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The CHAOS Manifesto
The CHAOS Manifesto 2012 is a compilation of view on global project statistics specifically concentrated on the United States and Europe. The report
is based on four Standish Services: the CHAOS knowledge center, DARTS (Demand Assessment Requirements Tracking Survey), Executive Sponsor
Workshops and Executive Interviews. Although the manifesto concentrates on statistics primarily whereas, the 2012 report talks about the various
success factors of an executive sponsor as leadership plays a crucial role in deciding the success or failure of a project. The CHAOS knowledge center
collects monthly survey which include 20–25 survey question, the DARTS is an online research instrument. The report is also based on 18 years of
CHAOS research on... Show more content on ...
This observation about the importance of the executive sponsor playing a crucial role is the main motivation behind creating this CHAOS
Manifesto 2012. The executive sponsor has been defined as the owner of the project. The owner of the project is entitled to the responsibilities of the
success and failure of project making him the single most important person in a project. The report moves on to underlining the various factors of
success of project. It says that the foremost and the most important factor is the Executive Sponsor. The other factors of success are given as follows:
Executive Management Support, the report say that the executive sponsor can be single handedly responsible for success and failure of a project. User
Involvement, According to research carried out the lesser the user involvement the higher the chances are that the project will perform poorly. Clear
Business Objectives, the report talks about how it's absolutely essential that the project business objectives align with that of the organization
objectives. Emotional Maturity, the factor basically underlines the importance of a good ecosystem to carry out the project. Optimization, the report
talks about efficiency of a project can be increased by making the project optimal i.e. taking into consideration all aspects of the project like scope,
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The Communist Manifesto, By Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels
"All written history is the history of class struggles" (Marx). In the year 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels decided to publish a manifesto after
sitting down and sharing ideas for a period of time. Today, that piece of writing is known as The Communist Manifesto. In this book, Marx, the
principal author stated that escaping from alienation required a revolution. That was the only possible way in which a political as well as a social
change could have been seen. Therefore, Marx' theory implied the use of violence. In addition, there was another individual, who argued that violence
could be justified to gain independence, the one and only way to be free. Fanon's theory on violence was very obvious and precise: "violence is the
means by which the oppressed must gain freedom." On the contrary, Gandhi understood the use of violence totally different. "If the history of the
universe had commenced with wars, not a man would have been found alive to–day." Although Marx and Fanon agreed that the use of violence is
necessary and can always be justified, Gandhi intended to prove that nonviolence can lead a country to democracy. First of all, it is almost impossible
to watch the news, or read an article on the newspaper without encountering the word violence in it. Karl Marx, main author of The Communist
Manifesto and Frantz Fanon who wrote The Wretched of the Earth argued that the use of violence is always present and unavoidable. In the book
Colonial Voices, the first chapter
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Port Huron Statement Thesis Statement
In the political manifesto, The Port Huron Statement, it was written by college students, who created there ideals for a Democratic Society and
expressed their views in the America they lived in. The Huron Statement mainly addresses the main and lessor problems that America was facing
during this time. When the Port Huron Statement was written, people were getting over the Cold War, still fearing it after how it left many Americans.
As well the racism happening in the South. The Students for a Democratic Society sought to see after the values of people after noticing that they
weren't given the chance if they wanted to participate in the decision making of their American Government.
Furthermore, this called for a demand of action after wealthy men wouldn't help individuals who were in poverty, instead giving their money to Gun
business corporations to support the military. The wealthy were afraid that those oppose of their values for America would not benefit them in the
coming years. This led the Student for a Democratic Society to write the Port Huron Statement about the economic and political institutions and
criticize them for their social conditions during this time. They wanted to create ... Show more content on ...
In the recent months, the government has been scrambling trying to resolve the situation that illegal immigrants who were brought into the United
States at a young age and not be deported. These illegal immigrants are called Dreamers, who are fighting for a DACA plan for them to stay in the
United and still be able to receive an education and have a chance at getting a job as well. Throughout reading the Port Huron Statement, I wondered
what the Student for a Democracy Society would think if Dreamers should be allowed to receive an education (DACA) and an American
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Who Is The Famous Valerie Solanas?
Who is the infamous Valerie Solanas? Valerie Solanas was a radical feminist who hated the male sex. American Horror story does a decent job on
portraying her but also changes the truth a bit. In the episode, we see two main characters, Andy Warhol and Valerie Solanas. Andy Warhol was an
American producer, artist, and director who was a famous. That's where Valerie comes in. She had written a piece and wanted Andy to produce it,
but it didn't turn out how she planned. Andy thought her writing was obnoxious and not good, and ended up losing it. This infuriated Solanas and she
shot him, but didn't kill him. She then started gathering people to join her radical group to go hunt and eliminate men. She would read parts of the
Scum Manifesto which she wrote. She would read parts of her piece to the people in the group which motivated them to follow her and do as she said.
They committed many crimes some being killing innocent people that were males for no reason. She wanted to scare the public and the male race with
all the brutality they left behind for people to see. During the same time, the Zodiac Killer was doing his own thing. Solanas then tried to take credit
and say she was the Zodiac Killer but no one believed her, so once again she got mad again since "No one took the female race seriously." This is how
AHS portrait Solanas and tweaked some details to make it go along with what Kai Andersons needed and was doing.
There were many things that caught my attention in the show American Horror Story. Some of these being, did some of the things mentioned actually
happen some being; Solanas shooting Warhol, the Scum Manifesto, and the Zodiac Killer. I thought they were to extreme to be true, and that they had
to have been made up. How can a female group want to eliminate the whole male race, and say they are inferior and suck. I want to find out the actual
relationship between solanas and Warhol and how did AHS change and tweak facts to make it fit into what they wanted?
In the New Times article called "This Is Why a Radical Playwright Shot Andy Warhol" by Jennifer Latson, tells about why Valerie Solanas shot Andy
Warhol. Jennifer Latson is a writer that has written for Times, Boston Globe, and Houston Chronicles.
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Communist Manifesto : The Communist Manifesto
Maria Aguilar
HUM 2250
November 29, 2017
The Communist Manifesto
Since the 19th century, a group of people started to oppose the old powers in Europe. The group referred to themselves as the communists. The main
aim of the communists was to create a society where there were no social classes. They believed that an ideal society should have no rulers and
subjects since most rulers only used power to exploit the subjects and increase their personal gain. Those in power tried to get rid of communism before
it was getting influential but the communists were vigorously spreading the idea. After several struggles between the ruling class and the new
ideologists, communism started to be acknowledged by the European powers. The communists were also determined to spread their ideas to the whole
world. Different communists from various nations met in London and created a manifesto that was to be spread globally. This paper discusses the first
chapter of the communist manifesto, the drawbacks of the economic theory, and critically analyses whether the theory can work or not. The paper also
aims at showing the truthfulness of the manifesto.
In the first chapter of the manifesto, Karl Marx first acknowledges the existence of class struggle in all societies. Since the beginning of the world,
there has always been the oppressor and the oppressed and the two classes have always been opposing each other. In the ancient society such as the
Rome society, there were patricians, knights, and
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Right Makes Left. On September 11Th, 1960, The Founding
Right Makes Left On September 11th, 1960, the founding members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) published their basic ideologies of in
their "Sharon Statement." Two years later on the June of 1962, members of the Students for a Democratic Society at their retreat published their
political manifesto in a paper known as the Port Huron Statement. Despite their differing political views, both political youth groups centered their
criticism on the same target: the American government. An analysis of both documents revealed that both believed that positive change could only
come by the youth, because only they saw the real flaws of the current system and have the ability to make a difference. A brief background of both the
YAF and the... Show more content on ...
Both were formed by university students during a time of young political activism. There was also a generational understanding of 1960. This
recognition was clearly understood by the writers of the Port Huron Statement when they wrote, "Our work is guided by the sense that we might be the
last generation in the experiment with living. But we are minority." Hence for the SDS members, they not only felt they were the age group that knew
best the turbulent times, but they were also the only ones who fathomed the issues behind the chaos. Likewise, the writers behind the Sharon Statement
stated that "In this time of moral and political crisis, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths." It was up to the
young conservatives to point out the issues of contemporary America and call for a return to the universal principles that the country was supposedly
founded upon. Both manifestos recognized a crisis happening in the US and sought to rectify their truths politically, economically and socially.
Moreover, the YAF and SDS both argued from a similar point of view: that the government and its policies were the main instigators for the political,
social and economic issues during the early 1960s. The YAF saw the government as "acting beyond [their] rightful functions" and thus has reduced the
American concept of liberty and freedom. Yet the Sharon Statement associated these political intrusions to the government's role in the state economy.
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Social Impact Of Industrialization In Germany
Mia Allen
HST 102
Paper 1: Industrialization in Germany and its Social Impact
The industrialization of cities, such as Berlin, greatly increased the price of living for the working class. Because of this, children who were a
cheap source of labor, were often times expected to work daily for meager earnings. This process is exhibited in the engraving titled "Orphan Girls
and Boys in a Welfare Institution." The images are set in Germany in 1846 and display orphaned girls working in a sewing factory and boys
working in a textile factory. This depiction of boys and girls speaks volumes about gender roles when it comes to social standing and job
opportunities. In addition, these images show a very idealized version of child labor and industrialization and argue that children should be a source
of cheap labor to reduce the cost of production and be separated based on sex. Many other sources such as Dronke's "Excerpts from Berlin" and The
Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels juxtapose this interpretation. The conflicting viewpoints of industrialization and gender roles
will hence be analyzed in relation to the engraving and child labor in Germany in the 1800s.
The industrial revolution began in England in the 1770s and expanded to areas in Prussia and Bohemia by the 1840s. The scope of industrialization
was huge and forever changed the landscape of modern society by increasing production, national wealth, and technological advancement. However, it
also resulted
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Manifesto Of Surrealism
What is surrealism? Surrealism is a "revolution," "pure psychic automatism," "an attack of conscience," and a "new mode of pure expression"
according to its founder AndrГ© Breton. In his highly controversial texts, "Manifestoes of Surrealism," Breton exposes us to this new term he coined
along with his colleague Philippe Soupault in homage to Guillaume Apollinaire, someone whom they believed had followed the discipline, and he
explains the phenomenon in detail so that more can become aware and utilize the technique. Drawing heavy influences from Sigmund Freud and Karl
Marx, Breton reveals to us the limitless opportunities of surrealism and how it frees us from everyday reality, similar to how the exoteric texts
challenged us to question our beliefs. I The first "Manifesto of Surrealism" was published in 1924 succeeding dadaism, an art movement of the
European avant–garde often regarded as the movement that brought forth postmodern art. At the time of its publication, Europe was still reeling from
World War I and art was very much political. Breton and other surrealists wanted to break free from the conventional art if the times and express the
imagination as revealed in dreams. Thus, the "Manifesto of Surrealism" came about in which Breton discussed the importance of merging dream and
reality. In Breton's view, one can learn to ascend to perception of a higher reality (the surreal), or more reality, if one can manage to liberate one's
psyche from traditional education, the
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Burroughs Not Marinetti's Futurist Essay
The potentials of the new technology created in the early twentieth century created a variety of reactions with in society. Some people embraced the
changes, others resisted the developments, and still others fell somewhere in between. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's piece, "The Futurist Manifesto",
embraces the rapid transformation of society. His world is composed of fast, powerful machines and strong, young citizens. The Manifesto also depicts
an aggressive, violent, and unjust world that is devoid of any morals. Edgar Rice Burroughs is another author whose work, A Princess of Mars,
addresses the future and its possibilities. It is the story of John Carter, an American Civil War Veteran, who is mysteriously transported to Mars or
Barsoom ... Show more content on ...
He says, "When we are forty let younger and stronger men than we throw us in the waste paper basket like useless manuscripts" (4). Just as significant
as Carter's significant prowess is his courageous, fearless, and violent demeanor. All of these traits are highly valued in Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto.
Nonetheless, this initial glance of Burroughs' work is highly deceptive. Though John Carter is violent, he only fights in self– defense or in the defense
of his dependents like his Martian watchdog, Woola, and his love interest, Dejah Thoris. He exhibits a sense of morals and justice that Marinetti clearly
rejects in his manifesto. Burroughs' stress on the value of morality is further solidified by the comparison between the Tharks, the green Martians, and
the red Martians of Helium. The green Martians are warlike, uncultured, and unjust, which contributes to their backwardness. On the other hand, the red
Martians are highly civilized because they show fairness, lawfulness, and love. (transition) Marinetti even states in the "Manifesto of Futurism" that,
"Beauty exists only in the struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an aggressive character." This suits Marinetti's own piece because of the raw,
violent, and sexual imagery used to describe the machinery in the future. For example, the reader is confronted with "rogue locomotives" and "hungry,
roaring automobiles". Furthermore, Marinetti says that the Futurists "want to glorify war because it is the
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An Indigenous Manifesto
Peace, Power, Righteousness: An Indigenous Manifesto questions the governance of the First Nation politicians. In this second edition, Taiaiake Alfred
discusses the importance of traditional Indigenous forms of governance. He calls out the Indigenous politicians on turning their backs towards their
sacred traditions and instead using a western framework. He urges the Indigenous community to move beyond the pain, loss, and colonization and
move forward to creating a different future. He urges the members of the community to raise the next generation as leaders that will create a better
future for the Natives with their roots of Indigenous cultures and traditions.
To successfully understand Canadian history and the foundations on which Canada ... Show more content on ...
He highlights the differences between how the Indigenous and non–Indigenous viewed the concept of justice and punishment. He acknowledges three
basic ways in which the Indigenous idea of justice differ from the Western idea but he emphasizes that the Indigenous ideas of justice cannot be used
in a western framework (66). He assesses the abuse of power by both Indigenous and non–Indigenous leaders. He points out that "one reason we have
lost our way is that the materialistic mainstream value system has blinded us to the subtle beauty of Indigenous systems founded on a profound respect
for balance. Without that respect, the system fails" (68). He declares that some Native political leaders have disconnected themselves from their
communities by taking on the values and philosophies of the dominant government and their political
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The Communist Manifesto
The Manifesto of the Communist Party was drafted as its party program by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in Brussels at the order of the second
congress of the League of Communists (December 2–8, 1847) and was first published by the order of the central authority of the league in the German
language in an anonymous booklet of twenty three printed pages in London at the end of February 1848, just prior to the outbreak of the French
February revolution. The Manifesto marked the end of a year–long discussion within the League of the Just about the objectives and methods of
proletarian emancipation and implied the conclusion of its transformation into the League of Communists. In Marxist literature this publication, which
marked a milestone in the
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CompareThe Fustoist Manifesto And The Futurist Manifesto
The industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, caused the word modernity to become synonymous with invention and production. The
Futurist Manifesto (1909) by Tommaso Marinetti and the Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were two manifestos
written in times of great industrialization. Machines had become a huge part of labor and overall society and the people within it were moving at a
very fast pace. Consequently, both of these manifestos intended to bring about change to the current ways of society. These manifestos contain two
completely different styles of writing, as a poet wrote The Futurist Manifesto and the authors of the Manifesto of the Communist Party were
politicians. Likewise, as the styles are very different, so are the types of transformation these authors hoped to achieve in society. Manifesto of the
Communist Party and The Futurist Manifesto had similar goals of bringing about change to society and its people, but they differed in the language
and styles used, in the ways they desired to bring about change, and the way the reflect on the past. The most similar aspect of these two manifestos is
that they both agree upon the basic idea of change. Modernity, in the times of these writings, changed people to having a more intellectual outlook, as it
would take too much effort to react emotionally to everything going on around them. Marx seemed to agree with this facet of modernity as he
encouraged thoughtfulness and
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The Communist Manifesto
The American Communist The view on Communism throughout the 20th Century in the United States has been more or less fear leading to tension.
In the book The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, readers were introduced to the structure, theories and ideology of the
communist party. Though the power of free trade and capitalism was sweeping the west communist parties did form in crippled eastern European
countries. As countries began battling to become a world power and worsening living conditions arose the fear and tension between the United States
and Communism was at an all–time high. During the early part of the 20th Century following World War II the political structure of the United States
was teetering from the economic ... Show more content on ...
After situations with the working class and trying their best to find a means to agree in the US fear of their capitalistic government brought a red
flag. The world was on the doorsteps of another World War and with the countries like Germany and Russia being the biggest threat and being
countries under the leadership of Communism was enough to put the US on red alert. The media played a major role in the rising fear and hatred
for anyone who was a member of the Communist party or anyone they believed could be a member. Erecting large amounts of propaganda in the
name of getting the American people behind the idea of abolishing Communism and doing their best to keep it out of their country. Anyone who was
suspicious of another person being a member or even a spy for a Communist country was reported to their local police department and they were
either detained by the police or if enough evidence was brought up even the FBI was involved in forcibly removing there people from the
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Futurist Manifesto
An Italian avant–garde art movement that took speed, technology and modernity as its inspiration, is where new ideas were introduced to society.
Futurism portrayed the dynamic character of 20th century life, glorified war and the machine age, and favored the growth of Fascism. Created at the
turn of the twentieth century, the Futurist Manifesto stands out as the announcer of the new artistic movement, but its significance is much broader
than the field of visual culture. It is conceived by Marinetti as a new force of Italian cultural revival, the one that is tired of stale and unproductive
adherence to the past, and is instead urging for the creation of modern Italy. This new society whose principles should be based on the idea of progress,
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The Portrayal Of Women 's Crime And Punishment And The...
The Portrayal of Women in Crime and Punishment and the Communist Manifesto Women are discussed and or portrayed in both "Crime and
Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky and "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In "Crime and Punishment" there are
several female characters, many of which play large roles in the main characters' story. However, women are only mentioned a few times in "The
Communist Manifesto", but it is essential to the point the authors are trying to convey. Each of these literatures see women and different ways, some
more positive, negative, and or diverse. Nonetheless, I believe both pieces of literature see women as vital or essential aspects of society.
The Communist Manifesto tries to explain the goals of communism as well as the theory behind it. It focuses on how class struggles and the
oppression of one class by another are a problem. Women are not mentioned throughout the book except for when the bourgeois are discussed.
Marx and Engels state," The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other words, the more modern industry becomes
developed, the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for
the working class. All are instruments of labour, more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex" (pg. 73). The communist are worried
that as modern industry grows the work required could be done by women and
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Masterpieces Always Come With Good Reasons And Fantastic
Masterpieces always come with good reasons and fantastic story telling. On one hand, a good reason or a logic progress with facts makes a work more
convincing; on the other hand, those fantacies and make–ups show a writer's reflection on facts and reasons he or she received, and are extensions of
those facts and reasons, rendering the work interesting and even more convincing. In three famous and classic works, On Liberty, Hard Times, and The
Communist Manifesto, we can see how writers combine facts with fictions and compose excellent works.
I.On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
In his work On Liberty, Mill starts from historical facts, analysing facts using his reasons and gets his conclusions; then, changing his way he used to
use, he ... Show more content on ...
He even chooses such a noble man, to show that we, who do not possess so much wisdom and virtue as that emperor, should be more careful so that
we do not make this mistake.
Furthermore, Mill writes that "It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Chritian faith had been
adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Marcus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine" (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.28).
Here, Mill makes up a different outcome with the historical fact, that the noble emperor did not persecute Christianity but supported it. Undoubtly, Mill
wants to demonstrate that Christianity could develop better under the support of Marcus Aurelius with his wisdom and virtue that nobody could reach.
Again, Mill stresses his arguement here that we should be alert with the mistake that "deny a hearing to opinions because we, in our judgement, have
condemned them" (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.25) so that we can make things better.
In conclusion, Mill, from two aspects, fact and fiction, stresses his arguement and makes his arguements more convincing and impressive to readers.
II.Hard Times by Charles Dickens
Hard Times is a novel, so this work can be regarded as a fiction; however, it is also a novel that reflects facts and satirizes facts. Though the story is
fancy, the background really shows British social conditions at that time. Therefore, in his
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Class Conflict In The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto is strongly influenced by the history of class struggle and social differences throughout history. Marx said that history is
only a timeline of class struggle, set apart from the change in style of production. The book is about the conflict between the Proletariat and the
Bourgeois, the troubled and the bully. However, this is not a new idea and Marx is really not all that radical. Aristotle wrote, "Those who have too
much of the goods of fortune, strength, wealth, friends and the like, are neither willing nor able to submit to authority." On the other hand, the very
poor, who are in the opposite extreme, are too damaged. As Marx says in the book, modern history is the demonstration of centuries of a system that
was and still is built on the delicate balance of discrimination.... Show more content on ...
It is a time period marked by a hierarchy of ranks and sub ranks. These positions were inherited and binding for the duration of someone's life bar
any incredible circumstance. These ranks were also marked specifically by wealth. In this time period serfdom, a system in which peasants worked
land that was owned by a wealthy member of the nobility was the standard. The very difference of classes was what the wealthy had; what they
wore, where they lived, and how they lived. The countryside was marked by sets of independent villages with the noble's manor at the center.
According to Marx serfdom was a step above slavery for the people were laboring but not benefiting from that labor. Serfs were considered the
property of the landowner. Landsmen expresses it well when he says, The dependent class consists of poor free people who attach themselves to the
strong men for protection, and in return acknowledge his
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Marx, Mill And Freud 's Critique Of Political Economy And...
Describe and assess the explicit (and sometimes merely implicit) notions of freedom and unfreedom we find in the texts we have read by Marx, Mill
and Freud. Use the esoteric traditions we have examined thus far (from the Book of Job to Plato) as a comparative yardstick, or point of reference, but
without letting them take over the foreground in your paper –– the latter should be reserved for these three figures. Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and
John Stuart Mill are three authors who tackle the topic of freedom in unique ways, but their messages are fundamentally the same and continue the
ideas that we encountered in the esoteric texts as well as in The Matrix: . First, we have Karl Marx's Capital: Critique of Political Economy and The
Communist Manifesto, where we encounter the proletariat, or the working–class people regarded collectively. In these two texts, the latter of which was
co–authored by Frederick Engels, we learn that the proletariat is enslaved just like the people in the matrix. And just like the people in the matrix, the
proletariat is oblivious to this limit on its freedom. That is why in Karl Marx's view, unfreedom is what we are living in now. According to him, many
people think that abolishing private property through communism is what will infringe on our freedom, but that is not the case. Specifically, in The
Communist Manifesto Marx states, "You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private
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The Students For A Democratic Society
Description: The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was formed in 1959 after they decided to branch off of the Student League for Industrial
Democracy, which was the youth branch of the Socialist League for Industrial Democracy. The SDS was a radical group made up of teens and young
adults that sought to overthrow America's democratic society and remake it in a Marxist image. Many of the SDS' key members where known as "red
diaper babies" as their parents were often members of the Communist parties of the 1930's. The Students for a Democratic Society's founding can be
accredited to a man named Aryeh Neier in 1959; who would later become the National Executive Director of the ACLU and go on to build two other
influential organizations, the Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institute. SDS held its first meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1960 where it
announced its first President, Alan Haber. Haber was an editor for the student newspaper at the University of Michigan and was known as "Ann Arbor's
resident radical". From their first meeting, the SDS decided that they wanted to set the tone and introduce an itinerary for their generation as they grew
to influence the political world. The SDS denounced bigotry, materialism, personal alienation, and industrialization in America and also widely
protested American abundance, the threat of nuclear war, military spending, and the Cold War. They publicly addressed this in 1962 by creating what
historian Michael Kazin
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Effects Of Communist Manifesto On Human Values
The Effects of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto on Human Values
What was it like living in the times before the Communist Manifesto was introduced to society? What kind of affect did this document have on the
values of the average family? How did it influence the values of the individual? Sometimes these values where affected in a way that does not come
directly from the release of the Manifesto but instead vicariously through other events brought on by the document. Overall, an interesting topic to look
at is what it meant to be human in the 1840's. France is representative of European nations at that time. Through France, the effects of the Communist
Manifesto on human values are evident.
In order to understand how people ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, "many of the old workers had been thrown out of employment,"3 and these numbers only grew into the year of 1848. In a way Marx talks
about this problem in the Communist Manifesto. In this document, Marx introduced his idea to incorporate socialism into the government before
communism. This is mainly because socialism "would prepare the way by nationalizing the 'means of production' and putting them under the
control of those he viewed as the sole producers of wealth: the workers."4 This would take the control out of the hands of the wealthy and it would
be given to those people that had been the poorest in the previous years. His goal was to get the common people to have a changed view of work
once they started to be in charge of the producing of goods. This way, there would be no rich and no poor, only economic equality would result.
Marx was intent on the subject of human change. Marx was often confronted with the charge that he was trying to change human nature. However, his
rebuttal was that "human nature [had] changed many times in the past,"5 and that it was possible to change it again. He acknowledged that it would
have to be a gradual change, but it was able to change. After all, we as humans "are products of our environment, particularly of the economic system
in which we live."6 The government and its actions do
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Futurism Essay
Futurism (lat. Futurus = future) was a movement in literature, visual art, fashion, architecture, theatre, music and film in the early 20th century,
launched by Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Futurism appeared as a fervent denouncer of the past. Italian art represented the past Ancient,
Renaissance and Baroque art and culture. In the early 1900s, Italian artists and writers believed that the "Machine Age" could have changed the
situation and develop into a new awareness. F. Marinetti called the new movement futurism to apprehend the idea of modernity, to glorify speed,
technological society, industrialism, dynamism, violence and youth.
Futurism appeared as a cult of power and dynamism, at the same time, in art, as a violation of aesthetic norms using the production of art as an ... Show
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We will sing of the great crowds agitated by work, pleasure and revolt; the multi–colored and polyphonic surf of revolutions in modern capitals: the
nocturnal vibration of the arsenals and the workshops beneath their violent electric moons: the gluttonous railway stations devouring smoking serpents;
factories suspended from the clouds by the thread of their smoke; bridges with the leap of gymnasts flung across the diabolic cutlery of sunny rivers:
adventurous steamers sniffing the horizon; great–breasted locomotives, puffing on the rails like enormous steel horses with long tubes for bridle, and
the gliding flight of aeroplanes whose propeller sounds like the flapping of a flag and the applause of enthusiastic crowds.
The passionate tone of manifest was expressing the principles of futurism being a dynamic art corresponding to the new industrial era. Futurism
intended the keep up with the speed of the era. Compelling tone and the usage of "must, want, and will" evokes the impression of aggression,
determination, eagerness for a change, asperity and undoubtedly has ability to create a noisy voice even during the silent reading, representing strict
genuine reading
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Southern Manifesto
The Southern Manifesto urged states to oppose playing out the commands that were come to in the Brown v. Board of Education choice with respect to
the racial reconciliation of government funded schools. The manifesto, signed by nineteen members of the U.S. Senate and eighty–one members of the
U.S. House of Representatives, explains why these southern politicians in the federal government expressed that it would invert the choice since the
court's decision opposed the U.S. Constitution. The first Constitution did not discuss education as well as the Fourteenth Amendment or any of
alternate changes that were made to the Constitution around then. Congress trusted that the civil arguments that went before the accommodation of the
Fourteenth Amendment were evidence that the revision was not planned to influence frameworks of education on the state level.... Show more content
on ...
Essentially, the southern politicians reaffirm their dependence on the Constitution as the central tradition that must be adhered to, and they censure the
Supreme Court's infringements on rights held to the states and to the general population, in opposition to the new law and to the Constitution. For
example, the southern politicians had a convincing argument and a valid point since they recognize the thought processes of those states which have
pronounced the goal to oppose constrained mix by any legal means, yet they speak to the states and individuals who are not specifically influenced by
these choices to consider the protected standards required against on issues key to them might be the casualties of legal
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The Standards Of Water Jump
Water Jump. I remember back 20 years ago when the ISO 900x standards were pushed heavily in Eastern Europe 's manufacturing economy, it was
like reminiscent of a bank robbery during daylight. Consulting certification companies were making tons of money and in return were giving their
clients a right to put label called ISO 900x. Around that time I was working as a mechanical designer in a leading manufacturing factory and one
day I witnessed an extremely interesting conversation between part time 75 year young engineer and the head of the ISO certification group that
was converting our company into ISO 9000 certified. I happened during informal 15 min break, when out of the blue, the engineer simply
confronted the entire certification process and called that we have been conned. He challenged the certification group to present a standard that
we may need and do not have. On every given example, he was able quickly to point existing standard and the published reference as in a number
of cases he went back as 60 years to find the needed reference. In the end, he was able to build a strong case. Eventually, the head of the certification
group concluded: " You know it, I know it, the rest of people do not. Let 's keep it that way". Fast forward 10 years to the agile revolution, when I
remembered how ecstatic people were in the software community. I remember many authors had sold their software books on agile. When I checked,
the majority of them had published just a few
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Essay on The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto
Marx describes the problem in great detail in the first chapter. He feels there is a problem between the bourgeoisie and the proletarians. The
bourgeoisie were the oppressed class before the French Revolution and he argues that they are now the oppressors. The proletarians are the new
working class, which works in the large factory and industries. He says that through mass industry they have sacrificed everything from the old way
of religion, employment, to a man's self worth and replaced it with monetary value. He is mad that the people of ole that use to be upper class such
as skills man, trades people, & shopkeepers, are now slipping into the proletarians or working class. He ... Show more content on
He begins trying to use a sort of a reverse psychology, by saying the communists do not write their principles specifically for the proletarians. Rather,
just by chance, the communist vision is perfect for the proletarians to use. He said the problem of all other societies before this time have been a
battle between the oppressors versus the oppressed. The basis of these battles has been property. SoCommunism looks to get rid of different classes in
society. Therefore getting rid of different property levels or class levels. Marx says it best by "In sense, the theory of the Communists may be
summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property." He says with no private property there will be no reason to fight or feud.
I think that this is a very good hypothesis put in front of us by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. They do a superb job of explaining the problem with
the existing government. They also give a vehicle for change in the next chapter. So its seems that I should be ready for a communist revolution. The
problem with this is that it is just a good hypothesis. As with all hypothesis's they must be tested and the communist hypothesis has failed most of its
tests. I must hand it to Mr. Marx, since I was born and raised in a very anti–communist country and after reading two chapters in his book I was almost
ready to join him. He is a
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Flq Manifesto
The FLQ manifesto is a political manifesto that sought to promote Quebecoi independence and the rejection of Liberal party policy, which focused
primarily on big business and private investment. Released in what was one of Canada's most politically turbulent period, the document provides key
insights into the FLQ organization demands and to the broader discussion taking place in Quebec society. The document was produced by the front de
liberation du Quebec, a left wing organization that advocated for separatist policies beginning in the early 1960's. Politically energized in the inner city
college campuses, the organization resorted to public bombings designed not to hurt but to instill fear into society. They pushed a narrative of
Francophile ... Show more content on ...
The document alleges that the "Liberal victory clearly demonstrates that what we call democracy in Quebec has always been, and still is, a
"democracy" of the rich". Many Francophones viewed the victory of the Liberal party as the workings of an entrenched elite, which isolated the
majority French speaking population. The manifestos reference to the most recent election, only a year prior to the events of the 'October Crisis' provide
insights into the broader populations feeling at this time. Disenfranchised, exploited, and a feeling that federal government is skewing the political
reality of the
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George Orwell 's Animal Farm Essay
Karl Marx, writer of Communist Manifesto, is represented as an old, wise pig in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Because Orwell is a democratic
socialist and does not accept the ideologies of Marxism, he reveals the reality of communism and reflects his opinions through sardonic situations that
occur among animals. The state of communism that Marx and Friedrich Engels describe is where the state is abolished, people live in a society where
members work together in agreement and no one is exploited, and every member shares the rewards of hard work. The envisions of Marx greatly
contrasted with the plot of Animal Farm. Old Major, a pig, had a dream that mirrored Marx and his dream of communism. This "dream" is ironic
because it suggests that communism is only a dream. The Soviet Union's policies were seen as steps to reach communism, rather than the end result of
communism, in which all animals of the farm endured. The characters in animal farm had to pass through this in between stage before becoming a
complete communist society, and in reality they remained in this stage and believed they were close to their goal.
The animals, who were the laborers, fulfilled Old Major's wish and overthrew the capitalistic men with a revolution, much like how Marx and Engels
hoped for the day the Proletarians would overthrow the Bourgeois, the owners of private property. He focused on arousing the animals emotionally and
didn 't mention any practical reasons to help solve their issues. However,
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Surrealism In The Surrealist Manifesto
Surrealism stemmed from the idea of representing the unconscious mind, unburdening of the individual from societal norm, and emancipating human
desire. Surrealists, sought for freedom of mind and sexual emancipation however their depiction women as idealized females, passive muses, fuellers of
fantasies and mere sexual creatures stripped women of their identities. Andre Breton kindled the movement with his surrealist manifesto, guiding
surrealists after him; Breton's view of Freudian subconscious and his call for the elimination of reason & societal norms resulted in sexual awakening,
depiction of male fantasies and overtly sexualized female figures. Rene Magritte, depicted the male gaze, the perception of the female in society and
the objectification ... Show more content on ...
The representation of women and the female body in surrealist art is best exemplified in Dali's 'In Voluptas Mors' and in Rene Magritte's 'Le Viol'. Dali
distorted female bodies, producing a nightmarish effect in his most notorious photograph titled "In Voluptas Mors," which translates to Voluptuous
Death. The black–and–white photo is of nude women arranged to resemble a skull. Female figure is sexualized and objectified and also is depicted
to be death itself. The photograph depicts distorted torsos creating a skull, women are merely naked torso's, ''voluptuous'' and sexual. Without
individuality and identity the bodies in Dali's work, are an example the female image surrealism. Magritte's most shocking and contradictory work, Le
Viol', can be translated as 'the rape'. In the painting, nipples replaces eyes, a belly button where her nose should be, and a vulva for a mouth, the
female face is erased by the female torso imposed upon it. The painter might be suggesting that female anatomy is bound to be her destiny, that this is
how the society views her. One might see this as Magritte criticizing the values of his times as the painting is open to interpretation. However, there is
no doubt that he indented to shock his viewers. The artist's intentions aside,
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The Development Of The Communist Manifesto In The European
The development of the communist manifesto in the European region has led to the influencing of the different structures present in the area. The
communist manifesto has resulted in the formation of holy alliances in the European region. It is due to the effects of the Manifesto that Marx
developed the journal to address the issue. The importance of this journal is to highlight the sociological problems that have resulted from the
manifesto. The fact that the manifesto has been highlighted by the European powers to be a force that influences the activities conducted in the region.
This paper thus seeks to highlight important aspects that will be incorporated in the analysis of the communist manifesto developed by Marx and its
significance ... Show more content on ...
Through bourgeoisie, which incorporated the serfs and the middle ages, there were developed cities in the ancient times that have developed to be the
modern day cities. It is from the effects of communism that America was discovered and the rounding of the Cape (Marx, & Fredrick, 4). This in return
provided an opportunity for the growth and development of the bourgeoisie. In line with the journal, the communist manifesto also brought about the
development of the markets in the far Asian regions of China. This accelerated industrialization in the region due to the need to increase production of
finished goods for the general population.
As a result of the population pressure witnessed in the European region, industrial developments were monopolized and thus their production was
insufficient to cater for the ever–growing population pressure in the European region. It was due to this that there was the need to revolutionize
machinery to cater for the production. This led to the improvements if the type of engines from steam engines to modern systems of machinery that
would produce sufficient goods for the public. The development of modern forms of the market as described by Marx led to the establishment of the
global markets. The market developed was grown by the rapid developments witnessed in commerce, formal means of communication through land and
the improvements in the navigation
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The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 amidst a wave of revolutions that were changing the political course of Europe. The Manifesto is
one of the most influential political writings throughout the world. The Communist Manifesto put forward a unique view on the relevance and
significance of history which relied more heavily on economical distinctions than revolutionary progress. It also proposed a process, by which the
working proletariat class would overthrow the ruling bourgeoisie class and create a classless society in which private property would be abolished.
However, if looked at closely the Manifesto contains some contradictions and oversimplifications that allow communism to be suspect to
misinterpretation and manipulation ... Show more content on ...
In the overthrow of the bourgeoisie the communists' goal is to create a classless society in which private property will be abolished in favor of a
state controlled common labor system. While this ideally would be a solution to the immoralities of bourgeois society, it places a great deal of trust in
the hands of the few, who in theory could be just as immoral and exploitative as the old bourgeois society. However, incapitalism, Marx argues, the
worker only labors for the advancement of the bourgeoisie, but in a communist society his work serves only to better the society as a whole, and
therefore his own life as well. The bourgeoisie will object to the abolishment of things such as religion, laws, political science, and morality, that have
all stood up to the test of time, saying that these are eternal truths that are common to all history. However Marx replies that "the Communist revolution
is the most radical rupture with traditional property relations; no wonder that its development involves the most radical rupture with traditional ideals"
(52) This chapter also lays out ten key principles to the communist ideology. These include the abolition of private property and inheritance, a large
income tax, centralization of the economy and transportation in the hands of the state, the establishment of a common labor system, and free public
education for
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Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Essay...
Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century
Karl Marx drafted The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in the mid–19th century after living in Moscow and seeing the strife of laborers
there. The document was a reflection on the two men's belief that the wealthier members of society were exploiting the working class. From his
experience in Russian society, Marx became concerned with the way that the majority of the "proletariat" class was living. The filthy and inhumane
working conditions, the negligible wages, and the way that the employers disrespected their employees, all led to Marx penning The Communist
Manifesto. The theme of humans and nature is shown by the ideas that Marx and Engels wrote about in their ... Show more content on
As Paul Brians states,
The old feudal restrictions which had fixed peasants in place on the land and limited their income had also guaranteed them a place in the world. They
may not have prospered, but they were often able to fend off starvation and homelessness simply because they had been born onto estates from which
they could not be removed against their wills. [i]
After the feudal system was destroyed, workers moved to the cities and began to participate in what would later be referred to as, "The Industrial
As technology increased and the demand for manufactured goods grew, more and more Russian peasants migrated to the cities. Soon the big
metropolises such as St. Petersburg and Moscow became hubs for the demands of the industrial world. As the number of factories expanded, so did the
number of laborers, and in turn, the conditions in these workplaces worsened. As Bonnell writes,
In the second half of the nineteenth century the face of traditional Russian society began to change. Many villages and towns became transformed into
factory centers, and mills started to appear where once there had been only peasant huts. In the leading urban centers of the Russian Empire–St.
Petersburg, the modern capital, and its predecessor, Moscow–the pace of industrialization was rapid and intense. Factories and shops were springing up
as never before, spilling over into the outskirts of each city, and creating
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The Communist Manifesto
When examining the roots of our disputes, observing the dynamics between social factions is pivotal. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx asserts, "The
history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."(Perry 195) His oversimplification is insignificant when you are looking at
preceding revolutions. Historians seem to voice a recurring theme to these uprisings: conflict stemming from the ongoing struggles of the oppressed
and the oppressor. On the eve of the French Revolution, (page 583) tensions were growing steadily between the first and second estate, consisting of the
nobles and clergymen, and the third estate, which consisted for the rest of the population. Tensions arose because the aristocracy and the nobles had
privileges the merchants and peasants did not. Among these include... Show more content on ...
In 2013, the US's financial wealth distribution was inconceivable. Over 80 % of the population ( lower and middle class) only accounted for 5%
of the total wealth and the top 10% of the population accounts for 85% of the total wealth in the US. As the top 10% accumulates more and more
wealth, the lower class will face more hardships and economic crisis. This was an ongoing trend in the Industrial Revolution as well. Every time the
bourgeoisie would climb higher, they would lift themselves using the shoulders of the proletariat, "...a class of laborers, who live only so long as
they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capital"(Perry 197). Capitalism thrives on the exploitation of the people and
free trade markets were usually accompanied by intense economic cycles of growth, which benefited the bourgeoisie, and even more crashes and
recessions, which mainly affected the proletariat.(perry 197). The modern, average worker is struggling to survive with current wages while the
wealthy grow their
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The Bitch Manifesto
Feminist communication theory has derived over time and branches out in many directions. Early theories focused on ways that gender influenced
communication and many argued that language was "MAN made". This view of communication promoted a "defect models" asserting that
characteristics of speech correlated with women were negative and that men "set the standard for adequate interpersonal communication." These early
theories also suggested that ethnicity, cultural and economic backgrounds also needed to be addressed. They looked at howgender intersects with other
identity constructs, such as class, race, and sexuality. Feminist theorists, especially those considered to be liberal feminists, began looking at issues of
equality in education ... Show more content on ...
No two people, whether male, child, but, WOMEN ( in reference to this manifesto) are alike. I feel that because WOMEN aren't living the
fairytale (husband, two kids, and a white picket fence or the American dream) they are not considered at all. Society "labels" them and it's as if
they become outcast. The manifesto states that "She is living testimony that woman's oppression does not have to be, and as such raises doubts
about the validity of the whole social system. Because she is a threat she is not taken seriously. Instead, she is dismissed as a deviant. Man creates
a special category for her in which she is accounted at least partially human, but not really a woman". It's that statement that makes me cringe; I feel
women should have the same rights as men. Women are very capable of doing the same as a man. If not for us, society doesn't exist. Just like the
statement says it is true, that in today's world what's not understood is not accepted. It also proves to me that the world still has a lot of catching up
to do when it's comes to the views of WOMEN.I think this is an interesting read. I feel that all young girls and WOMEN should read this manifesto to
get them thinking. It is my assumptions that just like me, my peers care about their rights and I think this piece will start conversation. I don't think
everyone will necessarily agree with what is
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Christian Worldview Definition
A worldview is an intrinsic part of a person. It shapes who they are, what they believe, and how they act. It is something that each person holds on to,
and lets it shape themselves, their personality, and their interactions with other people. Senator John Thune believes that, "Having a Christian
worldview shapes my decision–making with respect to all aspects of my life. I always respect people in public life who are principled, and those
principles have to connecte to something. And my faith is what serves as the anchor and directs my actions." Yet, even though Senator Thune believes
this way, his philosophy truly affects everybody in this world. Their worldview, whether that be Christianity,Islam, Buddhist, etc., affects them in the
same ... Show more content on ...
This worldview, which states that truth is subject to the individual, finds popularity among the Millennial Generation, as continuing to grow in this
culture of self satisfaction. In theological terms, Postmodernism believes that Atheism is too objective to their belief. That in Atheism still holds the
same philosophical principles clerically to Theism. The main principle of Postmodernism is to rid the world of religion, which if assuming Atheism as
a main religion, it defeats the problem the Postmodernism tries to fight. For Postmodernists, truth is subjective. It is only found within a person, not
applying to anything else. To derive ethics, Postmodernists There are three foundations of Postmodernism that come together to create to create the
world view. The three are: atheism, an total denial of God, Naturalism, only the material world exists, and evolution, how man was created. These three
things combine together to create a world view of postmodernism. Postmodernists believe in evolution, yet they will specifically never endorses a
specific type due to the fact that it would set a universal law upon all. For Postmodernists, the idea of "multiple selves" has rendered the concept of the
soul obsolete. This means that in a traditional Naturalistic view, Humans come from nature, but are mostly part of the culture. Culture has made them
who they are, and everything they are is attributed
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Surrealism and Film Essay
Surrealism is a movement that built off of the burgeoning look into art, psychology, and the workings of the mind. Popularly associated with the
works of Salvador Dali, Surrealist art takes imagery and ideology and creates correlation where there is none, creating new forms of art. In this essay I
will look to explore the inception of the surrealist movement, including the Surrealist Manifesto, to stress the importance of these artists and their work
in the 20th century and beyond. I also will look to films from our European Cinema course to express how films incorporate the influence of surrealism
both intentionally and unintentionally.
To begin, we will look at the ideals and influences that led to the formation of surrealist ideals, ... Show more content on ...
Coupled with the use of unusual concepts of artistic expression, as well as experiments in form and content, surrealism sought to exploit the unrealized
and unexplored spaces of art in often shocking and controversial ways.
Often inspired by the repression of unconscious observations, surrealist art and writing often contains no discernable organization or structure, and is
open to the imagination and the "world of the private mind" (metmuseum), an antithesis of traditional art based on rationality, reason, and societal
norms. These concepts were what the surrealists sought to upend in their manifesto, and thus much of their work, such as Rene Magritte's "La
Trahison des Images" or Marcel Duchamp's "Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)" sought to "overturn the world view of
scientific positivism, exposing the dogmatic conceptions of vision and language, the supposed guarantors of truth and being, as arbitrary, deceptive
tools of modernity's oppressive "rational" ideology" (sensesofcinema). Additionally, surrealism intended to capture "freedom" of the mind and
imagination that modern logic and reason suppressed through constraints of social norms and expectations. These modern patterns of thought, in the
eyes of surrealists, were influenced by social doctrine (surrealism lecture) and thus needed to be undermined in order to discover the true unconscious
perception of reality
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Marx And Friedrich Engels 's Impact On The 21st Century
Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become clear the benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the
writers. The statements and arguments made by each author will be considered in the general impact each philosopher had on the 21st century.
In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that would define their worldview, they saw an issue with the
fragmentation of the communist beliefs and were commissioned to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear document to demonstrate what they
stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and some have been implemented in current society with unsuccessful results. Marx advocates the
violent overthrow of governments to equalize the people of the country, rationalizing it as a way to overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie. As seen
in history, this can often lead to a state where the country is plunged into civil war or genocide, with an equally oppressive or more tyrannical leader
than before. The attempt of leaders of many nation–states to adapt Marx's ideas of nationalizing the agricultural process has resulted in increased costs
for the consumers of the nations, and preventing them from negotiating trade contracts. The spread of globalization has increased, but contrary to the
beliefs of Marx, there has not been a push to remove the borders of nation–states because of the similarities of the nation's workforces. Any attempt to
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The Port Huron Statement: A Significant Turning Point In...
The ending of World War II was a significant turning point in American society. America went through a conversion process in which we realized
just how illogical it was for us to fight a war across the water for people whose rights were being violated and then come back home to the
hypocrisy that was our own treatment towards races such as African Americans. The Port Huron Statement was a response to the events that
generations at the time saw unfolding before their eyes. The paradoxes that they describe are all examples of how things are not the way they
should have been. How our peaceful intentions were marred by our investment to our Cold war superiority. How our nuclear power could be used to
power entire cities, but instead was used to pose a threat to the rest of the world and its inhabitants. How our idea of freedom and equality didn't seem
to apply in the south. The generation responded to all this by seemingly revealing the hypocrisy of many events going on at the time and in its writing,
paving the way for a new way of thinking.... Show more content on ...
It's about America's development from World War II, which eventually becomes the inspiration of these democratic ideals, and our country's ultimate
failure to be faithful in fulfilling them. The Port Huron Statement points out the hypocrisy that existed within the borders of the "wealthiest and
strongest country in the world," and proposes changes that the creators of the Port Huron Statement deemed necessary. With regards to the Port Huron
Statement, the authors had one thing in mind: to reconstruct America so that it may live up to the ideals it stood
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Assignment 5 : The Impacts Of Humanism
Esther Park REL 321: Humanism & NRMs Assignment #5 What is Humanism? Religion is practical and it works and American's like religion
because it works. American's like thing that work therefore religion continue to be a part of our world. If religion didn't work people would not do
it. Religions are born and changed over time accordingly. This statement was a bold one made by the professor from UCSB. Religion moves and
changes shape because it changes as the time changes. Religion is contact and combination. Religion is an additive it let's go, add on, lose, gain,
and exchange. Religion works due to the reason listed and this is why religion continues to be a part of America because it can be transformed
into something that we would like it to be. If we can't find something to suit you then we can create it and there will be someone who has the same
opinion as you do. After you moved to Southern California you were able to be a part of the all of the big religions changes especially with your
uncle. Dan Barker worked under him and is now the biggest atheist activist. I can see how many people start at a spot like Dan who grew up to
graduate from Azusa University, a prestigious Christian university, worked as a minister for a Christian church to go on to be the world's most active
atheist. Listening to your video lecture there are so many different churches that grew from the root of Christianity. It was quite humorous to hear that
you do not like to listen to anything
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Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels 's Communist Manifesto
In 1840s Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels wrote this document due to being members of the
"Communist Leagues." The Communist Manifesto was a very influential document after the Industrial Revolution. With the industrial class
increasing this document was published to end class social. Because of the rise of industries, workers have to leave their previous work and work
at industries, workers ' health will be affected when they live near the cities, their communities will be change and will not be the same as they use
to be, and proletariat have to move to a different country where they could call it home. When Industries are rising, many people become a
proletariat for the industries who were replaced by machines .They use to farm a large area around the village and each of the field are the
responsible of the people who live around the village. But, now that industries are rising, some of those people are force out of their homes and live
to a nearby industry. Because new technologies are being develop that helps farming and increase production, those people who left their previous
home are now looking for work just to keep on living. Because of the new technologies are being used, workers are forced to breathe to unclean air.
The industries are producing an unhealthy environment to the workers and causing lots of sickness to the workers. Because of the rise in industries,
workers are forced to work on those conditions just to earn
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The 19th Centuary Essay
In the first half of the 19th century the processes known as Industrialization and Urbanization started to transform Europe. It affected and changed
every aspect of life of every citizen of every European nation. The notorious results of these changes were the horrible living and working conditions
of the working class, who made up the majority of the society. Great Britain was involved most profoundly in this Industrial Revolution as it led the
way in the development of railroads and factories. We find a lot of documents from that time period describing working conditions in Britain during that
era. As a response to those changes created by Industrial Revolution many sought reforms to confront those social problems. Karl Marx was ... Show
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They complain how this new instruments of production will replace workers and leave "eight thousand hands deprived of the opportunity of getting a
livelihood" . According to Marx: "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the
relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society." As we can see revolutionazing the production was distinguishing trait of the
bourgeois and of the Industrial Revolution, that had a devastating effect on the working class as they were replaced and pushed into powerty by the
machines and new methods of production. The workers are asking for the self interest to be laid aside and appealing to the "sensible part of mankind,
who are not biased by interest" to pay attention to their petition. But as we read in Communist Manifesto: "The bourgeoisie left no other nexus between
man and man than naked self–interest, than callous "cash payment." It has drowned out the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous
enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political
illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation." Just like in Leeds Woolen Workers Petition we saw that Merchants were not
really concerned about the workers when they threw thousands out of employ, but were rather
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The CHAOS Manifesto

  • 1. The CHAOS Manifesto The CHAOS Manifesto 2012 is a compilation of view on global project statistics specifically concentrated on the United States and Europe. The report is based on four Standish Services: the CHAOS knowledge center, DARTS (Demand Assessment Requirements Tracking Survey), Executive Sponsor Workshops and Executive Interviews. Although the manifesto concentrates on statistics primarily whereas, the 2012 report talks about the various success factors of an executive sponsor as leadership plays a crucial role in deciding the success or failure of a project. The CHAOS knowledge center collects monthly survey which include 20–25 survey question, the DARTS is an online research instrument. The report is also based on 18 years of CHAOS research on... Show more content on ... This observation about the importance of the executive sponsor playing a crucial role is the main motivation behind creating this CHAOS Manifesto 2012. The executive sponsor has been defined as the owner of the project. The owner of the project is entitled to the responsibilities of the success and failure of project making him the single most important person in a project. The report moves on to underlining the various factors of success of project. It says that the foremost and the most important factor is the Executive Sponsor. The other factors of success are given as follows: Executive Management Support, the report say that the executive sponsor can be single handedly responsible for success and failure of a project. User Involvement, According to research carried out the lesser the user involvement the higher the chances are that the project will perform poorly. Clear Business Objectives, the report talks about how it's absolutely essential that the project business objectives align with that of the organization objectives. Emotional Maturity, the factor basically underlines the importance of a good ecosystem to carry out the project. Optimization, the report talks about efficiency of a project can be increased by making the project optimal i.e. taking into consideration all aspects of the project like scope, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Communist Manifesto, By Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels "All written history is the history of class struggles" (Marx). In the year 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels decided to publish a manifesto after sitting down and sharing ideas for a period of time. Today, that piece of writing is known as The Communist Manifesto. In this book, Marx, the principal author stated that escaping from alienation required a revolution. That was the only possible way in which a political as well as a social change could have been seen. Therefore, Marx' theory implied the use of violence. In addition, there was another individual, who argued that violence could be justified to gain independence, the one and only way to be free. Fanon's theory on violence was very obvious and precise: "violence is the means by which the oppressed must gain freedom." On the contrary, Gandhi understood the use of violence totally different. "If the history of the universe had commenced with wars, not a man would have been found alive to–day." Although Marx and Fanon agreed that the use of violence is necessary and can always be justified, Gandhi intended to prove that nonviolence can lead a country to democracy. First of all, it is almost impossible to watch the news, or read an article on the newspaper without encountering the word violence in it. Karl Marx, main author of The Communist Manifesto and Frantz Fanon who wrote The Wretched of the Earth argued that the use of violence is always present and unavoidable. In the book Colonial Voices, the first chapter ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Port Huron Statement Thesis Statement In the political manifesto, The Port Huron Statement, it was written by college students, who created there ideals for a Democratic Society and expressed their views in the America they lived in. The Huron Statement mainly addresses the main and lessor problems that America was facing during this time. When the Port Huron Statement was written, people were getting over the Cold War, still fearing it after how it left many Americans. As well the racism happening in the South. The Students for a Democratic Society sought to see after the values of people after noticing that they weren't given the chance if they wanted to participate in the decision making of their American Government. Furthermore, this called for a demand of action after wealthy men wouldn't help individuals who were in poverty, instead giving their money to Gun business corporations to support the military. The wealthy were afraid that those oppose of their values for America would not benefit them in the coming years. This led the Student for a Democratic Society to write the Port Huron Statement about the economic and political institutions and criticize them for their social conditions during this time. They wanted to create ... Show more content on ... In the recent months, the government has been scrambling trying to resolve the situation that illegal immigrants who were brought into the United States at a young age and not be deported. These illegal immigrants are called Dreamers, who are fighting for a DACA plan for them to stay in the United and still be able to receive an education and have a chance at getting a job as well. Throughout reading the Port Huron Statement, I wondered what the Student for a Democracy Society would think if Dreamers should be allowed to receive an education (DACA) and an American ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Who Is The Famous Valerie Solanas? Who is the infamous Valerie Solanas? Valerie Solanas was a radical feminist who hated the male sex. American Horror story does a decent job on portraying her but also changes the truth a bit. In the episode, we see two main characters, Andy Warhol and Valerie Solanas. Andy Warhol was an American producer, artist, and director who was a famous. That's where Valerie comes in. She had written a piece and wanted Andy to produce it, but it didn't turn out how she planned. Andy thought her writing was obnoxious and not good, and ended up losing it. This infuriated Solanas and she shot him, but didn't kill him. She then started gathering people to join her radical group to go hunt and eliminate men. She would read parts of the Scum Manifesto which she wrote. She would read parts of her piece to the people in the group which motivated them to follow her and do as she said. They committed many crimes some being killing innocent people that were males for no reason. She wanted to scare the public and the male race with all the brutality they left behind for people to see. During the same time, the Zodiac Killer was doing his own thing. Solanas then tried to take credit and say she was the Zodiac Killer but no one believed her, so once again she got mad again since "No one took the female race seriously." This is how AHS portrait Solanas and tweaked some details to make it go along with what Kai Andersons needed and was doing. There were many things that caught my attention in the show American Horror Story. Some of these being, did some of the things mentioned actually happen some being; Solanas shooting Warhol, the Scum Manifesto, and the Zodiac Killer. I thought they were to extreme to be true, and that they had to have been made up. How can a female group want to eliminate the whole male race, and say they are inferior and suck. I want to find out the actual relationship between solanas and Warhol and how did AHS change and tweak facts to make it fit into what they wanted? In the New Times article called "This Is Why a Radical Playwright Shot Andy Warhol" by Jennifer Latson, tells about why Valerie Solanas shot Andy Warhol. Jennifer Latson is a writer that has written for Times, Boston Globe, and Houston Chronicles. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Communist Manifesto : The Communist Manifesto Maria Aguilar HUM 2250 November 29, 2017 The Communist Manifesto Since the 19th century, a group of people started to oppose the old powers in Europe. The group referred to themselves as the communists. The main aim of the communists was to create a society where there were no social classes. They believed that an ideal society should have no rulers and subjects since most rulers only used power to exploit the subjects and increase their personal gain. Those in power tried to get rid of communism before it was getting influential but the communists were vigorously spreading the idea. After several struggles between the ruling class and the new ideologists, communism started to be acknowledged by the European powers. The communists were also determined to spread their ideas to the whole world. Different communists from various nations met in London and created a manifesto that was to be spread globally. This paper discusses the first chapter of the communist manifesto, the drawbacks of the economic theory, and critically analyses whether the theory can work or not. The paper also aims at showing the truthfulness of the manifesto. In the first chapter of the manifesto, Karl Marx first acknowledges the existence of class struggle in all societies. Since the beginning of the world, there has always been the oppressor and the oppressed and the two classes have always been opposing each other. In the ancient society such as the Rome society, there were patricians, knights, and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Right Makes Left. On September 11Th, 1960, The Founding Right Makes Left On September 11th, 1960, the founding members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) published their basic ideologies of in their "Sharon Statement." Two years later on the June of 1962, members of the Students for a Democratic Society at their retreat published their political manifesto in a paper known as the Port Huron Statement. Despite their differing political views, both political youth groups centered their criticism on the same target: the American government. An analysis of both documents revealed that both believed that positive change could only come by the youth, because only they saw the real flaws of the current system and have the ability to make a difference. A brief background of both the YAF and the... Show more content on ... Both were formed by university students during a time of young political activism. There was also a generational understanding of 1960. This recognition was clearly understood by the writers of the Port Huron Statement when they wrote, "Our work is guided by the sense that we might be the last generation in the experiment with living. But we are minority." Hence for the SDS members, they not only felt they were the age group that knew best the turbulent times, but they were also the only ones who fathomed the issues behind the chaos. Likewise, the writers behind the Sharon Statement stated that "In this time of moral and political crisis, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths." It was up to the young conservatives to point out the issues of contemporary America and call for a return to the universal principles that the country was supposedly founded upon. Both manifestos recognized a crisis happening in the US and sought to rectify their truths politically, economically and socially. Moreover, the YAF and SDS both argued from a similar point of view: that the government and its policies were the main instigators for the political, social and economic issues during the early 1960s. The YAF saw the government as "acting beyond [their] rightful functions" and thus has reduced the American concept of liberty and freedom. Yet the Sharon Statement associated these political intrusions to the government's role in the state economy. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Social Impact Of Industrialization In Germany Mia Allen HST 102 Paper 1: Industrialization in Germany and its Social Impact The industrialization of cities, such as Berlin, greatly increased the price of living for the working class. Because of this, children who were a cheap source of labor, were often times expected to work daily for meager earnings. This process is exhibited in the engraving titled "Orphan Girls and Boys in a Welfare Institution." The images are set in Germany in 1846 and display orphaned girls working in a sewing factory and boys working in a textile factory. This depiction of boys and girls speaks volumes about gender roles when it comes to social standing and job opportunities. In addition, these images show a very idealized version of child labor and industrialization and argue that children should be a source of cheap labor to reduce the cost of production and be separated based on sex. Many other sources such as Dronke's "Excerpts from Berlin" and The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels juxtapose this interpretation. The conflicting viewpoints of industrialization and gender roles will hence be analyzed in relation to the engraving and child labor in Germany in the 1800s. The industrial revolution began in England in the 1770s and expanded to areas in Prussia and Bohemia by the 1840s. The scope of industrialization was huge and forever changed the landscape of modern society by increasing production, national wealth, and technological advancement. However, it also resulted ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Manifesto Of Surrealism What is surrealism? Surrealism is a "revolution," "pure psychic automatism," "an attack of conscience," and a "new mode of pure expression" according to its founder AndrГ© Breton. In his highly controversial texts, "Manifestoes of Surrealism," Breton exposes us to this new term he coined along with his colleague Philippe Soupault in homage to Guillaume Apollinaire, someone whom they believed had followed the discipline, and he explains the phenomenon in detail so that more can become aware and utilize the technique. Drawing heavy influences from Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx, Breton reveals to us the limitless opportunities of surrealism and how it frees us from everyday reality, similar to how the exoteric texts challenged us to question our beliefs. I The first "Manifesto of Surrealism" was published in 1924 succeeding dadaism, an art movement of the European avant–garde often regarded as the movement that brought forth postmodern art. At the time of its publication, Europe was still reeling from World War I and art was very much political. Breton and other surrealists wanted to break free from the conventional art if the times and express the imagination as revealed in dreams. Thus, the "Manifesto of Surrealism" came about in which Breton discussed the importance of merging dream and reality. In Breton's view, one can learn to ascend to perception of a higher reality (the surreal), or more reality, if one can manage to liberate one's psyche from traditional education, the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Burroughs Not Marinetti's Futurist Essay The potentials of the new technology created in the early twentieth century created a variety of reactions with in society. Some people embraced the changes, others resisted the developments, and still others fell somewhere in between. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's piece, "The Futurist Manifesto", embraces the rapid transformation of society. His world is composed of fast, powerful machines and strong, young citizens. The Manifesto also depicts an aggressive, violent, and unjust world that is devoid of any morals. Edgar Rice Burroughs is another author whose work, A Princess of Mars, addresses the future and its possibilities. It is the story of John Carter, an American Civil War Veteran, who is mysteriously transported to Mars or Barsoom ... Show more content on ... He says, "When we are forty let younger and stronger men than we throw us in the waste paper basket like useless manuscripts" (4). Just as significant as Carter's significant prowess is his courageous, fearless, and violent demeanor. All of these traits are highly valued in Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto. Nonetheless, this initial glance of Burroughs' work is highly deceptive. Though John Carter is violent, he only fights in self– defense or in the defense of his dependents like his Martian watchdog, Woola, and his love interest, Dejah Thoris. He exhibits a sense of morals and justice that Marinetti clearly rejects in his manifesto. Burroughs' stress on the value of morality is further solidified by the comparison between the Tharks, the green Martians, and the red Martians of Helium. The green Martians are warlike, uncultured, and unjust, which contributes to their backwardness. On the other hand, the red Martians are highly civilized because they show fairness, lawfulness, and love. (transition) Marinetti even states in the "Manifesto of Futurism" that, "Beauty exists only in the struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an aggressive character." This suits Marinetti's own piece because of the raw, violent, and sexual imagery used to describe the machinery in the future. For example, the reader is confronted with "rogue locomotives" and "hungry, roaring automobiles". Furthermore, Marinetti says that the Futurists "want to glorify war because it is the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. An Indigenous Manifesto Peace, Power, Righteousness: An Indigenous Manifesto questions the governance of the First Nation politicians. In this second edition, Taiaiake Alfred discusses the importance of traditional Indigenous forms of governance. He calls out the Indigenous politicians on turning their backs towards their sacred traditions and instead using a western framework. He urges the Indigenous community to move beyond the pain, loss, and colonization and move forward to creating a different future. He urges the members of the community to raise the next generation as leaders that will create a better future for the Natives with their roots of Indigenous cultures and traditions. To successfully understand Canadian history and the foundations on which Canada ... Show more content on ... He highlights the differences between how the Indigenous and non–Indigenous viewed the concept of justice and punishment. He acknowledges three basic ways in which the Indigenous idea of justice differ from the Western idea but he emphasizes that the Indigenous ideas of justice cannot be used in a western framework (66). He assesses the abuse of power by both Indigenous and non–Indigenous leaders. He points out that "one reason we have lost our way is that the materialistic mainstream value system has blinded us to the subtle beauty of Indigenous systems founded on a profound respect for balance. Without that respect, the system fails" (68). He declares that some Native political leaders have disconnected themselves from their communities by taking on the values and philosophies of the dominant government and their political ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Communist Manifesto The Manifesto of the Communist Party was drafted as its party program by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in Brussels at the order of the second congress of the League of Communists (December 2–8, 1847) and was first published by the order of the central authority of the league in the German language in an anonymous booklet of twenty three printed pages in London at the end of February 1848, just prior to the outbreak of the French February revolution. The Manifesto marked the end of a year–long discussion within the League of the Just about the objectives and methods of proletarian emancipation and implied the conclusion of its transformation into the League of Communists. In Marxist literature this publication, which marked a milestone in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. CompareThe Fustoist Manifesto And The Futurist Manifesto The industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, caused the word modernity to become synonymous with invention and production. The Futurist Manifesto (1909) by Tommaso Marinetti and the Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were two manifestos written in times of great industrialization. Machines had become a huge part of labor and overall society and the people within it were moving at a very fast pace. Consequently, both of these manifestos intended to bring about change to the current ways of society. These manifestos contain two completely different styles of writing, as a poet wrote The Futurist Manifesto and the authors of the Manifesto of the Communist Party were politicians. Likewise, as the styles are very different, so are the types of transformation these authors hoped to achieve in society. Manifesto of the Communist Party and The Futurist Manifesto had similar goals of bringing about change to society and its people, but they differed in the language and styles used, in the ways they desired to bring about change, and the way the reflect on the past. The most similar aspect of these two manifestos is that they both agree upon the basic idea of change. Modernity, in the times of these writings, changed people to having a more intellectual outlook, as it would take too much effort to react emotionally to everything going on around them. Marx seemed to agree with this facet of modernity as he encouraged thoughtfulness and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Communist Manifesto The American Communist The view on Communism throughout the 20th Century in the United States has been more or less fear leading to tension. In the book The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, readers were introduced to the structure, theories and ideology of the communist party. Though the power of free trade and capitalism was sweeping the west communist parties did form in crippled eastern European countries. As countries began battling to become a world power and worsening living conditions arose the fear and tension between the United States and Communism was at an all–time high. During the early part of the 20th Century following World War II the political structure of the United States was teetering from the economic ... Show more content on ... After situations with the working class and trying their best to find a means to agree in the US fear of their capitalistic government brought a red flag. The world was on the doorsteps of another World War and with the countries like Germany and Russia being the biggest threat and being countries under the leadership of Communism was enough to put the US on red alert. The media played a major role in the rising fear and hatred for anyone who was a member of the Communist party or anyone they believed could be a member. Erecting large amounts of propaganda in the name of getting the American people behind the idea of abolishing Communism and doing their best to keep it out of their country. Anyone who was suspicious of another person being a member or even a spy for a Communist country was reported to their local police department and they were either detained by the police or if enough evidence was brought up even the FBI was involved in forcibly removing there people from the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Futurist Manifesto An Italian avant–garde art movement that took speed, technology and modernity as its inspiration, is where new ideas were introduced to society. Futurism portrayed the dynamic character of 20th century life, glorified war and the machine age, and favored the growth of Fascism. Created at the turn of the twentieth century, the Futurist Manifesto stands out as the announcer of the new artistic movement, but its significance is much broader than the field of visual culture. It is conceived by Marinetti as a new force of Italian cultural revival, the one that is tired of stale and unproductive adherence to the past, and is instead urging for the creation of modern Italy. This new society whose principles should be based on the idea of progress, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Portrayal Of Women 's Crime And Punishment And The... The Portrayal of Women in Crime and Punishment and the Communist Manifesto Women are discussed and or portrayed in both "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky and "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In "Crime and Punishment" there are several female characters, many of which play large roles in the main characters' story. However, women are only mentioned a few times in "The Communist Manifesto", but it is essential to the point the authors are trying to convey. Each of these literatures see women and different ways, some more positive, negative, and or diverse. Nonetheless, I believe both pieces of literature see women as vital or essential aspects of society. The Communist Manifesto tries to explain the goals of communism as well as the theory behind it. It focuses on how class struggles and the oppression of one class by another are a problem. Women are not mentioned throughout the book except for when the bourgeois are discussed. Marx and Engels state," The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class. All are instruments of labour, more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex" (pg. 73). The communist are worried that as modern industry grows the work required could be done by women and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Masterpieces Always Come With Good Reasons And Fantastic Masterpieces always come with good reasons and fantastic story telling. On one hand, a good reason or a logic progress with facts makes a work more convincing; on the other hand, those fantacies and make–ups show a writer's reflection on facts and reasons he or she received, and are extensions of those facts and reasons, rendering the work interesting and even more convincing. In three famous and classic works, On Liberty, Hard Times, and The Communist Manifesto, we can see how writers combine facts with fictions and compose excellent works. I.On Liberty by John Stuart Mill In his work On Liberty, Mill starts from historical facts, analysing facts using his reasons and gets his conclusions; then, changing his way he used to use, he ... Show more content on ... He even chooses such a noble man, to show that we, who do not possess so much wisdom and virtue as that emperor, should be more careful so that we do not make this mistake. Furthermore, Mill writes that "It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Chritian faith had been adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Marcus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine" (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.28). Here, Mill makes up a different outcome with the historical fact, that the noble emperor did not persecute Christianity but supported it. Undoubtly, Mill wants to demonstrate that Christianity could develop better under the support of Marcus Aurelius with his wisdom and virtue that nobody could reach. Again, Mill stresses his arguement here that we should be alert with the mistake that "deny a hearing to opinions because we, in our judgement, have condemned them" (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.25) so that we can make things better. In conclusion, Mill, from two aspects, fact and fiction, stresses his arguement and makes his arguements more convincing and impressive to readers. II.Hard Times by Charles Dickens Hard Times is a novel, so this work can be regarded as a fiction; however, it is also a novel that reflects facts and satirizes facts. Though the story is fancy, the background really shows British social conditions at that time. Therefore, in his ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Class Conflict In The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto is strongly influenced by the history of class struggle and social differences throughout history. Marx said that history is only a timeline of class struggle, set apart from the change in style of production. The book is about the conflict between the Proletariat and the Bourgeois, the troubled and the bully. However, this is not a new idea and Marx is really not all that radical. Aristotle wrote, "Those who have too much of the goods of fortune, strength, wealth, friends and the like, are neither willing nor able to submit to authority." On the other hand, the very poor, who are in the opposite extreme, are too damaged. As Marx says in the book, modern history is the demonstration of centuries of a system that was and still is built on the delicate balance of discrimination.... Show more content on ... It is a time period marked by a hierarchy of ranks and sub ranks. These positions were inherited and binding for the duration of someone's life bar any incredible circumstance. These ranks were also marked specifically by wealth. In this time period serfdom, a system in which peasants worked land that was owned by a wealthy member of the nobility was the standard. The very difference of classes was what the wealthy had; what they wore, where they lived, and how they lived. The countryside was marked by sets of independent villages with the noble's manor at the center. According to Marx serfdom was a step above slavery for the people were laboring but not benefiting from that labor. Serfs were considered the property of the landowner. Landsmen expresses it well when he says, The dependent class consists of poor free people who attach themselves to the strong men for protection, and in return acknowledge his ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Marx, Mill And Freud 's Critique Of Political Economy And... Describe and assess the explicit (and sometimes merely implicit) notions of freedom and unfreedom we find in the texts we have read by Marx, Mill and Freud. Use the esoteric traditions we have examined thus far (from the Book of Job to Plato) as a comparative yardstick, or point of reference, but without letting them take over the foreground in your paper –– the latter should be reserved for these three figures. Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and John Stuart Mill are three authors who tackle the topic of freedom in unique ways, but their messages are fundamentally the same and continue the ideas that we encountered in the esoteric texts as well as in The Matrix: . First, we have Karl Marx's Capital: Critique of Political Economy and The Communist Manifesto, where we encounter the proletariat, or the working–class people regarded collectively. In these two texts, the latter of which was co–authored by Frederick Engels, we learn that the proletariat is enslaved just like the people in the matrix. And just like the people in the matrix, the proletariat is oblivious to this limit on its freedom. That is why in Karl Marx's view, unfreedom is what we are living in now. According to him, many people think that abolishing private property through communism is what will infringe on our freedom, but that is not the case. Specifically, in The Communist Manifesto Marx states, "You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Students For A Democratic Society Description: The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was formed in 1959 after they decided to branch off of the Student League for Industrial Democracy, which was the youth branch of the Socialist League for Industrial Democracy. The SDS was a radical group made up of teens and young adults that sought to overthrow America's democratic society and remake it in a Marxist image. Many of the SDS' key members where known as "red diaper babies" as their parents were often members of the Communist parties of the 1930's. The Students for a Democratic Society's founding can be accredited to a man named Aryeh Neier in 1959; who would later become the National Executive Director of the ACLU and go on to build two other influential organizations, the Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institute. SDS held its first meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1960 where it announced its first President, Alan Haber. Haber was an editor for the student newspaper at the University of Michigan and was known as "Ann Arbor's resident radical". From their first meeting, the SDS decided that they wanted to set the tone and introduce an itinerary for their generation as they grew to influence the political world. The SDS denounced bigotry, materialism, personal alienation, and industrialization in America and also widely protested American abundance, the threat of nuclear war, military spending, and the Cold War. They publicly addressed this in 1962 by creating what historian Michael Kazin ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Effects Of Communist Manifesto On Human Values The Effects of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto on Human Values What was it like living in the times before the Communist Manifesto was introduced to society? What kind of affect did this document have on the values of the average family? How did it influence the values of the individual? Sometimes these values where affected in a way that does not come directly from the release of the Manifesto but instead vicariously through other events brought on by the document. Overall, an interesting topic to look at is what it meant to be human in the 1840's. France is representative of European nations at that time. Through France, the effects of the Communist Manifesto on human values are evident. In order to understand how people ... Show more content on ... Likewise, "many of the old workers had been thrown out of employment,"3 and these numbers only grew into the year of 1848. In a way Marx talks about this problem in the Communist Manifesto. In this document, Marx introduced his idea to incorporate socialism into the government before communism. This is mainly because socialism "would prepare the way by nationalizing the 'means of production' and putting them under the control of those he viewed as the sole producers of wealth: the workers."4 This would take the control out of the hands of the wealthy and it would be given to those people that had been the poorest in the previous years. His goal was to get the common people to have a changed view of work once they started to be in charge of the producing of goods. This way, there would be no rich and no poor, only economic equality would result. Marx was intent on the subject of human change. Marx was often confronted with the charge that he was trying to change human nature. However, his rebuttal was that "human nature [had] changed many times in the past,"5 and that it was possible to change it again. He acknowledged that it would have to be a gradual change, but it was able to change. After all, we as humans "are products of our environment, particularly of the economic system in which we live."6 The government and its actions do ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Futurism Essay FUTURISM Futurism (lat. Futurus = future) was a movement in literature, visual art, fashion, architecture, theatre, music and film in the early 20th century, launched by Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Futurism appeared as a fervent denouncer of the past. Italian art represented the past Ancient, Renaissance and Baroque art and culture. In the early 1900s, Italian artists and writers believed that the "Machine Age" could have changed the situation and develop into a new awareness. F. Marinetti called the new movement futurism to apprehend the idea of modernity, to glorify speed, technological society, industrialism, dynamism, violence and youth. Futurism appeared as a cult of power and dynamism, at the same time, in art, as a violation of aesthetic norms using the production of art as an ... Show more content on ... We will sing of the great crowds agitated by work, pleasure and revolt; the multi–colored and polyphonic surf of revolutions in modern capitals: the nocturnal vibration of the arsenals and the workshops beneath their violent electric moons: the gluttonous railway stations devouring smoking serpents; factories suspended from the clouds by the thread of their smoke; bridges with the leap of gymnasts flung across the diabolic cutlery of sunny rivers: adventurous steamers sniffing the horizon; great–breasted locomotives, puffing on the rails like enormous steel horses with long tubes for bridle, and the gliding flight of aeroplanes whose propeller sounds like the flapping of a flag and the applause of enthusiastic crowds. The passionate tone of manifest was expressing the principles of futurism being a dynamic art corresponding to the new industrial era. Futurism intended the keep up with the speed of the era. Compelling tone and the usage of "must, want, and will" evokes the impression of aggression, determination, eagerness for a change, asperity and undoubtedly has ability to create a noisy voice even during the silent reading, representing strict genuine reading ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Southern Manifesto The Southern Manifesto urged states to oppose playing out the commands that were come to in the Brown v. Board of Education choice with respect to the racial reconciliation of government funded schools. The manifesto, signed by nineteen members of the U.S. Senate and eighty–one members of the U.S. House of Representatives, explains why these southern politicians in the federal government expressed that it would invert the choice since the court's decision opposed the U.S. Constitution. The first Constitution did not discuss education as well as the Fourteenth Amendment or any of alternate changes that were made to the Constitution around then. Congress trusted that the civil arguments that went before the accommodation of the Fourteenth Amendment were evidence that the revision was not planned to influence frameworks of education on the state level.... Show more content on ... Essentially, the southern politicians reaffirm their dependence on the Constitution as the central tradition that must be adhered to, and they censure the Supreme Court's infringements on rights held to the states and to the general population, in opposition to the new law and to the Constitution. For example, the southern politicians had a convincing argument and a valid point since they recognize the thought processes of those states which have pronounced the goal to oppose constrained mix by any legal means, yet they speak to the states and individuals who are not specifically influenced by these choices to consider the protected standards required against on issues key to them might be the casualties of legal ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Standards Of Water Jump Water Jump. I remember back 20 years ago when the ISO 900x standards were pushed heavily in Eastern Europe 's manufacturing economy, it was like reminiscent of a bank robbery during daylight. Consulting certification companies were making tons of money and in return were giving their clients a right to put label called ISO 900x. Around that time I was working as a mechanical designer in a leading manufacturing factory and one day I witnessed an extremely interesting conversation between part time 75 year young engineer and the head of the ISO certification group that was converting our company into ISO 9000 certified. I happened during informal 15 min break, when out of the blue, the engineer simply confronted the entire certification process and called that we have been conned. He challenged the certification group to present a standard that we may need and do not have. On every given example, he was able quickly to point existing standard and the published reference as in a number of cases he went back as 60 years to find the needed reference. In the end, he was able to build a strong case. Eventually, the head of the certification group concluded: " You know it, I know it, the rest of people do not. Let 's keep it that way". Fast forward 10 years to the agile revolution, when I remembered how ecstatic people were in the software community. I remember many authors had sold their software books on agile. When I checked, the majority of them had published just a few ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay on The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto Marx describes the problem in great detail in the first chapter. He feels there is a problem between the bourgeoisie and the proletarians. The bourgeoisie were the oppressed class before the French Revolution and he argues that they are now the oppressors. The proletarians are the new working class, which works in the large factory and industries. He says that through mass industry they have sacrificed everything from the old way of religion, employment, to a man's self worth and replaced it with monetary value. He is mad that the people of ole that use to be upper class such as skills man, trades people, & shopkeepers, are now slipping into the proletarians or working class. He ... Show more content on ... He begins trying to use a sort of a reverse psychology, by saying the communists do not write their principles specifically for the proletarians. Rather, just by chance, the communist vision is perfect for the proletarians to use. He said the problem of all other societies before this time have been a battle between the oppressors versus the oppressed. The basis of these battles has been property. SoCommunism looks to get rid of different classes in society. Therefore getting rid of different property levels or class levels. Marx says it best by "In sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property." He says with no private property there will be no reason to fight or feud. I think that this is a very good hypothesis put in front of us by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. They do a superb job of explaining the problem with the existing government. They also give a vehicle for change in the next chapter. So its seems that I should be ready for a communist revolution. The problem with this is that it is just a good hypothesis. As with all hypothesis's they must be tested and the communist hypothesis has failed most of its tests. I must hand it to Mr. Marx, since I was born and raised in a very anti–communist country and after reading two chapters in his book I was almost ready to join him. He is a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Flq Manifesto The FLQ manifesto is a political manifesto that sought to promote Quebecoi independence and the rejection of Liberal party policy, which focused primarily on big business and private investment. Released in what was one of Canada's most politically turbulent period, the document provides key insights into the FLQ organization demands and to the broader discussion taking place in Quebec society. The document was produced by the front de liberation du Quebec, a left wing organization that advocated for separatist policies beginning in the early 1960's. Politically energized in the inner city college campuses, the organization resorted to public bombings designed not to hurt but to instill fear into society. They pushed a narrative of Francophile ... Show more content on ... The document alleges that the "Liberal victory clearly demonstrates that what we call democracy in Quebec has always been, and still is, a "democracy" of the rich". Many Francophones viewed the victory of the Liberal party as the workings of an entrenched elite, which isolated the majority French speaking population. The manifestos reference to the most recent election, only a year prior to the events of the 'October Crisis' provide insights into the broader populations feeling at this time. Disenfranchised, exploited, and a feeling that federal government is skewing the political reality of the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. George Orwell 's Animal Farm Essay Karl Marx, writer of Communist Manifesto, is represented as an old, wise pig in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Because Orwell is a democratic socialist and does not accept the ideologies of Marxism, he reveals the reality of communism and reflects his opinions through sardonic situations that occur among animals. The state of communism that Marx and Friedrich Engels describe is where the state is abolished, people live in a society where members work together in agreement and no one is exploited, and every member shares the rewards of hard work. The envisions of Marx greatly contrasted with the plot of Animal Farm. Old Major, a pig, had a dream that mirrored Marx and his dream of communism. This "dream" is ironic because it suggests that communism is only a dream. The Soviet Union's policies were seen as steps to reach communism, rather than the end result of communism, in which all animals of the farm endured. The characters in animal farm had to pass through this in between stage before becoming a complete communist society, and in reality they remained in this stage and believed they were close to their goal. The animals, who were the laborers, fulfilled Old Major's wish and overthrew the capitalistic men with a revolution, much like how Marx and Engels hoped for the day the Proletarians would overthrow the Bourgeois, the owners of private property. He focused on arousing the animals emotionally and didn 't mention any practical reasons to help solve their issues. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Surrealism In The Surrealist Manifesto Surrealism stemmed from the idea of representing the unconscious mind, unburdening of the individual from societal norm, and emancipating human desire. Surrealists, sought for freedom of mind and sexual emancipation however their depiction women as idealized females, passive muses, fuellers of fantasies and mere sexual creatures stripped women of their identities. Andre Breton kindled the movement with his surrealist manifesto, guiding surrealists after him; Breton's view of Freudian subconscious and his call for the elimination of reason & societal norms resulted in sexual awakening, depiction of male fantasies and overtly sexualized female figures. Rene Magritte, depicted the male gaze, the perception of the female in society and the objectification ... Show more content on ... The representation of women and the female body in surrealist art is best exemplified in Dali's 'In Voluptas Mors' and in Rene Magritte's 'Le Viol'. Dali distorted female bodies, producing a nightmarish effect in his most notorious photograph titled "In Voluptas Mors," which translates to Voluptuous Death. The black–and–white photo is of nude women arranged to resemble a skull. Female figure is sexualized and objectified and also is depicted to be death itself. The photograph depicts distorted torsos creating a skull, women are merely naked torso's, ''voluptuous'' and sexual. Without individuality and identity the bodies in Dali's work, are an example the female image surrealism. Magritte's most shocking and contradictory work, Le Viol', can be translated as 'the rape'. In the painting, nipples replaces eyes, a belly button where her nose should be, and a vulva for a mouth, the female face is erased by the female torso imposed upon it. The painter might be suggesting that female anatomy is bound to be her destiny, that this is how the society views her. One might see this as Magritte criticizing the values of his times as the painting is open to interpretation. However, there is no doubt that he indented to shock his viewers. The artist's intentions aside, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Development Of The Communist Manifesto In The European The development of the communist manifesto in the European region has led to the influencing of the different structures present in the area. The communist manifesto has resulted in the formation of holy alliances in the European region. It is due to the effects of the Manifesto that Marx developed the journal to address the issue. The importance of this journal is to highlight the sociological problems that have resulted from the manifesto. The fact that the manifesto has been highlighted by the European powers to be a force that influences the activities conducted in the region. This paper thus seeks to highlight important aspects that will be incorporated in the analysis of the communist manifesto developed by Marx and its significance ... Show more content on ... Through bourgeoisie, which incorporated the serfs and the middle ages, there were developed cities in the ancient times that have developed to be the modern day cities. It is from the effects of communism that America was discovered and the rounding of the Cape (Marx, & Fredrick, 4). This in return provided an opportunity for the growth and development of the bourgeoisie. In line with the journal, the communist manifesto also brought about the development of the markets in the far Asian regions of China. This accelerated industrialization in the region due to the need to increase production of finished goods for the general population. As a result of the population pressure witnessed in the European region, industrial developments were monopolized and thus their production was insufficient to cater for the ever–growing population pressure in the European region. It was due to this that there was the need to revolutionize machinery to cater for the production. This led to the improvements if the type of engines from steam engines to modern systems of machinery that would produce sufficient goods for the public. The development of modern forms of the market as described by Marx led to the establishment of the global markets. The market developed was grown by the rapid developments witnessed in commerce, formal means of communication through land and the improvements in the navigation ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 amidst a wave of revolutions that were changing the political course of Europe. The Manifesto is one of the most influential political writings throughout the world. The Communist Manifesto put forward a unique view on the relevance and significance of history which relied more heavily on economical distinctions than revolutionary progress. It also proposed a process, by which the working proletariat class would overthrow the ruling bourgeoisie class and create a classless society in which private property would be abolished. However, if looked at closely the Manifesto contains some contradictions and oversimplifications that allow communism to be suspect to misinterpretation and manipulation ... Show more content on ... In the overthrow of the bourgeoisie the communists' goal is to create a classless society in which private property will be abolished in favor of a state controlled common labor system. While this ideally would be a solution to the immoralities of bourgeois society, it places a great deal of trust in the hands of the few, who in theory could be just as immoral and exploitative as the old bourgeois society. However, incapitalism, Marx argues, the worker only labors for the advancement of the bourgeoisie, but in a communist society his work serves only to better the society as a whole, and therefore his own life as well. The bourgeoisie will object to the abolishment of things such as religion, laws, political science, and morality, that have all stood up to the test of time, saying that these are eternal truths that are common to all history. However Marx replies that "the Communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional property relations; no wonder that its development involves the most radical rupture with traditional ideals" (52) This chapter also lays out ten key principles to the communist ideology. These include the abolition of private property and inheritance, a large income tax, centralization of the economy and transportation in the hands of the state, the establishment of a common labor system, and free public education for ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Essay... Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Karl Marx drafted The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in the mid–19th century after living in Moscow and seeing the strife of laborers there. The document was a reflection on the two men's belief that the wealthier members of society were exploiting the working class. From his experience in Russian society, Marx became concerned with the way that the majority of the "proletariat" class was living. The filthy and inhumane working conditions, the negligible wages, and the way that the employers disrespected their employees, all led to Marx penning The Communist Manifesto. The theme of humans and nature is shown by the ideas that Marx and Engels wrote about in their ... Show more content on ... As Paul Brians states, The old feudal restrictions which had fixed peasants in place on the land and limited their income had also guaranteed them a place in the world. They may not have prospered, but they were often able to fend off starvation and homelessness simply because they had been born onto estates from which they could not be removed against their wills. [i] After the feudal system was destroyed, workers moved to the cities and began to participate in what would later be referred to as, "The Industrial Revolution." As technology increased and the demand for manufactured goods grew, more and more Russian peasants migrated to the cities. Soon the big metropolises such as St. Petersburg and Moscow became hubs for the demands of the industrial world. As the number of factories expanded, so did the number of laborers, and in turn, the conditions in these workplaces worsened. As Bonnell writes, In the second half of the nineteenth century the face of traditional Russian society began to change. Many villages and towns became transformed into factory centers, and mills started to appear where once there had been only peasant huts. In the leading urban centers of the Russian Empire–St. Petersburg, the modern capital, and its predecessor, Moscow–the pace of industrialization was rapid and intense. Factories and shops were springing up as never before, spilling over into the outskirts of each city, and creating
  • 31. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Communist Manifesto When examining the roots of our disputes, observing the dynamics between social factions is pivotal. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx asserts, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."(Perry 195) His oversimplification is insignificant when you are looking at preceding revolutions. Historians seem to voice a recurring theme to these uprisings: conflict stemming from the ongoing struggles of the oppressed and the oppressor. On the eve of the French Revolution, (page 583) tensions were growing steadily between the first and second estate, consisting of the nobles and clergymen, and the third estate, which consisted for the rest of the population. Tensions arose because the aristocracy and the nobles had privileges the merchants and peasants did not. Among these include... Show more content on ... In 2013, the US's financial wealth distribution was inconceivable. Over 80 % of the population ( lower and middle class) only accounted for 5% of the total wealth and the top 10% of the population accounts for 85% of the total wealth in the US. As the top 10% accumulates more and more wealth, the lower class will face more hardships and economic crisis. This was an ongoing trend in the Industrial Revolution as well. Every time the bourgeoisie would climb higher, they would lift themselves using the shoulders of the proletariat, "...a class of laborers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capital"(Perry 197). Capitalism thrives on the exploitation of the people and free trade markets were usually accompanied by intense economic cycles of growth, which benefited the bourgeoisie, and even more crashes and recessions, which mainly affected the proletariat.(perry 197). The modern, average worker is struggling to survive with current wages while the wealthy grow their ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Bitch Manifesto Feminist communication theory has derived over time and branches out in many directions. Early theories focused on ways that gender influenced communication and many argued that language was "MAN made". This view of communication promoted a "defect models" asserting that characteristics of speech correlated with women were negative and that men "set the standard for adequate interpersonal communication." These early theories also suggested that ethnicity, cultural and economic backgrounds also needed to be addressed. They looked at howgender intersects with other identity constructs, such as class, race, and sexuality. Feminist theorists, especially those considered to be liberal feminists, began looking at issues of equality in education ... Show more content on ... No two people, whether male, child, but, WOMEN ( in reference to this manifesto) are alike. I feel that because WOMEN aren't living the fairytale (husband, two kids, and a white picket fence or the American dream) they are not considered at all. Society "labels" them and it's as if they become outcast. The manifesto states that "She is living testimony that woman's oppression does not have to be, and as such raises doubts about the validity of the whole social system. Because she is a threat she is not taken seriously. Instead, she is dismissed as a deviant. Man creates a special category for her in which she is accounted at least partially human, but not really a woman". It's that statement that makes me cringe; I feel women should have the same rights as men. Women are very capable of doing the same as a man. If not for us, society doesn't exist. Just like the statement says it is true, that in today's world what's not understood is not accepted. It also proves to me that the world still has a lot of catching up to do when it's comes to the views of WOMEN.I think this is an interesting read. I feel that all young girls and WOMEN should read this manifesto to get them thinking. It is my assumptions that just like me, my peers care about their rights and I think this piece will start conversation. I don't think everyone will necessarily agree with what is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Christian Worldview Definition A worldview is an intrinsic part of a person. It shapes who they are, what they believe, and how they act. It is something that each person holds on to, and lets it shape themselves, their personality, and their interactions with other people. Senator John Thune believes that, "Having a Christian worldview shapes my decision–making with respect to all aspects of my life. I always respect people in public life who are principled, and those principles have to connecte to something. And my faith is what serves as the anchor and directs my actions." Yet, even though Senator Thune believes this way, his philosophy truly affects everybody in this world. Their worldview, whether that be Christianity,Islam, Buddhist, etc., affects them in the same ... Show more content on ... This worldview, which states that truth is subject to the individual, finds popularity among the Millennial Generation, as continuing to grow in this culture of self satisfaction. In theological terms, Postmodernism believes that Atheism is too objective to their belief. That in Atheism still holds the same philosophical principles clerically to Theism. The main principle of Postmodernism is to rid the world of religion, which if assuming Atheism as a main religion, it defeats the problem the Postmodernism tries to fight. For Postmodernists, truth is subjective. It is only found within a person, not applying to anything else. To derive ethics, Postmodernists There are three foundations of Postmodernism that come together to create to create the world view. The three are: atheism, an total denial of God, Naturalism, only the material world exists, and evolution, how man was created. These three things combine together to create a world view of postmodernism. Postmodernists believe in evolution, yet they will specifically never endorses a specific type due to the fact that it would set a universal law upon all. For Postmodernists, the idea of "multiple selves" has rendered the concept of the soul obsolete. This means that in a traditional Naturalistic view, Humans come from nature, but are mostly part of the culture. Culture has made them who they are, and everything they are is attributed ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Surrealism and Film Essay Surrealism is a movement that built off of the burgeoning look into art, psychology, and the workings of the mind. Popularly associated with the works of Salvador Dali, Surrealist art takes imagery and ideology and creates correlation where there is none, creating new forms of art. In this essay I will look to explore the inception of the surrealist movement, including the Surrealist Manifesto, to stress the importance of these artists and their work in the 20th century and beyond. I also will look to films from our European Cinema course to express how films incorporate the influence of surrealism both intentionally and unintentionally. To begin, we will look at the ideals and influences that led to the formation of surrealist ideals, ... Show more content on ... Coupled with the use of unusual concepts of artistic expression, as well as experiments in form and content, surrealism sought to exploit the unrealized and unexplored spaces of art in often shocking and controversial ways. Often inspired by the repression of unconscious observations, surrealist art and writing often contains no discernable organization or structure, and is open to the imagination and the "world of the private mind" (metmuseum), an antithesis of traditional art based on rationality, reason, and societal norms. These concepts were what the surrealists sought to upend in their manifesto, and thus much of their work, such as Rene Magritte's "La Trahison des Images" or Marcel Duchamp's "Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)" sought to "overturn the world view of scientific positivism, exposing the dogmatic conceptions of vision and language, the supposed guarantors of truth and being, as arbitrary, deceptive tools of modernity's oppressive "rational" ideology" (sensesofcinema). Additionally, surrealism intended to capture "freedom" of the mind and imagination that modern logic and reason suppressed through constraints of social norms and expectations. These modern patterns of thought, in the eyes of surrealists, were influenced by social doctrine (surrealism lecture) and thus needed to be undermined in order to discover the true unconscious perception of reality ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Marx And Friedrich Engels 's Impact On The 21st Century Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become clear the benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the writers. The statements and arguments made by each author will be considered in the general impact each philosopher had on the 21st century. In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that would define their worldview, they saw an issue with the fragmentation of the communist beliefs and were commissioned to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear document to demonstrate what they stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and some have been implemented in current society with unsuccessful results. Marx advocates the violent overthrow of governments to equalize the people of the country, rationalizing it as a way to overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie. As seen in history, this can often lead to a state where the country is plunged into civil war or genocide, with an equally oppressive or more tyrannical leader than before. The attempt of leaders of many nation–states to adapt Marx's ideas of nationalizing the agricultural process has resulted in increased costs for the consumers of the nations, and preventing them from negotiating trade contracts. The spread of globalization has increased, but contrary to the beliefs of Marx, there has not been a push to remove the borders of nation–states because of the similarities of the nation's workforces. Any attempt to annex ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Port Huron Statement: A Significant Turning Point In... The ending of World War II was a significant turning point in American society. America went through a conversion process in which we realized just how illogical it was for us to fight a war across the water for people whose rights were being violated and then come back home to the hypocrisy that was our own treatment towards races such as African Americans. The Port Huron Statement was a response to the events that generations at the time saw unfolding before their eyes. The paradoxes that they describe are all examples of how things are not the way they should have been. How our peaceful intentions were marred by our investment to our Cold war superiority. How our nuclear power could be used to power entire cities, but instead was used to pose a threat to the rest of the world and its inhabitants. How our idea of freedom and equality didn't seem to apply in the south. The generation responded to all this by seemingly revealing the hypocrisy of many events going on at the time and in its writing, paving the way for a new way of thinking.... Show more content on ... It's about America's development from World War II, which eventually becomes the inspiration of these democratic ideals, and our country's ultimate failure to be faithful in fulfilling them. The Port Huron Statement points out the hypocrisy that existed within the borders of the "wealthiest and strongest country in the world," and proposes changes that the creators of the Port Huron Statement deemed necessary. With regards to the Port Huron Statement, the authors had one thing in mind: to reconstruct America so that it may live up to the ideals it stood ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Assignment 5 : The Impacts Of Humanism Esther Park REL 321: Humanism & NRMs Assignment #5 What is Humanism? Religion is practical and it works and American's like religion because it works. American's like thing that work therefore religion continue to be a part of our world. If religion didn't work people would not do it. Religions are born and changed over time accordingly. This statement was a bold one made by the professor from UCSB. Religion moves and changes shape because it changes as the time changes. Religion is contact and combination. Religion is an additive it let's go, add on, lose, gain, and exchange. Religion works due to the reason listed and this is why religion continues to be a part of America because it can be transformed into something that we would like it to be. If we can't find something to suit you then we can create it and there will be someone who has the same opinion as you do. After you moved to Southern California you were able to be a part of the all of the big religions changes especially with your uncle. Dan Barker worked under him and is now the biggest atheist activist. I can see how many people start at a spot like Dan who grew up to graduate from Azusa University, a prestigious Christian university, worked as a minister for a Christian church to go on to be the world's most active atheist. Listening to your video lecture there are so many different churches that grew from the root of Christianity. It was quite humorous to hear that you do not like to listen to anything ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels 's Communist Manifesto In 1840s Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels wrote this document due to being members of the "Communist Leagues." The Communist Manifesto was a very influential document after the Industrial Revolution. With the industrial class increasing this document was published to end class social. Because of the rise of industries, workers have to leave their previous work and work at industries, workers ' health will be affected when they live near the cities, their communities will be change and will not be the same as they use to be, and proletariat have to move to a different country where they could call it home. When Industries are rising, many people become a proletariat for the industries who were replaced by machines .They use to farm a large area around the village and each of the field are the responsible of the people who live around the village. But, now that industries are rising, some of those people are force out of their homes and live to a nearby industry. Because new technologies are being develop that helps farming and increase production, those people who left their previous home are now looking for work just to keep on living. Because of the new technologies are being used, workers are forced to breathe to unclean air. The industries are producing an unhealthy environment to the workers and causing lots of sickness to the workers. Because of the rise in industries, workers are forced to work on those conditions just to earn ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The 19th Centuary Essay In the first half of the 19th century the processes known as Industrialization and Urbanization started to transform Europe. It affected and changed every aspect of life of every citizen of every European nation. The notorious results of these changes were the horrible living and working conditions of the working class, who made up the majority of the society. Great Britain was involved most profoundly in this Industrial Revolution as it led the way in the development of railroads and factories. We find a lot of documents from that time period describing working conditions in Britain during that era. As a response to those changes created by Industrial Revolution many sought reforms to confront those social problems. Karl Marx was ... Show more content on ... They complain how this new instruments of production will replace workers and leave "eight thousand hands deprived of the opportunity of getting a livelihood" . According to Marx: "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society." As we can see revolutionazing the production was distinguishing trait of the bourgeois and of the Industrial Revolution, that had a devastating effect on the working class as they were replaced and pushed into powerty by the machines and new methods of production. The workers are asking for the self interest to be laid aside and appealing to the "sensible part of mankind, who are not biased by interest" to pay attention to their petition. But as we read in Communist Manifesto: "The bourgeoisie left no other nexus between man and man than naked self–interest, than callous "cash payment." It has drowned out the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation." Just like in Leeds Woolen Workers Petition we saw that Merchants were not really concerned about the workers when they threw thousands out of employ, but were rather ... Get more on ...