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Statistics Assignment
Problem 1
Problem 6.6 in Larson and Odoni
Problem 2
Exercise 6.7 (page 442) in Larson and Odoni.
Problem 3
Suppose we have a network G(N, A) such as the one pictured in Figure 1, which can be
separated by an “isthmus edge”, (s, t) into two distinct sub-networks G(S, As) and G(T,
At) such that S∪T = N and (Note that the set of
nodes S includes node s and the set of nodes T includes node t.) Let H(T) be the sum of
the weights, hj, of the nodes in the set T and H(S) be the sum of the weights, hj, of the
nodes in the set S.
(a) The following is known as Goldman’s majority theorem”: “If H(T)≥ H(S) then the set
of nodes T contains at least one solution to the 1-median problem on G(N, A).”
Prove the theorem. To do so, assume that the solution is at some node y∈S and argue that
J(y) ≥ J(t), a contradiction. J(.) is the objective function for the 1-median problem – see book.
Note as well that t is the node on the G(T, At) “side” of (s, t).
Statistics Assignment
(b) Prove the following theorem: “If H(T)≥ H(S) then one can find a solution to the
original 1-median problem on G(N, A) by solving the 1-median problem on the
subnetwork G'(T, At) which is identical to G(T, At) except that the weight ht of the node t
(on which the edge (s, t) is incident) is replaced by H(S) + ht.”
To prove this statement argue as follows: We know from part (a) that the 1-median is in
T. Show that for any node y∈T:
where C is a constant and (T-t) indicates the set of nodes, T, not including the node t. Why
does (1) prove our theorem?
(c) Using the theorems of parts (a) and (b) find very quickly the 1-median of the network
shown in Figure 2. (For each node, an identification letter followed by the node’s weight
is indicated; link lengths are noted next to each link.) Note that you do not have to
consider the lengths of the edges in solving this problem.
Problem 4
Statistics Assignment
Consider the Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls (TSPB), a version of the TSP
which is as follows: Suppose we have one “station point,” s, a set D of “delivery” points (|D| =
n) and a set P of “pick-up” points (|P| = m). Assume the travel medium is the Euclidean plane
and that all n+m+1 points in the problem are distinct, so that the Euclidean distance between
any pair of points is positive. We want to design a tour of minimum length that has this
description: a vehicle will begin from s, will visit first all the n points in D to deliver packages,
will then (without first returning to s) visit all m points in P to pick up packages and will finally
go back to s (where the tour ends).
The following heuristic, based on the idea of the Christofides heuristic for the TSP, has
been proposed recently for the TSPB (we shall leave Step 4 incomplete until the second
question of our problem):
Step 1: Construct: (a) TD, the minimum spanning tree of D, i.e., the MST that connects all
n delivery points; (b) TP, the minimum spanning tree of P, i.e., the MST that connects all m
pick-up points.
Now connect s to the delivery point in D which is closest to s. Also connect s to the pick-up
point in P which is closest to s.
In this way a single tree, T, is formed which consists of TD, TP, s, and the two links
connecting s to TD and TP, respectively.
Statistics Assignment
Step 2: Transform the (n+m+1)x(n+m+1) matrix of Euclidean distances between pairs of points in
the problem in the following way: leave all distances between pairs of points in D unchanged, i.e.,
equal to the Euclidean distances between these points; similarly, leave all distances between
pairs of points in P unchanged; then add a large constant K to all the other distances in the
matrix. This means that if the Euclidean distance between any point i ∈ D and any point j ∈ P is
d(i, j) units, it will be changed to d(i, j) + K in the transformed distance matrix; similarly the
distance between s and i in the transformed distance matrix will be d(s, i) + K and the distance
between s and j will be d(s, j) + K. Note that the same “large constant” K is added in all cases. K
is chosen so that it is much larger than any of the Euclidean distances (or sums of Euclidean
distances) encountered in the problem.
Step 3: Let R be the set of odd-degree nodes in T, the tree obtained in Step 1. Find the
minimum-cost pair-wise matching between the nodes (points) in R, using the transformed
matrix prepared in Step 2. Let H be the (disjoint) graph consisting of the set of links (straight
lines) which correspond to the minimum-cost pair-wise matching. (For example, if the points i
∈ D and j ∈ P are both in R and have been matched together in the minimum-cost matching,
then the link (i, j) will be in H; similarly, if the points v ∈ D and w ∈ D are both in R and have
been matched together, the link (v, w) will be in H; and so on.) Note that, in drawing the graph
H, we forget about the large constant K.
Step 4: Merge H with T to obtain a graph G (i.e., G = T∪H).
(a) Explain carefully but briefly why it is true that the number of (odd-degree) nodes in R
which are also delivery points is an odd number (i.e., |R∩D| is an odd number).
Statistics Assignment
(a) Given the result of part (a), argue carefully, but briefly, that:
(i) The graph G constructed in Step 4 of the algorithm has an Euler tour.
(ii) It is possible, using only links in G, to find an Euler tour, which is a feasible
(not necessarily) optimal solution to the TSPB. In other words, it is possible to find
on G an Euler tour that begins at s, visits all the points in D at least once, then
visits all the points in P at least once, and finally returns to the origin s.
[Note: the heuristic described in this problem is the best currently available for the TSPB, in
terms of worst-case performance.]
Problem 5
Consider the following routing problem, which we shall call the Delivery Truck Problem
(DTP). Suppose a truck must perform a set of pickups and deliveries in a Euclidean travel
environment. Each load which is picked up fills the truck completely and goes to a single
destination, so no pickups and deliveries can be combined. This is shown in Figure 3a, for a
problem involving four loads: points A, C, E, and G are the pick-up points and the
corresponding set of directed edges between each pick-up and each delivery is denoted as
R = {(A,B), (C,D), (E,F), (G,H)}. We shall call the pick-up points “head vertices” and the
delivery points (B, D, F, H) “tail vertices”. The DTP is to find a tour that begins and ends at
some head vertex (we shall use point A in our example without loss of generality) and is of
minimal total length.
The following heuristic has been suggested for this problem:
Statistics Assignment
Step 1: Construct an undirected graph G1 whose vertices are all the head and tail vertices and
whose edges are all possible (head vertex, tail vertex) edges, except those edges appearing in
R. In other words, in building G1, each head vertex is connected to all tail vertices except the
one it is connected to in R. For example, in Figure 3b, we draw an edge between A and D, A and
F, and A and H, but not between A and B. The cost (or length) of each edge of G1 is equal to the
Euclidean distance between the points that it connects. G1 for our example is shown in Figure
Step 2: Find a minimum cost pairwise matching, M, of the vertices of G1. For our example,
let us assume that M = {(A,D), (C,B), (E,H), (G,F)}. Construct a graph G2, by merging R
with M (Figure 3c). Note that G2 has some directed edges (the ones associated with R) and
some undirected ones (those associated with M).
Step 3: Construct a graph G3 with one vertex corresponding to each of the k disjoint cycles
of G2 and one vertex between each pair of these vertices. [Note that in our example k=2
and thus G3 will have one vertex corresponding to the set of nodes V= (A, B, C, D) and
another corresponding to the set W = (E, F, G, H) – see Figure 3d.] The cost (or length) of
each edge in G3 is set equal to the distance between the corresponding pair of cycles, i.e.,
to the distance between two nodes, one in each cycle, which are closest to each other. [In
our example,
where c(i,j) indicates the distance between vertices i and j.] Find the minimum spanning tree
T of G3. The minimum spanning tree T of G3 for our example is shown in Figure 3d; note
that because, in this case, k=2, T and G3 are identical.
Statistics Assignment
Step 4: Construct a new graph G4 by adding to G2 two directed edges for each edge in T. The
two edges corresponding to an edge (V,W) in T join the two vertices i∈V and j∈W, whose
distance c(i, j) equals c(V,W) and go in opposite directions. [For our example, assume that
c(V,W) = c(E,C). Hence, we draw a directed edge from C to E and a directed edge from E to C
and add them to G2 to obtain G4, as shown in Figure 3e.]
Step 5: Draw an Euler tour through the mixed graph G4, beginning and ending at the required
point and making sure to traverse all the directed edges in the correct direction. This tour is a
solution to the DTP.
(a) Please explain briefly why the mixed graph G4 has an Euler tour.
(b) Argue briefly that, if k=1 after Step 2, the above heuristic provides an optimal solution
to the DTP.
(c) Let L(G4) denote the length of the tour found in Step 5 (i.e., the length of the solution
produced by our heuristic), L(DTP) be the length of an optimal DTP tour and L(R) the
length of the distance the truck will travel fully loaded. (Note that L(R) will always be part
of the distance that any legitimate DTP solution, exact or approximate, must cover.]
Argue that
Statistics Assignment
Problem 6
Consider the following version of the k-traveling salesmen problem in Euclidean space:
Suppose we have n cities of which city 1 is the home location of the k salesmen. We want to
design a set of k tours such that every city is visited by one salesman and the length of the
longest tour traveled by any salesman is minimized. In other words, our
measure of the quality of a given collection of k routes is the length of the longest of these
routes. We call this longest route the “maximum length subtour.”
Suppose we use the following algorithm for this problem:
Step 1: Beginning and ending at city 1, generate a single traveling salesman tour T
that includes all n cities. Do this by using your favorite TSP heuristic. Number the cities
in in the order they appear in the tour (note that i1 = 1). Let L be the length of T and
be the maximum direct distance between any city and city 1.
Step 2: Generate k subtours in the following way: For each j, 1≤ j < k, define p(j) to be
the largest integer such that the length of the path in T from 1 to node ip(j) does not
Step 3: Let the k subtours be
Statistics Assignment
(a) Show that the lengths L1, L2,…., Lk of all the subtours T1, T2,…., Tk generated in this
way must be less than or equal to the quantity
[Hint: Show this separately for L1, for Lj such that 2 ≤ j < k – 1, and for Lk.]
(b) From part (a) we know that the length of the maximum length subtour generated in this
way [call this length L(TLONG) = max (L1, L2,…., Lk)] must be less than or equal to (1)
above. Suppose you had used the Christofides heuristic to draw the initial single traveling
salesman tour T. Let also L(T*LONG) denote the length of the mximum length subtour in
the optimum solution to this k-traveling salesmen problem (assuming you could somehow
solve the problem optimally).
i.e., that our heuristic produces a solution which is within less than 150% of the
optimum no matter what k is.
[Hint: How do the quantities L(TLONG) and L compare to the length L* of the optimum
(single) traveling salesman tour through all n cities? How does dmax compare with one of
these quantities?]
Statistics Assignment
Statistics Assignment
Statistics Assignment
Statistics Assignment
Statistics Assignment
Problem 1
Both of the last two sums count every directed arc of the network exactly once: the left-hand
sum from the pant of view of the tails and the right-hand sum from the point of view of the
heads. Hence the difference of the two sums is zero (note that every arc (i,j) contributes exactly
one to the outdegree of i and one to the indegree of j).
Statistics Assignment
Here, To represents the number of new artificial paths between nodes i and j. Since we
now have = 0, i E S and Pj = 0, j E D, we can construct an Euler tour. It is certainly
possible to use a link more than twice (See, for example, arcs (d,e) and (b, a) in the next
Statistics Assignment
There are only three feasible integer solutions to this problem. so we enumerate these
and check the value of the objective function in each case:
Statistics Assignment
(d) The suggested method forces us to traverse every undirected arc twice (once
in each direc-tion), which may not be optimal.
Statistics Assignment
The second inequality follows since the maximum of two values is no smaller than their
(a) As suggested, we can prove the results by contraposition. Let's suppose that the
set of nodes T contains no solution to the I-median problem. Then, the solution one of
S's nodes. Let y € S be that node.
Problem 3
Statistics Assignment
This implies that the I-median could be located at t e T , which contradicts our initial
assumption. Therefore, the set of nodes T contains at least one solution to the I-median
problem on G(N,A).
Statistics Assignment
We now disregard the portion of the network involving nodes in St and increase the weight at i to
h(0+ H (S) = 5 + 32 = 37. Consider the isthmus edge (i, j) which divides the new graph into two
distinct subnetworks with 52 = k. I, m) and T2 = (I, n, o, p, q }. Clearly H(52) < H(T2) (remember
that h(i) is now 37). So, we can disregard the portion of the new network involving nodes in S2.
And again, we must increase the weight at i by H(S2). So, the weight at node i becomes 37 +
H(S2) = 37 + 17 = 54.
The new network consists only of nodes i, n, o, p , q, and edges between pairs of nodes
from this set. Now consider the isthmus edge (i, n) which divides the new graph into
nodes sets S3 = (i) and T3= (n, o, p, q ). 1.1(53) = 54 and H(T3) = 19. Therefore, an
optimal solution to the 1-median problem is to locate at node i.
Problem 4
(a) TD, the minimum spanning tree of L), has an even number of odd-degree nodes, like any
undirected network.
Let v be the point in D that is closest to s.
We then have two cases.
- v had an even degree in TD, or
- v had on odd degree in TD.
If v had an even degree, then the addition of the edge (s, t) will make v a node of odd degree
in T. This increases the number of odd-degree nodes in the “D part” of the tree T by one. We
have an odd number of odd-degree nodes in R.
If v had an odd degree, then the addition of the edge (s, t) will make v a node of even
degree in T. This decreases the number of odd-degree nodes in the “D part” of the tree T by
1. We then have an odd number of odd-degree nodes in R.
Statistics Assignment
(b) (i) H adds one more incidence to all the odd-degree nodes in T. Therefore, the
graph G has no nodes of odd-degree. It then has an Euler tour.
(ii) The key observation here is that because of the large additional cost K
associated with each pairing of a point in D with a point in P, there will be only one
pairing of an odd-degree point in D (call it z) with an odd-degree point in P (call it
w) in the optimal matching. (Note that from (a) we know that there will be one “left-
over” odd-degree point from D and one “left-over” odd-degree point in P, after we
have finished the pair wise matching of odd-degree points in D with one another
and of odd-degree points in P with one another; please also note that, by
construction, s will always have a degree of 2 in T). Thus we can begin at s, find
an Euler path from s to z that visits all the points in D at least once, then use the
link (z, w) to go to the points in P, and then find an Euler path from w to s that visits
all the points in P at least once.
Problem 5
(a) Initially (in graph R) every vertex has degree 1 (either inbound or outbound). After
the pair-wise matching is added (graph G2) every vertex has degree 2. Moreover,
because heads have been matched with tails, all vertices belong to (possibly disjoint
cycles, i.e., all vertices can be visited as part of the Eulerian tour of each separate
cycle. The "doubled tree", T, adds an even number of incidences (balanced in terms of
inbound vs. outbound) to some vertices and connects all the disjoint cycles into a single
graph, 04. Thus, an Eulerian tour of G4 that respects the directionality of all direct
edges exists.
Statistics Assignment
(b) When k=4, all vertices belong to a single cycle and an Eulerian tour that respects the
direc-tionality of the directed edges can be constructed (see part a). Moreover, the tour is
of minimum length because G4 consists of the union of It (whose length always has to be
traversed in its entirety, by definition) and of M, which is the most efficient way, by
definition, to connect the edges in It in a legitimate way (heads visited before tails).
Problem 6
Statistics Assignment
(b) From the previous question we have
Statistics Assignment
Statistics Assignment

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Logistics Management Assignment Help

  • 1. Logistics Management Assignment help For any help regarding Logistics Management Assignment Help visit :- , Email :- or call us at :- +1 678 648 4277 Statistics Assignment Help
  • 2. Problems Problem 1 Problem 6.6 in Larson and Odoni Problem 2 Exercise 6.7 (page 442) in Larson and Odoni. Problem 3 Suppose we have a network G(N, A) such as the one pictured in Figure 1, which can be separated by an “isthmus edge”, (s, t) into two distinct sub-networks G(S, As) and G(T, At) such that S∪T = N and (Note that the set of nodes S includes node s and the set of nodes T includes node t.) Let H(T) be the sum of the weights, hj, of the nodes in the set T and H(S) be the sum of the weights, hj, of the nodes in the set S. (a) The following is known as Goldman’s majority theorem”: “If H(T)≥ H(S) then the set of nodes T contains at least one solution to the 1-median problem on G(N, A).” Prove the theorem. To do so, assume that the solution is at some node y∈S and argue that J(y) ≥ J(t), a contradiction. J(.) is the objective function for the 1-median problem – see book. Note as well that t is the node on the G(T, At) “side” of (s, t). Statistics Assignment Help
  • 3. (b) Prove the following theorem: “If H(T)≥ H(S) then one can find a solution to the original 1-median problem on G(N, A) by solving the 1-median problem on the subnetwork G'(T, At) which is identical to G(T, At) except that the weight ht of the node t (on which the edge (s, t) is incident) is replaced by H(S) + ht.” To prove this statement argue as follows: We know from part (a) that the 1-median is in T. Show that for any node y∈T: where C is a constant and (T-t) indicates the set of nodes, T, not including the node t. Why does (1) prove our theorem? (c) Using the theorems of parts (a) and (b) find very quickly the 1-median of the network shown in Figure 2. (For each node, an identification letter followed by the node’s weight is indicated; link lengths are noted next to each link.) Note that you do not have to consider the lengths of the edges in solving this problem. Problem 4 Statistics Assignment Help
  • 4. Consider the Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls (TSPB), a version of the TSP which is as follows: Suppose we have one “station point,” s, a set D of “delivery” points (|D| = n) and a set P of “pick-up” points (|P| = m). Assume the travel medium is the Euclidean plane and that all n+m+1 points in the problem are distinct, so that the Euclidean distance between any pair of points is positive. We want to design a tour of minimum length that has this description: a vehicle will begin from s, will visit first all the n points in D to deliver packages, will then (without first returning to s) visit all m points in P to pick up packages and will finally go back to s (where the tour ends). The following heuristic, based on the idea of the Christofides heuristic for the TSP, has been proposed recently for the TSPB (we shall leave Step 4 incomplete until the second question of our problem): Step 1: Construct: (a) TD, the minimum spanning tree of D, i.e., the MST that connects all n delivery points; (b) TP, the minimum spanning tree of P, i.e., the MST that connects all m pick-up points. Now connect s to the delivery point in D which is closest to s. Also connect s to the pick-up point in P which is closest to s. In this way a single tree, T, is formed which consists of TD, TP, s, and the two links connecting s to TD and TP, respectively. Statistics Assignment Help
  • 5. Step 2: Transform the (n+m+1)x(n+m+1) matrix of Euclidean distances between pairs of points in the problem in the following way: leave all distances between pairs of points in D unchanged, i.e., equal to the Euclidean distances between these points; similarly, leave all distances between pairs of points in P unchanged; then add a large constant K to all the other distances in the matrix. This means that if the Euclidean distance between any point i ∈ D and any point j ∈ P is d(i, j) units, it will be changed to d(i, j) + K in the transformed distance matrix; similarly the distance between s and i in the transformed distance matrix will be d(s, i) + K and the distance between s and j will be d(s, j) + K. Note that the same “large constant” K is added in all cases. K is chosen so that it is much larger than any of the Euclidean distances (or sums of Euclidean distances) encountered in the problem. Step 3: Let R be the set of odd-degree nodes in T, the tree obtained in Step 1. Find the minimum-cost pair-wise matching between the nodes (points) in R, using the transformed matrix prepared in Step 2. Let H be the (disjoint) graph consisting of the set of links (straight lines) which correspond to the minimum-cost pair-wise matching. (For example, if the points i ∈ D and j ∈ P are both in R and have been matched together in the minimum-cost matching, then the link (i, j) will be in H; similarly, if the points v ∈ D and w ∈ D are both in R and have been matched together, the link (v, w) will be in H; and so on.) Note that, in drawing the graph H, we forget about the large constant K. Step 4: Merge H with T to obtain a graph G (i.e., G = T∪H). (a) Explain carefully but briefly why it is true that the number of (odd-degree) nodes in R which are also delivery points is an odd number (i.e., |R∩D| is an odd number). Statistics Assignment Help
  • 6. (a) Given the result of part (a), argue carefully, but briefly, that: (i) The graph G constructed in Step 4 of the algorithm has an Euler tour. (ii) It is possible, using only links in G, to find an Euler tour, which is a feasible (not necessarily) optimal solution to the TSPB. In other words, it is possible to find on G an Euler tour that begins at s, visits all the points in D at least once, then visits all the points in P at least once, and finally returns to the origin s. [Note: the heuristic described in this problem is the best currently available for the TSPB, in terms of worst-case performance.] Problem 5 Consider the following routing problem, which we shall call the Delivery Truck Problem (DTP). Suppose a truck must perform a set of pickups and deliveries in a Euclidean travel environment. Each load which is picked up fills the truck completely and goes to a single destination, so no pickups and deliveries can be combined. This is shown in Figure 3a, for a problem involving four loads: points A, C, E, and G are the pick-up points and the corresponding set of directed edges between each pick-up and each delivery is denoted as R = {(A,B), (C,D), (E,F), (G,H)}. We shall call the pick-up points “head vertices” and the delivery points (B, D, F, H) “tail vertices”. The DTP is to find a tour that begins and ends at some head vertex (we shall use point A in our example without loss of generality) and is of minimal total length. The following heuristic has been suggested for this problem: Statistics Assignment Help
  • 7. Step 1: Construct an undirected graph G1 whose vertices are all the head and tail vertices and whose edges are all possible (head vertex, tail vertex) edges, except those edges appearing in R. In other words, in building G1, each head vertex is connected to all tail vertices except the one it is connected to in R. For example, in Figure 3b, we draw an edge between A and D, A and F, and A and H, but not between A and B. The cost (or length) of each edge of G1 is equal to the Euclidean distance between the points that it connects. G1 for our example is shown in Figure 3b. Step 2: Find a minimum cost pairwise matching, M, of the vertices of G1. For our example, let us assume that M = {(A,D), (C,B), (E,H), (G,F)}. Construct a graph G2, by merging R with M (Figure 3c). Note that G2 has some directed edges (the ones associated with R) and some undirected ones (those associated with M). Step 3: Construct a graph G3 with one vertex corresponding to each of the k disjoint cycles of G2 and one vertex between each pair of these vertices. [Note that in our example k=2 and thus G3 will have one vertex corresponding to the set of nodes V= (A, B, C, D) and another corresponding to the set W = (E, F, G, H) – see Figure 3d.] The cost (or length) of each edge in G3 is set equal to the distance between the corresponding pair of cycles, i.e., to the distance between two nodes, one in each cycle, which are closest to each other. [In our example, where c(i,j) indicates the distance between vertices i and j.] Find the minimum spanning tree T of G3. The minimum spanning tree T of G3 for our example is shown in Figure 3d; note that because, in this case, k=2, T and G3 are identical. Statistics Assignment Help
  • 8. Step 4: Construct a new graph G4 by adding to G2 two directed edges for each edge in T. The two edges corresponding to an edge (V,W) in T join the two vertices i∈V and j∈W, whose distance c(i, j) equals c(V,W) and go in opposite directions. [For our example, assume that c(V,W) = c(E,C). Hence, we draw a directed edge from C to E and a directed edge from E to C and add them to G2 to obtain G4, as shown in Figure 3e.] Step 5: Draw an Euler tour through the mixed graph G4, beginning and ending at the required point and making sure to traverse all the directed edges in the correct direction. This tour is a solution to the DTP. (a) Please explain briefly why the mixed graph G4 has an Euler tour. (b) Argue briefly that, if k=1 after Step 2, the above heuristic provides an optimal solution to the DTP. (c) Let L(G4) denote the length of the tour found in Step 5 (i.e., the length of the solution produced by our heuristic), L(DTP) be the length of an optimal DTP tour and L(R) the length of the distance the truck will travel fully loaded. (Note that L(R) will always be part of the distance that any legitimate DTP solution, exact or approximate, must cover.] Argue that Statistics Assignment Help
  • 9. Problem 6 Consider the following version of the k-traveling salesmen problem in Euclidean space: Suppose we have n cities of which city 1 is the home location of the k salesmen. We want to design a set of k tours such that every city is visited by one salesman and the length of the longest tour traveled by any salesman is minimized. In other words, our measure of the quality of a given collection of k routes is the length of the longest of these routes. We call this longest route the “maximum length subtour.” Suppose we use the following algorithm for this problem: Step 1: Beginning and ending at city 1, generate a single traveling salesman tour T that includes all n cities. Do this by using your favorite TSP heuristic. Number the cities in in the order they appear in the tour (note that i1 = 1). Let L be the length of T and be the maximum direct distance between any city and city 1. Step 2: Generate k subtours in the following way: For each j, 1≤ j < k, define p(j) to be the largest integer such that the length of the path in T from 1 to node ip(j) does not exceed Step 3: Let the k subtours be Statistics Assignment Help
  • 10. (a) Show that the lengths L1, L2,…., Lk of all the subtours T1, T2,…., Tk generated in this way must be less than or equal to the quantity [Hint: Show this separately for L1, for Lj such that 2 ≤ j < k – 1, and for Lk.] (b) From part (a) we know that the length of the maximum length subtour generated in this way [call this length L(TLONG) = max (L1, L2,…., Lk)] must be less than or equal to (1) above. Suppose you had used the Christofides heuristic to draw the initial single traveling salesman tour T. Let also L(T*LONG) denote the length of the mximum length subtour in the optimum solution to this k-traveling salesmen problem (assuming you could somehow solve the problem optimally). i.e., that our heuristic produces a solution which is within less than 150% of the optimum no matter what k is. [Hint: How do the quantities L(TLONG) and L compare to the length L* of the optimum (single) traveling salesman tour through all n cities? How does dmax compare with one of these quantities?] Statistics Assignment Help
  • 15. Problem 1 Solutions Both of the last two sums count every directed arc of the network exactly once: the left-hand sum from the pant of view of the tails and the right-hand sum from the point of view of the heads. Hence the difference of the two sums is zero (note that every arc (i,j) contributes exactly one to the outdegree of i and one to the indegree of j). Statistics Assignment Help
  • 16. Here, To represents the number of new artificial paths between nodes i and j. Since we now have = 0, i E S and Pj = 0, j E D, we can construct an Euler tour. It is certainly possible to use a link more than twice (See, for example, arcs (d,e) and (b, a) in the next part). Statistics Assignment Help
  • 17. There are only three feasible integer solutions to this problem. so we enumerate these and check the value of the objective function in each case: Statistics Assignment Help
  • 18. (d) The suggested method forces us to traverse every undirected arc twice (once in each direc-tion), which may not be optimal. Statistics Assignment Help
  • 19. Problem 2 The second inequality follows since the maximum of two values is no smaller than their average. (a) As suggested, we can prove the results by contraposition. Let's suppose that the set of nodes T contains no solution to the I-median problem. Then, the solution one of S's nodes. Let y € S be that node. Problem 3 Then Statistics Assignment Help
  • 20. This implies that the I-median could be located at t e T , which contradicts our initial assumption. Therefore, the set of nodes T contains at least one solution to the I-median problem on G(N,A). Statistics Assignment Help
  • 21. We now disregard the portion of the network involving nodes in St and increase the weight at i to h(0+ H (S) = 5 + 32 = 37. Consider the isthmus edge (i, j) which divides the new graph into two distinct subnetworks with 52 = k. I, m) and T2 = (I, n, o, p, q }. Clearly H(52) < H(T2) (remember that h(i) is now 37). So, we can disregard the portion of the new network involving nodes in S2. And again, we must increase the weight at i by H(S2). So, the weight at node i becomes 37 + H(S2) = 37 + 17 = 54. The new network consists only of nodes i, n, o, p , q, and edges between pairs of nodes from this set. Now consider the isthmus edge (i, n) which divides the new graph into nodes sets S3 = (i) and T3= (n, o, p, q ). 1.1(53) = 54 and H(T3) = 19. Therefore, an optimal solution to the 1-median problem is to locate at node i. Problem 4 (a) TD, the minimum spanning tree of L), has an even number of odd-degree nodes, like any undirected network. Let v be the point in D that is closest to s. We then have two cases. - v had an even degree in TD, or - v had on odd degree in TD. If v had an even degree, then the addition of the edge (s, t) will make v a node of odd degree in T. This increases the number of odd-degree nodes in the “D part” of the tree T by one. We have an odd number of odd-degree nodes in R. If v had an odd degree, then the addition of the edge (s, t) will make v a node of even degree in T. This decreases the number of odd-degree nodes in the “D part” of the tree T by 1. We then have an odd number of odd-degree nodes in R. Statistics Assignment Help
  • 22. (b) (i) H adds one more incidence to all the odd-degree nodes in T. Therefore, the graph G has no nodes of odd-degree. It then has an Euler tour. (ii) The key observation here is that because of the large additional cost K associated with each pairing of a point in D with a point in P, there will be only one pairing of an odd-degree point in D (call it z) with an odd-degree point in P (call it w) in the optimal matching. (Note that from (a) we know that there will be one “left- over” odd-degree point from D and one “left-over” odd-degree point in P, after we have finished the pair wise matching of odd-degree points in D with one another and of odd-degree points in P with one another; please also note that, by construction, s will always have a degree of 2 in T). Thus we can begin at s, find an Euler path from s to z that visits all the points in D at least once, then use the link (z, w) to go to the points in P, and then find an Euler path from w to s that visits all the points in P at least once. Problem 5 (a) Initially (in graph R) every vertex has degree 1 (either inbound or outbound). After the pair-wise matching is added (graph G2) every vertex has degree 2. Moreover, because heads have been matched with tails, all vertices belong to (possibly disjoint cycles, i.e., all vertices can be visited as part of the Eulerian tour of each separate cycle. The "doubled tree", T, adds an even number of incidences (balanced in terms of inbound vs. outbound) to some vertices and connects all the disjoint cycles into a single graph, 04. Thus, an Eulerian tour of G4 that respects the directionality of all direct edges exists. Statistics Assignment Help
  • 23. (b) When k=4, all vertices belong to a single cycle and an Eulerian tour that respects the direc-tionality of the directed edges can be constructed (see part a). Moreover, the tour is of minimum length because G4 consists of the union of It (whose length always has to be traversed in its entirety, by definition) and of M, which is the most efficient way, by definition, to connect the edges in It in a legitimate way (heads visited before tails). Problem 6 Statistics Assignment Help
  • 24. (b) From the previous question we have Statistics Assignment Help