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October 30, 2018
Your second submission was mistakenly returned to you with a
grade of zero and without any explanation.
Please accept my apologies for that. That should never happen.
It’s my responsibility to ensure that the
grading is correct and complete. My apologies.
In providing the needed feedback, I’m going to provide some
lengthy comments, as well as a breakdown of
your grade using the rubric. Don’t let the length of the
comments discourage you. I’m just trying to be as
complete and as clear as I can. You will be able to do better on
the next assignments, as well as on the last
assignment, in which you put everything together.
I explain the situation in some general remarks, and then
provide an breakdown of your points in the rubric.
There is some redudancy to this, in that I cover some of the
same issues in both the general remarks and the
rubric breakdown.
General Remarks.
In grading your paper, I see that you’ve treated this as a general
essay about a topic, but that’s not what the
instructions called for. The instructions called for you to
address four specific areas with respect to your target
article: summary of the article; relate article to the course;
relate article to your life; and give your opinion
regarding funding of research in this area. We were expecting a
section on each area.
Your essay is completely missing two of those four areas. First,
you haven’t related the article to the course or
vice versa. We wanted you to say something like “This relates
to the course in that….”, and we wanted you to
then go into some detail about this. Secondly, you haven’t
addressed the funding issue at all. The question is
how should research in this area be funded? Should public
funds be spent on it? What is the role of private
In regards to the summary, you summarized some general
information about a topic. However, this waasn’t
really a summary of an article. The article that you list as your
target article, entitled “CRISPR/Cas9-mediated
gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes” is far too technical
for our purposes. You didn’t summarize it.
It’s too technical for SCI115 anyway, but you were supposed to
summarize some article. We had compiled a
list of recommended articles for students to use. It would have
been better to use one of those articles.
Breakdown with the Rubric.
earned Letter grade Comments
1. Summarize the article in
one (1) or more paragraphs,
using your own words.
Weight: 25%
20 12.0 D- You summarized some material, but you
didn’t provide the source. The target article
you’ve listed wasn’t summarized – it was
inappropriately technical. A summary of
some article was expected.
2. Identify which biological
concepts from the course
20 0 Zero This section is missing. I don’t see anywhere
that you’ve related the concepts you’ve
and / or text are relevant to
the topic covered in the
Weight: 25%
described to the course.
3. Explain why the article
caught your attention. Relate
the article to your life and to
issues that are important to
Weight: 20%
16 9.6 D- We were looking for a section in which you
spell out why the article caught your
attention. You don’t have a section like this,
but some of the things you summarized
about your topic are inherently interesting, so
I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
4. Discuss your opinion on
how research on this topic
should be funded.
Weight: 20%
16 0 Zero This section is missing.
5. Application of the SWS
standards for citation.
Weight: 5%
4 3.0 C You didn’t follow SWS-style formatting.
Instead, you seem to have followed APA-
style. On the positive side, you deserve
some points for using a citation method. On
the negative side, the article you’ve listed as
your target article is one that you didn’t use.
You must have used some other source, but
that’s not credited.
6. Use of proper written
Weight: 5%
4 3.4 B The writing is generally okay, I think.
TOTAL 80 28.0
Before closing this letter, I wanted to address your SafeAssign
similarity index of 51%. That means that
SafeAssign flagged 51% of your paper as possibly plagiarized.
If that SafeAssign score had been accurate, we
would have not been able to accept your paper. Fortunately, it
is not accurate. Visual inspection of the report
shows that this is due to material flagged in the reference
section, which does not count against you. So, there
is really no problem with it.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
-- Dr. Jim Cox
cc: Dr. Trinna Johnson
Student Name, B.S, M.S., M.A.
September 2014
University of the Cumberlands
Abstract Review #1
Statistics Abstract Review #1
Introduction and Background
Ethics is the cornerstone of the counseling profession and client
counselor relationship. However the code of ethics does not
always clearly articulate what a counselor should do in many
scenarios. Thereby it often creates uncertainty amongst the
profession. In addition, the code of ethics undergoes changes on
a regular basis. Neukrug and Milliken (2011) identify two
purposes for their study. First, to assess which ethical
situations/behaviors are “most distressing and confusing and
also to help guide the revision of future ethical codes” (Neukrug
& Milliken, 2011, p. 206). Second, to identify changes in ethics
education based upon various demographics. They hope that
this research aids in reducing ethical violations and increasing
relevant ethics education.
Neukrug and Milliken (2011) utilized a 77-item survey in which
respondents rated situations as ethical or unethical (Scale 1) and
how strongly they aligned with the response (1 = not very
strongly to 10 very strongly; Scale 2; p. 207). By scoring
ethical on a positive scale (+1 through +10) and unethical on a
negative scale (-1 through -10), they were able to examine Scale
1 with nominal data, and strength of response with Scale 2.
Another instrument was utilized to gather demographic
information of the participants and included: gender, age,
ethnicity, highest degree held, specialty area, current job/role,
American Counseling Association (ACA) membership, and
involvement in ethics education (Neukrug & Milliken, 2011).
ACA approved the study and provided researchers with a
random sample of 2,000 ACA members’ email addresses. The
email to the participants included “an explanation of the survey,
an informed consent, and the surveys’ URL” (p. 207). They
were attempting to answer what areas of the ethical code are
unclear and create the most confusion and whether different
demographics correlated with different perceptions of ethical
and unethical behaviors. They grouped the ethics categories into
six categories and performed chi-square tests on Scale 1 and set
the significance level at p < .001 to control for a Type I error.
Study Findings and Results
Although Neukrug and Milliken (2011) “found significant
differences as a function of demographics on a number of
items” (p. 210), practical significance was not evident. The
most prominent finding of this study were related to the
identified areas of disagreement among respondents related to
what is considered unethical. This information can help to
inform future ethics training and ethical code revisions.
The finding of Neukrug and Milliken’s research provided
insight into main areas of ambiguity regarding what is viewed
as unethical behavior. Considering that ethics is the foundation
of professional practice and integral to the counseling
relationship, insight into areas which are most confusing could
serve to better educate current and future counselors. Although
not significant, it is helpful to know that demographics did not
impact the interpretation of ethical practices on a practical
level. The methods used seemed plausible, but the findings were
not clearly presented and took effort to locate and interpret.
Neukrug, E. S., & Milliken, T. (2011). Counselors’ perceptions
of ethical behaviors. Journal of Counseling & Development,
89(2), 206–216.
ABSTRACT REVIEW #2: Qualitative
September 2014
University of the Cumberlands
Statistics Abstract Review #2
Statistics Abstract Review #2
De Stefano, Atkins, Noble, & Heath, (2012) conducted a
qualitative study to examine the experiences of counselors-in-
training (CIT) who worked with clients that engaged in non-
suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in order to understand how
counseling interns “react to and resolve the challenges
presented” (p. 289) by complex clients. NSSI in clients poses
potential ethical and legal concerns which may be amplified
when the clinician is a CIT. De Stefano et al. highlight that
NSSI may increase unexpected and unwanted reactions in the
CIT which may negatively impact the therapeutic relationship.
Additionally, since CIT are being supervised, understanding
how the CIT’s work is impacted by the supervisory process may
be beneficial.
De Stefano et al. (2012) identify that the study was oriented
toward discovery and exploration and intended to gain insight
into: “(1) How do trainees describe and understand their
experiences of working with these challenging clients? and (2)
What can these experiences tell us about their evolving clinical
development and learning?” (p. 291). They identified and
tracked potential research biases as (1) CIT would experience
emotional reactivity from working with NSSI clients, (2) these
experiences would lead to substantial learning professionally
and personally, and (3) provide insight into the supervisory
The 12 participants were a sample of convenience in the
second-year of their MA program in counseling psychology.
The criterion required for participation was that the CIT had
counseled with one or more clients within the past 9 months
who had engaged in some form of NSSI. The participants were
all female and of Anglo-European background, ranging in age
from 23 to 37 years. They were recruited from the entire MA
cohort during a class session in which the researcher was not
the course instructor. The intent of the study was explained and
those meeting the criterion were invited to participate. Data was
gathered through 45 to 60 minute, semi-structured interviews
utilizing questions about the CIT “reactions, thoughts, and
feelings when working with these clients” (De Stefano et al.,
2013, p. 292). The sessions were recorded and transcribed and
then analyzed using consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill
et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, & Nutt-Williams, 1997; as cited in
De Stefano et al., 2013); CQR uses a constant comparison
method with a team of researchers, in order to reach a
consensus on domains, open codes, and cross-case analysis.
Study Findings and Limitations
The study identified three general themes: (1) CIT formulate a
basic model of NSSI even though they lack previous experience
and knowledge; (2) NSSI clients are challenging on many levels
for CIT; and (3) working with NSSI offers new but incomplete
learning. Additionally, the investigation highlighted that the
supervisory process had mixed benefits and was disappointing
for many of the CIT (De Stefano et al., 2013). Limitations of
the study include the reality that the findings are suggestive and
it is not generalizable to all CIT. Furthermore, interviewing
participants several times and with access to client notes may
have enhanced and strengthened recall. Finally, the study did
not address diversity which De Stefano et al., highlight may
have impacted the CIT experiences.
This study is significant in that despite the exploratory aspect
of this investigation, it reveals that when CIT openly
acknowledge feelings of incompetency “it was accompanied by
vigilance and a self-observational quality typical of self-
monitoring and reflexivity that are hallmarks of good practice”
(De Stefano et al., 2013, p. 303). While not part of the intent of
the study, it is worthwhile insight. The article could have been
enhanced by using bar graphs or tables to present the findings
and this would have highlighted the identified themes more
clearly. Considering the ethical dilemma faced by CIT who
work with NSSI clients, this study provides foundational insight
which can inform future research.
De Stefano, J., Atkins, S., Noble, R. N., & Heath, N. (2012).
Am I competent enough to be doing this?: A qualitative study of
trainees’ experiences working with clients who self-injure.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 25(3), 289–305.
This quarter, you will complete a project which will culminate
in a 5–6 page paper on an established or
emerging biotechnology. The project covers both the biological
basis of the technology, as well as its
benefits, drawbacks, and ethical aspects. The project is broken
down into four stages, with deliverables
due at each stage. In the final stage, you will combine your
previous work, edited according to the
feedback you’ve received, into one coherent final paper.
chnology Article – This first assignment,
and the entire project, begins with
your selection of one article about a particular biotechnology.
Subsequent assignments will build
on this first assignment, and thus extend your research on the
same biotechnology. In
Assignment 1, you will summarize the article you’ve chosen
(your “target article”), and address
some additional issues about how your article relates to the
course, to your life, and to the
funding of ongoing research.
al basis – In the second assignment,
you will explain what your chosen
biotechnology accomplishes and how it is implemented, and
describe the body of knowledge that
it is based upon. Your overall goal in this assignment is to show
that you understand the
underlying science behind the technology.
– In
the third assignment, you will look at
your technology in more depth to analyze the pros and cons, and
to also consider any ethical
issues that arise from the technology.
– You will pull this final paper
together using edited pieces from
Assignments 1, 2, and 3, along with an additional section
providing your personal viewpoint and
summation. The result should be a coherent paper on the
biotechnology you’ve chosen.
Assignment 2: Biological Basis
Due in week 5 and worth 80 points
Continuing on the research that you started in Week 3, explain
what your chosen biotechnology
accomplishes and how it is implemented, and describe the body
of knowledge that it is based upon. The
detailed guidelines are as follows:
accomplishes. Then, explain whether it
involves manipulating the DNA (or RNA) of an organism, or
simply utilizing the DNA (or RNA) that
is already there naturally.
technology works.
o If your technology involves manipulating the DNA of an
organism, then you should
explain how that is accomplished. Depending on the specific
technology, adding DNA to
cells is often accomplished with a vector, such as a virus or
bacterium, but there are
mechanical means as well, such as microinjection or use of a
“gene gun.”
o If your technology involves interpreting the DNA in an
organism (as one might do for
personalized medicine), explain how that is accomplished. What
are the means of
collecting a sample? How is the sample processed? What
exactly is being analyzed to
generate the interpretation?
technology. Many of them are based on an
understanding of genes and how they are expressed. Other
technologies may be based on the
concept of the genome, transcriptome, or proteome. Others are
based on an understanding of
non-coding DNA (such as the short-tandem repeats used in DNA
fingerprinting). Many are based
on an understanding of DNA replication, as well as basic
The expected length is a proxy for how much detail to go into.
Go into enough detail to get at least
one page of double-spaced text (about 300 words), but not much
more than two pages of double-
spaced text (about 600 words). Your overall goal in this
assignment is to show the instructor that
you understand the underlying science behind the technology.
You must have a reference section which contains an SWS
reference to your chosen article and all other
sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in
SWS format) to your references in the body of
the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper
techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and
summarizing, along with your in-text citations. Double-space
your paper. Use standard margins and fonts.
Also, follow any additional formatting instructions provided by
your instructor.
A large portion of the grading of this assignment is based upon
the coherence, depth, and accuracy of
your writing.
Objectives evaluated by this assessment:
1. Categorize a wide range of organisms, from single-celled to
multi-celled organisms.
2. Describe how organisms acquire and utilize both energy and
3. Describe the cell cycle, cell reproduction, and control.
4. Investigate DNA and gene expression as well as technologies
based on our understanding of
5. Discuss interactions between organisms in ecosystems.
Points: 80 Assignment 2: Biological Basis
Criteria Unacceptable
Below 60% F
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Describe
y and what it
, including if it
just using it.
Weight: 30%
Did not submit or
y described the
biotechnology and what
it accomplishes,
including if it involves
manipulating DNA/RNA
or just using it.
described the
y and what it
, including if it
just using it.
described the
y and what it
, including if it
just using it.
described the
y and what it
, including if it
just using it.
described the
y and what it
, including if it
just using it.
2.Provide a
full and
description of
exactly how
Weight: 30%
Did not submit or
y provided a full and
complete description of
exactly how the
technology works.
provided a
full and
description of
exactly how
provided a
full and
description of
exactly how
provided a
full and
description of
exactly how
provided a
full and
description of
exactly how
3.Discuss the
key biological
that underlie
Did not submit or
y discussed the key
biological principles that
underlie the technology.
discussed the
key biological
that underlie
discussed the
key biological
that underlie
discussed the
key biological
that underlie
discussed the
key biological
that underlie
Weight 30%
4. Application
of the SWS
standards for
Weight: 5%
Lack of in-text citations
and / or lack of
reference section.
citations and
are given, but
not in SWS
citations and
are provided,
but they are
only partially
correctly in
SWS style.
Most in-text
citations and
are provided,
and they are
correctly in
SWS style.
citations and
are error free
or almost
error free and
correctly in
SWS style.
5. Use of
proper written
Weight: 5%
Student did not submit
the assignment or there
are so many errors that
work is confusing to
errors (7-8) in
grammar and
errors (5-6) in
grammar and
A few errors
(3-4) in
grammar and
Minimal (0-2)
errors in
grammar and
This quarter, you will complete a project which will culminate
in a 5–6 page paper on an established or
emerging biotechnology. The project covers both the biological
basis of the technology, as well as its
benefits, drawbacks, and ethical aspects. The project is broken
down into four stages, with deliverables
due at each stage. In the final stage, you will combine your
previous work, edited according to the
feedback you’ve received, into one coherent final paper.
ssignment 1: Biotechnology Article – This first assignment,
and the entire project, begins with
your selection of one article about a particular biotechnology.
Subsequent assignments will build
on this first assignment, and thus extend your research on the
same biotechnology. In
Assignment 1, you will summarize the article you’ve chosen
(your “target article”), and address
some additional issues about how your article relates to the
course, to your life, and to the
funding of ongoing research.
gnment 2: Biological basis – In the second assignment,
you will explain what your chosen
biotechnology accomplishes and how it is implemented, and
describe the body of knowledge that
it is based upon. Your overall goal in this assignment is to show
that you understand the
underlying science behind the technology.
– In
the third assignment, you will look at
your technology in more depth to analyze the pros and cons, and
to also consider any ethical
issues that arise from the technology.
– You will pull this final paper
together using edited pieces from
Assignments 1, 2, and 3, along with an additional section
providing your personal viewpoint and
summation. The result should be a coherent paper on the
biotechnology you’ve chosen.
Assignment 3: Social and Ethical Implications
Due in week 7 and worth 80 points
Continuing on your research from Weeks 3 and 5.
Provide an analysis of the social and ethical implications of
your chosen biotechnology. Strive for an
even-handed honest-broker approach in which you carefully
analyze the possible benefits of the
technology, as well as any possible drawbacks. For now, hold
back on disclosing your point of view (you’ll
get a chance to express your opinion in the final paper in Week
For both benefits and drawbacks, state whether these are based
on actual evidence, or based on
speculation about possibilities. Consider the possible biases of
both proponents and critics, if appropriate.
Finally, address whether there any special ethical considerations
that go beyond simply looking at the
risks and benefits.
This assignment should be at least one page of double-spaced
text (about 300 words) but not much more
than two pages of double-spaced text (about 600 words). As
always, think of the expected length as a
proxy for how much to cover and how much detail to go into. In
addition to your general remarks, you will
need to go into depth on several issues to meet the expected
length. Describe your points in a clear
manner, and support them with explanations, examples, and
Hint: Merely providing a list of issues will not be sufficient for
a good grade. You need to describe the
issues fully, and support them. Do not copy any bulleted lists
from your sources.
You must have a reference section which contains an SWS
reference to your chosen article and all other
sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in
SWS format) to your references in the body of
the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper
techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and
summarizing, along with your in-text citations. Double-space
your paper. Use standard margins and
fonts. Also, follow any additional formatting instructions
provided by your instructor.
Objectives evaluated by this assessment:
1. Categorize a wide range of organisms, from single-celled to
multi-celled organisms.
2. Describe how organisms acquire and utilize both energy and
3. Describe the cell cycle, cell reproduction, and control.
4. Investigate DNA and gene expression as well as technologies
based on our understanding of
5. Discuss interactions between organisms in ecosystems.
Points: Assignment 3: Social and Ethical Implications
Criteria Unacceptable
Below 60% F
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Provide an
analysis of
the social and
benefits of
Weight 30%
Did not submit or
provided an analysis of
the social and ethical
benefits of the
provided an
analysis of
the social and
benefits of
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
benefits of
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
benefits of
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
benefits of
2. Provide an
analysis of
the social and
drawbacks of
Weight 30%
Did not submit or
provided an analysis of
the social and ethical
drawbacks of the
provided an
analysis of
the social and
drawbacks of
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
of the
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
of the
provided an
analysis of
the social
and ethical
of the
3. For both
benefits and
state whether
these are
based on
evidence, or
based on
Weight 30%
Did not submit or
stated whether these are
based on actual
evidence, or based on
speculation about
whether these
are based on
evidence, or
based on
these are
based on
evidence, or
based on
these are
based on
evidence, or
based on
these are
based on
evidence, or
based on
4. Application
of the SWS
Lack of in-text citations
and / or lack of reference
citations and
citations and
Most in-text
citations and
citations and
standards for
Weight: 5%
section. references
are given, but
not in SWS
but they are
only partially
correctly in
SWS style.
are provided,
and they are
correctly in
SWS style.
are error
free or
almost error
free and
correctly in
SWS style.
5. Use of
proper written
Weight: 5%
Student did not submit
the assignment or there
are so many errors that
work is confusing to
Multiple errors
(7-8) in
grammar and
errors (5-6)
in grammar
A few errors
(3-4) in
grammar and
Minimal (0-
2) errors in
Running Head: Human Gene Editing 1
Human Gene Editing 2
Human Gene Editing Week 5
Joanna Nasser
Professor James Cox
SCI 115
Human gene editing involves changing of the genes by adding,
removing or replacing pairs of DNA. It offers a significant
potential to advice on therapeutic and fundamental science
application. The gene editing is applied to gremlin cells, tissues
embryo and human cells. This helps in improvement of normal
biology-human thinking which involves more knowledge of
human fertility, development, and reproduction. It also gives an
understanding of various diseases and how to treat them.
Genome editing is used in clinics to test and treat genetic
disease. Genome editing involves the use of enzyme known as
engineered nuclease which is used to cut the genome in a
particular place. The engineered nuclease comprises of two
parts that are the put which cuts the DNA and the part of the
DNA that guides the nuclease (Kim, Kim, Cho, Kim, & Kim,
Human gene editing is done by cutting and pasting specialized
proteins of DNA. The proteins are in three categories, TALENs,
Zones, and CRISPRs. CRISPRs refer to Cas9 which consist of
enzymes and genetic that is used to edit the DNA, for the virus
to work, the machine is used to take over the cells until those
cells burst. In cases where the genetic bacteria evolve, DNA
waves are cut then the proteins are chopped. Many times the
bacteria may survive the cutting; in this case, tiny snippets of
DNA are incorporated. For the memory of genetic be kept on its
palace, RNA is used. In the nucleus, the Crips-Cas9 is used to
bump the genome. It also needs to grab itself into DNA. This
makes the RNA to see it is matched with the DNA.
In human gene editing, only one gene is used when carrying out
gene by gene basis. Technology such as mass spectrometry,
expression, and gene microarrays are used .those innovative
technology address and unravel disease. Technological
improvement makes the expression of the genome to be easier.
Microarrays are different microscopic of DNA spots which are
attached on a solid surface. Microarrays also provide different
genotypes and allocated chromosomal which are associated with
a certain disease. The biological principles associated with the
human gene-editing are respect for the person, transparency,
science responsibility, well-being and due care (Hendel, Bak,
Clark, Kennedy, Ryan, Roy, & Bacchetta, 2015).
Kim, S., Kim, D., Cho, S. W., Kim, J., & Kim, J. S. (2014).
Highly efficient RNA-guided genome editing in human cells via
delivery of purified Cas9 ribonucleoproteins. Genome
research, 24(6), 1012-1019.
Hendel, A., Bak, R. O., Clark, J. T., Kennedy, A. B., Ryan, D.
E., Roy, S., ... & Bacchetta, R. (2015). Chemically modified
guide RNAs enhance CRISPR-Cas genome editing in human
primary cells. Nature biotechnology, 33(9), nbt-3290.
No Author. April 11, 2016, Should Heritable Gene Editing Be
Used on Humans? Wall Street Journal viaStrayer Library, US
Newsstream Database, https://search-proquest-
Running Head: Human Gene Editing 1
Human Gene Editing 3
Human Gene Editing
Joanna Nasser
Professor James F. Cox, PhD
Gene human editing technology can be used to help in disease
eradication. Recently scientist has come up with new ways of
hindering mosquitoes from spreading malaria. The use of
technology is improving in gene editing that is associated with
the causes of human diseases like cancer. Human editing genes
have also caused ethical issues in the recent world. Most human
diseases have components of genetic. In this case, the
contribution and effects of environment usually have variable
influence (Liang, Xu, Zhang, Ding, Huang, Zhang, & Sun,
The human gene editing can be applied in the science laboratory
research, to increases biomedical science of human tissue and
cells editing human genes become suitable for use. The
technology which is used in human gene editing has implication
which alters the human gene permanent. The most used tools for
gene editing is known as Doudna; this tool is used to carry out
DNA inside living cell. Also, many scientists are unraveling
human-like animals to see the gene which is associated with
them. They have come up with ways of treating cell disease and
cancer. They have done experiences of these gene-editing
therapies with people. They also use the CRISPR tool to edit
human genes. The most pressing ethical difficulty of using these
tools is the gene editing can be transmitted to the future
Some principles govern the human gene editing. Those
principles include transparency, well-being promotion, science
responsibility, due care, fairness, respect for persons and
transnational cooperation. The ethical concern about the human
gene editing is equity and justice, safety, and informed consent
(Gori, Hsu, Maeder, Shen, Welstead, & Bumcrot, 2015).
Liang, P., Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Ding, C., Huang, R., Zhang, Z., ...
& Sun, Y. (2015). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in
human tripronuclear zygotes. Protein & cell, 6(5), 363-372.
Gori, J. L., Hsu, P. D., Maeder, M. L., Shen, S., Welstead, G.
G., & Bumcrot, D. (2015). Delivery and specificity of
CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technologies for human gene
therapy. Human gene therapy, 26(7), 443-451.

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October 30, 2018 Joanna, Your second submissio.docx

  • 1. October 30, 2018 Joanna, Your second submission was mistakenly returned to you with a grade of zero and without any explanation. Please accept my apologies for that. That should never happen. It’s my responsibility to ensure that the grading is correct and complete. My apologies. In providing the needed feedback, I’m going to provide some lengthy comments, as well as a breakdown of your grade using the rubric. Don’t let the length of the comments discourage you. I’m just trying to be as complete and as clear as I can. You will be able to do better on the next assignments, as well as on the last assignment, in which you put everything together. I explain the situation in some general remarks, and then provide an breakdown of your points in the rubric. There is some redudancy to this, in that I cover some of the same issues in both the general remarks and the rubric breakdown. General Remarks.
  • 2. In grading your paper, I see that you’ve treated this as a general essay about a topic, but that’s not what the instructions called for. The instructions called for you to address four specific areas with respect to your target article: summary of the article; relate article to the course; relate article to your life; and give your opinion regarding funding of research in this area. We were expecting a section on each area. Your essay is completely missing two of those four areas. First, you haven’t related the article to the course or vice versa. We wanted you to say something like “This relates to the course in that….”, and we wanted you to then go into some detail about this. Secondly, you haven’t addressed the funding issue at all. The question is how should research in this area be funded? Should public funds be spent on it? What is the role of private funding? In regards to the summary, you summarized some general information about a topic. However, this waasn’t really a summary of an article. The article that you list as your target article, entitled “CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes” is far too technical for our purposes. You didn’t summarize it.
  • 3. It’s too technical for SCI115 anyway, but you were supposed to summarize some article. We had compiled a list of recommended articles for students to use. It would have been better to use one of those articles. Breakdown with the Rubric. Criterion Points possible Points earned Letter grade Comments 1. Summarize the article in one (1) or more paragraphs, using your own words. Weight: 25% 20 12.0 D- You summarized some material, but you didn’t provide the source. The target article you’ve listed wasn’t summarized – it was inappropriately technical. A summary of some article was expected.
  • 4. 2. Identify which biological concepts from the course 20 0 Zero This section is missing. I don’t see anywhere that you’ve related the concepts you’ve and / or text are relevant to the topic covered in the article. Weight: 25% described to the course. 3. Explain why the article caught your attention. Relate the article to your life and to issues that are important to you. Weight: 20% 16 9.6 D- We were looking for a section in which you spell out why the article caught your
  • 5. attention. You don’t have a section like this, but some of the things you summarized about your topic are inherently interesting, so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here. 4. Discuss your opinion on how research on this topic should be funded. Weight: 20% 16 0 Zero This section is missing. 5. Application of the SWS standards for citation. Weight: 5% 4 3.0 C You didn’t follow SWS-style formatting. Instead, you seem to have followed APA- style. On the positive side, you deserve some points for using a citation method. On the negative side, the article you’ve listed as your target article is one that you didn’t use.
  • 6. You must have used some other source, but that’s not credited. 6. Use of proper written mechanics. Weight: 5% 4 3.4 B The writing is generally okay, I think. TOTAL 80 28.0 SafeAssign Before closing this letter, I wanted to address your SafeAssign similarity index of 51%. That means that SafeAssign flagged 51% of your paper as possibly plagiarized. If that SafeAssign score had been accurate, we would have not been able to accept your paper. Fortunately, it is not accurate. Visual inspection of the report shows that this is due to material flagged in the reference section, which does not count against you. So, there is really no problem with it. Please let me know if you have any questions. -- Dr. Jim Cox
  • 7. cc: Dr. Trinna Johnson ABSTRACT REVIEW #1: QUANTITATIVE By Student Name, B.S, M.S., M.A. September 2014 University of the Cumberlands Statistics Abstract Review #1 Statistics Abstract Review #1 i 3 Introduction and Background Ethics is the cornerstone of the counseling profession and client counselor relationship. However the code of ethics does not always clearly articulate what a counselor should do in many scenarios. Thereby it often creates uncertainty amongst the profession. In addition, the code of ethics undergoes changes on a regular basis. Neukrug and Milliken (2011) identify two
  • 8. purposes for their study. First, to assess which ethical situations/behaviors are “most distressing and confusing and also to help guide the revision of future ethical codes” (Neukrug & Milliken, 2011, p. 206). Second, to identify changes in ethics education based upon various demographics. They hope that this research aids in reducing ethical violations and increasing relevant ethics education. Methodology Neukrug and Milliken (2011) utilized a 77-item survey in which respondents rated situations as ethical or unethical (Scale 1) and how strongly they aligned with the response (1 = not very strongly to 10 very strongly; Scale 2; p. 207). By scoring ethical on a positive scale (+1 through +10) and unethical on a negative scale (-1 through -10), they were able to examine Scale 1 with nominal data, and strength of response with Scale 2. Another instrument was utilized to gather demographic information of the participants and included: gender, age, ethnicity, highest degree held, specialty area, current job/role, American Counseling Association (ACA) membership, and involvement in ethics education (Neukrug & Milliken, 2011). ACA approved the study and provided researchers with a random sample of 2,000 ACA members’ email addresses. The email to the participants included “an explanation of the survey, an informed consent, and the surveys’ URL” (p. 207). They were attempting to answer what areas of the ethical code are unclear and create the most confusion and whether different demographics correlated with different perceptions of ethical and unethical behaviors. They grouped the ethics categories into six categories and performed chi-square tests on Scale 1 and set the significance level at p < .001 to control for a Type I error. Study Findings and Results Although Neukrug and Milliken (2011) “found significant differences as a function of demographics on a number of items” (p. 210), practical significance was not evident. The
  • 9. most prominent finding of this study were related to the identified areas of disagreement among respondents related to what is considered unethical. This information can help to inform future ethics training and ethical code revisions. Conclusions The finding of Neukrug and Milliken’s research provided insight into main areas of ambiguity regarding what is viewed as unethical behavior. Considering that ethics is the foundation of professional practice and integral to the counseling relationship, insight into areas which are most confusing could serve to better educate current and future counselors. Although not significant, it is helpful to know that demographics did not impact the interpretation of ethical practices on a practical level. The methods used seemed plausible, but the findings were not clearly presented and took effort to locate and interpret. References Neukrug, E. S., & Milliken, T. (2011). Counselors’ perceptions of ethical behaviors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 89(2), 206–216. ABSTRACT REVIEW #2: Qualitative By STUDENT, B.S, M.S., M.A.
  • 10. September 2014 University of the Cumberlands Statistics Abstract Review #2 Statistics Abstract Review #2 i 1 Introduction/Background De Stefano, Atkins, Noble, & Heath, (2012) conducted a qualitative study to examine the experiences of counselors-in- training (CIT) who worked with clients that engaged in non- suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in order to understand how counseling interns “react to and resolve the challenges presented” (p. 289) by complex clients. NSSI in clients poses potential ethical and legal concerns which may be amplified when the clinician is a CIT. De Stefano et al. highlight that NSSI may increase unexpected and unwanted reactions in the CIT which may negatively impact the therapeutic relationship. Additionally, since CIT are being supervised, understanding how the CIT’s work is impacted by the supervisory process may be beneficial. Methodology De Stefano et al. (2012) identify that the study was oriented toward discovery and exploration and intended to gain insight into: “(1) How do trainees describe and understand their experiences of working with these challenging clients? and (2)
  • 11. What can these experiences tell us about their evolving clinical development and learning?” (p. 291). They identified and tracked potential research biases as (1) CIT would experience emotional reactivity from working with NSSI clients, (2) these experiences would lead to substantial learning professionally and personally, and (3) provide insight into the supervisory process. The 12 participants were a sample of convenience in the second-year of their MA program in counseling psychology. The criterion required for participation was that the CIT had counseled with one or more clients within the past 9 months who had engaged in some form of NSSI. The participants were all female and of Anglo-European background, ranging in age from 23 to 37 years. They were recruited from the entire MA cohort during a class session in which the researcher was not the course instructor. The intent of the study was explained and those meeting the criterion were invited to participate. Data was gathered through 45 to 60 minute, semi-structured interviews utilizing questions about the CIT “reactions, thoughts, and feelings when working with these clients” (De Stefano et al., 2013, p. 292). The sessions were recorded and transcribed and then analyzed using consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, & Nutt-Williams, 1997; as cited in De Stefano et al., 2013); CQR uses a constant comparison method with a team of researchers, in order to reach a consensus on domains, open codes, and cross-case analysis. Study Findings and Limitations The study identified three general themes: (1) CIT formulate a basic model of NSSI even though they lack previous experience and knowledge; (2) NSSI clients are challenging on many levels for CIT; and (3) working with NSSI offers new but incomplete learning. Additionally, the investigation highlighted that the supervisory process had mixed benefits and was disappointing for many of the CIT (De Stefano et al., 2013). Limitations of the study include the reality that the findings are suggestive and
  • 12. it is not generalizable to all CIT. Furthermore, interviewing participants several times and with access to client notes may have enhanced and strengthened recall. Finally, the study did not address diversity which De Stefano et al., highlight may have impacted the CIT experiences. Conclusions This study is significant in that despite the exploratory aspect of this investigation, it reveals that when CIT openly acknowledge feelings of incompetency “it was accompanied by vigilance and a self-observational quality typical of self- monitoring and reflexivity that are hallmarks of good practice” (De Stefano et al., 2013, p. 303). While not part of the intent of the study, it is worthwhile insight. The article could have been enhanced by using bar graphs or tables to present the findings and this would have highlighted the identified themes more clearly. Considering the ethical dilemma faced by CIT who work with NSSI clients, this study provides foundational insight which can inform future research.
  • 13. References De Stefano, J., Atkins, S., Noble, R. N., & Heath, N. (2012). Am I competent enough to be doing this?: A qualitative study of trainees’ experiences working with clients who self-injure. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 25(3), 289–305. doi:10.1080/09515070.2012.698981 BIOTECHNOLOGY PAPER This quarter, you will complete a project which will culminate in a 5–6 page paper on an established or emerging biotechnology. The project covers both the biological basis of the technology, as well as its benefits, drawbacks, and ethical aspects. The project is broken down into four stages, with deliverables due at each stage. In the final stage, you will combine your previous work, edited according to the feedback you’ve received, into one coherent final paper. chnology Article – This first assignment, and the entire project, begins with your selection of one article about a particular biotechnology. Subsequent assignments will build on this first assignment, and thus extend your research on the same biotechnology. In Assignment 1, you will summarize the article you’ve chosen (your “target article”), and address some additional issues about how your article relates to the course, to your life, and to the
  • 14. funding of ongoing research. al basis – In the second assignment, you will explain what your chosen biotechnology accomplishes and how it is implemented, and describe the body of knowledge that it is based upon. Your overall goal in this assignment is to show that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. – In the third assignment, you will look at your technology in more depth to analyze the pros and cons, and to also consider any ethical issues that arise from the technology. – You will pull this final paper together using edited pieces from Assignments 1, 2, and 3, along with an additional section providing your personal viewpoint and summation. The result should be a coherent paper on the biotechnology you’ve chosen. Assignment 2: Biological Basis Due in week 5 and worth 80 points Continuing on the research that you started in Week 3, explain what your chosen biotechnology accomplishes and how it is implemented, and describe the body of knowledge that it is based upon. The detailed guidelines are as follows: accomplishes. Then, explain whether it
  • 15. involves manipulating the DNA (or RNA) of an organism, or simply utilizing the DNA (or RNA) that is already there naturally. technology works. o If your technology involves manipulating the DNA of an organism, then you should explain how that is accomplished. Depending on the specific technology, adding DNA to cells is often accomplished with a vector, such as a virus or bacterium, but there are mechanical means as well, such as microinjection or use of a “gene gun.” o If your technology involves interpreting the DNA in an organism (as one might do for personalized medicine), explain how that is accomplished. What are the means of collecting a sample? How is the sample processed? What exactly is being analyzed to generate the interpretation? technology. Many of them are based on an understanding of genes and how they are expressed. Other technologies may be based on the concept of the genome, transcriptome, or proteome. Others are based on an understanding of non-coding DNA (such as the short-tandem repeats used in DNA fingerprinting). Many are based on an understanding of DNA replication, as well as basic heredity. The expected length is a proxy for how much detail to go into.
  • 16. Go into enough detail to get at least one page of double-spaced text (about 300 words), but not much more than two pages of double- spaced text (about 600 words). Your overall goal in this assignment is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. You must have a reference section which contains an SWS reference to your chosen article and all other sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in SWS format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with your in-text citations. Double-space your paper. Use standard margins and fonts. Also, follow any additional formatting instructions provided by your instructor. A large portion of the grading of this assignment is based upon the coherence, depth, and accuracy of your writing. Objectives evaluated by this assessment: 1. Categorize a wide range of organisms, from single-celled to multi-celled organisms. 2. Describe how organisms acquire and utilize both energy and material. 3. Describe the cell cycle, cell reproduction, and control. 4. Investigate DNA and gene expression as well as technologies based on our understanding of them.
  • 17. 5. Discuss interactions between organisms in ecosystems. Points: 80 Assignment 2: Biological Basis Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectation s 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Describe the biotechnolog y and what it accomplishes , including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. Weight: 30%
  • 18. Did not submit or incompletely/inaccuratel y described the biotechnology and what it accomplishes, including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. Insufficiently described the biotechnolog y and what it accomplishes , including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. Partially described the biotechnolog y and what it accomplishes , including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. Satisfactorily described the biotechnolog y and what it
  • 19. accomplishes , including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. Thoroughly described the biotechnolog y and what it accomplishes , including if it involves manipulating DNA/RNA or just using it. 2.Provide a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works. Weight: 30% Did not submit or incompletely/inaccuratel y provided a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works.
  • 20. Insufficiently provided a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works. Partially provided a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works. Satisfactorily provided a full and complete description of exactly how the technology works. Thoroughly provided a full and complete description of
  • 21. exactly how the technology works. 3.Discuss the key biological principles that underlie the Did not submit or incompletely/inaccuratel y discussed the key biological principles that underlie the technology. Insufficiently discussed the key biological principles that underlie Partially discussed the key biological principles that underlie Satisfactorily discussed the key biological principles that underlie Thoroughly
  • 22. discussed the key biological principles that underlie technology. Weight 30% the technology. the technology. the technology. the technology. 4. Application of the SWS standards for citation. Weight: 5% Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section. In-text
  • 23. citations and references are given, but not in SWS format. In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in SWS style. Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in SWS style. In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in SWS style.
  • 24. 5. Use of proper written mechanics Weight: 5% Student did not submit the assignment or there are so many errors that work is confusing to read. Multiple errors (7-8) in grammar and mechanics. Several errors (5-6) in grammar and mechanics. A few errors (3-4) in grammar and mechanics. Minimal (0-2) errors in grammar and mechanics.
  • 25. BIOTECHNOLOGY PAPER This quarter, you will complete a project which will culminate in a 5–6 page paper on an established or emerging biotechnology. The project covers both the biological basis of the technology, as well as its benefits, drawbacks, and ethical aspects. The project is broken down into four stages, with deliverables due at each stage. In the final stage, you will combine your previous work, edited according to the feedback you’ve received, into one coherent final paper. ssignment 1: Biotechnology Article – This first assignment, and the entire project, begins with your selection of one article about a particular biotechnology. Subsequent assignments will build on this first assignment, and thus extend your research on the same biotechnology. In Assignment 1, you will summarize the article you’ve chosen (your “target article”), and address some additional issues about how your article relates to the course, to your life, and to the funding of ongoing research. gnment 2: Biological basis – In the second assignment, you will explain what your chosen biotechnology accomplishes and how it is implemented, and describe the body of knowledge that it is based upon. Your overall goal in this assignment is to show that you understand the underlying science behind the technology.
  • 26. – In the third assignment, you will look at your technology in more depth to analyze the pros and cons, and to also consider any ethical issues that arise from the technology. – You will pull this final paper together using edited pieces from Assignments 1, 2, and 3, along with an additional section providing your personal viewpoint and summation. The result should be a coherent paper on the biotechnology you’ve chosen. Assignment 3: Social and Ethical Implications Due in week 7 and worth 80 points Continuing on your research from Weeks 3 and 5. Provide an analysis of the social and ethical implications of your chosen biotechnology. Strive for an even-handed honest-broker approach in which you carefully analyze the possible benefits of the technology, as well as any possible drawbacks. For now, hold back on disclosing your point of view (you’ll get a chance to express your opinion in the final paper in Week 9). For both benefits and drawbacks, state whether these are based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Consider the possible biases of both proponents and critics, if appropriate. Finally, address whether there any special ethical considerations that go beyond simply looking at the
  • 27. risks and benefits. This assignment should be at least one page of double-spaced text (about 300 words) but not much more than two pages of double-spaced text (about 600 words). As always, think of the expected length as a proxy for how much to cover and how much detail to go into. In addition to your general remarks, you will need to go into depth on several issues to meet the expected length. Describe your points in a clear manner, and support them with explanations, examples, and discussions. Hint: Merely providing a list of issues will not be sufficient for a good grade. You need to describe the issues fully, and support them. Do not copy any bulleted lists from your sources. You must have a reference section which contains an SWS reference to your chosen article and all other sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in SWS format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with your in-text citations. Double-space your paper. Use standard margins and fonts. Also, follow any additional formatting instructions provided by your instructor. Objectives evaluated by this assessment: 1. Categorize a wide range of organisms, from single-celled to
  • 28. multi-celled organisms. 2. Describe how organisms acquire and utilize both energy and material. 3. Describe the cell cycle, cell reproduction, and control. 4. Investigate DNA and gene expression as well as technologies based on our understanding of them. 5. Discuss interactions between organisms in ecosystems. Points: Assignment 3: Social and Ethical Implications Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Provide an analysis of the social and ethical benefits of the
  • 29. technology. Weight 30% Did not submit or incompletely/inaccurately provided an analysis of the social and ethical benefits of the technology. Insufficiently provided an analysis of the social and ethical benefits of the technology. Partially provided an analysis of the social and ethical benefits of the technology. Satisfactorily provided an analysis of the social and ethical
  • 30. benefits of the technology. Thoroughly provided an analysis of the social and ethical benefits of the technology. 2. Provide an analysis of the social and ethical drawbacks of the technology. Weight 30% Did not submit or incompletely/inaccurately provided an analysis of the social and ethical drawbacks of the technology. Insufficiently provided an analysis of the social and ethical
  • 31. drawbacks of the technology. Partially provided an analysis of the social and ethical drawbacks of the technology. Satisfactorily provided an analysis of the social and ethical drawbacks of the technology. Thoroughly provided an analysis of the social and ethical drawbacks of the technology. 3. For both benefits and drawbacks, state whether these are
  • 32. based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Weight 30% Did not submit or incompletely/inaccurately stated whether these are based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Insufficiently stated whether these are based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Partially stated whether these are based on actual
  • 33. evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Satisfactorily stated whether these are based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. Thoroughly stated whether these are based on actual evidence, or based on speculation about possibilities. 4. Application of the SWS Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference
  • 34. In-text citations and In-text citations and Most in-text citations and In-text citations and standards for citation. Weight: 5% section. references are given, but not in SWS format. references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in SWS style. references are provided,
  • 35. and they are generally formatted correctly in SWS style. references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in SWS style. 5. Use of proper written mechanics, Weight: 5% Student did not submit the assignment or there are so many errors that work is confusing to read. Multiple errors (7-8) in grammar and mechanics. Several errors (5-6) in grammar and
  • 36. mechanics. A few errors (3-4) in grammar and mechanics. Minimal (0- 2) errors in grammar and mechanics. Running Head: Human Gene Editing 1 Human Gene Editing 2 Human Gene Editing Week 5 Joanna Nasser Professor James Cox SCI 115 10/29/2018
  • 37. Human gene editing involves changing of the genes by adding, removing or replacing pairs of DNA. It offers a significant potential to advice on therapeutic and fundamental science application. The gene editing is applied to gremlin cells, tissues embryo and human cells. This helps in improvement of normal biology-human thinking which involves more knowledge of human fertility, development, and reproduction. It also gives an understanding of various diseases and how to treat them. Genome editing is used in clinics to test and treat genetic disease. Genome editing involves the use of enzyme known as engineered nuclease which is used to cut the genome in a particular place. The engineered nuclease comprises of two parts that are the put which cuts the DNA and the part of the DNA that guides the nuclease (Kim, Kim, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2014). Human gene editing is done by cutting and pasting specialized proteins of DNA. The proteins are in three categories, TALENs, Zones, and CRISPRs. CRISPRs refer to Cas9 which consist of enzymes and genetic that is used to edit the DNA, for the virus to work, the machine is used to take over the cells until those cells burst. In cases where the genetic bacteria evolve, DNA waves are cut then the proteins are chopped. Many times the bacteria may survive the cutting; in this case, tiny snippets of DNA are incorporated. For the memory of genetic be kept on its palace, RNA is used. In the nucleus, the Crips-Cas9 is used to bump the genome. It also needs to grab itself into DNA. This makes the RNA to see it is matched with the DNA. In human gene editing, only one gene is used when carrying out gene by gene basis. Technology such as mass spectrometry, expression, and gene microarrays are used .those innovative technology address and unravel disease. Technological improvement makes the expression of the genome to be easier. Microarrays are different microscopic of DNA spots which are attached on a solid surface. Microarrays also provide different
  • 38. genotypes and allocated chromosomal which are associated with a certain disease. The biological principles associated with the human gene-editing are respect for the person, transparency, science responsibility, well-being and due care (Hendel, Bak, Clark, Kennedy, Ryan, Roy, & Bacchetta, 2015). Reference Kim, S., Kim, D., Cho, S. W., Kim, J., & Kim, J. S. (2014). Highly efficient RNA-guided genome editing in human cells via delivery of purified Cas9 ribonucleoproteins. Genome research, 24(6), 1012-1019. Hendel, A., Bak, R. O., Clark, J. T., Kennedy, A. B., Ryan, D. E., Roy, S., ... & Bacchetta, R. (2015). Chemically modified guide RNAs enhance CRISPR-Cas genome editing in human primary cells. Nature biotechnology, 33(9), nbt-3290. No Author. April 11, 2016, Should Heritable Gene Editing Be Used on Humans? Wall Street Journal viaStrayer Library, US Newsstream Database, https://search-proquest- Running Head: Human Gene Editing 1
  • 39. Human Gene Editing 3 Human Gene Editing Joanna Nasser Professor James F. Cox, PhD SCI115 10/18/2018 Gene human editing technology can be used to help in disease eradication. Recently scientist has come up with new ways of hindering mosquitoes from spreading malaria. The use of technology is improving in gene editing that is associated with the causes of human diseases like cancer. Human editing genes have also caused ethical issues in the recent world. Most human diseases have components of genetic. In this case, the contribution and effects of environment usually have variable influence (Liang, Xu, Zhang, Ding, Huang, Zhang, & Sun, 2015). The human gene editing can be applied in the science laboratory research, to increases biomedical science of human tissue and cells editing human genes become suitable for use. The technology which is used in human gene editing has implication which alters the human gene permanent. The most used tools for gene editing is known as Doudna; this tool is used to carry out
  • 40. DNA inside living cell. Also, many scientists are unraveling human-like animals to see the gene which is associated with them. They have come up with ways of treating cell disease and cancer. They have done experiences of these gene-editing therapies with people. They also use the CRISPR tool to edit human genes. The most pressing ethical difficulty of using these tools is the gene editing can be transmitted to the future generation. Some principles govern the human gene editing. Those principles include transparency, well-being promotion, science responsibility, due care, fairness, respect for persons and transnational cooperation. The ethical concern about the human gene editing is equity and justice, safety, and informed consent (Gori, Hsu, Maeder, Shen, Welstead, & Bumcrot, 2015). Reference Liang, P., Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Ding, C., Huang, R., Zhang, Z., ... & Sun, Y. (2015). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes. Protein & cell, 6(5), 363-372. Gori, J. L., Hsu, P. D., Maeder, M. L., Shen, S., Welstead, G. G., & Bumcrot, D. (2015). Delivery and specificity of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technologies for human gene therapy. Human gene therapy, 26(7), 443-451.