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What are polyprenols?
Polyprenols - is the most important group of unique natural bioregulators of greenery
of Siberian fir, which are analogues of human lipid transport dolichol - construction
material for damaged cells. Polyprenols help to stabilize cell membranes and restore
liver cells and other organs, activate energy metabolism and increase the regenerative
potential. Thus, it is polyprenols that charge the human body with energy at the cellular
level, help fight stress, inhibit aging processes, and activate regenerative processes.
Polyprenols are a molecule that is part of the plant cell membrane and is responsible
for its integrity, elasticity, and permeability to nutrients. When they enter the human body,
polyprenols are metabolized in the liver to dolichols - molecules of animal and human
cells similar in function. With age, the amount of dolichols in our body decreases, this
process is an integral part of the aging of the body. The membranes of all cells in the
body become less elastic, thin, and subsequently disappear altogether, leading to cell
death. Polyprenols slow down this process, restoring all the necessary properties to the
membrane. Due to the increase in permeability, the process of transporting nutrients into
the cell is improved.
Thus, improving the absorption of glucose by each cell leads to:
• Acceleration of the process of recovery and energy storage. Glucose, Once in the cell, it
is metabolized in the mitochondria into ATP, the rechargeable batteries of our body.
• Increase in the amount of glycoprotein. A combination of protein and glucose, which is
the building block for enzymes and hormones.
For a long time, polyprenols remained insufficiently studied due to the high cost of
production and inaccessibility for both patients and researchers. Throughout the
twentieth century, laboratories in the United States and Japan were engaged in the
synthesis of polyprenols, but their cost remained prohibitive. And only thanks to the
latest developments of Tomsk scientists, who learned to isolate polyprenols from the
green mass of fir needles, these technologies became available.
• Restore damaged cells
• Establish processes of generation and storage of energy
• Improves metabolism
General information
Cellular sap of Siberian fir is one of the important components of SibXP®Complex. It is
100% natural intracellular juice of fir needles. It was obtained with the help of carbon dioxide
extraction of fresh fir-tree greenery, which allowed the extraction of all the useful substances
of this plant in an unchanged form without using high temperatures and organic solvents.
Description It is a 100% natural cell juice of fir needles. It was obtained using carbon dioxide
extraction of freshly cut fir tree needles due to which all useful substances of this plant are
extracted and preserved unchanged without using high temperatures and organic solvents.
Appearance - clear liquid
Color - dark cherry
Odor - fir needles
Taste - fir needles
Dry residue - 2%
• Vitamin C
• Carotene
• Flavonoids
• Phenolic acids
• Maltol
• Macro and microelements (iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and
An iron-maltol complex is a very valuable component of the extract. Maltol is the strongest
natural antioxidant, which, on the one hand, blocks free radicals preventing them from
destroying cells and the integrity of body tissues, and, on the other hand, contributes to
better absorption and assimilation of iron in the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to maltol, the
extract is sterile to itself and bactericidal in relation to the products into which it is introduced,
which makes it possible to significantly reduce the proportion of preservatives and
1. Influence on working capacity
• Pronounced toning and stimulating effect
• Improvement of physical and mental performance
• Increase in resistance to stress, prevention of fatigue, and acceleration of recovery
processes in the body
• Normalization of excess accumulation of lactic acid in the blood
• Mobilization of the body's natural forces
2. Immunostimulating action
• Reinforcement of the immune system
• Strengthening of the body's resistance to various pathogens of infectious diseases
• An anti-inflammatory effect in cases of respiratory tract diseases
3. Influence on the blood system
• Increased levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells
• Normalization of morphological changes in erythrocytes
• Increase in serum iron and serum ferritin levels
4. Protection from stress
• An increase in body resistance to stress and psycho emotional stress
• Removes the consequences of stressful situations
• Increases adaptive capabilities of the body
5. Antioxidant activity
• Shows high antioxidant activity protecting the body from free radicals
• Increases the body's natural antioxidant defense
• Increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors
6. Antitoxic properties
• Has an antitoxic effect on various harmful substances
• Reduces alcohol toxicity
Reduces alcohol toxicity
The water fraction of the Siberian fir carbonate extract is a natural adaptogen that can
restore the physiological functions of the human body, increase unspecific protection from
various unfavorable factors. Adaptogenic properties of fir are particularly valuable, since the
excessive demand and wide consumption of such long-known and popular adaptogens as
ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea and others have led to the depletion of their
natural resources and the appearance on the market of preparations obtained from
cultivated plants, the biological activity of which is significantly inferior to the biological
activity of wild species. Therefore, phyto correctors of the adaptation process based on wild
plants are the most effective for today. Research conducted on the basis of the Hygiene
Research Institute (Novosibirsk) showed a pronounced stimulating effect of the water
fraction of the fir extract on the physical performance of experimental animals and the ability
to facilitate adaptation to increased stresses on the body. Testing was carried out with the
help of the technique of forced two-time swimming of mice with a weighting load for 5 days,
with a "collision" of adaptation on the 6th day. An introduction of the fir extract increased the
swimming time of the experimental animals by 56-90% from the first test to the end of the
experiment. On the 6th day, despite the abrupt change in the conditions of swimming, the
animals that received the extract swam 93% longer than the control ones. To understand the
mechanism of action of the fir extract water fraction, its effect on the oxidative processes of
the organism was studied. It is known that during intensive muscle work, lactic acid
accumulates in the blood. Its level can serve as one of the indicators of body fatigue during
physical exertion. One of the reasons for the increase in lactic acid (LA) is the disturbance of
its oxidation into pyruvic acid (PA) during intensive muscle work. The growth of the LA / PA
index is directly related to increased fatigue and decreased efficiency, which is a result of
disturbance of oxidative processes. It was also established that during exercise, the level of
free radical processes increases, the process of lipid peroxidation (LPO) is activated, which
leads to a decrease in antioxidant defense of the body. LPO processes are the limiting
factors in the development of fatigue.
Studies conducted in this regard at the Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) clearly
showed that the use of Siberian fir extract significantly improves muscle fatigue in children
with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. After a course of extract administration, a
decrease in LA concentration is observed against the background of an increase in the PA
concentration, thereby decreasing the LA / PA fatigue index. Also, a significant antioxidant
effect of the fir extract was found, which helps to reduce the content of malonic dialdehyde in
the blood serum, a toxic product of lipid peroxidation leading to cell death, and an increase in
catalase activity, which is one of the main enzymes of antioxidant defense of the body.
Normalization of oxidative processes under the influence of fir extract is accompanied by a
reduction in all symptoms of the disease: fatigue is reduced, activity, efficiency,
concentration, attention, memory are enhanced. With the participation of the Siberian State
Medical University, the effectiveness of the fir extract application in children living in an
environment with radiation and chemical contamination (Naumovka settlement, Tomsk
region) was evaluated. The results of examination of children from a disadvantaged area
testify to the oppression of their muscle activity and higher fatigue due to oxygen deprivation.
After a course of fir extract administration, the number of students' complaints of rapid
fatigability, headache, sleep disturbance decreased, the general condition of the children
improved, physical activity was restored, biochemical processes of muscle fatigue of the
body and free radical oxidation normalized . In the genesis of fatigue, the hypoxia factor is of
great importance since the physical load is closely related to the increased oxygen
consumption and, consequently, it further limits the working capacity of the organism. In the
works carried out in the Hygiene Research Institute (Novosibirsk), it was shown that fir
extract possesses anti-hypoxic effect: it increases the life expectancy of experimental
animals exposed to hypoxia up to 36%. The extract significantly alleviates or completely
normalizes disturbances in internal organs and blood system caused by the hypoxic trauma,
which speaks for its anti-stress action. The stress-protective effect is confirmed by a number
of experimental works of the Research Institute of Pharmacology and the Tomsk Cardiology
Research Institute. The anti-stress effect of the water fraction is clearly shown in an
experiment using several models of stress (immobilization, hypoxic, and inflammatory
stress). It was found that the fir extract has a protective effect on the internal organs
(thymus, spleen, adrenal glands, and gastric mucosa) suffering from stress reactions. The
extract also restores motor activity and the number of white blood cells, a decrease in which
is characteristic of severe or chronic stress. Special attention should be paid to the property
of the Siberian fir water fraction extract to increase the reduced content of hemoglobin and
erythrocytes. The effectiveness of using the extract against the background of iron deficiency
anemia of mild degree was confirmed at the Children's City Hospital.
It was found that the monthly course of fir extract administration increases the hemoglobin
content, the color index, the number of reticulocytes, and normalizes morphological changes
in the cells. After the intake of the extract, children showed a significant increase in the
serum iron and serum ferritin levels, which is indicative of the restoration of the transport and
deposited iron fund. Siberian fir extract application provided regression of the clinical
symptoms of the disease within a short time: it normalized sleep, improved appetite,
decreased fatigue, lethargy, reduced frequency and severity of dyspeptic disorders. High
efficiency of the product stems on the one hand from its direct influence on the peripheral
link of erythron, and, on the other hand, from pronounced tonic and adaptogenic properties,
due to which the fir extract provides a complex effect on the body.
Regular intake of fir extract boosts the immunity, strengthens the body's resistance to
various pathogens of infectious diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cases of
respiratory diseases, reduces the negative effects of technogenic factors on the body that
depress the immune system and precede the development of many diseases. Some health
work was carried out in pre-school educational institutions in Tomsk, which showed high
efficiency of the extract. Child welfare centers are the best model for such tests, because
there is usually a large number of kids in a small room, and infection in one child quickly
spreads to other children. Only three courses of taking the fir extract during the
autumn-winter period provide a 52% reduction in the frequency and duration of acute
respiratory diseases and a reduction in the number of complications in the respiratory
Regular intake of fir extract boosts the immunity, strengthens the body's resistance to
various pathogens of infectious diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cases of
respiratory diseases, reduces the negative effects of technogenic factors on the body that
depress the immune system and precede the development of many diseases. Some health
work was carried out in pre-school educational institutions in Tomsk, which showed high
efficiency of the extract. Child welfare centers are the best model for such tests, because
there is usually a large number of kids in a small room, and infection in one child quickly
spreads to other children. Only three courses of taking the fir extract during the
autumn-winter period provide a 52% reduction in the frequency and duration of acute
respiratory diseases and a reduction in the number of complications in the respiratory
Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators obtained from the
greenery of Siberian fir. They were prepared due to knowledge of previous generations and
to advanced studies. Polyprenols are the main secret of Siberian fir and one of the most
important biologically active substances contained in fir needles. For man, polyprenols are
the only source of important molecules - dolichols responsible for many physiological
processes in the body.
Description It is an oily liquid with no foreign substances. Color: from light orange to
reddish orange. They have a specific taste and smell. Polyprenols are the most important
group of unique natural bioregulators from the greenery of Siberian fir that were obtained
due to knowledge of previous generations and advanced studies.
Polyprenols of Siberian fir are analogs of the human transport lipid of dolichol, a building
material for damaged cells. Polyprenols help stabilize cell membranes and restore cells of
the liver and other organs, stimulate energy exchange and regenerative potential. In the
human body, dolichols are concentrated in the pancreas, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen
and other tissues. They are located inside the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes and
influence their physical, chemical, structural and functional properties. When ingested,
polyprenols are absorbed in the intestine, and then metabolized into dolichol in the liver,
which plays a leading role in the dolichol phosphate cycle, the main purpose of which is the
glycosylation of membrane proteins, i.e. formation of glycoproteins. In their turn,
glycoproteins are found in all cell membranes, secretions, connective tissues; they control
intercellular interactions, maintain the immune status of cells, and ensure the stability of
protein molecules in the membrane.
In cases of various acute and chronic diseases, against the background of increased
loads, stress and man-caused effects on the human body, membranes are damaged, which
is accompanied by the loss of dolichols, as a result of which the functionality of cells, tissues
and organs is disrupted. These molecular destructive processes are one of the main causes
of many pathologies. By introducing polyprenols, which easily transform into dolicholes in the
body, it is possible to compensate for their deficiency, which helps maintain the immune
status of the cell, ensuring the restoration and stability of membranes, as well as the
synthesis of protein molecules.
Additional intake of plant-derived polyprenols into the body stimulates the immune system,
intensifies the activity of antioxidant protection, actively influences lipid, fat, protein
metabolism, activates reparative and regenerative processes, and therefore restores the
structure and functions of organs.
1. Hepatoprotective action:
• Restores hepatocytes inducing regenerative processes in the liver
• Reduces inflammation in the liver
• Protects the liver from the effects of toxic substances (alcohol, drugs and others)
• Normalizes liver function
• Improves the liver after infection
• Increases liver resistance to toxins and other adverse factors
2. Activation of antioxidant protection:
• Produces antioxidant activity, protecting the body from free radicals
• Increases the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes
3. Normalization of blood lipids:
• Lowers cholesterol
• Increases the level of high density lipoproteins, reduces the level of low and very low
density lipoproteins
• Reduces the atherosclerosis risk
• Provides a preventive and curative effect in cases of cardiovascular system diseases
caused by violations of the lipid storage disease
4. Immunostimulating action
• Stimulates the production of natural interferon
• Activates the phagocytic activity of macrophages
• Increases nonspecific resistance of the body
5. Neuroprotective and nootropic action
• Improves the cognitive function
• Normalizes the level of neurotransmitters
• Has an antidepressant effect
• Regression of withdrawal symptoms
Effects on the human body
The polyprenol concentrate helps combat chronic overexertion of the leading organs and
body systems (cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nonspecific defense and
immunity system, central and peripheral nervous systems), optimize recovery processes and
increase physical performance, restore and maintain physical and mental health component
against a background of increased physical exertion. The polyprenol concentrate is
recommended to fight chronic overstrain of the leading organs and systems in order to
restore and maintain physical and mental health with a background of heavy physical
activity. It is recommended to be used after and during intense physical exertion and
emotional upset (as follows: total 2 courses per year, three months each with a three-month
The concentrate of polyprenols:
- Increases the liver functionality and reduces intoxication (due to the hepatoprotective
- Contributes to the utilization of toxic metabolites (due to the antioxidant effect)
- Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect)
- Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect)
- Prevents the reduction of immunity during physical exertion (due to the immunostimulating
Recommended doses:
The concentration of polyprenols is the basis for the creation of biologically active complexes
and pharmaceutical preparations.
Nutritional Supplement In accordance with the decision of the Customs Union Commission
of 07 April 2011, N 622 "On Amending the Unified Sanitary, Epidemiological and Hygienic
Requirements to Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (Control),"
polyprenols are included in the list of vital components for the human body; an adequate
level of consumption (ALC) of polyprenols is 10 mg / day, max - 20 mg / day Drug The
concentration of polyprenols for pharmaceutical preparations is not less than 95%. The
recommended dose: a daily dose - 54 mg, single - 18 mg (18 mg 3 times a day).
Innovative SibXP®Complex is a basis for Tayga8 beverages. A formula of the complex is
the combination of three ingredients obtained from pine needle:
• Restore damaged cells
• Stimulate all parts of our immunity
• Normalize metabolism
• Tone
• Eliminate oxidative stress which is the main cause of fatigue
• Antioxidants eliminate free radicals that destroy cells
• Has an inflammatory effect
• Enhances metabolic processes
• Has a general tonic effect
It is a unique complex that restores the structure of cells. Due to this, there is a
strengthening of all body systems and optimization of natural energy exchange, which helps
to keep the charge at long distances, "take out the program", it is easy to wake up in the
morning and be charged all day .
Key features SibXP Complex - a combination of the effect polyprenols, cell SAP of fir and
pine complex CGNC. There are companies that try to use these components separately, but
only we were able to combine them in one product. This is our know-how. It was
technologically difficult, but we did it.
The result is a powerful complex that helps the body produce more energy and quickly
restore energy reserves. So that's how Tayga8 was born.
SibXP Complex is:
Energy. Activity. Longevity.
SibXP Complex is a complex of biologically active substances and micronutrients for daily
use. Each drop of the complex contains the vitality and energy of coniferous trees, powerful
antioxidants and essential nutrients.
Opportunities of SibXP Complex are endless. It gives energy, rejuvenates the body from
the inside and fights oxidative stress, which daily challenges our health.
Precisely selected composition.
Each serving of SibXP Complex contains everything you need to increase tone and vitality,
restore cell structure, enhance the processes of energy production in cells, improve
metabolism and other important physiological processes.
Natural and environmentally friendly.
All components of SibXP Complex are completely natural and harmless to the body,
because it is obtained from live pine needs with care processing technologies. In production
we use only environmentally friendly raw materials gathered in the pristine forests of Siberia.
Proven efficacy and safety of components.
A huge base of preclinical and clinical studies has been collected to confirm the efficacy and
safety of all components of SibXP Complex. The result is guaranteed by experts and
approved by hundreds of people who have experienced their effect on themselves.
A cell produces energy from glucose and oxygen, but free radicals damage the membrane
and penetrate inside, then they damage the cell and disrupt glucose supply.
Polyprenols * are converted to dolichols, which restore the membrane. They protect the
cell from free radicals, inhibit the peroxidation of membranes.
Fir cellular juice contains iron, which improves oxygen supply to cells.
CGNC complex has strong anti-inflammatory features.
SIBXP Complex:
- Restores damaged cells
- Strengthens immunity
- Strengthens nervous system
- Protects from stress
- Normalizes metabolism
- Has an inflammatory effect
- Tones
A person gets:
RESTORATION: You become resistant to stress, get tired less, and recover faster.
IMMUNITY: The production of natural interferon is enhanced. You become protected from
seasonal colds and the most common infections.
LIVER: Liver cells regenerate, its functions are restored, strengthening the body's defense
against toxins and harmful substances.
BRAIN: Brain function improves, reaction accelerates, memory becomes better. You
become protected from age-related changes in intelligence and Alzheimer's disease.
VESSELS: The cholesterol level decreases, and the walls of the vessels become stronger
and more elastic. The risk of developing atherosclerosis and stroke is reduced.
HEART: The heart muscle becomes stronger and more elastic, the rhythm of heart
contractions normalizes, and coronary blood flow improves.
ANTI-STRESS: You are optimistic and vigorous, easily enduring any psycho-emotional
stress. You are always in a great mood.
Let’s consider the process in detail. Ur Producers of Three's Kay Components:
• Polyprenols
• Fir cellular juice
• CGNC paste
All these substances are obtained from young fir needles, which are harvested in the
timber processing. Further, the raw materials undergo a carbon dioxide extraction procedure:
fir needles are treated with liquefied carbon dioxide (CO2) at a temperature of 55-60oC in a
special chamber. This process allows us to extract all the nutrients from the raw material,
with no risk of loss. This method of obtaining nutrients is unique and protects our company
from competitors copying the product thanks to the patent. And the product's composition is
the most important component of its uniqueness: no company in the world can combine
three ingredients which are quite different in form: polyprenols (water fraction), fir cellular
juice (oily fraction), and CGNC (paste).
A new analysis of the three components and the effect of the human body.
This is a molecule that is part of the plant cell membrane and is responsible for its integrity,
elasticity, permeability to beneficial substances.
When it enters the human body, polyprenols are metabolized in the liver to dolichols, which
are similar to animal and human cell molecules in their function.
The number of dolichols in our body decreases with age, this process is a component of
the body aging.
The membranes of all cells in the body become less elastic, thin, and then completely
disappear, which leads to cell death.
Polyprenols slow down this process, returning all necessary properties to the membrane.
The process of transporting nutrients to the cell improves due to the increase in
permeability. It leads to:
• Increasing in the restoration process
• Increasing the number of glycoproteins.
The compound of protein and glucose is the building material for enzymes and hormones.
It includes:
Maltol is a powerful natural preservative (it helps pine needles to live for 10 years, and they
dry up after falling off but do not rot) and an antioxidant (binds oxygen free radicals, reduces
their destructive effect on the body). Maltol also binds toxins, preventing the body from being
poisoned by the breakdown products of alcohol and other poisons.
Also, maltol effectively binds and removes aluminum ions which stay in the brain tissue
after ingestion from contaminated air, water, and food products; they subsequently lead to
impaired functions.
Bioavailable iron is the most important microelement required for boosting the
transportation of oxygen with blood to all organs.
Magnesium is an element involved in all stages of energy and protein synthesis in the
body. It is responsible for maintaining the normal function of the nervous system, heart
muscles, and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body.
Phenolic acids improve blood quality, prevent blood clots from sticking together, and act as
Flavonoids are indispensable components of human nutrition, they improve metabolism.
The TAYGA8 component is the longest known to man. In the 40s of the 20th century, it
was invented as a chlorophyll carotene paste and was used to treat and disinfect wounds
and burns.
CGNC complex is a powerful stimulator of tissue and cell regeneration due to its unique
features. This component makes it possible to combine polyprenols and cellular fir juice
which are quite different in form. No one in the world has previously succeeded in!
Preclinical studies of anti-stress properties of the Siberian fir extract (cell juice) were
carried out in the Research Institute of Hygiene (Novosibirsk).
A model of immobilization stress was experimentally created in the test animals. It was
found that the fir extract exerts a protective effect on the internal organs (thymus, spleen,
adrenal glands, the mucous membrane of the stomach) of mice, which suffer in the stress
reaction. This reduces the stress depth by 6-7 points. The extract normalizes the reduced
content of blood leukocytes, which is characteristic of deep stress.
Clinical study
6 persons suffering from depression took part in the study. They took polyprenolic
preparation for several months. A rapid decrease in depression symptoms was already
observed in the first two weeks of the treatment, and the improvement only increased with
the continuation of the treatment. After the treatment was completed, the patients were
controlled for 2 to 4 months more: the remission persisted in 5 of 6 patients during that
period, no return of the depression was observed.
Affective disorders are a multifactorial pathology with the proven neurobiological basis:
membrane equilibrium in cells is broken in cases of depression, and a hypothesis is
advanced of the interrelation of these disorders with a membrane structure defect. Great
attention is paid to metabolites of isoprenoid exchange in the body in cases of different
mental diseases in clinical practice. The polyprenolic preparation contains exogenous
polyprenols that are natural bioregulators of many metabolically important processes.
The study was conducted in the department of affective states of Research Institute of
Mental Health of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2010.
A group for the clinical tests with polyprenols* was composed of 6 ambulatory patients drawn
at random (2 men, 4 women). The average age by the beginning of the treatment was 51.0 ±
10.39 years (men − 57.0 ± 4.24 years, women − 48.01 ± 1.25 years). The nosologic
characteristic was represented as follows: a one-time depressive episode − 1 person,
recurrent depressive disorder, a current depressive episode of mild/moderate degree − 5
The average duration of the current depressive episode was 4.17 ± 2.32 months. All
patients were assigned the polyprenolic preparation within the first two weeks of
administration in the dose of 3 drops 3 times a day. The dose was increased to 4 drops 3
times a day on the 14th day. In the case of dynamics, the dose was increased to 4 drops
three times a day on the 14th day of therapy and to 6 drops a day on the 28th day, which
remained unchanged till the end of the study. The criterion of effectiveness of the therapy
with polyprenols* was the reduction of the initial score of the Montgomery-Asberg depression
rating scale (MADRS) by more than 50% of the original, as well as the score of the scale of
clinical global impression (CGI) on the item of CG 1-severity and on the item of
CGI-improvement. Adverse effects (AE) of the preparation were assessed with the side
effect rating scale (UKU).
According to the total score of MADRS, the curve of the therapeutic response to the
increasing dose of polyprenols* differs from the similar indicators of the selective
serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) therapy. The average depth of depression before
treatment was 18.33 ± 3.20 points in the group of patients treated with polyprenols*. A
statistically significant reduction in the level of depression was found. At the end of the
treatment, the number of points was 2.67±2.50 (р < 0.001). Depressive symptoms quickly
reduced within the first two weeks of the therapy, the number of points dropped by the end of
the second week to 9.50±2.74 and to 4.67±2.34 points by the end of the fourth week of the
therapy in the study group (р < 0.01). The scale of the clinical global impression from the
start of the therapy and by the time of completion of the study in the group had 3.5±0.55 and
1.5±0.84 points, respectively. A "significant" improvement on the 14th day of the therapy was
revealed in 100.0% of cases. It was required to increase the dose of the polyprenolic
preparation for one patient with moderately severe depression on the 3rd day of the therapy
due to increased insomnia. AE (heartburn and nausea) were observed in 2 patients within
one week, with the dose of the preparation of 6 drops, in one patient this AE ceased
independently, and in the other patient – with the reduction of the dose to 4 drops. The
catamnesis after completion of the study ranged from 2 to 4 months: clinical remission
persisted in 5 of 6 patients, which makes us assess the potential of the anti-relapse action of
the polyprenolic preparation in a new way.
Studies of tonic properties of Siberian fir cell juice (extract) were studied in patients of the
gynecology department of the "Longa Vita" Medical Center (Tomsk). In the recovery period
after surgery (hysterectomy), women taking the fir extract had an increase of vitality, mood,
physical activity, a reduction of vegetative-vascular manifestations (sweating, facial flushing,
a feeling of hot flashes), of irritability and fatigability, an improvement of bowel activity.
That is, the rehabilitation within the post-surgery period in women taking the fir extract was
significantly faster and easier than that in women of the control group. Problems with the
post-surgery recovery of the bowel function were also observed in women not taking the
A preclinical (experimental) study of effects of Siberian fir extract (cell juice) on physical
performance was carried out in the Research Institute of Cardiology (Tomsk) and in the
Research Institute of Hygiene (Novosibirsk). It was studied with the use of the test of forced
swimming of mice with a load on the tail. The extract provided a pronounced stimulating
effect, increasing the performance of the animals and preventing the development of fatigue.
This was expressed in the increase of the swimming time by 56-90% in comparison with
control animals that received water instead of the study preparation.
The testing was conducted by the method of forced two-time swimming of mice with a
weighting load within 5 days, with the "crash" of adaptation on the 6th day. The introduction
of the fir extract increased the time of swimming of experimental animals, starting from the
first test and till the end of the experiment by 56-90%. On the 6th day, despite the abrupt
change of swimming conditions, the animals receiving the extract swam longer than the
control animals by 93%.
Clinical studies of the influence of Siberian fir cell juice on the performance were carried
out at the Department of Biochemistry, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk. Children
and teenagers living in the radiation trace zone in Tomsk Oblast took part in the study. A
significant decrease in fatigability, increase of physical performance, improvement of
attention and memory were recorded against the background of the administration of cell
In order to prevent the development of diseases associated with the impact of unfriendly
environment factors, the fir extract was offered to schoolchildren living on the radiation
contaminated territory in Tomsk Oblast. The examination of children and teenagers living in
the radiation trace zone showed a significant reduction of the content of pyruvate and the
accumulation of lactate, which evidences the suppression of muscle activity in children and
their increased fatigability as a result of disorders of oxidative processes. A reduction of
physical performance was observed in 52% of schoolchildren. The analysis of clinical signs
showed that the children had complaints about headache, poor attention, rapid fatigability,
pains in the liver before prevention.
There were positive dynamics of clinical and paraclinical indicators after taking the fir
extract: a decrease of the lactate content and an increase of the pyruvate content,
normalization of the fatigue index were observed. Schoolchildren had fewer complaints
about rapid fatigability and headache, their sleep normalized, the general condition of the
children improved, and liver size normalized.
The impact of fir cell juice on the children who started to attend kindergarten for the first
time in their life was studied in Tomsk Children Polyclinic No. 1. The adaptation period was
quite easy for the children taking cell juice, there were nearly no sleep and appetite
disorders, they easily contacted the others. The adaptation of children not receiving cell juice
was severe.
A study of adaptogenic properties of cell juice (extract) of Siberian fir was conducted in
Tomsk Children Polyclinic No.1 on the basis of kindergartens. Children passing the
adaptation period in kindergarten participated in the study. The extract exerted a positive
impact on the nervous system of children, and the result was that the adaptation period was
much easier.
Positive changes of the emotional state and contact with the others were observed at the
behavioral level in children. Disorders of sleep onset, sleep and appetite related to the
transition from the home regime to the kindergarten regime were smoothed and almost
never met. Adaptation to the new conditions in the mild and medium degree were mainly
observed in children against the background of the administration of the extract, whereas
adaptation in the severe form prevailed before the administration of the extract.
Preclinical study.
It is known that, in hepatosis, not only the liver is affected by toxins, but also all the internal
organs and the central nervous system. Subacute hepatosis was modelled in rats in
laboratory conditions, followed by treatment with polyprenols in different doses. Blood and
liver indicators improved in the animals, a psycho-activating effect on the brain was
observed, as well as other positive effects. As a result, it was concluded that polyprenols
have a pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide range of doses.
Traditionally, the poisoning with CC14 in rodents (rats and mice) is considered as a model
of toxic liver injury. At the same time, CC14, being a universal prooxidant poison, injures all
the internal organs and the central nervous system (UHC). In these terms, poisoning with
CC14 can be considered as a fairly universal model of injuries of internal organs
(dystrophies) and toxic encephalopathy. Many hepatoprotectors may have a neuroprotective
effect. These include metaprote (bemitil), vegetable adaptogens, potassium orotate,
methyluracil, ropren. The latter is a 95% concentrate of polyprenols, it is derived from pine
and spruce needles, it is recommended as a hepatoprotector of vegetable origin. The central
effects of the polyprenolic preparation are not studied enough.
Study Purpose
The purpose of the study was to assess the hepatoprotective and neuroprotective action of
polyprenols* on the model of subacute hepatitis induced by CC14 in rats.
The subacute hepatosis (liver dystrophy) in rats was modelled with a two-fold
intraperitoneal injection of CC14 (2 injections of 1 g/kg with an interval of 3 days). The
polyprenolic preparation (2.15-4.3-11.6 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally daily for 2
weeks. After a course of polyprenols, the animal behavior, blood biochemistry indices, liver
morphology and exchange of monoamines in the brain were estimated. The comparator was
heptral or ademetionine (300 mg/kg) prepared on the basis of lyophilisate for injections or
The introduction of a hepatotropic poison resulted in the death of 50% of rats. A significant
change in the behavior in the tests of "open field", an elevated plus maze, "resident –
intruder", and Porsolt were noted in the surviving animals. Signs of injuries of internal
organs: liver, pancreas, kidneys were recorded in the blood of rats slaughtered on the 16th
day of the experiment. The histological study of the liver in rats identified the experimental
hepatosis (liver dystrophy) , which was characterized by the development of the hyaline-drop
protein dystrophy, small-drop lipodystrophy and mild lymphocytic infiltration of portal tracts.
In the brain, CC14 did not cause significant deviations in the exchange of dopamine,
noradrenaline and serotonin in the nucleus accumbens, striatum and frontal cortex of the
brain. A variety of tests revealed that polyprenols* in the studied doses (2.15-4.3-11.6 mg/kg)
normalize behavior of rats interfered with the introduction of CC14, improve blood and liver
indicators in rats with subacute hepatosis and have a psycho-activating effect on the brain,
which is based on the change of activity of the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic
systems (activation of dopamine exchange in the nucleus accumbens and slowdown in the
striatum). In behavioral tests, the polyprenolic preparation showed the highest activity in the
small (2.15 mg/kg) and medium (4.3 mg/kg) doses, whereas hepatoprotective properties of
polyprenols* were more pronounced in the dose of 11.6 mg/kg. The latter were comparable
with the action of heptral (300 mg/kg). Heptral based lyophilisate had virtually no central
effects. Heptral based tablets aggravated the toxic effect of CC14, killing all the animals on
the 7-th day of the experiment.
Polyprenols have a pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide
range of doses. (Published in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian
Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010).
It is known that, in hepatosis, toxins affect not only the liver, but also all the internal organs
and the central nervous system. Subacute hepatosis was modelled in rats in laboratory
conditions, followed by treatment with polyprenols in different doses. Blood and liver
indicators improved in the animals, a psycho-activating effect on the brain was observed, as
well as other positive effects. As a result, it was concluded that polyprenols have a
pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide range of doses.
A story of a female patient who managed to restore her brain activity within 1 year of
treatment with a polyprenolic preparation. The story began with a "cold", after which
confusion, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia and headaches started to develop. Some time
later, the patient fell into a coma, disorders in the internal organs were observed. After
emerging from the coma, the patient lost the ability to communicate properly, could not
attend to herself, and suffered from mental disorders. She was admitted to a psychiatric
hospital with the following diagnosis: "Encephalopathy with the primary injury of the left
hemisphere". Treatment with polyprenols in conjunction with conventional therapy started
immediately upon admission to the hospital, and consciousness recovered within a few
weeks, and there was a significant reduction of lesions in the brain within a couple of
months. A year later there were no regressions, the patient felt well and was fully functional.
Polyprenols are a vegetable counterpart of the endogenous transport lipid (dolichol) that
provides the reactions of glycosylation during the synthesis of glycoproteins. It is proven that
polyprenols show an expressed hepatoprotective action and are a brain protector to a lesser
extent. Female patient A., date of birth 1961, was treated in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City
Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 from 27 May 2009 through 14 August 2009.
Not hereditarily tainted. Secondary education. She worked as a preschool teacher. She
had 3 children. She was kind, soft, and industrious by nature. She had no serious somatic
diseases previously. She was not alcoholized, she did not smoke. She had no mental
disorders till April 2009. In April 2009, she had a "cold-related disease" (runny nose, cough,
headache), but continued to work. However, since the end of April, she had increasing
confusion, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia and headaches. She was medically checked and
was first placed in the regional somatic hospital with a diagnosis of "progressive multifocal
encephalopathy", where she had symptomatic therapy. It is also noted that a pathogenetic
therapy for this pathology does not exist. She was further transferred to a district hospital,
where symptoms of impaired consciousness, sopor, coma, in the test results – leukopenia,
anemia appeared. On the CT scan of internal organs there were hydropericardium,
hydrothorax, hepatomegaly, ESR reached 53 mm/h. On the ECG dated 08 May 2009 there
were disorders of processes of repolarization of myocardium of diffuse nature. After the
improvement of somatic condition, there was a worsening of the mental condition: symptoms
of amentia, anxiety appeared, and therefore she was transferred to I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov
City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3. The mental state when admitted to Psychiatric Hospital No. 3
on 28 May 2009: the consciousness was impaired with the amentive type, anxious "field"
behavior. There was a sensory and motor aphasia. Self-service skills were impaired. In the
neurological status since 02 June 2009: there is no contact with the patient because of
speech disorders, she performs no instructions, insignificant organic symptoms are
observed: flatness of the right nasolabial fold, a positive Barre test on the right. Tendon and
periosteal reflexes are higher on the right, apraxia. Diagnosis: "Encephalopathy with the
primary injury to the left hemisphere".
Blood tests when admitted on 29 May 2009: leukopenia, anemia, ESR 35 mm/h. Blood
biochemistry test of 29 May 2009: the increase of AST, sugar in the blood serum and
cholesterol. MRI of 28 April 2009 (before treatment): inactive edge accumulations of the
contrast agent in the lesions in the temporal, frontal, parietal lobes. Pathological formations
are located in the white matter of both hemispheres of the brain, with no signs of perifocal
edema. Conclusion: progressive multifocal encephalopathy can be considered. After the
treatment, the mental state as of 05 July 2009: the consciousness is restored completely.
Sensory and motor aphasias disappeared, the asthenic syndrome and faintheartedness
were observed.
A neurological examination dated 26 July 2009: a regress of focal symptoms. A
psychological examination dated 26 June 2009: a disorder in the form of progressive
intellectual-mnestic failure with the intensely increasing disorders of speech, reading and
writing, counting, gnosis and praxis. A psychological examination dated 05 September 2009:
concrete thinking, sufficient practical orientation, IQ was 92 by the Wechsler scale, asthenic
syndrome, MRI dated 27 July 2009: noticeable positive dynamics in the form of a reduction
of the number and sizes of the zones of the pathological signal in the hemispheres of the
brain. Conclusion: "Pattern of disseminated encephalomyelitis". A year later, MRI dated 28
September 2010: MRI pattern dated 27 July 2009 without noticeable dynamics. Most likely, it
is "disseminated encephalomyelitis, latent period". Treatment: along with the common
symptomatic therapy (cerepro, mexidol, vinpocetine, gliatilin intravenously and orally,
akatinol-memantine, repolarizing solutions, egilok, chlorprothixene), the patient took a
polyprenolic preparation since the first days in the following doses: at first 8 drops 3 times a
day, subsequently 4 drops 3 times a day and 3 drops 3 times a day. She continued to take
this preparation during the whole year of the observation (till September 2010).
The patient recovers from psychosis with sufficient criticism, with the amnesia of the first
month of stay in the hospital. She is now fully functional, emotionally safe, and is going to get
herself a job.
Clinical studies of fir cell juice, conducted with the participation of children with the
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, confirmed its positive influence on the
neurological status. Against the background of treatment with fir cell juice, the increase of
attention, the reduction of impulsiveness and irritability, improvement of dynamics of
neuropsychological manifestations was observed in children.
Siberian State Medical University, Chair of Biochemistry (Tomsk) Children City Hospital No.
2 Children Polyclinic No. 2 (Tomsk) As a result of treatment with fir extract, improvement in
the neurological status were observed in children with ADHD. In addition to reduction of the
excessive motor activity and impulsiveness, increase of attention, there was reduction of
extrapyramidal disorders that manifested themselves as some rigidity in drawing and writing,
pyramidal disorders in the form of brisk tendon reflexes, symptoms of peripheral cervical
insufficiency and cerebellar signs in the form of mild ataxia.
Test results by using the questionnaire of J. Swanson revealed that, after a course of fir
extract, such deviations as inattention and inattention without hyperactivity disappeared in
9% and 5% of children.
Impulsiveness indicators and oppositional disorders revealed a more significant progress:
26% and 33%, respectively. Under the influence of the fir extract, the severity of
impulsiveness decreased by 34%, that of oppositional disorders - by 40%, inattention - 13%,
inattention without hyperactivity - 14%. There was a significant positive influence of the fir
extract on the processes of lipid peroxidation. Catalase activity increased by 40% after a
course of the extract. The concentration of MDA was lower by 32.5% compared to the
values measured before the therapy.
The use of the Siberian fir extract for internal application in the scheme of treatment of
children with ADHD is accompanied by the improvement of dynamics of neuropsychological
manifestations and the state of oxidative processes in children with ADHD, which is due to
its antioxidant effect.
Polyprenols and Alzheimer (preclinical studies)
Preclinical study.
The study was conducted in rats in the conditions of the experimentally created model of
dementia of the Alzheimer type. When a polyprenolic preparation was introduced, the
animals completely restored the disordered capacity for the non-spatial and spatial types of
learning. As a result, it was concluded that it was possible to clinically study the action of
polyprenolic preparations with the purpose of their further use in the therapy of cognitive
disorders, dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type.
Sultanov V.S.1
Fedotova Yu.O.2
Roshchin V.I.3
Nikitina T.V.

Solagran Limited, Melbourne,
2 I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint
Petersburg, Russia
3 S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint
Petersburg, Russia
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Currently, search and development of new approaches and preparations for the
pharmacotherapy of dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type,
are of interest. In that regard, it is very important to study the possibility of use of
pharmacological medications of plant origin. Here belong preparations made of conifer
needles — a polyprenolic preparation (PP) and Bioeffektiv® A that contain natural
biologically effective compounds that are actively involved in the mechanisms of many
important physiological processes of the body.
Study Purpose
The purpose was to study the effects of long term use of pharmacological medications of
plant origin – the preparations of PP and Bioeffektiv® A – on the cognitive status in male rats
on the model of dementia of the Alzheimer type.
The experiment was conducted on male rats of the Wistar line. Dementia was modelled in
male rats by means of surgery, opening the brain case, and intracerebral introduction of
amyloid beta into the fourth ventricle of the brain. The preparations were administered orally:
PP in the therapeutic dose of 144.0 mg/day for a person (the dose of 8.6 mg/kg),
Bioeffektiv® A in therapeutic dose of 960.0 mg/day (the dose of 82.0 mg/kg). The course of
treatment with the preparations was 28 days. To assess the processes of learning and
memory, a model of conditioned passive-avoidance response (CPAR) and Morris water test
were used, as well as the behavior in the "open field" test was evaluated.
The results of the experiments indicate that, when PP is introduced to males rats in the
conditions of an experimentally created model of dementia, the impaired capacity of the
animals for the non-spatial and spatial types of learning is fully restored. Unlike the
polyprenolic preparation, Bioeffektiv® A in rats in the experiment had no positive impact on
both types of learning.
Thus, a conclusion can be made that it is possible to clinically study the action of PP made
of spruce needles of Picea abies (L.) Karst with the purpose of its further use in the therapy
of cognitive disorders, dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type.
According to the data obtained, the preparation of Bioeffektiv® A cannot be recommended
for further clinical study in this area. Since Bioeffektiv® A only has a stimulating effect on the
overall motor activity of rats, restoring the impaired motor functions, it can be recommended
in the case of motor dysfunctions and polyneuropathies of the peripheral genesis. (Published
in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of
Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010)
Polyprenols and Alzheimer (clinical studies)
Clinical study.
The study was conducted in St. Petersburg in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital
No. 3. The study included 25 persons in the age of 54 to 78 years with Alzheimer's disease,
who were given polyprenols during 3-4 months. 40% of patients had an expressed
improvement in cognitive functions by all the indicators. The disease passed from a severe
form to a milder one in 48%. Improvement in the neurological status was in 25% of patients,
and the parkinsonian syndrome on the average decreased by 5 points on the scale of
parkinsonism within 1 month, which is a good prognostic factor in the treatment of this
Sultanov V.S.1 
Roshchin V.I.2 
Agishev V.G.3 
Monakhova I.А.3 
Kulikov A.P.3 
Nikitina T.V.

Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint
Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital No.
3, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and
Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
In developed countries, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of senile dementia in
persons of the middle and old age. With the ageing of human civilization and increasing life
times, AD is becoming a serious problem. It is supposed that the level of acetylcholine is
regulated not only by the enzyme of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), the lack of which is
observed in AD, but also by the enzyme of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), whose presence
is revealed in senile plaques, fibrillary glomeruli and vascular walls (in the case of amyloid
angiopathy). A lack of adrenergic pulses in AD directly correlates with the development and
manifestation of depression, which leads to a three-time increase of activity of monoamine
oxidase (MAO). On this basis, preparations of double action – inhibitors of ACHE and
BuChE, as well as inhibitors of ACHE and MAO for the treatment of AD – are being sought
in the world. The search for new medications with the minimal side effect is an actual
problem for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, because the synthesized
substances are toxic and cannot be applied for a long time.
Study Purpose
To study the action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles for the
treatment of dementia of the Alzheimer type against the background of vascular injury of the
In developed countries, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of senile dementia in
persons of the middle and old age. With the ageing of human civilization and increasing life
times, AD is becoming a serious problem. It is supposed that the level of acetylcholine is
regulated not only by the enzyme of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), the lack of which is
observed in AD, but also by the enzyme of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), whose presence
is revealed in senile plaques, fibrillary glomeruli and vascular walls (in the case of amyloid
angiopathy). A lack of adrenergic pulses in AD directly correlates with the development and
manifestation of depression, which leads to a three-time increase of activity of monoamine
oxidase (MAO). On this basis, preparations of double action – inhibitors of ACHE and
BuChE, as well as inhibitors of ACHE and MAO for the treatment of AD – are being sought
in the world. The search for new medications with the minimal side effect is an actual
problem for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, because the synthesized
substances are toxic and cannot be applied for a long time. Study Purpose To study the
action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles for the treatment of
dementias of the Alzheimer type against the background of vascular injury of the brain.
Methods A clinical study was conducted in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3
in 25 patients aged 54 to 78 years. The average disease duration was 1.5 years. The course
of treatment with the preparation was 3-4 months, PP was given in the dose of 144 mg per
day. Somatic therapy was mainly carried out during the treatment. To assess the effect of the
preparation, the international scale of cognitive disorders MMSE, a unified scale of
assessment of parkinsonism, data of electroencephalography (EEG), biochemical indices of
blood and urine, activity of BuChE and MAO were used. Before treatment, 12% of patients
had mild dementia, 36% - moderate, 32% - moderately severe, 20% - severe, to whom the
preparation was given during 4 months.
Study Results
The results showed the effectiveness of action of PP on cognitive functions: significant
improvement in cognitive functions was observed in 40% of patients by all the indicators.
48% of patients had a less pronounced effect in terms of the psychosomatic status, but
positive dynamics in terms of the severity of dementia, which decreased, passing from a
more severe form to a milder one. In 12% of cases, improvement of cognitive functions was
not observed in patients taking PP. The status of the patients, from the data of EEG,
improved in 80% of the patients, which was expressed in the disappearance of delta waves
and paroxysms, the appearance of a-rhythm and the disappearance of a local accent in the
frontal-and-temporal region. The medication of PP has a normalizing effect on the activity of
BuChE and MAO the blood serum. Improvement in the neurological status was in 25% of the
patients, and the parkinsonian syndrome on the average decreased by 5 points on the scale
of parkinsonism within a month, which is a good prognostic factor in the treatment of this
Based on the obtained data, it was concluded that the preparation of PP is promising in the
treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the Alzheimer type. (Published in the
proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of
Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010)
Polyprenols and craniocerebral injury
Preclinical study.
Craniocerebral injury is one of the most common types of injuries, which significantly
reduces the ability to work and can lead to disability. The consequences are usually treated
with medications. The study examined the effectiveness of treatment of craniocerebral
injuries (CCI) with polyprenols in rats. As a result, the damaged brain tissues were restored,
biochemical blood indices and work of the cardio-vascular system normalized, and behavior
improved in rats. The conclusion is that polyprenols have pronounced neuroprotective
activity and restore functional activity of the brain after a craniocerebral injury.
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
Institute of Toxicology of the Federal
Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, 
Federal State Institution of Science, Saint Petersburg,
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia

I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia 

Craniocerebral injury (CCI) is one of the most common types of traumatic pathology, it is
annually registered in 2-4 persons per 1,000 inhabitants of the country, but consequences of
CCI are the most important in social and economic terms, as they can have chronic
character, worsening the quality of life of the patient, reducing his or her capacity to work and
often leading to disability. Medication therapy aimed at preventing cerebral hypoxia,
improvement of metabolism, restoration of the active mental activity, normalization of
emotional and vegetative manifestations occupies one of the leading places in the treatment.
Development of complex medication treatment, which works to reduce ischemic damage to
the brain tissue is a topical task of modern medicine. To this end, medications improving
blood microcirculation, stimulating processes of bioenergy and reducing the degree of
free-radical damage are widely used in clinical practice.
Study Purpose
Overall estimate of neuroprotective activity of polyprenols for the therapy of consequences
of an experimental CCI.
Comparative efficacy of medications was evaluated by several groups of indicators:
behavioral responses, ECG, blood pressure, biochemical study of blood of animals,
histological study of brain tissues. The data were processed statistically using the software
of Systaw 5 for personal computers. The experiments were performed in 60 white nonlinear
male rats. The parietal region of the cranium of rats was injured with a load that was about
10% of the weight of an animal. After being injured, the rats had a transient loss of
consciousness, short-term convulsions and movement anomalies. The medications were
introduced a day after a CCI: polyprenols* in the dose of 13.4 mg/kg, the comparator
medication (gliatilin) - 93 mg/kg. Indicators were assessed before and 7 days after CCI. After
CCI (without treatment), indicators of behavior remained pathologically altered in rats
throughout the experiment.
Against the background of therapy with the polyprenolic preparation and the gliatilin
preparation, the normalization of the behavior pattern of rats in the test of "open field" was
observed: the latent period restored, horizontal and vertical activity became 2 times higher,
the number of glances was 2-2,5 times higher, and the number of boluses increased , which
evidenced the normalization of the emotional background and the structure of behavior of
the animals. CCI was also characterized by pronounced changes of biochemical blood
indicators: the indicators of ESR and sialic acids were 5 times higher, fibrinogen - 7 times,
leukocytes and albumin macroaggregates - 4 times, while the content of catalase became 2
times lower, reduced glutathione - 2.5 times, NOS - 8 times compared to the intact group.
Introduction of polyprenols* helped normalize all the indicators of antioxidant protection and
lipid peroxidation: the level of reduced glutathione became 2 times higher, NOS – 8-10 times
up to normal values, the level of catalase restored, the content of albumin macroaggregates
in the blood serum became 1.5 times lower, on the average, in comparison with the negative
control. Gliatilin had a less pronounced effect. Hematological indices normalized under the
influence of both medications: ESR indices – to the norm, the content of leukocytes in the
blood became 2-2.5 times lower, on the average, the indicator of blood coagulation
(fibrinogen) became 3 times lower, the level of nerve conduction velocity reached the norm.
The study found as follows: the polyprenolic preparation showed a high efficiency on the
model of CCI that was manifested in the restoration of the behavior structure, normalization
of cardio-vascular activity, the biochemical status of the animals and the histological pattern
of brain tissue. The activity of polyprenols* exceeds that of Gliatilin. Basing on the data, it
can be concluded that the polyprenolic preparation is the most promising medication for the
treatment of CCI and its consequences, as evidenced by histological analysis of brain tissue
and its various divisions. The preparation helps restore the pathologically altered brain tissue
and keep the structure of neurons, as well as restores the structure of animal behavior in the
"open field" test and fully normalizes biochemical blood indices after an inflicted
craniocerebral injury. It was established that polyprenols have a pronounced neuroprotective
activity and restore the functional activity of the brain after a craniocerebral injury. (Published
in the proceedings of the International Conference "Development of Scientific Research and
Surveillance of Infectious Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis Pasteur
Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal Budgetary
Institution of Science of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer
Rights Protection and Human Well-Being), 2010).
Polyprenols and neurotransmitter systems in the brain (preclinical studies)
Preclinical study.
The study was conducted in laboratory conditions. It is known that when hepatic
encephalopathy occurs, not only liver cells but also brain cells are damaged. The study
examined the activity of different parts of the brain in rats with experimental hepatic
encephalopathy after the introduction of the polyprenolic preparation.
It turned out that polyprenols have marked protective properties, eliminating the
devastating effects of toxins on the brain. The main conclusion of the study is the potential of
use of polyprenols for the treatment and prevention of acute hepatic encephalopathy as well
as other diseases associated with damage to the mitochondria and mitochondrial
dysfunctions in the body.
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in
Saint Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary
Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

In the experimental model of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) caused by toxic action of
carbon tetrachloride (CCL1), destruction of membranes not only of liver cells but also a
disorder of neurotransmission in the brain takes place. The toxicant leads to the generation
of membrane-aggressive metabolites with the subsequent activation of processes of lipid
peroxidation of membranes of hepatocytes and mitochondria in the brain. The search for
preparations of directed action, especially those of vegetable origin, makes it possible to
protect the brain and liver and prevent the development of pathologies.
Study Purpose
Analysis of the action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles and the
nootropic action preparation of gliatilin in preventing the development of experimental
hepatic encephalopathy in rats at early stages of development of a pathology on the basis of
dynamics of activity of enzymes of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), butyrylcholinesterase
(BuChE), monoamine oxidase (MAO) in different structures of the brain.
The activity of ACHE was measured by the Ellman method in the homogenates of
hypothalamus, striatum and medulla oblongata, the activity of BuChE was measured in the
blood serum. The activity of MAO was determined by the spectrophotometric method of
Lowry with the substrate of serotonin-creatinine sulfate in the homogenates of the brain. The
work was performed in 84 male rats of the Wistar line. Acute toxic hepatitis and HE was
induced in the animals by introducing CCI4 in the dose of 0.2 ml 100 g subcutaneously for 4
days. Starting with the 2nd day of the experiment, the studied medications were
administered orally in the dose of 60 mg kg of weight within 7 days.
The introduction of CCI4 to rats was accompanied by the multidirectional variation of
activity of ACHE in all the studied divisions of the brain. The detected changes depended on
the division of the brain and on the duration of exposure to CCU. The consequences of toxic
effects of CCI4 were eliminated to different extents under the influence of the studied
medications. In the hypothalamus and striatum, PP showed protective action at an early
stage, and in the hypothalamus it turned out to be a pronounced inhibitor of activity of ACHE
after 7 days of administration. The introduction of CCL1 reduced the activity of BuChE in the
blood serum in rats, which was associated with the development of toxic hepatitis and HE.
The studied medications equally reduced the negative impact of CCL1, manifesting a
hepatoprotective effect. A disorder of monoaminergic transmission that was associated with
the reduction of MAO activity in all the studied divisions of the brain was also observed
under the influence of CCU. It was found that the studied medications have no effect on the
rate of reaction of deamination of serotonin in all the studied divisions of the brain on the 3rd,
5th and 7th days of use of the medications, whereas previously we have shown the
effectiveness of these medications by the 21st day of application.
Thus, PP at the early stages of HE showed a stronger protective effect on the cholinergic
system of transmission of nervous impulse in the striatum and medulla oblongata compared
to gliatilin, which indicates that the use of this medication is promising for the treatment and
prevention of this pathology and, apparently, other diseases associated with the damage to
the mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunctions in the body. (Published in the proceedings
of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE),
Moscow, 2010)
Polyprenols in the therapy of neurological and mental disorders
Preclinical study.
Polyprenols are natural predecessors of dolichols that are the most important bioregulators
present in almost all tissues and biological environments of the organism. A lot of dolichols
are contained in some divisions of the brain. The ability of polyprenols to serve as dolichols,
making up for their deficit, is indispensable in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
This is proved by a whole number of clinical studies that were carried out for several years in
different clinics of Russia.
Vladimir Borisovich Trusov, clinical psychotherapist, a member of the Professional
Psychotherapy League of Russia, Director of the Medical Department of "Solagran San" LLC
Tomsk Medical Conference "Healthy Generation of the 21st Century. Innovations in
Practice", Moscow, 2013. Dolichols are present in almost all tissues and biological
environments of the organism in the form of phosphorylated and etherified compounds.
The high content of dolichols is also present in some divisions of the brain: in the
substantia nigra of the brain, hypophysis, hypothalamus.
Now there is new evidence that one of the lipids of the myelin sheath of the nerves is
dolichol. It was found in the substantia nigra of the brain in the neuromelanin, with its content
being fairly high — up to 15%. Usually proteins dominate in the membranes, but, in the case
of the myelin sheath of the nerves, lipids can be three fourths of the mass. The excretion of
dolichol can be five or more times higher in alcoholism, degenerative diseases of the brain
and other pathological states. It is known from official data that the study of pathological
changes in 10 areas of the brain in patients with neurodegenerative diseases showed that
the content of dolichols decreases by 20-50%. In addition, in acute states the content of
dolichols can decrease by 50%. The studies conducted in the 2000s found that the influence
of polyprenols in the making up for dolichols is through the psycho-activation and through
the important transmission system – the dopamine system. In addition, the energy action of
dolichols was proved. Experimental studies in animals in order to study the impact of
polyprenols on various divisions of the brain were carried out in Moscow in the early 2000s.
The results of the study identified a protective restorative effect of polyprenols on the brain in
the toxic injury of the organism with carbon tetrachloride. And it was associated with both the
membrane structure restoration and the influence on the activity of key enzymes
(acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, monoamine oxidase, etc.) due to changes in
the viscosity of the lipid bilayer of membranes.
Tests of a polyprenolic preparation in 90 patients with chronic alcoholism in the age of 17
to 74 with the duration of the disease of 3 to 20 years were carried out in I.I.
Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 in St. Petersburg in 2006. The control group
was 30 persons; the treatment was carried out in compliance with the international standards
for the treatment of alcohol abstinence syndrome: disintoxication, group B vitamins,
nootropics, cerebral protectants, antidepressants. In the experimental group there were 60
persons who received a polyprenolic medication. The results of the study showed the clinical
efficacy of polyprenols in patients with chronic alcoholism. The result of the treatment with a
medication of polyprenols was clear, fast and statistically significant changes in patients with
psychosomatic, neurological and functional disorders. As a result of the treatment, the arrest
of the alcohol abstinence syndrome in the experimental group took place on the fifth-seventh
day, whereas in the control group it took place on the 14th-21st day. Such symptoms as
headache, vertigo, palpitation, a sense of lack of air, nausea, a feeling of fever or chills,
excessive sweating, distal tremor were quickly arrested. The affective state of the patients
significantly improved: tearfulness, irritability, a liability to affective bursts decreased,
improved sleep was observed. Full reduction without the use of antidepressants was
observed in six patients with anxiety-depression symptoms. The mood background improved
in patients receiving the medication of polyprenols: improvement was observed in 64.3% of
the patients. In the treatment with polyprenols, a complete reduction of all depressive
symptoms, and expressed mood improvement were observed in 80% of patients.
Almost all the patients participating in the study were diagnosed with toxic
encephalomyeloneuropathy (95%, 57 persons of 60 patients). Quick and clear regression of
symptoms of polyneuropathy of limbs within 15 days was observed. Even after the treatment
with polyprenols was completed, the severity of polyneuropathy continued to decline
• 76.6% of the patients experienced improvement of the state from very severe to medium; 
a complete reduction of the polyneuropathy symptoms was observed in 10% of patients. 

The study identified pronounced differences in the dynamics of normalization of the
bioelectric activity. Thus, positive dynamics on EEG was observed in 66% of persons of the
main group and only in 23.5% of the control group. Improvement of the encephalogram was
the strengthening of alpha rhythm and the disappearance or reduction of symptoms of
vascular instability.
Studies of patients with Alzheimer's disease were also conducted in Skvortsov-Stepanov
Psychiatric Clinic (St. Petersburg). The results of the study showed the ability of polyprenols
to restore the lost cognitive function anew. In 2010, a pilot clinical study of the efficacy and
safety of the polyprenolic medication in the treatment of a current mild or moderate episode
of depression was held in the Research Institute of Mental Health of Tomsk Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Tomsk). Six patients (two men and four
women) were a group for clinical trials.
As a result of the trial, the following facts were revealed:
• maximum effect (50% improvement) develops within two weeks of daily administration;

• catamnesis after completion of the therapy course ranged from 1 to 3 months, a clinical
remission persisted in 5 out of 6 patients;

• 100% responding with the clinically insignificant side effects; 

• a better tolerability profile than that of tricyclic antidepressants; 

• a tolerability profile has a number of advantages compared with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors; 

• safe in overdosing;

• lack of drug interactions. 

A study on the effects of polyprenols in treating liver cirrhosis in combination with
polyneuropathy and encephalopathy was conducted at the Chair of Gastroenterology of
"Training-and-Science Medical Center" Federal State Institution of the Administration of
Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation in 2011.
The study found that the treatment with polyprenols is accompanied with a decrease in
severity of symptoms of encephalopathy and polyneuropathy with reliable improvement of
the neurological status of the patients. A reliable improvement in the quality of life in the form
of growth of life activity was also observed.
Strengthening immunity
General strengthening and immunomodulating properties of fir cell juice
The effect of fir cell juice on immunity was studied in Tomsk on the basis of kindergartens,
as well as in one of the dental clinics of the city. Against the background of regular
administration of cell juice, a reduction of the frequency and duration of acute respiratory
viral diseases in children down to 52% compared to the year before the study was observed.
Adult patients noted a significant improvement in overall health, an increase of physical and
mental performance, a decrease of fatigability.
Polyprenols and influenza infections (preclinical)
Preclinical study.
The study was conducted in laboratory conditions with the use of mice. The polyprenolic
preparation showed pronounced protective properties – the animals receiving polyprenols
came through the infection much easier. The results suggest that polyprenols are involved in
the generation of interferon, in the suppression of synthesis of viral proteins and restoration
of membrane functions of cells. Taking into consideration the efficacy and low toxicity of
polyprenolic preparations, they can be recommended in the clinic for the prevention of
influenza, in the complex treatment, as well as in the therapy of immunity deficiency states of
the body.
Sukhinin V.P., 
Sultanov V.S., 
Zarubaev V.V., 
Roshchin V.I., 
Nikitina T.V., 
Vedernikov D.N.3

 Research Institute of Influenza of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint
Petersburg, Russia 
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry
Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
I.M. Sechenov Institute of
Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint
Petersburg, Russia

Suppression of synthesis of viral proteins is the main mechanism of antiviral action of
interferon (IFN). It is known that modification of viral proteins using prenylation is an
important regulatory and pathogenetic mechanism ensuring the interaction between virion
with the surface of the cell and the release of daughter viral particles. Thus, prenylation
inhibitors are a promising means of control of viral infections.
Study Purpose
Study of protective activity of the plant polyprenolic preparation (PP) and its modified
analog (MAP) on the model of lethal influenza infection in white mice.
The animals were infected with the adapted virus of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2). PP and
MAP were introduced in compliance with the prevention scheme, one time, 2 days before
being infected with the virus of influenza A. Three doses of the virus were used in infecting
— 1, 0.2 and 0.1 Sh50 (Ш50). The mortality rate of animals was registered within 14 days
after being infected, the protection index of the preparations was calculated on the basis of
the received data. The induction of IFN in the blood serum was studied by using the
biological method. Pathological changes in the organs of the animals were studied using
histological analysis.
PP and MAP in cases of one-time introduction 2 days before the intranasal infection of the
mice with the virus of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) demonstrated pronounced protective
properties. Their protective effect was manifested in the reliable decrease of the mortality
rate (by 8-47% depending on the dose of the virus and preparation), as well as the increase
of the life period of the animals compared to the group receiving placebo. In addition, there
was a sharp reduction in the number of influenza pneumonia foci in the lungs of the animals,
identified using the histological analysis. It was shown that the mechanism of the protective
action of polyprenols is associated with the stimulation of generation of macrophages (under
the influence of PP - 3.5 times, under the influence of MAP - 2.4 times) and the suppression
of the neutrophilic reaction at the early stages of infection. These phenomena, in their turn,
were due to the induction of IFN in the blood serum of animals. It is shown that the nature of
induction of IFN by polyprenols differs fundamentally from the induction using cycloferon. In
cases of oral introduction, the studied preparations showed the synthesis of IFN that was
higher both in terms of the level and duration. The interferon inducing effect of preparations
in cases of oral introduction was higher than the effect of cycloferon, and in cases of
intraperitoneal introduction was lower within the 1st day of action. Thus, cycloferon induced
the generation of IFN within up to 3 days in cases of oral and intraperitoneal introduction,
with the maximum effect being achieved within the 1st day, after which its effect declined
sharply. At the same time, PP induced the generation of IFN within 5 days: the maximum
effect in cases of oral introduction was observed on the 1st day, after which the level of IFN
declined slightly (by 20%) and remained high throughout 5 days. In cases of intraperitoneal
introduction of PP, the maximum values of IFN were achieved on the 3rd day, and the effect
of the preparation persisted on the 5th day.
The results of the studies suggest that polyprenols in the body in cases of viral infection
take part in the suppression of synthesis of viral proteins and restoration of membrane
functions of a cell due to the glycosylation of the protein bonds. Thus, taking into account the
effectiveness of the polyprenolic preparation and its modified analog, as well as their low
toxicity, it is possible to recommend them in the clinic for the prevention of influenza, in its
complex treatment, as well as in the therapy of immunodeficiency states of the organism.
(Published in the proceedings of the International Conference ``Development of Scientific
Research and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis
Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal
Budgetary Institution of Science of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of
Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being), 2010)
The text of the study is provided by courtesy of Solagran.
Protection of the liver
Hepatoprotective properties of polyprenols
Clinical study
Hepatoprotective properties of polyprenols were studied in several clinical centers. The
study involved 120 patients with various hepatic injuries, which took polyprenols within 3
months. Improvements of blood indicators, increase of activity of the antioxidant system,
normalization of liver functions were observed in the patients. The conclusion is that
polyprenols are recommended as an active hepatoprotector in chronic injury of the
hepatobiliary system of different etiology.
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint
Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
SPb MALO, Saint Petersburg, Russia 

Study Purpose
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of polyprenols* in comparison with the preparation of
Essentiale Forte in patients with various forms of pathology of the hepatobiliary system,
including hepatic injuries of alcoholic etiology.
Materials and Methods
A double blind placebo-controlled clinical study of the polyprenolic preparation was
conducted in 120 patients in 4 clinical centers: Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, S.P. Botkin Hospital, Saint Great Martyr
George Hospital, the AIDS Center. The criteria of efficiency of the preparation were the
degree of manifestation of the main clinical symptoms, disease dynamics, restoration of the
liver function on the basis of the data of biochemical and clinical blood tests. The
biochemical blood test included: indicators of protein metabolism, ALT, AST, ALP,
gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), dynamics of changes in total cholesterol and blood lipid
spectrum, a study of the function of the urinary system, blood sugar, prothrombin time,
indices of antioxidant activity. All the indicators were assessed before treatment, during
treatment and after a three-month course of treatment.
The new plant polyprenolic preparation is a concentrate of polyprenols extracted from the
needles of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies). The pharmacological action of
prenols is based on the substitutive effect in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of
the dolichol phosphate cycle that occurs in cases of chronic inflammatory-degenerative liver
diseases, oncological diseases, dysmetabolic syndrome.
A randomized double blind study confirmed the hepatoprotective action of polyprenols and
the safety of their use in cases of chronic liver diseases and metabolic syndrome. The
preparation shows a wide range of biological properties: the fastest recovery to normal
activity of blood plasma enzymes that characterize the function of hepatocytes. A
pronounced positive dynamics of the microsomal enzyme of GGT in patients abusing alcohol
is observed. As a result of the therapy, there is normalization of the blood lipid spectrum
(increase of anti atherogenic lipoproteins, decrease of atherogenicity factor) and
carbohydrate metabolism, the level of activity of the antioxidant system significantly
increases – by 175% by the 8th week of the therapy. The effect of the treatment with
polyprenols* occurs on average 2 weeks earlier than that of the famous preparation of
Essentiale Forte. The polyprenolic preparation has recommended itself as an effective and
safe medication (there were no side effects during treatment).
Polyprenols are recommended as an active hepatoprotector in cases of chronic injury of
the hepatobiliary system of different etiology. (Published in the journal of "Gastroenterology
in Saint Petersburg", No. 1-2, 2007, P. Ml 06)
Polyprenols and steatohepatitis
Clinical study
The study was conducted with the participation of 20 patients with non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis. They took polyprenols within 12 weeks. There was a significant improvement
in the blood indicators that evidenced the reduction of disease activity, normalization of the
lipid spectrum, increase of the liver elasticity and reduction of the risk of cirrhosis.
Golovanova E.V., 
Vinnitskaya E.V., 
Shaposhnikova N.A., 
Petrakov A.V., 
Mel'kina E.S.

Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Moscow, Russia
Polyprenolic preparation − a biopolymer made of polyprenols extracted from the needles of
pine and spruce (a plant equivalent of the endogenous transport lipid of dolichol). Located
inside the phospholipid bilayer of membranes, dolichols modify their fluidity and permeability,
take part in the regeneration, differentiation and proliferation of cells.
Study Purpose
To study the effectiveness of polyprenols in the therapy of patients with non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH).
Materials and Methods
Twenty patients with NASH and lipid metabolism disorder received polyprenolic
preparation in the dose of 3 drops 3 times a day within 12 weeks orally as monotherapy.
Changes in levels of serum enzymes (alanine (ALT) and aspartate (AST) transaminases,
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) and lipids (total
cholesterol (CS), triglycerides (TG), lipoproteins of low (LDL) and high (HDL) density) were
assessed. Fibrosis index (FI) of the liver was measured with the method of indirect ultrasonic
elastometry before and after treatment.
After 12 weeks of monotherapy with the polyprenolic preparation there was reduction of
activity of ALT from 95.2 ± 9.3 u/l to 38.2 ± 5.3 u/l (р > 0.05), AST from 91.5 ± 11.6 u/l to 35.1
± 7.2 u/l (р > 0.05), ALP from 338.2 ± 54.3 u/l to 189.9 ± 23.1 u/l (р > 0.05), GGTP from
165.3 ± 18.6 u/l to 88.4 ± 12.5 u/l (р > 0.05). There was a reliable (р < 0.05) reduction of
levels of CS (from 8.3 ± 1.4 mmol/l to 6.1 ± 0.8 mmol/l) and TG (from 3.1 ± 0.3 to 1.2 ± 0.4
mmol/l). The levels of LDL decreased from 4.3 ± 1.1 to 2.1 ± 1.0 mmol/l (р > 0.05), the levels
of HDL increased from 0.75 ± 0.2 to 1.1 ± 0.4 mmol/l (р > 0.05). FI reduced from 3.8 ± 1,1
units to 1.9 ± 0.7 units (р < 0.05). There were no side effects.
Polyprenols are effective in the treatment of patients with NASH. The preparation reduces
the clinical-and-biochemical activity of the disease, helps normalize the lipid spectrum. The
reduction of FI evidences an increase of liver elasticity and a decrease of the risk of
cirrhosis. (Published in the proceedings of the 10th Jubilee Congress of the
Gastroenterology Scientific Society of Russia, Moscow, 2010, P. 66)
Polyprenols in diseases of liver and central nervous system
Despite the fact that polyprenols can be widely used for the treatment of diseases
associated with viral, bacterial and fungal infections, inflammations and other immune
conditions, this article presents new pre-clinical and clinical effects of polyprenols in
diseases of the liver and central nervous system. The article was published in English in the
journal of "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology" 112016, author – V. S. Sultanov
(Prenolica LTD, Australia), Candidate of Chemical Sciences.
The pathway of synthesis of isoprenoids in mammals (also known as the mevalonate
pathway) is fundamental to the metabolism and health of the organism, and such
compounds as cholesterol (sterol isoprenoid), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) and dolichol
(non-sterol isoprenoid) are of great importance for the biology and physiology of mammals.
The impact on the pathway of exchange of isoprenoids leads to new therapeutic
opportunities that are applicable to a wide range of different pathological conditions. Plant
polyprenols are active molecules that affect the pathway of exchange of isoprenoids. Side
effects have never been recorded in the use of our polyprenols of pharmaceutical quality.
Statins and bisphosphonates also affect this pathway of exchange, but they have numerous
side effects. Despite the fact that polyprenols can be widely used for the treatment of
diseases associated with viral, bacterial and fungal infections, inflammations and other
immune conditions, this article presents new pre-clinical and clinical effects of polyprenols in
diseases of the liver and central nervous system. Recent preclinical trials have shown that
the treatment with polyprenols produced from conifer needles has a variety of neurological
and cognitive effects, including improvement of the cognitive function in rats with Alzheimer's
disease and restoration of a healthy level of myelination in mice on the model of multiple
sclerosis. Earlier clinical studies showed that the treatment with polyprenols improves levels
of antioxidants in persons with diabetes mellitus, as well as improves the liver function in
patients undergoing chemotherapy. Polyprenols also have a positive impact on the
electroencephalogram in persons with Alzheimer's disease and alcoholic liver cirrhosis and
significantly reduce symptoms of depression in patients.
The results provide a basis for more extensive clinical research and indicate that
polyprenols are a valuable clinical instrument" in the treatment of a variety of neurological
and hematological diseases.
Polyprenols in the treatment viral hepatitis
Clinical study
The study involved 120 persons suffering from viral hepatitides of different degrees of
severity, as well as alcohol-induced liver injury, cholelithiasis, fatty liver and other diseases of
the hepatobiliary system. Some patients received the polyprenolic preparation as a
hepatoprotector, the others were given Essentiale. Against the background of administration
of polyprenols, such clinical symptoms of liver pathology as weakness, headache, itching,
fever, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and others decreased, as well as blood parameters
normalized. The improvement occurred much faster than in the case of treatment with
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate
Studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Saint
Petersburg, Russia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint
Petersburg, Russia 

Chronic viral hepatitides and other diffuse liver diseases are a topical section of internal
pathology. This is due to their wide occurrence, severity and high lethality. Over the past 20
years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of liver diseases around
the world. Preparations with selective protective effect on the liver – hepatoprotectors – that
restore homeostasis in the organ, increase its resistance to the influence of pathogenic
factors, normalize functional activity and stimulate regeneration processes in the liver tissue
are widely used in the pathogenetic therapy of liver diseases. Due to the insufficient
efficiency and/or undesirable side effects, the existing hepatoprotectors do not fully satisfy
the needs of clinical practice, therefore the search for new plant hepatoprotectors is topical.
Study Purpose
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the new hepatoprotective medical preparation
made of polyprenols extracted from needles of spruce (Picea abies L. karst).
Dynamics of subjective complaints (intensity of the main clinical syndromes of a disease),
assessment of the general condition of a patient, the degree of restoration of the liver
function on the basis of laboratory studies data were criteria of efficiency of the compared
preparations. Laboratory tests included clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine tests. The
above studies were conducted prior to the use of the compared medications, in the
dynamics against their background, and after a course of treatment.
120 patients with various forms of pathology of the hepatobiliary system were included in
the comparative randomized double blind study. The study was conducted in 4 clinical
centers, with 30 patients in each center. About 70% of patients suffered from chronic viral
hepatitides C, B, B+C, A; in the remaining patients, the main diagnoses were chronic
cholecystopancreatitis, cholelithiasis, fatty liver, alcohol-induced liver injury. In each center,
patients orally received the polyprenolic preparation in the dose of 3 drops 2 times a day
within 3 months and the comparator of "Essentiale Forte" (produced by Rhone-Poulenc
Rorer, USA — France) in the dose of 1 capsule 3 times a day within 3 months. It was
revealed that polyprenols* in patients with chronic viral hepatitides and other pathologies of
the hepatobiliary system provide a wide range of pharmacological effects providing
hepatoprotective action. The pharmacological action of polyprenols* is based on the
substitutive effect in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of the dolichol phosphate
cycle that occurs in cases of chronic inflammatory degenerative liver diseases. The clinical
efficacy of the polyprenolic preparation was higher than that of the comparator (Essentiale
Forte). Polyprenols* weakened the subjective and objective clinical signs of liver pathologies,
such as weakness, headache, itching, fever, loss of appetite, stomach pain, dyspeptic
disorders. Normalization of the clinical symptoms of liver injury in patients against the
background of treatment with polyprenols* was observed earlier than that against the
background of administration of Essentiale Forte. Against the background of administration
of the polyprenolic preparation, an earlier positive dynamics of indicators of the cytolytic
enzymatic activity (reduction of ALT and AST), blood lipid spectrum (increase of anti
atherogenic lipoproteins, decrease of the atherogenicity coefficient) was observed compared
with Essentiale Forte. The application of polyprenols also revitalized the adaptogenic
mechanisms (increased the activity of the antioxidant system), which was not observed in
the case of Essentiale Forte. During the application of polyprenols there were no clinically
significant adverse events.
The polyprenolic preparation is an effective and safe medicinal preparation and is
recommended for clinical use as a hepatoprotector in patients with chronic viral hepatitides
and other pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. (Published in the proceedings of the
International Conference "Development of Scientific Research and Surveillance of Infectious
Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis Pasteur Research Institute of
Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal Budgetary Institution of Science
of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and
Human Well-Being), 2010)
Polyprenols in the treating inflammatory processes and liver fibrosis
Clinical study
40 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease participated in the study. All of them were
treated with ursodeoxycholic acid, with 19 of them additionally received polyprenols within 3
months. Comparison of results of both groups made it possible to conclude that polyprenols
have a high hepatoprotective effect in the treatment of patients with chronic liver injury. In
addition, they have a positive influence on the immune status, especially on the cellular
component of the immune system.
Polyprenols are a plant analogue of the endogenous transport lipid of dolichol that
provides reactions of glycosylation in the dolichol phosphate cycle during the synthesis of
glycoproteins. The pharmacological action of polyprenols is based on the substitutive effect
in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of the dolichol phosphate cycle in cases of
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?
What are polyprenols?

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What are polyprenols?

  • 1. What are polyprenols? Polyprenols - is the most important group of unique natural bioregulators of greenery of Siberian fir, which are analogues of human lipid transport dolichol - construction material for damaged cells. Polyprenols help to stabilize cell membranes and restore liver cells and other organs, activate energy metabolism and increase the regenerative potential. Thus, it is polyprenols that charge the human body with energy at the cellular level, help fight stress, inhibit aging processes, and activate regenerative processes. Polyprenols are a molecule that is part of the plant cell membrane and is responsible for its integrity, elasticity, and permeability to nutrients. When they enter the human body, polyprenols are metabolized in the liver to dolichols - molecules of animal and human cells similar in function. With age, the amount of dolichols in our body decreases, this
  • 2. process is an integral part of the aging of the body. The membranes of all cells in the body become less elastic, thin, and subsequently disappear altogether, leading to cell death. Polyprenols slow down this process, restoring all the necessary properties to the membrane. Due to the increase in permeability, the process of transporting nutrients into the cell is improved. Thus, improving the absorption of glucose by each cell leads to: • Acceleration of the process of recovery and energy storage. Glucose, Once in the cell, it is metabolized in the mitochondria into ATP, the rechargeable batteries of our body. • Increase in the amount of glycoprotein. A combination of protein and glucose, which is the building block for enzymes and hormones. For a long time, polyprenols remained insufficiently studied due to the high cost of production and inaccessibility for both patients and researchers. Throughout the twentieth century, laboratories in the United States and Japan were engaged in the synthesis of polyprenols, but their cost remained prohibitive. And only thanks to the latest developments of Tomsk scientists, who learned to isolate polyprenols from the green mass of fir needles, these technologies became available. Polyprenols: • Restore damaged cells • Establish processes of generation and storage of energy • Improves metabolism General information WHAT IS CELL JUICE OF A FIR TREE? Cellular sap of Siberian fir is one of the important components of SibXP®Complex. It is 100% natural intracellular juice of fir needles. It was obtained with the help of carbon dioxide extraction of fresh fir-tree greenery, which allowed the extraction of all the useful substances of this plant in an unchanged form without using high temperatures and organic solvents. Description Description It is a 100% natural cell juice of fir needles. It was obtained using carbon dioxide extraction of freshly cut fir tree needles due to which all useful substances of this plant are extracted and preserved unchanged without using high temperatures and organic solvents. Appearance - clear liquid Color - dark cherry Odor - fir needles
  • 3. Taste - fir needles Dry residue - 2% Composition: • Vitamin C • Carotene • Flavonoids • Phenolic acids • Maltol • Macro and microelements (iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and manganese) An iron-maltol complex is a very valuable component of the extract. Maltol is the strongest natural antioxidant, which, on the one hand, blocks free radicals preventing them from destroying cells and the integrity of body tissues, and, on the other hand, contributes to better absorption and assimilation of iron in the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to maltol, the extract is sterile to itself and bactericidal in relation to the products into which it is introduced, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the proportion of preservatives and stabilizers. Properties 1. Influence on working capacity • Pronounced toning and stimulating effect • Improvement of physical and mental performance • Increase in resistance to stress, prevention of fatigue, and acceleration of recovery processes in the body • Normalization of excess accumulation of lactic acid in the blood • Mobilization of the body's natural forces 2. Immunostimulating action • Reinforcement of the immune system • Strengthening of the body's resistance to various pathogens of infectious diseases • An anti-inflammatory effect in cases of respiratory tract diseases 3. Influence on the blood system • Increased levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells • Normalization of morphological changes in erythrocytes • Increase in serum iron and serum ferritin levels 4. Protection from stress • An increase in body resistance to stress and psycho emotional stress • Removes the consequences of stressful situations • Increases adaptive capabilities of the body 5. Antioxidant activity • Shows high antioxidant activity protecting the body from free radicals • Increases the body's natural antioxidant defense • Increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors
  • 4. 6. Antitoxic properties • Has an antitoxic effect on various harmful substances • Reduces alcohol toxicity Reduces alcohol toxicity The water fraction of the Siberian fir carbonate extract is a natural adaptogen that can restore the physiological functions of the human body, increase unspecific protection from various unfavorable factors. Adaptogenic properties of fir are particularly valuable, since the excessive demand and wide consumption of such long-known and popular adaptogens as ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea and others have led to the depletion of their natural resources and the appearance on the market of preparations obtained from cultivated plants, the biological activity of which is significantly inferior to the biological activity of wild species. Therefore, phyto correctors of the adaptation process based on wild plants are the most effective for today. Research conducted on the basis of the Hygiene Research Institute (Novosibirsk) showed a pronounced stimulating effect of the water fraction of the fir extract on the physical performance of experimental animals and the ability to facilitate adaptation to increased stresses on the body. Testing was carried out with the help of the technique of forced two-time swimming of mice with a weighting load for 5 days, with a "collision" of adaptation on the 6th day. An introduction of the fir extract increased the swimming time of the experimental animals by 56-90% from the first test to the end of the experiment. On the 6th day, despite the abrupt change in the conditions of swimming, the animals that received the extract swam 93% longer than the control ones. To understand the mechanism of action of the fir extract water fraction, its effect on the oxidative processes of the organism was studied. It is known that during intensive muscle work, lactic acid accumulates in the blood. Its level can serve as one of the indicators of body fatigue during physical exertion. One of the reasons for the increase in lactic acid (LA) is the disturbance of its oxidation into pyruvic acid (PA) during intensive muscle work. The growth of the LA / PA index is directly related to increased fatigue and decreased efficiency, which is a result of disturbance of oxidative processes. It was also established that during exercise, the level of free radical processes increases, the process of lipid peroxidation (LPO) is activated, which leads to a decrease in antioxidant defense of the body. LPO processes are the limiting factors in the development of fatigue. Studies conducted in this regard at the Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) clearly showed that the use of Siberian fir extract significantly improves muscle fatigue in children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. After a course of extract administration, a decrease in LA concentration is observed against the background of an increase in the PA concentration, thereby decreasing the LA / PA fatigue index. Also, a significant antioxidant effect of the fir extract was found, which helps to reduce the content of malonic dialdehyde in the blood serum, a toxic product of lipid peroxidation leading to cell death, and an increase in catalase activity, which is one of the main enzymes of antioxidant defense of the body. Normalization of oxidative processes under the influence of fir extract is accompanied by a reduction in all symptoms of the disease: fatigue is reduced, activity, efficiency, concentration, attention, memory are enhanced. With the participation of the Siberian State Medical University, the effectiveness of the fir extract application in children living in an environment with radiation and chemical contamination (Naumovka settlement, Tomsk region) was evaluated. The results of examination of children from a disadvantaged area testify to the oppression of their muscle activity and higher fatigue due to oxygen deprivation.
  • 5. After a course of fir extract administration, the number of students' complaints of rapid fatigability, headache, sleep disturbance decreased, the general condition of the children improved, physical activity was restored, biochemical processes of muscle fatigue of the body and free radical oxidation normalized . In the genesis of fatigue, the hypoxia factor is of great importance since the physical load is closely related to the increased oxygen consumption and, consequently, it further limits the working capacity of the organism. In the works carried out in the Hygiene Research Institute (Novosibirsk), it was shown that fir extract possesses anti-hypoxic effect: it increases the life expectancy of experimental animals exposed to hypoxia up to 36%. The extract significantly alleviates or completely normalizes disturbances in internal organs and blood system caused by the hypoxic trauma, which speaks for its anti-stress action. The stress-protective effect is confirmed by a number of experimental works of the Research Institute of Pharmacology and the Tomsk Cardiology Research Institute. The anti-stress effect of the water fraction is clearly shown in an experiment using several models of stress (immobilization, hypoxic, and inflammatory stress). It was found that the fir extract has a protective effect on the internal organs (thymus, spleen, adrenal glands, and gastric mucosa) suffering from stress reactions. The extract also restores motor activity and the number of white blood cells, a decrease in which is characteristic of severe or chronic stress. Special attention should be paid to the property of the Siberian fir water fraction extract to increase the reduced content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. The effectiveness of using the extract against the background of iron deficiency anemia of mild degree was confirmed at the Children's City Hospital. It was found that the monthly course of fir extract administration increases the hemoglobin content, the color index, the number of reticulocytes, and normalizes morphological changes in the cells. After the intake of the extract, children showed a significant increase in the serum iron and serum ferritin levels, which is indicative of the restoration of the transport and deposited iron fund. Siberian fir extract application provided regression of the clinical symptoms of the disease within a short time: it normalized sleep, improved appetite, decreased fatigue, lethargy, reduced frequency and severity of dyspeptic disorders. High efficiency of the product stems on the one hand from its direct influence on the peripheral link of erythron, and, on the other hand, from pronounced tonic and adaptogenic properties, due to which the fir extract provides a complex effect on the body. Regular intake of fir extract boosts the immunity, strengthens the body's resistance to various pathogens of infectious diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cases of respiratory diseases, reduces the negative effects of technogenic factors on the body that depress the immune system and precede the development of many diseases. Some health work was carried out in pre-school educational institutions in Tomsk, which showed high efficiency of the extract. Child welfare centers are the best model for such tests, because there is usually a large number of kids in a small room, and infection in one child quickly spreads to other children. Only three courses of taking the fir extract during the autumn-winter period provide a 52% reduction in the frequency and duration of acute respiratory diseases and a reduction in the number of complications in the respiratory system. Regular intake of fir extract boosts the immunity, strengthens the body's resistance to various pathogens of infectious diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cases of respiratory diseases, reduces the negative effects of technogenic factors on the body that depress the immune system and precede the development of many diseases. Some health
  • 6. work was carried out in pre-school educational institutions in Tomsk, which showed high efficiency of the extract. Child welfare centers are the best model for such tests, because there is usually a large number of kids in a small room, and infection in one child quickly spreads to other children. Only three courses of taking the fir extract during the autumn-winter period provide a 52% reduction in the frequency and duration of acute respiratory diseases and a reduction in the number of complications in the respiratory system. POLYPHENOLS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE LIFE OF PEOPLE ​ ​ Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators obtained from the greenery of Siberian fir. They were prepared due to knowledge of previous generations and to advanced studies. Polyprenols are the main secret of Siberian fir and one of the most important biologically active substances contained in fir needles. For man, polyprenols are the only source of important molecules - dolichols responsible for many physiological processes in the body. Description Description It is an oily liquid with no foreign substances. Color: from light orange to reddish orange. They have a specific taste and smell. Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators from the greenery of Siberian fir that were obtained due to knowledge of previous generations and advanced studies. Polyprenols of Siberian fir are analogs of the human transport lipid of dolichol, a building material for damaged cells. Polyprenols help stabilize cell membranes and restore cells of the liver and other organs, stimulate energy exchange and regenerative potential. In the human body, dolichols are concentrated in the pancreas, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and other tissues. They are located inside the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes and influence their physical, chemical, structural and functional properties. When ingested, polyprenols are absorbed in the intestine, and then metabolized into dolichol in the liver, which plays a leading role in the dolichol phosphate cycle, the main purpose of which is the glycosylation of membrane proteins, i.e. formation of glycoproteins. In their turn, glycoproteins are found in all cell membranes, secretions, connective tissues; they control intercellular interactions, maintain the immune status of cells, and ensure the stability of protein molecules in the membrane. In cases of various acute and chronic diseases, against the background of increased loads, stress and man-caused effects on the human body, membranes are damaged, which is accompanied by the loss of dolichols, as a result of which the functionality of cells, tissues and organs is disrupted. These molecular destructive processes are one of the main causes of many pathologies. By introducing polyprenols, which easily transform into dolicholes in the body, it is possible to compensate for their deficiency, which helps maintain the immune status of the cell, ensuring the restoration and stability of membranes, as well as the synthesis of protein molecules. Additional intake of plant-derived polyprenols into the body stimulates the immune system, intensifies the activity of antioxidant protection, actively influences lipid, fat, protein
  • 7. metabolism, activates reparative and regenerative processes, and therefore restores the structure and functions of organs. Properties 1. Hepatoprotective action: • Restores hepatocytes inducing regenerative processes in the liver • Reduces inflammation in the liver • Protects the liver from the effects of toxic substances (alcohol, drugs and others) • Normalizes liver function • Improves the liver after infection • Increases liver resistance to toxins and other adverse factors 2. Activation of antioxidant protection: • Produces antioxidant activity, protecting the body from free radicals • Increases the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes 3. Normalization of blood lipids: • Lowers cholesterol • Increases the level of high density lipoproteins, reduces the level of low and very low density lipoproteins • Reduces the atherosclerosis risk • Provides a preventive and curative effect in cases of cardiovascular system diseases caused by violations of the lipid storage disease 4. Immunostimulating action • Stimulates the production of natural interferon • Activates the phagocytic activity of macrophages • Increases nonspecific resistance of the body 5. Neuroprotective and nootropic action • Improves the cognitive function • Normalizes the level of neurotransmitters • Has an antidepressant effect • Regression of withdrawal symptoms Effects on the human body The polyprenol concentrate helps combat chronic overexertion of the leading organs and body systems (cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nonspecific defense and immunity system, central and peripheral nervous systems), optimize recovery processes and increase physical performance, restore and maintain physical and mental health component against a background of increased physical exertion. The polyprenol concentrate is recommended to fight chronic overstrain of the leading organs and systems in order to restore and maintain physical and mental health with a background of heavy physical activity. It is recommended to be used after and during intense physical exertion and emotional upset (as follows: total 2 courses per year, three months each with a three-month break). The concentrate of polyprenols:
  • 8. - Increases the liver functionality and reduces intoxication (due to the hepatoprotective effect) - Contributes to the utilization of toxic metabolites (due to the antioxidant effect) - Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect) - Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect) - Prevents the reduction of immunity during physical exertion (due to the immunostimulating action) Recommended doses: The concentration of polyprenols is the basis for the creation of biologically active complexes and pharmaceutical preparations. Supplements Nutritional Supplement In accordance with the decision of the Customs Union Commission of 07 April 2011, N 622 "On Amending the Unified Sanitary, Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements to Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (Control)," polyprenols are included in the list of vital components for the human body; an adequate level of consumption (ALC) of polyprenols is 10 mg / day, max - 20 mg / day Drug The concentration of polyprenols for pharmaceutical preparations is not less than 95%. The recommended dose: a daily dose - 54 mg, single - 18 mg (18 mg 3 times a day). SIBXP® COMPLEX MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT SIBXP® COMPLEX Innovative SibXP®Complex is a basis for Tayga8 beverages. A formula of the complex is the combination of three ingredients obtained from pine needle: ⚬ POLYPRENOLS • Restore damaged cells • Stimulate all parts of our immunity • Normalize metabolism ⚬ FIR CELLULAR JUICE • Tone • Eliminate oxidative stress which is the main cause of fatigue • Antioxidants eliminate free radicals that destroy cells ⚬ CGNC PINE COMPLEX
  • 9. • Has an inflammatory effect • Enhances metabolic processes • Has a general tonic effect WHAT IS SIBXP® COMPLEX? It is a unique complex that restores the structure of cells. Due to this, there is a strengthening of all body systems and optimization of natural energy exchange, which helps to keep the charge at long distances, "take out the program", it is easy to wake up in the morning and be charged all day . Key features SibXP Complex - a combination of the effect polyprenols, cell SAP of fir and pine complex CGNC. There are companies that try to use these components separately, but only we were able to combine them in one product. This is our know-how. It was technologically difficult, but we did it. The result is a powerful complex that helps the body produce more energy and quickly restore energy reserves. So that's how Tayga8 was born. SibXP Complex is: Energy. Activity. Longevity. SibXP Complex is a complex of biologically active substances and micronutrients for daily use. Each drop of the complex contains the vitality and energy of coniferous trees, powerful antioxidants and essential nutrients. Opportunities of SibXP Complex are endless. It gives energy, rejuvenates the body from the inside and fights oxidative stress, which daily challenges our health. Precisely selected composition. Each serving of SibXP Complex contains everything you need to increase tone and vitality, restore cell structure, enhance the processes of energy production in cells, improve metabolism and other important physiological processes. Natural and environmentally friendly. All components of SibXP Complex are completely natural and harmless to the body, because it is obtained from live pine needs with care processing technologies. In production we use only environmentally friendly raw materials gathered in the pristine forests of Siberia. Proven efficacy and safety of components. A huge base of preclinical and clinical studies has been collected to confirm the efficacy and safety of all components of SibXP Complex. The result is guaranteed by experts and approved by hundreds of people who have experienced their effect on themselves. HOW DOES SIBXP® COMPLEX WORK? A cell produces energy from glucose and oxygen, but free radicals damage the membrane and penetrate inside, then they damage the cell and disrupt glucose supply.
  • 10. Polyprenols * are converted to dolichols, which restore the membrane. They protect the cell from free radicals, inhibit the peroxidation of membranes. Fir cellular juice contains iron, which improves oxygen supply to cells. CGNC complex has strong anti-inflammatory features. SIBXP Complex: - Restores damaged cells - Strengthens immunity - Strengthens nervous system - Protects from stress - Normalizes metabolism - Has an inflammatory effect - Tones A person gets: RESTORATION: You become resistant to stress, get tired less, and recover faster. IMMUNITY: The production of natural interferon is enhanced. You become protected from seasonal colds and the most common infections. LIVER: Liver cells regenerate, its functions are restored, strengthening the body's defense against toxins and harmful substances. BRAIN: Brain function improves, reaction accelerates, memory becomes better. You become protected from age-related changes in intelligence and Alzheimer's disease. VESSELS: The cholesterol level decreases, and the walls of the vessels become stronger and more elastic. The risk of developing atherosclerosis and stroke is reduced. HEART: The heart muscle becomes stronger and more elastic, the rhythm of heart contractions normalizes, and coronary blood flow improves. ANTI-STRESS: You are optimistic and vigorous, easily enduring any psycho-emotional stress. You are always in a great mood. HOW DOES SIBXP® COMPLEX INTERACT WITH THE BODY? Let’s consider the process in detail. Ur Producers of Three's Kay Components: • Polyprenols • Fir cellular juice • CGNC paste All these substances are obtained from young fir needles, which are harvested in the timber processing. Further, the raw materials undergo a carbon dioxide extraction procedure:
  • 11. fir needles are treated with liquefied carbon dioxide (CO2) at a temperature of 55-60oC in a special chamber. This process allows us to extract all the nutrients from the raw material, with no risk of loss. This method of obtaining nutrients is unique and protects our company from competitors copying the product thanks to the patent. And the product's composition is the most important component of its uniqueness: no company in the world can combine three ingredients which are quite different in form: polyprenols (water fraction), fir cellular juice (oily fraction), and CGNC (paste). A new analysis of the three components and the effect of the human body. POLYPRENOLS This is a molecule that is part of the plant cell membrane and is responsible for its integrity, elasticity, permeability to beneficial substances. When it enters the human body, polyprenols are metabolized in the liver to dolichols, which are similar to animal and human cell molecules in their function. The number of dolichols in our body decreases with age, this process is a component of the body aging. The membranes of all cells in the body become less elastic, thin, and then completely disappear, which leads to cell death. Polyprenols slow down this process, returning all necessary properties to the membrane. The process of transporting nutrients to the cell improves due to the increase in permeability. It leads to: • Increasing in the restoration process • Increasing the number of glycoproteins. The compound of protein and glucose is the building material for enzymes and hormones. FIR CELLULAR JUICE It includes: Maltol is a powerful natural preservative (it helps pine needles to live for 10 years, and they dry up after falling off but do not rot) and an antioxidant (binds oxygen free radicals, reduces their destructive effect on the body). Maltol also binds toxins, preventing the body from being poisoned by the breakdown products of alcohol and other poisons. Also, maltol effectively binds and removes aluminum ions which stay in the brain tissue after ingestion from contaminated air, water, and food products; they subsequently lead to impaired functions. Bioavailable iron is the most important microelement required for boosting the transportation of oxygen with blood to all organs.
  • 12. Magnesium is an element involved in all stages of energy and protein synthesis in the body. It is responsible for maintaining the normal function of the nervous system, heart muscles, and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body. Phenolic acids improve blood quality, prevent blood clots from sticking together, and act as antioxidants. Flavonoids are indispensable components of human nutrition, they improve metabolism. CGNC COMPLEX The TAYGA8 component is the longest known to man. In the 40s of the 20th century, it was invented as a chlorophyll carotene paste and was used to treat and disinfect wounds and burns. CGNC complex is a powerful stimulator of tissue and cell regeneration due to its unique features. This component makes it possible to combine polyprenols and cellular fir juice which are quite different in form. No one in the world has previously succeeded in! EFFICIENCY ANTI-STRESS EFFECT OF FIR CELL JUICE Preclinical studies of anti-stress properties of the Siberian fir extract (cell juice) were carried out in the Research Institute of Hygiene (Novosibirsk). A model of immobilization stress was experimentally created in the test animals. It was found that the fir extract exerts a protective effect on the internal organs (thymus, spleen, adrenal glands, the mucous membrane of the stomach) of mice, which suffer in the stress reaction. This reduces the stress depth by 6-7 points. The extract normalizes the reduced content of blood leukocytes, which is characteristic of deep stress. POLYPRENOLS IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION Clinical study
  • 13. 6 persons suffering from depression took part in the study. They took polyprenolic preparation for several months. A rapid decrease in depression symptoms was already observed in the first two weeks of the treatment, and the improvement only increased with the continuation of the treatment. After the treatment was completed, the patients were controlled for 2 to 4 months more: the remission persisted in 5 of 6 patients during that period, no return of the depression was observed. Affective disorders are a multifactorial pathology with the proven neurobiological basis: membrane equilibrium in cells is broken in cases of depression, and a hypothesis is advanced of the interrelation of these disorders with a membrane structure defect. Great attention is paid to metabolites of isoprenoid exchange in the body in cases of different mental diseases in clinical practice. The polyprenolic preparation contains exogenous polyprenols that are natural bioregulators of many metabolically important processes. The study was conducted in the department of affective states of Research Institute of Mental Health of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2010. A group for the clinical tests with polyprenols* was composed of 6 ambulatory patients drawn at random (2 men, 4 women). The average age by the beginning of the treatment was 51.0 ± 10.39 years (men − 57.0 ± 4.24 years, women − 48.01 ± 1.25 years). The nosologic characteristic was represented as follows: a one-time depressive episode − 1 person, recurrent depressive disorder, a current depressive episode of mild/moderate degree − 5 patients. The average duration of the current depressive episode was 4.17 ± 2.32 months. All patients were assigned the polyprenolic preparation within the first two weeks of administration in the dose of 3 drops 3 times a day. The dose was increased to 4 drops 3 times a day on the 14th day. In the case of dynamics, the dose was increased to 4 drops three times a day on the 14th day of therapy and to 6 drops a day on the 28th day, which remained unchanged till the end of the study. The criterion of effectiveness of the therapy with polyprenols* was the reduction of the initial score of the Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS) by more than 50% of the original, as well as the score of the scale of clinical global impression (CGI) on the item of CG 1-severity and on the item of CGI-improvement. Adverse effects (AE) of the preparation were assessed with the side effect rating scale (UKU). According to the total score of MADRS, the curve of the therapeutic response to the increasing dose of polyprenols* differs from the similar indicators of the selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) therapy. The average depth of depression before treatment was 18.33 ± 3.20 points in the group of patients treated with polyprenols*. A statistically significant reduction in the level of depression was found. At the end of the treatment, the number of points was 2.67±2.50 (р < 0.001). Depressive symptoms quickly reduced within the first two weeks of the therapy, the number of points dropped by the end of the second week to 9.50±2.74 and to 4.67±2.34 points by the end of the fourth week of the therapy in the study group (р < 0.01). The scale of the clinical global impression from the start of the therapy and by the time of completion of the study in the group had 3.5±0.55 and 1.5±0.84 points, respectively. A "significant" improvement on the 14th day of the therapy was revealed in 100.0% of cases. It was required to increase the dose of the polyprenolic preparation for one patient with moderately severe depression on the 3rd day of the therapy
  • 14. due to increased insomnia. AE (heartburn and nausea) were observed in 2 patients within one week, with the dose of the preparation of 6 drops, in one patient this AE ceased independently, and in the other patient – with the reduction of the dose to 4 drops. The catamnesis after completion of the study ranged from 2 to 4 months: clinical remission persisted in 5 of 6 patients, which makes us assess the potential of the anti-relapse action of the polyprenolic preparation in a new way. TONING PROPERTIES OF FIR CELL JUICE Studies of tonic properties of Siberian fir cell juice (extract) were studied in patients of the gynecology department of the "Longa Vita" Medical Center (Tomsk). In the recovery period after surgery (hysterectomy), women taking the fir extract had an increase of vitality, mood, physical activity, a reduction of vegetative-vascular manifestations (sweating, facial flushing, a feeling of hot flashes), of irritability and fatigability, an improvement of bowel activity. That is, the rehabilitation within the post-surgery period in women taking the fir extract was significantly faster and easier than that in women of the control group. Problems with the post-surgery recovery of the bowel function were also observed in women not taking the extract. INCREASED OF PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE A preclinical (experimental) study of effects of Siberian fir extract (cell juice) on physical performance was carried out in the Research Institute of Cardiology (Tomsk) and in the Research Institute of Hygiene (Novosibirsk). It was studied with the use of the test of forced swimming of mice with a load on the tail. The extract provided a pronounced stimulating effect, increasing the performance of the animals and preventing the development of fatigue. This was expressed in the increase of the swimming time by 56-90% in comparison with control animals that received water instead of the study preparation. The testing was conducted by the method of forced two-time swimming of mice with a weighting load within 5 days, with the "crash" of adaptation on the 6th day. The introduction of the fir extract increased the time of swimming of experimental animals, starting from the first test and till the end of the experiment by 56-90%. On the 6th day, despite the abrupt change of swimming conditions, the animals receiving the extract swam longer than the control animals by 93%. INFLUENCE OF CELL JUICE ON PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE AND FATIGABILITY Clinical studies of the influence of Siberian fir cell juice on the performance were carried out at the Department of Biochemistry, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk. Children and teenagers living in the radiation trace zone in Tomsk Oblast took part in the study. A significant decrease in fatigability, increase of physical performance, improvement of attention and memory were recorded against the background of the administration of cell juice. In order to prevent the development of diseases associated with the impact of unfriendly environment factors, the fir extract was offered to schoolchildren living on the radiation
  • 15. contaminated territory in Tomsk Oblast. The examination of children and teenagers living in the radiation trace zone showed a significant reduction of the content of pyruvate and the accumulation of lactate, which evidences the suppression of muscle activity in children and their increased fatigability as a result of disorders of oxidative processes. A reduction of physical performance was observed in 52% of schoolchildren. The analysis of clinical signs showed that the children had complaints about headache, poor attention, rapid fatigability, pains in the liver before prevention. There were positive dynamics of clinical and paraclinical indicators after taking the fir extract: a decrease of the lactate content and an increase of the pyruvate content, normalization of the fatigue index were observed. Schoolchildren had fewer complaints about rapid fatigability and headache, their sleep normalized, the general condition of the children improved, and liver size normalized. INFLUENCE OF FIR CELL JUICE ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF CHILDREN The impact of fir cell juice on the children who started to attend kindergarten for the first time in their life was studied in Tomsk Children Polyclinic No. 1. The adaptation period was quite easy for the children taking cell juice, there were nearly no sleep and appetite disorders, they easily contacted the others. The adaptation of children not receiving cell juice was severe. A study of adaptogenic properties of cell juice (extract) of Siberian fir was conducted in Tomsk Children Polyclinic No.1 on the basis of kindergartens. Children passing the adaptation period in kindergarten participated in the study. The extract exerted a positive impact on the nervous system of children, and the result was that the adaptation period was much easier. Positive changes of the emotional state and contact with the others were observed at the behavioral level in children. Disorders of sleep onset, sleep and appetite related to the transition from the home regime to the kindergarten regime were smoothed and almost never met. Adaptation to the new conditions in the mild and medium degree were mainly observed in children against the background of the administration of the extract, whereas adaptation in the severe form prevailed before the administration of the extract. BRAIN PROTECTION HEPATOPROTECTIVE AND NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF POLYPRENOLS Preclinical study. It is known that, in hepatosis, not only the liver is affected by toxins, but also all the internal organs and the central nervous system. Subacute hepatosis was modelled in rats in laboratory conditions, followed by treatment with polyprenols in different doses. Blood and liver indicators improved in the animals, a psycho-activating effect on the brain was
  • 16. observed, as well as other positive effects. As a result, it was concluded that polyprenols have a pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide range of doses. Introduction Traditionally, the poisoning with CC14 in rodents (rats and mice) is considered as a model of toxic liver injury. At the same time, CC14, being a universal prooxidant poison, injures all the internal organs and the central nervous system (UHC). In these terms, poisoning with CC14 can be considered as a fairly universal model of injuries of internal organs (dystrophies) and toxic encephalopathy. Many hepatoprotectors may have a neuroprotective effect. These include metaprote (bemitil), vegetable adaptogens, potassium orotate, methyluracil, ropren. The latter is a 95% concentrate of polyprenols, it is derived from pine and spruce needles, it is recommended as a hepatoprotector of vegetable origin. The central effects of the polyprenolic preparation are not studied enough. Study Purpose The purpose of the study was to assess the hepatoprotective and neuroprotective action of polyprenols* on the model of subacute hepatitis induced by CC14 in rats. Methods The subacute hepatosis (liver dystrophy) in rats was modelled with a two-fold intraperitoneal injection of CC14 (2 injections of 1 g/kg with an interval of 3 days). The polyprenolic preparation (2.15-4.3-11.6 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally daily for 2 weeks. After a course of polyprenols, the animal behavior, blood biochemistry indices, liver morphology and exchange of monoamines in the brain were estimated. The comparator was heptral or ademetionine (300 mg/kg) prepared on the basis of lyophilisate for injections or tablets. Results The introduction of a hepatotropic poison resulted in the death of 50% of rats. A significant change in the behavior in the tests of "open field", an elevated plus maze, "resident – intruder", and Porsolt were noted in the surviving animals. Signs of injuries of internal organs: liver, pancreas, kidneys were recorded in the blood of rats slaughtered on the 16th day of the experiment. The histological study of the liver in rats identified the experimental hepatosis (liver dystrophy) , which was characterized by the development of the hyaline-drop protein dystrophy, small-drop lipodystrophy and mild lymphocytic infiltration of portal tracts. In the brain, CC14 did not cause significant deviations in the exchange of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the nucleus accumbens, striatum and frontal cortex of the brain. A variety of tests revealed that polyprenols* in the studied doses (2.15-4.3-11.6 mg/kg) normalize behavior of rats interfered with the introduction of CC14, improve blood and liver indicators in rats with subacute hepatosis and have a psycho-activating effect on the brain, which is based on the change of activity of the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems (activation of dopamine exchange in the nucleus accumbens and slowdown in the striatum). In behavioral tests, the polyprenolic preparation showed the highest activity in the small (2.15 mg/kg) and medium (4.3 mg/kg) doses, whereas hepatoprotective properties of polyprenols* were more pronounced in the dose of 11.6 mg/kg. The latter were comparable with the action of heptral (300 mg/kg). Heptral based lyophilisate had virtually no central effects. Heptral based tablets aggravated the toxic effect of CC14, killing all the animals on the 7-th day of the experiment.
  • 17. Conclusion Polyprenols have a pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide range of doses. (Published in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010). A STORY ONE RECOVERY It is known that, in hepatosis, toxins affect not only the liver, but also all the internal organs and the central nervous system. Subacute hepatosis was modelled in rats in laboratory conditions, followed by treatment with polyprenols in different doses. Blood and liver indicators improved in the animals, a psycho-activating effect on the brain was observed, as well as other positive effects. As a result, it was concluded that polyprenols have a pronounced hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effect in a wide range of doses. A story of a female patient who managed to restore her brain activity within 1 year of treatment with a polyprenolic preparation. The story began with a "cold", after which confusion, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia and headaches started to develop. Some time later, the patient fell into a coma, disorders in the internal organs were observed. After emerging from the coma, the patient lost the ability to communicate properly, could not attend to herself, and suffered from mental disorders. She was admitted to a psychiatric hospital with the following diagnosis: "Encephalopathy with the primary injury of the left hemisphere". Treatment with polyprenols in conjunction with conventional therapy started immediately upon admission to the hospital, and consciousness recovered within a few weeks, and there was a significant reduction of lesions in the brain within a couple of months. A year later there were no regressions, the patient felt well and was fully functional. Polyprenols are a vegetable counterpart of the endogenous transport lipid (dolichol) that provides the reactions of glycosylation during the synthesis of glycoproteins. It is proven that polyprenols show an expressed hepatoprotective action and are a brain protector to a lesser extent. Female patient A., date of birth 1961, was treated in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 from 27 May 2009 through 14 August 2009. Not hereditarily tainted. Secondary education. She worked as a preschool teacher. She had 3 children. She was kind, soft, and industrious by nature. She had no serious somatic diseases previously. She was not alcoholized, she did not smoke. She had no mental disorders till April 2009. In April 2009, she had a "cold-related disease" (runny nose, cough, headache), but continued to work. However, since the end of April, she had increasing confusion, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia and headaches. She was medically checked and was first placed in the regional somatic hospital with a diagnosis of "progressive multifocal encephalopathy", where she had symptomatic therapy. It is also noted that a pathogenetic therapy for this pathology does not exist. She was further transferred to a district hospital, where symptoms of impaired consciousness, sopor, coma, in the test results – leukopenia, anemia appeared. On the CT scan of internal organs there were hydropericardium, hydrothorax, hepatomegaly, ESR reached 53 mm/h. On the ECG dated 08 May 2009 there were disorders of processes of repolarization of myocardium of diffuse nature. After the improvement of somatic condition, there was a worsening of the mental condition: symptoms
  • 18. of amentia, anxiety appeared, and therefore she was transferred to I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3. The mental state when admitted to Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 on 28 May 2009: the consciousness was impaired with the amentive type, anxious "field" behavior. There was a sensory and motor aphasia. Self-service skills were impaired. In the neurological status since 02 June 2009: there is no contact with the patient because of speech disorders, she performs no instructions, insignificant organic symptoms are observed: flatness of the right nasolabial fold, a positive Barre test on the right. Tendon and periosteal reflexes are higher on the right, apraxia. Diagnosis: "Encephalopathy with the primary injury to the left hemisphere". Blood tests when admitted on 29 May 2009: leukopenia, anemia, ESR 35 mm/h. Blood biochemistry test of 29 May 2009: the increase of AST, sugar in the blood serum and cholesterol. MRI of 28 April 2009 (before treatment): inactive edge accumulations of the contrast agent in the lesions in the temporal, frontal, parietal lobes. Pathological formations are located in the white matter of both hemispheres of the brain, with no signs of perifocal edema. Conclusion: progressive multifocal encephalopathy can be considered. After the treatment, the mental state as of 05 July 2009: the consciousness is restored completely. Sensory and motor aphasias disappeared, the asthenic syndrome and faintheartedness were observed. A neurological examination dated 26 July 2009: a regress of focal symptoms. A psychological examination dated 26 June 2009: a disorder in the form of progressive intellectual-mnestic failure with the intensely increasing disorders of speech, reading and writing, counting, gnosis and praxis. A psychological examination dated 05 September 2009: concrete thinking, sufficient practical orientation, IQ was 92 by the Wechsler scale, asthenic syndrome, MRI dated 27 July 2009: noticeable positive dynamics in the form of a reduction of the number and sizes of the zones of the pathological signal in the hemispheres of the brain. Conclusion: "Pattern of disseminated encephalomyelitis". A year later, MRI dated 28 September 2010: MRI pattern dated 27 July 2009 without noticeable dynamics. Most likely, it is "disseminated encephalomyelitis, latent period". Treatment: along with the common symptomatic therapy (cerepro, mexidol, vinpocetine, gliatilin intravenously and orally, akatinol-memantine, repolarizing solutions, egilok, chlorprothixene), the patient took a polyprenolic preparation since the first days in the following doses: at first 8 drops 3 times a day, subsequently 4 drops 3 times a day and 3 drops 3 times a day. She continued to take this preparation during the whole year of the observation (till September 2010). The patient recovers from psychosis with sufficient criticism, with the amnesia of the first month of stay in the hospital. She is now fully functional, emotionally safe, and is going to get herself a job. FIR CELL JUICE AND ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Clinical studies of fir cell juice, conducted with the participation of children with the attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, confirmed its positive influence on the neurological status. Against the background of treatment with fir cell juice, the increase of attention, the reduction of impulsiveness and irritability, improvement of dynamics of neuropsychological manifestations was observed in children.
  • 19. Siberian State Medical University, Chair of Biochemistry (Tomsk) Children City Hospital No. 2 Children Polyclinic No. 2 (Tomsk) As a result of treatment with fir extract, improvement in the neurological status were observed in children with ADHD. In addition to reduction of the excessive motor activity and impulsiveness, increase of attention, there was reduction of extrapyramidal disorders that manifested themselves as some rigidity in drawing and writing, pyramidal disorders in the form of brisk tendon reflexes, symptoms of peripheral cervical insufficiency and cerebellar signs in the form of mild ataxia. Test results by using the questionnaire of J. Swanson revealed that, after a course of fir extract, such deviations as inattention and inattention without hyperactivity disappeared in 9% and 5% of children. Impulsiveness indicators and oppositional disorders revealed a more significant progress: 26% and 33%, respectively. Under the influence of the fir extract, the severity of impulsiveness decreased by 34%, that of oppositional disorders - by 40%, inattention - 13%, inattention without hyperactivity - 14%. There was a significant positive influence of the fir extract on the processes of lipid peroxidation. Catalase activity increased by 40% after a course of the extract. The concentration of MDA was lower by 32.5% compared to the values measured before the therapy. The use of the Siberian fir extract for internal application in the scheme of treatment of children with ADHD is accompanied by the improvement of dynamics of neuropsychological manifestations and the state of oxidative processes in children with ADHD, which is due to its antioxidant effect. Polyprenols and Alzheimer (preclinical studies) Preclinical study. The study was conducted in rats in the conditions of the experimentally created model of dementia of the Alzheimer type. When a polyprenolic preparation was introduced, the animals completely restored the disordered capacity for the non-spatial and spatial types of learning. As a result, it was concluded that it was possible to clinically study the action of polyprenolic preparations with the purpose of their further use in the therapy of cognitive disorders, dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type. Sultanov V.S.1
Fedotova Yu.O.2
Roshchin V.I.3
Nikitina T.V.

Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia,
2 I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
3 S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • 20. Introduction Currently, search and development of new approaches and preparations for the pharmacotherapy of dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type, are of interest. In that regard, it is very important to study the possibility of use of pharmacological medications of plant origin. Here belong preparations made of conifer needles — a polyprenolic preparation (PP) and Bioeffektiv® A that contain natural biologically effective compounds that are actively involved in the mechanisms of many important physiological processes of the body. Study Purpose The purpose was to study the effects of long term use of pharmacological medications of plant origin – the preparations of PP and Bioeffektiv® A – on the cognitive status in male rats on the model of dementia of the Alzheimer type. Methods The experiment was conducted on male rats of the Wistar line. Dementia was modelled in male rats by means of surgery, opening the brain case, and intracerebral introduction of amyloid beta into the fourth ventricle of the brain. The preparations were administered orally: PP in the therapeutic dose of 144.0 mg/day for a person (the dose of 8.6 mg/kg), Bioeffektiv® A in therapeutic dose of 960.0 mg/day (the dose of 82.0 mg/kg). The course of treatment with the preparations was 28 days. To assess the processes of learning and memory, a model of conditioned passive-avoidance response (CPAR) and Morris water test were used, as well as the behavior in the "open field" test was evaluated. Results The results of the experiments indicate that, when PP is introduced to males rats in the conditions of an experimentally created model of dementia, the impaired capacity of the animals for the non-spatial and spatial types of learning is fully restored. Unlike the polyprenolic preparation, Bioeffektiv® A in rats in the experiment had no positive impact on both types of learning. Conclusion Thus, a conclusion can be made that it is possible to clinically study the action of PP made of spruce needles of Picea abies (L.) Karst with the purpose of its further use in the therapy of cognitive disorders, dementias of different genesis, including those of the Alzheimer type. According to the data obtained, the preparation of Bioeffektiv® A cannot be recommended for further clinical study in this area. Since Bioeffektiv® A only has a stimulating effect on the overall motor activity of rats, restoring the impaired motor functions, it can be recommended in the case of motor dysfunctions and polyneuropathies of the peripheral genesis. (Published in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010) Polyprenols and Alzheimer (clinical studies)
  • 21. Clinical study. The study was conducted in St. Petersburg in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3. The study included 25 persons in the age of 54 to 78 years with Alzheimer's disease, who were given polyprenols during 3-4 months. 40% of patients had an expressed improvement in cognitive functions by all the indicators. The disease passed from a severe form to a milder one in 48%. Improvement in the neurological status was in 25% of patients, and the parkinsonian syndrome on the average decreased by 5 points on the scale of parkinsonism within 1 month, which is a good prognostic factor in the treatment of this disease. Sultanov V.S.1 
Roshchin V.I.2 
Agishev V.G.3 
Monakhova I.А.3 
Kulikov A.P.3 
Nikitina T.V. 

Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia Introduction In developed countries, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of senile dementia in persons of the middle and old age. With the ageing of human civilization and increasing life times, AD is becoming a serious problem. It is supposed that the level of acetylcholine is regulated not only by the enzyme of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), the lack of which is observed in AD, but also by the enzyme of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), whose presence is revealed in senile plaques, fibrillary glomeruli and vascular walls (in the case of amyloid angiopathy). A lack of adrenergic pulses in AD directly correlates with the development and manifestation of depression, which leads to a three-time increase of activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO). On this basis, preparations of double action – inhibitors of ACHE and BuChE, as well as inhibitors of ACHE and MAO for the treatment of AD – are being sought in the world. The search for new medications with the minimal side effect is an actual problem for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, because the synthesized substances are toxic and cannot be applied for a long time. Study Purpose To study the action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles for the treatment of dementia of the Alzheimer type against the background of vascular injury of the brain. Methods In developed countries, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of senile dementia in persons of the middle and old age. With the ageing of human civilization and increasing life times, AD is becoming a serious problem. It is supposed that the level of acetylcholine is regulated not only by the enzyme of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), the lack of which is observed in AD, but also by the enzyme of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), whose presence is revealed in senile plaques, fibrillary glomeruli and vascular walls (in the case of amyloid angiopathy). A lack of adrenergic pulses in AD directly correlates with the development and manifestation of depression, which leads to a three-time increase of activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO). On this basis, preparations of double action – inhibitors of ACHE and
  • 22. BuChE, as well as inhibitors of ACHE and MAO for the treatment of AD – are being sought in the world. The search for new medications with the minimal side effect is an actual problem for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, because the synthesized substances are toxic and cannot be applied for a long time. Study Purpose To study the action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles for the treatment of dementias of the Alzheimer type against the background of vascular injury of the brain. Methods A clinical study was conducted in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 in 25 patients aged 54 to 78 years. The average disease duration was 1.5 years. The course of treatment with the preparation was 3-4 months, PP was given in the dose of 144 mg per day. Somatic therapy was mainly carried out during the treatment. To assess the effect of the preparation, the international scale of cognitive disorders MMSE, a unified scale of assessment of parkinsonism, data of electroencephalography (EEG), biochemical indices of blood and urine, activity of BuChE and MAO were used. Before treatment, 12% of patients had mild dementia, 36% - moderate, 32% - moderately severe, 20% - severe, to whom the preparation was given during 4 months. Study Results The results showed the effectiveness of action of PP on cognitive functions: significant improvement in cognitive functions was observed in 40% of patients by all the indicators. 48% of patients had a less pronounced effect in terms of the psychosomatic status, but positive dynamics in terms of the severity of dementia, which decreased, passing from a more severe form to a milder one. In 12% of cases, improvement of cognitive functions was not observed in patients taking PP. The status of the patients, from the data of EEG, improved in 80% of the patients, which was expressed in the disappearance of delta waves and paroxysms, the appearance of a-rhythm and the disappearance of a local accent in the frontal-and-temporal region. The medication of PP has a normalizing effect on the activity of BuChE and MAO the blood serum. Improvement in the neurological status was in 25% of the patients, and the parkinsonian syndrome on the average decreased by 5 points on the scale of parkinsonism within a month, which is a good prognostic factor in the treatment of this disease. Conclusion Based on the obtained data, it was concluded that the preparation of PP is promising in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the Alzheimer type. (Published in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010) Polyprenols and craniocerebral injury Preclinical study. Craniocerebral injury is one of the most common types of injuries, which significantly reduces the ability to work and can lead to disability. The consequences are usually treated with medications. The study examined the effectiveness of treatment of craniocerebral
  • 23. injuries (CCI) with polyprenols in rats. As a result, the damaged brain tissues were restored, biochemical blood indices and work of the cardio-vascular system normalized, and behavior improved in rats. The conclusion is that polyprenols have pronounced neuroprotective activity and restore functional activity of the brain after a craniocerebral injury. Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, 
Federal State Institution of Science, Saint Petersburg, S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
 Introduction Craniocerebral injury (CCI) is one of the most common types of traumatic pathology, it is annually registered in 2-4 persons per 1,000 inhabitants of the country, but consequences of CCI are the most important in social and economic terms, as they can have chronic character, worsening the quality of life of the patient, reducing his or her capacity to work and often leading to disability. Medication therapy aimed at preventing cerebral hypoxia, improvement of metabolism, restoration of the active mental activity, normalization of emotional and vegetative manifestations occupies one of the leading places in the treatment. Development of complex medication treatment, which works to reduce ischemic damage to the brain tissue is a topical task of modern medicine. To this end, medications improving blood microcirculation, stimulating processes of bioenergy and reducing the degree of free-radical damage are widely used in clinical practice. Study Purpose Overall estimate of neuroprotective activity of polyprenols for the therapy of consequences of an experimental CCI. Methods Comparative efficacy of medications was evaluated by several groups of indicators: behavioral responses, ECG, blood pressure, biochemical study of blood of animals, histological study of brain tissues. The data were processed statistically using the software of Systaw 5 for personal computers. The experiments were performed in 60 white nonlinear male rats. The parietal region of the cranium of rats was injured with a load that was about 10% of the weight of an animal. After being injured, the rats had a transient loss of consciousness, short-term convulsions and movement anomalies. The medications were introduced a day after a CCI: polyprenols* in the dose of 13.4 mg/kg, the comparator medication (gliatilin) - 93 mg/kg. Indicators were assessed before and 7 days after CCI. After CCI (without treatment), indicators of behavior remained pathologically altered in rats throughout the experiment. Results Against the background of therapy with the polyprenolic preparation and the gliatilin preparation, the normalization of the behavior pattern of rats in the test of "open field" was observed: the latent period restored, horizontal and vertical activity became 2 times higher, the number of glances was 2-2,5 times higher, and the number of boluses increased , which
  • 24. evidenced the normalization of the emotional background and the structure of behavior of the animals. CCI was also characterized by pronounced changes of biochemical blood indicators: the indicators of ESR and sialic acids were 5 times higher, fibrinogen - 7 times, leukocytes and albumin macroaggregates - 4 times, while the content of catalase became 2 times lower, reduced glutathione - 2.5 times, NOS - 8 times compared to the intact group. Introduction of polyprenols* helped normalize all the indicators of antioxidant protection and lipid peroxidation: the level of reduced glutathione became 2 times higher, NOS – 8-10 times up to normal values, the level of catalase restored, the content of albumin macroaggregates in the blood serum became 1.5 times lower, on the average, in comparison with the negative control. Gliatilin had a less pronounced effect. Hematological indices normalized under the influence of both medications: ESR indices – to the norm, the content of leukocytes in the blood became 2-2.5 times lower, on the average, the indicator of blood coagulation (fibrinogen) became 3 times lower, the level of nerve conduction velocity reached the norm. Conclusions The study found as follows: the polyprenolic preparation showed a high efficiency on the model of CCI that was manifested in the restoration of the behavior structure, normalization of cardio-vascular activity, the biochemical status of the animals and the histological pattern of brain tissue. The activity of polyprenols* exceeds that of Gliatilin. Basing on the data, it can be concluded that the polyprenolic preparation is the most promising medication for the treatment of CCI and its consequences, as evidenced by histological analysis of brain tissue and its various divisions. The preparation helps restore the pathologically altered brain tissue and keep the structure of neurons, as well as restores the structure of animal behavior in the "open field" test and fully normalizes biochemical blood indices after an inflicted craniocerebral injury. It was established that polyprenols have a pronounced neuroprotective activity and restore the functional activity of the brain after a craniocerebral injury. (Published in the proceedings of the International Conference "Development of Scientific Research and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal Budgetary Institution of Science of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being), 2010). Polyprenols and neurotransmitter systems in the brain (preclinical studies) Preclinical study. The study was conducted in laboratory conditions. It is known that when hepatic encephalopathy occurs, not only liver cells but also brain cells are damaged. The study examined the activity of different parts of the brain in rats with experimental hepatic encephalopathy after the introduction of the polyprenolic preparation. It turned out that polyprenols have marked protective properties, eliminating the devastating effects of toxins on the brain. The main conclusion of the study is the potential of use of polyprenols for the treatment and prevention of acute hepatic encephalopathy as well as other diseases associated with damage to the mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunctions in the body.
  • 25. Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 
 Introduction In the experimental model of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) caused by toxic action of carbon tetrachloride (CCL1), destruction of membranes not only of liver cells but also a disorder of neurotransmission in the brain takes place. The toxicant leads to the generation of membrane-aggressive metabolites with the subsequent activation of processes of lipid peroxidation of membranes of hepatocytes and mitochondria in the brain. The search for preparations of directed action, especially those of vegetable origin, makes it possible to protect the brain and liver and prevent the development of pathologies. Study Purpose Analysis of the action of the polyprenolic preparation (PP) made of conifer needles and the nootropic action preparation of gliatilin in preventing the development of experimental hepatic encephalopathy in rats at early stages of development of a pathology on the basis of dynamics of activity of enzymes of acetylcholinesterase (ACHE), butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), monoamine oxidase (MAO) in different structures of the brain. Methods The activity of ACHE was measured by the Ellman method in the homogenates of hypothalamus, striatum and medulla oblongata, the activity of BuChE was measured in the blood serum. The activity of MAO was determined by the spectrophotometric method of Lowry with the substrate of serotonin-creatinine sulfate in the homogenates of the brain. The work was performed in 84 male rats of the Wistar line. Acute toxic hepatitis and HE was induced in the animals by introducing CCI4 in the dose of 0.2 ml 100 g subcutaneously for 4 days. Starting with the 2nd day of the experiment, the studied medications were administered orally in the dose of 60 mg kg of weight within 7 days. Results The introduction of CCI4 to rats was accompanied by the multidirectional variation of activity of ACHE in all the studied divisions of the brain. The detected changes depended on the division of the brain and on the duration of exposure to CCU. The consequences of toxic effects of CCI4 were eliminated to different extents under the influence of the studied medications. In the hypothalamus and striatum, PP showed protective action at an early stage, and in the hypothalamus it turned out to be a pronounced inhibitor of activity of ACHE after 7 days of administration. The introduction of CCL1 reduced the activity of BuChE in the blood serum in rats, which was associated with the development of toxic hepatitis and HE. The studied medications equally reduced the negative impact of CCL1, manifesting a hepatoprotective effect. A disorder of monoaminergic transmission that was associated with the reduction of MAO activity in all the studied divisions of the brain was also observed under the influence of CCU. It was found that the studied medications have no effect on the
  • 26. rate of reaction of deamination of serotonin in all the studied divisions of the brain on the 3rd, 5th and 7th days of use of the medications, whereas previously we have shown the effectiveness of these medications by the 21st day of application. Conclusion Thus, PP at the early stages of HE showed a stronger protective effect on the cholinergic system of transmission of nervous impulse in the striatum and medulla oblongata compared to gliatilin, which indicates that the use of this medication is promising for the treatment and prevention of this pathology and, apparently, other diseases associated with the damage to the mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunctions in the body. (Published in the proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Russian Association of Psychoneuroendocrinology (RAPNE), Moscow, 2010) Polyprenols in the therapy of neurological and mental disorders Preclinical study. Polyprenols are natural predecessors of dolichols that are the most important bioregulators present in almost all tissues and biological environments of the organism. A lot of dolichols are contained in some divisions of the brain. The ability of polyprenols to serve as dolichols, making up for their deficit, is indispensable in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. This is proved by a whole number of clinical studies that were carried out for several years in different clinics of Russia. Vladimir Borisovich Trusov, clinical psychotherapist, a member of the Professional Psychotherapy League of Russia, Director of the Medical Department of "Solagran San" LLC Tomsk Medical Conference "Healthy Generation of the 21st Century. Innovations in Practice", Moscow, 2013. Dolichols are present in almost all tissues and biological environments of the organism in the form of phosphorylated and etherified compounds. The high content of dolichols is also present in some divisions of the brain: in the substantia nigra of the brain, hypophysis, hypothalamus. Now there is new evidence that one of the lipids of the myelin sheath of the nerves is dolichol. It was found in the substantia nigra of the brain in the neuromelanin, with its content being fairly high — up to 15%. Usually proteins dominate in the membranes, but, in the case of the myelin sheath of the nerves, lipids can be three fourths of the mass. The excretion of dolichol can be five or more times higher in alcoholism, degenerative diseases of the brain and other pathological states. It is known from official data that the study of pathological changes in 10 areas of the brain in patients with neurodegenerative diseases showed that the content of dolichols decreases by 20-50%. In addition, in acute states the content of dolichols can decrease by 50%. The studies conducted in the 2000s found that the influence of polyprenols in the making up for dolichols is through the psycho-activation and through the important transmission system – the dopamine system. In addition, the energy action of dolichols was proved. Experimental studies in animals in order to study the impact of polyprenols on various divisions of the brain were carried out in Moscow in the early 2000s.
  • 27. The results of the study identified a protective restorative effect of polyprenols on the brain in the toxic injury of the organism with carbon tetrachloride. And it was associated with both the membrane structure restoration and the influence on the activity of key enzymes (acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, monoamine oxidase, etc.) due to changes in the viscosity of the lipid bilayer of membranes. Tests of a polyprenolic preparation in 90 patients with chronic alcoholism in the age of 17 to 74 with the duration of the disease of 3 to 20 years were carried out in I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 in St. Petersburg in 2006. The control group was 30 persons; the treatment was carried out in compliance with the international standards for the treatment of alcohol abstinence syndrome: disintoxication, group B vitamins, nootropics, cerebral protectants, antidepressants. In the experimental group there were 60 persons who received a polyprenolic medication. The results of the study showed the clinical efficacy of polyprenols in patients with chronic alcoholism. The result of the treatment with a medication of polyprenols was clear, fast and statistically significant changes in patients with psychosomatic, neurological and functional disorders. As a result of the treatment, the arrest of the alcohol abstinence syndrome in the experimental group took place on the fifth-seventh day, whereas in the control group it took place on the 14th-21st day. Such symptoms as headache, vertigo, palpitation, a sense of lack of air, nausea, a feeling of fever or chills, excessive sweating, distal tremor were quickly arrested. The affective state of the patients significantly improved: tearfulness, irritability, a liability to affective bursts decreased, improved sleep was observed. Full reduction without the use of antidepressants was observed in six patients with anxiety-depression symptoms. The mood background improved in patients receiving the medication of polyprenols: improvement was observed in 64.3% of the patients. In the treatment with polyprenols, a complete reduction of all depressive symptoms, and expressed mood improvement were observed in 80% of patients. Almost all the patients participating in the study were diagnosed with toxic encephalomyeloneuropathy (95%, 57 persons of 60 patients). Quick and clear regression of symptoms of polyneuropathy of limbs within 15 days was observed. Even after the treatment with polyprenols was completed, the severity of polyneuropathy continued to decline gradually: • 76.6% of the patients experienced improvement of the state from very severe to medium; 
• a complete reduction of the polyneuropathy symptoms was observed in 10% of patients. 

 The study identified pronounced differences in the dynamics of normalization of the bioelectric activity. Thus, positive dynamics on EEG was observed in 66% of persons of the main group and only in 23.5% of the control group. Improvement of the encephalogram was the strengthening of alpha rhythm and the disappearance or reduction of symptoms of vascular instability. Studies of patients with Alzheimer's disease were also conducted in Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Clinic (St. Petersburg). The results of the study showed the ability of polyprenols to restore the lost cognitive function anew. In 2010, a pilot clinical study of the efficacy and safety of the polyprenolic medication in the treatment of a current mild or moderate episode of depression was held in the Research Institute of Mental Health of Tomsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Tomsk). Six patients (two men and four women) were a group for clinical trials.
  • 28. As a result of the trial, the following facts were revealed: • maximum effect (50% improvement) develops within two weeks of daily administration; 
• catamnesis after completion of the therapy course ranged from 1 to 3 months, a clinical remission persisted in 5 out of 6 patients; 
• 100% responding with the clinically insignificant side effects; 
 • a better tolerability profile than that of tricyclic antidepressants; 
 • a tolerability profile has a number of advantages compared with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; 
 • safe in overdosing; 
• lack of drug interactions. 

 A study on the effects of polyprenols in treating liver cirrhosis in combination with polyneuropathy and encephalopathy was conducted at the Chair of Gastroenterology of "Training-and-Science Medical Center" Federal State Institution of the Administration of Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation in 2011. The study found that the treatment with polyprenols is accompanied with a decrease in severity of symptoms of encephalopathy and polyneuropathy with reliable improvement of the neurological status of the patients. A reliable improvement in the quality of life in the form of growth of life activity was also observed. Strengthening immunity General strengthening and immunomodulating properties of fir cell juice The effect of fir cell juice on immunity was studied in Tomsk on the basis of kindergartens, as well as in one of the dental clinics of the city. Against the background of regular administration of cell juice, a reduction of the frequency and duration of acute respiratory viral diseases in children down to 52% compared to the year before the study was observed. Adult patients noted a significant improvement in overall health, an increase of physical and mental performance, a decrease of fatigability. Polyprenols and influenza infections (preclinical) Preclinical study. The study was conducted in laboratory conditions with the use of mice. The polyprenolic preparation showed pronounced protective properties – the animals receiving polyprenols came through the infection much easier. The results suggest that polyprenols are involved in the generation of interferon, in the suppression of synthesis of viral proteins and restoration
  • 29. of membrane functions of cells. Taking into consideration the efficacy and low toxicity of polyprenolic preparations, they can be recommended in the clinic for the prevention of influenza, in the complex treatment, as well as in the therapy of immunity deficiency states of the body. Sukhinin V.P., 
Sultanov V.S., 
Zarubaev V.V., 
Roshchin V.I., 
Nikitina T.V., 
Vedernikov D.N.3 
 Research Institute of Influenza of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
 Introduction Suppression of synthesis of viral proteins is the main mechanism of antiviral action of interferon (IFN). It is known that modification of viral proteins using prenylation is an important regulatory and pathogenetic mechanism ensuring the interaction between virion with the surface of the cell and the release of daughter viral particles. Thus, prenylation inhibitors are a promising means of control of viral infections. Study Purpose Study of protective activity of the plant polyprenolic preparation (PP) and its modified analog (MAP) on the model of lethal influenza infection in white mice. Methods The animals were infected with the adapted virus of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2). PP and MAP were introduced in compliance with the prevention scheme, one time, 2 days before being infected with the virus of influenza A. Three doses of the virus were used in infecting — 1, 0.2 and 0.1 Sh50 (Ш50). The mortality rate of animals was registered within 14 days after being infected, the protection index of the preparations was calculated on the basis of the received data. The induction of IFN in the blood serum was studied by using the biological method. Pathological changes in the organs of the animals were studied using histological analysis. Results PP and MAP in cases of one-time introduction 2 days before the intranasal infection of the mice with the virus of influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) demonstrated pronounced protective properties. Their protective effect was manifested in the reliable decrease of the mortality rate (by 8-47% depending on the dose of the virus and preparation), as well as the increase of the life period of the animals compared to the group receiving placebo. In addition, there was a sharp reduction in the number of influenza pneumonia foci in the lungs of the animals, identified using the histological analysis. It was shown that the mechanism of the protective action of polyprenols is associated with the stimulation of generation of macrophages (under
  • 30. the influence of PP - 3.5 times, under the influence of MAP - 2.4 times) and the suppression of the neutrophilic reaction at the early stages of infection. These phenomena, in their turn, were due to the induction of IFN in the blood serum of animals. It is shown that the nature of induction of IFN by polyprenols differs fundamentally from the induction using cycloferon. In cases of oral introduction, the studied preparations showed the synthesis of IFN that was higher both in terms of the level and duration. The interferon inducing effect of preparations in cases of oral introduction was higher than the effect of cycloferon, and in cases of intraperitoneal introduction was lower within the 1st day of action. Thus, cycloferon induced the generation of IFN within up to 3 days in cases of oral and intraperitoneal introduction, with the maximum effect being achieved within the 1st day, after which its effect declined sharply. At the same time, PP induced the generation of IFN within 5 days: the maximum effect in cases of oral introduction was observed on the 1st day, after which the level of IFN declined slightly (by 20%) and remained high throughout 5 days. In cases of intraperitoneal introduction of PP, the maximum values of IFN were achieved on the 3rd day, and the effect of the preparation persisted on the 5th day. Conclusions The results of the studies suggest that polyprenols in the body in cases of viral infection take part in the suppression of synthesis of viral proteins and restoration of membrane functions of a cell due to the glycosylation of the protein bonds. Thus, taking into account the effectiveness of the polyprenolic preparation and its modified analog, as well as their low toxicity, it is possible to recommend them in the clinic for the prevention of influenza, in its complex treatment, as well as in the therapy of immunodeficiency states of the organism. (Published in the proceedings of the International Conference ``Development of Scientific Research and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal Budgetary Institution of Science of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being), 2010) The text of the study is provided by courtesy of Solagran. Protection of the liver Hepatoprotective properties of polyprenols Clinical study Hepatoprotective properties of polyprenols were studied in several clinical centers. The study involved 120 patients with various hepatic injuries, which took polyprenols within 3 months. Improvements of blood indicators, increase of activity of the antioxidant system, normalization of liver functions were observed in the patients. The conclusion is that polyprenols are recommended as an active hepatoprotector in chronic injury of the hepatobiliary system of different etiology.
  • 31. Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
SPb MALO, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
 Study Purpose Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of polyprenols* in comparison with the preparation of Essentiale Forte in patients with various forms of pathology of the hepatobiliary system, including hepatic injuries of alcoholic etiology. Materials and Methods A double blind placebo-controlled clinical study of the polyprenolic preparation was conducted in 120 patients in 4 clinical centers: Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, S.P. Botkin Hospital, Saint Great Martyr George Hospital, the AIDS Center. The criteria of efficiency of the preparation were the degree of manifestation of the main clinical symptoms, disease dynamics, restoration of the liver function on the basis of the data of biochemical and clinical blood tests. The biochemical blood test included: indicators of protein metabolism, ALT, AST, ALP, gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), dynamics of changes in total cholesterol and blood lipid spectrum, a study of the function of the urinary system, blood sugar, prothrombin time, indices of antioxidant activity. All the indicators were assessed before treatment, during treatment and after a three-month course of treatment. Results The new plant polyprenolic preparation is a concentrate of polyprenols extracted from the needles of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies). The pharmacological action of prenols is based on the substitutive effect in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of the dolichol phosphate cycle that occurs in cases of chronic inflammatory-degenerative liver diseases, oncological diseases, dysmetabolic syndrome. A randomized double blind study confirmed the hepatoprotective action of polyprenols and the safety of their use in cases of chronic liver diseases and metabolic syndrome. The preparation shows a wide range of biological properties: the fastest recovery to normal activity of blood plasma enzymes that characterize the function of hepatocytes. A pronounced positive dynamics of the microsomal enzyme of GGT in patients abusing alcohol is observed. As a result of the therapy, there is normalization of the blood lipid spectrum (increase of anti atherogenic lipoproteins, decrease of atherogenicity factor) and carbohydrate metabolism, the level of activity of the antioxidant system significantly increases – by 175% by the 8th week of the therapy. The effect of the treatment with polyprenols* occurs on average 2 weeks earlier than that of the famous preparation of Essentiale Forte. The polyprenolic preparation has recommended itself as an effective and safe medication (there were no side effects during treatment). Conclusions Polyprenols are recommended as an active hepatoprotector in cases of chronic injury of the hepatobiliary system of different etiology. (Published in the journal of "Gastroenterology in Saint Petersburg", No. 1-2, 2007, P. Ml 06)
  • 32. Polyprenols and steatohepatitis Clinical study The study was conducted with the participation of 20 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. They took polyprenols within 12 weeks. There was a significant improvement in the blood indicators that evidenced the reduction of disease activity, normalization of the lipid spectrum, increase of the liver elasticity and reduction of the risk of cirrhosis. Golovanova E.V., 
Vinnitskaya E.V., 
Shaposhnikova N.A., 
Petrakov A.V., 
Mel'kina E.S. 
Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Moscow, Russia Polyprenolic preparation − a biopolymer made of polyprenols extracted from the needles of pine and spruce (a plant equivalent of the endogenous transport lipid of dolichol). Located inside the phospholipid bilayer of membranes, dolichols modify their fluidity and permeability, take part in the regeneration, differentiation and proliferation of cells. Study Purpose To study the effectiveness of polyprenols in the therapy of patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Materials and Methods Twenty patients with NASH and lipid metabolism disorder received polyprenolic preparation in the dose of 3 drops 3 times a day within 12 weeks orally as monotherapy. Changes in levels of serum enzymes (alanine (ALT) and aspartate (AST) transaminases, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) and lipids (total cholesterol (CS), triglycerides (TG), lipoproteins of low (LDL) and high (HDL) density) were assessed. Fibrosis index (FI) of the liver was measured with the method of indirect ultrasonic elastometry before and after treatment. Results After 12 weeks of monotherapy with the polyprenolic preparation there was reduction of activity of ALT from 95.2 ± 9.3 u/l to 38.2 ± 5.3 u/l (р > 0.05), AST from 91.5 ± 11.6 u/l to 35.1 ± 7.2 u/l (р > 0.05), ALP from 338.2 ± 54.3 u/l to 189.9 ± 23.1 u/l (р > 0.05), GGTP from 165.3 ± 18.6 u/l to 88.4 ± 12.5 u/l (р > 0.05). There was a reliable (р < 0.05) reduction of levels of CS (from 8.3 ± 1.4 mmol/l to 6.1 ± 0.8 mmol/l) and TG (from 3.1 ± 0.3 to 1.2 ± 0.4 mmol/l). The levels of LDL decreased from 4.3 ± 1.1 to 2.1 ± 1.0 mmol/l (р > 0.05), the levels of HDL increased from 0.75 ± 0.2 to 1.1 ± 0.4 mmol/l (р > 0.05). FI reduced from 3.8 ± 1,1 units to 1.9 ± 0.7 units (р < 0.05). There were no side effects.
  • 33. Conclusion Polyprenols are effective in the treatment of patients with NASH. The preparation reduces the clinical-and-biochemical activity of the disease, helps normalize the lipid spectrum. The reduction of FI evidences an increase of liver elasticity and a decrease of the risk of cirrhosis. (Published in the proceedings of the 10th Jubilee Congress of the Gastroenterology Scientific Society of Russia, Moscow, 2010, P. 66) Polyprenols in diseases of liver and central nervous system Despite the fact that polyprenols can be widely used for the treatment of diseases associated with viral, bacterial and fungal infections, inflammations and other immune conditions, this article presents new pre-clinical and clinical effects of polyprenols in diseases of the liver and central nervous system. The article was published in English in the journal of "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology" 112016, author – V. S. Sultanov (Prenolica LTD, Australia), Candidate of Chemical Sciences. The pathway of synthesis of isoprenoids in mammals (also known as the mevalonate pathway) is fundamental to the metabolism and health of the organism, and such compounds as cholesterol (sterol isoprenoid), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) and dolichol (non-sterol isoprenoid) are of great importance for the biology and physiology of mammals. The impact on the pathway of exchange of isoprenoids leads to new therapeutic opportunities that are applicable to a wide range of different pathological conditions. Plant polyprenols are active molecules that affect the pathway of exchange of isoprenoids. Side effects have never been recorded in the use of our polyprenols of pharmaceutical quality. Statins and bisphosphonates also affect this pathway of exchange, but they have numerous side effects. Despite the fact that polyprenols can be widely used for the treatment of diseases associated with viral, bacterial and fungal infections, inflammations and other immune conditions, this article presents new pre-clinical and clinical effects of polyprenols in diseases of the liver and central nervous system. Recent preclinical trials have shown that the treatment with polyprenols produced from conifer needles has a variety of neurological and cognitive effects, including improvement of the cognitive function in rats with Alzheimer's disease and restoration of a healthy level of myelination in mice on the model of multiple sclerosis. Earlier clinical studies showed that the treatment with polyprenols improves levels of antioxidants in persons with diabetes mellitus, as well as improves the liver function in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Polyprenols also have a positive impact on the electroencephalogram in persons with Alzheimer's disease and alcoholic liver cirrhosis and significantly reduce symptoms of depression in patients. The results provide a basis for more extensive clinical research and indicate that polyprenols are a valuable clinical instrument" in the treatment of a variety of neurological and hematological diseases. Polyprenols in the treatment viral hepatitis Clinical study
  • 34. The study involved 120 persons suffering from viral hepatitides of different degrees of severity, as well as alcohol-induced liver injury, cholelithiasis, fatty liver and other diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Some patients received the polyprenolic preparation as a hepatoprotector, the others were given Essentiale. Against the background of administration of polyprenols, such clinical symptoms of liver pathology as weakness, headache, itching, fever, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and others decreased, as well as blood parameters normalized. The improvement occurred much faster than in the case of treatment with Essentiale. Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia 
St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia 
 Introduction Chronic viral hepatitides and other diffuse liver diseases are a topical section of internal pathology. This is due to their wide occurrence, severity and high lethality. Over the past 20 years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of liver diseases around the world. Preparations with selective protective effect on the liver – hepatoprotectors – that restore homeostasis in the organ, increase its resistance to the influence of pathogenic factors, normalize functional activity and stimulate regeneration processes in the liver tissue are widely used in the pathogenetic therapy of liver diseases. Due to the insufficient efficiency and/or undesirable side effects, the existing hepatoprotectors do not fully satisfy the needs of clinical practice, therefore the search for new plant hepatoprotectors is topical. Study Purpose Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the new hepatoprotective medical preparation made of polyprenols extracted from needles of spruce (Picea abies L. karst). Methods Dynamics of subjective complaints (intensity of the main clinical syndromes of a disease), assessment of the general condition of a patient, the degree of restoration of the liver function on the basis of laboratory studies data were criteria of efficiency of the compared preparations. Laboratory tests included clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine tests. The above studies were conducted prior to the use of the compared medications, in the dynamics against their background, and after a course of treatment. Results 120 patients with various forms of pathology of the hepatobiliary system were included in the comparative randomized double blind study. The study was conducted in 4 clinical centers, with 30 patients in each center. About 70% of patients suffered from chronic viral hepatitides C, B, B+C, A; in the remaining patients, the main diagnoses were chronic cholecystopancreatitis, cholelithiasis, fatty liver, alcohol-induced liver injury. In each center, patients orally received the polyprenolic preparation in the dose of 3 drops 2 times a day within 3 months and the comparator of "Essentiale Forte" (produced by Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, USA — France) in the dose of 1 capsule 3 times a day within 3 months. It was
  • 35. revealed that polyprenols* in patients with chronic viral hepatitides and other pathologies of the hepatobiliary system provide a wide range of pharmacological effects providing hepatoprotective action. The pharmacological action of polyprenols* is based on the substitutive effect in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of the dolichol phosphate cycle that occurs in cases of chronic inflammatory degenerative liver diseases. The clinical efficacy of the polyprenolic preparation was higher than that of the comparator (Essentiale Forte). Polyprenols* weakened the subjective and objective clinical signs of liver pathologies, such as weakness, headache, itching, fever, loss of appetite, stomach pain, dyspeptic disorders. Normalization of the clinical symptoms of liver injury in patients against the background of treatment with polyprenols* was observed earlier than that against the background of administration of Essentiale Forte. Against the background of administration of the polyprenolic preparation, an earlier positive dynamics of indicators of the cytolytic enzymatic activity (reduction of ALT and AST), blood lipid spectrum (increase of anti atherogenic lipoproteins, decrease of the atherogenicity coefficient) was observed compared with Essentiale Forte. The application of polyprenols also revitalized the adaptogenic mechanisms (increased the activity of the antioxidant system), which was not observed in the case of Essentiale Forte. During the application of polyprenols there were no clinically significant adverse events. Conclusions The polyprenolic preparation is an effective and safe medicinal preparation and is recommended for clinical use as a hepatoprotector in patients with chronic viral hepatitides and other pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. (Published in the proceedings of the International Conference "Development of Scientific Research and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases"/ edited by A.B. Zhebrun. — SPb.: Louis Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Saint Petersburg, Federal Budgetary Institution of Science of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being), 2010) Polyprenols in the treating inflammatory processes and liver fibrosis Clinical study 40 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease participated in the study. All of them were treated with ursodeoxycholic acid, with 19 of them additionally received polyprenols within 3 months. Comparison of results of both groups made it possible to conclude that polyprenols have a high hepatoprotective effect in the treatment of patients with chronic liver injury. In addition, they have a positive influence on the immune status, especially on the cellular component of the immune system. Introduction Polyprenols are a plant analogue of the endogenous transport lipid of dolichol that provides reactions of glycosylation in the dolichol phosphate cycle during the synthesis of glycoproteins. The pharmacological action of polyprenols is based on the substitutive effect in cases of deficit of dolichol and insufficiency of the dolichol phosphate cycle in cases of