Probability p_mutation. Step4:Replace the current population with the new population. Step5:Repeat steps 2-4 until the objective's solution is found.
  • 21. Mathematical Example: How to Code GA? • Lets us assume first we want to find minima of f(x),an one dimensional function within domain of xϵ[x1,x2]; • First we need to code the solution for Chromosome. • We can use any code preferably Binary Coding. For example: for domain of x from 0 to 7 we can use where step size is 1.
  • 22. Generalization of binary coding L • Resolution or step size or accuracy level~ 2 • L is the no of bits present in the coding. L • Hence Step size=Δ=(X2-X1)/(2 -1); • Code=X1+n*Δ. 2
  • 23. Initial population & Selection • First an initial population is created taking N no of individuals preferably 30-100 and depends on problem type. • Then Fitness Value of each individual is calculated. • FITNESS FUNCTION: Is defined as such a function for which as solution approaches it also becomes maximum. • So Fitness for ‘i’ th individual is Fi. • Probability of selection : Where N=no of individual in a population • Now from the individuals, 2-parents parents are selected by simulating ‘NATURAL SELECTION’ for creating off-spring. • For simple GA generally Population size remains same • Some selection processes are: 1. Fitness Proportionate or Roulette-Wheel selection 2. Tournament Selection etc.
  • 24. Roulette-Wheel Selection • Here we stochastically select from one generation to create the basis of the next generation. The requirement is that the fittest individuals have a greater chance of survival than weaker ones. • In MATLAB rand() creates a random no between 0 to 1. • If its between 0 to .31 1st one , if its between .31 to .36(=.31+.05) then 2nd one will be selected in this example.
  • 25. Crossover • one-point crossover parent A 1 1 0 1 0 offspring A 11011 parent B 1 0 0 0 1 offspring B 10000 • two-point crossover parent A 11010 offspring A 11 00 0 parent B offspring B 10001 10 01 1
  • 26. Crossover continued.. • Except those 2 important types of cross-overs sometimes these are also used: 1. Uniform Crossover. 2. Arithmetic Crossover. 3. Heuristic Crossover. 4. Multipoint Crossover.
  • 27. Mutation • Helps to maintain diversity in population. • Providing new genetic materials it helps to find out global maxima rather than local maxima. 1. Flip-Bit: 2. Uniform. 3. Non-Uniform. 4. Boundary. 5. Gaussian. Etc.
  • 28. Case Study: Program with MATLAB • Case Study 1: Function with 1 variable : where xϵ[2,17] ,need to find out the maxima in that domain of x: GA: Fmin=1.7991 @ x~4.3 Solution: 4.5 Lets take accuracy level = 1/1024 4 so bit required=10 3.5 Fmin=1.7791 F(x) At x=4.3 (almost) 3 2.5 2 1.5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x
  • 32. How to do program for multiple variable? • Let F=F(X1,X2,X3……Xn) and need to find out Fmax or Fmin where domain is defined. • What we need to do first find the code for each x1,x2,x3… Xn then concatenate them to find out the chromosome or solution in (x1,x2,…Xn) form . • Rest Will be same.
  • 37. GA by Matlab tool continued..
  • 38.
  • 39. OBSERVATION: Typical Practical Values for best performance: • Population Size: 20-100 Depends Upon problem also. • Cross-Over Probability: 0.6-0.9 Optimal value~0.7 . • Mutation Probability: As low as possible, 0.1-0.01 etc. • Generation: Typically 50 to 100 yields good result. Here Roulette-wheeler selection is taken all over the experiment.
  • 40. Do Aliens Exist? • According to Erich Von Daniken, A famous writer Evolution does not take place as it is, not only by ‘nature’ but creatures from other Universe who mutated to create developed genes. • Solution of a mathematical problem by GA supports ‘Evolution’. • But if we add mutation with p_mutation as high as 0.6 to 0.8 the result sometimes drastically fall and sometimes it is surprisingly better. • What you must to know, when and where you need to mutate to develop a gene otherwise poor solution(Extinction), Haphazard solution(cancerous growth) can result. • Does this prove that the history of mankind is not exactly what we think it is???
  • 41. Application of GA in Electromagnetism 1. RCS reduction: Broad-band multi-layer electromagnetic Absorber. 2. Low side-lobe levels in thinned and non-uniform arrays. 3. Shaped Beam-array. 4. Broad-band Patch Antenna Design. 5. Natural Resonance Extraction Etc.
  • 42. Application in Other fields Domain Application Types Control gas pipeline, pole balancing, missile evasion, pursuit Design semiconductor layout, aircraft design, keyboard configuration, communication networks, using travelling salesman problem. Scheduling manufacturing, facility scheduling, resource allocation Robotics trajectory planning Machine Learning designing neural networks, improving classification algorithms, classifier systems Signal Processing filter design Game Playing poker, checkers, prisoner’s dilemma Combinatorial Optimization set covering, travelling salesman, routing, bin packing, graph colouring and partitioning Civil Engineering Design any construction or path with stortage distant, Lowest Cost , lowest Weight and highest Profit ….Etc.
  • 43. Comparison of 2 popular optimization processes Genetic Algorithm(GA) Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) 1. Weak solutions also give 1. Generally Knowledge of the Best contribution to find the actual particles contribute to find the solution. solution. 2. Coding for chromosome 2. No coding as such. required. 3. Change of velocity and 3. Crossover , mutation happen. direction. 4. Hard to implement. 4. Very easy to implement. 5. Faster. 5. Slower. 6. Gives better results. 6. Give good results but not like GA.
  • 44. Disadvantages 1. Take more space to calculate fitness every-time. 2. Often in practical situation if mutation probability is high it fails to give good solution and again takes larger space. 3. Tendency to converge towards local optima if mutation is not proper. 4. Cant operate efficiently on a dynamic set of data and when it was already tense to converge towards a solution for previous situation. 5. Not always superior to other optimization problems. Its situation dependent so We cant use this technique blindly.
  • 45. References: 1. C. Darwin.” On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”; or, “The Preservation of flavored Races in the Struggle for Life. “John Murray, London, 1859. 2. “THE CELL:A molecular Approach” by Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E. Hausman 3. “Cytology and Genetics” by Sumitra Sen and Dipak Kumar Kar 4. “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm” by Melanie Michell 5.”An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm “ by S.N.Shivanandan and S.N. Deepa,Springer 6. “Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Electromagnetics” by J. Michael Johnson and Yahya Rahmat-Samii,IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 4, August 1997 7.”Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Engineering Electromagnetics” Yahya Rahmat-Samii,ICECOM17, 17'hlnternational Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications1 - 3 October 2003. Dubrovnik, Croatia 8. “Genetic Algorithm Optimization Applied to Electromagnetics:A Review “Daniel S. Weile and Eric Michielssen, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 45, NO. 3, MARCH 1997 9. “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Electromagnetics” by Randy L. Haupt, IEEE Antennas and Pmpagatiin Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 2, April 1995 10. “Design of Multiband Microstrip Antennas Using a Genetic Algorithm” by H. Choo, Student Member, IEEE, and H. Ling, Fellow, IEEE, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, VOL. 12, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2002 11. “COMPARISON OF GENETIC ALGORITHM AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMISATION” by Dr. Karl O. Jones International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’2005 12. Manual:Genetic Algorithm TOOLBOX For Use with MATLAB
  • 46. References Continued.. 13 .”Chariots of Gods” , by Erich Von Daniken 14.” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation” by Swagatam Das and P.N. Suganathan 15.”Gnenetic Algorithm and Engineering Optimization” by Mitsuo Gen and Runwei Cheng Websites: 1.Overview: 2. Genetic Algorithm Implementation Using Matlab : Algorithm-Implementation-Using-Matlab 3. 4. 5.Genetic Algorithm Tutorial and JAVASCRIPT SIMULATION: algorithms/biological-background.php 6. 7. 8. 9.Roulette-Wheel Selection at a glance: 10.Methods of Selection and Crossover : and MATLAB Demos for Genetic Algorithm.