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• Inflammation of the conjunctiva is also known as conjunctivitis.
• It is defined as conjunctival hyperaemia associated with a
discharge which may be watery, mucoid, purulent (pus).
• Infective conjunctivitis
• Allergic conjunctivitis
• Irritative conjunctivitis
• Traumatic conjunctivitis
• Keratoconjunctivitis associated with skin
• Follicular conjunctivitis
• Granulomatous conjunctivitis
• Ulcerative conjunctivitis
• Purulent conjunctivitis
• Papillary conjunctivitis
• Angular conjunctivitis
Bacterial, chlamydial, viral, fungal, protozoal, parasitic.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by microorganisms.
Natural protective mechanisms in the form of :
Low temperature due to exposure to air, Physical protection by lids, Flushing action
of tears, Antibacterial activity of lysozymes and protection by the tear
It caused by gonococcus and corynebacterium diphtheriae. These are frequent
during monsoon season.
Predisposing factors - are flies, poor hygienic conditions, hot dry climate, poor
sanitation and dirty habits.
Causative organisms - Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella lacunate, Neisseria
Mode of infection
It may get infected from three sources,
1. Exogenous infections either directly through close contact, (e.g., flies) or through material
transfer such as infected fingers of doctors, nurses, common towels, handkerchiefs, and infected
2. Local spread may occur from neighbouring structures such as infected lacrimal sac, lids, &
3. Endogenous infections may occur very rarely through blood.
Depending upon the severity of infection:
• Acute catarrhal or mucopurulent conjunctivitis
• Acute purulent conjunctivitis
• Acute membranous conjunctivitis
• Acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis
• Chronic bacterial conjunctivitis
• Chronic angular conjunctivitis
It is the most common type of bacterial conjunctivitis.
It is characterised by marked conjunctival hyperaemia and mucopurulent discharge
from the eye.
Common causative bacteria are: Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumococcus and
Symptoms- Discomfort and foreign body sensation, mild photophobia.
Mucopurulent discharge during sleep & blurring due to mucous flakes & coloured
halos in front of the cornea.
Signs - Conjunctival congestion, which is more marked in palpebral conjunctiva,
fornices in peripheral part of bulbar conjunctiva. swelling of conjunctiva.
Complications- It may be complicated by corneal ulcer, keratitis, blepharitis or
Treatment - Topical antibiotics, dark goggles, anti-inflammatory and analgesic
drugs, no steroids should be applied,
It is an acute inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by formation of a true
membrane on the conjunctiva. It is very rare, because of decreased incidence of
Etiology - The disease is typically caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
Pathology - It produce a inflammation of the conjunctiva, associated with
deposition of fibrinous surface on the conjunctiva resulting in formation of a
Clinical feature - The disease usually affects children between 2-8 years of age who
are not immunized against diphtheria.
Conjunctival discharge & severe pain in the eye. Lids are swollen and hard, trichiasis
and conjunctival xerosis.
Complications- Corneal ulcer, symblepharon, trichiasis, entropion & conjunctival
Treatment - Topical therapy [Penicillin eye drops, anti-diphtheric serum (ADS),
Atropine ointment if cornea is ulcerated and antibiotic ointment should be applied
at bed time.]
Systemic therapy [Penicillin should be injected intramuscularly and Anti-diphtheric
serum also should be given intramuscularly.]
It is a type of acute conjunctivitis, formation of a pseudo-membrane on the
Etiology - Bacterial infection by staphylococci, streptococci, H. influenzae and N.
gonorrhoea And Viral infections by herpes simplex and Chemical irritants such
as acids, ammonia, lime, silver nitrate and copper sulfate are formation of
pseudo membrane.
Pathology -The above agents produce inflammation of conjunctiva associated
with pouring of fibrinous surface which leads to formation of a pseudo-
Clinical picture - A thin yellowish-white membrane seen in the fornices on the
palpebral conjunctiva. Pseudo-membrane can be peeled off easily and does not
Treatment - Topical antibiotics.
It is a type of chronic conjunctivitis by inflammation of conjunctiva and lid margins
near the angles.
Etiology –
Moraxella is the commonest causative organism.
Rarely, staphylococci may also cause angular conjunctivitis.
Source of infection is usually nasal cavity.
Infection is transmitted from nasal cavity to the eyes by contaminated fingers or
Symptoms - Irritation, sensation & discomfort in the eyes and dirty-white foamy
discharge at the angles and Redness in the angles of eyes.
Signs - Hyperaemia of bulbar conjunctiva near the canthi. Hyperaemia of lid
margins near the angles. Presence of foamy mucopurulent discharge at the angles
Treatment – Personal hygiene.
Most of viral infections tend to affect the epithelium of conjunctiva and
cornea, so, 'keratoconjunctivitis’.
Viral infections of conjunctiva include: Adenovirus conjunctivitis, Herpes
simplex keratoconjunctivitis, Herpes zoster conjunctivitis, Pox virus
conjunctivitis, Myxovirus conjunctivitis, Paramyxovirus conjunctivitis.
Clinical presentations - Acute viral conjunctivitis may present in three clinical
1. Acute serous conjunctivitis
2. Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
3. Acute follicular conjunctivitis
Etiology - It is caused by a mild viral infection which does not give rise to follicular
Clinical features – It is characterized by a minimal degree of congestion, a watery
discharge and a boggy swelling of the conjunctival mucosa.
Treatment - It is self-limiting & does not need any treatment, antibiotic eye drops
may be used.
It is characterised by multiple conjunctival haemorrhages, conjunctival hyperaemia
and mild follicular hyperplasia.
Etiology - The disease is caused by picornaviruses which are RNA viruses. The
disease is transmitted by direct hand-to-eye contact.
Symptoms - Pain, redness, watering, mild photophobia, blurring of vision and lid
swelling. Signs - conjunctival congestion, chemosis, multiple haemorrhages in
bulbar conjunctiva, mild follicular hyperplasia, lid oedema.
Treatment - Antibiotic eye drops may be used to prevent secondary bacterial
It is the inflammation of conjunctiva & formation of follicles, conjunctival hyperaemia and
discharge from the eyes.
Follicles are formed due to localised aggregation of lymphocytes in the adenoid layer of
conjunctiva. Follicles appear as tiny, greyish white translucent, rounded swellings, 1-2 mm
in diameter.
1. Acute follicular conjunctivitis
2. Chronic follicular conjunctivitis
3. Specific type of conjunctivitis with follicle formation e.g., trachoma
It is an acute type associated with follicular hyperplasia especially of the lower fornix and
lower palpebral conjunctiva.
Symptoms - redness, watering, mucoid discharge, photophobia, discomfort & foreign
body sensation.
Signs - Conjunctival hyperaemia, associated with multiple follicles, more prominent in
lower lid than the upper lid.
Etiological types
Etiologically, acute follicular conjunctivitis is of the following types:
I. Adult inclusion conjunctivitis
II. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
III. Pharyngoconjunctival fever
IV. Newcastle conjunctivitis
V. Acute herpetic conjunctivitis.
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC)
It is a type of acute follicular conjunctivitis mostly associated with superficial
punctate keratitis. EKC is caused by adenoviruses type 8 and 19. The condition is
markedly contagious and spreads through contact with contaminated fingers,
solutions and tonometer.
Newcastle conjunctivitis
It is a rare type of acute follicular conjunctivitis caused by Newcastle virus. The
infection is derived from contact with diseased owls; and mainly affects poultry
Clinically the condition is similar to pharyngoconjunctival fever.
Pharyngoconjunctival fever (PCF)
It is an adenoviral infection commonly associated with subtypes 3 and 7.
It is characterized by an acute follicular conjunctivitis, associated with pharyngitis,
fever and preauricular lymphadenopathy. The disease primarily affects children.
Acute herpetic conjunctivitis
Acute herpetic follicular conjunctivitis is mainly occurs in small children and
The disease is caused by - herpes simplex virus type 1 and spreads by kissing or
other close personal contacts. HSV type 2 associated with genital infections, may
also involve the eyes in adults as well as children, though rarely.
It is a mild type of chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis associated with follicular hyperplasia,
predominantly involving the lower lid.
Etiological types –
• Infective type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is essentially a condition of mild
• Toxic type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is seen in patients suffering from
• Chemical type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is a prolonged administration of
topical medication.
• Allergic type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis [allergic response is usually papillary].
Chlamydia situated between bacteria and viruses, sharing some of the properties of
Like viruses, they are obligate intracellular and filterable and like bacteria they contain
both DNA and RNA, divide by binary fission and are sensitive to antibiotics.
Trachoma is a chronic keratoconjunctivitis, primarily affecting the superficial epithelium
of conjunctiva and cornea.
It is characterized by a mixed follicular and papillary response of conjunctival tissue.
It is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in the world.
Etiology - Trachoma is caused by a Bedsonian organism, the Chlamydia trachomatis
belonging to the Psittacosis-lymphogranulomatrachoma (PLT) group.
The infection is usually during infancy and early childhood most of females. Trachoma is
more common in areas with dry and dusty weather.
The disease is more common in unhygienic living conditions, overcrowding, unsanitary
conditions, abundant fly population, paucity of water, lack of materials like separate
towels and lack of education and understanding about spread of contagious diseases.
Environmental factors like exposure to dust, smoke, irritants, sunlight.
Main source of infection is the conjunctival discharge of the affected person.
Symptoms – It includes mild foreign body sensation in the eyes, occasional lacrimation,
slight stickiness of the lids and scanty mucoid discharge.
Signs –
Conjunctival signs
Congestion of upper tarsal and fornix conjunctiva.
Conjunctival follicles - like boiled sagograins and are seen on upper tarsal conjunctiva and
Papillary hyperplasia - reddish, flat topped raised areas which give red appearance to the
tarsal part.
Conjunctival scarring, which may be irregular, star-shaped or linear.
Concretions may be formed due to accumulation of dead epithelial cells.
Corneal signs
Superficial keratitis may be present in the upper part.
Corneal opacity may be present in the upper part.
Pannus, infiltration of the cornea associated with vascularization is seen in upper part. The
vessels are superficial and lie between epithelium and Bowman's membrane.
Corneal ulcer may sometime develop at the advancing edge of pannus.
Complications - The only complication of trachoma is corneal ulcer which may
occur due to rubbing by concretions, or trichiasis with superimposed bacterial
Management of trachoma should involve curative as well as control measures.
Firstly, treat the cause.
Antibiotics for treatment of active trachoma may be given locally or systemically.
It is the inflammation of conjunctiva due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions.
1. Simple allergic conjunctivitis [Hay fever conjunctivitis & Seasonal allergic
conjunctivitis (SAC) & Perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC) ]
2. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
3. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)
4. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC)
5. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis (PKC)
6. Contact dermoconjunctivitis (CDC)
Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis
It is a mild, allergic conjunctivitis by itching, hyperaemia and mild papillary response.
Etiology –
1. Hay fever conjunctivitis - It is associated with hay fever (allergic rhinitis). The common
allergens are pollens, grass and animal dandruff.
2. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis – associated with seasonal allergens such as grass
3. Perennial allergic conjunctivitis- is a response to perennial allergens such as house
dust and mite.
Pathology – It comprises vascular, cellular and conjunctival responses.
Symptoms - Itching and burning sensation with watery discharge and mild photophobia.
Signs. - Hyperaemia & chemosis and Oedema of lids.
Treatment - Elimination of allergens if possible and Systemic antihistaminic drugs.
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
It is a recurrent, bilateral, allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva having a periodic seasonal
incidence. More common in summer.
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)
It is associated with atopic dermatitis.
Symptoms - Itching, soreness, dry sensation, discharge, Photophobia or blurred vision.
Signs - Tarsal conjunctiva [milky appearance], & are very fine papillae, hyperaemia and scarring
with shrinkage. Cornea may show punctate epithelial keratitis, corneal vascularization, thinning.
Associations - may be keratoconus and atopic cataract.
Treatment – Firstly treat of lid margin disease.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC)
Inflammation of conjunctiva with formation of very large sized papillae.
Etiology - It is a allergic response to a physically rough or deposited surface (contact lens,
prosthesis, left out nylon sutures).
Symptoms - Itching, stringy discharge and hyperaemia are the main sign.
Treatment - The offending cause should be removed.
Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis
It is a nodular affection occurring as an allergic response of the conjunctival and corneal
epithelium to some endogenous allergens.
Etiology Peak age group is 3-15 years and Incidence is higher in girls than boys & Disease
is more common in undernourished children and Overcrowded & unhygienic Living
condititions [in spring and summer seasons]
Symptoms - mild discomfort in the eye, irritation and reflex watering.
Signs -The phlyctenular conjunctivitis can present in three forms: simple, necrotizing and
Presence of one or more whitish raised nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus,
with hyperaemia usually of the surrounding conjunctiva, in a child living in bad hygienic
Management - It includes by local therapy, investigations and specific therapy aimed at
eliminating the causative allergen and general measures to improve the health of the child.
Contact Dermatoconjunctivitis
This type of Keratoconjunctivitis associated with skin disease.
It is an allergic disorder, involving conjunctiva and skin of lids along with surrounding area of
Etiology - It is a hypersensitivity response to prolonged contact with chemicals and drugs.
Clinical picture -1. Cutaneous involvement is in the form of weeping eczematous reaction,
involving all areas with which medication comes in contact. 2. Conjunctival response is
hyperaemia with a generalized papillary response affecting the lower fornix and lower
palpebral conjunctiva.
Treatment – It consists of:
1. Discontinuation of the causative medication,
2. Topical steroid eye drops to relieve symptoms,
3. Application of steroid ointment on the involved skin.
It is the chronic inflammations of the conjunctiva, characterised by
proliferative lesions which usually tend to remain localized to one eye and
are mostly associated with regional lymphadenitis.
Common granulomatous conjunctival inflammations are:
1. Tuberculosis of conjunctiva
2. Sarcoidosis of conjunctiva
3. Syphilitic conjunctivitis
4. Leprotic conjunctivitis
5. Conjunctivitis in tularaemia
6. Ophthalmia nodos
Pinguecula is an common degenerative condition of the conjunctiva.
It occurs due to formation of a yellowish white patch on the bulbar conjunctiva near
the limbus.
It occurs to those persons exposed to strong sunlight, dust and wind.
There is an elastotic degeneration of collagen fibers of the substantia propria of
conjunctiva, coupled with deposition of amorphous hyaline material in the substance
of conjunctiva.
It is a bilateral, yellowish white triangular patch near the limbus. Apex of the triangle
is away from the cornea. It affects the nasal side first and then the temporal side.
COMPLICATIONS Inflammation, abscess formation.
TREATMENT In routine no treatment is required for pinguecula.
Pterygium is a wing-shaped fold of conjunctiva encroaching upon the cornea.
This disease is more common in people living in hot climates. It occurs due to
prolonged effect of environmental factors such as exposure to sun (UV rays), dry heat,
high wind and dust.
The subconjunctival tissue undergoes elastotic degeneration & proliferates as
vascularized granulation tissue under the epithelium. The corneal epithelium,
Bowman's layer and superficial stroma are destroyed.
It may be unilateral or bilateral. It presents as a triangular fold of conjunctiva
encroaching the cornea in the area of palpebral aperture, usually on the nasal side
but may also occur on the temporal side. Deposition of iron seen sometimes in
corneal epithelium.
A fully developed pterygium consists of three parts.
i. Head (apical part present on the cornea)
ii. Neck (limbal part)
iii. Body (scleral part) extending between limbus and the canthus
It is an asymptomatic condition in early stages, except for cosmetic
apperance. Visual disturbances occur when it encroaches the pupillary
Diplopia may occur due to limitation of ocular movements.
Cystic degeneration and infection, rarely, malignant melanoma, may occur.
Surgical excision is the only satisfactory treatment
Concretions are formed due to accumulation of mucus & dead epithelial cell debris
into the conjunctival depressions called loops of Henle.
They are commonly seen in elderly people as a degenerative condition and also in
patients with scarring stage of trachoma.
Concretions are seen on palpebral conjunctiva, more commonly on upper than the
These are yellowish white, hard looking, raised areas, varying in size from pin point
to pin head. Being hard, they may produce foreign body sensations and lacrimation
by rubbing the corneal surface. Occasionally they may even cause corneal abrasions.
Removal with the help of a hypodermic needle under topical anaesthesia.
Hyperaemia of conjunctiva
Chemosis of conjunctiva
Xerosis of conjunctiva
Discoloration of conjunctiva
It is of very common. It may vary in from small patches to whole of the bulbar
conjunctiva and thus making the white sclera of the eye invisible.
It may be associated with following conditions:
It is the most common cause. It may be in the form of-
# local trauma to the conjunctiva, due to surgery and subconjunctival injections.
# retrobulbar haemorrhage, spreads below the bulbar conjunctiva.
It usually associated with acute conjunctivitis caused by picornaviruses.
Sudden venous congestion of head
It may occur rupture of conjunctival capillaries due to sudden rise in pressure.
Common conditions are whooping cough, epileptic fits, strangulation.
Spontaneous rupture of fragile capillaries
Vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension & diabetes mellitus.
Local vascular anomalies - like telengiectasia, varicosities, aneurysm.
Blood dyscrasias - like anaemias, leukaemia and dysproteinaemias.
Bleeding disorders - like purpura, haemophilia and scurvy.
Acute febrile systemic infections - such as malaria, typhoid, diphtheria, measles.
There may be symptoms of associated causative disease. On examination, looks
as a flat sheet of bright red color with well defined limits. Most of the time it is
absorbed completely within 7 to 21 days. During absorption color changes are
noted from bright red to orange and then yellow.
Treat the cause when discovered.
Congenital cystic lesions
These are of rare occurrence and include congenital corneoscleral cyst.
Lymphatic cysts of conjunctiva
These are common and usually occur due to dilatation of lymph spaces in
the bulbar conjunctiva.
Retention cysts
These occur occasionally due to blockage of ducts of accessory lacrimal
glands of Krause in chronic inflammatory conditions.
Epithelial implantation cyst (traumatic cyst)
It may develop implantation of conjunctival epithelium in the deeper
layers, due to surgical or non-surgical injuries of conjunctiva.
Epithelial cysts
It occurs due to down growth of epithelium are rarely seen in chronic
inflammatory or degenerative conditions, e.g. pterygium.
Aqueous cyst
It may be due to healing by cystoid formation, following surgical or
nonsurgical perforating limbal wounds.
Pigmented epithelial cyst
It may be formed sometimes prolonged topical use of cocaine or
Parasitic cysts
Such as subconjunctival cyst.
Conjunctival cysts need a careful surgical excision.
There are main two types of tumours -
1] Non-pigmented tumours
I. Congenital - dermoid and lipo-dermoid
II. Benign - simple granuloma, papilloma, adenoma, fibroma and
III. Premalignant - intraepithelial epithelioma (Bowen's disease).
IV. Malignant - epithelioma or squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell
2] Pigmented tumours
I. Benign - naevi or congenital moles.
II. Precancerous melanosis - superficial melanoma
III. Malignant - primary melanoma (malignant melanoma)
These are common congenital tumor which usually occur at the limbus.
They appear as solid white masses, fixed to the cornea. Dermoid consists of collagenous
connective tissue, sebaceous glands. Treatment is simple excision.
It is a congenital tumor, usually found at the limbus or outer canthus.
It appears as soft, yellowish white, movable subconjunctival mass.
It consists of fatty tissue and surrounding dermis-like connective tissue, (the name lipo-
Simple granuloma
It is a cauliflower-like growth of granulation tissue & associated with squint surgery &
chalazion. Treatment consists of complete surgical removal.
It is a benign polypoid tumor usually occurring at inner canthus or limbus.
It has a tendency to undergo malignant change and needs complete excision.
It is a rare soft or hard polypoid growth usually occurring in lower fornix.
Intraepithelial epithelioma
It is a rare, precancerous condition, usually occurring at the limbus as a flat,
reddish grey, vascularized plaque and treated by complete local excision.
Squamous cell carcinoma (epithelioma)
It usually occurs at the transitional zones i.e. at limbus and the lid margin. The
tumor invades the stroma deeply & treated by complete local excision.
Basal cell carcinoma
It may invade the conjunctiva from the lids or may arise from the plica semilunaris
and the complete surgical excision.
Benign (Naevi or congenital moles)
These are common pigmented lesions, usually presenting as brown or black,
flat or slightly raised nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva, mostly near the
It is indicated by sudden increase in size or increase in pigmentation or
inflammation so, excision is usually indicated for cosmetic reasons and rarely
for medical reasons.
Precancerous melanosis (superficial melanoma)
It develops at any site on the bulbar or palpebral conjunctiva, which spreads
as a diffuse, flat patch. It should be treated as local incision.
Malignant melanoma (primary melanoma)
It usually near the limbus. The condition usually occurs in elderly patients.
It spreads over the surface of the globe and rarely penetrates it.
Treatment, Once suspected, enucleation is the treatment of choice, depending
upon the extent of growth.
The conjunctiva sometimes develops brown discoloration.
It is primarily caused by hyper-melanosis [over production of melanocytes].
It is secondary caused by irradiation, hormonal changes, chemical
irritation, chronic inflammatory disorders.
It is found in children & adults and typically occurs only in one eye.
It leads to life threatening malignant melanoma.
Is should be treated with surgery, cryotherapy or sometime chemotherapy
eye drops.

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Diseases of Conjunctiva Guide

  • 3. INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS OF CONJUNCTVA • Inflammation of the conjunctiva is also known as conjunctivitis. • It is defined as conjunctival hyperaemia associated with a discharge which may be watery, mucoid, purulent (pus).
  • 4. INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS OF CONJUNCTIVA • Infective conjunctivitis • Allergic conjunctivitis • Irritative conjunctivitis • Traumatic conjunctivitis • Keratoconjunctivitis associated with skin disease ETIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION • Follicular conjunctivitis • Granulomatous conjunctivitis • Ulcerative conjunctivitis • Purulent conjunctivitis • Papillary conjunctivitis • Angular conjunctivitis CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION
  • 5. INFECTIVE CONJUNCTIVITIS Bacterial, chlamydial, viral, fungal, protozoal, parasitic. Inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by microorganisms. Natural protective mechanisms in the form of : Low temperature due to exposure to air, Physical protection by lids, Flushing action of tears, Antibacterial activity of lysozymes and protection by the tear immunoglobulins. BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS It caused by gonococcus and corynebacterium diphtheriae. These are frequent during monsoon season. ETIOLOGY Predisposing factors - are flies, poor hygienic conditions, hot dry climate, poor sanitation and dirty habits. Causative organisms - Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella lacunate, Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • 6. Mode of infection It may get infected from three sources, 1. Exogenous infections either directly through close contact, (e.g., flies) or through material transfer such as infected fingers of doctors, nurses, common towels, handkerchiefs, and infected tonometer. 2. Local spread may occur from neighbouring structures such as infected lacrimal sac, lids, & nasopharynx. 3. Endogenous infections may occur very rarely through blood. CLINICAL TYPES OF BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Depending upon the severity of infection: • Acute catarrhal or mucopurulent conjunctivitis • Acute purulent conjunctivitis • Acute membranous conjunctivitis • Acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis • Chronic bacterial conjunctivitis • Chronic angular conjunctivitis
  • 7. ACUTE MUCOPURULENT CONJUNCTIVITIS It is the most common type of bacterial conjunctivitis. It is characterised by marked conjunctival hyperaemia and mucopurulent discharge from the eye. Common causative bacteria are: Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumococcus and Streptococcus. Symptoms- Discomfort and foreign body sensation, mild photophobia. Mucopurulent discharge during sleep & blurring due to mucous flakes & coloured halos in front of the cornea. Signs - Conjunctival congestion, which is more marked in palpebral conjunctiva, fornices in peripheral part of bulbar conjunctiva. swelling of conjunctiva. Complications- It may be complicated by corneal ulcer, keratitis, blepharitis or dacryocystitis. Treatment - Topical antibiotics, dark goggles, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, no steroids should be applied,
  • 8. ACUTE MEMBRANOUS CONJUNCTIVITIS It is an acute inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by formation of a true membrane on the conjunctiva. It is very rare, because of decreased incidence of diphtheria. Etiology - The disease is typically caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Pathology - It produce a inflammation of the conjunctiva, associated with deposition of fibrinous surface on the conjunctiva resulting in formation of a membrane. Clinical feature - The disease usually affects children between 2-8 years of age who are not immunized against diphtheria. Conjunctival discharge & severe pain in the eye. Lids are swollen and hard, trichiasis and conjunctival xerosis. Complications- Corneal ulcer, symblepharon, trichiasis, entropion & conjunctival xerosis. Treatment - Topical therapy [Penicillin eye drops, anti-diphtheric serum (ADS), Atropine ointment if cornea is ulcerated and antibiotic ointment should be applied at bed time.] Systemic therapy [Penicillin should be injected intramuscularly and Anti-diphtheric serum also should be given intramuscularly.]
  • 9. PSEUDO-MEMBRANOUS CONJUNCTIVITIS It is a type of acute conjunctivitis, formation of a pseudo-membrane on the conjunctiva. Etiology - Bacterial infection by staphylococci, streptococci, H. influenzae and N. gonorrhoea And Viral infections by herpes simplex and Chemical irritants such as acids, ammonia, lime, silver nitrate and copper sulfate are formation of pseudo membrane. Pathology -The above agents produce inflammation of conjunctiva associated with pouring of fibrinous surface which leads to formation of a pseudo- membrane. Clinical picture - A thin yellowish-white membrane seen in the fornices on the palpebral conjunctiva. Pseudo-membrane can be peeled off easily and does not bleed. Treatment - Topical antibiotics.
  • 10. ANGULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS It is a type of chronic conjunctivitis by inflammation of conjunctiva and lid margins near the angles. Etiology – Moraxella is the commonest causative organism. Rarely, staphylococci may also cause angular conjunctivitis. Source of infection is usually nasal cavity. Infection is transmitted from nasal cavity to the eyes by contaminated fingers or handkerchief. Symptoms - Irritation, sensation & discomfort in the eyes and dirty-white foamy discharge at the angles and Redness in the angles of eyes. Signs - Hyperaemia of bulbar conjunctiva near the canthi. Hyperaemia of lid margins near the angles. Presence of foamy mucopurulent discharge at the angles Treatment – Personal hygiene.
  • 11. VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Most of viral infections tend to affect the epithelium of conjunctiva and cornea, so, 'keratoconjunctivitis’. Viral infections of conjunctiva include: Adenovirus conjunctivitis, Herpes simplex keratoconjunctivitis, Herpes zoster conjunctivitis, Pox virus conjunctivitis, Myxovirus conjunctivitis, Paramyxovirus conjunctivitis. Clinical presentations - Acute viral conjunctivitis may present in three clinical forms: 1. Acute serous conjunctivitis 2. Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis 3. Acute follicular conjunctivitis
  • 12. ACUTE SEROUS CONJUNCTIVITIS Etiology - It is caused by a mild viral infection which does not give rise to follicular response. Clinical features – It is characterized by a minimal degree of congestion, a watery discharge and a boggy swelling of the conjunctival mucosa. Treatment - It is self-limiting & does not need any treatment, antibiotic eye drops may be used. ACUTE HAEMORRHAGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS It is characterised by multiple conjunctival haemorrhages, conjunctival hyperaemia and mild follicular hyperplasia. Etiology - The disease is caused by picornaviruses which are RNA viruses. The disease is transmitted by direct hand-to-eye contact. Symptoms - Pain, redness, watering, mild photophobia, blurring of vision and lid swelling. Signs - conjunctival congestion, chemosis, multiple haemorrhages in bulbar conjunctiva, mild follicular hyperplasia, lid oedema. Treatment - Antibiotic eye drops may be used to prevent secondary bacterial infections.
  • 13. FOLLICULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS It is the inflammation of conjunctiva & formation of follicles, conjunctival hyperaemia and discharge from the eyes. Follicles are formed due to localised aggregation of lymphocytes in the adenoid layer of conjunctiva. Follicles appear as tiny, greyish white translucent, rounded swellings, 1-2 mm in diameter. CLINICAL TYPES 1. Acute follicular conjunctivitis 2. Chronic follicular conjunctivitis 3. Specific type of conjunctivitis with follicle formation e.g., trachoma ACUTE FOLLICULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS It is an acute type associated with follicular hyperplasia especially of the lower fornix and lower palpebral conjunctiva. Symptoms - redness, watering, mucoid discharge, photophobia, discomfort & foreign body sensation. Signs - Conjunctival hyperaemia, associated with multiple follicles, more prominent in lower lid than the upper lid.
  • 14. Etiological types Etiologically, acute follicular conjunctivitis is of the following types: I. Adult inclusion conjunctivitis II. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis III. Pharyngoconjunctival fever IV. Newcastle conjunctivitis V. Acute herpetic conjunctivitis. Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) It is a type of acute follicular conjunctivitis mostly associated with superficial punctate keratitis. EKC is caused by adenoviruses type 8 and 19. The condition is markedly contagious and spreads through contact with contaminated fingers, solutions and tonometer. Newcastle conjunctivitis It is a rare type of acute follicular conjunctivitis caused by Newcastle virus. The infection is derived from contact with diseased owls; and mainly affects poultry workers. Clinically the condition is similar to pharyngoconjunctival fever.
  • 15. Pharyngoconjunctival fever (PCF) It is an adenoviral infection commonly associated with subtypes 3 and 7. It is characterized by an acute follicular conjunctivitis, associated with pharyngitis, fever and preauricular lymphadenopathy. The disease primarily affects children. Acute herpetic conjunctivitis Acute herpetic follicular conjunctivitis is mainly occurs in small children and adolescents. The disease is caused by - herpes simplex virus type 1 and spreads by kissing or other close personal contacts. HSV type 2 associated with genital infections, may also involve the eyes in adults as well as children, though rarely.
  • 16. CHRONIC FOLLICULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS It is a mild type of chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis associated with follicular hyperplasia, predominantly involving the lower lid. Etiological types – • Infective type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is essentially a condition of mild infection. • Toxic type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is seen in patients suffering from molluscum • Chemical type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis is a prolonged administration of topical medication. • Allergic type of chronic follicular conjunctivitis [allergic response is usually papillary].
  • 17. CHLAMYDIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Chlamydia situated between bacteria and viruses, sharing some of the properties of both. Like viruses, they are obligate intracellular and filterable and like bacteria they contain both DNA and RNA, divide by binary fission and are sensitive to antibiotics. TRACHOMA Trachoma is a chronic keratoconjunctivitis, primarily affecting the superficial epithelium of conjunctiva and cornea. It is characterized by a mixed follicular and papillary response of conjunctival tissue. It is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in the world. Etiology - Trachoma is caused by a Bedsonian organism, the Chlamydia trachomatis belonging to the Psittacosis-lymphogranulomatrachoma (PLT) group. The infection is usually during infancy and early childhood most of females. Trachoma is more common in areas with dry and dusty weather. The disease is more common in unhygienic living conditions, overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, abundant fly population, paucity of water, lack of materials like separate towels and lack of education and understanding about spread of contagious diseases. Environmental factors like exposure to dust, smoke, irritants, sunlight.
  • 18. Main source of infection is the conjunctival discharge of the affected person. Symptoms – It includes mild foreign body sensation in the eyes, occasional lacrimation, slight stickiness of the lids and scanty mucoid discharge. Signs – Conjunctival signs Congestion of upper tarsal and fornix conjunctiva. Conjunctival follicles - like boiled sagograins and are seen on upper tarsal conjunctiva and fornix. Papillary hyperplasia - reddish, flat topped raised areas which give red appearance to the tarsal part. Conjunctival scarring, which may be irregular, star-shaped or linear. Concretions may be formed due to accumulation of dead epithelial cells. Corneal signs Superficial keratitis may be present in the upper part. Corneal opacity may be present in the upper part. Pannus, infiltration of the cornea associated with vascularization is seen in upper part. The vessels are superficial and lie between epithelium and Bowman's membrane. Corneal ulcer may sometime develop at the advancing edge of pannus.
  • 19. Complications - The only complication of trachoma is corneal ulcer which may occur due to rubbing by concretions, or trichiasis with superimposed bacterial infection. Management Management of trachoma should involve curative as well as control measures. Firstly, treat the cause. Antibiotics for treatment of active trachoma may be given locally or systemically.
  • 20. ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS It is the inflammation of conjunctiva due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions. CLINICAL TYPES - 1. Simple allergic conjunctivitis [Hay fever conjunctivitis & Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) & Perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC) ] 2. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) 3. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) 4. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC) 5. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis (PKC) 6. Contact dermoconjunctivitis (CDC)
  • 21. Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis It is a mild, allergic conjunctivitis by itching, hyperaemia and mild papillary response. Etiology – 1. Hay fever conjunctivitis - It is associated with hay fever (allergic rhinitis). The common allergens are pollens, grass and animal dandruff. 2. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis – associated with seasonal allergens such as grass pollens. 3. Perennial allergic conjunctivitis- is a response to perennial allergens such as house dust and mite. Pathology – It comprises vascular, cellular and conjunctival responses. Symptoms - Itching and burning sensation with watery discharge and mild photophobia. Signs. - Hyperaemia & chemosis and Oedema of lids. Treatment - Elimination of allergens if possible and Systemic antihistaminic drugs.
  • 22. Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) It is a recurrent, bilateral, allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva having a periodic seasonal incidence. More common in summer. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) It is associated with atopic dermatitis. Symptoms - Itching, soreness, dry sensation, discharge, Photophobia or blurred vision. Signs - Tarsal conjunctiva [milky appearance], & are very fine papillae, hyperaemia and scarring with shrinkage. Cornea may show punctate epithelial keratitis, corneal vascularization, thinning. Associations - may be keratoconus and atopic cataract. Treatment – Firstly treat of lid margin disease. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC) Inflammation of conjunctiva with formation of very large sized papillae. Etiology - It is a allergic response to a physically rough or deposited surface (contact lens, prosthesis, left out nylon sutures). Symptoms - Itching, stringy discharge and hyperaemia are the main sign. Treatment - The offending cause should be removed.
  • 23. Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis It is a nodular affection occurring as an allergic response of the conjunctival and corneal epithelium to some endogenous allergens. Etiology Peak age group is 3-15 years and Incidence is higher in girls than boys & Disease is more common in undernourished children and Overcrowded & unhygienic Living condititions [in spring and summer seasons] Symptoms - mild discomfort in the eye, irritation and reflex watering. Signs -The phlyctenular conjunctivitis can present in three forms: simple, necrotizing and miliary. Presence of one or more whitish raised nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus, with hyperaemia usually of the surrounding conjunctiva, in a child living in bad hygienic conditions. Management - It includes by local therapy, investigations and specific therapy aimed at eliminating the causative allergen and general measures to improve the health of the child.
  • 24. Contact Dermatoconjunctivitis This type of Keratoconjunctivitis associated with skin disease. It is an allergic disorder, involving conjunctiva and skin of lids along with surrounding area of face. Etiology - It is a hypersensitivity response to prolonged contact with chemicals and drugs. Clinical picture -1. Cutaneous involvement is in the form of weeping eczematous reaction, involving all areas with which medication comes in contact. 2. Conjunctival response is hyperaemia with a generalized papillary response affecting the lower fornix and lower palpebral conjunctiva. Treatment – It consists of: 1. Discontinuation of the causative medication, 2. Topical steroid eye drops to relieve symptoms, 3. Application of steroid ointment on the involved skin.
  • 25. GRANULOMATOUS CONJUNCTIVITIS It is the chronic inflammations of the conjunctiva, characterised by proliferative lesions which usually tend to remain localized to one eye and are mostly associated with regional lymphadenitis. Common granulomatous conjunctival inflammations are: 1. Tuberculosis of conjunctiva 2. Sarcoidosis of conjunctiva 3. Syphilitic conjunctivitis 4. Leprotic conjunctivitis 5. Conjunctivitis in tularaemia 6. Ophthalmia nodos
  • 27. PINGUECULA Pinguecula is an common degenerative condition of the conjunctiva. It occurs due to formation of a yellowish white patch on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus. ETIOLOGY It occurs to those persons exposed to strong sunlight, dust and wind. PATHOLOGY There is an elastotic degeneration of collagen fibers of the substantia propria of conjunctiva, coupled with deposition of amorphous hyaline material in the substance of conjunctiva. CLINICAL FEATURES It is a bilateral, yellowish white triangular patch near the limbus. Apex of the triangle is away from the cornea. It affects the nasal side first and then the temporal side. COMPLICATIONS Inflammation, abscess formation. TREATMENT In routine no treatment is required for pinguecula.
  • 28. PTERYGIUM Pterygium is a wing-shaped fold of conjunctiva encroaching upon the cornea. ETIOLOGY This disease is more common in people living in hot climates. It occurs due to prolonged effect of environmental factors such as exposure to sun (UV rays), dry heat, high wind and dust. PATHOLOGY The subconjunctival tissue undergoes elastotic degeneration & proliferates as vascularized granulation tissue under the epithelium. The corneal epithelium, Bowman's layer and superficial stroma are destroyed. CLINICAL FEATURES It may be unilateral or bilateral. It presents as a triangular fold of conjunctiva encroaching the cornea in the area of palpebral aperture, usually on the nasal side but may also occur on the temporal side. Deposition of iron seen sometimes in corneal epithelium.
  • 29. PARTS A fully developed pterygium consists of three parts. i. Head (apical part present on the cornea) ii. Neck (limbal part) iii. Body (scleral part) extending between limbus and the canthus SYMPTOMS It is an asymptomatic condition in early stages, except for cosmetic apperance. Visual disturbances occur when it encroaches the pupillary area. Diplopia may occur due to limitation of ocular movements. COMPLICATIONS Cystic degeneration and infection, rarely, malignant melanoma, may occur. TREATMENT Surgical excision is the only satisfactory treatment
  • 30. CONCRETIONS ETIOLOGY Concretions are formed due to accumulation of mucus & dead epithelial cell debris into the conjunctival depressions called loops of Henle. They are commonly seen in elderly people as a degenerative condition and also in patients with scarring stage of trachoma. CLINICAL FEATURES Concretions are seen on palpebral conjunctiva, more commonly on upper than the lower. These are yellowish white, hard looking, raised areas, varying in size from pin point to pin head. Being hard, they may produce foreign body sensations and lacrimation by rubbing the corneal surface. Occasionally they may even cause corneal abrasions. TREATMENT Removal with the help of a hypodermic needle under topical anaesthesia.
  • 31. SYMPTOMATIC CONDITION OF CONJUNCTIVA Hyperaemia of conjunctiva Chemosis of conjunctiva ECCHYMOSIS OF CONJUNCTIVA (SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HAEMORRHAGE) Xerosis of conjunctiva Discoloration of conjunctiva
  • 32. ECCHYMOSIS OF CONJUNCTIVA (SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HAEMORRHAGE) It is of very common. It may vary in from small patches to whole of the bulbar conjunctiva and thus making the white sclera of the eye invisible. ETIOLOGY It may be associated with following conditions: Trauma It is the most common cause. It may be in the form of- # local trauma to the conjunctiva, due to surgery and subconjunctival injections. # retrobulbar haemorrhage, spreads below the bulbar conjunctiva. Inflammation It usually associated with acute conjunctivitis caused by picornaviruses. Sudden venous congestion of head It may occur rupture of conjunctival capillaries due to sudden rise in pressure. Common conditions are whooping cough, epileptic fits, strangulation.
  • 33. Spontaneous rupture of fragile capillaries Vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension & diabetes mellitus. Local vascular anomalies - like telengiectasia, varicosities, aneurysm. Blood dyscrasias - like anaemias, leukaemia and dysproteinaemias. Bleeding disorders - like purpura, haemophilia and scurvy. Acute febrile systemic infections - such as malaria, typhoid, diphtheria, measles. CLINICAL FEATURES There may be symptoms of associated causative disease. On examination, looks as a flat sheet of bright red color with well defined limits. Most of the time it is absorbed completely within 7 to 21 days. During absorption color changes are noted from bright red to orange and then yellow. TREATMENT Treat the cause when discovered.
  • 34. CYSTS OF CONJUNCTIVA Congenital cystic lesions These are of rare occurrence and include congenital corneoscleral cyst. Lymphatic cysts of conjunctiva These are common and usually occur due to dilatation of lymph spaces in the bulbar conjunctiva. Retention cysts These occur occasionally due to blockage of ducts of accessory lacrimal glands of Krause in chronic inflammatory conditions. Epithelial implantation cyst (traumatic cyst) It may develop implantation of conjunctival epithelium in the deeper layers, due to surgical or non-surgical injuries of conjunctiva.
  • 35. Epithelial cysts It occurs due to down growth of epithelium are rarely seen in chronic inflammatory or degenerative conditions, e.g. pterygium. Aqueous cyst It may be due to healing by cystoid formation, following surgical or nonsurgical perforating limbal wounds. Pigmented epithelial cyst It may be formed sometimes prolonged topical use of cocaine or epinephrine. Parasitic cysts Such as subconjunctival cyst. Treatment Conjunctival cysts need a careful surgical excision.
  • 36. TUMORS OF CONJUNCTIVA There are main two types of tumours - 1] Non-pigmented tumours I. Congenital - dermoid and lipo-dermoid II. Benign - simple granuloma, papilloma, adenoma, fibroma and angiomas. III. Premalignant - intraepithelial epithelioma (Bowen's disease). IV. Malignant - epithelioma or squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma. 2] Pigmented tumours I. Benign - naevi or congenital moles. II. Precancerous melanosis - superficial melanoma III. Malignant - primary melanoma (malignant melanoma)
  • 37. NON- PIGMENTED TUMORS CONGENITAL TUMOURS Dermoid These are common congenital tumor which usually occur at the limbus. They appear as solid white masses, fixed to the cornea. Dermoid consists of collagenous connective tissue, sebaceous glands. Treatment is simple excision. Lipo-dermoid It is a congenital tumor, usually found at the limbus or outer canthus. It appears as soft, yellowish white, movable subconjunctival mass. It consists of fatty tissue and surrounding dermis-like connective tissue, (the name lipo- dermoid). BENIGN TUMORS Simple granuloma It is a cauliflower-like growth of granulation tissue & associated with squint surgery & chalazion. Treatment consists of complete surgical removal.
  • 38. Papilloma It is a benign polypoid tumor usually occurring at inner canthus or limbus. It has a tendency to undergo malignant change and needs complete excision. Fibroma It is a rare soft or hard polypoid growth usually occurring in lower fornix. PRE-MALIGNANT TUMOURS Intraepithelial epithelioma It is a rare, precancerous condition, usually occurring at the limbus as a flat, reddish grey, vascularized plaque and treated by complete local excision. MALIGNANT TUMOURS Squamous cell carcinoma (epithelioma) It usually occurs at the transitional zones i.e. at limbus and the lid margin. The tumor invades the stroma deeply & treated by complete local excision. Basal cell carcinoma It may invade the conjunctiva from the lids or may arise from the plica semilunaris and the complete surgical excision.
  • 39. PIGMENTED TUMORS Benign (Naevi or congenital moles) These are common pigmented lesions, usually presenting as brown or black, flat or slightly raised nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva, mostly near the limbus. It is indicated by sudden increase in size or increase in pigmentation or inflammation so, excision is usually indicated for cosmetic reasons and rarely for medical reasons. Precancerous melanosis (superficial melanoma) It develops at any site on the bulbar or palpebral conjunctiva, which spreads as a diffuse, flat patch. It should be treated as local incision. Malignant melanoma (primary melanoma) It usually near the limbus. The condition usually occurs in elderly patients. It spreads over the surface of the globe and rarely penetrates it. Treatment, Once suspected, enucleation is the treatment of choice, depending upon the extent of growth.
  • 40. PIGMENTATION OF CONJUNCTIVA The conjunctiva sometimes develops brown discoloration. It is primarily caused by hyper-melanosis [over production of melanocytes]. It is secondary caused by irradiation, hormonal changes, chemical irritation, chronic inflammatory disorders. It is found in children & adults and typically occurs only in one eye. It leads to life threatening malignant melanoma. Is should be treated with surgery, cryotherapy or sometime chemotherapy eye drops.