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Flatness Based Control
of an Automatic Clutch∗
Bernard R´EMOND§
Centre Automatique et Syst`emes, ´Ecole des Mines de Paris,
35 rue Saint-Honor´e, 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France.
VALEO Clutch, 15 rue des Rosiers
93585 Saint-Ouen, France.
Keywords. Automatic clutch system, nonlinear sys-
tems, flatness, trajectory planning, cascade control de-
In this paper, we study the control of an automatic
clutch where the pedal has been replaced by an actuator
positionning the clutch disk (more precisely the clutch
bearing), without modifying the gear box and gear stick.
We present a cascade regulation of the clutch system
based on the flatness property of its model and based
on measurements of the vehicle speed, the thermal en-
gine speed, the gear number, the force applied to the
gear stick (push-pull sensor), and the throttle. The aim
is to control the vehicle speed to prevent from abrupt
acceleration changes and from over- and under-speeds
of the thermal engine, while complying to the driver’s
requests on the gear stick and the acceleration pedal (or
throttle). We show how to design reference trajectories
for the vehicle speed and a two-level feedback to fulfill
these demands.
1 Introduction
A traditional clutch is needed to progressively transmit
motor torques to the wheels at start and while changing
gear (see figure 1). It may be partially or fully automa-
tized according to various technologies [3]. The present
paper concerns a technologically simple approach, devel-
oped by VALEO, where the traditional clutch and gear
stick are kept untouched, but where the clutch pedal
∗Work supported by VALEO Electronics and VALEO Clutch.
The authors wish to express their warm thanks to Antonin DE-
MAZY who significantly contributed to this project at the oc-
casion of his graduation memoir of Electrical Engineer from the
Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, under the su-
pervision of the authors.
Clutch system
Gear boGear box
Figure 1: The clutch function: full or partial transmis-
sion to the wheels of the torque delivered by the thermal
is removed. It is replaced by an actuator controlling
the clutch position (more precisely the clutch bearing
position–see figure 2), and therefore the torque trans-
mission. Consequently, the feedback regulation of the
vehicle speed, traditionnally manually realized by the
driver, may be replaced by a computer controller that
assigns the clutch bearing position in view of several
measurements: vehicle speed, thermal engine’s speed,
gear number, force applied to the gear stick (push-pull
sensor), actuator position, throttle.
The actuator’s controller must be designed to prevent
from abrupt acceleration changes, to improve the equip-
ment reliability, increase its duty cycle, and satisfacto-
rily manage the thermal engine over- and under-speeds
as well as various failure modes. Moreover, it must re-
alize a tradeoff between power of the actuator and size
and energy consumption, which must be kept as low as
possible. Another tradeoff concerns lowering the con-
trol algorithm complexity, to decrease the cost of the
computer, versus keeping high control performances.
In driving operations, various sequences consisting in
engaging and releasing the clutch are required, in par-
ticular at starts, stops, or gear shifts.
Disengaging the clutch (that corresponds to engaging
Actuator's positionActuator's position
BearBearing positioning position
transmissionansmission ScreScrew
Figure 2: The actuator, the hydraulic transmission and
the clutch system.
the clutch pedal in traditional clutch systems) means
that, according to the driver’s action on the gear stick or
if the engine speed is too low, the actuator fastly moves
the clutch bearing out of its engaged position (10mm in
less than 0.1s) to decouple the wheels from the thermal
Engaging the clutch (that corresponds to releasing the
clutch pedal in traditional clutch systems) means that,
at start or when leaving the neutral, the actuator fastly
moves the clutch bearing to a position called “touching
point” where the plate surfaces arrive in contact, then
progressively synchronizes the engine and wheel speeds,
to finally lock the clutch. This sequence must be done
smoothly, i.e. with gentle speed and acceleration varia-
tions, but more or less quickly, depending on the throt-
These two phases may be combined in several se-
quences composed of an initialisation step (due to a
driver’s action on the gear stick or on the throttle), an
end (locked clutch), and/or a change (a new driver’s re-
quest on the gear stick or on the throttle before the end
has occured).
A model, composed by two subsystems, is presented.
The first part (low-level) expresses the force balance be-
tween the actuator and the screw, or equivalently the
clutch throwout bearing. The second part (high-level)
describes the thermal engine torque transmission to the
wheels. The current in the actuator is the system input.
This model is shown to be flat, with the vehicle speed
as a flat output [5, 6]. Moreover, its cascade structure
allows us to control the vehicle speed by the gear bearing
position and the latter (at a faster rate) by the actuator
drive current.
Depending on the driver’s action on the gear stick and
the throttle, a reference trajectory of the vehicle speed
is computed on-line as a polynomial of time, starting
from the present measured vehicle speed, and then ref-
erence trajectories of the clutch bearing and of the actu-
ator drive current are deduced from Flatness. Moreover,
a feedback is designed to stabilize the system around
the computed reference trajectories while preserving the
cascade structure. The reference trajectories are recom-
puted on a receding horizon each time a change is re-
quired by the driver, and their tracking is ensured by
the same fixed feedback, thus combining flatness and
predictive control.
Simulations on a validated numerical model are pre-
sented. We show that the performances of this controller
are not significantly deteriorated under sampling with a
large sampling period, more than ten times larger than
the one obtained by a linear approach and ensuring a
comparable tracking behavior.
2 Modelling
Let us denote by αm the angle of the actuator (the elec-
trical motor driving the clutch bearing, not to be con-
fused with the thermal engine) and let ωm be its angular
velocity, ωm = ˙αm. We denote by Im the motor current
and by Cr the resisting torque, a non linear function
of the actuator’s position αm and of the sign of its ve-
locity sign (ωm). It corresponds to the torque on the
actuator’s screw resulting from the difference between
the force exerted on the clutch bearing, transmitted by
the hydraulic system, and the force exerted by the com-
pensating spring (see figure 2). The function Cr is ob-
tained offline from real data. Its detailed expression is
not needed here and is omitted.
The actuator dynamics are thus described by
˙αm = ωm
Jm ˙ωm = −fvωm + KmIm − Cr(αm, sign (ωm))
• Jm is the motor inertia,
• Km the torque constant,
• fv the coefficient of viscous friction, assumed linear
in the velocity.
Here, the current Im may be considered as an input
to this subsystem.
We also need a model describing the effects of the
clutch on the car’s speed. By Newton’s second princi-
ple, the vehicle acceleration, multiplied by the vehicle’s
mass, is equal to the torque exerted on the wheels di-
vided by the radius of the wheel, the frictions being
M ˙V =
Cw(xb, j, τ) , xb = µ αm (2)
• M is the vehicle mass, r the wheel radius and µ a
• V is the vehicle speed (measured),
• Cw is the torque exerted on the wheels,
• xb is the clutch bearing position,
• j is the gear number (measured),
• τ is the throttle valve opening percentage (mea-
Cw is a nonlinear function of the bearing position xb,
and thus of αm, of the gear number j and of the throt-
tle τ. Practically speaking, it is obtained once for all,
offline, by direct measurements on the vehicle. Indeed,
the function Cw depends on the vehicle. We do not give
here its detailed expression, unnecessary for the control
design. We will only use the fact that Cw is an increas-
ing function of xb for each value of the pair (j, τ), which
implies in particular that the clutch bearing position xb
can be deduced from the torque Cw knowing j and τ:
xb = C−1
w (rM ˙V , j, τ).
Note that this model is deliberately simplified: it
does not take into account the road profile, frictions on
the tyres and the transmission, or additional loads such
as trailers, which are not supposed to be measured in
practice. These quantities may be considered as distur-
In this subsystem (2), xb can be considered as the
input of this subsystem.
3 Flatness
A system is said to be differentially flat [5, 6] if there
exists a set of independent variables referred to as flat
output such that every other system variable (including
the input variables) is a function of the flat output and
a finite number of its successive time derivatives. More
precisely, the system
˙x = f(x, u),
with x ∈ Rn
and u ∈ Rm
is differentially flat if one can
find a set of variables (flat output)
y = h(x, u, ˙u, ¨u, . . . , u(p)
), y ∈ Rm
with p finite integer, such that
x = α(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q)
u = β(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1)
with q a finite integer, and such that the system equa-
(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1)
) =
f(α(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q)
), β(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1)
are identically satisfied.
The reader is invited to refer to [5, 6] for further infor-
mation concerning the various implications of this prop-
erty on motion planning and feedback design.
In our case, if we assume that the gear number j and
the throttle τ are measured, and that τ is a piecewise
twice continuously differentiable function of time, the
system (1), (2) is flat with the vehicle’s velocity V as a
flat output. We now briefly show. Assuming that the
vehicle velocity V is known, as well as j and τ, from (2)
and the invertibility of the function Cw, we have
xb = C−1
w (rM ˙V , j, τ) , αm =
w (rM ˙V , j, τ). (3)
Moreover, by (1),
Im =
(Jm ¨αm + fv ˙αm + Cr(αm, sign ( ˙αm))) . (4)
We have thus proven that xb, αm and Im are functions
of V, ˙V , ¨V and V (3)
= d3
dt3 and that V is a flat output.
4 Cascade control
The system (1)-(2) has a natural cascaded structure,
which is moreover compatible with the system flatness:
the subsystem (1), whose input is the current Im, de-
scribing the behavior of the actuator, is much faster than
the subsystem (2) describing the vehicle behavior that
may be considered as controlled by the clutch bearing
position xb, or equivalently by the actuator’s position
More precisely, if we are given a reference trajectory
of the car’s speed V , it can be realized by suitably po-
sitionning the clutch bearing, using xb as a fictitious
input thanks to (3), and the clutch bearing position, in
turn, may be realized by (4). For this reason, we call
the subsystem (2) the high-level subsystem and (1) the
low-level subsystem.
This structure is not only useful for trajectory plan-
ning but also for the tracking of the corresponding tra-
jectories by feedback.
4.1 trajectory planning
According to (3), it suffices to define a reference tra-
jectory for the vehicle speed V to obtain all the other
system variables. Moreover, V can be chosen arbitrarily
in the set of piecewise 3 times continuously differentiable
functions of time. Let us consider a time interval [ti, tf ]
(which may depend on the required objective) and let
us denote by V ∗
the searched reference trajectory on
this interval. We are given the measurement of the ini-
tial speed Vi at the initial time ti, with its (estimated)
derivative ˙Vi at ti (initial acceleration). At the final time
tf , we may be given a final speed Vf and acceleration
˙Vf . These data highly depend on the driver’s objec-
tives: start or stop, gear upward or downward shifts,
which involve engaging or disengaging the clutch more
or less fastly, depending on the thermal engine’s speed
and throttle. In any case, the final acceleration ˙Vf can
be chosen equal to 0. For Vf , the following formula gives
satisfactory results in practice:
Vf = Vi + k1
+ k2
1 + τ(ti)
where τ(ti) and j(ti) are the measured throttle value and
gear ratio at time (ti) (momentarily assumed to remain
constant on [ti, tf ] – this assumption will be removed in
section 5) and where k1 and k2 are tunable parameters,
whose tuning may be different for gear up or down. Note
that the term 1
1+τ prevents Vf from being to close to
Vi which would prevent the clutch from locking when
the throttle is closed (τ = 0), and that the ratio τ
j is
introduced to produce a larger acceleration for low gears.
By polynomial interpolation, V ∗
(t) is given by the
following 3rd degree polynomial:
V ∗
(t) = Vi + T ˙Vis(t)
(t) (∆V − T ˙Vi) + (2∆V − T ˙Vi)(1 − s(t))
∆V = Vf − Vi , T = tf − ti and s(t) =
t − ti
. (7)
Clearly, the clutch bearing reference x∗
b results from (3)
by replacing V by V ∗
given by (6). Accordingly, we may
deduce the reference trajectories of the actuator’s posi-
tion αm and of the current Im by (3-4) but the cascade
approach described in the next section, which recom-
putes on-line, at a faster rate, the motor and current
references has been preferred for robustness reasons.
Moreover, the duration T is chosen according to the
following formula:
T = Tmin +
Tmax − Tmin
τ (8)
where Tmax (resp. Tmin) is the duration necessary to
realize the whole clutch engagement phase with τ = 0%
(resp. τ = 100%).
4.2 Cascaded feedback design
Let us consider the above defined reference trajectory
V ∗
and the corresponding reference x∗
b by (3). The high-
level tracking error is thus given by
M( ˙V − ˙V ∗
) =
(Cw(xb, j, τ) − Cw(x∗
b , j, τ)) .
Therefore, it suffices to adress the bearing position as
xb = C−1
w (Cw(x∗
b , j, τ) − rMkV (V − V ∗
), j, τ) (9)
for which the tracking behavior is given by
˙V − ˙V ∗
= −kV (V − V ∗
) (10)
which is indeed exponentially stable for every kV > 0.
At the low-level, we define
m =
xb (11)
xb being defined by (9), and I∗
m by (4) with α∗
m and ˙α∗
in place of αm and ˙αm. Then, setting
Im = I∗
m − k
(αm − α∗
(Cv(αm, sign ( ˙αm)) − Cv(α∗
m, sign ( ˙α∗
it results that the low-level closed-loop subsystem reads
¨αm − ¨α∗
m = −k(αm − α∗
m) −
( ˙αm − ˙α∗
m) (13)
which is exponentially stable for every k > 0. Note
that the low-level subsystem (1) is supposed to be much
faster than (2) which means in particular that fv
large. Therefore, if we set k = fv
, the low-level
closed-loop subsystem (13), whose transfer function be-
comes (s+ fv
, is exponentially stable and much faster
than (10) if kV is chosen small enough. The overall
stability of the system (10)-(13) follows from standard
singular perturbation theory [4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14].
The resulting two-level controller architecture is
shown in figure 3.
Im xb Vαm
j, τ
Figure 3: The controller architecture.
Remark In practice, compared to the actuator’s rate,
the clutch bearing position xb is a slowly evolving signal,
that can be even considered piecewise constant. There-
fore, in place of recomputing it at each time according
to (9), it suffices to consider its discretized version at
a sampling period Tl with Tl T and to approximate
the reference (11) by a 3rd degree polynomial. These
implementation details are omitted here.
5 The driver in the loop
As was seen in formula (5), the throttle τ and gear
number j were assumed constant over the time inter-
val [ti, tf ]. These measured inputs however are not con-
trolled by the system and can be modified at any time
by the driver. Therefore, the system must be able to
include the new driver’s requirements as fast as possi-
ble without risking to destabilize the clutch positionning
system. This is done in the following way: assume that
at any moment ti the driver modifies τ or j.Then, since
the car’s speed is measured, one can use Vi and ˙Vi at
that time in (5)-6-8) and deduce the new reference tra-
jectory on the interval [ti, ti +T], which guarantees that
the junction between the previous reference trajectory
and the new one is smooth (see figure 4).
t t+T
time t
new reference
change of
Figure 4: Smooth modification of the reference trajec-
tory according to a new driver’s request on the gear stick
or the throttle.
According to the above analysis, the controller is such
that the initial error on the car’s speed will exponentially
decrease at a rate larger than or equal to kV and the
error on the clutch bearing position at the rate 2Jm
(whose magnitude in this application is approximately
0.1s). Thus, if we refresh the values of τ and j at a
lower rate, the low-level loop cannot be destabilized and
therefore, the car speed error will not grow, while the
vehicle will be able to react to the driver’s request.
Remark Note that the fact that the speed reference
trajectory is recomputed on a receding horizon each time
a change is required by the driver, and that their track-
ing is ensured by the same fixed feedback, may be viewed
as an attempt to combine flatness and predictive control
[1, 13]. Other examples of this nature may be found in
[11]. See also [7].
6 Simulations
The following simulation has been realized on a vali-
dated simulator, namely a simulation program which
satisfactorily reproduces the measurements done on a
given car. It describes the evolution of the thermal en-
gine speed, the car speed and acceleration, the clutch
bearing position and the motor current when starting
from 0 speed to the third gear ratio (j = 3) at approx.
80 km/h, with the throttle evolving in a large range
(from 0 to 100%).
One can see that, even if the driver pushes the ac-
celerator pedal at its maximal position while changing
speed, the clutch locks fastly enough to avoid an engine
overspeed, and without too abrupt variation of acceler-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIME (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIME (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIME (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIME (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
TIME (s)
Throttle (%)
Gear ratio
Thermal motor speed
Gearbox speed
Actuator position
Motor current
Car acceleration
Figure 5: Simulation from start (0 km/h) to gear num-
ber 3 (approx. 80 km/h) in 12s.
7 Concluding remarks
We have presented here a method combining flatness
and two-level cascaded feedback design to control the
vehicle speed with an automatic clutch system. The
nonlinearities of the system are mainly due to frictions
which are known with mediocre precision. However, the
robustness of the controller is sufficient to produce sat-
isfactory responses even when the clutch is old or when
the various coefficients describing the motor and the fric-
tions are corrupted by errors. Moreover, the sample-
time version of this controller can be used directly with
a large sampling time (up to 20ms) without significant
deterioration of the performances [2]. Note also that
the complexity of the real-time calculations is reason-
able and the controller can be easily implemented on a
cheap 8-bit microprocessor [2].
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  • 1. Flatness Based Control of an Automatic Clutch∗ Jean L´EVINE‡ Bernard R´EMOND§ ‡ Centre Automatique et Syst`emes, ´Ecole des Mines de Paris, 35 rue Saint-Honor´e, 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France. E-mail: § VALEO Clutch, 15 rue des Rosiers 93585 Saint-Ouen, France. E-mail: Keywords. Automatic clutch system, nonlinear sys- tems, flatness, trajectory planning, cascade control de- sign. Abstract In this paper, we study the control of an automatic clutch where the pedal has been replaced by an actuator positionning the clutch disk (more precisely the clutch bearing), without modifying the gear box and gear stick. We present a cascade regulation of the clutch system based on the flatness property of its model and based on measurements of the vehicle speed, the thermal en- gine speed, the gear number, the force applied to the gear stick (push-pull sensor), and the throttle. The aim is to control the vehicle speed to prevent from abrupt acceleration changes and from over- and under-speeds of the thermal engine, while complying to the driver’s requests on the gear stick and the acceleration pedal (or throttle). We show how to design reference trajectories for the vehicle speed and a two-level feedback to fulfill these demands. 1 Introduction A traditional clutch is needed to progressively transmit motor torques to the wheels at start and while changing gear (see figure 1). It may be partially or fully automa- tized according to various technologies [3]. The present paper concerns a technologically simple approach, devel- oped by VALEO, where the traditional clutch and gear stick are kept untouched, but where the clutch pedal ∗Work supported by VALEO Electronics and VALEO Clutch. The authors wish to express their warm thanks to Antonin DE- MAZY who significantly contributed to this project at the oc- casion of his graduation memoir of Electrical Engineer from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, under the su- pervision of the authors. xb Cc Thermal motor Clutch system Gear boGear box Wheels torque Cc Cw Cm Motor torque Clutch torque xb Figure 1: The clutch function: full or partial transmis- sion to the wheels of the torque delivered by the thermal motor. is removed. It is replaced by an actuator controlling the clutch position (more precisely the clutch bearing position–see figure 2), and therefore the torque trans- mission. Consequently, the feedback regulation of the vehicle speed, traditionnally manually realized by the driver, may be replaced by a computer controller that assigns the clutch bearing position in view of several measurements: vehicle speed, thermal engine’s speed, gear number, force applied to the gear stick (push-pull sensor), actuator position, throttle. The actuator’s controller must be designed to prevent from abrupt acceleration changes, to improve the equip- ment reliability, increase its duty cycle, and satisfacto- rily manage the thermal engine over- and under-speeds as well as various failure modes. Moreover, it must re- alize a tradeoff between power of the actuator and size and energy consumption, which must be kept as low as possible. Another tradeoff concerns lowering the con- trol algorithm complexity, to decrease the cost of the computer, versus keeping high control performances. In driving operations, various sequences consisting in engaging and releasing the clutch are required, in par- ticular at starts, stops, or gear shifts. Disengaging the clutch (that corresponds to engaging
  • 2. CompensatingCompensating sprspringing Actuator's positionActuator's position Forork BearBearing positioning position Motor Powerer electronicselectronics HydrHydraulicaulic transmissionansmission ScreScrew ClutchClutch PlatePlate BearBearinging NutNut Figure 2: The actuator, the hydraulic transmission and the clutch system. the clutch pedal in traditional clutch systems) means that, according to the driver’s action on the gear stick or if the engine speed is too low, the actuator fastly moves the clutch bearing out of its engaged position (10mm in less than 0.1s) to decouple the wheels from the thermal engine. Engaging the clutch (that corresponds to releasing the clutch pedal in traditional clutch systems) means that, at start or when leaving the neutral, the actuator fastly moves the clutch bearing to a position called “touching point” where the plate surfaces arrive in contact, then progressively synchronizes the engine and wheel speeds, to finally lock the clutch. This sequence must be done smoothly, i.e. with gentle speed and acceleration varia- tions, but more or less quickly, depending on the throt- tle. These two phases may be combined in several se- quences composed of an initialisation step (due to a driver’s action on the gear stick or on the throttle), an end (locked clutch), and/or a change (a new driver’s re- quest on the gear stick or on the throttle before the end has occured). A model, composed by two subsystems, is presented. The first part (low-level) expresses the force balance be- tween the actuator and the screw, or equivalently the clutch throwout bearing. The second part (high-level) describes the thermal engine torque transmission to the wheels. The current in the actuator is the system input. This model is shown to be flat, with the vehicle speed as a flat output [5, 6]. Moreover, its cascade structure allows us to control the vehicle speed by the gear bearing position and the latter (at a faster rate) by the actuator drive current. Depending on the driver’s action on the gear stick and the throttle, a reference trajectory of the vehicle speed is computed on-line as a polynomial of time, starting from the present measured vehicle speed, and then ref- erence trajectories of the clutch bearing and of the actu- ator drive current are deduced from Flatness. Moreover, a feedback is designed to stabilize the system around the computed reference trajectories while preserving the cascade structure. The reference trajectories are recom- puted on a receding horizon each time a change is re- quired by the driver, and their tracking is ensured by the same fixed feedback, thus combining flatness and predictive control. Simulations on a validated numerical model are pre- sented. We show that the performances of this controller are not significantly deteriorated under sampling with a large sampling period, more than ten times larger than the one obtained by a linear approach and ensuring a comparable tracking behavior. 2 Modelling Let us denote by αm the angle of the actuator (the elec- trical motor driving the clutch bearing, not to be con- fused with the thermal engine) and let ωm be its angular velocity, ωm = ˙αm. We denote by Im the motor current and by Cr the resisting torque, a non linear function of the actuator’s position αm and of the sign of its ve- locity sign (ωm). It corresponds to the torque on the actuator’s screw resulting from the difference between the force exerted on the clutch bearing, transmitted by the hydraulic system, and the force exerted by the com- pensating spring (see figure 2). The function Cr is ob- tained offline from real data. Its detailed expression is not needed here and is omitted. The actuator dynamics are thus described by ˙αm = ωm Jm ˙ωm = −fvωm + KmIm − Cr(αm, sign (ωm)) (1) where • Jm is the motor inertia, • Km the torque constant, • fv the coefficient of viscous friction, assumed linear in the velocity. Here, the current Im may be considered as an input to this subsystem. We also need a model describing the effects of the clutch on the car’s speed. By Newton’s second princi- ple, the vehicle acceleration, multiplied by the vehicle’s mass, is equal to the torque exerted on the wheels di- vided by the radius of the wheel, the frictions being neglected. M ˙V = 1 r Cw(xb, j, τ) , xb = µ αm (2) where • M is the vehicle mass, r the wheel radius and µ a constant, • V is the vehicle speed (measured), • Cw is the torque exerted on the wheels, • xb is the clutch bearing position,
  • 3. • j is the gear number (measured), • τ is the throttle valve opening percentage (mea- sured). Cw is a nonlinear function of the bearing position xb, and thus of αm, of the gear number j and of the throt- tle τ. Practically speaking, it is obtained once for all, offline, by direct measurements on the vehicle. Indeed, the function Cw depends on the vehicle. We do not give here its detailed expression, unnecessary for the control design. We will only use the fact that Cw is an increas- ing function of xb for each value of the pair (j, τ), which implies in particular that the clutch bearing position xb can be deduced from the torque Cw knowing j and τ: xb = C−1 w (rM ˙V , j, τ). Note that this model is deliberately simplified: it does not take into account the road profile, frictions on the tyres and the transmission, or additional loads such as trailers, which are not supposed to be measured in practice. These quantities may be considered as distur- bances. In this subsystem (2), xb can be considered as the input of this subsystem. 3 Flatness A system is said to be differentially flat [5, 6] if there exists a set of independent variables referred to as flat output such that every other system variable (including the input variables) is a function of the flat output and a finite number of its successive time derivatives. More precisely, the system ˙x = f(x, u), with x ∈ Rn and u ∈ Rm is differentially flat if one can find a set of variables (flat output) y = h(x, u, ˙u, ¨u, . . . , u(p) ), y ∈ Rm with p finite integer, such that x = α(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q) ) u = β(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1) ) with q a finite integer, and such that the system equa- tions dα dt (y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1) ) = f(α(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q) ), β(y, ˙y, ¨y, . . . , y(q+1) )) are identically satisfied. The reader is invited to refer to [5, 6] for further infor- mation concerning the various implications of this prop- erty on motion planning and feedback design. In our case, if we assume that the gear number j and the throttle τ are measured, and that τ is a piecewise twice continuously differentiable function of time, the system (1), (2) is flat with the vehicle’s velocity V as a flat output. We now briefly show. Assuming that the vehicle velocity V is known, as well as j and τ, from (2) and the invertibility of the function Cw, we have xb = C−1 w (rM ˙V , j, τ) , αm = 1 µ C−1 w (rM ˙V , j, τ). (3) Moreover, by (1), Im = 1 Km (Jm ¨αm + fv ˙αm + Cr(αm, sign ( ˙αm))) . (4) We have thus proven that xb, αm and Im are functions of V, ˙V , ¨V and V (3) = d3 V dt3 and that V is a flat output. 4 Cascade control The system (1)-(2) has a natural cascaded structure, which is moreover compatible with the system flatness: the subsystem (1), whose input is the current Im, de- scribing the behavior of the actuator, is much faster than the subsystem (2) describing the vehicle behavior that may be considered as controlled by the clutch bearing position xb, or equivalently by the actuator’s position αm. More precisely, if we are given a reference trajectory of the car’s speed V , it can be realized by suitably po- sitionning the clutch bearing, using xb as a fictitious input thanks to (3), and the clutch bearing position, in turn, may be realized by (4). For this reason, we call the subsystem (2) the high-level subsystem and (1) the low-level subsystem. This structure is not only useful for trajectory plan- ning but also for the tracking of the corresponding tra- jectories by feedback. 4.1 trajectory planning According to (3), it suffices to define a reference tra- jectory for the vehicle speed V to obtain all the other system variables. Moreover, V can be chosen arbitrarily in the set of piecewise 3 times continuously differentiable functions of time. Let us consider a time interval [ti, tf ] (which may depend on the required objective) and let us denote by V ∗ the searched reference trajectory on this interval. We are given the measurement of the ini- tial speed Vi at the initial time ti, with its (estimated) derivative ˙Vi at ti (initial acceleration). At the final time tf , we may be given a final speed Vf and acceleration ˙Vf . These data highly depend on the driver’s objec- tives: start or stop, gear upward or downward shifts, which involve engaging or disengaging the clutch more or less fastly, depending on the thermal engine’s speed and throttle. In any case, the final acceleration ˙Vf can
  • 4. be chosen equal to 0. For Vf , the following formula gives satisfactory results in practice: Vf = Vi + k1 τ(ti) j(ti) + k2 1 1 + τ(ti) (5) where τ(ti) and j(ti) are the measured throttle value and gear ratio at time (ti) (momentarily assumed to remain constant on [ti, tf ] – this assumption will be removed in section 5) and where k1 and k2 are tunable parameters, whose tuning may be different for gear up or down. Note that the term 1 1+τ prevents Vf from being to close to Vi which would prevent the clutch from locking when the throttle is closed (τ = 0), and that the ratio τ j is introduced to produce a larger acceleration for low gears. By polynomial interpolation, V ∗ (t) is given by the following 3rd degree polynomial: V ∗ (t) = Vi + T ˙Vis(t) +s2 (t) (∆V − T ˙Vi) + (2∆V − T ˙Vi)(1 − s(t)) (6) with ∆V = Vf − Vi , T = tf − ti and s(t) = t − ti T . (7) Clearly, the clutch bearing reference x∗ b results from (3) by replacing V by V ∗ given by (6). Accordingly, we may deduce the reference trajectories of the actuator’s posi- tion αm and of the current Im by (3-4) but the cascade approach described in the next section, which recom- putes on-line, at a faster rate, the motor and current references has been preferred for robustness reasons. Moreover, the duration T is chosen according to the following formula: T = Tmin + Tmax − Tmin 100 τ (8) where Tmax (resp. Tmin) is the duration necessary to realize the whole clutch engagement phase with τ = 0% (resp. τ = 100%). 4.2 Cascaded feedback design Let us consider the above defined reference trajectory V ∗ and the corresponding reference x∗ b by (3). The high- level tracking error is thus given by M( ˙V − ˙V ∗ ) = 1 r (Cw(xb, j, τ) − Cw(x∗ b , j, τ)) . Therefore, it suffices to adress the bearing position as xb = C−1 w (Cw(x∗ b , j, τ) − rMkV (V − V ∗ ), j, τ) (9) for which the tracking behavior is given by ˙V − ˙V ∗ = −kV (V − V ∗ ) (10) which is indeed exponentially stable for every kV > 0. At the low-level, we define α∗ m = 1 µ xb (11) xb being defined by (9), and I∗ m by (4) with α∗ m and ˙α∗ m in place of αm and ˙αm. Then, setting Im = I∗ m − k Jm Km (αm − α∗ m) + 1 Km (Cv(αm, sign ( ˙αm)) − Cv(α∗ m, sign ( ˙α∗ m))) (12) it results that the low-level closed-loop subsystem reads ¨αm − ¨α∗ m = −k(αm − α∗ m) − fv Jm ( ˙αm − ˙α∗ m) (13) which is exponentially stable for every k > 0. Note that the low-level subsystem (1) is supposed to be much faster than (2) which means in particular that fv Jm is large. Therefore, if we set k = fv 2Jm 2 , the low-level closed-loop subsystem (13), whose transfer function be- comes (s+ fv 2Jm )2 , is exponentially stable and much faster than (10) if kV is chosen small enough. The overall stability of the system (10)-(13) follows from standard singular perturbation theory [4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14]. The resulting two-level controller architecture is shown in figure 3. VEHICLEActuator Low-level loop High-level loop Driver Im xb Vαm *V* j, τ Figure 3: The controller architecture. Remark In practice, compared to the actuator’s rate, the clutch bearing position xb is a slowly evolving signal, that can be even considered piecewise constant. There- fore, in place of recomputing it at each time according to (9), it suffices to consider its discretized version at a sampling period Tl with Tl T and to approximate the reference (11) by a 3rd degree polynomial. These implementation details are omitted here. 5 The driver in the loop As was seen in formula (5), the throttle τ and gear number j were assumed constant over the time inter- val [ti, tf ]. These measured inputs however are not con- trolled by the system and can be modified at any time by the driver. Therefore, the system must be able to include the new driver’s requirements as fast as possi- ble without risking to destabilize the clutch positionning
  • 5. system. This is done in the following way: assume that at any moment ti the driver modifies τ or j.Then, since the car’s speed is measured, one can use Vi and ˙Vi at that time in (5)-6-8) and deduce the new reference tra- jectory on the interval [ti, ti +T], which guarantees that the junction between the previous reference trajectory and the new one is smooth (see figure 4). t t+T . Vi Vf Vi . Vf reference defined before time t new reference smooth change of reference trajectory Figure 4: Smooth modification of the reference trajec- tory according to a new driver’s request on the gear stick or the throttle. According to the above analysis, the controller is such that the initial error on the car’s speed will exponentially decrease at a rate larger than or equal to kV and the error on the clutch bearing position at the rate 2Jm fv (whose magnitude in this application is approximately 0.1s). Thus, if we refresh the values of τ and j at a lower rate, the low-level loop cannot be destabilized and therefore, the car speed error will not grow, while the vehicle will be able to react to the driver’s request. Remark Note that the fact that the speed reference trajectory is recomputed on a receding horizon each time a change is required by the driver, and that their track- ing is ensured by the same fixed feedback, may be viewed as an attempt to combine flatness and predictive control [1, 13]. Other examples of this nature may be found in [11]. See also [7]. 6 Simulations The following simulation has been realized on a vali- dated simulator, namely a simulation program which satisfactorily reproduces the measurements done on a given car. It describes the evolution of the thermal en- gine speed, the car speed and acceleration, the clutch bearing position and the motor current when starting from 0 speed to the third gear ratio (j = 3) at approx. 80 km/h, with the throttle evolving in a large range (from 0 to 100%). One can see that, even if the driver pushes the ac- celerator pedal at its maximal position while changing speed, the clutch locks fastly enough to avoid an engine overspeed, and without too abrupt variation of acceler- ation. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 50 100 TIME (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 500 1000 TIME (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 TIME (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 TIME (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -5 0 5 10 TIME (s) Throttle (%) Gear ratio Thermal motor speed Gearbox speed Actuator position Motor current Car acceleration Figure 5: Simulation from start (0 km/h) to gear num- ber 3 (approx. 80 km/h) in 12s. 7 Concluding remarks We have presented here a method combining flatness and two-level cascaded feedback design to control the vehicle speed with an automatic clutch system. The nonlinearities of the system are mainly due to frictions which are known with mediocre precision. However, the robustness of the controller is sufficient to produce sat- isfactory responses even when the clutch is old or when the various coefficients describing the motor and the fric- tions are corrupted by errors. Moreover, the sample- time version of this controller can be used directly with a large sampling time (up to 20ms) without significant deterioration of the performances [2]. Note also that the complexity of the real-time calculations is reason- able and the controller can be easily implemented on a cheap 8-bit microprocessor [2]. References [1] D.W. Clarke, C. Mohtadi and P.S. Tuffs. General- ized predictive control - Parts I and II. Automat- ica, 23(2), p. 137–148 and 149–160, 1987.
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