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By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The nose is the first segment of the respiratory
 It warms, moistens, and filters the inhaled air, and
it is the sensory organ for smell.
 It extends back over the roof of the mouth.
 The anterior edge of the cavity is lined with
numerous coarse nasal hairs, or vibrissae.
 The rest of the cavity is lined with a blanket of
ciliated mucous membrane.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The nasal hairs filter the coarsest matter from inhaled
air, whereas the mucous blanket filters out dust and
 Nasal mucosa appears redder than oral mucosa because
of the rich blood supply present to warm the inhaled air.
 The nasal cavity is divided medially by the septum into
two slitlike air passages.
 The anterior part of the septum holds a rich vascular
network, Kiesselbach plexus, the most common site of
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 In many people the nasal septum is not absolutely
straight and may deviate toward one passage.
 The lateral walls of each nasal cavity contain three
parallel bony projections—the superior, middle, and
inferior turbinates.
 They increase the surface area so more blood vessels
and mucous membranes are available to warm,
humidify, and filter the inhaled air.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The sinuses drain into the middle meatus, and tears from
the nasolacrimal duct drain into the inferior meatus.
 The olfactory receptors (hair cells) lie at the roof of the
nasal cavity and in the upper one-third of the septum.
 These receptors for smell merge into the olfactory nerve,
cranial nerve I, which transmits to the temporal lobe of
the brain.
paranasal sinuses
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The paranasal sinuses are air-filled pockets within the
cranium .
 They communicate with the nasal cavity and are lined with
the same type of ciliated mucous membrane.
 They lighten the weight of the skull bones; serve as resonators
for sound production; and provide mucus, which drains into
the nasal cavity.
 The sinus openings are narrow and easily occluded, which
may cause inflammation or sinusitis.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Two pairs of sinuses are accessible to examination:
 the frontal sinuses in the frontal bone above and medial
to the orbits, and
 the maxillary sinuses in the maxilla (cheekbone) along
the side walls of the nasal cavity.
 The other two sets are smaller and deeper: the ethmoid
sinuses between the orbits, and the sphenoid sinuses
deep within the skull in the sphenoid bone.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The mouth is the first segment of the digestive
system and an airway for the respiratory system.
 The oral cavity is a short passage bordered by the
lips, palate, cheeks, and tongue. It contains the teeth
and gums, tongue, and salivary glands
 The lips are the anterior border of the oral cavity
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The arching roof of the mouth is the palate; it is divided into two parts.
 The anterior hard palate is made up of bone and is a whitish color.
 Posterior to this is the soft palate, an arch of muscle that is pinker in color
and mobile.
• The uvula is the free projection hanging down from the middle of the soft
palate The cheeks are the side walls of the oral cavity.
 The floor of the mouth consists of the horseshoe-shaped mandible bone,
the tongue, and underlying muscles.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The tongue is a mass of striated muscle arranged in a
crosswise pattern so it can change shape and position.
 The papillae are the rough, bumpy elevations on its dorsal
 Underneath, the ventral surface of the tongue is smooth
and shiny and has prominent veins.
 The frenulum is a midline fold of tissue that connects the
tongue to the floor of the mouth.
 The ability of the tongue to change shape and position
enhances its functions in mastication, swallowing, teeth
cleansing, and speech formation.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The glands secrete saliva, the clear fluid that moistens
and lubricates the food bolus, starts digestion, and cleans
and protects the mucosa.
 Adults have 32 permanent teeth—16 in each arch. Each
tooth has three parts: the crown, the neck, and the root.
 The gums (gingivae) collar the teeth. They are thick,
fibrous tissues covered with mucous membrane.
 They are different from the rest of the oral mucosa
because of their pale pink color and stippled surface.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The throat, or pharynx, is the area behind the
mouth and nose.
 The oropharynx is separated from the mouth by a
fold of tissue on each side, the anterior tonsillar
 Behind the folds are the tonsils, each a mass of
lymphoid tissue.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 The posterior pharyngeal wall is seen behind these
structures. Some small blood vessels may show on it.
 The nasopharynx is continuous with the oropharynx,
although it is above the oropharynx and behind the nasal
 The pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) and eustachian tube
openings are located here
 The oral cavity and throat have a rich lymphatic network.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 5/19/2023
Nursing Assessment
Subjective Data
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
1. Discharge- Any nasal discharge or runny nose? Continuous?
Is the discharge watery, purulent, mucoid, bloody?
 Rhinorrhea occurs with colds, allergies, sinus infection,
2. Frequent colds- Any unusually frequent or severe colds
(upper respiratory infections [URIs])? How often do these
 Most people have occasional colds
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
3. Sinus pain- Any sinus pain or sinusitis? How is this
treated? Do you have chronic postnasal drip?
 Up to 90% of patients with viral URI also have viral
sinusitis, which resolves without antibiotics.
4. Trauma-Ever had any trauma or a blow to the nose?
5. Patency-Can you breathe through your nose? Are both
sides obstructed or one?
 Trauma may cause deviated septum, which may cause
nares to be obstructed.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
5. Epistaxis (nosebleeds)- Any nosebleeds?
 How often?
 How much bleeding—a teaspoonful or does it pour out?
 Color of the blood—red or brown? Clots?
 From one nostril or both?
 Aggravated by nose-picking or scratching?
 How do you treat the nosebleeds? Are they difficult to
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Epistaxis occurs with trauma, vigorous nose blowing,
foreign body.
 Person should sit with head tilted forward, pinch soft
part of nose above nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Allergies-Any allergies or hay fever? To what are you
allergic (e.g., pollen, dust, pets)? How was this
determined? Which type of environment makes it worse?
Can you avoid exposure?
 “Seasonal” rhinitis if caused by pollen; “perennial” if
allergen is dust.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Use inhalers, nasal spray, nose drops? How often?
Which type? How long have you used them?
 Misuse of nasal medications irritates the mucosa,
causing rebound swelling, a common problem.
7. Altered smell-Experienced any change in sense of
 Sense of smell diminishes with cigarette smoking,
chronic allergies, aging.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
Mouth and Throat
1. Sores or lesions-Noticed any sores or lesions in the
mouth, tongue, or gums? How long have you had them?
Ever had this lesion before? Is it single or multiple? Does
it seem to be associated with stress, season change, food?
How have you treated the sore? Applied any local
 History helps determine whether oral lesions have
infectious, traumatic, immunologic, or malignant
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
2. Sore throat- How about sore throats? How frequently do
you get them? Have a sore throat now? When did it start?
 Is it associated with cough, fever, fatigue, decreased
appetite, headache, postnasal drip, or hoarseness?
 What is the humidity level in the room where you sleep?
Any dust or smoke inhaled at work?
 How have you treated this sore throat: medication,
 How effective are these? Have your tonsils or adenoids
been removed?
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
3. Bleeding gums-Any bleeding gums? How long have
you had them?
4. Toothache-Any toothache? Do your teeth seem
sensitive to hot, cold? Have you lost any teeth?
5. Hoarseness-Any hoarseness, voice change? For how
long? Feel like having to clear your throat? Or like a
“lump in your throat”? Use your voice a lot at work,
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
6. Dysphagia-Any difficulty swallowing? How long
have you had it? Feel as if food gets stopped at a
certain point? Any pain with this?
 Dysphagia occurs with pharyngitis, gastroesophageal
reflux disease, stroke and other neurologic diseases,
esophageal cancer.
7. Altered taste-Any change in sense of taste?
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
8. Smoking, alcohol consumption-Do you smoke? Pipe
or cigarettes? How many packs per day? For how
many years? How much alcohol do you usually
 Chronic tobacco use leads to tooth loss, coronal and
root caries, and periodontal disease in older adults.
 Chronic use of tobacco, alcohol, and both together
highly increases risk for oral and pharyngeal cancers.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
9. Patient-centered care-How often do you use a
toothbrush and floss? Last dental examination? Do
dental problems affect which foods you eat? Do you
have a dental appliance, How do they fit?Any sores
or irritation on the palate or gums?
 Lesions may arise from ill-fitting dentures, or the
presence of dentures may mask the eruption of new
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
Additional History for Infants and Children
1. Does the child have any mouth infections or sores such as
thrush or canker sores? How frequently do these occur?
2. Does the child have frequent sore throat or tonsillitis? How
often? How are these treated?
 Children ages 5 to 15 years have a higher incidence of GAS
pharyngitis than adults do (37% vs. 10%).
 Did the child's teeth erupt about on time?
 Eruption is delayed with Down syndrome, cretinism, rickets.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Do the teeth seem straight to you?
 Malocclusion.
 Is the child using a bottle? Does the child go to sleep with a
bottle at night?
 Prolonged bottle use increases risk for tooth decay and middle
ear infections.
 Have you noticed any thumb sucking after the child's
secondary teeth came in?
 Prolonged thumb sucking (after ages 6 to 7 years) may affect
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Have you noticed the child grinding his or her teeth?
Does this happen at night?
 Bruxism usually occurs in sleep or from dental problems
or nervous tension.
4. Patient-centered care. How are the child's dental habits?
Use a toothbrush regularly? How often does the child see
a dentist?
 Are the vaccinations up to date?
 Pertussis ixs on the rise because of lack of adherence to
recommended vaccination schedule.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
Additional History for the Aging Adult
1. Any dryness in the mouth? Are you taking any
medications? (Note prescribed and over-the-counter
 Xerostomia (dry mouth) is a side effect of many
drugs: antidepressants, anticholinergics,
antispasmodics, antihypertensives, antipsychotics,
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
2. Have you lost any teeth? Can you chew all types of
 Note a decrease in eating meat, fresh vegetables, and
cleansing foods such as apples.
3. Are you able to care for your own teeth or dentures?
 Self-care may be decreased by physical disability
(arthritis), loss or access and/or income, vision loss,
confusion, or depression.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
4. Noticed a change in your sense of taste or smell?
 Some people add extra salt and sugar to enhance
food when taste begins to wane.
 Diminished smell also may decrease the person's
ability to detect food spoilage, natural gas leaks, or
smoke from a fire.
Objective data
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Position the person sitting up straight with his or her head at your
eye level.
 If the person wears dentures, offer a paper towel and ask the person
to remove them.
Equipments Needed
 Otoscope with short, wide-tipped nasal speculum attachment
 Penlight
 Two tongue blades
 Cotton gauze pad (4 × 4 inches)
 Gloves
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
Inspect and Palpate the Nose External Nose
 Normally the nose is symmetric, in the midline, and
in proportion to other facial features .
 Inspect for any deformity, asymmetry, inflammation,
or skin lesions.
 If an injury is reported or suspected, palpate gently
for any pain or break in contour.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Test the patency of the nostrils by pushing each nasal
wing shut with your finger while asking the person to
sniff inward through the other naris.
 This reveals any obstruction, which later is explored
with the nasal speculum.
 The sense of smell, mediated by cranial nerve I,
Absence of sniff indicates obstruction (e.g., common
cold, nasal polyps, rhinitis).
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Nasal Cavity
 Attach the short, wide-tipped speculum to the otoscope
head, and insert this combined apparatus into the nasal
vestibule, avoiding pressure on the nasal septum. Gently
lift up the tip of the nose with your finger before
 View each nasal cavity with the person's head erect and
then with the head tilted back.
 Inspect the nasal mucosa, noting its normal red color and
smooth, moist surface.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Note any swelling, discharge, bleeding, or foreign body.
 Rhinitis—Nasal mucosa is swollen and bright red with
 Discharge is common with rhinitis and sinusitis, varying
from watery and copious to thick, purulent, and green-
 With chronic allergy mucosa looks swollen, boggy, pale,
and gray
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Observe the nasal septum for deviation.
 A deviated septum is common and is not significant
unless air flow is obstructed.
 Also note any perforation or bleeding in the septum.
 Perforation is seen as a spot of light from a penlight
shining in the other naris and occurs with cocaine
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Epistaxis commonly comes from the anterior septum
 Inspect the turbinates (the bony ridges curving down from the
lateral walls).
 The superior turbinate will not be in your view, but the middle and
inferior turbinates appear the same light red color as the nasal
 Note any swelling but do not try to push the speculum past it.
Turbinates are quite vascular and tender if touched.
 Note any polyps (benign growths that accompany chronic allergy),
and distinguish them from the normal turbinates.
 polyps are smooth, pale gray, avascular, mobile, nontender
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Palpate the Sinus Areas Using your thumbs, press the
frontal sinuses by pressing firmly up and under the
eyebrows and over the maxillary sinuses below (not over)
the cheekbones
 Take care not to press directly on the eyeballs.
 The person should feel firm pressure but no pain.
 Sinus areas are tender to palpation in people with
chronic allergies and acute infection (sinusitis).
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Another sign of sinusitis is to check for focal pain when the
person bends over (if able).
 Transillumination There is no evidence to support the practice
of transillumination of the frontal or maxillary sinuses when
you suspect sinus inflammation. The diagnosis requires
distinct differences in the illumination of one of the sinus pair.
 Thus the technique would not help in chronic sinusitis that
has diffuse swelling of all sinus mucosa. Although there is
more fluid collection with acute sinusitis, the asymmetry of
light illumination still is not valid because many healthy
sinuses normally do not transilluminate
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Inspect the Mouth
 Begin with anterior structures and move posteriorly. Use a
tongue blade to retract structures and a bright light for
optimal visualization.
 Lips Inspect the lips for color, moisture, cracking, or lesions.
Retract the lips and note their inner surface as well
 All racial groups have lips that are deeper or pinker than facial
 However, some African Americans normally may have bluish
lips and a dark line on the gingival margin.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 In light-skinned people: circumoral pallor occurs
with shock and anemia;
 cyanosis with hypoxemia and chilling; cherry red lips
with carbon monoxide poisoning, acidosis from
aspirin poisoning, or ketoacidosis.
 Cheilitis (perlèche) —Cracking at the corners.
 Herpes simplex, other lesions
Teeth and Gums
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 note any diseased, absent, loose, or abnormally
positioned teeth.
 The teeth normally look white, straight, evenly spaced,
and clean and free of debris or decay.
 Discolored teeth appear brown with excessive fluoride
use, yellow with tobacco use.
 Compare the number of teeth with the number expected
for the person's age.
 plaque—soft debris; caries— decay.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Ask the person to bite as if chewing something and note
alignment of upper and lower jaw.
 Normal occlusion in the back is the upper teeth resting
Grinding down of tooth surface;directly on the lower
 in the front the upper incisors slightly override the lower
 Malocclusion (poor biting relationship), protrusion of
upper or lower incisors.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Normally the gums look pink or coral with a stippled
(dotted) surface. The gum margins at the teeth are
tight and well defined (Fig. 17.12).
 Check for swelling; retraction of gingival margins;
and spongy, bleeding, or discolored gums.
 Some African Americans normally may have a dark
melanotic line along the gingival margin.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Gingival hyperplasia (see Table 17.3), crevices
between teeth and gums, pockets of debris.
 Gums bleed with slight pressure, indicating
 Dark line on gingival margins occurs with lead and
bismuth poisoning.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Check the tongue for color, surface characteristics, and
 The color is pink and even. The dorsal surface is
normally roughened from the papillae. A thin white
coating may be present (Fig. 17.13, A). Ask the person to
touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Its ventral
surface looks smooth and glistening and shows veins
 Saliva is present.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Enlarged tongue occurs with hypothyroidism, acromegaly; a
small tongue accompanies malnutrition.
 Dry mouth occurs with dehydration, fever; tongue has deep
vertical fissures.
 Saliva is decreased when taking anti-cholinergic and other
 Excess saliva and drooling occur with gingivostomatitis and
Parkinson disease.
 With a glove,a hold the tongue with a cotton gauze pad for
traction and swing it out and to each side
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Inspect for any white patches or lesions; normally
none are present. If any occur, palpate them for
 Oral precancerous and cancerous lesions. The lateral
and ventral tongue and the floor of the mouth are
high-risk sites for oral squamous cell cancer
 Inspect carefully the entire U-shaped area under the
tongue behind the teeth.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Note any white patches, nodules, or ulcerations.
 If lesions are present or for any person older than 50
years or with a positive history of smoking or alcohol use,
use your gloved hand to palpate the area and the rest of
the oral mucosa.
 Place your other hand under the jaw to stabilize the
tissue and to “capture” any abnormality, Note any
 Bimanual palpation.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Any lesion or ulcer persisting for more than 2 weeks
must be investigated.
 An indurated area may be a mass or
lymphadenopathy, and it must be investigated.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Buccal Mucosa
 Hold the cheek open with a wooden tongue blade
and check the buccal mucosa for color, nodules, or
lesions. It looks pink, smooth, and moist, although
patchy hyperpigmentation is common and normal in
dark-skinned people.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Dappled brown patches are present with Addison disease
(chronic adrenal insufficiency).
 Expect to find Stensen duct, the opening of the parotid
salivary gland. It looks like a small dimple opposite the upper
second molar. You also may see a raised occlusion line on the
buccal mucosa parallel with the level the teeth meet. This is
caused by the teeth closing against the cheek.
 Orifice of Stensen duct looks red with mumps.
 Koplik spots— Early prodromal (early warning) sign of
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 A larger patch also may be present along the buccal
mucosa. This is leukoedema, a benign, milky, bluish-
white, opaque area, more common in blacks and East
 When it is mild, the patch disappears as you stretch the
 It is always bilateral.
 With age it looks grayish-white and thickened. The cause
is unknown.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Do not mistake leukoedema for oral infections such as
candidiasis (thrush).
 Candida infection usually rubs off, leaving a clear or raw
denuded surface.
 Fordyce granules are small, isolated white or yellow
papules on the mucosa of cheek, tongue, and lips
 These little sebaceous cysts are painless and not
 The chalky white raised patch of leukoplakia is abnormal
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Shine your light up to the roof of the mouth.
 The more anterior hard palate is white with irregular
transverse rugae.
 The posterior soft palate is pinker, smooth, and upwardly
 A normal variation is a nodular bony ridge down the
middle of the hard palate, a torus palatinus . This
benign growth arises after puberty;
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 It is more common in American Indians, Inuits, and
Asians; and is more common in females than in
 The hard palate appears yellow with jaundice. In
blacks with jaundice it may look yellow, muddy
yellow, or green-brown.
 Oral Kaposi sarcoma is the most common early
lesion in people with AIDS.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Observe the uvula;
 it normally looks like a fleshy pendant hanging in the
midline. Ask the person to say “ahhh,” and note the
soft palate and uvula rise in the midline. This tests
one function of cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve.
 A bifid uvula looks as if it is split in two; more
common in American Indians.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Any deviation to the side or absent movement indicates nerve
damage, which also occurs with poliomyelitis and diphtheria.
 Inspect the Throat With your light observe the oval, rough-
surfaced tonsils behind the anterior tonsillar pillar
 Their color is the same pink as the oral mucosa, and their
surface is peppered with indentations, or crypts.
 In some people the crypts collect small plugs of whitish
cellular debris.
 This does not indicate infection. However, there should be no
exudate on the tonsils.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Tonsils are graded in size as follows:
 1+ Visible
 2+ Halfway between tonsillar pillars and uvula
 3+ Touching the uvula
 4+ Touching one another
 With an acute infection tonsils are bright red and swollen
and may have exudate or large white spots.
 A white membrane covering the tonsils may accompany
infectious mono-nucleosis, leukemia, and diphtheria.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 You may normally see 1+ or 2+ tonsils in healthy
people, especially in children, because lymphoid
tissue is proportionately enlarged until puberty.
 Tonsils are enlarged to 2+, 3+, or 4+ with an acute
 Enlarge your view of the posterior pharyngeal wall by
depressing the tongue with a tongue blade
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Push down halfway back on the tongue; if you push on its
tip, the tongue humps up in back.
 Press slightly off center to avoid eliciting the gag reflex.
 You can help the person whose gag reflex is easily
triggered by offering a tongue blade to depress his or her
own tongue.
 Scan the posterior wall for color, exudate, and lesions.
When finished, discard the tongue blade.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 Viral pharyngitis shows erythematous tonsils with no
hypertrophy or exudates.
 Streptococcal pharyngitis shows with erythematous,
enlarged tonsils with exudates.
 Four features suggest streptococcal cause: absence of
cough; swollen, tender anterior cervical nodes; ever
>100.4° F (38° C); tonsillar exudate.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 touching the posterior wall with the tongue blade elicits the gag
 This tests cranial nerves IX and X, the glossopharyngeal and
 Test cranial nerve XII, the hypoglossal nerve, by asking the
person to stick out the tongue. It should protrude in the midline.
Note any tremor, loss of movement, or deviation to the side.
 With CN XII damage, the tongue deviates toward the paralyzed
 A fine tremor of the tongue occurs with hyperthyroidism;
 a coarse tremor occurs with cerebral palsy and alcoholism.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 During the examination notice any breath odor, halitosis.
 This is common and usually has a local cause such as
poor oral hygiene and decaying food debris between the
 Other common smells are caused by odoriferous foods,
alcohol consumption, heavy smoking, or dental infection.
 Diabetic ketoacidosis has a sweet, fruity breath odor; this
acetone smell also occurs in children with malnutrition
or dehydration.
By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir
 an ammonia breath odor with uremia;
 a musty odor with liver disease;
 a foul, fetid odor with dental or respiratory
 an alcohol odor with alcohol ingestion;
 a mouselike smell of the breath with diphtheria.

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  • 1. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 1
  • 2. Nose 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 2  The nose is the first segment of the respiratory system.  It warms, moistens, and filters the inhaled air, and it is the sensory organ for smell.  It extends back over the roof of the mouth.  The anterior edge of the cavity is lined with numerous coarse nasal hairs, or vibrissae.  The rest of the cavity is lined with a blanket of ciliated mucous membrane.
  • 3. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 3  The nasal hairs filter the coarsest matter from inhaled air, whereas the mucous blanket filters out dust and bacteria.  Nasal mucosa appears redder than oral mucosa because of the rich blood supply present to warm the inhaled air.  The nasal cavity is divided medially by the septum into two slitlike air passages.  The anterior part of the septum holds a rich vascular network, Kiesselbach plexus, the most common site of nosebleeds.
  • 4. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 4  In many people the nasal septum is not absolutely straight and may deviate toward one passage.  The lateral walls of each nasal cavity contain three parallel bony projections—the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates.  They increase the surface area so more blood vessels and mucous membranes are available to warm, humidify, and filter the inhaled air.
  • 5. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 5  The sinuses drain into the middle meatus, and tears from the nasolacrimal duct drain into the inferior meatus.  The olfactory receptors (hair cells) lie at the roof of the nasal cavity and in the upper one-third of the septum.  These receptors for smell merge into the olfactory nerve, cranial nerve I, which transmits to the temporal lobe of the brain.
  • 6. paranasal sinuses 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 6  The paranasal sinuses are air-filled pockets within the cranium .  They communicate with the nasal cavity and are lined with the same type of ciliated mucous membrane.  They lighten the weight of the skull bones; serve as resonators for sound production; and provide mucus, which drains into the nasal cavity.  The sinus openings are narrow and easily occluded, which may cause inflammation or sinusitis.
  • 7. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 7  Two pairs of sinuses are accessible to examination:  the frontal sinuses in the frontal bone above and medial to the orbits, and  the maxillary sinuses in the maxilla (cheekbone) along the side walls of the nasal cavity.  The other two sets are smaller and deeper: the ethmoid sinuses between the orbits, and the sphenoid sinuses deep within the skull in the sphenoid bone.
  • 8. Mouth 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 8  The mouth is the first segment of the digestive system and an airway for the respiratory system.  The oral cavity is a short passage bordered by the lips, palate, cheeks, and tongue. It contains the teeth and gums, tongue, and salivary glands  The lips are the anterior border of the oral cavity
  • 9. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 9  The arching roof of the mouth is the palate; it is divided into two parts.  The anterior hard palate is made up of bone and is a whitish color.  Posterior to this is the soft palate, an arch of muscle that is pinker in color and mobile. • The uvula is the free projection hanging down from the middle of the soft palate The cheeks are the side walls of the oral cavity.  The floor of the mouth consists of the horseshoe-shaped mandible bone, the tongue, and underlying muscles.
  • 10. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 10  The tongue is a mass of striated muscle arranged in a crosswise pattern so it can change shape and position.  The papillae are the rough, bumpy elevations on its dorsal surface.  Underneath, the ventral surface of the tongue is smooth and shiny and has prominent veins.  The frenulum is a midline fold of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth.  The ability of the tongue to change shape and position enhances its functions in mastication, swallowing, teeth cleansing, and speech formation.
  • 11. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 11  The glands secrete saliva, the clear fluid that moistens and lubricates the food bolus, starts digestion, and cleans and protects the mucosa.  Adults have 32 permanent teeth—16 in each arch. Each tooth has three parts: the crown, the neck, and the root.  The gums (gingivae) collar the teeth. They are thick, fibrous tissues covered with mucous membrane.  They are different from the rest of the oral mucosa because of their pale pink color and stippled surface.
  • 12. Throat 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 12  The throat, or pharynx, is the area behind the mouth and nose.  The oropharynx is separated from the mouth by a fold of tissue on each side, the anterior tonsillar pillar  Behind the folds are the tonsils, each a mass of lymphoid tissue.
  • 13. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 13  The posterior pharyngeal wall is seen behind these structures. Some small blood vessels may show on it.  The nasopharynx is continuous with the oropharynx, although it is above the oropharynx and behind the nasal cavity.  The pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) and eustachian tube openings are located here  The oral cavity and throat have a rich lymphatic network.
  • 14. By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 5/19/2023 14 Nursing Assessment
  • 15. Subjective Data 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 15 Nose 1. Discharge- Any nasal discharge or runny nose? Continuous? Is the discharge watery, purulent, mucoid, bloody?  Rhinorrhea occurs with colds, allergies, sinus infection, trauma. 2. Frequent colds- Any unusually frequent or severe colds (upper respiratory infections [URIs])? How often do these occur?  Most people have occasional colds
  • 16. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 16 3. Sinus pain- Any sinus pain or sinusitis? How is this treated? Do you have chronic postnasal drip?  Up to 90% of patients with viral URI also have viral sinusitis, which resolves without antibiotics. 4. Trauma-Ever had any trauma or a blow to the nose? 5. Patency-Can you breathe through your nose? Are both sides obstructed or one?  Trauma may cause deviated septum, which may cause nares to be obstructed.
  • 17. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 17 5. Epistaxis (nosebleeds)- Any nosebleeds?  How often?  How much bleeding—a teaspoonful or does it pour out?  Color of the blood—red or brown? Clots?  From one nostril or both?  Aggravated by nose-picking or scratching?  How do you treat the nosebleeds? Are they difficult to stop?
  • 18. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 18  Epistaxis occurs with trauma, vigorous nose blowing, foreign body.  Person should sit with head tilted forward, pinch soft part of nose above nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes. 6. Allergies-Any allergies or hay fever? To what are you allergic (e.g., pollen, dust, pets)? How was this determined? Which type of environment makes it worse? Can you avoid exposure?  “Seasonal” rhinitis if caused by pollen; “perennial” if allergen is dust.
  • 19. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 19  Use inhalers, nasal spray, nose drops? How often? Which type? How long have you used them?  Misuse of nasal medications irritates the mucosa, causing rebound swelling, a common problem. 7. Altered smell-Experienced any change in sense of smell?  Sense of smell diminishes with cigarette smoking, chronic allergies, aging.
  • 20. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 20 Mouth and Throat 1. Sores or lesions-Noticed any sores or lesions in the mouth, tongue, or gums? How long have you had them? Ever had this lesion before? Is it single or multiple? Does it seem to be associated with stress, season change, food? How have you treated the sore? Applied any local medication?  History helps determine whether oral lesions have infectious, traumatic, immunologic, or malignant etiology.
  • 21. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 21 2. Sore throat- How about sore throats? How frequently do you get them? Have a sore throat now? When did it start?  Is it associated with cough, fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, headache, postnasal drip, or hoarseness?  What is the humidity level in the room where you sleep? Any dust or smoke inhaled at work?  How have you treated this sore throat: medication, gargling?  How effective are these? Have your tonsils or adenoids been removed?
  • 22. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 22 3. Bleeding gums-Any bleeding gums? How long have you had them? 4. Toothache-Any toothache? Do your teeth seem sensitive to hot, cold? Have you lost any teeth? 5. Hoarseness-Any hoarseness, voice change? For how long? Feel like having to clear your throat? Or like a “lump in your throat”? Use your voice a lot at work, recreation?
  • 23. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 23 6. Dysphagia-Any difficulty swallowing? How long have you had it? Feel as if food gets stopped at a certain point? Any pain with this?  Dysphagia occurs with pharyngitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, stroke and other neurologic diseases, esophageal cancer. 7. Altered taste-Any change in sense of taste?
  • 24. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 24 8. Smoking, alcohol consumption-Do you smoke? Pipe or cigarettes? How many packs per day? For how many years? How much alcohol do you usually drink?  Chronic tobacco use leads to tooth loss, coronal and root caries, and periodontal disease in older adults.  Chronic use of tobacco, alcohol, and both together highly increases risk for oral and pharyngeal cancers.
  • 25. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 25 9. Patient-centered care-How often do you use a toothbrush and floss? Last dental examination? Do dental problems affect which foods you eat? Do you have a dental appliance, How do they fit?Any sores or irritation on the palate or gums?  Lesions may arise from ill-fitting dentures, or the presence of dentures may mask the eruption of new lesions.
  • 26. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 26 Additional History for Infants and Children 1. Does the child have any mouth infections or sores such as thrush or canker sores? How frequently do these occur? 2. Does the child have frequent sore throat or tonsillitis? How often? How are these treated?  Children ages 5 to 15 years have a higher incidence of GAS pharyngitis than adults do (37% vs. 10%).  Did the child's teeth erupt about on time?  Eruption is delayed with Down syndrome, cretinism, rickets.
  • 27. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 27  Do the teeth seem straight to you?  Malocclusion.  Is the child using a bottle? Does the child go to sleep with a bottle at night?  Prolonged bottle use increases risk for tooth decay and middle ear infections.  Have you noticed any thumb sucking after the child's secondary teeth came in?  Prolonged thumb sucking (after ages 6 to 7 years) may affect occlusion.
  • 28. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 28  Have you noticed the child grinding his or her teeth? Does this happen at night?  Bruxism usually occurs in sleep or from dental problems or nervous tension. 4. Patient-centered care. How are the child's dental habits? Use a toothbrush regularly? How often does the child see a dentist?  Are the vaccinations up to date?  Pertussis ixs on the rise because of lack of adherence to recommended vaccination schedule.
  • 29. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 29 Additional History for the Aging Adult 1. Any dryness in the mouth? Are you taking any medications? (Note prescribed and over-the-counter medications.)  Xerostomia (dry mouth) is a side effect of many drugs: antidepressants, anticholinergics, antispasmodics, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, bronchodilators.
  • 30. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 30 2. Have you lost any teeth? Can you chew all types of food?  Note a decrease in eating meat, fresh vegetables, and cleansing foods such as apples. 3. Are you able to care for your own teeth or dentures?  Self-care may be decreased by physical disability (arthritis), loss or access and/or income, vision loss, confusion, or depression.
  • 31. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 31 4. Noticed a change in your sense of taste or smell?  Some people add extra salt and sugar to enhance food when taste begins to wane.  Diminished smell also may decrease the person's ability to detect food spoilage, natural gas leaks, or smoke from a fire.
  • 32. Objective data 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 32 Preparation  Position the person sitting up straight with his or her head at your eye level.  If the person wears dentures, offer a paper towel and ask the person to remove them. Equipments Needed  Otoscope with short, wide-tipped nasal speculum attachment  Penlight  Two tongue blades  Cotton gauze pad (4 × 4 inches)  Gloves
  • 33. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 33 Inspect and Palpate the Nose External Nose  Normally the nose is symmetric, in the midline, and in proportion to other facial features .  Inspect for any deformity, asymmetry, inflammation, or skin lesions.  If an injury is reported or suspected, palpate gently for any pain or break in contour.
  • 34. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 34  Test the patency of the nostrils by pushing each nasal wing shut with your finger while asking the person to sniff inward through the other naris.  This reveals any obstruction, which later is explored with the nasal speculum.  The sense of smell, mediated by cranial nerve I, Absence of sniff indicates obstruction (e.g., common cold, nasal polyps, rhinitis).
  • 35. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 35  Nasal Cavity  Attach the short, wide-tipped speculum to the otoscope head, and insert this combined apparatus into the nasal vestibule, avoiding pressure on the nasal septum. Gently lift up the tip of the nose with your finger before inserting.  View each nasal cavity with the person's head erect and then with the head tilted back.  Inspect the nasal mucosa, noting its normal red color and smooth, moist surface.
  • 36. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 36  Note any swelling, discharge, bleeding, or foreign body.  Rhinitis—Nasal mucosa is swollen and bright red with URI.  Discharge is common with rhinitis and sinusitis, varying from watery and copious to thick, purulent, and green- yellow.  With chronic allergy mucosa looks swollen, boggy, pale, and gray
  • 37. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 37  Observe the nasal septum for deviation.  A deviated septum is common and is not significant unless air flow is obstructed.  Also note any perforation or bleeding in the septum.  Perforation is seen as a spot of light from a penlight shining in the other naris and occurs with cocaine use.
  • 38. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 38  Epistaxis commonly comes from the anterior septum  Inspect the turbinates (the bony ridges curving down from the lateral walls).  The superior turbinate will not be in your view, but the middle and inferior turbinates appear the same light red color as the nasal mucosa.  Note any swelling but do not try to push the speculum past it. Turbinates are quite vascular and tender if touched.  Note any polyps (benign growths that accompany chronic allergy), and distinguish them from the normal turbinates.  polyps are smooth, pale gray, avascular, mobile, nontender
  • 39. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 39  Palpate the Sinus Areas Using your thumbs, press the frontal sinuses by pressing firmly up and under the eyebrows and over the maxillary sinuses below (not over) the cheekbones  Take care not to press directly on the eyeballs.  The person should feel firm pressure but no pain.  Sinus areas are tender to palpation in people with chronic allergies and acute infection (sinusitis).
  • 40. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 40  Another sign of sinusitis is to check for focal pain when the person bends over (if able).  Transillumination There is no evidence to support the practice of transillumination of the frontal or maxillary sinuses when you suspect sinus inflammation. The diagnosis requires distinct differences in the illumination of one of the sinus pair.  Thus the technique would not help in chronic sinusitis that has diffuse swelling of all sinus mucosa. Although there is more fluid collection with acute sinusitis, the asymmetry of light illumination still is not valid because many healthy sinuses normally do not transilluminate
  • 41. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 41  Inspect the Mouth  Begin with anterior structures and move posteriorly. Use a tongue blade to retract structures and a bright light for optimal visualization.  Lips Inspect the lips for color, moisture, cracking, or lesions. Retract the lips and note their inner surface as well  All racial groups have lips that are deeper or pinker than facial skin.  However, some African Americans normally may have bluish lips and a dark line on the gingival margin.
  • 42. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 42  In light-skinned people: circumoral pallor occurs with shock and anemia;  cyanosis with hypoxemia and chilling; cherry red lips with carbon monoxide poisoning, acidosis from aspirin poisoning, or ketoacidosis.  Cheilitis (perlèche) —Cracking at the corners.  Herpes simplex, other lesions
  • 43. Teeth and Gums 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 43  note any diseased, absent, loose, or abnormally positioned teeth.  The teeth normally look white, straight, evenly spaced, and clean and free of debris or decay.  Discolored teeth appear brown with excessive fluoride use, yellow with tobacco use.  Compare the number of teeth with the number expected for the person's age.  plaque—soft debris; caries— decay.
  • 44. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 44  Ask the person to bite as if chewing something and note alignment of upper and lower jaw.  Normal occlusion in the back is the upper teeth resting Grinding down of tooth surface;directly on the lower teeth;  in the front the upper incisors slightly override the lower incisors.  Malocclusion (poor biting relationship), protrusion of upper or lower incisors.
  • 45. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 45  Normally the gums look pink or coral with a stippled (dotted) surface. The gum margins at the teeth are tight and well defined (Fig. 17.12).  Check for swelling; retraction of gingival margins; and spongy, bleeding, or discolored gums.  Some African Americans normally may have a dark melanotic line along the gingival margin.
  • 46. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 46  Gingival hyperplasia (see Table 17.3), crevices between teeth and gums, pockets of debris.  Gums bleed with slight pressure, indicating gingivitis.  Dark line on gingival margins occurs with lead and bismuth poisoning.
  • 47. Tongue 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 47  Check the tongue for color, surface characteristics, and moisture.  The color is pink and even. The dorsal surface is normally roughened from the papillae. A thin white coating may be present (Fig. 17.13, A). Ask the person to touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Its ventral surface looks smooth and glistening and shows veins  Saliva is present.
  • 48. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 48  Enlarged tongue occurs with hypothyroidism, acromegaly; a small tongue accompanies malnutrition.  Dry mouth occurs with dehydration, fever; tongue has deep vertical fissures.  Saliva is decreased when taking anti-cholinergic and other medications.  Excess saliva and drooling occur with gingivostomatitis and Parkinson disease.  With a glove,a hold the tongue with a cotton gauze pad for traction and swing it out and to each side
  • 49. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 49  Inspect for any white patches or lesions; normally none are present. If any occur, palpate them for induration.  Oral precancerous and cancerous lesions. The lateral and ventral tongue and the floor of the mouth are high-risk sites for oral squamous cell cancer  Inspect carefully the entire U-shaped area under the tongue behind the teeth.
  • 50. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 50  Note any white patches, nodules, or ulcerations.  If lesions are present or for any person older than 50 years or with a positive history of smoking or alcohol use, use your gloved hand to palpate the area and the rest of the oral mucosa.  Place your other hand under the jaw to stabilize the tissue and to “capture” any abnormality, Note any induration.  Bimanual palpation.
  • 51. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 51  Any lesion or ulcer persisting for more than 2 weeks must be investigated.  An indurated area may be a mass or lymphadenopathy, and it must be investigated.
  • 52. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 52  Buccal Mucosa  Hold the cheek open with a wooden tongue blade and check the buccal mucosa for color, nodules, or lesions. It looks pink, smooth, and moist, although patchy hyperpigmentation is common and normal in dark-skinned people.
  • 53. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 53  Dappled brown patches are present with Addison disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency).  Expect to find Stensen duct, the opening of the parotid salivary gland. It looks like a small dimple opposite the upper second molar. You also may see a raised occlusion line on the buccal mucosa parallel with the level the teeth meet. This is caused by the teeth closing against the cheek.  Orifice of Stensen duct looks red with mumps.  Koplik spots— Early prodromal (early warning) sign of measles
  • 54. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 54  A larger patch also may be present along the buccal mucosa. This is leukoedema, a benign, milky, bluish- white, opaque area, more common in blacks and East Indians.  When it is mild, the patch disappears as you stretch the cheeks.  It is always bilateral.  With age it looks grayish-white and thickened. The cause is unknown.
  • 55. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 55  Do not mistake leukoedema for oral infections such as candidiasis (thrush).  Candida infection usually rubs off, leaving a clear or raw denuded surface.  Fordyce granules are small, isolated white or yellow papules on the mucosa of cheek, tongue, and lips  These little sebaceous cysts are painless and not significant.  The chalky white raised patch of leukoplakia is abnormal
  • 56. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 56 Palate  Shine your light up to the roof of the mouth.  The more anterior hard palate is white with irregular transverse rugae.  The posterior soft palate is pinker, smooth, and upwardly movable.  A normal variation is a nodular bony ridge down the middle of the hard palate, a torus palatinus . This benign growth arises after puberty;
  • 57. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 57  It is more common in American Indians, Inuits, and Asians; and is more common in females than in males.  The hard palate appears yellow with jaundice. In blacks with jaundice it may look yellow, muddy yellow, or green-brown.  Oral Kaposi sarcoma is the most common early lesion in people with AIDS.
  • 58. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 58  Observe the uvula;  it normally looks like a fleshy pendant hanging in the midline. Ask the person to say “ahhh,” and note the soft palate and uvula rise in the midline. This tests one function of cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve.  A bifid uvula looks as if it is split in two; more common in American Indians.
  • 59. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 59  Any deviation to the side or absent movement indicates nerve damage, which also occurs with poliomyelitis and diphtheria.  Inspect the Throat With your light observe the oval, rough- surfaced tonsils behind the anterior tonsillar pillar  Their color is the same pink as the oral mucosa, and their surface is peppered with indentations, or crypts.  In some people the crypts collect small plugs of whitish cellular debris.  This does not indicate infection. However, there should be no exudate on the tonsils.
  • 60. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 60  Tonsils are graded in size as follows:  1+ Visible  2+ Halfway between tonsillar pillars and uvula  3+ Touching the uvula  4+ Touching one another  With an acute infection tonsils are bright red and swollen and may have exudate or large white spots.  A white membrane covering the tonsils may accompany infectious mono-nucleosis, leukemia, and diphtheria.
  • 61. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 61  You may normally see 1+ or 2+ tonsils in healthy people, especially in children, because lymphoid tissue is proportionately enlarged until puberty.  Tonsils are enlarged to 2+, 3+, or 4+ with an acute infection.  Enlarge your view of the posterior pharyngeal wall by depressing the tongue with a tongue blade
  • 62. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 62  Push down halfway back on the tongue; if you push on its tip, the tongue humps up in back.  Press slightly off center to avoid eliciting the gag reflex.  You can help the person whose gag reflex is easily triggered by offering a tongue blade to depress his or her own tongue.  Scan the posterior wall for color, exudate, and lesions. When finished, discard the tongue blade.
  • 63. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 63  Viral pharyngitis shows erythematous tonsils with no hypertrophy or exudates.  Streptococcal pharyngitis shows with erythematous, enlarged tonsils with exudates.  Four features suggest streptococcal cause: absence of cough; swollen, tender anterior cervical nodes; ever >100.4° F (38° C); tonsillar exudate.
  • 64. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 64  touching the posterior wall with the tongue blade elicits the gag reflex.  This tests cranial nerves IX and X, the glossopharyngeal and vagus.  Test cranial nerve XII, the hypoglossal nerve, by asking the person to stick out the tongue. It should protrude in the midline. Note any tremor, loss of movement, or deviation to the side.  With CN XII damage, the tongue deviates toward the paralyzed side.  A fine tremor of the tongue occurs with hyperthyroidism;  a coarse tremor occurs with cerebral palsy and alcoholism.
  • 65. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 65  During the examination notice any breath odor, halitosis.  This is common and usually has a local cause such as poor oral hygiene and decaying food debris between the teeth.  Other common smells are caused by odoriferous foods, alcohol consumption, heavy smoking, or dental infection.  Diabetic ketoacidosis has a sweet, fruity breath odor; this acetone smell also occurs in children with malnutrition or dehydration.
  • 66. 5/19/2023 By: Gedefaye Tesfahun and Fatuma Kedir 66  an ammonia breath odor with uremia;  a musty odor with liver disease;  a foul, fetid odor with dental or respiratory infections;  an alcohol odor with alcohol ingestion;  a mouselike smell of the breath with diphtheria.