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Volume - 1 • Issue-4 • April - 2018
to Excellence
I wish you all a Very Happy New
Academic Year!
Let it be exciting and unusual for you
and let it bring new knowledge and
discoveries, as well as new challenges.
To the students, I would like to wish
creative, responsible approach to
education and interesting, passionate, inspiring teachers.
Let the years at Zebar be brightest years of your life.
To the teachers and all the colleagues I would like to wish
smart, intelligent students, open to new knowledge and
ready to study in and outside the classroom.
Zebar Matters has covered one of the most interesting
motivational program“ PassportTo Excellence”.This program
was introduced as a pilot project in the last academic year.
Students at Zebar have been rewarded with stickers in their
school passports. These stickers are a token of appreciation
of small progress and efforts made by the student. The goal
of this program is to record all the accomplishment at one
place; for the entire year.
Other features in this issue are Reena mam’s article on So
many books, such little time.Her article gives us an insight
into the newly launched program ‘My Passport to Reading’
for middle and secondary school.
Now that the most dreaded Amdavad summer has dawned
upon us, the time’s finally come to get prepared to face it.
Leading nutritionist of Ahmedabad Liza Shah has shared her
health tips for children along with healthy summer recipes
for our children. These tips will come handy to mothers who
want the best for their children this summer. Amoli Mam has
shared helpful tips in her article for pre-primary mothers
which will improve the fine motor skills of preschool children.
with a long break in summer, you can also check museums in
Ahmedabad and go for a staycation with your family.
Our country is the global host of World Environment Day
which is on June 5th, 2018. The theme this year is “ Beat
Plastic Pollution”. Do share your articles, drawings and
interesting facts on the theme “ Beat Plastic Pollution” at The last date for entries is 4th
June 2018. Kindly mail your contribution with your SID No
and Full Name.
Happy Reading
Navneet Arora Biswas
Content Manager
Note from the Executive Director’s Desk ............... `3
Passport to Excellence................................................4-7
Amazing Passport facts for kids...................................8
So many books, such little time...................................9
Events in Middle and Secondary School.............. 10
Events in Primary School............................................. 11
Beat the heat .............................................................12-13
Let’s use the Summer Break ..................................... 14
Events in Pre-Primary................................................... 15
Winners of Olympiad..............................................16-17
Museums of Ahmedabad............................................ 18
Stayacation....................................................................... 19
Students’Corner............................................................. 20
Teachers’Corner.............................................................. 21
Teachers’Corner & Vocabulary.................................. 22
Parents’Corner................................................................ 23
Table of Contents
APRIL 2018
for Private circulation Only
Reward is something which we associate with
to be given when a person tries and achieves something.
The fallacy of this thinking results in most people giving up
their journey half way towards the achievement because
they lose hope of ever reaching there. For example, I have
to learn to walk for say 6 kms in 1 hour. At present I can
walk for maximum 30 minutes and cover
2.5 kms. So a good trainer would give me
a program which has several milestones
which need to be achieved and say in a 3
month plan I can achieve the ultimate goal.
A good trainer would give small rewards for
small achievements and help the trainee to
keep up the motivation all throughout the
journey. These small rewards will increase
the probability of achievement more than a
one- time big reward.
This approach can be put in practice by teachers, parents,
students and even managers. For example, there is
a student who has bad handwriting, lack of subject
knowledge, no punctuality and some disciplinary issues.
Most parents and teachers would want the student to
immediately change and offer him a big reward if his
performance is akin to an average student. However, for
a student with several challenges the rewards should be
broken up into small pieces and given to him to maintain
a positive behaviour. A student is a lot more likely to
improve himself if he keeps trying to improve consistently,
than a student who makes sporadic efforts. If we see that
a student is struggling hard to improve, this alone calls for
a small reward.
I love giving medals, prizes and rewards to final winners.
However, the futility of that exercise is proven when year
on year we have the same winners. I think rewards should
be for improvement with self’s past performance. Rewards
should be for each individual’s battle against his own
circumstances. Rewards should be for attitude rather than
aptitude. Such rewards will build a character, a fighter, an
individual- what a world really needs, rather than merely a
winner, which is a title reserved for just one person. Such
kind of small rewards have to be“administered”by people
close to the students, like parents, friends and teachers.
For instance, a student who has fractured his foot and is
still getting the same marks as he got in previous exams,
deserves a reward. A computer generated rank list will not
give importance to such a struggle. Small rewards can be
simple pleasures of life like giving an ice cream treat to the
child which he/she has been yearning for, taking him to
his/her favourite movie or sometimes just spending time
with him/her to do what he/she likes.
Positive words of encouragement and a simple pat on the
back are also rewards for the strugglers. In conclusion,
I would like to reiterate, reward the behaviour and not
the result. A good result may come by good luck, but a
good behaviour comes only with a positive attitude and
persistent efforts. Behaviour builds a solid foundation for
the future which is more important in the long run than
merely cracking an exam. Keep up the good work!
From The Director’s Desk
Mr. Manan Choksi
Executive Director
Reward Behaviour not Result
‘Passport to Excellence’ program at Zebar recognizes
students’ academic and extracurricular achievements
and inspires them to work harder.The main objective
is to look at the holistic development of the child and
award the good performers which are not restricted to
academics alone. The Passport to Excellence pilot project
for academic year 2017-18 has ended on a good note. All
Students from JR Kg to grade 5 performed their best and
tried to overcome the academic and learning challenges
in the school. We are overwhelmed with the efforts of
our students and parents.This year we are happy to
announce two new titles- Global citizen Award and Best
Traveller Award. These titles are for students who have
done extraordinarily well and surprised the teachers with
their performance and dedication. Global Citizen Award
is for students who have performed best in their entire
Grade. Best Traveller is for students who have performed
well in their respective division. Needless to say students
have truly gone the extramile to attain success . And the
winners are…………….
Class : 2
Section: B
Maximum Stickers Winner in Class
Tirthali	Pranay	
Class : Jr. KG
Section: A
Dheer	Hitesh	
Class : Sr. KG
Section: D
Class : 1
Section: D
Class : 3
Section: A
Hemali	Vasa
Class : 4
Section: B
Snehal	Shah
Class : 5
Section: C
Class : 5
Section: B
Maximum Stickers Winner in Section
Class : Jr. KG
Section: A
Tejas	Butani
Class : Jr. KG
Section: B
Iti Mehul	
Class : Jr. KG
Section: C
Darsh	Chintan	
Class : Jr. KG
Section: D
Jenny	Ashish	
Class : Jr. KG
Class : Jr. KG
Section: E
Syana	Nishant	
Class : Jr. KG
Section: F
Ankit	Rathod
Class : Jr. KG
Section: F
Class : Jr. KG
Section: G
Class : Jr. KG
Section: G
Maximum Stickers Winner in Section
Class : Sr. KG
Section: A
Class : Sr. KG
Section: B
Akshar Patel
Class : Sr. KG
Section: B
Ansh Shah
Class : Sr. KG
Section: C
Manya Patel
Class :Sr. KG
Class : Sr. KG
Section: E
Kabir Mistry
Class :Sr. KG
Section: E
Class :Sr. KG
Section: G
Swara Patel
Class : Sr. KG
Section: F
Class :Sr. KG
Section: F
Yashvi	Ameet	
Class : 1
Section: B
Class : 1
Section: A
Class : 1
Section: B
Manish	Jhurani
Class : 1
Section: C
Aarna	Ravi	
Class : Sr. KG
Section: C
Sanjeev	Dixit
Class : 4
Section: C
Class : 4
Section: A
Class : 5
Section: A
Class : 4
Section: C
Class : 5
Section: C
Aayush	Rupesh	
Class : 5
Section: B
Maximum Stickers Winner in Section
Hardik	Patel
Class : 3
Section: A
Class : 4
Section: B
Class : 3
Section: B
Harshal	Trivedi
Class : 3
Section: C
Class : 2
Section: C
Class : 2
Section: B
Kavish	Pratik	
Class : 2
Section: A
Aarnav	Mohit	
Class : 1
Section: D
Jignesh	Maliya
Class : 1
Section: D
Amazing Passport Facts for Kids
When travelling abroad, the most
important item to take along is the
passport. Here are some interesting
passport facts.
1)	 Every Indian Passport contains a
note (in English and Hindi) from the
President of India addressing the
authorities of all states, identifying
the bearer as a citizen of the
Republic of India.
2)	 There are three types of Indian
Passport, which are:
•	 Regular Passport has a Navy Blue
cover and is issued for ordinary
travel, such as vacations and
business trips.
•	 Diplomatic Passport has a Maroon
cover and is issued to Indian
diplomats, top ranking government
officials and diplomatic couriers.
•	 Official Passport has a White cover
and it is issued to individuals
on official business.
3)	 An Indian passport holder can visit
58 countries and territories visa-free
or with visa on arrival.
4)	 India ranks 59th in the list of most
powerful passports in the world.
5).	 In 1783, Benjamin Franklin ordered
the first US passports to be printed.
6)	 Do you know that there are more
than 9,000 passport offices in the
USA, and most of them are actually
located in post offices?
7)	 In the UK, every 2.5 seconds one
passport is printed! This allows for 5
million passports to be printed each
year in the UK. And every year, more
than 25,000 UK passports are stolen
or lost!
9)	 Most of the world’s passports have a
red cover!There are different shades
of red, but still red colour is more
common for passports than is blue,
green or black.
10)	 According to, the
American and the UK passports are
in the world (with Sweden, Finland
and Germany). These passports
11)	 The only person in the world who
does not need to carry a passport
when travelling abroad is the Queen
Elizabeth II.
12). When taking a passport picture
certain regulations have to be
followed to get the size, image
background and standard format
for passport photos right.
13.	 The most expensive passport fees
are inTurkey (£ 215) and cheapest in
Swaziland (£ 2.50).
14) 150,000 people bought Sealand
passports on the internet. Sealand
is a platform state between France
and UK, and is not recognised.
15)	The Vatican state in Italy (the
smallest country in the world) has
no immigration controls, but it does
issue passports. The pope, among
his other honours, always carries
“Passport No. 1”.
16)	The New Nicaraguan passport
boasts 89 separate security features,
including “ bio- dimensional
barcode”, holograms and
of the least forgeable documents in
the world.
Have you ever wondered why we read literature and
spend hours poring over books? What is the need to read
a story, poem or drama which is a figment of someone
else’s imagination and may have nothing in common with
our lives? What is the uncanny lure, the temptation to read
fiction when there is so much in the world that demands
our attention?
Many parents argue that it is better for a child to read
a book that expands his knowledge and spells out
scientific facts and information than engage in leisure
reading for recreation. So why do teachers and mentors
keep reiterating the value of reading literature? Why are
hundreds and thousands of writers engaged in the pursuit
of writing? Why have book
clubs and literary societies?
The answer is simple.
Reading a story gives us
pleasure. It lets us inhabit
a new world and takes us
away from the din and
noise of our lives. Reading
sometimes gives us respite
from the ordinariness of our
daily routines and takes us
on a voyage through time.
So magical is this world of books that once you walk
into it, you can become whoever you want to be. You
can fly with Aladdin, ride a horse into battle alongside
Sergius, climb a mountain with Heinrich Harrer, shed tears
with Cinderella or paint a fence with Tom Sawyer. One
lives several lives while reading. The experience is both
liberating and exhilarating. Moreover, it opens our souls
and consciousness to experiences and situations which are
not ours. Reading leads to empathy and compassion. It
lets us peek into the lives of those who are different from
us. It teaches us tolerance and acceptance. Franz Kafka
once said,‘Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers
within the castle of one’s own self.’So books break shackles
of ignorance, discrimination, arrogance and free our
thoughts from the tyranny of the customary mores. A
book is thus a living fire to lighten the darkness.
In order to add new dimensions to our students’
personalities and train their minds to ponder, evaluate and
think, we are launching a new programme in our school
for the Middle and Secondary sections. It is aptly called
‘My Passport to Reading’ as it will act as the bridge that
takes them to a vibrant new experience of inhabiting the
world of literature.
Every child will own a passport which will be his
personal journal. Some of the best known story-tellers
of our time will be listed in the journal and students will
be expected to read a piece
from each one of them.
As they hop from one
delightful piece of writing
to another, they will add
richly to their sensibility
and their world-view.
Special recognition awaits
them in the form of an
award if they read at
least thirty of the writers
mentioned there, by the
end of the year.
This journal will be their confidante and they will respond
to what they read by writing there. It will give them the
opportunity and the incentive to reflect upon their
reading and let their thoughts be recorded. Parents’
contribution in this initiative is required like never before. It
will be their prerogative to provide them with stimulating
literature written by the greatest writers, take out time to
read with their children, discuss books, their plots and
characters and make it some of the most memorable time
spent together.
So let’s go ahead! Let’s take this opportunity and ignite in
our students, the love of reading.
Ms. Reena Kahlon, Vice- Principal Middle and Secondary Section
So many books, such little time!
Assembly on
JallianWala Bagh Massacre
Attendance and Punctuality
Session on Experiential Learning World Heritage Day
Science Activity
for Teens-
Events in Middle and Secondary school
Events in
Primary School
Assembly on
Clean Water and
Happy faces on the first day of 4th Grade
Session on
Visit to Water
Harvesting system World Health Day
Building Numbers
Save Water
Maths is Fun
First Day of the New
Academic Year
Beat the heat
my summer tips
(especially for children)
- Liza Shah
Parents who want to give their
children a healthy summer diet, there
is good news for you. You don’t need
a degree in nutrition to raise healthy
kids. Following some basic do’s and
don’ts can encourage your kids to eat
right and maintain a healthy weight
during this summer vacation.
Do’s for children during this summer
1. Children can avoid dehydration
in the months of extreme heat by
having plenteous water. Mint leaves,
Tulsi leaves, fennel seeds, lemon slices
can be added to water to amplify its
2. Eating more fruits like watermelon,
orange, pineapple, raw mango, and
ripe mango can comfort the body in
scorching heat.
3. Children go out in the sun to play,
and their skin gets exposed to the
sun which leads to skin pigmentation
and tanning. Give raw tomatoes in
the salad to children in summer as it
will help reduce the tanning and skin
4. Cucumber can be extremely
beneficial to refresh the body as it is
made up of 95% water.
5. Yoghurt has fantastic revitalizing
benefits. It is rich in nutrients and
can be eaten in a variety of ways
like by adding flavours, fresh fruits
and vegetables. This summer make
sure you do make yummy mango
shrikhand for your children.
6. Mint has excellent rejuvenating
properties. It also works on gastric
acids and thus settles down the
tummy. Add mint to plain water,
salads or yoghurt for the children.
7. Coconut water contains minerals
like zinc, magnesium, calcium,
potassium, sodium, electrolytes etc.
Children should drink coconut water
in summer as it quenches thirst and
helps in keeping the body hydrated.
8. Lemon is readily available; it is a
taste enhancer and rich in vitamin C.
The most common use of lemon is in
making lemon water or lemonade.
Although there is no best time to
have lemonade, it is best to give to
children after the evening playtime or
afternoon nap as it helps improves
digestion and strengthens the
immune system.
9. Fennel seeds are a summer coolant
which fights bad breath, body odour
and relieve children from bloating. It
is perfect for digestion and prevents
acid reflux and stimulates intestinal
fluids. Fennel can be used in a variety
of food or thandai can be made using
it which I am sure all children will
relish and is a good evening filler for
children.(Check out the Thandi recipe
10. Lastly, you can have ice Pops
(golas) made at home using
homemade rose syrup(recipe below).
Also, you may have hygienically made
sugarcane juice which is perfect to
quench the thirst during the hot
summer days.
11. Freezing the fruit ( any summer
fruit ) can make the chidren feel
like they are having a dessert treat
instead of giving them sugar laded
ice-creams this summer.
And here is a minimal list of don’ts
for Adults too in summer.
1.	 Consuming more Tea and
coffee can make you feel
uneasy in summers.
2.	 Avoid eating spicy food like
chillies and Garam masala in
3.	 Limit Salt intake in summers.
Most cooked foods contain
enough salt to sustain you for
the day.
1/2 Small papaya
1 Small Muskmelon
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Crushed ice
•	 Blend all the ingredients using
little water till smooth.
•	 Add lemon juice, Mix well &
serve immediately.
1/2 small muskmelon
One medium-sized cucumber
Crushed ice
1/2 lemon
•	 Blend all ingredients until
smooth, strain it.
•	 Add crushed ice & serve chilled!!
Ingredients (1 cup = 240 ml)
One large or 2 cups Mangoe chopped
3-4 tablespoons Honey
1 cup Coconut milk
3-4 tablespoons Mint
leaves finely shredded
or chopped
• Wash and peel the
mangoes, Roughly chop
them and remove the
•	 Take that into
the blender.
•	 Add honey
and coconut
•	 Blend it
till everything
is smooth
and pureed.
•	 Now add chopped mint leaves.
•	 Stir it with spoon or spatula.
•	 Pour this mixture into the large
measuring cup.
•	 Divide into the popsicle moulds.
Tap lightly on the countertop to
remove the air bubbles.
•	 Gently insert the popsicle sticks
or in my case mould’s lid that
comes with the stick.
•	 Freeze for few hours or until
completely set and frozen.
•	 Once set, remove it from the
freezer, run the warm tap water
over it for a couple of seconds
and it will easily slide out from
the mould.
1 glass skimmed milk
1 tbsp almonds
1 tbsp watermelon or papaya seeds
1/2 tbsp khuskhus (poppy seeds)
1/2 tbsp saunf (Fennel seed)
1/2 tsp elaichi (cardamom) powder
One tsp peppercorns, whole
1/4 cup dried or fresh rose petals
2-3 spoon sugar
•	 Soak dry ingredients except for
almond and cardamom in 2 cups
of water. Keep aside. Allow all
soaked items to stand for at least
two hours.
•	 Grind all soaked ingredients to a
very fine paste.
•	 Strain the paste with the help of
muslin cloth.
• 	 Add milk, almond paste, elaichi
powder to the above extract.
•	 Mix with cold milk and serve
14 APRIL 2018
Development of small muscles of fingers and arms is very
important from early childhood. As a Pre-school Educator
I have observed that children find it difficult to cope when
activities involving fingers and hands are conducted at
role when formation of patterns, letters and numbers are
introduced in school. If not done from early childhood,
children develop disliking towards writing hence, they
can’t complete work on time.
This summer break is a valuable time for you to spend
time with your children and do some hands-on activities
at home to develop their fine motor skills. This will not
only strengthen and develop their small muscles but, it is
a good chance for you to spend quality time with children
and have a great bonding. These activities can be carried
out with simple materials mostly available at home and
can be done indoors which keep the child away from the
scorching heat as well.
1.	 Who picks more?
Simple plastic tongs, pluckers, tweezers of different
sizes and shapes can be used to increase or decrease
the difficulty level. The children and family members
have to take turns to pick things, grains, flowers, soft
toys, soft balls etc.
These things have to be picked using small plastic
tongs, pluckers and tweezers, the child has to pick
them and keep in an empty tub. The person who
picks maximum items wins. This simple game helps
improve the grip of fingers, eye hand coordination
and concentration.
2.	 Spray time!! : All we need is simple spray bottles
of different types. It can be empty perfume/room
freshener bottles (that can be refilled) or old empty
glass cleaner bottles or hair spray bottles etc. Fill the
empty spray bottle with liquid colour and this can
spray colour can be used for a picture to be painted,
writing letters, or numbers by spraying .This helps in
strengthening finger and thumb grip which is highly
important for writing.
3.	 Fun in Kitchen: -When mothers are busy in kitchen
a number of activities can keep the children busy
and away from the electronic gadgets for a while.
a)	 Dough prepared for chapatti can be given for making
different objects, letters, alphabets, toys. Along
with muscle training it enhances vocabulary and
b)	 Grains can be given for separating. Sizes and number
of different grains can vary. A competition between
parent and child can be done for encouragement.
c)	 Beans(vegetables) of different types can be used to
make patterns and shapes.
d)	 Leaf plucking of green leafy vegetables and herbs
can be done.
4.	 BathroomLearning:-Bathroomisaninterestingspace
for hands on fun learning with children. Transferring
water from one bucket to another without spilling.
Filling up bottles with wide or narrow opening with
water, Squeezing water with the help of a piece of
cloth, sponge, mop etc. and transferring it to empty
tub, Making patterns on the floor by dipping finger
in water. Picking up objects from a tub by swirling
water with hand and then tongs to make it more
fun. Spraying water with a tooth brush by dipping
the brush in water. Initially using both hands and
eventually just one hand.
The above various activities can be enjoyed in this summer
break for development of fine motor skills and good
bonding this summer with your children. Happy Holidays!!
Ms. Amoli Patell, Vice-Principal (Pre-Primary)
Developing a love for Science
First step towards Hindi Fun with Beads Sand Activity
Nature Collage
Edu-sportsPink Tower Activity
Watermelon Craft
Events in
Pre-Primary School
Olympiad exams are competitive examination conducted at school level. It is based entirely on the school curriculum and
is conducted by various independent organisations. Olympiads are highly challenging as it improves the attitude and
competitive spirit among students. Here are a few benefits of conducting Olympiad Exams in school.
1)	 It is not just an exam; its objective is to create a talent pool for the future.
2)	 It provides a significant platform for the students to showcase their talents at state, national and international levels.
3)	 An Olympiad exam helps in improving student routine class results.
4)	 Olympiads enhance their conceptual understanding and enable students to grasp tricky concepts.
5)	 Olympiadsnotonlypromotethelogicalthinkingandhelpinbrainstormingbutalsoincreasetheanalyticalandreasoning
ability, problem- solving skills, and confidence.
Winners of Olympiad
2nd Sanyam Thakkar (2-B) Neel Shah (2-A) Jaivin Patel (2-B)
3rd Shaurya Nagar (3-C) Kshiti Shah (3-A) Aahana Kukreja (3-A)
4th Jiya Agarwal (4-A) Shriyansh Tulsian (4-C) Kathan Golwala (4-A)
5th Riya Shah (5-C) Aayush Agarwal (5-B) Manush Dave (5-C)
6th Kushal Shah (6-C) Aayushman Ranjan (6-C) Dhyanam Patel (6-B)
7th Drashti Madhiwala (7-B) Jeet Gangwani (7-C) Om R. Patel (7-A)
8th Tanish Kadivar (8-A) Jinalee Shah (8-C) Sarthak Bhandari (8-C)
9th Gowri Nair (9-B) Divy Shah (9-A) Nikharv Domadiya (9-B)
* Neel T. Shah (2-A)
* Distinction-Sanyam
Thakkar (2-B)
Hriday Engineer (2-C) Niyati K. Sheth (2-A)
3rd Vartika Shelat (3-B)
*Prarit Chitroda (3-A)
* Shreemayi Desai (3-C)
Shaurya Nagar (3-C)
4th Misri Vasa (4-B) Armaan Abrehani (4-B) Yuvraj Gadhvi (4-B)
5th Om P. Patel (5-B) Sumedha Mehta (5-C) Ayesha Sahu (5-C)
6th Hardil Desai (6-A) ----- -----
7th Hrid Chaterjee (7-C) ----- -----
Winners of Olympiad
Winners of Cyber Olympiad and Maths Olympiad Primary Section
Winners of Cyber Olympiad and Maths Olympiad Middle Section
Gujarat stands second in India in respect of the number of
museums.There are 57 museums in Gujarat, out of which 22 are
in Ahmedabad.Thus, Ahmedabad is leading in the number of
museums. Its museums are unique and they cover a variety of
subjects.This summer let’s rediscover Ahmedabad.
Museums in
Auto World Vintage
Car Museum
Khoj Museum
Toy Museum
Kite Museum
Shreyas Museum
Vikram SarabhaiSpace Exhibition
Gujarat Science City
Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel National
Utensils Museum
A staycation is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within driving
distance, sleeping in their beds at night. They might make day trips to local tourist sites, swimming venues, or engage in
fun activities with their family or friends.
The term staycation was added to the 2009 version of the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Staycations are far less costly than a vacation involving travelling. There are no lodging costs, and travel expenses are
minimal. Costs may include transportation for local trips, dining, and local attractions. Staycations do not have the stress
associated with travel, such as jet lag, packing, long drives, or waits at airports.
Ahmedabad is a clamouring business centre and a fun loving city. The city is a blend of old Mughal engineering, malls and
nightlife. It comprises of a buck-load of places for a staycation, where people can spend quality time with their family.
Polo forest
Tirupati Rushivan WaterPark
and Amusement Park
Thol Lake Bird
Sewa Eco-Tourism
Indroda Nature Park
Wonderland Theme
Sun Temple
Bakor Forest Shastraling lakeRani ki Vav
So this summer this list will help you plan your staycation.
She dreamt and she succeeded
She tried as much as she could
So for India, she could do
Some good
An Astronaut so great,
Indian future bright she
Wanted to make.
She went up high in the air.
Never to return,
She left behind despair
It was a blast in the cloud,
Which was heard so loud
Making all Indians proud,
She disappeared in a golden haze.
“I am a citizen of the milky way”
Are the last words of Kalpana.
Meet Desai 7th
Hey friend how are you?
Going with me
All the time, everywhere
Never leaving me
This is my shadow.
Sometimes larger than me
Sometimes longer than me
What’s its actual shape,
I don’t know.
I keep thinking
What it looks like
Feel scared of it
Try to run ahead.
But it is my best friend because
It is always with me.
Prachi D Patel 8th
Mother is the one who gave us birth;
who cares for us. Mother is just like
a friend she gives us so much joy,
that our eyes become teary. Mother
is a shield which protects us from all danger. She is the
one who can fight with anyone for us. She will scold us
when we are wrong and will never let us go on the wrong
path. God can’t be everywhere, so God has made mothers.
Though Mothers scold us, they still love us. Mothers want
that we should not repeat our mistakes. No one can take
the place of a mother as no one can give the love that we
get from our mothers. And our mothers are like God for us.
Kavya Kushal Desai 8th
This proverb has a very deep meaning.
It gives us encouragement. It means
that when someone has a very strong
will, then no one, not even God can
stop him from reaching his goal and
getting success.
A very good example is when a mountain climber aims to
reach the peak. After climbing some height, if he starts
thinking that he will not be able to reach the top, or some
problem might occur, then he definitely will not accomplish
his goal. However, if he has positive thoughts and a strong
will, then no one, no one on this planet can stop him from
reaching the peak and the way itself gets clear for him.
You can say that it is a simple logic that nature has created.
So never, give up and always keep a strong will that can
never break. Create a will in which your mind which itself
clears the problems coming your way.
In short, whatever you think, the same will be your result.
Therefore, always be positive and never worry a lot about the
problem that you face and live a happy life..
Muskan Chauhan 8th
*We deeply regret the error in our March Issue.
Importance of Yoga for Students
Yoga is a connection between physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines. There is no age
bar for performing yoga, but it is highly recommended for children.
Yoga in school has many benefits. They are listed below:
1) Yoga improves overall academic performance.
2) Yoga enhances memory and attention span.
3) Building concentration and Focus
4) Teaches self-acceptance
5) Supports positive mental health in children
6) Improves Immunity, flexibility, better postures
7) Helps develop creative and innovative thinking, relieves stress.
Contributed by Ms. Sejal Choksi (Yoga Teacher)
Hi all, since the summer vacation is just
down the lane, I thought that this is
the best time to communicate to you
something that I have wished to say since
long. Thoughts of summer vacation may
of video games, hanging out with friends
(online), a lot more time on Instagram, Facebook, Netflix,
Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest and the list continues. Today,
we often perceive anyone who shuns social media as old
or out of touch. However, they might be the most mentally
fit for us. It is a trend that has garnered a lot of support as
well as apprehensions. Usage of social media has most
definitely made lives easy, discarded boredom, facilitated
opportunities. Along with the advantages, social media also
has several disadvantages. It is entirely in your hands to use
the medium in a constructive manner else it will defeat the
purpose of the medium altogether. Although there can’t be
a set of rules that you must stick to when online, I believe
that if you keep in mind the points listed below, you may be
able to use social media appropriately.
•	 When using any social media platform, take
responsibility for your safety and never join a group
just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it.
• Do not automatically trust that posts are from who
they claim they are; if your friend sends you a private
message asking for some confidential information first
verify that he/she did indeed send you that message as
their account might have been compromised.
•	 Beware of what links you click and what software you
download and install. Do not trust links/software sent
by your friends implicitly as they might not be aware it
includes malware or their account might have misused.
• Always be sceptical and wary. If someone asks to be
friends on a social networking site and the profile
appears to match someone you know, check personally
with that person before accepting him as he could be
an imposter. Also be sceptical of any offers or prizes
you might have been told you won, they might be
phishing attacks.
•	 Use a strong password. The longer it is, the more secure
it will be.
In evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of social
networking, it’s best to err on the side of caution and protect
your privacy. Be careful with what you post and treat others
as if you were in a face-to-face situation. Actually, in today’s
era, we don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media,
the question is how well we DO it. Good luck and have a
great time during vacations!
Contributed by Ms.Pankhuri Agrawal (Middle Section)
ज़रा बूझो तो जानें
हिंदी पहेली - कौवा आसमान में उड़ता है मगर रहता
कहाँ है?
हिंदी पहेली - ऐसा कौन सा शहर है जिसे हम खा
सकते हैं?
हिंदी पहेली - ऐसी कौन सी चीज है जो कितनी भी
चले मगर कभी थकती नहीं?
हिंदी पहेली - वह कौन है जो आपकी नाक पर बैठकर
आपके कान पकड़ता है?
Contributed by Alpa Dave (Hindi Teacher)
1.	Intimate
2.	Flinch
	 draw back, as with fear or pain
3.	Gripe
4.	Zest
5.	Vamoose
	 leave suddenly
6.	Cicerone
	 a guide who conducts and
informs sightseers
7.	Honcho
	 a manager or person
who is in charge
8.	Hearten
	 give encouragement to
9.	Tenderfoot
	 an inexperienced person
10.	Finesse
	 subtly skillful handling of a
11.	Effete
	 excessively self-indulgent,
affected, or decadent
12.	Scald
	 burn with a hot liquid or steam
13.	Repose
	 freedom from activity
14.	Plaintively
	 in a manner expressing sorrow
15.	Mysticism
	 a religion based on
communion with an
ultimate reality
16.	Gusto
	 vigorous and enthusiastic
17.	Bravado
	 a swaggering show of courage
18.	Fiasco
	 a complete failure or collapse
19.	Brood
	 hang over, as of something
threatening, dark, or menacing
20.	Bequeath
	 leave or give, especially by will
after one’s death
Words are tools of thought. A rich vocabulary is not a natural gift. It is something you have to build through your
efforts.Enriching your vocabulary will help a lot in enhancing your communication ability.
• 1 cup roasted Vermicelli
• Two tablespoons cooking oil
• One small bowl boiled vegetables (carrot, peas, potato)
• Two green chillies slit lengthwise
• 3/4 teaspoon cumin seeds
• Two medium-sized finely chopped onions
• Two medium finely chopped tomatoes
• Salt to taste
• Pinch of turmeric powder
• Pinch of red chilli powder
• Juice of 1/2 lime
• Chopped coriander to garnish
1.	 Add Vermicelli to boiling water and
cook until done. Sieve it, put cold water
with few drops of oil and keep aside.
2.	 Heat oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds,
green chillies, onion and fry until it is
translucent and soft.
3.	 Add tomatoes and cook until they are
4.	 Add turmeric, red chilli powder, boiled
vegetables and mix well.
5.	 Add boiled Vermicelli and mix
6.	 Squeeze lime juice and add Maggi
masala e magic (optional) over
Vermicelli and mix well.
7.	 Garnish with chopped coriander and
serve piping hot.
Healthy Noodles
- Ms. Nitika Malhotra
Vanshika Soni 8th
Abhinav Das 4th
C Shriansh Tulsian 4th
Creative Corner
Develop Social life skills
Fun Activity Programs
Inspiring and Creative Activities
Every Summer, Zebar School for Children introduces exciting summer camps. There are
a variety of programs in which children can be enrolled. The camp has an assorted mix
of activities ranging from sports, arts and crafts, music, writing and reading skills to
language learning skills. The participants will be provided with free transportation
facility. Moreover, a special picnic will be organised on the last day of the summer
camp. So hurry, register now and have a great time.
Two weeks of unlimited Masti
Timings: 9.30 am to 1: 00 pm Monday to Friday
Starts 28th May to 8th June, 2018
Place: Zebar School for Children
Register now
Zebar Pro Activity Club Coordinators: Hitiksha Mob. 8238002012, Vibha Mob. 9909915522

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Zebar Matters April

  • 1. Volume - 1 • Issue-4 • April - 2018 zebarmatters Passport to Excellence
  • 2. 2 ZEBAR MATTERS A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR I wish you all a Very Happy New Academic Year! Let it be exciting and unusual for you and let it bring new knowledge and discoveries, as well as new challenges. To the students, I would like to wish creative, responsible approach to education and interesting, passionate, inspiring teachers. Let the years at Zebar be brightest years of your life. To the teachers and all the colleagues I would like to wish smart, intelligent students, open to new knowledge and ready to study in and outside the classroom. Zebar Matters has covered one of the most interesting motivational program“ PassportTo Excellence”.This program was introduced as a pilot project in the last academic year. Students at Zebar have been rewarded with stickers in their school passports. These stickers are a token of appreciation of small progress and efforts made by the student. The goal of this program is to record all the accomplishment at one place; for the entire year. Other features in this issue are Reena mam’s article on So many books, such little time.Her article gives us an insight into the newly launched program ‘My Passport to Reading’ for middle and secondary school. Now that the most dreaded Amdavad summer has dawned upon us, the time’s finally come to get prepared to face it. Leading nutritionist of Ahmedabad Liza Shah has shared her health tips for children along with healthy summer recipes for our children. These tips will come handy to mothers who want the best for their children this summer. Amoli Mam has shared helpful tips in her article for pre-primary mothers which will improve the fine motor skills of preschool children. with a long break in summer, you can also check museums in Ahmedabad and go for a staycation with your family. Our country is the global host of World Environment Day which is on June 5th, 2018. The theme this year is “ Beat Plastic Pollution”. Do share your articles, drawings and interesting facts on the theme “ Beat Plastic Pollution” at The last date for entries is 4th June 2018. Kindly mail your contribution with your SID No and Full Name. Happy Reading Navneet Arora Biswas Content Manager Note from the Executive Director’s Desk ............... `3 Passport to Excellence................................................4-7 Amazing Passport facts for kids...................................8 So many books, such little time...................................9 Events in Middle and Secondary School.............. 10 Events in Primary School............................................. 11 Beat the heat .............................................................12-13 Let’s use the Summer Break ..................................... 14 Events in Pre-Primary................................................... 15 Winners of Olympiad..............................................16-17 Museums of Ahmedabad............................................ 18 Stayacation....................................................................... 19 Students’Corner............................................................. 20 Teachers’Corner.............................................................. 21 Teachers’Corner & Vocabulary.................................. 22 Parents’Corner................................................................ 23 Table of Contents APRIL 2018 for Private circulation Only
  • 3. 3 ZEBAR MATTERSAPRIL 2018 Reward is something which we associate with achievement.Mostpeoplethinkrewardisonlysupposed to be given when a person tries and achieves something. The fallacy of this thinking results in most people giving up their journey half way towards the achievement because they lose hope of ever reaching there. For example, I have to learn to walk for say 6 kms in 1 hour. At present I can walk for maximum 30 minutes and cover 2.5 kms. So a good trainer would give me a program which has several milestones which need to be achieved and say in a 3 month plan I can achieve the ultimate goal. A good trainer would give small rewards for small achievements and help the trainee to keep up the motivation all throughout the journey. These small rewards will increase the probability of achievement more than a one- time big reward. This approach can be put in practice by teachers, parents, students and even managers. For example, there is a student who has bad handwriting, lack of subject knowledge, no punctuality and some disciplinary issues. Most parents and teachers would want the student to immediately change and offer him a big reward if his performance is akin to an average student. However, for a student with several challenges the rewards should be broken up into small pieces and given to him to maintain a positive behaviour. A student is a lot more likely to improve himself if he keeps trying to improve consistently, than a student who makes sporadic efforts. If we see that a student is struggling hard to improve, this alone calls for a small reward. I love giving medals, prizes and rewards to final winners. However, the futility of that exercise is proven when year on year we have the same winners. I think rewards should be for improvement with self’s past performance. Rewards should be for each individual’s battle against his own circumstances. Rewards should be for attitude rather than aptitude. Such rewards will build a character, a fighter, an individual- what a world really needs, rather than merely a winner, which is a title reserved for just one person. Such kind of small rewards have to be“administered”by people close to the students, like parents, friends and teachers. Asinglemetriccannotbeestablishedtogivesuchareward. For instance, a student who has fractured his foot and is still getting the same marks as he got in previous exams, deserves a reward. A computer generated rank list will not give importance to such a struggle. Small rewards can be simple pleasures of life like giving an ice cream treat to the child which he/she has been yearning for, taking him to his/her favourite movie or sometimes just spending time with him/her to do what he/she likes. Positive words of encouragement and a simple pat on the back are also rewards for the strugglers. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate, reward the behaviour and not the result. A good result may come by good luck, but a good behaviour comes only with a positive attitude and persistent efforts. Behaviour builds a solid foundation for the future which is more important in the long run than merely cracking an exam. Keep up the good work! From The Director’s Desk Mr. Manan Choksi Executive Director Reward Behaviour not Result
  • 4. ZEBAR MATTERS4 APRIL 2018 PASSPORT to EXCELLENCE ‘Passport to Excellence’ program at Zebar recognizes students’ academic and extracurricular achievements and inspires them to work harder.The main objective is to look at the holistic development of the child and award the good performers which are not restricted to academics alone. The Passport to Excellence pilot project for academic year 2017-18 has ended on a good note. All Students from JR Kg to grade 5 performed their best and tried to overcome the academic and learning challenges in the school. We are overwhelmed with the efforts of our students and parents.This year we are happy to announce two new titles- Global citizen Award and Best Traveller Award. These titles are for students who have done extraordinarily well and surprised the teachers with their performance and dedication. Global Citizen Award is for students who have performed best in their entire Grade. Best Traveller is for students who have performed well in their respective division. Needless to say students have truly gone the extramile to attain success . And the winners are……………. DIVYANSHI SANTOSH RAI Class : 2 Section: B GLOBAL CITIZEN AWARD Maximum Stickers Winner in Class Tirthali Pranay Shah Class : Jr. KG Section: A Dheer Hitesh Agrawal Class : Sr. KG Section: D DHIREN DEEPAK KALWANI Class : 1 Section: D Kabir Dharmendra Patel Class : 3 Section: A Misri Hemali Vasa Class : 4 Section: B Riya Snehal Shah Class : 5 Section: C PARIDHI RAJESH KALAL Class : 5 Section: B
  • 5. 5 APRIL 2018 ZEBAR MATTERS BEST TRAVELLER Maximum Stickers Winner in Section Karmveersinh Dharmrajbhai Wala Class : Jr. KG Section: A Naamya Tejas Butani Class : Jr. KG Section: B Iti Mehul Patel Class : Jr. KG Section: C Darsh Chintan Doshi Class : Jr. KG Section: D Jenny Ashish Khandhar Class : Jr. KG Section:E Viyan Nilkumar Soni Class : Jr. KG Section: E Syana Nishant Desai Class : Jr. KG Section: F Dhreeti Ankit Rathod Class : Jr. KG Section: F Jaishnavi Mahesh Parsana Class : Jr. KG Section: G Aarav Darshan Thakkar Class : Jr. KG Section: G
  • 6. ZEBAR MATTERS6 APRIL 2018 BEST TRAVELLER Maximum Stickers Winner in Section Tanvi Sandhir Class : Sr. KG Section: A Dhyana Shah Class : Sr. KG Section: B Akshar Patel Class : Sr. KG Section: B Ansh Shah Class : Sr. KG Section: C Manya Patel Class :Sr. KG Section:D Mishree Bhalodiya Soni Class : Sr. KG Section: E Kabir Mistry Class :Sr. KG Section: E Dwij Devang Patel Class :Sr. KG Section: G Swara Patel Class : Sr. KG Section: F Adhip Mukherjee Class :Sr. KG Section: F Yashvi Ameet Kaila Class : 1 Section: B NavyaVijay Mathur Class : 1 Section: A Vanshika Jaskaran Baid Class : 1 Section: B Jaiaditya Manish Jhurani Class : 1 Section: C Aarna Ravi Agrawal Class : Sr. KG Section: C
  • 7. ZEBAR MATTERS7 APRIL 2018 Anshika Sanjeev Dixit Class : 4 Section: C Jiya Sanjay Agarwal Class : 4 Section: A Aaryan Amit Malhotra Class : 5 Section: A Taksh Dishant Parasharya Class : 4 Section: C Priyam Raval Class : 5 Section: C Aayush Rupesh Agarwal Class : 5 Section: B BEST TRAVELLER Maximum Stickers Winner in Section Shlok Hardik Patel Class : 3 Section: A Yuvraj Prashant Gadhvi Class : 4 Section: B Ansh Jignesh Jobanputra Class : 3 Section: B Manthan Harshal Trivedi Class : 3 Section: C Apurva Poornachandra Das Class : 2 Section: C Sanyam Riteshkumar Thakkar Class : 2 Section: B Kavish Pratik Shah Class : 2 Section: A Aarnav Mohit Thakker Class : 1 Section: D Jiya Jignesh Maliya Class : 1 Section: D
  • 8. ZEBAR MATTERS8 APRIL 2018 Amazing Passport Facts for Kids When travelling abroad, the most important item to take along is the passport. Here are some interesting passport facts. 1) Every Indian Passport contains a note (in English and Hindi) from the President of India addressing the authorities of all states, identifying the bearer as a citizen of the Republic of India. 2) There are three types of Indian Passport, which are: • Regular Passport has a Navy Blue cover and is issued for ordinary travel, such as vacations and business trips. • Diplomatic Passport has a Maroon cover and is issued to Indian diplomats, top ranking government officials and diplomatic couriers. • Official Passport has a White cover and it is issued to individuals representingtheIndiangovernment on official business. 3) An Indian passport holder can visit 58 countries and territories visa-free or with visa on arrival. 4) India ranks 59th in the list of most powerful passports in the world. 5). In 1783, Benjamin Franklin ordered the first US passports to be printed. 6) Do you know that there are more than 9,000 passport offices in the USA, and most of them are actually located in post offices? 7) In the UK, every 2.5 seconds one passport is printed! This allows for 5 million passports to be printed each year in the UK. And every year, more than 25,000 UK passports are stolen or lost! 9) Most of the world’s passports have a red cover!There are different shades of red, but still red colour is more common for passports than is blue, green or black. 10) According to, the American and the UK passports are amongthemostpowerfulpassports in the world (with Sweden, Finland and Germany). These passports allowtravelto174countrieswithout visa. 11) The only person in the world who does not need to carry a passport when travelling abroad is the Queen Elizabeth II. 12). When taking a passport picture certain regulations have to be followed to get the size, image background and standard format for passport photos right. 13. The most expensive passport fees are inTurkey (£ 215) and cheapest in Swaziland (£ 2.50). 14) 150,000 people bought Sealand passports on the internet. Sealand is a platform state between France and UK, and is not recognised. 15) The Vatican state in Italy (the smallest country in the world) has no immigration controls, but it does issue passports. The pope, among his other honours, always carries “Passport No. 1”. 16) The New Nicaraguan passport boasts 89 separate security features, including “ bio- dimensional barcode”, holograms and watermarksandisreputedtobeone of the least forgeable documents in the world.
  • 9. ZEBAR MATTERS9 APRIL 2018 Have you ever wondered why we read literature and spend hours poring over books? What is the need to read a story, poem or drama which is a figment of someone else’s imagination and may have nothing in common with our lives? What is the uncanny lure, the temptation to read fiction when there is so much in the world that demands our attention? Many parents argue that it is better for a child to read a book that expands his knowledge and spells out scientific facts and information than engage in leisure reading for recreation. So why do teachers and mentors keep reiterating the value of reading literature? Why are hundreds and thousands of writers engaged in the pursuit of writing? Why have book clubs and literary societies? The answer is simple. Reading a story gives us pleasure. It lets us inhabit a new world and takes us away from the din and noise of our lives. Reading sometimes gives us respite from the ordinariness of our daily routines and takes us on a voyage through time. So magical is this world of books that once you walk into it, you can become whoever you want to be. You can fly with Aladdin, ride a horse into battle alongside Sergius, climb a mountain with Heinrich Harrer, shed tears with Cinderella or paint a fence with Tom Sawyer. One lives several lives while reading. The experience is both liberating and exhilarating. Moreover, it opens our souls and consciousness to experiences and situations which are not ours. Reading leads to empathy and compassion. It lets us peek into the lives of those who are different from us. It teaches us tolerance and acceptance. Franz Kafka once said,‘Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self.’So books break shackles of ignorance, discrimination, arrogance and free our thoughts from the tyranny of the customary mores. A book is thus a living fire to lighten the darkness. In order to add new dimensions to our students’ personalities and train their minds to ponder, evaluate and think, we are launching a new programme in our school for the Middle and Secondary sections. It is aptly called ‘My Passport to Reading’ as it will act as the bridge that takes them to a vibrant new experience of inhabiting the world of literature. Every child will own a passport which will be his personal journal. Some of the best known story-tellers of our time will be listed in the journal and students will be expected to read a piece from each one of them. As they hop from one delightful piece of writing to another, they will add richly to their sensibility and their world-view. Special recognition awaits them in the form of an award if they read at least thirty of the writers mentioned there, by the end of the year. This journal will be their confidante and they will respond to what they read by writing there. It will give them the opportunity and the incentive to reflect upon their reading and let their thoughts be recorded. Parents’ contribution in this initiative is required like never before. It will be their prerogative to provide them with stimulating literature written by the greatest writers, take out time to read with their children, discuss books, their plots and characters and make it some of the most memorable time spent together. So let’s go ahead! Let’s take this opportunity and ignite in our students, the love of reading. Ms. Reena Kahlon, Vice- Principal Middle and Secondary Section So many books, such little time!
  • 10. Assembly on JallianWala Bagh Massacre Attendance and Punctuality Certificate Session on Experiential Learning World Heritage Day Science Activity Seminar for Teens- Developing minds Events in Middle and Secondary school 10 APRIL 2018 ZEBAR MATTERS
  • 11. 11 ZEBAR MATTERSAPRIL 2018 Events in Primary School Assembly on Clean Water and Sanitation Happy faces on the first day of 4th Grade Session on Experiential Learning Visit to Water Harvesting system World Health Day Building Numbers Save Water Maths is Fun First Day of the New Academic Year
  • 12. 12 ZEBAR MATTERSAPRIL 2018 Beat the heat my summer tips (especially for children) - Liza Shah Parents who want to give their children a healthy summer diet, there is good news for you. You don’t need a degree in nutrition to raise healthy kids. Following some basic do’s and don’ts can encourage your kids to eat right and maintain a healthy weight during this summer vacation. Do’s for children during this summer vacation:- 1. Children can avoid dehydration in the months of extreme heat by having plenteous water. Mint leaves, Tulsi leaves, fennel seeds, lemon slices can be added to water to amplify its benefits. 2. Eating more fruits like watermelon, orange, pineapple, raw mango, and ripe mango can comfort the body in scorching heat. 3. Children go out in the sun to play, and their skin gets exposed to the sun which leads to skin pigmentation and tanning. Give raw tomatoes in the salad to children in summer as it will help reduce the tanning and skin pigmentation. 4. Cucumber can be extremely beneficial to refresh the body as it is made up of 95% water. 5. Yoghurt has fantastic revitalizing benefits. It is rich in nutrients and can be eaten in a variety of ways like by adding flavours, fresh fruits and vegetables. This summer make sure you do make yummy mango shrikhand for your children. 6. Mint has excellent rejuvenating properties. It also works on gastric acids and thus settles down the tummy. Add mint to plain water, salads or yoghurt for the children. 7. Coconut water contains minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, electrolytes etc. Children should drink coconut water in summer as it quenches thirst and helps in keeping the body hydrated. 8. Lemon is readily available; it is a taste enhancer and rich in vitamin C. The most common use of lemon is in making lemon water or lemonade. Although there is no best time to have lemonade, it is best to give to children after the evening playtime or afternoon nap as it helps improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. 9. Fennel seeds are a summer coolant which fights bad breath, body odour and relieve children from bloating. It is perfect for digestion and prevents acid reflux and stimulates intestinal fluids. Fennel can be used in a variety of food or thandai can be made using it which I am sure all children will relish and is a good evening filler for children.(Check out the Thandi recipe below) 10. Lastly, you can have ice Pops (golas) made at home using
  • 13. homemade rose syrup(recipe below). Also, you may have hygienically made sugarcane juice which is perfect to quench the thirst during the hot summer days. 11. Freezing the fruit ( any summer fruit ) can make the chidren feel like they are having a dessert treat instead of giving them sugar laded ice-creams this summer. And here is a minimal list of don’ts for Adults too in summer. 1. Consuming more Tea and coffee can make you feel uneasy in summers. 2. Avoid eating spicy food like chillies and Garam masala in summers. 3. Limit Salt intake in summers. Most cooked foods contain enough salt to sustain you for the day. THANDA THANDA COOL COOL RECIPES MELON & PAPAYA TREAT 1/2 Small papaya 1 Small Muskmelon 1/2 tsp lemon juice Crushed ice Method • Blend all the ingredients using little water till smooth. • Add lemon juice, Mix well & serve immediately. CUCUMBER COOLER 1/2 small muskmelon One medium-sized cucumber Crushed ice 1/2 lemon Method • Blend all ingredients until smooth, strain it. • Add crushed ice & serve chilled!! MANGO POPSICLE Ingredients (1 cup = 240 ml) One large or 2 cups Mangoe chopped 3-4 tablespoons Honey 1 cup Coconut milk 3-4 tablespoons Mint leaves finely shredded or chopped Method • Wash and peel the mangoes, Roughly chop them and remove the seed. • Take that into the blender. • Add honey and coconut milk. • Blend it till everything is smooth and pureed. • Now add chopped mint leaves. • Stir it with spoon or spatula. • Pour this mixture into the large measuring cup. • Divide into the popsicle moulds. Tap lightly on the countertop to remove the air bubbles. • Gently insert the popsicle sticks or in my case mould’s lid that comes with the stick. • Freeze for few hours or until completely set and frozen. • Once set, remove it from the freezer, run the warm tap water over it for a couple of seconds and it will easily slide out from the mould. THANDAI Ingredients 1 glass skimmed milk 1 tbsp almonds 1 tbsp watermelon or papaya seeds 1/2 tbsp khuskhus (poppy seeds) 1/2 tbsp saunf (Fennel seed) 1/2 tsp elaichi (cardamom) powder One tsp peppercorns, whole 1/4 cup dried or fresh rose petals 2-3 spoon sugar Method: • Soak dry ingredients except for almond and cardamom in 2 cups of water. Keep aside. Allow all soaked items to stand for at least two hours. • Grind all soaked ingredients to a very fine paste. • Strain the paste with the help of muslin cloth. • Add milk, almond paste, elaichi powder to the above extract. • Mix with cold milk and serve chilled!!! ZEBAR MATTERS13 APRIL 2018
  • 14. 14 APRIL 2018 LET’S USE THE SUMMER BREAK FOR SOME FUN LEARNING AND BONDING Development of small muscles of fingers and arms is very important from early childhood. As a Pre-school Educator I have observed that children find it difficult to cope when activities involving fingers and hands are conducted at school. Theseactivitiesareveryimportantastheyplayasignificant role when formation of patterns, letters and numbers are introduced in school. If not done from early childhood, children develop disliking towards writing hence, they can’t complete work on time. This summer break is a valuable time for you to spend time with your children and do some hands-on activities at home to develop their fine motor skills. This will not only strengthen and develop their small muscles but, it is a good chance for you to spend quality time with children and have a great bonding. These activities can be carried out with simple materials mostly available at home and can be done indoors which keep the child away from the scorching heat as well. 1. Who picks more? Simple plastic tongs, pluckers, tweezers of different sizes and shapes can be used to increase or decrease the difficulty level. The children and family members have to take turns to pick things, grains, flowers, soft toys, soft balls etc. These things have to be picked using small plastic tongs, pluckers and tweezers, the child has to pick them and keep in an empty tub. The person who picks maximum items wins. This simple game helps improve the grip of fingers, eye hand coordination and concentration. 2. Spray time!! : All we need is simple spray bottles of different types. It can be empty perfume/room freshener bottles (that can be refilled) or old empty glass cleaner bottles or hair spray bottles etc. Fill the empty spray bottle with liquid colour and this can spray colour can be used for a picture to be painted, writing letters, or numbers by spraying .This helps in strengthening finger and thumb grip which is highly important for writing. 3. Fun in Kitchen: -When mothers are busy in kitchen a number of activities can keep the children busy and away from the electronic gadgets for a while. a) Dough prepared for chapatti can be given for making different objects, letters, alphabets, toys. Along with muscle training it enhances vocabulary and imagination. b) Grains can be given for separating. Sizes and number of different grains can vary. A competition between parent and child can be done for encouragement. c) Beans(vegetables) of different types can be used to make patterns and shapes. d) Leaf plucking of green leafy vegetables and herbs can be done. 4. BathroomLearning:-Bathroomisaninterestingspace for hands on fun learning with children. Transferring water from one bucket to another without spilling. Filling up bottles with wide or narrow opening with water, Squeezing water with the help of a piece of cloth, sponge, mop etc. and transferring it to empty tub, Making patterns on the floor by dipping finger in water. Picking up objects from a tub by swirling water with hand and then tongs to make it more fun. Spraying water with a tooth brush by dipping the brush in water. Initially using both hands and eventually just one hand. The above various activities can be enjoyed in this summer break for development of fine motor skills and good bonding this summer with your children. Happy Holidays!! Ms. Amoli Patell, Vice-Principal (Pre-Primary) ZEBAR MATTERS
  • 15. ZEBAR MATTERS15 APRIL 2018 Developing a love for Science First step towards Hindi Fun with Beads Sand Activity Nature Collage Edu-sportsPink Tower Activity Watermelon Craft Events in Pre-Primary School
  • 16. ZEBAR MATTERS16 APRIL 2018 Olympiad exams are competitive examination conducted at school level. It is based entirely on the school curriculum and is conducted by various independent organisations. Olympiads are highly challenging as it improves the attitude and competitive spirit among students. Here are a few benefits of conducting Olympiad Exams in school. 1) It is not just an exam; its objective is to create a talent pool for the future. 2) It provides a significant platform for the students to showcase their talents at state, national and international levels. 3) An Olympiad exam helps in improving student routine class results. 4) Olympiads enhance their conceptual understanding and enable students to grasp tricky concepts. 5) Olympiadsnotonlypromotethelogicalthinkingandhelpinbrainstormingbutalsoincreasetheanalyticalandreasoning ability, problem- solving skills, and confidence. Winners of Olympiad WINNERS OF MATHS OLYMPIAD (IMO) 2017-18 STANDARD GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL BRONZE MEDAL 2nd Sanyam Thakkar (2-B) Neel Shah (2-A) Jaivin Patel (2-B) 3rd Shaurya Nagar (3-C) Kshiti Shah (3-A) Aahana Kukreja (3-A) 4th Jiya Agarwal (4-A) Shriyansh Tulsian (4-C) Kathan Golwala (4-A) 5th Riya Shah (5-C) Aayush Agarwal (5-B) Manush Dave (5-C) 6th Kushal Shah (6-C) Aayushman Ranjan (6-C) Dhyanam Patel (6-B) 7th Drashti Madhiwala (7-B) Jeet Gangwani (7-C) Om R. Patel (7-A) 8th Tanish Kadivar (8-A) Jinalee Shah (8-C) Sarthak Bhandari (8-C) 9th Gowri Nair (9-B) Divy Shah (9-A) Nikharv Domadiya (9-B) WINNERS OF CYBER OLYMPIAD (NCO) 2017-18 STANDARD GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL BRONZE MEDAL 2nd * Neel T. Shah (2-A) * Distinction-Sanyam Thakkar (2-B) Hriday Engineer (2-C) Niyati K. Sheth (2-A) 3rd Vartika Shelat (3-B) *Prarit Chitroda (3-A) * Shreemayi Desai (3-C) Shaurya Nagar (3-C) 4th Misri Vasa (4-B) Armaan Abrehani (4-B) Yuvraj Gadhvi (4-B) 5th Om P. Patel (5-B) Sumedha Mehta (5-C) Ayesha Sahu (5-C) 6th Hardil Desai (6-A) ----- ----- 7th Hrid Chaterjee (7-C) ----- -----
  • 17. ZEBAR MATTERS17 APRIL 2018 Winners of Olympiad Winners of Cyber Olympiad and Maths Olympiad Primary Section Winners of Cyber Olympiad and Maths Olympiad Middle Section
  • 18. 18 ZEBAR MATTERSAPRIL 2018 Gujarat stands second in India in respect of the number of museums.There are 57 museums in Gujarat, out of which 22 are in Ahmedabad.Thus, Ahmedabad is leading in the number of museums. Its museums are unique and they cover a variety of subjects.This summer let’s rediscover Ahmedabad. Museums in Ahmedabad Auto World Vintage Car Museum Khoj Museum Toy Museum Kite Museum Shreyas Museum Vikram SarabhaiSpace Exhibition Gujarat Science City Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial Utensils Museum
  • 19. 19 APRIL 2018 ZEBAR MATTERS A staycation is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within driving distance, sleeping in their beds at night. They might make day trips to local tourist sites, swimming venues, or engage in fun activities with their family or friends. The term staycation was added to the 2009 version of the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Staycations are far less costly than a vacation involving travelling. There are no lodging costs, and travel expenses are minimal. Costs may include transportation for local trips, dining, and local attractions. Staycations do not have the stress associated with travel, such as jet lag, packing, long drives, or waits at airports. Ahmedabad is a clamouring business centre and a fun loving city. The city is a blend of old Mughal engineering, malls and nightlife. It comprises of a buck-load of places for a staycation, where people can spend quality time with their family. Polo forest Tirupati Rushivan WaterPark and Amusement Park Thol Lake Bird Sanctuary Sewa Eco-Tourism Indroda Nature Park Maniar’s Wonderland Theme Lothal Sun Temple Bakor Forest Shastraling lakeRani ki Vav So this summer this list will help you plan your staycation.
  • 20. KALPANA CHAWLA She dreamt and she succeeded She tried as much as she could So for India, she could do Some good An Astronaut so great, Indian future bright she Wanted to make. She went up high in the air. Never to return, She left behind despair It was a blast in the cloud, Which was heard so loud Making all Indians proud, She disappeared in a golden haze. “I am a citizen of the milky way” Are the last words of Kalpana. Meet Desai 7th B SHADOW Hey friend how are you? Going with me All the time, everywhere Never leaving me This is my shadow. Sometimes larger than me Sometimes longer than me What’s its actual shape, I don’t know. I keep thinking What it looks like Feel scared of it Try to run ahead. But it is my best friend because It is always with me. Prachi D Patel 8th C MOTHER Mother is the one who gave us birth; who cares for us. Mother is just like a friend she gives us so much joy, that our eyes become teary. Mother is a shield which protects us from all danger. She is the one who can fight with anyone for us. She will scold us when we are wrong and will never let us go on the wrong path. God can’t be everywhere, so God has made mothers. Though Mothers scold us, they still love us. Mothers want that we should not repeat our mistakes. No one can take the place of a mother as no one can give the love that we get from our mothers. And our mothers are like God for us. Kavya Kushal Desai 8th C WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY This proverb has a very deep meaning. It gives us encouragement. It means that when someone has a very strong will, then no one, not even God can stop him from reaching his goal and getting success. A very good example is when a mountain climber aims to reach the peak. After climbing some height, if he starts thinking that he will not be able to reach the top, or some problem might occur, then he definitely will not accomplish his goal. However, if he has positive thoughts and a strong will, then no one, no one on this planet can stop him from reaching the peak and the way itself gets clear for him. You can say that it is a simple logic that nature has created. So never, give up and always keep a strong will that can never break. Create a will in which your mind which itself clears the problems coming your way. In short, whatever you think, the same will be your result. Therefore, always be positive and never worry a lot about the problem that you face and live a happy life.. Muskan Chauhan 8th B ZEBAR MATTERS20 APRIL 2018 Students’Corner *We deeply regret the error in our March Issue.
  • 21. Importance of Yoga for Students Yoga is a connection between physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines. There is no age bar for performing yoga, but it is highly recommended for children. Yoga in school has many benefits. They are listed below: 1) Yoga improves overall academic performance. 2) Yoga enhances memory and attention span. 3) Building concentration and Focus 4) Teaches self-acceptance 5) Supports positive mental health in children 6) Improves Immunity, flexibility, better postures 7) Helps develop creative and innovative thinking, relieves stress. Contributed by Ms. Sejal Choksi (Yoga Teacher) Hi all, since the summer vacation is just down the lane, I thought that this is the best time to communicate to you something that I have wished to say since long. Thoughts of summer vacation may bringtoyourmindtheideaofplayinglots of video games, hanging out with friends (online), a lot more time on Instagram, Facebook, Netflix, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest and the list continues. Today, we often perceive anyone who shuns social media as old or out of touch. However, they might be the most mentally fit for us. It is a trend that has garnered a lot of support as well as apprehensions. Usage of social media has most definitely made lives easy, discarded boredom, facilitated opportunities. Along with the advantages, social media also has several disadvantages. It is entirely in your hands to use the medium in a constructive manner else it will defeat the purpose of the medium altogether. Although there can’t be a set of rules that you must stick to when online, I believe that if you keep in mind the points listed below, you may be able to use social media appropriately. • When using any social media platform, take responsibility for your safety and never join a group just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it. • Do not automatically trust that posts are from who they claim they are; if your friend sends you a private message asking for some confidential information first verify that he/she did indeed send you that message as their account might have been compromised. • Beware of what links you click and what software you download and install. Do not trust links/software sent by your friends implicitly as they might not be aware it includes malware or their account might have misused. • Always be sceptical and wary. If someone asks to be friends on a social networking site and the profile appears to match someone you know, check personally with that person before accepting him as he could be an imposter. Also be sceptical of any offers or prizes you might have been told you won, they might be phishing attacks. • Use a strong password. The longer it is, the more secure it will be. In evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, it’s best to err on the side of caution and protect your privacy. Be careful with what you post and treat others as if you were in a face-to-face situation. Actually, in today’s era, we don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it. Good luck and have a great time during vacations! Contributed by Ms.Pankhuri Agrawal (Middle Section) ZEBAR MATTERS21 APRIL 2018 Teachers’Corner
  • 22. ZEBAR MATTERS22 APRIL 2018 ज़रा बूझो तो जानें हिंदी पहेली - कौवा आसमान में उड़ता है मगर रहता कहाँ है? हिंदी पहेली - ऐसा कौन सा शहर है जिसे हम खा सकते हैं? हिंदी पहेली - ऐसी कौन सी चीज है जो कितनी भी चले मगर कभी थकती नहीं? हिंदी पहेली - वह कौन है जो आपकी नाक पर बैठकर आपके कान पकड़ता है? Contributed by Alpa Dave (Hindi Teacher) 1. Intimate Close 2. Flinch draw back, as with fear or pain 3. Gripe complain 4. Zest enthusiasm 5. Vamoose leave suddenly 6. Cicerone a guide who conducts and informs sightseers 7. Honcho a manager or person who is in charge 8. Hearten give encouragement to 9. Tenderfoot an inexperienced person 10. Finesse subtly skillful handling of a situation 11. Effete excessively self-indulgent, affected, or decadent 12. Scald burn with a hot liquid or steam 13. Repose freedom from activity 14. Plaintively in a manner expressing sorrow 15. Mysticism a religion based on communion with an ultimate reality 16. Gusto vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment 17. Bravado a swaggering show of courage 18. Fiasco a complete failure or collapse 19. Brood hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing 20. Bequeath leave or give, especially by will after one’s death Words are tools of thought. A rich vocabulary is not a natural gift. It is something you have to build through your efforts.Enriching your vocabulary will help a lot in enhancing your communication ability. Vocabulary Teachers’Corner उत्तर(जवाब)-पानीमें(मगरयानिमगरमच्छ)।,उत्तर(जवाब)-शिमला-मिर्च।, उत्तर(जवाब)-जीभ।,उत्तर(जवाब)-चश्मा।
  • 23. Ingredients • 1 cup roasted Vermicelli • Two tablespoons cooking oil • One small bowl boiled vegetables (carrot, peas, potato) • Two green chillies slit lengthwise • 3/4 teaspoon cumin seeds • Two medium-sized finely chopped onions • Two medium finely chopped tomatoes • Salt to taste • Pinch of turmeric powder • Pinch of red chilli powder • Juice of 1/2 lime • Chopped coriander to garnish Method: 1. Add Vermicelli to boiling water and cook until done. Sieve it, put cold water with few drops of oil and keep aside. 2. Heat oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds, green chillies, onion and fry until it is translucent and soft. 3. Add tomatoes and cook until they are soft. 4. Add turmeric, red chilli powder, boiled vegetables and mix well. 5. Add boiled Vermicelli and mix thoroughly. 6. Squeeze lime juice and add Maggi masala e magic (optional) over Vermicelli and mix well. 7. Garnish with chopped coriander and serve piping hot. Parents’corner Instant Healthy Noodles - Ms. Nitika Malhotra Vanshika Soni 8th A Abhinav Das 4th C Shriansh Tulsian 4th C Creative Corner 23 ZEBAR MATTERSAPRIL 2018
  • 24. Designer:ChintanShastri(CreativeGrapes) Develop Social life skills Fun Activity Programs Inspiring and Creative Activities Every Summer, Zebar School for Children introduces exciting summer camps. There are a variety of programs in which children can be enrolled. The camp has an assorted mix of activities ranging from sports, arts and crafts, music, writing and reading skills to language learning skills. The participants will be provided with free transportation facility. Moreover, a special picnic will be organised on the last day of the summer camp. So hurry, register now and have a great time. Two weeks of unlimited Masti Timings: 9.30 am to 1: 00 pm Monday to Friday Starts 28th May to 8th June, 2018 Place: Zebar School for Children Register now Zebar Pro Activity Club Coordinators: Hitiksha Mob. 8238002012, Vibha Mob. 9909915522