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Working Title:The choices we make
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
My audience w illrange over a large audience of different aspects to it, the first aspect of the audience that I w illbe aiming
at it going to be gender I am going to be aiming for both genders In this project I feelthat it is important that I aim for both
genders, the reason for this is because it w illnot be a specific gender because it doesn’t need to be for w ho could watch
the short film, but for the short film I w illbe making the main character a male and this w ould mean that for a main
character it w ould be more relatable to a male audience and fromthe survey on research it w as very apparent that most of
my audience w as male this show sthat people I w illbe aiming for w illbe male so it makes sense I could make the main
character male to appeal to the majority of my audience. For the poster of my product the gender w illalso appeal to both
genders as the w illbe more an image of scenery. The DVD covers willappeal to a more male audience, because the main
character and colour scheme of the DVD Cover w illbe colours generally associated with a male audience and so it w ould
appeal to them also the main character on the front of the DVD Cover w ould be a male so it w ould be more tow ards that
audience. The age that I w illbe aiming at by the BBFC (British Board of qualification) this is w hat is used to decide if the
w orkis to violent and gives an age rating, and by the given rating my project frommy plan and research would be a tw elve,
the reason for this is because although there w ould not be violence included w ithin it w ould fallunder tw elve due to the
concept sound and tone. As a film in general I w ould say that it w ould be view able to people of any ages above ten w ith
parental permission, although the BBFC rating w ould be tw elve my personalclassification would be a PG. I w illnot be
aiming for a specific socialstatus but the character featured in the film w illbe a medium class main character this willrelate
more to the middle class to higher class, how ever the filmw ould be accessible to all the classes and w atchable to low er,
middle and higher class socialstatuses. The demographic that I w illbe aiming for in the audience is one that interested in
horror/ thrillers. The reason for this is because my short film w illbe a thriller and so it only makes sense that I w as to aim for
that demographic. My audience for phycographic Iam aiming for should hopefully be aimed at people that are interested in
horror/ thrillers but also enjoy w atching films that appeal to them through w illalso aim at the phycographic that
is interested in films not being too long as my short film w ould be betw een 4 to 5 minutes it w ould appealto people that
w ant a quickhorror w ith lots of jump scares in a short amount of time and an easy plot to follow this is unlike a film that you
normally have to sit through for an hour and a half so I appeal to the phycographic with a shorter attention span on my short
film. The demographic and phycographic would be the same for the short film, the reason for this is because they are
advertising the short.
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, socialstatus, psychographicetc. Use the Audience Classifications
Pow erPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why w ould your project appealto this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (w hywould your
product appeal to the age group? Why w ould your product appealto the gender? Etc.)
Rationale (approx. 100 words)
So far this year I have acquired a w ide range of skills, It took time to be able to use everything that I have gathered
effectively. At first this year Idid a project called ‘Irn Bru’this project as the first one covered every topic, fromvideo game,
print and short film. The first skill that I acquired in this project w as on Photoshop as I had to create a poster for ‘Irn Bru’ by
doing this I gained experience in Photoshop, this experience covered a range of areas such as editing the poster adding in
different tools such as beveland emboss, stroke, inner glow , inner shadow, stain, colour overlay, gradient overlay, paten
overlay, outer glow , drop shadow. Learning how to use these on texts and images in photoshop w as helpfulon the poster
side of the irn bru project because this skill w illassist me a great deal in my finalmajor project w hen Imake the poster f or
the film as w ellas the company logos. In irn bru I also made a TV Advert that w ould help me in this w ith the different effects
I had used In the project. I used different editing tools to be able to create my irn bru project, these tools w illbe the same
type that I w illbe suing in my final major project. I think that it is important I take these tools. In every project this year I
have done research and this has show n me how Ishould complete my research for this finalmajor project, I know how to
set up the research and w hat to research forexample existing products to map out new ideas on w hat Icould improve on in
my w orkfromother pieces of w ork, also looking into my past w orkand seeing how related past w orkcan be improved
upon. The second project that I made w as a print product, in this part of my project I advanced my skills in photoshop in
editing and creating different things in photoshop, such as magazine covers and magazine double page spreads and
creating a w ebsite this developed my skills in creative thinking and linking things together I also gained know ledge on how
to set up different page set up on photoshop based on the design you need to benefit the overall look of the w ork, skills that
w illcome in handy w hen making my company logos, DVD covers and the poster for the short film. My next project w as
video game, in this I created an advergame, in this product I gained further skills in research and reflection on my w ork, I
also gained more skills in photo shop learning how to animate the w ork this skill and know ledge willbe extremely helpful
w hen making my company logos in the finalproject for w hen Imove them onto my short film. In my next project I did short
film, here is w here Ipicked up all the valuable skills, I learned the different features into the camera that I w illbe using w hen
filming this short film. I also gained new editing skills and different terminology’s that can be used w ithin this next project as
w ell. The short film project show ed me a lot of areas of w here Ican improve. Overall throughout all of the units I have
acquired a range of skills on photoshop learning different tools and techniques for photoshop and adobe premiere. I have
also over the long period time improved a great deal on my time management giving myself more than enough time to get
this FMP completed and to a good standard. I have also picked up on my research over the past units looking at different
products in a w ay that helps me analyse different aspectsof workfrommyself other peoples, I also picked up how to reflect
on my ow n workin an efficient w ay. Anotherskillthat I have picked up throughout these past units has been organisation. I
have had practice managing my time by creating time schedules and planning. I have know ledge in how to set up these
schedules and how to manage my time. I also have good know ledge and skill w ith communication for example emailing
people for permission to film in a certain location. Or if I’m speaking verbally directing people on w hat to do w ithin the movie
or asking for assistance with different aspectsand parts of the w ork. Ihave also picked up skills in teamw orkan example of
this is the short film project w here Ichose different people to be in my team based on their skills and I w as able to complete
good team w orkw ith the group and completed it affectively. Iw asable to lead them into w hat they w antedto do and bring
the most out of them w ith their sets of skills, I delegated them roles that they w as strongwith and I feelI can do the same
w ith this project. I delegated their skills based off the selection of strengths they had.
Review your progressthroughout the year- what skills and know ledge have you acquired?
How has the subjects you have studied this year informed your choice for this project?
What have you studied and how w illit have a direct impact upon your project?
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
Introduction to the concept
My project is essentially going to be split into different parts, they willalllink to one another and one w illbe consistent w ithin
each of the other three products. The idea is to show that I can effectivelycreate a range of products with a variety of
different skills to a good and efficient standard and I feelthat w ith this project and these three different products Iw ill be
able to do so. The different parts I w illcreate:
Company logos
For the company logos I am going to have three different ones for three differentcompanies. The first company is going to
be a generalaverage company name of a production that w illseem like a big budget company and be at the beginning like
a w arner broslogo at the start of their films. The second company logo w ould be a film tech type company like Rat Pac that
helped produce It and provide equipment. And the third company logo w ould be a logo that in name is themed after the
genre of short film I w ould be making so as I am making a horror/ thriller the name of the company w ould be themed after
that genre. All the logos that I make w illbe styled after the genre in the look and how it is visually presented to the
audience. The Poster and DVD Cover w illfeature these company logos to link the w orktogether in more w aysthan one
and also make it look more professional as covers and poster. It w illbe mainly featured in the short film as it w illopen up at
the start w ith the different company logos, Ifeel this w illhave audience appeal due to how it w ould lookmore profession
froma media stand point.
The poster that I w illbe making w illbe set up like most horror film posters that I have researched for example ‘insidious’
and ‘The Conjuring’, this poster I make as my audience from research would like w illhave connotation and denotation
w ithin the w ork, this means there w ould be simplistic visual links to the character but in the poster it w illalso contain
denotation w hich willbe smart hidden links to the story of the short film. The short film itself w illas stated above contain
three company logos these w illbe placed at the bottom of the page. In the middle of the page it w ould show the main
character stood outside of the building from the story, visually it w illhave the main character stood looking proud w ith a light
glow behind him this w illrepresent how he is the hero of the film and the light character, especially seen as the background
and majority of the poster w illbe dark and gritty like the tone of the movie. The title w illbe placed at the top of the poster
and w illbe have a stroke and bevel and boss affect added to increase its grittiness and make it stand out more than the
rest of the poster, most of the poster w illbe grey and blackw ith different shadesof blue for colour scheme. The grey tone
represents the grittiness of the movie, the black w ith show the darkness of the short filmand the blue w hich is w hat will
surround the main character willshow safety. My time management on this project for the poster w illbe to aim and get it
done w ithin a day, this w illbe after I have filmed the short film and created the company logos. I w illuse photoshop to
create this poster, but I w illalso use images that I w illtake w ith a camera w hen filming the short film.
DVD Cover
For the DVD Cover I w illbe making it in the style of the horror films that I researched forthis piece of w ork, those films
w here the new remake of Steven kings ‘IT’ and the film ‘Grave Encounters’these DVD covers for these films had a very
unique style and this is a style I w ant to take inspiration fromand add into my w ork. The both possessed a very dark
sinister tone. The DVD Cover w illhave the main character in the middle like on the poster except he w illbe shrouded by
darkness and this w illset the tone for the movie there w illbe little glimmers of light throughout the front cover and it w ill
have the title at the top as w ellas the top cast at the top above the title and w illhave the company logos at the bottom of
the front page as w ell, this DVD Cover w illhave different effects on the title and the images to make them stand out more.
The back of the DVD cover w illcontain a synopsis on the back this w illin connotation explain the basic plot line but it w ill
have denotation in the synopsis willshow more deeper meanings to the plotline. The backw illalso have tw o images on the
back fromthe film. My time management on this w illbe 2 days and I w illhave to rely on my organisation in follow ing my
plan for company logos on this.
Short Film
The tone – the tone of the short film w illbe dark mainly aiming at mystery and suspense and the short film w illhave this
tone fromthe opening w ith the company logos. Throughout the short film the tone w illstay the same until the very end.
The mood – the mood of the short film w illbe dark creating darkvisual affectsto set a chilling mood w ith the audience and
create suspense.
The story – the story of the short film w illstart w ith the main character w aking up in a dark room of a house, the main
character willget up and pick up a flashlight to w alkthrough the only door in the room. This w illlead him into a hallw ay with
dramatic music playing w ith a creepy undertone. This hallw ay would be darkw ith people on the radio w hispering a story
about a man that killed his w ife. At the end of the hallw ay is a turn that leads to second part of the hallw ay, but it w ould be a
straight 90 degree turn and the rest f the hallw ay fromthis point w on’t be visible and the character willw alkup w ith the
camera follow ing behind at the same time creating suspense with tense music playing in the background. As the main
character makes it round the corner the music w ould drop and there w ould be darkness w ith two lights guiding the w ay
through and the radio w ould keep playing continuing the story, at the end of the corridor there w ould be an open door and
as the main character walks through this he w ould find himself in a continues loop of the same hallw ay going round and
round w ith different things changing around him and the story of the radio playing and the suspense on the turn been the
same each time, but as the story goes on the main character followsthe hallw aythrough parts of the story willstart to be
visualized on each turn through lighting. The story that the radio is telling is of a husband w ho killed his w ife while under the
influence of drugs, a dark story and the main character would be walking through w atching a dark figure commit the acts
the radio w as talking about, the music throughout all of this w illbe suspensefulwith everyturn and action. As the story
completes itself on the radio and w ith shadow actions visually the main character willcome to the end of the corridor again
but this time the original door w as locked and then the bathroom door on the corner w ould open slowly, the main character
w ould w alktow ards it w hile the music gets suspensefulagain (throughout the short film there w illbe a mix of things
happening and not happening after the music drops) as the main character enters the roomas the radio says “after the
killer in this horrific attackescaped fromprismon the w ay to the execution w ing at *name* asylum after spending 10 years
on death row police are stillsearching for him w hile he is at large (or something along those lines)” he w illlook into the
mirror and then the radio w illsay “*details on the characters face* and how he is suspected to be in the area of the murder
and anyone near should keep a look out. Then as the character leads the bathroom the front door w illopen and it w illend
w ith the main character walking outside and the house number in shot as the radio says the name of the house number out
loud w here he may be so they can stay aw ay, this willshow that there w asa plot tw ist that the main character was the
murderer he w as watching and it w asn’t a haunting but he w as retracing his steps in his head.
For this concept I w illneed to research different horror films and thriller films that are related to this idea this w ay Iw illbe
able to film my short film w ith inspiration on camera techniques and music drops to build suspense fromother movies that
have done similar ideas. I w illalso need to research filming locations so that I can find places suitable for filming that I w ill
be able to use w ith permission, researching this early gives me more time to get permission. I w illalso need to research
different company logos as w ellas poster for horror movies and DVD Covers as w ell. This is so I can get a broad idea of
how my w orkshould shape out. I w illalso research filming and lighting techniques as I go to open up to different bits of
know ledge to help w ith filming the project.
What is the concept for your project and w hat are you going to make?
What research willyou need to conduct and how willit help you make your project/
Evaluation (approx. 50 words)
I w illevaluate my w orkby comparing the initial plans to the final project, looking at if it did or didn’t turn out as I planned and
w hat ideas in initial plans that I had discounted could have been better or if it’s good that I discounted the ideas. I w illalso
look at the concept for the short film and if it actually turned out the w ay that I w anted it to, in the short film I w illbe using all
different parts of what Ihave learned through media to create it and this w illcompare to the concept as to if it lived up to
w hat Istated the story w ould be and evaluate it from there, I w illalso evaluate my time management and if it w asgood
enough to get my w orkto a good standard and in on the deadline. I w illevaluate my time management separately for each
individual aspect of the w ork. Iw illalso evaluate my organisation for each part of the project and if it effected the outcome
of any pieces of w orkIhad or not. I w illcompare my project and over parts of my w orkto the schedule I had made to see
w hether Idid keep it to the schedule or if I strayed awayfromit and evaluate how that affected my w orkreflecting on w hat I
could have done better. I w illalso reflect upon my communication to others for example my cast and crew when making the
project and after reflecting Ican evaluate if this had any impact on the overalllook of the short film and how I w ould change
it. I w illthen reflect upon the production seeing w hat aspects of my workIlike and w hat Ifeel needs improving. I w illthen
compare my w ork on this project to y experiments to reflect and evaluate w hat Itook from the practice run into my ow n and
w hat Iimproved upon in skill on the finalproject and w hat improvements still need to be made and how Iw ould go about
making these improvements. I w illthen compare my w orkto another existing product but this time one made by someone
else and see how there’s compares to my w orkand w hat similarities and differencesthere are betw een them. I w illthen
reflect on w hat Iaimed at for my audience appeal and w hat my audience said in the research that I took and fromthis I w ill
evaluate how my final project appealed to the audience in each of its different part. And if there any new added parts of my
production w here Ihave appealed to my audience in new w ays.
How do you plan to evaluate the w ork? Reference conducting on-going evaluation and your finalself-reflection, analysing
your w orkand its outcomes.
1 Initial Response + Proposal 
2 Product + Audience Research 
3 Production Experiments 
4 Pre-Production and Planning 
5 Production 
6 Production 
7 Production 
8 Production 
9 Evaluation 
10 Development + Contingency 
At least 7 sources totaland should include books, videos/films/video games, magazines and new spaper articles etc.
1. Your, Name. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on DATE)
2. Interview ees, Name. (2018) Target Audience Interview s(conducted on DATE)

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2. proposal

  • 1. Proposal 1 Working Title:The choices we make What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: My audience w illrange over a large audience of different aspects to it, the first aspect of the audience that I w illbe aiming at it going to be gender I am going to be aiming for both genders In this project I feelthat it is important that I aim for both genders, the reason for this is because it w illnot be a specific gender because it doesn’t need to be for w ho could watch the short film, but for the short film I w illbe making the main character a male and this w ould mean that for a main character it w ould be more relatable to a male audience and fromthe survey on research it w as very apparent that most of my audience w as male this show sthat people I w illbe aiming for w illbe male so it makes sense I could make the main character male to appeal to the majority of my audience. For the poster of my product the gender w illalso appeal to both genders as the w illbe more an image of scenery. The DVD covers willappeal to a more male audience, because the main character and colour scheme of the DVD Cover w illbe colours generally associated with a male audience and so it w ould appeal to them also the main character on the front of the DVD Cover w ould be a male so it w ould be more tow ards that audience. The age that I w illbe aiming at by the BBFC (British Board of qualification) this is w hat is used to decide if the w orkis to violent and gives an age rating, and by the given rating my project frommy plan and research would be a tw elve, the reason for this is because although there w ould not be violence included w ithin it w ould fallunder tw elve due to the concept sound and tone. As a film in general I w ould say that it w ould be view able to people of any ages above ten w ith parental permission, although the BBFC rating w ould be tw elve my personalclassification would be a PG. I w illnot be aiming for a specific socialstatus but the character featured in the film w illbe a medium class main character this willrelate more to the middle class to higher class, how ever the filmw ould be accessible to all the classes and w atchable to low er, middle and higher class socialstatuses. The demographic that I w illbe aiming for in the audience is one that interested in horror/ thrillers. The reason for this is because my short film w illbe a thriller and so it only makes sense that I w as to aim for that demographic. My audience for phycographic Iam aiming for should hopefully be aimed at people that are interested in horror/ thrillers but also enjoy w atching films that appeal to them through w illalso aim at the phycographic that is interested in films not being too long as my short film w ould be betw een 4 to 5 minutes it w ould appealto people that w ant a quickhorror w ith lots of jump scares in a short amount of time and an easy plot to follow this is unlike a film that you normally have to sit through for an hour and a half so I appeal to the phycographic with a shorter attention span on my short film. The demographic and phycographic would be the same for the short film, the reason for this is because they are advertising the short. Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, socialstatus, psychographicetc. Use the Audience Classifications Pow erPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why w ould your project appealto this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (w hywould your product appeal to the age group? Why w ould your product appealto the gender? Etc.) Rationale (approx. 100 words) So far this year I have acquired a w ide range of skills, It took time to be able to use everything that I have gathered effectively. At first this year Idid a project called ‘Irn Bru’this project as the first one covered every topic, fromvideo game, print and short film. The first skill that I acquired in this project w as on Photoshop as I had to create a poster for ‘Irn Bru’ by doing this I gained experience in Photoshop, this experience covered a range of areas such as editing the poster adding in different tools such as beveland emboss, stroke, inner glow , inner shadow, stain, colour overlay, gradient overlay, paten overlay, outer glow , drop shadow. Learning how to use these on texts and images in photoshop w as helpfulon the poster side of the irn bru project because this skill w illassist me a great deal in my finalmajor project w hen Imake the poster f or the film as w ellas the company logos. In irn bru I also made a TV Advert that w ould help me in this w ith the different effects I had used In the project. I used different editing tools to be able to create my irn bru project, these tools w illbe the same type that I w illbe suing in my final major project. I think that it is important I take these tools. In every project this year I have done research and this has show n me how Ishould complete my research for this finalmajor project, I know how to set up the research and w hat to research forexample existing products to map out new ideas on w hat Icould improve on in my w orkfromother pieces of w ork, also looking into my past w orkand seeing how related past w orkcan be improved upon. The second project that I made w as a print product, in this part of my project I advanced my skills in photoshop in editing and creating different things in photoshop, such as magazine covers and magazine double page spreads and creating a w ebsite this developed my skills in creative thinking and linking things together I also gained know ledge on how to set up different page set up on photoshop based on the design you need to benefit the overall look of the w ork, skills that w illcome in handy w hen making my company logos, DVD covers and the poster for the short film. My next project w as video game, in this I created an advergame, in this product I gained further skills in research and reflection on my w ork, I also gained more skills in photo shop learning how to animate the w ork this skill and know ledge willbe extremely helpful w hen making my company logos in the finalproject for w hen Imove them onto my short film. In my next project I did short film, here is w here Ipicked up all the valuable skills, I learned the different features into the camera that I w illbe using w hen filming this short film. I also gained new editing skills and different terminology’s that can be used w ithin this next project as w ell. The short film project show ed me a lot of areas of w here Ican improve. Overall throughout all of the units I have acquired a range of skills on photoshop learning different tools and techniques for photoshop and adobe premiere. I have also over the long period time improved a great deal on my time management giving myself more than enough time to get this FMP completed and to a good standard. I have also picked up on my research over the past units looking at different products in a w ay that helps me analyse different aspectsof workfrommyself other peoples, I also picked up how to reflect on my ow n workin an efficient w ay. Anotherskillthat I have picked up throughout these past units has been organisation. I have had practice managing my time by creating time schedules and planning. I have know ledge in how to set up these schedules and how to manage my time. I also have good know ledge and skill w ith communication for example emailing people for permission to film in a certain location. Or if I’m speaking verbally directing people on w hat to do w ithin the movie
  • 2. Proposal 2 or asking for assistance with different aspectsand parts of the w ork. Ihave also picked up skills in teamw orkan example of this is the short film project w here Ichose different people to be in my team based on their skills and I w as able to complete good team w orkw ith the group and completed it affectively. Iw asable to lead them into w hat they w antedto do and bring the most out of them w ith their sets of skills, I delegated them roles that they w as strongwith and I feelI can do the same w ith this project. I delegated their skills based off the selection of strengths they had. Review your progressthroughout the year- what skills and know ledge have you acquired? How has the subjects you have studied this year informed your choice for this project? What have you studied and how w illit have a direct impact upon your project? Project Concept (approx. 200 words) Introduction to the concept My project is essentially going to be split into different parts, they willalllink to one another and one w illbe consistent w ithin each of the other three products. The idea is to show that I can effectivelycreate a range of products with a variety of different skills to a good and efficient standard and I feelthat w ith this project and these three different products Iw ill be able to do so. The different parts I w illcreate: Company logos For the company logos I am going to have three different ones for three differentcompanies. The first company is going to be a generalaverage company name of a production that w illseem like a big budget company and be at the beginning like a w arner broslogo at the start of their films. The second company logo w ould be a film tech type company like Rat Pac that helped produce It and provide equipment. And the third company logo w ould be a logo that in name is themed after the genre of short film I w ould be making so as I am making a horror/ thriller the name of the company w ould be themed after that genre. All the logos that I make w illbe styled after the genre in the look and how it is visually presented to the audience. The Poster and DVD Cover w illfeature these company logos to link the w orktogether in more w aysthan one and also make it look more professional as covers and poster. It w illbe mainly featured in the short film as it w illopen up at the start w ith the different company logos, Ifeel this w illhave audience appeal due to how it w ould lookmore profession froma media stand point. Poster The poster that I w illbe making w illbe set up like most horror film posters that I have researched for example ‘insidious’ and ‘The Conjuring’, this poster I make as my audience from research would like w illhave connotation and denotation w ithin the w ork, this means there w ould be simplistic visual links to the character but in the poster it w illalso contain denotation w hich willbe smart hidden links to the story of the short film. The short film itself w illas stated above contain three company logos these w illbe placed at the bottom of the page. In the middle of the page it w ould show the main character stood outside of the building from the story, visually it w illhave the main character stood looking proud w ith a light glow behind him this w illrepresent how he is the hero of the film and the light character, especially seen as the background and majority of the poster w illbe dark and gritty like the tone of the movie. The title w illbe placed at the top of the poster and w illbe have a stroke and bevel and boss affect added to increase its grittiness and make it stand out more than the rest of the poster, most of the poster w illbe grey and blackw ith different shadesof blue for colour scheme. The grey tone represents the grittiness of the movie, the black w ith show the darkness of the short filmand the blue w hich is w hat will surround the main character willshow safety. My time management on this project for the poster w illbe to aim and get it done w ithin a day, this w illbe after I have filmed the short film and created the company logos. I w illuse photoshop to create this poster, but I w illalso use images that I w illtake w ith a camera w hen filming the short film. DVD Cover For the DVD Cover I w illbe making it in the style of the horror films that I researched forthis piece of w ork, those films w here the new remake of Steven kings ‘IT’ and the film ‘Grave Encounters’these DVD covers for these films had a very unique style and this is a style I w ant to take inspiration fromand add into my w ork. The both possessed a very dark sinister tone. The DVD Cover w illhave the main character in the middle like on the poster except he w illbe shrouded by darkness and this w illset the tone for the movie there w illbe little glimmers of light throughout the front cover and it w ill have the title at the top as w ellas the top cast at the top above the title and w illhave the company logos at the bottom of the front page as w ell, this DVD Cover w illhave different effects on the title and the images to make them stand out more. The back of the DVD cover w illcontain a synopsis on the back this w illin connotation explain the basic plot line but it w ill have denotation in the synopsis willshow more deeper meanings to the plotline. The backw illalso have tw o images on the back fromthe film. My time management on this w illbe 2 days and I w illhave to rely on my organisation in follow ing my plan for company logos on this. Short Film The tone – the tone of the short film w illbe dark mainly aiming at mystery and suspense and the short film w illhave this tone fromthe opening w ith the company logos. Throughout the short film the tone w illstay the same until the very end. The mood – the mood of the short film w illbe dark creating darkvisual affectsto set a chilling mood w ith the audience and create suspense. The story – the story of the short film w illstart w ith the main character w aking up in a dark room of a house, the main character willget up and pick up a flashlight to w alkthrough the only door in the room. This w illlead him into a hallw ay with dramatic music playing w ith a creepy undertone. This hallw ay would be darkw ith people on the radio w hispering a story about a man that killed his w ife. At the end of the hallw ay is a turn that leads to second part of the hallw ay, but it w ould be a straight 90 degree turn and the rest f the hallw ay fromthis point w on’t be visible and the character willw alkup w ith the camera follow ing behind at the same time creating suspense with tense music playing in the background. As the main character makes it round the corner the music w ould drop and there w ould be darkness w ith two lights guiding the w ay through and the radio w ould keep playing continuing the story, at the end of the corridor there w ould be an open door and as the main character walks through this he w ould find himself in a continues loop of the same hallw ay going round and round w ith different things changing around him and the story of the radio playing and the suspense on the turn been the same each time, but as the story goes on the main character followsthe hallw aythrough parts of the story willstart to be
  • 3. Proposal 3 visualized on each turn through lighting. The story that the radio is telling is of a husband w ho killed his w ife while under the influence of drugs, a dark story and the main character would be walking through w atching a dark figure commit the acts the radio w as talking about, the music throughout all of this w illbe suspensefulwith everyturn and action. As the story completes itself on the radio and w ith shadow actions visually the main character willcome to the end of the corridor again but this time the original door w as locked and then the bathroom door on the corner w ould open slowly, the main character w ould w alktow ards it w hile the music gets suspensefulagain (throughout the short film there w illbe a mix of things happening and not happening after the music drops) as the main character enters the roomas the radio says “after the killer in this horrific attackescaped fromprismon the w ay to the execution w ing at *name* asylum after spending 10 years on death row police are stillsearching for him w hile he is at large (or something along those lines)” he w illlook into the mirror and then the radio w illsay “*details on the characters face* and how he is suspected to be in the area of the murder and anyone near should keep a look out. Then as the character leads the bathroom the front door w illopen and it w illend w ith the main character walking outside and the house number in shot as the radio says the name of the house number out loud w here he may be so they can stay aw ay, this willshow that there w asa plot tw ist that the main character was the murderer he w as watching and it w asn’t a haunting but he w as retracing his steps in his head. Research For this concept I w illneed to research different horror films and thriller films that are related to this idea this w ay Iw illbe able to film my short film w ith inspiration on camera techniques and music drops to build suspense fromother movies that have done similar ideas. I w illalso need to research filming locations so that I can find places suitable for filming that I w ill be able to use w ith permission, researching this early gives me more time to get permission. I w illalso need to research different company logos as w ellas poster for horror movies and DVD Covers as w ell. This is so I can get a broad idea of how my w orkshould shape out. I w illalso research filming and lighting techniques as I go to open up to different bits of know ledge to help w ith filming the project. What is the concept for your project and w hat are you going to make? What research willyou need to conduct and how willit help you make your project/ Evaluation (approx. 50 words) I w illevaluate my w orkby comparing the initial plans to the final project, looking at if it did or didn’t turn out as I planned and w hat ideas in initial plans that I had discounted could have been better or if it’s good that I discounted the ideas. I w illalso look at the concept for the short film and if it actually turned out the w ay that I w anted it to, in the short film I w illbe using all different parts of what Ihave learned through media to create it and this w illcompare to the concept as to if it lived up to w hat Istated the story w ould be and evaluate it from there, I w illalso evaluate my time management and if it w asgood enough to get my w orkto a good standard and in on the deadline. I w illevaluate my time management separately for each individual aspect of the w ork. Iw illalso evaluate my organisation for each part of the project and if it effected the outcome of any pieces of w orkIhad or not. I w illcompare my project and over parts of my w orkto the schedule I had made to see w hether Idid keep it to the schedule or if I strayed awayfromit and evaluate how that affected my w orkreflecting on w hat I could have done better. I w illalso reflect upon my communication to others for example my cast and crew when making the project and after reflecting Ican evaluate if this had any impact on the overalllook of the short film and how I w ould change it. I w illthen reflect upon the production seeing w hat aspects of my workIlike and w hat Ifeel needs improving. I w illthen compare my w ork on this project to y experiments to reflect and evaluate w hat Itook from the practice run into my ow n and w hat Iimproved upon in skill on the finalproject and w hat improvements still need to be made and how Iw ould go about making these improvements. I w illthen compare my w orkto another existing product but this time one made by someone else and see how there’s compares to my w orkand w hat similarities and differencesthere are betw een them. I w illthen reflect on w hat Iaimed at for my audience appeal and w hat my audience said in the research that I took and fromthis I w ill evaluate how my final project appealed to the audience in each of its different part. And if there any new added parts of my production w here Ihave appealed to my audience in new w ays. How do you plan to evaluate the w ork? Reference conducting on-going evaluation and your finalself-reflection, analysing your w orkand its outcomes.
  • 4. Proposal 4 Schedule WEEK OVERALL PLAN SPECIFIC TASKS 1 Initial Response + Proposal  2 Product + Audience Research  3 Production Experiments  4 Pre-Production and Planning  5 Production  6 Production  7 Production  8 Production  9 Evaluation  10 Development + Contingency  Bibliography At least 7 sources totaland should include books, videos/films/video games, magazines and new spaper articles etc. 1. Your, Name. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on DATE) 2. Interview ees, Name. (2018) Target Audience Interview s(conducted on DATE) 3.