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Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano and
Core facility Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization
at TP B3
General introduction to clean lab access
CEITEC Nano team
 Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano at TP B3
 ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standards
 Cleanroom airflow, 1/3 rule
 CLR behavior generally
 100 000 CLR behavior
 1 000 CLR behavior
 Access to labs
 Laboratory outline – exits, first aid, defined paths
 Laboratory background and limits
 Most important from CEITEC Nano rules
 More information?
Core facility Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization at
TP B3 (CF Nano)
Core facility Structural Analysis Laboratory at TP B3 (CF
ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standards (CLR)
Cleanroom (CLR) airflow
 the air entering a clean room is filtered to exclude dust
Turbulent (class 100 000) Laminar (class 1 000)
1/3 rule
 Simple rule - quality of the environment is defined by
 1/3 facility construction (walls, airflow design)
TP B3 – compatibility 1 000 - OK, 100 000 - OK
 1/3 cleaning procedure
Scheduled 2 x per day, ISO standard
 1/3 users behavior
Periodical clothes washing, users’ polite behavior,
material transport
To keep clean room quality is really costly!!!
ISO 14644-1 cleanroom in TP B3
TP B3/CEITEC Nano labs generally
 TP B3 is accessible 24/7/365
 Use ID card to enter
 Sign in/out on the reception desk
 Free to use
 Day room
 Meeting room
 Open space – except permanent tables
 WIFI CEITEC Nano, password: ceitecnano
 1st floor is not accessible for us, except the transport corridors
 CEITEC Nano lab recommendation
 Use ID card to enter (for CEITEC Nano users only)
 Visits
• allowed from 9:00 to 17:00 usually
• let us know about the visitors in advance
• the guide (person must be approved by CEITEC Nano) is fully responsible for
the guests
Access to TP B3/CEITEC Nano labs
Administration point of view
 approved Application form
 TP B3 building safety training
 CLR training
 ID card for TP B3 and instrument access
 Access to instrument in labs (self-service or assisted
 Valid reservation at
Behavior in cleanrooms (CLR) generally
 Enter in defined dress only
 No food, no drinks
 drinking fountain inside the 1. filter
 No materials with volatile fibers, particles
 paper, pencils, and fabrics made from natural fibers especially in
CLR 1 000
 Take care of your samples properly
 describe your samples, use sample boxes
 Don’t leave instrument if not necessary, put a note with description (long
term measurement)
 Switch off lights when you leave last
 Don’t stay alone inside CLR during the nights and weekends
mainly (let us know, find sparring partner)
Behavior in cleanrooms (CLR) generally
Class 100 000 (ISO 8) Class 1 000 (ISO 6)
 Use filter 1 to dress up
 Use overall, boots, cap – use
them it all the time
 All samples should be packed in
closed boxes
 Blow up the dust from the boxes
by Clean Dry Air
 Clean all materials coming inside
by IPA and tissue preferentially
 Don’t leave any instrument without
 Use stuff compatible with class
100 000 (no wood, paper boxes, )
 Use contact zones to trap dust (3
taps minimally)
 Use filter 2 to dress up
 Use overall with cap and mask,
boots and gloves – use them it all
the time
 All samples should be packed in
closed transport boxes
 Clean all transport boxes coming
inside by IPA and tissue
 Don’t leave any instrument
without noticed
 Use stuff compatible with
class 1 000 (no wood,
paper boxes)
 Use contact zones
to trap dust (3 taps minimally)
Class 100 000 (ISO 8) Class 1 000 (ISO 6)
How to dress properly
 The following are generally considered
incompatible in a cleanroom
 Wood pulp-based paper
products, including regular
paper, tissues, Kimwipes®,
cardboard, books, magazines,
and lab notebooks.
 Styrofoam products, including
packing material, disposable
coolers, and sample dividers.
 Any powders, powdered chemical
samples, or materials that shed
particles including food, gum,
drinks, tobacco, cosmetics, foam,
or research samples.
 Erasers, pencils, clickable pens,
felt-tipped pens other than
Sharpie® markers.
 Anything that can easily tear,
shred, or efflux particles or
 The following are generally considered
compatible in a cleanroom
 Cleanroom notebooks and
cleanroom paper (available).
 Wafers, tweezers, and other
material handling equipment as
long as they are stored in labeled
boxes when not used.
 Non-clickable ballpoint pens.
 Materials with smooth, non-
soluble surfaces that can be
cleaned with isopropanol soaked
cleanroom wipes.
Cleanroom compatibility
Emergency exits, first aid in TP B3
Laboratory outline – defined paths
 Shared wardrobes in black changing room
 CLR dresses
 Flow boxes for local clean environment class 100
 Technological cassettes
 electricity, gas supply, cooling water, net connection, ground
 N2
 cleaness 5.0
 pressure 5,8 - 6,5 bar
 Clear Dry Air (CDA) -
 Class 0 quality
 Pressure 8 bar
 Cooling water (CW) -
 pH 8-8,5, 150-450 uS
 gradient 19/25°C
 pressure 5,7- 6bar
 mechanical filtration 100um, 5um, UV disinfection
Don’t operate by yourself!!!
 Demi water – revers osmosis,
 50 l stack,
 quality clean < 1 uS, super clean < 0,1 uS
Laboratory background
Laboratory limits
 Limited amount of DI
 50 l barrel, osmotic speed 7 l/hour
 Limited amount of LN2
 100 l/14 days
 Chemical sewer –
 no chemical sewer in wet benches
 local canisters – must be checked before use
 Restricted technological processes
 No poisoning and corrosive gasses for processing (life
safety, reinstallation)
 Limited consumables in CF – tenders, delivery
Small quiz - what is wrong?
Small quiz - what is wrong?
Paper boxes
Wooden box
Stuff on the floor
Gas tanks not in the
Paper boxes
Cable on the floor
Stuff on the floor
Paper boxes
Stuff on the floor
Fire extinguisher
Most important from CEITEC Nano rules
User of research infrastructure of CEITEC Nano:
 The device user follows the rules for access into the
laboratories and their operating rules.
 The user has his or her own account in the booking system,
and books all the devices.
 via the booking system.
 The user uses only the equipment which he or she is trained
for, and granted access to.
 The user must inform the supervisor about the use of
non-standard procedures, which are not common for the
regular use of the device, in advance (e.g. new
processes, compatibility to avoid contamination). Using these
processes must be approved by the device supervisor.
 The user must inform the supervisor about the use of his
or her own materials.
 The user is fully responsible for the device during his
or her work on the device or during the booked period.
 The user must not change the HW configuration and the
SW tools related to the use of the instrument which
influence also other users, without previously talking to,
and getting consent from, the supervisor.
 The user must immediately report all the failures
which appear when the device is running to the device
 The user keeps the instruments with which he or she
works in good working condition and returns them to the
prescribed condition afterwards. Some devices require
personal acceptance.
The user acts in a way which does not threaten the
health of other users of the laboratory, and which does
not hinder other users' work.
Terms of use of the booking system for the research
infrastructure instruments:
The user is fully responsible for his or her bookings.
The user is charged also for bookings during which he or she did
not access the instrument and did not carry out measurements, if he
or she did not cancel the reservation at least 60 minutes in advance.
The user must inform other users or the device supervisor about this.
The user is allowed to make bookings only in the scope based on
the operating rules of the respective device or the supervisor.
Ethical rules:
The user agrees to work in the laboratory and n the research
infrastructure instruments in an effective, ecological and efficient
If the user carries out measurements for a third party using the
instruments of the research infrastructure, he or she must
contact the entre of Laboratories and negotiate the procedure
The research infrastructure staff will make every effort to meet the
user's needs based on mutual communication and collaboration.
The research infrastructure staff will not further process the results
of measurements and analyses without getting the user's consent
The user is obliged to acknowledge the research infrastructure if
the measurement results are made public, or to establish co-
authorship with the research infrastructure staff if the results are
The user is responsible for the measurement data and archiving
The user might be (temporarily or permanently) prevented from
accessing the research infrastructure and the laboratories that come
under it after a gross misconduct against the Terms and
Regulations of the CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure.
Most important from CEITEC Nano rules
Uživatel výzkumné infrastruktury CEITEC Nano:
Uživatel přístroje se řídí pravidly přístupu do laboratoří a
jejich provozním řádem.
Uživatel má svůj účet v rezervačním systému a veškeré
přístroje si rezervuje pomocí rezervačního systému .
Uživatel využívá pouze ta zařízení, na která je proškolen a je
mu udělen přístup.
Uživatel má povinnost s časovým předstihem informovat
garanta o využití nestandardních procedur, které nejsou
běžné v rámci provozu zařízení (např. nové procesy,
kompatibilita pro zamezení kontaminace). Využití těchto
procesů musí být odsouhlaseno garantem zařízení.
Uživatel je povinen informovat garanta o použití vlastního
spotřebního materiálu.
Uživatel v průběhu činnosti na přístroji resp. po dobu rezervace
přístroje za zařízení plně zodpovídá.
Uživatel nemění HW konfiguraci a SW vybavení spojené s
provozem přístroje, mající vliv i na další uživatele a to bez
předešlé diskuze a odsouhlasení garantem zařízení.
Uživatel musí veškeré závady vzniklé během provozu zařízení
ohlásit bezprostředně garantovi zařízení.
Uživatel přístroje, na kterých pracuje, udržuje v
bezproblémovém provozu a po použití vrací přístroje do
předepsaného stavu. U vybraných zařízení je nutná osobní
Uživatel se v laboratoři chová tak, aby nedošlo k ohrožení
zdraví ostatních uživatelů laboratoře a aby svou činností
neztěžoval práci ostatním uživatelům.
Pravidla rezervačního systému přístrojů výzkumné
Uživatel je zodpovědný za své rezervace.
Uživateli budou účtovány i rezervace, kdy se k přístroji nedostavil a
neprováděl měření, pokud svou rezervaci včas nezrušil 60 minut
předem, tuto skutečnost je povinen oznámit i ostatním uživatelům
popř. garantu zařízení.
Uživatel může provádět rezervace přístroje jen v rozsahu
definovaném provozním řádem daného přístroje nebo garantem.
Etická pravidla:
Uživatel se zavazuje v laboratoři a na přístrojích výzkumné
infrastruktury pracovat efektivně, ekologicky a šetrně.
V případě, že uživatel bude měřit na přístrojích výzkumné
infrastruktury pro třetí subjekt, vždy předem kontaktuje
Centrum laboratoří a domlouvá se na dalším postupu.
Pracovníci výzkumné infrastruktury vynaloží veškeré úsilí pro
naplnění potřeb uživatele na základě vzájemné komunikace a
vzájemné spolupráce.
Pracovníci výzkumné infrastruktury nebudou dále zpracovávat
výsledky měření analýz uživatele, bez předešlé vzájemné domluvy s
Uživatel se zavazuje poděkovat výzkumné infrastruktuře v
případě zveřejnění výsledků z měření, případně se domluvit s
pracovníky výzkumné infrastruktury na jejich spoluautorství v
případě publikace výsledků.
Uživatel je odpovědný za svá naměřená data a jejich archivaci.
Přístup do výzkumné infrastruktury a do ní spadajících
laboratoří může být uživateli odepřen (dočasně či trvale) při
hrubém porušení Pravidel výzkumné infrastruktury CEITEC
Important to remember
keep in mind
 RI CEITEC Nano rules
 dress myself properly all the time entering the cleanrooms
 you are not alone in the lab (stay and instruments)
 occupy only instruments you are really trained for
 don’t leave the undescribed samples
 more than 350 users
 defined path to labs and emergency exits
 before first entrance to facility contact the lab supervisor
 Eva Kolíbalová – Erik Pálesch
 don’t hesitate to ask if you are not really sure
 look before you leap (Dvakrát měř, jednou řež)
More information?
free Discussion hours – every Monday from 16:00 to
17:00 at TP B3 – CFs at BUT webpage – official web page
Email/in-person communication
Don’t hesitate to contact us!!!
Rozvadece, jak udelat emergency off
Nadoba pro tekuty dusik – zakreslit umistneni
Nepruhledne hadice pro chladici vodu
Halotronove hasici pristroje – plnivo Halotron I
Zasah do zarizeni bez vedomi garanta jsou zakazany, instalace zarizeni mimo
vedemo garantu laboratori jsou zakazany.
c/o Brno University of Technology
TP B3, Podnikatelska 6, 612 00 Brno
Czech Republic |

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Clean Labs Training

  • 1. Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano and Core facility Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization at TP B3 General introduction to clean lab access CEITEC Nano team
  • 2. 2 Topic  Research infrastructure CEITEC Nano at TP B3  ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standards  Cleanroom airflow, 1/3 rule  CLR behavior generally  100 000 CLR behavior  1 000 CLR behavior  Access to labs  Laboratory outline – exits, first aid, defined paths  Laboratory background and limits  Most important from CEITEC Nano rules  More information?
  • 3. 3 Core facility Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization at TP B3 (CF Nano)
  • 4. 4 Core facility Structural Analysis Laboratory at TP B3 (CF StAn)
  • 5. 5 ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standards (CLR)
  • 6. 6 Cleanroom (CLR) airflow  the air entering a clean room is filtered to exclude dust Turbulent (class 100 000) Laminar (class 1 000)
  • 7. 7 1/3 rule  Simple rule - quality of the environment is defined by  1/3 facility construction (walls, airflow design) TP B3 – compatibility 1 000 - OK, 100 000 - OK  1/3 cleaning procedure Scheduled 2 x per day, ISO standard  1/3 users behavior Periodical clothes washing, users’ polite behavior, material transport To keep clean room quality is really costly!!!
  • 9. 9 TP B3/CEITEC Nano labs generally  TP B3 is accessible 24/7/365  Use ID card to enter  Sign in/out on the reception desk  Free to use  Day room  Meeting room  Open space – except permanent tables  WIFI CEITEC Nano, password: ceitecnano  1st floor is not accessible for us, except the transport corridors  CEITEC Nano lab recommendation  Use ID card to enter (for CEITEC Nano users only)  Visits • allowed from 9:00 to 17:00 usually • let us know about the visitors in advance • the guide (person must be approved by CEITEC Nano) is fully responsible for the guests
  • 10. 10 Access to TP B3/CEITEC Nano labs Administration point of view  approved Application form  TP B3 building safety training  CLR training Practical  ID card for TP B3 and instrument access  Access to instrument in labs (self-service or assisted measurement)  Valid reservation at
  • 11. 11 Behavior in cleanrooms (CLR) generally  Enter in defined dress only  No food, no drinks  drinking fountain inside the 1. filter  No materials with volatile fibers, particles  paper, pencils, and fabrics made from natural fibers especially in CLR 1 000  Take care of your samples properly  describe your samples, use sample boxes  Don’t leave instrument if not necessary, put a note with description (long term measurement)  Switch off lights when you leave last  Don’t stay alone inside CLR during the nights and weekends mainly (let us know, find sparring partner)
  • 12. 12 Behavior in cleanrooms (CLR) generally Class 100 000 (ISO 8) Class 1 000 (ISO 6)  Use filter 1 to dress up  Use overall, boots, cap – use them it all the time  All samples should be packed in closed boxes  Blow up the dust from the boxes by Clean Dry Air  Clean all materials coming inside by IPA and tissue preferentially  Don’t leave any instrument without noticed  Use stuff compatible with class 100 000 (no wood, paper boxes, )  Use contact zones to trap dust (3 taps minimally)  Use filter 2 to dress up  Use overall with cap and mask, boots and gloves – use them it all the time  All samples should be packed in closed transport boxes  Clean all transport boxes coming inside by IPA and tissue  Don’t leave any instrument without noticed  Use stuff compatible with class 1 000 (no wood, paper boxes)  Use contact zones to trap dust (3 taps minimally)
  • 13. 13 Class 100 000 (ISO 8) Class 1 000 (ISO 6) How to dress properly
  • 14. 14  The following are generally considered incompatible in a cleanroom environment:  Wood pulp-based paper products, including regular paper, tissues, Kimwipes®, cardboard, books, magazines, and lab notebooks.  Styrofoam products, including packing material, disposable coolers, and sample dividers.  Any powders, powdered chemical samples, or materials that shed particles including food, gum, drinks, tobacco, cosmetics, foam, or research samples.  Erasers, pencils, clickable pens, felt-tipped pens other than Sharpie® markers.  Anything that can easily tear, shred, or efflux particles or plasticizers.  The following are generally considered compatible in a cleanroom environment:  Cleanroom notebooks and cleanroom paper (available).  Wafers, tweezers, and other material handling equipment as long as they are stored in labeled boxes when not used.  Non-clickable ballpoint pens.  Materials with smooth, non- soluble surfaces that can be cleaned with isopropanol soaked cleanroom wipes. Cleanroom compatibility
  • 16. 16 Laboratory outline – defined paths
  • 17. 17  Shared wardrobes in black changing room  CLR dresses  Flow boxes for local clean environment class 100  Technological cassettes  electricity, gas supply, cooling water, net connection, ground  N2  cleaness 5.0  pressure 5,8 - 6,5 bar  Clear Dry Air (CDA) -  Class 0 quality  Pressure 8 bar  Cooling water (CW) -  pH 8-8,5, 150-450 uS  gradient 19/25°C  pressure 5,7- 6bar  mechanical filtration 100um, 5um, UV disinfection Don’t operate by yourself!!!  Demi water – revers osmosis,  50 l stack,  quality clean < 1 uS, super clean < 0,1 uS Laboratory background CDA N2 CW CW N2
  • 18. 18 Laboratory limits  Limited amount of DI  50 l barrel, osmotic speed 7 l/hour  Limited amount of LN2  100 l/14 days  Chemical sewer –  no chemical sewer in wet benches  local canisters – must be checked before use  Restricted technological processes  No poisoning and corrosive gasses for processing (life safety, reinstallation)  Limited consumables in CF – tenders, delivery
  • 19. 19 Small quiz - what is wrong?
  • 20. 20 Small quiz - what is wrong? Paper boxes Wooden box Stuff on the floor Gas tanks not in the holders Paper boxes Cable on the floor Stuff on the floor Paper boxes Stuff on the floor Fire extinguisher blocked
  • 21. 21 Most important from CEITEC Nano rules User of research infrastructure of CEITEC Nano:  The device user follows the rules for access into the laboratories and their operating rules.  The user has his or her own account in the booking system, and books all the devices.  via the booking system.  The user uses only the equipment which he or she is trained for, and granted access to.  The user must inform the supervisor about the use of non-standard procedures, which are not common for the regular use of the device, in advance (e.g. new processes, compatibility to avoid contamination). Using these processes must be approved by the device supervisor.  The user must inform the supervisor about the use of his or her own materials.  The user is fully responsible for the device during his or her work on the device or during the booked period.  The user must not change the HW configuration and the SW tools related to the use of the instrument which influence also other users, without previously talking to, and getting consent from, the supervisor.  The user must immediately report all the failures which appear when the device is running to the device supervisor.  The user keeps the instruments with which he or she works in good working condition and returns them to the prescribed condition afterwards. Some devices require personal acceptance. The user acts in a way which does not threaten the health of other users of the laboratory, and which does not hinder other users' work. Terms of use of the booking system for the research infrastructure instruments: The user is fully responsible for his or her bookings. The user is charged also for bookings during which he or she did not access the instrument and did not carry out measurements, if he or she did not cancel the reservation at least 60 minutes in advance. The user must inform other users or the device supervisor about this. The user is allowed to make bookings only in the scope based on the operating rules of the respective device or the supervisor. Ethical rules: The user agrees to work in the laboratory and n the research infrastructure instruments in an effective, ecological and efficient way. If the user carries out measurements for a third party using the instruments of the research infrastructure, he or she must contact the entre of Laboratories and negotiate the procedure first. The research infrastructure staff will make every effort to meet the user's needs based on mutual communication and collaboration. The research infrastructure staff will not further process the results of measurements and analyses without getting the user's consent first. The user is obliged to acknowledge the research infrastructure if the measurement results are made public, or to establish co- authorship with the research infrastructure staff if the results are published. The user is responsible for the measurement data and archiving thereof. The user might be (temporarily or permanently) prevented from accessing the research infrastructure and the laboratories that come under it after a gross misconduct against the Terms and Regulations of the CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure.
  • 22. 22 Most important from CEITEC Nano rules Uživatel výzkumné infrastruktury CEITEC Nano: Uživatel přístroje se řídí pravidly přístupu do laboratoří a jejich provozním řádem. Uživatel má svůj účet v rezervačním systému a veškeré přístroje si rezervuje pomocí rezervačního systému . Uživatel využívá pouze ta zařízení, na která je proškolen a je mu udělen přístup. Uživatel má povinnost s časovým předstihem informovat garanta o využití nestandardních procedur, které nejsou běžné v rámci provozu zařízení (např. nové procesy, kompatibilita pro zamezení kontaminace). Využití těchto procesů musí být odsouhlaseno garantem zařízení. Uživatel je povinen informovat garanta o použití vlastního spotřebního materiálu. Uživatel v průběhu činnosti na přístroji resp. po dobu rezervace přístroje za zařízení plně zodpovídá. Uživatel nemění HW konfiguraci a SW vybavení spojené s provozem přístroje, mající vliv i na další uživatele a to bez předešlé diskuze a odsouhlasení garantem zařízení. Uživatel musí veškeré závady vzniklé během provozu zařízení ohlásit bezprostředně garantovi zařízení. Uživatel přístroje, na kterých pracuje, udržuje v bezproblémovém provozu a po použití vrací přístroje do předepsaného stavu. U vybraných zařízení je nutná osobní přejímka. Uživatel se v laboratoři chová tak, aby nedošlo k ohrožení zdraví ostatních uživatelů laboratoře a aby svou činností neztěžoval práci ostatním uživatelům. Pravidla rezervačního systému přístrojů výzkumné infrastruktury: Uživatel je zodpovědný za své rezervace. Uživateli budou účtovány i rezervace, kdy se k přístroji nedostavil a neprováděl měření, pokud svou rezervaci včas nezrušil 60 minut předem, tuto skutečnost je povinen oznámit i ostatním uživatelům popř. garantu zařízení. Uživatel může provádět rezervace přístroje jen v rozsahu definovaném provozním řádem daného přístroje nebo garantem. Etická pravidla: Uživatel se zavazuje v laboratoři a na přístrojích výzkumné infrastruktury pracovat efektivně, ekologicky a šetrně. V případě, že uživatel bude měřit na přístrojích výzkumné infrastruktury pro třetí subjekt, vždy předem kontaktuje Centrum laboratoří a domlouvá se na dalším postupu. Pracovníci výzkumné infrastruktury vynaloží veškeré úsilí pro naplnění potřeb uživatele na základě vzájemné komunikace a vzájemné spolupráce. Pracovníci výzkumné infrastruktury nebudou dále zpracovávat výsledky měření analýz uživatele, bez předešlé vzájemné domluvy s uživatelem. Uživatel se zavazuje poděkovat výzkumné infrastruktuře v případě zveřejnění výsledků z měření, případně se domluvit s pracovníky výzkumné infrastruktury na jejich spoluautorství v případě publikace výsledků. Uživatel je odpovědný za svá naměřená data a jejich archivaci. Přístup do výzkumné infrastruktury a do ní spadajících laboratoří může být uživateli odepřen (dočasně či trvale) při hrubém porušení Pravidel výzkumné infrastruktury CEITEC Nano
  • 23. 23 Important to remember keep in mind  RI CEITEC Nano rules  dress myself properly all the time entering the cleanrooms  you are not alone in the lab (stay and instruments)  occupy only instruments you are really trained for  don’t leave the undescribed samples  more than 350 users  defined path to labs and emergency exits  before first entrance to facility contact the lab supervisor  Eva Kolíbalová – Erik Pálesch  don’t hesitate to ask if you are not really sure  look before you leap (Dvakrát měř, jednou řež)
  • 24. 24 More information? free Discussion hours – every Monday from 16:00 to 17:00 at TP B3 – CFs at BUT webpage – official web page Email/in-person communication Don’t hesitate to contact us!!!
  • 25. 25 Poznamky- Rozvadece, jak udelat emergency off Nadoba pro tekuty dusik – zakreslit umistneni Nepruhledne hadice pro chladici vodu Halotronove hasici pristroje – plnivo Halotron I Zasah do zarizeni bez vedomi garanta jsou zakazany, instalace zarizeni mimo vedemo garantu laboratori jsou zakazany.
  • 26. CEITEC BUT c/o Brno University of Technology TP B3, Podnikatelska 6, 612 00 Brno Czech Republic |