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Mohamed Abd Elhay
Mohamed Abd Elahy
Embedded SW Engineer
o MATLAB Application & usage
o MATLAB Environment
o MATLAB Variables
o MATLAB Operations.
o MATLAB Built-in Fun.
o MATLAB Scripts.
MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory.
o High-performance language for
technical computing.
o Integrates computation,
visualization, and programming in
an easy-to-use environment where
problems and solutions are
expressed in familiar mathematical
o Math and computation
o Algorithm development
o Data acquisition
o Modeling, simulation, and prototyping
o Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
o Scientific and engineering graphics
o Application development, including
graphical user interface building
The MATLAB Application:
The MATLAB system have five main parts:
1. Development Environment.
2. The MATLAB Mathematical Function Library.
3. The MATLAB Language.
4. Graphics.
5. The MATLAB Application Program Interface (API).
Code Generation
PC-based real-time
DAQ cards
Databases and files
Financial Datafeeds
Desktop Applications
Automated Reports
StatisticsStatistics Toolbox
o Contains about 250 functions and GUI’s for:
generating random numbers, probability
distributions, hypothesis Testing, statistical
plots and covers basic statistical functionality
Signal Processing Toolbox
o An environment for signal analysis
waveform generation, statistical signal
processing, and spectral analysis
o Useful for designing filters in conjunction with
the image
processing toolbox
Signal Processing
Neural Network Toolbox
o GUI for creating, training, and simulating
neural networks.
o It has support for the most commonly used
Optimization Toolbox
o Includes standard algorithms for optimization
o Including minimax, goal attainment, and semi-
infinite minimization problems
Neural Networks
Curve Fitting Toolbox
o Allows you to develop custom linear and
nonlinear models in a graphical user interface.
o Calculates fits, residuals, confidence intervals,
first derivative and integral of the fit.
Another Tool boxes :
o Communications Toolbox
o Control System Toolbox
o Data Acquisition Toolbox
o Database Toolbox
o Image Processing Toolbox
o Filter Design Toolbox
o Financial Toolbox
o Fixed-Point Toolbox
o Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
o Simulink is a graphical, “drag and drop” environment for building
simple and complex signal and system dynamic simulations.
o It allows users to concentrate on the structure of the problem, rather
than having to worry (too much) about a programming language.
o The parameters of each signal and system block is configured by the
user (right click on block)
o Signals and systems are simulated over a particular time.
o .fig
o .m
MATLAB function, script, or class
o .mat
MATLAB binary file for storing variables
o .mex
MATLAB executable (platform specific, e.g. ".mexmac" for the Mac, ".mexglx" for Linux)
Excel / COM
File I/O
o In the mid-1970s, Cleve Moler and several colleagues
developed 2 FORTRAN libraries
• LINPACK for solving linear equations
• EISPACK for solving eigenvalue problems.
o In the late 1970s, Moler, “chairman of the computer science at the
University of New Mexico”, wanted to teach students linear
algebra courses using the LINPACK and EISPACK software.
o He didn't want them to have to program in FORTRAN, because
this wasn't the purpose of the course.
o He wrote a program that provide simple interactive access to
o Over the next years, when he visit another university, he leave a
copy of his MATLAB.
o In 1983, second generation of MATLAB was devoloped written
in C and integrated with graphics.
o The MathWorks, Inc. was founded in 1984 to market and
continue development of MATLAB.
Command history
MATLAB Disktop
Command window
• save filename % save data from workspace to a file
• load filename % loads data from file to a workspace
• who % list variables exist in the workspace
• whos % list variables in details
• clear % clear data stored in the workspace
• clc % clears the command window
• ctrl+c % To abort a command
• exit or quit % to quit MATLAB
Command window
• Through Command window:
o help command
Ex: >> help plot
o lookfor anystring
Ex: >> lookfor matrix
• Through Menus: (Using help window)
o doc command
Ex: >> doc plot
• To create a variable, simply assign a value to a name:
»myString=‘hello world’
• Variable name must start with letter.
• It is case sensitive (var1 is different from Var1).
• To Check the variable name validation ‚isvarname *name+‛
o isvarname X_001
o isvarname if
• To check the Max length supported by current MATLAB
version ‚namelengthmax‛
o MATLAB is a weakly typed language
No need to declear variables!
o MATLAB supports various types, the most often used are
64-bit double (default)
16-bit char
o Most variables are vectors or matrices of doubles or chars
o Other types are also supported:
complex, symbolic, 16-bit and 8 bit integers.
• Variable can’t have the same name of keyword
oUse ‚iskeyword‛ to list all keywords
• Built-in variables. Don’t use these names!
o i and j can be used to indicate complex numbers
o Pi has the value 3.1415
o ans stores the last unassigned value (like on a calculator)
o Inf and –Inf are positive and negative infinity
o NaN represents ‘Not a Number’
• Warning:
MATLAB allows usage of the names of the built in function.
This is dangerous since we can overwrite the meaning of a
• To check that we can use:
>> which sin ...
>> which ans < ans is a variable.
• A variable can be given a value explicitly
»a = 10
shows up in workspace!
• Or as a function of explicit values and existing variables
»c = 1.3*45-2*a
• To suppress output, end the line with a semicolon
»cooldude = 13/3;
• Like other programming languages, arrays are an important
part of MATLAB
• Two types of arrays:
1) Matrix of numbers (either double or complex)
2) Cell array of objects (more advanced data structure)
• comma or space separated values between brackets
»row = [1 2 5.4 -6.6]
»row = [1, 2, 5.4, -6.6];
• Command window:
• Workspace:
Row Vector:
• Semicolon separated values between brackets
»column = [4;2;7;4]
• Command window:
• Workspace:
Column vector:
• The difference between a row and a column vector can get by:
o Looking in the workspace
o Displaying the variable in the command window
o Using the size function
• To get a vector's length, use the length function
>> startP= 1;
>> endP= 10;
>> number_of_points= 100;
>> x= linspace (startP, endP, number_of_points)
>> step= 1;
>> x= startP : step : endP;
• Make matrices like vectors
• Element by element
» a= [1 2;3 4];
• By concatenating vectors or matrices (dimension matters)
• ones:
>> x = ones(1,7) % All elements are ones
• zeros:
>> x = zeros(1,7) % All elements are zeros
• eye:
>> Y = eye(3) % Create identity matrix 3X3
• diag:
>> x = diag([1 2 3 4],-1) % diagonal matrix with main
diagonal shift(-1)
• magic:
>> Y = magic(3) %magic square matrix 3X3
• rand:
>> z = rand(1,4) % generate random numbers
from the period [0,1] in a vector 1x4
• randint:
>> x = randint(2,3, [5,7]) % generate random integer
numbers from (5-7) in a matrix 2x3
• Arithmetic Operators: + - * /  ^ ‘
• Relational Operators: < > <= >= == ~=
• Logical Operators: Element wise & | ~
• Logical Operators: Short-circuit && ||
• Colon: (:)
Operation Orders:
Precedence Operation
1 Parentheses, innermost 1st.
2 Exponential, left to right
3 Multiplication and division, left to right
4 Addition and subtraction, left to right
• Addition and subtraction are element-wise ‛ sizes must match‛:
• All the functions that work on scalars also work on vectors
»t = [1 2 3];
»f = exp(t);
is the same as
»f = [exp(1) exp(2) exp(3)];
• Operators (* / ^) have two modes of operation:
1-element-wise :
• Use the dot: .(.*, ./, .^). ‚BOTH dimensions must match.‛
»a=[1 2 3]; b=[4;2;1];
»a.*b, a./b, a.^b all errors
»a.*b', a./b’, a.^(b’) all valid
• Operators (* / ^) have two modes of operation:
• Standard multiplication (*) is either a dot-product or an outer-
• Standard exponentiation (^) can only be done on square
matrices or scalars
• Left and right division (/ ) is same as multiplying by inverse
o min(x); max(x) % minimum; maximum elements
o sum(x); prod(x) % summation ; multiplication of all elements
o length(x); % return the length of the vector
o size(x) % return no. of row and no. of columns
o anyVector(end) % return the last element in the vector
o find(x==value) % get the indices
o [v,e]=eig(x) % eign vectors and eign values
>>x = [ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ]
o fliplr(x) % flip the vector left-right
o Z=X*Y % vectorial multiplication
o y= sin(x).*exp(-0.3*x) % element by element multiplication
o mean %Average or mean value of every column.
o transpose(A) or A’ % matrix Transpose
o sum((sum(A))')
o diag(A) % diagonal of matrix
>>x = [ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ]
»log(2), log10(0.23)
»cos(1.2), atan(-.8)
»round(1.4), floor(3.3), ceil(4.23)
»angle(i); abs(1+i);
• MATLAB indexing starts with 1, not 0
• a(n) returns the nth element
• The index argument can be a vector.
In this case, each element is looked up individually, and
returned as a vector of the same size as the index vector.
• Matrices can be indexed in two ways
using subscripts(row and column)
using linear indices(as if matrix is a vector)
Matrix indexing: subscripts or linearindices
• Picking submatrices:
• To select rows or columns of a matrix:
• To get the minimum value and its index:
»[minVal , minInd] = min(vec);
maxworks the same way
• To find any the indices of specific values or ranges
»ind = find(vec == 9);
»[ind_R,ind_C] = find(vec == 9);
»ind = find(vec > 2 & vec < 6);
>> X =[ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ]
>>X(:,2) = [] % delete the second column of X
X =
16 2 13
5 11 8
9 7 12
4 14 1
Deleting Rows & Columns:
• Scripts are
o collection of commands executed in sequence
o written in the MATLAB editor
o saved as MATLAB files (.m extension)
• To create an MATLAB file from command-line
»edit helloWorld.m.
• or click
o Anything following a % is seen as a comment
o The first contiguous comment becomes the script's help file
o Comment thoroughly to avoid wasting time later
• All variables created and modified in a script exist in the
workspace even after it has stopped running
• Generate random vector to represent the salaries of 10
employees that in range of 700-900 L.E. Then present some
statistic about these employees salaries :
o Max. Salary
o Empl. Max_ID
o Min. Salary
o Empl. Min_ID
• Generate random vector to represent the salaries of 10
employees that in range of 700-900 L.E.
close all;
Salaries =randint(1,10,[700,900]);
MaxSalary = max(Salaries); % Max. Salary
EmplMax_ID = find(Salaries==MaxSalary); %Empl. Max_ID
MinSalary = min(Salaries); %Min. Salary
EmplMin_ID = find(Salaries==MinSalary); %Empl. Min_ID
• Any variable defined as string is considered a vector of
characters, dealing with it as same as dealing with vectors.
>> str = ‘hello matlab’;
>> disp(str)
>> msgbox(str)
>> Num = input(‘Enter your number:’)
>> str = input(‘Enter your name:’,’s’)
>> str = ‘7234’
>> Num = str2num(str)
>> number = 55
>> str = num2str(number)
x = linspace(0,2*pi,200);
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y);
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Plot in 2-D:
Plot in 2-D:
• label the axes and add a title:
xlabel('x = 0:2pi')
ylabel('Sine of x')
title('Plot of the Sine Function’,'FontSize',12)
Plot in 2-D:
• Multiple Data Sets in One Graph
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y = sin(x);
y2 = sin(x-.25);
y3 = sin(x-.5);
• legend('sin(x)','sin(x-.25)','sin(x-.5)')
Plot in 2-D:
• Line color
o Color strings are 'c', 'm', 'y', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'w', 'k'.
o These correspond to cyan, magenta, yellow, red, green, blue,
white, and black.
• Line Style
• Line Marker
Plot in 2-D:
x1 = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
x2 = 0:pi/10:2*pi;
Plot in 2-D:
• All Properties Of Plot Command :
Plot in 2-D:
• Imaginary and Complex Data:
t = 0:pi/10:2*pi;
Plot the vector y with respect the vector x in
the XY plan considering style:
o Dotted line
o diamond marker
o green color
o line width of 3
Plot in 2-D:
• Adding Plots to an Existing Graph:
x1 = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
x2 = 0:pi/10:2*pi;
hold on
hold off
Plot in 2-D:
• Figure Windows
o figure
o figure(n)
where n is the number in the figure title bar.
• Multiple Plots in One Figure:
x = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
y = sin(x);
y1 = cos(x);
subplot 211
plot(x, y);
subplot 212
plot(x, y1);
• area(x, y); %% think what
happened ??!!!
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Plot on 3D:
t = 0:0.1:2*pi;
x = sin(t);
y = cos(t);
Plot surface in the 3D :
x = linspace(1,10,20);
y = linspace(1,5,10);
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(x,y);
ZZ = sin(XX)./exp(YY);
Specialized Plotting Functions:
polar : to make polar plots
•bar : to make bar graphs
•stairs : plot piecewise constant functions
•fill : draws and fills a polygon with specified vertices
»fill([0 1 0.5],[0 0 1],'r');
Axes Control:
• For tow-dimensional graphs:
>>axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])
• For three-dimensional graphs:
>>axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax])
• To reenable MATLAB automatic limit selection:
>>axis auto
• makes the x-axis and y-axis the same length:
>>axis square
Axes Control:
• Makes the axes visible (This is the default):
>>axis on
• Makes the axes invisible:
>>axis off
• Turns the grid lines on:
>>grid on
• Turns them back off again:
>>grid off
Plot the vector y with respect the vector x in
the XY plan considering style:
o Dotted line
o diamond marker
o green color
o line width of 3
Relational Operators:
•MATLAB uses mostlystandard relational operators
 equal ==
 notequal ~=
 greater than >
 less than <
 greater or equal >=
 less or equal <=
•Logical operatorselementwiseshort-circuit (scalars)
And &&
Or ||
Xor xor
•Boolean values: zero is false, nonzero is true
Relational Operators:
•MATLAB uses mostlystandard relational operators
 equal ==
 notequal ~=
 greater than >
 less than <
 greater or equal >=
 less or equal <=
•Logical operatorselementwiseshort-circuit (scalars)
And &&&
Or |||
Xor xor
•Boolean values: zero is false, nonzero is true
If / else / elseif :
• Basic flow-control, common to all languages
• MATLAB syntax is somewhat unique
• No need for parentheses : command blocks are between reserved
If / else / elseif :
a= input( ‘A‘ )
if rem(a,2) ==0
msgbox(‘a is even’);
If / else / elseif :
a= input( ‘A’ )
if rem(a,2) ==0
msgbox(‘a is even’);
msgbox(‘a is odd’);
If / else / elseif :
if y < 0
M = y + 3;
elseif y > 5
M = y – 3;
M = 0;
Switch case:
switch A
case 'hi'
msgbox('he says hi')
case 'bye'
msgbox('he says bye')
Switch case:
• SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant.
• Unlike the C language switch statement, MATLAB switch does not
fall through.
If the first case statement is case statements do not execute.
• So, break statements are not required.
For Loop :
• For loops : use for a known number of iterations
• MATLAB syntax:
• The loop variable:
o Is defined as a vector
o Is a scalar within the command block
o Does not have to have consecutive values (but it's usually cleaner
if they're consecutive)
• The command block:
o Anything between the for line and the end
For Loop :
for n = 1:32
r(n) = n;
• Nested For Loop
for m = 1: 5
for n = 1: 7
A(m,n) = 1/(m+n-1);
While loop:
• The while is like a more general for loop:
• Don't need to know number of iterations
• The command block will execute while the conditional expression is
o Beware of infinite loops!
While loop:
x = 1;
while (x^2<10)
plot(x,y,’or’); hold on
x = x+1;
• The continue statement passes control to the next iteration of the loop
• Skipping any remaining statements in the body of the loop.
• In nested loops, continue passes control to the next iteration of the
loop enclosing it.
for m=1:5
if (m==3)
• The continue statement passes control to the next iteration of the loop
• Skipping any remaining statements in the body of the loop.
• In nested loops, continue passes control to the next iteration of the
loop enclosing it.
• Example: x=1;
for m=1:5
if (m==3)
• The break statement lets you exit early from a for loop or while loop.
• In nested loops, break exits from the innermost loop only.
• Example:
for m=1:5
if (m==3)
Error Trapping:
A= input( ‘ Matrix = ‘ )
B = inv (A);
msgbox(‘Matrix is not square’)
User-defined Functions:
Functions look exactly like scripts, but for ONE difference
Functions must have a function declaration.
No need for return :
MATLAB 'returns' the variables whose names match those in the
function declaration.
User-defined Functions:
User-defined Functions:
MATLAB provides three basic types of variables:
Local Variables:
Each MATLAB function has its own local variables.
Global Variables:
If several functions, and possibly the base workspace, all
declare a particular name as global, then they all share a
single copy of that variable.
Persistent Variables:
You can declare and use them within M-file functions only.
Only the function in which the variables are declared is
allowed access to it.
User-defined Functions:
%this fun. To sum 2 no’s.
function x=SUM2(a,b)
global z
%this fun. To sum 2 no’s.
function x=SUM2(a,b)
Matrix :
1-One dimension matrix
Only one row or one column (vector)
2-Two dimensions
Has rows and columns
3-three dimension matrix (multidimensional array)
Has rows, columns and pages.
Matrix :
Create the 3D matrix
>> M=ones(4,4,4)
Matrix :
Cell Array:
• Used to store different data type (classes) like vectors, matrices,
strings,<etc in single variable.
• Variables declaration:
>> X=3
>> Y=[1 2 3;4 5 6]
>> Z(2,5)=15
>> A(4,6)=[3 4 5] %…..(wrong)
• cell array:
>> C{1}=[2 3 5 10 20]
>> C{2}=‘hello’
>> C{3}=eye(3)
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
2 3 5 10 20 h e l l o
Cell Array:
Z{2,5} = linspace(0,1,10)
Z{1,3} = randint(5,5,[0 100])
Z{1,3}(4,2) =77
• The default for cell array elements is empty
• The default for matrix elements is zero
Structure Array:
• Variables with named ‚data container‛ called fields.
• The field can contain any kind of data.
• Example:
>> Student.age=20;
>> Student.grade=‘Excellent’;
name grade
Structure Array:
>> manager = struct ('Name', 'Ahmed', 'ID', 10, 'Salary', 1000)
manager =
Name: 'Ahmed'
ID: 10
Salary: 1000
Structure Array:
>> manager(3)=struct ('Name', 'Ali','ID',20, 'Salary',2000)
manager =
1x3 struct array with fields:
Structure Array:
• The need of Structure Array
x.y.z = 3
x.y.w = [ 1 2 3]
x.p = ‘hello’
• Note: x can be array
Symbolic Variable:
• syms x t
• x = sin(t)*exp(-0.3*t);
• sym(2)/sym(5)
• ans =
• 2/5
• sym(2)/sym(5) + sym(1)/sym(3)
• ans =
• 11/15
findsym :
>> syms a b n t x z
>> f = x^n; g = sin(a*t + b);
>> findsym(f)
• ans =n, x
>> findsym(g)
• ans =a, b, t
subs :
>> f = 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1
>> subs(f,2)
ans =3
>> syms x y
>> f = x^2*y + 5*x*sqrt(y)
>> subs(f, x, 3)
ans = 9*y+15*y^(1/2)
>> subs(f, y, 3)
ans = 3*x^2+5*x*3^(1/2)
Symbolic Matrix:
>> syms a b c
>> A = [a b c; b c a; c a b]
A =[ a, b, c ]
[ b, c, a ]
[ c, a, b ]
>> sum(A(1,:))
ans = a+b+c
>> sum(A(1,:)) == sum(A(:,2)) % This is a logical test.
ans =1
• Simplify the expression.
>> syms x
>> m = sin(x)/cos(x)
>> simple(m)
• Show expression in a user friendly format
>> m = sin(x)/cos(x)
>> pretty(m)
Symbolic Plots:
• ezplot(...)
• Symbolic expression plot in the 2D
>> y = sin(x)*exp(-0.3*x)
>> ezplot(y,0,10)
• ezmesh(..)
• Symbolic expression plot in the 3D
>> z = sin(a)*exp(-0.3*a)/(cos(b)+2)
>> ezmesh(z,[0 10 0 10])
>> syms h n x
>> limit( (cos(x+h) - cos(x))/h,h,0 )
Differentiation diff :
• Numerical Difference or Symbolic Differentiation
>> z = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];
>> dz = diff(z)
>> Syms x t
>> x=t^4;
>> xd3 = diff(x,3)
Differentiation diff(…) :
>> syms s t
>> f = sin(s*t)
>> diff(f,t)
ans = cos(s*t)*s
>> diff(f,t,2)
ans =-sin(s*t)*s^2
>> diff(y)./diff(x)
Integration int(…)
• Symbolic integration
>> int(y)
• Integration from 0 to 1
>> int(x,0,1)
• Integration from 0 to 2
>> int(x,0,2)
solve equation solve(...):
>> syms x y real
>> eq1 = x+y-5
>> eq2 = x*y-6
>> [xa, ya] = solve(eq1, eq2)
>> answer = solve(eq1, eq2)
>> syms x y real
>> s = solve('x+y=9','x*y=20')
Differential Equations dsolve(..):
• Symbolic solution of ordinary differential equations
>> syms x real
>> diff_eq_sol = dsolve('m*D2x+b*Dx+k*x=0','Dx(0)=-1','x(0)=2')
>> syms m b k real
>> subs(diff_eq_sol, [m,b,k], [2,5,100])
• MIT : Introduction to MATLAB
MATLAB Programming

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MATLAB Programming

  • 2. Mohamed Abd Elahy Embedded SW Engineer Email/
  • 3.
  • 4. o MATLAB Application & usage o MATLAB Environment o MATLAB Variables o MATLAB Operations. o MATLAB Built-in Fun. o MATLAB Scripts.
  • 5. MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. o High-performance language for technical computing. o Integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation.
  • 6. o Math and computation o Algorithm development o Data acquisition o Modeling, simulation, and prototyping o Data analysis, exploration, and visualization o Scientific and engineering graphics o Application development, including graphical user interface building The MATLAB Application:
  • 7. The MATLAB system have five main parts: 1. Development Environment. 2. The MATLAB Mathematical Function Library. 3. The MATLAB Language. 4. Graphics. 5. The MATLAB Application Program Interface (API). Code Generation Blocksets PC-based real-time systems StateflowStateflowStateflow Toolboxes DAQ cards Instruments Databases and files Financial Datafeeds Desktop Applications Automated Reports
  • 8. StatisticsStatistics Toolbox o Contains about 250 functions and GUI’s for: generating random numbers, probability distributions, hypothesis Testing, statistical plots and covers basic statistical functionality Signal Processing Toolbox o An environment for signal analysis waveform generation, statistical signal processing, and spectral analysis o Useful for designing filters in conjunction with the image processing toolbox Signal Processing
  • 9. Neural Network Toolbox o GUI for creating, training, and simulating neural networks. o It has support for the most commonly used supervised Optimization Toolbox o Includes standard algorithms for optimization o Including minimax, goal attainment, and semi- infinite minimization problems Neural Networks Optimization
  • 10. Curve Fitting Toolbox o Allows you to develop custom linear and nonlinear models in a graphical user interface. o Calculates fits, residuals, confidence intervals, first derivative and integral of the fit. Another Tool boxes : o Communications Toolbox o Control System Toolbox o Data Acquisition Toolbox o Database Toolbox o Image Processing Toolbox o Filter Design Toolbox o Financial Toolbox o Fixed-Point Toolbox o Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
  • 11. 11/14 o Simulink is a graphical, “drag and drop” environment for building simple and complex signal and system dynamic simulations. o It allows users to concentrate on the structure of the problem, rather than having to worry (too much) about a programming language. o The parameters of each signal and system block is configured by the user (right click on block) o Signals and systems are simulated over a particular time. vs,vc t
  • 12. o .fig MATLAB Figure o .m MATLAB function, script, or class o .mat MATLAB binary file for storing variables o .mex MATLAB executable (platform specific, e.g. ".mexmac" for the Mac, ".mexglx" for Linux)
  • 13. Excel / COM File I/O C/C++ Java Perl
  • 15. o In the mid-1970s, Cleve Moler and several colleagues developed 2 FORTRAN libraries • LINPACK for solving linear equations • EISPACK for solving eigenvalue problems. o In the late 1970s, Moler, “chairman of the computer science at the University of New Mexico”, wanted to teach students linear algebra courses using the LINPACK and EISPACK software. o He didn't want them to have to program in FORTRAN, because this wasn't the purpose of the course.
  • 16. o He wrote a program that provide simple interactive access to LINPACK and EISPACK. o Over the next years, when he visit another university, he leave a copy of his MATLAB. o In 1983, second generation of MATLAB was devoloped written in C and integrated with graphics. o The MathWorks, Inc. was founded in 1984 to market and continue development of MATLAB.
  • 18. Command window • save filename % save data from workspace to a file • load filename % loads data from file to a workspace • who % list variables exist in the workspace • whos % list variables in details • clear % clear data stored in the workspace • clc % clears the command window • ctrl+c % To abort a command • exit or quit % to quit MATLAB
  • 19. Command window • Through Command window: o help command Ex: >> help plot o lookfor anystring Ex: >> lookfor matrix • Through Menus: (Using help window) o doc command Ex: >> doc plot
  • 20. • To create a variable, simply assign a value to a name: »var1=3.14 »myString=‘hello world’ • Variable name must start with letter. • It is case sensitive (var1 is different from Var1). • To Check the variable name validation ‚isvarname *name+‛ o isvarname X_001 o isvarname if • To check the Max length supported by current MATLAB version ‚namelengthmax‛
  • 21. o MATLAB is a weakly typed language No need to declear variables! o MATLAB supports various types, the most often used are »3.84 64-bit double (default) »‘a’ 16-bit char o Most variables are vectors or matrices of doubles or chars o Other types are also supported: complex, symbolic, 16-bit and 8 bit integers.
  • 22. • Variable can’t have the same name of keyword oUse ‚iskeyword‛ to list all keywords • Built-in variables. Don’t use these names! o i and j can be used to indicate complex numbers o Pi has the value 3.1415 o ans stores the last unassigned value (like on a calculator) o Inf and –Inf are positive and negative infinity o NaN represents ‘Not a Number’ Variables
  • 23. • Warning: MATLAB allows usage of the names of the built in function. This is dangerous since we can overwrite the meaning of a function. • To check that we can use: >> which sin ... C:MATLABtoolboxmatlabelfun... >> which ans < ans is a variable. Variables
  • 24. • A variable can be given a value explicitly »a = 10 shows up in workspace! • Or as a function of explicit values and existing variables »c = 1.3*45-2*a • To suppress output, end the line with a semicolon »cooldude = 13/3; 1-Scaler:
  • 25. • Like other programming languages, arrays are an important part of MATLAB • Two types of arrays: 1) Matrix of numbers (either double or complex) 2) Cell array of objects (more advanced data structure) 2-Array:
  • 26. • comma or space separated values between brackets »row = [1 2 5.4 -6.6] »row = [1, 2, 5.4, -6.6]; • Command window: • Workspace: Row Vector:
  • 27. • Semicolon separated values between brackets »column = [4;2;7;4] • Command window: • Workspace: Column vector:
  • 28. • The difference between a row and a column vector can get by: o Looking in the workspace o Displaying the variable in the command window o Using the size function • To get a vector's length, use the length function Vectors:
  • 29. >> startP= 1; >> endP= 10; >> number_of_points= 100; >> x= linspace (startP, endP, number_of_points) >> step= 1; >> x= startP : step : endP; Vectors:
  • 30. • Make matrices like vectors • Element by element » a= [1 2;3 4]; • By concatenating vectors or matrices (dimension matters) Matrix:
  • 31. • ones: >> x = ones(1,7) % All elements are ones • zeros: >> x = zeros(1,7) % All elements are zeros • eye: >> Y = eye(3) % Create identity matrix 3X3 • diag: >> x = diag([1 2 3 4],-1) % diagonal matrix with main diagonal shift(-1)
  • 32. • magic: >> Y = magic(3) %magic square matrix 3X3 • rand: >> z = rand(1,4) % generate random numbers from the period [0,1] in a vector 1x4 • randint: >> x = randint(2,3, [5,7]) % generate random integer numbers from (5-7) in a matrix 2x3
  • 33. • Arithmetic Operators: + - * / ^ ‘ • Relational Operators: < > <= >= == ~= • Logical Operators: Element wise & | ~ • Logical Operators: Short-circuit && || • Colon: (:) Operation Orders: Precedence Operation 1 Parentheses, innermost 1st. 2 Exponential, left to right 3 Multiplication and division, left to right 4 Addition and subtraction, left to right
  • 34. • Addition and subtraction are element-wise ‛ sizes must match‛: • All the functions that work on scalars also work on vectors »t = [1 2 3]; »f = exp(t); is the same as »f = [exp(1) exp(2) exp(3)];
  • 35. • Operators (* / ^) have two modes of operation: 1-element-wise : • Use the dot: .(.*, ./, .^). ‚BOTH dimensions must match.‛ »a=[1 2 3]; b=[4;2;1]; »a.*b, a./b, a.^b all errors »a.*b', a./b’, a.^(b’) all valid
  • 36. • Operators (* / ^) have two modes of operation: 2-standard: • Standard multiplication (*) is either a dot-product or an outer- product • Standard exponentiation (^) can only be done on square matrices or scalars • Left and right division (/ ) is same as multiplying by inverse
  • 37. o min(x); max(x) % minimum; maximum elements o sum(x); prod(x) % summation ; multiplication of all elements o length(x); % return the length of the vector o size(x) % return no. of row and no. of columns o anyVector(end) % return the last element in the vector o find(x==value) % get the indices o [v,e]=eig(x) % eign vectors and eign values Exercise: >>x = [ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ]
  • 38. o fliplr(x) % flip the vector left-right o Z=X*Y % vectorial multiplication o y= sin(x).*exp(-0.3*x) % element by element multiplication o mean %Average or mean value of every column. o transpose(A) or A’ % matrix Transpose o sum((sum(A))') o diag(A) % diagonal of matrix Exercise: >>x = [ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ]
  • 39. »sqrt(2) »log(2), log10(0.23) »cos(1.2), atan(-.8) »exp(2+4*i) »round(1.4), floor(3.3), ceil(4.23) »angle(i); abs(1+i); Exercise: USE The MATLAB help
  • 40. • MATLAB indexing starts with 1, not 0 • a(n) returns the nth element • The index argument can be a vector. In this case, each element is looked up individually, and returned as a vector of the same size as the index vector. Indexing:
  • 41. • Matrices can be indexed in two ways using subscripts(row and column) using linear indices(as if matrix is a vector) Matrix indexing: subscripts or linearindices • Picking submatrices: Indexing:
  • 42. • To select rows or columns of a matrix: Indexing:
  • 43. • To get the minimum value and its index: »[minVal , minInd] = min(vec); maxworks the same way • To find any the indices of specific values or ranges »ind = find(vec == 9); »[ind_R,ind_C] = find(vec == 9); »ind = find(vec > 2 & vec < 6); Indexing:
  • 44. >> X =[ 16 3 2 13 ; 5 10 11 8 ; 9 6 7 12 ; 4 15 14 1 ] >>X(:,2) = [] % delete the second column of X X = 16 2 13 5 11 8 9 7 12 4 14 1 Deleting Rows & Columns:
  • 45. • Scripts are o collection of commands executed in sequence o written in the MATLAB editor o saved as MATLAB files (.m extension) • To create an MATLAB file from command-line »edit helloWorld.m. • or click
  • 46.
  • 47. • COMMENT! o Anything following a % is seen as a comment o The first contiguous comment becomes the script's help file o Comment thoroughly to avoid wasting time later • All variables created and modified in a script exist in the workspace even after it has stopped running
  • 48. • Generate random vector to represent the salaries of 10 employees that in range of 700-900 L.E. Then present some statistic about these employees salaries : o Max. Salary o Empl. Max_ID o Min. Salary o Empl. Min_ID
  • 49. • Generate random vector to represent the salaries of 10 employees that in range of 700-900 L.E. clear; clc; close all; Salaries =randint(1,10,[700,900]); MaxSalary = max(Salaries); % Max. Salary EmplMax_ID = find(Salaries==MaxSalary); %Empl. Max_ID MinSalary = min(Salaries); %Min. Salary EmplMin_ID = find(Salaries==MinSalary); %Empl. Min_ID
  • 50. • Any variable defined as string is considered a vector of characters, dealing with it as same as dealing with vectors. >> str = ‘hello matlab’; >> disp(str) >> msgbox(str) >> Num = input(‘Enter your number:’) >> str = input(‘Enter your name:’,’s’) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> str = ‘7234’ >> Num = str2num(str) >> number = 55 >> str = num2str(number)
  • 51. x = linspace(0,2*pi,200); y = sin(x); plot(x, y); 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Plot in 2-D:
  • 52. Plot in 2-D: • label the axes and add a title: xlabel('x = 0:2pi') ylabel('Sine of x') title('Plot of the Sine Function’,'FontSize',12)
  • 53. Plot in 2-D: • Multiple Data Sets in One Graph x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; y = sin(x); y2 = sin(x-.25); y3 = sin(x-.5); plot(x,y,x,y2,x,y3) • legend('sin(x)','sin(x-.25)','sin(x-.5)')
  • 54. Plot in 2-D: • Line color plot(x,y,'color_style_marker') o Color strings are 'c', 'm', 'y', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'w', 'k'. o These correspond to cyan, magenta, yellow, red, green, blue, white, and black. • Line Style plot(x,y,'color_style_marker') • Line Marker USE MATLAB HELP
  • 55. Plot in 2-D: Example: x1 = 0:pi/100:2*pi; x2 = 0:pi/10:2*pi; plot(x1,sin(x1),'r:',x2,sin(x2),'r+')
  • 56. Plot in 2-D: • All Properties Of Plot Command : plot(x,y,'--rs',< 'LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'MarkerSize',10)
  • 57. Plot in 2-D: • Imaginary and Complex Data: t = 0:pi/10:2*pi; Z=exp(i*t); plot(real(z),imag(z)) OR plot(z)
  • 58. Exercise: Plot the vector y with respect the vector x in the XY plan considering style: o Dotted line o diamond marker o green color o line width of 3
  • 59. Plot in 2-D: • Adding Plots to an Existing Graph: x1 = 0:pi/100:2*pi; x2 = 0:pi/10:2*pi; plot(x1,sin(x1),'r:‘) hold on plot(x2,sin(x2),'r+') hold off
  • 60. Plot in 2-D: • Figure Windows o figure o figure(n) where n is the number in the figure title bar. • Multiple Plots in One Figure: x = linspace(0,2*pi,100); y = sin(x); y1 = cos(x); subplot 211 plot(x, y); subplot 212 plot(x, y1); • area(x, y); %% think what happened ??!!! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
  • 61. Plot on 3D: t = 0:0.1:2*pi; x = sin(t); y = cos(t); plot3(x,y,t) -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 62. Plot surface in the 3D : x = linspace(1,10,20); y = linspace(1,5,10); [XX,YY] = meshgrid(x,y); ZZ = sin(XX)./exp(YY); mesh(ZZ) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
  • 63. Specialized Plotting Functions: polar : to make polar plots »polar(0:0.01:2*pi,cos((0:0.01:2*pi)*2)) •bar : to make bar graphs »bar(1:10,rand(1,10)); •stairs : plot piecewise constant functions »stairs(1:10,rand(1,10)); •fill : draws and fills a polygon with specified vertices »fill([0 1 0.5],[0 0 1],'r');
  • 64. Axes Control: • For tow-dimensional graphs: >>axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) • For three-dimensional graphs: >>axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]) • To reenable MATLAB automatic limit selection: >>axis auto • makes the x-axis and y-axis the same length: >>axis square
  • 65. Axes Control: • Makes the axes visible (This is the default): >>axis on • Makes the axes invisible: >>axis off • Turns the grid lines on: >>grid on • Turns them back off again: >>grid off
  • 66. Exercise: Plot the vector y with respect the vector x in the XY plan considering style: o Dotted line o diamond marker o green color o line width of 3
  • 67. Relational Operators: •MATLAB uses mostlystandard relational operators  equal ==  notequal ~=  greater than >  less than <  greater or equal >=  less or equal <= •Logical operatorselementwiseshort-circuit (scalars) And && Or || Not~ Xor xor •Boolean values: zero is false, nonzero is true
  • 68. Relational Operators: •MATLAB uses mostlystandard relational operators  equal ==  notequal ~=  greater than >  less than <  greater or equal >=  less or equal <= •Logical operatorselementwiseshort-circuit (scalars) And &&& Or ||| Not~ Xor xor •Boolean values: zero is false, nonzero is true
  • 69. If / else / elseif : • Basic flow-control, common to all languages • MATLAB syntax is somewhat unique • No need for parentheses : command blocks are between reserved words
  • 70. If / else / elseif : a= input( ‘A‘ ) if rem(a,2) ==0 msgbox(‘a is even’); end
  • 71. If / else / elseif : a= input( ‘A’ ) if rem(a,2) ==0 msgbox(‘a is even’); else msgbox(‘a is odd’); end
  • 72. If / else / elseif : if y < 0 M = y + 3; elseif y > 5 M = y – 3; else M = 0; End M
  • 73. Switch case: A='bye'; switch A case 'hi' msgbox('he says hi') case 'bye' msgbox('he says bye') otherwise msgbox('nothing') end
  • 74. Switch case: • SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant. • Unlike the C language switch statement, MATLAB switch does not fall through. If the first case statement is case statements do not execute. • So, break statements are not required.
  • 75. For Loop : • For loops : use for a known number of iterations • MATLAB syntax: • The loop variable: o Is defined as a vector o Is a scalar within the command block o Does not have to have consecutive values (but it's usually cleaner if they're consecutive) • The command block: o Anything between the for line and the end
  • 76. For Loop : for n = 1:32 r(n) = n; end r • Nested For Loop for m = 1: 5 for n = 1: 7 A(m,n) = 1/(m+n-1); end end
  • 77. While loop: • The while is like a more general for loop: • Don't need to know number of iterations • The command block will execute while the conditional expression is true o Beware of infinite loops!
  • 78. While loop: x = 1; while (x^2<10) y=x^2; plot(x,y,’or’); hold on x = x+1; end
  • 79. Continue: • The continue statement passes control to the next iteration of the loop • Skipping any remaining statements in the body of the loop. • In nested loops, continue passes control to the next iteration of the loop enclosing it. x=1; for m=1:5 if (m==3) continue; end x=m+x; end x
  • 80. Continue: • The continue statement passes control to the next iteration of the loop • Skipping any remaining statements in the body of the loop. • In nested loops, continue passes control to the next iteration of the loop enclosing it. • Example: x=1; for m=1:5 if (m==3) continue; end x=m+x; end x
  • 81. Break: • The break statement lets you exit early from a for loop or while loop. • In nested loops, break exits from the innermost loop only. • Example: x=1; for m=1:5 if (m==3) break; end x=m+x; end x
  • 82. Error Trapping: A= input( ‘ Matrix = ‘ ) try B = inv (A); catch msgbox(‘Matrix is not square’) end
  • 83. User-defined Functions: Functions look exactly like scripts, but for ONE difference Functions must have a function declaration. No need for return : MATLAB 'returns' the variables whose names match those in the function declaration.
  • 85. User-defined Functions: MATLAB provides three basic types of variables: Local Variables: Each MATLAB function has its own local variables. Global Variables: If several functions, and possibly the base workspace, all declare a particular name as global, then they all share a single copy of that variable. Persistent Variables: You can declare and use them within M-file functions only. Only the function in which the variables are declared is allowed access to it.
  • 86. User-defined Functions: %this fun. To sum 2 no’s. function x=SUM2(a,b) global z x=a+b+z; end %this fun. To sum 2 no’s. function x=SUM2(a,b) x=a+b; end
  • 87. Matrix : 1-One dimension matrix Only one row or one column (vector) 2-Two dimensions Has rows and columns 3-three dimension matrix (multidimensional array) Has rows, columns and pages.
  • 88. Matrix : Create the 3D matrix >> M=ones(4,4,4)
  • 90. Cell Array: • Used to store different data type (classes) like vectors, matrices, strings,<etc in single variable. • Variables declaration: >> X=3 >> Y=[1 2 3;4 5 6] >> Z(2,5)=15 >> A(4,6)=[3 4 5] %…..(wrong) • cell array: >> C{1}=[2 3 5 10 20] >> C{2}=‘hello’ >> C{3}=eye(3) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 C 2 3 5 10 20 h e l l o
  • 91. Cell Array: Z{2,5} = linspace(0,1,10) Z{1,3} = randint(5,5,[0 100]) Z{1,3}(4,2) =77 Note: • The default for cell array elements is empty • The default for matrix elements is zero 77 Z
  • 92. Structure Array: • Variables with named ‚data container‛ called fields. • The field can contain any kind of data. • Example: >>‘Ali’; >> Student.age=20; >> Student.grade=‘Excellent’; Student age name grade
  • 93. Structure Array: >> manager = struct ('Name', 'Ahmed', 'ID', 10, 'Salary', 1000) manager = Name: 'Ahmed' ID: 10 Salary: 1000
  • 94. Structure Array: >> manager(3)=struct ('Name', 'Ali','ID',20, 'Salary',2000) manager = 1x3 struct array with fields: Name ID Salary
  • 95. Structure Array: • The need of Structure Array x.y.z = 3 x.y.w = [ 1 2 3] x.p = ‘hello’ • Note: x can be array
  • 96. Symbolic Variable: • syms x t • x = sin(t)*exp(-0.3*t); • sym(2)/sym(5) • ans = • 2/5 • sym(2)/sym(5) + sym(1)/sym(3) • ans = • 11/15
  • 97. findsym : >> syms a b n t x z >> f = x^n; g = sin(a*t + b); >> findsym(f) • ans =n, x >> findsym(g) • ans =a, b, t
  • 98. subs : >> f = 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1 >> subs(f,2) ans =3 >> syms x y >> f = x^2*y + 5*x*sqrt(y) >> subs(f, x, 3) ans = 9*y+15*y^(1/2) >> subs(f, y, 3) ans = 3*x^2+5*x*3^(1/2)
  • 99. Symbolic Matrix: >> syms a b c >> A = [a b c; b c a; c a b] A =[ a, b, c ] [ b, c, a ] [ c, a, b ] >> sum(A(1,:)) ans = a+b+c >> sum(A(1,:)) == sum(A(:,2)) % This is a logical test. ans =1
  • 100. Simple: • Simplify the expression. >> syms x >> m = sin(x)/cos(x) >> simple(m) • Show expression in a user friendly format >> m = sin(x)/cos(x) >> pretty(m) Pretty:
  • 101. Symbolic Plots: • ezplot(...) • Symbolic expression plot in the 2D >> y = sin(x)*exp(-0.3*x) >> ezplot(y,0,10) • ezmesh(..) • Symbolic expression plot in the 3D >> z = sin(a)*exp(-0.3*a)/(cos(b)+2) >> ezmesh(z,[0 10 0 10])
  • 102. Limit: >> syms h n x >> limit( (cos(x+h) - cos(x))/h,h,0 )
  • 103. Differentiation diff : • Numerical Difference or Symbolic Differentiation >> z = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]; >> dz = diff(z) >> Syms x t >> x=t^4; >> xd3 = diff(x,3)
  • 104. Differentiation diff(…) : >> syms s t >> f = sin(s*t) >> diff(f,t) ans = cos(s*t)*s >> diff(f,t,2) ans =-sin(s*t)*s^2 >> diff(y)./diff(x)
  • 105. Integration int(…) • Symbolic integration >> int(y) • Integration from 0 to 1 >> int(x,0,1) • Integration from 0 to 2 >> int(x,0,2)
  • 106. solve equation solve(...): >> syms x y real >> eq1 = x+y-5 >> eq2 = x*y-6 >> [xa, ya] = solve(eq1, eq2) OR >> answer = solve(eq1, eq2) answer.x answer.y >> syms x y real >> s = solve('x+y=9','x*y=20')
  • 107. Differential Equations dsolve(..): • Symbolic solution of ordinary differential equations >> syms x real >> diff_eq_sol = dsolve('m*D2x+b*Dx+k*x=0','Dx(0)=-1','x(0)=2') >> syms m b k real >> subs(diff_eq_sol, [m,b,k], [2,5,100])
  • 108. • • ITI MATLAB Course • MIT : Introduction to MATLAB