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* It is the system, consisting of tubes and is
responsible for the exchange of gases in
Humans by filtering incoming air
and transporting it into the microscopic
alveoli where gases are exchanged
The organs of the
“Respiratory Tract”
can be divided into two groups
** The Upper Respiratory Tract ** The Lower Respiratory Tract
* Nose
* Nasal cavity
* Sinuses
* Pharynx
* Larynx
* Trachea
* Bronchial Tree
* Lungs
The organs of the
“Respiratory Tract”
can be divided into two groups
** The Conducting Portion
- system of interconnecting
cavities and tubes that
conduct air into the lungs
** The Respiratory Portion
- system where the exchange of
respiratory gases occurs
* Nose
* Pharynx
* Larynx
* Trachea
* Bronchi
* Respiratory
* Alveolar Ducts
* Alveoli
I. N O S E
A. N a s a l C a v i t y
B. P a r a n a s a l S i n u s e s
A. E p I g i o t t i s
B. V o c a l C o r d s
v. B R O N C H I
A. B r o n c h i a l T r e e
A. L o b e s o f t h e L u n g s
B. P l e u r a l C a v i t i e s
C. A l v e o l i
* It provides an entrance for air in which air is
filtered by coarse hairs inside the nostrils.
* It has 2 portions : the external and internal
* The external portion is supported by a framework
of bone and cartilage covered with skin and
lined with mucous membrane.
* The internal portion is a large cavity in the skull,
The Nasal Cavity
* Interior area of the nose; lined with a sticky mucous
membrane and contains tiny, surface hairs,
cilia. divided medially by the nasal septum.
* Nasal conchae divide the cavity into passageways
that are lined with mucous membrane,
and help increase the surface area available
to warm and filter incoming air.
•Particles trapped in the mucus are carried to the
pharynx by ciliary action, swallowed,
The Nasal Cavity
Paranasal Sinuses
* Sinuses are air-filled spaces
within the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid,
and sphenoid bones of the skull.
* These spaces open to the nasal cavity
and are lined with mucus membrane
that is continuous with that lining the nasal
* The sinuses reduce the weight of the skull
and serve as a resonant chamber to affect
the quality of the voice.
Paranasal Sinuses
* The “throat” is a funnel shaped tube that lies posterior
to the nasal cavity, oral cavity and larynx;
and anteriorly to the cervical vertebra.
* It is composed of:
Nasopharynx – uppermost portion
Oropharynx – middle portion
Laryngopharynx – lowermost portion
* It is a common passageway for air and food and it
provides a resonating chamber for speech sounds
* It is an enlargement in the airway
superior to the trachea and inferior to the pharynx.
* It helps keep particles from entering the trachea
and also houses the vocal cords.
* It is composed of a framework of muscles
and cartilage bound by elastic tissue
* It is a large leaf-shaped piece of cartilage.
* A flap of cartilage that prevents food from
entering the trachea (or windpipe).
* During swallowing, there is elevation of the larynx
The Epiglottis
* Inside the larynx, 2 pairs of folds of muscle and
connective tissues covered with mucous
membrane make up the vocal cords.
a. The upper pair is the false vocal cords.
b. The lower pair is the true vocal cords.
c. Changing tension on the vocal cords controls pitch,
while increasing the loudness depends upon
increasing the force of air vibrating the vocal cords.
The Vocal Cords
* During normal breathing,
the vocal cords are relaxed and the
glottis is a triangular slit.
* During swallowing,
the false vocal cords and epiglottis
close off the glottis.
The Vocal Cords
* It is a tubular passageway for air, located anterior
to the esophagus
* It extends from the larynx to the 5th
thoracic vertebra
where it divides into the right and left bronchi.
* The inner wall of the trachea is lined with
ciliated mucous membrane with many
goblet cells that serve to trap incoming particles.
* The tracheal wall is supported by
20 incomplete cartilaginous rings.
* The Bronchi are the two main air passages
into the lungs.
* They are composed of the:
** “Right Primary Bronchus”
- leading to the right lung.
** “Left Primary Bronchus”
- leading to the left lung.
The Bronchial Tree
* The bronchial tree consists of branched tubes
leading from the trachea to the alveoli.
* The bronchial tree begins with the two
primary bronchi, each leading to a lung.
* The branches of the bronchial tree from the trachea
are right and left primary bronchi;
these further subdivide until bronchioles
give rise to alveolar ducts which terminate in alveoli.
* It is through the thin epithelial cells of the alveoli
that gas exchange between the blood and air occurs.
The Bronchial Tree
•The paired soft, spongy, cone-shaped lungs,
separated medially by the mediastinum and are
enclosed by the diaphragm and thoracic cage.
•2 layers of serous membrane, collectively known as
pleural membrane, enclose and protect each lung.
** Parietal Pleura
- outer layer attached to the thoracic cavity
** Visceral Pleura
- inner layer covering the lung itself
* The two organs that extract oxygen from
inhaled air and expel carbon dioxide
in exhaled air.
* This is the main and primary organ of the
Respiratory System.
* The bronchus and large blood vessels enter each lung.
Lobes of the Lungs
* The right lung has three lobes.
* The left lung has two lobes.
* Each lobe is composed of lobules
that contain air passages, alveoli, nerves,
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels,
and connective tissues.
Lobes of the Lungs
The Pleural Cavities
* A layer of serous membrane, between the
visceral pleura and the parietal pleura.
* It contains a lubricating fluid secreted by the
membranes that prevents friction between the
membranes and allows their easy movement
on one another during breathing.
The Pleural Cavities
The Alveoli
* They are cup-shaped out pouching lined
by epithelium and supported by a thin elastic
basement membrane.
•With that you can imagine having bunch of grapes
with each grape indicating and alveolus.
* Alveolar sacs are 2 or more alveoli that
share a common opening.
* This is where the primary exchange of gases occur.
The Alveoli
Physiology of respiratory
The nose
The major functions of nasal breathing are:
to heat and moisten the air
 to remove particulate matter.
About 10 000 L of air are inhaled daily. The relatively
low flow rates and turbulence of inspired air are ideal for
particle deposition, and few particles greater than 10
microns pass through the nose. Deposited particles are
removed from the nasal mucosa within 15 minutes,
compared with 60-120 days from the alveolus.
• Nasal secretion contains many protective
proteins in the form of IgA antibodies,
lysozyme and interferon. In addition, the
cilia of the nasal epithelium move the
mucous gel layer rapidly back to the
oropharynx where it is swallowed.
• Lung ventilation can be considered in two
the mechanical process of inspiration and
the control of respiration to a level
appropriate for the
metabolic needs.
Mechanical process
• Inspiration is an active process and results from the
descent of the diaphragm and movement of the ribs
upwards and outwards under the influence of the inter-
costal muscles.
• In healthy individuals at rest, inspiration is almost
entirely due to contraction of the diaphragm. Respiratory
muscles are similar to other skeletal muscles but are
less prone to fatigue
• Expiration follows passively as a result of
gradual relaxation of the intercostal
muscles, allowing the lungs to collapse
under the influence of their own elastic
• Inspiration against increased resistance
may require the use of the accessory
muscles of ventilation, such as the
sternomastoid and scalene muscles.
Forced expiration is also accomplished with the aid of
accessory muscles, chiefly those of the abdominal wall, which
help to push up the diaphragm.
The lungs have an inherent elastic property that causes them
to tend to collapse away from the thoracic wall, generating a
negative pressure within the pleural space.
The strength of this retractive force relates to the volume of the
lung; thus, at higher lung volumes the lung is stretched more,
and a greater negative intrapleural press-ure is generated.
• Lung compliance is a measure of the
relationship between this retractive force
and lung volume.
• It is defined as the change in lung volume
brought about by unit change in
transpulmonary (intrapleural) pressure
and is measured in litres per kilopascal
(L/kPa). At the end of a quiet expiration,
the retractive force exerted by the lungs is
balanced by the tendency of the thoracic
wall to spring outwards
• At this point, respiratory muscles are
resting and the volume of air in the lung is
known as the functional residual capacity
The control of respiration
• Coordinated respiratory movements result from rhyth-
mical discharges arising in an anatomically ill-defined
group of interconnected neurones in the reticular sub-
stance of the brainstem, known as the respiratory
• Motor discharges from the respiratory centre travel
via the phrenic and intercostal nerves to the
respiratory musculature.
• The pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial
blood are closely controlled. In a typical normal adult at
• The pulmonary blood flow of 5 L/min carries
11 mmol/min (250 mL/min) of oxygen from the lungs
to the tissues.
• Ventilation at about 6 L/min carries 9 mmol/min
(200 mL/min) of carbon dioxide out of the body.
• The normal pressure of oxygen in arterial
blood (Pao2) is between 11 and 13 kPa (83
and 98 mmHg).
• ■ The normal pressure of carbon dioxide
in arterial
blood (Paco2) is 4.8-6.0 kPa (36-45 mmHg).
• Movement of air through the airways
results from a difference between the
pressure in the alveoli and the
atmospheric pressure; alveolar pressure is
positive in expiration and negative in
• During quiet breathing the pleural
pressure is sub-atmospheric throughout
the breathing cycle.
• With vigorous expiratory efforts (e.g.
cough), the central airways are
compressed by positive pleural pressures
exceeding 10 kPa, but the airways do not
close completely because the driving
pressure for expiratory flow (alveolar
pressure) is also increased.
• Alveolar pressure (PALV) is equal to the
pleural pressure (Ppi) plus the elastic
recoil pressure (PEi) of the lung.
• When there is no airflow (i.e. during a
pause in breathing) the tendency of the
lungs to collapse (the positive recoil
pressure) is exactly balanced by an
equivalent negative pleural pressure.
• As air flows from the alveoli towards the
mouth there is a gradual loss of pressure
owing to flow resistance
The airways of the
• From the trachea to the periphery, the
airways become smaller in size (although
greater in number). The cross-sectional
area available for airflow increases as the
total number of airways increases.
• The flow of air is greatest in the trachea
and slows progressively towards the
periphery (as the velocity of airflow
depends on the ratio of flow to cross-
sectional area). In the terminal airways,
gas flow occurs solely by diffusion. The
resistance to airflow is very low (0.1-0.2
kPa/L in a normal tracheobronchial tree),
steadily increasing from the small to the
large airways.
• Airways expand as lung volume is
increased, and at full inspiration (total lung
capacity, TLC) they are 30-40% larger in
calibre than at full expiration (residual
volume, RV). In chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) the small
airways are narrowed and this can be
partially compensated by breathing at a
larger lung volume.
• In forced expiration, the driving pressure raises both the
alveolar pressure and the intrapleural pressure. Between
the alveolus and the mouth, there is a point where the
airway pressure equals the intrapleural pressure, and the
airway collapses.
• However, this collapse is temporary, as the transient
occlu-sion of the airway results in an increase in
pressure behind it (i.e. upstream) and this raises the
intra-airway pressure so that the airways open and flow
is restored.
• The airways thus tend to vibrate at this point of 'dynamic
• The elastic recoil pressure of the lungs
decreases with decreasing lung volume and the
'collapse point' moves upstream (i.e. towards the
smaller airways .
• Where there is pathological loss of recoil
pressure (as in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, COPD), the 'collapse point' starts even
further upstream and causes expiratory flow
• The measurement of the forced expiratory
volume in 1 second (FEVj) is a useful clinical
• To compensate, these patients often
'purse their lips' in order to increase airway
pressure so that their peripheral airways
do not collapse.
• On inspiration, the intrapleural pressure is
always less than the intraluminal pressure
within the intrathoracic airways, so there is
no limitation to airflow with increasing
effort. Inspiratory flow is limited only by the
power of the inspiratory muscles.
• The measure of the volume that can be forced in from
the residual volume in 1 second (FIVj) will always be
greater than that which can be forced out from TLC in 1
second (FEV,). Thus, the ratio of FEVj to FIV] is below 1.
The only exception to this occurs when there is
significant obstruction to the airways outside the thorax,
such as with a tumour mass in the upper part of the
• Under these circumstances expiratory airway narrowing
is prevented by the tracheal resistance (a situation
similar to pursing the lips) and expiratory airflow
becomes more effort-dependen
• During forced inspiration this same
resistance causes such negative
intraluminal pressure that the trachea is
compressed by the surrounding
atmospheric pressure. Inspiratory flow
thus becomes less effort-dependent, and
the ratio of FEVj to FIVj becomes greater
than 1. This phenomenon, and the
characteristic flow-volume loop, is used to
diagnose extrathoracic airways

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Respiratory dickson cv presentation

  • 2. * It is the system, consisting of tubes and is responsible for the exchange of gases in Humans by filtering incoming air and transporting it into the microscopic alveoli where gases are exchanged THE HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
  • 4. The organs of the “Respiratory Tract” can be divided into two groups “STRUCTURALLY” ** The Upper Respiratory Tract ** The Lower Respiratory Tract * Nose * Nasal cavity * Sinuses * Pharynx * Larynx * Trachea * Bronchial Tree * Lungs
  • 6. The organs of the “Respiratory Tract” can be divided into two groups “FUNCTIONALLY” ** The Conducting Portion - system of interconnecting cavities and tubes that conduct air into the lungs ** The Respiratory Portion - system where the exchange of respiratory gases occurs * Nose * Pharynx * Larynx * Trachea * Bronchi * Respiratory bronchioles * Alveolar Ducts * Alveoli
  • 7. THE HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM I. N O S E A. N a s a l C a v i t y B. P a r a n a s a l S i n u s e s II. P H A R Y N X III. L A R Y N X A. E p I g i o t t i s B. V o c a l C o r d s IV. T R A C H E A v. B R O N C H I A. B r o n c h i a l T r e e VI. L U N G S A. L o b e s o f t h e L u n g s B. P l e u r a l C a v i t i e s C. A l v e o l i
  • 9. * It provides an entrance for air in which air is filtered by coarse hairs inside the nostrils. * It has 2 portions : the external and internal * The external portion is supported by a framework of bone and cartilage covered with skin and lined with mucous membrane. * The internal portion is a large cavity in the skull, THE NOSE
  • 11. * Interior area of the nose; lined with a sticky mucous membrane and contains tiny, surface hairs, cilia. divided medially by the nasal septum. * Nasal conchae divide the cavity into passageways that are lined with mucous membrane, and help increase the surface area available to warm and filter incoming air. •Particles trapped in the mucus are carried to the pharynx by ciliary action, swallowed, The Nasal Cavity
  • 13. * Sinuses are air-filled spaces within the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the skull. * These spaces open to the nasal cavity and are lined with mucus membrane that is continuous with that lining the nasal cavity. * The sinuses reduce the weight of the skull and serve as a resonant chamber to affect the quality of the voice. Paranasal Sinuses
  • 15. * The “throat” is a funnel shaped tube that lies posterior to the nasal cavity, oral cavity and larynx; and anteriorly to the cervical vertebra. * It is composed of: Nasopharynx – uppermost portion Oropharynx – middle portion Laryngopharynx – lowermost portion * It is a common passageway for air and food and it provides a resonating chamber for speech sounds THE PHARYNX
  • 16. * It is an enlargement in the airway superior to the trachea and inferior to the pharynx. * It helps keep particles from entering the trachea and also houses the vocal cords. * It is composed of a framework of muscles and cartilage bound by elastic tissue THE LARYNX
  • 17. * It is a large leaf-shaped piece of cartilage. * A flap of cartilage that prevents food from entering the trachea (or windpipe). * During swallowing, there is elevation of the larynx The Epiglottis
  • 18. * Inside the larynx, 2 pairs of folds of muscle and connective tissues covered with mucous membrane make up the vocal cords. a. The upper pair is the false vocal cords. b. The lower pair is the true vocal cords. c. Changing tension on the vocal cords controls pitch, while increasing the loudness depends upon increasing the force of air vibrating the vocal cords. The Vocal Cords
  • 19. * During normal breathing, the vocal cords are relaxed and the glottis is a triangular slit. * During swallowing, the false vocal cords and epiglottis close off the glottis. The Vocal Cords
  • 21. * It is a tubular passageway for air, located anterior to the esophagus * It extends from the larynx to the 5th thoracic vertebra where it divides into the right and left bronchi. THE TRACHEA
  • 23. * The inner wall of the trachea is lined with ciliated mucous membrane with many goblet cells that serve to trap incoming particles. * The tracheal wall is supported by 20 incomplete cartilaginous rings. THE TRACHEA
  • 25. * The Bronchi are the two main air passages into the lungs. * They are composed of the: ** “Right Primary Bronchus” - leading to the right lung. ** “Left Primary Bronchus” - leading to the left lung. BRONCHI
  • 27. * The bronchial tree consists of branched tubes leading from the trachea to the alveoli. * The bronchial tree begins with the two primary bronchi, each leading to a lung. * The branches of the bronchial tree from the trachea are right and left primary bronchi; these further subdivide until bronchioles give rise to alveolar ducts which terminate in alveoli. * It is through the thin epithelial cells of the alveoli that gas exchange between the blood and air occurs. The Bronchial Tree
  • 29. •The paired soft, spongy, cone-shaped lungs, separated medially by the mediastinum and are enclosed by the diaphragm and thoracic cage. •2 layers of serous membrane, collectively known as pleural membrane, enclose and protect each lung. ** Parietal Pleura - outer layer attached to the thoracic cavity ** Visceral Pleura - inner layer covering the lung itself THE LUNGS
  • 30. * The two organs that extract oxygen from inhaled air and expel carbon dioxide in exhaled air. * This is the main and primary organ of the Respiratory System. * The bronchus and large blood vessels enter each lung. THE LUNGS
  • 31. Lobes of the Lungs
  • 32. * The right lung has three lobes. * The left lung has two lobes. * Each lobe is composed of lobules that contain air passages, alveoli, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and connective tissues. Lobes of the Lungs
  • 34. * A layer of serous membrane, between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura. * It contains a lubricating fluid secreted by the membranes that prevents friction between the membranes and allows their easy movement on one another during breathing. The Pleural Cavities
  • 36. * They are cup-shaped out pouching lined by epithelium and supported by a thin elastic basement membrane. •With that you can imagine having bunch of grapes with each grape indicating and alveolus. * Alveolar sacs are 2 or more alveoli that share a common opening. * This is where the primary exchange of gases occur. The Alveoli
  • 37. Physiology of respiratory system The nose The major functions of nasal breathing are: to heat and moisten the air  to remove particulate matter. About 10 000 L of air are inhaled daily. The relatively low flow rates and turbulence of inspired air are ideal for particle deposition, and few particles greater than 10 microns pass through the nose. Deposited particles are removed from the nasal mucosa within 15 minutes, compared with 60-120 days from the alveolus.
  • 38. Cont… • Nasal secretion contains many protective proteins in the form of IgA antibodies, lysozyme and interferon. In addition, the cilia of the nasal epithelium move the mucous gel layer rapidly back to the oropharynx where it is swallowed.
  • 39. Breathing • Lung ventilation can be considered in two parts: the mechanical process of inspiration and expiration the control of respiration to a level appropriate for the metabolic needs.
  • 40. Mechanical process • Inspiration is an active process and results from the descent of the diaphragm and movement of the ribs upwards and outwards under the influence of the inter- costal muscles. • In healthy individuals at rest, inspiration is almost entirely due to contraction of the diaphragm. Respiratory muscles are similar to other skeletal muscles but are less prone to fatigue
  • 41. Cont… • Expiration follows passively as a result of gradual relaxation of the intercostal muscles, allowing the lungs to collapse under the influence of their own elastic forces. • Inspiration against increased resistance may require the use of the accessory muscles of ventilation, such as the sternomastoid and scalene muscles.
  • 42. Forced expiration is also accomplished with the aid of accessory muscles, chiefly those of the abdominal wall, which help to push up the diaphragm. The lungs have an inherent elastic property that causes them to tend to collapse away from the thoracic wall, generating a negative pressure within the pleural space. The strength of this retractive force relates to the volume of the lung; thus, at higher lung volumes the lung is stretched more, and a greater negative intrapleural press-ure is generated.
  • 43. • Lung compliance is a measure of the relationship between this retractive force and lung volume. • It is defined as the change in lung volume brought about by unit change in transpulmonary (intrapleural) pressure and is measured in litres per kilopascal (L/kPa). At the end of a quiet expiration, the retractive force exerted by the lungs is balanced by the tendency of the thoracic wall to spring outwards
  • 44. Cont… • At this point, respiratory muscles are resting and the volume of air in the lung is known as the functional residual capacity (FRC).
  • 45. The control of respiration • Coordinated respiratory movements result from rhyth- mical discharges arising in an anatomically ill-defined group of interconnected neurones in the reticular sub- stance of the brainstem, known as the respiratory centre. • Motor discharges from the respiratory centre travel via the phrenic and intercostal nerves to the respiratory musculature.
  • 46. Cont… • The pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood are closely controlled. In a typical normal adult at rest: • The pulmonary blood flow of 5 L/min carries 11 mmol/min (250 mL/min) of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. • Ventilation at about 6 L/min carries 9 mmol/min (200 mL/min) of carbon dioxide out of the body.
  • 47. Cont… • The normal pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (Pao2) is between 11 and 13 kPa (83 and 98 mmHg). • ■ The normal pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (Paco2) is 4.8-6.0 kPa (36-45 mmHg).
  • 48. Airflow • Movement of air through the airways results from a difference between the pressure in the alveoli and the atmospheric pressure; alveolar pressure is positive in expiration and negative in inspiration. • During quiet breathing the pleural pressure is sub-atmospheric throughout the breathing cycle.
  • 49. Cont… • With vigorous expiratory efforts (e.g. cough), the central airways are compressed by positive pleural pressures exceeding 10 kPa, but the airways do not close completely because the driving pressure for expiratory flow (alveolar pressure) is also increased. • Alveolar pressure (PALV) is equal to the pleural pressure (Ppi) plus the elastic recoil pressure (PEi) of the lung.
  • 50. Cont… • When there is no airflow (i.e. during a pause in breathing) the tendency of the lungs to collapse (the positive recoil pressure) is exactly balanced by an equivalent negative pleural pressure. • As air flows from the alveoli towards the mouth there is a gradual loss of pressure owing to flow resistance
  • 51. The airways of the lungs • • From the trachea to the periphery, the airways become smaller in size (although greater in number). The cross-sectional area available for airflow increases as the total number of airways increases.
  • 52. Cont… • The flow of air is greatest in the trachea and slows progressively towards the periphery (as the velocity of airflow depends on the ratio of flow to cross- sectional area). In the terminal airways, gas flow occurs solely by diffusion. The resistance to airflow is very low (0.1-0.2 kPa/L in a normal tracheobronchial tree), steadily increasing from the small to the large airways.
  • 53. Cont… • Airways expand as lung volume is increased, and at full inspiration (total lung capacity, TLC) they are 30-40% larger in calibre than at full expiration (residual volume, RV). In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) the small airways are narrowed and this can be partially compensated by breathing at a larger lung volume.
  • 54. • In forced expiration, the driving pressure raises both the alveolar pressure and the intrapleural pressure. Between the alveolus and the mouth, there is a point where the airway pressure equals the intrapleural pressure, and the airway collapses. • However, this collapse is temporary, as the transient occlu-sion of the airway results in an increase in pressure behind it (i.e. upstream) and this raises the intra-airway pressure so that the airways open and flow is restored. • The airways thus tend to vibrate at this point of 'dynamic collapse'.
  • 55. Cont… • The elastic recoil pressure of the lungs decreases with decreasing lung volume and the 'collapse point' moves upstream (i.e. towards the smaller airways . • Where there is pathological loss of recoil pressure (as in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD), the 'collapse point' starts even further upstream and causes expiratory flow limitation. • The measurement of the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEVj) is a useful clinical
  • 56. Cont… • To compensate, these patients often 'purse their lips' in order to increase airway pressure so that their peripheral airways do not collapse. • On inspiration, the intrapleural pressure is always less than the intraluminal pressure within the intrathoracic airways, so there is no limitation to airflow with increasing effort. Inspiratory flow is limited only by the power of the inspiratory muscles.
  • 57. Cont… • The measure of the volume that can be forced in from the residual volume in 1 second (FIVj) will always be greater than that which can be forced out from TLC in 1 second (FEV,). Thus, the ratio of FEVj to FIV] is below 1. The only exception to this occurs when there is significant obstruction to the airways outside the thorax, such as with a tumour mass in the upper part of the trachea. • Under these circumstances expiratory airway narrowing is prevented by the tracheal resistance (a situation similar to pursing the lips) and expiratory airflow becomes more effort-dependen
  • 58. Cont… • During forced inspiration this same resistance causes such negative intraluminal pressure that the trachea is compressed by the surrounding atmospheric pressure. Inspiratory flow thus becomes less effort-dependent, and the ratio of FEVj to FIVj becomes greater than 1. This phenomenon, and the characteristic flow-volume loop, is used to diagnose extrathoracic airways

Editor's Notes

  1. FG24_01.JPG Title: Structures of the Respiratory System Notes: The respiratory system includes the nose, nasal cavity and sinuses, the pharynx, the larynx (voice box), the trachea (windpipe), and smaller conducting passageways leading to the exchange surfaces of the lungs. Keywords: respiratory system, nasal conchae, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lung, diaphragm
  2. FG24_03A.JPG Title: Respiratory Structures in the Head and Neck Notes: (a) The nasal cartilages and external landmarks on the nose. (b) A frontal (coronal) section of the head showing the positions of the paranasal sinuses and nasal structures. (c)The nasal cavity and pharynx; sagittal section Keywords: respiratory structures, head, neck, nasal cartilage, dorsum nasi, apex, nares, alar cartilage, lateral nasal cartilage, paranasal sinuses, nasal conchae, meatus, maxillary sinus, trachea, vocal fold
  3. FG24_03D.JPG Title: Respiratory Structures in the Head and Neck Notes: (d) Diagrammatic view of the head and neck in sagittal section, for comparison with (c). Keywords: head, neck, sagittal, nasal conchae, nasal vestibule, nares, palate, tongue, hyoid, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, trachea, glottis, vocal fold, oropharynx, tonsil, auditory tube, nasopharynx, epiglottis
  4. FG24_07.JPG Title: Anatomy of the Trachea and Primary Bronchi Notes: (a) Anterior view on dissection, showing the plane of section for (b). (b, c) Cross-sectional views of the trachea. Keywords: trachea, primary bronchii, anterior, hyoid, larynx, trachea, lung, lobar bronchus, carina, annular ligamnents, respiratory mucosa, trachealis muscle, lamina propria, respiratory epithelium, tracheal cartilage
  5. FG24_11A1.JPG Title: Bronchi and Bronchioles Notes: (a) The structure of one portion of a single lobule. (b)Diagrammatic view of lung tissue. (c)Light micrograph of lung section. Keywords: bronchopulmonary segment, respiratory epithelium, terminal bronchiole, pulmonary artery, bronchial artery, vein, nerve, elastic fibers, capillary beds, arteriole, alveolar duct, lymphatic vessel, alveoli, interlobular septum, visceral pleura
  6. FG24_10D.JPG Title: The Bronchial Tree and Divisions of the Lungs, Anterior View Notes: (a)Gross anatomy of the lungs; bronchial tree and divisions. (b)Distribution of bronchopulmonary segments. (c)Bronchogram, slightly oblique, posteroanterior view. (d)Plastic cast of adult bronchial tree. Keywords: bronchopulmonary segments, distribution, bronchial tree, bronchus, apex of lung, diaphragm
  7. FG24_10A.JPG Title: The Bronchial Tree and Divisions of the Lungs, Anterior View Notes: (a)Gross anatomy of the lungs; bronchial tree and divisions. (b)Distribution of bronchopulmonary segments. (c)Bronchogram, slightly oblique, posteroanterior view. (d)Plastic cast of adult bronchial tree. Keywords: bronchopulmonary segments, distribution, bronchial tree
  8. FG24_13A.JPG Title: Anatomical Relationships in the Thoracic Cavity Notes: Anatomical relationships in the thoracic cavity. Keywords: thoracic cavity, lung, mediastinum, heart, pericardial cavity, pleura, visceral, parietal, pleural cavity, ventricle, interventricular septum, atrium, esophagus, spinal cord
  9. FG24_12C.JPG Title: Alveolar Organization Notes: (a) Basic structure of a lobule, cut to reveal the arrangement between the alveolar ducts and alveoli. (b)Connective tissue layers and alveolar vascular supply. (c)SEM of lung tissue. (d)Diagrammatic view of alveolar structure and respiratory membrane. Keywords: alveolar organization, alveolar sac, alveolar duct, respiratory bronchioles, alveoli, capillaries, surfactant cells, elastic fibers, alveolar macrophage, endothelial cell, respiratory membrane, basement membrane, surfactant