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Maths Workshop for Parents
Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2
Maths in Foundation Stage
Maths is one of the 7 areas of learning and
throughout Foundation our responsibility is to:
¨provide children with opportunities to
and improve their skills in counting,
understanding and using numbers, calculating
simple addition and subtraction problems; and
to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.¨
From Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage
Numbers: children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in
order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers
and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including
doubling, halving and sharing.
Shape, space and measures: children use everyday language to talk about
size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare
quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and
describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and
shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
From Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage
By the end of FS2
By the end of Foundation Stage children should be able to confidently:
•Count forwards to 100 in unison with other children.
•Count backwards from at least 20.
•Know the next number for any number up to 12, e.g. eight, ____.
•Match one-to-one in counting e.g. one counter, two counters …
•Recognise numbers up to and including 6 without having to count: do children recognise arrays, e.g. 6
dots on a dice, without counting?
•Match numbers to fingers, e.g. hold up 7 fingers (without counting each finger).
•Begin to compare numbers, e.g. knowing that 6 is bigger than 4.
•Know the story of 6 (3 + 3, 2 + 4, 1 + 5, 6 + 0), and the stories of 5 and of 4 and of 3...
•Recognise some 2-digit numbers related to their own experiences. E.g. Daddy is 34, I live at number
56, etc.
•Recognise the difference between ‘flat’ and ‘solid’ shapes and describe shapes by mentioning a
property, e.g. this one rolls, this one has corners...
•Spot and continue patterns
•Compare the size of things using mathematical language, e.g. Tom is taller than me.
What does this look like in the
Class rules and routines

Counting how many children are present each day
Subtracting the absent children from the normal class size
Knowing the size of the class
Knowing the times of activities
Working in twos or threes
Ordinal numbers- 1st/2nd/3rd person or time
Number rhymes
• Singing of number songs and use of practical objects as well
as parts of the body to accompany the songs.
• Useful youtube links for helping at home:
In order to count accurately a child needs to count out or take
a specified number of things from a larger collection of
objects showing reliable 1:1 correspondence by touching
each object in turn.
Number Recognition
We focus on one number at a time in FS
We play games and complete reinforcement activities
such as:

Numbers stuck on trees and children run to a given number
Shells with numbers on hidden in the sand
Number jigsaw puzzels
Numbers in feely bags
Collage numbers
Matching numbers to picture quantaties
Number formation

• We have rhymes for forming each numeral see:
• Air write numbers
• Writing on whiteboards
• Using paint and chalk
• Writing in a tray of glitter
Number values are
taught by:

Matching numbers and groups of objects
Counting a number of objects and making a set of them and saying how
Showing a number of fingers to a given number
Teacher says number and children show number of objects.
Estimation is introduced to the children as a sensible guess. It is
introduced in Foundation Stage as our philosophy is that the
children need to start assessing problems and verbalising
their thinking at a young age.
• Objects are placed under a cover or in a bag and the children
asked to make a sensible guess.
• Flip flaps are used for the children to guess how many.
Conservation of number
An essential skill
What is it? A number of objects can be arranged in a certain

way and counted. The same objects can be moved around
and arranged differently, yet the number is the same because
none have been removed.
Children’s misconceptions: Some children think that moving the
objects automatically changes the number.
Activities to reinforce understanding: Practice arranging,
counting and rearranging objects. Dominoes and dice are
useful resources.
Ordering Numbers
Once a child can recognise and name each number and can say them
in order, a new task is for them to arrange in order a complete set of
numbers from 1-10. One step further is to remove one or two
numbers and challenge the children to arrange in order the numbers
they have, leaving spaces for the missing number.
Calculating – How we teach it in FS
Recognising differences in quantities
Children learn to visually distinguish different amounts-eg- “you’ve got
more peas than me!”
They can use the langauge greater and smaller and less and more
Addition-Songs and rhymes which add on one each time
Practical activities to combine two amounts “How many altogether?”
Subtraction-Song and Rhymes
Counting out objects and asking if I take one away what will I have?
In all activities the level of difficulty will depend on the individual level
of the children
Teacher will model correct number sentence recording on the board
Simple questions such as these can be asked regularly at home in
Spanish or English to support the children.
Progression to more specific maths
teaching. Whats different to Spain?

Interactive teaching
Emphasis on mental calculation
Different approach to written calculation
Maths through problem solving
Maths is fun!
Aim of our style of teaching
The aim is for children to do mathematics in
their heads, and if the numbers are too large,
to use pencil and paper to avoid losing track.
To do this children need to learn quick and
efficient methods, including appropriate
written and mental methods.
We want children to be able to ask
themselves questions.
• Can I do this in my head?
• Can I do this in my head using drawings or
• Do I need to use an expanded/compact
written method? (Further up the school)
• Do I need a calculator? (further up the school)

Finally – is my answer sensible?
Year 1
Year One
By the end of Year One all children should be able to confidently:
•Count on and back in ones to and from 100 and from any single-digit or 2-digit number.
•Count on and back in tens from any 1-digit or 2-digit number, e.g. 23, 33, 43, 53... Continue to just over 100.
•Locate any number on a 1-100 grid or a beaded line 0-100.
•Know number bonds to 10, e.g. 5 + 5, 6 + 4, etc. Also know what is left if objects are taken from 10, e.g. 10 fingers,
fold down 4, leaves 6 standing.
•Begin to be aware of unit patterns, e.g.
•2 + 4 = 6
7 + 4 = 11
•12 + 4 = 16
17 + 4 = 21
•22 + 4 = 26 etc.
27 + 4 = 31 etc.
•Recognise the + and – and = signs, and use these to read and write simple additions and subtractions.
•Add small numbers by counting on and subtract small numbers by counting back
•Recognise doubles to double 6 and find related halves (half even numbers ≤12).
•Recognise the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes; identify and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
•Recognise and compare objects according to height or length, weight or capacity, using appropriate mathematical
language. E.g. the tree is taller than the bush, the bag is heavier than the shoes, the teapot holds more than the jug.
•Tell the time to the half hour on analogue and digital clocks.
•Sort items into lists or tables.
Year 2
Year Two
By the end of year two children should be able to confidently:
•Locate any 2-digit number on a landmarked line and use this to compare numbers; record comparisons using crocodile signs, e.g. 56 > 39.
•Identify any number on the 1-100 number grid; understand that each number is a multiple of ten and some ones, e.g. 54 is 50 and 4 more.
•Know securely number pairs for all the numbers up to and including 12, e.g. pairs which make 8 (4+4, 5+3, 6+2, 7+1, 8+0) and bonds to 10 (1+9, 2+8, 3+7,
4+6, 5+5).
•Recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations and understand that 10 – 4 = 6 as well as 6 + 4 = 10.
•Count in steps of 2, 5, and 10 from 0.
•Count in halves e.g. ½, 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3…
•Know different unit patterns when not crossing a ten, e.g. 4 + 3 = 7
14 + 3 = 17
•24 + 3 = 27, etc.
•Begin to recognise unit patterns when crossing a ten, e.g. 5 + 6 = 11
• 15 + 6 = 21
• 25 + 6 = 31, etc.
•Add two single digit numbers (8 + 7) by counting up; add two 2-digit numbers which total less than 100 by counting on in tens and ones, e.g. 54 + 37 as
54 + 30 + 7.
•Count back in ones or tens to take away, e.g. 27 – 3 = or 54 – 20 =.
•Begin to count up to find a difference between two numbers with a small gap (42 – 38).
•Know the 2X, 5X and 10X tables and begin to say how many 10s are in 40 or how many 5s are in 30; use X sign correctly and begin to use ÷ sign.
•Understand the concept of one half, one quarter and three quarters as numbers (½, ¼, ¾) and as operators (½ of 6 is...?) in a practical context, e.g. on a
fraction strip or with smarties on a cake.
•Compare and order objects according to their lengths, weights and capacities using suitable units.
•Identify and describe, with reference to relevant properties, 4 or more common 2-D and 3-D shapes.
•Tell the time on digital and analogue clocks to the nearest quarter of an hour.
How do we do it?

Number Fans
Base 10


Place Value
• What do you see here?

What’s it made up
Place value- It’s essential!
How do we do it?
To have a deep understanding of number and calculation children
need to know that a number is made up of digits with different values.
347 is not 3,4,7
It is 300 and 40 and 7
Children are introduced to this partitioning in year 1 ( all 2 digit
numbers are made up of 10 and a number of units) and continue with
bigger numbers in year 2 (HTU)
Being able to partition opens the door to all four number operations.
Look at these examples of the way we ask questions
Try it out!
Show me – number fans / place value cards/
base 10 equipment- careful teacher questioning.
Write numbers on white boards- 11 = 10+1
HTU charts
How do we do it?
We start off very visual FS2/Y1
Children should all know for rapid recall number
bonds to 10 and the rest will follow:

8+2 =10

you know

18+2 =20

When they know the value of a 10 and a unit they
can quickly and easy add 20, 30 or 21, 31 etc
Single Digit Addition (FS2/Y1)
At a party, I eat 2 cakes and my friend eats 3. How many
cakes did we eat altogether?
Children could draw a picture to help them work out the
Single Digit Addition (year 1)
8 people are on the bus. 4 more get on.
How many people are on the bus now?
Children could draw dots or lines, which is
quicker than drawing a picture.
or I I I I I I I I I I I I
Count on from the first number – a child finding 3 + 5 counts
on from the first number: ‘four, five, six, seven, eight’.

Children would then be encouraged to keep the largest number,
even if it is not first in the sum, and then count on using their
Numberlines for addition and
Adding 5 + 3 = 8

• Step 1 start on the biggest number and count on in

Subtracting 18- 4=
• Step 1: start on the biggest number and count back
in jumps.
Number squares for addition and
Adding 12
54 +12= 66
Step 1 :Partition the number
( one 10, two units) 10 & 2
Step 2: add on the 10 ( down 1)
Step 3 add on the units ( right 2)

Adding 10 go down 1
Subtracting 10 up 1
Adding 1 go right 1
Subtracting 1 go left 1
Try it!
Draw a numberline on your board to show
Put arrows on your number square to show
76+15 =
As the chidren get older we ask them to
partition numbers to help them jump on teh
number line
Numberline development
As the chidren get older we ask them to
partition numbers to help them jump on the
number line. So 12 +17 = 17+12(10+2)

What is this sum?
Numberlines cont…
Some more able children may be asked to use
what we call an empty numberline.




On a empty numberline we only write what we need and
children partition the number they have into chunks, usually
of 10 and some units.

17+ 24= 41
You Try!
Draw an empty number line to show:
46 +37 =
Key Addition and Subtraction



Bridging through 10. Example 18+6=? The calculation must go through
ten. An exchange must be made so we now have 2 tens in our answer. 2
tens and 4 units = 24. In year 1 and 2 it is common for bridging through
ten to be a challenge if children are not sure of place value.
Knowing about bridging through 10 prepares children for understanding
the formal addition process in keystage 2- for example why we carry a
ten in:
+ 6
Adding and subtracting 9 and 11 or 19 and 21- We teach children near 10
methods. As they are so familiar with adding 10 this makes it much easier
for them to undertsnad and check whether their answers are sensible. So
to add 9 we add 10 and take away 1. To take away 9 we take away 10 and
add 1 back.
How do we do it?
• First recognize that multiplication is repeated addition
• No of lots
how many per group





• Is the same as 3 lots of 5 or 5 + 5 +5 = 15
• Use pictorial cues to represent a x sum.
• Encourage them to write the sum:





5 = 15

How do we do it?
Very basic beginnings of division and often
linked multiplication.
If 4x10 is 40- How many groups of 4 are in 40?
If I have 40 sweets and share them between
10 people how many sweets do I have?
Unlocking other maths facts from one
simple fact
10 x 4 = 40
4 x 10 = 40
40 ÷ 10 = 4
40 ÷ 4= 10
400 ÷100 = 4
400 ÷ 1000= 0.4
40 X10 = 400
I could go on and
on and on!!!

Try this
If we know that
6 x 10 = 60
What else do we
1. Our methods may seem strange sometimes but
we are developing a deep understanding of
what number is and why things happen. We’re
not just teaching them a method.
2. Our end goal is that they use the most effective
and speedy method for calculating once they
are in year 6. This is often the compact formal
method BUT through our process of maths
teaching our students are also incredibly
mentally quick due to their deep understanding
of number.
What can you do?

• Make maths part of everyday life
• Use the language of maths.

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Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 Maths Presentation to Parents

  • 1. Maths Workshop for Parents Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2
  • 2. Maths in Foundation Stage Maths is one of the 7 areas of learning and throughout Foundation our responsibility is to: ¨provide children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.¨ From Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage
  • 3. Numbers: children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Shape, space and measures: children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them. From Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage
  • 4. By the end of FS2 Foundation: By the end of Foundation Stage children should be able to confidently: •Count forwards to 100 in unison with other children. •Count backwards from at least 20. •Know the next number for any number up to 12, e.g. eight, ____. •Match one-to-one in counting e.g. one counter, two counters … •Recognise numbers up to and including 6 without having to count: do children recognise arrays, e.g. 6 dots on a dice, without counting? •Match numbers to fingers, e.g. hold up 7 fingers (without counting each finger). •Begin to compare numbers, e.g. knowing that 6 is bigger than 4. •Know the story of 6 (3 + 3, 2 + 4, 1 + 5, 6 + 0), and the stories of 5 and of 4 and of 3... •Recognise some 2-digit numbers related to their own experiences. E.g. Daddy is 34, I live at number 56, etc. •Recognise the difference between ‘flat’ and ‘solid’ shapes and describe shapes by mentioning a property, e.g. this one rolls, this one has corners... •Spot and continue patterns •Compare the size of things using mathematical language, e.g. Tom is taller than me.
  • 5. What does this look like in the classroom? Class rules and routines • • • • • • Counting how many children are present each day Subtracting the absent children from the normal class size Knowing the size of the class Knowing the times of activities Working in twos or threes Ordinal numbers- 1st/2nd/3rd person or time
  • 6. Number rhymes • Singing of number songs and use of practical objects as well as parts of the body to accompany the songs. • Useful youtube links for helping at home: • • •
  • 7. Accuracy In order to count accurately a child needs to count out or take a specified number of things from a larger collection of objects showing reliable 1:1 correspondence by touching each object in turn.
  • 8. Number Recognition We focus on one number at a time in FS We play games and complete reinforcement activities such as: • • • • • • Numbers stuck on trees and children run to a given number Shells with numbers on hidden in the sand Number jigsaw puzzels Numbers in feely bags Collage numbers Matching numbers to picture quantaties
  • 9. Number formation • We have rhymes for forming each numeral see: • Air write numbers • Writing on whiteboards • Using paint and chalk • Writing in a tray of glitter
  • 10. Number values are taught by: • • • • Matching numbers and groups of objects Counting a number of objects and making a set of them and saying how many Showing a number of fingers to a given number Teacher says number and children show number of objects.
  • 11. Estimation Estimation is introduced to the children as a sensible guess. It is introduced in Foundation Stage as our philosophy is that the children need to start assessing problems and verbalising their thinking at a young age. • Objects are placed under a cover or in a bag and the children asked to make a sensible guess. • Flip flaps are used for the children to guess how many.
  • 12. Conservation of number An essential skill What is it? A number of objects can be arranged in a certain way and counted. The same objects can be moved around and arranged differently, yet the number is the same because none have been removed. Children’s misconceptions: Some children think that moving the objects automatically changes the number. Activities to reinforce understanding: Practice arranging, counting and rearranging objects. Dominoes and dice are useful resources.
  • 13. Ordering Numbers Once a child can recognise and name each number and can say them in order, a new task is for them to arrange in order a complete set of numbers from 1-10. One step further is to remove one or two numbers and challenge the children to arrange in order the numbers they have, leaving spaces for the missing number.
  • 14. Calculating – How we teach it in FS Recognising differences in quantities Children learn to visually distinguish different amounts-eg- “you’ve got more peas than me!” They can use the langauge greater and smaller and less and more Addition-Songs and rhymes which add on one each time Practical activities to combine two amounts “How many altogether?” Subtraction-Song and Rhymes Counting out objects and asking if I take one away what will I have? In all activities the level of difficulty will depend on the individual level of the children Teacher will model correct number sentence recording on the board Simple questions such as these can be asked regularly at home in Spanish or English to support the children.
  • 15. Progression to more specific maths teaching. Whats different to Spain? • • • • • Interactive teaching Emphasis on mental calculation Different approach to written calculation Maths through problem solving Maths is fun!
  • 16. Aim of our style of teaching The aim is for children to do mathematics in their heads, and if the numbers are too large, to use pencil and paper to avoid losing track. To do this children need to learn quick and efficient methods, including appropriate written and mental methods.
  • 17. We want children to be able to ask themselves questions. • Can I do this in my head? • Can I do this in my head using drawings or jottings? • Do I need to use an expanded/compact written method? (Further up the school) • Do I need a calculator? (further up the school) • Finally – is my answer sensible?
  • 18. Year 1 Year One By the end of Year One all children should be able to confidently: •Count on and back in ones to and from 100 and from any single-digit or 2-digit number. •Count on and back in tens from any 1-digit or 2-digit number, e.g. 23, 33, 43, 53... Continue to just over 100. •Locate any number on a 1-100 grid or a beaded line 0-100. •Know number bonds to 10, e.g. 5 + 5, 6 + 4, etc. Also know what is left if objects are taken from 10, e.g. 10 fingers, fold down 4, leaves 6 standing. •Begin to be aware of unit patterns, e.g. •2 + 4 = 6 7 + 4 = 11 •12 + 4 = 16 17 + 4 = 21 •22 + 4 = 26 etc. 27 + 4 = 31 etc. •Recognise the + and – and = signs, and use these to read and write simple additions and subtractions. •Add small numbers by counting on and subtract small numbers by counting back •Recognise doubles to double 6 and find related halves (half even numbers ≤12). •Recognise the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes; identify and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes. •Recognise and compare objects according to height or length, weight or capacity, using appropriate mathematical language. E.g. the tree is taller than the bush, the bag is heavier than the shoes, the teapot holds more than the jug. •Tell the time to the half hour on analogue and digital clocks. •Sort items into lists or tables.
  • 19. Year 2 Year Two By the end of year two children should be able to confidently: •Locate any 2-digit number on a landmarked line and use this to compare numbers; record comparisons using crocodile signs, e.g. 56 > 39. •Identify any number on the 1-100 number grid; understand that each number is a multiple of ten and some ones, e.g. 54 is 50 and 4 more. •Know securely number pairs for all the numbers up to and including 12, e.g. pairs which make 8 (4+4, 5+3, 6+2, 7+1, 8+0) and bonds to 10 (1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5). •Recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations and understand that 10 – 4 = 6 as well as 6 + 4 = 10. •Count in steps of 2, 5, and 10 from 0. •Count in halves e.g. ½, 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3… •Know different unit patterns when not crossing a ten, e.g. 4 + 3 = 7 • 14 + 3 = 17 •24 + 3 = 27, etc. •Begin to recognise unit patterns when crossing a ten, e.g. 5 + 6 = 11 • 15 + 6 = 21 • 25 + 6 = 31, etc. •Add two single digit numbers (8 + 7) by counting up; add two 2-digit numbers which total less than 100 by counting on in tens and ones, e.g. 54 + 37 as 54 + 30 + 7. •Count back in ones or tens to take away, e.g. 27 – 3 = or 54 – 20 =. •Begin to count up to find a difference between two numbers with a small gap (42 – 38). •Know the 2X, 5X and 10X tables and begin to say how many 10s are in 40 or how many 5s are in 30; use X sign correctly and begin to use ÷ sign. •Understand the concept of one half, one quarter and three quarters as numbers (½, ¼, ¾) and as operators (½ of 6 is...?) in a practical context, e.g. on a fraction strip or with smarties on a cake. •Compare and order objects according to their lengths, weights and capacities using suitable units. •Identify and describe, with reference to relevant properties, 4 or more common 2-D and 3-D shapes. •Tell the time on digital and analogue clocks to the nearest quarter of an hour.
  • 20. How do we do it? Numberlines Resources Number Fans Counters Number squares Base 10 Cubes Place Value Cards
  • 21. Question • What do you see here? 679 What’s it made up of?
  • 22. Place value- It’s essential! How do we do it? To have a deep understanding of number and calculation children need to know that a number is made up of digits with different values. 347 is not 3,4,7 It is 300 and 40 and 7 Children are introduced to this partitioning in year 1 ( all 2 digit numbers are made up of 10 and a number of units) and continue with bigger numbers in year 2 (HTU) Being able to partition opens the door to all four number operations. Look at these examples of the way we ask questions
  • 23. Try it out! Show me – number fans / place value cards/ base 10 equipment- careful teacher questioning. Write numbers on white boards- 11 = 10+1 HTU charts
  • 24. Addition How do we do it? We start off very visual FS2/Y1 Children should all know for rapid recall number bonds to 10 and the rest will follow: 8+2 =10 you know 18+2 =20 When they know the value of a 10 and a unit they can quickly and easy add 20, 30 or 21, 31 etc
  • 25. Single Digit Addition (FS2/Y1) 2+3= At a party, I eat 2 cakes and my friend eats 3. How many cakes did we eat altogether? Children could draw a picture to help them work out the answer
  • 26. Single Digit Addition (year 1) 8+4= 8 people are on the bus. 4 more get on. How many people are on the bus now? Children could draw dots or lines, which is quicker than drawing a picture.   or I I I I I I I I I I I I
  • 27. Count on from the first number – a child finding 3 + 5 counts on from the first number: ‘four, five, six, seven, eight’. Children would then be encouraged to keep the largest number, even if it is not first in the sum, and then count on using their fingers.
  • 28. Numberlines for addition and Subtraction Adding 5 + 3 = 8 • • Step 1 start on the biggest number and count on in jumps. Subtracting 18- 4= • Step 1: start on the biggest number and count back in jumps.
  • 29. Number squares for addition and subtraction Adding 12 54 +12= 66 Step 1 :Partition the number ( one 10, two units) 10 & 2 Step 2: add on the 10 ( down 1) Step 3 add on the units ( right 2) Adding 10 go down 1 Subtracting 10 up 1 Adding 1 go right 1 Subtracting 1 go left 1
  • 30. Try it! Draw a numberline on your board to show 8+5= Put arrows on your number square to show 76+15 = As the chidren get older we ask them to partition numbers to help them jump on teh number line
  • 31. Numberline development As the chidren get older we ask them to partition numbers to help them jump on the number line. So 12 +17 = 17+12(10+2) What is this sum?
  • 32. Numberlines cont… Some more able children may be asked to use what we call an empty numberline. +10 17 +10 27 +4 37 41 On a empty numberline we only write what we need and children partition the number they have into chunks, usually of 10 and some units. 17+ 24= 41
  • 33. You Try! Draw an empty number line to show: 46 +37 =
  • 34. Key Addition and Subtraction • • • Bridging through 10. Example 18+6=? The calculation must go through ten. An exchange must be made so we now have 2 tens in our answer. 2 tens and 4 units = 24. In year 1 and 2 it is common for bridging through ten to be a challenge if children are not sure of place value. Knowing about bridging through 10 prepares children for understanding the formal addition process in keystage 2- for example why we carry a ten in: 18 + 6 Adding and subtracting 9 and 11 or 19 and 21- We teach children near 10 methods. As they are so familiar with adding 10 this makes it much easier for them to undertsnad and check whether their answers are sensible. So to add 9 we add 10 and take away 1. To take away 9 we take away 10 and add 1 back.
  • 35. Multiplication How do we do it? • First recognize that multiplication is repeated addition • No of lots how many per group total •3 x 5 = • Is the same as 3 lots of 5 or 5 + 5 +5 = 15 • Use pictorial cues to represent a x sum. • Encourage them to write the sum: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 15
  • 36. Division How do we do it? Very basic beginnings of division and often linked multiplication. If 4x10 is 40- How many groups of 4 are in 40? If I have 40 sweets and share them between 10 people how many sweets do I have?
  • 37. Unlocking other maths facts from one simple fact 10 x 4 = 40 4 x 10 = 40 40 ÷ 10 = 4 40 ÷ 4= 10 400 ÷100 = 4 400 ÷ 1000= 0.4 40 X10 = 400 I could go on and on and on!!! Try this If we know that 6 x 10 = 60 What else do we know?
  • 38. Remember 1. Our methods may seem strange sometimes but we are developing a deep understanding of what number is and why things happen. We’re not just teaching them a method. 2. Our end goal is that they use the most effective and speedy method for calculating once they are in year 6. This is often the compact formal method BUT through our process of maths teaching our students are also incredibly mentally quick due to their deep understanding of number.
  • 39. What can you do? • • Make maths part of everyday life • Use the language of maths.

Editor's Notes

  1. Parents will have a copy of this translated and the bold points will be concentrated on in the workshop
  2. As with year 1 key skills