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I.     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                      The goal of this project was to create
                                                              awareness about the dangers of texting
 Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving is a                    while driving for all ages. Clinton DECA
Public Relations Project. The project was                     then set out to show the need for changing
organized and carried out by the Clinton DECA Chapter.        Missouri‘s texting and driving law.

Missouri Representative Scott Lipke introduced a crime bill — passed and signed by Gov. Jay
Nixon on July 9, 2009 — regarding texting and driving. Texting while driving is now against
the law in Missouri. Texting specifically involves sending, reading, and writing text to others
using a cell phone. The Missouri law stops short of holding all drivers responsible. Under the
current law, tickets are only given to drivers under the age of 21.

Missouri‘s texting and driving law is a serious issue that Clinton DECA deemed worthy to
address, and the chapter determined the law ultimately needs to be changed. The chapter
believes that the law needs to be changed to make it illegal to text and drive for every Missouri
citizen, regardless of age.

The two goals of Clinton DECA‘s Project 21 are:
1.   To create an interest in changing the Missouri law to hold all drivers responsible and
2.   To increase awareness about the dangers of texting and driving.

In regard to changing the law, Clinton DECA created a petition to be promoted statewide
through the Association of Missouri DECA. DECA chapters throughout the state were used as a
vehicle to get signatures on the petitions. The signed petitions from all over the state were
returned to Project 21 headquarters, Clinton DECA, in the middle of January. In turn, Clinton
DECA gave them to State Representative Scott Largent. Representative Largent then gave the
petitions to other Missouri Representatives.

Regarding awareness about the dangers of texting and driving, Clinton DECA surveyed and
found many did not realize the extreme dangers created by texting while driving. Several studies
show that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking while driving. To increase
awareness of the dangers, Clinton DECA assembled a full-scale promotional plan using a mix of
five different forms of media:
     Print Media
     Broadcast Media
     Online Media
     Billboard Media
     Event Media

Through the massive public relations campaign,
Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving, Clinton
DECA has made a significant impact on creating
awareness and influencing a change in the law.

            A. Statement and description of the issue to be addressed

Kevin Miller, Clinton, Missouri Chief of Police - ―Twenty-one isn‘t a magic number that says
you can text and drive. The law should actually be for people over 21. Those under 21 have
great texting skills. They may not be better drivers, but they are much better texters.‖

         Texting has become a phenomenon; nearly every teenager and young adult sends text

messages. The first text message was sent in 1989 by Edward Lantz, a NASA employee. It was

sent through a Motorola beeper. The text consisted of numbers read upside down in order to

decipher the message (1). In 1992, an SMS message (text message) was sent in a United

Kingdom commercial using a desktop computer. The message read ―Merry Christmas‖ and was

delivered to a handset device (2). Some believe this to be the first true text message ever sent.

         Texting was not widely used throughout the nineties; it was mostly utilized for the deaf

(2). However, in the year 2000, AT&T became one of the first major carriers to bring text

messaging to the United States (1). Since then, texting has become a habit for many Americans.

In 2008, Americans sent 1 trillion text messages, meaning that 3.5 billion texts were sent

everyday (3). In the first half of 2009, there were 740 billion texts sent in the US (4).

         Teens are the biggest user of the texting phenomenon. In the fourth quarter of 2008,

teens sent an average of 2,272 texts a month (5). Due to the habit forming text-messaging by

frequent texters, some claim that it is addictive. Some studies even show that texting can be as

addictive as smoking cigarettes (1).

         Since texting is a habit and even addictive to some, people will answer a message no

matter where they are, even if they are driving. Therefore, people often text while driving.

In fact, in a printed survey of 400 Clinton High School (CHS) drivers, 72% of those

surveyed have sent a text message while driving, which proves this is a critical issue that needs

to be addressed. (Survey results are found on page 16).

         On August 28, 2009, Missouri‘s law against texting and driving was put into effect. The

law makes it illegal for people under the age of 21 to text while driving. The law is part of an

omnibus crime bill passed by Missouri legislators earlier in 2009. Those under 21 caught texting

while driving will receive a $200 fine for the offense. The law cites texting while driving as a

primary offense, meaning that drivers can be stopped by law enforcement officers based solely

on suspicion (6). According to William Bremer of the Missouri Highway Patrol, law enforcers

even have the right to check text message history to see if someone was texting before they were

pulled over. The major problem with this law is that it only affects people under the age of 21;

therefore, it does not completely protect Missouri drivers and passengers from the dangers of

texting and driving, which is another issue that needs to be addressed.

   B.    Rationale for selecting the issue

        The rationale for Clinton DECA selecting the issue of texting and driving is based on two

main reasons.

        Reason 1: Texting and driving is dangerous. Studies show that texting while driving

causes a 400% increase in time spent with one‘s eyes off the road (7). This particular statistic

tells just how dangerous texting and driving is – if someone is not watching the road, safety is at

a minimum. Here are more facts about the dangers of texting and driving:

       Teenagers say that texting is their number one distraction while driving (7).

       Of all cell phone related tasks, which include talking, dialing, or even just reaching for
        the phone, texting while driving is the most dangerous (7).

   Texting and driving takes away a driver‘s focus for an average of 4.6 seconds. If
        traveling 55 mph, that is enough time to cover the distance of a football field (8).

       A study by Clemson University showed that texting and using iPods while driving caused
        drivers to drift out of their lanes 10% more often (8).

       Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol (9).

       The reaction time of a person while texting and driving deteriorates by approximately
        35%. That is much worse than a person at the legal drinking limit, whose reaction slows
        by 12%. It was also worse than someone who had smoked cannabis, whose reactions are
        21% slower (9).

       Drivers who text have 90% less control of their steering wheel (10).

        Clinton DECA believes there is a need to make people aware of these dangers because,

although it is currently illegal for people under 21 to text and drive, this law is difficult to


        Representative Largent agreed, ―It‘s a very hard law to enforce. It‘s more about making

a point. I find it hard to believe that police officers sit on the side of the road and try to catch

people who appear to be under 21 texting and driving.‖

        In fact, according to Clinton Chief of Police Kevin Miller, Clinton police have not issued

any citations for texting and driving.

        Enforcement is difficult. The law may not be enough to keep people from texting while

driving. Therefore, people need to be educated in order to understand how dangerous texting

and driving really is and make a decision not to text while driving.

        Reason 2: Missouri’s texting and driving law needs to be changed. Missouri‘s law

against texting and driving currently only makes it illegal for those under the age of 21 to text

and drive. Texting is also prevalent among people over 21, and many will answer a text no

matter what the circumstances. For example, many adults constantly text or send emails that are

work related. People under 21 are not the only ones who text and drive.

Concerning this topic, Sergeant William Bremer of the Missouri Highway Patrol said,

―People over 21 are just as likely to be involved in an accident while texting and driving. It‘s

distracted driving no matter which way you look at it. If someone under 21 is affected by it,

everyone should be affected by it.‖

       Amending the law to make texting while driving illegal for every Missouri citizen would

certainly be a major step to ensuring more safety on Missouri‘s roads and would put Missouri in

a more responsible position for guarding against deaths caused by texting while driving.

       Representative Largent further said, ―I certainly think that changing the law to include

everyone would go a long way to make roads safer, and that was the original intent – to make

roads safer. When the original bill came out, it got a lot of push back because it applied to a lot

of legislators. Therefore, it didn‘t get a lot of support. No one wants to pass a law that impedes

what you do. They found an age where they had enough support to get a law passed which still

retained most of the original law.‖

       This statement by Representative Largent is what is most disturbing about the law as it

is – legislators know that texting while driving is dangerous for all ages, but they chose to pass

the law for only a specific group of people.

       Representative Largent continued, ―A lot of times on new legislations you have to take it

a step at a time and stagger it out. But in this case, I wish they would have made it illegal for

everyone right off the bat. I can‘t see a good reason why it‘s legal for those who aren‘t as good

at texting. They may be better drivers but not better ‗texters.‘‖

       To truly make an impact, this Missouri law needs to include everyone and not just a

specific group of citizens. Representative Ron Wells may have summed it up best. ―That‘s like

saying, ‗You can kill yourself if you‘re over 21.‘ Texting and driving is one of the most

  dangerous things you can do on the road.‖ (11)

      C.    Description of the target population (such as community, school, etc)

           Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving targets people in the community of Clinton,

  Missouri, the State of Missouri, and many DECA members across the US. Therefore, the focus

  of this project is to reach as many people as possible because the chapter believes that texting

  while driving is dangerous for everyone everywhere.

           Clinton DECA even gained some national exposure by getting an article published in the

  DECA Dimensions.

           The primary, secondary, and tertiary targets are described in this chart.

     Target                            Reach                                     People Reached

Primary (Clinton      The most awareness about the dangers  There is the potential to reach an audience
Residents and          of texting while driving was raised in  of 10,000 people in Clinton and inform
Missouri Law           the community of Clinton.               them about the message of Project 21.
Makers)               The petitions were specifically aimed  When introduced to Missouri lawmakers,
                       at getting Missouri law makers‘         the petitions could possibly influence a
                       attention.                              change in the law.

Secondary            Getting the texting while driving law        By reaching out to all Missouri DECA
(Missouri DECA       changed was a statewide endeavor.            Chapters, there is the potential to reach nearly
Members and          Missouri DECA Chapters were informed         10,000 students. The 1,250 Missouri citizens
Citizens)            about the petitions via email. Willing       who signed the petitions were also reached by
                     chapters helped get petition signatures      the message of Project 21. However, all
                     from Missouri citizens around the state.     citizens will be affected if these petitions
                                                                  contribute to getting the law changed.

Tertiary (National   An article about the project was             DECA National President Ryan Dyck
DECA Members)        published in the January edition of          estimates that the Dimensions has a
                     DECA Dimensions, DECA‘s National             readership of nearly 230,000.

             A. Local print and broadcast media available

  Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and writer – ―To effectively communicate, we must
  realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a
  guide to our communication with others.‖

          Clinton DECA wanted a media mix to reach as many people as possible with the message

of Project 21 and found the above statement from Anthony Robbins, an expert communicator, to

guide their decisions for media. When a message is targeted at a large audience, the media must

be varied to appeal to as many as possible. For this reason, Clinton DECA evaluated five forms

of media and selected the best mix for communicating the message to the target markets.

          Print Media Available. The Clinton Daily Democrat is a well-established newspaper in

the Clinton community and is the primary form of print media available to the Clinton

community. The Democrat has a circulation of 4,250 that reaches people in and around Clinton.

The paper accepts and scrutinizes submitted articles to be published along with having a staff of

writers. Together, this comprises the content of the paper.

           The Kayo is another newspaper based out of Clinton; it has a circulation of 14,792. The

Kayo, though widely distributed, is less likely to be read by the target audience as it is primarily

used for advertisements.

          The CHS Wildcard is Clinton High School‘s newspaper. It reaches over 600 students,

faculty, and parents every three weeks.

          Broadcast Media Available. KDKD FM is a country radio station based out of Clinton;

KDKD also has an AM station that plays music from the 60s and 70s. Established in 1951, the

station has grown into a popular listening spot for at least 62,500 listeners each week on both the

AM and FM. KDKD is community oriented and, in addition to playing music, KDKD sponsors

and carries out these events:

               Broadcasting all CHS football, basketball, and baseball games
               A local ―Speak Out‖ Program to create public awareness about upcoming events
               The Colgate Country Showdown
               A Bridal Expo
               A Home Show

        Due to these many community oriented events, KDKD has a favorable image in the eyes

of the community and continues its excellence on a daily basis.

        Putting a brief message about texting while driving on Clinton High School‘s daily

announcements is another form of broadcast media. Additionally, having the high school‘s TV

production class, Card TV, feature a story offers an additional option.

   B.      Other possible promotion activity(ies)

        Web Media. With the internet becoming increasingly popular, online media is one of the

newest and most effective forms of media (12). Starting a project website would be an option to

take advantage of utilizing online media.

        Social Networking Media. Online social networking sites are also becoming a trend.

Sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter all have several million users. Promoting the intents

of the project on one of these sites may also be an effective way to advance the project‘s


        Billboard Media. Billboard media is one of the oldest and most effective forms of

promotion (12). Putting messages on digital billboards around town or posting fliers in

businesses is an option for promotion.

        Event Media. Hosting or organizing an event is another useful way of promotion and

communication. During an event, direct communication is experienced; face-to-face

conversation is the most effective way to engage people into a certain cause. Having a school-

wide assembly or speaking at adult organizations are possibilities to exercise this most effective

form of media promotion.

          Presentations. Making a presentation at the state capitol in Jefferson City is a possibility

to directly contact those who can help Clinton DECA meet their goal of contributing to change

Missouri‘s texting and driving law.

          Petitions. Although petitions may be focused on getting the law changed, everyone who

signs a petition and everyone that sees a petition would be more informed about the message of

the project.

          Surveys. Even though surveys are meant to collect data and to measure results, anyone

who sees or fills out a survey is further informed about the project.

          Specialty Media. Specialty media consists of tangible goods printed with an imprinted

message. Examples include key chains, bracelets, paper pads, and T-shirts (12). Utilizing

specialty media to convey the message of Project 21 is a possibility for Clinton DECA.

          Other Forms of Media. Other possible promotional activities include getting National

DECA to declare a National No Texting and Driving Week, making a DVD about the dangers of

texting and driving, and putting fliers on windshields of cars in the Clinton High School parking


       C. Media mix and rationale for media and other promotional activity(ies)

          Clinton DECA carefully chose the media outlets of the possibilities listed above that

would be used to most effectively communicate their message. They created a step-by-step

media mix they believed would help them reach their goals for the campaign.

Print Media.

          Selected Media/Promotion                                  Rationale

The Clinton Daily Democrat                 The Clinton Daily Democrat reaches over 4,000 people in
    Articles about the project            the Clinton community. Therefore, by publishing multiple
                                           articles, Clinton DECA was able to effectively reach their
                                           primary target market with a recurrent theme.

Inserts in the program of a Clinton High   Hundreds of high school students and community members
School football game                       attend Clinton High School‘s football games. Putting inserts
                                           in the program of a game was an effective way to inform
                                           hundreds of people in the primary market about the dangers
                                           of texting while driving.

DECA Dimensions                            DECA Dimensions has the potential to reach 230,000
   Article about the project              national DECA Members and alumni, which effectively
                                           reaches the tertiary market.

Hardcopy Petitions                         Petitions to get the law changed were sent to DECA chapters
                                           throughout the state and these chapters were informed to
                                           promote the petitions in their communities. After the
                                           petitions were finished being signed, they were given to
                                           State Representative Scott Largent who then gave them to
                                           other Missouri Representatives. Furthermore, anyone who
                                           saw or signed a petition may have been reminded about the
                                           dangers of texting while driving. This activity helped reach
                                           both the primary and secondary target markets.

CHS Wildcard                               The CHS Wildcard is Clinton High School‘s newspaper. The
   Editorial                              Wildcard reaches over 600 students, faculty, and parents
   Article about the project              every three weeks, which reaches the primary target market
                                           of Project 21.

Surveys                                    Clinton DECA conducted two surveys of Clinton High
                                           School students to collect data and measure results. Anyone
                                           who saw or filled out a survey was more informed about the
                                           project and may have been reminded about the dangers of
                                           texting while driving.

Broadcast Media.

           Selected Media/Promotion                                    Rationale

KDKD Radio Station                          KDKD Radio reaches over 60,000 people a week. Through
   Public Service Announcement             using KDKD, Clinton DECA reached several thousand
   ―Speak Out‖                             people in the primary market with the same message
   Air time during basketball games        multiple times by using the three promotional tools found on
                                            the left side of this chart.

  Online Media.

           Selected Media/Promotion                                    Rationale

Website                                     To help make the public aware of upcoming project events
                                            and details, a project website was started (

Online Petition                             In order to make petition signings more accessible, an online
                                            petition was started (

Facebook Group                              To create awareness for the project website and the online
                                            petition, a Facebook Group was started to remind its
                                            members to check the website and sign the petition.

         Billboard Media.

           Selected Media/Promotion                                    Rationale

Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Billboard   Clinton‘s hospital lies on the corner of Highways 7 and 13,
                                            two busy highways. The hospital has a digital billboard that
                                            makes several hundred impressions a day on the primary and
                                            even secondary target markets.

Hawthorn Bank Billboard                     Hawthorn Bank in Clinton has a digital billboard located on
                                            one of the busiest streets in town. Having a promotional
                                            message on this billboard makes impressions on many
                                            people in the primary market.

Fliers                                      Clinton DECA members put fliers about the project in
                                            several businesses around Clinton. Many people in the
                                            primary market saw these fliers in multiple places around
                                            town, thus making a recurrent impression.

Event Media.

         Selected Media/Promotion                                             Rationale

School-Wide Assembly                              There are 600 students and faculty in Clinton High School.
                                                  By having an assembly about the dangers of texting while
                                                  driving, 600 people in the primary market directly learned
                                                  about the dangers of texting while driving.

Speaking at the Rotary Club                       Speaking at their January 7, 2010 meeting made some of the
                                                  most influential people in the Clinton community aware of
                                                  Clinton DECA‘s project. Therefore, it further created
                                                  awareness in the primary market.

Speaking at Sunrise Optimist                      Speaking at their weekly meeting on January 7, 2010 also
                                                  created further awareness in the primary market.

Presentation at the State Capitol                 Having Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling visit the
                                                  Missouri State Capitol and speak about the project directly
                                                  impacted Missouri lawmakers, which is a portion of the
                                                  primary target.

          Further rationale for the media mix includes a few available media options which were

  considered but not selected to be a part of Project 21’s media mix for the following reasons.

                 Articles were put in The Democrat as opposed to The Kayo for the simple fact

                  that The Kayo is not as well-received and, therefore, is not as effective of an


                 Clinton DECA chose Facebook over Myspace and Twitter. Myspace is less

                  popular among the primary market and Twitter is more for constant updates.

                  Neither MySpace nor Twitter were not deemed as effective choices.

                 Project Chairperson Micah Melling endeavored to get Card TV to do a story

                  about the project; however, due to the reasons of it being a monthly program

                  where only certain stories are covered, it did not occur.

   Announcements on the school intercom are limited to only a few subjects due to

    time restraints; therefore, a message on the intercom could not occur.

   Specialty media was eliminated as it is an expensive way of promotion that

    Clinton DECA was unable to afford while covering other essential expenses.

   Project chairperson Micah Melling talked with DECA National President Ryan

    Dyck about having him declare a National No Texting and Driving Week for

    DECA members. Ryan researched the possibility of doing this but informed

    Micah that it needed to be cleared with DECA‘s Board of Directors and would be

    difficult to get something like this to occur.

   The idea of making and distributing a DVD about the dangers of texting and

    driving was discarded as Clinton DECA had concerns about how many people

    would actually watch the DVD.

   The possibility of putting fliers on the windshields of cars was seriously

    considered but was decided against in an effort to keep Project 21 as eco-friendly

    as possible.

            A.  Organizational chart, member involvement and job description

   Phil Jackson, NBA basketball coach - ―The strength of the team is each individual
   member...the strength of each member is the team.‖

                                     Chapter Advisors:
                                       Janell Allred
                                     and Cindy Perry

                                  Project Chairperson:
                                    Micah Melling

   Activities Coordinator:         Website Director:                Head of Research:
    Brogan McWilliams               Hayden Lowe                      Malori McGhee

                                   DECA Members

         The quality of a public relations project and impact of its message is only as strong as

those who organize and implement it. With solid effort, leadership, and participation from the

DECA Advisors, Project Chairperson, Clinton DECA, and Missouri DECA Members, the

project was a well orchestrated campaign.

         Chapter Advisors Cindy Perry and Janell Allred oversaw and approved all activities of

Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving. They were also both instrumental in arranging many

promotional aspects, such as (1) ―Speak Out‖ and the public service announcement on KDKD,

(2) promotional messages on Hawthorn Bank‘s and GVMH Medical Plaza‘s billboards, and (3)

speaking to the Rotary Club and the Sunrise Optimist Club.

         The Project Chairperson, Micah Melling, actively coordinated and helped carry out every

aspect of the campaign. His list of responsibilities included:

    Choosing the media mix
                 Choosing promotional activities
                 Coordinating each activity
                 Recruiting other DECA members to help with the project
                 Working with State Representative Scott Largent to start the petitions
                 Promoting the petitions on a statewide level

          Due to the magnitude of this project, Micah assembled a leadership team of DECA

members to help him coordinate the many phases of the project.

          Brogan McWilliams helped coordinate promotional activities. His main responsibilities

included submitting articles to The Clinton Daily Democrat and organizing the distribution of


          Hayden Lowe‘s main responsibility was organizing and keeping the project website

updated. He updated the website frequently to make certain the site would be most accurate and

helpful to those who visited.

          Malori McGhee researched information on the structure of a petition and how to

effectively promote a petition. She collaborated with Micah and Representative Largent to start

the petitions and gain support and signatures from people in the Clinton community.

          The following are additional activities assigned to and carried out by chapter members.

                 Putting inserts in the programs of a Clinton High School football game
                 Distributing fliers to businesses around town
                 Encouraging residents to sign the petitions
                 Showing general support and enthusiasm for the project

             B.     Description of the campaign and documentation

          The following charts describe how Clinton DECA worked towards meeting their goals

for Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving.

Clinton DECA‘s first activity was conducting a print survey of 500 Clinton High School

   students (400 of whom were drivers) that helped them obtain data and determine how to most

   efficiently approach this project. Results from the survey are as follows:

       72% of CHS drivers have sent a text message while driving
       80% of CHS students are aware of Missouri‘s law against texting and driving
       72% of CHS students are aware of the $200 fine if caught texting and driving
       53% of CHS students think Missouri‘s texting and driving law is unfair
       81% of CHS students think the law should apply to all Missouri citizens
       21% of CHS students think the law will significantly change the number of people under 21
        who text while driving
       18% of CHS drivers will no longer text while driving because of the law
       35% of CHS drivers will text less while driving because of the law
       47% of CHS drivers say the law will in no way affect their texting while driving habits

          This chart describes how Clinton DECA worked to meet the project goal of creating

   awareness about the dangers of texting while driving.

Activity Name               Description                                     Documentation

Clinton Daily    An article about the dangers of texting
Democrat Article while driving and the project was
#1               submitted and published in The Clinton
                 Daily Democrat on November 9, 2009.

Inserts in a CHS An insert about the dangers of texting
football game    and driving was put in each program
program          of the Clinton High School home
                 football game on October 16, 2009.

DECA              An article about the project was
Dimensions        published in the January edition on the
Article           DECA Dimensions.

CHS Wildcard      Project Chairperson Micah Melling,
Article #1        who is also on the high school‘s
                  newspaper staff, wrote an editorial
                  about texting and driving, urging
                  students to refrain from doing it. He
                  wrote this article as publicity for one of
                   the main goals of the project - creating
                  awareness about the dangers of texting
                  while driving.

KDKD Public     A public service announcement about                        PSA Script
Service         texting and driving was recorded at    Stephanie: ―Hey Micah, why did it take you so long
Announcement    KDKD radio station in October 2009 and to answer my text the other day?‖
                will remain on the air until May 2010.
                                                       Micah: ―I was driving.‖

                                                            Stephanie: ―Why did that stop you? It hasn‘t

                                                            Micah: ―Don‘t you know? There‘s a new law that
                                                            makes it illegal for people under 21 to text and

                                                            Stephanie: ―I hadn‘t heard that. But isn‘t texting
                                                            and driving dangerous for everybody, not just
                                                            people under 21?‖

                                                            Micah: ―It sure is. So no matter what age you are,
                                                            don‘t text and drive.‖

Golden Valley   The message ―Texting and Driving:
Memorial        Dangerous for All‖ was run on Golden
Hospital        Valley Memorial Hospital‘s digital
Billboard       billboard.

Hawthorn Bank   Another message was displayed on the
Billboard       digital billboard at Hawthorn Bank in

                (Please note that only the first slide of
                the message is being displayed). The
                rest of the slides comprised the message
                ―Texting and driving causes crashes.
                Make the decision to not text and drive,
                no matter what age you may be.‖

School-Wide        An assembly was held for all Clinton
Assembly           High School students about the
                   dangers of texting and driving. On
                   January 13, 2010, three highway
                   patrolmen made a presentation about the
                   dangers of texting while driving. The
                   presentation included a PowerPoint of
                   video clips, statistics, and group studies.

           The following chart describes how Clinton DECA strove to meet the project goal of

   creating an interest in changing the Missouri law against texting and driving to include every

   Missouri citizen.

Activity Name                  Description                                      Documentation

Online Petitions   The online petitions were an
                   extension of the hardcopy petitions.
                   This made the petitions accessible
                   to people who couldn‘t find an
                   opportunity to sign a hardcopy

Hardcopy    Throughout discussion with State
Petitions   Representative Scott Largent, Clinton
            DECA concluded that the most effective
            way to get legislators‘ attention was to
            start a petition. Being able to show
            Missouri lawmakers the signatures of
            thousands of people in their state who
            disagree with one of their laws makes a
            profound statement. Therefore, Clinton
            DECA initiated a petition to change
            Missouri‘s texting and driving law and
            make texting while driving illegal for
            every Missouri citizen. Clinton DECA
            displayed the petitions in several
            locations in their town, such as a
            supermarket, a bank, the high school,
            and the hospital.

            In order to make the largest impact, the
            petitions were promoted around the
            State of Missouri. Clinton DECA used
            other Missouri DECA chapters as a
            vehicle to get signatures. A statewide
            email was sent to all Missouri DECA
            chapters which explained the petitions
            and requested their help in getting
            signatures. (A copy of the petition was
            attached to the email).

            Project Chairperson Micah Melling
            used his position as a DECA State
            Officer to recruit the help of the other
            15 Missouri DECA State Officers.
            Micah sent an email to them and
            requested their help. He requested that
            the District Vice-Presidents heavily
            promote these petitions in their district.
            He also requested that the four
            executive officers (President, Vice-
            President, Secretary, and Reporter)
            use their leadership positions to
            promote the petitions around the
            state. Micah, who is the District 4 Vice-
            President, strongly promoted the
            petitions in his district.

This chart describes activities that were aimed at creating general awareness about the

    project and the petitions.

Activity Name                    Description                               Documentation

Project Website    A project website was started to inform Please refer to the URL
                   people about the dangers of texting while stoptextinganddriving/home.
                   driving. The site also provided
                   information about upcoming project

Clinton Daily    An article about the petitions, where to
Democrat Article sign them, and why to sign them was
#2               submitted and published in The Clinton
                 Daily Democrat on December 7, 2009.

CHS Wildcard       An article about Project 21: Stop
Article #2         Texting and Driving was written and
                   published in The CHS Wildcard on
                   November 20, 2009.

Clinton Daily    A third article about texting and driving
Democrat Article appeared in The Democrat on
#3               December 14, 2009. The article
                 included an interview with Clinton Chief
                 of Police Kevin Miller and discussed the
                 dangers of texting and driving as well as
                 the project.

KDKD ―Speak        KDKD has a weekly program where
Out‖ Program       community members can speak about
                   upcoming events. Project Chairperson
                   Micah Melling took advantage of this
                   opportunity and spoke about the
                   campaign on ―Speak Out‖ on November
                   30, 2009.

Air Time During KDKD Radio broadcasts both Clinton
Basketball Games High School boys‘ and girls‘ basketball
                 games. Micah is the sportscaster for all
                 the girls‘ games and some of the boys‘
                 games. During the halftime show of the
                 games, he frequently gave updates on
                 the project and gave information on
                 where citizens could sign the petitions.

Facebook Group   A project Facebook Group was created
                 to increase awareness for the online
                 petitions and the project website.
                 Micah would post links and reminders
                 on the group‘s page where its members
                 were reminded to visit the project
                 website and sign the online petition.

Fliers           Fliers were put around town in
                 businesses, restaurants, and
                 supermarkets with the dual purpose of
                 creating awareness about the dangers of
                 texting while driving and promoting the
                 online petitions.

Speaking at the    On January 7, 2010, Micah spoke at
Rotary Club        Clinton‘s Rotary Club. The main focus
                   of the presentation was creating
                   awareness about the project and getting
                   local citizens to sign the petition. He
                   also requested that local business owners
                   display a petition in their business

Speaking at        Micah also spoke to the Sunrise Optimist C
Sunrise Optimist   Club on January 7, 2010 about Project
                   21 and the dangers of texting while

            Clinton DECA conducted another print survey of 500 Clinton High School students at the

    end of the campaign to help measure their results. (The 400 CHS drivers who took the first

    survey were included in this survey). The results are as follows:

       31% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now doing less texting
        while driving
       53% of all CHS drivers say the assembly will cause them to text less while driving
       53% of CHS students say that their attitude towards texting while driving has been changed
       75% of CHS students feel they are more aware about the dangers of texting while driving than they
        were at the beginning of the school year
       10% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now texting while driving
       59% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now texting while driving
        the same as before

In December, five Missouri legislators pre-filed to change Missouri‘s texting and driving

law and make texting while driving illegal for everyone. These bills are now in the committee

stage of becoming a law. There are three committees that will decide which, if any of these, will

be voted upon by Missouri lawmakers to be put into effect for Missouri citizens. On February

25, 2010, Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling traveled to the State Capitol in Jefferson City to

tell Missouri lawmakers about Project 21. Micah told several Missouri lawmakers about the

project. The legislators to whom he talked included the Speaker of the House, Ron Richard, and

State Representative Ron Wells. Representative Wells is one of the representatives who has filed

to change the texting and driving law. According to Representative Largent, Representative

Wells‘ piece of legislation has a realistic chance of being passed and becoming a law.

   C.    Estimated impact on the target population

        Estimated impact to the primary target market. Clinton DECA‘s primary target was

Clinton residents and Missouri lawmakers. Clinton DECA launched a full-scale media mix to

inform residents of Clinton about the dangers of texting while driving. By having a repeated

message delivered through different forms of media, Clinton DECA informed or reminded

people about the dangers of texting while driving. By doing this, Clinton DECA believes that

these dangers are now more in the forefront of drivers‘ minds. In fact, 75% of Clinton High

School students are now more aware about the dangers of texting and driving, and 31% are

texting less while driving than they were at the beginning of the school year. (Survey results

found on page 24).

        The chapter believes they have also made an impact to Missouri‘s lawmakers‘ interest in

changing the law. According to Representative Largent, Clinton DECA‘s endeavors, along with

the actions of a few other groups throughout the state, have caught lawmakers‘ attention. By

collecting 1,250 signatures on their petitions, Clinton DECA‘s efforts may help factor into the

decisions of lawmakers when they decide whether or not to change the law.

        Estimated impact to the secondary market. Clinton DECA secondarily targeted

Missouri DECA members and Missouri residents. Missouri DECA members were used as a tool

to obtain petition signatures. Even though they were not necessarily exposed to the message

concerning the dangers of texting and driving, signing a petition, or even seeing a petition, may

have brought those dangers more to the forefronts of their minds.

        Both these groups have made an impact by working to change Missouri‘s texting and

driving law, which would make Missouri‘s roads safer than they are today.

        Estimated impact to the tertiary market. National DECA members made up the

tertiary market. They were reached through an article in the DECA Dimensions. Clinton DECA

believes the DECA members who read the article in the Dimensions are more informed about the

project and possibly more conscious about the dangers of texting while driving.

           A.  Evaluation of the process

  The evaluation process included: looking back objectively, adjusting, and moving
  forward successfully. In the words of Winston Churchill, "There is no use saying ‗we are
  doing our best.‘ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary."

        In evaluative retrospect, Clinton DECA believes they were successful in reaching the

goal to create awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. The residents of Clinton, part

of the primary market, were exposed to the project and its message numerous times. Each form

of print media reached hundreds of people every time something was published. KDKD Radio

continues to play the public service announcement, thereby furthering the message.

The billboard media that was used was also overtly successful. Both Hawthorn Bank and

Golden Valley Memorial Hospital displayed the messages for months. The speaking

engagements at Sunrise Optimist and Rotary were well received, and the message of Project 21

was greatly supported by those who heard it. The school-wide assembly was also well received.

In fact, 53% of CHS drivers who were at the assembly say that it will cause them to text less

when driving.

       The Clinton DECA Chapter as a whole recognizes the success of both the website and

Facebook Group. The potential reach for these two media outlets is extraordinary, and Clinton

DECA is satisfied with the response to these two forms of media.

       Clinton DECA also believes that they were successful in reaching their goal of creating

an interest in changing Missouri‘s texting and driving law to be inclusive for every citizen. By

doing this project and displaying support for a change in the law, an impact has been made.

Representative Largent has talked about Clinton DECA‘s efforts to other representatives, making

them aware of the support for a change in the law.

       Representative Largent has been a big proponent to the new texting and driving law,

largely because Clinton DECA has spurred his action through their efforts. Collectively, through

both their endeavors, a difference has been made in getting this law changed.

        Five amended versions of a new texting and driving law are currently in the committee

stage of becoming a new law. According to Representative Largent, support for a change in the

law is evident as there were multiple lawmakers who pre-filed for a change. Also, according to

Representative Largent, the possibility of getting the law changed is realistic, which would make

texting while driving illegal for every Missouri citizen.

Clinton DECA was able to amass 1,250 petition

                                                  signatures. The chapter feels that these petitions can

                                                  help show Missouri lawmakers there is support for a

                                                  change. Although Clinton DECA would have liked

                                                  to have received more signatures, they believe 1,250

                                                  can still make an impact.
State Representative Scott Largent presents
Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling with a       Representative Largent agreed, ―I think that the
letter of recognition from Speaker of the
House Ron Richard for his work on revising        petitions have the potential to help get the law to
Missouri‘s texting and driving law.
                                                  apply to everyone. A lot of people who are under 21

    feel a little disenfranchised because they feel they don‘t have anything to offer in the terms of

    legislation. This is an opportunity to see if Missouri‘s youth can overcome certain legislations; it

    shows that their opinions matter and that they can make a difference.‖

                  B.   Recommendations for future campaigns

           Through working on this project, Clinton DECA has two main areas for

    recommendations for future Public Relations Campaigns.

           Recommendations for a Public Relations Project in General. Clinton DECA found

    that by utilizing the quote by Anthony Robbins to inspire them to use several different forms of

    media was a key to their success. Clinton DECA recommends that future campaigns take this

    same approach. The chapter also suggests creating a project Facebook Group and website.

    However, if that is done, it needs to be properly promoted. A large number of people need to be

    invited to join the Facebook Group. This can be done by having several DECA members invite

    all their Facebook friends to join the group. The chapter also believes the most effective way to

    promote the website is by word of mouth. Clinton DECA mentioned the website in several

promotions but never in a face-to-face encounter. Results can be found by mentioning the

website in newspaper articles or on the radio, but Clinton DECA believes direct contact would

have produced even better results.

       Recommendations for trying to change a law. This was Clinton DECA‘s first

experience with trying to change a law. By looking back and reflecting on this goal, the chapter

has the following as recommendations. Clinton DECA does not recommend using an online

petition. Although it may sound effective, the chapter found it difficult to achieve results

through an online petition. The chapter believes an online petition is also difficult to promote. If

promoted on the radio or in the newspaper, many are not near a computer to sign when it is fresh

in their mind. This also ties into the recommendation to effectively use online media. If the

online petition is effectively promoted through other online medias, more people may sign

because they were reminded to do so while online.

       To have a larger impact when trying to change a statewide law through a petition, it is

important to get signatures from citizens throughout the state. Clinton DECA promoted the

petitions via email to DECA chapters throughout the state. While some chapters did get petition

signatures, Clinton DECA had hoped for more of a response. Clinton DECA believes that more

direct contact, such as a phone call, should be used in place of email when attempting to

stimulate a response as large as the chapter had wanted.

       Clinton DECA recommends for future students to continue to seize opportunities,

research thoroughly, and to work diligently. This year, Clinton DECA was pleased and proud of

the results of Project 21. Making a difference can be achieved.


(1) ―Youth Culture and New Technologies.‖ Http:// M/Cyclopedia.
      Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

(2) ―The History of Text Messaging.‖ Http:// Articlesbase. Web.
       16 Nov. 2009.

(3) Park, William. ―Americans Sent 1 Trillion SMS Text Messages in 2008!‖
       Http:// IntoMobile. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

(4) ―How Many SMS Text Messages Sent in a Day in the US?‖
      Http:// Tech Crunchies – Internet Statistics and Numbers. Web.
      16 Nov. 2009.

(5) Hafner, Katie. ―Texting May Be Taking a Toll.‖ Http:// New York
       Times. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

(6) Berg, Rebecca. ―New Texting-While-Driving Law Goes into Effect.‖
       Http:// Missourian. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.

(7) ―Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics.‖ Http:// Edgar Snyder. Web.
       18 Nov. 2009.

(8) ―Shocking Statistics and Video about Texting While Driving.‖ Http:// Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

(9) Nugent, Helen. ―Texting While Driving is More Dangerous than Drunk-Driving.‖
      Http:// TimesOnline. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

(10) ―Time to Hit ‗Send‘ on Texting Bans.‖ Kansas City Star. 11 Dec. 2009: A25. Print.

(11) ―Missouri Proposes Banning Texting for All Drivers.‖ Http://
      KCTV5 News. Web. 15 Dec 2009.

(12) Farese, Schneider Lois. Marketing Essentials. New York: McGraw, 2006. Print.


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Sample Public Relations Project (PRP)

  • 1. I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The goal of this project was to create awareness about the dangers of texting Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving is a while driving for all ages. Clinton DECA Public Relations Project. The project was then set out to show the need for changing organized and carried out by the Clinton DECA Chapter. Missouri‘s texting and driving law. Missouri Representative Scott Lipke introduced a crime bill — passed and signed by Gov. Jay Nixon on July 9, 2009 — regarding texting and driving. Texting while driving is now against the law in Missouri. Texting specifically involves sending, reading, and writing text to others using a cell phone. The Missouri law stops short of holding all drivers responsible. Under the current law, tickets are only given to drivers under the age of 21. Missouri‘s texting and driving law is a serious issue that Clinton DECA deemed worthy to address, and the chapter determined the law ultimately needs to be changed. The chapter believes that the law needs to be changed to make it illegal to text and drive for every Missouri citizen, regardless of age. The two goals of Clinton DECA‘s Project 21 are: 1. To create an interest in changing the Missouri law to hold all drivers responsible and 2. To increase awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. In regard to changing the law, Clinton DECA created a petition to be promoted statewide through the Association of Missouri DECA. DECA chapters throughout the state were used as a vehicle to get signatures on the petitions. The signed petitions from all over the state were returned to Project 21 headquarters, Clinton DECA, in the middle of January. In turn, Clinton DECA gave them to State Representative Scott Largent. Representative Largent then gave the petitions to other Missouri Representatives. Regarding awareness about the dangers of texting and driving, Clinton DECA surveyed and found many did not realize the extreme dangers created by texting while driving. Several studies show that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking while driving. To increase awareness of the dangers, Clinton DECA assembled a full-scale promotional plan using a mix of five different forms of media:  Print Media  Broadcast Media  Online Media  Billboard Media  Event Media Through the massive public relations campaign, Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving, Clinton DECA has made a significant impact on creating awareness and influencing a change in the law. 1
  • 2. II. CAMPAIGN THEME OR FOCUS A. Statement and description of the issue to be addressed Kevin Miller, Clinton, Missouri Chief of Police - ―Twenty-one isn‘t a magic number that says you can text and drive. The law should actually be for people over 21. Those under 21 have great texting skills. They may not be better drivers, but they are much better texters.‖ Texting has become a phenomenon; nearly every teenager and young adult sends text messages. The first text message was sent in 1989 by Edward Lantz, a NASA employee. It was sent through a Motorola beeper. The text consisted of numbers read upside down in order to decipher the message (1). In 1992, an SMS message (text message) was sent in a United Kingdom commercial using a desktop computer. The message read ―Merry Christmas‖ and was delivered to a handset device (2). Some believe this to be the first true text message ever sent. Texting was not widely used throughout the nineties; it was mostly utilized for the deaf (2). However, in the year 2000, AT&T became one of the first major carriers to bring text messaging to the United States (1). Since then, texting has become a habit for many Americans. In 2008, Americans sent 1 trillion text messages, meaning that 3.5 billion texts were sent everyday (3). In the first half of 2009, there were 740 billion texts sent in the US (4). Teens are the biggest user of the texting phenomenon. In the fourth quarter of 2008, teens sent an average of 2,272 texts a month (5). Due to the habit forming text-messaging by frequent texters, some claim that it is addictive. Some studies even show that texting can be as addictive as smoking cigarettes (1). Since texting is a habit and even addictive to some, people will answer a message no matter where they are, even if they are driving. Therefore, people often text while driving. 2
  • 3. In fact, in a printed survey of 400 Clinton High School (CHS) drivers, 72% of those surveyed have sent a text message while driving, which proves this is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. (Survey results are found on page 16). On August 28, 2009, Missouri‘s law against texting and driving was put into effect. The law makes it illegal for people under the age of 21 to text while driving. The law is part of an omnibus crime bill passed by Missouri legislators earlier in 2009. Those under 21 caught texting while driving will receive a $200 fine for the offense. The law cites texting while driving as a primary offense, meaning that drivers can be stopped by law enforcement officers based solely on suspicion (6). According to William Bremer of the Missouri Highway Patrol, law enforcers even have the right to check text message history to see if someone was texting before they were pulled over. The major problem with this law is that it only affects people under the age of 21; therefore, it does not completely protect Missouri drivers and passengers from the dangers of texting and driving, which is another issue that needs to be addressed. B. Rationale for selecting the issue The rationale for Clinton DECA selecting the issue of texting and driving is based on two main reasons. Reason 1: Texting and driving is dangerous. Studies show that texting while driving causes a 400% increase in time spent with one‘s eyes off the road (7). This particular statistic tells just how dangerous texting and driving is – if someone is not watching the road, safety is at a minimum. Here are more facts about the dangers of texting and driving:  Teenagers say that texting is their number one distraction while driving (7).  Of all cell phone related tasks, which include talking, dialing, or even just reaching for the phone, texting while driving is the most dangerous (7). 3
  • 4. Texting and driving takes away a driver‘s focus for an average of 4.6 seconds. If traveling 55 mph, that is enough time to cover the distance of a football field (8).  A study by Clemson University showed that texting and using iPods while driving caused drivers to drift out of their lanes 10% more often (8).  Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol (9).  The reaction time of a person while texting and driving deteriorates by approximately 35%. That is much worse than a person at the legal drinking limit, whose reaction slows by 12%. It was also worse than someone who had smoked cannabis, whose reactions are 21% slower (9).  Drivers who text have 90% less control of their steering wheel (10). Clinton DECA believes there is a need to make people aware of these dangers because, although it is currently illegal for people under 21 to text and drive, this law is difficult to enforce. Representative Largent agreed, ―It‘s a very hard law to enforce. It‘s more about making a point. I find it hard to believe that police officers sit on the side of the road and try to catch people who appear to be under 21 texting and driving.‖ In fact, according to Clinton Chief of Police Kevin Miller, Clinton police have not issued any citations for texting and driving. Enforcement is difficult. The law may not be enough to keep people from texting while driving. Therefore, people need to be educated in order to understand how dangerous texting and driving really is and make a decision not to text while driving. Reason 2: Missouri’s texting and driving law needs to be changed. Missouri‘s law against texting and driving currently only makes it illegal for those under the age of 21 to text and drive. Texting is also prevalent among people over 21, and many will answer a text no matter what the circumstances. For example, many adults constantly text or send emails that are work related. People under 21 are not the only ones who text and drive. 4
  • 5. Concerning this topic, Sergeant William Bremer of the Missouri Highway Patrol said, ―People over 21 are just as likely to be involved in an accident while texting and driving. It‘s distracted driving no matter which way you look at it. If someone under 21 is affected by it, everyone should be affected by it.‖ Amending the law to make texting while driving illegal for every Missouri citizen would certainly be a major step to ensuring more safety on Missouri‘s roads and would put Missouri in a more responsible position for guarding against deaths caused by texting while driving. Representative Largent further said, ―I certainly think that changing the law to include everyone would go a long way to make roads safer, and that was the original intent – to make roads safer. When the original bill came out, it got a lot of push back because it applied to a lot of legislators. Therefore, it didn‘t get a lot of support. No one wants to pass a law that impedes what you do. They found an age where they had enough support to get a law passed which still retained most of the original law.‖ This statement by Representative Largent is what is most disturbing about the law as it is – legislators know that texting while driving is dangerous for all ages, but they chose to pass the law for only a specific group of people. Representative Largent continued, ―A lot of times on new legislations you have to take it a step at a time and stagger it out. But in this case, I wish they would have made it illegal for everyone right off the bat. I can‘t see a good reason why it‘s legal for those who aren‘t as good at texting. They may be better drivers but not better ‗texters.‘‖ To truly make an impact, this Missouri law needs to include everyone and not just a specific group of citizens. Representative Ron Wells may have summed it up best. ―That‘s like 5
  • 6. saying, ‗You can kill yourself if you‘re over 21.‘ Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do on the road.‖ (11) C. Description of the target population (such as community, school, etc) Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving targets people in the community of Clinton, Missouri, the State of Missouri, and many DECA members across the US. Therefore, the focus of this project is to reach as many people as possible because the chapter believes that texting while driving is dangerous for everyone everywhere. Clinton DECA even gained some national exposure by getting an article published in the DECA Dimensions. The primary, secondary, and tertiary targets are described in this chart. Target Reach People Reached Population Primary (Clinton  The most awareness about the dangers  There is the potential to reach an audience Residents and of texting while driving was raised in of 10,000 people in Clinton and inform Missouri Law the community of Clinton. them about the message of Project 21. Makers)  The petitions were specifically aimed  When introduced to Missouri lawmakers, at getting Missouri law makers‘ the petitions could possibly influence a attention. change in the law. Secondary Getting the texting while driving law By reaching out to all Missouri DECA (Missouri DECA changed was a statewide endeavor. Chapters, there is the potential to reach nearly Members and Missouri DECA Chapters were informed 10,000 students. The 1,250 Missouri citizens Citizens) about the petitions via email. Willing who signed the petitions were also reached by chapters helped get petition signatures the message of Project 21. However, all from Missouri citizens around the state. citizens will be affected if these petitions contribute to getting the law changed. Tertiary (National An article about the project was DECA National President Ryan Dyck DECA Members) published in the January edition of estimates that the Dimensions has a DECA Dimensions, DECA‘s National readership of nearly 230,000. Magazine. 6
  • 7. III. LOCAL MEDIA AND OTHER PROMOTIONAL POSSIBILITIES A. Local print and broadcast media available Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and writer – ―To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.‖ Clinton DECA wanted a media mix to reach as many people as possible with the message of Project 21 and found the above statement from Anthony Robbins, an expert communicator, to guide their decisions for media. When a message is targeted at a large audience, the media must be varied to appeal to as many as possible. For this reason, Clinton DECA evaluated five forms of media and selected the best mix for communicating the message to the target markets. Print Media Available. The Clinton Daily Democrat is a well-established newspaper in the Clinton community and is the primary form of print media available to the Clinton community. The Democrat has a circulation of 4,250 that reaches people in and around Clinton. The paper accepts and scrutinizes submitted articles to be published along with having a staff of writers. Together, this comprises the content of the paper. The Kayo is another newspaper based out of Clinton; it has a circulation of 14,792. The Kayo, though widely distributed, is less likely to be read by the target audience as it is primarily used for advertisements. The CHS Wildcard is Clinton High School‘s newspaper. It reaches over 600 students, faculty, and parents every three weeks. Broadcast Media Available. KDKD FM is a country radio station based out of Clinton; KDKD also has an AM station that plays music from the 60s and 70s. Established in 1951, the station has grown into a popular listening spot for at least 62,500 listeners each week on both the 7
  • 8. AM and FM. KDKD is community oriented and, in addition to playing music, KDKD sponsors and carries out these events:  Broadcasting all CHS football, basketball, and baseball games  A local ―Speak Out‖ Program to create public awareness about upcoming events  The Colgate Country Showdown  A Bridal Expo  A Home Show Due to these many community oriented events, KDKD has a favorable image in the eyes of the community and continues its excellence on a daily basis. Putting a brief message about texting while driving on Clinton High School‘s daily announcements is another form of broadcast media. Additionally, having the high school‘s TV production class, Card TV, feature a story offers an additional option. B. Other possible promotion activity(ies) Web Media. With the internet becoming increasingly popular, online media is one of the newest and most effective forms of media (12). Starting a project website would be an option to take advantage of utilizing online media. Social Networking Media. Online social networking sites are also becoming a trend. Sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter all have several million users. Promoting the intents of the project on one of these sites may also be an effective way to advance the project‘s message. Billboard Media. Billboard media is one of the oldest and most effective forms of promotion (12). Putting messages on digital billboards around town or posting fliers in businesses is an option for promotion. Event Media. Hosting or organizing an event is another useful way of promotion and communication. During an event, direct communication is experienced; face-to-face 8
  • 9. conversation is the most effective way to engage people into a certain cause. Having a school- wide assembly or speaking at adult organizations are possibilities to exercise this most effective form of media promotion. Presentations. Making a presentation at the state capitol in Jefferson City is a possibility to directly contact those who can help Clinton DECA meet their goal of contributing to change Missouri‘s texting and driving law. Petitions. Although petitions may be focused on getting the law changed, everyone who signs a petition and everyone that sees a petition would be more informed about the message of the project. Surveys. Even though surveys are meant to collect data and to measure results, anyone who sees or fills out a survey is further informed about the project. Specialty Media. Specialty media consists of tangible goods printed with an imprinted message. Examples include key chains, bracelets, paper pads, and T-shirts (12). Utilizing specialty media to convey the message of Project 21 is a possibility for Clinton DECA. Other Forms of Media. Other possible promotional activities include getting National DECA to declare a National No Texting and Driving Week, making a DVD about the dangers of texting and driving, and putting fliers on windshields of cars in the Clinton High School parking lot. C. Media mix and rationale for media and other promotional activity(ies) Clinton DECA carefully chose the media outlets of the possibilities listed above that would be used to most effectively communicate their message. They created a step-by-step media mix they believed would help them reach their goals for the campaign. 9
  • 10. Print Media. Selected Media/Promotion Rationale The Clinton Daily Democrat The Clinton Daily Democrat reaches over 4,000 people in  Articles about the project the Clinton community. Therefore, by publishing multiple articles, Clinton DECA was able to effectively reach their primary target market with a recurrent theme. Inserts in the program of a Clinton High Hundreds of high school students and community members School football game attend Clinton High School‘s football games. Putting inserts in the program of a game was an effective way to inform hundreds of people in the primary market about the dangers of texting while driving. DECA Dimensions DECA Dimensions has the potential to reach 230,000  Article about the project national DECA Members and alumni, which effectively reaches the tertiary market. Hardcopy Petitions Petitions to get the law changed were sent to DECA chapters throughout the state and these chapters were informed to promote the petitions in their communities. After the petitions were finished being signed, they were given to State Representative Scott Largent who then gave them to other Missouri Representatives. Furthermore, anyone who saw or signed a petition may have been reminded about the dangers of texting while driving. This activity helped reach both the primary and secondary target markets. CHS Wildcard The CHS Wildcard is Clinton High School‘s newspaper. The  Editorial Wildcard reaches over 600 students, faculty, and parents  Article about the project every three weeks, which reaches the primary target market of Project 21. Surveys Clinton DECA conducted two surveys of Clinton High School students to collect data and measure results. Anyone who saw or filled out a survey was more informed about the project and may have been reminded about the dangers of texting while driving. 10
  • 11. Broadcast Media. Selected Media/Promotion Rationale KDKD Radio Station KDKD Radio reaches over 60,000 people a week. Through  Public Service Announcement using KDKD, Clinton DECA reached several thousand  ―Speak Out‖ people in the primary market with the same message  Air time during basketball games multiple times by using the three promotional tools found on the left side of this chart. Online Media. Selected Media/Promotion Rationale Website To help make the public aware of upcoming project events and details, a project website was started ( com/site/stoptextinganddriving/home). Online Petition In order to make petition signings more accessible, an online petition was started ( petition.html). Facebook Group To create awareness for the project website and the online petition, a Facebook Group was started to remind its members to check the website and sign the petition. Billboard Media. Selected Media/Promotion Rationale Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Billboard Clinton‘s hospital lies on the corner of Highways 7 and 13, two busy highways. The hospital has a digital billboard that makes several hundred impressions a day on the primary and even secondary target markets. Hawthorn Bank Billboard Hawthorn Bank in Clinton has a digital billboard located on one of the busiest streets in town. Having a promotional message on this billboard makes impressions on many people in the primary market. Fliers Clinton DECA members put fliers about the project in several businesses around Clinton. Many people in the primary market saw these fliers in multiple places around town, thus making a recurrent impression. 11
  • 12. Event Media. Selected Media/Promotion Rationale School-Wide Assembly There are 600 students and faculty in Clinton High School. By having an assembly about the dangers of texting while driving, 600 people in the primary market directly learned about the dangers of texting while driving. Speaking at the Rotary Club Speaking at their January 7, 2010 meeting made some of the most influential people in the Clinton community aware of Clinton DECA‘s project. Therefore, it further created awareness in the primary market. Speaking at Sunrise Optimist Speaking at their weekly meeting on January 7, 2010 also created further awareness in the primary market. Presentation at the State Capitol Having Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling visit the Missouri State Capitol and speak about the project directly impacted Missouri lawmakers, which is a portion of the primary target. Further rationale for the media mix includes a few available media options which were considered but not selected to be a part of Project 21’s media mix for the following reasons.  Articles were put in The Democrat as opposed to The Kayo for the simple fact that The Kayo is not as well-received and, therefore, is not as effective of an option.  Clinton DECA chose Facebook over Myspace and Twitter. Myspace is less popular among the primary market and Twitter is more for constant updates. Neither MySpace nor Twitter were not deemed as effective choices.  Project Chairperson Micah Melling endeavored to get Card TV to do a story about the project; however, due to the reasons of it being a monthly program where only certain stories are covered, it did not occur. 12
  • 13. Announcements on the school intercom are limited to only a few subjects due to time restraints; therefore, a message on the intercom could not occur.  Specialty media was eliminated as it is an expensive way of promotion that Clinton DECA was unable to afford while covering other essential expenses.  Project chairperson Micah Melling talked with DECA National President Ryan Dyck about having him declare a National No Texting and Driving Week for DECA members. Ryan researched the possibility of doing this but informed Micah that it needed to be cleared with DECA‘s Board of Directors and would be difficult to get something like this to occur.  The idea of making and distributing a DVD about the dangers of texting and driving was discarded as Clinton DECA had concerns about how many people would actually watch the DVD.  The possibility of putting fliers on the windshields of cars was seriously considered but was decided against in an effort to keep Project 21 as eco-friendly as possible. 13
  • 14. IV. CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION A. Organizational chart, member involvement and job description Phil Jackson, NBA basketball coach - ―The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team.‖ Chapter Advisors: Janell Allred and Cindy Perry Project Chairperson: Micah Melling Activities Coordinator: Website Director: Head of Research: Brogan McWilliams Hayden Lowe Malori McGhee DECA Members The quality of a public relations project and impact of its message is only as strong as those who organize and implement it. With solid effort, leadership, and participation from the DECA Advisors, Project Chairperson, Clinton DECA, and Missouri DECA Members, the project was a well orchestrated campaign. Chapter Advisors Cindy Perry and Janell Allred oversaw and approved all activities of Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving. They were also both instrumental in arranging many promotional aspects, such as (1) ―Speak Out‖ and the public service announcement on KDKD, (2) promotional messages on Hawthorn Bank‘s and GVMH Medical Plaza‘s billboards, and (3) speaking to the Rotary Club and the Sunrise Optimist Club. The Project Chairperson, Micah Melling, actively coordinated and helped carry out every aspect of the campaign. His list of responsibilities included: 14
  • 15. Choosing the media mix  Choosing promotional activities  Coordinating each activity  Recruiting other DECA members to help with the project  Working with State Representative Scott Largent to start the petitions  Promoting the petitions on a statewide level Due to the magnitude of this project, Micah assembled a leadership team of DECA members to help him coordinate the many phases of the project. Brogan McWilliams helped coordinate promotional activities. His main responsibilities included submitting articles to The Clinton Daily Democrat and organizing the distribution of fliers. Hayden Lowe‘s main responsibility was organizing and keeping the project website updated. He updated the website frequently to make certain the site would be most accurate and helpful to those who visited. Malori McGhee researched information on the structure of a petition and how to effectively promote a petition. She collaborated with Micah and Representative Largent to start the petitions and gain support and signatures from people in the Clinton community. The following are additional activities assigned to and carried out by chapter members.  Putting inserts in the programs of a Clinton High School football game  Distributing fliers to businesses around town  Encouraging residents to sign the petitions  Showing general support and enthusiasm for the project B. Description of the campaign and documentation The following charts describe how Clinton DECA worked towards meeting their goals for Project 21: Stop Texting and Driving. 15
  • 16. Clinton DECA‘s first activity was conducting a print survey of 500 Clinton High School students (400 of whom were drivers) that helped them obtain data and determine how to most efficiently approach this project. Results from the survey are as follows:  72% of CHS drivers have sent a text message while driving  80% of CHS students are aware of Missouri‘s law against texting and driving  72% of CHS students are aware of the $200 fine if caught texting and driving  53% of CHS students think Missouri‘s texting and driving law is unfair  81% of CHS students think the law should apply to all Missouri citizens  21% of CHS students think the law will significantly change the number of people under 21 who text while driving  18% of CHS drivers will no longer text while driving because of the law  35% of CHS drivers will text less while driving because of the law  47% of CHS drivers say the law will in no way affect their texting while driving habits This chart describes how Clinton DECA worked to meet the project goal of creating awareness about the dangers of texting while driving. Activity Name Description Documentation Clinton Daily An article about the dangers of texting Democrat Article while driving and the project was #1 submitted and published in The Clinton Daily Democrat on November 9, 2009. 16
  • 17. Inserts in a CHS An insert about the dangers of texting football game and driving was put in each program program of the Clinton High School home football game on October 16, 2009. DECA An article about the project was Dimensions published in the January edition on the Article DECA Dimensions. CHS Wildcard Project Chairperson Micah Melling, Article #1 who is also on the high school‘s newspaper staff, wrote an editorial about texting and driving, urging students to refrain from doing it. He wrote this article as publicity for one of the main goals of the project - creating awareness about the dangers of texting while driving. 17
  • 18. KDKD Public A public service announcement about PSA Script Service texting and driving was recorded at Stephanie: ―Hey Micah, why did it take you so long Announcement KDKD radio station in October 2009 and to answer my text the other day?‖ will remain on the air until May 2010. Micah: ―I was driving.‖ Stephanie: ―Why did that stop you? It hasn‘t before.‖ Micah: ―Don‘t you know? There‘s a new law that makes it illegal for people under 21 to text and drive.‖ Stephanie: ―I hadn‘t heard that. But isn‘t texting and driving dangerous for everybody, not just people under 21?‖ Micah: ―It sure is. So no matter what age you are, don‘t text and drive.‖ Golden Valley The message ―Texting and Driving: Memorial Dangerous for All‖ was run on Golden Hospital Valley Memorial Hospital‘s digital Billboard billboard. Hawthorn Bank Another message was displayed on the Billboard digital billboard at Hawthorn Bank in Clinton. (Please note that only the first slide of the message is being displayed). The rest of the slides comprised the message ―Texting and driving causes crashes. Make the decision to not text and drive, no matter what age you may be.‖ 18
  • 19. School-Wide An assembly was held for all Clinton Assembly High School students about the dangers of texting and driving. On January 13, 2010, three highway patrolmen made a presentation about the dangers of texting while driving. The presentation included a PowerPoint of video clips, statistics, and group studies. The following chart describes how Clinton DECA strove to meet the project goal of creating an interest in changing the Missouri law against texting and driving to include every Missouri citizen. Activity Name Description Documentation Online Petitions The online petitions were an extension of the hardcopy petitions. This made the petitions accessible to people who couldn‘t find an opportunity to sign a hardcopy petition. 19
  • 20. Hardcopy Throughout discussion with State Petitions Representative Scott Largent, Clinton DECA concluded that the most effective way to get legislators‘ attention was to start a petition. Being able to show Missouri lawmakers the signatures of thousands of people in their state who disagree with one of their laws makes a profound statement. Therefore, Clinton DECA initiated a petition to change Missouri‘s texting and driving law and make texting while driving illegal for every Missouri citizen. Clinton DECA displayed the petitions in several locations in their town, such as a supermarket, a bank, the high school, and the hospital. In order to make the largest impact, the petitions were promoted around the State of Missouri. Clinton DECA used other Missouri DECA chapters as a vehicle to get signatures. A statewide email was sent to all Missouri DECA chapters which explained the petitions and requested their help in getting signatures. (A copy of the petition was attached to the email). Project Chairperson Micah Melling used his position as a DECA State Officer to recruit the help of the other 15 Missouri DECA State Officers. Micah sent an email to them and requested their help. He requested that the District Vice-Presidents heavily promote these petitions in their district. He also requested that the four executive officers (President, Vice- President, Secretary, and Reporter) use their leadership positions to promote the petitions around the state. Micah, who is the District 4 Vice- President, strongly promoted the petitions in his district. 20
  • 21. This chart describes activities that were aimed at creating general awareness about the project and the petitions. Activity Name Description Documentation Project Website A project website was started to inform Please refer to the URL people about the dangers of texting while stoptextinganddriving/home. driving. The site also provided information about upcoming project events. Clinton Daily An article about the petitions, where to Democrat Article sign them, and why to sign them was #2 submitted and published in The Clinton Daily Democrat on December 7, 2009. CHS Wildcard An article about Project 21: Stop Article #2 Texting and Driving was written and published in The CHS Wildcard on November 20, 2009. 21
  • 22. Clinton Daily A third article about texting and driving Democrat Article appeared in The Democrat on #3 December 14, 2009. The article included an interview with Clinton Chief of Police Kevin Miller and discussed the dangers of texting and driving as well as the project. KDKD ―Speak KDKD has a weekly program where Out‖ Program community members can speak about upcoming events. Project Chairperson Micah Melling took advantage of this opportunity and spoke about the campaign on ―Speak Out‖ on November 30, 2009. Air Time During KDKD Radio broadcasts both Clinton Basketball Games High School boys‘ and girls‘ basketball games. Micah is the sportscaster for all the girls‘ games and some of the boys‘ games. During the halftime show of the games, he frequently gave updates on the project and gave information on where citizens could sign the petitions. 22
  • 23. Facebook Group A project Facebook Group was created to increase awareness for the online petitions and the project website. Micah would post links and reminders on the group‘s page where its members were reminded to visit the project website and sign the online petition. Fliers Fliers were put around town in businesses, restaurants, and supermarkets with the dual purpose of creating awareness about the dangers of texting while driving and promoting the online petitions. 23
  • 24. Speaking at the On January 7, 2010, Micah spoke at Rotary Club Clinton‘s Rotary Club. The main focus of the presentation was creating awareness about the project and getting local citizens to sign the petition. He also requested that local business owners display a petition in their business establishments. Speaking at Micah also spoke to the Sunrise Optimist C Sunrise Optimist Club on January 7, 2010 about Project 21 and the dangers of texting while driving. Clinton DECA conducted another print survey of 500 Clinton High School students at the end of the campaign to help measure their results. (The 400 CHS drivers who took the first survey were included in this survey). The results are as follows:  31% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now doing less texting while driving  53% of all CHS drivers say the assembly will cause them to text less while driving  53% of CHS students say that their attitude towards texting while driving has been changed  75% of CHS students feel they are more aware about the dangers of texting while driving than they were at the beginning of the school year  10% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now texting while driving more  59% of CHS drivers who took the survey at the beginning of the year are now texting while driving the same as before 24
  • 25. In December, five Missouri legislators pre-filed to change Missouri‘s texting and driving law and make texting while driving illegal for everyone. These bills are now in the committee stage of becoming a law. There are three committees that will decide which, if any of these, will be voted upon by Missouri lawmakers to be put into effect for Missouri citizens. On February 25, 2010, Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling traveled to the State Capitol in Jefferson City to tell Missouri lawmakers about Project 21. Micah told several Missouri lawmakers about the project. The legislators to whom he talked included the Speaker of the House, Ron Richard, and State Representative Ron Wells. Representative Wells is one of the representatives who has filed to change the texting and driving law. According to Representative Largent, Representative Wells‘ piece of legislation has a realistic chance of being passed and becoming a law. C. Estimated impact on the target population Estimated impact to the primary target market. Clinton DECA‘s primary target was Clinton residents and Missouri lawmakers. Clinton DECA launched a full-scale media mix to inform residents of Clinton about the dangers of texting while driving. By having a repeated message delivered through different forms of media, Clinton DECA informed or reminded people about the dangers of texting while driving. By doing this, Clinton DECA believes that these dangers are now more in the forefront of drivers‘ minds. In fact, 75% of Clinton High School students are now more aware about the dangers of texting and driving, and 31% are texting less while driving than they were at the beginning of the school year. (Survey results found on page 24). The chapter believes they have also made an impact to Missouri‘s lawmakers‘ interest in changing the law. According to Representative Largent, Clinton DECA‘s endeavors, along with the actions of a few other groups throughout the state, have caught lawmakers‘ attention. By 25
  • 26. collecting 1,250 signatures on their petitions, Clinton DECA‘s efforts may help factor into the decisions of lawmakers when they decide whether or not to change the law. Estimated impact to the secondary market. Clinton DECA secondarily targeted Missouri DECA members and Missouri residents. Missouri DECA members were used as a tool to obtain petition signatures. Even though they were not necessarily exposed to the message concerning the dangers of texting and driving, signing a petition, or even seeing a petition, may have brought those dangers more to the forefronts of their minds. Both these groups have made an impact by working to change Missouri‘s texting and driving law, which would make Missouri‘s roads safer than they are today. Estimated impact to the tertiary market. National DECA members made up the tertiary market. They were reached through an article in the DECA Dimensions. Clinton DECA believes the DECA members who read the article in the Dimensions are more informed about the project and possibly more conscious about the dangers of texting while driving. V. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Evaluation of the process The evaluation process included: looking back objectively, adjusting, and moving forward successfully. In the words of Winston Churchill, "There is no use saying ‗we are doing our best.‘ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary." In evaluative retrospect, Clinton DECA believes they were successful in reaching the goal to create awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. The residents of Clinton, part of the primary market, were exposed to the project and its message numerous times. Each form of print media reached hundreds of people every time something was published. KDKD Radio continues to play the public service announcement, thereby furthering the message. 26
  • 27. The billboard media that was used was also overtly successful. Both Hawthorn Bank and Golden Valley Memorial Hospital displayed the messages for months. The speaking engagements at Sunrise Optimist and Rotary were well received, and the message of Project 21 was greatly supported by those who heard it. The school-wide assembly was also well received. In fact, 53% of CHS drivers who were at the assembly say that it will cause them to text less when driving. The Clinton DECA Chapter as a whole recognizes the success of both the website and Facebook Group. The potential reach for these two media outlets is extraordinary, and Clinton DECA is satisfied with the response to these two forms of media. Clinton DECA also believes that they were successful in reaching their goal of creating an interest in changing Missouri‘s texting and driving law to be inclusive for every citizen. By doing this project and displaying support for a change in the law, an impact has been made. Representative Largent has talked about Clinton DECA‘s efforts to other representatives, making them aware of the support for a change in the law. Representative Largent has been a big proponent to the new texting and driving law, largely because Clinton DECA has spurred his action through their efforts. Collectively, through both their endeavors, a difference has been made in getting this law changed. Five amended versions of a new texting and driving law are currently in the committee stage of becoming a new law. According to Representative Largent, support for a change in the law is evident as there were multiple lawmakers who pre-filed for a change. Also, according to Representative Largent, the possibility of getting the law changed is realistic, which would make texting while driving illegal for every Missouri citizen. 27
  • 28. Clinton DECA was able to amass 1,250 petition signatures. The chapter feels that these petitions can help show Missouri lawmakers there is support for a change. Although Clinton DECA would have liked to have received more signatures, they believe 1,250 can still make an impact. State Representative Scott Largent presents Project 21 Chairperson Micah Melling with a Representative Largent agreed, ―I think that the letter of recognition from Speaker of the House Ron Richard for his work on revising petitions have the potential to help get the law to Missouri‘s texting and driving law. apply to everyone. A lot of people who are under 21 feel a little disenfranchised because they feel they don‘t have anything to offer in the terms of legislation. This is an opportunity to see if Missouri‘s youth can overcome certain legislations; it shows that their opinions matter and that they can make a difference.‖ B. Recommendations for future campaigns Through working on this project, Clinton DECA has two main areas for recommendations for future Public Relations Campaigns. Recommendations for a Public Relations Project in General. Clinton DECA found that by utilizing the quote by Anthony Robbins to inspire them to use several different forms of media was a key to their success. Clinton DECA recommends that future campaigns take this same approach. The chapter also suggests creating a project Facebook Group and website. However, if that is done, it needs to be properly promoted. A large number of people need to be invited to join the Facebook Group. This can be done by having several DECA members invite all their Facebook friends to join the group. The chapter also believes the most effective way to promote the website is by word of mouth. Clinton DECA mentioned the website in several 28
  • 29. promotions but never in a face-to-face encounter. Results can be found by mentioning the website in newspaper articles or on the radio, but Clinton DECA believes direct contact would have produced even better results. Recommendations for trying to change a law. This was Clinton DECA‘s first experience with trying to change a law. By looking back and reflecting on this goal, the chapter has the following as recommendations. Clinton DECA does not recommend using an online petition. Although it may sound effective, the chapter found it difficult to achieve results through an online petition. The chapter believes an online petition is also difficult to promote. If promoted on the radio or in the newspaper, many are not near a computer to sign when it is fresh in their mind. This also ties into the recommendation to effectively use online media. If the online petition is effectively promoted through other online medias, more people may sign because they were reminded to do so while online. To have a larger impact when trying to change a statewide law through a petition, it is important to get signatures from citizens throughout the state. Clinton DECA promoted the petitions via email to DECA chapters throughout the state. While some chapters did get petition signatures, Clinton DECA had hoped for more of a response. Clinton DECA believes that more direct contact, such as a phone call, should be used in place of email when attempting to stimulate a response as large as the chapter had wanted. Clinton DECA recommends for future students to continue to seize opportunities, research thoroughly, and to work diligently. This year, Clinton DECA was pleased and proud of the results of Project 21. Making a difference can be achieved. 29
  • 30. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) ―Youth Culture and New Technologies.‖ Http:// M/Cyclopedia. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. (2) ―The History of Text Messaging.‖ Http:// Articlesbase. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. (3) Park, William. ―Americans Sent 1 Trillion SMS Text Messages in 2008!‖ Http:// IntoMobile. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. (4) ―How Many SMS Text Messages Sent in a Day in the US?‖ Http:// Tech Crunchies – Internet Statistics and Numbers. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. (5) Hafner, Katie. ―Texting May Be Taking a Toll.‖ Http:// New York Times. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. (6) Berg, Rebecca. ―New Texting-While-Driving Law Goes into Effect.‖ Http:// Missourian. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. (7) ―Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics.‖ Http:// Edgar Snyder. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. (8) ―Shocking Statistics and Video about Texting While Driving.‖ Http:// Web. 19 Nov. 2009. (9) Nugent, Helen. ―Texting While Driving is More Dangerous than Drunk-Driving.‖ Http:// TimesOnline. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. (10) ―Time to Hit ‗Send‘ on Texting Bans.‖ Kansas City Star. 11 Dec. 2009: A25. Print. (11) ―Missouri Proposes Banning Texting for All Drivers.‖ Http:// KCTV5 News. Web. 15 Dec 2009. (12) Farese, Schneider Lois. Marketing Essentials. New York: McGraw, 2006. Print. 30