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Volume - 2 • Issue-2 • July - 2018
Monsoon Special !!!
	 With monsoon knocking on the doors, it’s time to bring out the hidden child in you to soak into the happiness
of nature and its mist. Last week I was a part of an Activity for the children between the age group of 8 and 14. It was an
activity with several interesting materials adopted to get a child acquainted with simple yet exciting things in life. One
of the activities included making a paper boat. All the participants were given a sheet of paper and were asked to make
a paper boat out of it, which they would later take home and set sailing during the rains. Out of curiosity and to test
my childhood memory I borrowed a sheet of paper for myself and decided to make a paper boat. Alas! I went blank. I
had forgotten to make a paper boat, which once happened to be my primary source of enjoyment during monsoon.
No wonder, the kids participating in the camp too drew a blank face with only a handful of them emerging successful.
I guess their parents also had forgotten the childhood art of making a paper boat, just as I did. How could we expect
the mobile-savvy kids to know it?
	 Every individual, irrespective of age or which strata of the society he belongs to, has still a child hidden
somewhere deep within. With the passage of time and day-to-day responsibilities, that child seems to have taken a back seat in most of us. As adults we don’t
make paper boats anymore, we think so much before accompanying our children to get drenched into the first monsoon showers. Many prefer to stay indoors
during rains rather than take a stroll down to enjoy gushing of the water or breathe that dampness in the mud and its aroma all around. Nature has continued to
bless us with same natural delight as it did when we were kids. What made us change then? Why can’t we today, just for once make a small paper boat and run
across to the stream of water nearest to us and compete with several kids already playing out there. Why can’t we run faster
than our children out of the house, seeing the first monsoon showers embracing the mother Earth from heaven?
	 Friends, it’s time to unleash once again that child residing in one of the remotest corners of your individuality. Set it free for
once this monsoon and the child will help you see many more. So go out and breathe… and yes.. don’t forget to carry your
	 	 Our country will celebrate 71st
Independence Day on 15th
August. Do write to us articles, poems on the topic' What
Freedom means to Me' at The last date is 5th
August 2018.
Navneet Arora Biswas
Content Manager
mail us your answer,
Format: Name, Age, and Class, SID No.
Your selfies are a must.
Mail us at
Share Your Thoughts
If You wrote a book, what would it be about?
in 25 words, by 5th
August 2018, with ‘Share your Opinion’ in the
subject line.
Share Your Opinion Where Zebarites Speak their Mind.
What would you invent to make the world a better Place?
I will invent a paper making
machine which will use less
I will invent a medical shirt. The shirt will have a fabric
which has nano sensors. It will diagnose any disease from
a common cold to high blood pressure. The shirt will be
connected with the mobile and will remind you to have your
I will invent environment
friendly plastic.
I would like to invent 'Solar Air Conditioner',
which will use solar energy during the day
and solar battery device which would store
energy to use in the night.
The ability to read quickly with
understanding is an invaluable skill, which
once mastered in childhood can be a source
of great enjoyment and continuous learning
into adulthood. I have listed some methods
to make reading interesting for the children
right from their pre-school.
	 Look and Say Method:- This
methodology involves the learning of new
words and imprinting them into the long-
term memory of the child. The belief is that
words, like pictures, are symbols. In this
method, the child learns to read words
before they learn the
Print the word ‘BAT’
and ‘CAT’ on two flash
cards. You can also
use regular cardboard
at home, and with a
marker, you can write
the words on the cards.
Show the cards to the
child and tell him/ her
what each card says. If possible use pictures
in the flash card along with the words. It will
help the child in relating the written word
with the image.
Each child can have a card with his name
on it at home. You can even make the cards
of their friend's name, in this way the child
will learn his name, as well as his friend's
name too. This process develops the visual
recognition of words that children need to
learn to become fluent readers.
Label the important things at home:-
Paste flashcards on them. For example chair,
table, door, window, cupboard etc. Practise
reading those flash cards with your child at
	 Create a story wall:- Discuss a story
with your child before they start any activity
– such as working with clay, painting, collage
etc. 	 Your child may paint or make clay
models related to the story. Choose the ones
that give the primary sequence of the event
of the stories. Display them on the wall. You
can write simple sentences under each one,
and your child will be able to read the entire
			Make your
storybook:- Simple
pictures of a story can be
given to the child to draw/
trace, colour, and paste
activity along with simple
You can make a family
pictures of the entire family on each page
and writing one line for each family member.
For example page 1-‘ This is my Mummy’ Her
name is …. Page 2- ‘This is my Daddy’ His
name is …, Page 3 ‘ This is my pet.’
Contrary to popular belief, love of books and
reading doesn't come naturally to children.
They have to be led into the world of books
and reading by parents and teachers. As an
eminent educationist famously remarked,
"Few children learn to love books by
themselves. Someone has to lure them
into the wonderful world of the written
word; someone has to show them the
Ms. Pratima Patell - Academic Advisor
International YOGA DAY and
Music and Yoga are the rhythm and discipline of life. We saw a beautiful amalgamation of the two on 21st
June,a day
that celebrates both Yoga and Music.
Students of Zebar School celebrated the day in their campus with vivid activities. A much deserved and full-fledged
celebration was kicked into gear with a special assembly to highlight the beneficial effects of music and yoga.
Cleaning Toy Cars
and Bikes
Concept of 'After'
Monaco Topping
and Learning
through Pulses
the Ball
Handprints activity
in Playgroup
Myself Activity Exploring Nature
Zebar Beats Plastic Pollution,
Adopts Eco-Friendly Snack Bowls
Zebar Pre-Primary School provides healthy and nutritious
snacks to the children. In the wake of rising awareness on plastic
pollution the management decided to withdraw plastic bowls
from the campus.
Environmental-friendly disposable bowls have been introduced
in Zebar pre-primary school. These bowls are biodegradable and
toxic free. Made from materials like palm leaves, sugar cane, corn
or bamboo, these bowls have no toxins to leach into the child’s
food. They are sturdy enough to hold hot food and liquids.
The pre-primary section conducted activities such as tree
plantation drive, sessions on using single-use plastic and
educational games on best environmental practices to sensitise
the children towards environment.
Ms. Amoli Patell,Vice-Principal of Zebar School for Children said,
“We believe that a school is the pivot for driving behavioural
change in families and communities towards environment
sustainability.” Through our initiative, we aim to educate
students,teachers,parents and communities to reduce the use
of plastic that will help preserve ecosystems, abate climate
change,protect biodiversity, and human health-all of which will
help create a cleaner and healthier planet.
The school management is proud to be pitching in and doing its
bit for its responsibility towards the environment.
Use Instagram to check student of the week, reading recommendations of the
week, and a sneek peek into Zebar Classrooms.
For real-time updates and short stories
connected with the mission of Zebar School
Check the photos of events held in schools,
news and stories from the school.
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Can you imagine a life without
rains? When the schools reopen after a hot
summer, the showers also usually arrive as if
to celebrate the closure of the vacation and
make our grounds and premises full of water.
The cool breeze it brings along with it gives
us immense pleasure. Do you remember the
famous Hindi film song from “Lagaan”? You
remember the scene where the villagers in
a desert area of Gujarat sing and dance in
gaiety on the very sight of the black clouds
bringing the rain “Ghanan …Ghanan”. If you
have watched the movie, you will not forget
how they get disappointed when the wind
blows away the dark clouds.
During the beginning of the summer season
itself, people, planners, economists, and
the government and above all the Indian
Meteorological Department start discussing
the rainfall of the year, the average rainfall
throughout the country, etc. The rains have
a direct effect on our agricultural sector, the
water level in rivers, the groundwater level,
the greenery, and flora and fauna.
Monsoon is “the seasonal wind of the Indian
Ocean and southern Asia, blowing from the
in winter (in India and nearby lands).
The season during which the southwest
monsoon blows is commonly marked by
heavy rains.
The poets all over the world have written
pieces about the rainbows and rains. I
remember beautiful poem written in my
mother tongue – Malayalam – where the
poet prays to the God that you should blow
the wind now and make the rainbow fade
away because the rains will also disappear;
the fields are drying and the land is thirsty.
There are many areas in our country which
are facing droughts every year. We teach
'Rain, rain go away come again another day'
as a poem in schools, but now the times
have changed. With rising temperatures and
global climate change, we should teach our
children 'Rain don't go away'.
As the demand for water and crops will
increase in the future, we should opt for
rainwater harvesting systems in our schools
and residences. We can store rainwater in
tanks and use it to flush toilets, water plants,
etc. Rainwater can also be harvested, to
recharge groundwater through recharge
pits, dug wells, bore wells, soak pits and
recharge trenches.
Indian Monsoon
Ms.Jayasree Menon,
(Vice Principal, Primary Section)
Assembly on Healthy Eating
Dance Day
World Blood Donor Day
Cue Math
Assembly on
Summer Solstice
Roman Numerals
Activity Story writing
Each one is Unique
Father's Day Take away
Need for counselling in school
	 Nowadays students feel a lot of pressure from the society to perform in academics. Majority of
the students lack a sense of direction, a sense of purpose and a sense of fulfillment. And indulge in
destructive activities, which lead to social damage and loss. Adequate guidance and counselling facilities
are the only answer to help and guide the youth to worthwhile channels and help them realize the goals
of optimum academic, personal and social development. Educational Guidance and School Counselling
are aimed with the key objective of assisting in solving the students’ problems and strengthening the
studiousness efficiency of students as well.
Role of School in a student’s life
	 “School” plays an essential role in nurturing the most significant phase of a child’s life as a
socialisation agency and as talent fulfilling formal institute. A child associates with the school for about
15 years. He / She spends about seven hours a day with the teachers and his or her fellow students.
School initiates the formal education with two primary objectives, namely,
	 Development of student’s personality
	 Preparing the child as the future citizen of the country.
Personality can only be developed by fulfilling his/ her talent, and the process involves the student and
the teacher.
Role of School Counsellors
	 School Counsellors are an essential part of the school team and provide valuable assistance
to students regardless of whether they work in a pre-primary, primary, middle or high school. School
Counsellors provide counselling programs in three critical areas: academic, personal/social, and career.
Their services and programs help students resolve emotional, social or behavioural problems and help
them develop a more precise focus or sense of direction. School Counselling helps to ease out the day
to day educational problems and take decisions involving both students and teachers.
	 School Counselling acts on the process of identifying the
strengths of the students and brightens them. It is an essential
factor for a student to determine and provide guidance on his/
her cognitive skills, motor skills and attitudes or potential skills.
Similarly recognizing the weakness of students and providing
solutions for them are among the role of Special Educators.
	 As St.Julie Billart mentions "Education is a psychological
development and a social integration process. When treating
education as a psycho development process, it is necessary to pay
attention towards the two units namely, “person” and “society".
Ms. Jagrati Shukla (Vice-Principal) Special Educator
Wax flares up during more
humidity so keep your pets
ears clean by using medicated
wipes wrapped on your finger
and do it gently.
Teeth need to be kept clean
but if brushing is not possible,
try rubbing the gums and
teeth with a soft cloth. You can
also feed chew sticks that help
clean plaque. Else, try mouth
fresheners and dog treats.
For ticks and fleas, consult
your vet and use a flea-control
Keep their chin, face, mouth,
tummy, legs and paws clean
during the rainy season, as
water stays longer in these
Brush their coat twice a day.
Keep skin problems at bay….
Trim the fur, especially around
the tummy region as this area
gets dirtier than the other
parts during walks. Always
sponge the face, tummy, legs
and clean the paws after every
During monsoon, it is not
practical to constantly bathe
your pet, hence use a bath
replacement spray or dry
powder to clean him. Also,
wipe his feet post a walk and
use the drier to dry out the
paws completely. Dampness
could lead to fungal and
bacterial growth which is
harmful to your pet.
The Demodectitis is caused
due to change in humidity and
so does scabies when bath is
given improperly.
Diet & Water…..
Always feed your pets with
nutritionally-balanced food.
For pets suffering from gastro
and skin problems, use
special diet formulas in
dog foods.
Avoid raw food stuffs.
During rains, ground
worms and other small
insects find their way
into the bowls. So,
please see their bowls
are clean.
General care….
De-worm every two or
three months.
Vacuum your homes
throughout the year
Clean your pet before
allowing them onto
carpets because they
can easily become
the hub of diseases
for dogs and humans
Always clean their straps,
muzzles and leashes by
soaking them in hot water
with soap, Dettol, and anti-
Do wash all dog beds and
clothes in anti-fungal solution
after every season.
Change the towels every six
Ms. Monica Shukla (Educator)
Middle Section
Just like us, words have families too.
Like brothers and sisters, some are similar
and some are different from each other but
they all belong to the same gene pool. There
are words for every season and every feeling
that the season generates.
	 Monsoons are close to our hearts and
evoke a number of emotions. Some wait
for this season all year through and some
cannot stand it. People in every walk of life
respond differently to the rainy season. Some
feel hampered, some invigorated and some
restless; when it pours.
	 Here are some words that can help
describe this season and also bring out the
slim differences in the intensity and nature of
rains. Our language is so rich that if you can
is a corresponding word for that nuance.
	 Keeping in mind the intensity with
which it pours, rains can be described as a
drizzle, shower, rainfall, downpour, rainstorm,
torrent, hail, hailstorm, snow and snowstorm.
	 When the wind blows, fast and hard, or
mellow and gentle, there are words to catch
the essence. A breeze or a blast or a blizzard,
a draught with a deluge, a gust or a gale, hail
with a hurricane, sleet with snow, or a tornado
with a typhoon, every letter of the alphabet
has a word for you.
	 When you are out in the rain, you may
feel damp, wet, soaked, wet through or
	 For the sound of rain, one can use the
following expressions.	
I heard the PITTER-PATTER of the rainfall.
I heard the rain THRUMMING the window.
I heard the rain PELTING the window.
I heard the rain BATTERING the roof.
I heard the rain DRUMMING on the window.
I heard the rain BEATING against the window.
	 Whatever your song or your emotion,
there is a word to describe it. Enjoy the flavour
of rains and all that they bring along and find
joy in the beauty of the words that will give
expression to your thoughts. USE WORDS
Ms. Reena Kahlon, Vice-Principal, Secondary Section
World Environment Day
Hindi Diwas at Zebar
Session on Innovation and Research
Tarsia Puzzle Activity
Zebarites pedal for a Social cause
Stress talk at Zebar
Girls talk at Zebar
Anti Child Labour Day
Abdul was a scientist. He regularly used to conduct experiments at home. One day Abdul
was experimenting with chemicals. He took Copper Chloride and heated it. Then he mixed Sodium Chloride
with it. The compounds changed into a liquid form. Abdul was observing the chemical reaction and noted it
on a book using a feather. His observations were presented in an International conference of scientists. He
received the first prize for his findings. He became wealthy and famous.
Taksh Parasharya
Once upon a time, there was a
scientist. His name was Bob. He had a problem. one
of his chemicals was exploding when mixed with
sand. "How is this possible? " thought Bob. He tried
to figure out his problem. Bob started experimenting
with the chemical. He was boiling the chemical in a
vessel with a lid on the top of it. The smoke which
came out was green in colour. It meant he had mixed
Nitroxide with Oxime.
Bob then mixed it in a chocolate compound and
made chocolates. He fed the chocolate to a rat.
The rat looked towards the scientist and started
behaving weirdly. The rat could open boxes, operate
T.V. remotes use laptops etc. It was sure that the rat
became a super genius.
The scientist named his chemical Fictanians.
Nandika Gorane
Once upon a time, there was an
animal assembly with a wolf leader. He wanted to speak
about leading a rally against the people who want
to cut the forests and build buildings for commercial
purpose. The wolf said " We won't allow those people
who come to clear our homes and make us homeless.
We won't let this happen because it is not only about us
it's about the environment and our lives, because if trees
aren't there, then it will be difficult for us to breathe. "
	 The other animals agreed with him and started
attacking people who came there. The builders got
tired of this and brought some hunters and got all the
animals caught. Therefore they were unsuccessful in
saving their homes, and the builders made the jungle
into a commercial area. After some days there was a
fire, and the buildings caught fire. The entire area was
engulfed in fire.
MORAL : When you kill nature, it kills you.
Heer Sadhwani
Once upon a time, there was a jungle in which all animals lived peacefully. One day hunters
came into the forest. The clever wolf came to know about the wicked plan of hunters, and he immediately called
a meeting of animals. The wolf said,“We all need to be alert as these hunters are ruthless”. He added that we
should dig a large pit in the jungle and cover it with leaves. When the hunter would come , we will lie down on
the ground and pretend as we are sleeping. The hunters will look for us and will slip into the pit. Then, we will
inform the forest officer, and they will be punished.
Shreshtha Anjaria
One day a jackal accidentally jumped into a tub of
blue dye. As a result, his skin colour changed to blue.
He went to the forest and claimed that God had sent
him to rule the jungle. The animals of the jungle
including tigers, elephants and monkeys believed
him. They all started bringing him food. The blue
jackal enjoyed all the attention he was getting from
the animals in the jungle. One night, the blue jackal
heard a group of jackals howling from a nearby
village. The blue jackal forgot that he was the king
and started bawling too. An owl passing by saw this;
he informed all the animals in the forest that he was
an ordinary jackal. Next day, all the animals kicked
the jackal out of the woods.
Sumedha Ishan Mehta
There was an arrogant fox whose
name was Purple. He was crowned
as the king of the jungle. One day he called an urgent
meeting. All the animals came for the meeting, he sat on
his throne and addressed them. He said,“ As the jungle
has become overcrowded, I am planning to order some
selected animals to leave the jungle, I will select these
animals.” Hearing all this from their king all the animals
were shocked. But no one could muster the courage
to oppose their king. Next day, the wild cats received a
letter from the king stating since they were not eating
rats properly. Hence they were banished from the
jungle. On seeing the letter the wild cats were upset,
and they left the jungle. One by one all animals started
receiving messages and were asked to leave the forest
for stupid reasons. One day when fox sat on his throne
and called for a meeting, there was no animal to hear
him except rats, mosquitoes, dragonflies. He realised
his mistake and wrote a letter to all animals requesting
them to come back to the jungle. All animals came back
to the forest and lived peacefully.
Moral of the Story: Think twice before taking an
Jeet Gangwani
The monsoon season
has arrived, and the
environment gets chilly
after the hot and humid
weather. Monsoon may
be the best time to enjoy
dalwadas and hot tea,
but it is the season when
you need to pay extra
attention towards your
diet. Health problems are
always on the rise during
monsoons, be it cold, viral
fever, diarrhoea, typhoid,
etc. People who are
suffering from any disease
should be more cautious.
Following are the
essential tips to stay
fit and healthy during
	 1. When you
get wet, take a shower
immediately: Rainwater is
not suitable for your body
as it may cause infection.
Taking a shower directly
after getting wet in the
rain will protect you from
harmful germs.
	 2. To protect
yourself from rainwater,
always carry an umbrella
or raincoat so that you
don’t get drenched.
	 3. It is essential to
keep your body hydrated.
Prefer boiled water to
prevent yourself from
water-borne diseases. Boil
water with tulsi, ginger
and honey and drink it to
treat viral fever.
	 4. Avoid eating
roadside food: Eat fresh,
healthy and home-cooked
meals. Eat lots of fruits
to restore energy. Cut
them fresh and consume
immediately. Avoid eating
leafy vegetables like
spinach, cauliflower and
	 5. Prevent yourself
from bacterial infections:
Proper hand washing is
the best way to prevent
bacterial infections. Cover
your nose and mouth
when you sneeze or a
cough. Bathe twice a day
to keep your skin clean.
Monsoon come soon,
We are in drought
With empty pots and barren lands,
With no more plants.
Monsoon come soon
And quench our thirst.
Farmers work on the field
For a good yield.
Sweat rolling down their cheeks,
A dry throat, throughout the weeks.
So, we pray
Monsoon come soon
And quench our thirst.
Monsoon : The Season of Nature
	 Every year, we wait for the monsoon forecast from the weather department. Monsoon is
generally referred to the season of rain. In India, it starts in the middle of June and continues till
September. The sky remains mostly cloudy.
	 The agriculture of our country mainly depends upon water from rainfall. During this season,
the ground water is replenished. The wells, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are filled with rain water.
Without rain-water, these lands would turn into barren deserts.
	 Our heart gets filled with joy when we get the news of adequate monsoon or normal monsoon.
	 The rains provide relief from heat. Youngsters and poets enjoy the season. It
is the time for indoor games, story-reading and story-telling. It is also the season for
umbrellas and raincoats. The temperature remains pleasant during monsoon.
	 Like everything in life, timely monsoon is most welcome. However, excessive
or inadequate rainfall leads to scarcity and famine. Adequate rainfall during the
sowing seasons ensures good harvest. If it is very late, plants and trees are badly
affected. The soil gets too dry and cracks up in the heat. On the other hand, if the
monsoon continues for too long, it leads to various diseases.
Annlin Stephen VI D
Yashvi Lakhani VI C
Mother nature gave me birth,
And I fell down on the Earth
When I fall from Indra’s crown,
I see many beautiful umbrellas down.
Running down from thundering clouds,
Chatter Chatter I fall aloud.
When I came from mountain,
I sprinkle water on grass like a fountain.
A Sprinkle
Jeel Bhatt IX A
Rain, Rain, come again
In the winter, in the summer and in spring,
Come with joy, fall with happiness and take back sorrows,
Rain, Rain come again
Rain, Rain come to relieve earth’s pain,
Rain, Rain come to make nature happy,
Rain, Rain come to make life happy.
Rain , Rain don’t go away,
Rain, Rain I hope you will stay,
Rain, Rain come again.
O Monsoon
Come soon-soon,
In this season
Hide and seek play the sun and moon.
When the rain shows its power,
The blue planet enjoys the shower.
The sky is dark, the clouds are grey
Here comes the monsoon.
Hip-hip Hurray!
Come soon soon
O monsoon
Lightning flashes
Thunder crashes
And then it begins to rain,
With it, brings mosquitoes
And that is such a pain
Come soon-soon
Dwiti Popat VI B
All like flowery trees in spring;
Why not the withered leaves and shaded flowers?
One enjoys seeing rising waves of sea;
Why not seeing falling waves of sea?
A man always sees upwards when it is raining in monsoon
Why not the fallen droplets on the ground?
Drashti Madhiwala VIII B
Dhimahi Gandhi VI D
Tulsi Patel VI B
Aarna Agarwal I C
Kshiti Shah IV A
Jui Thakrar IV A Dia Vora VI C
Rutva Solanki VI C
Aayush Agarwal VI D
Ved Patel VII A

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Zebar matters july

  • 1. zebarmatters Volume - 2 • Issue-2 • July - 2018 Monsoon Special !!!
  • 2. A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR With monsoon knocking on the doors, it’s time to bring out the hidden child in you to soak into the happiness of nature and its mist. Last week I was a part of an Activity for the children between the age group of 8 and 14. It was an activity with several interesting materials adopted to get a child acquainted with simple yet exciting things in life. One of the activities included making a paper boat. All the participants were given a sheet of paper and were asked to make a paper boat out of it, which they would later take home and set sailing during the rains. Out of curiosity and to test my childhood memory I borrowed a sheet of paper for myself and decided to make a paper boat. Alas! I went blank. I had forgotten to make a paper boat, which once happened to be my primary source of enjoyment during monsoon. No wonder, the kids participating in the camp too drew a blank face with only a handful of them emerging successful. I guess their parents also had forgotten the childhood art of making a paper boat, just as I did. How could we expect the mobile-savvy kids to know it? Every individual, irrespective of age or which strata of the society he belongs to, has still a child hidden somewhere deep within. With the passage of time and day-to-day responsibilities, that child seems to have taken a back seat in most of us. As adults we don’t make paper boats anymore, we think so much before accompanying our children to get drenched into the first monsoon showers. Many prefer to stay indoors during rains rather than take a stroll down to enjoy gushing of the water or breathe that dampness in the mud and its aroma all around. Nature has continued to bless us with same natural delight as it did when we were kids. What made us change then? Why can’t we today, just for once make a small paper boat and run across to the stream of water nearest to us and compete with several kids already playing out there. Why can’t we run faster than our children out of the house, seeing the first monsoon showers embracing the mother Earth from heaven? Friends, it’s time to unleash once again that child residing in one of the remotest corners of your individuality. Set it free for once this monsoon and the child will help you see many more. So go out and breathe… and yes.. don’t forget to carry your PAPER BOAT ! Our country will celebrate 71st Independence Day on 15th August. Do write to us articles, poems on the topic' What Freedom means to Me' at The last date is 5th August 2018. Navneet Arora Biswas Content Manager 2 mail us your answer, Format: Name, Age, and Class, SID No. Your selfies are a must. Mail us at Share Your Thoughts If You wrote a book, what would it be about? in 25 words, by 5th August 2018, with ‘Share your Opinion’ in the subject line. Share Your Opinion Where Zebarites Speak their Mind. What would you invent to make the world a better Place? I will invent a paper making machine which will use less trees. I will invent a medical shirt. The shirt will have a fabric which has nano sensors. It will diagnose any disease from a common cold to high blood pressure. The shirt will be connected with the mobile and will remind you to have your medicine. I will invent environment friendly plastic. I would like to invent 'Solar Air Conditioner', which will use solar energy during the day and solar battery device which would store energy to use in the night.
  • 3. The ability to read quickly with understanding is an invaluable skill, which once mastered in childhood can be a source of great enjoyment and continuous learning into adulthood. I have listed some methods to make reading interesting for the children right from their pre-school. Look and Say Method:- This methodology involves the learning of new words and imprinting them into the long- term memory of the child. The belief is that words, like pictures, are symbols. In this method, the child learns to read words before they learn the alphabet. Print the word ‘BAT’ and ‘CAT’ on two flash cards. You can also use regular cardboard at home, and with a marker, you can write the words on the cards. Show the cards to the child and tell him/ her what each card says. If possible use pictures in the flash card along with the words. It will help the child in relating the written word with the image. Each child can have a card with his name on it at home. You can even make the cards of their friend's name, in this way the child will learn his name, as well as his friend's name too. This process develops the visual recognition of words that children need to learn to become fluent readers. Label the important things at home:- Paste flashcards on them. For example chair, table, door, window, cupboard etc. Practise reading those flash cards with your child at home. Create a story wall:- Discuss a story with your child before they start any activity – such as working with clay, painting, collage etc. Your child may paint or make clay models related to the story. Choose the ones that give the primary sequence of the event of the stories. Display them on the wall. You can write simple sentences under each one, and your child will be able to read the entire story. Make your storybook:- Simple pictures of a story can be given to the child to draw/ trace, colour, and paste activity along with simple sentences. You can make a family storybooktoobysticking pictures of the entire family on each page and writing one line for each family member. For example page 1-‘ This is my Mummy’ Her name is …. Page 2- ‘This is my Daddy’ His name is …, Page 3 ‘ This is my pet.’ Contrary to popular belief, love of books and reading doesn't come naturally to children. They have to be led into the world of books and reading by parents and teachers. As an eminent educationist famously remarked, "Few children learn to love books by themselves. Someone has to lure them into the wonderful world of the written word; someone has to show them the way". TIPS TO INCULCATE THE VITAL SKILL OF READING IN CHILDREN Ms. Pratima Patell - Academic Advisor 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. International YOGA DAY and World MUSIC DAY Music and Yoga are the rhythm and discipline of life. We saw a beautiful amalgamation of the two on 21st June,a day that celebrates both Yoga and Music. Students of Zebar School celebrated the day in their campus with vivid activities. A much deserved and full-fledged celebration was kicked into gear with a special assembly to highlight the beneficial effects of music and yoga. 5
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  • 8. ZEBAR MATTERS Cleaning Toy Cars and Bikes Concept of 'After' Activity Monaco Topping Activity Counting and Learning through Pulses Balancing the Ball Shapes Activity EVENTS IN PRE-PRIMARY Handprints activity in Playgroup Myself Activity Exploring Nature 8
  • 9. Zebar Beats Plastic Pollution, Adopts Eco-Friendly Snack Bowls Zebar Pre-Primary School provides healthy and nutritious snacks to the children. In the wake of rising awareness on plastic pollution the management decided to withdraw plastic bowls from the campus. Environmental-friendly disposable bowls have been introduced in Zebar pre-primary school. These bowls are biodegradable and toxic free. Made from materials like palm leaves, sugar cane, corn or bamboo, these bowls have no toxins to leach into the child’s food. They are sturdy enough to hold hot food and liquids. The pre-primary section conducted activities such as tree plantation drive, sessions on using single-use plastic and educational games on best environmental practices to sensitise the children towards environment. Ms. Amoli Patell,Vice-Principal of Zebar School for Children said, “We believe that a school is the pivot for driving behavioural change in families and communities towards environment sustainability.” Through our initiative, we aim to educate students,teachers,parents and communities to reduce the use of plastic that will help preserve ecosystems, abate climate change,protect biodiversity, and human health-all of which will help create a cleaner and healthier planet. The school management is proud to be pitching in and doing its bit for its responsibility towards the environment. Use Instagram to check student of the week, reading recommendations of the week, and a sneek peek into Zebar Classrooms. For real-time updates and short stories connected with the mission of Zebar School Check the photos of events held in schools, news and stories from the school. Follow us on : 9
  • 10. Can you imagine a life without rains? When the schools reopen after a hot summer, the showers also usually arrive as if to celebrate the closure of the vacation and make our grounds and premises full of water. The cool breeze it brings along with it gives us immense pleasure. Do you remember the famous Hindi film song from “Lagaan”? You remember the scene where the villagers in a desert area of Gujarat sing and dance in gaiety on the very sight of the black clouds bringing the rain “Ghanan …Ghanan”. If you have watched the movie, you will not forget how they get disappointed when the wind blows away the dark clouds. During the beginning of the summer season itself, people, planners, economists, and the government and above all the Indian Meteorological Department start discussing the rainfall of the year, the average rainfall throughout the country, etc. The rains have a direct effect on our agricultural sector, the water level in rivers, the groundwater level, the greenery, and flora and fauna. Monsoon is “the seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia, blowing from the southwestinsummerandfromthenortheast in winter (in India and nearby lands). The season during which the southwest monsoon blows is commonly marked by heavy rains. The poets all over the world have written pieces about the rainbows and rains. I remember beautiful poem written in my mother tongue – Malayalam – where the poet prays to the God that you should blow the wind now and make the rainbow fade away because the rains will also disappear; the fields are drying and the land is thirsty. There are many areas in our country which are facing droughts every year. We teach 'Rain, rain go away come again another day' as a poem in schools, but now the times have changed. With rising temperatures and global climate change, we should teach our children 'Rain don't go away'. As the demand for water and crops will increase in the future, we should opt for rainwater harvesting systems in our schools and residences. We can store rainwater in tanks and use it to flush toilets, water plants, etc. Rainwater can also be harvested, to recharge groundwater through recharge pits, dug wells, bore wells, soak pits and recharge trenches. Indian Monsoon 10 Ms.Jayasree Menon, (Vice Principal, Primary Section)
  • 11. EVENTS IN PRIMARY Assembly on Healthy Eating International Dance Day World Blood Donor Day Cue Math Exhibition Assembly on Summer Solstice Roman Numerals Activity Story writing Each one is Unique Father's Day Take away 11
  • 12.
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  • 14. Need for counselling in school Nowadays students feel a lot of pressure from the society to perform in academics. Majority of the students lack a sense of direction, a sense of purpose and a sense of fulfillment. And indulge in destructive activities, which lead to social damage and loss. Adequate guidance and counselling facilities are the only answer to help and guide the youth to worthwhile channels and help them realize the goals of optimum academic, personal and social development. Educational Guidance and School Counselling are aimed with the key objective of assisting in solving the students’ problems and strengthening the studiousness efficiency of students as well. Role of School in a student’s life “School” plays an essential role in nurturing the most significant phase of a child’s life as a socialisation agency and as talent fulfilling formal institute. A child associates with the school for about 15 years. He / She spends about seven hours a day with the teachers and his or her fellow students. School initiates the formal education with two primary objectives, namely,  Development of student’s personality  Preparing the child as the future citizen of the country. Personality can only be developed by fulfilling his/ her talent, and the process involves the student and the teacher. Role of School Counsellors School Counsellors are an essential part of the school team and provide valuable assistance to students regardless of whether they work in a pre-primary, primary, middle or high school. School Counsellors provide counselling programs in three critical areas: academic, personal/social, and career. Their services and programs help students resolve emotional, social or behavioural problems and help them develop a more precise focus or sense of direction. School Counselling helps to ease out the day to day educational problems and take decisions involving both students and teachers. School Counselling acts on the process of identifying the strengths of the students and brightens them. It is an essential factor for a student to determine and provide guidance on his/ her cognitive skills, motor skills and attitudes or potential skills. Similarly recognizing the weakness of students and providing solutions for them are among the role of Special Educators. As St.Julie Billart mentions "Education is a psychological development and a social integration process. When treating education as a psycho development process, it is necessary to pay attention towards the two units namely, “person” and “society". A PEEK INTO SCHOOL COUNSELLING Ms. Jagrati Shukla (Vice-Principal) Special Educator
  • 15. Wax flares up during more humidity so keep your pets ears clean by using medicated wipes wrapped on your finger and do it gently. Teeth need to be kept clean but if brushing is not possible, try rubbing the gums and teeth with a soft cloth. You can also feed chew sticks that help clean plaque. Else, try mouth fresheners and dog treats. For ticks and fleas, consult your vet and use a flea-control formula. Keep their chin, face, mouth, tummy, legs and paws clean during the rainy season, as water stays longer in these areas. Brush their coat twice a day. Keep skin problems at bay…. Trim the fur, especially around the tummy region as this area gets dirtier than the other parts during walks. Always sponge the face, tummy, legs and clean the paws after every walk. During monsoon, it is not practical to constantly bathe your pet, hence use a bath replacement spray or dry powder to clean him. Also, wipe his feet post a walk and use the drier to dry out the paws completely. Dampness could lead to fungal and bacterial growth which is harmful to your pet. The Demodectitis is caused due to change in humidity and so does scabies when bath is given improperly. Diet & Water….. Always feed your pets with nutritionally-balanced food. For pets suffering from gastro and skin problems, use special diet formulas in dog foods. Avoid raw food stuffs. During rains, ground worms and other small insects find their way into the bowls. So, please see their bowls are clean. General care…. De-worm every two or three months. Vacuum your homes throughout the year meticulously. Clean your pet before allowing them onto carpets because they can easily become the hub of diseases for dogs and humans alike. Always clean their straps, muzzles and leashes by soaking them in hot water with soap, Dettol, and anti- fungal. Do wash all dog beds and clothes in anti-fungal solution after every season. Change the towels every six months. IT'S THE TIME WHEN PETS REQUIRE EXTRA CARE….HERE’S HOW TO KEEP THE MONSOON BLUES AWAY Ms. Monica Shukla (Educator) Middle Section 15
  • 16. Just like us, words have families too. Like brothers and sisters, some are similar and some are different from each other but they all belong to the same gene pool. There are words for every season and every feeling that the season generates. Monsoons are close to our hearts and evoke a number of emotions. Some wait for this season all year through and some cannot stand it. People in every walk of life respond differently to the rainy season. Some feel hampered, some invigorated and some restless; when it pours. Here are some words that can help describe this season and also bring out the slim differences in the intensity and nature of rains. Our language is so rich that if you can thinkofaslightsimilarityordissimilarity,there is a corresponding word for that nuance. Keeping in mind the intensity with which it pours, rains can be described as a drizzle, shower, rainfall, downpour, rainstorm, torrent, hail, hailstorm, snow and snowstorm. When the wind blows, fast and hard, or mellow and gentle, there are words to catch the essence. A breeze or a blast or a blizzard, a draught with a deluge, a gust or a gale, hail with a hurricane, sleet with snow, or a tornado with a typhoon, every letter of the alphabet has a word for you. When you are out in the rain, you may feel damp, wet, soaked, wet through or drenched. For the sound of rain, one can use the following expressions. I heard the PITTER-PATTER of the rainfall. I heard the rain THRUMMING the window. I heard the rain PELTING the window. I heard the rain BATTERING the roof. I heard the rain DRUMMING on the window. I heard the rain BEATING against the window. Whatever your song or your emotion, there is a word to describe it. Enjoy the flavour of rains and all that they bring along and find joy in the beauty of the words that will give expression to your thoughts. USE WORDS WISELY AND THEY WILL NEVER FAIL YOU. HAPPY MONSOON TO ALL !!! PEN YOUR MONSOON SONG WITH THESE WORDS Ms. Reena Kahlon, Vice-Principal, Secondary Section 16
  • 17. EVENTS IN MIDDLE & SECONDARY World Environment Day Hindi Diwas at Zebar Session on Innovation and Research Tarsia Puzzle Activity Zebarites pedal for a Social cause Stress talk at Zebar Girls talk at Zebar Anti Child Labour Day 17
  • 18. Abdul was a scientist. He regularly used to conduct experiments at home. One day Abdul was experimenting with chemicals. He took Copper Chloride and heated it. Then he mixed Sodium Chloride with it. The compounds changed into a liquid form. Abdul was observing the chemical reaction and noted it on a book using a feather. His observations were presented in an International conference of scientists. He received the first prize for his findings. He became wealthy and famous. EXPERIMENT BY A SCIENTIST Taksh Parasharya V C Once upon a time, there was a scientist. His name was Bob. He had a problem. one of his chemicals was exploding when mixed with sand. "How is this possible? " thought Bob. He tried to figure out his problem. Bob started experimenting with the chemical. He was boiling the chemical in a vessel with a lid on the top of it. The smoke which came out was green in colour. It meant he had mixed Nitroxide with Oxime. Bob then mixed it in a chocolate compound and made chocolates. He fed the chocolate to a rat. The rat looked towards the scientist and started behaving weirdly. The rat could open boxes, operate T.V. remotes use laptops etc. It was sure that the rat became a super genius. The scientist named his chemical Fictanians. PATIENCE PAYS Nandika Gorane IV C Once upon a time, there was an animal assembly with a wolf leader. He wanted to speak about leading a rally against the people who want to cut the forests and build buildings for commercial purpose. The wolf said " We won't allow those people who come to clear our homes and make us homeless. We won't let this happen because it is not only about us it's about the environment and our lives, because if trees aren't there, then it will be difficult for us to breathe. " The other animals agreed with him and started attacking people who came there. The builders got tired of this and brought some hunters and got all the animals caught. Therefore they were unsuccessful in saving their homes, and the builders made the jungle into a commercial area. After some days there was a fire, and the buildings caught fire. The entire area was engulfed in fire. MORAL : When you kill nature, it kills you. THE JUNGLE ASSEMBLY Heer Sadhwani VIII D 18
  • 19. Once upon a time, there was a jungle in which all animals lived peacefully. One day hunters came into the forest. The clever wolf came to know about the wicked plan of hunters, and he immediately called a meeting of animals. The wolf said,“We all need to be alert as these hunters are ruthless”. He added that we should dig a large pit in the jungle and cover it with leaves. When the hunter would come , we will lie down on the ground and pretend as we are sleeping. The hunters will look for us and will slip into the pit. Then, we will inform the forest officer, and they will be punished. THE BLUE JACKAL Shreshtha Anjaria V A One day a jackal accidentally jumped into a tub of blue dye. As a result, his skin colour changed to blue. He went to the forest and claimed that God had sent him to rule the jungle. The animals of the jungle including tigers, elephants and monkeys believed him. They all started bringing him food. The blue jackal enjoyed all the attention he was getting from the animals in the jungle. One night, the blue jackal heard a group of jackals howling from a nearby village. The blue jackal forgot that he was the king and started bawling too. An owl passing by saw this; he informed all the animals in the forest that he was an ordinary jackal. Next day, all the animals kicked the jackal out of the woods. CLEVER WOLF Sumedha Ishan Mehta VI D There was an arrogant fox whose name was Purple. He was crowned as the king of the jungle. One day he called an urgent meeting. All the animals came for the meeting, he sat on his throne and addressed them. He said,“ As the jungle has become overcrowded, I am planning to order some selected animals to leave the jungle, I will select these animals.” Hearing all this from their king all the animals were shocked. But no one could muster the courage to oppose their king. Next day, the wild cats received a letter from the king stating since they were not eating rats properly. Hence they were banished from the jungle. On seeing the letter the wild cats were upset, and they left the jungle. One by one all animals started receiving messages and were asked to leave the forest for stupid reasons. One day when fox sat on his throne and called for a meeting, there was no animal to hear him except rats, mosquitoes, dragonflies. He realised his mistake and wrote a letter to all animals requesting them to come back to the jungle. All animals came back to the forest and lived peacefully. Moral of the Story: Think twice before taking an action. AN ARROGANT KING Jeet Gangwani VIII D 19
  • 20. MONSOON TIPS :- The monsoon season has arrived, and the environment gets chilly after the hot and humid weather. Monsoon may be the best time to enjoy dalwadas and hot tea, but it is the season when you need to pay extra attention towards your diet. Health problems are always on the rise during monsoons, be it cold, viral fever, diarrhoea, typhoid, etc. People who are suffering from any disease should be more cautious. Following are the essential tips to stay fit and healthy during monsoon: 1. When you get wet, take a shower immediately: Rainwater is not suitable for your body as it may cause infection. Taking a shower directly after getting wet in the rain will protect you from harmful germs. 2. To protect yourself from rainwater, always carry an umbrella or raincoat so that you don’t get drenched. 3. It is essential to keep your body hydrated. Prefer boiled water to prevent yourself from water-borne diseases. Boil water with tulsi, ginger and honey and drink it to treat viral fever. 4. Avoid eating roadside food: Eat fresh, healthy and home-cooked meals. Eat lots of fruits to restore energy. Cut them fresh and consume immediately. Avoid eating leafy vegetables like spinach, cauliflower and cabbage. 5. Prevent yourself from bacterial infections: Proper hand washing is the best way to prevent bacterial infections. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or a cough. Bathe twice a day to keep your skin clean. HAPPY MONSOON!!! 20
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  • 22. Monsoon come soon, We are in drought With empty pots and barren lands, With no more plants. Monsoon come soon And quench our thirst. Farmers work on the field For a good yield. Sweat rolling down their cheeks, A dry throat, throughout the weeks. So, we pray Monsoon come soon And quench our thirst. Monsoon : The Season of Nature Every year, we wait for the monsoon forecast from the weather department. Monsoon is generally referred to the season of rain. In India, it starts in the middle of June and continues till September. The sky remains mostly cloudy. The agriculture of our country mainly depends upon water from rainfall. During this season, the ground water is replenished. The wells, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are filled with rain water. Without rain-water, these lands would turn into barren deserts. Our heart gets filled with joy when we get the news of adequate monsoon or normal monsoon. The rains provide relief from heat. Youngsters and poets enjoy the season. It is the time for indoor games, story-reading and story-telling. It is also the season for umbrellas and raincoats. The temperature remains pleasant during monsoon. Like everything in life, timely monsoon is most welcome. However, excessive or inadequate rainfall leads to scarcity and famine. Adequate rainfall during the sowing seasons ensures good harvest. If it is very late, plants and trees are badly affected. The soil gets too dry and cracks up in the heat. On the other hand, if the monsoon continues for too long, it leads to various diseases. Annlin Stephen VI D Yashvi Lakhani VI C THE LONG WAIT FOR MONSOON Mother nature gave me birth, And I fell down on the Earth When I fall from Indra’s crown, I see many beautiful umbrellas down. Running down from thundering clouds, Chatter Chatter I fall aloud. When I came from mountain, I sprinkle water on grass like a fountain. A Sprinkle Jeel Bhatt IX A 22
  • 23. 23 ZEBAR MATTERSFEBRUARY 2018 RAIN, RAIN, Rain, Rain, come again In the winter, in the summer and in spring, Come with joy, fall with happiness and take back sorrows, Rain, Rain come again Rain, Rain come to relieve earth’s pain, Rain, Rain come to make nature happy, Rain, Rain come to make life happy. Rain , Rain don’t go away, Rain, Rain I hope you will stay, Rain, Rain come again. O MONSOON O Monsoon Come soon-soon, In this season Hide and seek play the sun and moon. When the rain shows its power, The blue planet enjoys the shower. The sky is dark, the clouds are grey Here comes the monsoon. Hip-hip Hurray! Come soon soon O monsoon Lightning flashes Thunder crashes And then it begins to rain, With it, brings mosquitoes And that is such a pain Come soon-soon O-monsoon Dwiti Popat VI B All like flowery trees in spring; Why not the withered leaves and shaded flowers? One enjoys seeing rising waves of sea; Why not seeing falling waves of sea? A man always sees upwards when it is raining in monsoon Why not the fallen droplets on the ground? Droplets Drashti Madhiwala VIII B 23 Dhimahi Gandhi VI D
  • 24. 24 ZEBAR MATTERSFEBRUARY 2018 Tulsi Patel VI B Aarna Agarwal I C Kshiti Shah IV A Jui Thakrar IV A Dia Vora VI C Rutva Solanki VI C Aayush Agarwal VI D Ved Patel VII A Designer:RutvikVasani(Parshvanath)