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 New product development (NPD) is the
process of bringing a new product to the
marketplace. Your business may need to
engage in this process due to changes in
consumer preferences, increasing
competition and advances in technology
or to capitalise on a new opportunity.
 Innovative businesses thrive by
understanding what their market wants,
making smart product improvements, and
developing new products that meet and
exceed their customers' expectations.
'New Products' can be:
 Products that your business has
never made or sold before but
have been taken to market by
 Product innovations created and
brought to the market for the first
time. They may be completely
original products, or existing
products that you have modified
 NPD is not limited to existing
businesses. New businesses, sole
traders or even freelancers can forge
a place in the market by researching,
developing and introducing new or
even one-off products.
New product development
 With a well-considered new product development (NPD)
strategy, you can avoid wasting time, money and
business resources. An NPD strategy will help you
organise your product planning and research, capture
your customers' views and expectations, and accurately
plan and resource your NPD project. Your strategy will
also help you avoid:
I. overestimating and misreading your target market
II. launching a poorly designed product, or a product that
doesn't meet the needs of your target customers
III. incorrectly pricing products
IV. spending resources you don't have on higher-than-
anticipated development costs
V. exposing your business to risks and threats from
unexpected competition.
There are several important steps you will need to
plan into your NPD strategy.
Define your product
 An accurate description of the
product you are planning will help
keep you and your team focused
and avoid NPD pitfalls such as
developing too many products at
once, or running out of resources
to develop the product.
Identify market needs
 Successful NPD requires a thorough knowledge of your
target market and its needs and wants. A targeted,
strategic and purposeful approach to NPD will ensure
your products fit your market. Ask yourself:
I. What is the target market for the product I am
II. What does that market need?
III. What is the benefit of my proposed new product?
IV. What are the market's frustrations of existing products
of its type?
V. How will the product fit into the current market?
VI. What sets this product apart from its competition?
 Draw on your existing market research. You may need
to undertake additional research to test your new
product proposal with your customers. For example,
you could set up focus groups or a customer survey.
Establish time frames
 You need to allow adequate time to develop and
implement your new products. Your objectives for
developing new products will inform your time frames
and your deadlines for implementation. Be thoughtful
and realistic. Some objectives might overlap but others
will be mutually exclusive.
1. Your objective to race against your competition will
require efficiency from your team.
2. Your aim to achieve a specific launch date will be
influenced by demand for seasonal products and
calendar events.
3. Your aim to be responsive to your customers' needs
and demands will require time for research to ensure
you develop the right products at the right time.
4. Your objective to stick to business as usual and
maintain other schedules will affect the resources you
make available for NPD.
Identify key issues and
 There are many tasks involved in developing
a product that is appropriate for your
customers. The nature of your business and
your idea will determine how many of these
steps you need to take. You may be able to
skip or duplicate certain stages, or start
some of them simultaneously. Key tasks
1. generating and screening ideas
2. developing and screening concepts
3. testing concepts
4. analysing market and business strategy
5. developing and market testing products
Generating and screening
ideas for new products
 Successful new product development
(NPD) starts with identifying good
product ideas and using reliable
criteria to decide which ideas to
 You should take the following steps
before you allocate funds to new
product development.
Generating and screening ideas
for new products
Idea generation Brainstorm product issues
 Write a customer needs
list based on the
information you gather
from the sources
identified below. You
should try to identify
existing weaknesses in
your products, gaps in
your product range and
areas for product
 Work with your existing team
members to brainstorm
product issues. Your sales and
service staff speak to your
customers daily, hearing
feedback about your products
and the customers' needs.
Capture the feedback, product
observations and ideas from
your team. Make sure you
recognise their ideas and
promote a shared culture of
Generating and screening ideas
for new products
Use your research and
development (R&D) processes
Review your quality assurance
(QA) processes
 Use your business's
existing R&D processes.
Identify modifications you
could make to existing
products, or adaptations
for new products,
consistent with feedback
from your market and
 Note any issues in your
products and identify potential
ideas for addressing gaps in
Generating and screening ideas
for new products
Use your research and Review
your customer complaint records Review your research
 Identify common
weaknesses in your
existing product range,
and look for areas where
improvement is most
needed. Learn
about managing
customer complaints.
 Review your customer
research and market
research, and plan further
market and customer surveys
if you identify research gaps.
What are your customers
telling you they're looking for?
What do they find frustrating
or limiting about your
products? How do they use
your products most?
Generating and screening ideas
for new products
Talk to your suppliers and other
business partners
Research and understand your
 Talk to manufacturers,
retailers and sales reps
to capture their
knowledge of your
products and thoughts for
improving them.
 Try to understand your
competition. Review your
competitors' product
range and consider how
the market is responding
to them. Do any of their
products seem to be
meeting needs that yours
Study catalogues and product
Make sure you have a
comprehensive understanding
of existing products available in
your market.
Idea screening
 With your list of potential new product
ideas, you now need to decide which
ideas to pursue and which to discard.
Consider your competition, your
existing products, their shortcomings,
and the needs of your market.
 Draw on the customer needs list you
have developed, and the areas for
product improvement you have
Develop a set of criteria to
evaluate your ideas against. Your
criteria might include:
 most prominently identified
customer needs
 product improvements
most needed
 the benefits to your target
 the technical feasibility of
the idea
 the level and scope of
research and development
 he marketing potential of
the idea
 the profitability of the idea.
What is its potential appeal
to the market? How would
you price it? What are the
costs in bringing it to
market - overall and per
 where the product fits in
the market. Is there a gap?
How close is it to
competitor products?
 the resources it will require
in development
 the fit with your business
profile and business
SWOT analysis
 A SWOT analysis can help you to
identify the strengths and weaknesses
of each idea.
New product concept
development and screening
 Carefully plan the steps involved in
testing your new product development
(NPD) ideas. For every 7 new product
ideas developed, 1 becomes successful.
Defining your new product concept and
testing it with your market will help you
determine whether your new product
idea will be a success.
 The concept development and testing
stage of NPD can be time-intensive, but
it will help you avoid unnecessary costs
later by ensuring you pursue the best
new product concept in your market.
New product concept
development and screening
Create a product concept Do your sums carefully
 A product concept is a
detailed description of an
idea, which you describe
from the perspective of
your customer. Taking
your customers'
viewpoint when
describing your product
concept will help you test
and evaluate how
responsive your market
will be to your product.
 Make sure your idea can
be designed,
manufactured and
delivered within your
financial, resource and
time constraints.
New product concept
development and screening
Talk to the people who will buy it Refine your target market
 Take your idea to your
target audience to
determine what they
think and where any
gaps might lie. Market
researchers can help you
run focus groups and
surveys to determine
how customers will
respond to your product..
 Detail your customer
targets as accurately as
you can. Your focus
groups or conversations
with your target
audiences will help you
determine whether you're
targeting the right market
New product concept
development and screening
Examine intellectual property
(IP) issues Identify the features
 Find out whether another
business or individual has
already patented your idea
by searching for a patent.
 If your idea was the
combined result of several
members of your team,
consider how you will
recognise their
contributions to the
intellectual property when
you protect your idea.
 Based on the information
you have gathered to
date, list the features and
benefits of your proposed
product from highest
market importance to
least.Take your time
Define your product concept clearly,
test it with your audience and don't
make any assumptions. Many NPD
ventures fail because businesses rush
through concept development and
Business analysis of new
 A new product idea that survives the
screening stage of new product development
(NPD) requires a more sophisticated and
detailed business analysis. A business
analysis will help you determine the costs
involved in your proposed NPD, and forecast
the profits you may make from the product in
future financial years. The costs of
developing a product are substantial.
 Your business analysis will also help you
eliminate inappropriate ideas and avoid
unnecessary costs.
 Carry out the following steps to assess the
viability of your new product.
Business analysis of new
Estimate your product price
Identify your product's market
 Review your market and
competitor research and
your feedback from
customers to determine
the selling price of your
product, and the profit
you are likely to make.
 Review your market
research and the sales
performance of existing
products in your range.
Use your recent sales
figures and industry
sales figures to help you
identify the current level
of market activity and
interest in products in the
same line as your new
Business analysis of new
Forecast your sales volume Identify your break-even point
 Estimate the volume of
the product sales you
anticipate based on your
research into customer
needs, the size of your
existing customer base
and your market.
 Estimate the profitability
of your product, and
determine your break-
even point - the amount
of product you need to
sell to cover your fixed
costs (such as rent,
electricity and wages).
Business analysis of new
Determine your minimum sale
price Consider the long term
 Project your returns
based on your
anticipated discounted
product price to identify
your lowest sales figure
per item.
 Forecast the lifespan of
your product in the
market. How long will it
be relevant to your
market's consumers?
How long will it take you
to realise a decent return
on your investment?
What market share
percentage does it have
the potential to realise?
Business analysis of new
Scope your marketing strategy Also consider...
 Your marketing strategy will
help you determine how to
position your new product in
the marketplace. The
information you gather, next,
in your market testing will help
you identify which market
segments to target and how.
At this stage, however, you
can use the data you have
gathered in your business and
market research to start
shaping your marketing
strategy - identifying relevant
market and product
information as well as
approaches that will be
important in your product
 Find out if there are grants
and business
support available to help
your new product
 Use the online IP info kit to
help you understand India's
IP system and find ways to
protect your business's IP.
 Find out if your business
and industry
association can assist with
industry-wide sales figures.
New product prototypes and
market testing
 Prototype testing is one of the most
rewarding phases of new product
development (NPD). Developing a
prototype of your product allows you to
bring your product to life for the first time
and test it in its market. Your investment in
market testing your prototype will help you
prepare your product for market entry.
 It is important to be careful and considered
in this exciting stage of NPD. Take your
time and invest in the human resources and
expertise you need to perfect your new
New product prototypes and
market testing
Put someone in charge Consult the experts
 Assign a member of your
team (if not you) with
strong project management
skills to manage or
coordinate the product
development and delivery
process. Ask your product
development manager to
maintain a practical,
informative schedule and
project plan that details the
steps involved in
developing your prototype
and running your market
 Product development
specialists can help you
streamline your process
and avoid costly mistakes.
Consider commissioning
consultants who specialise
in product engineering and
design - for example,
graphic or industrial
designers, product
engineers, product quality
consultants, computer-
aided design (CAD)
New product prototypes and
market testing
Protect your intellectual
property (IP)
Commission a prototype of your
 Make sure
your patents are in place
and your IP is
protected before you
take your product out for
a test run.
 Building a prototype helps establish
whether your idea or invention will
function, provides information
necessary to building your new
product or system, and highlights
any flaws or defects in your design.
 A product mock-up will help you
determine how to
package, brand and market your
new product. It will also help you
test the look and feel of the product
in sample segments of your
market. Calling on technical
expertise to help you at this stage
is prudent, especially if you are not
experienced in product
New product prototypes and
market testing
Test the product in action Run focus groups
 Put your prototype into
use in the type of
situations it's required in.
Identify the
characteristics that are
most important to your
customers and test those
attributes, repeatedly.
 Enlist the help of a
market researcher to
facilitate a focus group
that will help you gauge
the response of your
sample target market.
Interview your customers
and take your prototype
to as many informed
people as possible.
New product prototypes and
market testing
Make improvements Test it in your industry
 You may need to improve
your product based on
feedback. Use this
opportunity to make
changes that will increase
your product's chances of
success. Retest the
product within more
specific conditions that help
you evaluate your changes
- for example, by
conducting a further focus
group with a market
segment that your product
changes will affect most.
 Attend industry events and
trade or consumer expos to
get feedback on your
prototype. Take the
opportunity to generate
market interest and capture
details of interested
customers who want to
hear about your product
launch or even place
advance orders. Consider
whether you need to
prepare an initial run at this
stage to test customer
acceptance more broadly.
New product prototypes and
market testing
Develop a marketing strategy Develop a marketing plan
 Your marketing strategy will
help you accurately
segment and target the
right market for your
product, set clear
marketing objectives, and
develop marketing
strategies and tactics for
your market segments.
Start by reviewing all the
information you have
gathered in your business
and market analysis and
market testing. Learn how
to develop a marketing
 Your marketing plan will
help you organise and
implement the marketing
tactics for your new
product, plan your
sales and product
marketing activities, and
reach your sales targets.
Launching and
commercialising new products
 Introducing a new product into the market is a
significant business achievement. Launching
your new product is your final, important step
in the new product development (NPD)
process. Deciding when, how and where to
launch your product will determine its early
impact on the market.
 Your marketing strategy and marketing
plan will direct your product launch and help
you make the most of your business and
product exposure opportunities. Consider
including some or all of these approaches in
your new-product marketing:
Launching and commercialising
new products
Develop a direct marketing
campaign Create your advertising plan
 Direct marketing
methods such as direct
mail, email marketing
and social media
marketing can help you
get straight to the
customers in your target
 Plan and book your
advertising well ahead.
Analyse where your
target market customers
get their product
Book advertising in
industry print and online
publications and consider
product innovation
Launching and commercialising
new products
Create communications
Develop a public relations and
news media strategy
 To support your launch
you can create a product
brochure and point of
sale posters to draw
attention to the new
 Use public relations
(PR) to your advantage.
Mainstream media often
pick up innovation
stories. Launch a print
and online news media
campaign and target
interested industry
Launching and commercialising
new products
Develop a sales plan Develop a pricing strategy
 Develop a sales plan
tailored to your new
product. Sales
planning helps you
define strategies for
your ideal customers and
set realistic,
healthy sales targets.
 Use public relations
(PR) to Your pricing
strategy should identify
an entry-to-market price,
a premium price and a
minimum sale price.
Launching and commercialising
new products
Contact your distributors Develop a pricing strategy
 Develop a sales plan
tailored to your new
product. Sales
planning helps you
define strategies for
your ideal customers and
set realistic,
healthy sales targets.
 Use public relations
(PR) to Your pricing
strategy should identify
an entry-to-market price,
a premium price and a
minimum sale price.
Contact your distributors
Give your distributors plenty of forward notice of your new product
launch. Use your forecasts to calculate the product numbers you'll need
to meet your anticipated sales volume.

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New Product Development, Consumer Adoption Process, Product Life Cycle and marketing mix strategies.

  • 1.
  • 2. NPD  New product development (NPD) is the process of bringing a new product to the marketplace. Your business may need to engage in this process due to changes in consumer preferences, increasing competition and advances in technology or to capitalise on a new opportunity.  Innovative businesses thrive by understanding what their market wants, making smart product improvements, and developing new products that meet and exceed their customers' expectations.
  • 3. 'New Products' can be:  Products that your business has never made or sold before but have been taken to market by others  Product innovations created and brought to the market for the first time. They may be completely original products, or existing products that you have modified
  • 4. Cont…  NPD is not limited to existing businesses. New businesses, sole traders or even freelancers can forge a place in the market by researching, developing and introducing new or even one-off products.
  • 5. New product development strategy  With a well-considered new product development (NPD) strategy, you can avoid wasting time, money and business resources. An NPD strategy will help you organise your product planning and research, capture your customers' views and expectations, and accurately plan and resource your NPD project. Your strategy will also help you avoid: I. overestimating and misreading your target market II. launching a poorly designed product, or a product that doesn't meet the needs of your target customers III. incorrectly pricing products IV. spending resources you don't have on higher-than- anticipated development costs V. exposing your business to risks and threats from unexpected competition. There are several important steps you will need to plan into your NPD strategy.
  • 6. Define your product  An accurate description of the product you are planning will help keep you and your team focused and avoid NPD pitfalls such as developing too many products at once, or running out of resources to develop the product.
  • 7. Identify market needs  Successful NPD requires a thorough knowledge of your target market and its needs and wants. A targeted, strategic and purposeful approach to NPD will ensure your products fit your market. Ask yourself: I. What is the target market for the product I am proposing? II. What does that market need? III. What is the benefit of my proposed new product? IV. What are the market's frustrations of existing products of its type? V. How will the product fit into the current market? VI. What sets this product apart from its competition?  Draw on your existing market research. You may need to undertake additional research to test your new product proposal with your customers. For example, you could set up focus groups or a customer survey.
  • 8. Establish time frames  You need to allow adequate time to develop and implement your new products. Your objectives for developing new products will inform your time frames and your deadlines for implementation. Be thoughtful and realistic. Some objectives might overlap but others will be mutually exclusive. 1. Your objective to race against your competition will require efficiency from your team. 2. Your aim to achieve a specific launch date will be influenced by demand for seasonal products and calendar events. 3. Your aim to be responsive to your customers' needs and demands will require time for research to ensure you develop the right products at the right time. 4. Your objective to stick to business as usual and maintain other schedules will affect the resources you make available for NPD.
  • 9. Identify key issues and approaches  There are many tasks involved in developing a product that is appropriate for your customers. The nature of your business and your idea will determine how many of these steps you need to take. You may be able to skip or duplicate certain stages, or start some of them simultaneously. Key tasks include: 1. generating and screening ideas 2. developing and screening concepts 3. testing concepts 4. analysing market and business strategy 5. developing and market testing products
  • 10.
  • 11. Generating and screening ideas for new products  Successful new product development (NPD) starts with identifying good product ideas and using reliable criteria to decide which ideas to pursue.  You should take the following steps before you allocate funds to new product development.
  • 12. Generating and screening ideas for new products Idea generation Brainstorm product issues  Write a customer needs list based on the information you gather from the sources identified below. You should try to identify existing weaknesses in your products, gaps in your product range and areas for product improvement.  Work with your existing team members to brainstorm product issues. Your sales and service staff speak to your customers daily, hearing feedback about your products and the customers' needs. Capture the feedback, product observations and ideas from your team. Make sure you recognise their ideas and promote a shared culture of innovation.
  • 13. Generating and screening ideas for new products Use your research and development (R&D) processes Review your quality assurance (QA) processes  Use your business's existing R&D processes. Identify modifications you could make to existing products, or adaptations for new products, consistent with feedback from your market and customers  Note any issues in your products and identify potential ideas for addressing gaps in quality.
  • 14. Generating and screening ideas for new products Use your research and Review your customer complaint records Review your research  Identify common weaknesses in your existing product range, and look for areas where improvement is most needed. Learn about managing customer complaints.  Review your customer research and market research, and plan further market and customer surveys if you identify research gaps. What are your customers telling you they're looking for? What do they find frustrating or limiting about your products? How do they use your products most?
  • 15. Generating and screening ideas for new products Talk to your suppliers and other business partners Research and understand your competition  Talk to manufacturers, retailers and sales reps to capture their knowledge of your products and thoughts for improving them.  Try to understand your competition. Review your competitors' product range and consider how the market is responding to them. Do any of their products seem to be meeting needs that yours aren't? Study catalogues and product information Make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of existing products available in your market.
  • 16. Idea screening  With your list of potential new product ideas, you now need to decide which ideas to pursue and which to discard. Consider your competition, your existing products, their shortcomings, and the needs of your market.  Draw on the customer needs list you have developed, and the areas for product improvement you have identified.
  • 17. Develop a set of criteria to evaluate your ideas against. Your criteria might include:  most prominently identified customer needs  product improvements most needed  the benefits to your target market  the technical feasibility of the idea  the level and scope of research and development required  he marketing potential of the idea  the profitability of the idea. What is its potential appeal to the market? How would you price it? What are the costs in bringing it to market - overall and per unit?  where the product fits in the market. Is there a gap? How close is it to competitor products?  the resources it will require in development  the fit with your business profile and business objectives.
  • 18. SWOT analysis  A SWOT analysis can help you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each idea.
  • 19. New product concept development and screening  Carefully plan the steps involved in testing your new product development (NPD) ideas. For every 7 new product ideas developed, 1 becomes successful. Defining your new product concept and testing it with your market will help you determine whether your new product idea will be a success.  The concept development and testing stage of NPD can be time-intensive, but it will help you avoid unnecessary costs later by ensuring you pursue the best new product concept in your market.
  • 20. New product concept development and screening Create a product concept Do your sums carefully  A product concept is a detailed description of an idea, which you describe from the perspective of your customer. Taking your customers' viewpoint when describing your product concept will help you test and evaluate how responsive your market will be to your product.  Make sure your idea can be designed, manufactured and delivered within your financial, resource and time constraints.
  • 21. New product concept development and screening Talk to the people who will buy it Refine your target market  Take your idea to your target audience to determine what they think and where any gaps might lie. Market researchers can help you run focus groups and surveys to determine how customers will respond to your product..  Detail your customer targets as accurately as you can. Your focus groups or conversations with your target audiences will help you determine whether you're targeting the right market segments..
  • 22. New product concept development and screening Examine intellectual property (IP) issues Identify the features  Find out whether another business or individual has already patented your idea by searching for a patent.  If your idea was the combined result of several members of your team, consider how you will recognise their contributions to the intellectual property when you protect your idea.  Based on the information you have gathered to date, list the features and benefits of your proposed product from highest market importance to least.Take your time Define your product concept clearly, test it with your audience and don't make any assumptions. Many NPD ventures fail because businesses rush through concept development and testing.
  • 23. Business analysis of new products  A new product idea that survives the screening stage of new product development (NPD) requires a more sophisticated and detailed business analysis. A business analysis will help you determine the costs involved in your proposed NPD, and forecast the profits you may make from the product in future financial years. The costs of developing a product are substantial.  Your business analysis will also help you eliminate inappropriate ideas and avoid unnecessary costs.  Carry out the following steps to assess the viability of your new product.
  • 24. Business analysis of new products Estimate your product price Identify your product's market potential  Review your market and competitor research and your feedback from customers to determine the selling price of your product, and the profit you are likely to make.  Review your market research and the sales performance of existing products in your range. Use your recent sales figures and industry sales figures to help you identify the current level of market activity and interest in products in the same line as your new product.
  • 25. Business analysis of new products Forecast your sales volume Identify your break-even point  Estimate the volume of the product sales you anticipate based on your research into customer needs, the size of your existing customer base and your market.  Estimate the profitability of your product, and determine your break- even point - the amount of product you need to sell to cover your fixed costs (such as rent, electricity and wages).
  • 26. Business analysis of new products Determine your minimum sale price Consider the long term  Project your returns based on your anticipated discounted product price to identify your lowest sales figure per item.  Forecast the lifespan of your product in the market. How long will it be relevant to your market's consumers? How long will it take you to realise a decent return on your investment? What market share percentage does it have the potential to realise?
  • 27. Business analysis of new products Scope your marketing strategy Also consider...  Your marketing strategy will help you determine how to position your new product in the marketplace. The information you gather, next, in your market testing will help you identify which market segments to target and how. At this stage, however, you can use the data you have gathered in your business and market research to start shaping your marketing strategy - identifying relevant market and product information as well as approaches that will be important in your product marketing.  Find out if there are grants and business support available to help your new product development.  Use the online IP info kit to help you understand India's IP system and find ways to protect your business's IP.  Find out if your business and industry association can assist with industry-wide sales figures.
  • 28. New product prototypes and market testing  Prototype testing is one of the most rewarding phases of new product development (NPD). Developing a prototype of your product allows you to bring your product to life for the first time and test it in its market. Your investment in market testing your prototype will help you prepare your product for market entry.  It is important to be careful and considered in this exciting stage of NPD. Take your time and invest in the human resources and expertise you need to perfect your new
  • 29. New product prototypes and market testing Put someone in charge Consult the experts  Assign a member of your team (if not you) with strong project management skills to manage or coordinate the product development and delivery process. Ask your product development manager to maintain a practical, informative schedule and project plan that details the steps involved in developing your prototype and running your market testing.  Product development specialists can help you streamline your process and avoid costly mistakes. Consider commissioning consultants who specialise in product engineering and design - for example, graphic or industrial designers, product engineers, product quality consultants, computer- aided design (CAD) specialists
  • 30. New product prototypes and market testing Protect your intellectual property (IP) Commission a prototype of your product  Make sure your patents are in place and your IP is protected before you take your product out for a test run.  Building a prototype helps establish whether your idea or invention will function, provides information necessary to building your new product or system, and highlights any flaws or defects in your design.  A product mock-up will help you determine how to package, brand and market your new product. It will also help you test the look and feel of the product in sample segments of your market. Calling on technical expertise to help you at this stage is prudent, especially if you are not experienced in product development
  • 31. New product prototypes and market testing Test the product in action Run focus groups  Put your prototype into use in the type of situations it's required in. Identify the characteristics that are most important to your customers and test those attributes, repeatedly.  Enlist the help of a market researcher to facilitate a focus group that will help you gauge the response of your sample target market. Interview your customers and take your prototype to as many informed people as possible.
  • 32. New product prototypes and market testing Make improvements Test it in your industry  You may need to improve your product based on feedback. Use this opportunity to make changes that will increase your product's chances of success. Retest the product within more specific conditions that help you evaluate your changes - for example, by conducting a further focus group with a market segment that your product changes will affect most.  Attend industry events and trade or consumer expos to get feedback on your prototype. Take the opportunity to generate market interest and capture details of interested customers who want to hear about your product launch or even place advance orders. Consider whether you need to prepare an initial run at this stage to test customer acceptance more broadly.
  • 33. New product prototypes and market testing Develop a marketing strategy Develop a marketing plan  Your marketing strategy will help you accurately segment and target the right market for your product, set clear marketing objectives, and develop marketing strategies and tactics for your market segments. Start by reviewing all the information you have gathered in your business and market analysis and market testing. Learn how to develop a marketing strategy.  Your marketing plan will help you organise and implement the marketing tactics for your new product, plan your sales and product marketing activities, and reach your sales targets.
  • 34. Launching and commercialising new products  Introducing a new product into the market is a significant business achievement. Launching your new product is your final, important step in the new product development (NPD) process. Deciding when, how and where to launch your product will determine its early impact on the market.  Your marketing strategy and marketing plan will direct your product launch and help you make the most of your business and product exposure opportunities. Consider including some or all of these approaches in your new-product marketing:
  • 35. Launching and commercialising new products Develop a direct marketing campaign Create your advertising plan  Direct marketing methods such as direct mail, email marketing and social media marketing can help you get straight to the customers in your target market..  Plan and book your advertising well ahead. Analyse where your target market customers get their product information. Book advertising in industry print and online publications and consider product innovation publications
  • 36. Launching and commercialising new products Create communications materials Develop a public relations and news media strategy  To support your launch you can create a product brochure and point of sale posters to draw attention to the new product.  Use public relations (PR) to your advantage. Mainstream media often pick up innovation stories. Launch a print and online news media campaign and target interested industry journalists.
  • 37. Launching and commercialising new products Develop a sales plan Develop a pricing strategy  Develop a sales plan tailored to your new product. Sales planning helps you define strategies for your ideal customers and set realistic, healthy sales targets.  Use public relations (PR) to Your pricing strategy should identify an entry-to-market price, a premium price and a minimum sale price.
  • 38. Launching and commercialising new products Contact your distributors Develop a pricing strategy  Develop a sales plan tailored to your new product. Sales planning helps you define strategies for your ideal customers and set realistic, healthy sales targets.  Use public relations (PR) to Your pricing strategy should identify an entry-to-market price, a premium price and a minimum sale price. Contact your distributors Give your distributors plenty of forward notice of your new product launch. Use your forecasts to calculate the product numbers you'll need to meet your anticipated sales volume.